一体化污染物处理设备运营调试方案双良商达一体化污染物处理设备运营调试方案(完整版)双良商达1. 背景随着环境保护意识的不断提高和世界各国对环境污染的严格管控,一体化污染物处理设备的需求逐渐增加。
2. 设备运营调试方案2.1 设备安装在进行设备安装前,应仔细阅读设备安装手册,并在合适的地点准备好安装所需的基础设施。
2.2 设备接通电源将设备与电源连接前,请确保电源和设备的电气参数匹配,并按照设备说明书连接电源。
2.3 调试设备设备接通电源后,应进行设备的调试工作。
调试过程中,注意以下几点:- 检查设备各部件是否正常工作,如管道、阀门、传感器等。
- 检查设备控制系统的运行情况,确保各参数设置正确。
- 检查设备的传动系统,确保传动链条流畅无阻。
2.4 运行设备设备调试完成后,进入设备的运行阶段。
在设备运行过程中,需要进行以下操作:- 监测设备各部件运行状态,及时发现并处理异常情况。
- 定期检查设备的维护情况,如清洗设备、更换滤芯等。
- 根据设备处理效果以及实际需求,调整设备的运行参数,以达到最佳的处理效果。
3. 管理与维护3.1 设备管理为了确保设备的长期稳定运行,需进行设备的管理工作。
主要包括:- 编制设备管理手册,明确设备管理责任和流程。
- 建立设备档案,记录设备的基本信息和运行情况。
- 定期进行设备巡检和保养工作,确保设备良好的运行状态。
3.2 故障排除与维修设备运行过程中可能出现故障情况,需要进行及时的排除和维修。
以下是故障排除与维修的一般步骤:1. 确认故障现象并记录。
2. 根据设备手册进行故障诊断,查找可能的原因。
ConfigED Lite产品手册和ConfigLite 5.x一起使用○c欧陆传动有限公司 2002版权所有权力均受到严格保护。
美国印制 RG352747 第六期ConfigED Lite 手册目录第一章 绪论什么是ConfigEDLite ?..................................................................................................................................1 - 1 离线配置..............................................................................................................................................................1 - 1 计算机兼容性.................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 2 第二章 操作 拆包指令..............................................................................................................................................................2 - 1 特殊处理..............................................................................................................................................................2 - 1 第三章 安装与设置安装步骤..............................................................................................................................................................3 - 1 与驱动器通讯....................................................................................................................................................3 - 4 第四章 创建配置打开一个默认配置...........................................................................................................................................4 - 1 显示此配置.........................................................................................................................................................4 - 2 配置参数..............................................................................................................................................................4 - 3 显示参数..............................................................................................................................................................4 - 3 改变参数..............................................................................................................................................................4 - 4 实现连接..............................................................................................................................................................4 - 4 排列功能块.........................................................................................................................................................4 - 5 保存配置..............................................................................................................................................................4 - 6 打开当前配置......................................................................................................................................................4 -7 安装配置...............................................................................................................................................................4 -7 使用“Get lnfo” ....................................................................................................................................................4 -7 安装配置...............................................................................................................................................................4 -8 更新配置...............................................................................................................................................................4 -8 建立配置模块......................................................................................................................................................4 -9 打印配置...............................................................................................................................................................4 -9 第五章 文件配置文件配置...............................................................................................................................................................5 -1 检查文件...............................................................................................................................................................5 -1 打印文件列表.....................................................................................................................................................5 –2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ConfigED Lite 手册 目录-1ConfigED Lite 手册第六章 高级特征模型........................................................................................................................................................................6 -1 建立模型...............................................................................................................................................................6 -1 自动数据录入......................................................................................................................................................6 -3 第七章 故障诊断通信问题...............................................................................................................................................................7 -1 