《国境》歌词 — Czecho No Republic




《conque‎s t of paradi‎se》(1492征服‎天堂)《1492征服‎天堂》(英文全称:《1492 CONQUE‎S T OF PARADI‎S E 》)是一首世界名‎曲,本作品属于《1492 Conque‎s t Of Paradi‎s e 1492征服‎天堂/哥伦布传》专辑中的第二‎轨。


题曲《Conque ‎s t Of Paradi‎s e 征服天堂》,那种史诗般的‎气派,完完全全是慑‎人的感觉,精彩绝伦。

专辑1992年发‎行的这张《1492 Conque‎s t Of Paradi‎s e 1492征服‎天堂/哥伦布传》是希腊先锋电‎子作曲家范吉利斯(Vangel‎i s)电影配乐的最‎广为流传的代‎表作。


专辑中主题曲‎《Conque‎s t Of Paradi‎s e 征服天堂》,那种史诗般的‎气派,完完全全是慑‎人的感觉,精彩绝伦。

这部讲述哥伦‎布征服南美洲‎故事的电影也‎成为了史诗般‎的巨作!气势宏大又用‎意深远,这是Vang‎e lis自1‎990年的T‎h e City以来‎的第一张电影‎原声作品。

这张作品的地‎位仅次于Va‎n gelis‎的经典之作C‎h ariot‎s of Fire,主要是因为有‎他与生俱来的‎对作品内涵的‎独到见解,和对作品宏观‎的把握游刃有‎余。



- Backro‎a ds Music/Heartb‎e ats在这张杰出的‎专辑中,Vangel‎i s 范吉利斯倾尽全力,在录音上尽致‎完美,他以极具现代‎感的电子交响‎乐完美地再现‎了500年前‎哥伦布等探险‎者历尽惊涛骇‎浪、致命病毒以及‎种种艰难险阻‎的洗礼最终到‎达新大陆的悲‎壮故事,它的音乐充满‎了史诗般的壮‎丽辉煌和宏伟‎气势,堪称九十年代‎最成功的电影‎配乐之一。



小组课声乐曲目范围第一学期中国作品序号曲目:中文(外文)作者(中文外文)音域出处1 问萧友梅d1—e2声乐曲选集中国作品一人民音乐出版社2 花非花黄自b-e2中国艺术歌曲演唱指南上海音乐出版社3 踏雪寻梅黄自b-e2声乐曲选集中国作品一人民音乐出版社4 大海啊,故乡王立平c1-d2中国艺术歌曲选声乐教学曲库(下册)人民音乐出版社5 兰花与蝴蝶谷建芬c1—f2中国艺术歌曲选声乐教学曲库(下册)人民音乐出版社6 北风吹马克,张鲁b—g2中国歌剧曲选人民音乐出版社7 生死相依我苦恋着你刘为光c1-f2中国艺术歌曲选声乐教学曲库(下册)人民音乐出版社8 渔光曲仁光e1-f2声乐曲选集中国作品一人民音乐出版社9 卖布谣赵元任c1-f2声乐曲选集中国作品人民音乐出版社10 睡狮黄自#c1-e2声乐曲选集中国作品人民音乐出版社11 春绪应尚能b b-f2声乐曲选集中国作品人民音乐出版社12 长城谣刘雪庵d1—f2声乐曲选集中国作品人民音乐出版社13 思乡曲郑秋枫b-c2中国民族声乐教材吉林音像出版社14 码头工人聂耳e1—d2声乐曲选集中国作品人民音乐出版社15 比波尔哈萨克民歌e¹_e²新疆名曲16 牡丹汗维吾尔民歌d¹—#f²新疆名曲17 亚鲁维吾尔民歌d¹_e²新疆名曲18 牧羊歌王震之词李曦曲b e1-g2中国教学曲库中国艺术歌曲选第五卷。

上19 美丽的黑发姑娘哈萨克民歌d¹-e²新疆名曲20 白鱼维吾尔民歌d¹—f²新疆名曲21 阿莱巴郎姜一民曲e¹—f²罗布泊22 我的花儿新疆哈萨克族民歌c1-f2高师教材声乐曲选。

中国作品(二)外国作品序号曲目:中文(外文)作者(中文外文)音域出处1 奥菲欧的祈祷(1nvocazione di Orfeo)佩里(J.Peri,1561…1633)g1-e1意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴2 嗳, 太过份(Ahi,troppo ed uro)蒙泰韦尔迪(C.Monteverdi,1567-1643)d1-f2 意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴3 森林啊,充满希望(Selve,voi che le speranze) 罗萨(S.Rosa,1615—1673) d1—g2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴4 残酷的爱神(Che fiero costume) 莱格伦齐(G.Legrenzi,1626—1690)d1—f2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴5 你别对我回避躲藏(Deh pi a me non V’ascondete)焦·马·波龙奇尼(G.M.Bononcini,1642—1678) b e1-f2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴6 你如果要我死亡(Se tu della mia morte)阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725)c1-#f2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴7 我多么痛苦(Son tutta duolo)阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660—1725) d1-b e2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴8 在我的心里(Sento nel core)阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725)e1-f2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴9 别再使我痛苦迷惘(O cessate di piagarmi)阿·斯卡拉蒂(A.Scarlatti,1660-1725)f1-g2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴10 不可能放弃爱情(Lasciar d'amarti)加斯帕里尼(F.Gasparini,1668-1727) b e1-f2意大利歌曲108(上)饶余鉴11 摇篮曲(Wiegenlied)弗里斯(B。

歌曲边境 宋宇航 赏析

歌曲边境 宋宇航 赏析














林俊杰 - 西界

林俊杰 - 西界

西界-林俊杰(JJ Lin)








1、La vie en rose 玫瑰人生当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放LaVie En Rose Edith Piaf - Swinging In the Hits La vie en rose 是法国最著名,也是最受爱戴的女歌手艾迪特·皮雅芙(Edith Piaf,原名Edith Giovanna Gassion)的代表作。





2、Les feuilles mortes 枯叶当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放Les Feuilles Mortes Yves Montand - Les Feuilles Mortes Lesfeuilles mortes是作曲家Joseph Kosma在1945年于法国创作的歌曲。

1946年,法国歌手、影星Yves Montand在影片《Les Portes de la Nuit(夜之门)》中,演唱了这首歌。

但这部电影在当时并不成功,虽然小有知名度的Yves Montand当时已经和Edith Piaf 在一起,但是Montand也没有因为这部电影以及这首主题曲而受人注目。




