Root Cause Analysis presentation

• introduction • self-introduction • Deepening the speech theme • case analysis • Summary and Outlook
Identify the underlying causes of the problem using tools such as the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram.
Impact Assessment
Discuss the impact of the problem on the company's operations, finances, and reputation.
English has emerged as the lingua franca of the globalized world, with over a billion speakers worldwide. It is the language of international business, diplomacy, science, technology, and popular culture, making it an essential skill for individuals seeking to participate in the global economy and cultural exchange.
Summary and Outlook
Summary of speech content
Key points covered in the speech

目标:移印区零不良 Target: Zero defect in printing area
内容介绍 Content Introduction
(1)头脑风暴,分析所有可能导致原因 Brainstorm to analyze all possible causes (2)征求现场作业者的意见,查看问题发生点 Get input from job performers and check the process (3)选取最具可能性的问题导致原因 Select the most likely causes (4)创建“原因”和“结果”分析链 Create “why chain” apply “therefore” test
移印不良(10) Printing failure 首要问题 PP 调油墨 Blend the printing inc
组件错误 (3) HW failure
标签错误(5) Label failure
包装盒错误(2) Box failure
安装印版 Install the plate
安装移印头 Install the head
1. 澄清问题 Clarify the problem 2. 分解问题 Break down the problem
3. 设定目标 Target setting
4. 根源分析 Root cause analysis
5. 制定对策 Develop countermeasures 6. 分析对策 See countermeasures through
将大问题分解成小的更具体的问题 Break the big problem into small and specific problems 将问题进行分类并进行轻重标识 Classify and quantify the problems 将问题进行描述并指出问题发生点 Describe the PP and find the PoO 如果不能正确描述问题,也就无法正确解决问题 If you can’t describe the PP correctively, you can’t resolve the PP correctively.
5Why presentation-5个为什么简述

Five Why’s – The Second Why
A more concise explanation to support the first statement.
Get into the technical arena, the explanation can branch out to several different root causes here. It is OK to follow each of them continuing with their own set of remaining 3 why’s and so forth.
Five Why’s Preparation
Any 5 Why’s must address two different problems at the same time. 1. The first part is related to the process that made a defective part or causes a service defect. (“Why made?”)
For all the Five Why’s:
Ask the full question including the problem or cause behind it. For instance, if there is a problem with labeling ask:
原因分析与改善措施root cause analysis corrective action systems