不匹配的波特率.................................................................................................................................................7 -1 波特率设置过高.................................................................................................................................................7 -1 错误的通信端口.................................................................................................................................................7 -1 驱动器P3模式设置错误..................................................................................................................................7 -1 错误信息...............................................................................................................................................................7 -2 第八章 参考功能模块...............................................................................................................................................................8 -1 内部表格链接......................................................................................................................................................8 -1 组合的链接..........................................................................................................................................................8 -2 制图........................................................................................................................................................................8 -3 制图工具...............................................................................................................................................................8 -4 显示选项...............................................................................................................................................................8 -6 详解制图...............................................................................................................................................................8 -6 便条.................................................................................................................................................8 -6 第九章 附录菜单........................................................................................................................................................................9 -1 文件........................................................................................................................................................................9 -1 编辑........................................................................................................................................................................9 -1 命令........................................................................................................................................................................9 -1 窗口........................................................................................................................................................................9 -2 字体........................................................................................................................................................................9 -2 格式........................................................................................................................................................................9 -2 帮助........................................................................................................................................................................9 –2 _______________________________________________________________________________目录-2 ConfigED Lite 手册第一章绪论第一章绪论什么是ConfigED Lite?ConfigED Lite(CE Lite)是一种用来配置欧陆控制器的软件工具。
二、慢车调试 .................................................................................5
2.1、检修模式运行条件检查 .................................................................5 2.2、观察 LMCB 板上的指示灯,检查输入信号是否正确。 ........................................6 2.3 主机定位 ..............................................................................6 2.4、主要慢车参数 .........................................................................7 2.5、慢车常见问题分析 .....................................................................7
三、LMCB 部分参数 ............................................................................7
3.1 基本参数 .......................................................................................................................................................................8 3.2、编码器参数在 M3-3-1-1................................................................10 3.3、电机设置参数在 M3-3-1-4..............................................................11 3.4、设定驱动器配置参数 M3-3-1-5..........................................................12 3.5 、M3-3-1-6=TIMING 设定驱动器配置参数。 ................................................12 3.6、M3-3-1-9=ENHACED,设定增强参数。 ....................................................13 3.7 、M3-3-1-0=LEVEL,设定平层参数 ........................................................14 3.8、M3-3-5=LOAD 设定起动力矩参数 ......................................................1
六、整机工作流程:(见附图五、图六、图七)七、工作原理在触摸屏上按启动按钮后,装置进行复位,当装置复位到位后,由PLC启动送料电机驱动放料盘旋转,物料由送料盘滑到物料检测位置,物料检测光电传感器检测:如果送料电机运行一分钟后,物料检测光电传感器仍未检测到物料,则说明送料机构已经无料或故障,这时要报警:当物料检测光电传感器检测到有物料,将给PLC发出信号,由PLC驱动机械手臂伸出手爪下降抓物,然后手爪提升臂缩回,手臂向右旋转到右限位,气爪松开,将物料放到传送带上,落料口的物料检测传感器检测到物料后启动传送带输送物料,同时机械手按原来位置返回,进行下一个流程:传感器则根据物料的材料特性、颜色等特征进行辨别,分别由PLC 控制相应电磁阀使气缸动作,对物料进行分拣。
一体机 控制系统 控制柜 调试手册 蓝光
第一次上电,在做参数与角度自学习前需要设置的参数:参数符号参数名称设置方法建议值F0-00 总楼层按照现场实际情况设置,有多少门区开关,就设置多少层。
无F1-00 电梯额定速度按照现场实际情况填写。
无F1-01 电机转速按照现场实际情况填写。
无F1-02 编码器脉冲数设置依据为F8-00/F8-01。
无F1-16 零速阀值一般情况同步机设置为1,异步机设置为5。
无F1-29 称重使能如使用蓝光称重,此项必须设置为1。
无F5-00 电机类型按照实际情况填写:外转子同步机设置为0,内转子同步机设置为2,异步机设置为1。
无F5-01 电机极数按照实际情况填写。
