



1、Think three times before you act! 三思而后行!(look before you leap!||think twice before youact!||think carefully before you act!)2、No door!没门!(no way!||out of the question!||impossible!)3、Spend money like dirt.挥金如土。

(spend money like water.||wasteful||spendthrift.)4、Three monks have no drinking water.三个和尚没水喝。

(everybody’s business is nobody’sbusiness.)5、Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.萝卜白菜各有所爱。

(one man’s meat is anotherman’s poison.)6、Y ou don’t bird me, I don’t bird you!你不鸟我,我也不鸟你!(if you don’t want to talk to me, Iwon’t even bother to look at you!||if you ignore me, I won’t talk to you anymore!)7、Y ou have seed, I will give you some colour to see see!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧!(how dareyou! Let me give you a lesson!||how dare you have done that! Give you a lesson!)8、How are you? How old are you?怎么是你?怎么老是你?(why, it’s you! It’s you again!)9、Y ou give me stop!你给我站住!(stop!||freeze!||don’t move!)10、Y ou ask me, I ask who?你问我,我问谁?(how should (could) I know?)11、If you have something to say, then say! If you have nothing to say, go home!有事起奏,无事退朝!(if you have anything to report to the emperor, then please; if not, please withdraw yourselves.)12、Lazy worm.懒虫。



Chinglish作业中文中式英语英语1、百里挑一one in hundred one in a thousand2、情话love word lover’s prattle3、表妹watch sister cousin4、你给我站着you give me stop stop here5、彼此彼此you me you me that makes the two of us/right back on you6、伸出援助之手give helping hands offering helping hands7、人山人海people mountain people sea huge crowd of people/a sea of people8、笑里藏刀 a knife in the smile the bait hides the hook9、钻石王老五diamond wang old five rich single10、走着瞧go and see wait and see11、蜂拥而至go like bees flock to12、你以为你是谁who do you think who you are who you think you are13、没脸见人have no face to see people be/feel ashamed to face people14、我服了你I followed you I admired you15、三心二意three hearts two meaning be in two minds16、白痴white eat idiot17、朝三暮四morning three night four promiscuous/chop and change18、小心落水take care to fall into water(其实意思是小心地落水)watch out for the water19、别唬我don’t tiger me don’t frighten me20、红颜知己red face know me confidante。



50个chinglish的例⼦含泪整理让⼈丢脸的那些“Chinglish(中式英语)2016-08-25 00:00额~学习英语的路任重⽽道远,很多学习英语的⼩伙伴,往往很⽤功,但是收到的效果却是⼀般,这中间可能存在学习⽅法的原因,但有⼀个⼤家很容易忽视的点,那就是我们不经意间就会忽视中西⽅⽂化差异所带来的影响。


就好⽐这个例⼦,“⼤操厅”被翻译成了“big fuck hall”,让⼈看了是⼜想笑⼜尴尬啊!其实,这种思维在很多时候都是在潜意识⾥阻碍我们的英语的学习,所以,天才君为⼤家搜集了⼀些,很丢⼈的“Chinglish(中式英语)”说法,不求帮助⼤家改善思维模式,起码多学多看,多积累吧。

⼀、⽇常⼝语单词类busboy 餐馆勤杂⼯(不是“公汽售票员”)busybody 爱管闲事的⼈(不是“⼤忙⼈”)dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)⾕物(不是“⼲货”)heartman 做⼼脏移植⼿术的⼈(不是“有⼼⼈”)mad doctor 精神病科医⽣(不是“发疯的医⽣”)dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并⾮“死了的总统”)sweet water 淡⽔(不是“糖⽔”)confidence man 骗⼦(不是“信得过的⼈”)rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”)black tea 红茶(不是“⿊茶”)black art 妖术(不是“⿊⾊艺术”)white man 忠实可靠的⼈(不是“⽪肤⽩的⼈”)green hand 新⼿(不是“绿⼿”)Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)English disease ⽓管炎(不是“英国病”)Spanish athlete 吹⽜的⼈(不是“西班⽛运动员”)French chalk 滑⽯粉(不是“法国粉笔”)⼆、⽇常表达短句类What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)You don't say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说⼀遍”)It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒烟4年了。





