IC.PD.P10.C1.02 - 520B1861
Data sheet
Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPS
EN 60 947-4-1 EN 60 947-5-1 American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping, UK Germanischer Lloyd, Germany Bureau Veritas, France Includes thermostats with fixed sensor and pressure controls with armoured capillary tube. Registro Italiano Navale, Italy
Page KPS pressure switches, description .............................................................................................................................1 Approvals .................................................................................................................................................................................2 Ship approvals ........................................................................................................................................................................2 Survey ........................................................................................................................................................................................2 ISO 9001 quality approval ..................................................................................................................................................2 Technical data and ordering..............................................................................................................................................3 Terminology ........................................................................................................................................................................3-4 Installation ...............................................................................................................................................................................5 Function ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Dimensions and weight ......................................................................................................................................................7 Accessories ..............................................................................................................................................................................8 KPS thermostats, description .........................................................................................................................................9 Approvals .................................................................................................................................................................................9 Ship approvals ........................................................................................................................................................................9 Technical data and ordering..............................................................................................................................................9 Function ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Electrical connection ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Examples ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Dimensions and weight ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Accessories ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
83 +-1
66 +-1
63 -+1
83 -+3
63 -+1
B 83 -+3
外形尺寸表 (单位mm)
型号 FZV-2 FZV-3 FZV-2 FZV-3 FZV-2 FZV-3
口径 1/2〞(15mm) 1/2〞(15mm) 3/4〞(20mm) 3/4〞(20mm)
1〞(25mm) 1〞(25mm)
接线端子:能够连接 2 x 1.5 mm2或1 x2.5mm2的导线 负载电流:风机:2(1)A 阀:2(1)A 外 壳:阻燃ABS材料 外形尺寸:86 × 86 × 13 mm 安装孔距:60 mm(标准) 保护等级:IP30
2230VAC 50/60Hz 零N L火 NL
报警功能:传感器出现故障,温控器关闭风机和电动阀,并显示 “ ” 以及“E 1”或“E 2”。 E1:传感器短路报警。 E2:传感器断路报警。 当 环 境 温 度 高 于 5 5 ℃ 显 示 “ H I ”, 当 温 度 低 于 0 ℃ 显 示 “ L O ” 。
·材质优良, 阀体采用锻压黄铜阀体,驱动器采用不锈钢基座及铝质外壳 ·技术先进, 采用全封闭单向磁滞同步电机驱动实现阀门开启 ·安全可靠, 具有弹簧复位功能,产品断电后由内置机械装备自动关闭 ·安装简便, 电动阀为常闭二通型和分流三通型,标准内螺纹连接 ·维修方便, 不需要任何工具就能简单快速地更换驱动器,无需更换整个电调阀
形式 二通 三通 二通 三通 二通 三通Fra bibliotek50Hz
For more detailed information contact Danfoss Power Solutions at one of the addresses listed below.Please reference the following documents:• For Speci cations and Performance Data see Catalog No. GB-C-2010.• For installation and adjustment of the industrial control see Eaton document 676• For parts Information for the PVH Piston Pump refer to Service Data below.• When servicing PVH Piston Pump Compensators refer to these Service Data documents:PVH057 / 063M-2206-S PVH074 / 081M-2207-S PVH098 / 106M-2208-SPVH131 / 141M-2209-SPressure Compensator Control PartsModel Code Feature (postion 14) = G, H, JITEMDESCRIPTIONQTY91l o r t n o C C I 62Cap Screw 263Cap Screw 270O-Ring 271O-Ring 1ARNINGDanfoss recommends for positive displacement pumps that a relief valve be tted between the pump and the load to protect against overload of the pump or system.WARNING: NEVER ADJUST THE COMPENSATOR TO ALLOW THE PUMP OR THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TO EXCEED THEIR MAXIMUM RATED PRESSURES.REFER TO THE OPERATORS MANUAL FOR MAXIMUM PRESSURES OR CONTACT THE SUPPLIER.EXCESSIVE PRESSURE MAY RESULT IN ABRUPT AND VERY SERIOUS FAILURES IN THE SYSTEM WHICH CAN CAUSE DEATH OR SERIOUS BODILY INJURY TO PERSONS NEARBY AND/OR DAMAGE THE PUMP .Danfoss Power Solutions 2800 East 13th Street Ames, Iowa 50010United States of America Tel: 1-515-239-6000Fax: 1-515-239-6318AN430759780651en-000101Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile Go to for further product information.outstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to productsagreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.© Danfoss | September 2022•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。
丹佛斯静态平衡阀Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998一、丹佛斯(Danfoss)静态平衡阀的应用:丹佛斯(Danfoss)静态平衡阀广泛应用于空调、供热及生活热水系统,作为平衡各末端及环路流量之用。
Danfoss FC 300 設計指南说明书
目錄如何閱讀本設計指南5如何閱讀本設計指南5認證5符號6縮寫6定義7FC 300 簡介11安全預防措施11安全預防措施11處置說明12軟體版本12控制原理15FC 300 控制功能15FC 301 與 FC 302 控制原理的比較15VVC plus 中的控制結構16無感測器磁通向量的控制結構 (限 FC 302)16馬達回授 磁通量控制結構。
