

2017-2018学年度高一语文第二学期期末试卷 含答案

2017-2018学年度高一语文第二学期期末试卷 含答案

2017-2018学年度第二学期第二次月考(全二册)高一年级语文试卷命题人:校对:考试时长:150 分钟分值:150 分I 卷(选择题,共44分)一基础知识单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。

在下列各小题的备选答案中,选择一个正确的答案)1.下列加点的字注音,错误最多的一项是()A.憎.恶(zèng)岑.寂(cán)流涎.(yán)锱.铢必较(zhī)B.目眦.(zì)攻讦.(jiān)拉纤.(qiàn)一蹴.而就(cù)C.瞋.目(chēng)绮.丽(yǐ)得逞.(chěng)昙.花一现(tán)D.折腾.(teng)帷.幕(weí)露.穷(lù)清沁.肺腑(qìng)2.下列词语中,错别字最多的一项是()A.不及不离挥豁无度珍羞美味源源不断B.抱残守却诩诩如生转瞬即逝迫在眉睫C.相形见拙烟熏火燎宠然大物屈指可数D.莫名其妙震耳欲聋猝不及防冠冕堂煌3.下列词语中,加点字解释完全正确的一项是()A.待人接物.(物体)自鸣.得意(表示)无动于衷.(内心)B.疾.言厉色(急速)胡作非.为(不对)灭顶..之灾(水漫过头顶)C.自顾不暇.(时间)冥思苦.想(用心)一丝不苟.(苟且、马虎)D.小心..谨慎(留心)纵横交错.(叉开) 有史可稽.(考核、核查)4.依次填入下列句子横线处的关联词,最恰当的是()也有的播迁他邦,重振雄风;也有的昙花一现,未老而先亡。



”B. 做年夜饭不能拉风箱——呱嗒呱嗒的风箱声会破坏神秘感——因此要烧最好的草、棉花柴或者豆秸。





第Ⅰ卷(选择题,满分100分)注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在机读卡上;2. 1—70小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把机读卡上对应的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上;3. 考试结束后,将第Ⅰ卷的机读卡和第Ⅱ卷的答题卡一并交回。







1.Who’s the girl?A. Cindy.B. Jenny.C. Gina.2.What color is the hat?A. It’s blue.B. It’s red.C. It’s yellow.3.Where are the girl’s books?A. They are under the sofa.B. They are next to the sofa.C. They are on the sofa.4.What does the boy have?A. A soccer ball.B. A baseball.C. A volleyball.5.What does the girl like?A. Milk.B. Ice-cream.C. Hamburgers.第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




下关一中2017–2018学年高一年级下学期期末考试生物试卷注意: 考试时间90分钟, 总分100分。


第一大题为选择题, 所有答案必须用2B铅笔涂在答题卡相应的位置。

第二大题为非选择题, 所有答案必须填在答题卡的相应的位置, 答案写在试卷均无效, 不予计分。

一、选择题(每题只有一个答案最符合题意, 每题1.5分, 共60分)1. 下列关于孟德尔研究过程的分析正确的是A. 孟德尔提出的假说其核心内容是“性状由位于染色体上的基因控制的”B. 孟德尔依据减数分裂的相关原理进行“演绎推理”的过程C. 为了验证提出的假说是否正确, 孟德尔设计并完成了测交实验D. 测交后代性状分离比为1∶1, 从细胞水平上说明基因分离定律的实质2.对“一对相对性状的杂交实验”中性状分离现象的各项假设性解释, 错误的是A.生物的性状是由细胞中的遗传因子决定的B.体细胞中的遗传因子成对存在, 互不融合C.在配子中只含每对遗传因子的一个D.生物的雌雄配子数量相等, 且随机结合3.大豆的白花和紫花是一对相对性状。

下列四组杂交实验中, 能判断出显性和隐性关系的是①紫花×紫花→紫花②紫花×紫花→301紫花+101白花③紫花×白花→紫花④紫花×白花→98紫花+102白花A. ①②B. ③④C. ②③D. ①③4. 只在减数分裂中发生, 而在有丝分裂中不发生的现象是A.DN.的复..B.纺锤体的形..C.同源染色体的分...D.着丝点的分裂5.采用下列哪一组方法, 可依次解决①—⑤中的遗传学问题①鉴定一只白羊(显性性状)是否纯种②在一对相对性状中区分显隐性③不断提高小麦抗病品种的纯合度④检验杂种F1的基因型⑤鉴别一株高茎豌豆是不是纯合体的最简便方法A. 测交杂交自交测交测交B. 测交杂交自交自交测交C. 测交杂交自交测交自交D. 测交测交杂交测交自交6.某种植物的两个开白花的品系AAbb和aaBB杂交, F1自交得F2中有紫花和白花, 且比例为9∶7。







1.What season is it most probably now?A.Summer.B.Winter.C. Autumn.2.Why was the woman absent?A. She looked after her daughter.B.She forgot the invitation.C.She wasn't feeling well.3.What does the man mean?A.He has no interest in wild life.B. He is sorry to fail the exam.C. He won't join the group.4.What does the man want to do?A.Book a room.B.PayMr.Stephen a visit.C.Invite the woman to dinner.5.What is the man trying to do?A. Make an apology.B.Make a decision.C.Make an invitation.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。













1. What is the man?A. A servant.B. A waiter.C. A director.2. What happened to Mary?A. She missed the train.B. She took the wrong seat.C. She lost her wallet.3. How is the school now?A. It’s not as good as it was.B. It’s better than it used to be.C. It’s wo rse than people say.4. When will the movie start?A. At 10 o’clock.B. At 10:30.C. At 10:50.5. What did the woman advise the man to do?A. Go to see a doctor at once.B. Give up solving the problem.C. Be patient with the problem.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。




6. Who sent the scarf to Tina?A. Her mother.B. Her boyfriend.C. Her brother.7. Where does Tina come from?A. Sydney.B. London.C. New York.8. Who are the two speakers?A. Relatives.B. Neighbors.C. Classmates.听下面一段独白,回答第9至第10两个小题。




AKing’s College Summer School is an annual (年度的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to impro ve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King’s College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year’s summer school will be from July 25 to August 15. More21. You can most probably read the text in _____.A. a travel guideB. a textbookC. a telephone bookD. a newspaper22. If you want to l ive at a relative’s home in New York, you will have to pay the school _____.A. $ 200B. $ 400C. $ 500D. $ 90023. What can we learn from the text?A. The program will last two months.B. You can e-mail or ring up the school.C. You should write to Thompson only in English.D. Students in China can send applications only on July 14.BI’m a travel lover. I think it is very exciting to go to new places, experience different situations and see new things. Here’s what I have come up with about why my tr avel is so interesting.To start with, whether we know it or not, every day is filled with anxiety about things that we don’t need to worry about in the first place. Going to new places is a good chance to escape from our everyday worries. For example, after a whole day at work, I’m often physically and mentally tired and start to worry about things. However, the moment I get on the train or bus to my next destination (目的地), I forget all my tiredness and worries.Next is one of the most important things in travel: movement.I always take along books to read on my train trips, but in the end, only about five pages or so ever get read, because I just look at things out of the window. Just the ability to move is very enjoyable. Movement also means that we are going to new places and seeing new things. But why is that important? Because experiencing new situations, people and ideas can help us to learn about new things and grow. I have never gone on a trip and come back as the same person; I have always changed and grown through travel.So take every type of trip you can, at every chance you get, and you will not only experience more of the world, but willbecome a happier person with rich experiences.24. The passage is mainly about _____.A. how to have a comfortable lifeB. how to prepare for a tripC. why travel is so excitingD. why some people are tired of travelling25. Why doesn’t the author read much on train trips?A. Because he is too busy working to read.B. Because he is so tired that he can’t read.C. Because he doesn’t like reading on the train.D. Because his attention was taken away by the beautiful view.26. People who travel to new places will _____.①learn new things ②become happier③get more experiences ④have more chances to readA. ①③④B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①②③27. The author develops the passage mainly by _____.A. giving explanationsB. giving examplesC. making comparisonsD. following the natural time orderCEveryone who has eaten instant noodles knows that it’s very easy to cook them quickly. However, have you ever heard of the danger of eating them?When taking out the noodles from the packaging, you will notice that they are joined together nicely as a piece. Do you know that it needs some form of wax coating (蜡涂层) to makethem joined togethe r nicely? Many people don’t really care much about it because this seems very normal. However, studies have shown that the wax coating is bad for our body.It is advisable to have a break of 2-3 days before we start to eat another packet of instant noodles because our body needs about 3 days to clear that wax coating away. Do you know the danger of having too much wax coating in our stomach? It will lead to CANCER if it is in our body for so long.Luckily, there is a way to reduce the danger before we eat instant noodles. First, wash the noodles with warm water, stir (搅拌) them and pour away the water containing the wax coating. Then repeat the first step and try tostir them again to wash away the wax coating on the noodles before cooking them. The shop vendors (供应商) will often wash away the dangerous wax coating.It is very easy to cook instant noodles but we must pay attention to the wax coating if we eat too much. Imagine having too much of it in your stomach. Oh, my! Hope this article will help more people know about the hidden danger!28. What should you do before eating instant noodles according to the writer?A. Stir the noodles twice in really cold water.B. Stop the noodles from joining together.C. Wash away the wax coating on the noodles.D. Drink large amounts of warm or hot water.29. What’s probably the author’s attitude to eating instant noodles?A. Supportive.B. Careful.C. Happy.D. Angry.30. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?A. The instant noodle.B. The hidden danger.C. The attention.D. The wax coating.31. The author writes this text mainly to _____ .A. introduce delicious instant noodles to peopleB. tell people the danger of eating wax coatingC. help us to know the good part of wax coatingD. share with us a safer way to eat instant noodlesDAlmost every night for more than 10 years, Kirk Alexander, 48, ordered a late dinner from his local restaurant Domino’s Pizza. But for the past two weeks, he hasn’t called for even once.“A few of my staff mentioned that we hadn’t seen his order in a while. Then I found that it had been 12 days since he last ordered, which is not like him,” Domino’s general manager Sarah Fuller said, feeling she could no longer ignore Kirk’s recent absence.Sarah has known Kirk since 2009, when she started working at the Domino’s Pizza as a deliver driver and often made the short trip to Kirk’s home about six minutes away. She knew Kirk worked from home, and neighbors said he seldom left. She also knew that he had some health problems in the past. Something, Sarah worried, was wrong.Around 1 a.m. on May 8, Sarah sent delivery driver Sean Hamblen to visit Kirk’s home. Sean arrived at Kirk’s home andknocked on the front door several times. There was no answer. He later noticed that the lights and the TV in the home were on. When he called Kirk’s phone, it went straight to voice mail.Sean drove back to the restaurant to tell Sarah and they decided to call 911. Soon, officers arrived at Kirk’s home. So did Sarah and Sean. They heard a man calling for help from inside. Officers broke down the door and found Kirk on the floor in need of medical attention at once after suffering from a heart attack. One day later, they might have been too late.So is keeping an eye on regular customers pa rt of Domino’s business plan? Not really. “Kirk is part of our family here and we feel like we need to do something.” Sarah said.32. Why did Sarah send a delivery driver to visit Kirk?A. Because her staff asked her to do so.B. Because she was worried about Kirk.。




