
TPO49独立写作独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The ability to maintain friendships with a small number of people over along period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to makemany new friends easily.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.TPO49独立写作范文:Friendship and kinship c ontribute a lot to one’s happiness. Then, thequestion goes, “does the ability to main long-term friendships with a smallnumber of people matters more than the ability to make many new friends easily?”My answer is “yes”.First of all, old friends usually show stronger loyalty than thosenewly-acquainted fellows. That means, no matter what happens, these friendswould always stand by your side and provide you with supports unconditionally.However, this merit are usually missing in short-term friendship. Last year whenI was in hospital, 2 of my old friends took turns to take care of me,accompanying me to endure the very hard time. However, few of my “wide-range”new friends even came to visit me. It is clearly that long-term friendship ismuch more reliable and the ability to main such kind of relationship is morecritical.In addition, old friends tend to show more understanding of you, beingfamiliar with your hobbies, interests and some other peculiarities. So, it is usually more comfortable for me to be with my old friends. For instance, I am lactose intolerant and every time when I have dinner with my old friends, they would skip anything that contains milk or cheese, ordering food based on my favor. Contrary to my old friends’ consideration, tho se newly-acquainted fellows are inclined to show surprise about my intolerance and still pick the food of lactose they prefer. So, to me, old friends are much more considerate andcontribute more to my happiness.Admittedly, the ability to make new friends easily are quite important fora person to get new ideas, broadening their views from different groups ofpeople. However, compared with the ability to maintain long-term friendship, it still plays a less significant role for one’s happiness.To sum up, o ne’s happiness is consist of various parts, includingself-achievement, security and etc. And I believe long-term friendship is of higher importance than other parts. As a result, the ability to maintainlong-term friendship with a small group of people is much more important.以上就是小编为大家带来关于托福TPO写作资料供大家阅读参考,托福资料频道将第一时间为考生发布最全、最新、最专业的托福资讯及托福考试资料及机经.。

1. 单复数形式名词的单复数形式在托福考试中经常会被考察。
2. 所有格在名词的所有格使用方面,要注意加上“’s”来表示所有格。
例如,“John’s book”表示“约翰的书”。
3. 名词的作用了解名词在句子中的不同作用也是备考托福语法部分的关键。
1. 人称代词人称代词主要用于替代特定的人称,如“I,you,he,she,it,we,they”。
2. 反身代词反身代词用于表示动作的反射或强调,如“myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,themse lves”。
3. 指示代词指示代词用于指示特定的人或物,如“this,that,these,those”。

目录第一章名词 (2第二章形容词 (13第三章副词 (19第四章介词 (23第五章动词 (28第六章代词 (41第七章简单句 (45第八章并列句 (50第九章主从复合句 (54第十章时态 (62第十一章一致原则 (65第十二章倒装 (69第十三章被动语态 (72第十四章常考关于It的句式 (74 第十五章虚拟语气 (77第一章名词正确区分可数名词与不可数名词、正确选择可数名词单复数、名词之前的限定词与名词数(单复数之间的关系以及名词在句子中承担的成分是TOEFL中常考的内容第一节可数名词考点一单复数可数名词与不可数名词的典型区别在于前者有单数和复数两种形式。
TOEFL中还经常考可数名词是采用单数还是复数, 这往往要通过句意或者其他的一些指示词来辨别。
例如:various colors(various是各种各样的,后面当然要用复数形式下面我们会讲一下复数形式。
复数形式简而言之就是在单数词尾加-s,但实际上细分起来还有一些具体的规则:1.结尾是s, o, x, ch, sh 的词, 加-es, 如:buses, tomatoes, faxes, matches, brushes2.结尾是“辅音字母+y”的词, 去掉y加-ies, 如: factory-factories3.结尾是f, fe的词, 去掉f, fe加-ves, 如: half-halves, knife-knives4.结尾是o, f 的词也有一些加-s, 如: photos, beliefs, chiefs例题:(1 Flower have long been cultivated and bred for their beauty and their fragrance.A B C D答案:A应改为:Flowers解释:表泛指时,可数名词可用不定冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语是复数,故改为复数(2 Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronicA B C Dpain.答案:A应改为:Doctors解释:表泛指时,可数名词用冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语动词是复数,故名词也用复数考点二复数形式特例这部分主要考察学生对特殊复数形式的记忆,作为考题并不过多的出现,但是在题干中的出现率却非常高,因此熟悉下列一些词的复数形式有助于理解题意1.单复数词形相同如: people, fish, Chinese(某国人, aircraft, means, series, species,sheep, deer, aircraft 等2.外来词保留了原来的复数形式, 这一点需要重点掌握, 如:basis-bases analysis-analyses crisis-crisesmedium(媒体-media datum(数据-data curriculum(课程-curriculalarva(幼虫-larvae criterion(标准-criteria phenomenon(现象-phenomena3.通常只以复数形式出现的词语, 如:clothes trousers compasses(圆规 scales(天平 savings(储蓄,statistics(统计数据, headquarters(总部,4.复数形式有特殊意义的词语, 如:goods(货物, manners(礼貌, troops(军队, authorities(当局5 不规则的名词复数child - children mouse - mice louse - licetooth - teeth foot - feet6.注意:有一些结尾是-s的词, 但是要当作单数看待, 如: physics, politics, mathematics是表示学科的不可数名词例题:(1 With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricula, leadingA B Cjazz musicians are now founding on the faculties of several universities.D(2Like some other running birds, the sanderling lacks a back toe and has a three-toed feetA B C D答案:D应改为:foot解释:feet是foot的复数形式, 不定冠词a 之后应接可数名词的单数, 故将feet 改为单数词汇:sanderling: 三趾滨鹬第二节限定词名词究竟要用单数还是复数, 与名词之前的限定词有很大关系, 限定词通常分如下几类:1.之后肯定接单数:a /an, every, one, another, each, either, this, that, such a, many a, etc.例句:Each of them has two books.You can read either book. (两本书你可以随便读一本2.之后肯定接复数:these, those, many, such, other,大于one的数词(ten, hundred, thousand, million…,a few /few /fewer /fewest, a (great /good / large /small number of, several,one of, all (of, some /any (of, most(of, a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of3.之后既可接单数又可接复数: the, no, his, her, their, my, etc注意:这几类词大多不能同时使用考点一否定限定词no(1 no既可用于可数名词复数前又可用于单数前, 表示否定意义. 例如:No flowers in the garden. 花园里没有花.No one is here.(2 no与否定副词not的区别是改错题的常见考点。