17VVC plus模式下的內部電流控制18操作器控制 (Hand On) 和外部控制 (Auto On)18設定值處理19設定值和回授的比例率20零值附近的無效帶22轉速 PID 控制26以下的參數係與轉速控制有關26製程 PID 控制器27Ziegler Nichols 微調方式31馬達電纜線必須符合 EMC 規定33EMC 耐受性34對地漏電電流35煞車電阻的選擇35機械煞車控制37起重應用機械煞車38FC 300 的安全停機 功能40安全停機安裝 (僅限 FC 302 與 FC 301 - A1 外殼)41安全停機試運行測試42電氣資料43電氣資料43一般規格49效率53噪音54馬達尖峰電壓54馬達尖峰電壓54降低額定值的目的55自動調諧以確保執行成效57如何訂購59變頻器訂貨代碼查詢軟體59訂購單類型代碼59訂購代碼61如何安裝67機械尺寸67機械安裝69配件包69電氣安裝72敲下額外電纜線的擋板72主電源連接 與接地73馬達連接74保險絲76控制端子的進手78控制端子78電氣安裝、控制端子79基本配線範例79電氣安裝, 控制電纜線80馬達電纜線81開關 S201、S202 和 S80182最終的設定及測試82其他連接84繼電器連接85繼電器輸出85馬達並聯86馬達熱保護87如何將一部個人電腦連接至 FC 30087 FC 300 Software Dialog88殘餘電流器92應用範例93啟動/停機93脈衝啟動/停機93電位器設定值94編碼器連接94編碼器轉向94閉迴路變頻器系統95轉矩極限和停機的程式設定95 Smart Logic Control 程式設定96選項和配件99選項和配件99在插槽 B 中的選項模組的安裝99一般用途輸入輸出模組 MCB 10199編碼器選項 MCB 102101解析器選項 MCB 103102繼電器選項 MCB 10510424 V 備份選項 MCB 107 (選項 D)107IP 21/IP 4X/ TYPE 1 外殼組件108正弦波濾波器109RS 485 安裝與設置111 RS 485 安裝與設置111 FC 協議概述113網路配置113 FC 協議訊息框結構 - FC 300113範例118 Danfoss FC 控制描述檔119疑難排解127狀態訊息 - FC 300 DG127警告/警報訊息127索引134如何閱讀本設計指南本設計指南將介紹有關 FC 300 的所有內容。
中文名丹佛斯外文名Danfoss地点丹麦性质跨国工业制造公司时间1933年特点节能环保目录1.1 公司简介2.2 中国公司3.▪应用领域1.▪价值定位2.3 电地暖3.4 业务领域1.▪制冷与空调2.▪工业自动化公司简介编辑Danfoss丹佛斯丹佛斯以推广应用先进的制造技术,并关注节能环保而闻名于世,是制冷和空调控制,供热和水控制,以及传动控制等领域处于世界领先地位的产品制造商和服务供应商。
Switch Single pole changeover (SPDT) Contact material: Gold-plated silver contact Contact load 1. Alternating current: Ohmic: 10 A, 440 V, AC-1 Inductive: 6 A, 440 V, AC-3 4 A, 440 V, AC-15 Starting current max. 50 A (locked rotor) 2. Direct current: 12 W, 220 V, DC-13 See curve, fig. 4
ISO 9001 quality approval
Danfoss A/S is certificated by BSI in accordance with international standard ISO 9001. This means that Danfoss fulfils the international standard in respect of product development, design, production and sale. BSI exercises continuous inspection to ensure that Danfoss observes the requirements of the standard and that Danfoss’ own quality assurance system is maintained at the required level.
2. Type KPS pressure controls for high pressure and strongly pulsating media
EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-5-1CCC, China Compulsory Certifi cateBellows versions Repeatability Diaphragm versionsPiston versions± 0.2 % FS (typ.)± 0.5 % FS (max.)± 0.5 % FS (typ.)± 1 % FS (max.)± 1 % FS (typ.)± 1 % FS (max.)Response time < 4 ms Max. switch frequency 10/min (0.16 Hz)Diff erentialsee page 3Permissible operating pressure see page 3Burst pressure see page 3Life time Mechanical for diaphragm and bellows Mechanical for piston typeElectrical at max. contact load > 400,000 cycles >1 million cycles > 100,000 cycles• Designed for use in severe industrialenvironments• High vibration stability• Part of the Danfoss block system, consisting of MBC pressure controls, MBS pressure transmitters and MBV test valves• MBC 5100 with all major ship approvals • H igh repeatability• Optimal compact design for machine building purposes• Intended for alarm indication, shut down, control and diagnostics in manyapplications - motors, gears, thrusters, pumps, fi lters, compressors etc.Heavy duty pressure controls MBC 5000 and MBC 5100FeaturesShip approvalsMBC 5100Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Germanischer LloydRINA, Registro Italiano Navale NKK, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai DNV, Det Norske VeritasBV, Bureau VeritasAmerican Bureau of Shipping KRS, Korean Register of ShippingRMRS, Russian Maritime Register of ShippingData sheetPerformanceTechnical data Electrical specifi cationsSwitch SPDT Contact loadAC 110 A, 250 V AC 150.5A, 250 V AC 33A, 250 VDC 1312 W, 125 VEnvironmental conditionsOperationBellows versions TemperatureDiaphragm versions Piston versions TransportBellows versions Diaphragm versionsPiston versions -40 to +85 °C-10 to +85 °C -40 to +85 °C -50 to +85 °C -50 to +85 °C -40 to +85 °CEnclosure IP 65, IEC 529Vibration stability Sinusoidal20 g, 25 Hz - 2 kHzpiston type 4.4g, 25-200 HzIEC 68-2-6IEC 60068-2-27ApprovalsINDUSTRIAL CONTROLS IC.PD.P10.A2.02- 520B22172 IC.PD.P10.A2.02- 520B2217IC.PD.P10.A2.02- 520B2217 34 IC.PD.P10.A2.02- 520B2217。
顶板可将外壳的防护等级增加到IPIP 44并且适用于所有的KP压力控制器。
要达到IP 44的防护等级,必须将控制器安装在角铁托架(060-105666)或墙板托架(060-105566)上来盖住其背板上的孔。
如果装置存在暴露在多水环境中的风险,则当产品安装在特殊IP55外壳中后可达到更高的防IP 55护等级。
IP 55外壳有单压(060-033066)和双压(060-035066)可供选择。
KP Pressure SwitchesDanfoss KP switches are used for regulating, monitoring and alarm systems in the industry. They provide automatic limit protection or manual reset limit protection for pressure systems. Can be used with steam, air, gaseous and liquid media. The pressure switches are fitted with single-pole changeover switch (SPDT). The position of the switch depends on the setting of the pressure switch and the pressure in the connector.KP ThermostatsKP thermostats are temperature-operated electric circuit breakers. The thermostats are fitted with single-pole changeover switch (SPDT).The position of the switch depends on the thermostat setting and sensor temperature. A KP thermostat can be connected and switch to single-phase alternating current motors of up to 2 kW.Features Approvals • Wide regulating range• Small dimensionsSpace-saving, easy to install in panels• Shock and impact resistant• Ultra-short bounce time.Limits wear to an absolute minimum andincreases reliability• Snap action electrical contacts minimize chatter,bounce, and wear, and ensure long termelectrical and mechanical reliability• Electrical connection from front of the unit.Makes rack mounting easier and also saves space• Suitable for alternating current and direct current• Screwed wiring, makes rewiring easy• Manual trip allows electrical function test withouttools• Versions with automatic and manual resetavailableUL listed for USA and Canada according to UL 353and UL 873CE marked in accordance to EN 60947-4/05PRESSURE SWITCHESOrdering Technical dataContact system and applicationSetting Cut-in and cut-out