USING COST OF QUALITY WITH ROOT CAUSEANALYSIS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION SYSTEMSJim Robison,CQA,CMgr.ISO 9000 Registered Lead AuditorQMX/The Harrington Group,Inc.P.O. Box 291204Port Orange,FL 32129E-mail:JimRobison@SUMMARYCorrective and preventive action is a key element in any quality system. As quality professionals,we are often asked to calculate the cost to find and fix nonconformances. Although this sounds reasonable,we often struggle to keep it simple. This presentation provides an outline approach as to how cost of quality can be interwoven with root cause analysis and corrective and preventive action systems.KEY WORDScorrective action,cost of quality,ISO 9000,root cause analysisINTRODUCTIONThe principles of quality costs can be applied to corrective and preventive actions systems. Often management asks what was (or is) the cost to find the root cause,and fix and prevent reoccurrence of nonconformities. The qual-ity cost principals of internal failure (IF) and external failure (EF) can be applied to costing corrective actions. For simplicity,EF may be defined as a nonconformity found by the paying customer,while an IF is found before the pay-ing customer might detect the noncompliance. This paper defines IF as those nonconformities that never reach the end customer. Appraisal (A) and prevention (P) activities can be defined as those activities to assure requirements are met and activities taken to prevent nonconformity reoccurrence.Quality systems that are based on ISO 9000 require a documented system for implementing corrective and pre-ventive action. Root cause analysis and corrective action is an important element of an effective proactive (rather that reactive) quality management system. A proactive system encourages changes to processes in order to prevent costly nonconformities from occurring and recurring.CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONSCorrective action may be defined as a planned set of activities (or actions) implemented for the purpose of per-manently resolving the problem. Specific corrective actions are taken to correct or improve the condition noted in the event by changing the direct cause or the direct cause and effect. Typically,users may test specific corrective actions by asking “Does the corrective actions eliminate or control the direct cause,and are the results desirable?”Specific corrective actions do not (typically) provide long-term solutions.Preventive actions are taken to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of the condition noted in the event. Users may test specific preventive actions by asking “If these preventive actions were in place,would the event have occurred?”Or by asking “Are there adverse effects caused by the implementing the corrective actions that make them desirable?”10ASQ’s 54th Annual Quality Congress Proceedings11A review must be conducted to assess whether the corrective actions that have been implemented are effective and are truly preventing the recurrence of the event. This assures that the outcome of the root cause analysis and cor-rective action process will achieve the desired result. One must test the effectiveness using measures. Quality cost trending for decreases in EF and IF is one such measure.Using quality costing techniques as part of one’s corrective and preventive action system provides a powerful indicator as to the effectiveness of your quality system. It provides information that management can understand—dollars. It can help prioritize significant corrective actions such as the cost of customer complaints (a major finding) as compared to minor findings such as documentation errors,or insignificant procedural compliance issues. Trending and tracking these costs over time,is a useful method to assess the results of continuous improvement initiatives,cus-tomer satisfaction,and bottom line profitability.THE 10-STEP APPROACHHow can root cause analysis,cost of quality,and corrective action be used together in one’s quality system? A typical approach may look like this.1.Identify Opportunities for Improvement•Look for events (nonconformity):Product failures,process problems,customer complaints,audit finding, product returns,and others.2.Form Team and Scope Project•Form a team:Use natural work groups or by select by qualification.•Identify a specific problem:Write a definitive problem statement.3.Analyze the Current Process•Gather data and information,including:•Date and time of event •Sequence of events•Personnel involved•Equipment used•Operational conditions•Quality records collected•Environmental conditions•Recent changes in process•Documentation/instructions being used•Status of trained workers•Verify above data to ensure objectivity.4.Define Desired Outcomes for Improved Process•Your goal is to prevent reoccurrence by reducing or eliminating occurrences (events).5.Identify Root Causes and Proposed Solutions•Determine causes:Use the Why-Why method and create a cause chain.•Define causes as direct,contributing,or root cause.•Direct cause:The cause that directly resulted in an event (first in the cause chain).•Contributing cause:Contributed to an event but,by itself,would not have caused the event.•Root cause:Fundamental reason for an event,which if corrected,would prevent recurrence.•Develop a specific corrective action plan—propose a solution to fix the noncompliance.•Specific corrective action:Actions taken to correct or improve conditions noted in the event,by changing the direct cause or the direct cause and the effect.6.Calculate the Cost of Quality (COQ)•Review standard COQ definitions and “tweak”definitions to fit your use.•Determine whether noncompliance is an IF or EF.•Using frequency of event data (previously collected) and calculate the cost per occurrence.12ASQ’s 54th Annual Quality Congress Proceedings•Calculate total failure cost:The cost/occurrence ×number of occurrences. (Cost of the C/A.)•Develop a preventive action plan:Calculate the investment to prevent reoccurrence. (Cost of P/A.)•Preventive Action:Action(s) taken that prevent recurrence of the condition noted.•Calculate a return on quality (RoQ)—find the ratio of prevention dollars spent to failure dollars saved. 7.Prioritize,Plan,and Test Proposed Solutions•Use COQ dollars and RoQ for IF and EF to help prioritize which corrective action plan takes priority.•Review your implementation plan.•Test your plan on a small scale.•Drill down to uncover the “hidden company.”•Re-audit to close corrective actions and determine effectiveness.8.Refine and Implement Solutions•Using test results,implement or “tweak”corrective action plans.•Use audits to help refine preventive action plan.•Document process.9.Measure Progress and Hold Gains•Load data into a COQ tracking system (PC-based software).•Trend and track.•Don’t crucify the messenger. The hidden company has always been there.•Act on fact,not emotion.•Ensure progress is moving in a positive direction.•Make part of ISO management review meetings.10.Acknowledge Team and Communicate Results•Recognize and reward team and contributors.•Share the “lessons learned”with other teams.•Commit to funding other improvement projects.•Repeat the process.CONCLUSIONGiven that root cause analysis is performed and implemented,your challenge is to assess the effectiveness to pre-vent recurrence. Trending the cost of corrective and preventive actions is a useful management indicator. It provides a powerful tool to help focus priorities and assess the return on quality. It is hoped that all quality professionals imple-ment a quality cost tracking system as part of their corrective and preventive action system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSRick Harrington provided insights,expertise,and innovative ideas in developing and implementation of cost of quality and corrective action software for tracking quality costs. His ongoing friendship,support,and encouragement for my work in this field is appreciated.REFERENCESCampenella,Jack. 1999. Principles of Quality Cost,3d ed. Milwaukee:ASQ Quality Press.Robison,Jim. 1999. Cost of Quality Implementation Workshop. Orlando,FL.。
SAP 解决方案管理器 (SAP Solution Manager ) presentation