无F5-02 电机同步频率按照电机铭牌填写无F5-03 电机额定功率按照电机铭牌填写无F5-04 电机额定转速按照电机铭牌填写无F5-05 反电动势按照电机铭牌填写无F5-06 电机相电感在已知情况下可以手动填写,如不知道、可以通过进行电机参数自学习获得。
(如使用蓝光曳引机,则可以获得此参数)无F5-07 电机相电阻在已知情况下可以手动填写,如不知道、可以通过进行电机参数自学习获得。
(如使用蓝光曳引机,则可以获得此参数)无F5-08 电机额定电流按照电机铭牌填写无F5-09 空载电流异步机专用参数,同步机无需设置。
F5-10 滑差异步机专用参数,同步机无需设置,按照实际设置即可。
F6-03 运行方向选择按照现场实际的曳引机安装方向进行选择,面对曳引轮逆时针旋转,轿箱下行,设置为0;反之设置为1。
F6-04 速度环比例使用8192线编码器使用出厂值,1387编码器设置800即可。
220 F6-05 速度环积分使用8192线编码器使用出厂值,1387编码器设置350即可。
110 F8-00 编码器线数按照现场实际情况设置F8-01 PG分频系数通常使用8192线编码器时设置为4,使用1024线或则更少线数编码器时设置为1。
主要工程内容有取水泵船、沉淀过滤一体化净水设备,2000 m3钢结构清水池、加药间、消毒间、配电房、附属用房、DN600原水输水管、DN300排水管及DN800出厂水总管等设施。
FS18 火灾报警系统调试维护手册FS18火灾报警系统调试维护手册FD18 现场设备FC18火灾报警控制器(联动型)JB-TGZL-FC18R火灾报警控制器(联动型)版本:V02.0FS18 火灾报警系统调试维护手册西门子西伯乐斯电子有限公司保留此手册最终解释权。
西门子西伯乐斯电子有限公司版权所有,Copyright © 2006-2009FS18 火灾报警系统调试维护手册目录1概述 (1)2安全 (3)2.1安全提示 (3)2.2安全操作规程 (3)3系统设计 (4)3.1FS18系统示意图 (4)3.2探测回路拓扑结构 (5)3.3隔离模块应用规则 (6)3.4负载因子计算 (8)3.5传输距离 ····································································································································错误!未定义书签。
中国铁建大桥工程局集团有限公司施工过程控制标准化管理手册(电务分册)编号:综合自动化系统安装调试作业指导书编制:黄晓辉审核:批准:2016年 4 月15 日发布2016年 4 月16 日实施中国铁建大桥工程局集团有限公司目录1.编制依据 (1)2.适用范围 (1)3. 作业准备 (1)3.1技术准备 (1)3.2工器具及设备资料准备 (1)4. 技术要求 (1)5. 人员组织 (2)6. 主要机具设备 (2)7. 材料要求 (2)8. 综合自动化系统安装调试作业流程图 (3)9. 施工作业程序及标准要求 (3)9.1施工准备 (3)9.2开工 (3)9.3作业内容及工艺要求 (3)10. 质量控制要点 (5)11. 常见问题及处理方法 (5)11.1断路器或者电动隔离开关无法合闸的原因及处理方法 (5)11.2控制盘上位置信号灯与实际机构位置不符的原因及处理办法 (5)11.3保护无法正常启动的原因及处理方法 (6)12. 安全及环保要求 (6)12.1安全要求 (6)12.2环保要求 (6)13. 估算指标 (6)综合自动化系统安装调试作业指导书1.编制依据《继电保护及电网安全自动装置技术规程》 GB14258-93《电力系统调度自动化运行管理规程》 DL/T516-93《静态继电保护及安全自动装置通用技术条件》 DL478-92《微机线路保护装置通用技术条件》 GB/T15145-94《远动设备及系统第5部分传输规约第101篇基本远动任务配套标准》 DL/T634-1997《远动设备及系统第5部分传输规约第103篇继电保护设备信息接口配套标准》 DL/T667-1999 《远动设备及系统接口电气特性》 GB/T16435.1-1996《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》 GB/T13730-92《铁路工程施工安全技术规程》 TB10401.1-2003综合测控装置技术说明书、使用说明书2.适用范围适用于变、配电所综合自动化系统安装调试。
变频器 电机频率
参数 电机电压
速度环 零速 P
速度环 零速 I
3:有速度传感器矢量控制 0:异步,1:同步 电机额定功率 电机额定电流 电机额定频率 电机额定电压 电机额定级数 0:增量型,1:正余弦 零速 PID 调节增益 P 零速 PID 调节增益 I
基 本 参 消防层
运行参 数
脉冲数 检修速度 启动速度
输入低电平(NO)有效,输入高电平(NC)有效 电机额定速度 电机额定转速 “0”为运行同向,“1”运行反向 编码器脉冲数
变频器 参数
变频器额定电压 参数功能选择 电流环 P
电流环 I
设置为 3 时可以查看电流环 P,I 参数
三、LED 灯说明
(1)液晶调试板 LED 灯功能定义 L0 监控指示,使用无轿厢调试板时,无通讯就闪烁 L1 状态指示,快闪正常,慢闪故障,中速闪自学习 L2 有反馈速度就亮 L3 厅门锁 L4 安全回路 L5 召唤,外呼有通讯就闪 L6 总门锁 L7 并联,群控有通讯就闪 L8 自动/检修 其中 L9-L19 设置如下(基本参数中 LED 选择): ●设为“0”: L9~L19 显示 X0~X10; ●设为“1”: L9~L19 显示 X11~X21; ●设为“2”: L9~L19 显示 X22~X32(中间的 X28,X29 空缺)。
1. 设备概述- 本设备为XXX型号,是一款高性能XXX设备,具有XXX 功能和特点。
2. 设备组装- 在使用设备前,请确保已经完成设备的组装。
3. 设备接通电源- 在接通电源前,请检查电源线和插头是否完好,避免因插头接触不良导致电击或设备故障。
4. 设备操作- 在使用设备时,请务必仔细阅读设备操作说明书,了解设备的各项功能和操作步骤。
5. 设备维护- 定期对设备进行清洁和维护,保持设备的良好状态和长久的使用寿命。
6. 安全注意事项- 使用设备时请注意安全,避免触电、火灾等意外事故。
7. 使用注意事项- 请勿将设备放置在潮湿、高温或有腐蚀性气体的环境中;请勿随意更改设备内部结构或接触设备内部部件;请勿使用不符合规定的电源和配件。
8. 保修政策- 关于设备的保修政策,请根据购买时的合同和保修条款进行了解,保持购买凭证和保修卡等相关文件。
环境监测设备安装与调试操作手册第一章环境监测设备安装概述 (3)1.1 设备安装前的准备工作 (3)1.2 设备安装的基本流程 (3)第二章设备选型与配置 (4)2.1 设备选型原则 (4)2.1.1 实用性原则 (4)2.1.2 先进性原则 (4)2.1.3 经济性原则 (4)2.1.4 安全性原则 (4)2.2 设备配置要求 (4)2.2.1 监测参数配置 (4)2.2.2 传感器配置 (5)2.2.3 数据采集与传输配置 (5)2.2.4 数据处理与分析配置 (5)2.2.5 设备维护与故障排除配置 (5)2.2.6 环境适应性配置 (5)第三章设备安装现场准备 (5)3.1 现场环境要求 (5)3.1.1 场地要求 (5)3.1.2 电力要求 (5)3.1.3 通讯要求 (6)3.1.4 安全要求 (6)3.2 设备安装工具与材料准备 (6)3.2.1 工具准备 (6)3.2.2 材料准备 (6)第四章设备安装操作 (6)4.1 设备安装步骤 (6)4.1.1 准备工作 (6)4.1.2 设备安装 (7)4.1.3 设备调试 (7)4.2 设备安装注意事项 (7)4.2.1 保证设备安装环境符合要求,避免设备在恶劣环境下运行,影响设备寿命; (7)4.2.2 安装过程中,注意设备固定牢固,避免设备在运行过程中产生晃动,影响数据采集; (7)4.2.3 连接设备电源时,保证电源电压稳定,避免电压波动对设备造成损坏; (7)4.2.4 连接设备与其他相关设备时,注意接口匹配,避免接口不匹配导致设备无法正常运行; (7)4.2.5 设备调试过程中,遵循调试步骤,逐步调整设备参数,避免因操作不当导致设备损坏; (7)4.2.6 调试完成后,对设备进行检查,保证设备各项功能指标达到预期要求; (8)4.2.7 定期对设备进行检查和维护,保证设备长期稳定运行。
(8)第五章传感器安装与接线 (8)5.1 传感器安装方法 (8)5.1.1 准备工作 (8)5.1.2 安装步骤 (8)5.2 传感器接线要求 (8)5.2.1 接线准备 (8)5.2.2 接线步骤 (8)5.2.3 接线注意事项 (9)第六章数据采集器安装与调试 (9)6.1 数据采集器安装方法 (9)6.1.1 准备工作 (9)6.1.2 安装步骤 (9)6.2 数据采集器调试操作 (10)6.2.1 初始化设置 (10)6.2.2 调试操作 (10)6.2.3 调试注意事项 (10)第七章数据传输设备安装与调试 (10)7.1 数据传输设备安装方法 (10)7.1.1 准备工作 (10)7.1.2 安装步骤 (11)7.1.3 安装注意事项 (11)7.2 数据传输设备调试操作 (11)7.2.1 调试前准备 (11)7.2.2 调试步骤 (11)7.2.3 调试注意事项 (11)第八章系统集成与调试 (12)8.1 系统集成方法 (12)8.1.1 系统集成概述 (12)8.1.2 系统集成步骤 (12)8.1.3 系统集成注意事项 (12)8.2 系统调试操作 (12)8.2.1 系统调试概述 (12)8.2.2 系统调试步骤 (13)8.2.3 系统调试注意事项 (13)第九章设备维护与故障处理 (13)9.1 设备维护方法 (13)9.1.1 定期检查与保养 (13)9.1.2 清洁与保养 (13)9.1.3 软件维护 (14)9.2 故障处理流程 (14)9.2.1 故障分类 (14)9.2.2 故障处理步骤 (14)9.2.3 故障处理注意事项 (14)第十章环境监测设备安装与调试安全措施 (15)10.1 安全操作规程 (15)10.1.1 检查设备 (15)10.1.2 保证操作环境安全 (15)10.1.3 操作人员安全 (15)10.1.4 设备安装与调试操作 (15)10.2 应急处理措施 (15)10.2.1 设备故障应急处理 (15)10.2.2 突发事件应急处理 (16)10.2.3 环境污染应急处理 (16)第一章环境监测设备安装概述环境监测设备作为保障环境安全和提高环境质量的重要工具,其安装与调试工作。
EVBUM2716/D 500 W, Wide-Mains,NCP1618A-driven Evaluation Board User's ManualIntroductionThe NCP1618A is an innovative multimode power factor controller [1]. The circuit naturally transitions from one operation mode (CCM,CrM or DCM) to another depending on the switching period duration so that the efficiency is optimized over the line/load range. In very light−load conditions, the circuit enters the soft−SKIP mode for minimized losses. Housed in a SO−9 package, the circuit further incorporates the features necessary for building robust and compact PFC stages, with few external components.The evaluation board is a 500 W wide−mains PFC stage.EVB ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSDescriptionValue Units Input Voltage Range90−265V rms Line Frequency Range 45 to 66Hz Output Power500W Minimum Output Load Current 13mA Maximum Output Load Current1300mA Load Conditions For Efficiency Measurements (10%, 20%,..)10−100%Minimum Efficiency Over the Line/Load Range 94%Minimum PF Over The Line Range At Full Load95%Hold−Up Time (the output voltage remaining above 300 V)> 20ms Peak−To−Peak Low Frequency Output Ripple< 8%Note that