外文翻译稿浅谈ERP项目实施成功因素和风险管理ERP —Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划系统,是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。
ERP 不仅仅是一个软件,更重要的是一个管理思想,它实现了企业内部资源和企业相关的外部资源的整合。
ERP 是一种以市场和客户需求为导向,以实行企业内外资源优化配置,消除生产经营过程中一切无效的劳动和资源,实现信息流、物流、资金流、价值流和业务流的有机集成和提高企业竞争力为目的,以计划与控制为主线,以网络和信息技术为平台,集客户、市场、销售、计划、采购、生产、财务、质量、服务、信息集成和业务流程重组(BPR)等功能为一体,面向SCM的现代企业管理思想和方法。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 :专 业:姓 名:学 号:外文出处: Madiha shah procedia-social and附 件 :1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文(用外文写)附件1:外文资料翻译译文管理信息系统(MIS)对学校的影响-----文献报告Madiha Shah Malaysia. Malaya大学马来西亚摘要鉴于其快捷和有效性,教育管理信息技术的使用已迅速增加。
关键词: 管理信息系统、MIS 、学校管理、学校管理。
如果有证据表明,它使在学校的表现和产生相应的影响有效性(Condie et al .,2007)真实存在。
实验室管理信息系统外文翻译nXXX universities。
The management of these laboratories is a critical component of the overall management system。
Implementing scientific and modern management practices can XXX the level of teaching and research。
The laboratory n management system utilizes computer XXX n to manage computer are。
hardware systems。
and testing through the n of computer technology and management science.nXXX ns。
With the help of computer orks。
these XXX n。
The system can manage laboratory resources。
including equipment。
and personnel。
and provide real-time data on laboratory ns.The laboratory n management system can also XXX。
The system can automate data n and analysis。
cing the time and effort required for manual data entry。
The system can also streamline laboratory workflows。
XXX.XXX efficiency。
the laboratory n management system can enhance the quality of teaching and research。
信息管理与信息系统论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Construction of Network Management Information System of Agricultural Products Supply Chain Based on 3PLsAbstractThe necessity to construct the network management information system of 3PLs agricultural supply chain is analyzed, showing that 3PLs can improve the overall competitive advantage of agricultural supply chain. 3PLs changes the homogeneity management into specialized management of logistics service and achieves the alliance of the subjects at different nodes of agricultural products supply chain. Network management information system structure of agricultural products supply chain based on 3PLs is constructed, including the four layers (the network communication layer, the hardware and software environment layer, the database layer, and the application layer) and 7 function modules (centralized control,transportation process management, material and vehicle scheduling, customer relationship, storage management, customer inquiry, and financial management).Framework for the network management information system of agricultural products supply chain based on 3PLs is put forward. The management of 3PLs mainly includes purchasing management, supplier relationship management, planning management, customer relationship management, storage management and distribution management. Thus, a management system of internal and external integrated agricultural enterprises is obtained. The network management information system of agricultural products supply chain based on 3PLs has realized the effective sharing of enterprise information of agricultural products supply chain at different nodes, establishing a long-term partnership revolving around the 3PLs core enterprise, as well as a supply chain with stable relationship based on the supply chain network system, so as to improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural products, and to explore the sales market for agricultural products.Key words3PLs (third party logistics),Agricultural products supply chain, Network management information system, China3PLs means that production enterprises entrust the logistics activity to the professional logistics service firms in order to concentrate efforts on core business, to keep close contact with logistics enterprise through information system, and to achieve a logistics operation and management mode with full control in logistics. According to the 3PLs requirements forinformation technology, supply chain management information system based on 3PLs is a supply chain management mode with 3PLs enterprises as the core, using EDI technology, GIS/GPS system, B/S mode and other technologies. Integration, processing and application of 3PLs enterprises in supply chain management information system are fully applied in order to reduce the cost of logistics and to improve the service level of logistics.At present, management information technology in China is just at the initial stage. The existing management information system offers insufficient information for the 3PLs enterprises which are engaged in the circulation of agricultural products.Besides, its construction of logistics data processing system is imperfect, having not realized the truly professional 3PLs enterprises for the circulation of agricultural products with information technology. At the same time, 3PLs enterprise for agricultural products has just started in China. And logistics applied in the agricultural supply chain with 3PLs enterprise as the core is time-consuming, inefficient and low-level, which can hardly meet the needs of the rapid development of rural market and social productive forces. Therefore, it is particularly important and urgent to construct a management information system for agricultural products supply chain under the current Internet environment. Problems in the management of the supply chain of agricultural products are analyzed, and a network management information system of agricultural products supply chain based on 3PLs is constructed in order to offer references for the information management in the supply chain of agricultural products in China.1 Necessity of constructing the network management information system of agricultural products supply chain based on 3PLsAgricultural products are seasonal, perishable and vulnerable. With the improvement of income level,consumers have increasingly high requirements for the diversification, personalization, just-in-time nature, and environment protection of agricultural products, which requires faster, more professional,and better organized logistics. At the same time, supply chain of agricultural products has the characteristics of the special purpose of funds, the uncertainty of market, and the unbalanced development of market. Thus, the support of supply chain management information system is needed during the circulation of agricultural products. Construction of market integration,as well as the integration of production, supply and marketing,urgently needs a new management information system of agricultural products, as well as an accompanying legal support system, in order to reduce the cost and to increase the profit for agricultural enterprises. And the application of 3PLs in the supply chain of agricultural products can solve this problem.Therefore, we should give full play to the central hub function of 3PLs enterprises in agricultural products supply chain, increase the input in the informationization of agricultural products supply chain, and promote the construction of logistics operation system and management information system.1 .1 Improving the overall competitive advantage of agricultural products supply chain by 3PLs3PLs is a new logistics organizational form established by modern information technology, as well as a kind of complementary and win-win strategic alliance by signing contract with the party being served. Taking 3PLs as the professional and core enterprise in the production and circulation of agricultural products can help to realize resource consolidation of the construction and organization of the whole supply chain of agricultural products. The specialization of raw materials and the service for product distribution have greatly improved the logistics efficiency of traditional enterprise. At the same time, construction of the management information system ofagricultural products supply chain based on 3PLs has made up for the shortage of information in agricultural market, has improved the efficiency of the flow of agricultural products, has connected all the links in the supply chain into an organic whole in an reasonable and effective way,and has enhanced the overall competitive advantage and economic benefits. 3PLs platform has greatly brought down the production and circulation processes of traditional agricultural enterprises, and has reduced the costs in raw material procurement and product distribution, so as to better adapt to the changes in market demand, to realize the rational distribution of resources, and to improve the overall competitiveness of the supply chain of agricultural products.1 .2 Changing the homogeneity management to specialized operation of logistics service by 3PLsDue to the characteristics of agricultural products, market requirement for logistics varies widely. Since traditional enterprises try to obtain the competitive advantage, there is fierce market competition in commodity circulation. Therefore, behavior of logistics market shows the characteristics of homogeneity and the profit is getting lower and lower. In order to seize the customer, some enterprises even take a loss. 3PLs enterprises share business risk with partners and carry out operation according to the items number, time and cost of customer by integration and utilization of resources. As a means of the supply chain integration of agricultural products, specialized operation of 3PLs can help the stakeholders of supply chain to obtain more demand information of agricultural products, and can reduce the circulation cost of agricultural products.1 .3 Alliance of the subjects in supply chain nodes of agricultural products by 3PLs3PLs stresses the relationship of “mutual complementarity, benefit sharing, information sharing” among the stakeholders in different nodes of supply chain. Development of the agricultural producer, supplier and retailer is limited if they rely only on their own resources. 3PLs enters into the outside service market, integrates the resources through the way of strategic alliances, ensures that the subject focuses its attention on core business, reduces the cost by scale effect, enhances the anti-risk strength, and helps to achieve quick response to market demand by information sharing.At the same time, contract-0riented 3PLs enterprises unify the interests of all subjects in supply chain of agricultural products, emphasize the strategic partnership of both parties,and alleviate market competition of related industries in agricultural markets. Subjects in both downstream and upstream of the supply chain share information and establish long-term partnership with 3PLs enterprises as the core.2 Construction of the network management information system of agricultural supply chain based on 3PLs2.1 Construction of structural system3PLs platform is used to offer network communications and system services to the subjects in agricultural supply chain. Fig. 1 illustrates the structural system of network management information system of agricultural supply chain based on 3PLs.Fig.1 Structural system of network management information system of agricultural supplychain based on 3PLsFig. 1 illustrates that the basic hardware of the system is combined by the network transmission media and network equipment, that is the network communication layer. Hardware facilities, corresponding system software, operation system and netmanager software together constitute the software and hardware environment layer.This layer provides necessary software and hardware facilities for 3PLs enterprises during the data storage and management of agricultural products. Database layer is responsible for the management of data source in agricultural information resources and network systems, and offers data integration to the application layer. 3PLs standard system includes the overall standard, network infrastructure standard, application support standard, application standard, information security standard, and management standard. Safety system of 3PLs includes the security management, security infrastructure, and security service.This system is composed of 7 function modules, such as the centralized control module, transportation process management module, material and vehicle scheduling module, customer relationship module, storage management module, customer query module, and financial management module(Fig. 2),the function of which is to ensure the information fluency and system security of 3PLs enterprises during the operation and integration of resources. These modules have improved the service module of different nodes in agricultural supply chain and have reduced the operation risk of system, so that the system becomes more structured, perfect, and rational.2.2 Framework of management systemBased on the existing research result,the business and module of modern logistics management,and the management information systems,Fig.3 reports the management system of internal and external integrated agricultural enterprises according to the circulation of agricultural products from the manufacturer,supplier,and retail terminal to the consumer.Fig.2 Function modules of 3PLs network management information systemFig.3 The management system of internal and external integrated agricultural enterprises Fig.3 shows the framework of network management information system of agricultural supply chain based on 3PLs. The whole system, running under an open 3PLs, is formed by four layers of network communication layer, software and hardware environment layer, database layer and application layer. In the application layer, 3PLs, as the core of management information system of agricultural supply chain, plays the role of information processing center. It mainly manages the plan, inventory, and other subsystems, supervises subsystem through supplier relationship, conducts information interaction with procurement management subsystem and the supplier, and carries out information interaction with the supplier, producer and consumer through customer relationship management subsystem and sales management subsystem. Besides, 3PLs is also responsible for logistics management and control through the distribution management subsystem. Management of 3PLs mainly includes the 7 modules of purchasing management, supplier relationship management, planning management, customer relationship management, sales management, inventory management and distribution management. Through the effectiveintegration and coordination between 3PLs and the business with partner at the downstream and upstream of agricultural supplier chain, management system of internal and external integrated agricultural enterprises is formed using the logistics information system to realize the integration of logistics and information flow.In general,3PLs enterprise is still in the initial stage in China. Management information system of agricultural supply chain is not perfect, which can not meet the current needs of the rapid development and agricultural products circulation in rural China. Thus, there is an urgent need to build a new mode of agricultural logistics, so as to reduce the process of sales turnover, to lower the production cost of 3PLs enterprises, to improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural products, and to expand the sales market of agricultural products.3 ConclusionDeveloping modern 3PLs is an inevitable trend of market development. Design and development of management information system based on 3PLs can bring spillover benefits to the producer, supplier and retailer of agricultural products.Under the current Internet environment, management information system of agricultural supply chain based on 3PLs must be established based on the specific characteristics of operation mode and the actual business situation of 3PLs enterprises, so as to establish a management information system suitable for a given enterprise. From the perspective of overall integration of resources, the network management information system of agricultural supply chain based on 3PLs established has connected the interests of different nodes in agricultural supply chain into an organic whole, has effectively eliminated the barriers to information flow, and has increased the profits of agriculture-related enterprises and farmers. At the same time, according to the characteristics of agricultural enterprises in China, a rational agricultural products logistics mode of internal and external integrated agricultural enterprise is established, which offers a reference for the management of agricultural supply chain in China.基于第三方物流的农产品供应链网络管理信息系统的建设摘要本文对构建网络农业第三方物流供应链管理信息系统的必要性进行了分析,表明第三方物流可以提高农产品供应链的整体竞争优势。