SAP 解决方案管理器 (SAP Solution Manager) 产品 (Products) 如: SAP ECC SAP NETWEAVER SAP SOLUTION MANAGER …….
SAP 解决方案管理器 (SAP Solution Manager) 逻辑元件 (Logical Components)
譬如, 我们可以创建如下逻辑元件: 在产品SAP ECC下, 在SAP ECC Server下创建一个逻辑元件叫 ZECC QIDAN 在产品SAP NETWEAVER下, 在Application Server ABAP下创建一个逻辑元件叫 ZNW_AS QIDAN 在Business Intelligence下创建一个逻辑元件叫 ZNW_BI QIDAN 在产品SAP SOLUTION MANAGER下, 在SAP Solution Manager下 创建一个逻辑元件叫 ZSLM QIDAN …….
SAP 解决方案管理器 (SAP Solution Manager) 解决方案 (Solution)
譬如, 我们可以创建如下实施解决方案: ECC_IMSOL 为ECC的实施解决方案 NW_BI_IMSOL 为BI的实施解决方案 SLM_IMSOL 为SLM的实施解决方案 ……
SAP 解决方案管理器 (SAP Solution Manager) 项目 (Project)
SAP 解决方案管理器的业务情景 : 实施SAP解决方案 (Implementation of SAP Solutions) SAP解决方案的升级 (Upgrade of SAP Solutions) 解决方案监控 (Solution Monitoring) 变更请求管理 (Change Request Management) SAP服务的交付 (Delivery of SAP Services) 根本原因分析 (Root Cause Analysis) 服务台 (Service Desk)
8D 报告样张-Excel模式

Responsible(责任人) Target Date(目标日期)
Status(Open/Closed) 0 0 0 0 0
Actions for Escaped cause(针对流出原因的长期措施): The Content of Permanent Action(长期措施内容) 0 0 0 0 0
Escaped Cause(流出原因):
Page 1 of 2
D5-Temporary Actions(临时措施)
The Content of Temporary Action(临时/短期措施内容) 0 0 0 0 0
Responsible(责任人) Start Date(开始日期)
End Date(结束日期) 0 0 0 0 0
D6-Permanent Corrective Actions(长期措施)
Actions for Created cause(针对生产原因的长期措施): The Content of Permanent Action(长期措施内容)
0 0 0 0 0
D4 - Root Cause(根本原因) Possible Causes: Creation Cause(产生原因):
Comments(备注) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Responsible(责任人) Target Date(目标日期)
0Hale Waihona Puke 0000
应用Root Cause Analysis循环解决问题根源

