二, 2011 MTI真题】山师MTI翻译硕士全套试题回忆
第三部分 60分
待价而沽的景观 给了一篇文章 摘自《“城”长的烦恼》让就文章中的某些观点发表看法,800字 议论文
要求:用词优美 文体合适 结构合理
五, 2011年北京大学MTI,CAT,TT英汉互译真题,考场真实记录
作文?? 是否应该推广the general education
名词解释??? 竟然不是预料的选择题型 还是之前的解释形式。。。单位?? 华夏? 国务院?? 打酱油? 女娲?? 因特网?? 二战 冷战? 苏联? 赤字?? 欧元区??? 大多是比较常见的 都是用自己话答得?
应用文是 自荐信
第三题是作文,400词,the essence of happiness
MTI2010年华中师范大学MTI真题回忆翻译基础:专有名词英翻汉:CAD、UNESCO、GPS、red star over china,sandstorm syndrome等,汉翻英有:个体工商户、鸦片战争、民革、民盟、限价房、社会保障体系、国计委等,百科知识与汉语写作:《汉语百科知识》名词解释(50分)有战国、孟子、儒家、孔子、经济全球化、逆差、防扩散、人权、恐怖主义作文:(60分)以《名人与广告》为题,写一篇议论文,800字以上。
提供了侯耀华的例子2012华中师范大学翻译硕士MTI试题回忆翻译基础30个术语翻译15个英译汉有P&G NBA UPI WIPO FBI ,Llibiya Dinar,the sun also rises15个汉译英有九三学社,中组委,中央党校,国家体育运动委员会,端午节,第三产业百科,20个名词解释50分,有斯德哥尔摩,里约热内卢,京都议定书,生物多样性,耶稣,感恩节,独立日,马丁路德金,本土化,风险投资,硅谷,苹果,裸婚,柏拉图式爱情,乌托邦第三个是大作文,给了一段材料,说是长春市政府给冬奥会1500米短道速滑冠军周洋开庆功会,领导问道他还有什么困难时,他说:“我父母还没工作”,领导当即表示,有关部门领导都在这里,可以解决一下。
OPEC ASEAN CAT CRH CPI dubbing,sampling ,fiscal deficit ,accreditation,the tertiary industry,globlization,overdraft,third-party insurance, after service小康社会,生态文明,信用评级,外汇储备,三农问题,人民币升值压力,科学发展观,成本价,l律师事务所。
. Writing (20%)Directions: For this part, you are to write a summary of either of the two articles that are presented to you in the following. Your summary should be about 180 words. Remember to write neatly.Passage 1 (1130words in total)It's not difficult for a person to encounter sound at levels that can cause adverse health effects. During a single day, people living in a typical urban environment can experience a wide range of sounds in many locations, including shopping malls, schools, the workplace, recreational centers, and the home. Even once-quiet locales have become polluted with noise. In fact, it's difficult today to escape sound pollution completely. It is estimated that 120 million people worldwide have disabling hearing difficulties. Growing evidence also points to many other health effects of too much volume.The growing noise pollution has many different causes. Booming population growth and the loss of rural land to urban sprawl both play a role. Other causes include the lack of adequate anti-noise regulations in many parts of the world; the electronic nature of our age, which encourages many noisy gadgets; the rising number of vehicles on the roads; and busier airports.In the United States, about 30 million workers are exposed to hazardous sound levels on the job, according to NIOSH. Industries having a high number of workers exposed to loud sounds include construction, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, utilities, transportation, and the military. Noise in U.S. industry is an extremely difficult problem to monitor, acknowledges Craig Moulton, a senior industrial hygienist for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). "Still," he says, "OSHA does require that any employer with workers overexposed to noise provide protection for those employees against the harmful effects of noise. Additionally, employers must implement a continuing, effective hearing conservation program as outlined in OSHA's Noise Standard."Our modern industrialized society has spawned ubiquitous entertainment and sports industries with their boom boxes, "personal stereos" (Gap Kids now even offers a jacket with a built-in radio and speakers conveniently attached right in the hood), surround-sound movie theaters, loud TV commercials, and even louder commercials at sports stadiums crammed full of thousands of noisy fans. In drag racing, a growing international sport, a German team of audio engineers set an earsplitting record of 177 dB-sound pressure level in 2002. Popular "boom cars" equipped with powerful stereo systems that are usually played with the volume and bass turned up abnormally high and the car windows rolled down can hit 140-150 dBA. Listening to music at a level of 150 dBA would be like standing next to a Boeing 747 airplane with its engines at full throttle, according to statistics provided by Noise Free America, an anti-noise advocacy group.The United States is not the only country where noise pollution is affecting the quality of life. In Japan, for instance, noise pollution caused by public loudspeaker messages and other forms of city noise have forced many Tokyo citizens to wear earplugs as they go about their daily lives. In Europe, about 65% of the population is exposed to ambient sound at levels above 55 dBA, while about 17% is exposed to levels above 65 dBA, according to the European Environment Agency."The noisy problems associated with air travel are concentrated in communities around airports, whereas motorways or high-speed trains--traveling, for instance, from north to south Europe--have the potential to disturb thousands of people living along the route day after day,"says Ken Hume, a principal lecturer in human physiology at the Manchester Metropolitan University in England.Noise is indeed everywhere, and experts expect no decrease in noise levels, given the powerful impact of technology on modern life. "In the past three decades, we have built noisier and noisier devices that are not subject to any regulations," Blomberg says. "Think about it. The car alarm is a seventies invention, as is the leaf blower. The stereo sound systems we have in our cars are much louder than the sound system the Beatles used for their concerts in the sixties. All they had back then were three-hundred-amp speakers."Numerous scientific studies over the years have confirmed that exposure to certain levels of sound can damage hearing. Prolonged exposure can actually change the structure of the hair cells in the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss. It can also cause tinnitus, a ringing, roaring, buzzing, or clicking in the ears. The American Tinnitus Association estimates that 12 million Americans suffer from this condition, with at least 1 million experiencing it to the extent that it interferes with their daily activities.NIOSH studies from the mid to late 1990s show that 90% of coal miners have hearing impairment by age 52--compared to 9% of the general population--and 70% of male metal/nonmetal miners will experience hearing impairment by age 60 (Stephenson notes that from adolescence onward, females tend to have better hearing than males). Neitzel says nearly half of all construction workers have some degree of hearing loss. "NIOSH research also reveals that by age twenty-five, the average carpenter's hearing is equivalent to an otherwise healthy fifty-year-old male who hasn't been exposed to noise," he says.In July 2001, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that, based on audiometric testing of 5,249 children as part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, an estimated 12.5% of American children have noise-induced hearing threshold shifts--or dulled hearing--in one or