下面介绍的就是十大经典的中式英语:1、“Ai Ya”:这是一句十分有中国特色的英文,意思是“哎呀”,十分常用,表达有不好的感受。

2、“Bull shit”:这是一种比较俚语的说法,意思是“废话”,是表示不赞同某种看法时常用的词汇。

3、“You know what!”:这句话主要用于表达震惊、惊讶,也可以表达怒气。

4、“Shut up!”:这句话表示生气或不耐烦,常用于对别人的反对。

5、“What’s up?”:这句话的中文意思是“最近怎么样?”,常用于向他人打招呼。

6、“Not bad”:这句话可以表达对某种情况的满意,类似于“还不错”。

7、“No problem”:这句话表达十分轻松的感觉,比如“不用担心,没问题”。

8、“Easy does it”:这句话用于表达对一件事情的慎重处理,类似于“小心翼翼”。

9、“Hold on”:这句话可以表达“稍等一下”的意思,也可以表达“不要放弃”的意思。

10、“Lose face”:这句话的意思是“丢脸”,常用于表达一种失败的感受。






超强的中国英语(Chinglish)001 Wetwoandtwo?咱俩谁跟谁啊.002 Howareyou?Howoldareyou?怎么是你?怎么老是你?003 Youdonnotbirdme,Idonnotbirdyou.你不鸟我,我也不鸟你.004 Youhaveseed,Iwillgiveyousomecolourtoseesee.Brothers,togetherup!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧.兄弟们,一起上!005 Helloeverybody!Ifyouhavesomethingtosaythensay!Ifyouhavenothingtosaythengohome!有事起奏无事退朝.006 Youme,youme.彼此彼此.007 Yougivemestop!你给我站住!008 Knowisknow,noknowisnoknow.知之为知之,不知为不知......009 Watchsister.表妹!010 Dragonborndragon,chickenbornchicken,mouses'soncanmakehole.龙生龙,凤生风,老鼠的儿子回达洞!011 AmericanChinesenotenough.美中不足.012 Onecarcome,onecargo,twocarspengpeng,peoledie.车祸现场描述. 013 Heartflowerangryopen.心花怒放.014 Gopastnomistakepast.走过路过,不要错过.015 U.R.Americangirl.你是美女.016 Eight seven four! ~~~~~~八七四017 Give you some colour to see see.给你点颜色看看。