讲义Lesson 49 The end of a dream一、new words1.tired ①adj. 厌烦的be tired of sth 对某事感到厌烦的eg:I am tired of teacher’s old look faces.Americans are tired of fried food, so they want to try something different.be tired of sb 对某人感到厌烦的be tired of doing sth 对做某事感到厌烦的eg:people will be tired of doing the same thing all the time.He is tired of being unconfident.②adj. 累的I am too tired to do the endless homework.2.That is a real dog not a toy.What he said is true.real adj. 真实的相对“无”true adj 正确的相对“假”eg:That child is a real imp. 那孩子真是个小淘气The potato is a real monster. 这个土豆可真大Is that true that you are rich?比较:real man 真人He is a real man not a robot.true man 好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉3.own v. 拥有own adjBe our own hero 做自己的英雄Owner n. 主人Who is the rightful owner of this kingdom 谁才是这个王国合法的所有者。


TPO49阅读-2 Movable Type原文 (1)译文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (8)背景知识 (8)原文Movable Type①Nothing divided the medieval world in Europe more decisively from the Early Modern period than printing with movable type. It was a German invention and the culmination of a complex process. The world of antiquity had recorded its writings mainly on papyrus. Between 200 B.C and A.D 300, this was supplemented by vellum, calf skin treated and then smoothed by pumice stone. To this in late Roman times was added parchment, similarly made from the smoothed skin of sheep or goats. In the early Middle Ages, Europe imported an industrial process from China, which turned almost any kind of fibrous material into pulp that was then spread in sheets. This was known as cloth parchment. By about 1150, the Spanish had developed the first mill for making cheap paper (a word contracted from "papyrus", which became the standard term). One of the most important phenomena of the later Middle Ages was the growing availability of cheap paper. Even in England, where technology lagged far behind, a sheet of paper, or eight octavo pages, cost only a penny by the fifteenth century.②In the years 1446-1448, two German goldsmiths, Johannes Gutenberg and Johann Fust, made use of cheap paper to introduce a critical improvement in the way written pages were reproduced. Printing from wooden blocks was the old method; what the Germans did was to invent movable type for the letterpress. It had three merits: it could be used repeatedly until worn out; it was cast in metal from a mold and so could be renewed without difficulty; and it made lettering uniform. In 1450, Gutenberg began work on his Bible, the first printed book, known as the Gutenberg. It was completed in 1455 and is a marvel. As Gutenberg, apart from getting the key idea, had to solve a lot of practical problems, including imposing paper and ink into the process and the actual printing itself, for which he adapted the screw press used by winemakers, it is amazing that his first product does not look at all rudimentary. Those who handle it are struck by its clarity and quality.③Printing was one of those technical revolutions that developed its own momentum at extraordinary speed. Europe in the fifteenth century was a place where intermediate technology - that is, workshops with skilled craftspeople - waswell established and spreading fast, especially in Germany and Italy. Such workshops were able to take on printing easily, and it thus became Europe's first true industry. The process was aided by two factors: the new demand for cheap classical texts and the translation of the Latin Bible into "modern" languages. Works of reference were also in demand. Presses sprang up in several German cities, and by 1470, Nuremberg, Germany had established itself as the center of the international publishing trade, printing books from 24 presses and distributing them at trade fairs all over western and central Europe. The old monastic scriptoria-monastery workshops where monks copied texts by hand-worked closely alongside the new presses, continuing to produce the luxury goods that movable-type printing could not yet supply. Printing, however, was primarily aimed at a cheap mass sale.④Although there was no competition between the technologies, there was rivalry between nations. The Italians made energetic and successful efforts to catch up with Germany. Their most successful scriptorium quickly imported two leading German printers to set up presses in their book-producing shop. German printers had the disadvantage of working with the complex typeface that the Italians sneeringly referred to as "Gothic" and that later became known as black letter. Outside Germany, readers found this typeface disagreeable. The Italians, on the other hand, had a clear typeface known as roman that became the type of the future.⑤Hence, although the Germans made use of the paper revolution to introduce movable type, the Italians went far to regain the initiative by their artistry. By 1500 there were printing firms in 60 German cities, but there were 150 presses in Venice alone. However, since many nations and governments wanted their own presses, the trade quickly became international. The cumulative impact of this industrial spread was spectacular. Before printing, only the very largest libraries, of which there were a dozen in Europe, had as many as 600 books. The total number of books on the entire Continent was well under 100,000. But by 1500, after only 45 years of the printed book, there were 9 million in circulation.译文活字印刷①没有什么比活字印刷更能够将欧洲的中世纪和近代早期区分开来。