pressures of the systemshould always be checked with an accuratepressure gauge.Pressure setting for switches with automaticreset.Set the cut-out pressure on RANGE scale anddifferential on DIFF scale.Note:Restart pressure is equal to cut-out pressure minusdifferential value.Pressure switches with manual resetSet the cut-out pressure on the RANGE scale. Pressure limiters can be manually reset by pressing reset button when the pressure is equal to the cut-out pressure minus fixed value of the differential.Set pointA predetermined value to which a switch is adjusted and at which it performs its intended function.Reset1. Manual resetUnits with manual reset can only be restored to operational mode by activation of the external reset button.2. Automatic resetUnits with automatic reset is restored to operational mode automatically.Maximum working pressureThe maximum permissible pressure for safe functioning of a heating system or any of its part.Snap functionA specific contact force is maintained until snap is initiated. The time over which contact force reaches zero is a few milliseconds; therefore, contact bounce cannot occur as a result, for example, of slight vibrations before cut-out. The snap-action contact system will continue to function even when micro-welds arecreated between the contacts during cut-in. The force created to separate the contacts is strong, and instantly shears off all contact surface welds that have been created as the result of cut-in ac-tion. These design features ensure that the cut-out point of the KP switch remains very accurate and completelyindependent of the magnitude of the current load. FLA -Motor Full Load AmperesFLA is the largest current that a motor or other device is designed to carry at rated voltage and other specific conditions. Also often called current at rated conditions.LRA - Locked Rotor AmperesLRA is the current in amperes drawn by an electric motor with the shaft or rotor immobilized.TerminologyKP 35, KP 36 and KP 37 KP 34Dimensions [in]Design and functionKey sketch of KP pressure switchSimplified drawing of KP pressure switch without1. Range setting spindle2. Differential setting spindle3. Main arm4. Main spring5. Differential spring6. Bellows7. Pressure connector 8. Contact system 9. Switch terminals 10. Ground terminal11. Cable entry: ½ in female NPSM 12. Tumbler13. Locking screw 14. Manual reset 15. Distance plateThe contact system of KP switches has a snap-action function and the bellows moves only when cut-in or cut-out set point is reached.The design has the following advantages:• higher contact load • ultra short bounce time• long mechanical and electrical lifetime• high resistance to vibrations and pulsationsTechnical data THERMOSTATSOrderingContact system and applicationSetting Thermostats with automatic resetSet the cut-out temperature on the RANGE scaleand differential on the DIFF scale.Restart temperature is equal to the cut-outtemperature minus differential value.Please note that the differential scale is only areference. The exact value of distances on the scaledepends on where in its range the switch cut-in isset. Use the differential scale as a guide, and ifprecise function is required, establish thedifferential setting by comparing function with anaccurate thermometer in the controlled zone.Thermostats with manual resetSet the cut-out temperature on the range scale. The differential is fixed.Restart the system by pressing the reset button after the temperature of the sensor falls to a value equal to the range scale setting minus the fixeddifferential.Snap functionA specific contact force is maintained until snap is initiated. The time over which contact force reaches zero is a few milliseconds; therefore, contact bounce cannot occur as a result, for example, of slight vibrations before cut-out. The snap-action contact system will continue to function even when micro-welds arecreated between the contacts during cut-in. The force created to separate the contacts is strong, and instantly shears off all contact surface welds that have been created as the result of cut-in ac-tion. These design features ensure that the cut-out point of the KP switch remains very accurate and completelyindependent of the magnitude of the current load. FLA -Motor Full Load AmperesFLA is the largest current that a motor or other device is designed to carry at rated voltage and other specific conditions. Also often called current at rated conditions.LRA - Locked Rotor AmperesLRA is the current in amperes drawn by an electric motor with the shaft or rotor immobilized.TerminologyDifferentialThe differential is the difference between the cut-in and cut-out temperatures.The differential is necessary for satisfactory automatic operation of the controlled system. Mechanical differential (intrinsic differential).The mechanical differential is the differential set by the differential spindle.Reset1. Manual resetUnits with manual reset can only be restarted after activation of the reset button. On max reset units the set value is equal to cut-out value for rising temperature.2. Automatic resetUnits with automatic reset is restored to operational mode automatically.Thermostat chargeSensors with adsorption charges contain a super-heated gas together with a solid having a large adsorption surface. The sensor can be placed in zones that are warmer or colder than the switch housing and capillary tube, but variations of more than 70 °F may influence scale accuracy.Adsorption chargeCapillary tube Bellows SensorDesign and Function1. Range setting spindle2. Differential setting spindle3. Main arm4. Main spring5. Differential spring6. Bellows7. Temperature sensors 8. Contact system 9. Terminals10. Ground terminal11. Cable entry: ½ in female cable gland 12. Tumbler13. Locking screw 14. Manual reset 15. Distance plateThe contact system of KP switches has a snap-action function and the bellows moves only when cut-in or cut-out set point is reached.The design has the following advantages:• higher contact load • ultra short bounce time• long mechanical and electrical lifetime•high resistance to vibrations and pulsationsKey sketch of KP 79, KP 81 thermostatsSimplified drawing of KP thermostat without front AccessoriesDimensions [in]。