温馨提示:把《国境四方》歌词下载下来,学得更快,唱得更好哦!!漂亮的小姐姐,帅气的小哥哥们,已经下载《国境四方》歌词了,学唱《国境四方》又快又好!还在等什么,难道说你不够漂亮,不够帅气?================《国境四方》歌词原唱完整版如下:==================我愿生而彷徨我愿生而动荡我愿生而你便是我的王我对你臣服或仰望亲吻你靴上的金色徽章我捧着孤勇一腔饰演你隐秘而危险的欲望我等待着被你禁锢永恒的饲养虚拟世界的版图总在扩张你是铩羽而归的勇将带着夜风的冰凉利爪撕扯开我狡诈的伪装你踏过泥沼与草木洪荒那时震彻的心脏叫嚣着被征服也能同你站成一方世上所有情绪于我都无关痛痒只被你掌控的颤栗触碰终没顶将我裹挟进缚网我竟期盼被吞食被你仔细品尝唇舌擦过我带伤的肩膀吻过我滚烫胸膛你是梦中虚妄你是无上理想你是坠落时陡升的翅膀你是剑上仅剩的锋芒与我深夜荒野数过星光你是海上滔天风浪将我拽入漩涡中共航你是我的只是我的爱与恨同党也看过人情聚散莺飞草长爱如同春日将化的霜看似温暖却消亡苟延残喘抓住我盲目眼光那时天真且从来不自量追随着想象流浪以为青春里所有都比一生要绵长我亦曾自我厌恶跌进深谷空港不屑去信爱可以依傍还好你有足够温柔与倔强留待着时间为我圈刻国境四方我也有野心昭昭叫喊痴狂等你领我餐风饮浪你是恢弘诗章你是星辉晴朗你是海啸中鲸鱼的脊梁你是夜色将至时微光让人甘愿披荆斩棘前往你是想拥抱的力量呼吸声缠绕着颤动心脏你是我的是我一生只一次的跌宕用你傲慢将我捆绑用你鞋尖划过我脸庞用你手指用你声音沙哑的嗓蛊惑我走烈火焠烧天堂再坠入结冰汪洋让我记住你给的痛的模样再不遗忘我也有滥情状我也有不可讲我也有最讽刺回忆的墙我决绝到曾想把世上所有爱字谏言全都烧光而你大概与我相仿爱才能如此肆虐膨胀我是你的只是你的爱与恨同党你在终止彷徨你在结束动荡你成为垂衣驭八荒的王你低下头与我相望将金色徽章戴在我肩膀你眼中分明蛰藏锁死我危险却迷人的欲望一口吞下世上没有得不到疯狂《国境四方》-洛少爷洛少爷 - 国境四方作词:洛少爷作曲:洛少爷编曲:贾轶男曾经演唱过《国境四方》这首歌比较出名的歌手有:洛少爷、李紫涵、白止、谭晶、Rajor、张韶涵、洛尘鞅、凝音、Singer旧人、曼里、等等......。

《梵兰特边境》歌词 王杰

《梵兰特边境》歌词 王杰





下面是!我为你整理了这首的歌词的一些相关的资料,希望对你有用!国家的歌词国家 - 成龙词:王平久曲:金培达一玉口中国一瓦顶成家都说国很大其实一个家一心装满国一手撑起家家是最小国国是千万家在世界的国在天地的家有了强的国才有富的家国的家住在心里家的国以和矗立国是荣誉的毅力家是幸福的洋溢国的每一寸土地家的每一个足迹国与家连在一起创造地球的奇迹在世界的国在天地的家有了强的国才有富的家国的家住在心里家的国以和矗立国是荣誉的毅力家是幸福的洋溢国的每一寸土地家的每一个足迹国与家连在一起创造地球的奇迹国是我的国家是我的家我爱我的国我爱我的家国是我的国家是我的家我爱我的国我爱我的家我爱我国家国家的演唱者信息成龙JackieChan,1954年4月7日生于中国香港,国家一级演员,1971年,以武师身份进入电影圈;1978年,主演动作电影?蛇形刁手?、?醉拳?标志着功夫喜剧片的开端;1980年,自编自导电影?师弟出马?获香港年度票房冠军;1986年,自导自演电影?警察故事?获第5届香港电影金像奖最正确影片奖;1992年,发行个人首张国语专辑?第一次?;1993年,凭借警匪片?重案组?获第30届台湾电影金马奖最正确男主角奖;1995年,凭借动作片?红番区?进入美国好莱坞;1998年,主演的动作片?尖峰时刻?奠定其在好莱坞的地位;2005年,获得第8届上海国际电影节华语电影出色奉献奖;2021年获得第54届亚太影展出色电影成就奖;2021年被美国?纽约时报?评选为“史上20位最伟大的动作影星第一位〞;2021年,凭借动作片?十二生肖?获得第32届香港电影金像奖最正确动作设计奖[3];2021年,获得奥斯卡金像奖终身成就奖。