the evaluation board does not need an external source to power the NCP1618A V CC . A charge pump is implemented on the board which typically provides V CC with a 23−V voltage.EVAL BOARD USER’S MANUALTHE BOARDFigure 1. The Wide−Mains, 500 W PFC StageAPPLICATION SCHEMATICPower SectionFigure 2. Power Section of the Application Schematic90−265 VrmsFigure 2 shows the power section of the application schematic. Charge pump (R 1, C 11, D Z1) provides the V CC voltage using an auxiliary winding of the PFC choke. Two ON Semiconductor FCPF165N65 MOSFETS (Q 1a and Q 1b ) are paralleled [2]. A Silicon Carbide Schottky diode (SiC) FFSPF0865A from ON Semiconductor is used as the boost diode [3]. An NTC is placed in series with the bulk capacitor C 4 to limit inrush currents when the PFC stage is plugged in. MOSFET Q 2 (FCA76N60 − 600 V , 36 m Ω,TO−3P MOSFET from ON Semiconductor [4]) is implemented to bypass the NTC when the bulk capacitor is charged. Practically, the drive voltage and a V CC charge pump output are applied to Q 2 gate so that Q 2 is on and the NTC bypassed as soon as the PFC stage is in operation. The evaluation board supports the use of a totem pole (Q 3, Q 4)to shorten the MOSFET transitions. However, if the pnp transistor (Q 4) is implemented to speed−up the turning off event, in this application, npn transistor Q 3 is not used (only its base−emitter junction is used as a diode for turning on current).Control SectionFigure 3. Control Section of the Application SchematicPin 5 of the NCP1618 is designed to monitor a signal from an auxiliary winding for detecting the core reset when this voltage drops to zero. This function ensures valley turn on in discontinuous and critical conduction modes (DCM and CrM). This pin can also be used to detect an over−voltage condition of the bulk voltage, hence offering a redundant OVP protection (OVP2). However, as detailed in [5] direct sensing of the bulk voltage for OVP2 may cause too much a power dissipation when an ultra−low standby consumption is targeted. That is why this board instead uses the auxiliary winding voltage to reconstruct a voltage representative of the bulk voltage. More specifically, charge pump R2, C10 and D5 of Figure 2 provides a signal representative of the drain−source voltage of the MOSFET (N*V DS), where N is the turns ratio (auxiliary winding number of turns / primary winding number of turns). This voltage biases the ZCD circuitry and as it is equal to (N*V BULK) during the demagnetization phase, it is sensed for OVP2. Components R5, C7 and D9 clamps reconstructed (N*V DS) signal to prevent that when the circuit starts or restarts operation after an interruption, an incorrect initial value of the C10 voltage causes OVP2 spurious tripping. See [5] for more details.Circuitry for Soft−SKIP TestingFigure 4. Circuitry for Soft−SKIP Mode TestingS1Manual switchThe NCP1618A is designed to enter the soft−SKIP mode at very light load. Soft−SKIP minimizes losses by forcing a very low frequency burst−mode of operation. First, the circuit charges the output voltage to 103% of its nominal voltage and at that moment, enters a deep idle mode where no DRV pulses are generated and all non−necessary circuitries are turned off so that the circuit consumption is reduced to a minimum (250 m A typically). The circuit wakes up and restarts a new active burst cycle when the output voltage has dropped to 98% of its nominal level. In other words, as illustrated by Figure 17a, the output voltage swings between 103% and 98% of its nominal value. The NCP1618A can be externally forced to enter the soft−SKIP mode by grounding the V M pin or applying negative pulses on the pfcOK pin (refer to [1] for more details). In the absence of a downstream converter, the circuit of Figure 4can be used to provide the soft−SKIP signal. A square−wave signal varying between about 0 and an upper voltage of 5 to 15 V should be applied to the SKIP_control2 input of the board. According to the position of manual switch S 1, either the V M or the pfcOK pin will be used for controlling the soft−SKIP mode.Important Remark:Proposed circuitry was designed to illustrate the NCP1618 operation. It should not be re−used in practical applications as is unless appropriate verifications are made to check that it can meet reliability and safety requirements and comply with relevant norms. In particular, the inrush management circuitry may not be re−used if risks exist that the NTC is not properly shorted when the PFC stage starts switching. If the NTC is not shorted, the V OUT voltage will be the sum of the bulk capacitor voltage plus the voltage produced by the inductor current across the NTC (V C4 + (R NTC * I L )) and in this case, too high a (R NTC * I L ) voltage can be destructive for the application. It must be also noted that the inrush management circuitry increases the current loop when the boost stage fuels the bulk capacitor,making the layout less optimal for very high−speed switching operation, particularly with high t RR boost diodes.TYPICAL WAVEFORMSFigure 5 shows the line current at 115 V rms and at below different load levels:•At full load, the NCP1618 operates in CCM.•At 50% of the load, the system operates in critical conduction mode•At 40% of the load, the 130 kHz frequency clamp starts to trip (Frequency−clamped critical conduction mode)leading to critical conduction mode operation at the top of the sinusoid and valley−2 operation near the line zero crossing as illustrated by Figure 6.