A)从A,B,C,D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项.1.A.C.2.A.C.3.A.C.4.contUnA.C.5.A.C.B. D.B. D. B. D. B. D. B. D.B)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

()6.His money has ____ ten million dollars, but he is not satisfied.A.increased C.been increased A.At all C.Before long A.praised C.and praising A.he if felt C.if he feltB.been e D.e to B.After all D.At present B.praising D.and praise B.he felt if D.if did he feel()7.You can't believe him pletely.____ he often lies.()8.The boss went to see Mr King, ____ him for his work.()9.The doctor asked the boy ____ better.()10.----You are the world-famous scientist,aren't you?----You ____ , I think.I am still astudent. A.can't be serious C.must be rightB.mustn't be serious D.might be funny()11.When the boss ____ in the project ____.A.came, had been discussedB.had e, was discussed C.was ing, was discussing D.has e, had discussed()12.Since this term he has made ____.A.much progress C.a lot of progresses A.some C.some of whichthe whole morning.A.think, were C.think, are A.must C.might be A.in which, play C.that, play----____.A.hold/ Yes, please C.holding/ Yes, please A.in C.for A.became C.changed A.turn over C.go against A.make, hear C.force, to hear A.wouldn't like C.don't want()23.----What a beautiful place!----But ____ a waste. A.it is only C.it used toB.there is D.there used to be B.to hold/ No, please D.holding/ Of course not B.on D.by B.gone D.kept B.turn down D.go over B.make, heard D.force, hearing B.don't feel like D.don't agree B.have thought, were D.thought, were B.may D.can't be B.which, do D.in that, do B.many progress D.some progresses B.some of them D.of which()13.The houses were repaired, ____ had been destroyed in the big fire.()14.Hello, John! I never ____ you ____ here.I have been looking for you()15.The girl looks pale; she ____ ill.()16.They know the important part ____ puters ____ in their lives.()17.----Would you mind ____ the books for me?()18.They sell eggs ____ the dozen in that country.()19.The drink has ____ bad.Why didn't you keep it in the shade?()20.If you ____ nature, you'll regret, I think.()21.First of all you ____ should your voice____.()22.I ____ following your advice right away.()24.----Why didn't you call me?----I did call you, but I had some difficulty in____. A.get on C.get through A.like of C.fond ofⅡ.完形填空。



