



1、成套收货的成套件立账 成套件成套收发时,其处理方式与一般料品没有差异,因此,立 账也与一般料品的立账相同。 注意:由于RCV上既展示KIT母件,又可展示其子项,故立账时, 只针对其母项进行处理; 2、非成套收货的成套件立账 成套件非成套收发时,采购订单计划行上记录母件的相关信息 ,,同时需要在计划行上定义子件的套件发票组(即:Kit件立 账标识),用于立账。 注意:其他情况下的立账与一般料品的立账相同;
用友软件股份有限公司 U9事业部
成套件:成套件也称KIT件,表示必须一起采购回来才可使用的物 品。 KIT件分母件和子件,母件通过BOM来表示构成其的子件的数量及 成本权重。 KIT件在下采购订单、收发票、商定价格、确定应付账款等时均以 KIT母件为准,在仓库中保管时,需要按KIT子件来管理。
成套收货时,收货单主要按母件展示,也可展开查询其 子件
当成套件不成套收货时,只有同一套件发票组(BillsetCode)码 的子件都收齐套时,才可以按最小的齐套数量立帐
V2.0中,支持成套件成套收货或不成套收货两种处理方式。 1、成套收货:是指按KIT母件的套齐套收货,其质检时也按母件来处理质检 结论。成套收货时,收货单主要按母件展示,也可展开查询其子件 2、不成套收货,是指收货过程因运输或质检的原因,子件的入库有先有 后。必须保证齐套才能向供应商立应付帐。不成套收货时,收货单只展示 子件



16.1. 如图,厚度为b 的铜片插入一平行板电容器中.铜片处于两平板的正中间.求铜片插入前及插入后电容器的电容.解:铜片插入前:C AB =qA VA=VB 如果忽略边缘放电效应,有电场 E=δε0 V A -V B =ΔV =−∫E:dl =Ed =δε0.d 于是电容C 1=q ∆v =ε0A d铜片插入后构成导势体,距离变为(d-b)于是电容C 2=ε0A d−b16.4. 有一内半径为R ,外半径为的柱形长电容器,试求单位长度上的电容.若在外筒壁上有细微的凸起,试定性分析会产生什么结果内外圆柱面各带有+Q 和-Q 的电荷,则λ=Q L 在两个圆柱面之间距援助的轴线为x 处的电场强度E 的大小为E=λ2πε0r =Q2πε0lrE 的方向垂直于圆柱轴线,于是两圆柱面间的电势差为U=∫Q 2πε0l R ′R∙dr r =Q 2πε0l ∙ln R ′R半径长度的电容C=Q U =2πε0ln R ′R外层的凸起为R ↑C ↓16.8. 两电容器并联连接,电容分别为2.0和4.0.求加上300V 电势差时电容器内贮藏的能量.两电容并联:C=C 1 C 2= . .加200v 电压则'R F μF μW=0.5C ∙(∆V)2= .5∙ . ×1 −6F×(3 V)2= .27J16.9. 已知一个平行板电容器,极板面积为,间隙为1cm ,充电至1000V 后断开电源.(a)若把极板间隙拉开一倍,需要作多少功?(b)电容器的终了电压是多少?{E =U d U =Q CC=ε0s d⇒ E =Q ε0s U =Q C =Qdε0s开始时存储的电能为W1=0.5C ∙U 12= .5ε0s d ∙U 12提升一倍w 2=0.5C ∙U 12= .5ε0s d ∙U 22当D 变为原来的2倍时U 2 =2U 1=2 V做功w=w 2−w 1=8.9×1 −5J16.12. 已知两个平行板电极相距d ,电势差为.当部分地插入介电常量为的电介质时,如图所示,(a)求系统的静电能量;(b)电介质所受的力.插入电解质C 1=ε0∙L−X L ∙A d插入电解质C 2=ε0∙X L ∙A d电解质并联有C=C 1 C 2=A(εx+ε0L−ε0x)Ld由U=922C 且9=C∙∆V得V=0.5C ∙∆V 2=A(εx+ε0L−ε0x)∙∆V 22Ld由质变力F=(∂U ∂x )q=12εx L A92=12εxA *A∆V(εx+ε0L−ε0x)Ld +2=A∆V 2(εx+ε0L−ε0x)22εxLd 2cm 2.。

