Theory of Public Goods and Externalities Lec5





Steel plant dumping waste in a river The entire steel market effluent can be reduced by lowering output (fixed proportions production function)
The impact of a standard of abatement of 7 for both firms is illustrated. Not efficient because MCA2 < MCA1.
Level of 14 Emissions
Slide 16
§2.3 Standards Versus Fees


Policymakers have asymmetric information Administrative costs require the same fee or standard for all firms
Chapter 1Chapter 18
Slide 2
Topics to be Discussed

Public Goods Private Preferences for Public Goods
Chapter 1Chapter 18
Slide 3
§1 Externalities

At Eo the marginal cost of abating emissions is greater than the marginal social cost.

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities lec3

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities lec3

Chapter3Allocation and Distribution The undisputed standard graduate publicfinance textbook when I was in graduate school was Richard Musgrave’s The Theory of Public Finance[2]. In this book,Musgrave proposes that the main economic functions of govern-ment can be divided among three branches,the Allocation,the Distribution, and the Stabilization Branches of government.The job of the Allocation Branch is to“secure adjustments in the allocation of resources”.The job of the Distribution Branch is to“secure adjustments in the distribution of income and wealth”,and the job of the Stabilization Branch is to secure “economic stabilization”.Musgrave suggests that we think of each branch as run by a“man-ager”who is instructed to“plan his job on the assumption that the other two branches will perform their functions properly.”Thus the Allocation Branch proceeds on the“assumption of full employment of resources and that the proper distribution of income has been secured.”The distribution branch assumes that“a full-employment income is available for distribution and that the satisfaction of public wants is taken care of.”Similarly for the Stabilization Branch–(but I’m afraid my class never got as far as the stabilization part of Musgrave’s book.)Musgrave’s proposed division of labor was and is an attractive one.A good part of the appeal of this separation is that it approximately coin-cides with lines of specialization in the academic world.The Stabilization Branch could be staffed by macroeconomists,the Allocation Branch by mi-croeconomists and the Distribution Branch by welfare economists,ethical philosophers,and perhaps a few stray theologians and political scientists. The macroeconomists and microeconomists would never have to communi-cate directly and the microeconomists would rarely have to communicate2Chapter3.Allocation and Distribution with the Distribution m´e lange.1In this lecture we consider the relation between the Allocation Branch and the Distribution Branch.In case utility is quasi-linear,this relation is especially simple.In fact,the Allocation Branch can get its job done while paying almost no attention to the actions of the Distribution Branch.As you recall from our discussion in the last chapter,if there is quasilinear utility, then so long as the Allocation Branch knows that the Distribution Branch is not going to be so cold-hearted as to leave some consumers with zero private goods,there is a unique Pareto optimal amount of public goods.All the Allocation Branch needs to do is to solve for the Pareto optimal quantity of public goods and provide it.But in general,the Allocation Branch will not be able to determine the right amount of public goods to supply unless it knows what the Distribution Branch is doing.This makes life more complicated,but does not necessarily mean that we must abandon Musgrave’s program of divisional separation. Recall that Musgrave’s suggestion was not that each branch should ignore the actions of the others,but rather that each branch should assume that the other branches“will perform their functions properly”.Let’s see how this goes in an explicit example.A Case where The Allocation Branch Needs to Know What the Distribution Branch is DoingWe return to Claude and Dorothy,but now suppose that they both have Cobb–Douglas utility functions.In particular:U C(X C,Y)=X C Y2(3.1)U D(X D,Y)=X D Y(3.2) Suppose that p x=p y=1.A little calculation shows the Samuelsoncondition to be2X CY+X DY=1(3.3)1At the time when Musgrave’s book was written,publicfinance economists paid little attention to the problem of how the Allocation Branch was tofind out the utility functions of consumers who would be willing to tell the truth about their preferences only if it was in their interest.Perhaps if Musgrave were writing this book today,he would add an Investigative branch,or to make it sound a little less sinister,an Econometric Survey Research branch.WHEN CAN THE ALLOCATION BRANCH IGNORE DISTRIBUTION?3 or equivalently:2X C+X D=Y.