•At 20% load, the NCP1618 frequency foldback makesthe PFC stage operate at nearly 30 kHz. Note that the circuit continues turning on at the valley and that the number of valleys depends on the line instantaneous voltage. For instance, the number of skipped valleys is high at the top of the sinusoid where the resonant period is short while turn on in the second valley is obtained at the line zero crossing where the resonant period is long. See Figure 7. However, the NCP1618always turns on at the valley as long as valleys are detectable.Figure 5. Line Current at 115 V rmsa)115 V rms, Full load (1.30 A)b)115 V rms, 50% load (0.65 A)c)115 V rms, 40% load (0.52 A)d)115 V rms, 20% load (0.26 A)V outI LINE (2 A/div)I LINE (5A/div)I LINE (2 A/div)I LINE (5A/div)V outV outV outFigure 6. Operation at 115 V rms, 40% Loada)Top of the sinusoid b)Near the line zero crossingI LINEV out V DSI LINEV outV DSFigure 7. Low Frequency Operation at 115 V rms, 20% Loada)Top of the sinusoid b)Near the line zero crossingI LINE V outV DSI LINEV outV DSCCM OperationThe transition point is measured by increasing /decreasing the load by 1 mA steps.Line rms voltageLoad current for exiting CCMLoad current for entering CCM90 V524 mA 610 mA 115 V 779 mA 893 mA 150 V 1034 mA 1205 mA 180 V 1133 mA 1460 mA 230 V 888 mA 1021 mA 265 V798 mA922 mABoard Performance•EfficiencyThe efficiency is measured on an automated bench at 90V rms, 115 V rms, 230 V rms and 265 V rms. After a 30−mn warm−up time at full load, the load is decreased from1.30 A down to 0.13 A by 0.13−A steps. The measure is made after 5 mn of operation at the operating point under test.Figure 8. Efficiency vs. LoadThe efficiency remains above 94% from 10% to 100% of the load at the 4 tested line levels (90 V rms, 115 V rms,230V rms and 265 V rms).•Power Factor and THDPower factor and THD are measured over the load range.Practically, the load current is swept starting from 1300 mA to 130 mA with 130 mA steps.Figure 9. PF and THD versus Loada)Power factor (PF)b)Total harmonic distortion (THD)On the 20% to 100% load range, the power factor remains higher than 0.9 and the THD well below 20% at the four tested line levels.Startup SequencesWhen the board is plugged in, the circuit first turns on the internal high−voltage start−up current source to charge up the VCC capacitor. When V CC reaches V CC (on ) (17 Vtypically), operation can begin and the PFC stage starts to deliver energy. When the bulk capacitor is charged to 98%of its nominal voltage, the pfcOK pin turns high to enable the downstream converter. As indicated in the data sheet, a 100m F V CC capacitor is typically charged from 0 to V CC (on )in about 215 ms. The total V CC capacitance of our board being 220 m F, we can hence expect the PFC stage to start about 470 ms after it is plugged in.Figure 10. Startup Sequence at Full Load, Low Linea)General view b)Magnified viewFigure 10 shows a start−up sequence done at full load (1.3A) and at the lowest line level (90 V), the V CC capacitor being discharged when the board is plugged in. As illustrated by Figure 10a, the total time necessary to have pfcOK high from PFC stage plug−in is nearly 590 ms (about 420 ms to raise V CC and 170 ms to charge the output capacitor). Magnified view of Figure 10b shows that it takes less than a line cycle to reach the full input current capability.Note that two rising slopes can be seen on the plot of Figure 10a during the V CC charge phase. This is because the NCP1618 startup current is limited to 1 mA (typically) until the V CC voltage exceeds about 0.8 V . This feature prevents the internal high−voltage current source from overheating if the V CC pin happens to be accidentally grounded. When this first sequence is completed, the NCP1618 sources the nominal charge current of 12 mA typically.Figure 11. Startup Sequence at No Load, Low Line (90 V rms)a)General view b)Magnified viewHowever, in normal operation, the PFC stage starts up with no load since the downstream converter is normally disabled until pfcOK gets high. Figure 11a shows that in this practical condition, the total start−up time is significantly less than 500 ms: the V CC still takes about 420 ms and the bulk capacitor is charged within 60 ms.TYPICAL BEHAVIOR AND WAVEFORMSAbrupt Line VariationsThe circuit detects the line range. Practically, the high−line mode is set when the HV pin voltage exceeds 236V (typically) and recovers the low−line mode when theHV pin voltage remains less than 222 V for more than 25 ms (typical values). More practically, these voltage levels corresponds to line rms values of 167 V and 157 V respectively.Figure 12. High−line DetectionFigure 13. 90 V rms to 265 V rmsLine Step at Full LoadThe line range detection circuit optimizes the operation for universal (wide input mains) applications. Practically, in “high−line”:•The regulation bandwidth is divided by 4•The power expression defining the threshold below which frequency foldback is engaged is changed (see data sheet [1]).Figure 13 shows a low− to high−line transition at full load (I out = 1.3 A). This abrupt line change causes a voltage increase well−contained by the over−voltage protection.Figure 14 details a high− to low−line transition at full load.The circuit moderately reacts to the abrupt line change during the 25 ms necessary for low−line detection. After this delay, the NCP1618 sharply reacts and effectively limits the output voltage decay. Practically, the output voltage remains above 320 V .Figure 14. 