高考英语总复习Unit The United States o

高考英语总复习Unit  The United States o

毛额市鹌鹑阳光实验学校【三维设计】高考英语总复习三关测试 Unit 16 The United States of America句型冲关(模拟题为例)The_city_saw a series of fierce fights between blacks and whites in the 1960s and Dr King was shot and killed in 1968.在20世纪60年代,这座城市目睹了黑人和白人之间一连串激烈的冲突,金博士在1968年被枪杀。

The city saw ...是一种拟人化的写作手法,see在此意为“(在某段时期或某地)发生,经历,经受”。


①The 5th century saw the end of the Western Roman Empire.五世纪见证了西罗马帝国的灭亡。

②Dark found a girl crying in the street.黄昏时刻,一个女孩在马路上大哭。

③Shenzhen has witnessed the rapid development of China in the past thirty years.在过去的三十年里,深圳见证了中国的迅速发展。

1.The Chinese language is different from Japanese in the sense that it tries to translate everything according to the meaning,________ Japanese just borrows foreign words directly.A.while B.whenC.as D.then解析:句意:中文与日语不同,中文是根据意义来翻译,而日语则直接借用外国词语。

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT16 The Monsters Are Due in Mple Street 课文翻译

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT16 The Monsters Are Due in Mple Street 课文翻译

18第十六单元Translation of Text A怪物即将降临枫树街(第一幕)人物莱兹·古德曼萨莉古德曼太太男人甲唐·马丁男人乙史蒂夫·布兰德女人布兰德太太五个不同的声音皮特·范·霍恩第一个人物查利第二个人物汤米1 [故事发生在枫树街,一条典型的美国小镇上的居民街,街上十分安静,两旁绿树成荫。







]2 [这时,一个叫汤米的小男孩儿抬起头来听到头上传来的一声巨响,一道亮光划过他的脸庞,接着穿过街道上的草地,门廊和屋顶,然后消失了。



]3 史蒂夫:那是什么流星4 唐:看上去像。

但我没听到有东西落下来的声音,你听到了吗5 史蒂夫:没有,我就听到一声巨响。

6 布兰德夫人:(从门廊上)史蒂夫那是什么东西7 史蒂夫:亲爱的,我猜是颗流星。

飞得太近了,不是吗8 布兰德太太:太近了!(人们站在门廊前,一边观察一边低声交谈着。





)9 女人:接线员,接线员,电话坏了,接线员!10 (布兰德太太从屋里走出来到门廊上。



11 女人:这儿也是。



12 第一个声音:停电了。

13 第二个声音:电话不通了。

14 第三个声音:收音机什么也收不到。

《Unit16 Ican you can,》教案人教PEP三年级英语

《Unit16 Ican you can,》教案人教PEP三年级英语
Expressions in
Who wants to be the nexe ?
We can say a chant.
We can mime the actions.
I can colour this picture.
Show us what you can do .
I can spot the tiger ,can you ?
Students ask and answer in
Step 2
1.说唱完毕。教师悄悄放一个别针在地上,然后像没有看见一样离开。接着说:Bad luck, good luck, all the day.紧接着捡起别针说:Pin,Pin,see a pin and pick it up,all the day you’ll have good luck.See a pin and let it lay,bad luck you’ll have all the day.
for teaching
The first class
Part 1
1.Learn the chant .
2.Learn the riddles
Teaching procedures:
Step 3
1.Now let’s play a game .I will give you a word,but you need to give 15 words in return.For example,I say,Numbers,you say,one ,two,three ,four ,five ,six, seven ,eight,nine ,ten…Everybody can say it in your group.But you only have 2 minutes.Are you clear?



any binoculars
believe London Eyedown there
some Westminster Bridge
Is this fun? 这有趣吗?
Isn't this fun? 这难道不有趣吗? (这多有趣啊!)
Daisy:Oh,Jack!_Is_n_'_t_ this f_u_n___? Can you __b_e_li_e_v_e_ it? We’re all t_o_g_e_t_h_e_r on the London Eye!
Claire: Yes, Dad. Isn’t it _g__re__y__? Daisy: Well, _g_r_e_y__ and _s_i_lv_e_r_! It’s __b_e_a_u_t_if.ul
Look at all the _b_r_id__g_e_s_!
2、 Claire
Claire: Hey, Mom, I can see Tower Bridge. It’s open.
3威斯敏斯特桥 Westminster Bridge
用There be句型形容 一下。
What can you see on the Westminster Bridge?
Q:What colour is the river? It’s grey and silver.
the bridges!
2、 Claire
Is this great? 棒吗?
Isn't this great? 难道不棒吗? (太棒了!)
Is this grey? 这是灰色的吗?