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Management Information SystemIt is the MIS(Management Information System ) that we constantly say that the management information system , and is living to emphasize the administration , and emphasizes that it changes into more and more significantly and more and more is universalized in the contemporary community of message . MIS is a fresh branch of learning, and it leaped over several territories, and for instance administers scientific knowledge, system science, operational research, statistic along with calculating machine scientific knowledge. Is living on these the branches of learning base, and takes shape that the message is gathered and the process means, thereby take shape the system that the crossbar mingles.1. The Management Information System Summary20 centuries, in the wake of the flourishing development of whole world economy, numerous economists propose the fresh administration theory one by one. Xi Men propose the administration and was dependent on idea to message and decision of strategic importance in the 50’s 20 centuries. The dimension of simultaneous stage is admitted issuing cybernetics, and he thinks that the administration is a control procedure. In 1958, Ger. write the lid: “the administrationshall obtain without delay with the lower cost and exact message, completes the better control “. This particular period, the calculating machine starts being used accountancy work. The data handling term has risen.In 1970, Walter T.Kennevan give administration that has raised the only a short while ago information system term to get off a definition: “ either the cover of the book shape with the discount, is living appropriately time to director, staff member along with the outside world personnel staff supplies the past and now and message that internal forecasting the approaching relevant business reaches such environment, in order to assist they make a strategic decision”. Is living in this definition to emphasize, yet does not emphasize using the pattern, and mention the calculating machine application in the way of the message support decision of strategic importance.In 1985, admonishing information system originator, title Buddhist nun Su Da university administration professor Gordon B.Davis give the management information system relatively integrated definition, in immediate future “ administer the information system is one use calculating machine software and hardware resources along with data bank man - the engine system.It be able to supply message support business either organization operation, administration or the decision making function. Comprehensive directions of this definition management information system target and meritorious service capacity and component, but also make known the management information system to be living the level that attains at that time.1.1The Developing History of MISThe management information system is living the most primarily phase is counting the system, the substance which researched is the regular pattern on face between the incremental data, it what may separate into the data being mutually related and more not being mutually related series, afterwards act as the data conversion to message.The second stage is the data are replaced the system, and it is that the SABRE that the American airline company put up to in the 50’s 20 centuries subscribes to book the bank note system that such type stands for. It possess 1008 bank note booking spots, and may access 600000 traveler keep the minutes and 27000 flight segments record. Its operation is comparatively more complex, and is living whatever one “spot ”wholly to check whether to be the free place up some one flight numbers. Yet through approximately attending school up to say, it is only a data andreplaces the system, for instance it can not let know you with the bank note the selling velocity now when the bank note shall be sell through, thereby takes remedying the step. As a result it also is administer information system rudimentary phase.The third phase is the status reports system, and it may separate into manufacture state speech and service state and make known and research the systems such as status reports and so on. Its type stands for the production control system that is the IBM corporation to the for instance manufacture state speech system. As is known to all, the calculating machine corporation that the IBM corporation is the largest on the world, in 1964 it given birth to middle-sized calculating machine IBM360 and causes the calculating machine level lift a step, yet form that the manufacture administration work. Yet enormously complicatedly dissolve moreover, the calculating machine overtakes 15000 difference components once more, in addition the plant of IBM extends all over the American various places to every one components once more like works an element, and the order of difference possess difference components and the difference element, and have to point out that what element what plant what installation gives birth to, hence not merely giving birth to complexly, fitting, installation and transportation wholly fully complex. Have to there be a manufacture status reports system that takes the calculating machine in order to guarantee being underway successfully of manufacture along with else segment as the base. Hence the same ages IBM establish the systematic AAS of well-developed administration it be able to carry on 450 professional work operations. In 1968, the corporation establishes the communal once more and manufactures informationsystem CMIS and runs and succeeds very much, the past needs 15 weeks work, that system merely may be completed in the way of 3 weeks.It is the data handling system that the status reports system still possess one kind of shape , and that it is used for handles the everyday professional work to make known with manufacture , and stress rests with by the handwork task automation , and lifts the effectiveness with saves the labor power . The data handling system ordinarily can not supply decision of strategic importance message.Last phase is the support systems make a strategic decision, and it is the information system being used for supplementary making a strategic decision. That system may program and the analysis scheme, and goes over key and the error solve a problem. Its proper better person-machine dialogue means, may with notparticularly the personnel staff who have an intimate knowledge of the calculating machine hold conversation. It ordinarily consists of some pattern so as to come into being decision of strategic importance message, yet emphasize comprehensive administration meritorious service capacity.1.2 The Application of Management Information SystemThe management information system is used to the most base work, like dump report form, calculation pay and occurrences in human tubes and so on, and then developing up business financial affairs administrations and inventory control and so on individual event operational control , this pertains to the electron data handling ( EDP Data Processing ) system . When establish the business data bank, thereby possess the calculating machine electric network to attain data sharing queen , the slave system concept is start off , when the implementation the situation as a whole is made program and the design information system ,attained the administration information system phase . In the wake of calculating machine technique progress and the demand adjust the system of people lift further, people emphasize more furthermore administer the information system phase. Progress and people in the wake of the calculating machine technique lift at the demand adjust the system further, people emphasize more furthermore to administer the information system whether back business higher level to lead makes a strategic decision this meritorious service capacity, still more lay special emphasis on the gathering to the external message of business and integrated data storehouse, model library , means storehouse and else artificial intelligence means whether directly to decision of strategic importance person , this is the support system ( DDS ) mission making a strategic decision.There is the part application that few business start MIS inner place the limit of the world at the early days of being living in the 70’s 20 centuries. Up at the moment, MIS is living, and there be the appropriatePopularization rate in every state nation in world, and nearly covered that every profession reaches every department.1.3 The Direction of MIS DevelopmentClose 20 curtains; external grand duke takes charge of having arisen3 kinds of alternations:A. Paying special attention to the administration being emphasized toestablishing MIS’s system, and causing the administration technique headfor the ageing.B. The message is the decision of strategic importance foundation, and MISsupplies the message service in the interest of director at all times.C. Director causes such management program getting in touch with togetherwith the concrete professional work maneuver by means of MIS. notmerely big-and-middle-sized business universally establish MIS somesmall-size business also not exceptions of self, universally establish thecommunal data network, like the electronic mail and electron dataexchange and so on, MIS supplied the well support environment to theapplication of Intranet’s technique to speedily developing of INTERNETespecially in the past few years in the interest of the business.Through international technique development tendency is see, in the 90’s 20 centuries had arisen some kinds of brand-new administration technique.(1)Business Processes Rebuild (BPR)A business should value correctly time and produce quality, manufacturing cost and technical service and so on several section administrations, grip at the moment organization and the process compose once more,andcompletes that meritorious service capacity integrationist, operation processization and organization form fluctuation. Shall act as the service veer of middle layer management personnel staff the decision of strategic importance of the director service?(2)Intelligentization Decision Support System (IDSS)The intelligentization decision of strategic importance support system was sufficiently consider demand and the work distinguishing feature of business higher level personnel staff.(3)Lean Production (LP)Application give birth to on time, comprehensive quality control and parallel project that picked amount is given birth to and so on the technique, the utmost product design cutting down and production cycle, raise produce quality and cuts down the reproduced goods to reserve, and is living in the manufacture promote corps essence, in order to meet the demand that client continuously changes.(4)Agile Manufacture (AM)One kind of business administration pattern that possess the vision, such distinguishing feature is workers and staff members’ quality is high, and the organization simplifies and the multi-purpose group effectiveness GAO message loading is agile and answers client requires swiftly.2. The Effect To The Business Administration of MIS DevelopmentThe effect to the business administration of the management information system development is administered the change to business and business administration of information system development and come into being and is coming into being the far-reaching effect with.Decision of strategic importance, particularly strategic decision-making may be assisted by the administration information system, and its good or bad directly affects living and the development up the business. The MIS is impeding the orientation development that the administration means one another unites through quality and ration. This express to utilize the administration in the calculation with the different mathematical model the problem in the quantitative analysis business. The past administer that the problem is difficult to test, but MIS may unite the administration necessaries, and supply the sufficient data, and simulates to produce the term in the interest of the administration.In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under director, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assistant manager’s gr ade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality administration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappearance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not merely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit.This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exonerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to analyses researching work in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the business continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the scarce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means of study and cultivating, and continuously lifts individual’s quality. InThe wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably either the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office system on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raiseoffice personnel staff was produced the advantageous term.At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It completely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with manufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorganization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manufacturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturing the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation against consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution.The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learning orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able to be better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encircles the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the administration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MIS, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system and administration means, and establish more valid MIS.译文管理信息系统MIS (Management Information System),它就是我们所说的管理信息系统,它强调在生活上的应用,并且在当今信息社会普及的背景下应用得越来越广泛。
外文原文The information management system brief introductionA.output background of the management information systemThe information is a kind of resources, in pass by of 30 years, the every trade usually all had not a few managers and administrations the mastermind treated the data processing and calculators isolatedly.Result in the reason of this kind of viewpoint is, the data processing( DP) and the information service( IS) the personnel does not wish to use easily drive the language that customer( namely the personnel of" usage" calculator) comprehend and customer carries on the exchanges.The manager lacks the interest and inabilities as dint to this kind of exchanges, cause defer the development of the calculator system, thus fostering to live in isolation in many other aspects and the phenomenon of the redundancy labor.Communicate with the information attendant in the customer aspect, there is no an unit hope can make perfect, but, have some units indeed to have already obtained the more very successful experience.The customer thinks with some units of the information attendant match tacit understanding:This kind of successful reason lie in, the customer has already controled basic knowledge of the calculator and the information resources management.It is thus clear that, customer the manager controls the knowledge of this aspect is very necessary.Perfectly right, the information serve what professional personnel is to have this aspect knowledge, but to use a manager to acquire these knowledges, must pass the regular study, reading and fulfillments.Together between the information attendant relation of appropriate processing customer, can strengthen the both parties to work in coordination.For building up and supporting an information system of high quantity, the everyone must respect the will of the other party.The good and bad of the system quantity is direct to become the direct proportion with customer and a quality for work in coordination of the information attendant.Every those customer managers who would not like to control the basic knowledge of relevant calculator and the information resources management aspects and administration mastermind, will become the behind the time necessarily, participate the development trends that the information system develops the process directly in current this kind of encouragementcustomer especially under.Recommend in the past, customer manager to a large extent is depend on the information attendant, the information system that development and realizations need of.Owing to the information service needs the continuous development variety, leaving the responsibility that discriminates and raises the system now to customer- this is also a reason should of.The customer participates the development of the information system morely, this kind of trend as early as 70's the middle started, and, from that time hereafter develop constantly, have already entered the information attendant now together ages of the customer cooperation.Because only have the customer to even understand that they want to get from the information system by themselves what.The customer participates the typical model case performance of the information resources management( IRM) in the distribute type data processing( DDP) aspect.In this aspect, the customer not only need to attend the development of the system, and but also need to be responsible for the hardware equipments that manage the system movement's demand and personnel.People did not know until most in the last few years:The information is a kind of resources, must take into the exploitation to this kind of worthy resources, don't make it the white white run to waste.In compete the environment of the vehemence, manager and administration the mastermind must make use of the information availably, otherwise hard have a foothold in the invincible position.In the past, manager only the calculator see is a saving money of tool, but now, the calculator is see is a tool that created the profits.Each companies have a great deal of of, didn't°yet discover of, can make use of the potential of the calculator and the information resources.Discover this kind of potential the knowledge level of the calculator and the information processing that demand have, is most managers and the administration mastermind's what lies in one's powers of.B.basic type of the information systemThe information system can be artificial or according to calculator of, independent or comprehensive of, become to criticize processing of or machine of.The usual information system is the combination of above-mentioned various type.Certainly it can't be independent again comprehensive,1.The independent system is for satisfying a certain and particular applied realm( such as, personal management) but design.The independent system contain itsown document, these documents take to have the certain redundancy by all means.2.The comprehensive information system passes the data that they use but drive comprehensive together.The system makes use of a database with commonly shared resources to attain the comprehensive purpose.For example, the wages system requests to find out the data from the human resource system and accountancy's systems in go order.3.Taking the artificial system as the foundation has already developped a calculator information system of various each kind.So far, while carry on the artificial" the calculator turn", still lack to design the experience and( or) the want for information attendants and exchanges between customers.Also is to say, drew lessons from the workflow of the artificial system directly according to the workflow of the system of the ually these systems are independent, and used to only the calculator to handle the machine for the data.While design these systems, few in consideration of end want intention that they synthesize.4.The information system also can press criticize processing, the machine processing or two combinationses to categorize.In become criticize handle system, divide business and datas to criticize a ground of processing or the creation statement.For example, the bank code a great deal of check, then at a day end, criticize the place check separately, row preface and carry on the processing.Again such as, for prevent°froming the airline pulling in the tower a sell the ticket to order with in Atlanta of another sell the last ticket that the ticket orders to sell some one service gone to San Francisco from Los Angeles at the same time, the airline system book the ticket to must be the machine of , with the current appearance of the reflection database.Most s machine information system also has results to show the request of criticize the processing.Even appeared the information resources management( IRM) system, and after the potential of the calculator information system got extensive acknowledgement, most systems are still independent criticize to handle the system.Now these system in the most has already lost the use value, and is re- designed comprehensive of, the system of the machine .Pass the definition can know,"ing comprehensive" to request the business realm manager and company the leadership cooperates closely.The information serve the professional personnel and can be the adviser, but relevant comprehensive information system and the business realm of conflict and difference then should be solve by the customer group.Environment that solves these differences to synthesizewith the real realization is the information attendant to customer the manager put forward of challenge.C.social influence of the information systemThe social influence of various company information system is the responsibility that the information serves the manager and professional realm managers.Should check all plans in of and existing information system, to distinguish whether these systems will bring the harmful society influence or not.Should check the existing system with regularity specially.The society influence may be internal, be also likely to be exterior or two and but have it.The serious degree of affect will involve from the officers and workers not like this kind of short date of a certain new method to affect because the calculator turns but makes some officers and workerses reduce such long-term influence.These circumstances explained the information system harmful internal society influence.If know that the particular and applied system that a certain calculator of realization( under the condition of some, only is design) turn will bring the harmful society influence in advance, so customer the manager should serve the manager and company management section with information to cooperate, responding this kind of influence to contract to minimum extent.The exterior society influence involves with those person who the company has the friendly intercourse.