both ears. Most children with noise-induced hearing threshold shifts have only limited hearing damage, but continued exposure to excessive noise can lead to difficulties with high-frequency sound discrimination. The report listed stereos, music concerts, toys (such as toy telephones and certain rattles), lawn mowers, and fireworks as producing potentially harmful sounds."Noise has an insidious effect in that the more exposure a person has to noise, the more the hearing loss will continue to grow," says Josara Wallber, disabilities services liaison for the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, New York. "Hearing loss is irreversible. Once hearing is lost, it's lost forever."Studies have revealed that as children grow they are exposed to sounds that can threaten their health and cause learning problems. For instance, in the September 1997 issue of Environment and Behavior, Cornell University environmental psychologists Gary Evans and Lorraine Maxwell reported that the constant roar of jet aircraft could cause higher blood pressure, boosted stress levels, and other effects with potential life-long ramifications among children living in areas under the flight paths of airport.Other human and animal studies also have linked noise exposure to chronic changes in blood pressure and heart rate. For example, in the July-August 2002 issue of the Archives of Environmental Health, a team of government and university researchers concluded that exposure to sound "acts as a stress-activating physiological mechanisms that over time can produce adverse health effects. Although all the effects and mechanisms are not elucidated, noise may elevatesystolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate, thus producing both acute and chronic health effects."(1130 words in total)Passage 2 ( 1420 words in total)Aha. Money. It’s probably the on ly thing that complicates life between the sexes as much as sex. And when a woman makes more of it than her man, life really gets complicated. Even the most liberated man can feel threatened by a woman who earns more than he does. And even the most well-adjusted couples say that they have to work extra hard to keep their relationships happy if the woman has the higher salary.A surprisingly large percentage of women bring home their family’s big paycheck. They’re not just single moms. Elizabeth Dole, Katie Couric, and Queen Elizabeth outearn their spouses. Statistics compiled by the Department of Labor show that, in all, 29% of working wives ----- 10.2 million women ----- make more than their husbands, a figure that has grown by nearly 35 % since 1988. Among upper-income women, the numbers are much higher. A recent Catalyst survey of 460 female executives at FORTUNE 1,000 companies found that three-quarters of the married women outearned their spouses. Why this happening when women, on average, pull down only 66% of their male counterparts’ wages? There are several reasons: Women are better educated than they used to be, more of them are working full-time, and equal-opportunity laws have broken down many workplace barriers that held them back.Despite the growing numbers, couples attempting to adjust to a shift in economic power often find it too touchy to talk about honestly. Jo-Ann Ghio is director of information services for Arbor Software in Sunnyvale, California. As she rose in her company, her husband seemed proud and supportive, especially in public. “But inside it bothered him,” she says now. The couple grew apart, but never discussed the root of the problem. “I was afraid to talk about it,” says Ghio. “I didn’t want to say things that were embarrassing to him.” Now divorced, Ghio is finally able to talk about her story. That’s how she discovered she is surrounded by women secretly straining to achieve the balance she lost. “We are a silent sisterhood,” she says. Men don’t talk about it when their wives earn more because they’re afraid other men will sneer at them, and women don’t talk about it because they don’t want to embarrass their men or themselves. “If we’re successful, society thinks we ought to be connected with somebody just as successful,” says Ghio, “If we’re not , something’s not quite right.”A psychiatric administrator from Philadelphia says that when she brought home her first big paycheck, her salesman husband took it to ensure that he maintained control of the family finances. As her car eer flourished, he began insulting her. “He had to play down my job,” she says. “He would tell me I was stupid or lazy.” Then he started hitting her----- something he had done early in their relationship but that she thought had been solved with counseling. “He wanted to keep me in my place,” she says. The woman moved out and filed for divorce.Violence is comparatively rare in affluent households, but studies show that whenever men earn significantly less than their wives, they are more likely to react violently. Ron Levant, a Boston psychologist and co-author of Masculinity Reconstructed, says he’s counseling a growing number of men in all socioeconomic classes who are having trouble coping with their wives’success. “There is a lot emotional and physical abuse,” he says. Others retaliate in subtler ways ----- drinking more or having an affair. Even Levant, who says he wouldn’t mind if his wife outearned him, admit he’d have trouble making a sacrifice, such as moving, to further her career. “It would be hard,” he says. “I’d have to get into therapy.”Financially successful single women lament that it can be a romantic disaster to reveal their salaries to prospective mates. But men can’t always be blamed for the problems in these relationships. Anne Gingras, co-owner of a $32 million computer consulting business in Orinda, California, knows she scared men away by saying she expected them to be comfortable with her success. “I dress in designer clothes,” she says. “ I drive a Jaguar, and I would compare his car with mine. I couldn’t dat e a man who drove a Geo.” It took a while, but she thinks her selection technique is effective: She’s happy with her boyfriend of eight years, who earns less than a quarter of her income. “He’s got other qualities,” she says. Plus he drives an Acura.Judith Wallerstein, a psychologist and co-author of The Good Marriages, says her research shows that relationships in which one partner derives most of his or her self-esteem from a career or income are likely to have trouble adapting to a shift in economic power. Aside from choosing the right mate in the first place, Wallerstein offers women more practical help for making the role reversal work. It sounds a lot like the advice a therapist would give a man in a traditional relationship, the difference being that women have to practice it over and over ----- far more than most