赤西仁 14首 英文歌曲歌词

赤西仁  14首 英文歌曲歌词

Yellow Gold (2)Oowah (5)Tipsy Love (8)Bass Go Boom (12)Christmas Morning (16)I.N.P (24)Adjust the love (29)Paparats (34)Hey Girl (38)My MP3 (42)RESET (45)Body talk (54)The Fifth season (56)Pindom (58)Yellow GoldSaw you there looking forNot for everything just anything that will make this life. I'm giving what you needSo just hold your hand outI can share with you, girlY our mind I need, use it to feel meTokyos gotta know yellow goldI could share with you this worldI could make you beautifulY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahOhhhJust hear me follow meGotta tell you how things should be for you if you're with me This new life in TokyoCome and find it out tonightI can share with you, girlY ou could change your life with my helpNo not then, this is whenMake a change nowI could share with you this worldI said I could make you beautifulY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY ou are a diamond precious stone left aloneAll you can only be so much on your ownI'll polish your cut and set you in gold with my hands yellow bands, shiny yellow liningOh name foresee not to mean pulling inside of meWithin leaving what you needThis is my life that only I can beSo dangerous with this yellow gold thing Y e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahY e-ye-ye-yellow gold gold goldY ou'd better wear, wear, wear itAs your as your crown yeahOowahY ou wanna count to know that how she but fly high Y eah,like a love if you that resume it multiple time What I see is something that looks just so fineAnd I say oowah, I’ll say oowahEverything is fine,I lay it on the lineI’ll be here ju st to check you only this is for tonight Y ou know I’m gonna drink like not you can remember When I call you down, and we’ll be gone now whySing it baby, you can help me say oowahHey lady, you make me wanna say oowahY ou say oowah, do it for meHey , I’m oowah, your badyNo words connect things just how I feel this loveAnd you’ll say oowah, you’ll say oowahPick a number you like,plus four and double itMinus six and divede it by the peace signLost thing you do is subtract the first number and that equals you oowahSing it baby, you can help me say oowahHey lady, you make me wanna say oowahY ou say oowah, do it for meHey , I’m oowah, your badyI wake up in the morning and I got you on my mindY ou’re all I think about ,I think about you all the tim eWaves on the beach, coconuts in the grassSweet like a lap dance spaceship blastStars in my eyes, yep , I’m standing on the moonAt times when we get a call, it’s called a buzzkillDream, money, take a load off my mindI know we never let you out of my sight girlOowahSing it baby, you can help me say oowahHey lady, you make me wanna say oowah Y ou say oowah, do it for meHey , I’m oowah, your badyOowah, I say oowahShe is so~~oh~oh~oh~ohBaby, you make me wanna say oowahY ou say oowah, you’re the m ainI’m oowah ,your babyOowah oowahOowah oowahOowahTipsy LoveIf I said do you love meWould you said Y e-ho?If I said do you need meWould you said Y e-ho?I'll keep you dry when the rain falls Cuz I've never been so enthralledDon't know howAnd I don't need nothing elseUh~Baby love can't imagineIt's like magic I found this loveBaby love can't get closerCuz you're the closest babyBaby love I got a questionDid I mention?Is this real or are we drinking our love? Y ou got me tipsy, babyIs this for real?Inebriation from this alcohol got me intoxication Y ou got me swerving from the serveAnd my cup's taken from accessAnd like a hundred dollar billI could pay for one-on-one drinkWalking down with tut, yaWanna take a shot, yaY eah, these women never take my eye off you Shots got me feeling freeAnd I'd really love to see usHolding hands and heading down the streetIf I said do you love meWould you said Y e-ho?If I said do you need meWould you said Y e-ho?I'll keep you dry when the rain fallsCuz I've never been so enthralledDon't know howAnd I don't need nothing elseUh~Baby love can't imagineIt's like magic I found this loveBaby love can't get closerCuz you're the closest babyBaby love I got a questionDid I mention?Is this real or are we drinking our love?Y ou got me tipsy, babyIs this for real?Imagination's got me thinking about this infatuationY our loving whisper has me longing for the cup of sweet rose Don't need no 100 billCuz you're the only one I'll ever needCan't believe what I just sawCrazing at you, I'm in aweI like a kurosawa pictureThere's not a single flawThen I hear my phone beepAnd I'm waking up to seeThat all of this was just another dreamIf I said do you love meWould you said Y e-ho?If I said do you need meWould you said Y e-ho?I'll keep you dry when the rain falls Cuz I've never been so enthralledDon't know howAnd I don't need nothing elseUh~Baby love can't imagineIt's like magic I found this loveBaby love can't get closerCuz you're the closest babyBaby love I got a questionDid I mention?Is this real or are we drinking our love? Y ou got me tipsy, babyBaby love can't imagineIt's like magic I found this loveBaby love can't get closerCuz you're the closest babyBaby love I got a questionDid I mention?Is this real or are we drinking our love?Y ou got me tipsy, babyBass Go BoomC.L.A.P.(We make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boom)Step in the club all the heads start turningWe bumping bottles till our vision start blurringY ou so excited that your speech starts slurringWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomSo grab a pen and start learningHow Akanishi keep them records turningWe never play fair so you better be concerned whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI suppose that's cool but you know what you're drinking We taking shots till our brain stops thinkingWe so Titanic but we never be sinkingWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomThat chick is giving us an eye.Our stock's so big that you know we're supplying.I think you’re in for a surprise whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body moving.I wanna make your legs keep grooving.I wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boom Feel the bass go! Feel the beat go!Da da da da da da da daEh-oh! Eh-oh!So if you think you ah! came here to partyI must show you how the big boys do itFeel the bass moving through your bodyEh-oh! Eh-oh!C.L.A.P.I wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomI wanna see your body movingI wanna make your legs keep groovingI wanna know what you gotta do whenWe make the bass go, oh we make the bass go boomDa da da da da da da daDa da da da da da da daEh-oh! Eh-oh!Da da da da da da da daEh-oh! Eh-oh!Boom! Boom! Boom!HAC.L.A.P.Christmas MorningSnows blowing on a cold winter morning Look from you I feel my heart beating Never thought I couldn't get to youNever thought I would be with youNow I wonder how we ever could a got here Without your loving in my life my one fear Waking up without youWe changing and I know that you don't need Everything we had was all we could be Couldn't hear the words you told meI'm giving I'm giving I'm giving I'm giving I'm giving upOn youOh I've been holding back this feelingFor too long and I'm about to fall... on youI gave you I gave youAll of me all of meFirst time I saw your faceThe storms came the winds changedY ou fogged my mind with snowI'm blind nowY ou opened up the gatesWhen you came amazed meAnd now I'm drowning down down down down down We running to this beat on christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for youBut I know it was true the feeling was youWe running to this beat on christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for youBut I know it was true the feeling was youWas true was you was true was youNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you falloh ohSnows blowing on a cold winter morning Look from you I feel my heart beating Never thought I couldn't get to youNever thought I would be with youNow I wonder how we ever could a got here Without your loving in my life my one fear Waking up without youWe changing and I know that you don't need Everything we had was all we could be Couldn't hear the words you told meI'm giving I'm giving I'm giving I'm giving I'm giving upOn youY ou don't know how much I sung this song Didn't know how long I left it onY ou don't know how much I sung this songDidn't know how long I left it onFirst time I saw your faceThe storms came the winds changedY ou fogged my mind with snowI'm blind nowY ou opened up the gatesWhen you came amazed meAnd now I'm drowning down down down down down We running to this beat on christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for you Everything that I've done I've done it for youFor ya For ya For yaWe running to this beat on christmas morning Everything that I've done I've done it for you Everything that I've done I've done it for youFor ya For ya For yaNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you fallNow we fall togetherNow I fall now you falloh ohKeep it upY ou gotta need it need itY ou gotta feel it feel itY ou gotta hustle move it work it and just bring that upY ou been talking all night longHow you keep your swagger onIt's time to shut your mouth and just show meY ou saying that you got the factsTo bring me where you're atY ou talking game but you can't convince meIf you got game and stacks thenTwist it and put your back inDrop it down to the floor and bring that up!If you just wanna run your mouth thenShut that up shut that upAnd if you wanna run with me thenBring that up bring that upY ou know that body's bout itY ou know how much I want itIf you wanna hit it then justBring that up bring that upY ou gotta need it need itY ou gotta feel it feel itY ou gotta hustle move it work it and just bring that upIf you ain't gotta get it outI'll show you how to move it outAll this shit you spitting want take you nowhereY ou girls been mugging all night longThey know you faded goneForget them hoes and I'll just take you thereIf you got game and stacks thenTwist it and put your back inDrop it down to the floor and bring that up!If you just wanna run your mouth thenShut that up shut that upAnd if you wanna run with me thenBring that up bring that upY ou know that body's bout itY ou know how much I want itIf you wanna hit it then justBring that up bring that upY ou gotta need it need itY ou gotta feel it feel itY ou gotta hustle move it work it and just bring that upIf you got game and stacks thenTwist it and put your back inDrop it down to the floor and bring that up!If you just wanna run your mouth thenShut that up shut that upAnd if you wanna run with me thenBring that up bring that upY ou know that body's bout itY ou know how much I want itIf you wanna hit it then justBring that up bring that upIf you just wanna run your mouth thenShut that up shut that upAnd if you wanna run with me thenBring that up bring that upY ou know that body's bout itY ou know how much I want itIf you wanna hit it then justBring that up bring that upY ou gotta need it need itY ou gotta feel it feel itY ou gotta hustle move it work it and just bring that up Bring that upI.N.PInternational party!!!It's a party take a shotIt's a party clap your handsIt's a party spend them dollarsIt's a party grab a girlIf you wanna party right gonna be a party nightBreak it down and keep it tight with that body in my sight I get money baby if you wanna come with meY ou could see how we do it in the I.N.PSo we been rocking hard it's likeWe know you want this lifeThe crystal clear is spilling hereSo come and jock a sliceSwaggin off the scale haters can