( customer, client, attendant, creditor etc.)The change of a certain procedure is also possible to bring important influence to the image of the companies, thus also affecting the profits of the company.For example, a very and greatly the nationwide public enterprise company decision repeal is in 12 service organizations of small town, then request the residents of these towns and will pay to mail the company originally department, that company did not estimate the influence that this kind of change on the policy bring.The residents are angry with can't directly hand over style give native organization.Unique result is the organization that the public enterprise company must re- set up those places, and examine from the beginning lately- install accept the debt system.D.the function and the responsibility of the customer and the information service departmentA quantity of information system and a benefits with future company, on the very big degree dependence hence denied to rule the function and the responsibility of the customer andthe information service department clearly.The function and responsibilities of the underneath are in keeping with to most units, however for ising suitable for own circumstance and shoulding still make a little amount of modification.The function and the responsibility of the customer:1.The information system policy committee( ISPC).The information serves the deluxe coordination commission, usually being leader by the high class of the customer to constitute.Therefore, the responsibility of that committee is the responsibility of the customer.ISPC approval to some gravenesses request that information serve, build up having the initiative the class system, solve the difference between each section and build up the first- degree information service counterplan of company.2.Accept the reform.The calculator turn, in regard to its essence, mean the reform.But the person does not wish to accept the reform essentially.The whole section brush-off of the some business realm carries out the circumstance of an information system not seldom seen.Even if to the personnel assurance of that section and they also believe that the end product will raise the rate of production that they work and make under personal satisfied circumstance, also still such.The manager of the customer has the responsibility creation the appropriate environment to accept the ineluctable reform- carry out a calculator information system in that company.Perform is one of the best paths that encouragement accepts to reform probably.Perform a successful information system( is the company inner part in spite of of or exterior of) needs to cost some time properly.Should encourage the people to carry on the exchanges with those persons who turns the aspect to be subjected to" frustrate" in the calculator.3.The system service claim.The plait writes the service claim and hands over is the responsibility of the end customer for the information service department.4.To the support of the information service item.Isn't the member of an item set even if, customer the manager still should participate the activity of the item, because the end product of the item set is end will to the method, work of the section and succeed to produce the important influence.Should request the customer manager is after each important stage complete" the signing approve".Some customer managers exist a kind of innocent viewpoint,they think that the normal progress of the item is a naturally of, but system will completely according to hope to was so complete, the procedure that signing approve is the responsibility of the customer, and for the success of the item is to go to pass important.This kind of signing not only mean the satisfied approval that designs to the basic system, and but also mean the approbation toward the detailed function manual.Manager and their employees of customers should meet the relevant item to constitute the member, comprehending and agreeing with the system suggest for them every way to carry on the pit actually.At the stage of Ⅱend can't still over-emphasize the importance of the signing approbation, because the that time system function a manual still" is freeze of".At the system of the modification ratio that stage of Ⅱdo realization after do the manpower that same modification need to want to be little and have to have another.For example, may need a person only to the modification of some document design to can complete no longer than a day in stage of Ⅱ , but after system carry out, do the same modification and may request several individuals to do a few months.The customer should find out the blemish as early as possible, and before understanding the system thoroughly, before use the section satisfaction, do not sign the approbation.cate.The manager of the customer and customer the personnel is responsible for the training that provides the business to the information attendant.( for example, stock method, the open account principle...etc.)According to the size of the item set, this kind of training can summit the form to carry on with the personal form or group.If customer the manager can recommend some informations sources( such as book, magazine, regular course...etc.) that can make use of also helpful to training.The customer also may need to be some to have something to do with training of calculator and the information system of knowledge.The information service department will be responsible for this kind of training.The customer just attends the training.The contents of this kind of training includes to be like how to use the calculator hardware, according to the work principle of the calculator system and involve the training of not deeply general calculator knowledge etc. topic.6.The data records to go into.According to the scope that the traditional information service working talent distribute, the customer group may participate almost all aspects of theinformation service.( include to record to go into the program design from the data)At least, the customer section wants to be responsible for the importation of the system.In the machine system, the data importation still include to is a readable form of machine the original data conversion that comes from the video frequency manifestation equipments.In become criticize handle system, the customer is responsible for completing accurate and legal original data.Then record these original datas criticize separately erupt the data of send to the information service into the section.This kind of a serious problem that becomes to criticize to turn to record the processing is many character lists are" illegal" in the original data, this will cause to usually make a phone call for the customer section or seek to come or saved into in the database bad or the data of the mistake.The manager of the customer should know the legitimacy and the accuracy equal importance of the character list.Should encourage the importance that clerk's personnel knows accurate and clean and neat twos.7.For provide of information service hand over the fee.According to the dissimilarity of each company policy, the service that the customer section may provide to the information service department pay all or parts of expenses or not pay, have already adopted a typical model to charge those companies of system and will consult with, analyze the member and program designs service, use the hardware machine and use to save the machine and materials to the inner part, charge to the customer open account. 8.The periodical evaluation information system.An information system( its ownership) from the customer section own, not from the information service department own.Therefore, carry on to their information system the regular commentary with regularity is the customer manager's responsibility.These comment on, will rise a kind of aggressive function for the improvement system.The function and the responsibility of the information service department:1.Keep advanced sex on the technique.Because the technique of the modern is in the variety everyday, the company can't neglect to decline low cost and suggest the opportunity of the high performance.For making use of the existing technique, the information attendant must be join force to keep advanced sex on the technique with one mind.The information service department and customers manage the technique invention that the section should notice to those to raise the rate of production and efficiency probably.2.Rise to promote the function.In the aspects of discovering the new information system and raising the existing information system, the information attendant should rise to promote the function.Any improvement data processing or management make policy the opportunities of the process and should cause concerning the business realm manager's attention.3.Provide to suggest the source.The information attendant is to provide the suggestion and advisory headsprings toward the customer group.The information service department should provide an organization( for example, customer contact section), for the purpose of customer can pass that organization request suggestion of the relevant calculator and the information processing.4.Help the customer in system develop process.The system development process press half to half of comparisons, from the expert of the business realm with( the information system aspect) technique the expert combine together, developping together a take calculator as the basal information system.By 1980, it is the responsibility of the information service department that popular viewpoint is the system development in customer and the information attendants.Today, the information system is own by customer, therefore, the system development is the responsibility of the customer.The responsibility of the information service department is an information system item that"s help" the customer to carry out them.5.Provide the movement ability for the information system.The information service department is responsible for a part that produces the system to have something to do with hardware.Certainly, this is is not suitable for in to distribute the data processing environment also.So-called have something to do with hardware the part includes the engine room, control, output's to send out to record to go into with data.( only rightness become criticize to handle the environment)The responsibility concerning database, sometimes will produce to confuse.The company database is saving saving equipments at the big capacity that be control by the information attendant and operate up.The managing person of the database is responsible for the physics and logical maintenances of the database.However, to any change of the database is to is carried on the push by the customer importation, therefore, the accuracy of the database is from the customer be responsible for, not database managing person is responsible of.6.Support the data of the information system.To the whichever and existing informationsystem, the complete set data includes the " circulate the order", the database data( may support one or several information systemses) and user's manuals of the system and program design data, the calculator operator.Must reflect to any improvement of the system in above- mentioned data, these datas are distribute by the information attendant and support.7.For the company whole turn to provide the help.The data becomes comprehensive( combination) tool of company.Each company, the education section and the government agency all exist the redundancy in the data and procedureses.The information service department contain responsibility provide the ability( hardware and expert) on the technique to remove this kind of phenomenon.8.Provide to educate the project( outline) toward the customer.Nowadays widespread viewpoint is, the customer handle the education of the aspect in the calculator and information, having the important influence successfully for an unit.The manager of the customer and deluxe administration leadership is making use of the professional public lecturer and facing to the book and the inner part colloquium of the customer well.The information service department be responsible for organize the customer manager of internal public lecturer.Handle the knowledge in the calculator and information, exist thus a kind of request, educate the reasonable charges to the customer namely, even in the small companyalso such.外文翻译信息管理系统简介一.管理信息系统产生的背景信息是一种资源,在过去的 30 年中,各行各业往往都有不少管理人员和行政首脑孤立地看待数据处理和计算机。
用户机器系统的概念暗示了, 一些任务最好由人执行, 其他的最好由机器做。
Management Information SystemIt is the MIS(Management Information System) that we constantly say that the management information system , and is living to emphasize the administration , and emphasizes that it changes into more and more significantly and more and more is universalized in the contemporary community of message . MIS is a fresh branch of learning, and it leaped over several territories, and for instance administers scientific knowledge, system science, operational research, statistic along with calculating machine scientific knowledge. Is living on these the branches of learning base, and takes shape that the message is gathered and the process means, thereby take shape the system that the crossbar mingles.1. The Management Information System Summary20 centuries, in the wake of the flourishing development of whole world economy, numerous economists propose the fresh administration theory one by one. Xi Men propose the administration and was dependent on idea to message and decision of strategic importance in the 50’s 20 centuries. The dimension of simultaneous stage is admitted issuing cybernetics, and he thinks that the administration is a control procedure. In 1958, Ger. write the lid: “ the administration shall obtain without delay with the lower cost and exact message, completes the better control ”. This particular period, the calculating machine starts being used accountancy work. The data handling term has risen.In 1970, Walter T.Kennevan give administration that has raised the only a short while ago information system term to get off a definition: “ either the cover of the book shape with the discount, is living appropriately time to director, staff member along with the outside world personnel staff supplies the past and now and message that internal forecasting the approaching relevant business reaches such environment, in order to assist they make a strategic decision”. Is living in this definition to emphasize, yet does not emphasize using the pattern, and mention the calculating machine application in the way of the message support decision of strategic importance.In 1985, admonishing information system originator, title Buddhist nun Su Da university administration professor Gordon B.Davis give the management information system relatively integrated definition, in immediate future “ administer the information system is one use calculating machine software and hardware resources along with data bank man - the engine system. It be able to supply message support business either organization operation, administration or the decision making function”. Comprehensive directions of this definition management information system target and meritorious service capacity and component, but also make known the management information system to be living the level that attains at that time.1.1 The Developing History of MISThe management information system is living the most primarily phase is counting the system, the substance which researched is the regular pattern on face between the incremental data, it what may separate into the data being mutually related and more not being mutually relatedseries, afterwards act as the data conversion to message.The second stage is the data are replaced the system, and it is that the SABRE that the Amer ican airline company put up to in the 50’s 20 centuries subscribes to book the bank note system that such type stands for. It possess 1008 bank note booking spots, and may access 600000 traveler keep the minutes and 27000 flight segments record. Its operation is comparatively more complex, and is living whatever one “spot ”wholly to check whether to be the free place up some one flight numbers. Yet through approximately attending school up to say, it is only a data and replaces the system, for instance it can not let know you with the bank note the selling velocity now when the bank note shall be sell through, thereby takes remedying the step. As a result it also is administer information system rudimentary phase.The third phase is the status reports system, and it may separate into manufacture state speech and service state and make known and research the systems