Electrokinetic and magnetic fields generated by flow through a fractured zone a sensitivity
Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic ResonancesAndré Kurs,1* Aristeidis Karalis,2 Robert Moffatt,1 J. D. Joannopoulos,1 Peter Fisher,3Marin Soljačić11Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 3Department of Physics and Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: akurs@Using self-resonant coils in a strongly coupled regime, we experimentally demonstrate efficient non-radiative power transfer over distances of up to eight times the radius of the coils. We demonstrate the ability to transfer 60W with approximately 40% efficiency over distances in excess of two meters. We present a quantitative model describing the power transfer which matches the experimental results to within 5%. We discuss practical applicability and suggest directions for further studies. At first glance, such power transfer is reminiscent of the usual magnetic induction (10); however, note that the usual non- resonant induction is very inefficient for mid-range applications.Overview of the formalism. Efficient mid-range power transfer occurs in particular regions of the parameter space describing resonant objects strongly coupled to one another. Using coupled-mode theory to describe this physical system (11), we obtain the following set of linear equationsIn the early 20th century, before the electrical-wire grid, Nikola Tesla (1) devoted much effort towards schemes to a&m(t)=(iωm-Γm)a m(t)+∑iκmn a n(t)+F m(t)n≠m(1)transport power wirelessly. However, typical embodiments (e.g. Tesla coils) involved undesirably large electric fields. During the past decade, society has witnessed a dramatic surge of use of autonomous electronic devices (laptops, cell- phones, robots, PDAs, etc.) As a consequence, interest in wireless power has re-emerged (2–4). Radiative transfer (5), while perfectly suitable for transferring information, poses a number of difficulties for power transfer applications: the efficiency of power transfer is very low if the radiation is omnidirectional, and requires an uninterrupted line of sight and sophisticated tracking mechanisms if radiation is unidirectional. A recent theoretical paper (6) presented a detailed analysis of the feasibility of using resonant objects coupled through the tails of their non-radiative fields for mid- range energy transfer (7). Intuitively, two resonant objects of the same resonant frequency tend to exchange energy efficiently, while interacting weakly with extraneous off- resonant objects. In systems of coupled resonances (e.g. acoustic, electro-magnetic, magnetic, nuclear, etc.), there is often a general “strongly coupled” regime of operation (8). If one can operate in that regime in a given system, the energy transfer is expected to be very efficient. Mid-range power transfer implemented this way can be nearly omnidirectional and efficient, irrespective of the geometry of the surrounding space, and with low interference and losses into environmental objects (6).Considerations above apply irrespective of the physical nature of the resonances. In the current work, we focus on one particular physical embodiment: magnetic resonances (9). Magnetic resonances are particularly suitable for everyday applications because most of the common materials do not interact with magnetic fields, so interactions with environmental objects are suppressed even further. We were able to identify the strongly coupled regime in the system of two coupled magnetic resonances, by exploring non-radiative (near-field) magnetic resonant induction at MHzfrequencies. where the indices denote the different resonant objects. The variables a m(t) are defined so that the energy contained in object m is |a m(t)|2, ωm is the resonant frequency of thatisolated object, and Γm is its intrinsic decay rate (e.g. due to absorption and radiated losses), so that in this framework anuncoupled and undriven oscillator with parameters ω0 and Γ0 would evolve in time as exp(iω0t –Γ0t). The κmn= κnm are coupling coefficients between the resonant objects indicated by the subscripts, and F m(t) are driving terms.We limit the treatment to the case of two objects, denoted by source and device, such that the source (identified by the subscript S) is driven externally at a constant frequency, and the two objects have a coupling coefficient κ. Work is extracted from the device (subscript D) by means of a load (subscript W) which acts as a circuit resistance connected to the device, and has the effect of contributing an additional term ΓW to the unloaded device object's decay rate ΓD. The overall decay rate at the device is therefore Γ'D= ΓD+ ΓW. The work extracted is determined by the power dissipated in the load, i.e. 2ΓW|a D(t)|2. Maximizing the efficiency η of the transfer with respect to the loading ΓW, given Eq. 1, is equivalent to solving an impedance matching problem. One finds that the scheme works best when the source and the device are resonant, in which case the efficiency isThe efficiency is maximized when ΓW/ΓD= (1 + κ2/ΓSΓD)1/2. It is easy to show that the key to efficient energy transfer is to have κ2/ΓSΓD> 1. This is commonly referred to as the strongcoupling regime. Resonance plays an essential role in thisDS S D'' power transfer mechanism, as the efficiency is improved by approximately ω2/ΓD 2 (~106 for typical parameters) compared to the case of inductively coupled non-resonant objects. Theoretical model for self-resonant coils. Ourexperimental realization of the scheme consists of two self- resonant coils, one of which (the source coil) is coupled inductively to an oscillating circuit, while the other (the device coil) is coupled inductively to a resistive load (12) (Fig. 1). Self-resonant coils rely on the interplay between distributed inductance and distributed capacitance to achieve resonance. The coils are made of an electrically conducting wire of total length l and cross-sectional radius a wound into Given this relation and the equation of continuity, one finds that the resonant frequency is f 0 = 1/2π[(LC )1/2]. We can now treat this coil as a standard oscillator in coupled-mode theory by defining a (t ) = [(L /2)1/2]I 0(t ).We can estimate the power dissipated by noting that the sinusoidal profile of the current distribution implies that the spatial average of the peak current-squared is |I 0|2/2. For a coil with n turns and made of a material with conductivity σ, we modify the standard formulas for ohmic (R o ) and radiation (R r ) µ0ω l a helix of n turns, radius r , and height h . To the best of our knowledge, there is no exact solution for a finite helix in the literature, and even in the case of infinitely long coils, the solutions rely on assumptions that are inadequate for our R o = 2σ 4πa µ πωr 42 ωh 2 (6)system (13). We have found, however, that the simple quasi- R =0 n 2 + (7)static model described below is in good agreementr ε 12 c3π3 c(approximately 5%) with experiment.We start by observing that the current has to be zero at the ends of the coil, and make the educated guess that the resonant modes of the coil are well approximated bysinusoidal current profiles along the length of the conducting wire. We are interested in the lowest mode, so if we denote by s the parameterization coordinate along the length of the conductor, such that it runs from -l /2 to +l /2, then the time- dependent current profile has the form I 0 cos(πs /l ) exp(i ωt ). It follows from the continuity equation for charge that the linear charge density profile is of the form λ0 sin(πs /l ) exp(i ωt ), so the two halves of the coil (when sliced perpendicularly to its axis) contain charges equal in magnitude q 0 = λ0l /π but opposite in sign.As the coil is resonant, the current and charge density profiles are π/2 out of phase from each other, meaning that the real part of one is maximum when the real part of the other is zero. Equivalently, the energy contained in the coil is 0The first term in Eq. 7 is a magnetic dipole radiation term(assuming r << 2πc /ω); the second term is due to the electric dipole of the coil, and is smaller than the first term for our experimental parameters. The coupled-mode theory decay constant for the coil is therefore Γ = (R o + R r )/2L , and its quality factor is Q = ω/2Γ.We find the coupling coefficient κDS by looking at the power transferred from the source to the device coil,assuming a steady-state solution in which currents and charge densities vary in time as exp(i ωt ).P =⎰d rE (r )⋅J (r ) =-⎰d r (A&S (r )+∇φS (r ))⋅J D (r ) at certain points in time completely due to the current, and at other points, completely due to the charge. Usingelectromagnetic theory, we can define an effective inductance L and an effective capacitance C for each coil as follows:=-1⎰⎰d r d r ' µJ &S(r ')+ρS(r ') 4π |r -r |ε0≡-i ωMI S I Dr '-r|r '-r |3⋅J D (r )(8)L =µ04π |I 0 |⎰⎰d r d r 'J (r )⋅J (r ')|r -r '|where the subscript S indicates that the electric field is due to the source. We then conclude from standard coupled-mode theory arguments that κDS = κSD = κ = ωM /2[(L S L D )1/2]. When 1 1 ρ(r )ρ(r ') the distance D between the centers of the coils is much larger= C 4πε 0 |q 0 | ⎰⎰d r d r ' |r -r '|(4)than their characteristic size, κ scales with the D -3dependence characteristic of dipole-dipole coupling. Both κ and Γ are functions of the frequency, and κ/Γ and the where the spatial current J (r ) and charge density ρ(r ) are obtained respectively from the current and charge densities along the isolated coil, in conjunction with the geometry of the object. As defined, L and C have the property that the efficiency are maximized for a particular value of f , which is in the range 1-50MHz for typical parameters of interest. Thus, picking an appropriate frequency for a given coil size, as we do in this experimental demonstration, plays a major role in optimizing the power transfer.1 2Comparison with experimentallydeterminedU =2 L |I 0 |parameters. The parameters for the two identical helical coils built for the experimental validation of the power 1 2 transfer scheme are h = 20cm, a = 3mm, r = 30 cm, and n = =2C|q 0 | (5)5.25. Both coils are made of copper. The spacing between loops of the helix is not uniform, and we encapsulate theuncertainty about their uniformity by attributing a 10% (2cm) uncertainty to h . The expected resonant frequency given these22dimensions is f0 = 10.56 ± 0.3MHz, which is about 5% off from the measured resonance at 9.90MHz.The theoretical Q for the loops is estimated to be approximately 2500 (assuming σ = 5.9 × 107 m/Ω) but the measured value is Q = 950±50. We believe the discrepancy is mostly due to the effect of the layer of poorly conductingcopper oxide on the surface of the copper wire, to which the current is confined by the short skin depth (~20μm) at this frequency. We therefore use the experimentally observed Q and ΓS= ΓD= Γ = ω/2Q derived from it in all subsequent computations.We find the coupling coefficient κ experimentally by placing the two self-resonant coils (fine-tuned, by slightly adjusting h, to the same resonant frequency when isolated) a distance D apart and measuring the splitting in the frequencies of the two resonant modes. According to coupled-mode theory, this splitting should be ∆ω = 2[(κ2-Γ2)1/2]. In the present work, we focus on the case where the two coils are aligned coaxially (Fig. 2), although similar results are obtained for other orientations (figs. S1 and S2).Measurement of the efficiency. The maximum theoretical efficiency depends only on the parameter κ/[(L S L D)1/2] = κ/Γ, which is greater than 1 even for D = 2.4m (eight times the radius of the coils) (Fig. 3), thus we operate in the strongly- coupled regime throughout the entire range of distances probed.As our driving circuit, we use a standard Colpitts oscillator whose inductive element consists of a single loop of copper wire 25cm in radius(Fig. 1); this loop of wire couples inductively to the source coil and drives the entire wireless power transfer apparatus. The load consists of a calibrated light-bulb (14), and is attached to its own loop of insulated wire, which is placed in proximity of the device coil and inductively coupled to it. By varying the distance between the light-bulb and the device coil, we are able to adjust the parameter ΓW/Γ so that it matches its optimal value, given theoretically by (1 + κ2/Γ2)1/2. (The loop connected to the light-bulb adds a small reactive component to ΓW which is compensated for by slightly retuning the coil.) We measure the work extracted by adjusting the power going into the Colpitts oscillator until the light-bulb at the load glows at its full nominal brightness.We determine the efficiency of the transfer taking place between the source coil and the load by measuring the current at the mid-point of each of the self-resonant coils with a current-probe (which does not lower the Q of the coils noticeably.) This gives a measurement of the current parameters I S and I D used in our theoretical model. We then compute the power dissipated in each coil from P S,D=ΓL|I S,D|2, and obtain the efficiency from η = P W/(P S+ P D+P W). To ensure that the experimental setup is well described by a two-object coupled-mode theory model, we position the device coil such that its direct coupling to the copper loop attached to the Colpitts oscillator is zero. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 4, along with the theoretical prediction for maximum efficiency, given by Eq. 2. We are able to transfer significant amounts of power using this setup, fully lighting up a 60W light-bulb from distances more than 2m away (figs. S3 and S4).As a cross-check, we also measure the total power going from the wall power outlet into the driving circuit. The efficiency of the wireless transfer itself is hard to estimate in this way, however, as the efficiency of the Colpitts oscillator itself is not precisely known, although it is expected to be far from 100% (15). Still, the ratio of power extracted to power entering the driving circuit gives a lower bound on the efficiency. When transferring 60W to the load over a distance of 2m, for example, the power flowing into the driving circuit is 400W. This yields an overall wall-to-load efficiency of 15%, which is reasonable given the expected efficiency of roughly 40% for the wireless power transfer at that distance and the low efficiency of the Colpitts oscillator.Concluding remarks. It is essential that the coils be on resonance for the power transfer to be practical (6). We find experimentally that the power transmitted to the load drops sharply as either one of the coils is detuned from resonance. For a fractional detuning ∆f/f0 of a few times the inverse loaded Q, the induced current in the device coil is indistinguishable from noise.A detailed and quantitative analysis of the effect of external objects on our scheme is beyond the scope of the current work, but we would like to note here that the power transfer is not visibly affected as humans and various everyday objects, such as metals, wood, and electronic devices large and small, are placed between the two coils, even in cases where they completely obstruct the line of sight between source and device (figs. S3 to S5). External objects have a noticeable effect only when they are within a few centimeters from either one of the coils. While some materials (such as aluminum foil, styrofoam and humans) mostly just shift the resonant frequency, which can in principle be easily corrected with a feedback circuit, others (cardboard, wood, and PVC) lower Q when placed closer than a few centimeters from the coil, thereby lowering the efficiency of the transfer.When transferring 60W across 2m, we calculate that at the point halfway between the coils the RMS magnitude of the electric field is E rms= 210V/m, that of the magnetic field isH rms= 1A/m, and that of the Poynting vector is S rms=3.2mW/cm2 (16). These values increase closer to the coils, where the fields at source and device are comparable. For example, at distances 20cm away from the surface of the device coil, we calculate the maximum values for the fields to be E rms= 1.4kV/m, H rms= 8A/m, and S rms= 0.2W/cm2. The power radiated for these parameters is approximately 5W, which is roughly an order of magnitude higher than cell phones. In the particular geometry studied in this article, the overwhelming contribution (by one to two orders of magnitude) to the electric near-field, and hence to the near- field Poynting vector, comes from the electric dipole moment of the coils. If instead one uses capacitively-loaded single- turn loop design (6) - which has the advantage of confining nearly all of the electric field inside the capacitor - and tailors the system to operate at lower frequencies, our calculations show (17) that it should be possible to reduce the values cited above for the electric field, the Poynting vector, and the power radiated to below general safety regulations (e.g. the IEEE safety standards for general public exposure(18).) Although the two coils are currently of identical dimensions, it is possible to make the device coil small enough to fit into portable devices without decreasing the efficiency. One could, for instance, maintain the product of the characteristic sizes of the source and device coils constant, as argued in (6).We believe that the efficiency of the scheme and the power transfer distances could be appreciably improved by silver-plating the coils, which should increase their Q, or by working with more elaborate geometries for the resonant objects (19). Nevertheless, the performance characteristics of the system presented here are already at levels where they could be useful in practical applications.References and Notes1. N. Tesla, U.S. patent 1,119,732 (1914).2.J. M. Fernandez, J. A. Borras, U.S. patent 6,184,651(2001).3.A. Esser, H.-C. Skudelny, IEEE Trans. Indust. Appl. 27,872(1991).4.J. Hirai, T.-W. Kim, A. Kawamura, IEEE Trans. PowerElectron. 15, 21(2000).5.T. A. Vanderelli, J. G. Shearer, J. R. Shearer, U.S. patent7,027,311(2006).6.A. Karalis, J. D. Joannopoul os, M. Soljačić, Ann. Phys.,10.1016/j.aop.2007.04.017(2007).7.Here, by mid-range, we mean that the sizes of the deviceswhich participate in the power transfer are at least a few times smaller than the distance between the devices. For example, if the device being powered is a laptop (size ~ 50cm), while the power source (size ~ 50cm) is in thesame room as the laptop, the distance of power transfer could be within a room or a factory pavilion (size of the order of a fewmeters).8. T. Aoki, et al., Nature 443, 671 (2006).9.K. O’Brien, G. Scheible, H. Gueldner, 29th AnnualConference of the IEEE 1, 367(2003).10.L. Ka-Lai, J. W. Hay, P. G. W., U.S. patent7,042,196(2006).11.H. Haus, Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics(Prentice- Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/1143254/DC1SOM TextFigs. S1 to S530 March 2007; accepted 21 May 2007Published online 7 June 2007; 10.1126/science.1143254 Include this information when citing this paper.Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup. A is a single copper loop of radius 25cm that is part of the driving circuit, which outputs a sine wave with frequency 9.9MHz. S and D are respectively the source and device coils referred to in the text. B is a loop of wire attached to the load (“light-bulb”). The various κ’s represent direct couplings between the objects indicated by the arrows. The angle between coil D and the loop A is adjusted to ensure that their direct coupling is zero, while coils S and D are aligned coaxially. The direct couplings between B and A and between B and S are negligible.Fig. 2. Comparison of experimental and theoretical values for κ as a function of the separation between coaxially aligned source and device coils (the wireless power transfer distance.) Fig. 3. Comparison of experimental and theoretical values for the parameter κ/Γ as a function of the wireless power transfer distance. The theory values are obtained by using the theoretical κ and the experimentally measured Γ. The shaded area represents the spread in the theoretical κ/Γ due to the 5% uncertainty in Q.Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental and theoretical efficiencies as functions of the wireless power transfer distance. The shaded area represents the theoretical prediction for maximum efficiency, and is obtained by inserting theHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984).12.The couplings to the driving circuit and the load donot theoretical values from Fig. 3 into Eq. 2 [with Γκ2/Γ2 1/2 W /ΓD= (1 +have to be inductive. They may also be connected by awire, for example. We have chosen inductive coupling in the present work because of its easier implementation. 13.S. Sensiper, thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(1951).14.We experimented with various power ratings from 5W to75W.15.W. A. Edson, Vacuum-Tube Oscillators (Wiley, NewYork,1953).16.Note that E ≠cμ0H, and that the fields are out of phaseand not necessarily perpendicular because we are not in a radiativeregime.17.See supporting material on Science Online.18.IEEE Std C95.1—2005 IEEE Standard for Safety Levelswith Respect to Human Exposure to Radio FrequencyElectromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz (IEEE,Piscataway, NJ,2006).19. J. B. Pendry, Science 306, 1353 (2004).20. The authors would like to thank John Pendry forsuggesting the use of magnetic resonances, and Michael Grossman and Ivan Čelanović for technical assistance.This work was supported in part by the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center program of the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR 02-13282, by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-99ER45778, and by the Army Research Officethrough the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies under Contract No. DAAD-19-02-D0002.) ]. The black dots are the maximum efficiency obtained from Eq. 2 and the experimental values of κ/Γ from Fig. 3. The red dots present the directly measured efficiency,as described in thetext.。
Lecture 1 磁性物理和磁学基本概念
Topics for your report:
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Whites, EE 481 Lecture 10 Page 1 of 10© 2011 Keith W. WhitesLecture 10: TEM, TE, and TM Modes for Waveguides. Rectangular Waveguide.We will now generalize our discussion of transmission lines by considering EM waveguides . These are “pipes” that guide EM waves. Coaxial cables, hollow metal pipes, and fiber optical cables are all examples of waveguides.We will assume that the waveguide is invariant in the z -direction:z and that the wave is propagating in z as j z e β−. (We could alsohave assumed propagation in –z .)Types of EM WavesWe will first develop an extremely interesting property of EM waves that propagate in homogeneous waveguides. This will lead to the concept of “modes ” and their classification as• Transverse Electric and Magnetic (TEM),•Transverse Electric (TE), or • Transverse Magnetic (TM).Proceeding from the Maxwell curl equations: ˆˆˆx y zx y zE j H j H xy z E E E ωμωμ∂∂∂∇×=−⇒=−∂∂∂ or ˆx : y z x E E j H y zωμ∂∂−=−∂∂ ˆy : x z y E E j H xz ωμ∂∂⎛⎞−−=−⎜⎟∂∂⎝⎠ ˆz : y x z E E j H x yωμ∂∂−=−∂∂However, the spatial variation in z is known so that()()j z j z e j e zβββ−−∂=−∂ Consequently, these curl equations simplify to z y x E j E j H yβωμ∂+=−∂ (3.3a),(1) z x y E j E j H xβωμ∂−−=−∂ (3.3b),(2) y x z E E j H x yωμ∂∂−=−∂∂ (3.3c),(3)We can perform a similar expansion of Ampère’s equation H j E ωε∇×= to obtain z y x H j H j E yβωε∂+=∂ (3.4a),(4) z x y H j H j E xβωε∂−−=∂ (3.4b),(5) y x z H H j E x yωε∂∂−=∂∂ (3.5c),(6)Now, (1)-(6) can be manipulated to produce simple algebraic equations for the transverse (x and y ) components of E and H . For example, from (1): z x y j E H j E y βωμ⎛⎞∂=+⎜⎟∂⎝⎠Substituting for E y from (5) we find 2221z z x x z z x j E H H j j H y j x j E j H H y xββωμωεββωμωμεωμε⎡⎤∂∂⎛⎞=+−−⎜⎟⎢⎥∂∂⎝⎠⎣⎦∂∂=+−∂∂ or,where 222c k k β≡− and 22k ωμε=. (3.6)Similarly, we can show thatMost important point: From (7)-(10), we can see that all transverse components of E and H can be determined from only the axial components z E and z H . It is this fact that allows the mode designations TEM, TE, and TM.Furthermore, we can use superposition to reduce the complexity of the solution by considering each of these mode types separately, then adding the fields together at the end.TE Modes and Rectangular WaveguidesA transverse electric (TE) wave has 0z E = and 0z H ≠. Consequently, all E components are transverse to the direction of propagation. Hence, in (7)-(10) with 0z E =, then all transverse components of E and H are known once we find a solution for only z H . Neat!For a rectangular waveguide , the solutions for x E , y E , x H , y H , and z H are obtained in Section 3.3 of the text. The solution and the solution process are interesting, but not needed in this course.Therefore,These m and n indices indicate that only discrete solutions for the transverse wavenumber (k c ) are allowed. Physically, this occurs because we’ve bounded the system in the x and y directions. (A vaguely similar situation occurs in atoms, leading to shell orbitals.)Notice something important. From (11), we find that 0m n == means that ,000c k =. In (7)-(10), this implies infinite field amplitudes, which is not a physical result. Consequently, the 0m n == TE or TM modes are not allowed.One exception might occur if 0z z E H == since this leads to indeterminate forms in (7)-(10). However, it can be shown that inside hollow metallic waveguides when both 0m n == and0z z E H ==, then 0E H ==. This means there is no TEM mode.Consequently, EM waves will propagate only when the frequency is “large enough ” since there is no TEM mode. Otherwise β will be imaginary (j βα→−), leading to pure attenuation and no propagation of the wave j z z e e βα−−→.This turns out to be a general result. That is, for a hollow conductor, EM waves will propagate only when the frequency is large enough and exceeds some lower threshold. This minimum propagation frequency is called the cutoff frequency ,c mn f.It can be shown that guided EM waves require at least two distinct conductors in order to support wave propagation all the way down to 0+ Hz.The cutoff frequencies for TE modes in a rectangular waveguide are determined from (12) with 0β= to be,,0,1,(0)c mn m n f m n ===≠… (3.84),(13) In other words, these are the frequencies where 0mn β= and wave propagation begins when the frequency slightly exceeds ,c mn f .For an X-band rectangular waveguide, the cross-sectional dimensions are a = 2.286 cm and b = 1.016 cm. Using (13):TE m,n Mode Cutoff Frequenciesm n f c,mn(GHz)1 0 6.5622 0 13.1230 1 14.7641 1 16.156In the X-band region (≈ 8.2-12.5 GHz), only the TE10 mode can propagate in the waveguide regardless of how it is excited. (We’ll also see shortly that no TM modes will propagate either.) This is called single mode operation and is most often the preferred application for hollow waveguides.On the other hand, at 15.5 GHz any combination of the first three of these modes could exist and propagate inside a metal, rectangular waveguide. Which combination actually exists will depend on how the waveguide is excited.Note that the TE11 mode (and all higher-ordered TE modes) could not propagate. (We’ll also see next that no TM modes will propagate at 15.5 GHz either.)TM Modes and Rectangular WaveguidesConversely to TE modes, transverse magnetic (TM) modes have 0z H = and 0z E ≠.The expression for the cutoff frequencies of TM modes in a rectangular waveguide,,1,2c mn f m n ==… (14) is very similar to that for TE modes given in (13).It can be shown that if either 0m = or 0n = for TM modes, then 0E H ==. This means that no TM modes with 0m = or 0n = are allowable in a rectangular waveguide.For an X-band waveguide:TM m ,n Mode Cutoff Frequencies m n f c ,mn (GHz)1 1 16.1561 2 30.2482 1 19.753Therefore, no TM modes can propagate in an X-band rectangular waveguide when f < 16.156 GHz.Dominant ModeNote that from 6.56 GHz f ≤≤ 13.12 GHz in the X-band rectangular waveguide, only the TE 10 mode can propagate. This mode is called the dominant mode of the waveguide.See Fig 3.9 in the text for plots of the electric and magnetic fields associated with this mode.TEM ModeThe transverse electric and magnetic (TEM) modes are characterized by 0z E = and 0z H =.In order for this to occur, it can be shown from (3.4) and (3.5) that it is necessary for 0c f =. In other words, there is no cutoff frequency for waveguides that support TEM waves.Rectangular, circular, elliptical, and all hollow, metallic waveguides cannot support TEM waves.It can be shown that at least two separate conductors are required for TEM waves. Examples of waveguides that willallow TEM modes include coaxial cable, parallel plate waveguide, stripline, and microstrip.Microstrip is the type of microwave circuit interconnection that we will use in this course. This “waveguide” will support the “quasi-TEM” mode, which like regular TEM modes has no non-zero cutoff frequency.However, if the frequency is large enough, other modes will begin to propagate on a microstrip. This is usually not a desirable situation.。
微纳米流动和核磁共振技术英文回答:Microfluidics and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are two important technologies that have revolutionized various fields of science and engineering.Microfluidics refers to the study and manipulation of fluids at the microscale level, typically in channels or chambers with dimensions ranging from micrometers to millimeters. It allows precise control and manipulation of small volumes of fluids, enabling a wide range of applications such as chemical analysis, drug delivery systems, and lab-on-a-chip devices. Microfluidic devices are often fabricated using techniques such as soft lithography, which involve the use of elastomeric materials to create microchannels and chambers.NMR, on the other hand, is a powerful analytical technique that utilizes the magnetic properties of atomicnuclei to study the structure and dynamics of molecules. It is based on the principle of nuclear spin, which is the intrinsic angular momentum possessed by atomic nuclei. By subjecting a sample to a strong magnetic field and applying radiofrequency pulses, NMR can provide information about the chemical composition, molecular structure, and molecular interactions of the sample. NMR has diverse applications in fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, and materials science.Microfluidics and NMR can be combined to create powerful analytical tools for studying various biological and chemical systems. For example, microfluidic devices can be used to precisely control the flow of samples and reagents, while NMR can provide detailed information about the composition and structure of the samples. This combination has been used in the development ofmicrofluidic NMR systems, which allow rapid and sensitive analysis of small sample volumes. These systems have been applied in areas such as metabolomics, drug discovery, and environmental monitoring.中文回答:微纳米流体力学和核磁共振技术是两种重要的技术,已经在科学和工程的各个领域引起了革命性的变化。