study hereBut leave our differences behind we gonna party party partyuh uh uh uh uh …………………………….It's a party take a shotIt's a party clap your handsIt's a party spend them dollarsIt's a party grab a girlI can tell you how you want it to be3 peat we meet to keep the beatY ou move your feet to feel this heatIt starts to creep all empty seats Defeating beating in your chestThere's nothing left except the bestWe move we rock the beat we dropUntil on top we never stopI can tell you how you want it to be3 peat we meet to keep the beatY ou move your feet to feel this heatIt starts to creep all empty seats Defeating beating in your chestThere's nothing left except the bestWe move we rock The beat we dropUn till on top we never stopuh uh uh uh uhShorty what your name iswooooooI haven't seen you around beforewoooooooI'll show you how to partywoooooooThen shut your mouth and bust it outAnd show me how you move it babyIt's a party take a shotIt's a party clap your handsIt's a party spend them dollarsIt's a party grab a girlGirl:Up in this bitch I'm taking that toneNight of my life I'm feeling the zoneSwagger you need It you getting a loanLife's calling you boy now answer the Phone I'm Hitting it likeuh uhMy drinking is heavy your drinking is lightI'm looking for somebody better than Y ouChecking the floor and I'm wonderingWhoBoy:Up in this hoe I'm taking that toneNight of my life and I'm feeling the zoneSwagger you need It you getting a loanlife's calling you baby now answer the Phone I'm Hitting it like uh uhMy drinking is heavy your drinking is lightI'm looking for somebody better than youChecking the floor and I'm wondering whoIt's a party take a shotIt's a party clap your handsIt's a party spend them dollarsIt's a party grab a girlShorty what your name is?wooooooI haven't seen you around before woooooooI'll show you how to party woooooooThen shut your mouth and bust it out And show me how you move it baby uh uh uh uh uhIt's a party take a shotIt's a party clap your handsIt's a party spend them dollarsIt's a party grab a girlAdjust the loveFree this blood HallelujahFrom now on oh hey yoRead this book and learn your selfFrom now on We are losing track of actual loveFreedom Run to the streets and scream FreedomWe love We are losing track of actual loveAnd need to learn how to adjust loveIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryWe be lying We crying We be standing byPeople never wanna lend a hand I'll tell you whyPeople can't get the things they need to bePeople just break your heart and then they leaveDeceiving beings surrounding me but they won't take me down cuz this spirit is freeY ou know that when you left me there was nothing for you but there was hella for mePeople lying People crying People dyeing everydayCan we figure out what the problem is with usWe move to the streets scream charity no one feeling like pushing for equalityAnd I see that the problems would beBut the pain came and the pain took me back to a placeThat I never want to go never want to seeNever want to remember the times just blinding meSo much we can strive for humanity needs to take a step forward and make a noiseAnd were poised to make a change in the universemoving for a change in the way we see this worldBefore we die let's try to make a change in the way people strive to surviveKeep the love alive till the day that we dieKilling all the reason that we got just to cryThe tears that we had to give at the timeMinds on the grind forget about the crimesFor me I'm through good byeFarewell to themI'm a always stay trueTime to laugh and time to crySo hear this song and yall write your wrongsWe can all rise aboveI am telling you now adjust your loveFreedom Run to the streets and scream FreedomWe love We are losing track of actual loveAnd need to learn how to adjust loveIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryWe be lying we be crying we be standing byAll I want to know is why I don't hear people say I love youTell me that I love you all I want you to say is that I love youI stand alone in the zone is where you took never thought it'd take me But I know it's true cuz I look to youI pray for freedom freedom saved meBefore I'd be a slave you cold lay me in my grave go up to my Lord yes I'm a be freeChilling with our wings for all to seeHead down yonder on that grave yard walkWit the free on blast with him I'll talkNo he can't be mockedSo is it true that you reap what you sowI hope you know that sin you sowDestruction you'll be growingEven thought I know you couldn't fill my shoesY ou could fill my grave it ain't not being usedLight in hailing heck a huffing on life (abuse)Tolerance for blessing thank God every night (Stay true)Learned at a young age by the book on shelfThe book we read the truth that we tookLeft me standing staying shook I look to you my soul you tookMoving to the streets Got Revolution on my mindIn time the freedom gonna be mineDon't hide my light you watch me shineRevelation change its timeWe been dyeing it's a singWe by hungry yes indeedSo bring the rainTonight we feedWe got nothing left to sayWe got nothing left to seeWe been hungry every nightGive us everything we needTonight the night we take the leadWe break the mold we change the breedEternal life Eternally never die I'm always freeFreedom Run to the streets and scream FreedomWe love We are losing track of actual loveAnd need to learn how to adjust loveIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryIt's a fair well it's a good bye a time to laugh a time to love a time for us to cryPaparatsY ou wanna get a 2nd look and take a pickKnow about my life be my guest and make it upAs long as you collect that check Y ou don'tReally give a shit do youahhhKeep it straight I'm not losing any sleepJust telling you how it isY our pictures just picturesBut they aren't worth a 1000 wordsI'm talking all about meY our articles ain't really saying shitStop wasting your time with thisLying about my lifeThis is meya ya ya yayStop wasting your timeLying about my lifeThere's no reasonsTo believe them ~let go~Just keep my nameOut your mouthIt's someone elseIt's someone elseThat's what I feelY ou failed SirA fake me you createdI'm having funThank youSee umm stop and staring everyday Trying to tear a piece of me away That's not the guy I see in the mirror That's the guy you wantThis is my life that I gaveNot what you madeThe rumors can't be trueCuz I'm a clear it up for youPaparazzi snapping shotsWriters making stories upThe proof they have is not a lot I'm living life you all forgot just taking it Day by day can you hear the things they say?This is how I do itWhen I do it cuz its my wayI can live and you can walkI can run and you can walkNobody can make a me nobody can make me stopY ou can't be replacing meThis fabrication facing meIt still entertaining meThere's no reasonsTo believe them ~let go~Just keep my nameOut your mouthIt's someone elseIt's someone elseThat's what I feelY ou failed SirA fake me you created I'm having fun Thank youIt's someone elseIt's someone else That's what I feelY ou failed SirA fake me you created I'm having fun Thank youHey GirlHey girl wanna danceIt's not youExcuse me I'm not talking to youhey girl that was youIt's you girl you girl you girlyou you you youWhoever said you were a tenMust have been counting out of a hundred thenEvery time you leave turn around baby come back to me Before you break my heart so uglyBut we drunk so I guess It's cool with meAnd I never joke but I love jkNot the funny girls but ones that say UchyoAnd what I'm saying is so superSo I guess that makes me super sayingSuper star, hide the lids so you don't know who we areSo show me how we sipping parties tripping when we kicking itSo hey girl your sisters looking dopeSo excuse me Miss let me through cuz I got something to say I'm not talking to you !Hey girl wanna danceIt's not youExcuse me I'm not talking to youHey girl that was youIt's you girl you girl you girlyou you you youWhoever said you were a tenMust have been counting out of a hundred thenI'm so fxxked up turn the party upTill we all puke up we change that upEvery time I'm here I'm staring at herShe looks really hot from far awayBut when you get close she is far away from hot (shit!)Her name is XXXX she is a bartender on the 2nd floorSo that's why I don't wanna go up thereExcuse me girl you wanna dance with meY ou wanna drink with me as usually I'm trying to get a check with those typical linesOMG here comes gold digger diggerHold champagne and drinking jaguar jaguarI hate that thing I'm drunk I thinkBounce out this spot I need ladiesHey girl wanna danceIt's not youExcuse me I'm not talking to youHey girl that was youIt's you girl you girl you girlOh snap I think I found the oneWish I could be that straw on your tongueY o how ya doing girl my name is JinLet me play in your game I swear ill winThat made her grin I think I'm inLet's have a drink and chill for a bitTell me your name cuz I did the same show some lovefor we out this clubHer friends are pissed my friends are madWe spending time gonna call a cabTill my homi tripped and spilled his glassShe's soaked with beer an bouncing out a hereIt's aight ya see cuz I didn't really needAnything from her Know could a done better Letter go Get another few mins you already knowI'll find a better hoeHey girl wanna danceIt's not youExcuse me I'm not talking to youHey girl that was youIt's you girl you girl you girlHey girl wanna danceIt's not youExcuse me I'm not talking to youHey girl that was youIt's you girl you girl you girlLa la la la la la la la...Whoever said you were a tenMust have been counting out of a hundred then My MP3Y ou know I feel your beat inside my mindY ou know your tempos just a little highThe way your bass is bumping I need moreI love the way you always have a rhymeAn how your words fit so perfect with mineIt's time to press play on this girlAn will dance until we can't take any moreThis sweet song is my m-p-p-p-3The way I feel herbeat-beat-beat-beat-beatThis song I guess I need need need need needLa la la lasweet sweet sweet sweetY our eyes have got to just be synthesizedY ou're sweeter than the first verse with a 9th Now the second verse starts to blend with mine La la la la la laI'll find a way to keep this mp3An play it in my life for eternityBetter than you've ever had beforeKeep the bass rockingWanting moreBecause....This sweet song is my m-p-p-p-3The way I feel herbeat-beat-beat-beat-beatThis song I guess I need need need need needLa la la lasweet sweet sweet sweetTurn it up or turn it downThe beat is bumping this whole damn town Like a ghetto blaster of the groundIt's pounds and pounds and pounds and poundsThis sweet song is my m-p-p-p-3The way I feel herbeat-beat-beat-beat-beatThis song I guess I need need need need need La la la laThis sweet song is my m-p-p-p-3The way I feel herbeat-beat-beat-beat-beatThis song I guess I need need need need needLa la la lasweet sweet sweet sweetRESETPieces of lives we rememberPieces of lives we won't forgetoh oh ohDown cuz we gonna go and reset life nowPieces of our lives we rememberPieces of our lives we won't forgetoh oh ohDown cuz we gonna go and reset life nowDid you ever wonder if you would forget the sunshineI know you'd always be mine I think about it from time to time I know we'd never have these problems looking at you everyday I never thought I'd ever have to hear you ever have to say Words that you don't know the things that you don't wanna know Things I told you when I told you and I never let you knowY ou told me once or twice the things we had to see。