such as status reports and so on. Its type stands for the production control system that is the IBM corporation to the for instance manufacture state speech system. As is known to all, the calculating machine corporation that the IBM corporation is the largest on the world, in 1964 it given birth to middle-sized calculating machine IBM360 and causes the calculating machine level lift a step, yet form that the manufacture administration work. Yet enormously complicatedly dissolve moreover, the calculating machine overtakes 15000 difference components once more, in addition the plant of IBM extends all over the American various places to every one components once more like works an element, and the order of difference possess difference components and the difference element, and have to point out that what element what plant what installation gives birth to, hence not merely giving birth to complexly, fitting, installation and transportation wholly fully complex. Have to there be a manufacture status reports system that takes the calculating machine in order to guarantee being underway successfully of manufacture along with else segment as the base. Hence the same ages IBM establish the systematic AAS of well-developed administration it be able to carry on 450 professional work operations. In 1968, the corporation establishes the communal once more and manufactures information system CMIS and runs and succeeds very much, the past needs 15 weeks work, that system merely may be completed in the way of 3 weeks. It is the data handling system that the status reports system still possess one kind of shape , and that it is used for handles the everyday professional work to make known with manufacture , and stress rests with by the handwork task automation , and lifts the effectiveness with saves the labor power . The data handling system ordinarily can not supply decision of strategic importance message.Last phase is the support systems make a strategic decision, and it is the information system being used for supplementary making a strategic decision. That system may program and the analysis scheme, and goes over key and the error solve a problem. Its proper better person-machine dialogue means, may with not particularly the personnel staff who have an intimate knowledge of the calculating machine hold conversation. It ordinarily consists of some pattern so as to come into being decision of strategic importance message, yet emphasizecomprehensive administration meritorious service capacity.1.2 The Application of Management Information SystemThe management information system is used to the most base work, like dump report form, calculation pay and occurrences in human tubes and so on, and then developing up business financial affairs administrations and inventory control and so on individual event operational control , this pertains to the electron data handling ( EDP Data Processing ) system . When establish the business data bank, thereby possess the calculating machine electric network to attain data sharing queen , the slave system concept is start off , when the implementation the situation as a whole is made program and the design information system ,attained the administration information system phase . In the wake of calculating machine technique progress and the demand adjust the system of people lift further, people emphasize more furthermore administer the information system phase. Progress and people in the wake of the calculating machine technique lift at the demand adjust the system further, people emphasize more furthermore to administer the information system whether back business higher level to lead makes a strategic decision this meritorious service capacity, still more lay special emphasis on the gathering to the external message of business and integrated data storehouse, model library , means storehouse and else artificial intelligence means whether directly to decision of strategic importance person , this is the support system ( DDS ) mission making a strategic decision.There is the part application that few business start MIS inner place the limit of the world at the early days of being living in the 70’s 20 centuries. Up at the moment, MIS is living, and there be the appropriate popularization rate in every state nation in world, and nearly covered that every profession reaches every department.1.3 The Direction of MIS DevelopmentClose 20 curtains; external grand duke takes charge of having arisen3 kinds of alternations:A. Paying special attention to the administration being emphasized to establishing MIS’s system, and causing the administration technique head for the ageing.B. The message is the decision of strategic importance foundation, and MIS supplies the message service in the interest of director at all times.C. Director causes such management program getting in touch with together with the concrete professional work maneuver by means of MIS. not merely big-and-middle-sized business universally establish MIS some small-size business also not exceptions of self, universally establish the communal data network, like the electronic mail and electron data exchange and so on, MIS supplied the well support environment to the ap plication of Intranet’s technique to speedily developing of INTERNET especially in the past few years in the interest of the business.Through international technique development tendency is see, in the 90’s 20 centuries had arisen some kinds of brand-new administration technique.1. Business Processes Rebuild (BPR)A business should value correctly time and produce quality, manufacturing cost and technicalservice and so on several section administrations, grip at the moment organization and the process compose once more,andcompletes that meritorious service capacity integrationist, operation processization and organization form fluctuation.2. Intelligentization Decision Support System (IDSS)The intelligentization decision of strategic importance support system was sufficiently consider demand and the work distinguishing feature of business higher level personnel staff.3. Lean Production (LP)Application give birth to on time, comprehensive quality control and parallel project that picked amount is given birth to and so on the technique, the utmost product design cutting down and production cycle, raise produce quality and cuts down the reproduced goods to reserve, and is living in the manufacture promote corps essence, in order to meet the demand that client continuously changes.4. Agile Manufacture (AM)One kind of business administration pattern that possess the vision, such distinguishing feature is workers and staff members’ quality is high, and the organization simplifies and the multi-purpose group effectiveness GAO message loading is agile and answers client requires swiftly.2.The Effect To The Business Administration of MIS DevelopmentThe effect to the business administration of the management information system development is administered the change to business and business administration of information system development and come into being and is coming into being the far-reaching effect with. Decision of strategic importance, particularly strategic decision-making may be assisted by the administration information system, and its good or bad directly affects living and the development up the business. The MIS is impeding the orientation development that the administration means one another unites through quality and ration. This express to utilize the administration in the calculation with the different mathematical model the problem in the quantitative analysis business.The past administer that the problem is difficult to test, but MIS may unite the administration necessaries, and supply the sufficient data, and simulates to produce the term in the interest of the administration.In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under director, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assistant manager’s grade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality administration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappearance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not merely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit. This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exonerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to analyses researchingwork in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the business continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the scarce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means of study and cultivating, and continuously lifts individual’s quality. In the wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably either the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office system on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raise office personnel staff was produced the advantageous term.At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It completely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with manufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorganization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manufacturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturing the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation against consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution.The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learning orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able to be better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encircles the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the administration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MIS, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system and administration means , and establish more valid MIS.管理信息系统管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System),它立足于强调管理,强调信息社会中信息变得越来越重要。
外文资料:Information management systemWiliam K.Thomson U.S.AAbstract:An information storage, searching and retrieval system for large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual dam. The system includes multiple query generation processes, a search process, and a presentation of search results that is sorted by category or type and that may be customized based on the professional discipline(or analogous personal characteristic of the user), thereby reducing the amount of time and cost required to retrieve relevant results.Keyword:Information management Retrieval system Object-Oriented1.INTRUDUCTIONThis invention relates to an information storage, searching and retrieval system that incorporates a novel organization for presentation of search results from large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual data.2.BACKGROUDN OF THE INVENTIONOn-line information retrieval systems are utilized for searching and retrieving many kinds of information. Most systems used today work in essentially the same manner; that is, users log on (through a computer terminal or personal microcomputer, and typically from a remote location), select a source of information (i.e., a particular database) which is usually something less than the complete domain, formulate a query, launch the search, and then review the search results displayed on the terminal or microcomputer, typically with documents (or summaries of documents) displayed in reverse chronological order. This process must be repeated each time another source (database) or group of sources is selected (which is frequently necessary in order to insure all relevant documents have been found).Additionally, this process places on the user the burden of organizing and assimilating the multiple results generated from the launch of the same query in each of the multiple sources(databases) that the user needs (or wants) to search. Present systems that allow searching of large domains require persons seeking information in these domains to attempt to modify their queries to reduce the search results to a size that the user can assimilate by browsing through them (thus, potentially eliminating relevant results).In many cases end users have been forced to use an intermediary (i.e., a professional searcher) because the current collections of sources are both complex and extensive, and effective search strategies often vary significantly from one source to another. Even with such guidance, potential relevant answers are missed because all potentially relevant databases or information sources are not searched on every query. Much effort has been expended on refining and improving source selection by grouping sources or database files together. Significant effort has also been expended on query formulation through the use of knowledge bases and natural language processing. However, as the groupings of sources become larger, and the responses to more comprehensive search queries become more complete, the person seeking information is often faced with the daunting task of sifting through large unorganized answer sets in an attempt to find the most relevant documents or information.3.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe invention provides an information storage, searching and retrieval system for a large domain of archived data of various types, in which the results of a search are organized into discrete types of documents and groups of document types so that users may easily identify relevant information more efficiently and more conveniently than systems currently in use. The system of the invention includes means for storing a large domain of data contained in multiple source records, at least some of the source records being comprised of individual documents of multiple document types; means for searching substantially all of the domain with a single search query to identify documents responsive to the query; and means for categorizing documents responsive to the query based on document type, including means for generating a summary of the number of documents responsive to the query which fall within various predetermined categories of document types.The query generation process may contain a knowledge base including a thesaurus that has predetermined and embedded complex search queries, or use natural language processing, or fuzzy logic, or tree structures, or hierarchical relationship or a set of commands that allow persons seeking information to formulate their queries.The search process can utilize any index and search engine techniques including Boolean, vector, and probabilistic as long as a substantial portion of the entire domain of archived textual data is searched for each query and all documents found are returned to the organizing process.The sorting/categorization process prepares the search results for presentation by assembling the various document types retrieved by the search engine and then arranging these basic document types into sometimes broader categories that are readily understood by and relevant to the user.The search results are then presented to the user and arranged by category along with an indication as to the number of relevant documents found in each category. The user may then examine search results in multiple formats, allowing the user to view as much of the document as the user deems necessary.4.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an information retrieval system of the invention;FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a query formulation and search process utilized in theinvention;FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a sorting process for organizing and presenting searchresults.5.BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTIONAs is illustrated in the block diagram of FIG. 1 , the information retrieval system of the invention includes an input/output process ,a query generation process, a search process that involves a large domain of textual data (typically in the multiple gigabyte range), an organizing process, presentation of the information to the user, and a process to identify and characterize the types of documents contained in the large domain of data.Turning now to FIG. 2, the query generation process preferably includes a knowledge base containing a thesaurus and a note pad, and preferably utilizes embedded predefined complex Boolean strategies. Such a system allows the user to enter their description of the information needed using simple words/phrases made up of "natural" language and to rely on the system to assist in generating the full search query, which would include, e.g., synonyms and alternate phraseology. The user can then request, by a command such as "VI CO 1", to view the complete documentselected from the list, giving, in this case, complete information about the identity and credentials of the expert.FIG. 3 illustrates how five typical sources of information (i.e., source records) can be sorted into many document types and then subsequently into categories. For example, a typical trade magazine may contain several types of information such as editorials, regular columns, feature articles, news, product announcements, and a calendar of events. Thus, the trade magazine (i.e., the source record) may be sorted into these various document types, and these document types in turn may be categorized or grouped into categories contained in one or more sets of categories; each document type typically will be sorted into one category within a set of categories, but the individual categories within each set will vary from one set to another. For example, one set of categories may be established for a first characteristic type of user, and a different set of categories may be established for a second characteristic type of user. When a user corresponding to type #1 executes a search, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #1, corresponding to that particular type of user, in organizing the results of the search for review by the user. When a user from type #2 executes a search, however, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #2 in presenting the search results to the user.The information storage, searching and retrieval system of the invention resolves the common difficulties in typical on-line information retrieval systems that operate on large (e.g., 2 gigabytes or more) domains of textual data, query generation, source selection, and organizing search results. The information base with the thesaurus and embedded search strategies allows users to generate expert search queries in their own "natural" language. Source (i.e., database) selection is not an issue because the search engines are capable of searching substantially the entire domain on every query. Moreover, the unique presentation of search results by category set substantially reduces the time and cost of performing repetitive searches in multiple databases and therefore of efficiently retrieving relevant search results.While a preferred embodiment of the present invention has been described, it should be understood that various changes, adaptations and modifications may bemade therein without departing from the spirit of the invention and the scope of the appended claims.中文译文:信息管理系统Wiliam K.Thomson U.S.A摘要:一个信息存储,查询和检索系统主要应用于大(千兆字节)的需要存档的文字领域。