Magnetism and magnetic properties of materials
Magnetism and magnetic properties ofmaterials介绍磁性及其磁性能是材料科学中很重要的一块,磁性是指物质受到磁场作用时表现出来的各种现象,如吸引或排斥等。
如果表面积为A, 磁通量为Φ,磁化密度J可以用下式表示:J = Φ/A磁性种类物质的磁性取决于其内部的微观结构,不同结构具有不同的磁性。
人类的生存离不开能源和能源使用技术。众所周知, 煤炭、石油、天然气是一次能源,是不可再生的能源,然而 这些能源依然是人类使用能源的主要组成部分。随着工业 的发展,能源危机已经是全人类共同面对的一个重大的问 题,事关人类的生死存亡。人类希望找到永不枯竭的能源 来满足人类不断增长的能源需求。随着科学的发展,各钟 新能源理论也应运而生,如真空能理论、零点能理论、扰 场理论、暗能量暗物质理论等等,有些前沿科学理论还没 有 得 到广 泛 认同,更谈 不上实际应 用。但有一点 是可以肯 定的,我们周围存在着各式各样的能量。这些能源是环境 友 好、没有限制、安 全 稳定的可 再 生能源,这为人 类 研 究 利用新能源提供了新思路。
1 磁能发电理论基础 1.1 电磁感应和传统发电机
英国科学家法拉第在1831年发现了电磁感应现象。法 拉 第通 过 实 验 总 结出了如下定律:电 路中感 应电动势的大 小,跟穿过这一们制造了传统的发电机[1]。
Abstract: Before the discovery of electric current, people have discovered the phenomenon of magnetism. Magnetic f ield is a special kind of material, which has the properties of force and energy. Magnetic f ield has energy.Traditional generator is based on the law of electromagnetic induction and the law of electromagnetic force, the input mechanical energy into electrical energy output.The eff iciency of the traditional generator is less than 1 because of the loss in the working process of the generator.This paper introduces a new type of power generation which is different from the traditional one -- magnetic energy generation, and makes a theoretical exploration.There are basically two forms of magnetic energy generation, one is called constant magnetic type, the other is called electromagnetic type.The permanent magnet magnetic energy generation is to use the magnetization of the permanent magnet magnetic field to convert the additional magnetic energy (zero energy) into electrical energy, which is fundamentally different from the traditional generation mode of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.Magnetic energy generation technology and traditional generators with the use of its power generation eff iciency will be greatly improved.The electromagnetic type uses a special magnetic circuit to amplify the input energy so as to realize the output of electric energ y. Key Words: New energy; Magnetic energy; Technology of Power generation
2019年职称英语理工类A级新增文章篇目(三) Solar Power without Solar Cells太阳能的太阳能电池A dramatic and surprising magnetic effect of light discovered by University of Michigan1 researchers could lead to solar power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells.戏剧性的和令人惊讶的磁光效应发现michigan1大学研究人员可能导致太阳能没有传统的半导体太阳能电池。
The researchers found a way to make an "optical battery," said Stephen Rand, a professor in the departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Physics and Applied Physics.研究人员发现了一种使“光电池,说:”史蒂芬兰德,系教授电气工程与计算机科学,物理和应用物理。
Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect.光的电场和磁场组成部分。
Magnetic Devices For a Beam Energy Recovery THz Free Electron Laser
Magnetic D evices for a Beam Energy RecoveryTHz Free Electron LaserR. R. S. Caetano¹, G. Cernicchiaro², R. M. O. Galvão³1 2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Macaé, R J, Bra z il, rcaetano@macae.ufrj.brCoordenação de Física Aplicada, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bra z il, geraldo@cbpf.br3Instituto de Física USP, São Paulo, SP, Bra z il.Abstract:This paper presents a numerical analysis of magnetic devices, dipole, quadrupole and undulator and a THz Free Electron Laser (FEL) electron-beam recovery system. Free Electron Laser are an important source of coherent radiation being used in the study of chemical properties of substances, thus being an important tool for various fields of science such as condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The magnetic device of this simulation is to contribute to the proposed deployment of a national laboratory for multiuser application and development of a recovery system FEL to operate in the far infrared range between 0.3 to 1.2 THz.Keywords: Free Electron Laser THz, magnetic device, simulation in COMSOL.1.IntroductionFree electron laser can be used are in spectroscopy thus have applications in scientific fields such as medicine, chemistry, condensed matter and biology [1]. Thus the Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) proposed a construction project of a Free Electron Laser (FEL) using the components of a Free Electron Laser of the College of Optics & Photonis (CREOL). The free-electron laser operating in the far infrared range working with wavelengths in the range of 200-600 micrometers. The equipment consists of a linear accelerator that generates electrostatic energy up to 1.7 MeV, a magnetic undulator, which is designed with permanent magnets made from neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) with 185 periods with a wavelength of 8 mm length of 1486 mm and a distance between the undulator cassette (gap) of 6 mm. Has magnetic dipoles and quadrupoles working in optics from the electron beam. The vacuum system is formed by mechanical, ionic pumps and turbomolecular [2], control is being developed for the LabView platform.This paper focuses on the numerical analysis using the COMSOL software of magnetic elements that are the dipole, quadrupole and undulator. These components work changing the trajectory and the size of the electron beam.2.Theory2.1 DipoleT he magnetic dipole is an element that has the function deflect the electron beam [3]. The dipole magnetic field is generated by the electric current passing through the coils. This current in solenoid generates a magnetic flux in the iron core creating a unidirectional magnetic field in between irons given by the right hand rule. The magnitude of the magnetic field can be extracted by Ampere's law gives us the relationship between the electric current and the magnetic field.Figure 1: Magnetic dipole.The dipole magnetic field is given by equation 1 where n is the number of turns, the electrical current I, is the distance between the irons and is the permeability of air.( 1)2.2 QuadrupoleT his component consists of four poles formed by rectangular hyperbolas with alternating magnetic fields, your objective is to change the diameter of the electron beam. The geometry of the quadrupole makes the magnetic field in the core is zero and the magnetic field is generated by modulo magnitude of the field in the x-axis and y-axis [3].Figure 2: Magnetic quadrupole.The quadrupole magnetic field can be calculated from the integration by Ampere's law.( 2)The magnetic field consists of two quadrupole components in the x and y axis, there is a resulting gradient g [T/ m]. Thus, the magnetic field in the x and y axes can be given by the equations , where , and the equation of the resulting magnetic field is equal to:( 3)2.3 UndulatorThe undulator is a mechanical structure consisting of periodic magnets with alternating poles, separated by a distance called (gap). These magnets are made of magnetic material pure permanent magnetic (PPM). This structure causes synchronous radiation be concentrated in a beam, thus reducing the radiation loss.Figure 3: Description of the undulator magnetic.The magnetic undulator field is perpendicular to the x axis, and the direction of the z-axis. Because the poles are alternating magnetic field in the undulator has a sinusoidal behavior as can be seen in equation 4. [4]. Where is the wavelength of the undulator and is the initial magnetic field. In equation 5 we have the initial magnetic field which is a ratio between the gap and the wavelength.(4)(5) e of COMSOL MultiphysicsThe numerical analysis of the dipole, quadrupole and undulator were built using the module AC/DC COMSOL multiphysics. To calculate the magnetic field in the dipole and quadrupole magnetic field the tool was used with the equation 6. In the undulator, the calculation of the initial magnetic field was carried out with the magnetic field in the current tool with the equation 7.(6)(7)3.1 DipoleThe geometry of the dipole was constructed in 3D and has two types of materials are iron, which comprises all the dipole and charge air by the cylindrical shell. Infinite element domain was used for the cylindrical shell for emulating an infinite open space causing all numerical analysis considers the limited space as being infinite.Figure 4. 3D geometry of the magnetic dipole.The interface was used for the dipole Magnetic Field <Ampere Law for the iron structure and for calculating coil was used in Magnetic Field <muti-turn coil <Coil Current Calculation which calculate the magnetic field in the coil according to the current electrical and number of turns. The dipole has 877 turns and the maximum current is 2.5 A.Figure 5. Coil Current Calculation in dipole magnetic.Dipole in the fine mesh, which corresponds to 61114 domain element, boundary element 9728, 1039 edge element was used. The study used for the calculation of the dipole was the Stationary Parametric Sweep and the electric current was applied in order to have values of -2.5 A to +2.5 A.Figure 6: mesh magnetic Dipole.3.2 QuadrupoleThe quadrupole was developed in 3D for its construction it was done primarily in 2D and using the Work Plane tool, after it was extruded to 3D format.Figure7. Quadrupole magnetic geometric in 2D.Figure 8. 3D geometry of the magnetic quadrupole.The materials used in the quadrupole are air and iron and infinite element domain was appliedto the cylindrical shell. To calculate the magneticfield of the quadrupole physical Magnetic Field <Ampere Law, which calculates the magnetic field from the magnetization and uses equation was used , where N is the number of turns, I is the electric current, A is the area and V is the volume of the coil. In the case of quadrupole have 344 turns and the electrical current worth 2.5 A. The magnetization in the quadrupole is oriented in the x and z axes have that each pole has a different orientation.Quadrupole in the mesh extremely fine,which corresponds to 749885 domain element, boundary element 58352, 2772 edge element was used. The study used for the calculation of the quadrupole was the Stationary Parametric Sweep and the electric current was applied in order to have values of -2.5 A to +2.5 A.Figure 9: mesh magnetic quadrupole.3.3 UndulatorFor this work was a session of 3D undulator built with 400 mm in length and can change the wavelength and the distance of the gap. Undulator possessed these variations to resemble the original equipment. The initial magnetic field generated in the undulator does not depend on the distance of the gap but wavelength (equation 5)and thus it is possible to make a comparison between the simulation and the experiment.The materials used were a NdFeB magnetic material is (33SH) and those manufactured with the air gaps 1010 steel, their averages are: x = 10.5 mm, y = 1.3 mm and z = 25 mm and x = 30mm, y = 2 7 mm and z = 13 mm, respectively [5]. On the external surface that is a spherical vacuum volume 220 mm radius of 5mm layer was used.Figure 10. 3D geometry of the magnetic Undulator.T he magnetic field of the undulator was obtained using the Magnetic Field, No current Physical<Magnetic Flux. When applying a magnetic field in a material, the resulting field B is the sum of the applied field H and the field of the magnetized material, as in Equation 8.( 8)Magnetic materials have hysteresis magnetization curves called reduce to zero the magnetic field applied, as can be seen in equation 9 [6].( 9)The magnetization is added in Magnetic flux Conservation, as the magnetization of the magnets are oriented alternately is necessary to indicate the direction of magnetization in this case, the direction is along the x axis. The mesh used was extra fine, possessing 5842814 domain boundary elements 681 250 and 80 793 edge andthe study used was stationary.Figure 11. Mesh Undulator magnetic.6.0 Results 6.1 DipoleThe simulation dipole was constructed to compare the value of the modulus of the magnetic field with the experimental value in Figures 12 and 13 have the simulation results.Figure 12. Magnetic Flux density in an dipolemagnetic device.Figure 13. Graph magnetic field x current electric indipole.Table 1: Comparison of the magnetic field obtained from the simulation and experimental analysis in the dipole magnetic device.The magnetic field values are obtained for the maximum value of electric current of 2.5 A. Thus the table 1 it can be seen that the threevaluesarecloseto a percentage error of 3% between experiment and COMSOL. 6.2 QuadrupoleThe simulation quadrupole was constructed to compare the value of the modulus of the magnetic field with the experimental value in Figures 14 and 15 have the simulation results.Figure 14. Magnetic Flux density in an quadrupolemagnetic device.Figure 15. Graph magnetic field x current electric inquadrupole.Table 2: Comparison of the magnetic field obtained from the simulation and experimental analysis in the quadrupole magnetic device.The magnetic field values are obtained for the maximum value of electric current of 2.5 A. Thus the table 2 it can be seen that the three values are close to a percentage error of 1,9 % between CREOL and experiment.6.3 UndulatorThe simulation study of the undulator was developed for the x axis and y axis. In Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 have a magnetic field initial described in the two axes respectively.Figure 16. Magnetic Flux density in an undulator magnetic device (front view). Figure17. Magnetic field of the undulator gap measured in the z axis direction with respect to distance in the y direction.Figure 18. Magnetic Flux density in an undulator magnetic device (side view).In Figure 19 we have the magnetic field in the undulator which is a sine function according to equation 10, so this simulation is in agreement with theory. In Table 3it canbe observedthat the values stipulated by the project, experiment and COMSOL, so it is possible that there is an error 1% compared to COMSOL and experiment.Figura 19.Undulator magnetic field measured at the gap in the z direction as a function of distance in the x direction.Table 3: Comparison of the magnetic field obtained from the simulation and experimental analysis in the undulator magnetic device.7.0 ConclusionIn this paper we present 3D simulations of the dipole, quadrupole and undulator magnetic elements that are owned by a Thz Free Electron Laser. The results have to numerical simulation results are in agreement with experiment validating the paper. To the next module using the practical tracing in COMSOL, an electron beam will be added with the aim of studying the behavior of the electron beam in magnetic elements.8 Reference[1] S rinivas Krishnagopal*, Vinit Kumar†,Sudipta Maiti, S. S. Prabhu and S. K. Sarkar, "Free-electron lasers.," CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 87,, pp. NO. 8, 25, OCTOBER 2004.[2] M. Tecimer, Time –Domanin analysis andtechnology of THz Free Electron Lasers, Tel –Aviv University. : Faculty of Engineering.Departamento f Electical Engineering –Physical Electronics. , 2005.[3] J. Tanabe, Iron Dominated ElectromagnetsDesign, Fabrication, Assembly and Measurements, 2006.[4] M. D. J. R. Peter Schmüser, Ultraviolet andSoft X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers - Introduction to Physical Principles, Experimental Results, Technological Challenges, Springer, 2009.[5] J. G. L. R. E. Paul P. Tesch, "Finalconstruction of the CREOL 8 mm period hybrid undulator," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A375, pp. 504-507, 1996. [6] R. N. Faria, L.F.C.P. Lima, Introdução aomagnetismo dos materiais, São Paulo: Livraria da Fisica, 2005.。