应用Root Cause Analysis循环解决问题根源概述:Root Cause Analysis(RCA)是一种从问题的根源进行分析的方法,旨在解决问题的根本原因,而不仅仅是解决表面问题。
方法:1. 确定问题描述:首先要明确定义问题是什么,并清晰地描述出来。
2. 收集事实数据:收集所有与问题相关的数据和信息。
3. 分析问题:使用适当的工具和技术,对问题进行分析。
4. 确认根本原因:根据分析结果,确定问题的根本原因。
5. 制定解决方案:基于根本原因,制定相应的解决方案。
6. 实施解决方案:将制定的解决方案付诸实施。
7. 持续监测:在解决方案实施后,持续监测问题的情况。
总结:通过应用Root Cause Analysis的循环,在解决问题时可以更加深入地分析根本原因,从而提供持久的解决方案。

闲聊系列之5-whyrootcause分析法本篇参考:上课在项⽬质量管理的章节的管理质量中提出了根本原因分析⼯具,提了⼀下5 why分析法,感觉⼯作中这种思想还是会⽤到,所以简单查阅以后,闲聊⼀下5- why root cause分析法,并且以⼀个相关的项⽬例⼦来带⼊对⾃⼰也更好的了解。
5 why root cause分析我们在做项⽬时,通常会遇见客户或者⾃⼰查到的问题,遇见问题以后,我们便会找到root cause,进⾏快速的紧急处理。
当然,有的场景,这种root cause识别只是指标的对策,⽆法从根本上抑制这种问题以后继续发⽣。
这种尽管可以解决问题,但是客户总归是不开⼼或者不⼀定买账的,这种root cause也不是真正意义上打破砂锅问到底的root cause。
5 why分析法主要⽤于在品质问题分析和解决上,所谓5why分析法,⼜称“5问法”,也就是对⼀个问题点连续以5个“为什么”来⾃问,以追究其根本原因。
5 why分析法可以通过4步来进⾏分解和操作。
⼀. 了解问题/ 现状针对当前的问题,我们需要先了解现状,通常可以分成以下的⼏个步骤:1. 识别/确认问题:在最开始的阶段,你可能会得到⼀定的情报,但是⽆法得到详细的描述。
2. 澄清(clarify)问题:在第⼀步的基础上,这步需要获取更精确的情报,⽽进⾏问题澄清继续提问。

半导体实用英语1、标识用语2、公司概况3、常用文件、表单中英文名称4、工厂常用报告纠正与改善措施报告(CAR:Corrective Action Report)也称:8D报告(eight disciplines 的简写)一般指处理问题的八个步骤:①建立问题处理小组(team member)②问题描述(problem description)③原因分析(root cause analysis)④暂时对策(temporary corrective actions),又称短期对策(short term corrective actions)⑤永久性对策(permanent corrective actions),又称长期对策(long term corrective actions)⑥对策有效性验证(effectiveness verification)⑦预防问题再发生措施(preventive measures)⑧报告结案(closure)5C报告也是行业内常用的一种纠正与改善措施报告,通常是指:complaint(客户抱怨)、containment (牵制政策,相当于8D中的暂时对策)、cause (原因分析)、corrective actions (改善对策)、closure (问题结案)。
出货检验报告(Outgoing Inspection Report)也可称为“出货检验数据清单”outgoing inspection data sheet稽核报告(Audit Report)稽核报告一览表(Audit Report Checklist)报表中常用图表举例报表中的基本用语与时间相关的常用语5、会议与会议相关的常用语与会议相关的常用语6、常用办公常用办公设备中英文名称辅助办公物品中英文名称7、部分常用单词和短语8、与采购相关的基本用语9、与产品报价相关的常用语10、与订单相关的常用语11、与订单相关的常用语12、与交货相关的常用语13、与MRP 相关的常用语14、与生管相关的常用语15、与材料收发相关的常用语16、与仓库相关的常用语17、与库存相关的常用语18、与货物运输相关的常用语19、与货物运输相关的常用语20、与快递相关的常用语21、与运费相关的常用语22、与货运票据相关的常用语23、与产品相关的常用语24、与生产、制造和加工相关的常用语25、与生产场地和人员相关的常用语26、与生产设备相关的常用语27、与产线班别相关的常用语28、与产能状况相关的常用语29、与良率相关的常用语30、产线常用文件及测试相关的常用语31、与检修相关的常用语32、生产用的部分耗材与机种相关的的常用语与停线或停电相关的常用语33、与制程相关的其他常用语34、与模具相关的常用语35、与成型相关的常用语36、与成型相关的常用语37、注塑成型不良现象38、注塑成型不良现象39、与冲压相关的常用语40、SMT和SMDSMT制程中常用的耗材与SMT设备相关的常用语41、常用防静电用品42、包装与包装相关的常用语包装方式包装用品服装型号43、全面质量管理品保部分支机构与质量管理体系相关的常用语与质量相关的常用语44、机械工程与电子工程45、与检验相关的常用语46、与材料和零部件相关的常用语47、进料检验参考资料及标准样品48、与图纸相关的常用语49、与抽样相关的常用语50、N-T-R-S 转换流程51、供应商管理与供应商、制造产商相关的常用语与供应商资格审查相关的常用语与供应商管理相关的常用语52、与稽核相关的常用语53、与外包相关的常用语54、与质量管理相关的常用语55、常见(认证)体系标准名称CCC认证标志56、部分国家及地区的标准化组织。
英语中的成对词( 改进版)