Revised 10/01/88I–3557-SWet Armature Solenoid Operated Directional ValveDG4S*-01*A-W(3)-*-50Service GuideVickers by Danfoss®Directional ValvesAX439457235961en-000101’d) (F3 Viton - 5 req’d)Model CodePrinted in U.S.A.For satisfactory service life of these components, use full ow ltration to provide uid which meets ISO cleanliness code 20/18/15 or cleane r. Selections from Danfoss OF P, OFR, and OFRS series are recommended.Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile Go to for further product information.outstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to productsagreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.© Danfoss | December 2022•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。
中文名丹佛斯外文名Danfoss地点丹麦性质跨国工业制造公司时间1933年特点节能环保目录1. 1 公司简介2. 2 中国公司3. ▪应用领域1. ▪价值定位2. 3 电地暖3. 4 业务领域1. ▪制冷与空调2. ▪工业自动化公司简介编辑Danfoss丹佛斯丹佛斯以推广应用先进得制造技术,并关注节能环保而闻名于世,就是制冷与空调控制,供热与水控制,以及传动控制等领域处于世界领先地位得产品制造商与服务供应商。
1. 压力控制:丹佛斯压力开关可用于控制液体或气体系统中的压力,确保系统在安全范围内稳定运行。
2. 过压保护:当系统中的压力超过设定的上限值时,丹佛斯压力开关可以发出警报信号或自动切断系统以防止损坏或意外事故。
3. 欠压保护:当系统中的压力低于设定的下限值时,丹佛斯压力开关可以触发警报或切断系统以避免工作异常或损坏。
1. 压力检测:丹佛斯压力开关通过内置的传感器或测量元件,监测系统中的压力变化,并将其转化为电信号。
2. 压力调节:丹佛斯压力开关可根据用户的要求,通过调整内部设定值来控制系统的工作压力范围。
3. 信号输出:当系统中的压力超过或低于设定的阈值时,丹佛斯压力开关会产生相应的开关信号,以触发系统的操作或报警。
丹福斯气液压力开关与温度计 KP 和 KPI IC.PD.P10.F9.02说明书
Approvals CE-marked in accordance with LVD 2014/35/EU:EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, EN 60947-5-1Underwriters Laboratories Inc., UL China Compulsory Certificate, CCC (excluding boiler versions)GOST (excluding KPI)Features• Wide setting range• Shock and impact resistant• Snap action electrical contacts minimizechatter, bounce, and wear, and ensure longterm electrical and mechanical reliability• Small dimensions. Space saving – easyto install in panels• Electrical connection from frontof the unit makes rack mounting easierand also saves space• Suitable for alternating currentand direct current• Single pressure switches and thermostats arefitted with a single pole double throw contactsystem (SPDT)• Can be used for both liquids and gases (KPI)• Manual trip function enables electrical connections verification without any tools or pressure changes in the application• Versions with automatic and manualreset availableThe KP and KPI pressure switches and thermostats are used for control, monitoring and alarm systems in a wide variety of industry applications.KP pressure switches are mainly used for gaseous fluid whereas KPI pressure switches are more for liquid and gaseous fluid.The KP pressure range include special designed pressure switches and limiters for steam boilers and other heating applications.For water pump control and protection (dry run) the dual pressure switch KP44 is suitable and secure improved life time of the water pump.Technical dataOrderingPressure switch, types KP 35 and KP 36Pressure switch, types KPI 35 – KPI 381) Available only in Asia market 2) IP55 transparent enclosure 3) Stainless steel version, IP55 non-transparent enclosure1) IP55 transparent enclosure 2) IP55 non-transparent enclosurePressure switch, types KP 34 – KP 37, boiler versionContact system and applicationSettingCut-in and cut-out pressures of the system should always be checked with an accurate pressure gauge.Pressure setting for switches with automatic reset.1. Set the cut-in pressure on the “CUT-IN” scale (range scale).2. Set the differential on the “DIFF” scale.The cut-out pressure must be above absolute vacuum (p e = -1 bar).For high pressure switches the restart pressure is equal to cut-out pressure minus differential.Pressure switches with manual resetSet the cut-out presure on the “CUT-OUT” scale (range scale).High pressure limiters can be manually reset when the pressure is equal to the stop pressure minus the differential.Note:For low pressure switches the restart pressure is equalto cut-out pressure plus differential value.Design / Function 1. Setting spindle 2. Differential settingspindle 3. Main arm 4. Main spring5. Differential spring6. Bellows7. Pressure connector 8. Contact system9. Connection terminals 10. Earth terminal 11. Cable entry12. Omega spring (KPI) 12. Tumbler (KP) 13. Locking screw14. Manual reset The contact system in KP pressure switches has a snap function. This means that the bellows is active only when the cut-in or cut out value is reached.The bellows is connected to the pressure of the controlled plant via the connector (7).Danfoss KPI pressure switches are designed so that the bellows moves in the sameproportion as the pressure switches change. To ensure a snap function on contact change over, an omega spring is located between bellows and contact system.Key sketch of KP pressure switchKey sketch of KPI pressure switchKey sketch of KP pressure switch, boiler versionDimensions [mm] and weights [kg]Pressure switch, types KP 35, KP 36, KPI 35, KPI 36 and KPI 38Dimensions [mm] and weights [kg] (Boiler version)IP55 enclosureWall bracket Angle bracketPressure switch, types KP 35 and KP 36Pressure switch, type KP 34Accessories for KP pressure switchesTechnical dataDual pressure switchPressure switch, type KP 44Dimensions [mm],weights [kg]and orderingWater supply from reservoir or wellThe contact system in the KP 44 has a snap-action function and allows the bellows moves only when the cut-in or cut-out value is reached.If water is running short in the well or reservoir, the pump will no longer be able to increase the pressure to the cut-out value. Consequently the pump will keep running - perhaps without water. However, the KP 44 pressure switch will stop the pump as soon as the