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Part2 Phonetics,vocabulary,and Grammar

II.Write down the phonetic symbol according to the words(共5分)






III.Choose the best answers(共15分)

31.Nowadays ,more and more people raise money for the charity to help ____________disabled.

A. the

B. /

C. these


32.The inspector made sure that the elderly residents are well cared _________.

A. with


C. for

D. of

33.He is a careless boy and often ______his homework at home.


B. forget

C. finishes

D. checks

34.It is unwise to lose weight by going ___a diet because the body needs enough nutrients to stay _________.

A. on healthy

B. for healthy

C. on health

D. for health

35.The firemen wore protective clothes to ________themselves _____by the big fire.

A. prevent from burning

B.keep being burnt

C. protect from being burnt

D. keep burning

36.When he finally arrived at the terminal bus stop ,he found his wallent _____.Which one is wrong?

A. gone

B. lost

C. missing


37.The soldiers promised _______the castle and spare no effort to peotect the queen.

A. guarding

B. to guard

C. not to guard

D. not guarding

38.Because of drinking two cups of coffee,I had to count _________sheep before I fall asleep.

A. plenty

B. great many

C. a large number of

D. a great deal of

39.Some passenge complain that it usually ________so long to fill in travel insurance documents.

A. costs

B. takes

C. spends

D. spares

40.The number of deaths from heart diseases will be reduced greatly if people _______to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. require

B. will be required

C. are required

D. will require

41.The news came that the criminal ________last night and the whole village cheered up.

A. was hanged

B. was hung

C. had been hanged

D. had been hung

42.The sick man’s allowed to take a walk in the garden every day,________?

A. has not he

B. has he

C. is not he D,is he

43. Smoke could be seen _________from Huangpu river and caused huge amounts of air pollution.

A. to rise

B. rising

C. to raise


44.His failure ________his laziness and lack of experience。

A. was resulted

B. resulted from

C. was resulted in

D. resulted in

45.The school lunch ________even more awful than before since the new chef came.

A. is tasted

B. tastes

C. has been tasted

D. has tasted

IV. Complete the following passenge with the words or phrases in the box.Each word or phrase can only be used once.

A. advice

B. public

C. strange

D. interesting

E. feel

When my wife and I went to live in an Arab country, my friends told us to be prepared for a culture shock. Later, we realized that the ___46__given to us by our friends was correct.

The culture shock started with the weather. Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute!The hotweather made us _47_____so tired that we were falling asleep at midday!

Another culture shock was the working week. We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays. It was also__48___ to see people praying (祷告) in a certain direction! They have strict rules forwomen. They do not let people see their faces in_____49_____. They do not let women drive cars, either. All dressesworn by women have to cover the body completely. They believe that women cannot be seen in public.

A. before

B. early

C. many

D. customers

E. active

Drinking tea is a main part of English people’s life.In the morning,husband or wife,still in bed,may get a cup of tea that was brought by others ____50_____ getting up.For hotel guests,the first thing they do after they wake up in the morning is to drink tea.Sometimes electric teapots are prepared for the ____51___. Nowadays in England,every company finds it popular to prepare electric teapots,teacups,tea and milk for its workers.Big office-buildings have the drinking-rooms.China is the hometown for tea.Records about yea-planting in China date back to as _____52____ as 350 B.C. English still had been drinking coffee as other Westerners up to the early 17th century.But at that time,Dutchmen first brought tea to Europe from China.It came into England as many as 50 years later.East Indian Company at that time did tea business on large-scale and played an important and ____53 ____part in making tea popular to the public.