英语中的“成对词”(irreversible binomials 或words in pairs)英语中有一些词语是用and或or把两个单词连接起来,表达一个完整的意思,这种词语被称为“成对词"(irreversible binomials或words in pairs),是英语中的一种“成语”,是人们在长期的语言交际中约定俗成的。
首先要注意的是, 成对词中前后的两个单词不能调换顺序。
“成对词”通常采用起来丁当悦耳,富有诗意,例如:No.l同一个词重复的成对词neck and neck并驾齐驱,势均力敌,不分上下The national math test between these two schools is neck and neck in scores.这两所学校的全国数学比赛分数,难分高低。
bit by bit: gradually; a small amount at a time 一点点;逐渐,一次一<1、点The weather is going to get better bit by bit.天气会一点点变好。
No.2用or连接的成对词make or break或成之或毁之Today's session has been widely dubbed as a "make or break" meeting.今天的会议被大众称为“不成则散”的会议。
trick or treat不给糖就捣蛋(万圣节传统小把戏)On Halloween, children would usually wear strange costumes, knock on their neighbour doors and threaten them with "trick ortreat'1.万圣节的时候,孩子们会穿上古怪的服装去敲邻居的门,威胁他们说“不给糖就捣乱”。
5why presentation

Delco Electronics Systems
Problem Solving 5-Why Benefits
Satisfies customer requirements
– Clearly communicates the determined root cause – Accounts for the lack of ability to detect the problem – Highlights potential systemic problems
PROBLEM 1 - WHY? 1 - CAUSE 2 - WHY? 2 - CAUSE 3 - WHY? 3 - CAUSE 4 - WHY? 4 - CAUSE
General 5-Why Diagram
5 - WHY?
5 - Root Cause 2
Delco Electronics Systems
Other diagnostic techniques (Juran’s Quality Control Handbook)
– – – – – – – Brainstorming Nominal group technique Storyboarding Tabular arrangement Cause-and-effect diagram (fishbone) Force field analysis Affinity diagram – – – – – – Structure tree Interrelationship digraph Program decision process chart Matrix Check sheet Pareto analysis