一、动词时态和语态1. 一般现在时:用于陈述普遍事实、经常重复的动作或客观真理。
例如:Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.2. 一般过去时:用于过去发生的动作或状态。
例如:I watched a movie yesterday.3. 现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或现阶段的状态。
例如:She is reading a book now.4. 过去进行时:表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。
例如:They were studying when I called them.5. 将来时态的使用:用于表示将来的动作或状态。
例如:I will go to the party tomorrow.6. 被动语态:用于强调动作的接受者而不是执行者。
例如:The book was written by Mark Twain.二、主谓一致1. 单复数主谓一致:主语是单数时,谓语动词要用单数形式;主语是复数时,谓语动词要用复数形式。
例如:She walks to school every day. They walk to school every day.2. 近距离主谓一致:当主语和谓语之间有介词短语或从句时,要根据主语而不是介词短语或从句来确定谓语动词的单复数形式。
例如:The book, along with its companion, is on the shelf.三、条件句1. 第一型条件句:表示真实条件和其可能的结果。
例如:If it rains,I will stay at home.2. 第二型条件句:表示对现在或未来假设的不太可能或不可能的条件及其可能的结果。

1. The word "crucial" in the passage is closest in meaning to【词汇题】A.InterestingB.ImportantC.EstablishedD.Understood答案:B解析:crucial:至关重要的。
2.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.【句子简化题】A.In the last few centuries,the erosion of coastline created the Neolithic stone circle in Brittany,France,at the same time that it destroyed the medieval villages in Yorkshire,England.B.Coastlines have changed even in recent times as shown by the current locations of certain Neolithic monuments and medieval villages.C.Recent changes in the coastlines near the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic in Brittany,France,and the medieval villages inYorkshire,England,suggest that ancient coastlines changed in similar ways.D.Changes in coastlines can lead to the creation of islands such as Er Lannic in France or the total erosion of the cliffs as in Yorkshire in England,though no considerable changes have occurred in recent periods. 答案:B解析:提取句子主干,将括号和从句里的内容先去掉,则句子为These have changed constantly through time,even in relatively recent periods,as can be seen from the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic,in Brittany,France or medieval villages in east Yorkshire,England。
托福听力tpo49 section2 对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo49section2对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Conversation2 (1)原文 (1)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture3 (7)原文 (7)题目 (10)答案 (12)译文 (12)Lecture4 (14)原文 (14)题目 (16)答案 (18)译文 (18)Conversation2原文NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.MALE PROFESSOR:Oh hi Melanie,how are you doing?FEMALE STUDENT:I'm good thanks.I just have some questions about this paper,for your class.Do you have a second to talk about it now?MALE PROFESSOR:Oh yes,no problem;I have about20minutes before my next class.Will that be enough time?FEMALE STUDENT:Yeah I think so.Okay so the thing is,you know,okay I'm writing my paper on the history of jazz in New York City.MALE PROFESSOR:Alright,well that's a pretty broad subject.FEMALE STUDENT:Well actually I'm focusing on a specific decade–the50s–and on and I’m only doing it on a few specific artists.MALE PROFESSOR:Oh okay–because I was going to say that seemed a bit,ah,too ambitious for a10page paper.FEMALE STUDENT:Yeah.No,it's not the subject I'm having trouble with–actually the paper is practically writing itself,I mean I’ve got a lot to say and it’s going pretty well.The thing is,I have this idea…that might make it better and I was wondering if there’s any way I could get an extension…I mean I know it’s due next week right?MALE PROFESSOR:That's right,on Monday.But I don't understand,it sounds like you’re doing so well;why do you need more time?FEMALE STUDENT:Yeah well,I could write the paper as it is and turn it in on time and it would be fine…MALE PROFESSOR:But…?FEMALE STUDENT:But I was just talking to one of my friends,whose family has lived in New York forever,and it turns out that her grandfather was actually there in the period of jazz I'm writing about–I mean he was a jazz musician and he actually,like personally knew the artists I'm writing about.MALE PROFESSOR:You're kidding!Well that’s a coincidence.FEMALE STUDENT:Yeah,I know,it's cool,right?So anyway,that's why I waswondering if I could get an extension,because I thought it would be really great if I could like,interview him,for my paper…MALE PROFESSOR:Ah.FEMALE STUDENT:But I don’t think I can meet with him until early next week,so [trailing off]…MALE PROFESSOR:Ah I see,well!It would certainly add a new dimension to your paper,wouldn’t it?Have you talked with this gentleman yet?FEMALE STUDENT:Um,no,but I talked to my friend,just,you know ran the idea past her,and she said he would probably love to do it.But,you know,he's busy until next week.MALE PROFESSOR:Okay well,yeah!I think that in this case we can definitely extend your deadline until,let’s say,Friday next week?FEMALE STUDENT:Okay that would be great.MALE PROFESSOR:But just to be fair,why don't you turn in an outline of your paper on the due date.FEMALE STUDENT:The outline...oh that's no problem.It's basically done except for the parts about the interview...MALE PROFESSOR:Oh yeah...the interview.Could you have the questions ready then too...the ones you’re planning on asking?FEMALE STUDENT:Sure,yeah I can do that,too.MALE PROFESSOR:And then I'll expect the final draft next Friday.FEMALE STUDENT:Okay great!Thanks.MALE PROFESSOR:Sure,I'm looking forward to reading it!题目1.Why does the student go to see the professor?A.To ask if she can interview him for her paperB.To ask permission to extend the length of her paperC.To ask permission to change the topic of her paperD.To ask for more time to finish her paper2.What can be inferred about the student's work on her paper so far?A.She received a lot of help on the paper from professional musicians.B.She has found enough information to complete the paper.C.She did not start working on the paper early enough.D.She is having difficulty finding sources for the paper.3.Why does the student want to interview her friend's grandfather?A.He has written articles about jazz music in New York City.B.He has recordings of the musicians discussed in the woman's paper.C.He owned a historic jazz club in New York City.D.He was a jazz musician during the1950s.4.What does the professor ask the student to do on the original due date of the paper?[Click on two answers.]A.Turn in her first draftB.Hand in an outlineC.Submit interview questionsD.Confirm that she has scheduled an interview5.Why does the student say this:Professor:All right.Well,that's a pretty broad subject.Student:Well,actually I'm focusing on a specific decade,the50s.A.To address the professor's concernB.To explain a change in her approach to her paperC.To restate the professor's pointD.To request approval of her topic答案D B D BC A译文旁白:听一段学生和教授之间的对话。