中英文资料外文翻译文献Information Systems Outsourcing Life Cycle And Risks Analysis 1. IntroductionInformation systems outsourcing has obtained tremendous attentions in the information technology industry.Although there are a number of reasons for companies to pursuing information systems (IS)outsourcing , the most prominent motivation for IS outsourcing that revealed in the literatures was “cost saving”. Costfactor has been a major decision factors for IS outsourcing.Other than cost factor, there are other reasons for outsourcing decision.The Outsourcing Institute surveyed outsourcing end-users from their membership in 1998 and found that top 10 reasons companies outsource were:Reduce and control operating costs,improve company focus,gain access to world-class capabilities,free internal resources for other purposes, resources are not available internally, accelerate reengineering benefits, function difficult to manage/out of control,make capital funds available, share risks, and cash infusion.Within these top ten outsourcing reasons, there are three items that related to financial concerns, they are operating costs, capital funds available, and cash infusion. Since the phenomenon of wage difference exists in the outsourced countries, it is obvious that outsourcing companies would save remarkable amount of labor cost.According to Gartner, Inc.'s report, world business outsourcing services would grow from $110 billion in 2002 to $173 billion in 2007,a proximately 9.5% annual growth rate.In addition to cost saving concern, there are other factors that influence outsourcing decision, including the awareness of success and risk factors, the outsourcing risks identification and management,and the project quality management. Outsourcing activities are substantially complicated and outsourcing project usually carries a huge array of risks. Unmanaged outsourcing risks will increase total project cost, devaluatesoftware quality, delay project completion time, and finally lower the success rate of the outsourcing project.Outsourcing risks have been discovered in areas such as unexpected transition and management costs, switching costs, costly contractual amendments, disputes and litigation, service debasement, cost escalation, loss of organizational competence, hidden service costs,and so on.Most published outsourcing studies focused on organizational and managerial issues. We believe that IS outsourcing projects embrace various risks and uncertainty that may inhibit the chance of outsourcing success. In addition to service and management related risk issues, we feel that technical issues that restrain the degree of outsourcing success may have been overlooked. These technical issues are project management, software quality, and quality assessment methods that can be used to implement IS outsourcing projects.Unmanaged risks generate loss. We intend to identify the technical risks during outsourcing period, so these technical risks can be properly managed and the cost of outsourcing project can be further reduced. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the different phases of IS outsourcing life cycle, and to discuss the implications of success and risk factors, software quality and project management,and their impacts to the success of IT outsourcing.Most outsourcing initiatives involve strategic planning and management participation, therefore, the decision process is obviously broad and lengthy. In order to conduct a comprehensive study onto outsourcing project risk analysis, we propose an IS outsourcing life cycle framework to be served as a yardstick. Each IS outsourcing phase is named and all inherited risks are identified in this life cycle framework.Furthermore,we propose to use software qualitymanagement tools and methods in order to enhance the success rate of IS outsourcing project.ISO 9000 is a series of quality systems standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).ISO's quality standards have been adopted by many countries as a major target for quality certification.Other ISO standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3,ISO 9004-2, and ISO 9004-4 are quality standards that can be applied to the software industry.Currently, ISO is working on ISO 31000, a risk management guidance standard. These ISO quality systems and risk management standards are generic in nature, however, they may not be sufficient for IS outsourcing practice. This paper, therefore,proposes an outsourcing life cycle framework to distinguish related quality and risk management issues during outsourcing practice.The following sections start with needed theoretical foundations to IS outsourcing,including economic theories, outsourcing contracting theories, and risk theories. The IS outsourcing life cycle framework is then introduced.It continues to discuss the risk implications in precontract,contract, and post-contract phases. ISO standards on quality systems and risk management are discussed and compared in the next section. A conclusion and direction for future study are provided in the last section.2. Theoretical foundations2.1. Economic theories related to outsourcingAlthough there are a number of reasons for pursuing IS outsourcing,the cost savingis a main attraction that leads companies to search for outsourcing opportunities. In principle, five outsourcing related economic theories that lay the groundwork of outsourcing practice, theyare:(1)production cost economics,(2)transaction cost theory,(3)resource based theory,(4)competitive advantage, and(5)economies of scale.Production cost economics was proposed by Williamson, who mentioned that “a firm seeks to maximize its profit also subjects to its production function and market opportunities for selling outputs and buying inputs”. It is clear that production cost economics identifies the phenomenon that a firm may pursue the goal of low-cost production process.Transaction cost theory was proposed by Coase. Transaction cost theory implies that in an economy, there are many economic activities occurred outside the price systems. Transaction costs in business activities are the time and expense of negotiation, and writing and enforcing contracts between buyers and suppliers .When transaction cost is low because of lower uncertainty, companies are expected to adopt outsourcing.The focus of resource-based theory is “the heart of the firm centers on deployment and combination of specific inputs rather than on avoidance of opportunities”. Conner suggested that “Firms as seekers of costly-to-copy inputs for production and distribution”.Through resource-based theory, we can infer that “outsourcing decision is to seek external resources or capability for meeting firm's objectives such as cost-saving and capability improving”.Porter, in his competitive forces model, proposed the concept of competitive advantage. Besanko et al.explicated the term of competitive advantage, through economic concept, as “When a firm(or business unit within a multi-business firm) earns a higher rate of economic profit than the average rate of economic profit of other firms competing within the same market, the firm has a competitive advantage.” Outsourcing decision, therefore, is to seek cost saving that meets the goal of competitive advantage within a firm.The economies of scale is a theoretical foundation for creating and sustaining the consulting business. Information systems(IS) and information technology(IT) consulting firms, in essence, bear the advantage of economies of scale since their average costs decrease because they offer a mass amount of specialized IS/IT services in the marketplace.2.2. Economic implication on contractingAn outsourcing contract defines the provision of services and charges that need to be completed in a contracting period between two contracting parties. Since most IS/IT projects are large in scale, a valuable contract should list complete set of tasks and responsibilities that each contracting party needs to perform. The study of contracting becomes essential because a complete contract setting could eliminate possible opportunistic behavior, confusion, and ambiguity between two contracting parties.Although contracting parties intend to reach a complete contract,in real world, most contracts are incomplete. Incomplete contracts cause not only implementing difficultiesbut also resulting in litigation action. Business relationship may easily be ruined by holding incomplete contracts. In order to reach a complete contract, the contracting parties must pay sufficient attention to remove any ambiguity, confusion, and unidentified and immeasurable conditions/ terms from the contract. According to Besanko et al., incomplete contracting stems from the following three factors: bounded rationality, difficulties on specifying or measuring performance, and asymmetric information.Bounded rationality describes human limitation on information processing, complexity handling, and rational decision-making. An incomplete contract stems from unexpected circumstances that may be ignored during contract negotiation. Most contracts consist of complex product requirements and performance measurements. In reality, it is difficult to specify a set of comprehensive metrics for meeting each party's right and responsibility. Therefore, any vague or open-ended statements in contract will definitely result in an incomplete contract. Lastly, it is possible that each party may not have equal access to all contract-relevant information sources. This situation of asymmetric information results in an unfair negotiation,thus it becomes an incomplete contract.2.3. Risk in outsource contractingRisk can be identified as an undesirable event, a probability function,variance of the distribution of outcomes, or expected loss. Risk can be classified into endogenous and exogenous ris ks. Exogenous risks are“risks over which we have no control and which are not affected by our actions.”. For example, natural disasters such as earthquakes and flood are exogenous risks. Endogenous risks are “risks that are dependent on our actions”.We can infer that risks occurring during outsource contracting should belong to such category.Risk (RE) can be calculated through “a function of the probability of a negative outcome and the importance of the loss due to the occurrence of this outcome:RE = ΣiP(UOi)≠L(UOi) (1) where P(UOi) is the probability of an undesirable outcome i, and L(UOi) is the loss due to the undesirable outcome i.”.Software risks can also be analyzed through two characteristics :uncertainty and loss. Pressman suggested that the best way to analyze software risks is to quantify the level of uncertainty and the degree of loss that associated with each kind of risk. His risk content matches to above mentioned Eq.(1).Pressman classified software risks into the following categories: project risks, technical risks, and business risks.Outsourcing risks stem from various sources. Aubert et al. adopted transaction cost theory and agency theory as the foundation for deriving undesirable events and their associated risk factors.Transaction cost theory has been discussed in the Section 2.2. Agency theory focuses on client's problem while choosing an agent(that is, a service provider), and working relationship building and maintenance, under the restriction of information asymmetry.Various risk factors would be produced if such agent–client relationship becomes crumble.It is evident that a complete contract could eliminate the risk that caused by an incomplete contract and/or possible opportunistic behavior prompted by any contracting party. Opportunistic behavior is one of the main sources that cause transactional risk. Opportunistic behavior occurs when a transactional partner observes away of saving cost or removing responsibility during contracting period, this company may take action to pursue such opportunity. This type of opportunistic behavior could be encouraged if such contract was not completely specified at the first place.Outsourcing risks could generate additional unexpected cost to an outsourcing project. In order to conduct a better IS outsourcing project, identifying possible risk factors and implementing matured risk management process could make information systems outsourcing more successful than ever.rmation system outsourcing life cycleThe life cycle concept is originally used to describe a period of one generation of organism in biological system. In essence, the term of life cycle is the description of all activities that a subject is involved in a period from its birth to its end. The life cycle concept has been applied into project management area. A project life cycle, according to Schwalbe, is a collection of project phases such as concept,development, implementation, and close-out. Within the above mentioned four phases, the first two phases center on “planning”activity and the last two phases focus on “delivery the actual work” Of project management.Similarly, the concept of life cycle can be applied into information systems outsourcing analysis. Information systems outsourcing life cycle describes a sequence of activities to be performed during company's IS outsourcing practice. Hirsch heim and Dibbern once described a client-based IS outsourcing life cycle as: “It starts with the IS outsourcing decision, continues with the outsourcing relationship(life of the contract)and ends with the cancellation or end of the relationship, i.e., the end of the contract. The end of the relationship forces a new outsourcing decision.” It is clear that Hirsch heim and Dibbern viewed “outsourcing relationship” as a determinant in IS outsourcing life cycle.IS outsourcing life cycle starts with outsourcing need and then ends with contract completion. This life cycle restarts with the search for a new outsourcing contract if needed. An outsourcing company may be satisfied with the same outsourcing vendor if the transaction costs remain low, then a new cycle goes on. Otherwise, a new search for an outsourcing vendor may be started. One of the main goals for seeking outsourcing contract is cost minimization. Transaction cost theory(discussed in the Section 2.1)indicates that company pursuing contract costs money, thus low transaction cost will be the driver of extending IS outsourcing life cycle.The span of IS outsourcing life cycle embraces a major portion of contracting activities. The whole IS outsourcing life cycle can be divided into three phases(see Fig.1): pre-contract phase, contract phase, and post-contract phase. Pre-contract phase includes activities before a major contract is signed, such as identifying the need for outsourcing, planning and strategic setting, and outsourcing vendor selection. Contract phase startswhile an outsourcing contract is signed and then lasted until the end of contracting period. It includes activities such as contracting process, transitioning process, and outsourcing project execution. Post-contract phase contains those activities to be done after contract expiration, such as outsourcing project assessment, and making decision for the next outsourcing contract.Fig.1. The IS outsourcing life cycleWhen a company intends to outsource its information systems projects to external entities, several activities are involved in information systems outsourcing life cycle. Specifically, they are:1. Identifying the need for outsourcing:A firm may face strict external environment such as stern market competition,competitor's cost saving through outsourcing, or economic downturn that initiates it to consider outsourcing IS projects. In addition to external environment, some internal factors may also lead to outsourcing consideration. These organizational predicaments include the need for technical skills, financial constraint, investors' request, or simply cost saving concern. A firm needs to carefully conduct a study to its internal and external positioning before making an outsourcing decision.2. Planning and strategic setting:If a firm identifies a need for IS outsourcing, it needs to make sure that the decision to outsource should meet with company's strategic plan and objectives. Later, this firm needs to integrate outsourcing plan into corporate strategy. Many tasks need to be fulfilled during planning and strategic setting stages, including determining outsourcing goals, objectives, scope, schedule, cost, business model, and processes. A careful outsourcing planning prepares a firm for pursuing a successful outsourcing project.3. Outsourcing vendor selection:A firm begins the vendor selection process with the creation of request for information (RFI) and request for proposal (RFP) documents. An outsourcing firm should provide sufficient information about the requirements and expectations for an outsourcing project. After receiving those proposals from vendors, this company needs to select a prospective outsourcing vendor, based on the strategic needs and project requirements.4. Contracting process:A contract negotiation process begins after the company selects a probable outsourcing vendor. Contracting process is critical to the success of an outsourcing project since all the aspects of the contract should be specified and covered, including fundamental, managerial, technological, pricing, financial, and legal features. In order to avoid resulting in an incomplete contract, the final contract should be reviewed by two parties' legal consultants.Most importantly, the service level agreements (SLA) must be clearly identified in the contract.5. Transitioning process:Transitioning process starts after a company signed an outsourcing contract with a vendor. Transition management is defined as “the detailed, desk-level knowledge transfer and documentation of all relevant tasks, technologies, workflows, people, and functions”.Transitioni ng process is a complicate phase in IS outsourcing life cycle since it involves many essential workloads before an outsourcing project can be actually implemented. Robinson et al.characterized transition management into the following components:“employee management, communication management, knowledge management, and quality management”. It is apparent that conducting transitioning process needs the capabilities of human resources, communication skill, knowledge transfer, and quality control.6. Outsourcing project execution:After transitioning process, it is time for vendor and client to execute their outsourcing project. There are four components within this“contract