•单项选择题: 镇平一高2018春高一英语词汇竞赛试题1. It is not a serious ill ness. I guess she will ____ soon. A. remove B. recover C. replace D. reduce2. — Have you finished your experiment report, Jane? —Oh, my God. I ve __ forgotte n al l about that.3. 4. 5. A. stron gly B. extremely C. en tirelyD. freelyThere is noswimmi ng-poolA. in doors; outdoorsC. in door; outdoors Now I ' ve got him in my A . power in B. energy —Did the boys break the wi ndow this school and the students often go to swimB. in door; outdoorD. in door; in doors I can make him do anything I want. C. strength D. right —No. They did it when they were playing football. A . by accident B. on purpose C . at dusk D. as usual 6.— So you didn ' t say “Hi ” to your partner when you saw her? —Well , I stopped and smiled at her , but she me and walked on with her head high. A. refused B . failed C. missedD . ignored 7. Tonny ' s pare nts thought he was at school , but he was in a net bar. A . actually B. especially C .hopefully D. exactly Don' t resp ond to any e -mails pers onal in formati on no matter how officialthey look. A . searching B. asking C. requesti ng questio ning 9. There ' s a big differenee between saying you 'll do something and. doing it. A . frequently B. gradually C. certa inly D. actually 10. This tree , amongthe tallest in the world ,is. to a small area in southeastern Africa. A . present B . native C. official D. latter 11. Because of the recent bad weather ,the work is several weeks behind A . situation B .speed C. in sura nee D. schedule 12.If you sta nd by the win dow ,you will get a better of the sea. A . scene.sceneryC. sightD. view13. Being a person , Aunt Li woul dn' t let anyone or any difficulty stop her.A. stubborn B . reliable C . determined D . concerned14. Soon after the quakes , one thousand soldiers were sent out to_ ________________ the miners from the local coal mine.A. shelter B . rescue C . bury D . injure15. Two days later , the fighting between the two countries left the areaA . in fearB .in sile neeC . in rui nsD . in peace16 .The mother'sactionsher love more tha n any words could do.A .expressedB .saidC .meantD .judged17.Si nee this is the first time you have broken the law , you may be given a lightA . judgeB .pris onC .sentence D. blame18.I have to tell myself to thi nk of ways to solve the problem in stead of worryi ng.ItisA . uselessB .extremeC .bori ng D. frighte ning19. Lots of praise has come from those prisoners ' relatives because the pris oners are gett ing better after heari ng the lecture.A. peaceful B . hopeful C . active D. grateful20 . Philip isn ' t at all ;he always pays the bill whe n we eat in a restaura nt.A. gen erous B . un fair C . selfish D . mea n21. Those who suffer from headache will find they get ____ from this medici ne.A. relief B .safety C defe nse D shelter22. The _____ old lady asked the doctor for ______ killi ng because she suffer froma deadly disease.A mercy , mercyB mercy , mercifulC merciful , mercyD merciful , merciful23. You told me to lock the door and I acted ____ .A thereforeB in steadC accord in glyD however24. This magaz ine is very _____ with young people who like its content and style.A familiarB popularC similarD particular25. _______________ John is very ——if he promise to do something he ' ll do it.A in depe ndentB con fide ntC reliableD flexible26. _________________________________________________________ Tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and fin ally, his efforts _____________________________ him a great success and fame.A savedB earnedC madeD offered27. Don ' t believe him, he did not really lose his wallet --- that is a(n) __________ .A trickB in strume ntC recordD exhibiti on28. Parents _______ much importanee to education. They will do their best to give theirchildre n that priceless gift.A attachB payC linkD apply29.1 suggested he work out a new pla n but he did not ______ i t.A resp ond toB resp ondC make resp onseD resp onse to30. With the product ion _________ y ear by year, the man ager had to resig n.A decreasedB decreas ingC in creasedD in creas ing31. The speech The Change We Need made by the Bracack Obama before the final elect ion is stron gly impressed ___ o n my memory.A toB overC byD on32. Do you use ______ for cook ing.A electricB electricityC electro nicD electrical33. People in the village like Jim because he is good at telli ng and _____ j okes.A turning upB pull ing upC mak ing up D. show ing upconsidered to be the king of all animals, as it is a(n) ________________of courage and power.A fromB ofC upD into36. If you ____ yourself to the textbook, you will find the questio n is no more difficult.A applyB absorbC in terestD appeal37. --- I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble in my new job. --- That is true. __________ , I won ' t let any trouble come to you.34.The tiger is usuallyA symbolB sig nC signal D35. The use we make our time is not proper.A An yhowB ThereforeC TotallyD Truly38. In 2005 the Chin ese people were always in high spirits, for pieces of excit ingn ews came to China ______ .A step by stepB little by littleC day by dayD one after ano ther39. Con sideri ng his con tributi on to our compa ny, Mr White __ better treatme nt than this.A observesB preservesC prete ndsD deserves40. ______ by the no ise, the baby cried.A WakeB WokeC AwakeD .Awake n41. You should have ______ to Tim. What you said yesterday hurt him deeply.A apologizedB liedC promisedD wept42. In our childhood we were ofte n ____ by Gran dma to pay atte nti on to our table mann ers.A dema ndedB remin dedC allowedD hoped43. Many people _____ round , curious to know what was happe ning.A accumulatedB ranC collectedD gathered44. Tomfrien dshipandexperie neefrom the local reside nts , worki ng withthemfor 3 years.A beatB wonC gainedD made45. Her mother is very happy because she has won the first ______ in the n ati onal En glish competiti on.A scholarshipB rewardC awardD medal46. It is very importa nt to keep the _____ of n ature..A dateB shapeC orderD bala nee47. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer must know their _____ and weak nesses.A stre ngthsB ben efitsC tech niq uesD values48. If you want to get a book out of the library, you should _____ the cataloguefirst.A con sistB con sultC in structD in sult49. In the park, the number of visitors is _____________ to avoid damaging the environmentA expectedB en couragedC limitedD inten ded50. The reader who has spe nt serious effort on a problem may ____ from the effort even if he doesn' t succeed in solving the problem.A ben efitB con cludeC judgeD come51. The driver shall be fined if he drives without a(a n) ______ .A allowa neeB permitC permissi onD admitta nee52. Is there anything wrong with me ? Don' t ______ at me like that.A glareB stareC no ticeD watch53. As there was not much cha nee to find good jobs in their hometow n, a lot of young people tried to ______ their fortune in cities.A. findB seekC find out D. look54. After the explosi on, the factory was a(a n) _____ of total con fusi on.A sceneB situati onC viewD occasi on55. There, in the small temple, used to ____ a big bell. But now it has gone.A happe nB comeC existD sta nd56. The fact _____ Jack much why he has bee n un able to pass the driv ing test up to now.B comfortsC worriesD puzzles57. Made to her _____ at the famous tailorB processC measureD arran geme nt58. For a mome nt , he lay still , and the referee he was OK.B collectedC con firmedD decided 59. ——What ____ did the country leave you after a year of your stay ing there ? ——Well, I think what ____ m e most was the frien dli ness of the people there.A. impressi on ‘impressed B was impressed , impressC was impressed on ‘impress ingD had impressed , was impressed60. Though lack ing money and support from his family , he ___ to complete the task by himself , which brought him con fide nee and experie nee.A surprisesshop, the dress fits her well.A step even checked his pulse , but soonA deniedA triedB attemptedC ranD man aged61. After study ing in a medical college for five years , Jane ______ h er job as adoctor in the country side .A set outB took overC took upD set up62. Most air polluti on is caused by the bur ning of ____ like coal , gas and oil .A fuelsB articlesC goodsD products63. At the railway station , the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the trainwas ______ .A out of sightB out of reachC out of orderD out of place64. _____ a mome nt and I will go to your rescue .A Go onB Hold onC Move onD Carry on65. There are ple nty of jobs _____ in the wester n part of the country .A prese ntB availableC preciousD convenient66. The compa ny is starti ng a new advertis ing campaig n to ____ n ew customers toits store .A joinB attractC stickD tran sfer67. Lucy has _______ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is readyfor new challe nges at uni versity .A acquiredB fini shedC con cludedD achieved68. We are at your service . Don ' t _________ to turn to us if you have any furtherproblems .A begB hesitateC desireD seek69. Joh n was late for the bus in ess meeti ng because his flight had bee n __ .A keptB stoppedC slowedD delayed70. The fact that she n ever apologized ___ a lot about what kind of pers on she is .A saysB talksC appearsD declared71. In this seaside resort , you can _____________ all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism .A enjoyB applyC receivedD achieve72. As no body here knows what is wrong with the mach ine , we must send for an engin eerto ______ the problem .A han dleB raiseC faceD prese nt73. She devoted herself _____ to her research and it earned her a good reputati on in her field .A stron glyB extremelyC en tirelyD freely74. Emerge ncy line operators must always ____ calm and make sure that they get all the in formati on they n eed to send help .A growB appearC becomeD stay75. They started off late and got to the airport with minu tes to _____ .A spareB catchC leaveD make76. They ' ve _____ us £ 150,000 for the house .Shall we take it ?A providedB suppliedC show nD offered77. He and his wife are of the same __________ ; they both want their son to go to collegeA soulB spiritC heartD mind78. The performanee _______ nearly three hours , but few people left the theatre earlyA coveredB reachedC playedD lasted79 Mum _____ to us ,“ Be quiet ! Your little sister' s sleeping . ”A whisperedB shoutedC expla inedD replied80.ou have bee n sitt ing on my hat and now it is badly out of ____ .A dateB shapeC orderD bala nee81.e mom asked the little boy to _____ his toys before going to bed.A. put awayB. put dow nC. put onD. put up 82No disaster can _____ the strong Chin ese people.A.defeatB. attackC. win83I thought hard, but the term didn't ___A. make senseB. make clearC. make out84Every one is called on to _____ s ometh ing to the victims.A. con structB.connectC. con tribute85. _________ Don't any details whe n maki ng the pla n.D.overcomeD.make sureD. collectD. put outA. let outB. make outC. leave out86. Will it suit your ____ that we have the party on Saturday?A. satisfacti onB. convenienceC. n eedD. appo in tme nt87. The school ____ 50 classes.A. is con sisted ofB. con sists inC. is made ofD. con sists of88. ___________________________________ T he carriage rolled dow n the slope and pieces.A. broke awayB. broke offC. broke upD. broke through89.Sea food ____ me perfectly.A. fitsB. matchesC. suitsD. adopts91. ______ he the audie nee with humurous performa nee.A. delightedB. amazedC. en terta iningD. recreatio n91. The train is adva ncing at a _____ speed.A. in sta ntB. con sta ntC. freque ntD. flue nt92. The young man is ____ to be promoted, but fin ally failed.A. proudB. an xiousC. eager D content93.She does n't ___ her daughter's marriage.A.approve forB. agree withC. approve ofD. agree on94It took her a long time to ____ the skillsA. acquireB. inq uireC. requireD. request95.The amount you pay ______ on where you live.A. basesB. dependsC. focusesD. takes96.ln this speech I shall ___ the early years of Shakespear.A. concen trate onB. devote toC. apply toD. occupy in97.I will ____ t he loa n to pay for my further educati on.A. apply toB. apply forC. askD. beg98. He is going to hospital in Hongkong for special _____ .A. cureB. treatme ntC. trai ningD. heal99. The room is crowded. I have to ____ in.A. squeezeB.letC. stormD. rushlOO.We must work hard to _____ our dreams.A. be up toB. live up toC. come trueD. carry out二.根据所给汉语意思填空101. The larger _____ (词汇)you know, the more easily you understand a passage.102. The ______ (表情)on her face made him un easy.103. Can you speak ______ (西班牙语)?104. These ____ (窗帘)match the carpet.105.lt is ______ (正是)the job I ' m looking for.106. The wounded soldier is in _____ (恢复).107. Many _____ (分歧)appear between the new couple.108. They are all ____ (关心的)about the big earthquake.109. We are flyi ng at an ______ (海拔)of 20,000 feet.110. What' s the bus ________ (费用)?111. It is _______ (预测)that it ' s going to rain tomorrow.112. Wang wei is a stubborn girl, but she is _____ (可靠的)。

市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 (含答案)

市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 (含答案)





1.What will the man have for breakfast tomorrow morning?A.BreadB. NoodlesC. A sandwich2.What does the man mean?A.He will go out for lunch alone.B.He is too busy to have lunch.C.He will have lunch in his office.3.When will Frank come back?A.TodayB. TomorrowC. The day after tomorrow4.Where is Betty right now?A.In a meeting roomB. In her officeC. In her house5.What will the speakers do today?A.Catch a planeB. Do some shoppingC. Have a good rest第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6.What is the final score?A. 3 to 4B. 3 to 5C. 5 to 47.How does the man feel about the fans here?A.They are better than those in Philadelphia.B.They are more than those in Baltimore.C.They are as polite as those in Philadelphia.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8.Which subjects does the man advise the woman to take in her first semester?A.English and artB. English and musicC. English and math9.Why didn’t the woman want to go to school near home?A.She thinks the teaching quality is poor.B.She wants to experience different things.C.She has to go home every weekend.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题10.When does the man want to fly to Hong Kong at first?A.On the 10th of this month.B.On the 9th of next month.C.On the 10th of next month.11.Which flight leaves Chengdu at 4:30 pm?A.MU705B. HU705C. HU70312.What tickets does the man book at last?A.One-way, first class ones.B.Round-trip, economy class ones.C.One-way, economy class ones.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题13.What happened to the woman’s house?A.It was destroyed by a typhoon.B.It was destroyed by a fire.C.It was destroyed in an earthquake.14.Where is the woman probably living now?A.In a hotelB. In a shelterC. In her friend’s15.What does the man want to know?A.Whether the woman’s house and furniture were insured.B.How the woman can recover from the disaster.C.Whether the insurance company can solve all the problems.16.When will the man go to see the woman with Mackay?A.At about 2 this afternoon.B.At about 4 this afternoon.C.At about 4 tomorrow afternoon.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题17.How old was John?A.ThreeB. FourC. Five18.Where was Leila when she got burned?A.In the schoolB. In the office.C. In the kitchen19.What did John do when he saw the accident?A.He put out the fire.B.He telephoned his father.C.He ran to the neighbor’s for help.20.Whom will John be like according to the passage?A.His fatherB. His grandfatherC. His brother第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