Conversation11.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.The student’s difficulties locating sources for a research projectB.The topic of the student’s research projectC.The student’s request to visit a particular part of the libraryD.Procedures for requesting different editions of a book答案:C解析:学生的第一句话“I need to get into special collections,in particular the britishliterature”,通过I needto表明意图是来看图书馆中关于英国文学的书籍。
2.Why is the student unable to use later editions or reproductions of abook he mentions?A.The later editions contain errors.B.Professor Gray specified the use of a particular edition.C.The later editions must be requested from another library.D.Reproductions typically omit the specific material he needs.答案:D解析:通过工作人员的题问和学生的回答,我们能定位到这道题。

托福语法知识总览托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)是评估非英语为母语的人士的英语语言能力的考试。
以下是几种常见的时态:1. 一般现在时:表示当前情况或普遍真理。
例如:The sun rises in the east.译文:太阳从东方升起。
2. 过去时:表示已经发生的事情或过去的经历。
例如:I went to the park yesterday.译文:昨天我去了公园。
3. 现在进行时:表示当前正在进行的动作。
例如:They are studying for the exam.译文:他们正在为考试而学习。
4. 一般将来时:表示将来某个时间会发生的事情。
例如:She will travel to Europe next month.译文:她下个月将去欧洲旅行。
这里列举几种常见的名词用法:1. 单数名词:表示一个人、物或概念。
例如:I have a cat.(我有一只猫。
)2. 复数名词:表示多个人、物或概念。
例如:They have two cars.(他们有两辆车。
)3. 不可数名词:表示无法分为单个单位的物质或抽象概念。
例如:I need some advice.(我需要一些建议。
)4. 可数/不可数名词的区分:可数名词与不可数名词之间的区分在很多情况下会影响到名词前面的冠词和数量词的使用。
例如:I ate an apple.(我吃了一个苹果。
)I drank some water.(我喝了一些水。
以下是几种重要的代词:1. 主格代词:用于主语的位置。
例如:He is my friend.(他是我的朋友。