新概念青少版1B第十六单元 Unit16

新概念青少版1B第十六单元 Unit16

some Westminster aBnriydge
pass really
binoculars bridge
believe London Eyebelieve
down there the River Thames
Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛
its ship cinema
Tower Bridge
church binoculars
boats London Eyedown there
some Westminster Bridge
/f/ /v/
f--fun football field fair front referee outfit fifty
There is + 可数名词单数 或 不可数名词 + 时间或地点。 There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点。
在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语 是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据 最接近be 动词的那个名词决定。
(1)There is a pen on the desk . (2)There are two books on the desk. (3)There is a pen and two books on the desk. (4)There are two books and a pen on the desk.



Unit 19 Where are you from?
1.询问来自哪个国家或者地区。 2.学会几种国家的名称。 3.学会介绍自己来自哪里,住在哪里。
Japan 日本
the UK 英国
the US 美国
China 中国
I want fish, meat, potatoes and rice for lunch.
What do you want for supper? 你晚餐想吃什么?
问一问,然后翻译家 长的答案。 What do your parent want for supper? 你的家长晚餐 想吃什么?
I want carrots.我想要胡萝卜。
I want beans.我想要豆子。
breakfasper 晚餐
I want sausages, carrots and chicken for breakfast.
1.颜色。 2.询问物体的颜色。
colour 颜色:
blue black
red yellow purple
游戏:猜一猜下面哪种颜色不见了。家长面 对黑板,学生背对黑板,家长猜哪种颜色不 见了然后说出汉语,学生说英语。



Unit 16High-level Programming LanguagesChapter Four&Part4 Extensive Reading @Part 1 Notes to Text@Part5Notes to Passage & Part 2 Word Study@Part3 Practice on Text @Part6 Practice on Passage@Part 1 Notes to TextHigh-level Programming Languages1) Instructions written in a high-level language must betranslated into the machine language used by thecomputer system. 用高级语所编写的指令,必须被翻译成计算机系统中所采用的机器语言。

注释:在此句中written in a high-level language是过去分词短语做定语,修饰主语Instructions;过去分词短语used bythe computer system也是定语,修饰the machinelanguage。

2) This means that program written in a high-levellanguage such as COBOL should run on any computersystem with COBOL compiler.那就意味着以某种高级语言,例如COBOL编写的程序,应在带有COBOL编译程序的计算机系统中运行。

注释:此句的主语This指代上文;that引导的是宾语从句;过去分词短语written in a high-level language修饰thatprogram;介词短语with COBOL compiler修饰anycomputer system。


Ask each other these questions 1. Do you email friends, relative or
colleagues? How often? What about? 2. Has anyone asked you to do anything
today? Who, and what? 3. Has anyone told you to do anything
Words and Expressions
close still indoor activity learner
宁静的”、“平静的”、“寂静 的
•(1) How still everything is! • 一切是多么寂静啊! (2) The forest was very still.
Words and Expressions
score 分数
Many of the kids got good scores in the exam.
学生们在这次考试中都取得了优秀的成绩。 good scores but poor qualities 高分低能
Listening and understanding
•比如go across the road 只是从马路一边到另一边 •go through则是从马路一端到另一端

website 网站

web page网页

webcam 网络摄像头

weblog 网络日志
I'll callyou next week ,when I can use a Broadband phone.
• I am emailing you through the Redstone Ranch website. • email • n.电子邮件 • vt.给。。发邮件 • send an email

Unit16 On the London Eye在伦敦眼上

Unit16   On the London Eye在伦敦眼上

Unit16 On the London E ye在伦敦眼上句型与结构词课文注释:题目:On the London Eye—乘坐几乎所有的交通工具我们都on来表示。

图1:Isn’t this fun —Isn’t…. —需要用“Yes”来回答的疑问句;fun—抽象的不可数名词前面不加冠词。

图2:the River Thames —河流名称前面要加the;the River Thames —表示名称的首字母要大写泰晤士河是流经伦敦及伦敦河口汇入大海的一条河流。