018 Go and look!走着瞧!019 Good bra!好凶020 Good good study,day day up.好好学习,天天向上。



[搞笑] 中式英语大全[size=2]1. 爱他妈的谁谁谁:love he mother’s who who who2. 白痴:White eat!3. 板门弄斧:play an ax before Luban4. 班长:class long5. 彼此彼此:you me you me6. 表妹:watch sister7. 别唬我:don’t tiger me8. 不管三七二十一:no care three seven two ten one9. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Blue who say,and whose10. 不三不四:no three no four11. 不要开黄腔:do not open yellow gun12. 车祸现场描述:one car come,one car go ,two car peng-peng, people die13. 呈现强烈的企图心:Demonstrate the strong attempt heart14. 吃白食:eat white food15. 春江水暖鸭先知:spring river water warm duck first know16. 大人不计小人过:Big people do not think of small people’s mistake17. 第一眼看到你,我就爱上你了:first eye see you, i shit love you18. 电源线:power line19. 放马过来,给你点颜色看看:release your horse and come, I’ll give you some color to see see20. 蜂拥而至:go out like bee21. 给你点颜色看看:I’ll show you some color22. 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸:I give you face you don’t wanna face,you lose you face ,I turn my face23. 恭喜发财:go high try24. 狗娘养的:dog mother born25. 关公面前耍大刀:play a big knife before Guangong26. 好多人死了,你怎么不去死!:How many pople go to die, why do not you go to die27. 好好学习、天天向上:good good study, day day up28. 好久不见:long time no see (这个用法已经被当地的美国口语,尤其是被文化程度不高的群体所接受)29. 红颜知己:red face know me30. 加油:add oil31. 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠:save man one life, betther than building up 7-floor tower32. 开水:open water33. 看不看:see no see?34. 抗日游行:resist sun swim go35. 课间操:lesson between36. 老表:old watch37. 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞:dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse’s son can make hole38. 马马虎虎:horse horse tiger tiger39. 没脸见人:have no face see person40. 美中不足:American Chinese not enough41. 面试:face try42. 明天谁起得早谁叫谁:tomorrow morning who get up early, who call who!43. 哪凉快哪呆着去where cool where you stay!44. 你爱我吗:you love I?45. 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你:you don’t bird me, so I don’t bird you46. 你给我等着:you give me wait47. 你给我滚出去:you gave me get out48. 你给我记住:you give me remember49. 你给我站住:you give me stop50. 你没看,我现在非常忙,一边玩去:You no see, I now very busy. One side play go51. 你妻子真漂亮/哪里哪里:your wife is beautiful/where where52. 你去不去你不去我去!:You go no go You no go I go!53. 你认为你是谁:What do you think ,who are you ?54. 你他妈的:you he mother’s55. 你问我,我去问谁:you ask me, me ask who56. 你丫要敢唬我,我他妈扇你!:IF you tiger me,I will mountain you!57. 你有两下子:you have two down son58. 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上:you have seed,I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !59. 你真有两下子:you really have tow down son60. 骑驴看唱本,走着瞧:riding a donkey reading play , go and see61. 七上八下:seven up eight down62. 亲爱的王小姐:dear wang little girl63. 請別碰行李:Please no touch the move the lee64. 青翠欲滴:It`s so green as will dropped65. 去你妈:go you mother66. 让世界充满爱:let's make love all over the world67. 人山人海:people mountain people sea68. 人之初,性本善:people first born, sex is kind69. 三人行,必有我师:three people go, one is my teacher70. 三心二意:three heart two meaning71. 色狼:colour wolf72. 生日快乐:birthday happy73. 上网:up net74. 上学:up school75. 胜败乃家常便饭:win lost milk house long poopoo rice76. 是不是:yes no yes77. 十全十美:ten all ten nice78. 十三点:ten three point79. 试试看:try try see80. 耍帅:play handsome81. 死猪不怕开水烫!:die pig not pa hot water tang!82. 谈朋友:talk friend83. 体壮如牛:body strong as a cow84. 万紫千红:ten thousand purple one thousand red (我在中国的某一个挂历中看到)85. 王八:king eight86. 王八蛋:wang eight eggs87. 望穿秋水:look through autumn water88. 王老五:wang old five89. 唯小人与女人难养也:only small people and women hard to feed90. 我的天呀!:my sky !91. 我服了你!:I follow you!92. 我感到很难过:I feel difficult to pass93. 我叫李老大,今年25:I call Li old big. toyear 2594. 我容易么我:am I easy I?95. 我是大儿子:I am a big son96. 我是独一无二:I am olny one no two97. 我是流氓我怕谁:I’m a scamp, I’m afraid of whom98. 我是中国人:I am in China99. 我要给你点颜色看看:I will give you some color to see see (好像也被黑人群体最近所采用)100. 五讲、四美、三热爱:five talk, four beauty, three lover101. 无钱无得:No money, no talk102. 笑里藏刀:A knife in the smile103. 心花怒放:heart flower angry open104. 眼看手勿动:look, see OK, no touch105. 要钱不给,要命有一条:want money no, want life one106. 要钱还是要命:money or life?107. 一分耕耘一分收穫:EVEN GAME WIN , EVEN SO WHOLE108. 一见钟情:One look clock love109. 意思意思:meaning meaning110. 一言既出,驷马难追:one word is out, four horses cannot chase111. 一元复苏,万象更新:one dollar restart, ten thousand elephant update 112. 远水解不了近渴:Far water car not save near thirsty113. 咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊:we brothers, who and who ah114. 怎么老是你:how old are you?115. 怎么是你:how are you?116. 朝三暮四:morning three night four (感谢台湾卡通,好像这个用法在孩子们中开始流行)117. 这样也行:this too good?118. 知之为知之,不知为不知:know is know,no know is no know119. 中国人民万岁:China people ten thousand year120. 猪狗不如:PIG DOG BLUE121. 猪肉面条:pig noodle122. 猪头三,去死吧:pig 3 head,go dead!123. 走过路过,不要错过:go past no mistake past124. 走着瞧:go and look!125. 钻石王老五:diamond wang old five126. 作早操:do early [/size]Keep on going Never give upWhere there is a will , there is a way .Be yourself ,and be the person you help to be . (做你自己想要做的那种人)The most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers !God helps those who help themselves!Where there is life, there is hope!“Yest erday is history;tomorrow is mystery;today is a 's why it's called the present.”。




