因私旅游欧洲申根签证申请材料 - 身份证(英文模板)

抬头附件1:在职证明参考样本TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs or Madams,Mr.(男)/Ms(女). XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company since XXXX. XX.(工作年月). This contract is effective long-term.He/She(男他/女他)wants to go to Europe for traveling from XX (日)XX(月) XXXX(年) to XX(日)XX(月) XXXX(年) (出国日期:日月年-日月年) All the expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself.(男自费/女自费)He/She(男他/女他)will come back to China on schedule and willstill work in our unit after this time European journey.Organization Code Certificate No./Business license No.:Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Monthly Salary(姓名)(出生日期)(护照号)(职务)(月薪)XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXBest Regards,Name of the leader (领导人姓名,机打)Position of the leader (领导人职位,机打)Signature(领导人姓名,机打))Stamp (盖章)Tel: xxx-xxxxxxxx(单位电话)Add: xxxxxxxxxxx (单位地址)Unit Name: xxxxxxxxxxx(单位名称)备注:1. 在职证明需打印成英文2. 凡样本中红色XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息3. 蓝色()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释4.请不要将“附件1:在职证明参考样本”字样,红色XX、蓝色()括号中的内容保留在完成的在职证明中。

欧洲申根签证在职证明中英文样本(范文模版)第一篇:欧洲申根签证在职证明中英文样本(范文模版)请用公司抬头信纸打印Dec 14, 2005/2005年12月14日Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai致意大利驻沪总领事馆Dear Sir or Madam:尊敬的先生/女士:Herewith we confirm that Ms.ZHANG Jun is the Manager of Training Dept.of Shanghai Century Lianhua Supermarket Development Co., Ltd.She will go to visit Italy and other Europe countries from 15 Nov 2005 to 24 Nov 2005.我们公司确认章娟女士是上海世纪联华超市发展有限公司培训部经理。
Name(姓名): ZHANG Jun 章娟Date & Place of Birth(出生日期和地点): 9 Dec 1977, Shanghai China/1977年12月9日中国上海Service organization(工作单位): Shanghai Century Lianhua Supermarket Development Co., Ltd.上海世纪联华超市发展有限公司Title(职位): Manager of Training Dept.培训部经理Passport No(护照号码): G0*******Working Period(工作时间): 1 YearSalary(薪资): RMB8500All costs relating to her stay will be borne by herself.We guarantee that during this trip she will abide laws of your country and be back as scheduled.We will resume her position in our company.It will be grateful if you issue her visa as soon as possible!她出国的一切费用由自己承担。
欧洲申根签证申请表 word 版

Application for Schengen VisaThis application form is free此表免费Please fill in this application form only in English 1. Surname(s) (family name(s)) / 姓F OR EMBASSY / CONSULATE USE ONLY 仅供使领馆使用Date application : File handled by : Supporting documents: □ Valid passport □ Financial means □ Invitation □ Means of transport □ Health insurance □ Other :Visa : □ Refused □ Granted 、 Characteristics of Visa : □ LTV □ A □ B □ C □ D □ D + C Number of entries : □ 1 □ 2 □ Mult iple Valid from ……………….. To ………………………… Valid for : …………………………….2. Surname(s) at birth (earlier family name(s)) / 出生时姓(原姓)3. First names (given names) / 名4. Date of birth (year-month-day) / 出生日期5. ID-number (optional) / 身份证号码(如有则填)6. Place and country of birth / 出生地及国家7. Current nationality/ies / 现国籍 8. Original nationality (nationality at birth) / 原国籍 9. Sex / 性别 □ Male / 男 □ Female / 女 10. Marital status : / 婚姻状况 □ Single /未婚 □ Married /已婚 □ Separated /分居 □ Divorced /离婚 □ Widow(er) /丧偶□ Other/其他 11. Father’s name / 父亲姓名 12. Mother’s name / 母亲姓名 13. Type of passport: / 护照类型 □ National passport /私人护照 □ Diplomatic passport /外交护照 □ Service passport /公务护照 □ Alien's passport /外国人护照 □ Seaman’s passport /海员护照 □ Travel document (1951 Conven tion)/旅行证件□ Other travel document (please specify):/其他旅行证件(请注明)…………………………………………………………… 14. Number of passport / 护照号码 15. Issued by / 发照机关 16. Date of issue / 发照日期 17. Valid until / 有效期至 18. If you reside in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country? / 如果你的居住国不是你的国籍所在国,那么你是否被允许返回居住国? □ No / 不是 □ Yes, (number and validity) / 是(号码和有效期) ……………….……………………………………………… * 19. Current occupation / 现职业 * 20. Employer and employer’s address and telephone nu mber. For students, name and address of school. /工作单位名称、地址和电话,学生填学校名称及地址 21. Main destination / 主要目的地 22. Type of Visa : / 签证类型 □ Airport transit /机场过境 □ Transit /过境 □ Short stay /短期停留 □ Long stay/长期停留 23. Visa : □ Individual /个人签证 □ Collective /团队签证 24. Number of entries requested / 申请入境次数 □ Single entry / 一次入境 □ Two entries / 两次入境 □ Multiple entries / 多次入境 25. Duration of stay / 停留时间 Visa is requested for: / 申请签证______ days / 天 26. Other visas (issued during the past three years) and their period of validity/其他签证(最近三年内)及有效期至 27. In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination? / 如需过境,你是否有进入最终目的地国家的入境许可? □ No / 没有 □ Yes, valid until: /有,有效期至……………………… Issuing authority: / 签发机关……………………… * 28. Previous stays in this or other Schengen states / 以前在本申根国或其他申根国家停留情况* The questions marked with * do not have to be answered by family members of EU or EEA citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant). Family members of EU or EEA citizens have to present documents to prove this relationship.*欧盟或欧洲经济区公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)不必回答*问题。