men would do.First, says Wallerstein, a high-earning woman must be supersensitive to man’s feelings. If her career requires a sacrifice from him, “she’s got to say, ‘I adore you; how can we make up for it?’” Second, she needs to acknowledge his support in private and in public, reassuring him that she couldn’t have succeeded without him. Finally, she should never throw her money around during an argument; disputes m ust be resolved based on what’s fair and realistic.Women who carefully follow this advice ------ and fall in love with a secure man ----- won’t necessarily find bliss, but at least they have a chance. When Jim Campbell and Elizabeth Mackey married in 1978, says Campbell, “We figured we’d get our MBAs and do yuppie-type things.” Their plans changed after son Alex was born in 1981. Mackey was rising rapidly on Wall Street and loved her work. Campbell, less enamored of his, quit and took a sales job he could do from home while caring for Alex. Mackey has since moved to another position as head of CD-ROM acquisitions for Simon & Schuster. Campbell and a friend opened a trophy shop in Briarcliff Manor, New York. His wife’s earnings have allowed them to buy a ni ce house and send Alex to private school. Campbell, proud of his relationship with his son, says life has turned out better than he expected: “ I’m happy.”Mackey, who travels frequently, is both grateful for ----- and a little jealous of ----- her husband’s close ties to Alex. She says the biggest problem caused by their disparity in income is disputes over household chores. While the couple long ago hires out tasks like cleaning and laundry, they are now debating whether they can afford to hire someone to do the bigger jobs, like painting the house. “My weekends are my downtime,” says Mackey. “And I loathe having to ask Jim, after he’s already worked half of Saturday, to come home and do more work.”Nancy and Frank Dickey resolved that debate years ago. Lower your standards, hire somebody, and be done with it. Nancy, an associate professor of medicine at Texas A&M and chair of the board of the American Medical Association, earns more money than Frank, but he may have more prestige: He’s a high school football coach in the country’s most football-crazedstate. Nancy says she sometimes feels guilty that because of her job and their family (they have three children), Frank didn’t pursue openings that would have required a move.Any regrets over jobs he’s passed up are more than balanced by the advantages he says he’s gotten from Nancy’s career. He has a terrific team physician, for example, and her prosperity has given him a freedom most coaches envy ----- to bench the unathletic sons of school board members. Frank acknowledges that he sometimes feels isolated in the world of Texas macho. Men ask him: “How can you let her gallivant all over?” But he says Nancy has mastered the art of making the Dickeys seem like a traditional couple.For now it may be easier for everyone to keep up appearances. But all signs indicate that this trend has legs, that the changing economy will bring more ----- and better-educated ----- women into the work force. Inevitably, more of them will outearn their husbands. Eventually, both sexes may be able to take comfort in the numbers.( 1420 words in total)。
目 录2011年西南政法大学外语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012年西南政法大学外语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年西南政法大学外语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年西南政法大学外语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题0.5分,共10分)Direction: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D .You should choose the one that best fits into the sentence.l. Tom _____ his new job with confidence.A. set outB. set offC. set upD. set about【答案】D【解析】句意:汤姆满怀信心地投入新的工作。
set about意为“开始;着手”,符合题意,故为正确答案。
set out意为“开始”;set off意为“(使)做某事”;set up意为“开业,开始经商”。
2.The truck driver was fined for exceeding the speed _____.A. rangeB. limitC. ruleD. regulation【答案】B【解析】句意:卡车司机因超速而被罚款。
3.The crippled Jack proudly walked with a _____ to the platform to join the children.A. jumpB. limpC. hopD. jog【答案】B【解析】句意:跛腿的杰克一瘸一拐地走上舞台,加入到孩子们中间去。
英语翻译基础一、30分:A:15个英译汉:GNP,UNCF,CPI,UNESCO,ASEAN,OPEC,lingua franka,foreignizing method,polysysterm thory,intersemiotic translationB:15个汉翻译:转变政府职能,民族先知,全面战略伙伴关系,第三产业,生态补偿机制,虚拟经济二、段落翻译(120’)A:60分,英翻汉(奥巴马就职演讲的几段):I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosityand cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met.B:汉翻英(夏衍《野草》中的几段):有人问:世界上什么东西的气力最大?回答纷纭的很,有的说“象”,有的说“狮”,有人开玩笑似的说是“金刚”,金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道。
作文discuss the possibility and impossibility of thetransference from one profession to another 400+翻译基础localization , ATA, APEC ,MT, budget deficit, translationtransference,microblog,price ceilings,performanceappraisal, Money laundering ,full refund住房公积金,房奴,国际评级机构,实体经济,债权人,不可抗力,政府采购英译汉多读名著啊,材料选自《秘密花园》,不过这篇比较简单,生词不多When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with heruncle,everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. Itwas true,too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hairand a sour expression. Her hair was yellow,and her face was yellow because shehad been born in Indiaand had always been ill in one way or another. Her father had held a positionunder the English Government and had always been busy and ill himself,and hermother had been a great beauty who cared only to go to parties and amuseherself with gay people. She had not wanted a little girl at all,and when Marywas born she handed her over to the care of an Ayah,who was made to understandthat if she wished to please the Mem Sahib she must keep the child out of sightas much as possible. So when she was a sickly,fretful,ugly little baby she waskept out of the way,and when she became a sickly,fretful,toddling thing she waskept out of the way also. She never remembered seeing familiarly anything butthe dark faces of her Ayah and the other native servants,and as they alwaysobeyed her and gave her her own way in everything,because the Mem Sahib wouldbe angry if she was disturbed by her crying,by the time she was six years oldshe was as tyrannical and selfish a little pig as ever lived. The young Englishgoverness who came to teach her to read and write disliked her so much that shegave up her place in three months,and when other governesses came to try tofill it they always went away in a shorter time than the first one. So if Maryhad not chosen to really want to know how to read books she would never havelearned her letters at all.汉译英时事财经类的,英国经济衰退,成为最不适宜居住地方,人们的担忧,欧元区百科与写作选择10个10分岁寒三友和四君子是几种植物;美国独立宣言谁起草的;美英转折战争发生在;那一项是不可能发生的,abcd四个选项,其实就是考一些科技发明的时间;古代一哲学家一个观点,问是谁说;一个研究农业的古人,写了哪本书等等填空10个,每个2分。