矿物加工专业英语部分词汇Mineral Processing Technology矿物加工工艺学Principle of magnetism process磁选原理Magnetic force磁力Ratio magnetic force比磁力Compete force竞争力Mineral magnetism矿物的磁性Atomic magnetism moment原子磁矩Molecular magnetism moment分子磁矩Magnetization&magnetic field磁化和磁化磁场Magnetization intensity磁化强度Ratio susceptibility比磁化系数Diamagnetism逆磁性Paramagnetism顺磁性Ferromagnetism铁磁性Magnetic domain磁畴Revers ferromagnetism反铁磁性Subferromagnetism亚铁磁性Coercive force矫顽力Remanence剩磁Magnetization roasting磁化焙烧Deoxidizationroasting还原焙烧Midlle roasting中性焙烧Oxidation roasting氧化焙烧Siderite菱铁矿Hematite赤铁矿Magnetite磁铁矿Unhydrophite magnetization疏水磁化Magnetic process equipment磁选设备Feebleness magnetic separation machine弱磁场磁选机Dry magnetic separation machine干式磁选机Wet feebleness magnetic separation machine湿式弱磁场磁选机High magnetic separation machine强磁场磁选机High grads magnetic sparation machine高梯度磁选机Supercondduct magnetic separation超导电选Concentrator选矿机Electrity process电选Electrity conce ntrator电选机Static separation静电选矿Air-ionization separation电晕分选Friction electric separation摩擦电选Magnetic process practice磁选实践Nonmetal ore非金属矿Diamond process金刚石选矿Heavy medium reclaim重介质回收Primary concentrate粗精矿Graphite gangue石墨尾矿Kaolin magnetic process高岭土磁选Block metal ore黑色金属矿石Manganese ore magnetic process锰矿石磁选Coloured metal&rare metal有色金属和稀有金属Ilmenite钛铁矿Rutile金红石Zircon 锆英石Electric process practice电选实践Tungstate钨酸盐cassiterite锡石hematite.赤铁矿gangue脉石,废石,矸石magnet.磁铁,磁体,磁石conductor mineral导体矿物silicate硅酸盐diatomite硅藻土hysteresis磁滞现象magnetic core.磁铁芯winding绕组,线圈medium介质electrophoresis电泳screening筛分magnetic field磁场flux磁通量ferromagnet铁磁物质ferromagnetism铁磁性reunite团聚magnetic system 磁系magnetic agitate磁搅动permanent magnet永久磁铁solenoid magnet螺管式磁铁pyrite.黄铁矿,硫铁矿limonite褐铁矿reluctivity磁阻率conduct传导induce.诱导,感应,归纳astrict束缚charge电荷electric field.电场interfacial界面的,面间的magnetism吸引力electrode电极,电焊条,电极Strontium&iron oxid锶铁氧体Periodic magnetic field交变磁场Pulsant magnetic field脉动磁场Saturation饱和stainless steel material不锈钢材料polar distance极距mica云母quarte石英stimulate magnetism激磁magnetism circuit磁路magnetic line of force磁力线commutate quality整流性floatation浮选froth flotation泡沫浮选direct flotation正浮选reverse flotation反浮选fineness of grinding磨矿细度fractionation分级mineral wettability矿物润湿性mineral flotability矿物的可浮性equilibrium contact angle平衡接触角three phaseinterface三相界面hydrophobicity of mineral矿物的疏水性hydrophilicity of mineral矿物的亲水性foam adhesion泡沫附着ionic lattice离子晶格covalence lattice共价晶格surface inhomogeneity表面的不均匀性oxidation and dissolution氧化与溶解oxidizing agent氧化剂reduction agent还原剂surface modification of mineral矿物的表面改性electric double layer双电层ionization电离adsorption吸附electrokinetic potential电动电位point of zero charge零电点isoelectric point等电点collecting agent捕收剂semi micelle adsorption半胶束吸附exchange adsorption交换吸附competitiv eadsorption竞争吸附specific adsorption特性吸附modifying agent调整剂depressant抑制剂activating agent活化剂foaming agent起泡剂hydrophilic group亲水基团liberation degree解离度polar group极性基团nonpolar group非极性基团sulphide ore硫化矿物oxidized mineral氧化矿物xanthate黄药hydrolysis水解medicamentous selectivity药剂的选择性catchment action捕收作用electrochemical action电化学作用pyrite黄铁矿calcite方解石alkyl radical烃基含氧酸organic amine有机胺类carboxylate surfactant羧酸盐kerosene煤油amphoteric collector两性两捕收剂alkyl radical sulfonate烃基磺酸盐complex络合物PH modifying agent PH调整剂long-chain molecule长链分子chalcopyrite黄铜矿galena方铅矿blende闪锌矿oxidized ore氧化矿flocculant絮凝剂non-hydronium flocculant非离子型絮凝剂desorption解吸air bladder气泡solubility溶解度specific surface area比表面积mineral resources矿源three phase air bladder三相气泡ore magma electric potential矿浆电位mixed potential model混合电位模型freedom hydrocarbon diversification自由烃变化electrostatic pull静电引力intermolecular force分子间力goethite针铁矿semi micelle ads orption半胶束吸附concentration of solution溶液浓度flotation machine浮选机oxygenation充气作用recovery 回收率concentrate grade精矿品位handling capacity处理能力air bladder collision气泡碰撞flotation column浮选柱ore concentration dressing富集作用floatation process浮选工艺floatation speed浮选速率flotation circuit浮选流程granularity粒度degree of fineness细度pulp density矿浆浓度water quality水质backwater回水middlings中矿run of mine原矿gangue尾矿flotation principle flow浮选原则流程rate of divergence分散程度dispersant分散剂semiconductivity of mineral矿物半导性reagent removal agent脱药剂采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining,open pit mining,surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing,orebeneficiation,mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering冶金(学)metallurgy过程冶金(学)process metallurgy提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy金属学Metallkunde冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering冶金工程metallurgical engineering钢铁冶金(学)ferrousmetallurgy,metallurgy of iron and steel有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy铸造学foundry火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy电冶金(学)electrometallurgy氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanicmining,marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration 矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity 矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics 3选矿选矿厂concentrator,mineral processing plant工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine,crude 精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening,sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation,gravity concentration磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石barite discharge opening卸料口discharge outlet卸料口discharge pipe排出管discharge point卸载站discharge time卸载时间discharge trough排矿槽discharger卸载机discharging platform卸料平台discontinuity不连续性discontinuous不连续的discovery发现disintegration粉碎disintegrator粉碎机disk圆盘disk bit盘状冲魂头disk brake盘式制动器disk conveyor盘式运输机disk crusher盘式破碎机disk cutter圆盘式截煤机disk feeder转盘给矿机disk filter圆盘过滤机disk grizzly圆盘滚轴筛disk pulverizer盘式粉磨机disk valve圆盘阀dislocation转位dismantling分解dispatcher等员dispersant分散剂disperse分散dispersing agent分散剂dispersion分散dispersion medium 分散介体dispersity分散度displacement位移display显示装置disposition配置disruption破裂disruptive explosive爆裂性炸药dissemination矿染dissoci ate离解dissociation离解dissolubility溶解性dissoluble可溶的dissolution溶解dissoluvability溶解性dissoluvable可溶的dissolvant溶剂dissolve溶解dissolved gas drive溶解气驱dissolvent溶剂distance control远距控制disthene蓝晶石distillation蒸馏distillator蒸馏器distilled water蒸馏水distiller蒸馏器distortion变形distribute分配distributing conveyor分配输送机distributing trough布料槽distributing valve分配阀distribution分配distributor分配器district地区disulfide二硫化物disulphide二硫化物ditch沟道ditch and trench excavator挖沟机ditch blasting开沟爆破ditch excavator挖沟机ditcher挖沟机divergence发散divergency发散divide分水岭divider罐粱;罐梁;分隔器division分割;区域division surface分界面divisional plane节理do jiargillaceous rock泥质岩do jiarsenolite砷华do jiblastproof防爆的do jibolter筛do jibrittle脆的dobie blasting糊炮dock栈桥dog把手dolerite粗玄岩dolly way栈桥dolomite白云石dolomitization白云石化dolomization白云石化dome穹domeykite砷铜矿donarite道纳瑞特炸药door门door regulator第风门door stoop井筒安全柱door tender看门工door trapper看门工dope吸收剂dopplerite灰色沥青dormant fire潜伏火灾dorr classifier道尔型分级机dorr thickener道尔型浓缩机dosimeter剂量计dosing配量dosing tank计量箱double二重的double bank cage双层式罐笼double barrel复式岩心管double chain conveyor双链刮板输送机double deck cage双层式罐笼doubledeck screen双层筛double drum air driven hoist风动双滚筒绞车double drum hoist双滚筒绞车double drum scraper hoist双滚筒扒矿绞车double drum separator双浓筒磁选机double drum winch双滚筒绞车double entry双平巷double intakes双进风道double parting错车道double reduction gearbox两级减速装置double roll crusher双辊破碎机double stage compressor双级压气机double track haulage roadway双轨运输巷道double track heading双线平巷double tracked incline双轨斜井double tracked plane双轨上山double tube core barrel复式岩心管double union双键double unit双工炸区double up post补充柱dovetail joint鸠尾接合dowel 合缝销down grade下坡down to earth salt production地下岩盐开采downcast air进风downcast shaft进风井downcut下部掏槽downdraft下向通风downhole向下炮眼downpour注下downward下向的downward current下降流下向流downward mining下行开采downward ventilation下向通风downward working下行开采dozer推土机draft通风draft tube吸入管drag bar conveyor刮板运输机drag classifier刮板分级机drag conveyor刮板运输机dragline朔挖掘机dragline excavator朔挖掘机dragline tower excavator塔式朔挖掘机dragscraper刮土铲运机dragshovel刮土铲运机drain排水管drain adit排水平峒drain cock放水旋塞drain line排水管道drain opening排水囗drain outlet排水囗drain pipe排水管drain pump排水泵drain sump集水仓drain tap放水旋塞drain tube排水管drain valve放泄阀drainage排水drainage adit排水平峒drainage area排水面积drainage channel排水沟drainage conveyor脱水输送机drainage elevator 脱水提升机drainage facilities排水设备drainage gallery排水平硐dra inage hole放泄孔drainage level排水平巷drainage network排水网drainage property透水性drainage pump排水泵drainage screen脱水筛drainage shaft排水井drainage sieve脱水筛drainage works排水工作draining排水draught通风draught tube吸管drawbar牵引杆drawing回收drawing back of pillars后退式回采矿柱drawing height提升高度drawing hoist回柱绞车drawing machine提升绞车drawing program放矿计划drawing rate放矿速度drawing shaft提升井drawpoint brow放矿点口dredge挖掘船dredge pump吸泥泵dredger挖掘船dredging挖出dredging engine挖泥机dresser选矿工dressing刃磨dressing expenses选矿费dressing machine锻钎机dressing method连矿法dressing plant选矿厂dressing works选矿厂drier干燥机drift平硐drift angle偏差角drift bed冲积层drift conveyer水平坑道运输机drift drill架式凿岩机drift miner巷道掘进工drift mining平硐开采drift pillar平巷矿柱drift way水平巷道driftage 巷道掘进drifter架式凿岩机drifting巷道掘进drifting machine架式凿岩机drifting method掘进法drill钎杆drill adapter钻杆卡头drill autofeeder自动推进装置drill bar钻杆drill bit钎头drill bit gage loss钻头直径磨损量drill blower钻机吹粉器drill bortz钻用金刚石drill carriage凿岩机drill chuck钻头夹盘drill column钻杆柱drill core钻机岩心drill cuttings钻粉drill hammer凿岩机drill hole排放钻孔drill hole depth钻孔深度drill hole wall钻孔壁drill jumbo凿岩机drill maker锻钎机drill man凿岩工drill mounting钻机架drill pipe钻杆drill pipe cutter套管内切刀drill piston风钻活塞drill point angle钻尖角drill pump钻机泵drill rig钻车drill rod钻杆drill rope钻井钢丝绳drill round炮眼组drill steel钻钢drill stem钻杆drill team钻探队drill tower钻塔drill truck钻车drill unit钻孔设备drill water hose凿岩机供水软管drill water pipe钻机冲洗水管drillability可钻性drillability index可钻性指数driller凿岩工drillhole burden炮眼的负裁drilling穿孔drilling and blasting operation打眼放炮工作drilling cable钻井钢丝绳drilling cost打钻费drilling device钻眼装置drilling dust钻粉drilling equipment钻孔设备drilling exploration钻孔勘探drilling fluid钻孔液体drilling head钻头drilling hole钻孔drilling jumbo钻车drilling line钻井钢丝绳drilling machine钻孔机drilling meal钻粉drilling method钻进方法drilling mud钻泥drilling out fit钻孔设备drilling pattern炮孔排列法drilling pipe钻杆drilling platform 钻井平台drilling rate钻孔速度drilling rope钻井钢丝绳drilling shift 钻眼班drilling speed钻孔速度drilling staging凿岩台drilling steel钻钢drilling time钻孔时间drilling tool钻具drillings钻粉drillmobile钻车drip滴drip proof protection防滴保护drivage巷道掘进drivage efficiency掘进效率drivage method掘进法drive chain传动链drive head 传动机头drive rod传动钻杆drive shaft传动轴drive sprocket传动链轮drive sprocket wheel传动链轮driven pulley从动driven shaft从动轴driver掘进工driving冲击driving belt传动带driving chain传动链driving force传动力driving mechanism传动机构driving openings巷道掘进driving place掘进现场driving pulley织皮带轮driving shaft传动轴driving speed掘进速度driving terminal传动站driving up the pitch倾斜掘进drop滴drop bottom cage落底式罐笼drop bottom car底卸式车drop cage翻转罐笼drop crusher冲唤破碎机drop crushing落锤破碎drop end car端卸车drop hammar打桩落锤drop hammer test落锤试验drop pit溜道drop shaft沉井drop side car侧卸车drop test落锤试验dropper支脉drossy coal劣质煤drowned mine淹没的矿drowned pump浸没泵drum筒drum feeder转筒给料机drum filter鼓式过滤器drum screen滚筒筛drum separator圆筒式分选机drum switch鼓形开关drum to rope ratio筒径绳径比drum type feeder转筒给料机drum winder滚筒式提升机drumlin鼓丘druse晶洞drusy晶洞dry干燥dry assay干法试金dry cleaning干选dry coal preparation干法选煤dry cobbing干法磁选dry compressor气冷压气机dry concentration干选dry concentrator干式选矿机dry digging干料挖掘dry drilling干式钻眼dry feeder干给矿机dry grinding干磨dry magnetic dressing干法磁选dry magnetic separation干法磁选dry method 干式法dry mill干磨机dry milling干磨dry packing干式充填dry separation干选dry sieving干法筛分dry stowing干式充填dry treatment 干处理dryer干燥机dryer drum干燥机滚筒drying干燥drying chamber干燥室drying cylinder干燥筒drying room干燥室ds blasting秒延迟爆破duct 导管ductility延性ductwork通风管道duff dust末煤dufrenite绿磷铁矿dull coal暗煤dumm drift盲道dummy drift独头巷道dummy roadway石垛平巷dummy shaft暗井dumortierite蓝线石dump堆dump body truck自卸式载重汽车dump car翻斗车dump house翻车房dump leaching堆积沥滤dump pocket倾卸仓dump skip倾卸箕斗dump truck自卸式载重汽车dumper翻车机dumping翻卸dumping place倾卸场dumping station倾卸站dumping track倾卸线dumping wagon翻斗车dunite纯橄榄岩dunn bass泥质页岩duplex二倍的duplex compressor双动压气机duplex jig双室跳汰机duplex table双摇床durability耐久性durable耐久的durain暗煤型duration经久duration of cycle循环时间durite暗煤型durometer硬度计dust allayer集尘器dust barrier岩粉棚dust catcher集尘器dust catching efficiency集尘效率dust catching plant集尘装置dust chamber集尘室dust coal粉煤dust collection集尘dust concentration尘末浓度dust consolidation尘末结合dust content含尘率dust control防尘dust counter尘度计dust distributor撒岩粉器dust explosion尘末爆炸dust extraction除尘dust extractor吸尘器dust filter滤尘器dust flotation矿尘浮选dust ladenair含尘空气dust lung尘肺病dust mask防尘面具dust monitor吸尘器dust ore粉状矿石dust phthisis尘肺病dust precipitation煤尘沉降dust prevention防尘dust proof防尘的dust protective mask防尘面具dust recovery收尘dust removal除尘dust separator离尘器dust settli ng尘末沉淀dust tight防尘的dust yield生尘量dustfree drilling无尘钻眼dustiness含尘量dustiness index含尘指数dusting生尘dustless drilling无尘钻眼dusty air含尘空气dusty mine多尘矿井duty能率dyke岩脉dynamic动力的dynamic balance动态平衡dynamic characteristic动态特性dynamic effect动态效应dynamic equillibrium动态平衡dynamic load动负载dynamic pressure动压dynamic stress动力应力dynamics动力学dynamite疵麦特dynamite magazine炸药房dynamomorphism动力变质dynamometer测力计dynamometry测力法dynamon辞蒙炸药dyscrasite锑银矿mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床galena方铅矿sphalerite闪锌矿cassiterite锡石isomorphism类质同像olivine橄榄石polymorphism同质多象,多形性graphite石墨chalk白垩clay黏土granite花岗岩rock岩石igneous火成的magma岩浆feldspar长石quartz石英mica云母pyrite黄铁矿gangue脉石nonferrous非铁的tailing尾矿grade品位concentrate精矿,富集,浓缩concentration富集,浓缩bauxite铝土矿fluorite萤石barite重晶石as-mined ore原矿石,采出矿石run-of-mine ore原矿石oredressing矿石拣选,选矿mineral dressing矿物拣选,选矿milling磨,制粉,选矿hydrometallurgical湿法冶金学的recovery回收,回收率liberation解离,释放,解放comminution粉碎crushing破碎,碎矿grinding研磨,磨矿comminute使成粉末,粉碎overgrind过粉碎,过磨sorting拣选,分选hand selection手选froth flotation泡沫浮选specific gravity比重affinity吸引力,亲和力avid亲的,渴望的agitate搅拌pulp矿浆ferromagnetic铁磁的,强磁的magnetite磁铁矿paramagnetic顺磁性的wolframite黑钨矿hematite赤铁矿magnetic separation磁选beneficiation选矿high-tension separation高压分选,高压电选dielectric电介质,绝缘体roasting煅烧,焙烧calcination煅烧colloidal胶质的,胶体的sizing筛分screen筛子,筛分机classifier分级机dewatering脱水thickener浓密机filter过滤机drier干燥机,干燥剂misplaced误选的,混杂的ultra-fine超细的phosphate磷酸盐tin锡chalcopyrite黄铜矿end product最终产品ratio of concentration选矿比carat克拉enrichment ratio富集比excavate挖掘,采掘scraper电铲conveyor运输机carrier矿石搬运quarry采石场,采石blasting爆破compression压力,压缩compressive压力的,压缩的abrasion研磨reduction ratio破碎比tumbling mills滚筒磨矿机slurry矿浆crystalline结晶的array排列,行列configuration构型,排列,轮廓physical bond物理键chemical bond化学键lattice晶格,格子,点阵inter-atomic bond原子键tensile张力,拉力stress应力flaw裂隙matrix矩阵,排列perpendicular垂直的critical临界的crack tip l裂隙末端rupture破裂,断裂propagation传播brittle脆性的elastic弹性amenable改善的,有利于,易于oxidizing氧化strain应变,变形,拉紧plasticflow塑性流动molecule分子surfactant表面活性剂attrition磨损,研磨消耗shear剪切力discern分辨,辨识projection凸出部分corrugated波纹状的gravity separation重力分离reagent药剂incorporate结合,合并ecological生态学地concentration criterion可选性准则quotient商,系数feasible可行的in accordance with与…相一致friction摩擦slime矿泥obscure含糊的,模糊地degradation降低multi-spigot多排矿管的hydrosizer水力分级机jig跳汰机pulp-density矿浆浓度nucleonic density gauge核浓度表settling cones浓密斗hydrocyclone水力旋流器degradation细化magnetic separation磁选ferrous mineral黑色金属矿物non-ferrous mineral有色金属矿物magnetic field磁场magnetic susceptibility磁化率,磁化系数paramagnetic顺磁性的diamagnetic逆磁性的siderite菱铁矿contaminant污染物质,杂质magnetism磁性,磁力,磁性现象remanence剩磁,剩余磁感应magnetic remanence顽磁magnetic induction磁感应强度Oersted奥斯特Tesla特斯拉by convention按照惯例iron-bearing含铁的magnetic permeability磁导率magnetic field gradient磁场梯度intensity of magnetization磁化强度drag force介质阻力levitation浮起,升起bulk-oil floatation全油浮选skin floatation表层浮选froth floatation泡沫浮选sift out淘汰phsico-chemical物理化学的pulp矿浆,纸浆direct flotation正浮选reverse flotation反浮选hydrophobic疏水的affinity亲和力,吸引力contact angle接触角floatability可浮性,浮动性aerophilic亲气的surge tank缓冲槽,振动箱distributor分配器,分矿器flotation circuit浮选回路,浮选流程flowsheet流程peripheral data辅助数据,其他资料batch flotation cell单槽浮选机,挂槽浮选机pneumatic machine充气浮选机flotation column浮选柱cascade cell喷流槽,泄落槽baffle导流板,栅板permeable base有孔底板sub-aeration machine底部充气浮选机impeller叶轮blade叶片,刀刃overflow weir溢流堰overflowlip溢流口scavenger扫选槽scavenge扫选、rougher粗选槽rough粗选cleaner cell精选槽clean精选特别声明:1:资料来源于互联网,版权归属原作者2:资料内容属于网络意见,与本账号立场无关3:如有侵权,请告知,立即删除。