電子行業實用英語 Chapter 1Application classification 电子行业英语应用分类 1. 標識用語標識用語批指在企業內部的建築事物、設備或其他場所用英語所作的各種標識。
常用词汇Communication n.通讯,交流 conference n.会议 consumer n.消费者 Device n.装置,设备 entrance n.入口,进入 exit n.出口 Park n.停车场 vt.停车 photo n.照片 report n.报告,报表 v. 汇报 Sensitive adj.敏感的,灵敏的Chapter 2Basic Application 電子行業英語基本運用Unit 1 Brief introduction of electronic industry 電子行業簡介 下面將就有關公司、工廠以及企業等的多種表達方式列舉如下:公司概況公司(或工廠)基本狀況描述2.經營理念,與企業經營理念相關的常用語Unit2 Description of department 職能部門名稱Unit3 Description of positions人员职务名称人員称谓職位可用position 來表述,title 也用來表示某人的職位或頭。
公司中一些常見的職務名稱見下表:Unit 4 E-Mail System 電子郵件與電子郵件相關的常用語電子郵件常用稱謂書寫E-mail時,對對主的稱謂常采用以下格式;1.用dear加英文名的方式,如Dear Frank,這樣的格式。
2.用hi加上英文名的方式,如Hi Frank,這樣的格式。
例如:比爾先生用Bill san來表述。

StandardiБайду номын сангаасation(标准化)
D8 Problem Close (问题关闭)
Prepared By/Date:
Approved By/Date:
备注:正常情况下,外协厂商请在3个工作日内完成,除非得到许可。 Remark:Normally,Please complete this report within 3 working days for local supplier,unless HT QE agreed。
Emergency Response Action(紧急应变行动)
D3 Emergency Response Action Effectiveness(有效性) (紧急应变行动)
Division(部门) Responsible(负责人) Responsible(负责人)
Escape cause investigation(流出原因分析)
Rootcause Analysis(产生原因分析) D4 Failure Analysis (失效分析)
Systemic cause Analysis(系统面原因分析)
Responsible(负责人) Responsible(负责人)
Corrective action(纠正行动)
D5 Corrective action
Preventive action(预防措施)
D6 Preventive action

CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCESS and ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS ㏏ₒᣙ䓶彡ᵨ⎿ܵᲿ Generally accepted principles of RCA include 䗮ᐌফRCAⱘࣙ߭ޚᣀ:
– Do all reasoning from solid evidence ᇍ᠔᳝᳝䆕䖯㸠䆎䆕 – Determine WHAT influenced the consequences ⹂ᅮᰃҔМᇐ㟈ⱘ㒧ᵰ – Establish tightly linked chains of influence ᓎゟᕅડ䫒 – At every level of analysis determine the necessary and sufficient influences ↣Ͼሖ䴶ⱘߚᵤЁ⹂ᅮᖙ䳔ⱘⱘߚܙᕅડ – Whenever feasible drill down to root causes गᮍⱒ䅵ᣪᥬḍ⑤ – There are always multiple causes ྟ㒜᳝䞡ॳ
• “ISO 9004:2000 specifically mentions root cause analysis in Section 8.3, Control of Nonconformity, in paragraph 8.3.2, Nonconformity review and disposition.” “ISO 9004:2000 8.3ゴϡヺড়乍,8.3.2㡖ϡ ヺড়乍䆘ᅵ໘⧚Ё,⡍߿ᦤࠄњḍ⑤ߚᵤDŽ”