2017-2018学年建平中学高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In colleges around the country, most students are also workers.The reality of college can be pretty different from the images __1__(present) in movies and television. Instead of the students who wake up late, party all the time, and study only before exams, many colleges are full of students __2__ tight schedules of not just classes and activities, but real jobs, too.This isn’t a temporary ph enomenon. The share of working students __3__ (be) on the rise since the 1970s, and one-fifth of students work year round. About one-quarter of those __4__ work while attending school have both a full-course load and a full-time job. The arrangement can help pay for tuition (学费) and living costs, obviously. And there’s value in it beyond the direct cause: such jobs __5__ also be critical for developing important professional and social skills that make __6__ easier to land a job after graduation. With many employers __7__(look) for students with already-developed skill sets, on-the-job training while in college can be the best way to ensure a job later on.But it’s not all upside. Even full-time work may not completely cover the cost of tuition and living expenses. The study notes that __8__ a student worked a full-time job at the federal minimum wage, they would earn just over $15,000 each year, certainly not enough __9__ for tuition, room, and board at many colleges without some serious financial aid. That means that though they’re sacrificing time away from the classroom, many working students will still graduate with at least some debt. And working full time can reduce the chance that students will graduate at all, by cutting into(减少) the time available for studying and attending classes.There is little reward for attending but not finishing college. Working too much while in school can create a cycle where students __10__(push) further into debt without receiving any of the financial or career benefits.1.【答案】presented【分析】考查非谓语. 过去分词做后置定语.2.【答案】with【分析】考查介词.根据句意:许多大学有时间表排得紧紧的学生.3.【答案】has been【分析】考查被动语态.根据句意:已经工作的大学生的占比从上世纪70年代有所上升,因为后面有since,所以被动要用现在完成时.4.【答案】who【分析】考查定语从句.先行词是those,指人,并在定语从句中做主语,所以用关系代词who引导.5.【答案】can【分析】考查情态动词.根据句意:这样的工作也可以是对……至关重要的 .6.【答案】it【分析】考查代词.Make it easier,其中,it作形式宾语 .7.【答案】looking【分析】考查非谓语.With引导伴随状语从句.8.【答案】if【分析】考查连词.If引导让步状语从句.9.【答案】to pay【分析】考查非谓语.不定式充当目的状语引导目的状语从句.10.【答案】are pushed【分析】考查被动语态.根据句意:读书时工作的太多会导致学生被推进一个……的循环里。



高一下学期综合测试题(一)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. They _____ him a very good job, but he turned it down.A. devotedB. suppliedC. offeredD. provided22. He wrote a new adventure story, ______ of interest.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think which is23. Jane is a lucky girl. She is a beauty and _______, she has a talent for music.A. sooner or laterB. what’s moreC. as a resultD. more or less24. A bus went out of control and crashed into the back of a truck; ______, five people were killed and three were seriously injured.A. as a resultB. after allC. anyhowD. otherwise25. The doctor _____ one bullet from his wound in the chest and saved his life.A. reducedB. removedC. collectedD. appealed26. She spent as much time as she _____ her sick father.A. could to look afterB. could looking afterC. looking afterD. looked after27. He is said ____ an excellent football player before he injured his ankle.A. to have beenB. to beC. beingD. having been28. The teacher __________ them in doing the interesting experiment.A. attendedB. joinedC. demandedD. suggested29. —Let’s go to the cinema tonight.—_____A. Not at all.B. Why not?C. Never mind.D. So what?30. Bad habits , ______ formed, are difficult to give up.A. andB. onceC. orD. but31. — Is there anybody in the classroom?—Nobody, the teacher as well as the students _____ to the playground.A. goB. goesC. has goneD. have gone32. —Did you know____ news that train No. T195 derailed and was then hit by No. 5034, leaving 71 killed and 416 injured?—Yes, and ____ Chinese all feel sad about the accident.A. the; theB. a; theC. the;/D./; the33. —How much of the professor’s speech did you understand?—____. I wish I had worked harder before.A. Not a littleB. Very fewC. Nearly everythingD. Almost nothing34. _________________again and again, my son finally admitted stealing my money.A. Having been askedB. He was askedC. Asking himD. Though he was asked35. I was nearly frozen to death in the lonely valley. Luckily, a hunter discovered me and ___ me ___ for the night.A. turned; downB. put; upC. put; awayD. turned; off第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)My parents got divorced when I was seven. I stopped 36 to anyone willingly since then. However, the 37 changed half a year ago. It started in a summer camp, where I met a boy called John. Now I realize that when he 38 himself to me, it was the beginning of a life-changing experience.Although there were hundreds of students, I became 39 with him. He noticed that I was staying alone and came to talk to me. We talked like everyone else about our 40 and hobbies. We d idn’t seem to have anything in common at all, but 41 , we got along well. By the end of the camp, we were 42 stories and laughs and promised to keep in touch.When I returned home, I 43 that I had lost his email address. I looked through all my stuff but without 44 . One day, I thought to look him up on the online network that had been 45 for the campers. As I was online, an instant message popped up (突然出现) on the 46 . It was him, whom I had just tried to look up a moment before. Thank goodness it 47 .A series of 48 conversations started from there. I don’t know 49 , but for some reason we started to 50 our deepest feelings through typed words and we learned about each other’s pain and experiences. It was a very 51 experience for me, but it was extremely beneficial to my heart and my soul. I had finally found someone who was 52 to understand me.53 I have only known him for half a year, the 54 that has occurred in me is huge. I believe in my life and I no longer cry every night because of the 55 inside me.36. A. turning B. writing C. shouting D. talking37. A. condition B. situation C. position D. life38. A. introduced B. showed C. pointed D. proved39. A. classmates B. friends C. relatives D. strangers40. A. suggestions B. plansC. booksD. interests41. A. strangely B. unluckilyC. honestlyD. anxiously42. A. appreciating B. tellingC. sharingD. making43. A. thought B. saw C. felt D. realized44. A. chance B. luck C. reason D. care45. A. carried on B. made outC. set upD. checked in46. A. screen B. desk C. board D. computer47. A. moved B. began C. opened D. worked48. A. inspiring B. surprisingC. sadD. popular49. A. when B. why C. how D. where50. A. express B. present C. dig D. find51. A. practical B. ordinary C. new D. depressing52. A. clever B. brave C. dying D. willing53. A. If B. Though C. Because D. Since54. A. love B. appreciationC. respectD. change55. A. pain B. regret C. anger D. attitude第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIt was late Wednesday night when the frightening phone call reached our home. I remember lying in my bed trying to fall asleep when I heard the phone ring. Interested in finding out who the late caller was, I sat up so that I could hear the phone call better. To my surprise, I heard my mom shout to my dad, “Get the car, Dean! Andrea has been in a car accident.”We ran every red light on the way to the hospital and our tires screeched (发出刺耳声) around every corner. We got to the hospital but were not allowed to see her. The next morning, we were allowed to see Andrea. Until today, nobody knows exactly what happened. We only know that the car rolled on its way back from a party. The two boys in the car were killed, and Andrea was thrown out. She was badly injured.Over the next two months, I lived more at the hospital than I did at my house. I watched as Andrea worked so hard to gain back everyday motor skills. She never once complained or pitied herself. After two weeks in the ICU and two months of the regular hospital treatment, Andrea came home. She missed several months of school, so it was hard for her to catch up. Andrea had many tasks to finish, and however hard it was, she stuck until the job was done. Though busy dealing with pain and therapy (治疗), she always found time to love and play with me, her little sister.I’ll never forget the influence that this incident had on my life. I admire my sister. She is perfectly normal now, despite the pins holding her leg in place. I couldn’t ask for a better sister ora hero in my life.56. Why did the author listen to her mother answering the phone?A. Because she knew that something terrible had happened.B. Because she wanted to know who called at such a late time.C. Because she was interested in listening to others talking on the phone.D. Because she wondered if she was wanted on the phone.57. The first sentence in Paragraph Two shows that ______.A. the author’s family were very eager to see AndreaB. the author’s father wasn’t good at dr ivingC. the family liked breaking traffic rulesD. their house was far from the hospital58. During the treatment, Andrea ______.A. read a lot of booksB. stopped playing with the authorC. didn’t accept anyone’s helpD. showed her determined spirit59. What is the best title of the passage?A. A miracle that happened to my sister.B. A sudden disaster for my family.C. My sister — the hero in my life.D. An accident which changed my life.BWilson,At college, when I try speaking with anyone, I just feel very nervous. I have no trouble talking when I’m alone. However, when I talk with others, my voice sounds different, and sometimes there is a pause (停顿) between each word I pronounce. Sometimes I can’t pronounce a word even with my own family members. My voice becomes deeper and sounds totally different than it usually does. Can you please give me some good advice?John John,If you have trouble pronouncing words, simply accept the fact. Many other readers have such experiences, and so do I. You don’t need to get stressed about it.You are apparently getting nervous because you feel like you are under some pressure when speaking to other people. Take your time and don’t worry about pauses. Speak slowly, opening your mouth to enunciate your words clearly. Listen to powerful leaders on the television and note that they speak slowly and carefully and learn to master their speaking techniques.When you speak to others in college, try to ask questions that will get the other person to talk. Listening carefully and then filling in during the conversation takes the pressure off of you and you will feel more relaxed when you talk. You make more of an impression when you are interested in what the other person is saying than when you try to lead a conversation.Remember that the more you worry about how your voice sounds, about pronouncing words and about pauses, the worse it gets. So accept the way you speak now and relax in your conversations.I hope these ideas can help take the pressure off of you when you talk to other people.Wilson60. We can learn from the passage that Wilson is most probably a(n) ______.A. teacherB. editorC. doctorD. broadcaster61. What is troubling John now?A. He feels nervous when speaking to strangers.B. He doesn’t know how to make his voice more attractive.C. He can’t speak normally when communicating with others.D. He doesn’t get along well with others.62. The underlined word “enunciate” in the second letter can be replaced by “_______”.A. explainB. pronounceC. chooseD. judge63. According to Wilson, what John should do first is to _________.A. accept his weaknessB. reduce his nervousnessC. learn to listen to othersD. reduce the mistakes in his speech64. According to Wilson, which of the following tips will be useful to John?A. Choose easy questions to answer.B. Read some books about great people.C. Take the lead in a conversation.D. Improve his speaking skills.CSome American schools pay teachers more if their students improve on tests. Now schools have begun to pay the students — in some cases, even just for coming to class.Students at one school in New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance (出勤). A program in New York City pays up to five hundred dollars for good attendance and high test scores. In Baltimore, Maryland, high scores on state graduation tests can be worth more than one hundred dollars. And a New Jersey school system plans to pay students fifty dollars a week to attend after-school tutoring programs. Schools that pay students can be found in more than one-fourth of the fifty states.Robert Schaefer, a public education director, says paying may improve performance in the short term, but students develop false expectations (期盼) for the future. He sees a lack of long-term planning in these programs because of pressure on schools to raise test scores. But students say it makes school more exciting. And some teachers have reported getting more requests for extra help.Public schools need to show improvement under the present education reform law. Low-performing schools may lose their federal money; teachers and headmasters may lose their jobs.In 2004, the city schools in Coshocton, Ohio, started a program. They wanted to see if paying elementary school (小学) students as much as one hundred dollars would help in passing state exams. Now the results have been reported. Math scores increased, but only while students were able to get paid. And there was no evidence of higher scores in reading, social studies or science. Officials will decide later this year whether to continue the program. They don’t want students to get the idea that money is the only reward for their studies.65. Schools are paying their students mainly for the purpose of ______.A. getting students interested in their studiesB. earning more money for their teachersC. encouraging students to work for a better futureD. trying to improve their performance in school66. What attitude does Robert Schaefer show towards the program of paying students?A. Supportive.B. Not clear.C. Negative.D. Interested.67. According to students, being paid for their performance _____.A. increases their confidenceB. makes study at school more interestingC. improves the relationship between them and their teachersD. makes them like after-school tutoring programs more68. According to the last paragraph, paying students is harmful in a way because ____.A. it may send a message that money is the only reward for studyingB. it may make students lose interest in their studies in the long termC. it reduces the role that teachers play in a student’s progressD. it will cause more teachers and headmasters to lose their jobsDTeenagers with a bedroom television tend to have poorer diet and exercise habits and lower grades in school than those without one, US researchers said on Monday.While many studies have examined TV viewing habits of young people, researchers at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health said little had been known about the effects in particular for older teenagers of having a bedroom TV.They questioned 781 teenagers, aged 15 to 18, in the Minneapolis area in 2003 and 2004. Of them, 62 % reported having a television in their bedroom.Not surprisingly, those with a bedroom TV were more likely to watch it a lot, clocking four to five more hours in front of a television per week, the researchers said. Many more teens with a bedroom TV were classified as heavy TV watchers than those without one.Girls with a bedroom television reported getting less exercise — 1.8 hours per week compared to 2.5 hours for girls without a TV. They also ate fewer vegetables, drank more sweetened drinks and ate meals with their family less often.Boys with a bedroom TV reported having a lower grade point average than boys without one, as well as eating less fruit and having fewer family meals.“It is clearly important not to allow your child to have a TV in the bedroom,” said Daheia Barr-Anderson, one of the researchers.“When you upgrade your TV in the living room and you have this smaller TV that’s out of date but still usable, you should really resist putting it in one of your children’s bedrooms,” she said in a telephone interview.69. What is the best title of this passage?A. Researchers found watching TV is harmful.B. Bedroom TVs are not good for teenagers.C. The disadvantages of watching TV.D. Watching TV in the bedroom harms teenagers’ studies.70. According to researchers, teenagers with a bedroom TV may have all of the following problems EXCEPT _______.A. getting low grades at schoolB. disliking taking exerciseC. not having a healthy dietD. easily becoming sad71. Compared to those with a bedroom TV, children without one are likely to spend about _________ watching TV.A. 1.8 to 2.5 hours more every dayB. 4 to 5 hours less every dayC. 1.8 to 2.5 hours less every weekD. 4 to 5 hours less every week72. Who do you think would be most interested in reading this passage?A. Doctors.B. Businessmen.C. Parents.D. Teachers.ETeenagers are always eager to make some money. Here are some quick ways for teens to make money.1.BabysittingBabysitting is a traditional job for teenagers. The job is easy to do and many teenagers can also consider it as practice and a way of gaining experience if they intend to get into the house and elderly care business.2....This is slightly tougher than babysitting, but it is a job which has many benefits compared to babysitting. For one, elders have a lot of experience and knowledge just waiting to be imparted to the eager ear! So similar to babysitting, the teenager may end up being paid to hear about the life and times of an elder. Teenagers who wish to go into the creative line or hospitality and care will benefit the most from these kinds of jobs.3....Apart from the children and elders, busy couples also have pets that need care. Pet-sitting is slowly becoming popular and useful. Busy couples will also pay teenagers to just take their pets for a walk.4....Houses need to be cleaned, and hard-working teenagers are best for doing this. There are various jobs available in this section, like mowing lawns, gardening and raking yards. When snow time comes, busy people often want someone to shovel the snow out of their driveways. 5....Department stores are always in need of helpers and attendants, and this need increases during the summer time when business is booming. One additional benefit of working in a department store is the employee benefits and discounts that teenagers may get.73. Match each of the following titles with each point.a. Pet Care.b. The Clean-up Act.c. Department Stores.d. Elderly Care.A. 2-a 3-b 4-d 5-cB. 2-d 3-a 4-b 5-cC. 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-dD. 2-d 3-a 4-c 5-b74. The underlined word “imparted” in Point Two can be replaced by “ ”.A. soldB. passedC. thrownD. spread75. What’s the purpose of the passage?A. To tell us how to make money during our free time.B. To introduce some ways to make money to teens.C. To discuss if it is good for teens to earn money.D. To tell teenagers how to be a good babysitter.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Li Feng,How is your summer holiday? I heard that you went into the 76. _____countryside to stay with your grandfather. Did you like the life 77. _____style there? To be honestly, I do want to have a holiday in the 78. _____ countryside. But I can’t go. I did very well in English on the79. _____final exam. My mother found me a English tutor and I have 80. _____to learn English this summer. But it’s really bored. How I wish81. _____I could go to the countryside and learn English there. That 82. _____would interesting. However, my mother doesn’t like the idea.83. _____Do you have any good ideas? Anyway, I hope you had a good 84. _____time there. Don’t forget to give yo ur best regards to your grandfather. 85. _____Yours,Liu Fang第二节书面表达(满分25分)暑假该如何保证高质量的睡眠呢?请根据研究人员给出的以下几点建议,写一篇120词左右的英文短文。