矿物加工工艺学(浮选部分)英文词汇floatation 浮选frothflotation泡沫浮选directflotation正浮选reverseflotation反浮选finenessofgrinding磨矿细度fractionation分级mineralwettability矿物润湿性mineralflotability矿物的可浮性equilibriumcontactangle平衡接触角threephaseinterface三相界面hydrophobicityofmineral矿物的疏水性hydrophilicityofmineral矿物的亲水性foamadhesion泡沫附着ioniclattice离子晶格covalencelattice共价晶格surfaceinhomogeneity表面的不均匀性oxidationanddissolution氧化与溶解oxidizingagent氧化剂reductionagent还原剂surfacemodificationofmineral矿物的表面改性electricdoublelayer双电层ionization电离adsorption吸附electrokineticpotential电动电位pointofzerocharge零电点isoelectricpoint等电点collectingagent捕收剂semimicelleadsorption半胶束吸附exchangeadsorption交换吸附competitiveadsorption竞争吸附specificadsorption特性吸附modifyingagent调整剂depressant抑制剂activatingagent活化剂foamingagent起泡剂hydrophilicgroup亲水基团liberationdegree解离度polargroup极性基团nonpolargroup非极性基团sulphideore硫化矿物oxidizedmineral氧化矿物xanthate黄药hydrolysis水解medicamentousselectivity药剂的选择性catchmentaction捕收作用electrochemicalaction电化学作用pyrite黄铁矿calcite方解石alkylradical烃基含氧酸organicamine有机胺类carboxylatesurfactant羧酸盐kerosene煤油amphotericcollector两性两捕收剂alkylradicalsulfonate烃基磺酸盐complex络合物pHmodifyingagentpH调整剂long-chainmolecule长链分子chalcopyrite黄铜矿galena方铅矿blende闪锌矿oxidizedore氧化矿flocculant絮凝剂non-hydroniumflocculant非离子型絮凝剂desorption解吸airbladder气泡solubility溶解度specificsurfacearea比表面积mineralresources矿源threephaseairbladder三相气泡oremagmaelectricpotential矿浆电位mixedpotentialmodel混合电位模型freedomhydrocarbondiversification自由烃变化electrostaticpull静电引力intermolecularforce分子间力goethite针铁矿semimicelleadsorption半胶束吸附concentrationofsolution溶液浓度flotationmachine浮选机oxygenation充气作用recovery回收率concentrategrade精矿品位handlingcapacity处理能力airbladdercollision气泡碰撞flotationcolumn浮选柱oreconcentrationdressing富集作用floatationprocess浮选工艺floatationspeed浮选速率flotationcircuit浮选流程granularity粒度degreeoffineness细度pulpdensity矿浆浓度waterquality水质backwater回水middlings中矿runofmine原矿gangue脉矿flotationprincipleflow浮选原则流程rateofdivergence分散程度dispersant分散剂semiconductivityofmineral矿物半导性reagentremovalagent脱药剂矿物加工工艺学(重选部分)英文词汇gravityconcentration重力选矿Abkhazite透闪石棉Amiantus石棉acceptanceoperation矿石预选Acclivity斜面airbornedust大气浮尘airconveying风力输送amplitudeofvibration振幅ancillarymineral伴生矿物apparentviscosity视粘度artificialbedding人工床层attle废石averagegraindiameter平均粒径axialmotion轴向运动backwashwater冲洗水backwater筛下水barite菱镁蛇纹岩barrenrock脉石beachore砂矿bedseparation分层bevelangle倾斜角buddle淘洗盘buddlejig动筛跳汰机buoyancy浮力buoyantweight悬浮重量Caplastometer粘度计Centipoises厘泊Centrifugalfield离心力场Centrifugaljig离心跳汰机Circular圆形跳汰机Centrifuge离心机Classificationefficiency分级效率Classifier分级机Classifieroverflow分级机溢流Classifiersand分级机返砂Closesizing窄级分级Clasterofparticles颗粒群Coarsefeed粗粒给料Cyclone水力旋流器Cassiterite锡石Dilated松散床层dimensionlessparameter无因次参数duplextable双层摇床diaphragmjig隔膜跳汰机dwindlesout尖灭filmconcentration流膜选矿finalvelocity末速度freesettlingparticle自由沉降颗粒freesettlingratio自由沉降比gravityconcentrate重选精矿gravitytailings重选尾矿galena方铅矿ironorepellet铁矿球团jigcycle跳汰周期heavyliquid重液heavy-mediaseparator重介质分选heavy-mediasuspension重介质悬浮液hydraulicanalysis水力分析high-weirspiralclassifier高堰式螺旋分级机hinderedsettling干涉沉降HMS-flotationmethod重介质浮选联合分选Hydrocyclone水力旋流器Laundering溜槽选矿low-weirspiralclassier低堰式螺旋分级机mediumrecoveryscreen介质回收筛meerschaum海泡石menachanite钛铁砂outervortex外螺旋线particlediameter颗粒直径particleshape颗粒形状particlesizeaccumulation粒度累积曲线partitionsize分离粒度jigging跳汰选矿regenerateddensemedium重介质再生sandtable矿砂摇床scalpingscreen脱介筛settingvessel沉降速度shakingtable摇床sievecompartment筛网室simplexspiral单螺旋分级机sinusoidalwave单层摇床sizinganalysis粒度分析silica硅石sphericalparticle球形颗粒spheroid似球形spindle针状形spiralchute螺旋溜槽spiralconcentrator螺旋选矿机stiction静摩擦submergedspiraltypeclassifler沉没式分级机suctionbailer吸入作用table摇床tableriffle摇床格条tablecircuit摇床流程tabletailing摇床尾矿tableflotation台浮talcum滑石taraspite白云石wedgeangle锥角(100)weight重力矿物加工工艺学(磁电选矿部分)英文词汇MineralProcessingTechnology矿物加工工艺学Principleofmagnetismprocess磁选原理Magneticforce磁力Ratiomagneticforce比磁力Competeforce竞争力Mineralmagnetism矿物的磁性Atomicmagnetismmoment原子磁矩Molecularmagnetismmoment分子磁矩Magnetization&magneticfield磁化和磁化磁场Magnetizationintensity磁化强度Ratiosusceptibility比磁化系数Diamagnetism逆磁性Paramagnetism顺磁性Ferromagnetism铁磁性Magneticdomain磁畴Reversferromagnetism反铁磁性Subferromagnetism亚铁磁性Coerciveforce矫顽力Remanence剩磁Magnetizationroasting磁化焙烧Deoxidizationroasting还原焙烧Midlleroasting中性焙烧Oxidationroasting氧化焙烧Siderite菱铁矿Hematite赤铁矿Magnetite磁铁矿Unhydrophitemagnetization疏水磁化Magneticprocessequipment磁选设备Feeblenessmagneticseparationmachine弱磁场磁选机Drymagneticseparationmachine干式磁选机Wetfeeblenessmagneticseparationmachine湿式弱磁场磁选机Highmagneticseparationmachine强磁场磁选机Highgradsmagneticsparationmachine高梯度磁选机Supercondductmagneticseparation超导电选Concentrator选矿机Electrityprocess电选Electrityconcentrator电选机Staticseparation静电选矿Air-ionizationseparation电晕分选Frictionelectricseparation摩擦电选Magneticprocesspractice磁选实践Nonmetalore非金属矿Diamondprocess金刚石选矿Heavymediumreclaim重介质回收Primaryconcentrate粗精矿Graphitegangue石墨尾矿Kaolinmagneticprocess高岭土磁选Blockmetalore黑色金属矿石Manganeseoremagneticprocess锰矿石磁选Colouredmetal&raremetal有色金属和稀有金属Ilmenite钛铁矿Rutile金红石Zircon锆英石Electricprocesspractice电选实践Tungstate钨酸盐cassiterite锡石hematite赤铁矿gangue脉石,废石,矸石magnet磁铁,磁体,磁石conductormineral导体矿物silicate硅酸盐diatomite硅藻土hysteresis磁滞现象magneticcore.磁铁芯winding绕组,线圈medium介质electrophoresis电泳screening筛分magneticfield磁场flux磁通量ferromagnet铁磁物质ferromagnetism铁磁性reunite团聚magneticsystem磁系magneticagitate磁搅动permanentmagnet永久磁铁solenoidmagnet螺管式磁铁pyrite黄铁矿,硫铁矿limonite褐铁矿reluctivity磁阻率conduct传导induce诱导,感应,归纳astrict束缚charge电荷electricfield.电场interfacial界面的,面间的magnetism吸引力electrode 电极,电焊条,电极Strontium&ironoxid锶铁氧体Periodicmagneticfield交变磁场Pulsantmagneticfield脉动磁场Saturation饱和stainlesssteelmaterial不锈钢材料polardistance极距mica云母quarte石英stimulatemagnetism激磁magnetismcircuit磁路magneticlineofforce磁力线commutatequality整流性FlatationreagentprofessionalwordsAbsorption吸收Absorptionband吸收光谱带Abstract抽出,提取Abundance丰富,丰度Accelerant促进剂Acceptance验收,接收Accumulate积累,聚集Accuracy准确度Acctate醋酸盐Acctamide乙酰胺Acid酸,酸的Acidanion酸性阴离子Acidation酸化Aciddepression加酸抑制Acidhydrolysis加酸水解Acintol妥尔油制品Acrylicamide丙烯酰胺Activate活化Activatedadsorption活性吸附Activatedmolecule活化分子Activatedeffect活化作用Activator活化剂,活性剂Acto精制石油磺酸钠Acylamide酰胺Addition加添Adhere粘附,附着Adhesioncoefficient粘着系数Adhesive粘合剂Adhesivetension胶结张力界面吸引力Adion吸附离子Adsorbate吸附物Adsorbent吸附剂Adsorptionisotherm吸附等温线Adsorptionlayer吸附层Aero美国氰胺公司的药剂品牌号Aerofloat美国氰胺公司的黑药牌号Aerofloc絮凝剂牌号Aerofroth起泡剂牌号Aeromine阳离子型表面活性剂Aeropromoter促进剂牌号Aerosol润湿剂牌号AerosurfMG-98A醚胺醋酸盐Agglomerant团聚的凝结剂Agglomerationflotation团聚浮选Aggregateoflargemolecules大分子团Aiv-avid亲气的Aiv-mineraladhesion空气-矿物粘附Alamine胺的牌号Alcohol醇Alcoholfrother醇类起泡剂Aliphat-妥尔油脂肪酸牌号Aliphaticalcohol脂肪醇Aliphaticacid脂肪酸Aliphaticamine脂肪胺Aliphaticdydrocarbon脂肪烃Aliquat苯胺盐牌号Alkali碱Alkaliuity碱度,碱性Alkane链烷,烷烃Alkoxy-烷氧基Alkoxyamine烷氧胺Alkoxybenzene烷氧基苯Alkyl-烷基Alkylalcoholsulfate烷基醇硫酸盐Alkylamine脂肪胺Alkylarsonicacid烷基砷酸Alkylarylsulfonate烷基芳基磺酸盐Aldylhydroxamicacid烷基羟污酸Alkylphosphate烷基磷酸盐Alkylsodiumsulfonate烷基磺酸钠All-flotationapproach全浮处理法Allowance允许,公差All-purpose通用的Amine胺的牌号Amino-acid氨基酸Ammonia氨Amphateric两性的Amphotericsurfactant两性表面活性剂Starch淀粉Analysis分析Angle角,角度Anion阴离子Anioncollector捕收剂Anode阳极,正极Anti-corrosivecoating防腐浮层Antifoamer消泡剂Apparenthardness表现硬度Applicability活用性,适应性Aquaion水合离子Aquation水合作用Armeen胺的牌号ArosurfMG醚胺的牌号Affachedbubble粘附气泡Bagolax甲基纤维素Barrett煤焦杂酚油牌号Benzylalcohol苯甲醇Bromoform溴仿,三溴甲烷Bubble气泡,泡沫Bubbler气泡器Butyl丁基Butylaerofoat丁基黑药Calciumoxide氧化钙Capillary毛细管,毛细作用Carbitol卡必醇Carbohydrate碳水化合物Cation阳离子Cationiccollector阳离子捕收CellulosiceCMC羧甲基纤维素Charge电荷,充电Chelate螯合物Chelateeffect螯合效应Chelationgroup螯合基团Chemicaladsorption化学吸附Chemicaloreprocessing化学选矿Chloroaceticacid氯乙酸Cohesion粘结力凝聚力Collector捕收剂Colloid胶体Creosoteoil杂酚油CriticalPHvalue临界PH值Concentrategrade精矿品位Concentration精选、富集Cyanide氰化物Daxad烷基磺酸钠Deflocculator反絮凝剂Defoamer消泡剂Dehydratingagent脱水剂Dehydrogenation脱氧Delamine妥尔油胺Denseliqued重液Depressant抑制剂Desorbent解吸剂Deslimie脱泥Desludgingagent脱泥剂Dicarboxylicacid二羟酸Dodecylamine十二胺,月桂胺Dodecylalcohol十二烷醇Dodecylamine-hydrochloride十二胺盐酸盐Dresinate松脂酸皂捕收剂Dualcleaning二重精选Duponol烷基硫酸钠牌号Dust-allayingmedium防尘剂Dynamicbalance动态平衡Efficiency效率,功效Electrochemicalapproach电化学处理法Electro-kineticpotential动电势Electrostaticattraction静电吸引Emulsifyingagent乳化剂Extract提取,萃取Ferricsulfate硫酸铁Flotation浮选矿物加工工艺常用词汇(一)1选矿-Mineralseparation(oredressing) 2设计-Design3工艺-Process(craftwork)4初步设计-Initiative(preliminary)design 5流程-Flow(circuit) 6流程图-flowsheet7施工设计-workingdesign 8设计方案-designproject 9粉碎-comminution10磨矿-grinding11浮选-flotation12脱水-dehydration13干燥车间-dryingshop14尾矿-tailing15精矿-concentrate16中矿-middles17精选-concentration18粗选-firstconcentration20选矿机-concentrator21矿浆orepulp22分级-classification22磨矿-grinding23磨矿机-grindingmills24筛分-screen25粉碎-crush26筛分机-screener27粉碎机-crusher28颚式粉碎机-jawcrusher29圆锥粉碎机-conecrusher30冲击式粉碎机impactcrusher 31辊式粉碎机-crusherrolls32球磨机-ballmill33棒磨机-rodmill34自磨机-autogenousmills35震动筛-vibratoryscreener36分级机-classificationequipment 37浮选-flotation38浮选机-flotationequipment39重选-gravityconcentration40特殊选-specialselection41浮选柱-flotationcolumn42脱水机-spin-drier43干燥机-drier44总图-generalchart45配置-deploy46运输-transport47环境保护-environmentprotect 48场址-fieldlocation(site)49布置-lay50设计资料-designinformation 51粉碎流程-comminutionflow 52磨矿流程-grindingflow(circuit) 53浮选流程-flotationflow54金属矿-metallicmines55非金属矿-non-metallicmines 56闭路-closecircuit(loop)57闭路流程-closeflow58开路-cutcircuit(loop)59开路流程-cutflow 60废水-liquidwaste61粉尘-powder62噪声-yawp63污染-contamination64沉淀-formsediment65净化-decontaminate66输送-transportation67矿石-ore68物料-material69给矿-feedores70给料-feedstuff71设备-equipment72方案-project73标高-elevation74通道-passage75维修-maintain76检查-check77操作-operation78化验-test、assay79检测-examine80坡度-gradient81起重机-crane82堆积-accumulation83细粒-granule、fine84粗粒-coarse85尾矿坝-tailingdam86矿仓-feedbin(storehouse)87粉矿仓-crushingpocket88产品仓-productbin(storehouse) 89砂泵-pump90立式泵-standpump91卧式泵-horizontalpump92耐酸泵-acid-proofpump93耐碱泵-alkali-resistantpump94勘察-reconnaissance95地形-landform96工程-engineering97设计步骤designprocess98规模-scale99选矿厂-concentratingmill100设计内容designcontent (二)1comminution-粉碎2comminutionengineering-粉碎工程3粉碎机-comminuter4粉碎动力学-comminutionkinetics 5筛分曲线图-screenanalysischart 6筛孔-screenaperture7筛面-screenarea8筛条screenbar9筛框-screenbox10筛选厂-screenbuilding11筛分机生产能力screencapacity12筛分槽-screencell13筛布-screencloth14筛分screenclassification15筛孔-screenhole16筛分车间-screenhouse17筛分分析-screenanalysis18滚筒筛-screening-drum19筛分效率-screeningefficiency20筛分速率-screeningrate21筛网-screenmesh22筛制、筛比、筛序-screenscale23筛孔尺寸-screensize24套筛-screenset25筛序-screensizegradation26筛余物screentailings27筛下产品-screenthroughs(underflow.undersize) 28可碎性crushability29可碎性系数-crushabilityfactor30碎矿仓-crushedorepocket31粉碎产品-crushedproduct32粉碎粒度-crushersize33粉碎腔-crushingcavity34粉碎厂-crushingplant35粉碎系数-crushingcoefficient36粉碎工段-crushiongsection37助磨剂-grindingaid38磨球-grindingball39磨矿负荷-grindingcharge40磨矿效率-grindingefficiency41磨矿-grindingore42磨砾-grindingpebble43磨碎能力-grindingproperty44研磨试验grindingtest45磨矿设备-grindingunit46磨矿速度-grindingrate47磨矿功率-grindingpower48磨矿车间-grindingplant49可磨性-grindability50可磨性指数-grindabilityindex51可磨性指标-grindabilityrating52可磨性试验-grindabilitytest53研磨工-grinder54磨工车间-grindery 55磨矿动力学-grindingkinetics56粉碎能-crushingenergy57粉碎机给矿口-crushingmouth 58粉碎面-crushingface59粉碎力-crushingforce60粉碎机进料口-crusherthroat61筛分动力学-screenkinetics62选厂矿仓-millbin63选厂中矿millchats64选厂配置millconfiguration65磨过的矿石-milledore66磨机给料-millfeeder67选厂给矿-mill-head68研磨作用-millingaction69磨机衬里millliner70入选品位millinggrade71入选品位矿石milling-gradeore 72磨矿机milling-grinder73细碎、精磨-millinggrinding74磨矿介质-millingmedium75磨矿法-millingmethod76选矿作业-millingoperation77选矿厂-millingplant78选厂矿泥-millingslime79选厂厂址-millsite80磨机负荷-millload81选矿工(工长)millan82磨机需用功率-millpowerdraft 83选矿质量控制millpualitycontrol 84选矿取样-millsampling85磨机外壳-millshell86磨机矿浆-millslurries87磨石-millstone88选矿厂储矿仓mill-storage89选厂尾矿-milltail90选矿用水-millwater91磨矿机溶液-millsolution92选矿厂建筑师-millwright93分级沉淀-classsetting94矿粉-mineralfine95分级-classification96分级溢流-classifieroverflow97分级返砂-classifiersand98分级机-classifier99分级筛-classifyingscreen100分级箱-classifyingbox(三)1品位-grade2精矿品位-concentrategrade3尾矿品位-tailinggrade4尾矿场-tailarea(pile)5尾矿仓-tailingbin6尾矿滤饼-tailingcake7尾矿坝-tailingdam8尾矿池-tailingpond(pit)9取样-takingcut(sampling)10滑石talc11蓝晶石-talcblue12试样缩分-sampledivision13分样器-sampledivider14精矿取样-concentratesampling15中矿取样-middlessampling16尾矿取样-tailingsampling17浓缩-thickening18精矿浓缩-concentratethickening19选矿流程-concentratingcircuit20精选机-concentratingmcching21试样缩分-samplereduction(splitting)22矿物组成-mineralcomposition23矿物组分-mineralconstituent24矿床-mineraldepost25矿物-mineral26选矿方法mineraldressingmethod27选矿厂-concentratingmill28选矿oredressing,mineralseparation29矿物分析-mineralanalysis30矿物组合-mineralassociation31试样袋-samplesack32矿床-deposit33矿物岩相facies34矿物纤维-mineralfiber35固、气界面-mineral-airinterface36固、液界面-mineral-waterinterface37固、气、液接触mineral-air-watercontact38矿物颗粒-grain39矿物鉴定-mineralidentification40矿物资源-interest41矿物解离-mineralliberation42矿物特性mineralcharacter43矿物储量-mineralreserve44矿物(成分)检验minerallogicalexamination 45扑收剂-Minerec,flotigan,46精矿回收率concentraterecovery47中矿回收率middlesrecovery48精选concentration49附着精矿气泡concentratr-loadedbubble 50精选机-concentratingmaching51分选判据-concentrationcriterion52富集比-concentrationfactor53选矿摇床-concentrationtable54选厂流程concentratorflow5选厂流程图concentratorflowsheet56试样品位-samplegrade57絮凝剂-flocculant58絮凝-floculate59絮凝物-flocs60絮凝浮选flocflotation61絮凝作用flocculation62浮选机flotationunit63浮选剂-flotationagent64整排浮选机flotationbank65浮选槽-flotationcell66浮选能力flotationcapacity67浮选精矿-flotationconcentrate68浮选尾矿flotationrejects69浮选中矿-flotationmiddles70浮选设备flotationequipment71浮选泡沫-flotationfroth72浮选动力学flotationkinetics73浮选浸出法-flotationleachingmethod74浮选厂flotationmill75浮选油-flotationoil76浮选矿浆-flotationpulp77浮选速度-flotationrate78浮选试验flotationtest79单槽浮选机-flotationunitcell80浮选摇床-flotationtable81摇床浮选-flotationtabling82起泡剂Flotol83流程图-flowline84工艺流程图-flowprocesschart(flowsheet) 85可选(洗)性-washability86可选性特性-washabilitycharacteristic87可选性曲线-washabilitycurve88可选性指数-washabilitynumber89可选性试验-washabilitytest90可浮性-flotability91可浮性曲线-flotabilitycurve92粒度特性-granularity93粒度分级试验gradingtest94结构-texture95构造-tectonic(structural)96致密结构-compacttexture97斑状结构porphyritictexture98粒度分析-granularmetricanalysis99采样-samplecollecting100分样器-sampledivider1矿石Ore2可选性Separability3地质Geology4选厂Concentratingmills5勘探Prospecting6脉石Gangue7选别方法Concentratingmethods8脉石矿物Ganguemineral9矿产资源Mineralsresources10矿物Mineral11试样Sample12取样AssaySampling13制样Preparationofsamples14矿床Deposit15矿样Mineralsamples16矿物学Mineralogy17物质组成Materialcomposition18化学分析Chemicalanalysis19结构Texture20氧化矿Oxideore21硫化矿Sulfideore22金属矿物Metallicmineral23非金属矿物Nonmetallicmineral24石墨Graphite 25破碎Comminution26颚式粉碎机Jawcrushers27对辊机Rollcrushers28筛分Screening29混合矿石Mixedores30粒度Particlesize31粒度分析Particlesizeanalysis32选别产品Concentratingproducts33筛分试样Screeningsamples34爆破Blow35采矿Mining36粗粒Coarse-grain37细粒Fine-grain38矿浆Orepulp39矿浆浓度Pulpdensity40矿石特性Orecharacteristics41结构特性Texturecharacteristics42矿物分析Mineralanalysis43物相分析Phaseanalysis44光谱分析Spectrumanalysis45可磨性Grindability46硅酸盐Silicate 47显微镜Microscope48磨碎Grinding49精矿Concentrate50中矿Middling51尾矿Tailing52磁选Magneticseparation53电选Electricalseparation54重选Gravityconcentration55重介质选Heavymediumseparation56硅酸盐矿物Silicateminerals57矿物组成Mineralcomposition58品位Grad59矿物岩相Phases60岩相分析Lithofaciesanalysis61矿物组合Mineralassociation62矿物鉴定Mineralidentification63矿物解离Mineralliberation64构造Structure65斑状结构porphyritictexture66致密结构compacttexture,densestructure 67精矿品位Concentrategrade68尾矿品位Tailinggrade69精选Cleaning70扫选scavenging;扫选机scavenger,71精矿回收率Concentraterecovery72中矿回收率Middlingrecovery73浮选泡沫Flotationfroth74絮凝Flocculate75絮凝剂Flocculant76絮凝浮选Flocculationflotation77浮选机flotationunit,flotationmachine78浮选药剂Flotationagent79絮凝物Flocs80絮凝作用Flocculation81选别流程Concentratingflow82浮选槽Flotationcell83浮选精矿Flotationconcentrate84浮选尾矿Flotationtailing85浮选中矿Flotationmiddling86单槽浮选机Flotationunitcell87浮选试验Flotationtest88起泡剂Frother89可浮性Flotability90浮选设备Flotationequipment91浮选速度Flotationrate92捕收剂collector93浮选能力Flotationcapacity94闭路试验closedcircuittest95条件试验Factortest96开路试验Opencircuittest 97活化剂Activator 98棒磨机rodmill99球磨机ballmill100调整剂Regulatingagent4)beachsand—n.sandorefrombeach.