righthand bellows pressure drops below the safety cut-out setting.The pump can be started again by lifting the impulse lever. The pump will continue to operate when the impulse lever is released, provided that the righthand bellows pressure is higher than the safety cut-out setting plus a fixed differential of 1 bar. If this is not the case, the pump will cut-out again indicating insufficient water supply.Pressurized water supply direct to pump When water supply fails on the inlet side, the pump will no longer be able to boost the pressure to the cut-out value. Consequently the pump will keep running - perhaps without water. However, the KP 44 pressure switch will stop the pump as soon as the pressure in the pump suction line drops below the safety cut-out setting. The pump will automatically start again when the pump suction pressure has reached the level of 1 bar above the safety cut-out setting.Automatic start-up will only take place if the righthand bellows is connected to the pump suction line. Air pockets should be avoided to prevent the pump from starting up on air pressure rise, without the presence of water.In a hydrophore system where water is pumped from a well or an open tank, both bellows are connected to a pressure outlet on the air side in the pump pressure line, if possible.In a booster system receiving pressurized water the righthand bellows is connected • to the low pressure side of the pump forautomatic start-up• to the high pressure side of the pump for manual start-upThe lefthand bellows is always connected to the high pressure side of the pump.1. Lefthand pressure setting spindle2. Differential settingspindle 3. Main arm4. Righthand pressure setting spindle5. Main spring6. Differential spring7. Bellows8. Pressure connections 9. Contact system 10. Terminal11. Earth terminal 12. Cable entry 13. Tumbler14. Locking plate 15. Impulse leverDesign / FunctionKey contact system of KP 44 pressure switchSafety cut-out settingThe righthand bellows will automatically cut-out the pump at the safety cut-out setpoint.Automatic start-up, if any, will take place when the pressure has reached the level of 1 bar above the setpoint. Manual cut-in is made by lifting the impulse lever and releasing it again when the pressure has increased by min. 1 bar.The safety cut-out setpoint is normallydetermined by the static pressure (the water column). However, in order to avoid disturbing signal interaction, care should be taken to ensure that the safety cut-out setting is at least 1.5 bar lower than the control pressure cut-in setting. See table with pressure setting examples below.Control pressure settingsControl pressure cut-out setpointis set on the lefthand pressure setting scale.The differential is set between 0.7 and 4 bar.The control pressure cut-in setting will be the cut-out control pressure less the differential.SettingAccessories for KP 44 pressure switchesDimensions[mm]and weights [kg]1)6.0 bar is the normal max. setpointTechnical dataThermostat, types KP 75 – KP 81Ordering Single thermostatDesign / FunctionKey sketch of KP thermostat, types KP 78, KP 79, KP 811. Temperature settingspindle2. Differential settingspindle 3. Main arm 4. Main spring5. Differential spring6. Bellows7. Sensor8. Contact system9. Connection terminals 10. Earth terminal 11. Cable entry 12. TumblerThe contact system in KP thermostats has a snap function. This means that the bellows is active only when the cut-in or cut-out value is reached.KP 75 room sensorAbsorption chargeThe charge consists partly of a superheated gas and partly of a solid substance with a large absorption surface.The solid substance is concentrated in the sensor (7), and consequently it is always the sensor that comprises the temperature-regulating part of the thermostatic element.The sensor can be placed both warmer or colder than the thermostat housing and capillary tube. However, placing it in an ambient temperature higher or lower than 20 °C can affect the accuracy of the scale.Charges6. Bellows7. Sensor13. Capillary tubeThermostats with automatic resetSet the upper limit temperature on the range scale. Then set the differential on the DIFF scale.The temperature set on the range scale is also the temperature at which contact changeover re-occurs on rising temperature.The contacts changeover when the temperature has fallen to a value lower than that set on the DIFF scale.If at lower settings the plant will not start/stop, the reason might be that the differential has been set too high.Thermostats with minimum resetSet the temperature on the range scale. The differential setting is fixed.Min. reset units will restart after the temperature at the thermostat sensor has risen by a value greater than that of the fixed differential.Thermostats with maximum resetSet the stop temperature on the range scale. The differential setting is fixed.Max. reset units will restart after the temperature at the thermostat sensor has fallen by a value greater than that of the fixed differential.SettingD a n f o s s 60-663.11Dimensions [mm] and weights [kg]IP55 enclosureThermostat, types KP 75, KP 78, KP 79, KP 81KP 75 Sensor: Tinned copper Cu/Sn 5KP 78, 79, 81 Sensor: Tinned copper Cu/Sn 5Wall bracket Angle bracketAccessories for KP thermostatsGeneral informationGold contactsCurve A gives the maximum load.Hatched area B: Acceptable loadfor the gold plating of the contact. DC 13Snap functionA specific contact force is maintained until snap is initiated. The time over which contact force reaches zero is a few milliseconds; therefore, contact bounce cannot occur as a result, for example, of slight vibrations before cut-out. The snap-action contact system will continue to function even when micro-welds are created between the contacts during cut-in.The force created to separate the contactsis strong, and instantly shears off all contact surface welds that have been created as the result of