一、谁能给一篇托福口语Task1的回答例文题目:What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient。
Include specific reasons and examples。
回答:The most efficient type of transportation in my country is the railway train。
Now that China's building Rapid Railway tracks all around the country, the speed of trains would be increased by hundreds of kilometers per hour, which makes train traveling even more efficient。
二、托福口语task1考哪些话题托福口语task1话题1、人物类考试题目——出题方式主要有2个 Who is the person you admire most?(可能会变通为your favorite teacher, the person influenced you most in your family 等等) What are the characteristics of a good leader/ teacher/ boss?所有的题目都要求我们给出具体的要点。
托福口语task1话题2、地方类考法——出题方式只有1种,但可以变通为无数种Where would you like to go to relax?可以变通为: your favorite place。
/ The place you go to often/ the school that gives your strong impression。
托福听力tpo49 lecture1、2、3、4 原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo49lecture1、2、3、4原文+题目+答案+译文Lecture1 (1)原文 (1)题目 (4)答案 (6)译文 (6)Lecture2 (8)原文 (8)题目 (10)答案 (12)译文 (12)Lecture3 (14)原文 (14)题目 (17)答案 (19)译文 (19)Lecture4 (21)原文 (21)题目 (23)答案 (25)译文 (25)Lecture1原文NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in a geology class.MALE PROFESSOR:Alaska is fascinating to geologists because of its incrediblelandscapes.Uh,permafrost has a lot to do with this.That is,the areas where the ground—the soil—is always frozen,except for the very top layer—what we call the active layer of permafrost—which melts in the summer and refreezes again in the winter.The northern part of Alaska is covered in lakes—thousands of them—and most of these are what we call thaw lakes.T-h-a-w.Thaw lakes.I'm gonna show you a few sketches of them in a minute,so you'll have a good idea of what I'm talking about.So, how these thaw lakes are formed has to do with…OK,it starts with ice wedges.The top part of the ice wedge melts—Should I back up?Ice wedges form when water runs into cracks in the ground,the permafrost,then freezes.You ever see mud after it dries?Dried mud has cracks,because when it dries, it contracts,it shrinks.Well,in winter,permafrost behaves similarly.It shrinks in winter,because it freezes even more thoroughly then,and as it shrinks,it forms deep,deep cracks.Then in the summer,when the active layer—the top layer of the permafrost—melts,the melt water runs into those cracks in the permafrost,then freezes again—because that ground,the ground beneath the active layer,is still below freezing.So,you have wedges of ice in the permafrost.Now the ice wedges widen the original cracks in the permafrost,because water expands when it freezes.All right?OK,then in autumn,the active layer on top freezes again.Then in winter,the permafrost starts contracting again and the cracks open up even wider.So the next summer,when the active layer melts again and flows into the widened cracks…and…freezes…it makes the cracks even wider.So it’s sort of a cycle through which the cracks and the wedges grow wider and wider.So when the ice wedge reaches a certain size,its top part—in the active layer—turns into a little pond when it melts in the summer.And that's the beginning of your thaw lake.[pause]There are thousands of them in northern Alaska.One of the most fascinating things about these lakes—and this is important—is that they mostly havethe same shape.Like an elongated oval,or egg shape.And what's more,all the ovals are oriented in the same way.Here's an idea of what they look like,what the landscape looks like from an aerial view,with the lakes side by side.There's been considerable research done to try to figure out what causes them to be shaped and oriented this way.We know that the shape and orientation are caused by the way the lakes grow once they're formed,but the question is,what makes them grow this way?One theory sees winds as the cause.This region of Alaska has strong winds that blow perpendicular to the lakes.What happens is,wind blows straight into the longer side of the lakes.Now,wouldn’t that erode the lake bank in that direction?The same direction as the wind?Well…no.Actually,what happens is that the waves caused by the winds build a sorta protective layer of sediment—it's called a“protective shelf”—along the bank of the lake directly in front of them;so that bank is shielded from erosion,and the waves are diverted to the sides,to the left and to the right,and that’s why the left and the right banks start eroding.Get it?The bank straight ahead is protected,but the lake currents--the waves--erode the banks to the sides.That's the current model,um,the wind erosion model,which is generally accepted.But,there's a new theory that says that[deliberately]thaw slumping,not wind,is what shapes the thaw lakes.Thaw slumping,um…OK.Sometimes,in the summer,the temperature rises pretty quickly.So the active layer of permafrost thaws faster than the water can drain from the soil.So the sides of the thaw lakes get,like,mushy,and slump,or slide,into the lake.Then,the lake water spreads out more,and the lake gets bigger,OK?Also,in that part of Alaska,the terrain is gently sloped,so the lakes are all on an incline.Here.Now,this is an exaggeration of the angle—the hill isn't this steep—butsee how with the lake's banks,the side that is farther downhill…it's smaller,lower. This short bank thaws faster than the tall one does,so it falls into the lake—it slumps, much more and much faster than the other bank.When the short banks of many lakes slump,they move farther downhill and the lakes grow—all in the same downhill direction.This is a new theory,so it hasn't been tested much yet.In field studies,when we've looked at the banks of these thaw lakes,there's not much evidence of slumping. We'd expect to see cliff-like formations there,from the slumping,but we haven't really found many of those.题目1.What is the main purpose of the lecture?[Click on two answers.]A.To contrast how different kinds of thaw lakes growB.To explain why a new theory of thaw lakes is gaining acceptanceC.To explain how processes in permafrost lead to the formation of thaw lakesD.To describe two competing theories about the growth of thaw lakes2.The professor explains thaw lake formation as a cycle of events that occur repeatedly.Summarize this cycle,starting with the event filled in below.[Click on a sentence.Then drag it to the space where it belongs.The first one is done for you. One sentence will not be used]A.Meltwater flows into cracks in permafrostB.Ice wedges inside permafrost completely meltC.Freezing water expands cracks in permafrostD.Ice in the active layer melts as temperatures riseE.Permafrost shrinks and cracks as temperatures drop..3.What is the significance of the'protective shelf'discussed by the professor?A.It prevents the slumping of lake banks.B.It shields the lake surface from strong winds.C.It redirects the waves to lake banks that do not face the wind.D.It allows the lakes to grow in the same direction as the wind blows.4.According to the thaw slumping model,which side of a thaw lake grows fastest?A.The side where the bank is shortestB.The side least exposed to windC.The side that is at the highest elevationD.The side opposite the protective shelf5.What is the professor's opinion of the thaw slumping model?A.He thinks it was urgently needed.B.He is not convinced that it has a firm basis.C.He thinks it would be better if it were simplified.D.He does not think it is very different from the old model.6.Why does the professor say this:You ever see mud after it dries?A.He wants some information from the students.B.He thinks that the students may find an example helpful.C.He realizes that he forgot to mention an important topic.D.He wants to point out an important difference between frozen ground and dry ground.答案CD EDACB C A B B译文听一段地质学的讲座。