AWhen you walk along a street in a big city in the United States , you may see clocks in most stores. Radio announcers give t he correct time during the day. People there think that it is imp ortant to know the time. Most Americans have watches. They want to do certain things at certain times. They do not want to be late.Not all people all over the world value time. Suppose you visi t a certain country in South America. You would find that peop le living there do not like to rush. If you had an appointment (约会)with someone, he would probably be late. He would not care for arriving on time. In some countries in South America, ev en the radio programs may not begin right on time, nor do the radio announcers think it important to announce the right time. Many people regard a clock as a machine. It seems to them t hat a person who does everything on time is controlled by a m achine. They do not want a clock or any machine to have that much power over their lives.1. There are clocks in most stores in the US cities because __ ____.A. people in the stores want to sell these clocksB. people think it important to know the timeC. bosses want to make their stores beautifulD. they needn't wear watches when they are away from hom e2. The underlined word "rush" in the passage most probably means ______.A. “run”B. “walk”C.“hurry”D. “move”3. If you had an appointment with someone in some place in South America, he might not arrive on time, and this is becau se ______.A. he didn't have a watch with himB. he forgot to have a look at a watch or a clockC. he didn't like an appointment with someoneD. he didn't think it important to arrive on time4. In some countries in South America ______.A. the radio announcers do think it important to announce th e exact timeB. the radio programs may start a bit early or lateC. most people do not want to be controlled by othersD. many people think a clock has much power5.which statement is not true?A. The radio announcers in South America always announce t he right time.B. You can see clocks in many stores in USA.C.All the people in the world don’t value the time.D. Most Americans own watches.BFitzgerald, a very wealthy English man, had only one child, a son, who naturally was the apple of his eye. His wife died whe n the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted hims elf to fathering the kid. Unluckily the son died in his late teens. Meanwhile, Fitzgerald's wealth was increasing all the time. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald hims elf became seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully pre pared his will as to how his wealth would be settled——to sell his entire collection at an auction(拍卖).Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection , a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. M any of them were museum directors and private collectors ea ger to bid(出价). Before the auction, the art works were shown, among w hich was a painting of Fitzgerald's son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled(敲槌)the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald's will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of h is son.The poor-quality painting didn't receive any bidders except one——the old servant who had attended to the son and loved him, a nd who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became qui et, and the lawyer read from the will: “Whoever buys the painti ng of my son gets all my collection.” Then the auction was ov er.6. Fitzgerald was __________.A. a museum directorB. a master of artC. an art collectorD. an art auctioneer7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A. Fitzgerald took care of his son all by himself.B. Fitzgerald lost his wife and his only son within 10 years.C. Fitzgerald became seriously ill because of the death of his son.D. Fitzgerald decided to leave everything he had to his servan t.8. Fitzgerald's will showed __________.A. his desire to fool the biddersB. his sadness at the death of his sonC. his regret of having no heir (继承人)D. his invaluable love for his son9. What helped the old servant win the whole collection of Fitz gerald's?A. No more than one pound.B. His emotion for his young master.C. Great increase of his wealth.D. His strong passion for art.10. At the result of the auction, the old man would feel more t han ______________.A. sadB. surprisedC. interestedD. expectedCWe parents often take material things for love. “I give him eve rything,” a disappointed mother complains. “New shoes, video -games, and his own TV. You’d think he’d at least show me re spect!”Of course, love and presents are related. Most parents work h ard to earn money. They want their children to have more tha n they did and have better lives. The problem is, most childre n don’t connect the things parents buy with the labor that pays for them. Children have more, but our culture——and television in particular——teaches them that more is never enough. Having more does n ot mean that a child feels loved.From a parent’s point of view, children are not thankful. But thi s has to do with their natural growth. Young children see their parents as all-mighty(万能的). If parents fail to provide what they want, it must be a matt er of choice. It’s normal for children, even school-age ones, not to be able to take another person’s point of vie w. For example, they may dislike their parents for working lon g hours, and not realize that the parent would also rather hav e more time at home.In addition to giving presents, we have to find other ways to e xpress love and create memories. Reading or telling stories to gether, making music and playing games are all ways for fami lies to spend time without spending money. Traditions like rea ding favorite poems and even snowball fights all serve the pur pose(达到目的). Most importantly, as parents, we have to learn to hold b ack some energy from our tiring jobs. When we’re present for our children, we ourselves become the presents we want to gi ve.11. The underlined word “them”( in Paragraph 2) refers to____ __________.A. the things parents buyB. parentsC. childrenD. bett er lives12. According to the passage, children______.A. want fewer presentsB. want presents rather than loveC. are taught to ask for moreD. can live better without their parents.13. We can judge from the passage that there is _________.A. a heavy job load for some parentsB. a lack of money in some familiesC. misunderstanding between parents and childrenD. love between parents and children14. The last paragraph of the passage means that______.A. our children are good presents to usB. we should spend more time with our childrenC. we ourselves need some presentsD. we should give more presents to our children15. The best title for the passage is .A. Family LifeB. Children’s EducationC. Love and PresentsD. Children and Parents第二节:任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