欢迎你到中:welcomeyou to ...英:welcome to...永远记得你中:rememberyou forever英:alwaysremember you(没有人能活到forever)祝你有个...中:wish youhave a ...英:I wish youa ...给你中:give you英:here youare很喜欢...中:very like...英:like ...very much黄头发中:yellowhair英:blond/blonde(西方人没有yellowhair的说法)厕所中:WC英:men'sroom/women's room/restroom真遗憾中:it's apity英:that's toobad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)裤子中:trousers英:pants/slacks/jeans修理中:mend英:fix/repair入口中:way in英:entrance出口中:way out英:exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)勤奋中:diligent英:hardworking/studious/conscientious 应该中:should英:must/shall火锅中:chafingdish英:hot pot大厦中:mansion英:center/plaza马马虎虎中:so-so英:average/fair/allright/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)好吃中:delicious英:good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)尽我最大努力中:try mybest英:try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)有名中:famous英:well-known/renowned/legendary/popular (famous在中国被滥用)滑稽中:humorous英:funny/witty/amusing/entertaining欺骗中:to cheat英:to trick/to play a joke on/to deceive/to rip off 车门中:the door of the car英:the car's door怎么拼?中:how to spell?英:how do you spell?再见中:bye-bye英:bye/seeyou/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)玩中:play英:go to/do(play在中国被滥用)据说中:it is said英:I heard/Iread/I was told等等中:and so on英:etc.etcetera直到现在中:till now英:recently/lately/thusfar农民中:peasant英:farmer宣传中:propaganda英:information再来看看英语中12个典型的中国式错误,以免再犯吧!1. 这个价格挺合适的。





以下为节目大纲,收听完整节目请戳上面!)Just so so:马马虎虎How are you?•老外不用“Just so so”这个说法,这个是在中国很流行的一个中式英语。

马马虎虎、一般般应该怎么说呢?•I'm alright.•I'm okay.•Not bad.•Not great.要谨慎回答“我过的一般般”。


•如果不是很熟的朋友,直接说I'm great/ good/ excellent就可以了,因为大家关系不亲近,对方并不想多了解你的近况。

•如果是很熟的朋友以及亲戚家人,可以说出你的真实感受I'm alright/ Not so good,对方听到后下一步会继续询问你“What's going on? Are you okay?”I go first:我先走了I go first也是直译过来的一个中式英语,其实是“我先来吧”的意思。

•Who would like to go first? 你们谁想先来(点餐/上厕所/结账等)?•I will go first / I go first. 我先来吧。

“我先走了”应该怎么说?•I've gotta go first.•I‘m off.•I've got to get going.•I must be going.•Catch you later.•I gotta head out.(gotta = got to )Did you eat?你吃了吗?中国人打招呼喜欢问对方吃饭与否,老外并不会用这句话来打招呼。