申根签证coverletter模板申请申根签证时,撰写一份详细的Cover Letter(申请信或陈述信)是很重要的,因为它可以帮助使馆了解你的旅行目的、计划以及你在申请国家的停留意图。
以下是一份简单的申根签证Cover Letter模板,你可以根据个人情况进行适当的修改:---[你的名字][你的地址][你的电话号码][你的电子邮件地址][日期][目标国家使馆/领事馆地址]尊敬的签证官,我是[你的姓名],护照号码[你的护照号码],计划前往[目标国家]进行旅行,并在[预计停留时间]期间访问[具体城市或地点]。
在写Cover Letter时,要尽量简明扼要地表达你的意图和计划。

Schengen Visa Application form
This application form is free 此表格免费提供
(x) Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document
字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料
The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.

签证资料翻译(身份证、户口簿等模版)身份证 (3)行驶证 (4)企业营业执照副本 (5)户口本 (6)企业注册证 (10)结婚证 (11)房产证 (12)完税证明 (15)存款余额证明 (17)单位证明样本 (18)个人收入证明参考样本 (19)准假信,收入证明,在职证明一体信 (20)意大利访友签证--个人邀请函样本.................................................................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
法国访友签证- 邀请函样本 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式(样本).. (22)个人声明参考样本 (25)学位证/毕业证翻译 (26)退休证 (27)机构代码证 (28)机构代码证(另一个版本) (30)简历的中英文模板 (32)探亲邀请信的英文模板 (38)准假证明英文件 (39)公司派遣函 (40)申请表的翻译版本及填法模板 (41)企业营业执照 (43)企业营业执照–另一个版本 (44)Income/leave Certification (46)北京的行驶证翻译件 (47)事业单位法人证翻译样本 (48)独生子女光荣证(法语)...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须以英文填写1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓For official use only签证机关专用2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏Date of application:3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名Visa application number:4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年)5. Place of birth / 出生地6. Country of birth / 出生国7. Current nationality / 现国籍Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同Application lodged atEmbassy/Consulate CACService providerCommercial intermediary 8. Sex / 性别 Male / 男Female / 女9. Marital status / 婚姻状况Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow(er) / 丧偶Other / 其它…………………………….BorderName:Other10. In the case of minors: Surname, firs t name, address (if different from applicant ’s) and nationality of parental authority /legal guardian / 未成年申请人须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍File handled by: 11. National identity number, where applicable身份证号码,如适用Supporting documents:Travel document12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照Official passport / 因公护照Special passport / 特殊护照Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… Means of subsistence InvitationMeans of transport TMI Other:13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号14. Date of issue 签发日期15. Valid until 有效期至16. Issued by 签发机关17. Applicant ’s home address and e -mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件Telephone number(s)电话号码Visa decision:Refused Issued AC LTV18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 No 否Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..…………………………..是。

Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须以英文填写1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓For official use only 签证机关专用 2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏Date of application: 3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名Visa application number:4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年)5. Place of birth / 出生地6. Country of birth / 出生国7. Current nationality / 现国籍Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同Application lodged at Embassy/Consulate CACService providerCommercial intermediary 8. Sex / 性别Male / 男 Female / 女9. Marital status / 婚姻状况Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 …………………………….BorderName:Other 10. In the case of minors: Surname, firs t name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority / legal guardian / 未成年申请人 须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍d by:11. National identity number, where applicable 身份证号码,如适用Supporting documents: Travel document 12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):……………………………………Means of subsistence InvitationMeans of transport TMI Other: 13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号14. Date of issue 签发日期 15. Valid until 有效期至 16. Issued by 签发机关17. Applicant’s home address and e -mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件Telephone number(s) 电话号码 Visa decision:RefusedIssued A CLTV 18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 No 否Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. 是。
最新版欧洲申根签证申请表 中英文对照 可编辑WORD版