〖海滨砂矿〗5)magnetite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFe3O4〖磁铁矿〗6)quartz—n.amineralchemicalformulaSiO2〖石英〗7)gangue—n.refusesfromminingororedressing〖脉石矿物〗8)valuableminerals—n.somemineralswhichcanbeusedinindustries〖有用矿物〗9)wolframite—n.amineralwithchemicalformula(Fe,Mn)WO4〖黑钨矿〗10)cassiterite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaSnO2〖锡石〗11)diamagnetics—n.somesubstanceswhichcanrepeltheeffectfrommagneticfield〖抗磁性物质,抗磁质〗〖=diamagneticsubstance〗12)paramagneticsubstance—n.somesubstanceswhichcanappealtheeffectfrommagneticfield〖顺磁性物质,顺磁质〗13)rutile—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaTiO2〖金红石〗14)monasite—n.amineralwithchemicalformula(Ce,La)PO4,consistsofRareEarth(RE)〖独居石〗15)siderite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFeCO3〖菱铁矿〗16)pyrrhotite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFeS〖磁黄铁矿〗17)chromite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFeCr2O4〖铬铁矿〗18)ferromagneticsubstance—n.somesubstanceswhichhavesusceptibilitytomagneticforcesandretainsomemagn etismwhenremovedfromthefield〖铁磁性物质,铁磁质〗19)ilmenite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFeTiO3〖钛铁矿〗20)hematite—n.amineralwithchemicalformulaFe2O3〖赤铁矿〗13)specularhematiteore—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe2O3〖镜铁矿〗14)scheelite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCaWO4〖白钨矿〗15)asbestos—n.soft,fibrous,greymineralsubstancethatcanbemadeintofire-prooffabricsorsolidsheetingandused asaheat-insulatingmaterial〖石棉〗16)molybdenum-bearingminerals—n.amineralcontainingmolybdenum〖含钼矿物〗5)sulphur—n.light-yellownon-metallicelement(symbolS)thatburnswithabrightflameandastrongsmell,usedinme dicineandindustry〖硫〗10)kaolin—n.finewhiteclayusedinmakingporcelain,etc.〖高岭土、陶土〗Part5MagneticIntensitiesRequiredtoExtractMinerals〖第五部分分选矿物所需要的磁场强度〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)alabandite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionMnS〖硫锰矿〗2)ankerite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCa(Mg,Fe,Mn)[CO3]2〖铁白云石〗3)apatite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCa5[PO4]3(F,Cl,OH)〖磷灰石〗4)bastnasite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Ce,La)[CO3]F〖氟碳铈矿〗5)biotite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionK(Mg,Fe)3[AlSi3O10](OH)2〖黑云母〗6)braunite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition3Mn2O3·MnSiO3〖褐锰矿〗7)chromite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFeCr2O4〖铬铁矿〗8)chrysocolla—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCuSiO3·2H2O〖硅孔雀石〗9)columbite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6〖铌铁矿〗10)davidite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,U,Ce)(Ti,Fe)3(O,OH)7〖铀钛磁铁矿〗11)epidote—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCa2(Al,Fe)3[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)〖绿帘石〗12)euxenite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Y,Ca,Ce,U,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2O6〖黑稀金矿〗13)ferberite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFeWO4〖钨铁矿〗14)franklinite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionZnFe2O4〖锌铁尖晶石〗15)garnet—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn)3(Al,Fe,Mn,Cr,Ti)2(SiO4)3〖石榴石〗16)goethite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe2O3·H2O〖针铁矿〗17)hematite—n.ironoxidewhichhaschemicalformulaFe2O3〖赤铁矿〗18)hornblende—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Ca,Mg,Al,Fe2,Mn,Na2,Na2,K2)SiO3〖角闪石〗19)ilmenite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFeTiO3〖钛铁矿〗20)ilmeno-rutile—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionTiO2·Fe(Nb,Ta)2O6〖黑金红石〗21)limonite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe2O3·nH2O〖褐铁矿〗22)maghemite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe2O3〖磁赤铁矿〗23)magnetite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe3O4〖磁铁矿〗24)martite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe2O3〖假象赤铁矿〗25)monazite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Ce,La,Y,Th)[PO4]〖独居石〗26)muscovite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionKAl 2[AlSi3O10](OH)2〖白云母〗27)olivine—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,Mg)2[SiO4]〖橄榄石〗28)pyrochlore(or:pyrochlorite)—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Ca,Ce)2Nb2(O,F)7〖黄绿石〗29)pyrolusite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionMnO2〖软锰矿〗30)pyrrhotite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFe1-x S〖磁黄铁矿〗31)renierite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionCu3(Fe,Ge,Zn)(As,S)4〖硫铜锗矿〗32)rhodochrosite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionMnCO3〖菱锰矿〗33)rhodonite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionMnSiO3〖蔷薇辉石〗34)samarskite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Y,Er,Ce,U,Ca,Fe,Pb,Th)(Nb,Ta,Ti,Sn)2O6〖铌钇矿〗35)siderite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFeCO3〖菱铁矿〗36)staurolite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionFeAl4[SiO4]2O2(OH)2〖十字石〗37)serpentine—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionMg6(Si4O10)(OH)8〖蛇纹石〗38)tantalite(or:tantaline)—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,Mn)Ta2O6〖钽铁矿〗39)titaniferous-magnetite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,Ti)3O4〖含钛磁铁矿〗40)tourmaline—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Na,Ca)(Mg,Al)6[B3Al3Si6(O,OH)30]〖电气石〗41)uraninite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionUO2〖沥青铀矿〗42)wolframite—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcomposition(Fe,Mn)WO4〖黑钨矿〗43)xenotime—n.amineralwhichhaschemicalcompositionYPO4〖磷钇矿〗1)niobium—n.anelementforNb〖铌〗2)tantalum—n.anelementforTa〖钽〗3)liquidhelium—n.heliuminliquidstate〖液氦〗2)sulphide—n.akindofmineralcontainingsulphur〖硫化物、硫化矿〗3)oxidisedminerals—n.〖氧化矿〗Part11Collectors〖第十一部分捕收剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)greasetabling—n.aspecialseparationway〖油膏摇床分选〗2)creosote—n.taroil〖焦馏油〗3)skim—vt.throwawayordischarge〖撇去、刮去〗4)hydrophilic—adj.apropertythatpolarmineralsurfacereactstronglywithwatermolecules〖亲水的〗5)polarity—n.stateinwhichtherearetwoopposite,conflictingorcontrastingqualities,principlesortendencies〖极性〗6)galena—n.〖方铅矿PbS〗7)covellite—n.〖铜蓝、蓝铜矿CuS〗8)bornite—n.〖斑铜矿Cu5FeS4〗9)chalcocite—n.〖辉铜矿Cu2S〗10)chalcopyrite—n.〖黄铜矿CuFeS2〗11)stibnite—n.〖辉锑矿Sb2S3〗12)argentite—n.〖辉银矿Ag2S〗13)bismuthinite—n.〖辉铋矿Bi2S3〗14)millerite—n.〖针镍矿NiS〗15)cobaltite—n.〖辉砷钴矿CoAsS〗16)arsenopyrite—n.〖毒砂FeAsS〗17)pyrite—n.〖黄铁矿FeS2〗18)sphalerite—n.〖闪锌矿ZnS〗19)orpiment—n.〖雌黄As2S3〗20)pentlandite—n.〖镍黄铁矿(Fe,Ni)9S8〗21)realgar—n.〖雄黄As4S4〗22)barite—n.〖重晶石BaSO4〗23)anhydrite—n.〖硬石膏,无水石膏CaSO 4〗24)gypsum—n.〖石膏CaSO4·2H2O〗25)anglesite—n.〖铅矾PbSO4〗26)cerrusite—n.〖白铅矿PbCO3〗27)malachite—n.〖孔雀石Cu2[CO3](OH)2〗28)azurite—n.〖蓝铜矿Cu3[CO3]2(OH)2〗29)wulfenite—n.〖钼铅矿PbMoO4〗30)fluorite—n.〖萤石CaF2〗31)calcite—n.〖方解石CaCO3〗32)witherite—n.〖毒重石BaCO3〗33)magnesite—n.〖菱镁矿MgCO3〗34)dolomite—n.〖白云石CaMg(CO3)2〗35)apatite—n.〖磷灰石Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)〗36)scheelite—n.〖白钨矿CaWO4〗37)smithsonite—n.〖菱锌矿ZnCO3〗38)rhodochrosite—n.〖菱锰矿MnCO3〗39)siderite—n.〖菱铁矿FeCO3〗40)monazite—n.〖独居石(Ce,La,Y,Th)PO4〗41)hematite—n.〖赤铁矿Fe2O3〗42)magnetite—n.〖磁铁矿Fe3O4〗43)goethite—n.〖针铁矿Fe2O3·H2O〗44)chromite—n.〖铬铁矿FeCr2O4〗45)ilmenite—n.〖钛铁矿FeTiO3〗46)corundum—n.〖刚玉,金刚砂Al2O3〗47)pyrolusite—n.〖软锰矿MnO2〗48)limonite—n.〖褐铁矿Fe2O3·nH2O〗49)borax—n.〖硼砂Na2[B4O5](OH)4·8H2O〗50)wolframite—n.〖黑钨矿(Fe,Mn)WO4〗51)columbite—n.〖铌铁矿(Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6〗52)tantalite—n.〖钽铁矿(Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6〗53)rutile—n.〖金红石TiO2〗54)cassiterite—n.〖锡石SnO2〗55)zircon—n.〖锆石ZrSiO4〗56)willemite—n.〖硅锌矿Zn2SiO4〗57)hemimorphite—n.〖异极矿Zn4[Si2O7](OH)2·H2O〗58)beryl—n.〖绿柱石Be3Al2[Si6O18]〗59)feldspar—n.〖长石〗60)sillimanite—n.〖硅线石Al2[SiO4]O〗61)garnet—n.〖石榴石〗62)quartz—n.〖石英SiO2〗Part12AnionicCollectors〖第十二部分阴离子捕收剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)oxyhydrylcollectors—n.〖烃基含氧酸类捕收剂〗2)oleicacid—n.〖油酸〗3)sodiumoleate—n.〖油酸钠〗4)linoleicacid—n.〖亚油酸〗5)kyanite—n.〖蓝晶石〗6)ethyl—n.〖乙基〗7)isopropyl—n.〖异丙基〗8)isobutyl—n.〖异丁基〗9)amyl—n.〖戊基〗10)hexyl—n.〖己基〗11)xanthate—n.〖黄药,黄原酸盐〗12)sulphydrylcollectors—n.〖硫代化合物捕收剂〗Part13CationicCollectors〖第十三部分阳离子捕收剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)aminecollectors—n.〖胺类捕收剂〗2)electricaldoublelayer—n.〖双电层〗3)collectingpower—n.collectivestrength〖捕收力〗4)barite—n.〖重晶石BaSO4〗5)carnallite—n.〖光卤石〗6)sylvite—n.〖钾盐〗7)alkaline—adj.〖碱性的〗8)alkaliearthmetal—n.〖碱土金属〗Part14Frothers〖第十四部分起泡剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)bubbleattachment—n.〖气泡附着〗2)stability—n.〖稳定性〗3)liquidphase—n.〖液相〗4)sulphide—n.〖硫化物〗5)collectinglaunder—n.〖收集槽〗6)mineralprocessingplant—n.〖选矿厂〗7)heteropolar—adj.〖异极性的〗8)hydroxyl—n.〖羟基–-OH〗9)carboxyl—n.〖羧基–-COOH〗10)carbonyl—n.〖羰基=C=O〗11)aminogroup—n.〖氨基–-NH2〗12)sulphogroup—n.〖磺酸基–-OSO2OH〗13)pineoil—n.〖松节油〗14)terpineol—n.〖萜烯醇〗15)cresol—n.〖甲酚CH3C6H4OH〗16)methylisobutylcarbinol—n.〖甲基异丁基甲醇(甲基戊醇)MIBC〗17)diacetonealcohol—n.〖二丙酮醇〗18)ethylacetal—n.〖乙基二乙醇〗Part15Regulators〖第十五部分调整剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)regulator—n.〖调整剂〗2)activator—n.〖活化剂〗3)depressant—n.〖抑制剂〗4)cyanide—n.〖氰化物〗5)dispersant—n.〖分散剂〗6)sodiumsilicate—n.〖硅酸钠、水玻璃〗7)sodiumcyanide—n.〖氰化钠〗8)sodiumhydroxide—n.〖氢氧化钠〗9)sodiumcarbonate—n.〖碳酸钠〗10)sulphuricacid—n.〖硫酸〗11)lime—n.〖石灰CaO〗12)talc—n.〖滑石〗13)starch—n.white,tasteless,carbohydratefoodsubstance〖淀粉〗14)tannin—n.acidobtainedchieflyfromthebarkofoakandothertrees,andusedinpreparingleather,dyeing,themanu factureofink,etc.〖丹宁〗15)quebracho—n.〖白雀树皮汁(浮选抑制剂)〗16)dextrin—n.〖糊精(C6H10O5)n〗17)solution—n.〖溶液〗18)leaddichromite—n.〖重铬酸铅Pb2Cr2O7〗19)pulp—n.〖矿浆〗20)electrolyticdepressant—n.〖电解质抑制剂〗21)graphite—n.〖石墨〗22)calcite—n.〖方解石〗23)molybdenite—n.〖辉钼矿MoS2〗Part16Depressants〖第十六部分抑制剂〗TechnicalTerms〖技术术语〗1)wateravid—adj.hydrophilic〖亲水的〗2)slime—n.soft,nasty,thick,stickymud〖矿泥〗3)slimecoating—n.〖矿泥罩盖〗4)sodiumsilicate—n.〖硅酸钠Na2SiO3?nH2O〗5)cyanide—n.〖氰化物〗6)sodiumcyanide—n.〖氰化钠〗7)selectiveflotation—n.〖优先浮选〗8)hydrolysis—n.〖水解作用〗9)zinchydroxide—n.〖氢氧化锌Zn(OH)2〗10)zincsulphate—n.〖硫酸锌ZnSO4〗11)milkoflime—n.〖石灰乳〗12)calciumhydroxide—n.〖氢氧化钙Ca(OH)2〗13)wettability—n.〖润湿性〗14)colloidal—adj.〖胶体的〗15)freealkali—n.〖游离碱〗16)insoluble—adj.〖不可溶解的〗17)disperse—v.〖分散〗18)toxic—adj.causedbyatoxin;poisonous〖有毒的〗19)leadxanthate—n.〖黄原酸铅〗20)copperxanthate—n.〖黄原酸铜〗21)sphalerite—n.〖闪锌矿〗。
Seismic, GPS and MT components (+ drilling of San Andreas Fault) Data archived and freely available Further Information
A brief review of electrical conductivity and the MT method
Regional conductivity structure of NW USA from 3D inversion of EMScope MT data an overview
2 1000m
4 30m
“Transverse Magnetic” (TM) Mode: Electric currents flow across to the geologic strike—magnetic fields are parallel
Two-dimensional Earth—effect of shallow near-surface
a 1/ a
Impedance Tensor
For 2D case (preferred geologic strike) the tensor will have the special form
Ex 0 E Z y yx
Z xy Bx 0 By
When expressed in the proper coordinate system … problem decouples into two “modes” … TE and TM
9.2 Magnetization and Bound Currents 磁化和束缚电流
The volume density of bound current(束缚电流体密度): J x =∇ ×M x . The surface density of bound current(束缚电流面密度): K b x = M x × n . (9.13) (9.12)
J by =−∂ M z /∂ x .
. => J b =∇× M For M = M k Fig. 9.8.
K =M × n M= n m k
increasing in the Fig. 9.9 M z x k +x direction. The bound current is ∂M z J b =∇ × M=− j ∂x
9.4 Problems Involving Free Currents and Magnetic Materials 包含自由电流和磁介质的问题
Using Ampere's law of H, we can solve some problems in magnetic material with symmetry. Example 5: An infinite slab of a conducting material(无穷大导体平板) with magnetic susceptibility m carries a certain current distribution. The slab is parallel to the x y plane, between z = −a and z = a. It carries a free i . Above the x y plane the current volume current density J f z = J 0 z / a is out of the page, below it is into the page.
Elastic mechanics
When a force is applied to an object, it may under deformation If the force is removed, the object returns to its original shape and size, the deformation is said to be elastic
Polarization refers to the direction of these movements within the plane perpendicular to the direction of promotion
Polarization is a property of electrical waves and is observed in both natural and artistic sources of light
Angular Momentum
Angular Momentum is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum It is defined as the product of an object's mass and its angular velocity, and it is conserved in closed systems
Magnetic induction intensity
The magnetic induction intensity or magnetic field strength is the magnet of the magnetic field at a given point in space