265 V rms to 90 V rms Line Drop at Full Loada)General view b)Magnified viewI LINEV outV inI LINEV outV in320 VLoad StepsIn essence, PFC stages are slow systems. Thus, the output voltage of PFC stages may exhibit excessive over− and under−shoots because of abrupt load or input voltage variations (e.g. at start−up). The NCP1618 incorporates a fast line / load compensation to avoid such large output voltage variations. Practically, the circuit monitors the output voltage and limits possible deviations with respect to the regulation nominal voltage (V out ,nom ). More specifically,the NCP1618:•Disables the drive to stop delivering power when the output voltage exceeds the over voltage protection level (105% of V out ,nom ) and until V out has decayed back to 103% of V out ,nom (typical values).•Drastically speeds−up the regulation loop (DynamicResponse Enhancer) when the output voltage goes below 95.5 % of V out ,nom .To illustrate these functions, every 500 ms, the load is abruptly changed from 0.13 A to 1.30 A (respectively 10%and 100% of the full load) and vice versa, with 2 A/m s edges.Figure 15 shows the resulting output voltage under the load changes at 115 V rms. We can see that the NCP1618 is able to maintain the output voltage above 350 V when the load is abruptly raised from 10% to 100% (Figure 15a) and below about 410 V when the load is suddenly 90% reduced (Figure 15b).Figure 15. 10% to 100% Load Steps at 115 V rmsa)Rising load step b)Falling load stepI LINEV outV M pin voltageI LINEV outV M pin voltageThe same test is made at 230 V rms. Again as illustrated by Figure 16, the output voltage remains within a narrow range (between about 360 and 411 V).Figure 16. 10% to 100% Load Steps at 230 V rmsa)Rising load step b)Falling load stepI LINEV outV M pin voltageI LINEV outV M pin voltageThe V M pin voltage is shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16as it is indicative of the operation mode. It is a constant dc voltage in FCCrM mode (2.50 V) and during an operation interruption caused by the over−voltage protection (3.75 V)while the V M pin voltage is a rectified sine−wave in CCM.Soft−SKIP ModeThe NCP1618 is designed to be externally forced to enter the soft−SKIP mode by grounding the V M pin or applying negative pulses on the pfcOK pin. When in soft−SKIP mode,the circuit charges the output voltage to 103% of its nominalvoltage and at that moment, enters a deep idle mode where no DRV pulses are generated and all non−necessary circuitries are turned off so that the circuit consumption is reduced to a minimum (250 m A typically). The circuit wakes up when the output voltage has decayed down to 98% of its nominal level and restarts a new active burst cycle. In other words, as illustrated by Figure 17a, the output voltage swings between 103% and 98% of its nominal value.Magnified view of Figure 17b shows the active part of the burst. It illustrates that for best efficiency, the PFC stage operates at low frequency with valley switching.Figure 17. Soft−Skip Operation (115 V, 1% Load)a)General view b)Magnified viewLine−Sag TestsTests can be made which consist of rapidly and repeatedly plug and unplug the power supply. If no specific function is implemented, a huge current can take place when the power supply is reconnected.The NCP1618 detects short drops/interruptions of the mains to prevent an excessive stress when the line recovers.Practically, such line−sag situations are detected when the input voltage remains below 100 V for 25 ms or more (typical values) and in such cases, CCM mode is disabled and a soft−stop sequence starts. Soft stop is the gradualdown−to−zero discharge of the control signal to smoothly stop operation.When the line recovers, the circuit resets the BUV timer.It is because a line−sag event is likely to cause a BUV (bulk under−voltage) detection. When a BUV fault is detected, no restart is normally possible until the BUV timer (500 ms typically) has elapsed. However, if the BUV protection trips during a line−sag sequence, operation resumes as soon as the line recovers. Also, the NCP1618 interrupts the soft−stop discharge, grounds the control signal and charges V CC to its startup level (V CC (on ) = 17 V) if below for a clean start−up [1].Figure 18. Line Short Drops to 50 V rmsa)20−ms line sag (115 V rms, full load)b)50−ms line sag (115 V rms, full load)I LINEV outV inV pfcOKI LINEV outV inV pfcOKFigure 18a shows the case of a very short line sag (20 ms)while the circuit is operating at 115 V rms, full load. It is too short to trip the line−sag protection. Figure 18b shows a longer line sag situation (50 ms). In this case, we can see that after 25 ms, soft−stop is engaged and that after 37.5 ms, the BUV protection trips as attested by the pfcOK grounding.Operation resumes as soon as the line is back without waiting for the BUV timer being elapsed.Hold−Up TimeHold−up time tests are made at 90 V , full load. In the Figure 19a case, the line is interrupted for 20 ms. In this situation, the output voltage drops to 310 V which is well above the bulk under−voltage level (V out ,BUV = 280 V). In turn, pfcOK remains high and keeps enabling the downstream converter which loads the PFC stage.In the Figure 19b case, the line interruption is extended to 50 ms (test still made at 90 V , full load). This test enables to confirm the BUV level (about 280 V) which is reached after about the first 24 ms of line absence. This is the moment when due to the bulk under−voltage tripping (BUV), the pfcOK pin is grounded to disable the downstream converter.The two plots of Figure 19 also show that when the output voltage decays, so does the pfcOK voltage (when it is not grounded). Actually, when in high state, the pfcOK voltage is proportional to the output voltage to provide the downstream converter not only with an enable/disable signal but also with a signal representative of the output voltage for feedforward.Figure 19. Mains Interruptionsa)20−ms line interruption (90 V, full load)b)50−ms line interruption (90 V, full load)I LINEV