Application for Schengen Visa 申根签证申请表 This application form is free 此表格免费F a mil y m embe r s o f EU , EE A o r C H c iti zen s s h all n o t f ill in field s n o .21, 22, 30, 31 an d 32 (ma rk ed w ith *).欧盟,欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民家属不填写第21,22,30,31及32项(*标注) Fi e l d s 1-3 s h all be f ill ed in i n acco r d a n c e w ith the d a t a i n t he tr av e l d o c umen t . 第1-3项须按照旅行证件信息填写。
1. Surname (Family name): 姓氏: F OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY签证机关专用Data złożenia wniosku:Numer wniosku:□w ambasadzie lub konsulacie □ we wspólnym ośrodku przyjmowania wniosków□ u usługodawcy□ u pośredniczącego podmiotukomercyjnego □ na granicyNazwa: □ inneWniosek przyjęty przez:Dokumenty uzupełniające:□ dokument podróży□ środki utrzymania□ zaproszenie □ środek transportu □ podróżne ubezpieczeniemedyczne □ inne:Decyzja o wizie: □ odmowa wydania wizy□ wiza przyznana:□A □ C □ o ograniczonej ważności terytorialnej□ Termin ważności: Od …………………………….Do …………………………….Liczba wjazdów:□ 1 □ 2 □ wielokrotnyLiczba dni: .................... 2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)): 出生时姓氏: 3. First name(s) (Given name(s)): 名字: 4. Date of birth (day-month-year): 出生日期(日-月-年): 5. Place of birth: 出生地点:6. Country of birth: 出生国:7. Current nationality: 现国籍: Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如不同:Other nationalities: 其他国籍: 8. Sex: 性别: □ Male 男 □ Female 女 9. Marital status: 婚姻状况:□ Single 单身 □ Married 已婚 □ Registered Partnership 注册伴侣关系 □ Separated 分居 □ Divorced 离异 □Widow(er) 丧偶 □ Other (please specify): 其他(请注明): 10. Parental authority (in case of minors) /legal guardian (surname, first name, address, if different from applicant’s, telephone no., e-mail address, and nationality): 父母(如是未成年申请人)/合法监护人(姓名、住址,如与申请人不同)电话号码、电子邮件及国籍: 11. National identity number, where applicable: 公民身份证号码,如适用: 12. Type of travel document: 旅行证件类型:□ Ordinary passport 普通护照 □ Diplomatic passport 外交护照 □ Service passport 公务护照 □ Official passport 因公护照 □ Special passport 特殊护照 □ Other travel document (please specify) 其他旅行证件(请注明): 13. Number of travel document: 旅行证件号码: 14. Date of issue: 签发日期: 15. Valid until: 有效期至: 16. Issued by: 签发机关: 17. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen: 如有家庭成员为欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民的,请填写该家庭成员的个人信息: Surname (Family name): 姓氏: First name(s) (given name(s)): 名字: Date of birth: 出生日期(日-月-年): Nationality: 国籍: Number of travel document of ID card:旅行证件或个人身份证件号码:PHOTO照片1In so far as the VIS is operational.。
因私旅游欧洲申根签证申请材料 - 身份证(英文模板)

请予以批准!公司名称:XXXXXXXXX联系人:XXX电话:XXX - XXXXXXX传真:XXX - XXXXXXX地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTo: Visa Section of xx ConsulateSubject: Vacation, Salary and Employment Certification Letter for Visa ApplicationDear Officer,We hereby certify that Mr. / Ms. XXX (Male / Female, born on DD/MM/YYYY) holding of passport No. XXXXX has been employed by our company as XXX since DD/MM/YYYY.We have approved Mr. / Ms. XXX’s annual leave from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. He / She will resume her duties with our company on her return to xxx on DD/MM/YYYY.All of Mr. / Mrs. XXX’s costs will be paid by himself / herself. We are confident that Mr. / Ms. XXX will return to work on time. The purpose of his / her trip is for travelling. He / She will not seek any employment or residency in xxx and will abide by the laws and regulations of xxx. We would be very grateful if you would approve her application for a visitor visa. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.Company Name: XXXXXXXPerson to contact: XXXXXTelephone: XXX - XXXXXXXFax:XXX - XXXXXXXAddress: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX该证明信需用公司抬头纸(或带有公司名称信纸)打印或书写。