governance” stage:project management, relationship management, change management, and risk management. Any items listed in the contract and its service level agreements (SLAs) need to be delivered and implemented as requested. Especially, client and vendor relationships, change requests and records, and risk variables must be carefully managed and administered.7. Outsourcing project assessment:During the end of an outsourcing project period, vendor must deliver its final product/service for client's approval. The outsourcing client must assess the quality of product/service that provided by its client. The outsourcing client must measure his/her satisfaction level to the product/service provided by the client. A satisfied assessment and good relationship will guarantee the continuation of the next outsourcing contract.The results of the previous activity (that is, project assessment) will be the base of determining the next outsourcing contract. A firm evaluates its satisfaction level based on predetermined outsourcing goals and contracting criteria. An outsourcing company also observes outsourcing cost and risks involved in the project. If a firm is satisfied with the current outsourcing vendor, it is likely that a renewable contract could start with the same vendor. Otherwise, a new “precontract phase” would restart to s earch for a new outsourcing vendor.This activity will lead to a new outsourcing life cycle. Fig.1 shows two dotted arrowlines for these two alternatives: the dotted arrow line 3.a.indicates “renewable contract” path and the dotted arrow line 3.b.indicates “a new contract search” path.Each phase in IS outsourcing life cycle is full of needed activities and processes (see Fig.1). In order to clearly examine the dynamics of risks and outsourcing activities, the following sections provide detailed analyses. The pre-contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle focuses on the awareness of outsourcing success factors and related risk factors. The contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle centers on the mechanism of project management and risk management. The post-contract phase in IS outsourcing life cycle concentrates on the need of selecting suitable project quality assessment methods.4. Actions in pre-contract phase: awareness of success and risk factorsThe pre-contract period is the first phase in information systems outsourcing life cycle (see Fig.1). While in this phase, an outsourcing firm should first identify its need for IS outsourcing. After determining the need for IS outsourcing, the firm needs to carefully create an outsourcing plan. This firm must align corporate strategy into its outsourcing plan.In order to well prepare for corporate IS outsourcing, a firm must understand current market situation, its competitiveness, and economic environment. The next important task to be done is to identify outsourcing success factors, which can be used to serve as the guidance for strategic outsourcing planning. In addition to know success factors,an outsourcing firm must also recognize possible risks involved in IS outsourcing, thus allows a firm to formulate a better outsourcing strategy.Conclusion and research directionsThis paper presents a three-phased IS outsourcing life cycle and its associated risk factors that affect the success of outsourcing projects.Outsourcing life cycle is complicated and complex in nature. Outsourcing companies usually invest a great effort to select suitable service vendors However,many risks exit in vendor selection process. Although outsourcing costs are the major reason for doing outsourcing, the firms are seeking outsourcing success through quality assurance and risk control. This decision path is understandable since the outcome of project risks represents the amount of additional project cost. Therefore, carefully manage the project and its risk factors would save outsourcing companies a tremendous amount of money.This paper discusses various issues related to outsourcing success, risk factors, quality assessment methods, and project management techniques. The future research may touch alternate risk estimation methodology. For example, risk uncertainty can be used to identify the accuracy of the outsourcing risk estimation. Another possible method to estimate outsourcing risk is through the Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) method. TCO method has been used in IT management for financial portfolio analysis and investment decision making. Since the concept of risk is in essence the cost (of loss) to outsourcing clients, it thus becomes a possible research method to solve outsourcing decision.信息系统的生命周期和风险分析1.绪言信息系统外包在信息技术工业已经获得了巨大的关注。
英语专业资料Management Information System is that we often say that the MIS (Management Information System), emphasizing the management, stressed that the information in modern society it has become increasingly popular. MIS is a new subject, it across a number of areas, such as scientific management and system science, operations research, statistics and computer science. In these subjects on the basis of formation of information-gathering and processing methods, thereby forming a vertical and horizontal cutting system.Management information system of modern information management is an indispensable part of the work, is to meet modern standards of high-tech information management requirements, to promote scientific management, standardization of the necessary conditions. Only information practices, in order to offer better living environment and convenient living space.Information management is an extremely important resource, management depends on the success or failure of an effective decision-making, and the correct degree of decision-making depends largely on the quality of information.In the 21st century, mankind will enter the knowledge economy era, the era of knowledge economy is the rapid development of technology and knowledge, information was explosive expansion of the times. The threat of the so-called information that this is the human face to deal with the large amount of information it difficult to deal with the state, and cause confusion results.The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use,may be provided for.With computer technology, communications technology, network technology as the representative of modern information technology leap in development, human being from the industrial age into the information age, there is growing importance of information resources development and use of "information" has become a country Economic and social development of the key links, the level of information has become the level of a country's level of modernization and an important indicator of overall national strength.Management Information System is a computer and composed, to manage information collection, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance and use of the system, it measured the national economy and enterprises, to help achieve its planned objectives.The development of computer-aided management has experienced four stages: transaction processing, handling systems to support decision-making, integrated services.In modern society, social trends and the expansion of social demand for our products so that enterprises in production and business activities relating to the expansion of the accumulation of internal and external information, with the rapid progress of science and technology and rapid development of production, so that human knowledge of the accelerating growth rate, the increase in the amount of information , Changes in the external environment becomes faster, artificial have not qualified. How to collect sufficient information resources, strong message and take advantage of the positive and timely development of effective use of information explosion of information resources has become a modern social problems. The emergence of a computer to solve this problem, because the computer quickly and accurately as information collection, processing, use, may be provided for. Computer technology and communications technologies with great modern information technology to promote the development of national information to speed up the process, the international community to build the information highway and an upsurge of Chinese workers, "the" famous works as the representative of national projects undertaken, so that China's Enterprise Information facing the new situation.Electronic computers adapt to modern society rapidly growing amount of information management, information life short, require timely conversion problem. Information systems from electronic data processing, information reporting system, decision support system to the further development of expert systems and support the leadership of the implementation of the decision-making process information in support of strategic decision-making competition in the strategic information systems. Today's society of modern information technology extensively to the rapid penetration of social life in various fields but in the management information system applications are still very imperfect, is the initial stage. Computer support for the work of the management, not only data processing, but also to support decision-making tools, from the mass of information collection, collation, analysis provided to managers, policy-related information, relevantpolicy analysis, and even managers Interactive dialogue to generate decision-making. At present the various sectors of the computer processing of information management, in large part are still individual business rationale, in the electronic data-processing stage, and units from transaction processing system to support system to deal with the real has also established a predictive control and support functions of management decision-making Information systems. Although the information system has a certain development, business process automation control office has made great progress, but far from perfect. Should make full use of the computer processing of information, we must start from the current situation, look to the future, the development of suitable units, a small industry management system, or even one-step, such as salary management system, and then gradually improve, and constantly expanded. Management Information System is one of the characteristics of centralized data, using the database. Use database technology to address data sharing issues. Database with a certain data model organization of data, data-oriented systems, procedures independent of the data, and data independence, to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency, and easy programming, expansion, removal. In particular, the 20th century the late 1970s distributed, in the face of object database, so that data and data from the operation as an object database management system to better use and reduce the possibility of problems. Attribute their inheritance in object share data And operation of great convenience to the users. All in all management information system is set scientific。
附件: 2.外文原文Our Work In Management Information SystemsINTRODUCTION TO MISWhat is "Management Information Systems (MIS)"?Field Began in Early 80s MIS bridges the gap between end-users and technical staffs (e.g. programmers) Consider the three key words (management, information, & systems) that have significant implications:Management:Managing resources that include people, machinery (technology and computers),money, and time, etc. You have to consider three managerial factors together in MIS: effectiveness, efficiency and profitability.Effectiveness – how well a firm is pursuing a goal or objective of its business; for instance, providing quality product/service can be a business goal that is usually stated in a firm's mission statement; Management by objective (MBO), etc.Efficiency – best use of resources, a synonym is productivity = output divided by input. Productivity is measured in general by a ratio of OUTPUT to INPUT. Here, output indicates revenue, market share, etc., while input indicates labor, raw materials, administrative costs, operations costs, and IT related costs.Profitability - The empirical studies in the IS literature have reported that on the contrary to the management's belief, there exists no significant difference in the profitability between before and after the new IS implementation. In other words, the new IS does not make significant profitability increase whatsoever. In general, the bottom line in any business is the profitability. If it does not enhance the profitability, then what is a point to go through all the trouble to develop/implement a new IS? Using IT is not the perfect solution for every business situation. Whenever a new IT or information systems (IS) are implemented, additional costs incur. They can be costs related to hardware, software, training, maintenance, etc. Therefore, the cost-benefit analysis should be conducted prior to a new systems implementation.InformationRelates to the computer; refers to knowledge. Data are a source for the information. If the data are processed in a meaningful way, they become "information." Here, IT can contribute. Information can be extracted easily through IT (e.g. computer) if data are properly processed. Therefore, the second word in M.I.S. indicates IT or computer. Of course, information can be obtained by a primitive way such as manual sorting, etc. by a clerk. Using IT definitely outperform any other means in history, in terms of processing data.SystemsIf a nice system is made, it is self-running which leads to reducing the people necessary to the business process. Systems Theory, Systems approach Systematically doing business Systems comes from systems theory that stresses the importance of systems approach to problem solving and a structured way to control and adjust automatically. Computer programmers and software engineers/developers realized it was only way to reduce a possibility of encountering errors later in the systems development process. When you construct a new/better system for the current business operations/decision-making process, you don't want to make a computer program based on the current business way. Instead, you develop a new model after serious analysis of the current system, so later can save resource in terms of time and money by avoiding a possible mistake/error. Therefore, business process reengineering (BPR) is unthinkable without a sound understanding of systems theory/concepts.MIS is a field of science that studies on (1) how better we can manage technologies (2) how better we can design information systems, in order to enhance a firm's effectiveness, efficiency and profitability.MIS is a new subject in the last ten to fifteen years. The idea is still being researched since the concept is being evolved. A teacher's bias has a large impact on this type of subject. Classification of Specialties in MIS∙Systems Planning∙Systems Development∙Systems Review and Enhancement∙Special Computer ApplicationsSystems Planning - facilities planning, distributed processing systems, systems organization, management and staff development and training, and application of new technologies.Systems Development - feasibility study and cost benefit analysis, development of detailed system specifications, equipment selection and configuration, software procurement / technical supervision of programming, implementation assistance, documentation and user training.Systems Review and Enhancement - re-evaluation of information processing requirements, complete information system productivity audits, hard-ware/software performance evaluation and fine tuning, assessment and improvement of application program efficiency, staff productivity, data processing operations, studies of system development and testing procedures, environment, security and reliability.Special Computer Applications - production planning and scheduling, inventory control,re-source allocation, transportation and distribution logistics, least-cost formulation, personnel planning and administration, project management/control, system simulation, corporate models, information retrieval and analysis, process control, scientific and engineering applications.Our Approach to MIS DesignAll modern organizations are characterized by the need for management information. However this need is met, from the simplest verbal reporting system to the most sophisticated computerized system, certain basic principles must be observed if the information provided is to contribute to effective management, at a reasonable cost. Management information must be timely, accurate and in a format that lends itself to decision making. The cost of obtaining it must not exceed its value in the decision making process.RMC believes that an information system must be designed to take account of the nature of the client's business, the structure of the organization and the managerial styles of the system users. Data to be processed should be captured once only - and preferably by those who originate it and are most familiar with it. This means that the information system must be geared for simple yet efficient use by operators with minimal system training, and must facilitate input error detection and correction. Our goals in information system design are to provide maximum flexibility and growth capacity for the system while minimizing operating costs and implementation disruptions.System Performance AuditOnce established, an information system must be audited periodically to ensure that it is performing all the tasks required of it as efficiently and effectively as possible. Growth of the organization, increased volume of business, changes in the business environment, technological changes and newly conceived information requirements all place increased demands on existing information systems and often cause them to be modified or extended on an ad hoc basis.Our staff has the specialized skills and experience to perform a thorough audit on existing information systems and to recommend changes in design, equipment, software and procedures, to bring them up-to-date and to peak performance.An information system audit should be performed every three years, or when processing capacity appears to be strained and upgrading of facilities is being considered.Typical AssignmentsAs part of the Guyana Health Sector Policy and Institutional Development Program funded by IADB, RMC designed a financial MIS/accounting system for health care delivery at the national/regional level and for the principal acute care facility in Georgetown.IS/IT Strategic Planning Review for the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health. Assessment of the IS/IT requirements of the Directorate of Quality Management, and a recommended course of action with respect