工作上的失误英语作文高中题目,A Mistake at Work。
Introduction:In the fast-paced world of professional life, mistakes are bound to happen. Whether it’s a minor error in a report or a major oversight in a project, how we handle these mistakes can greatly impact our career trajectory. In this essay, I will explore the consequences of a mistake made at work and discuss strategies for overcoming and learning from it.Body:The Mistake:Imagine being in a crucial meeting with top executives, presenting a proposal that could potentially secure a significant contract for your company. Everything seems tobe going smoothly until you realize a critical error in your data analysis. Your heart sinks as you try to backtrack and correct the mistake, but the damage has already been done. This scenario illustrates the gravity of mistakes that can occur in the workplace.Immediate Consequences:The immediate consequences of making a mistake at work can be daunting. Not only does it affect your credibility and reputation, but it also jeopardizes the success of important projects or deals. In the example above, the mistake could cost the company a lucrative contract and damage relationships with potential clients.Personal Reflection:After the initial shock of realizing the mistake, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on what went wrong. Was it due to negligence, lack of attention to detail, or simply a misunderstanding? By analyzing the root cause of the mistake, you can identify areas forimprovement and prevent similar errors in the future.Owning Up to the Mistake:One of the most difficult but essential steps in handling a mistake at work is taking ownership of it. Instead of trying to shift blame or cover up the error, admitting fault demonstrates integrity and professionalism. By acknowledging your mistake openly and honestly, you can begin the process of rectifying the situation andrebuilding trust with your colleagues and superiors.Damage Control:Once the mistake has been acknowledged, it’s crucial to take swift action to mitigate its impact. This may involve offering solutions to rectify the error, communicating transparently with stakeholders, and reassessing project timelines or deliverables. In the case of the failed presentation, you may need to offer a revised proposal with accurate data and a sincere apology to salvage the client relationship.Learning and Growth:Every mistake, no matter how costly or embarrassing, presents an opportunity for learning and growth. By embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process, you can turn setbacks into stepping stones for future success. Take the time to reflect on what you could have done differently and implement changes to improve yourskills and processes moving forward.Conclusion:In the competitive world of work, mistakes are inevitable. However, it’s not the mistakes themselves that define us, but how we choose to respond to them. By taking ownership of our mistakes, learning from them, and using them as catalysts for growth, we can navigate thechallenges of professional life with resilience and integrity. Remember, it’s not the end of the world to make a mistake at work –it’s how you bounce back that truly matters.。