它会有潮汐现象,即使在伦敦市的西边(内陆)也如此;只有在涨潮的时候,船只才能进出伦敦塔桥上游的伦敦池(Pool of London)。

图3:Tower Bridge —在地标性建筑的纪念物的名称前不加冠词。

It’s open —塔桥(Tower Bridge)的桥身可以分开并抬起,大型般只可以由此驶向上游的伦敦池。

Pass me —与give me和show me作比较一双宾语动词,其间接宾语是me,直接宾语是the binoculars。


the binoculars —只有复数形式,后接复数动词。

图4:Can you see any ships there —我们用a ship来表示非具体所指的单数名词。

问句中的复数用any ships来表示。


I can see one — one,代词,指代“one ship”。

Westminster Bridge —在地标性建筑和纪念物的名称前不加冠词。

Some people/cars/buses — some用于肯定句中,表示不确定数量的复数名词。

图6:Big Ben —著名的塔钟,与议会大厦毗邻。



2、构成:完全式助动词+主语+not+…… 简略式助动词的否定缩略式+主语+……例如:(1)一般疑问句:Are you my uncle, Tom 你是我叔叔汤姆吗否定疑问句:Are you not my uncle, TomAren’t you my uncle, Tom 难道你不是我叔叔汤姆吗(2)一般疑问句:Is this great 很棒吗否定疑问句:Is this not greatIsn’t this great 这难道不棒吗3、回答方式:回答否定疑问句时,如果是肯定的回答要用yes,加肯定句;否定的回答要用no,加否定句。


Unit 16
I Discovering Language
Байду номын сангаас
Read and Explore
I. Discovering Language
Please read the following sentences:
1. I’m an English boy. 2. It’s an old book. 3. Let me have a look at it. 4. Ms Black worked in an office yesterday. 5. I called you half an hour ago. 6. Put it on, please. 7. Not at all.. 8. Please pick it up.
Do you know? Let me explain it to you…
3. You can get a copy of the Meeting Room Booking Form for checking the meeting facilities prepared by the business center several days later.
In order to help you in the most effective way, please provide the conference center with the following information:
Conference center For most of hotels, the centerpiece among all the departments in a hotel is the conference center, which attracts a lot of customers. The conference room is an affordable, versatile, and welcoming meeting space for community groups all over the world. Nonprofit leaders, policy makers, and advocators use conference center for conferences, workshops, and a variety of other important community meetings.



五年级上册英语16课Unit 16: Our Class NewspaperIn Unit 16, we will be learning how to create our very own class newspaper. A class newspaper is a fun and interactive way for us to improve our English skills while showcasing our creativity. Throughout this unit, we will learn various skills such as conducting interviews, writing articles, and designing layouts. Let's dive into the exciting world of journalism and start creating our class newspaper!Section 1: Introduction to Journalism (Approx. 200 words)Journalism plays an essential role in society by delivering news and information to people around the world. In this section, we will explore the fundamentals of journalism and its importance. We will learn about the role of journalists, the qualities of a good journalist, and the ethics involved in reporting news.Section 2: Choosing a Newspaper Theme (Approx. 150 words)Every newspaper needs a theme to guide its content and design. In this section, we will brainstorm and discuss different themes that can be used for our class newspaper. We will consider topics such as school events, student achievements, community news, and interesting facts.Section 3: Conducting Interviews (Approx. 250 words)Interviews are a crucial part of creating engaging articles for a newspaper. In this section, we will learn how to conduct interviewseffectively. We will explore different types of questions, the importance of active listening, and how to create engaging interview articles.Section 4: Writing Engaging Articles (Approx. 400 words)In this section, we will focus on the art of writing engaging articles. We will learn about the different article types, such as news reports, feature articles, and opinion pieces. Additionally, we will explore the use of catchy headlines, clear introductions, and supporting evidence to make our articles informative and captivating.Section 5: Designing the Layout (Approx. 300 words)An attractive and well-organized layout is essential for a newspaper to grab readers' attention. In this section, we will learn about basic design principles such as balance, contrast, and typography. We will also explore the importance of including visuals such as images, charts, and infographics to enhance our newspaper's visual appeal.Section 6: Editing and Proofreading (Approx. 200 words)Before publishing our class newspaper, editing and proofreading are necessary to ensure accuracy and readability. In this section, we will learn about the importance of editing for grammar and spelling errors. We will also explore the art of revising and rewriting to improve the overall quality of our articles.Section 7: Publishing and Sharing (Approx. 200 words)Finally, in this section, we will discuss the different methods of publishing and sharing our class newspaper. We will explore both traditionalprint media as well as digital platforms to reach a wider audience. We will also discuss the potential challenges and opportunities that come with publishing our newspaper.Conclusion (Approx. 150 words)Throughout this unit, we have learned various skills and techniques necessary for creating our class newspaper. From understanding the fundamentals of journalism to designing an attractive layout, we have acquired the tools needed to produce a high-quality publication. By working collaboratively and exercising our creativity, we can create a class newspaper that showcases our talents and provides valuable information to our peers. Let's turn our classroom into a newsroom and start creating our very own class newspaper!。