cut-in action.These design features ensure that the cut-out point of the KP control remains very accurate and completely independent of the magnitude of the current load.Current ratings:AC – 1The alternating current rating, in amperes, of the non-inductive, slightly inductive loads or resistive furnacesAC – 3The alternating current rating, in amperes, of the squirrel-cage motors: starting, plugging, inchingAC – 15The alternating current rating, in amperes, of electromagnetic loads (>72VA)DC – 13The direct current rating, in amperes,of electromagnetsRange setting / Set pointThe pressure range within which the unit will give a signal (contact changeover).DifferentialThe difference between contact changeover on rising and falling pressure.The differential is a condition for stable automatic plant operation.Manual resetA unit with manual reset can onlybe restored to operational mode by activation of the external reset button.Min. reset units will restart after the pressure has risen by a value greater than that of the fixed differential.Max. reset units will restart after the pressure has fallen by a value greater than that of the fixed differential.Automatic resetUnits with automatic reset restart automatically after stop.Permissible operating pressureThe highest permissible constant pressureor pressure variation the unit can be exposed to. Maximum working pressureThe maximum permissible pressurefor safe functioning of a heating systemor any of its parts.Maximum test pressureThe maximum pressure appliedin strength or leakage tests on heating system or components thereof.Terminology。
1. 连接方式:首先,需要将三个丹佛斯压力开关正确连接在一起。
2. 差压控制:在某些应用中,需要同时监测和调节液体或气体系统中的差压。
3. 串联控制:在某些应用中,需要同时监测和调节液体或气体系统的多个压力点。
丹佛斯压力开关的维护和应用注意事项 压力开关工作原理
目前长野的压力开关最高精度可达到土 0.5%F.S,型号为CB33最大压力(Max.P):压力范围的最大值。
接断差(死区):是指开关设定动作值和复位值的差值,例如当设定、值为1MPa实际复位值为 0.9MPa 时,接断差为 0.1MPa。
上限 2接点:合并了两个上限形式,分为分为两接点独立动作(双设定、双回路)和两接点同时动作(单设定、双回路)两种类型。
下限 2接点:合并了两个下限形式,分为两接点独立动作(双设定、双回路)和两接点同时动作(单设定,双回路)两种类型。
丹佛斯压力开关相关产品:KPS丹佛斯重工业压力开关 KP,轻工业压力开关 MBC 5100,具备船级认证的模块式紧凑型压力开关 KP, 双压力开关 CS, 用于空气和水应用压力开关 KPI, 轻工业压力开关丹佛斯温度开关有哪些技术参数1、电气参数: 1)CQC、VDE、 UL、 CUL? AC250V 50~60Hz 5A / 10A / 15A(阻性负载)2)UL AC 125V 50Hz 15A(阻性负载)2、动作温度范围:0〜24O'C(任选),温度精度:土 2 ±3 ±5 ±10'C3、回复与动作温度差:8~100C(任选)4、接线方式:插端子 250#(弯 0〜90°可选);插端子 187#(弯 0〜90°可选,厚度 0.5、 0.8mm 可选)5、使用寿命:》100000 次6、电气强度:AC 50Hz 1800V历时1min,无闪烁,无击穿7、接触电阻:w 50m Q8、绝缘电阻:w 100M Q9、接点形式:常闭型:温度上升,触点断开,温度下降,触点接通;常开型:温度上升,触点接通,温度下降,触点断开10 、外壳防护等级: IP0011、接地方式:通过温控器金属外壳与器件接地金属零件相连。
丹佛斯Danfoss压力开关KP361、环境温度:-40 - +65°C (+80°C 最多持续2 小时).2、DIN认证单元:40 - +65°C (+80°C 最多持续2 小时).3、最大工作压力= 32 bar, KP 6 = 46.5 bar4、最大测试压力= 35 bar, KP 6 = 46.5 bar5、触点负荷, AC:6、AC1: 16 A, 400 V7、AC3: 16 A, 400 V8、AC15: 10 A, 400 V9、最大启动电流(L.R.): 112 A, 400 V10、触点负荷, DC:11、DC13: 12 W, 220 V 控制电流郭工0595 28 767 808phone 152 **** ****特性值类型KP35质量[公斤] 0.328 [kg]环境温度[摄氏度] -40 - 65 °C环境温度[华氏度] -40 - 149 °F是否氨用否认证 C UL US接口尺寸G 1/4 A连接标准ISO 228-1接口类型管螺纹触点功能镀金触点,单刀双掷触点负荷12 W/220 V dc触点负荷Max.regul.: 100 mA/30 V ac/dc触点负荷Min: 1mA/5 V ac/5 V dc触点负荷警报: Max. 10 A/400 V ac回差[bar] 0.7 - 4.0 bar回差[psi] 10.2 - 58.0 psi封装等级IP30最大测试压力[bar] 14 bar最大工作压力[bar] 10 bar最大工作压力[psig] 145 psig包装格式Multi pack每标准包装的数量36 pc调节范围[bar] -0.2 - 7.5 bar调节范围[psig] -2.9 - 108.7 psigDanfoss KP系列压力开关适用于工业应用中的调节、监控和报警系统。
I-3167-SRevised 10-01-89Vane Type Single Pump35VQ**A-86* - 20(L)36VQ**A-86 - 20(L)Service and Parts ManualDanfoss ®Vane PumpsAX432876936851en-000101– 3 –Model CodeViton SealsSeriesVane TypeSAE Rated CapacityPort ConnectionsMounting & Shaft SealsAssemblyShaftsPort PositionsDesignRotation(Omit if not required.)(Rating @ 1200 RPM - 100 psi)21 - 21 USgpm25 - 25 USgpm30 - 30 USgpm35 - 35 USgpm38 - 38 USgpmF - Foot (Single Shaft Seal Assy.)S - Flange (Double Shaft Seal Assy.)Omitted-Flange (Single Shaft SealAssy.)1 - Square Key4 - Splined11 - Splined86 - Square KeySee Chart BelowL - Left Hand (CCW Rotation)Omitted - Right Hand RotationFor satisfactory service life of these components, use full ow ltration to provide uid which meets ISO cleanliness code 16/13or cleaner. Selections from pressure, return, and in-line lter series are recommended.A - SAE 4-Bolt FlangePrinted in U.S.A.Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。
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Data sheetPressure switches and thermostatsType KPS10/2003DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02520B07822DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02 Danfoss A/S 10-20033DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003KPS 43, 45, 47KPS 31, 33KPS 35, 37, 394DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSKPS 31:±0.2 bar KPS 39:±3.0 bar KPS 33:±0.3 bar KPS 43:±1.0 bar KPS 35:±0.5 bar KPS 45:±4.0 bar KPS 37:±1.0 barKPS 47:±6.0 barKPS 31:±0.1 bar KPS 39:±0.7 bar KPS 33:±0.2 bar KPS 43:±0.2 bar KPS 35:±0.3 bar KPS 45:±1.0 bar KPS 37:±0.4 barKPS 47:±1.5 barSwitchSingle pole changeover (SPDT)Contact material: Gold-plated silver contact Contact load1. Alternating current:Ohmic:10 A, 440 V, AC-1Inductive: 6 A, 440 V, AC-34 A, 440 V, AC-15Starting current max. 50 A (locked rotor)2. Direct current:12 W, 220 V, DC-13See curve, fig. 4Scale accuracyAmbient temperatureKPS 31 - 39: –40 to +70 °C KPS 43 - 47: –25 to +70 °CTemperature of medium KPS 31 - 39: –40 to +100 °C KPS 43 - 47: –25 to +100 °CFor water and seawater, max. 80°C.Vibration resistanceVibration-stable in the range 2-30 Hz,amplitude 1.1 mm og 30-300 Hz, 4 G.EnclosureIP 67 to IEC 529 an DIN 40050.The pressure switch housing is enamelled pressure die cast aluminium (GD-AlSi 12).The cover is fastened by four screws which are anchored to prevent loss.The enclosure can be sealed with wire.Cable entryPg 13.5 for cable diameters from 5 to 14 mm.IdentificationThe type designation and code no. of the unit is stamped in the side of the housing.Mean value of snap point variation after 400 000 operationsFig. 4. d.c.