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1.be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事be delighted/satisfied with/at sth 对某事感到满意

2.to one’s delight令某人高兴的是take delight in以~~为乐

3.be of great significance= be very significant attach significance to sth.认为某事很重要

pete with/against sb.与某人比赛compete for sth.为某物而竞争

5.in honor of sth.为了纪念某事It is an honor to do sth.很荣幸做某事

6.in favour of sth.支持,赞成

7.by tradition按照传统

8.lead the way领先lead a simple life过着简朴的生活

9.hang on 别挂电话;紧握;坚持

10.hang on to do sth.坚持做某事hang on to sth.保留某物

11.hang up挂断电话

12.hang out/about闲逛=wander about

13.attempt to do=make an attempt to do试图做某事in an attempt to do sth.

14.at the first attempt第一次尝试

15.pass sth. on(to sb.)把某事传递下去

e to public attention引起公众关注

17.join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事

18.follow one’s examples以某人为榜样

19.as follows如下the following year接下来一年

20.break through突破go through经历;浏览

21.light up照亮,喜形于色

22.A be associated with B= be connected with=be linked with=have something to do with=be

related to 两者有联系

23.in the original原文,原著

24.a big hit大受欢迎,巨大成功It hits sb that ~~~~某人突然意识到

25.bring sth. back to life让某物恢复新生

26.live side by side in peace和平共处

27.strike a match划火柴

28.meet requirements满足要求

29.make way for sth.让位给某物=make room for make one’s way to/towards前往哪里

30.apply to do sth. 申请做某事apply for sth.申请某物

31.keep a close watch on sth.密切注意某事

32.be tied打成平局end in a tie/draw以平局结束tie A to B 把A系到B 上

33.drop in on sb. 拜访某人drop in at a place拜访某地

34.drop sb. off让某人下车drop out of school退学

35.be on a tight budget经济拮据keep sth. under budget控制某事的预算

36.remove sth. form sth.从某物中移走某物

e to power/be in power当权exercise one’s power 行使职权

38.score a goal得分achieve one’s goal实现某人的目标


We were late last night, otherwise we would have seen the beginning of the film.



1.can 和could

①表能力{1.be able to do强调经过努力之后做到的事情,不能与can同时使用

2.can not…too 再。。。也不过分/越。。。越好(其他变体形式can never…too/cannot…over/can hardly…too/cannot…enough/be impossible…too/no…can…too)Eg: You can never be too careful while driving.


Eg: Could you do me a favor?

Yes, I can.

③表示惊讶,怀疑(用于否定,疑问或感叹)Eg: Can’t you see it?

④表“有时会”Eg: He is very clever, but sometimes he can be careless.


①表示请求,许可Eg; May I do sth?

Yes, you may. No,you mustn’t.

②表可能(没什么把握)Eg: He may not come back.他可能不回来了。

③may well.可能性大Eg: His words may well be true.

④may as well do sth.最好做某事Eg: You may as well cancel the deal. 你最好取消这笔交易。

⑤表祝愿Eg: May you long live.祝你长寿。