outV pfcOKV inI LINEV outV pfcOKV in24.5msBILL OF MATERIAL BILL OF MATERIALReference Qty Description Value Tolerance /Constraints Footprint Manufacturer Part number SubstitutionallowedPower SectionJ101AC Connector GSF1.1xxx.xxSCHURTER GSF1.1201.31NO1Fuse8 A /250 VSCHURTER34562611NO J1b1VBULK connector Multicomp24.243.1NO J1a1GND connector Multicomp24.243.2NOHS11Diodes Bridge(U1) Heatsink 4.5°C/W FischerElektronikSK481−50NOHS21Q1a, Q1b and D1Heatsink 2.8°C/W FischerElektronikSK481−100NO4HS1 and HS2Heatsink clip FischerElektronikTHFU1NOC1, C22X2 capacitor470 nF277V through−hole Wurth Elektronik890334025039CS NO C3a, C3b2Filtering capacitor680 nF450V through−hole Wurth Elektronik890283425008CS NO C41Electrolyticcapacitor330 m F450 V through−hole Wurth Elektronik861141486022NOC5, C62Y2 capacitors(note)1 nF275 V through−hole EPCOS B32021A3102NOC71Ceramic capacitor220 nF25V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YESC91High−voltagecapacitor 100 pF500 V through−hole Vishay D101K20Y5PL6.J5.NOC10, C112Capacitor10 nF25V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YESC121Capacitor 1 nF25V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C191ElectrolyticCapacitor220 m F35 V through−hole Wurth Elektronik860020273009YES U11Diodes Bridge GSIB158015A, 800V through−hole VISHAY GSIB1580NOCM11Common−ModeFilter2 mH 6 m W through−hole Wurth Elektronik7448031002NOD11Boost diode FFSPF0865A8A, 650V TO220F ON Semiconductor FFSPF0865A NO D2, D32Bypass diode1N54063A, 600 V Axial ON Semiconductor1N5406G NOD4, D5,D6, D7,D8, D96Switching diode D1N4148100 V SOD123Vishay1N4148W−V NODZ1124−V zener diode MMSZ24T124V, 0.5W SOD−123ON Semiconductor MMSZ24T1G NOL11Boost Inductor175 m H,14 APQ3230Wurth Elektronik750 317557NO L21DM Choke56 m H17 m W through−hole BOURNS2310−V−RC NOQ1a, Q1b2Power MOSFET FCFP165N65650V TO220F ON Semiconductor FCPF165N65S3L1NO Q21Power MOSFET FCA76N60600 V, 76 A TO−3PN ON Semiconductor FCA76N60N NOQ31NPN transistor MMBT489LT1G40 V / 1 A SOT−23ON Semiconductor MMBT489LT1G NOQ41PNP transistor MMBT589LT1G30V / 2A SOT−23ON Semiconductor MMBT589LT1G NONTC11Inrush CurrentLimiter 10 W @25°Cthrough−hole EPCOS B57237S0100M0NOR1, R2, R163SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W10 W10%, 1/4W SMD, 1206various various YESR31Through holeresistor0 W 1 W through−hole Vishay AC01R4, R52SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W100 k W10%, 1/4W SMD, 1206various various YESR8, R9, R153SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W2.2 W10%, 1/4W SMD, 1206various various YESBILL OF MATERIAL (continued)Reference Substitution allowedPart number Manufacturer Footprint Tolerance /Constraints Value Description Qty R10, R11,R12, R134SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 27 k W 10%, 1/4W SMD, 1206various variousYES R141Current sense resistor 30 m W 1%, 3W through−holeVishayLVR03R0300FE12NO V11TVS Varistor275 V rmsWurth Elektronik820513011NOControl Section and Circuitry for Soft−SKIP Testing R18, R201SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 0 k W 1%SMD, 1206various various YES R191SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 5.6 k W 1%SMD, 1206various various YES R211SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 560 k W 1%SMD, 1206various various YES R22, R232SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 1800 k W 1%SMD, 1206various various YES R241SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 27 k W 1%SMD, 1206various various YES R251SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 56 k W 1%SMD, 1206Vishay various YES R26, R27,R283SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 1 k W 1%SMD, 1206Vishay various YES R291SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 6.8 k W 1%SMD, 1206Vishay various YES R30, R34,R353SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 10 k W 1%SMD, 1206Vishay various YES R31, R332SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 22 W 1%SMD, 1206Vishay various YES R321SMD resistor,1206, 1/4W 470 W 1%SMD, 1206Vishayvarious YES D10, D112StandardRecovery Diodes 1N40071000 V through−hole ON Semiconductor1N4007G NO D12, D13,D143Switching diode D1N4148100 V SOD123Vishay1N4148W−V NO DZ3110−V zener diode MMSZ10T110 V, 0.5 W SOD−123ON Semiconductor MMSZ10T1G NO DZ4127−V zener diode MMSZ27T127 V, 0.5 W SOD−123ON SemiconductorMMSZ27T1G NO C141Capacitor 2.2 nF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C15, C181Capacitor 10 nF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C161Capacitor 220 pF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C201Capacitor 22 nF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C221Capacitor 220 nF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206various various YES C231Capacitor 22 pF 25 V, 10%SMD, 1206variousvarious YES Q61NPN transistor MMBT489LT1G 40 V / 1 ASOT−23ON SemiconductorMMBT489LT1G NO S11Manual Switch 1K2serie SW_sip3EOZ secme09−03290.01NO U21controller NCP1618SOIC9ON SemiconductorNCP1618NO J111Vcc socketWEIDMULLERPM5.08/2/90YESNOTE: All Components are Lead−FreeReferences[1] NCP1618 data sheet: https:///pub/Collateral/NCP1618−D.PDF[2] FCPF165N65 data sheet: https:///pub/Collateral/FCPF165N65S3L1−D.PDF [3] FFSPF0865 data sheet: https:///pub/Collateral/FFSPF0865A−D.PDF[4] FCA76N60 data sheet: https:///products/discretes−drivers/mosfets/fca76n60n [5] Joel Turchi, “NCP1618 tips and tricks”, application note AND90011/D,https:///pub/Collateral/AND90011−D.PDFANNEXThe board provides some flexibility and consists of few components which are shorted or not connected. For thesake of clarity, below schematic diagrams report them together with implemented ones.Figure 20. Power Section Schematic Diagram90−265 VrmsFigure 21. Control Section and Circuitry for Soft−SKIP TestingADDITIONAL INFORMATIONTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS :Technical Library: /design/resources/technical−documentation onsemi Website: ONLINE SUPPORT : /supportFor additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative at /support/sales。