2017-2018学年度期末考试英语试卷2017-2018第一学期期末考试试卷八年级英语一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,1.That's all I have to say. Is there anything you'd like to ?A. talkB. requireC. holdD. add 2.--- Why didn't you enjoy the film?--- It was film that I had ever seen.A. the most interestingB. the least interestingC. more interestingD. less interesting 3.—English is difficult for me. I can’t learn it well.试卷第2页,总1页试卷第3页,总1页8.I know _______ of the twins have been to Hainan Island before.A.neitherB.eitherC.bothD.none9.–Which of these two books will you take? –I’ll take _________. I need them to kill time on my journey.A. eitherB. bothC. all 10.Beethoven wrote _______ beautiful pieces of music.A. hundred ofB. two hundredsC. hundreds ofD.one hundred of11. A journey by train is more ______than by coach.A. tiringB. relaxingC. boringD. difficult12.We ________ get up early and we have a lot of time.A. don’t needB. needn’t to试卷第4页,总18页C. need toD. don’t need to 13.—Dad, how can I get on well with my classmates?—Try to be friendly to them. That will make it much_______.A. easilyB. more easilyC. more easyD. easier14.一What’s your math teacher like?—He is_______. We are a little afraid of him.A. outgoingB. niceC. seriousD. friendly15.Jane has two brothers——_______ is a doctor and ________ is a policeman.A. some, othersB. one, anotherC. one, the otherD. the one, the other二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分)试卷第5页,总18页阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。



2017-2018学年七年级下英语期末试题(有详细答案)注意事项:(90 分钟;90 分)1. 本试题分为第一卷和第二卷两部分。

第一卷为选择题,50 分;第二卷为非选择题,40 分;共90 分。

2. 答卷前务必将自己的姓名、座号和准考证号按要求填写在答题卡上的相应位置。

3. 第一卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(ABCD)涂黑,如需改动,必须用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其它答案。

4. 第二卷必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写到答题卡题号所提示的答案区域,不得超出预留范围。

5. 在草稿纸、试卷上答题均无效。

第一卷(选择题共50 分)一、单项选择(共10 小题,每小题 1 分,计10 分)从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。

1. My sister can playpiano well and she can playvolleyball too.A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; /2. — do you like pandas?—Because they’re cute.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. What3. — does it take you to do your homework every day?—About two hours.A. How longB. How muchC. How farD. How many4. My family the 2018 World Cup last night.A. watchB. watchingC. watchedD. are watching5. We were so tired we had a rest under the tree.A. andB. soC. becauseD. that6. —Excuse me, is there a post office near here? —Yes, go along the street and you can find ityour left, justnext to the school.A. toB. inC. onD. at7. We went to the beach yesterday and the sunshine.A. hadB. enjoyedC. spentD. missed8. —Would you like a cup of coffee?— Just a cup of water.A. No, thanks.B. Good idea.C. I’d like to.D. Yes, please.9. Tom listened carefully but heard .A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything10. If it tomorrow, we camping in the mountains.A. isn’t rain; will goB. won’t rain; will goC. not rain; will goD. doesn’t rain; will go二、完形填空。






宣威五中2018年春季学期期末检测试卷高一英语命题教师:余艳华第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分听力理解 ( 共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每题1. 5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. What's the girl going to do on the weekend?A. Go to the concert.B. Do some housework.C. Have a rest at home.2. When did the man go to Raging Waters?A. In 2013.B. In 2014.C. In 2015.3. Whose party will the woman go to?A. John's.B. Larry's.C. Ann's.4. How much will the man pay at last?A. 21 dollars.B. 27 dollars.C. 30 dollars.5. What is the man .worded about?A. The match may be delayed.B. The car may go out of control.C. He may be late for the match.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟, 听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。