六年级上册英语16单元英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 16: My Dream JobHello everyone! Today, I want to share with you about my dream job. I am in the sixth grade now, and like many of you, I have already started thinking about what I want to be when I grow up.My dream job is to become a veterinarian. I have always had a great love for animals, and I believe that becoming a veterinarian will allow me to help them in the best way possible. I want to be able to provide medical care to animals in need and make sure that they are healthy and happy.To achieve my dream job, I know that I need to work hard in school and get good grades. I also need to continue to learn as much as I can about animals and their needs. I have already started volunteering at a local animal shelter to gain experience working with animals and learning more about their care.In the future, I hope to attend veterinary school and become a licensed veterinarian. I know that this will require a lot of hardwork and dedication, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to make my dream a reality.I believe that with perseverance and a passion for helping animals, I can achieve my dream job as a veterinarian. I am excited to see where this journey takes me, and I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of animals in need.Thank you for listening to my dream job story. I hope that all of you will also pursue your own dreams and never give up on them. Remember, anything is possible if you work hard and believe in yourself. Let's all strive to make our dreams a reality!篇2Unit 16 in the sixth grade English textbook is all about story writing. In this unit, students learn about the elements of a story, such as setting, characters, plot, and theme. They also learn about how to use descriptive language to create a vivid and engaging story.To help students practice their storytelling skills, the unit includes several writing exercises where students are asked to write their own stories. These exercises encourage students to use their imagination and creativity to come up with interesting and unique stories.One of the key aspects of story writing that students learn in this unit is how to create a strong and engaging plot. This involves developing a conflict or problem that the main character must overcome, as well as creating a series of events that leads to a satisfying resolution.Students also learn how to develop their characters by giving them unique traits, motivations, and personalities. This helps to make the characters more relatable and interesting to the reader.Overall, Unit 16 is a valuable opportunity for students to practice their English writing skills in a fun and creative way. By the end of the unit, students should have a better understanding of how to create engaging stories that captivate and entertain the reader.篇3Unit 16: A camping tripLast weekend, my class went on a camping trip to the nearby mountains. It was such an exciting experience that I will never forget.We set off early in the morning and arrived at the camping site in the afternoon. The weather was perfect – sunny with acool breeze. We quickly set up our tents and gathered firewood for the evening. I was assigned to a tent with three of my friends, and we had a great time laughing and talking as we prepared our sleeping bags.After dinner, we sat around the campfire and roasted marshmallows. We talked about our favorite camping memories and shared spooky stories. The night sky was clear, and we could see the stars twinkling above us. It was a magical moment that I will always cherish.The next day, we went on a hike through the forest. We saw beautiful wildflowers, a trickling stream, and even a deer grazing in the distance. We stopped for a picnic lunch by a small waterfall and cooled off in the refreshing water. It was a perfect way to relax and enjoy nature.As the sun began to set, we gathered around the campfire for one last night of fun. We sang campfire songs, played games, and shared more stories. I felt so grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful friends in such a beautiful setting.On the last day, we packed up our tents and cleaned up the camping site. We said goodbye to our temporary home in the mountains and headed back to the city. Although I was sad thatthe trip had come to an end, I was filled with happy memories of our time together.Overall, the camping trip was an unforgettable experience. I learned so much about nature, teamwork, and friendship. I can't wait for our next adventure together.。