动感101台歌合辑 101首金曲倒数 (2004-2011)

动感101台歌合辑 101首金曲倒数 (2004-2011)

2004年度101蜜雪薇琪-爱斯基摩100xx良-跳电99大地乐团-别来无恙98xx-恋曲L.A.97南拳妈妈-瓦解96xx-断翅蝴蝶飞95xx-吻雨94xx-距离93xx-流星92五月天-xx91xx-xx90xx-两个人89xx圌xx-不孤单88刀郎-冲动的惩罚87F.I.R.-FlyAway86xx-我要轻轻为你唱首歌85xx-xx蝶84黄品源-情人83xx-WuHa82xx-飘雪81xx-月光80xx-我会想念你79xx-知道不知道78魔术代-粉红色乐团77xx-xx76xx-两个人的烟火75xx圌xx姿-我的爱74房祖名-要强73xx-防空洞72xx-xx71xx-豆浆油条70xx-祝我生日快乐69xx/xx-恋爱达人68xx良-东方xx67xx-xx的插曲66F.I.R.-你的微笑65xx-蓝色雪花64xx-手放开63S.H.E.-别说对不起62xx-如果没有感觉61xx-大风吹60品冠-爱情不能作比较59xx-xx嘿SaLangHae58xx觉圌醒-DREAM57xx-你是我老婆56xx-HelloAngle55五月天-让我照顾你54xx-害怕53xx-今生今世52杨坤-月亮可以代表我的心51xx-不会xx50xx-遗失的美好49xx-燃烧48Energy-OneLove47xx-爱你46xx-我也会爱上别人的45xx-第一千个昼夜44xx-Waitingforyou43Tension-跟着月亮慢慢走42xx-一首情歌41黑棒-霞飞路87号40南拳妈妈-香草吧噗39xx-火38xx-爱情三十六计37陈坤-烟花火36梁咏琪-归属感35张智成-末日xx34xx-真夏的樱花33xx-我爱你,再见32南拳妈妈-小时候31xx-我呼吸你30xx-柠檬草的味道29xx-听说28Kone+5566-风云变色27xx-借口26刀郎-2002年的第一场雪25xx-你的体温245566-Boyfriend23S.H.E-他还是不懂22xx-男人.xx21xx-孤单xx20xx/xx-快乐崇拜19黄品冠/xx-明明很爱你18F.I.R.-Lydia17xx-记得我爱你16xx-LOVELOVE15S.H.E-候鸟14xx-黑白画映13xx-一公尺12xx-渐渐11xx-倒带10xx-我的地盘09xx圌xx姿-我也很想他08xx-爱你07S.H.E.-波斯猫06五月天-倔强05xx-xx04xx-xx03xx-xx02F.I.R.-我们的爱01xx-xx2005年度NO:101影子歌手:xx专辑:影子NO:100寂寞xx冷歌手:xx专辑:星空下的传说NO:99快乐歌手:张智成专辑:快乐NO:98死了都要爱歌手:信乐团专辑:信乐团NO:97你微笑时好美歌手:xx专辑:释放NO:96咸鱼歌手:五月天NO:95 super model歌手:s.h.e专辑:不想xxNO:94杀破狼歌手:js专辑:遇见未来NO:93哎呀歌手:xxNO:92眼泪成诗歌手:xx专辑:完美的一天NO:91自我催眠歌手:xx专辑:催眠showNO:90 24楼歌手:xx专辑:一整夜NO:89又一年又三年歌手:品冠专辑:后来的我(新歌+精选)NO:88没有你了歌手:xx专辑:划火柴的女孩NO:87无尽的爱歌手:xx/xx专辑:电影神话原声带NO:86爱疯了歌手:xx专辑:爱疯了NO:85许愿池的xx少女歌手:xx专辑:野蛮游戏NO:84森巴皇后歌手:twins专辑:森巴皇后NO:83遇见了你歌手:陈奕讯专辑:u-87NO:82无限歌手:飞儿乐队专辑:无限NO:81爱回温歌手:xx专辑:爱回温NO:80火光歌手:xx专辑:火光NO:79爱我还是他NO:78谁是mvp歌手:xx专辑:高手NO:77寂寞在唱歌歌手:xxNO:76花歌手:五月天专辑:当我们混在一起NO:75星光游乐园歌手:twins专辑:见习爱神NO:74 ma ma歌手:xx专辑:xxNO:73xx歌手:南拳妈妈专辑:2号餐NO:72旅行的意义歌手:陈绮贞专辑:xx的冒险NO:71星光歌手:s.h.eNO:70睡美人[/B]歌手:xx专辑:最终幻想NO:69 da da da歌手:xx专辑:闪耀2005新歌+节奏精NO:68一首简单的歌歌手:xx专辑:心中的日月NO:67手放开歌手:xx专辑:NO:66一比一歌手:xx专辑:一比一NO:65飘移歌手:xx专辑:头文字dNO:64第一天歌手:xx专辑:完美的一天NO:63大舌头歌手:xxNO:62那年的情书歌手:xx专辑:恋人心中有一首诗NO:61xx的眼睛歌手:徐若瑄专辑:狠狠爱NO:60xx歌手:xx专辑:双栖动物NO:59野蛮游戏歌手:xx专辑:野蛮游戏NO:58大齐歌手:xx专辑:偶遇NO:57天堂歌手:光良专辑:童话NO:56暧昧歌手:xxNO:55孤单xx歌手:xx专辑:xx有xxoceanNO:54放开你的心歌手:xx专辑:心中的日月NO:53简简单单歌手:xx专辑:编号89757NO:52喜唰唰歌手:花儿乐队专辑:花季xxNO:51对不起,xx歌手:陈奕迅专辑:怎么样NO:50双栖动物歌手:xx专辑:双栖动物NO:49真夏的樱花歌手:xx专辑:xxiiNO:48如果还有明天歌手:信/xx/xxNO:47那一年,这一天歌手:xx&xx专辑:两极NO:46丝路歌手:xx专辑:丝路通往爱的路途NO:45那个女孩对我说歌手:xx专辑:专属密码NO:44睁一只眼闭一只眼歌手:xx专辑:野蛮游戏NO:43忙与盲歌手:xx专辑:黑的意念NO:42恋爱ing歌手:五月天专辑:知足最真杰作选NO:41翅膀歌手:xx专辑:honeyNO:40xx黑夜xx歌手:xx专辑:星空下的传说NO:39走路去xx歌手:xx专辑:走路去xxNO:38 susan说歌手:xx专辑:xxNO:37xx歌手:xx专辑:xxNO:36光歌手:xx专辑:一整夜NO:35一路向xx歌手:xx专辑:jⅢNO:34真命天子歌手:xx专辑:催眠showNO:33手心的xx歌手:xx专辑:xxNO:32再说一次我爱你歌手:xx专辑:再说一次我爱你NO:31下雪歌手:xx专辑:i...doNO:30不想xx歌手:s.h.e专辑:不想xxNO:29 forever love歌手:xx专辑:心中的日月NO:28被风吹过的夏天歌手:xx&xx专辑:最新单曲NO:27完美的一天歌手:xx专辑:完美的一天NO:26发如雪歌手:xx专辑:十一月的xxNO:25 tmd我爱你歌手:xx专辑:超级女声终极pkNO:24如果爱歌手:xx专辑:电影如果爱主题曲NO:23希望歌手:xx专辑:我是xx的NO:22当你孤单你会想起谁歌手:张栋梁专辑:首选张栋梁NO:21我和xx歌手:xx专辑:双NO:20一直很xx歌手:xx专辑:寂寞在唱歌NO:19林俊杰---编号89757歌手:xx专辑:编号89757NO:18后来的我们歌手:品冠专辑:后来的我(新歌+精选)NO:17狠狠爱歌手:徐若瑄专辑:狠狠爱NO:16xx歌手:xxNO:15xx没有眼泪歌手:twinsNO:14天空NO:13珊瑚海歌手:xx&lara专辑:十一月的xxNO:12 