听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7题。



高一下学期七选五英语试卷测试题(含答案)Let’s face it: Nobody really likes doing chores (家务) around the house. But at a certain age, our kids are old enough to start lending a hand with the housework. ____1____ But what exactly are the benefits that young children and teenagers get from doing chores?Chores help teach life skills. They’re young now, but they won’t be kids forever! Washing clothes, cooking and cleaning the room are just some of the skills kids will need once they finally move out. ___2___ So it is really important to make kids learn them at home.Chores teach kids how to follow directions. Whether you are giving instructions to a small child or a teenager, describing what you are expecting them to do and then doing it will teach them how to follow directions.___3___ Remember, only age-proper instructions can help them learn this important skill.Chores teach responsibility and respect. Having your children clean up their own messes will give them a sense of responsibility. Task them with assisting in making th e family’s meals.___4___These will help them understand all that their parents do to keep the home running smoothly and be more respectful of it.___5___Everyone in our home has their own jobs to do in order to allow our house to function. It not only lessens our own stress level and to-do list, but it teaches our kids that we all must work together as a team. They may complain, but they’ve come to understand that the chores they are tasked with each day or week are all a bigger part of keeping the family functioning. A.Chores encourage teamwork.B.They can benefit from doing this.C.Or let them sort their own clothes.D.Speak to them at a level they'll understand.E.These are also things that schools do not fully teach.F.Encouraging kids to do chores will build their confidence.G.Chores help improve planning and time management skills.Be Slightly FunnierHow would you feel if a colleague suggested you take a comedy class to improve your sense of humor? I felt embarrassed.At home that evening, I asked my other half whether he thinks I'm funny. ___6___ . "Of course you are," they all ensured me. What else could they say? And anyway, I'd already made up my mind. Some people just aren't funny, and I'm one of them.Yet, according to Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas-authors of the book Humor, Seriously and experts on the subject, humor is not something you are born with or without. ___7___ . What's more, finding our funny sides makes us appear more competent and confident, strengthens relationships, unlocks creativity and makes us more likable. It helps in any life situation.This undoubtedly explains why future masters of the universe are eagerly signing up for the humor course Aaker and Bagdonas teach at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. They agreed to teach me how to find my funny bones, too.___8___ . As you would hope, they are very amusing. They begin by sending me a questionnaire about what I find funny, what I don't, and how I attempt to make others laugh. The results willapparently reveal my humor type.In our first call, Aaker, a social psychologist (心理学家), explains that many of us leave humor behind when we arrive at adulthood: A four-year-old laughs up to 300 times a day. ___9___ . Next, we discuss the common misunderstandings that stop many of us in our comedy tracks. The first, Aaker says, is the belief that humor has no place in certain situations, especially at work.___10___ . However, 98 percent of top executives say they prefer employees with a sense of humor and 84 percent of bosses believe those employees do better work.A.Rather, it's a muscle you can strengthenB.Then there is the idea that it is too riskyC.We worry about not being taken seriouslyD.My first interaction with the pair is over e-mailE.Then I texted my best friend and my sister-in-lawF.But a 40-year-old takes ten weeks to laugh as muchG.It is far more important to show you have a sense of humorImagine life without electricity. It may sound like a bad dream to you. But it’s a fact of life for nearly one billion people around the world.Those left in the dark generally live in developing countries. Often, they live in poor, rural areas, far from big cities. ___11___ They could use oil generators (发电机) to make electricity, but most of these villagers can’t afford them.Without electricity, common things in your life are just a distant dream there. People can never watch TV or play with mobile phones. Without power, people can’t even keep food from going bad. ___12___ Farming requires power in all kinds of different ways. Also, people without electricity can’t get clean water from the deep wells.Many companies that make environmentally friendly products seem to have found a solution. They have developed ways to bring renewable energy to places that are “in the dark.” ___13___ It’s very different from energy sources such as gas and oil, which are burned to create electricity. Unlike gas and oil, renewable energy never runs out. And there’s no costly fuel to keep buying! ___14___ Instead, power is generated locally, through windmills, solar panels, and batteries. It is believed that renewable energy use will grow more rapidly in developing countries.Children in Timor, Indonesia, once spent several hours a day getting water from the village well so that their families could farm, wash and cook. Now, pumps do the work — all powered by windmills. The windmills also provide electricity to nearby farms and homes.With the help of low-cost renewable energy sources, some of the world’s poorest villages now have a renewed sense of hope. ___15___A.Farming there gets very easy.B.Growing food is a problem, too.C.People there are looking forward to a bright future.D.Renewable energy comes from the sun, wind, and water.E.Running power lines to these distant villages is too expensive.F.The villagers believe that renewable energy can help fight air pollution.G.This energy solution doesn’t require expensive power lines or power factories.The Science of Risk-SeekingSometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth taking. ____16____ Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work? The reason why any of us take any risks al all might have to do with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. ____17____ As the quality of risk-taking was passed from one generation to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.So why aren’t we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one killed. A few daring survived, though, along with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. So maybe you love car racing, or maybe you hate it. ___18___No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range, scientists say that your willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. ____19____ To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks, so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.___20___ For the risk-seekers a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active, while for the rest of us, a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking, we’ll continue to hit the mountains, the waves or the shallow end of the pool.A.It all depends on your character.B.Those are the risks you should jump to take.C.Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.D.Thus, these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.E.This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world. F.However, we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards. G.New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.Looking back on my application process, I summarize the things that helped me when applying to Harvard. So continue reading for my top tips!1. Be yourself.I followed many “dos and don’ts” at first. However, once I started writing more authentically about myself, I was able to write a better essay. In fact, every part of the application is an opportunity for you to paint a picture for the admissions committee. What matters to you? What do you like to study? What motivates you? What kind of student are you? What responsibilities would you take on in college? ____21____2. Start early.____22____ At this time, you have multiple tasks to handle and completing each application requirement will take time. For example, securing a good recommendation letter will be easier if you ask your teachers a month before they are due than if you ask them a few days before a deadline. You must also request transcripts, edit and revise your essays, and keep attending and doing well in your classes! How can you accomplish so many tasks? ____23____3. ____24____While you won’t be able to revi ew some elements of your application, like your letters of recommendation, you should sill reflect on what you think your teachers will highlight about you. ____25____ For example, in your personal statement, you might have highlighted one of your life experiences that has shaped you greatly. Is your transcript missing an academic passion that has been significant to you? Where else can you share it? Mapping these experiences and strengths onto different parts of your application is a good strategy, because it helps maximize the often limited word counts of your application.A.Make a map.B.Select your experiences.C.This is especially important during your senior year!D.So see the application as a chance to show who you are.E.Therefore provide impressive materials to convince them.F.I suggest setting concrete goals to accomplish every week.G.Similarly, think about what you’ll say in each part of your application.Everyone wants to succeed in their life, don't they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life; it really isn't that hard. Follow the steps below. ____26____!Do well in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Try your best, listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. ____27____, which will enable you to get a great job in the future. School sets you up on the right track!Be nice to your parents and teachers. ____28____. Respect them and value their opinions, even if they make you slightly angry sometimes. Keep in mind that they do the things they do because they care about you and want you to succeed in life. You don't get to choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to put up with them. Learn how to deal with people now, because when you're an adult, you don't get to choose your boss or your co-workers, so learn how to respect them now.____29____! Friends are there to support you and lift your spirits. Be with people who make you happy, and stay away from the ones who don’t. Create a group of supportive, loving friends that can help you succeed in life and live your dreams. Find a few really good friends that will stick with you once you leave high school.Get active! Join a sports team at school or out of school. Go for a run around your neighborhood. Take your dog on a nice, long walk, go swimming, do sit-ups-anything! Just exercise! ____30____. Studies show that people who get active in their child/teen years will be more active whenthey're adults, so start getting active now.A.Have good friends to help you outB.Successful teenage years will comeC.It helps you feel better, mentally and physically.D.This could be your job for the rest of your life!E.Doing so will help you get into a better collegeF.When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself.G.Remember, they're there to help you be the best that you can beCalming skills bring about a stress-free life and are important for all individuals who live in today’s times. You can practice the following simple skills.____31____ Whenever you realize that you are getting angry, just stop everything else and breathe deeply. Mastering certain relaxation skills helps you to concentrate on something other than the stimulus (刺激物) that is causing anger.When you feel angry, try to give yourself positive self judgments and mental suggestions of calming yourself.____32____ Some people “order” themselves to get over the feelings of anger, while others persuade their minds to think about some other pleasanter thoughts. This calming skill works wonders.Concentrate on the different body parts and the tension that has gathered there—the neck, the arms, the worry lines on your forehead. ____33____ Attacking the tension of the various body parts will automatically lead to a slow release of tension and eventually, anger from the mind. Re-position your body and correct your body language. Don’t lean into the source of anger, lean against it. This will send a mental signal to your brain to not react. Think about something completely different. And try to move your attention away to something completely unrelated to the situation at hand. Focus on another person or thing, or simply move away.____34________35____ Practice like neck stretches, arm stretches and the like. Make sure that your palms (手掌) are folded and facing downwards. These exercises will control the aggression (攻击性行为).A.See what works for you.B.Life is not how it once used to be.C.Do some deep breathing exercises.D.Try doing some physical exercises.E.This greatly helps to calm down and control anger.F.And then try and work to getting it down to normal.G.Anger leads to heart problems and several other such diseases.How to Improve Leadership QualityTo be a good leader required a variety of qualities and skills, which, fortunately, can be gained through continuous learning and practice. ___36___Ask yourself what kind of leader you are.___37___ Doing this will enable you to identify the areas you need to improve, and make you more aware of how you act and beh ave. Start by asking yourself “what kind of leader am I?” Perhaps you are someone who leads by example, and doesn’t get too involved in other people’s work. Or maybe you are a leader who helps to solve problems, and takes a more active role. Improve Your Communication SkillsCommunication is perhaps the most important leadership quality, and one that runs through all of the other important qualities. One of the key factors to good communication is enabling positive dialogue on problems and solutions. ___38___ If you make the effort to listen to somebody, he will see that and come to think of you as someone he can talk to.Take responsibility.To set a strong example as a leader, it’s important that you take responsibility for your individual tasks and your team as a whole. ___39___ Besides, it means removing responsibilities from those who are unable to manage the tasks arranged to them.Cooperate (合作) instead of competing.If you are trying to be a strong leader, it can be attractive to try to inspire better work by creating a competitive environment among your colleague’s. In fact, developing a more cooperative work culture often leads to more effective working and better relationships. ___40___ Any battle that arises in a competitive culture cost valuable time and resource to deal with.A.Another is to be an active listener.B.Here are some detailed suggestions for you to follow.C.It is also important for you to praise your teammates.D.It will encourage to trust others and help avoid working alone as well.E.Honestly examining yourself is key to develop your leadership skills.F.Exploring your strengths and weaknesses is the first step to improve yourself.G.Being responsible means supporting your team members to complete their tasks.One after another, celebrities (名人) have been shocking fans with their dishonesty and disappointing activities. ____41____ She has been asked to pay an surprisingly 1.34 billion yuan in taxes.Before Viya's case came to light, calls for "regulating (规范)" the celebrity fan clubs had been raised after Chinese-American singer-songwriter Wang Leehom's wife accused (控告) him of having disappointing affairs with the other persons. ______42______ Despite Wang trying to argue against the netizens'naming and shaming, various brands have dropped him as their ambassador (大使).Celebrities always have a large crowd of crazy fans. Many of them were born in the 1990s or 2000s, raising large amounts of money to promote their idols. _____43_____Concerns over the rising influence of crazy fans on young minds have come to public attention once again. ____44____ They promise to make greater efforts to make sure youngsters don't become crazy celebrity fans.____45____ But they should behave properly. The celebrities, on their part, should also guide their fans to develop friendly fan culture. It' time to stop following the celebrities blindly. A.Wang is under fire from Asian netizens.B.These youngsters, mostly students, are easily affected.C.The latest on the list is Huang Wei, popularly known as Viya.D.The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has promised to take action.E.This is very important because of the huge number of fans in China.F.There is nothing wrong in some people cheering for a certain celebrity.G.The problem is that most fan clubs use the online platforms as war zones.Parents can use platform-level controls to set limits on which apps your kids can download. But those tools don’t allow you to manage what kids see on those apps or prevent them from communicating with strangers. In this case, parental controls come in. ___46___First, two big important rules parents should follow: ___47___ Apps contain default (默认的) settings that provide protections based on the declared age of the user. Do have continuing open conversations with your children about keeping safe online. ___48___Then, with those in mind, here’s what to know about social media parental controls and how to use them (take Tiktok for example):Where to start: Read TikTok’s comprehensive Guardian’s Guide.Default settings: For teens ages 13 to 15, accounts are automatically set to private. Other teens can change their account to public but their videos would be shown only to friends.___49___ It’s also unavailable by default for 16-and 19-year-olds but they can change the setting to allow messaging with friends.Optional settings: With a TikTok account, parents can limit the time their teens spend on TikTok, restrict age-inappropriate content and set messaging restrictions. Parents can also determine whether their teen’s account is private or public. ___50___A.Direct messaging is unavailable for teens ages 13 to 15.B.The settings are secured with passwords, so teens can’t change them.C.Here is a guide for using the parental controls in the social media apps.D.D on’t lie about your kids’ ages when signing up for apps, or let them do it.E.This is useless if you’re handing your phone over for your children to play with.F.After all, parental controls aren’t perfect, and kids can find ways to disable them. G.TikTok allows kids under 13 to be on the app, but in a more controlled environment.【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除1.无1、B牝2、E牝3、D牝4、C牝5、A【分析】本文是说明文。



2017-2018学年度第二学期期末检测试题高一英语2018. 06本卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题),满分120分。


第I 卷(共80 分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. What does the man want to do?A. Lose some weight.B. Buy an ice cream.C. Have some sugar.2. What is the man required to do?A. Park his car.B. Drive his car.C. Pay a fine.3. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A film.B. A camera.C. A game.4. What is the man doing?A. Planning a survey.B. Going ahead.C. Preparing a report.5. What can we know from the man’s words?A. He is going to go for a summer holiday.B. He is fed up with school work or homework.C. There is no holiday without school work or homework.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。