一.2011首都师范翻硕真题1.名词翻译英汉:currency appreciation 货币升值the book of songs 诗经NPC 全国人民代表大会the divine comedy 神曲汉英:少数民族地区the minority areas股市指数the stock market(exchange) index国际法主体subject of international law国际法准则standard of international law素质教育education for all-round development公务员civil servant网络空间cyberspace2.翻译formal usage about english, several occasions the formal english is required, including, report by profession group to a government, writings to a seriousjournal, job application, etc.??an unintended consequences of globalization, some countries thrive and others furstrated, and all those take accounts for terrision, which we have the very best interest to wipr it out.汉英一篇象讲话? 在当今的国际关系下,只有。
2011 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析Section I Use of English一、文章题材结构分析本文是一篇说明性的文章,主要讨论了互联网上的身份验证问题。
鉴于此,考生需要从四个选项中选出一个不及物动词,能与空格前的主语that(指代the explosion of cyber crime 网络犯罪的激增)构成主谓逻辑,并与空格后的介词短语across the Web 构成动宾逻辑。
A 项swept(打扫,席卷)可以做不及物动词,并能与空前的主语和空后的介词短语构成顺畅的逻辑关系,即在文中表示“匿名制是造成网络犯罪席卷互联网的原因”,故A为正确答案。
B 项skip 意为“跳过,掠过”;C 项walk 意为“走,步行”;D 项ride 意为“骑,乘,驾”虽可做不及物动词,但与空前主语和空后介词短语不构成完整的主谓搭配和动宾搭配,都是干扰项。
空格所在句子的主句是privacy be preserved(隐私得以保护),从句是省略了主语和助动词的bringing safety andsecurity to the world(带来网络世界的安全),由此可以推断本句是要表达“在给世界带来安全保障的同时,隐私是否能够得以保护呢?”,C 项while 意为“在……的同时,当……的时候”,可以表示伴随关系,故为正确答案。
A 项for 表示因果关系;B 项within 表示“在……里面,不超出”;D 项though 表示让步关系;在搭配上与doing并无典型用法,此外带入空格,整个句子逻辑也很不通顺,故为干扰选项。
6.狼,速去!不然,将杖杀汝。 答:“将杖杀汝”中“杖”名词用作状语,意为“用木杖”。
7.师还,馆于虞。遂袭虞,灭之。 答:“馆于虞”中的“馆”名词用作动词,意为“住宿”。
三、标点、翻译下面一段古文(共 34 分) 王曰安有为人臣尽其力竭其能而得罪者乎对曰臣请为王譬昔周之上地尝有之其丈夫官 三年不归其妻爱人其所爱者曰子之丈夫来则且奈何乎其妻曰勿忧也吾已为药酒而待其来矣 已而其丈夫果来于是因令其妾酌药酒而进之其妾知之半道而立虑曰吾以此饮吾主父则杀吾 主父以此事告吾主父则逐吾主母与杀吾主父逐吾主母者宁佯踬而覆之于是因佯僵而仆之其 妻曰为子之远行来之故为美酒今妾奉而仆之其丈夫不知缚其妾而笞之故妾所以笞者忠信也 今臣为足下使于齐恐忠信不谕于左右也臣闻之曰万乘之主不制于人臣十乘之家不制于众人
台接使动宾语“之”。又是一般词,接直接宾语“酒”。4.张天下以为之笼,因江海以为罟,又何亡鱼失鸟之有乎? 答:“又何亡鱼失鸟之有乎”宾语“何”前置。古代汉语中,疑问代词作宾语时,需 要放在动词后面。
English for Graduates (Paper A)20111229I. Listening Comprehension (20%)Directions: In this part, you are going to listen to four passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be read only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.1. A. He read a lot of books on management.B. He made every step safe enough.C. He prepared himself well beforehand.D. He had knowledge for the next phase.2. A. news reporter B. American dreamC. lucky boyD. poor child3. A. generals B. committees C. armies D. schools4. A. reading different books B. attending seminarsC. listening to audiotapesD. learning on one‟s own5. A. face-to-face contact B. eyeball-to-eyeball contactC. person-to-person contactD. call-to-call contactQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.6. A. More and more people take up the habit of smoking.B. There are more smoking women than smoking men in the USA.C. It is good news that more people have given up smoking.D. The U.S. has more smoking people than any other country.7. A. age, income and educationB. age, sex and incomeC. occupation, income and sexD. occupation, income and education8. A. City people are less likely to smoke.B. People in rural areas are more likely to smoke.C. Men with higher incomes tend to smoke.D. Well –educated men with high incomes are generally less likely to smoke.9. A. The situation is quite the same for women as for men.B. Better-educated women are likely to smoke heavily.C. There are more women smokers with low incomes.D. Women with higher incomes and higher education do not tend to smoke.10. A. The picture about the teenage smokers is similar to that of women smokers.B. The situation among teenagers is quite the same with men.C. High school students are more likely to smoke than college students.D. Farmers‟ children tend to smoke more.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.11. A. crying one‟s goods in the street B. signs with picturesC. wall paintingsD. wall signs12. A. signs with pictures B. tools over doorsC. wall paintingsD. symbols13. A. Because they are most recently developed.B. Because they can be understood by those who can neither read nor write.C. Because they are cheap and fast.D. Because they can be heard everywhere in a country.14.A. Only some large companies can afford radio commercials.B. Outdoor advertisements make up a small proportion of modern advertising.C. Ads printed in newspapers are one of the most popular forms of advertising.D. The ads called car trucks are almost part of our life.15. A. modern advertising B. development of advertisingC. origin of advertisingD. significance of advertisingQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.16. A. An educational institution that is open to anyone who wants to receive higher education.B. An educational institution that conducts courses by means of television, radio andcorrespondence courses.C. An educational institution that is free of charge to all the students.D. An educational institution that conducts its courses through open discussions.17. A. They laughed at it. B. They doubted whether it would work.C. They supported it.D. They rejected it.18. A. Because of its serious financial problems.B. Because of the lack of support from the government and the public.C. Because of the lack of qualified teachers.D. Because of the limited number of courses it could conduct.19. A. Seminars and lectures open to less advanced students are held from time to time.B. Short-term training courses are organized in different cities across the country.C. Over a dozen study centers have been set up all over the country.D. Special revision programs are broadcast on radio and TV.20. A. The Open University is the best form of higher education.B. When it was first on the air only a few people thought the Open University would succeed.C. British people prefer the Open University to other universities.D. The Open University is very good for those who want to strike a balance between furthereducation, career and family.II. Vocabulary (25%)Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.21. Cash flows should be managed to ________ the return from cash received and to minimize thecost of finance on conditions for its own uses.A. chooseB. spendC. expandD. optimize22. Teachers‟ unions attacked the plans as ________ the skills and work of early year teachers, andcreating a two-tier profession.A. praisingB. promotingC. undervaluingD. developing23. The government could then instruct all banks not to push companies into default and not todispose of any ________.A. collateralB. corporationC. debtD. exchange24. Fourthly, a successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and inexorably ________ on theLea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities.A. increaseB. encroachC. stepD. ride25. The evening air had its accustomed November nip, but the groups making their way fromCeltic Crescent were ________ to it.A. ignorantB. imperviousC. resentedD. responsive26. As far as I am concerned, it is the only body that represents the