-loadCurve A gives the maximum load.Hatched area B: Acceptable load for the gold plating of the contact.Materials in contact with the mediumBellows capsule:Deep-drawn plate,material no. 1.0524 (DIN 1624)KPS 31, 33Bellows:Stainless steel,material no. 1.4306 (DIN 17440).Pressure connection:Steel C20,material no. 1.0420 (DIN 1652)KPS 35, 37,39Bellows:Stainless steel,material no. 1.4306 (DIN 17440)Pressure connection:Brass,W.No. 2.0401 (DIN 17660)KPS 43, 45, 47Diaphragm capsule:Nickel-plated brass,DIN 50 968 Cu/Ni 5 (DIN 1756)Diaphragm:Nitrile-Butadien rubberApprovals Ship approvalsEN 60 947-4-1EN 60 947-5-1Det norske Veritas, Norway American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping, UKFGermanischer Lloyd, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)Bureau Veritas, FranceIncludes thermostats with fixed sensor and pressure controls with armoured capillary tube.Registro Italiano Navale, ItalyU Underwriters Laboratories Inc., USA PPolski Rejestr Statków, PolandMRS, Maritime Register of Shipping,RussiaNippon Kaiji Kyokai, J apan5DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSAccessoriesPartDescriptionCode no.G 3/8 connector, nipple and washer Connector with nipple(10 mm) o.d. x 6.5 mm i.d.), for 017-4368brazingG 3/8 connector, nipple and washer Connector with nipple (10 mm o.d. x 6.5 mm i.d.) for 017-4229weldingReducerG 3/8 x 7/16 - 20 UNF (1/4 flare) reduction with washer017-4205AdaptorG 3/8 x 1/8 - 27 NPT with washer060-3334NippleR 3/8 o.d x 7/16 - 20 UNF (1/4 flare)060-3240NippleG 3/8 A - 1/4 NPT with washer060-3335AdaptorG 3/8 x 1/4 - 18 NPT with washer 060-3336G 1/4 A x G 3/8 A060-3332NippleG 1/4 A x o.d. M10 x 1 with washer 060-3338Damping coil with 1/4 flare connectors and 1 m copper capillary tube. Damping coils used for applications with 3/8 RG Damping coil connector requires the use of 060-0071reducer.For informations about capillary tube lengths, please contact DanfossDamping coilDamping coil with G 3/8 connectors and 1.5 m copper capillary tube060-1047Damping coil with G 3/8 connectors and Armoured damping coil1 m armoured copper capillary tube.060-3333Standard washers included.Dimensions and weightWeight:KPS 31 - 39 approx. 1.0 kg KPS 43 - 47 approx. 1.3 kg6DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02 Danfoss A/S 10-20037DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSFig. 10Function1. KPS 31Contacts 1-2 make and contacts 1-4 break when the pressure falls under the set range value. The contacts changeover to their initial position when the pressure again rises to the set range value plus the differential (see fig. 8).I. Alarm for falling pressure given at the set range value.II. Alarm for rising pressure given at the set range value plus the differential.Scale setting2. All other KPS pressure switchesContacts 1-4 make and contacts 1-2 break when the pressure rises above the set range value. The contacts changeover to their initial position when the pressure again fails to the range value minus the differential (see fig. 9).I. Alarm for rising pressure given at the set range value.II. Alarm for falling pressure given at the set range value minus the differential.Scale settingExample 1An alarm must be given when the lubricating oil pressure in a motor fails below 0.8 bar.The alarm is in the form of a lamp.Choose a KPS 31 (range 0 to 2.5 bar).The minimum permissible lubricating oil pressure of 0.8 bar must be set on the range spindle. The differential is fixed at 0.1 bar, i.e.the alarm will not cut out before the pressure rises to 0.9 bar. The lamp must be connected to terminals 1 and 2 in the pressure control.Example 2An alarm must be given by a bell when the pressure in a boiler rises to 10 bar. The normal operating pressure is 9 bar.Choose a KPS 36 (range from 6 to 18 bar).The range value of the pressure control must be set at 10 bar, the differential at 1 bar.The bell must be connected to terminals 1and 4.Example 3The pressure in a start air reservoir must be regulated with a compressor controlled by a KPS pressure switch so that it lies between 30 and 36 bar.Choose a KPS 45 (range 4 to 40 bar).The range value must be set at 36 bar.The differential of 6 bar must be set in accordance with the nomogram, fig. 10, at approx. 2 on the differential scale.The required start function is obtained by connection to terminals 1 and 2 in the pressure control.Mechanical differential Mechanical differentialFig. 8Fig. 98DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSEN 60 947-4-1EN 60 947-5-1–10- 30 3-10 80 65 75 110 160 2060L3112 060L3113 KPS 7620- 603-14130-75---060L3118KPS 7720- 603-14130--110--060L3100KPS 7720- 603-14130--160-060L3136KPS 7720- 603-1413065751101602-060L3101060L3102KPS 7720- 603-14130--1101605060L3119060L3120KPS 7750-1004-16200 -75---060L3121KPS 7950-1004-16200--110-060L3103KPS 7950-1004-16200160060L3137KPS 7950-1004-1620065751101602060L3104060L3105KPS 7950-1004-16200--1101605060L3122060L3123KPS 7950-1004-16200--1101608060L3124060L3125KPS 7950-1004-16200-751101603060L3143KPS 7950-1009200-75---060L31411)KPS 7970-120 4.5-18220-75---060L3126KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220--110--060L3127KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220---160-060L3138KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220---200-060L3157KPS 8070-120 4.5-1822065751101602060L3128060L3129KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220-751101603060L3156KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220--1101605060L3130060L3131KPS 8070-120 4.5-18220--1101608060L3132060L3133KPS 8060-1505-2525065751101602060L3106060L3107KPS 8160-1505-25250--1101605060L3134060L3135KPS 8160-1505-252501101608060L3111KPS 8160-1505-25250200060L3110KPS 81100-2006.5-3030065751101602060L3108060L3109KPS 83100-2001830065751101602060L31391)060L31401)KPS 83Thermostats, introductionKPS thermostats are temperature-controlled switches. The position of the contacts depends on the temperature