英语动词一般分为不定式(Infinitive)、现在分词(Present participle)和过去分词(Past participle)三种形式。

托福TPO49听力Conversation2文本 Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. Professor: Oh, hi, Melanie, how are you doing? Student: I'm good. Thanks. I just have some questions about this paper for your class. Do you have a second to talk about it now? Professor: Oh, yes. No problem. I have about twenty minutes before my next class. Will that be enough time? Student: Yeah. I think so. Okay. So the thing is, you know, okay, I'm writing my paper on the history of jazz in New York City. Professor: All right. Well, that's a pretty broad subject. Student: Well, actually I'm focusing on a specific decade, the 50s and on...and I'm only doing it on a few specific artists. Professor: Oh, okay, because I was going to say that seemed a bit, uh, too ambitious for a ten-page paper. Student: Yeah, no, it's not the subject I'm having trouble with.Actually the paper is practically writing itself.I mean, I have got a lot to say and it's going pretty well.The thing is, I have this idea that might make it better and I was wondering if there's any way I could get an extension.I mean, I know it's due next week. Right? Professor: That's right, on Monday. But I don't understand.It sounds like you are doing so well. Why do you need more time? Student: Yeah. Well, I could write the paper as it is and turn it in on time and it would be fine. Professor: But? Student: But I was just talking to one of my friends whose family has lived in New York forever!And it turns out that her grandfather was actually there, in the period of jazz I'm writing about.I mean, he was a jazz musician and he actually, like personally, knew the artists I'm writing about. Professor: You are kidding!That's a coincidence. Student: Yeah, I know, it's cool, right?So anyway, that's why I was wondering if I could get an extension because I thought it would be really great if I could like interview him for my paper. Professor: Ah... Student: But I don't think I can meet with him until early next week. So... Professor: Ah, I see.Well. It would certainly add a new dimension to your paper, wouldn't it?Have you talked to this gentleman yet? Student: Uh, no, but I talked to my friend, just, you know, ran the idea past her and she said he would probably love to do it.But you know, he is busy until next week. Professor: Okay. Well, yeah, I think that in this case we can definitely extend your deadline until, that's say, Friday next week? Student: Okay. That would be great! Professor: But just to be fair, why don't you turn in an outline of your paper on the due date? Student: The outline? Oh, that's no problem.It's basically done except for the parts about the interview. Professor: Oh, yeah. The interview.Could you have the questions ready then too? The ones you are planning on asking. Student: Sure! Yeah, I can do that too. Professor: And then I'll expect the final draft next Friday. Student: Okay. Great. Thanks! Professor: Sure. I'm looking forward to reading it. 托福TPO49听力Conversation2题目 1.Why does the student go to see the professor? A. To ask if she can interview him for her paper。

形容词是修饰回答像"what kind of" 或 "which?" 或 "whose?" 这类的问题。
1)以-ly结尾的形容词:friendly, deadly, lovely, lonely, likely,lively, ugly, brotherly2)以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词:daily, weekly, monthly,yearly, early三、副词副词通常修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。
)副词经常回答"how?"正确的位置:1) 在动词之前;在be动词、助动词之后。
2) 有多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。
3) 方式副词well, badly, hard等只放在句尾。
He speaks English well。
另外,1) 副词very可修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。
I very like English. (×)I like English very much. (√)2) 副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。
托福听力tpo49 两篇对话精析