honey歌手:xx专辑:honeyNO:11就是爱你NO:10如果的事歌手:xxxx专辑:一比一NO:09心中的日月歌手:xx专辑:心中的日月NO:08不得不爱歌手:xx专辑:高手N0:07一千年以后歌手:xx专辑:编号89757NO:06千年之恋歌手:飞儿乐队专辑:无限NO:05恋爱达人歌手:xx小s专辑:达人showNO:04笔记歌手:xx专辑:超级女声终极pk NO:03童话歌手:光良专辑:童话NO:02知足歌手:五月天专辑:知足NO:01夜曲歌手:xx专辑:十一月的xx2006年度101歌曲:小手拉大手歌手:xx专辑:亲亲100歌曲:无可救药歌手:黄品冠专辑:爱到无可救药99歌曲:大喜宙歌手:花儿乐队专辑:xx世98歌曲:如果没有你歌手:xx专辑:如果没有你97歌曲:Happy Wake Up歌手:xx专辑:皇后与梦想96歌曲:又一年又三年歌手:品冠专辑:后来的我95歌曲:天灰歌手:she专辑:不想xx94歌曲:心肝宝贝歌手:xx专辑:声音93歌曲:精舞门歌手:xx专辑:Speshow92歌曲:不怕歌手:xx专辑:不怕91歌曲:静静的歌手:xx专辑:戒不掉90歌曲:怎么办歌手:she专辑:花样少年少女89歌曲:夜的第七章歌手:xx专辑:依然xx88歌曲:真命天子歌手:xx专辑:催眠show87.歌曲:Kiss Goodbye歌手:xx专辑:xx86歌曲:I Still Believe歌手:徐若瑄xx专辑:vi and85歌曲:我要快乐歌手:xx专辑:我要快乐84歌曲:旅行的意义歌手:陈绮贞专辑:xx的冒险83歌曲:男佣歌手:xx专辑:将军令82歌曲:心型圈歌手:xx专辑:舞娘81歌曲:皇帝xx歌手:xx专辑:音乐密码music code 80歌曲:我想更懂你歌手:xx/xx专辑:反转地球79歌曲:放轻松歌手:xx78歌曲:爱情歌手:xx专辑:my nation77歌曲:遇上爱歌手:xx专辑:遇上爱76歌曲:对你有感觉歌手:xx专辑:爱哭鬼75歌曲:woosa歌手:xx专辑:cyndi with u74歌曲:给我你的爱歌手:tank专辑:生存之道73歌曲:happy birth day歌手:xx专辑:happy birth day 72.歌曲:竹林风歌手:xx专辑:xx.恋情71歌曲:戴上我的爱歌手:xx/xx珞丹专辑:反转地球70歌曲:爱情yogurt歌手:xx专辑:xx69歌曲:反转地球歌手:xx专辑:反转地球68歌曲:我会好好的歌手:xx专辑:cyndi with u67歌曲:都是你歌手:光良66歌曲:黑白配歌手:xx专辑:我们的纪念日65歌曲:只对你有感觉歌手:飞轮海&hebe专辑:飞轮海64歌曲:爱哭鬼歌手:xx专辑:爱哭鬼63歌曲:诗人的眼泪歌手:xx专辑:诗人的眼泪62歌曲:beautiful love歌手:xx专辑:t-time新歌+精选61歌曲:田径之歌歌手:xx/se7en/xx/60歌曲:初恋粉色系歌手:南拳妈妈专辑:调色盘59歌曲:我会好好过歌手:xx专辑:baby是我58歌曲:庆祝歌手:xx专辑:遇上爱57歌曲:一个人的行李歌手:xx专辑:56歌曲:皇后与梦想歌手:xx专辑:皇后与梦想55歌曲:飞行部落歌手:f.i.r.专辑:飞行部落54歌曲:你那么爱她歌手:xx&xx专辑:关于你的歌53歌曲:幻觉歌手:陈坤专辑:再一次实现52歌曲:我很想爱他歌手:twins专辑:八十块环游世界(内地做你的男人歌手:xx专辑:做你的男人50歌曲:忘不了歌手:陶喆专辑:xx49歌曲:退后歌手:xx专辑:依然xx48歌曲:xx百合歌手:xx专辑:xx47歌曲:右手戒指歌手:xx专辑:独立日46歌曲:睫毛弯弯歌手:xx45歌曲:寂寞xx冷歌手:xx44歌曲:一个像夏天一个像秋天歌手:xx专辑:我们的纪念日43歌曲:太认真歌手:陈坤专辑:再一次实现42歌曲:来自不同星球歌手:xx专辑:发光体41歌曲:本草纲目歌手:xx专辑:依然xx40歌曲:约定歌手:光良专辑:约定39歌曲:一把伞歌手:183CLUB专辑:183CLUB 38歌曲:触电歌手:SHE专辑:forever新曲+精选37歌曲:原来歌手:xx专辑:xx36歌曲:美人鱼歌手:徐若瑄专辑:vi and35歌曲:自我催眠歌手:xx专辑:催眠show34歌曲:一眼万年歌手:s.h.e专辑:天外飞仙片头曲33歌曲:听妈妈的话歌手:xx专辑:依然xx32歌曲:在xx歌手:xx专辑:xx31歌曲:give me five歌手:xx专辑:give me five30歌曲:xx歌手:xx专辑:xx29歌曲:xx不思议歌手:xx专辑:舞娘28歌曲:xx歌手:陶喆专辑:xx27歌曲:彩虹的微笑歌手:xx专辑:微笑pasta电视原声26歌曲:xx恋歌手:tank专辑:生存之道25歌曲:光芒歌手:xx专辑:xx24歌曲:彩虹天堂歌手:xx畊宏专辑:彩虹天堂23歌曲:靠岸歌手:xx专辑:个人首张专辑22歌曲:舞娘歌手:xx专辑:舞娘21歌曲:我的show歌手:xx&君君专辑:xx20歌曲:独唱情歌歌手:tank专辑:生存之道19歌曲:天鹅歌手:xx专辑:1st ep 18歌曲:将军令歌手:xx专辑:将军令17歌曲:暖暖歌手:xx专辑:亲亲16歌曲:如果的事歌手:xx&xx专辑:一比一15歌曲:菊花台歌手:xx14歌曲:我有我的young歌手:飞轮海专辑:飞轮海13歌曲:不想xx歌手:S.H.E专集:不想xx12歌曲:认真的雪歌手:xx专集:xx11歌曲:这该死的爱歌手:xx专辑:the one10歌曲:恋爱ing歌手:五月天专辑:知足最真杰作选9歌曲:别爱我像爱个朋友歌手:xx专辑:谁动了我的琴弦8歌曲:xx歌手:xx7歌曲:假装歌手:xx专辑:舞娘6歌曲:年轻的战场歌手:好男儿专辑:xx5歌曲:亲亲歌手:xx专辑:亲亲ep4歌曲:隐形的翅膀歌手:xx专辑:xx3歌曲:今天你要嫁给我歌手:xx&xx专辑:xx2歌曲:xxxx歌手:xx专辑:xx1歌曲:千里之外歌手:xx&xx专辑:依然xx2007年度101咕叽xx100诀别诗xx99一个人xx983-7-20-1xx97K歌情人品冠&xx96距离(我不配)xx95LoVexx94淋雨xxxx93当你离开的时候xx92好心情JustbeyourselfS.H.E 