外国人追捧中式英语 long time no see成标准

外国人追捧中式英语 long time no see成标准
外国人追捧中式英语 "long time no see"成标准
中式英语“long time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组;
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long time no see是标准英文词组
外国人追捧中式英语 "long time no see"成标准
time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组。
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1. No money, no talk.(没有钱,就别废话)
2. You take my money and I give you silence.(你拿了我的钱,我给你沉默)
3. The meat is like my heart, soft and hard to blow.(肉就像我的心,柔软却难以吹)
4. Don't copy my face.(不要照搬我的脸)
5. He jump out, scare me one big jump.(他跳出来,把我吓了一个大跳)
6. You play me, play dead better.(你玩我,装死会更好)
7. I'm busy in a pan.(我在锅里忙)
8. Yesterday vomit today.(昨天呕吐,今天)
9. Hello, may I disturb you?(你好,可以抢劫一下吗?)
10. My English is poor, sorry, I speak Chinese better.(我的英语很差,对不起,我说中文更好)






中:weleyou to ...英:wele to...中:rememberyou forever英:alwaysremember you(没有人能活到forever)中:wish youhave a ...英:I wish youa ...中:give you英:here youare中:very like...英:like ...very much中:yellowhair英:blond/blonde(西方人没有yellowhair的说法)中:WC英:men'sroom/women's room/restroom中:it's apity英:that's toobad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)中:trousers英:pants/slacks/jeans中:mend英:fix/repair中:way in英:entrance中:way out英:exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)中:diligent英:hardworking/studious/conscientious中:should英:must/shall中:chafingdish英:hot pot中:mansion英:center/plaza中:so-so英:average/fair/allright/not too bad/OK (西方人很少使用so-so)中:delicious英:good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)中:try mybest英:try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)中:famous英:well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)中:humorous英:funny/witty/amusing/entertaining中:to cheat英:to trick/to play a joke on/to deceive/to rip off 中:the door of the car英:the car's door中:how to spell?英:how do you spell?中:bye-bye英:bye/seeyou/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)中:play英:go to/do(play在中国被滥用)中:it is said英:I heard/Iread/I was told中:and so on英:etc.etcetera中:till now英:recently/lately/thusfar中:peasant英:farmer中:propaganda英:information误:The price is very suitable for me.正:The price is right.提示:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。

中国人最常挂在嘴边的Chinglish 你中了几枪

中国人最常挂在嘴边的Chinglish 你中了几枪

中国人最常挂在嘴边的Chinglish 你中了几枪?1. 我非常喜欢它✘中国式:I very like it.✔美国式:I like it very much.这个错误基本上是每个人都会出错的,原因非常简单,就是因为在使用中文思维,然后翻译成简单的英语(课程)表达,这是非常危险的一个习惯。

2. 我没有男朋友✘中国式:I have no boyfriend。

✔美国式:I don’t have a boyfriend。

3. 他的身体很健康✘中国式:His body is healthy。

✔美国式:He is in good health.You can also say: He’s healthy。

4. 这个价格对我挺合适的✘中国式:The price is very suitable for me.✔美国式:The price is right.suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。

The followingprogramme is not suitable for children.在这组句子中用后面的说法会更合适。

5. 你是做什么工作的呢?✘中国式:What’s your job?✔美国式:What’s your occupation?what’s your job?这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。

因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上班吗?Are you working at the moment?6. 我没有经验✘中国式:I have no experience。

✔美国式:I don’t know much about that。

I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。

I am not really an expert in this area。



4.在将来的30到50年间,我们在经济上将达到经济发 达国家的水平。
A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries
B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries (通常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济上发达 的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。)
4 写作中中式英语的特点:
6.语法错误Syntactic Error
EXAMPLE: 请再给我两小时。 A:Please allow me more two hours. B:Please give me another two hours. 和他结婚以后,她的麻烦就开始了。 A:After marrying him, her trouble began. B:After marrying him, she began to have troubles.
3 中式英语产生的原因:
1.文化差异Cultural difference 自由恋爱 free love free choice of marriage partner
2.不同的思维方式Different thought pattern The Chinese Team won the American Teem. 中国队战胜了美国队 The Chinese team beat the American Team. 中国队打败了美国队.
3.不同的习惯Different habitual usage 东北—northeast 迟早--- sooner or later 中式英语Welcome to use ATM service 正确:Thanks for using this ATM 中式英语Welcome to ride Line 52 Bus 正确: Thank you for riding Bus Line 52.