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试卷类型:A 本试卷共12页。












1. What are the speakers talking about?A. The term paperB. Touring resourcesC. A trip to China2. What does the woman mean?A. She feels very hungryB. The man ate all the foodC. The refrigerator needs cleaning.3. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotelB. In a hospitalC. At Harry’s home4. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Go to work by carB. Have a quick breakfastC. Do morning exercise5. At what time did the woman first wake up the man?A. 7:20B. 7:30C. 7:40第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




6. Why does the man refuse the woman at first?A. He will have a visitorB. He will travel to New YorkC. He will meet his sister in Los Angeles.7. When will the speakers have a meal together?A. Next WednesdayB. Next SaturdayC. This Saturday听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

8. How did Linda know about Mr. Lee’s arrival?A. By Mr. Lee’s callB. By Mr. Smith’s callC. By Mr. Smith’s letter9. Where will the speakers meet?A. In the hotelB. At Linda’s homeC. In the man’s office听下面一段对话,回答第10和第12三个小题。

10. How will the woman go to the airport?A. By taxiB. By busC. By car11. Where will the woman stay in London?A. At a hotelB. At Betty’s homeC. In a college dormitory12. Who is Thomas?A. Joe’s best friendB. The man’s teacherC. Betty’s brother听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。

13. How does the man find his work?A. BoringB. EnjoyableC. Challenging14. How long is he lunch break now?A. Two hoursB. One hourC. Half an hour15. What does the man have more opportunities to do?A. Learn new skillsB. Exercise in the gymC. Go out with colleagues.16. Why does the man still work here?A. He can travel a lotB. He gets a good salaryC. He can work on his own.听下面一段对话,回答第17至第20四个小题。

17. What is on the first floor?A. A libraryB. A music storeC. A small café18. What should only be used in the library?A. DVDsB. Grammar booksC. Textbooks19. What does the speaker say about the computer room?A. It’s often crowdedB. It’s modern and largeC. It’s next to he library20. What is the plan for this Saturday?A. Holding a party in the caféB. Visiting Susan in a castleC. Having a trip to Warwick第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AThere are about 52 theme parks in Japan. Today we mainly talk about three famous theme parks among them.Nikko Edo VillageNikko Edo Village is a theme park opened in Tochigi prefecture (县) in 1986 that offers an amazing experience of Edo-period culture and lifestyle. A town scenery from the mid-Edo period is rebuilt within the park, and among attractions are live Edo festival parades.Universal Studios JapanLocated in Osaka, this park features Hollywood films. One of the two largest theme parks in Japan, along with Tokyo Disney Resort, it is the third theme park operated by Universal Studios and the first outside the United States.At first, the park was to have been named “Universal Studios Osaka,” but this name was not used because its abbreviation (缩写) USO would have been pronounced like the Japanese word uso, which means “lie.”The park offers attractions on the theme of motion pictures, with rides such as Sesame Street, Shrek, E.T., Terminator, Spiderman, etc.Tokyo Disney ResortOpened in the city of Urayasu, Chiba prefecture in 1983 as the first Disneyland outside the United States, Tokyo Disneyland lies on 600,000 square meters of reclaimed land(填海造陆).In 2001,Tokyo DisneySea was opened next to Tokyo Disneyland, with the seas as its theme. This park, Tokyo Disneyland, and neighboring hotels and shopping centers together make up the Tokyo Disney Resort, which brings in more than 25 million visitors every year.Tokyo Disney Resort lies close to Tokyo and other major cities with huge populations, and has easy access to the New Tokyo International Airport in the city of Narita Chiba prefecture. Apart from this, its great success also lies in the fact that new attractions have been opened one after another, thus winning the support of many repeat visitors.21. In which park can you enjoy the live performance?A. Nikko Edo VillageB. Universal Studios JapanC. Tokyo DisneySeaD. Tokyo Disney Resort22. Which of the following is not included about Universal Studios Japan?A. Its locationB. Its attractionsC. Its nameD. Its history23. What can we know about Tokyo Disney Resort?A. It is the first Disneyland in the worldB. It is made up of two partsC. It is becoming more popularD. It is not easy to get toBMom and businessman Jaimee Newberry founded “Picture This”—a new company that allows kids to turn their drawings into dresses.The process is simple: Parents choose a dress size and print out the coloring book—style models available on the “Picture This” website. Once their kids have colored and decorated the models, the grown-ups can upload photos of the completed designs on the website and place their orders. The finished dresses arrive within a few weeks.“Picture This” was inspired by a dress Newberry made for her daughter, Zia, inspired by her artwork. In a Medium post detailing he history of “Picture This”, Newberry wrote that Zia loved the dress and told people, “I’m wearing my imagination!”“Due to the positive response and requests from Zia’s friends and classmates, Ken, Igi, Stephen and I chatted about how to turn this idea into something where kids everywhere could have fun with hands-on drawing and coloring, and then see their imaginative artwork come to life in wearable fashion form,” Newberry explained.In addition to kid-sized dresses, “Picture This” also allows kids to design dresses for their dolls. And although the service currently only offers dresses, they have plans to expand the clothing choices.For now, Newberry invites families to try out the service and post photos of their dresses on social media. Based on he various kinds of kid art in the world, it’s clear these dresses will certainly be unique.24. What chances does “Picture This” give to kids?A. To learn the latest fashionB. To design their own clothesC. To take photos of themselvesD. To discuss ideas with top designers25. How did Zia friends react to the dress her mother made for her?A. They spoke highly of itB. They requested Zia to sell itC. They showed no interest in itD. They couldn’t stand it.26. What do we know about “Picture This”?A. It has branched out into grown-ups’ wearB. It lets its customers’ imagination run wildC. It was first created by Newberry’s daughterD. Most of its models are designed by Newberry.27. What’s the author’s attitude towards the future of “Picture This”?A. WorriedB. UncertainC. HopefulD. DoubtfulCAt 23, I was fresh out of graduate school and working in a nursing home, trying to decide my next path in life. My job involved wheeling residents(居民) to the community hall for activities. Elizabeth would wave from her darkened room but refuse to join the gatherings. Nearly blind, and requiring oxygen, she never left her bedside. I soon learned, though, that she loved books, and every day after work I would read to her.In dim light we made our way through “King Lear,” “Henry IV,” “Jane Eyre,” the poems of Rupert Brooke.Two golden hours might pass before I’d pack up to return to my apartment. Before I could leave she’d press my hand, saying, “Child—my literary child. You bring me such joy.” Elizabeth’s husband had died ten years earlier, and their only child, a daughter, was estranged(疏远) for what heartbreaking reason I never knew.One day an old friend of hers visited and brought her some soup. Smiling broadly, Elizabeth squeezed my arm. “Tomorrow, child, we shall feast.”The next evening I found Elizabeth’s bed empty. “I’m sorry,” the nurse whispered. She handed me a box and nodded. “She left everything to you.” At home, I unpacked it, finding two white sweaters, the dozen leather-bound books and, at the bottom, the can of soup.That summer I decided my path. I returned to school to study literature(文学).And for 26 years the soup has stayed in my kitchen. It’s remained uno pened, but the memories are preserved.28. Why did Elizabeth refuse to join the gatherings?A. She had many books to read.B. She was not a very social person.C. She was limited in her movement.D. She had no interest in those activities.29. What do we know about Elizabeth?A. She loved writing poems.B. She often visited her friends.C. She got divorced ten years ago.D. She had little communication with her daughter.30. What can we know about the author?A. She used to be doctor.B. She was inspired by Elizabeth.C. She taught literature for 26 years.D. She didn’t like t he taste of the soup.31. What would be the best title for the text?A. A book-loving friendB. An unforgettable literary journeyC. An interesting nursing experienceD. A short-term job and its lifelong influenceDThe 2018 State of North America’s Bir ds report was published by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative(NABCI) last Wednesday at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada. The report-for the first time-assesses(评估)conservation status of 1,154 native bird species that occurin Canada, the continental United States, and Mexico, as well as oceanic birds that occur off these three countries. However, the findings were distressing. Over one—third of all North America bird species are most at risk of extinction without significant conservation action.“North American migratory birds(候鸟)are on the decline (下降). But these birds link us, they unite us, and we have a shared duty to them and to the environments they are closely tied in with, so it requires international teamwork,” said Christian Artuso, a biologist at Bird Studies Canada. “This will come back to bite us if we don’t deal with it while we still have a chance.”The threat to bird populations has brought nations together to try and save them from extinction. “Canada, the United States, and Mexico share an amazing wealth of birds. And not one of them carries a passport,” said Catherine McKenna, Canadian federal Environment and Climate Change Minister. “Partnerships like this allow us to ‘spread our wings’ beyond our own nests.”This week policymakers, scientists, and nonprofit leaders met in Ottawa, Canada, to discuss the results of the study and how to increase conservation efforts in the continent.The authors recommend various ways to take action to save the homes of at-risk birds. For seabirds, the report suggests expanding protected areas in the sea, signing agreements to cut plastics pollution, managing fisheries to protect fish populations upon which the birds feed, and making sure the birds do not get caught in fishing lines or nets.“The thing about migratory birds is they connect us. What we do up here in Canada affects what goes on down in the southern US and Mexico and even further beyond, throughout the whole hemisphere(半球),” said Artuso.32. What does the underlined word “distressing” in the first paragraph mean?A. BoringB. ExcitingC. UpsettingD. Interesting33. What does the teamwork mentioned by Artuso probably aim to do?A. Study bird speciesB. Protect migratory birdsC. Help international biologistsD. Create a competitive environment34. What can we infer about Mckenna’s words?A. She wanted birds to fly beyond their nests.B. She was curious about birds in the three countriesC. She hoped the three countries could work togetherD. She believed passports were sometimes unnecessary35. How is Paragraph 5 mainly developed?A. By providing examplesB. By giving descriptionsC. By analyzing causesD. By making comparisons.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