91xxxx栋梁90C大调xx89败给你xx&ELVA88爱情xx87xx之辈xx86差一点xx85听xx弹xxS.H.E84老子说xx83xxxx82出神入化飞轮海81好久不见xx80xxxx垮下来S.H.E79无与伦比的xxxx绿78杀手xx77你好吗xx&xx76一千遍我爱你xx75好想对你说xx&xx娜拉74记得我吗xx73xx宅男xx72xx的味道xx71xx你的温柔S.H.E70不会分离光良69甜甜的xx68搬家梁咏琪67表白xx66最重要的小事五月天65我就是我光良64爱在哪里xx63逆光xx62无可救药品冠61旋律xx60原来爱情这么伤梁咏琪59超喜欢你飞轮海58GirlfriendAvrilLavigne 57superNo.1xx萱56我不是F4xx55任意门xx54爱的天灵灵王心凌53Free陶喆52蓝眼睛xx&xx绿51天使五月天50需要你的爱F.I.R&信49落叶归根xx48带我去寻找xx47精舞门罗xx46穷开心花儿乐队45无神论xx44xxxx43哲学家xx42xxxx&弦子41依恋xx40路口xx39专属天使Tank38我们的歌王力宏过路曲目男人KTV胡彦斌37好听xx36怎么办S.H.E35xxBO34如果你也听说xx33我怀念的xx32JustwhenIneedyoumost品冠31非你莫属Tank30月牙湾F.I.R29缺氧xx28发现xxxx&xx27两只恋人xx26在你身边xx25那年夏天xx的海王心凌24xx2008xx&李谷一23你过得好吗xx22不能说的秘密xx21xx海鸥南拳妈妈20记得xx&xx19babyxx18淘汰陈奕讯17五月天离开地球表面16xxxx很忙15 S.H.E五月天14xx爱情任务13xx改变自己12飞轮海爱到11xx青花瓷10xx/xx萱xx与茱丽叶9xxxx情歌8xx日不落7 S.H.Exx话6xxxx转角5王力宏&selina你是我心内的一首歌4xx&xx思念是一种病3五月天&xx私奔到月球2xx彩虹1陈奕迅爱情转移2008年度101三个心愿-FIR100GetThePartyStarted-蔡依林99逃生-xx98我不会唱歌-xx97期待爱-xx&xx96流浪诗人-xx95彼岸-xx94不够成熟-BY293下一个xx-xx92转机-xx91猜不透-丁当90樱花树下-xx89收藏-xx88来不及-Hebe87给我一首歌的时间-xx86游乐-xx绿85越来越爱-飞轮海84我就是这样-xx83冲动-xx82远远-xx81头号粉丝-xx80100种生活-xx79天使之翼-xx78supersunshine-xx77今天情人节-xx76IWon'tLastADayWithoutYou-蔡依林75和寂寞说分手-xx74我还想他-xx73xx-棒棒糖72xx-无乐不做71ftTPain-low70至少还有你-Superjunior-M69我是你的XX-xx68TheTings-GreatDJ67倒带人生-陈奕迅66国境之南-xx65沿海公路的出口-SHE64情人节-xx63复刻回忆-xx&xx62beautifuldays-Arashi岚61xx-xx60怪胎-xx59傻瓜-xx58一颗心的距离-xx57ifiwereaboy-Beyonce56不嘲不用花钱-xx55败给你-xx&xx54天下-xx53幸福的风-xx52我恋爱了-xx51心跳-xx50Ifineverseeyourfaceagain-魔力红乐团49不完美-xx48月牙湾-FIR47噢买尬-五月天46无辜-xx45xx难过-xx44醉赤壁-xx43说好的幸福-xx42洋葱-xx41走火入魔-叮当&xx40陪我歌唱-xx绿39右手边-光良38宇宙xx-SHE37生死不离-xx36为你存在-飞轮海35情歌xx-xx34鸽子-xx33深深爱过你-xx32TakeMeToTheStar—苏见信31.残酷月光-林宥嘉30xx-BO29独家记忆-xx28xx-xx27少年xx-xx26会呼吸的痛-xx25LOVESONG-xx24xx了-SHE23明天过后-xx22疼爱-xx21路一直都在-陈奕迅20眼色-林宥嘉19touchmybody-玛丽亚-凯莉18你不是真正的快乐-五月天17斗牛要不要-TANK16眼泪笑了-xx15男人女人-xxxx144minutes-Madonna13画心-xx12还是好朋友-xx+xx11舍不得-弦子10vivalavida-Coolplay09小酒窝-JJxxSA08新窝-SHE飞轮海07下雨天-南拳妈妈06突然好想你-五月天05有你的快乐-xx04为你写诗-xx03亲爱的那不是爱情-xx02稻香-xx01xx欢迎你-群星2009年度Track101:xx——808Track100:布兰妮——CircusTrack99:品管&李心洁——当你想着我Track98:xx——个中强手Track97:xx——隐形的纪念Track96:TaylorSwift——YouBelongwithMe Track95:棉花糖——陪你到世界的终结Track94:张悬——beautifulwomanTrack93:xx——闪闪惹人爱Track92:xx——xx星Track91:xx——钻石糖Track90:xx——xxTrack89:陶喆——我太傻Track88:NastyBoyKlick——Iknowyouwantme Track87:xx——一念之间Track86:飞轮海——越来越爱Track85:xx——恋爱绝句选Track84:xx——每个人都会Track83:杨宗纬&丛浩楠——我的太阳Track82:棒棒堂——综艺咖Track81:BY2——勇敢Track80:梁咏琪——我是你的梁咏琪Track79:xx——D.I.S.C.OTrack78:xx——圆谎Track77:xx——亲爱的Track76:xx——第二顺位Track75:林俊杰——第几个100天Track74:碧昂丝——SingleLadies Track73:xx——新不了情Track72:陶喆——请继续,任性Track71:xx——把心拉近Track70:xx——偶尔Track69:罗志祥——partyboysTrack68:方大同——singalongsong Track67:xx——掉了Track66:卢广仲——OHYeah!Track65:xx绿——早点回家Track64:唐禹哲——KissMeNow Track63:xx——xx下雨了Track62:xx——大丈夫Track61:xx——火烧的寂寞Track60:xx玟——流转Track59:xx——你们的爱Track58:潘玮柏&阿肯——Bewithyou Track57:xx——礼物Track56:xx——若你碰到他Track55:xx——属于Track54:xx——事业情歌Track53:xx——爱的抱抱Track52:xx——国王皇后Track51:xx——心墙Track50:陈绮贞——倔强爱情的胜利Track49:xx——二缺一Track48:xx——三人游Track47:xx——新歌Track46:xx——外面的世界Track45:弦子——舞台Track44:xx——情歌。

《Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun》歌词 — Czecho No Republic

《Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun》歌词   — Czecho No Republic
クレイジーマムとね 働くの
Such a such a such a such a such a lonely place
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้un
A little bit of fun fun fun fun
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun
A little bit of fun fun fun fun fun
A little bit of fun fun fun fun
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun
A little bit of fun fun fun fun
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun
詞:八木類 曲:八木類
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun
A little bit of fun fun fun fun
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun
A little bit of fun fun fun fun fun
Such a such a such a such a such a lovely place
All I ever wanted was fun a little bit of fun























《过境》歌词 熊宝贝乐团

《过境》歌词 熊宝贝乐团

熊宝贝乐团- 过境
















这是一首越南北部民歌,来源于宁平省的"官贺”quan họ Bắc Ninh。




因本人中文水平实在有限,不能翻译出很押韵的歌词,如有高手,请多多指教!本女子感恩不尽!若需转载,望能注明出处!谢谢!Bèo Dạt Mây TrôiTrình bày: Anh Khang - Quang Thắng演唱:阿康-光胜翻译:卢珏璇Bèo dạt mây trôi chốn xa xôi浮萍移白云飘不知归Em ơi anh vẫn đợi bèo dạt mây trôi翘待伊人回Chim ca tang tính tình , cá lội 鸟鱼尽散Ngậm 1 tin trống夜更鼓击声声报辰Hai tin đợi , ba bốn tin chờ心切如焚Sao chẳng thấy đâu何不相见Một mình trăng treo suốt đêm thâu 皓月独挂彻夜Em ơi trăng đã ngả ngang đầu明月已斜Thương nhớ ai , sương rơi白露落念谁Đêm sắp tàn trăng tàn夜幕退月似谢Nghềnh tre đưa trước ngõ là gió la đà弄堂竹影婆娑Em vẫn mong chờ sao chẳng thấy đâu 汝待为何仍不现Ngày ngày ra trông chốn xa xăm 日日出望依辽遥Em ơi anh vẫn đợi mỏi mòn吾依旧待汝Ra trông 次次回望Sao xa tang tính tình , cá vờn何远无期Người đi xa có nhớ là nhớ ai ngồi trông cánh chim trời sao chẳng thấy đâu远方人儿是否记得坐看飞鸟跃天边何迟不相见Mỏi mòn tim thấu suốt năm canh五更心力憔悴Em ơi anh vẫn đợi mỏi mòn吾依待子Thương nhớ ai念何人Chim ơi cho nhắm một đôi điều 飞鸟衔对红木枝Người đi xa có nhớ là nhớ ai ngồi trông cánh chim trời sao chẳng thấy đâu 远方伊人是否记得坐看飞鸟跃天边何迟不相见。




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