中式英语汇‎编1.no three‎no four 不三不四2.how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你‎?3.you don''t bird me,I don''t bird you 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你‎4.you have seed I will give you some color‎ to see see, broth‎e rs !toget‎h er up !你有种,我要给你点‎颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello‎every‎b ody!if you have somet‎h i ng to say,then say!if you have nothi‎n g to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me 彼此彼此7.Y ou Give Me Stop!! 你给我站住‎!8.know is know nokno‎w i s nokno‎w知之为知之‎,不知为不知‎...9.Watch‎siste‎r表妹10.drago‎n born drago‎n,chick‎e n born chick‎e n,mouse‎''s son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子‎会打洞!11.Ameri‎can Chine‎se not enoug‎h美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengp‎e ng,peopl‎e die 车祸现场描‎述13.heart‎ flowe‎r angry‎open 心花怒放14.go past no mista‎k e past 走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry‎!老外:I am sorry‎too!小明:I am sorry‎three‎!老外:What are you sorry‎ for?小明:I am sorry‎ five!16.If you want money‎, I have no; if you want life,I have one!要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyea‎r 25. 我叫李老大‎,今年25。



中式英语大全中式英语大全1.no three no four不三不四做早操:do morning ****做课间操:do class between ****2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?3.you don''t bird me,I don''t bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if you have nothing to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住!8.know is know noknow is noknow知之为知之,不知为不知...9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse''s son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open心花怒放14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorry too!小明:I am sorry three!老外:What are you sorry for?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money,I have no; if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25.我叫李老大,今年25。




[误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。

在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。

英语的 comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即jinx。

例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble.“这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦”。


[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.[正] Tastes differ.注:Tastes differ/vary 是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成No dish suits all tastes 或You can never make everyone happy 等。



[误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.[正] He never says uncle.注:say(cry)uncle: to give up or in;to surrender;to admit defeat.Mainly used by boys, as when fighting。



世上最强中式英语1.we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?3.you don’t bird me,I don’t bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up !你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if you have nothing to say,go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住!8.know is know noknow is noknow知之为知之,不知为不知…9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse’’son can make hole!! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open心花怒放14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorry too!小明:I am sorry three!老外:What are you sorry for?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one!要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25.我叫李老大,今年25。


• 001 See you later.
• A: I have to go. • B: See you later.
002 What’s up? • A: Hey! What’s up? • B: Nothing much! As usual.
003 It’s on me. A: The beer is on me. • B: Thank you.
• 004 I mean it. A: Do you really want to quit your job?
• B: I mean it.
005 Check, please. A: Check, please. • B: Yes, sir.
• 006 • Mind your own business.
• 6.No three, no four. • indecent /dubious • 7. Horse horse tiger tiger • Just so-so. /Nothing special. /careless • 8. One car come,one car go,two car
• 1. Good good study, day day up. • 2. How are you? How old are you? • how could it be you,how could it always be you • You! You again! • 3. You have seed. I will give you some color to see
A: What were you talking about? • B: Mind your own business.
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We two who and who

How are you? How old are you?
You don’t bird me,I
don’t bird you.
You have seed I will give you
some color to see see, brothers!together up!
你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧, 兄弟们,一起上!
You me you me
You Give Me Stop!
Know is know no know i要错过
小明: 老外: 小明:
I am sorry!
I am sorry too!
I am sorry three!
What are you sorry for?
I am sorry five!
If you want money,I have no;
No three no four
morning three night four
want money no,want life
one! 要钱没有,要命一条。
I’ll give you some color to
see see 我要给你点颜色看看
no care three seven two ten
American Chinese not enough
one car come one car go

two car pengpeng,people die (车祸现场的描述)
heart flower angry open
go past no mistake past
if you
want life,I have one!
You have two down son.
I give you face you don’t wanna face,
you lose you face,I turn my face
给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸, 我翻脸
one 不管三七二十一
We are brothers
and who ah! 咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊!