Brand crisis SK-II
二、品牌发展历程1. 早期发展(1872-1945年)在创立初期,资生堂主要以药妆店的形式存在,并以生产和销售药品为主要业务。
2. 国际化发展(1945-现在)二战后,资生堂经历了一段困难时期,但很快恢复并继续扩大其业务。
三、核心价值观1. 科学创新资生堂一直以科学创新为核心驱动力,不断研发和应用最新的科技成果。
2. 个性化服务资生堂坚信每个人都是独一无二的,因此致力于提供个性化的美容服务。
3. 社会责任资生堂一直关注社会和环境问题,并积极履行企业社会责任。
四、市场策略1. 品牌定位资生堂的品牌定位是高端化妆品品牌,注重产品的质量和创新。
二、全球十大顶级化妆品排名:1、法国Lancome(兰蔻)2、美国Estee Lauder(雅诗兰黛)3、日本Shiseido(资生堂)4、法国Dior(迪奥)5、法国Chanel(香奈尔)6、美国Clinique(倩碧)7、日本Sk-II8、法国Biotherm(碧欧泉)9、HR(赫莲娜)10、美国Elizabeth.Arden(伊丽沙白.雅顿)一)、法国Lancome兰寇这个法国的化妆品品牌建立在1935年,至今有着70年历史,自创立伊始,就以朵含苞待放的玫瑰作为品牌标志,兰蔻于1935年开始走向世界.兰蔻的事业,主要是基于三个领域–护肤品、化妆品及香水,遍布140多个国家,均匀地分布在三个大洲– 1/3在欧洲、1/3在美洲、1/3在亚洲和其他的地区.兰蔻现在属世界上最大的化妆品公司欧莱雅集团,成为欧莱雅集团的一个化妆品品牌,共有四大类产品:1.护肤类,分:清洁爽肤,保湿润肤,柔滑肌肤,美白肌肤,眼部护理,特殊护理,完美肌肤2.彩妆类,分:彩妆肤色类,眼部彩妆类,唇部彩妆类,指甲类3.香水类,分:珍爱香氛,奇迹香氛,诗情爱意香氛,是我香氛,绿逸淡香氛,奇迹男用香氛4.护体类,分:芳香护体,阳光护理二)、法国Dior(迪奥)Dior迪奥品牌介绍:迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合.以他的名字命名的品牌Christian Dior(简称CD),自1947年创始以来,一直是华丽与高雅的代名词.不论是时装、化妆品或是其他产品,CD在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端.迪奥一直是华丽女装的代名词.迪奥被誉本世纪最出色的设计师之一.大v领的卡马莱晚礼裙,多层次兼可自由搭配的皮草等,均出自于天才设计大师迪奥之手,其优雅的窄长裙,从来都能使穿着者步履自如,体现了幽雅与实用的完美结合.迪奥品牌的革命性还体现在致力于时尚的可理解性;选用高档的上乘面料如绸缎、传统大衣呢、精纺羊毛、塔夫绸、华丽的刺绣品等.而做工更以精细见长.几十年来,迪奥品牌不断地为人们创造着“新的机会,新的爱情故事”.在战后巴黎重建世界时装中心过程中,迪奥作出了不可磨灭的贡献.1905年1月,出生于法国诺曼底,迪奥出生于法国诺曼底一个企业主家庭,曾因家人的期望,从事于政治学习,后终因个人喜好转向美学,并结识了毕加索、马蒂斯、达利等画家.1920年-1925年,攻读政治学1928年-1931年,画商 1935年开始为《费加罗报》作画,还曾以每张20法郎的价格在巴黎街头出卖自己的时装画.1931年-1937年,自由设计师1937年-1939年,加盟罗伯特皮凯(Robert Piquet)公司,任助理设计师.1941年-1947年,Lelong(勒隆)服装店设计师, 1942年与皮埃尔巴尔曼共事,此时他掌握了服装设计与结构等方面的技巧.1946年,开设自己的商店1946年,迪奥推出的第一系列作品——“新风貌”使他一举成名.接下来他的设计一发不可收拾:不对称裙子、垂直型服装、O型、A型、Y型、H型、郁金香型、箭型……这一系列独具匠心的设计,让他使终走在时尚的最前站.他在巴黎时装界辛勤工作的10年里,巴黎女装从整体到细节都发生了耳目一新的变化.三)、法国Chanel(香奈尔)品牌简介:创始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈尔于1913年在法国巴黎创立夏奈尔,香奈尔的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装.香奈尔(CHANEL)是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,香奈尔时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,早40年代就成功地将“五花大绑”的女装推向简单、舒适,这也许就是最早的现代休闲服.1913年开设女帽及时装店制作服装;1921年起开发各式香水:如1921年的no.5香水和no.22香水,1924年的cuirderussie香水,1970年的no.19香水,1974年的cristalle香水,1984年的coco香水,1990年的egoiste男用香水,1996年的allure香水;另外还有各类饰品,化妆品,皮件,手表,珠宝,太阳眼镜和鞋各类配件.产品类型:化妆品、服饰等四)、法国Biotherm(碧欧泉)在法国南部山区,就有一种矿物温泉,它对人体,特别是对肌肤有着特殊功效.那里空气清新、绿意盎然.BIOTHERM碧欧泉就于1950年在此诞生.Bio,意为皮肤的生命;therm,是指矿物温泉;Biotherm正是人类科技与大自然的美丽融合.BIOTHERM碧欧泉的总部设在以品质著称的袖珍王国--摩纳哥.摩纳哥是欧洲南部的一个美丽的袖珍国家,那里富饶而美丽,优雅而纯净.BIOTHERM碧欧泉的产品也都生产于这里,与摩纳哥的形象恰如其分的匹配,而摩纳哥著称于世的对产品质量、包装等的精益求精,也与BIOTHERM碧欧泉的产品形象不谋而合.半个世纪以来,BIOTHERM碧欧泉在欧洲乃至全球得到了迅速发展,90年代中期BIOTHERM碧欧泉率先在亚洲的韩国、台湾、新加坡等地上市,深受当地年轻女性的喜爱,获得了巨大成功.经20多年的萃取研发,BIOTHERM碧欧泉终于成功通过生物学专利技术提炼出矿泉有机活性因子P.E.T.PTM.现在,BIOTHERM碧欧泉已经成为欧洲三大护肤品牌之一,它针对不同女性的不同肌肤类型,护肤和生活习惯的不同以及不同的需要,为不同肤质适用的产品设计了不同的色彩,让每一位女性都得到纯净健康的保护.五)、美国Estee Lauder雅诗兰黛这个美国雅诗兰黛夫于1946年成立了以她名字命名的公司,同时推出了她的第一款产品:由她当化学家的叔叔研发的一瓶护肤霜. 而在这面霜被最终贴上雅诗兰黛商标之前,它已经赢得了一群忠实拥护者.当1953年,具有革命性意义的Youth-Dew 香水被推出之时,雅诗兰黛公司已经赢得了不断创新,精于研发,品质优良的美誉.产品分为:香氛系列护肤系列彩妆系列六)、美国Clinique(倩碧)倩碧品牌介绍:二十世纪六十年代后期,人们对肌肤的美丽的概念仅限于一句当时普遍推崇的至理格言-“女性肌肤的状况是与生俱来的,不可改变的.”直到有一天,一位杂志主编提出“女性应该正视她们的肌肤”的言论后,人们才开始惊觉,原来肌肤完美可以重塑.这一年是1967年,这位主编就是美国时尚杂志《VOGUE》的主编Carol Philips 女士.谁也不曾想到,这位VOGUE杂志的主编日后竟成为化妆品界奇葩——倩碧品牌的创始人之一.她的幸运即来自于她在那篇名为《完美肌肤是否能创造?》所提到的独特的护肤理论.就是在1967年,纽约权威的皮肤科专家Dr. Norman Orentreich在接受Carol 的专访中,表示美丽不是只靠遗传而得,通过正确的护肤程序,即可改善肌肤状况.女性可以通过主动积极的护肤程序,也就是第一步:清洁;第二步:清理皮层;第三步:滋润的“倩碧护肤三步骤”,让肌肤处于健康自然的完美状态;同时也提出阳光紫外线是伤害肌肤的最大元凶,进而强调防晒的重要性.此理论一出,整个化妆界为之促动.这篇具有里程碑意义的报导不仅提出精辟的护肤观念,也引起Estee Lauder雅诗兰黛家族的注意,同时也催生了倩碧这一品牌.一切源于偶然,一切又因为偶然而有了契机.这一偶然,不仅创造了倩碧品牌,而且也使倩碧为美容界注入了新的内容与活力.至此,倩碧与爱美女士的一段源缘便有了序曲.1968年,倩碧这个安全、有效、经由皮肤科专家配方,并且经过过敏性试验、百分之百不含香料的高档化妆品品牌在Estee Lauder公司旗下问世.Dr.NormanOrentreich从此成为倩碧的首席皮肤科医生,而为倩碧奠下事业基础的基础护肤三步骤产品:具清洁功效的洗面皂、清理皮层的洁肤水(各类型肌肤均有适合的配方)、和具滋润功效的特效润肤露,就此成为业界的传奇,以及每个爱美女性不可或缺的护肤产品.倩碧(Clinique)的德文原义指诊所,由此可见该品牌与医学的渊源.当时Estee Lauder夫人与Carol Phillips在创想倩碧品牌的时候,正好途经一个德国小镇,而这个小镇上有一家诊所,而白底绿字的Clinique的招牌显得简洁明快,格外醒目.Estee Lauder夫人与Carol Phillips立即联想到了倩碧正在为品牌名称伤脑筋的事,而两人又同时对Clinique这个招牌产生了极大的好感,于是Estee Lauder夫人找到了这家诊所的老板,希望他能够出让Clinique这个牌子,而条件也是非常优厚:一个是用一大笔现金买断这个品牌,二是让诊所老板成为倩碧公司的股东,最终,诊所的主人在天文数字般现金的诱惑下,出让了Clinique的品牌,不过如果他能事先知道倩碧的品牌一经推出就红遍全球的话,一定会选择第二个条件的.七)、美国Elizabeth.Arden(伊丽沙白.雅顿)伊丽沙白·雅顿的创始人佛罗伦丝·南丁格尔·格雷汉姆,是生于多伦多的加拿大籍美国人.有英国血统的她,曾在纽约为化妆品企业工作.1910年她在美国第五大道开设了自己的美容院,从此开始她成功的职业生涯.“伊丽莎白”这个名字是从当时一本著名的小说中得来的,那本书名叫《伊丽莎白和她的德国花园》,不过也有人认为这名字是从泰尼森的诗《伊诺克·雅顿》中得到“雅顿”,再加上佛罗伦斯喜爱的伊丽莎白混合而成的.不管真正的原因是什么,她的美容沙龙出名了,人们记住了那粉红色的室内设计风格和大门明亮的标志性红色.在很短的时间里面,她推出了比别家公司多得多的化妆品配方.1932年,她推出了第一个系列的各色口红,那时在全球她已经拥有了29家店面.她开始以雅顿小姐闻名,有完美主义的性格,不屈不挠,对细节的要求很高.在1966年以83岁的高龄逝世,生前得到过英国女王和王太后的皇室嘉奖.刚开始的时候,她卖的是别人生产的香水,自己配制第一款的香水大约在1922年出品,那是一种独香花型.有雅顿玫瑰、意大利百合等等.1936年她推出了相当受欢迎的“青青芳草”,这款香水的名字使人想到她在佛吉尼亚的养着马匹的故居.香水由乔治·福克斯调配,他是佛拉格那德企业的老板,现在在格拉斯调制香水. 30年代和40年代的香水中,我们要注意两款,那香水瓶是今天的人们还极想得到的,一款是“仙客来”,扇型的瓶子附加可以拆下的珠宝别针,另一款是“就是你”,瓶身用水晶制的手托住.雅顿公司总共推出的香水品种超过50款.伊丽莎白·雅顿去世以后,她的家族和公司的联系也结束了.1971年,公司由制药业巨头艾利及莉莉实业收购,新东家为企业带来了新的技术支持.雅顿小姐生前常说:“美是自然和科学的结晶”.公司后来又有过变动,20世纪7O年代,和法国巴黎的克劳依高级成衣公司联系密切,并且由其常任设计师卡尔·拉格菲尔德设计推出chloe和KL两款香水.同时又与意大利的芬迪姐妹公司联姻,推动了芬迪香水的问世.公司的其他香水还有白钻石,受到了伊丽莎白·泰勒、尼诺·赛儒迪和瓦伦蒂诺的钟爱.1987年,伊丽莎白·雅顿公司被自己人费伯瓦买下,两年以后转给联合利华公司.现在该公司拥有两个生产香水的子公司:伊丽莎白·雅顿公司,从事原来的业务;国际香氛公司,从事新出品的香水业务.除了“青青芳草”以外,伊丽莎白·雅顿自己的香水系列里还包括红门,是一款花香型的提纯香,香水瓶的盖于采用明亮的标志性红色,在重新推出的时候用了名模琳达·伊万格丽斯塔做形象代言人.太阳花是一款获奖香水,被宣传为“生命的庆典”,是为年轻女孩子们在夏天准备的.再有就是第五大道,也是香味浓郁的提纯香,具有一种经典的优雅气质.瓶身被设计成纽约的摩天大楼的样式.最近推出的一款奇妙香水取代了原来真爱香水的位置.母公司联合利华总部美国的纽约现有香水青青芳草、红门、太阳花、第五大道、奇妙今天,我们着实无法想象,缺乏这些艺术大师的时尚文化,是他们对时尚文化的敏锐和不契的追求,不断地设计出与这个时代时尚文化相吻合的作品,才能使我们如此炫目地走在时尚文化的行列中,没有他们,我们的时尚文化将黯然无光八)、HR(赫莲娜)品牌名称:Helena?Rubinstein赫莲娜?品牌介绍:请大家先为现代美容的先驱-品牌创始人Helena?Rubinstein夫人(1872-1965)致敬.创始人Helena?Rubinstein赫莲娜鲁宾斯坦女士,于20世纪初就创立了全球第一个国际性化妆品牌帝国,从她自行研发第一瓶面霜之后?,HR赫莲娜品牌即以[发展科技来成就女性之美]为品牌的基本精神.Helena?Rubinstein夫人于1902年就成立世界上第一家美容院,而著名的Elizabeth?Arden则在1910年开设第一家美容沙龙,此后这两个美丽女人的竞争,成为现代美容产业最好的发展榜样.?Helena?Rubinstein夫人以「严谨、科学、艺术、哲学、女性」为精神,从创业开始就希望成为「美容界先锋」,一百多年来Helena?Rubinstein一直遵守内涵,同时不断创新,其品牌胜出关键在于首创许多前卫大胆的作风,Helena?Rubinstein夫人是一个划时代的新女性,也是女性永远可以追随的典范!不过在她去世之后,HR?在几经不同业者经营之下变的过度扩张,却忽略了最重要的研发能立即独创性,最后才于1988年由全球第一大化妆品集团L'Oreal来雅集团接手重整.?欧莱雅集团在1985年收购HR赫莲娜,并对品牌进行重整,使品牌年轻化,将其从一个诉求成熟女性美的旧式高档化妆品转型为今日具有高科技现代感的品牌,适合追求创新、尖端科技和前卫时尚的现代女性.97年10月份进入台湾的HR,是L'Oreal旗下定位最高级的专柜品牌,其诉求的形象是优雅,具现代感,适合懂得要求创新,要求高科技产品,追求时尚的女性.由于其产品品质相当适合亚洲人的肌肤,这两年来在日本大受欢迎,原因就在于HR结合肌肤保养与医学治疗的[化妆品疗法],这在未来更是时事所趋.重新出发之后的HR,除了以精致,典雅,知性为产品诉求之外,再彩妆的部分,取自立体艺术灵感,使产品在的塑型,调和,宣染,抚平面等技巧的运用下,创造脸部的立体感..及各种不同质地的产品,满足视,嗅,触觉的享受.另外,从她每年发表的前卫彩妆中,我们更看到了HR在色彩尚的精采表现.?产品项目包括了完整的保养,彩妆系列.?主打产品:vc系列、护肤、睫毛膏HR代表产品,Force?C维他命精华系列是HR旗下在全球最畅销的保养品.九)、日本Shiseido(资生堂)日本著名企业“资生堂”(Shiseido)取自于中文,在中国古代意为“赞美大地的美德,她哺育了新的生命,创造了新的价值.”这一名称正是资生堂公司形象的反映,是将东方的美学及意识与西方的技术及商业实践相结合的先锋.将先进技术与传统理念相结合,用西方文化诠释含蓄的东方文化.资生堂以药房起家,最初并非化妆品公司.1872年,曾留学海外攻读药剂,并曾为日本海军药剂部主管的福原有信(Yushin Fukuhara),在东京银座开设自己的药房,名为资生堂,这亦是全日本第一间西式药房.除了卖药,福原有信也有自己制药,至1888年,他成功研制了全日本的第一瓶牙膏,迅即取代了当时流行的洁牙粉,亦令资生堂成为日本本土为人熟悉的名字.牙膏这概念沿自西方的,而牙膏瓶亦印上了汉字和英文字,预告一个结合着东西方文化的故事即将诞生.资生堂创办于1872年,最初是设在日本东京最繁华的商业中心的一家西式药房,取名源自《易经》中的“至哉坤元,万物资生”,涵义为孕育新生命,创造新价值.为了使产品及形象国际化,资生堂除礼聘法国卢丹诗担任品牌形象艺术大师,保养品方面则与科技大国美国合作.资生堂自1989年起,与美国麻萨诸塞综合医院及哈佛大学医学院于美国波士顿合作成立皮肤科学研究所,共同研究皮肤科学,研发成果也优先供资生堂商品使用,使资生堂保养品的研发阵容扩充到全球共七个化妆品研究所的规模.早在1972年资生堂就率先推出男性保养系列,首开男性仪容修整的风气.1986年,推出艳阳防晒系列(SUN?CARE),也是专柜品牌中最先推出防晒保养品、倡导防晒观念的品牌.系列多也是资生堂商品的一大特色,资生堂的商品多到甚至要用二专柜加以区隔,分别是东京柜的优白系列、怡丽丝尔系列、莉薇特莉系列、叛逆系列、白媞雅系列……等十八大系列,及欧美柜的都会之玉系列、飘尔丽思系列、都会魅彩系列、精纯美体系列……等十个系列,总计共有五、六百种商品.从头发到身体、从男性到女性,从年轻的去油保湿或熟龄的抗老滋养用品,几乎一应俱全.在日本,资生堂化妆品甚至多达四、五千种品项.由于致力建立国际化形象,资生堂不像其它日系品牌刻意强调亚洲品牌的保养品较适合亚洲女性使用.资生堂提出理念是东西方人肤质差别不大,但东方人追求美白,西方人强调防晒,东方人讲究保养,西方人注重彩妆,这是文化与先天条件所造成的.资生堂在香水方面的发展,过去曾陆续推出非常多香水,为提高整体集团在香水方面的表现,日本资生堂集团已特别将高堤耶(JEAN─PAUL?GAULTIER)、三宅一生(ISSAY?MIYAKE)香水纳入集团旗下.除了资生堂品牌之外,目前,在日本资生堂集团之中,还包括CARITA、IPSA、cle?de?peau化妆品等品牌,以及三宅一生、高堤耶等香水,甚至另外也有许多开架式的彩妆、保养、及头发用品、专业美发沙龙里销售的美发用品(ZOTOS),甚至包括药品和健康食品.在十九世纪末,由一个小药局出发,到今日在全球化妆品市场占有重要地位的精实壮大规模,日本资生堂许下了成为世界第一大化妆品集团的宏愿,不断为确保市场领先而努力.相对于针对中国消费者而开发的欧珀莱而言,"资生堂"品牌是资生堂集团的高档系列,价格定位也更高,现有的品牌系列包括:UVWHITE美白系列,Elixir抗氧化系列,提高肌肤自身更新能力的urara悠莱系列,改善干燥暗沉的Asplir爱泊丽系列,Whitia美白护肤系列,UNO吾诺男士系列,The?makeup彩妆系列及香水系列等.十)、日本Sk-IISK-II的介绍:产地国家:日本品牌历史:原是一个日本区域小品牌,被宝洁公司收购后于1999年进入大陆市场.如今已经高居高端化妆品三甲之列.创立缘起SK-II公司创办人MR.MAX FACTOR,在波兰出生,早期从事假发及化妆师的工作,曾在苏俄皇家舞团担任化妆师,19世纪初移民到美国.1909年中,SK-II先生在洛杉矶戏院区开设了他第一家戏剧用品店,专售舞台用的专业假发及化妆用品. 起初他贩卖德国的剧院化妆品,但因为经常有电影演员像他求教化妆方面的建议,而让他感受到当时新兴的电影事业需要一种全新的化妆技巧.当时演员们用油彩来化妆,脸部的妆在镜头上看就是厚厚的一层浓妆,又泛着油光,显得僵硬不自然,于是SK-II先生发明了一种新配方的膏状彩妆,叫做Flexible Greasepaint (清爽彩妆),这是第一个专为电影拍摄所制作出的化妆用品.由于他可以让演员快速上妆,看起来效果更好、更自然,所以在很短的时间内就得到使用者极佳的回响.从此,SK-II先生即不断地改良、创新,持续推出新产品,他不仅成为化妆品产业的先锋,「不断创新,开发新产品,为使用者提供最出色的化妆品」,也就成为SK-II公司成立的宗旨. 好莱坞明星风采的塑造者随后电影科技日见进步,SK-II先生不只配合进步的脚步,更超越了当时产业的需求而首先发展出优质的用品.1928年中,他介绍了Panchromatic彩妆用品,专门适用于当时最新,阴影敏感度高的黑白影片.因为这项新发明成功,电影艺术及科技奖对他的贡献特别给予了肯定.1973年,他发展出携带合适的彩妆用品(第一次将化妆品与镜子结合成盒式彩妆),以符合彩色电影的需求.之后SK-II先生又为美国两大电视网发展出适合上电视彩色屏幕的彩妆用品,这项发明不但是当时的创举,他定出的彩妆摄影也成为彩色电视的制作标准.SK-II的发展史可说是人类的发展史,在过去好莱坞电影蓬勃发展的年代,SK-II化妆品更是呈现女星们风采的功臣,从早期电影演员厚厚的油彩妆开始,神奇地为琼克劳馥、伊丽莎白.泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)、黛博拉.温姬(Debra Winger),到最近的茱莉亚.罗勃兹(Julia Roberts)、及电影「阿根廷别为我哭泣」、「铁答尼号」等银幕巨星创造出无人能及的绝代风华.一系列用品含盖了粉底、蜜粉、腮红、眼影、眼线、眉笔、睫毛膏及修容.遮盖功用的产品,都是依SK-II的「和谐色彩」概念设计出来的.在互补色彩的调和润饰下,突显出每一种发色或肤色女性的和谐色彩感,让所有女性朋友皆能具备如明星般的光采吸引力.一直到今日,「和谐色彩」概念仍旧是SK-II发展彩妆产品时不变的信念. 浮世情怀彩妆系列(Society Makeup)打破了美容的疆界,也为化妆品普及化的第一步写下完美的脚注.从彩妆进入保养护肤领域因为注意到健康肌肤对美貌的重要性,SK-II浮世情怀彩妆系列中也推出护肤系列,包括洁肤、保湿及防止肌肤提早老化等产品.1930年出口部门设立后,SK-II扩大成为国际的化妆及护肤用品公司及品牌.1930至1940年代的第二次世界大战让亚洲区的业务暂停了一段时间,至1949年于日本及菲律宾重新开始运作,1950年代在于香港及新加坡恢复业务.台湾于1965年开始销售SK-II化妆品.。
SK-II Pitera® 品牌故事
Pitera 之父 - 吉井隆
SK-II Pitera®的发现
日本酒传统的制造方法称为 “SAKE”
•发现酿酒工人将手浸泡于酵母菌与发酵的过程中 •SK-II科学家于1975年进行基础研究并将其发现运用于开发新的化妆品 •分析了500种不同的天然酵母菌包括酿造sake、酒或啤酒,面包酵母菌等 •5年的研究后,SK-II发现一种神奇的物质,它被命名为 SK-II Pitera®, 其名 字取自〝神秘之匙〞的开头字母,而其意义为〝使明日皮肤美丽无暇的神秘之匙 〞 •SK-II Facial Treatment Essence於1980诞生
SK-II 的科学 专利,创造 发酵的独特 环境使发酵 过程有着非 常精确的控 制。
取自天然酵of Essence is extracted from 200,000 yeasts cells
• 帮助调理肌肤新陈代 谢 • 帮助补充肌肤水分 • 帮助光滑肌肤 • 帮助肌肤透亮 • 帮助调理皮脂平衡 • 帮助舒缓日晒后肌肤 • 帮助平衡肌肤PH值
一瓶护肤精华露 而能成为皮肤保 养之领导品牌….
不可思议的奇迹 体验,成了口耳 相传的神话…
SK-II Pitera®为酵母菌天然工作下生成的产物,酵母菌的工作是无法被人工机器 所取代的,获得 SK-II Pitera®的唯一途径就是等待酵母菌的发酵。要大量生产是 不可能的, 因为我们无法复制天然生成的代谢液,这个稀有的物质具有科学上仍 不了解的对皮肤的广大利益。
雅诗兰黛金粉饼的跨世巨献 雅诗兰黛金粉饼的跨世巨献 粉饼
海蓝之谜 浓缩修护眼霜 无需接触冰棒活眼法
顶级品牌: Peau(CDP)IPSA(茵芙莎) 顶级品牌:Cle de Peau(CDP)IPSA(茵芙莎) 二线品牌:Ettusais(爱杜莎) 二线品牌:Ettusais(爱杜莎) CARITA 凯伊黛 、Decleor 思妍丽 底线品牌:Asplir(爱泊丽)SELFIT(珊妃 珊妃) 底线品牌:Asplir(爱泊丽)SELFIT(珊妃) Whitia( )、泊美 Whitia(白媞雅)、泊美 男用品牌:UNO(就是吾诺 就是吾诺) 男用品牌:UNO(就是吾诺)、俊士 中国专售:AUPRES欧珀莱 Za姬芮 欧珀莱、 中国专售:AUPRES欧珀莱、Za姬芮 香水品牌: 香水品牌:三宅一生
Illume(伊奈美) Illume(伊奈美) 伊奈美 男士品牌: 男士品牌:Boss Skin 彩妆品牌: girl(封面女郎) 彩妆品牌:Cover girl(封面女郎) 亚洲区第一彩妆品牌: SUI(安娜苏) 亚洲区第一彩妆品牌:ANNA SUI(安娜苏) 香水品牌: SUI(安娜苏)、 Escada(艾斯卡达)、 香水品牌:ANNA SUI(安娜苏)、 Escada(艾斯卡达)、 Dunhill(登喜路) Lanvin(朗万 朗万) Dunhill(登喜路)、Lanvin(朗万)、Paul Smith 保罗史密斯) (保罗史密斯) 洗护品牌:飘柔、海飞丝、激爽(刚淘汰)、潘婷、润妍、 )、潘婷 洗护品牌:飘柔、海飞丝、激爽(刚淘汰)、潘婷、润妍、 沙宣、伊卡璐、舒肤佳、 沙宣、伊卡璐、舒肤佳、威娜
雅顿) (伊丽莎白.雅顿) 伊丽莎白 雅顿
• 新生代眼部胶囊 500
The P&G brand management system officially 请加入标题 forming.
Sales have reached $350 000 000. Launched the Tide, The Crest toothpaste was launched in. Launched the first liquid fabric softener: Downy. Launched the first new products: baby diapers "Pampers“.
Company values
Company values
Leadership Ownership Integrity
Passion for winning
P&G in China
In 1993, Procter & Gamble (China) Co., Ltd. was established. So far, P & G's total investment in China has exceeded $300 000 000 , has a staff of about 5000 people, since 1993, Procter & Gamble as tax most the national light industry enterprise for five consecutive years. In March 12, 2010 Guangzhou, - Procter & Gamble Company announced: since May 1, 2010, the western region as Procter & Gamble Vice president of cleaning, Shannon Stevenson will replaced Daniela Riccard, to took up the post of President of Procter & Gamble Greater China. (Shannon Stevenson)
3⽉21⽇,河南《今⽇安报》披露,郑州消费者由于担⼼SK-II 质量有问题,要求退货被拒绝,决定起诉宝洁公司。
深化与医疗机构的合作,提高产品专 业性和有效性。加强线上渠道建设, 利用社交媒体等平台扩大品牌影响力 。
进一步拓展海外市场,提高品牌在国 际市场的知名度。加强与国际知名品 牌的合作,共同开发新产品和市场推 广活动。
品牌C市场份额稳定,增长速度适中。该品牌的成功归功 于其独特的产品配方、优质的产品质量和良好的消费者口 碑。
品牌D定位于追求天然、有机、环保的消费 群体。其在有机护肤品市场的份额逐年上升 ,赢得了大量忠实拥趸。
品牌E的目标市场是年轻一代和注重保养的白领女性 。该品牌致力于提供高效、便捷、时尚的护肤解决 方案。
海蓝之谜(La Mer)
以修复、保湿、抗衰老为特色,凭借其卓越的护肤效果和独特的品牌文化,赢得了众多消 费者的喜爱。
赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein)
品牌荣誉与奖项Biblioteka 02荣获奖项品牌B
荣获“全球化妆品 创新奖”
荣获“最受消费者 喜爱品牌”奖
荣获“年度最佳功 能性护肤品品牌” 奖
荣获“最佳皮肤修 复奖”
荣获“最具潜力新 锐品牌”奖
被行业认为是“最具创新力的 护肤品品牌”
被行业誉为“新一代功能性护 肤品代表品牌”
三、发展历程1. 创新科技的引入资生堂在20世纪初期引入了西方的化妆技术和科学研究,开始生产更加高品质的化妆品。
2. 品牌国际化资生堂在20世纪中期开始将品牌推向国际市场。
3. 产品创新和多元化发展资生堂一直致力于产品创新和多元化发展。
四、核心价值观1. 科学与创新资生堂一直注重科学研究和创新技术的应用。
2. 品质与可靠性资生堂一直坚持以高品质的产品赢得消费者的信任和认可。
3. 尊重个体与多样性资生堂倡导尊重个体的美丽和多样性。
五、市场战略1. 品牌定位资生堂的品牌定位是高端护肤品和彩妆品。
2. 渠道拓展资生堂通过多种渠道拓展市场,包括专卖店、百货公司、电商平台等。
Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. KoganPage, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establhave become pressingstrong b rand and enhance our competitiveness,Based on the analysis of the development ofissues facing e nterprises.corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strato discuss the brand strategy in enterprisesignificance,an its functionalmarketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competi to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a g brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, N EC announced that it w ould withdrawfrom 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, w hich means that, followingSanyo, a Japanese m obile phoneSharp, P anasonic, Toshiba, M itsubishi,manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, J apanese m obilephone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China ou of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, t oday anydifferent from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that companies in China, Japanese home appliance m arket downturn, thesystem, d ecision-making following main reasons: First, rigid enterprisethe reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the difficult,to adapt t o the rapidly changing ChineseChinese market, i t i s difficultmarket; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not stro to judge according to their marker launch t o meet consumeris d ifficultdemand and forecast products, follow the trend h as been in a passive can not satisfy market demand; Third, f ailure to grasp the situation,industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance compa lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causin companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international r“Japanese Company” to the lessons learnedand whether the enterprise ofbehind?Second, the brand strategy implementation i n China the Current Situation”Many old famous “flash in the panChinese and foreign enterprisesin the Chinese market the brand war;century, ajust grow up to be a great impact onnational brands. The last80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, i s to belittle-knownacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really devel very limited. Here a typical case, t he last century 80s to early 90s, h eworked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterpris caused the government to support.Since t he 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has made remarkable achievements. F rom aplanned economy to market economy era Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-na organization promoting the efforts, policies m easures have greatlycities enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and otheron the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali million Y uan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..Consumer40th InternationalJanuary 8th 2009 year t o January11th,theElectronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian h otel o pening. N ational enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to parin thein China CES, including manufacturers, media and spectators,exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most“TWICE” named for the authoritative consumer electronics industry mediaChinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult toHowever, we should also s ee the face of numerous products o n the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. Wit the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeeze i the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled w ith “Sony”,brands,“Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” and various o ther i nternationalmany of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national braled by Haier brand, “Konka” ,China .Although the appliance industry,“Changhong” , “TCL” and other domestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic”“Samsung” and other brands, they are still“Lenovo” , “Founder” ,there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry,’s competitiveness has improved significantly, “Great Wall” and the brandbut with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compain Consumer Goods market,to, brand awareness is still insufficient;companies have“P&G”, “Oliver” , “Henkel” , and other i nternationalformed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors Currently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunibrands h as been inevitable,but there are a lsoand space f or i nternationalbrand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a l technology d evelopment, b rand competitiveness is not strong; b randlack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale personality,production and management, brand development lack of overall planningBrand awareness i soperations,abilityof weak exports and internationalnot strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range o such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social f actors: socialsupport t he mechanisms need to be improved, p olicies and regulationspolicy, export-orientedneed to further strengthen the country’s industrialrole i n the promotion andsectors play differentpolicies for differentlimitation, the financial environment for business investment capacit market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishmen market system in China has for many years, d espite a significanthas not really adapt to thethere s tillimprovement but stillnot perfect,market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the error brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization,competition isinternationalincreasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelmingcompanies withmajority o f the modern world famous multinationalparticular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full ra output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupa of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, thhas achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. B rand never be in the short t erminvented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprisesdo notclearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short t ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise str and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is t o rely o n their overallquality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientificbut quit a few brand management idea and superb operational skills,poor performance a nd immediateplanner i n this regard w as particularlyimpact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many suc errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the improve product awareness, or what the product packaging; good brandvisual signs o nly; A dvertising is t he only way todrawing a satisfactorycultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the mediaenterpriseproduct once formed, w ell-knownthe o ther n o attention; scalebrands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent toimprove the product p rice. Some companiesprice, to be unrealisticallyeven go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give upown brand business, with foreign companies, b rands, or to sell its ownsuch as our present more than 20 million “threebrand low-cost transfer,capital” enterprises, there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign b clean silver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan chea transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding of the terrible consequences of today has become increasinglyown brand, p roduct and intellectualdomestic enterprisesapparent-lostproperty rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market ca quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, and lasting competitive advantage c omes from innovation, in order to“status quo”“change” should beexpression of the core c ompetitiveness.TheBrand is t he c oncentratedbe out ofmarket is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot o f brand-name “dismount”themajor reason. Coca-Cola’s former c hief marketing o fficer Sergio Z yman,the company logo products andservices are different “The brand is onlyweapon to open up the market,from competitors,is the most effectiveexcellent brand can make your product s tand out .” Products p hysical properties,quantity, price, q uality, service is very easy to imitatealso includes an competitors,Er brands, a long with the product i tself,attached product t o cultural background, e motional, consumer cognitionYong Yuan Li in the competition invisible things, so that e nterprisesundefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a di impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the markconsumer spending to enterprise important symbols isthe benchmark forbrand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocati resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization process o to brand positioning“quality first, winning byBacked by science and technology, establish a’s fashion elements, the outstanding quality” business philosophy, the brandindividualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitivenes their products performance i n the competition for the brand, a nd brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth the brand through a brand is the quality of a brand in the market dow also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can b quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abEnterprises shouldto enhance their design a nd development capability.dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own br and increase m arket competitiveness; we must work hard in thetransformation.trend i n the world changes, the value o fPersonalizationhas been directly customer experience and the value of differentiationdetermined to achieve the final p roduct sales, personal s ervices are indispensable!2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategywill b e organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote theoverall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing i s an important p art o f the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand strategy not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and busine closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the bra expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurbrand performance a nd outstanding value emotionalmarket positioning,communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a nov unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, th of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consshould take the market as guide, t echnology a s a impulse. E nterprisesmeans to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishme information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to make their own in a go position in the competition.The world has entered the 21st century brand international competition,language into millions o fbranding has become a new internationalhouseholds. To establish the brand products in the market position esta a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means busin Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Ente management system must be adopted, t echnological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand r’s internationaland planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in the growth stage now, br strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, mwhile avoiding d isadvantages,choose the bestresources,and enterprisebrand strategy is a wise choice. Such as is now more prevalent and hreverse merger;well-known b rand o utside the company’s co-production,use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more b collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social accepbrand marketingof such brand. I n short choose the right brand strategy,creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensationa and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand world brand.11。
品牌升级的原因与途径(Reasons and ways of brand upgrading)"Brand" is a name, term, symbol or design, or combination of them, its purpose is to identify a particular seller or group of sellers of products or services, products and services from making it with the competitors. Brand is the embodiment of the core value of products or enterprises. It is the resolution of customers' identification of goods, the guarantee of product quality and reputation, and the intangible assets that bring sustainable profits for enterprises. Brand upgrading is the precision of brand positioning, the sublimation of brand concept, the increase of popularity and reputation, and the promotion of brand value. In the process of brand management, brand promotion is a Kaner business growth process, after careful brand experience upgrading decision-making, enterprises will cocoon into a butterfly, beyond the self, to become more perfect and powerful.Reasons for brand upgradingBrand growth and evolution is the development law of brand upgradingFrom the brand life cycle, brands, like animals and plants, will experience a process of start-up, growth, maturity and decline / upgrade. From the brand marketing positioning, design, test to enter the market, promotion, accumulated a certain brand assets, and then grow step by step until the final flourish, brand aging, needs upgrading, this whole process is a process of brand promotion and renewal.From the development path of brand, a brand from scratch, fromweak to strong, it is brand building and nurturing direction. The growth path of many well-known brands in China are small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to technological innovation advantage from low cost advantage, and gradually enhance the capability of independent innovation and accelerate the construction of independent brands, to realize the construction of independent brands from OEM production, from the unknown brand to a famous brand, famous brand from a regional brand to the world, from low-end to high-end brand brand upgrade.From the perspective of the evolution of brands, brands advance and evolve in self adaptation, self reproduction, and self denial. The brand is a brand new face of self adapt to consumer demand and changing market environment to adapt and keep pace with the times, such as technology and knowledge with high content of IT industry hardware upgrades and software upgrade. Brand self reproduction is the use of brand integration advantages to counter competition, brand extension, play the scale effect of brand. Brand self denial is the brand repositioning when brand preference falls straight from the extreme peak in environmental change.Market demand change and competition homogenization are the external impetus of brand upgradingDemand changes, survival of the fittest. For the vast majority of enterprises, the establishment of enterprise brand is accompanied by the creation of enterprises. Due to the lack of its own resources and market environment of high uncertainty and enterprises, the creation of corporate brand is often nonsystem, unconscious, lack of foresight, when companies need two time venture across the development step, the existing enterprise brand competitiveness may be weakened, the brand from the external performance and internal tension could not keep pace with the times. The brand level is low, unable to support the future development of enterprises. The biggest problem faced by enterprises is to inject fresh blood into the brand, to achieve brand upgrading, to improve their competitive position in the industry, to obtain more differentiated value.In a mature market, product homogeneity, brand competition is everywhere, rapid follow up to imitate, the consumer brand loyalty, trust and reduce competition to purchase the brand products, the brand's market share declined. In this situation of competition homogenization, it is better to change the product appeal, enhance the technical content, upgrade the brand personality, and seize the blue ocean survival space, instead of dying in the red sea of price competition.Brand image blur and even encounter brand crisis is the inherent pressure of brand upgradingA successful brand should have a clear brand image. The brand positioning is not accurate, the brand image is not prominent, the idea of demand is vague, or the brand is lack of dissemination and promotion, if not upgraded in time, it will be ignored by the market, lose the meaning of existence.Raza Lars, chairman and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather, believes that the brand positioning of some Chinese tycoons in monopoly is rather vague, the core content of the brand is quite coincident,and the brand personality is rather obscure. If you ask a consumer's "the Great Wall" of Sinopec lubricating oil and oil in the "Kunlun" lubricating oil two, who is the China Antarctic ice expedition team sponsor, who is the "Shenzhou flying" CCTV news broadcast advertising time about 20000000 yuan buyout, consumers have the memory is ambiguity; they think that "the Great Wall"And "Kunlun" these two kinds of lubricants from the brand personality is not clear-cut, and even no difference between the original.Brand crisis is the enterprises in the development process due to product defects, errors or omissions caused by the management of sudden credit crisis, reflects the public distrust of the brand increase, brand reputation suffered a serious blow, a sharp decline in product sales, brand facing exit the market risk. For example: "pot King Hu master smokeless false propaganda events", "LG air-conditioning renovation of the incident", P & G "SK-II events", "Nestle iodine, exceed the standard event" shocked "Sanlu milk powder". Facing the brand crisis, only the whole staff concentric, correct attitude, active communication, rapid processing, careful improvement, can save the brand at the bottom, turn crisis into machine.Ways of brand upgradingImprove brand intrinsic qualityQuality is the core of the brand, quality assurance is the premise of brand upgrading, scientific and technologicalinnovation, product innovation and service innovation is the source to enhance the brand charm. Only through market research, accurately grasp the changes in consumer demand, accelerate new product development, so I have no people, I have gifted, gifted people I turn; service innovation embodied humanistic care, to highlight the details of winning, enhance the perceived value, to inject new vitality into the brand, creating famous brand.South Korea's Samsung Electronics was founded in 1969, initially just a OEM and buy foreign chip assembly of ordinary electronic products company, but in a short period of ten years, Samsung mastered the core technology ability strong, the design capacity has reached the world level, in the United States in 2003 to obtain patents as high as 1313, patent the number of ranks ninth in the world. In 2007, Samsung's brand value has reached $16 billion 800 million, ranking twenty-first in the world's best brand, more than its old enemy SONY. Samsung brand has grown into the world's top brand. It is technological innovation and product upgrading that drive Samsung's brand upgrade.Provide value-added services, innovative service content is also the main item for the brand bonus points. The use of software, customer relationship management of large call center to provide pre-sale, sale and customer service service; many companies to provide online self-help service through the network; providing package services, free drinks and food service barber shop is high-grade (a hair perm may need 4 to 6 hours); the street light box advertising, the customer from the beauty staff took a cup of coffee, the narrator "here is not Starbucks, here is the location of XX hospital" enough tomake people aware of this private hospital.Upgrade the external image of brandThe ways of upgrading brand external image include adjusting brand attributes, changing brand appearance, highlighting the fist products and upgrading the business image.Adjust the brand property is the re positioning of the target market, according to the characteristics of competition and target consumers, focus on the target consumer's psychological feeling, the overall image of the brand, product design and brand communication value attribute. Marlboro is the most classic example: originally characterized as female Marlboro cigarettes, but the market is not optimistic, then adjust the qualitative design look deep, bold, fingers Marlboro cowboy image, so from the Marlboro feminine women smoke cigarette brand became manly, sales surge.To change the brand appearance is to upgrade the brand name, logo, package, spokesperson and so on, so as to make the personality distinct,Easy to identify and bear the concept of corporate culture. In mid 1990s, Pepsi Cola in order to rebuild the brand image, the challenge of "red" Coca-Cola, decided to give up the red white and blue packaging hue, and unified with the "blue" packaging, using a variety of media and publicity. In fact, this blue packaging deepened the visual recognition of consumers of Pepsi Cola, effectively established brand differences with competitors, strengthen the brand image, and further improvethe market position of pepsi.Building products, is to highlight the brand image. CMG electronic company is a production and sales of anti-theft alarm products in small and medium enterprises, through the ISO9002 international quality system certification, the formation of a large product more than 80 series product lineup. Because the product line is too long, no prominent fist product, the product selling point is not clear, the appeal is fuzzy, lack of popularity and reputation, the enterprise in the growth into confusion. In 2003, the brand planning agency suggested that the company is faced with domestic banks, warehouse alarm market has been foreign brands to seize the present situation and the domestic real estate market was heating up, the emergence of a large number of high-grade community opportunities, the corporate brand focusing on "create a perfect living space", in the matrix of the more than 80 series of products for 3 as household alarm products, concentrated, focused on publicity, and strive to create the domestic household alarm preferred brand ", after the performance of the company greatly increased, as Chinese security productswell-known brands in the industry.Upgrading the business image is to enrich the brand connotation, adjust the brand strategy and develop new market on the basis of the original. Today, the 20~30 year old fashion youth is the most influential consumer groups, McDonald's western fast-food culture can meet their needs. However, in the slide, McDonald's toys and McDonald's uncle built children's Park and the image of their misfits. Therefore, McDonald's upgrade business image in 2003, around the "cool" and "own" and "old" and other youngpeople respected the concept of brand promotion by Lee Hom wrote and sang with hip-hop music "I love" theme, launched the "I love" advertising language, basic color advertising posters and staff clothing are replaced with stylish black; brand advertising, McDonald's has also launched a series of "super cool" promotional activities, for example, as long as the waiter said loudly "I love you" or "I'm lovin'it", you can receive the cylinder ice cream; such as "M-Zone" an alliance, and jointly launched a series of "my site, I love" and "communication + snack" collaborative marketing activities, sharing of young customer groups.Expanding the area of brand communicationExpand the brand communication area is the integrated use of advertising, public relations, sales network, interpersonal relationship, brand communication, brand communication to broaden the channels, improve brand communication frequency and effect, build brand culture and brand association, so as to improve brand awareness, expand the brand influence, to achieve effective docking brand and target market, promote market sales. Advertising and public relations are the main forms of brand information communication, and the proper choice of media and events is the key to the communication effect. The use of network platform is to make the brand information by the Internet search engine to numerous Internet users in front.Samsung makes full use of the Olympic Games to deliver brand information to the world and enhance its brand image. 20 years ago, the image of Samsung Electronics in the eyes of consumers is low price, low quality, imitation, and was very influentialin the SONY far, Chinese brand reputation as Haier and lenovo. As mentioned earlier, Samsung has improved its quality through innovation, but there is a certain lag in the dissemination of brand information, and the outstanding feature of the Olympic marketing is that the audience is widely and deeply involved. So, from 1988 to 1997 to sponsor the Seoul Olympics after entering the Olympic sponsorship and TOP sponsorship of the Olympic Winter Games and the Olympic Games, Samsung makes its own brand with high levels of athletes together,In the largest range, let those who love sports, advocate healthy life of people understand Samsung, so that consumers produce Samsung is "world-class" impression, which has a great help to enhance the brand image.Advertising, especially the celebrity endorsement, strengthens the dense advertising of the potential media, which can always create the brand legend. Jieliya once a well-known brand in 2002 jieliya towel towel, towel accounted for only less than one percent market share. After 2007, Xu Jinglei endorsement jieliya towel advertising began to frequently appear in the CCTV 1, 2, 3, 5, 8. In the first 10 months, the advertising investment reached about 70000000, accounting for more than 90% of the total investment in the towel industry. Jieliya brand value in 2007 surged to 1 billion 667 million yuan, the market share from 20% to 32%, has become a leader in the towel industry, realized from regional brands to national brands to upgrade.Extend brand coverageThe scope of extended brand is to expand the scale through brand extension and brand chain operation, expand the impact, and achieve brand capital appreciation. A study of larger sales for American supermarkets shows that successful brands over the last ten years have 2/3 as an extended brand, not a new brand. Brand extension has become the core of brand strategy of western enterprises, including upward, downward and horizontal extension. Extending upward, that is, adding high-grade products on the product line, so that the product into the high-end market. In the last century in the late Luzhou Lao Jiao is the liquor industry in the low-end second tier brands, to achieve brand upgrade, they all power to the "1573 focused companies, the Ming Dynasty national treasure wine cellar pool" as the core value, the successful launch of the "Guo Jiao 1573" which is a high-end brand in the high-end market, set up a strategic fulcrum, many times increase in value return under the slogan, the transformation under the Laojiao Tequ, pulled up and the hundred years old cellar, Luzhou classic in the low-end brand value, enable the company to return to the liquor industry's first enterprise.Downward, increasing low grade products in the product line, the high-end brand reputation, attract the purchasing power of low levels of customers attracted buy this brand in the low-end and cheap products, expand market share. If the original brand is a well-known brand, this extension is easy to damage the reputation of famous brands, the risk is great. The lateral extension is applied to a variety of single brand products. A series of products or series of brands, such as Nestle coffee after brand extension, the formation of baby milk powder, condensed milk, lemon tea, ice cream and other products are verypopular, the Haier refrigerator to the washing machine, electric water heater industry into success.The implementation of brand operation is through the development of brand strategy alliance, trademark licensing, absorbing franchise members, mergers and acquisitions, the success of the brand further create profits, the added value of mining brand, is the highest level of brand upgrade. Such as the Lenovo acquisition of IBM's personal computer business, BenQ's acquisition of SIEMENS's mobile phone business, Quanjude direct chain, Hengyuanxiang trademark licensing, they take to achieve the expansion of production scale, collectivization, internationalization and diversification.。
官方网站作为品牌形象展示的重要平台,SKII注重网 站的美观度和用户体验。
网站内容丰富,包括产品介绍、品牌故事、新闻动 态等,为用户提供全面的信息。
网站运营过程中,SKII注重与用户的互动,如在线客 服、用户留言等,及时回应消费者需求。
通过与媒体合作,SKII积极开展公关活动,提升品牌知名度和美 誉度。
根据不同的公关活动和目标受众,选择合适的媒体进行合作,如时 尚杂志、电视台等。
与媒体合作的形式多样,包括专题报道、广告投放、线上线下互动 等,以多种渠道扩大品牌影响力。
与旅行社、酒店等合作,建立线下销售渠道,提高销 售覆盖面。
实现线上线下的有机整合,提高销售效率和客户满意 度。
通过分析SKII产品的销售额、销售量等数 据,评估营销活动对销售的拉动效果。
服艺102班22号 段苏格
模特走秀音乐,顺着所散发出的美艳气息一路前 行,我们会找到一个同时通往时尚生活、品味人 生、享受悠闲的任意门!T台走秀音乐往往不在 乎音乐内容,而是以重返往复的低音节奏加上流 行的拉丁,嘻哈,R&B等音乐元素渲染气氛。形 式上以舒缓电音,情调爵士,沙发,动感浩室为 主。感受的不仅仅是一场时装盛宴 更多像是在体 验一次性感奢华极致品味生活之旅!
• •
07 保护区 Gareth Emery Feat Lucy Saunders - Sanctuary (Club Mix)
08 监禁 Shogun Ft. Emma Lock - Imprisoned (Original Mix) 09 不要放弃爱 Armin van Buuren vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Not Giving Up On Love
• 01. 霓虹 Umberloid - Neon Tetra (Remix)
• • • • • • • • • •
02. 情人 Sarah Vaughan - Lover Man (Jazzelicious Remix)
03. 库普岛蓝调 Koop - Koop Island Blues (Jazzelicious Remix) 04. 卡达贝乔 Bebel Gilberto - Cada Bejo (Thievery Corporation Remix) 05. 缓慢 Gipsy From Ibiza - Very Slow (Remix) 06. 毛茸茸的果实 In Flagrant - Hairy Fruit (Remix) 07. 不要问我 Beat Nation - Ask Me No Question (feat. Benjammin) 07. 伤害 Tiefschwarz - Damage (The Buick Project Remix) 08. 你喜欢爵士吗 The Cool Balance feat. Kevin Yost - Do You Like Jazz (Remix) 09. 巴西恋爱 George Duke vs. ESL - Brazilian Love Affair (Mike Perry Extended Vocal Mix) 10. 时光 Future Loop Foundation with Michael Conn feat. Jacqui Hicks - Time (Remix) 11. 伊帕内玛的阳光 Layo And Bushwacka - Sunshine In Ipanema (Remix)
1.1 洗发护发用品:飘柔
1.2 护肤美容品:玉兰油
Hale Waihona Puke 1.3 个人清洁用品:舒肤佳
1.4 口腔护理用品——佳洁士
1.6 婴儿护理用品——帮宝适 (Pampers)
1.7 织物家居护理用品:碧浪
• Quality crisis lead to reputational damage
• Quality crisis influence consumer’s choice
Threat—1.another company
• Unilever:联合利华集团是由荷兰Margarine
Unie人造奶油公司和英国Lever Brothers香皂 公司于 1929年合并而成。总部设于荷兰鹿特 丹和英国伦敦,分别负责食品及洗剂用品事业 的经营
2. China-made goods
WEAKNESS: 1.attraction
• 该图中占90%的是洗发护发类,家具护理类、护肤类、食品类和健康 类依次占2%、4%、0%和4%由此我们可以了解到,宝洁旗下最深入
人心的是洗发护发类产品,其中食品类满意度为零,所以并不是 他的每一种产品都会受到消费者的追捧!
2. Quality crisis
Milestone AV Technologies 产品说明书
Milestone AV Technologies6436 City West ParkwayEden Prairie, MN 55344 USACustomer ServiceAmericas:800-359-5520•651-484-7988•**************Europe,MiddleEast,andAfrica:+31(0)495580852•************************** Asia Pacific:8675589969226•**********************©2012 Milestone AV Technologies, a Duchossois Group Company.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS – SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ ENTIRE MANUAL PRIOR TO USESpecifi cationsÙW e ight ca p acity-DO NOT EXCEED : 22.6 kg (50 lb) includ es TV and any acc ess ori es ÙTilt: ±12°CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e !ÙDo not u se thi s p roduct for any p ur p o se not e x p licitly spe cifi e d by manufactur e r . ÙTh e wall mu s t b e ca p abl e of s u pp orting fi v e tim es th e w e ight of th e monitor and mount combin e d . ÙThi s p roduct i s d es ign e d for u se in wood fram e wall s only!ÙIf you do not und e r s tand th ese in s truction s , or hav e doubt s about th e s af e ty of th e in s tallation, a sse mbly or u se of thi s p roduct, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e or call a qualifi e d contractor .ÙManufactur e r i s not r esp on s ibl e for damag e or injury cau se d by incorr e ct a sse mbly or u se.3mmWARNING: This productcontains small items that could be a choking hazard if swallowed. B e for e s tarting a sse mbly, v e rify all p art s ar e includ e d and undamag e d . If any p art s ar e mi ss ing or damag e d, do not r e turn th e damag e d it e m to your d e al e r; contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e. N e v e r u se damag e d p art s !NOTE: M4, M6, or M8 d es crib es th e diam e t e r, mm d es crib es th e l e ngth of s cr e w s that ar e lab e l e d M# X ##mm . Not all hardwar e includ e d will b e u se d .[01] x 1[02] x 1[03] x 2[05] x 4[06] x 4[07] x 4[08] x 4[09] x 4[10] x 4[11] x 4[12] x 4[13] x 4[14] x 4[15] x 4[17] x 4[16] x 8M4M6/M8M4M6/M8M8 x 16mm M8 x 35mmM6 x 12mm M6 x 20mm M6 x 35mmM4 x 12mm M4 x 30mmSupplied Parts and HardwareIn s tall brack e t e xt e n s ion s[03] ONLY if your TV ha s a 200 x 200 mm (79⁄10 x 79⁄10 in.) hol e p att e rn.M4/M6/M8En s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV .NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s 75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s [16, 17] will not b e u se d .If you r e quir e additional sp ac e for cabl es , r e c esses , or p rotru s ion s , choo se confi guration B .[01]Your TV ty pe will h e l p you d e t e rmin e which hardwar e confi guration to u se.A. In s tallation o p tion without sp ac e r s (TV s with fl at back s )B. In s tallation o p tion u s ing sp ac e r s (TV s with irr e gularback s )Hand thr e ad s cr e w s into th e thr e ad e d in se rt s on th e back of your TV to d e t e rmin e th e corr e ct s cr e w diam e t e r (M4, M6, or M8).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e ! V e rify that th e r e ar e ad e quat e thr e ad s to se cur e th e brack e t s to th e monitor . If you e ncount e r r es i s tanc e , s to p imm e diat e ly and contact cu s tom e r se rvic e. U se th e s hort es t s cr e w and sp ac e r combination to accommodat e your n ee d s. U s ing hardwar e that i s too long may damag e your TV .B1-1 Select the hardware diameter and length1 Select TV Hardware and Mount TV BracketEn s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV. Standard confi guration s ar e s hown.NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s[16,17] will not b e u se d.For spe cial a pp lication s, or if you ar e unc e rtain about your hardwar e se l e ction, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e.L e v e l th e wall p lat e [02] and mark th e hol e location s.CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e !Im p ro pe r u se could r e duc e th e holding p ow e r of th e lag bolt . To avoidp ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag eÙDO NOT ov e r-tight e n th e lag bolt s [04].ÙTight e n th e lag bolt s [04] only until th e y ar e p ull e d firmly again s t th e wall p lat e [02].V e rify th e c e nt e r of th e s tud u s ing an awl, a thin nail, or an e dg e to e dg e s tud fi nd e r . CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rtydamag e !ÙAny mat e rial cov e ring th e wall mu s t not e xc ee d 16 mm (5/8 in .). ÙMinimum wood s tud s iz e : common 51 x 102 mm (2 x 4 in .)(nominal 38 x 89 mm (1½ x 3½ in .)).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e ! Pilothol es MUST b e drill e d to a d ep th of 63½ mm (2½ in .), u s ing a 3 mm (1⁄8 in .) diam e t e r drill bit .[02][01]A34.92 mm(13⁄8 in.)[01][02]BS e cur e th e TV to th e wall p lat e u s ing th e locking tab (T). NOTE: If you n ee d to r e mov e th e TV from th e wall p lat e, un se cur e th e locking tab (T).5 Adjust Up / Down Tilt TensionLoo se n th e tilt t e n s ion nut to adju s t th e tilt of your TV. Tight e nth e tilt t e n s ion nut wh e n your TV i s se t to th e d es ir e d tilt.Mil es ton e AV T e chnologi es and it s affi liat e d cor p oration s and s ub s idiari es (coll e ctiv e ly, “Mil es ton e”), int e nd to mak e thi s manual accurat e and com p l e t e. How e v e r, Mil es ton e mak es no claim that th e information contain e d h e r e in cov e r s all d e tail s, condition s, or variation s. Nor do es it p rovid e for e v e ry p o ss ibl e conting e ncy in conn e ction with th e in s tallation or u se of thi s p roduct. Th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt i s s ubj e ct to chang e without notic e or obligation of any kind. Mil es ton e mak es no r ep r ese ntation of warranty, e x p r esse d or im p li e d, r e garding th e information contain e d h e r e in. Mil es ton e a ss um es no r esp on s ibility for accuracy, com p l e t e n ess or s uffi ci e ncy of th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt.。
品牌管理 第12章品牌危机管理
(1) 外部因素
政治法律环境因素 社会文化因素
宏观经济环境因素 媒介导向因素
1994年,中国 政府分布了一系列 关于传销非法的法 律文件,一时间使 得已成功沿用这种 经营模式的安利、 仙妮蕾德、玫琳凯 等品牌集体陷入 “冬天” 。
1. 产品质量问题引发的危 机 2. 产品质量问题引发的危 机 (资金问题、法律 诉讼、人事变动等 )
1. 形象类
2. 质量类
3. 技术类 4. 服务类 5. 法律类
1. 形象类突发性品牌危机类型 形象类突发性品牌危机,是反宣传事件而引 发的突发性品牌危机。反宣传一般有两种: 一种是对品牌的不利情况的报道(情况是属 实的),像品牌产品生产条件恶劣,企业偷 税漏税、财务混乱、贪污舞弊等报道;另一 种是对品牌的歪曲失实的报道。
无论你的品牌 多么有名、 多么强大,
第1节 品牌危机的概念
。 危是指“危险”,机是指“机遇”,危险和机遇伴生, 就是危机。
巴顿(Barton)认为: 危机是“一个会引起潜 在负面影响的具有不确 定性的大事件,这种事 件及其后果可能对组织 及其员工、产品、服务、 资产和声誉造成巨大的 损害”。 英国危机管理专家迈克 尔•里杰斯(M. Regester. Michael) 认为:危机是“一种能 够使企业成为普遍的和 潜在不适宜的关注的承 受者的事件.
口红作为一种“廉价的非必要之物”成为女性消费者的首选商品,因而就有了一个有趣的经济现象lipstick effect,即“口红效应”。
The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick.口红效应指的是在经济危机时消费者更愿意购置相对廉价的奢侈品如此一个理论。
The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets.口红效应提示的是如此一种思维:就算在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然有购置奢侈品的愿望。
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In the process, P & G did not take the initiative to explain their products to consumers, but only emphasize that the product was safe, they hold this view still even in making the decision to withdraw the Chinese market, during
That time the spokesperson also claimed that the product was very good. Even in the return process they also had the consumers imposed a conditional return, which required the consumers to sign an agreement. Although in some areas because of the last P & G SK-II counters there was a serious security incident, for safety reasons, the company finally decided to suspend the sales of its products in China. However, SK-II continues to stress the product is safe. So arrogant Procter & Gamble was ultimately paid the price. Based on publicly available data to estimate, SK-II sales suspended 1 day, P & G lost about 145 million yuan of sales revenue. Even more serious is that many consumers believe that P & G in the entire event are lying on the SK-II's confidence dropped to veem their reputation,they formed a professional team to control the expansion of bad effects,and responded to the public doubt immediately .finally SK—II rebuilt their brand image,and gradually became popular among the public
September 2006,
Detected in SK-II
Number of make-up brand
Products contain disabled
Under the pressure of public opinion, P & G made concessions and recalled its products, but during the process a lot of requirements were put forward , the consumer must also sign the "non-health-related quality of non-product deal with complaints quickly return simple agreement", that is consumers must acknowledge the products of SK-II are qualified . This behavior of P&G failed to reach consumers’ expectations and aroused public indignation, and even physical conflict. As a result the state of the event was enlarged