prison officers, who workunder great ________.A. pressB. backfireC. duressD. screen27. Margate is sure that the scientific and technological ________ that has been developed is realand extremely valuable.A. synergyB. formationC. energyD. match28. They suggest therefore that greater emphasis be given to housing ________ in evaluatingrelative deprivation.A. terminationB. removalC. provisionD. tenure29. Are you sure that my staying here won‟t be an/a ________ into your domestic affairs?A. intentionB. troubleC. threatD. intrusion30. She remained there until last night when an ambulance took her to ________ with a family innearby Newton.A. discoverB. revitalizeC. recuperateD. reformulate31. Sunlight streamed into the church and through the stained glass windows, and a smell of grassand flowers ________ the air.A. flowedB. permeatedC. penetratedD. indulged32. Loss of license contact is a real ________ to potential traders in smuggled cigarettes.A. deterrentB. detailC. detainD. determine33. As these problems multiply and ________ resources, the range of options available to theorganization increasingly narrows.A. depleteB. decreaseC. lessenD. formulate34. For years, frequent flooding eventually ________ all traces of the community that used to livethere.A. killedB. releasedC. obliteratedD. measured35. Even the increase proposed will put pressure on Congress to hold down other spending or dipinto funds ________ for Social Security.A. remarkedB. earmarkedC. reboundD. reduced36. Members of extreme right wing parties are completely opposed to the ________ of blacks intowhite South African society.A. combinationB. formulationC. integrationD. segregation37. Nevertheless, to conceive of parents as utterly static in the child‟s psychological life is likely tobecome the ________ of the picture grossly.A. distortionB. reflectionC. representationD. confusion38. Clinton also asked Glickman to report back within 30 days with recommendations to help the________ of debt problems afflicting cattle producers.A. involvementB. releaseC. alleviationD. reflection39. The Piscataway school district in New Jersey had to dismiss one high school business teacherbecause of budgetary _______ both by the government and local authorities.A. inflationB. provisionC. concentrationD. constraints40. By setting up such a system yourself, you are potentially ________ any security systems yourcompany has in place.A. providingB. alleviatingC. promotingD. circumventing41. The policy by EU that imposes serious constraints on textile imports from China will definitely the bilateral trade in other areas.A. widenB. thwartC. recoverD. complete42. Friction between the generations is ________ when younger staff grasp the new idea and theircreativity is suddenly released.A. widenedB. exacerbatedC. recoveredD. competitive43. Many Americans who are learning Chinese think that the term “Lao Wai” is somehow an insult,and in fact the term “Lao Wai” doesn‟t have a negative _______ in Chinese.A. positionB. intentionC. extensionD. connotation44. Henry Kissinger was also ________ and frustrated by the Communists during his secretnegotiations with them.A. fooledB. overjoyedC. confrontedD. confounded45. Because of their past crimes, everything they do now will be subject to ________.A. utilityB. qualityC. scrutinyD. honestyIII. Reading Comprehension (20%)Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question.Passage 1The heart is made up almost entirely of muscle. It is a large, tough organ, about the size of a clenched fist. It is positioned on the centre line of the body, about halfway down the chest, just beneath the breastbone. It is tilted so that the lower end points toward the left.The heart is basically a pump, which forces blood through a network of tubes, or blood vessels, throughout the whole body. Each of the billions of living cells that make up the body needs oxygen and food in order to live, and these are supplied by the blood. The circulation of the blood consists of two parts. First the blood is pumped from the heart, around the body, and is returned to the heart. At this stage oxygen has been used up, and waste materials like carbon dioxide (CO2) have entered the bloodstream. But, instead of being pumped back around the body, the blood isnow pumped to the lungs, where oxygen is replaced and CO2, removed. Then the blood is pumped back to the heart and around the body to begin the cycle again.A heart that works well can operate for sixty to a hundred years or more. The heart is made up of four distinct chambers. The entire four-chamber pump is surrounded by a protective layer called the pericardium, which contains a lubricating liquid. The four chambers of the heart consist of two upper chambers and two lower chambers. The upper chambers are thin walled and they receive blood returning to the heart from the large veins of the body. These chambers are called the left atrium and the right atrium. The lower chambers of the heart are called the left and right ventricles (心室). They are much larger and very much more muscular than the atria. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body. The left and right sides of the heart are divided by a tough wall called the septum. This thick wall separates the blood which is to be pumped to the lungs from the blood which will go to the rest of the body. Blood is kept moving in the proper direction by a series of valves. These are leathery flaps which are forced open by the pressure of blood and then shut to stop it draining back.It is very important that “fresh” or oxygenated blood is kept separate from “stale” or deoxygenated blood that has already been passed around the body. Blood returning to the heart from the body, laden with CO2, and containing little oxygen, first enters the right atrium(心房), at the top of the heart. The atrium contracts gently, squeezing the blood through a one-way valve into the right ventricle(心室), immediately below. The right ventricle contracts powerfully, pumping the blood along arteries to the lungs, where oxygen is replenished and CO2 is removed. Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium, and is in turn pumped through another valve into the left ventricle. The left ventricle is the most powerful part of the heart‟s pump mechanism, and when it contracts, it forces blood all around the body.To summarize, the blood circulation passes from the heart to lungs, and back to the heart. Then it travels around the body, and back to the heart once more.Occasionally, a baby is born with a small hole in the septum dividing the right and left sides of the heart, allowing oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to mix. Surgery is needed to correct this “hole in the heart”.As we age, body organs begin to wear out. Sometimes an organ wears out very rapidly, while the rest of the body is still relatively healthy. When this happens, a replacement, or transplant operation is sometimes possible. Transplants are never easy, as the body usually tends to attack or reject any strange material put into it.Heart valves sometimes become damaged by valve heart diseases which are unfortunately quite common and before the advent of open heart surgery they were very difficult to treat. Heart valves may even be defective in a newborn baby. This prevents proper blood circulation, and usually can be corrected by replacing the damaged valve with a plastic or metal substitute which will be accepted by the body without causing reaction in the tissue of the heart. The valve replacements are necessary to impose a greater control over blood flow from one chamber to another and from the heart into the arterial system. Early valve replacements are of mechanical variety. One kind of early artificial heart valve is a simple “ball in a cage” or tilting disc device which will open and close as the heart beats so as to allow blood to flow under near normal rheological (流变) conditions.Sometimes the heart muscle is too badly diseased to pump properly, and in rare cases, a heart transplant may be considered. This involves replacing all or part of the heart with one taken fromanother person, the donor. Donor hearts can only be taken from accident victims when their brain has permanently stopped working, and they are legally “dead”.The transplant operation itself is not technically difficult, but later there are often complications when the new heart may be rejected. Lifelong drugs are needed to prevent this rejection.Usually the right atrium of the “old” heart is attached to the new heart. This retains the timing mechanism for the heartbeat, and means that the nervous system can still control the new heart, speeding it up during exercise to increase blood flow.46.Which of the following has not been talked about in the above article:A. The blood circulatory system.B. The composition of blood.C. Heart valve replacement.D. The function of the heart.47. In the article, the author uses_________ as an analogy to explain the function of human heart.A. muscleB. fistC. pumpD. organ48. Where does the carbon dioxide (CO2) we breathe out come from?A. The blood pumped out of the left atrium.B. The blood pumped into the left ventricle.C. The blood pumped out of the right ventricle.D. The blood pumped into the right atrium.49. We can infer from the article that____________A. After the invention of mechanical valves, biovalves must have been tried.B. Valve heart diseases ar e rare and can‟t be treated.C. The heart valve replacements are difficult to find.D. There still exist many technical problems with the heart valve transplant operation.50. Tilting disc device is classified as____________A. a mechanical device.B. a false heart valve.C.an out-of-date device.D. a biovalve replacement.51. Which of the following is wrong according to the article?A. The heart is equipped with a series of one-way valves to keep blood flowing in theproper direction.B. Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the left atrium, while deoxygenated bloodreturns from being pumped around the body to the right atrium.C. When atria contract, they open their valves and force blood into the ventricles.D. As the ventricles begin to contract, the atrial valves open again.52. What is the function of septum?A. Prevent oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing.B. Protect the whole heart.C. Lubricate the pumping chambers.D. Separate atria from ventricles.53. Where is the timing mechanism for the heartbeat in the body?A. In the brain.B. In the wall of the right atrium.C. On the pericardium.D. Between the lung and the right ventricle.54. If a patient has to replace his heart valve, what‟s the problem needed to be most concerned with?A. Whether the surgery is technically up to the standard.B. To find a donor who is willing to donate his heart.C. To prevent the happening of complications.D. The donor may be not legally dead.55. Which of the following words is the synonym of …replace‟?A. replenishB. substituteC. circulateD. positionPassage 2As if Chinese leaders did not have enough of a headache trying to manage the country's rising but still undervalued currency in the testy world of international trade, now the growing popularity of virtual money enters the already complex equation.The so-called "QQ" coin - issued by Tencent, China's largest instant-messaging service provider - has become so popular that the country's central bank is worried that it could affect the value of RMB Yuan. Li Chao, spokesman and director of the General Office of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), has expressed his concern in the Chinese media and announced that the central bank will draft regulations next year governing virtual transactions.Public prosecutor Yang Tao issued this warning: "The QQ coin is challenging the status of the RMB [Yuan] as the only legitimate currency in China." In an article published recently in the Nanfang Daily, the prosecutor wrote that the central government would act to "limit the application of QQ coins" and assure that their use is restricted to the virtual world.Tencent argues that Yang and the PBOC are overreacting, and some Internet analysts agree. Nevertheless, there is no question that the virtual-currency trend is catching on in China, and the end game is unclear.Tencent boasts more than 220 million users, and its QQ coins can be purchased with a bank, telephone or "QQ" card at an official price of 1 Yuan (12.5 cents) per coin. Originally, the virtual coins were designed to pay for Tencent services such as electronic greeting cards, online games and anti-virus software. Now, however, they have reportedly developed into an alternative currency traded on the black market and used for other, less savory services, such as online gambling and private chats with "QQ girls".Xinhua, China's official news agency, reports cases of people earning thousands of Yuan per month trading in QQ coins, which they can win by playing online QQ games that pay out one coin for every 10,000 points earned. Xinhua also reports that the operators of some Internet forums are now paid in QQ coins rather than the official currency. And there is evidence that other onlinesites not associated with Tencent also accept QQ coins.In addition, unofficial online vendors have sprung up to take advantage of QQ fever. They accumulate large numbers of coins by hiring professional game players to win them and also through gambling plays, inside connections at entertainment companies and even by hacking into user accounts and simply stealing them. Then they sell the virtual currency below its official