to the multi-year $135 million IADB funded Health Sector Reform Program leading to the establishment of a National Health Information Centre and the coordination of IS/IT upgrades for the principal medical sciences centre in the country.Secondment of a Senior Principal for a one year period to be the Director of the Project Management Office (PMO) of a Smart Systems for Health project of the Ontario Ministry of Health. The objectives for the PMO was to design infrastructure to deliver Smart System products and services; establish standards and policy for the future use of the technology; recommend governance, financing and security policies; coordinate efforts of health sector and technology partners; and raise health policy issues for determination by the Ministry of Health. About 80 professionals, including three from RMC were involved during the course of the project.In RMC's capacity as Advisors to the Estonia / World Bank Health Project, several information systems were developed and implemented for the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) at the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs. These included:a comprehensive project accounting system to address all of the financial reporting requirements.a project management system to facilitate the planning, scheduling and progress monitoring of project tasks. This system schedules and monitors project procurement activities for performance, scheduling and cost control.Corporate Subject Database Profiles to serve as the initial guide for developing a comprehensive information system to support the broad information requirements associated with Estonia's future health financing system.Similar to the Estonia project, an assignment was conducted for the Republic of Georgia World Band Health Project; and for the Albania World Bank Health Project.As part of RMC's work advising Poland on restructuring its health services, our professional staff assisted the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to develop an information systems strategy and determine appropriate computer hardware and software requirements. At the national and regional levels, the scope of our work included establishing MIS for planning andmonitoring the delivery of health services. At the institutional level, our work covered the development of a comprehensive program for the acquisition of computer systems.RMC designed a comprehensive portfolio of computerized health management information systems for the Ugandan Ministry of Health to support national and district health information needs. This included systems to gather and manage data resources; analyze the public's health status; plan the program, service and resource requirements; monitor the effectiveness, cost and efficiency of the health care delivery systems; and support research and development initiatives. Conceptual design of an integrated health care planning system and related planning models was also developed as a by-product of this project.RMC analyzed the existing accounting and management information system for the delivery of health care services in the Bahama s, then designed and initiated an implementation program of an improved, integrated, computerized accounting and management information system for the Ministry of Health and the two hospitals. RMC also developed productivity standards for the MIS based on the Canadian Health Association's MIS guidelines, modified to reflect the Bahamian environment.RMC worked jointly with the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia on computer assisted planning for Alberta Hospitals and Medical Care. The Phase 1 feasibility study assessed extent, costs and implications of developing a computer-based tool to facilitate all pre-design and functional planning. Phase 2 included development of software and hardware requirements.。
信息管理与信息系统 毕业设计 外文翻译
![信息管理与信息系统 毕业设计 外文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b71a4987ec3a87c24028c41c.png)
外文资料:Information management systemWiliam K.Thomson U.S.AAbstract:An information storage, searching and retrieval system for large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual dam. The system includes multiple query generation processes, a search process, and a presentation of search results that is sorted by category or type and that may be customized based on the professional discipline(or analogous personal characteristic of the user), thereby reducing the amount of time and cost required to retrieve relevant results.Keyword:Information management Retrieval system Object-Oriented1.INTRUDUCTIONThe Design and Development of the Students' Information Management System As information technology advances, various management systems have emerged to change the daily lives of the more coherent, to the extent possible, the use of network resources can be significantly reasonable reduction of manual management inconvenience and waste of time.Accelerating the modernization of the 21st century, the continuous improvement of the scientific and cultural levels, the rapid growth of the number of students will inevitably increase the pressure information management students, the inefficient manual retrieval completely incompatible with the community\'s needs. The Student Information Management Systemis an information management one kind within system, currently information technique continuously of development, the network technique has already been applied in us extensively nearby of every trade, there is the network technical development, each high schools all make use of a calculator to manage to do to learn, the school is operated by handicraft before of the whole tedious affairs all got fast and solve high-efficiencily, especially student result management the system had in the school very big function, all can be more convenient, fast for the student and the teacher coming saying and understand accurately with management everyone noodles information.AbstractIt is a very heavy and baldness job of managing a bulky database by manpower. The disadvantage, such as great capacity of work, low efficiency and long period, exist in data inputting, demanding and modification. So the computer management system will bring us a quite change.Because there are so many students in the school, the data of students' information is huge, it makes the management ofthe information become a complicated and tedious work. This system aims at the school, passing by practically of demand analysis, adopt mighty VB6.0 to develop the student information management system. The whole system design process follow the principle of simple operation, beautiful and vivid interface and practical request. The student information management system including the function of system management, basic information management, study management, prize and punishment management , print statement and so on. Through the proof of using, the student information management system which this text designed can satisfy the school to manage the demand of the aspect to students' information. The thesis introduced the background of development, the functions demanded and the process of design. The thesis mainly explained the point of the system design, the thought of design, the difficult technique and the solutions. The student managed the creation of the system to reduce the inconvenience on the manpower consumedly, let the whole student the data management is more science reasonable.The place that this system has most the special features is the backstage database to unify the management to student's information.That system mainly is divided into the system management, student profession management, student file management, school fees management, course management, result management and print the statement.The interface of the system is to make use of the vb software creation of, above few molds pieces are all make use of the vb to control a the piece binds to settle of method to carry out the conjunction toward the backstage database, the backstage database probably is divided into following few formses:Professional information form, the charges category form, student the job form, student the information form, political feature form of student, the customer logs on the form The system used Client/Server structure design, the system is in the data from one server and a number of Taiwan formed LAN workstations. Users can check the competence of different systems in different users submit personal data, background database you can quickly given the mandate to see to the content.Marks management is a important work of school,the original manual management have many insufficiencies,the reasons that,students' population are multitudinous in school,and each student's information are too complex,thus the work load are extremely big,the statistics and the inquiry have been inconvenient.Therefore,how to solve these insufficiencies,let the marks management to be more convenient and quickly,have a higher efficiency,and become a key question.More and more are also urgent along with school automationthe marks management when science and technology rapid development,therefore is essential to develop the software system of marks register to assist the school teaching management.So that can improve the marks management,enhance the efficiency of management.This invention relates to an information storage, searching and retrieval system that incorporates a novel organization for presentation of search results from large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual data.2.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe invention provides an information storage, searching and retrieval system for a large domain of archived data of various types, in which the results of a search are organized into discrete types of documents and groups of document types so that users may easily identify relevant information more efficiently and more conveniently than systems currently in use. The system of the invention includes means for storing a large domain of data contained in multiple source records, at least some of the source records being comprised of individual documents of multiple document types; means for searching substantially all of the domain with a single search query to identify documents responsive to the query; and means for categorizing documents responsive to the query based on document type, including means for generating a summary of the number of documents responsive to the query which fall within various predetermined categories of document types.The query generation process may contain a knowledge base including a thesaurus that has predetermined and embedded complex search queries, or use natural language processing, or fuzzy logic, or tree structures, or hierarchical relationship or a set of commands that allow persons seeking information to formulate their queries.The search process can utilize any index and search engine techniques including Boolean, vector, and probabilistic as long as a substantial portion of the entire domain of archived textual data is searched for each query and all documents found are returned to the organizing process.The sorting/categorization process prepares the search results for presentation by assembling the various document types retrieved by the search engine and then arranging these basic document types into sometimes broader categories that arereadily understood by and relevant to the user.The search results are then presented to the user and arranged by category along with an indication as to the number of relevant documents found in each category. The user may then examine search results in multiple formats, allowing the user to view as much of the document as the user deems necessary.3.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an information retrieval system of the invention;FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a query formulation and search process utilized in theinvention;FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a sorting process for organizing and presenting searchresults.4.BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTIONAs is illustrated in the block diagram of FIG. 1 , the information retrieval system of the invention includes an input/output process ,a query generation process, a search process that involves a large domain of textual data (typically in the multiple gigabyte range), an organizing process, presentation of the information to the user, and a process to identify and characterize the types of documents contained in the large domain of data.Turning now to FIG. 2, the query generation process preferably includes a knowledge base containing a thesaurus and a note pad, and preferably utilizes embedded predefined complex Boolean strategies. Such a system allows the user to enter their description of the information needed using simple words/phrases made up of "natural" language and to rely on the system to assist in generating the full search query, which would include, e.g., synonyms and alternate phraseology. The user can then request, by a command such as "VI CO 1", to view the complete document selected from the list, giving, in this case, complete information about the identity and credentials of the expert.FIG. 3 illustrates how five typical sources of information (i.e., source records) can be sorted into many document types and then subsequently into categories. For example, a typical trade magazine may contain several types of information such as editorials, regular columns, feature articles, news, product announcements, and a calendar of events. Thus, the trade magazine (i.e., the source record) may be sorted into these various document types, and these document types in turn may be categorized or grouped into categories contained in one or more sets of categories; each document type typically will be sorted into one category within a set of categories, but the individual categories within each set will vary from one set to another. For example, one set of categories may be established for a first characteristic type of user, and a different set of categories may be established for a second characteristic type of user. When a user corresponding to type #1 executes a search, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #1, corresponding to that particular type of user, in organizing the results of the search for review by the user. When a user from type #2 executes a search, however, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #2 in presenting the search results to the user.The information storage, searching and retrieval system of the invention resolves the common difficulties in typical on-line information retrieval systems that operate on large (e.g., 2 gigabytes or more) domains of textual data, query generation, sourceselection, and organizing search results. The information base with the thesaurus and embedded search strategies allows users to generate expert search queries in their own "natural" language. Source (i.e., database) selection is not an issue because the search engines are capable of searching substantially the entire domain on every query. Moreover, the unique presentation of search results by category set substantially reduces the time and cost of performing repetitive searches in multiple databases and therefore of efficiently retrieving relevant search results.While a preferred embodiment of the present invention has been described, it should be understood that various changes, adaptations and modifications may be made therein without departing from the spirit of the invention and the scope of the appended claims.5. Systems Analysis and DesignSystemsWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application involves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn’t enough, because the program is but one component is in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, consider a payroll system. Its objective is paying employees. What components are involved? Each day, employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer center, where they are read into a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Finally, the paychecks are printed and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures, input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Systems AnalysisComputer-based systems are developed because people need information. Those people, called users, generally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obtain it. Technical professionals, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user’s field. To complicate matters, users and programmers often seem to speak different languages, leading to communication problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals.Like an engineer or an architect, a systems analyst solves problems by combining solid technical skills with insight, imagination, and a touch of art. Generally, the analyst follows a well-defined, methodical process that includes at least the following steps:Problem definitionAnalysisDesignImplementationMaintenanceAt the end of each step, results are documented and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothing store that purchases merchandise at wholesale, displays this stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much: stock represents an unnecessary expense. On the other hand, a poor selection discourages shoppers. Ideally, a balance can be achieved: enough, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchases depleting stock, and returns and reorders adding to it. The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder any given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.Problem DefinitionThe first step in the systems analysis and design process is problem definition. The analyst’s objective is determining what the user needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a “magic box,” and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the analyst has no business even thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must communicate with the user on his or her own terms.The idea is to ensure that both the user and the analyst are thinking about the same thing. Thus, a clear, written statement expressing the analyst’s understanding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money, and effort are wasted.Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study, a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and design process, attempts to answer three questions:Can the problem be solved?Can it be solved in the user’s environment?Can it be solved at a reasonable cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution.AnalysisAs analysis begins, the analyst understands the problem. The next step is determining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done; during analysis, this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think in terms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design.Start with the system’s basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory. Inventory changes because customers purchase, exchange, and return products, so the system will have to process customer transactions. The store’s owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and, if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the system must be able to communicate with management. Finally, following management authorization, the system should generate a reorder ready to send to a supplier.Given the system’s basic functions, the analyst’s next task is gaining a sense of their logical relation. A good way to start is by describing how data flow between the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describing these data flows. Four symbols are used. Data sources and destinations are represented by squares; input data enter the system form a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated or changed by processes, represented by round-corner rectangles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or anything else that changes or moves data. Data can be held for later processing in data stores, symbolized by open-ended rectangles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person’s memory. Finally, data flow between sources, destinations, processes, and data stores over data flows, which are represented by arrows.Preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. Start a CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer into the system, where they are handled by Process transaction. A data store, the STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a recorder. Once a reorder is authorized, Generate reorder sends necessary data to the SUPPLIER, who ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products, it is handled as a transaction.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flow. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Generate reorder, they must either be input to or generated by this process. Data flow into Generate reorder for STOCK; thus, product and reorder quantities must be stored in STOCK.Other data elements, such as purchased and the purchase quantity, are generated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selling price and reorder point, are generated by or needed by MANAGEMENT. The current stock –on-hand for a given item is an example of a data element generated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to, stored by, manipulated by, generated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. A simple data dictionary can be set up on index cards, but computerized data dictionaries have become increasingly popular. The data dictionary, a collection of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and design process, and is often used to build a database during the implementation stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system’s major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is translating user needs into technical terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defining the user’s needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware, and during this initial, crucial analysis stage, it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools. They provide a format for recording key information about the proposed system. Also, they jog the analyst’smemory; for example, if the analyst doesn’t have sufficient information to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst’s understanding of the system requirements. By reviewing these documents, the user can correct misunderstanding or oversights. Finally, they represent an excellent starting point for the next step, design.DesignAs we enter the design stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can begin thinking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem. At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; instead, we want to identify, at a black box level, necessary programs, files, procedures, and other components.The data flow diagram defines the system’s necessary functions; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combining two or more processes in a single program; there are dozens of alternative solutions. Let’s focus on one option and document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system. Our flowchart shows that transaction data enter the system through a terminal, are stored on an inventory by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory file is processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management manipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, including a computer, a disk drive, a data entry terminal, a printer, and a display terminal. Tow programs are needed: Process transaction and Report and reorder. In addition to the hardware and the programs, we’ll need data structures for the inventory file and for data flows between the I/O devices and the software. Note that system flow chart illustrates one possible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one.The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data link the components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventory file. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data elements are listed in the data dictionary. Using them, the file’s data structure can be planned.How should the file be organized? That depends on how it will be accessed. For example, in some applications, data are processed at regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted, it must be identified immediately; the idea of waiting until 5:00 p. m because “that’s when the air defense program is run” is absurd. Instead, because of the need for quick response, each transaction must be processed as it occurs. Generally, such transaction processing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has tow programs. One processes transactions. A direct access inventory file seems a reasonable choice. The other allows management to study inventory data occasionally; batch processing would certainly do. Should the inventory file be organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice, a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alternative, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program’s structure. Note that the program is defined and planned in the context of the system.ImplementationOnce the system’s major components have been identified, we can begin to develop them. Our system includes two programs, several pieces of equipment, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and their contents checked. New hardware is purchased, installed, and tested. Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.SummaryA system is a collection of hardware, software, data, and procedural components that work together to accomplish an objective. A program is but one component in a system.System are planned and designed by system analysts who generally follow a well-defined, methodical process. The first step in the process is problem definition, when the analyst attempts to discover exactly what the user needs. Often, following a preliminary problem definition, a feasibility study is conducted to determine if the problem can be solved.Given a clear problem definition, analysis begins. During this stage, the analyst develops a logical model of the system. Key functions are linked through a data flow diagram. Using the diagram as a tool, the data flows are traced, and the system’s data elements are identified and recorded in a data dictionary. After the logical system is reviewed with the user, design begins.During design, the analyst develops a model of the physical system. A system flowchart can be used to map the system, defining each physical component as a symbol. A good systems analyst considers a number of alternative solutions to the problem before settling on one. Implementation follows design. Programs are planned and written; hardware is ordered and installed; procedures are written; files and databases are initialized; and, finally, the pieces are assembled and tested. Following release of the system, maintenance begins.中文译文:信息管理系统Wiliam K.Thomson U.S.A摘要:一个信息存储,查询和检索系统主要应用于大(千兆字节)的需要存档的文字领域。
武汉纺织大学管理学院2012届毕业生英文翻译(2011—2012学年第 2 学期)材料:英文原稿、中文打印稿──────────────────────专业:信息管理与信息系统────────────班级:────────────姓名:────────────指导教师:───────────序号:2012年 5月17 日外文资料As information technology advances, various management systems have emerged to change the daily lives of the more coherent, to the extent possible, the use of network resources can be significantly reasonable reduction of manual management inconvenience and waste of time.Accelerating the modernization of the 21st century, the continuous improvement of the scientific and cultural levels, the rapid growth of the number of students will inevitably increase the pressure information management students, the inefficient manual retrieval completely incompatible with the community\'s needs. The Student Information Management Systemis an information management one kind within system, currently information technique continuously of development, the network technique has already been applied in us extensively nearby of every trade, there is the network technical development, each high schools all make use of a calculator to manage to do to learn, the school is operated by handicraft before of the whole tedious affairs all got fast and solve high-efficiencily, especially student result management the system had in the school very big function, all can be more convenient, fast for the student and the teacher coming saying and understand accurately with management everyone noodles information.AbstractIt is a very heavy and baldness job of managing a bulky database by manpower. The disadvantage, such as great capacity of work, low efficiency and long period, exist in data inputting, demanding and modification. So the computer management system will bring us a quite change.Because there are so many students in the school, the data of students' information is huge, it makes the management of the information become a complicated and tedious work. This system aims at the school, passing by practically of demand analysis, adopt mighty VB6.0 to develop the student information management system. The whole system design process follow the principle of simple operation, beautiful and vivid interface and practical request. The student information management system including the function of system management, basic information management, study management, prize andpunishment management , print statement and so on. Through the proof of using, the student information management system which this text designed can satisfy the school to manage the demand of the aspect to students' information. The thesis introduced the background of development, the functions demanded and the process of design. The thesis mainly explained the point of the system design, the thought of design, the difficult technique and the solutions. The student managed the creation of the system to reduce the inconvenience on the manpower consumedly, let the whole student the data management is more science reasonable.The place that this system has most the special features is the backstage database to unify the management to student's information.That system mainly is divided into the system management, student profession management, student file management, school fees management, course management, result management and print the statement.The interface of the system is to make use of the vb software creation of, above few molds pieces are all make use of the vb to control a the piece binds to settle of method to carry out the conjunction toward the backstage database, the backstage database probably is divided into following few formses:Professional information form, the charges category form, student the job form, student the information form, political feature form of student, the customer logs on the form The system used Client/Server structure design, the system is in the data from one server and a number of Taiwan formed LAN workstations. Users can check the competence of different systems in different users submit personal data, background database you can quickly given the mandate to see to the content.Marks management is a important work of school,the original manual management have many insufficiencies,the reasons that,students' population are multitudinous in school,and each student's information are too complex,thus the work load are extremely big,the statistics and the inquiry have beeninconvenient.Therefore,how to solve these insufficiencies,let the marks management to be more convenient and quickly,have a higher efficiency,and become a key question.More and more are also urgent along with school automationthe marksmanagement when science and technology rapid development,therefore is essential to develop the software system of marks register to assist the school teaching management.So that can improve the marks management,enhance the efficiency of management.“We cut nature up, organize it into concepts, and ascribe significances as we do, largely because we are parties to an agreement that holds throughout our speech community and is codified in the patterns of our language …we cannot talk at all except by subscribing to the organization and classification of data which the agreement decrees.” Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941)The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine. The genesis of our programming languages thus tends to look like that machine.But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplification tools (“bicycles for the mind,”as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and a different kind of expressive medium. As a result, the tools are beginning to look less like machines and more like parts of our minds, and also like other forms of expression such as writing, painting, sculpture, animation, and filmmaking. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium.This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of OOP, including an overview of development methods. This chapter, and this book, assumes that you have some programming experience, although not necessarily in C. If you think you need more preparation in programming before tackling this book, you should work through the Thinking in C multimedia seminar, downloadable from .This chapter is background and supplementary material. Many people do not feel comfortable wading into object-oriented programming without understanding the big picture first. Thus, there are many concepts that are introduced here to give you a solid overview of OOP. However, other people may not get the big picture concepts until they’ve seen some of the mechanics first; these people may become boggeddown and lost without some code to get their hands on. If you’r e part of this latter group and are eager to get to the specifics of the language, feel free to jump past this chapter—skipping it at t his point will not prevent you from writing programs or learning the language. However, you will want to come back here eventually to fill in your knowledge so you can understand why objects are important and how to design with them.All programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re able to solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction. By “kind”I mean, “What is it that you are abstracting?”Assembly language is a small abstraction of the underlying machine. Many so-called “imperative”languages that followed (such as FORTRAN, BASIC, and C) were abstractions of assembly language. These languages are big improvements over assembly language, but their primary abstraction still requires you to think in terms of the structure of the computer rather than the structure of the problem you are trying to solve. The programmer must establish the association between the machine model (in the “solution space,”which is the place where you’re implementing that solution, such as a computer) and the model of the problem that is actually being solved (in the 16 Thinking in Java Bruce EckelThe object-oriented approach goes a step further by providing tools for the programmer to represent elements in the problem space. This representation is general enough that the programmer is not constrained to any particular type of problem. We refer to the elements in the problem space and their representations in the solution space as “objects.” (You will also need other objects that don’t have problem-space analogs.) The idea is that the program is allowed to adapt itself to the lingo of the problem by adding new types of objects, so when you read the code describing the solution, you’re reading words that also express the problem. This is a more flexible and powerful language abstraction than what we’ve had before.1 Thus, OOP allows you to describe the problem in terms of the problem, rather than in terms of the computer where the solution will run. There’s still a connection back to the computer:Each object looks quite a bit like a little computer—it has a state, and it has operations that you can ask it to perform. However, this doesn’t seem like such a bad analogy to objects in the real world—they all have characteristics and behaviors.Java is making possible the rapid development of versatile programs for communicating and collaborating on the Internet. We're not just talking word processors and spreadsheets here, but also applications to handle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources--the meat and potatoes of corporate computing. Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called network computers,or NCs,which SUN,IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and our homes.The way Java works is simple, Unlike ordinary software applications, which take up megabytes on the hard disk of your PC,Java applications,or"applets",are little programs that reside on the network in centralized servers,the network that delivers them to your machine only when you need them to your machine only when you need them.Because the applets are so much smaller than conventional programs, they don't take forever to download.Say you want to check out the sales results from the southwest region. You'll use your Internet browser to find the corporate Internet website that dishes up financial data and, with a mouse click or two, ask for the numbers.The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need to display it. The numbers will pop up on your screen in a Java spreadsheet, so you can noodle around with them immediately rather than hassle with importing them to your own spreadsheet program。