托福听力tpo49两篇对话精析Conversation1 (1)原文 (1)题目 (4)答案 (6)译文 (6)Conversation2 (8)原文 (8)题目 (11)答案 (13)译文 (13)Conversation1原文NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian. MALE STUDENT:Uh,hi,I need to get into Special Collections.In particular the British Literature.I was working with some of the William Blake books.FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,then you must know that access is restricted.MALE STUDENT:Um,I was in a seminar with Professor Gray,and she authorized access for us.FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Oh,if that's the case…let me check.Right,yeah, but it looks like that expired at the end of last semester.MALE STUDENT:But I really need to get back in there.See,I didn't quite finish my project…FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Ah ha,the plot thickens!Well,it's easy enough; have Professor Gray authorize you again.You see,these editions are rare and shouldn't be handled more than necessary.Can you work from later editions?Or microfilm?MALE STUDENT:Not really…actually my project—well,it involves some annotations in the particular edition here.They haven't been reproduced because they’re really not part of the text.generally clean them up. They’re quite hard to see…FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,often the characteristics of the manuscripts have been recorded.These types of extraneous markings might also be noted.MALE STUDENT:I don't think they are.They're very faint,and well,I think I have a new angle on them.There was a study once a long time ago about these notes that everybody else has since taken for granted, without checking for themselves.I think there might have been amistake in the past,that they were misread…FEMALE LIBRARIAN:So,get Professor Gray…MALE STUDENT:Uh,she's away this semester.I had to beg her to give me extra time on this project.I haven't even received a grade in the class yet.And,this class is a prerequisite for other classes in my major.I really need to see those books so I can finish up this project and get back on course to graduate on time.FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Everybody has special circumstances…MALE STUDENT:Two hours?One hour?I promise to be careful.I just need to look at a few pages with a strong magnifying glass. FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,I can't let you in without authorization from your professor.Can you get in touch with her somehow?MALE STUDENT:Maybe she's checking her e-mail.I really thought I'd be able to straighten this out without her.You know,she did me a huge favor by giving me the extra time.I feel like I'm skating on thin ice with her…FEMALE LIBRARIAN:You know,you were lucky to have had permission to look at the books last semester.If we don't maintain our policies,they'll disintegrate.MALE STUDENT:I know.Would an e-mail from her or a phone call begood enough?FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Of course.题目1.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.The student's difficulties locating sources for a research projectB.The topic of the student's research projectC.The student's request to visit a particular part of the libraryD.Procedures for requesting different editions of a book2.Why is the student unable to use later editions or reproductions of a book he mentions?A.The later editions contain errors.B.Professor Gray specified the use of a particular edition.C.The later editions must be requested from another library.D.Reproductions typically omit the specific material he needs.3.Why is the student reluctant to contact Professor Gray?A.He already has disturbed her several times during her time away from campus.B.He does not feel comfortable about asking her for another favor.C.He does not know her e-mail address.D.He wants to surprise her with a completed project.4.What does the woman imply about the rules regarding Special Collections?A.The rules are unfair to the students.B.The rules are in place to protect the books.C.The rules are determined by the professors.D.The rules have changed since the previous semester.5.What does the woman mean when she says this:FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Everybody has special circumstances.A.She has been in a similar situation herself.B.She will help the student solve his problem.C.She has often heard this kind of story from students.D.She thinks the student should try to understand her situation.答案C D B B C译文旁白:接下来听一段学生和图书管理员之间的对话。

第四节同位语 同位语⼀般接在名词或代词后,对其进⾏补充说明,结构上和之前的词并列,多是主语和宾语带有同位语,有时同位语为表⽰强调可提前到主语之前。
同位语主要由名词充当 如:Let me introduce Miss Green, my next-door neighbor. (逗号后是同位语) The famous American poet, Whitman, is best remembered for his collection entitled Leaves of Grass. (Whitman之前是同位语) 填空题中若除去空格部分是完整的主谓结构,且空格与句⼦其他部分之间⽤两个逗号完全隔开或⽤⼀个逗号隔开⼀边,则空格处需要填⼊同位语或定语 例题: (1) From 1946 to 1949, ----William Henry Hastie served as governor of the Virgin Islands. (A) the lawyer (B) he was the lawyer (C) the lawyer who (D) was the lawyer 答案:A 解释:给出部分主谓俱全,空⽩处只能是主语的修饰部分,A恰好构成同位语。
B,D与原句主谓语冲突;C从句⽆谓语 (2) The skyscraper, ----, is an architectural form that originated in the United States. (A) is a tall commercial structure (B) a tall commercial structure (C) a tall commercial structure which (D) of which a tall commercial structure 答案:B 解释:空格前是句⼦的主语, 空格后是谓语, 且空格两头都有逗号, 需填⼊的最可能是主语的同位语; A是谓语形式, 可先排除; C、D都使原句只有从句⽆主句; B是名词短语作同位语 (3) Plankton, ----, is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean. (A) comprise both minute marine animals and plants (B) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants (C) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants (D) minute marine animals and plants collectively that 考点:同位语 答案:C 解释:空格前后分别是句⼦的主谓语,以逗号隔开,空格处需要同位语或定语,A, B是谓语结构,可先排除;D使原句只有从句⽆主句;C是名词短语,恰好作主语同位语 词汇:plankton: 浮游⽣物, collective name: 总称, minute: 微⼩的。