歐洲(神根、瑞士)-簽證資料1. 有效旅行證件(半年以上有效期)。
2. 半年內近照 4 張。
(〔35x45mm〕,人像自頭頂至下顎之長度需有 32-36mm,白底背景為準)【神跟、瑞士各 2 張】3. 香港身份證影印本。
4. 公司放假信。
5. 個人入息稅單 及 薪金證明(副本)。
6. 經濟證明(副本)。
7. 旅遊(醫療)保險。
*************************************** 姓名(英文): 父親姓名(英文): 母親姓名(英文): 婚姻狀況:□ 未婚 □ 已婚 配偶姓名(英文): 配偶出生日期及地點: 配偶國籍: 住址(英文):電話: 職業: 公司名稱(英文): 公司地址(英文):電話: F-VD-13(05/07)歐洲(神根、瑞士)-簽證資料1. 有效旅行證件(半年以上有效期)。
2. 半年內近照 4 張。
(〔35x45mm〕,人像自頭頂至下顎之長度需有 32-36mm,白底背景為準)【神跟、瑞士各 2 張】3. 香港身份證影印本。
4. 公司放假信。
5. 個人入息稅單 及 薪金證明(副本)。
6. 經濟證明(副本)。
7. 旅遊(醫療)保險。
*************************************** 姓名(英文): 父親姓名(英文): 母親姓名(英文): 婚姻狀況:□ 未婚 □ 已婚 配偶姓名(英文): 配偶出生日期及地點: 配偶國籍: 住址(英文):電話: 職業: 公司名稱(英文): 公司地址(英文):電話:F-VD-13(05/07)歐洲(神根、瑞士)-簽證資料1. 有效旅行證件(半年以上有效期)。
2. 半年內近照 4 張。
(〔35x45mm〕,人像自頭頂至下顎之長度需有 32-36mm,白底背景為準)【神跟、瑞士各 2 張】3. 香港身份證影印本。
4. 公司放假信。
5. 個人入息稅單 及 薪金證明(副本)。
6. 經濟證明(副本)。

欧洲申根签证子女为父母做英文担保样本第一篇:欧洲申根签证子女为父母做英文担保样本DECLARATIONMy name is Zhou Yuezhen, I’m work in the JIANGSU HENG RUI PHARMACEUTICALS SALES CO., LTD.And my income is about 50,000 every year.Ms.LIANG YUHUA is my mother.She is retired, and she will go with me to have tour in Europe from 10.11.2009-20.11.2009.This time I will cover all the expense of my mother in EU during the vacation.And I will promise my mother will come back to China on time when we finished the journey.第二篇:欧洲申根签证欧洲申根签证准备资料1.请提供有效五年因私护照(护照后签字)有效期6个月以上,如有旧护照,请提供。

1 本文件共包含四类模版,分别为户口本,房产证,结婚证和完税证明。
2 因各个地区同类证件格式不一,建议各位以当地证件规格排列以方便签证官将中英文信息进行对照。
3 户口本模版中首页为户口簿在册成员信息,第二页为户主信息,第三页开始为家庭成员个人信息,使用者可根据在册人数数量保留适当的页数。
4 其他使用模版中出现的问题和对其他模版的要求可以随时邮件联系我。
1 户口本Permanent resident population's registerPermanent resident population's registerSeal of Registrar: Issued Dart: Permanent resident population's registerSeal of Registrar: Issued Dart: 2 房产证3 结婚证People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them th e permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200X4 完税证明(大多数地区签证不需要)。
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To: Visa Section of xx Consulate
Subject: Vacation, Salary and Employment Certification Letter for Visa Application
Dear Officer,
We hereby certify that Mr. / Ms. XXX (Male / Female, born on DD/MM/YYYY) holding of passport No. XXXXX has been employed by our company as XXX since DD/MM/YYYY.
We have approved Mr. / Ms. XXX’s annual leave from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. He / She will resume her duties with our company on her return to xxx on DD/MM/YYYY.
All of Mr. / Mrs. XXX’s costs will be paid by himself / herself. We are confident that Mr. / Ms. XXX will return to work on time. The purpose of his / her trip is for travelling. He / She will not seek any employment or residency in xxx and will abide by the laws and regulations of xxx. We would be very grateful if you would approve her application for a visitor visa. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Company Name: XXXXXXX
Person to contact: XXXXX
Telephone: XXX - XXXXXXX