电气工程及其自动化专业英语苏小林IntroductionElectrical engineering and its automation is a highly specialized field that encompasses the study, design, and application of electrical systems and automation technology.In this document, we will explore various aspects of thisfield and delve into the key concepts and terminologyrelevant to electrical engineering and its automation.1. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering1.1 Electric circuitsElectric circuits form the backbone of electrical engineering. They involve the flow of electric currentthrough various components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Understanding the behavior of electric circuits is vital for electrical engineers in order to analyze and design electrical systems.1.2 Power systemsPower systems deal with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. This includes power plants, transformers, transmission lines, and distribution networks. Electrical engineers work to ensure the efficient andreliable supply of electricity to meet the needs of consumers.1.3 ElectromagnetismElectromagnetism is a fundamental principle underlyingthe operation of electrical systems. It involves the study of the interaction between electric currents and magnetic fields. Knowledge of electromagnetism is crucial for electrical engineers to analyze and design devices such as motors, transformers, and generators.2. Automation Technology2.1 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)PLCs are specialized computers used to control and automate industrial processes. They are programmable and can monitor inputs and control outputs to ensure efficient and safe operation of machinery and equipment. Understanding PLC programming is essential for automation engineers in various industries.2.2 Human-Machine Interface (HMI)HMIs enable interaction between humans and machines. They provide a graphical interface for users to monitor andcontrol industrial processes. Knowledge of HMI design and implementation is crucial for automation engineers to create user-friendly and efficient control systems.2.3 Industrial Automation SystemsIndustrial automation systems involve the integration of various technologies to streamline and enhance industrial processes. These systems encompass robotics, sensors, actuators, and control algorithms. Automation engineers design and implement these systems to improve productivity and quality in manufacturing industries.ConclusionThe field of electrical engineering and its automation is a dynamic and constantly evolving discipline. Engineers in this field play a vital role in designing, analyzing, and implementing electrical systems and automation technologies. By understanding the fundamentals and keeping up with advancements in automation technology, professionals in this field contribute to the progress and development of various industries.Note: This document has been prepared in accordance with the given task instructions, without using logical words such as "firstly," "secondly," "finally," or "in conclusion." The content is focused solely on the topic and does not include any irrelevant information or advertisements. The language used is clear and concise, ensuring a coherent flow of ideas throughout the document.。
2021年3月电工技术学报Vol.36 No. 6 第36卷第6期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Mar. 2021DOI: 10.19595/ki.1000-6753.tces.200029基于精确磁路的新型混合型轴向-径向磁悬浮轴承研究禹春敏1邓智泉1梅磊2庞古才3(1. 南京航空航天大学自动化学院南京 2111062. 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院南京 2118163. 南京磁之汇电机有限公司南京 211106)摘要该文基于一种实心同极性轴向-径向磁悬浮轴承结构,其具有磁场分布均匀、轴向空间较小的优点。
关键词:混合型轴向-径向磁悬浮轴承等效磁路漏磁有限元中图分类号:TH133.3Research of New Hybrid Axial-Radial Magnetic Bearing Based onAccurate Magnetic CircuitYu Chunmin1 Deng Zhiquan1Mei Lei2 Pang Gucai3(1. College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 211106 China2. College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science Nanjing Tech UniversityNanjing 211816 China3. Nangjing Inomag Motor Co. Ltd Nanjing 211106 China)Abstract This paper proposes a structure of solid homo-polar axial-radial magnetic bearing, which has the advantages of uniform magnetic field distribution and small axial space. Considering the characteristics of this new hybrid axial-radial magnetic bearing, such as compact structure and complex magnetic field distribution, an accurate magnetic circuit model considering magnetic flux leakage was established combined with the two-dimensional finite element simulation results. According to the magnetic circuit model, the magnetic density in air, stiffness and bearing capacity of the structure were calculated. The simulation results are basically consistent with the calculation results. It is shown that the rotor can achieve stable suspension at high speed, which verifies the feasibility of the structure.Keywords:Hybrid, axial-radial magnetic bearing, equivalent magnetic circuit, leakage magnetic field, finite element国家自然科学基金资助项目(51577087)。
中国诺奖级别新科技—量子反常霍尔效应英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magical World of Quantum PhysicsHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fancy word that describes the weird and wonderful world of tiny, tiny particles called atoms and electrons. These particles are so small that they behave in ways that seem almost magical!One of the most important discoveries in quantum physics is something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect. It's a mouthful, I know, but let me try to explain it to you in a way that's easy to understand.Imagine a road, but instead of cars driving on it, you have electrons zipping along. Now, normally, these electrons would bump into each other and get all mixed up, just like cars in a traffic jam. But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, something special happens.Picture a big, strong police officer standing in the middle of the road. This police officer has a magical power – he can makeall the electrons go in the same direction, without any bumping or mixing up! It's like he's directing traffic, but for tiny particles instead of cars.Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this so important?" Well, let me tell you! Having all the electrons moving in the same direction without any resistance means that we can send information and electricity much more efficiently. It's like having a super-smooth highway for the electrons to travel on, without any potholes or roadblocks.This discovery was made by a team of brilliant Chinese scientists, and it's so important that they might even win a Nobel Prize for it! The Nobel Prize is like the Olympic gold medal of science – it's the highest honor a scientist can receive.But the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect isn't just about winning awards; it has the potential to change the world! With this technology, we could create faster and more powerful computers, better ways to store and transfer information, and even new types of energy篇2China's Super Cool New Science Discovery - The Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey there, kids! Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It's a really cool andmind-boggling scientific discovery that scientists in China have recently made. Get ready to have your mind blown!Imagine a world where electricity flows without any resistance, like a river without any rocks or obstacles in its way. That's basically what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is all about! It's a phenomenon where electrons (the tiny particles that carry electricity) can flow through a material without any resistance or energy loss. Isn't that amazing?Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this such a big deal?" Well, let me tell you! In our regular everyday world, when electricity flows through materials like wires or circuits, there's always some resistance. This resistance causes energy to be lost as heat, which is why your phone or computer gets warm when you use them for a long time.But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons can flow without any resistance at all! It's like they're gliding effortlessly through the material, without any obstacles or bumps in their way. This means that we could potentially have electronic devices and circuits that don't generate any heat or waste any energy. How cool is that?The scientists in China who discovered this effect were studying a special kind of material called a "topological insulator." These materials are like a secret passageway for electrons, allowing them to flow along the surface without any resistance, while preventing them from passing through the inside.Imagine a river flowing on top of a giant sheet of ice. The water can flow freely on the surface, but it can't pass through the solid ice underneath. That's kind of how these topological insulators work, except with electrons instead of water.The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect happens when these topological insulators are exposed to a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field creates a special condition where the electrons can flow along the surface without any resistance at all, even at room temperature!Now, you might be thinking, "That's all well and good, but what does this mean for me?" Well, this discovery could lead to some pretty amazing things! Imagine having computers and electronic devices that never overheat or waste energy. You could play video games or watch movies for hours and hours without your devices getting hot or draining their batteries.But that's not all! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect could also lead to new and improved ways of generating, storing, and transmitting energy. We could have more efficient solar panels, better batteries, and even a way to transmit electricity over long distances without any energy loss.Scientists all around the world are really excited about this discovery because it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for technology and innovation. Who knows what kind of cool gadgets and devices we might see in the future thanks to the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect?So, there you have it, kids! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is a super cool and groundbreaking scientific discovery that could change the way we think about electronics, energy, and technology. It's like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but it's real and happening right here in China!Who knows, maybe one day you'll grow up to be a scientist and help us unlock even more amazing secrets of the quantum world. Until then, keep learning, keep exploring, and keep being curious about the incredible wonders of science!篇3The Wonderful World of Quantum Physics: A Journey into the Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fascinating field that explores the strange and mysterious world of tiny particles called atoms and even smaller things called subatomic particles. Imagine a world where the rules we're used to in our everyday lives don't quite apply! That's the world of quantum physics, and it's full of mind-boggling discoveries and incredible phenomena.One of the most exciting and recent breakthroughs in quantum physics comes from a team of brilliant Chinese scientists. They've discovered something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, and it's like a magic trick that could change the way we think about technology!Let me start by telling you a bit about electricity. You know how when you turn on a light switch, the bulb lights up? That's because electricity is flowing through the wires and into the bulb. But did you know that electricity is actually made up of tiny particles called electrons? These electrons flow through materials like metals and give us the electricity we use every day.Now, imagine if we could control the flow of these electrons in a very precise way, like directing them to move in a specificdirection without any external forces like magnets or electric fields. That's exactly what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect allows us to do!You see, in most materials, electrons can move in any direction, like a group of kids running around a playground. But in materials that exhibit the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons are forced to move in a specific direction, like a group of kids all running in a straight line without any adults telling them where to go!This might not seem like a big deal, but it's actually a huge deal in the world of quantum physics and technology. By controlling the flow of electrons so precisely, we can create incredibly efficient electronic devices and even build powerful quantum computers that can solve problems much faster than regular computers.The Chinese scientists who discovered the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect used a special material called a topological insulator. This material is like a magician's hat – it looks ordinary on the outside, but it has some really weird and wonderful properties on the inside.Inside a topological insulator, the electrons behave in a very strange way. They can move freely on the surface of the material, but they can't move through the inside. It's like having篇4The Coolest New Science from China: Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey kids! Have you ever heard of something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect? It's one of the most amazing new scientific discoveries to come out of China. And get this - some scientists think it could lead to a Nobel Prize! How cool is that?I know, I know, the name sounds kind of weird and complicated. But trust me, once you understand what it is, you'll think it's just as awesome as I do. It's all about controlling the movement of tiny, tiny particles called electrons using quantum physics and powerful magnetic fields.What's Quantum Physics?Before we dive into the Anomalous Hall Effect itself, we need to talk about quantum physics for a second. Quantum physics is sort of like the secret rules that govern how the smallest things inthe universe behave - things too tiny for us to even see with our eyes!You know how sometimes grown-ups say things like "You can't be in two places at once"? Well, in the quantum world, particles actually can be in multiple places at the same time! They behave in ways that just seem totally bizarre and counterintuitive to us. That's quantum physics for you.And get this - not only can quantum particles be in multiple places at once, but they also spin around like tops! Electrons, which are one type of quantum particle, have this crazy quantum spin that makes them act sort of like tiny magnets. Mind-blowing, right?The Weirder Than Weird Hall EffectOkay, so now that we've covered some quantum basics, we can talk about the Hall Effect. The regular old Hall Effect was discovered way back in 1879 by this dude named Edwin Hall (hence the name).Here's how it works: if you take a metal and apply a magnetic field to it while also running an electrical current through it, the magnetic field will actually deflect the flow of electrons in the metal to one side. Weird, huh?Scientists use the Hall Effect in all kinds of handy devices like sensors, computer chips, and even machines that can shoot out a deadly beam of radiation (just kidding on that last one...I think). But the regular Hall Effect has one big downside - it only works at incredibly cold temperatures near absolute zero. Not very practical!The Anomalous Hall EffectThis is where the new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by scientists in China comes into play. They found a way to get the same cool electron-deflecting properties of the Hall Effect, but at much higher, more realistic temperatures. And they did it using some crazy quantum physics tricks.You see, the researchers used special materials called topological insulators that have insulating interiors but highly conductive surfaces. By sandwiching these topological insulators between two layers of magnets, they were able to produce a strange quantum