hutool unit16数值转byte数组

hutool unit16数值转byte数组

hutool unit16数值转byte数组Hutool是一个 Java 工具类库,它包含了大量的常用工具和方法,以简化Java 编程中的各种任务。

在处理字节和数值转换时,Hutool提供了非常便捷的 API。


但是,Java 本身并不直接支持无符号整数类型,因此这里的UInt16实际上可能是指一个short值(有符号16位整数),但在处理时将其视为无符号的。

要将一个int值(在这里我们假设它实际上是一个UInt16值,即其值范围在 0 到 65535 之间)转换为byte数组,你可以这样做:import cn.hutool.core.util.ByteUtil;public class UInt16ToByteArray {public static void main (String[] args) {int uint16Value = 30000; // 假设这是一个 UInt16 值if (uint16Value < 0 || uint16Value > 65535) {throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value out ofUInt16 range");}// 使用 Hutool 的 ByteUtil 将 int 转换为 byte 数组(大端序)byte[] bytesBigEndian = ByteUtil.intToBytes(uint16Value, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);// 如果你需要小端序,可以这样做:byte[] bytesLittleEndian =ByteUtil.intToBytes(uint16Value,ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);// 输出转换结果System.out.println( "Big Endian: " +ByteUtil.byteArrayToHex(bytesBigEndian));System.out.println( "Little Endian: " +ByteUtil.byteArrayToHex(bytesLittleEndian));}}请注意,上面的代码示例实际上并不是专门针对UInt16的,因为 Java 中没有UInt16类型。
















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A) how
B) because of
C) in spite of
D) even though
11. The pressure __ causes Americans to be energetic, bit it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.
A) among
B) for
C) between
D) over
24. By virtually every measure, people are better clothed, housed, educated, and fed than they __ a generation or so ago.
B) all
C) which
D) what
3. In some countries, __ is called "equally" does not mean equal rights for all people.
A) which
A) that
B) what
C) which
D) it
7. I guess, in their eyes, they could see no reason why we would do that except __
A) leaving
B) will leave
C) left
D) leave
6. We have received information, from what appears to be a very reliable source, __ you have obtained the Aboriginal scholarship under false pretences.
A) that; that
B) what; which
C) that; which
D) which; that
17. The centralization of decision making in governments and giant corporations had deprived individuals __ a real role in shaping policies that affect their lives not only in the realm of technology, but in other areas as well.
A) ought to be said
B) must say
C) have to be said
D) need to say
9. My mother's hands have worked for me and others many, many years; washing, baking, scrubbing, digging in the gar-den they are gnarled and the veins are prominent and they are rough__ years of hard work.
A) importing
B) to import
C) imported
D) import
22. It is useful to be able to predict the extent __ which a price change will affect supply and demand.
2. Physics is the present-day equivalent of __ used to be called natural philosophy, from which most of present-day science &rose,
A) that
A) from Leabharlann B) with C) of
D) by
18. While admitting that this forecast was __uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf.
A) were
B) be
C) are
D) had been
25. Don't get your schedule __; stay with us in this class.
A) to change
B) of
C) which
D) whose
20. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication __ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.
B) expansive
C) intensive
D) expensive
15. There is__ opportunity for individuals to have impact on the processes that lead to the generation of new technologies.
A) from
B) with
C) in
D) of
10. Gorillas are quiet animals, __ they are able to make about twenty different sounds.
B) what
C) that
D) one
4. It was just as well I'd lost my temper, I thought. Otherwise, I __ myself at all.
A) will not have defended
A) from
B) with
C) to
D) for
23. The benefits of the technological advances are at least partially offset by serious social and environmental costs, __ which pollution, energy shortages, and growing dependence on nonrenewable resources are the most obvious.
A) to compete
B) competing
C) to be competed
D) having competed
12. She has never forgotten that I admitted once I had a weak-ness for redheads, and she hasn't let forget it __.
Unit Sixteen
1. It is imperative that you __ for at least ten days.
A) not speak
B) do not speak
C) will not speak
D) did not speak
B) did not defend
C) would not have defended
D) had not defend
5. We have done things we ought not to have done and __ undone things we ought to have done.
A) too
B) also
C) either
D) as well
13. __ I get with the story, __ his smile becomes.
A) Further; more patient
B) The far; the patient
B) changing
C) changed
D) change
26. TV cannot guarantee honest candidates, but we received Richard Nixon in 1960 and we might have again __ any informal coverage.
A) if had he not so successfully avoided
A) little; few
B) few; much
C) little; much
D) much; few
16. Many people find their lives shaped by technologies __they do not understand and over__ they have little control.
A) anyhow
B) somewhere
C) somewhat
D) anyway
19. The notion __ technology is out of control has diverse roots,
A) that
A) for the money
B) with the money
C) by the money
D) on the money
8. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think__