of the sensor and the set scale value. In this series, special attention has been given to meeting demands for : a high level of enclosure,robust and compact construction, resistance to shock and vibration.The KPS series covers most outdoor as well as indoor application requirements.KPS thermostats are suitable for use inmonitoring, alarm and regulation systems in factories, diesel plant, compressors, power stations and on board ship.KPS with rigid sensorKPS with remote sensorKPS with remote sensor and armoured capillary tube Approvals 1) Thermostat with max. reset.When ordering, please state type and code numberTechnical data and ordering Ship approvalsDet norske Veritas, Norway American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping, UK F Germanischer Lloyd, Federal Republicof Germany (FRG)Bureau Veritas, FranceIncludes thermostats with fixed sensor and pressure controls with armoured capillary tube.U Underwriters Laboratories Inc., USA Registro Italiano Navale, Italy PPolski Rejestr Statków, PolandMRS, Maritime Register of Shipping,RussiaNippon Kaiji Kyokai, J apanCode nos.Mech.Max.Suitable Cap.Setting diff.sensor sensor length Tube Typerangeadjustable/temp.(see also lengthfixed“Accessories”)°C °C °C m m m9DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSKPS 76:±3 °C KPS 80:±3 °C KPS 77:±3 °C KPS 81:±6 °C KPS 79:±3 °CKPS 83:±6 °CFig. 1Curve A gives the maximum load.Hatched area B: Acceptable load for the gold plating of the contact.Contact load (Alternating current):Ohmic:10 A, 440 V, AC-1Inductive: 6 A, 440 V, AC-34 A, 440 V, AC-15Starting current max. 50 A (locked rotor)Ambient temperature –40 to +70 °C Vibration resistanceVibration-stable in the range 2-30 Hz,amplitude 1.1 mm og 30-300 Hz, 4 G.EnclosureIP 67 to IEC 529 and DIN 40050.The thermostat housing is enamelled pres-sure die cast aluminium (GID-AlSi 12). The cover is fastened by four screws which are anchored to prevent loss.The enclosure can be sealed with fuse wire.Cable entryPg 13.5 for cable diameters from 5 to 14 mm.IdentificationThe type designation and code no. of the unit is stamped in the side of the housing,Scale accuracySnap point variation after 400 000 operations.KPS 76-83: max. drift 2 °C.SwitchSingle-pole changeover switch (SPDT).Contact material: Gold-plated silver contact.Direct current: 12 W, 220 V, DC-13 – See fig. 1Accessories: Sensor pockets Sensor A Thread Code no.Sensor A Thread Code no.for KPS-thermostats pocket m m Bpocket m m B Brass651/2 NPT060L3265751/2 NPT 060L3264Steel 18/875G 1/2 A060L326775G 1/2 A 060L3262 Brass75G 3/4 A060L326675G 1/2 A (ISO 228/1)060L328175G 3/4 A (ISO 228/1)060L34041101/2 NPT 060L3280Steel 18/8110G 1/2 A 060L3268110G 1/2 A060L32711101/2 NPT 060L3270Brass110G 1/2 A (ISO 228/1)060L3406110G 3/4 A (ISO 228/1)060L3403160G 1/2 A060L3263Steel 18/8160G 1/2 A 060L3269Brass160G 1/2 A (ISO 228/1)060L3407160G 3/4 A (ISO 228/1)060L3405200G 1/2 A060L3206Steel 18/8200G 1/2 A 060L3237Brass 200G 1/2 A (ISO 228/1)060L3408200G 3/4 A 060L3238200G 3/4 A (ISO 228/1)060L3402Brass 250G 1/2 A 060L3254Brass 330G 1/2 A 060L3255Brass 400G 1/2 A 060L3256Brass500G 1/2 A060L3257Part DescriptionNo. of per unitCode no.Clamping bandFor KPS thermostats with remote sensor (L = 392 mm)X017-4204For KPS thermostats with sensor fitted in a sensor pocket.Heat-conductive Compound for filling sensor pocket to improve heat transfer As required 041E0110compound between pocket and sensor. Application range for compound:(4.5 cm 2 tube)–20 to +150 °C, momentarily up to 220°C.Supplied without gland nut,gaskets and washer10DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02 Danfoss A/S 10-200311DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02Danfoss A/S 10-2003Pressure switches and thermostats, type KPSKPS 76–10 - +30 1.1KPS 7720 - 60 1.0 1.4KPS 7950 - 100 1.5 2.2 2.9KPS 8070 - 120 8160 - 150 3.7KPS 83100 - 2006.2Scale correctionThe sensor on KPS thermostats contains an adsorption charge. Therefore function is not affected whether the sensor is placed warmer or colder than the remaining part of thethermostatic element (bellows and capillary tube). However, such a charge is to some extent sensitive to changes in thetemperature and bellows and capillary tube.Under normal conditions this is of noimportance, but if the thermostat is to be used in extreme ambient temperatures there will be a scale deviation. The deviation can be compensated for as follows:Scale correction = Z × aZ can be found from fig. 4, while a is the correction factor from the table below.Correction factor a Regulation for thermostats Typerangewith with with rigid 2 and 5 m 8 m °Csensor cap.tube cap.tubeRelative scale setting in %Electrical connectionKPS thermostats are fitted with a Pg 13.5screwed cable entry suitable for cables from 5 to 14 mm. GL approval is conditional on the use of a ship’s cable entry.Contact function is shown in Fig. 5ExamplesExample 1A diesel engine with cooling watertemperature of 85 °C (normal). An alarm must be triggered if the cooling water temperature exceeds 95 °C.Choose a KPS 80 thermostat (range 70 to 120 °C).Main spindle setting: 95 °C.Differential spindle setting: 5 °C.The required alarm function is obtained by connecting to thermostat terminals 1-4. After the system has been in operation, assess the operating differential and make a correction if necessary.Example 2Find the necessary scale correction for a KPS 80 set at 95 °C in 50 °C ambient temperature.The relative scale setting Z can be calculated from the following formula:Setting value – min. scale value max. scale value – min. scale valueRelative scale setting: 95 – 70× 100 = 50%120 – 70Factor for scale deviation Z (fig. 4 page 11),Z ≅ 0.7Correction factor a (table under fig. 4page 11) = 2.4Scale correction = Z × a = 0.7 × 2.4 = 1.7 °C The KPS must be set at 95 + 1.7 = 96.7 °CScale deviation factorFig. 4Fig. 5× 100 = %12DKACT.PD.P10.E2.02 Danfoss A/S 10-2003。