低污染 省能源使用說明書ED5LU1系列三陽工業股份有限公司 「個人資料保護法」法定告知內容一、蒐集的目的:商業與技術資訊、客戶管理、行銷、資訊與資料庫管理、統計調查與分析等目的,包括但不只限於做為車輛領牌、辦理強制險、車輛保固、後續維修服務、顧客售後服務、廣宣活動及可能之車輛召回等活動項目。
對象:三陽工業股份有限公司及其所屬之各地區總經銷商(詳 見官網公告)、經銷商(機車買賣之經銷商或購車商號)、所屬通 路商、業務關係人、保險事業及政府機關。
電動車交車前點檢表P.D.I. SHEET車主姓名: 經銷商:交車日期: 年 月 日 機種:車架號碼:馬達號碼:檢 查 項 目判 定檢 查 項 目判 定把手左右轉動狀態 正 常 過 緊過 鬆 電池殘餘電量檢查飽 電 未飽電 沒 電 各類電器配備、開關 正 常 作 動不順暢 不 良 馬達轉動性檢查正 常作 動不順暢不動煞車性能檢查 正 常 過 緊 過 鬆 充電器檢查 正 常不 良胎 壓 正 常 過 多 不 足馬達號碼與車身烙碼、證件確認符 合 □ 待確認 □ 各類燈光 正 常 過 暗 不 亮 定期保養說明 已說明 □ 待說明 □ 車體外觀檢查 正 常污 穢破 裂 保證制度說明 已說明 □ 待說明 □電池充電檢查正 常不 良CanBus 有無故障碼無 □有 □交車前之問題點說明:點檢後請在判定欄內打請延虛線剪下車主確認:檢查者確認:重要訊息5.電動普通輕型機車各部的操作整車充電操作步驟:1.取下車上鑰匙。
1.必须使同步电机(曳引机)处于空载状态(不得悬挂钢丝绳);2.将控制器运行接触器输出Y 9(J4-7)与COM3(J4-6)短接,使运行接触器吸合;3.将控制器抱闸输出Y6(J4-10)与COM3(J4-6)短接,使抱闸接触器吸合,打开抱闸;通过操作器按以下操作进行电机初始角度自学习:角度自学习(X0)自学习结束状态: 成功成功或显示故障码图7.3 电机初始角度(位置)自学习操作示意图对于增量式编码器,按下“确定键”后开始电机初始角度自学习。
教师现场操作 学生边听边思
任务描述 工作分析 任务实施
按启动按扭后,PLC启动送料电机驱动放料盘旋转,物料由送料槽滑到物料提升 位置,物料检测光电传感器开始检测;如果送料电机运行4秒钟后,如果物料检测光 电传感器仍未检测到物料,则说明送料机构已经无物料,这时要停机并报警;当物料 检测光电传感器检测到有物料,将给PLC发出信号,由PLC驱动上料单向电磁阀上料, 机械手臂伸出手爪下降抓物,然后手爪提升臂缩回,手臂向右旋转到右限位,手臂伸 出,手爪下降将物料放到传送带上,传送带输送物料,传感器则根据物料性质(金属 和非金属),分别由PLC控制相应电磁阀使气缸动作,对物料进行分拣。最后机械手返 回原位重新开始下一个流程。
各种机械采用电控气阀—气缸驱动,物料采用电动机—传送机构(或传送 带)输送。检测采用磁性开关、光电开关、接近开关、行程开关等工业上常用 的传感器发出检测信号。
控制采用可编程序控制器(PLC)和交流变频器以及配套的电气控制线路。 其中包括:动作指令、自动检测、动作控制、显示和报警。以上内容包含了机 电一体化专业所涉及的基础知识和专业知识,包括了基本的机电技能要求,也 体现了当前先进技术的应用。
将送料盘中物体送出; 对送出物体有无的判断; 由机械手将物体送出; 根据性质不同将物体送入不同位置
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确定电源线路的零线与地线独立! 确定接线正确、牢靠! 无脚手架安装慢车调试前必须安装缓冲器、限速器、安全钳,同时满足电气开关可 靠动作! 确保控制柜、轿顶接线箱急停开关、检修开关可靠动作!
确定控制柜接线齐全、正确、牢靠,控制端子排无短接线(除锁梯强电控制端子)! 确定电源线路的零线与地线独立! 确保所有厅门门洞封堵,厅门开关门动作灵活,且门联锁动作可靠! 确保所有安全回路开关可以可靠动作!
附件一 并联梯调试说明....................................................................................................... 4 附件二 贯通门调试说明....................................................................................................... 4
第二章 动力线及编码器线接线说明 ................................................................................... 4 2.1 动力线接线说明(控制柜到曳引机接线必须 U\V\W 对应) ......................................... 4 2.1.1 有机房 ED5(6)000 系统动力线接线说明 ....................................................... 4 2.1.2 无机房 ED5(6)000 系统动力线接线说明 ....................................................... 4 2.2 编码器接线说明 ...................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 ED5000 系统编码器 PG 卡接线说明............................................................. 4 2.2.2 ED6000 系统编码器 PG 卡接线说明............................................................. 4
★CAN 终端电阻检查:
确认外呼全部安装完毕且所有外呼板 S3 端子未短接,在机房测量外召板电缆接插 头 CAN1,CANL 和 CANH 之间电阻为无穷大。再将底层外召板 S3 端子短接,同样在机房 测量 CAN1 接插件的 CANL 和 CANH 电阻值是否为 120±3Ω!
确认操纵箱 CAN 电缆连接插好,去掉操纵箱显示板 S3 端子短接环,在机房测量 CAN2 接插件 CANL 和 CANH 电阻值是否为 120±3Ω!
端口号 位置
端口号 位置
X13 J2-3 安全接触器输入
X14 J2-2 KCD 接触器反馈
X15 J2-1 抱闸微动开关输入
X16 J1-10 KCM2 接触器反馈
J3-4Βιβλιοθήκη 下高速强换X17 J1-9 抱闸接触器反馈
X18 J1-8 应急救援输入点
X19 J1-7 超载开关输入
X20 J1-5
开门限位 2
X21 J1-6
关门限位 2
J2-7 光电输入 2(上)
第 2 页,共 46 页
重庆伊士顿电梯有限责任公司 标题:ED5(6)000 一体化系统调试手册
文件编号:ZL-1618-2013 版号:A/0
第一章 接线端子说明
1.1 ED5000 系统接线端子各部分说明如下
J1-J3 为主控单元输入信号 X0-X25 接口,列表如下(端口号中括弧内为默认的输入类型说明):
确认外呼及操纵箱 CAN 电缆连接正确后,在确认主板 JP4 插接件插接牢靠,测量 JP4 CANH 和 CANL 电阻值应为 45±3Ω!
第 1 页,共 46 页
文件编号:ZL-1618-2013 版号:A/0
标题:ED5(6)000 一体化系统调试手册
第一章 接线端子说明 ........................................................................................................ 3 1.1 ED5000 系统接线端子各部分说明如下................................................................... 3 1.2 ED6000 系统接线端子各部分说明如下................................................................... 4
第三章 液晶调试说明及其参数说明 ................................................................................... 4 3.1 概述 ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 键操作说明 ............................................................................................................. 4 3.2.1 ED6000 系统操作按键说明........................................................................... 4 3.2.2 ED5000 系统操作按键说明........................................................................... 4 3.3 操作器液晶显示流程图及参数说明.......................................................................... 4 3.3.1 ED6000 系统菜单流程图及其调试方法......................................................... 4 3.3.2 ED5000 系统调试方法.................................................................................. 4
文件编号:ZL-1618-2013 版号:A/0
ED5(6)000 一体化控制系统调试手册为伊士顿电梯公司电梯调试工程师
第四章 故障代码及说明 ..................................................................................................... 4 4.1 ED5(6)000 一体机井道自学习故障诊断 ............................................................. 4 4.2 ED6000 故障诊断 ................................................................................................... 4 4.2.1 ED6000 一体机驱动系统的故障分析 ............................................................ 4 4.2.2 ED6000 一体机驱动系统的故障分析 ............................................................ 4 4.3 ED5000 系统故障说明............................................................................................ 4 4.3.1 ED5000 一体机控制系统故障诊断................................................................ 4 4.3.2 ED5000 一体机驱动系统故障诊断................................................................ 4 4.3.3 ED5000 电机初始角度自学习故障诊断......................................................... 4 4.3.4 ED5000 电机参数自学习故障诊断................................................................ 4