value, at a rate of 0.4-0.8 Y uan per coin.Tencent introduced the coins in 2002 as tokens to pay solely for its online services and disavows any connection with this illicit trade"We do not have a mechanism to transfer unused QQ coins back to RMB Yuan," the company said in a statement, "and we do not support transactions made with QQ coins via dubious means."While there is no reason to doubt the Tencent statement, it is also true that the booming business in third-party sales of QQ coins clearly benefits the company. As there is an official premium on the number of available coins, a certain number of them are regularly removed from circulation, ensuring that new coins are always in demand from Tencent.Tencent's service operates much like MSN Messenger, except that it is part of a virtual economy whose currency is the QQ coin. Its users tend to be high-school or university students who spend an increasing amount of their time in cyberspace. And they are not just playing games and listening to their favorite music; many are also living alternative lives that can lead to the purchase of anything from virtual clothes to virtual pets to virtual automobiles.A small purchase - say, a pair of virtual Nike sneakers - may not cost much, but a whole wardrobe can add up. And don't forget the decorations for your chat avatar (a digital representation of a user in virtual reality) - that, too, will cost you.QQ coins also allow Tencent users to flout China's tough anti-gambling laws - which, despite more than 50 years on the books, have largely failed to curb the Chinese desire to place a bet. The company's game platform offers mahjong and a variety of card games with betting options, and Tencent takes a 10% cut from all bets.In the end, it's hard to know whether Tencent will have to face the regulator's questioning on the moral or the economic question or both. But it's never a good sign when the central bank lines you up in its sights.The PBOC has vowed to keep a sharp eye on the QQ phenomenon lest the coins enter general circulation, influencing the already internationally sensitive value of RMB Yuan. At present, sales in virtual money are estimated to add up to billions of Yuan annually and to be increasing 15-20% each year.Some US lawmakers - including Nancy Pelosi, soon to become Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 110th Congress - have accused Beijing of currency manipulation to keep the Yuan at an artificially low rate against the US dollar and other currencies. They threaten trade sanctions unless China acts to allow the Yuan‟s value to appreciate more rapidly.The Yuan has appreciated by 3.56% since it was revalued by 2.1% in July last year, and the currency reached a post-revaluation high of 7.8313 to the dollar last week. But US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who is to visit Beijing this month, is pushing for a much faster rate of appreciation.So far, virtual currency has had no perceptible impact on the Yuan. But the central bank is worried about a future in which the popularity of virtual money grows to the point where it jumps from virtual to real goods.But this possible scenario has drawn skepticism from many analysts - primarily because true convertibility between the Yuan and the QQ coin would expose Tencent to enormous financial risks. It's unlikely the internet company will want to embrace the role of the Virtual Bank of China.In the end, it's more likely to be the morality police than the financial regulators who come knocking at Tencent's door.56.Which of the following is China‟s largest instant-messaging service-provider?A) Xinhua B) Tencent C) PBOC C) MSN Messenger57.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A)Till now virtual currency has had no noticeable impact on Yuan.B)Tencent introduced the coins in 2002 as tokens to pay solely for its online services.C)Tencent recognized its connection with the illicit trade.D)Tencent takes a 10% cut from all bets on the company‟s game platform.58.How will the central government act to limit the application of QQ coins?A)The central bank will draft regulations next year governing virtual transactions.B)The central bank will prohibit the issue of virtual currency.C)The central bank will issue another currency instead of QQ coins.D)The central bank will raise the exchange rate of Yuan against QQ coins.59.Which of the following can best describe Tencent‟s reaction to PBOC‟s concern about QQcoin?A)They argue it‟s overreacting.B)They argue it‟s optimistic.C)They argue it‟s appreciated.D)They argue it‟s insightful.60.Which of following is NOT true?A)People can make money by trading QQ coins.B)Unofficial online vendors have appeared to take advantage of QQ fever.C)Professional game players can hack into user accounts and steal them.D)Unused QQ coins can be transferred to RMB Yuan.61.Originally the virtual coins were designed to pay for Tencent services except_____.A)electronic greeting cardsB)anti-virus softwareC)online gamesD)chips for gambling online62.Who are the main customers of Tencent QQ coins?A)Primary school students.B)High-school or university students.C)Blue-collars.D)White-collars.63.What have some US lawmakers accused Beijing of?A)Chinese government applies too strict rules to the regulation of virtual currency.B)The value of Yuan was devalued by artificial currency manipulation.C)Beijing doesn‟t allow the setting up of the Virtual Bank of China.D)The Yuan has appreciated dramatically recently.64.What ca n you infer from the passage about Tencent‟s attitude towards QQ coin?A) dubious B) supportive C) sensitive D) demanding65.What is the best title for this passage?A) QQ coin and hackers B) QQ coin and virtual currencyC) QQ coin and its impact D) QQ coin and its competitorsIV. Translation 15%Part A Please translate the following sentences into Chinese (8%)1. A professor who expects everyone from Indonesia, Mexico, and many other countries to “bargain” may unfairly interpret a hesitation or re quest from an international student as a move to manipulate preferential treatment. (2%)2.In many developing countries, communal lands remain a crucial source of biomass energy, yet privatization of these lands continue apace –reducing free access to fuel wood, and removing yet another area where cooperative decisions could be made on sustainable management of fuel wood sources. (3%)3. A free market that allows the same kind of incentives to operate as those that increasingly govern capital markets and product markets in China, would go a long way toward promoting skill formation.(2%)4. For this system to operate effectively, credit markets for schooling should be developed to allow students to borrow against future earnings.(1%)Part B Please translate the following sentences into English (7%)5. 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济、提高国民生活水平。
2011年英语历年考研真题阅读翻译D但是,这个任命之所以一起人们惊讶的原因却是Gilbert相对而言并不是很有名.甚至在时代杂志上发文支持Gilbert任命的Tommasini都称其为:低调的音乐家,在他身上找不到那种飞扬跋扈的指挥家的气质.纽约爱乐乐团迄今为止都是由像Gustav Mahler(古斯塔夫•马勒)和Pierre Boulez布列兹那样的音乐家领导的.这样去描述这个乐团的下一位指挥,至少对于时代的读者而言,这是一种苍白的表扬.就我看来,我不知道Gilbert是否是一个伟大的指挥家或者是一个好的指挥.但是我能确定的是,他能表现出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去Avery Fisher Hall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出.我要做的事情就是去我的CD架上,或者打开的我的电脑从ITUNES上下载更多的唱片.那些忠实的音乐会观众会讲唱片并不能代替现场的演出,但是他们忽略了一些事情.当下为了获得艺术爱好者的钱,时间,关注度,古典音乐的演奏家们(其实就是指交响乐团,同意复述)不仅要和剧院,舞蹈队,演出公司和博物馆竞争,而且还需要和那些记录了20世纪的伟大的古典音乐演奏者表演的唱片竞争.唱片很便宜,那里都能买到,并且比现在很多现场音乐会的艺术质量要高.进一步的讲,听众能选择听唱片的时间和地点.这些到处可以获得的唱片给传统的演出机构带来了危机.对于古典音乐演奏者而言,他们可能的一个回应就是排练出唱片上没有的曲目.Gilbert对新音乐兴趣已经被广泛的关注了:Alex Ross,一名古典音乐的批评家,就这样描述道:他能够把爱乐乐团变成一个完全不同,更加有活力的组织.但是那种不同的性质也是什么呢?可能仅仅增加乐团演出的曲目是不够的,如果Gilbert和他的乐团要进步的话,他们就必须首先改变美国最古老的乐团(就是纽约爱乐乐团)同他们想吸引的新观众间的关系.Text 2When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my g oal of running a company.” Broadcasting his ambition was “very much my decision,” McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And McGee isn’t alone. In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. Says Korn Ferry,senior partner Dennis Carey :“I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana when the business became part of PepsiCo (PEP) a decade ago, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. “The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,” says one headhunter. “The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”译文:当八月份,Liam McGee以总裁的身份从美国银行离职的时候,他的解释出人意料的直白.他没有忸怩的用平常的模糊的理由来遮掩他的离开,他很坦诚的讲他离开就是为了去追求他经营一家公司的目标.McGee说宣扬自己的目标就是自己的决定.两周后,他第一次和Hartford Financial Services Group的董事会第一次会谈,这家公司在9月29日提名他为董事会主席和CEO.他说在离开的时候并没有找好后面的职位(下家),使他有时间去反思他到底想去经营一家什么样的公司.这同时也就他的激情和决心,给了外界一个清晰的信号.这样做的并不只是McGee一个人.最近几周,Avon and American Express的一些高级经理离职并解释说想需找一个CEO的职位.当董事会迫于股东的压力对一系列的计划进行审查的时候,那些计划被否定掉的经理们也会想离开.激烈的商业环境同样使得高级经理很小心,模糊的表态可能会破坏他们的声誉.当经济复苏的标志开始确定的时候,二把手们可能更愿意在没有网(新的工作)情况下换工作.第三季度,根据Liberum的调查,CEO的更迭和一年前相比减少了23%,这是由于紧张的董事会紧盯着他们的CEO们.随着经济的复苏和好转,对有理想的头儿们,机会是很多的.离开高管的职位去寻找一个更好的职位,并不是传统的做法.多年以来,经理们和猎头们都认同这样一个原则:最有吸引力的CEO的竞争是那些需要去挖来的人.Korn Ferry,senior partner Dennis Carey说道:我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选.那些没有找到工作就离开的人并不是很快就能找到顶级的职位.10年前,Tropicana被PepsiCo (PEP)收购了,她以经理的身份离职了,她说他想当CEO.但是花了一年的时间她才成为一家小型互联网交换公司的头.2005年Robert Willumstad带着想成为CEO的梦想离开了Citigroup.可是三年后他才成为了一家主要的金融机构的CEO.很多招聘的人都说对于高管而言,过去认为的丢脸的感觉(没有工作)已经慢慢消失了.金融危机已经使得跳槽,离开一个不好的工作变得更加可以接受了.一个猎头就说到:“传统的规则是待在你原来的地方会更加安全,但是现在已经彻底改变了. 那些受伤最厉害的就是那里在一个地方待太久的人.”Text 3The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While traditional “paid” media – such as television commercials and print advertisements – still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. Consumers passionate about a product may create "earned" media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage “owned” media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. In fact,the way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing's impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media.Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media , such marketers act as the initiator for users’ responses. But in some cases, one marketer’s owned media become another marketer’s paid media – for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment. This trend ,which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. Johnson & Johnson, for example, has created BabyCenter, a stand-alone media property that promotes complementary and even competitive products. Besides generating income, the presence of other marketers makes the site seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies’ marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists who make negative allegations about a brand or product. Members of social networks, for instance, are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them.If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk. In such a cas e, the company’s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep. Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.译文:过去,市场营销的成功诀窍简而言之就是一分钱一分货.然而时过境迁.虽然传统的“付费”(paid)媒介,比如电视和广播广告、平面广告和路边广告牌等,仍然扮演着重要角色,但企业如今还可以利用许多其他形式的媒介.比如,痴迷于某种产品的消费者,可能会乐意将之推荐给朋友,从而为企业创造因产品的优良品质带来的“无偿”(earned)媒介.企业还可以利用“自有”(owned)媒介,通过邮件向其网站的注册用户发送产品和销售提示.事实上,如今消费者作出购买决定的方式,意味着市场营销的影响力来自于传统付费媒介之外的广泛因素.营销人员通过付费和自有媒介推销其产品,而在“无偿”媒介方面,营销人员就像是触发用户响应的初始催化剂.在某些情况下,某营销者的自有媒介会成为另一个营销者的付费媒介.比如,当某电子商务零售商出售其网站的广告空间时,我们就将这种“售出”媒介定义为拥有巨大流量、以致其他机构纷纷前来投放内容或电子商务引擎的自有媒介.我们认为,这种趋势已蓬勃发端于零售商和航空、酒店等旅游供应商,虽然还处于初始阶段,但无疑可以走得更远.比如,强生公司创建了著名网站BabyCenter,借以推广互补性乃至竞争性产品,而其他营销者的出现不仅带来了收入,还令该网站看起来公正客观,并且使企业有机会从其他公司的营销活动中获得可贵的信息,最后还有助于扩大所有相关企业的用户流量.剧烈的技术变革使营销人员获得了数量更多、种类更广的沟通选择,但同时也带来了更高的风险,因为激动的消费者能够以更迅速、更明显、更有害的方式来表达他们的意见.这就是与“无偿”媒介相对的“劫持”媒介:某项资产或活动变成了对某个品牌或产品不满的消费者、其他股东或积极分子的劫持物.比如,社交网络用户正领悟到,他们可以通过“劫持”媒介来对最初创建该媒介的企业施加压力.如果那种事情发生,激动的消费者试图劝服其他人共同抵制两家公司的产品,从而危及企业声誉.当这种事情发生的时候,如果企业的回应不够快或不够好,那么就可能酿成悲剧.比如,在今年较早前发生的召回危机中,丰田汽车公司采取了较快且较有序的社交媒体回应行动,包括在Twitter和社会新闻网站Digg等网站上与客户进行直接交流,从而挽回了部分损失.Text 4It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter –nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen o ur moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive – and newly single – mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you supportkitten-killing ? It doesn’t seem quite fair, then, to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.It’s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it’s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “ the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.译文:毫无疑问,Jennifer Senior在有煸动意味的的杂志封面故事中表达了她的独到见解,“我爱我的孩子们,我讨厌我的生活”——这唤起了人们的谈兴.人们一谈到养孩子就会觉得这是一件完全令人愉悦、生活充实的事情.Jennifer Senior没有指出养孩子到底是使得父母快乐呢还是痛苦呢,她倒是认为,我们需要重新定义幸福:幸福不应该是一个个瞬间的快乐组合的可以被衡量的东西;我们应该把幸福视为一种过去式的状态.尽管抚养孩子的日子漫长难熬,令人筋疲力尽,但是Jennifer Senior认为,正是那些心绪沉重的时刻,日后却成为我们欢乐的源泉.杂志封面上一位给力的母亲抱着一个可爱的婴儿,这种圣母与圣子(麦当娜和孩子)的图画这周在杂志上多次出现.例如杂志上讲到最近刚收养孩子的母亲——有时是刚变成单身母亲——桑德拉布鲁克,以及那种很常见的“詹尼弗阿尼斯顿怀孕了”的新闻.实际上,每周都有至少一位名人母亲、或者准母亲在杂志上笑迎读者.在一个不断地庆祝生育的社会中,承认自己后悔生育孩子就相当于承认自己支持杀小猫,这难道不值得反思吗?把父母的后悔与孩子的后悔相比较,这显然并不合理.没有人会去让不情愿养孩子的父母去反思自己是否不该养孩子,但是那不幸福的没有孩子的人却为类似这样的信息所困扰:“孩子是世上唯一最可珍惜的东西”,显然,你们的不幸必须通过生儿育女才能得以消除.当然,像美国周刊与人物这样的杂志提供的名人父母的形象是非常不切实际的.特别是像Bullock这样的单身母亲时更是如此.多项研究表明,有孩子的父母很少比没有孩子的夫妇更快乐,而单亲家庭是最不快乐的.这并不奇怪,因为一个人养一个孩子实在太麻烦了,没有人可以依靠.然而,你听听Sandra和Britney 说的话:自己“一个人”养孩子,其实非常简单.(她们当然觉得简单了,因为她们是在周围有一帮人全天侯的侯着啊.)很难想象有的人生孩子就只是很傻很天真因为Reese和Angelina这种名流使这种行为变的很光鲜,——多数成年人其实理解:养孩子可不是剪头发那样简单.但这确实有趣:反思一下我们每周看到的无忧无虑,幸福诱人的为人父母的生活会不会从一种微小的,无意识的方面加剧我们对于现实生活的不满.这种方式就好像:我们有那种想成为“ the Rachel”(老友记中的单身妈妈)的心理,这种心理,使得我们看上去有点像詹尼弗安尼斯顿(Rachel 的扮演者).。
2011年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(一)试题文章翻译Section I Use of English古希腊哲学家亚里士多德把笑看作是“有益于身体健康的宝贵锻炼”。
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