托福TPO49口语task1题目:One of your friends is often late for events and appointments, which makesother angry. You would like to help your fiend. What advice will you give yourfiend to help avoid this problem in the future? Use specific details andexamples in your advice.托福TPO49口语task2题目:Some teachers think that it is important for students to sit in assignedseats, that is, to sit in the same place every day in class.Other teachers thinkthat students should be allowed to choose where they will sit, and they allowthem to sit in different seats on different days. Which do you think is better?Explain why.托福TPO49口语Task3阅读+听力+题目Reading Part:Make Textbook List Available EarlierStudents always have to wait until the beginning of the semester to fnd outwhich textbooks they will need for their new courses. But since a lot ofstudents register early for their courses, I think that the list for each courseshould be available immediately at the time of registration.This would givestudents more time to shop around to find less expensive textbooks. And it wouldalso allow them to start work on the teaching for their new courses early.Alexandra BrownListening Part:Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the letter.Man: Hey, did you see Alexandra’s letter?Girl: Yeah, what do you think?Man: Well, it’s great. She really makes some good points, like the thingwith the university bookstore is, if you buy a brand new textbook, it can bepretty expensive and they usually have only a few used textbooks around. They’recheaper of course, but they sell out quickly.Girl: That’s true.Man: So this would give students time to look around on their own. Youknow, maybe they could find the books they need online, get books a few months ahead of time using the internet.Girl: I agree.Man: So this way students might be able to save a little money.Girl: Right, so what do you think about the second point, about the reading assignment?Man: I agree with that, too. It just makes a lot of sense, because thingsget really busy when the semester first starts and it can be hard to find time to keep up with all of the assignments, but students usually have some free time right before the start of the semester.Girl: So we’d have a good opportunity to do some preparation.Man: Exactly.问题:The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the。

第⼋章并列句 由两个或两个以上互不依从的主谓结构构成的句⼦称为并列句,各并列分句间⽤and, but, so, or等连词连接,可以是并列、转折、因果、选择等关系 第⼀节并列连词 ⼀、并列连词 1. 最典型的并列连词有:and, but, or, so, yet, for I have studied English for almost 12 years, yet my spoken English is still very poor. I was going to the cinema, but I lost my way. We cann’t get there at time for we have been out of gas. 2. 固定搭配使⽤的并列连词: not only…but (also), not only…but…(as well), both…and, either…or, neither…nor, too…to, such(…)as, the same….as, between…and as well as(注意和副词as well相区别), (not) so…as as… as, not so much A as B(与其说A不如说B) so/such a … that 例句: 1. The Empire State Building, once America’s tallest, is now surpassed by both the Sears Tower in Chicago and the World Trade Center in New York. 2. Clocks not only measure and tell time but also serve as decoration in homes and other buildings. 3. A jewel is an ornament fashioned from precious metals or stones, either alone or in combination. 4. The boy is too young to lift this box. 5. According to psychologists, a person’s attentions is attracted not so much by the intensity of different signal as by their context, significance and information content. 并列连词的固定搭配是改错题的重要考点,因此上述搭配必须浑熟于⼼, 例题: (1) According to cognitive theories of emotion, anger occurs when individuals believe have been harmed and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved. 应改为:both. 解释:both...and...是固定搭配, 表⽰两者都, either应与or搭配,表或者 (2) Providence, Rhode Island, is a busy manufacturing city and seaport, as well the state capital. 应改为:as well as the. 解释:as well as固定词组, 表⽰也……,as well也有此意, 但只能修饰动词, 多放在句尾 (3) Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in the circuit and of an outside event such as lightning. 应改为:or 解释:either… or…为固定搭配, 表⽰或者, 或是.。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
称为并列句,各并列分句间用and, but, so, or等连词连接,可以是并列、转折、因果、选择等关系
1. 最典型的并列连词有:and, but, or, so, yet, for
I have studied English for almost 12 years, yet my spoken English is still very poor.
I was going to the cinema, but I lost my way.
We cann’t get there at time for we have been out of gas.
2. 固定搭配使用的并列连词:
not only…but (also), not only…but…(as well), both…and,
either…or, neither…nor, too…to,
such(…)as, the same….as, between…and as well as(注意和副词as well相区别), (not)
as… as, not so much A as B(与其说A不如说B)
so/such a … that
1. The Empire State Building, once America’s tallest, is now surpassed by both the Sears Tower in Chicago and the World Trade Center in New York.
2. Clocks not only measure and tell time but also serve as decoration in homes and other buildings.
3. A jewel is an ornament fashioned from precious metals or stones, either alone or in combination.
4. The boy is too young to lift this box.
5. According to psychologists, a person’s attentions is attracted not so much by the intensity of different signal as by their context, significance and information content.
According to cognitive theories of emotion, anger occurs when individuals believe have been harmed
and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved.
解释:both...and...是固定搭配, 表示两者都, either应与or搭配,表或者
Providence, Rhode Island, is a busy manufacturing city and seaport, as well the state capital.
应改为:as well as the.
解释:as well as固定词组, 表示也……,as well
也有此意, 但只能修饰动词, 多放在句尾
Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in the circuit and of an outside event such as lightning.
解释:either… or…为固定搭配, 表示或者, 或是.。