解释问题英语作文Title: Explaining Problems in English Composition。
Introduction:In this essay, we will delve into the art of explaining problems in English composition. Effective communication of problems requires clarity, coherence, and precision in language. By understanding the structure and key elements involved, one can proficiently articulate problems in various contexts.Definition and Context:To begin with, let's define what constitutes a problem.A problem is an obstacle or challenge that hinders the attainment of a desired goal or outcome. These can manifest in various forms, including but not limited to social, environmental, economic, or personal spheres. Context plays a crucial role in understanding and explaining a problem.It provides the background information necessary for comprehending the issue at hand and its significance.Identifying the Problem:The first step in explaining a problem is identifyingit accurately. This involves keen observation, research, and critical analysis. Whether it's a societal issue like poverty or an individual challenge such as time management, pinpointing the root cause is essential. Without a clear understanding of the problem, effective communication becomes elusive.Describing the Problem:Once identified, the next step is to describe the problem comprehensively. This entails providing relevant details such as causes, effects, and implications. Descriptive language aids in painting a vivid picture of the problem, enabling the audience to grasp its magnitude and significance. Utilizing concrete examples andstatistics can bolster the credibility of the description.Analyzing the Problem:After describing the problem, it's imperative to analyze its underlying factors and dynamics. This involves examining the root causes, interconnected issues, and potential consequences. Critical thinking skills are paramount in dissecting the problem from multiple perspectives. Moreover, exploring possible solutions and their feasibility enriches the analysis, laying the groundwork for informed decision-making.Presenting Solutions:While explaining a problem is crucial, offering viable solutions is equally important. This demonstrates proactive thinking and a commitment to addressing the issue constructively. When presenting solutions, it's essential to consider their practicality, effectiveness, andpotential drawbacks. Moreover, engaging stakeholders and fostering collaboration can enhance the implementation of solutions.Addressing Counterarguments:In the process of explaining a problem, it's inevitable to encounter opposing viewpoints or counterarguments. Addressing these challenges requires intellectual honesty and persuasive communication. Acknowledging alternative perspectives demonstrates respect for diverse opinions while reinforcing the validity of one's argument. Constructive dialogue and debate can lead to a deeper understanding of the problem and potential avenues for resolution.Conclusion:In conclusion, explaining problems in English composition requires a systematic approach encompassing identification, description, analysis, solution presentation, and addressing counterarguments. By mastering the art of problem explanation, individuals can effectively communicate complex issues, foster dialogue, and contributeto meaningful change. Remember, clarity, coherence, and precision are the cornerstones of impactful communication.。
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“Just Do It” Issues
• Typically isolated, sporadic incidents • Are easily fixed; apparent cause tends to be known • Often recognized during process planning and reflected in PFMEA • Addressed through troubleshooting, (diagnosis and remedy) and reaction plans on control plans, (control of nonconformity) • Can be fixed by process owner; addressed at process level • Occurrence should be monitored ongoing for cost and impact
Where do “gaps” arise?
• Customer complaint • Nonconforming output of a process • Out of control process • Management systems not being followed • Saห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ety incidents • Environmental “releases” • Goals not being achieved • Can be actual, potential or generated
• Demonstrates requirement is not being fulfilled • Data initially gathered associated with problem • Objective evidence collected while auditing process or system • Must be verifiable • Can be tangible, a statement of admission or observed
Recognize problem condition Communicate problem condition to process owner
Diagnose problem condition
Decide on appropriate action
Implement remedy
• • • • • • • How big is the problem? How much does it cost? Is the customer affected? Is it affecting fulfillment of organizational goals? Refer to effect and severity ranking on FMEA for performance impact Also consider cost impact In the case of auditing findings: typically, auditors do not cite Impact as this could be viewed as subjective Impact should be determined by auditee upon their review of the audit finding
Problem Categories and Problem Solving Approaches
Types of Problems
• Simple, cause known; “Just do it” issues • Complex, cause unknown; need to dig deeper issues • Sometimes the financial impact of a problem dictates how it will be classified
Communication of Problems
CREI Problem Statement
A tool for communicating the gap: • Concern: what is wrong; statement of nonconformity • Requirement: what should be; documented requirement or reference to • Evidence: data demonstrating that something is wrong; objective evidence observed that supports statement of nonconformity • (Impact): how significant is the problem from a performance and/or cost standpoint
• What should be • Must be defined and valid • Can be found in procedures, policies, drawings, specifications, etc. • #1 reason problems are not effectively solved is that Requirement is not clearly known or defined • Reference where Requirement can be found • State as defined in Requirement document
Steps in Disciplined Problem Solving
1. Establish Team 2. Operational Problem Definition 3. Containment & Interim Actions, (if needed) 4. Root Cause Analysis, (process & system) 5. Plan & Implement Solutions 6. Results of Solutions 7. Verification, (including independent) 8. Closure & Congratulate the Team
Key Elements for Effective Root Cause Analysis & Problem Solving
Presented by:
Cathy Fisher Quality Improvement Strategies
What we will discuss. . .
• • • • • • • • • • What are problems How problems are communicated: CREI statement Types of problems and problem solving methods Process View of problems Isolating problems to their process of origin; establishing context for Root Cause Analysis Levels of Root Cause investigation Data collection/analysis tools to apply at each level of Root Cause investigation Confirming root causes before applying solutions Three possible solutions to each root cause Getting the most out of Root Cause Analysis investigations
Visual Definition of Problem
• Gap between current condition, (what is), and the desired performance level, (what must be, should be or could be) • This gap can exist in a process, product or system • A problem can only be considered to be valid if “what should be” is specified
• What is wrong? • What is different than what should be? • May be recognized as a symptom, (effect), or as a failure condition, (failure mode) • Define in terms of requirement, (language of organization)
Observe results of remedy
Record condition and remedy
Periodically review records of conditions for trends
“Dig Deeper” Issues
• • • • • • • • • • Sometimes referred to as Chronic Long-term and/or complex issues Cause is not readily apparent, unknown Require in-depth investigation to identify root cause Addressed through root cause analysis, disciplined problem solving and improvement process Source of problem typically unknown Cross-functional participation needed to solve Effective resolution requires both process and system solution consideration Require management intervention via resource commitment When available data re: problem is limited, may be handled as “Just do it” based on impact and/or risk