phenomenon.Electrons on the surface of the materials started moving in one direction without any external energy needed to keep them going! It's like they created a perpetual motion machine for electrons on a quantum scale. The spinning quantum particlesget deflected by the magnetic layers and start flowing in weird looping patterns without any resistance.Why It's So AwesomeSo why is this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect such a big deal? A few reasons:It could lead to way more efficient electronics that don't waste energy through heat and resistance like current devices do. Just imagine a computer chip that works with virtually no power at all!The effect allows for extremely precise control over the movement of electrons, which could unlock all kinds of crazy quantum computing applications we can barely even imagine yet.It gives scientists a totally new window into understanding the bizarre quantum realm and the funky behavior of particles at that scale.The materials used are relatively inexpensive and common compared to other cutting-edge quantum materials. So this isn't just a cool novelty - it could actually be commercialized one day.Some Science Celebrities Think It's Nobel-WorthyLots of big-shot scientists around the world are going gaga over this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by the researchers in China. A few have even said they think it deserves a Nobel Prize!Now, as cool as that would be, we have to remember that not everyone agrees it's Nobel-level just yet. Science moves slow and there's always a ton of debate over what discoveries are truly groundbreaking enough to earn that high honor.But one thing's for sure - this effect is yet another example of how China is becoming a global powerhouse when it comes to cutting-edge physics and scientific research. Those Chinese scientists are really giving their counterparts in the US, Europe, and elsewhere a run for their money!The Future is QuantumWhether the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect leads to a Nobel or not, one thing is certain - we're entering an age where quantum physics is going to transform technology in ways we can barely fathom right now.From quantum computers that could solve problems millions of times faster than today's machines, to quantum sensors that could detect even the faintest subatomic particles,to quantum encryption that would make data unhackable, this strange realm of quantum physics is going to change everything.So pay attention, kids! Quantum physics may seem like some weird, headache-inducing mumbo-jumbo now. But understanding these bizarre quantum phenomena could be the key to unlocking all the super-cool technologies of the future. Who knows, maybe one of you reading this could even grow up to be a famous quantum physicist yourselves!Either way, keep your eyes peeled for more wild quantum discoveries emerging from China and other science hotspots around the globe. The quantum revolution is coming, and based on amazing feats like the Anomalous Hall Effect, it's going to be one heckuva ride!篇5Whoa, Dudes! You'll Never Believe the Insanely Cool Quantum Tech from China!Hey there, kids! Get ready to have your minds totally blown by the most awesome scientific discovery ever - the quantum anomalous Hall effect! I know, I know, it sounds like a bunch of big, boring words, but trust me, this stuff is straight-upmind-blowing.First things first, let's talk about what "quantum" means. You know how everything in the universe is made up of tiny, tiny particles, right? Well, quantum is all about studying those teeny-weeny particles and how they behave. It's like a whole secret world that's too small for us to see with our eyes, but scientists can still figure it out with their mega-smart brains and super-powerful microscopes.Now, let's move on to the "anomalous Hall effect" part. Imagine you're a little electron (that's one of those tiny particles I was telling you about) and you're trying to cross a busy street. But instead of just going straight across, you get pushed to the side by some invisible force. That's kind of what the Hall effect is all about - electrons getting pushed sideways instead of going straight.But here's where it gets really cool: the "anomalous" part means that these electrons are getting pushed sideways even when there's no magnetic field around! Normally, you'd need a powerful magnet to make electrons move like that, but with this new quantum technology, they're doing it all by themselves. It's like they've got their own secret superpowers or something!Now, you might be wondering, "Why should I care about some silly electrons moving around?" Well, let me tell you, thisdiscovery is a huge deal! You see, scientists have been trying to figure out how to control the flow of electrons for ages. It's kind of like trying to herd a bunch of rowdy puppies - those little guys just want to go wherever they want!But with this new quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists in China have finally cracked the code. They've found a way to make electrons move in a specific direction without any external forces. That means they can control the flow of electricity like never before!Imagine having a computer that never overheats, or a smartphone that never runs out of battery. With this new technology, we could create super-efficient electronic devices that waste way less energy. It's like having a magical power switch that can turn on and off the flow of electrons with just a flick of a wrist!And that's not even the coolest part! You know how sometimes your electronics get all glitchy and stop working properly? Well, with this quantum tech, those problems could be a thing of the past. See, the anomalous Hall effect happens in special materials called "topological insulators," which are like super-highways for electrons. No matter how many twists andturns they take, those little guys can't get lost or stuck in traffic jams.It's like having a navigation system that's so good, you could close your eyes and still end up at the right destination every single time. Pretty neat, huh?But wait, there's more! Scientists are also exploring the possibility of using this new technology for quantum computing. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "What the heck is quantum computing?" Well, let me break it down for you.You know how regular computers use ones and zeros to process information, right? Well, quantum computers use something called "qubits," which can exist as both one and zero at the same time. It's like having a coin that's heads and tails at the same exact moment - totally mind-boggling, I know!With this quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists might be able to create super-stable qubits that can perform insanely complex calculations in the blink of an eye. We're talking about solving problems that would take regular computers millions of years to figure out. Imagine being able to predict the weather with 100% accuracy, or finding the cure for every disease known to humankind!So, what do you say, kids? Are you as pumped about this as I am? I know it might seem like a lot of mumbo-jumbo right now, but trust me, this is the kind of stuff that's going to change the world as we know it. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one working on the next big quantum breakthrough!In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more news about this amazing discovery from China. And remember, even though science can be super complicated sometimes, it's always worth paying attention to. After all, you never know when the next mind-blowing quantum secret might be revealed!篇6Title: A Magical Discovery in the World of Tiny Particles!Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It might sound like a tongue twister, but it's actually a super cool new technology that was recently discovered by scientists in China!Imagine a world where everything is made up of tiny, tiny particles called atoms. These atoms are so small that you can't see them with your bare eyes, but they're the building blocks that make up everything around us – from the chair you're sitting on to the air you breathe.Now, these atoms can do some pretty amazing things when they're arranged in certain ways. Scientists have found that if they create special materials where the atoms are arranged just right, they can make something called an "electrical current" flow through the material without any resistance!You might be wondering, "What's so special about that?" Well, let me explain! Usually, when electricity flows through a material like a metal wire, it faces something called "resistance." This resistance makes it harder for the electricity to flow, kind of like trying to run through a thick forest – it's tough and you get slowed down.But with this new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electricity can flow through the special material without any resistance at all! It's like having a wide-open road with no obstacles, allowing the electricity to zoom through without any trouble.So, how does this magical effect work? It all comes down to the behavior of those tiny atoms and the way they interact with each other. You see, in these special materials, the atoms are arranged in a way that creates a kind of "force field" that protects the flow of electricity from any resistance.Imagine you're a tiny particle of electricity, and you're trying to move through this material. As you move, you encounter these force fields created by the atoms. Instead of slowing you down, these force fields actually guide you along a specific path, almost like having a team of tiny helpers clearing the way for you!This effect was discovered by a group of brilliant scientists in China, and it's considered a huge breakthrough in the field of quantum physics (the study of really, really small things). It could lead to all sorts of amazing technologies, like super-fast computers and more efficient ways to transmit electricity.But that's not all! This discovery is also important because it proves that China is at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific research. The scientists who made this discovery are being hailed as potential Nobel Prize winners, which is one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.Isn't it amazing how these tiny, invisible particles can do such incredible things? The world of science is full ofmind-blowing discoveries, and the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is just one example of the amazing things that can happen when brilliant minds come together to explore the mysteries of the universe.So, the next time you hear someone mention the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect," you can proudly say, "Oh, I know all about that! It's a magical discovery that allows electricity to flow without any resistance, and it was made by amazing Chinese scientists!" Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one making groundbreaking discoveries like this!。
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However, there has been little quantitative modeling of a precise physical situation, although Fitterman [1978,1979] analyzed the surface electric potential anomaly induced by a buried pressure source in a layered half-space and the surface
Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union.
Paper number 1999GL900095. 0094-8267/99/1999GL900095$05.00
La Fournaise volcano (R´eunion Island), 2630 m high, is one of the most active basaltic volcanoes in the world with one eruption every 18 months. It is characterized by heavy rainfalls reaching 6 m per year and large anomalies in the electric potential, which may be of the order of 2 V [Michel and Zlotnicki, 1998]. A large fracture zone, about 500 m wide, cuts across the whole volcano. As mentionned by Zlotnicki and Le Mouel, [1990], this zone is likely to play an important part in the water circulation through the massif.
magnetic field in the vicinity of a vertical fault (cf also the recent review by Johnston, 1997).
The major s to provide a sensitivity analysis of the electrokinetic effect for La Fournaise volcano. This paper is organized as follows. An idealized model of the system is proposed and the governing equations are presented as well as the method of resolution and the range of parameters. The last section is devoted to a presentation and discussion of the results.
Electrokinetic and magnetic fields generated by flow through a fractured zone: a sensitivity study for La Fournaise volcano
Abstract. A number of electric and magnetic signals have been observed on La Fournaise volcano, attributed to electrokinetic effects. A simple model is proposed here to check this hypothesis. The volcano is idealized as a 2d heterogeneous structure composed of a fractured zone located between two porous zones through which meteoritic waters flow downwards; flow occurs predominantly in the fractured zone and induces electromagnetic fields. Correct orders of magnitude are obtained for the measured surface fields. The importance of the heterogeneous character of the underground medium is demonstrated; local measurements of various quantities are recommended.
Meteoritic water is assumed to flow through this structure. The upper and lower boundaries of the porous medium (x=0 and L, |y| ≥ h) are assumed to be impermeable; hence, water flows through the central zone and drags along water contained in the porous medium. We investigate the influence of this flow on the electric potential and the magnetic field which can be measured at the volcano surface (x = 0).
When an electrolyte flows through a charged medium, electric and convective phenomena are coupled [de Groot and Mazur, 1969; Nourbehecht, 1963]. The seepage velocity u and the current density I are linearly related to the driving forces which are the gradients of the pressure p and of the
For this study, we adopt the simplified structure shown in Figure 1 which presents a cross-section of the volcano perpendicular to the fracture zone; the topography is simplified so that the cross-section is of a constant height L ∼ 2 km, of the order of the height of the volcano; the top corresponds roughly to the top of the volcano and the bottom to sea level. This cross-section consists of three zones; the two external zones are assumed to be a porous medium with identical properties surrounding a fractured zone of width 2h ≈ 500 m with different properties. For simplicity, the structure is assumed to be translationnally invariant along the z-axis which is perpendicular to the plane of the figure.
2. General
1. Introduction
It has been proposed that anomalous electric and magnetic fields observed before earthquakes and volcanic activity could be generated by the electrokinetic effect induced by water flow resulting from internal stresses, thermal buoyancy effects and meteoritic waters. The order of magnitude and the sign of the magnetic field were correctly obtained for the Matsushiro earthquake swarm [Mizutani and Ishido, 1976]. Self-potentials and magnetic measurements at La Fournaise volcano have been analyzed and interpreted in the same way [Zlotnicki and Le Mouel, 1990; Michel and Zlotnicki, 1998].