(3.4) This equation together with the family budget equation,X C+X D+Y=W(3.5) gives us two equations in the three unknowns,X C,X D,and Y.There is not enough information in equations3.4and3.5to solve uniquely for Y, without postulating something about the distribution(X C,X D)of income between Claude and Dorothy.Indeed if we use equation3.5to eliminate X D from equation3.4,wefind that the efficiency conditions are satisfied for any choice of Y and X C such that Y=X C/2+W/2.This means that the optimal amount of Y depends on how the private goods are divided between Claude and Dorothy.The more generously the Distribution Branch chooses to treat Claude relative to Dorothy,the more public good the Allocation Branch should supply.If the Allocation Branch knows the rule according to which the Distribu-tion Branch is going to operate,then in typical cases it can solve uniquely for the right amount of public good.For our example,the rule used by the Distributive branch adds one more equation to the two equations with which the Allocation Branch has to work.Suppose,for instance,that the Distribution Branch decides that Claude and Dorothy should always have equal incomes.Then in addition to equations A and B,we haveX C=X D.(3.6) Solving the system of equations3.4,3.5,and3.6,wefind that Y=3W and5X C=X D=W/5.When can the Allocation Branch Ignore Distribu-tion?We showed that when Claude and Dorothy have quasi-linear utility func-tions,there is a unique amount of public goods that satisfies the Samuel-son condition.This fact generalizes to the case of many consumers,all of whom have quasilinear utility functions.While quasilinear utility functions are very easy to work with,the assumption of quasilinear utility in public goods is not very realistic.If preferences are quasi-linear,then a consumer’s marginal rate of substitution between public and private goods must be in-dependent of wealth.If this assumption held in the real world,we would4Chapter3.Allocation and Distribution expect tofind that rich communities would choose the same menu of public goods as poor communities.We would also expect to see that within a given community,if the rich are taxed at a higher rate than the poor,then the rich would always favor less public goods than the poor.As we will see later,both of these conclusions are strongly refuted by available empirical evidence.As we have seen,when there is quasilinear utility,there is a unique Pareto optimal amount,Y∗of public good corresponding to allocations in which both consumers get positive amounts of the private good.This makes it very easy to calculate the utility possibility frontier.Since the supply of public good is Y∗,we know that along this part of the utility possibility frontier,Claude’s utility can be expressed as U C(X C,Y∗)=X C+f C(Y∗) and Dorothy’s utility is U D(X D,Y∗)=X D+f D(Y∗).Therefore it must be that on the utility possibility frontier,U C+U D=X C+X D+f C(Y∗)+ f D(Y∗).After the public good has been paid for,the amount of the family income that is left to be distributed between Claude and Dorothy is W−p Y Y∗.So it must be that U C+U D=W−p Y Y∗+f C(Y∗)+f D(Y∗). Since the right side of this expression is a constant,the part of the utility possibility frontier that is achievable with positive private consumptions for both persons will be a straight line with slope-1.It turns out,however,that there is an interesting class of preferences, broader than the class of quasilinear preferences,for which the Pareto opti-mal amount of public goods does not change when income is redistributed among consumers.Before examining a more general class of utility func-tions that have this property,we will look at one specific example where preferences are not quasilinear,but where there is a unique Y that satisfies the Samuelson conditions.The Case of Identical Cobb-Douglas UtilitiesSuppose that there are n consumers,each of whom has a utility function of the form:U(X i,Y)=Xαi Yβ.(3.7) whereα>0andβ>0.Suppose also that this economy begins with a total endowment of W units of private good and no public goods,but it is possible to produce public goods at a constant cost of c units of private good per unit of public good.Then an allocation(X1,...,X n,Y)≥0is feasible if and only ifX+cY=W(3.8)WHEN CAN THE ALLOCATION BRANCH IGNORE DISTRIBUTION?5 where X= n i=1X i s The Samuelson necessary condition for a Pareto optimal allocation requires that the sum of the marginal rates of substitution between public and private goods equals the marginal cost of public goods. Consumer i’s marginal rate of substitution between public and private goodsisαβX i Y.The sum of the marginal rates of substitution over all consumers is:α1−αni=1X iY=αβXY.(3.9)Therefore the Samuelson condition can be written:αβXY=c.(3.10)We see that in this case,the sum of marginal rates of substitution depends only on the total amount X of private consumption.Thus any redistribution of income that leaves total private consumption unchanged will have no effect on the sum of marginal rates of substitution.Although each individual marginal rates of substitution depend on individual private consumption, we see that the sum of these marginal rates of substitution is not changed if private consumption is redistributed while X remains constant.Solving the simultaneous equations3.8and3.10,wefind that the unique value of Y s that satisfies the Samuelson necessary condition for an efficient allocation is¯Y=αα+βWc(3.11)Since the sum of the marginal rates of substitution depends only on the total amount of private consumption and not on who gets it,any allocation (X1,...,X n,¯Y)≥0such thatX i=W−c¯Y=βα+βW(3.12)will be feasible and satisfy the Samuelson condition.marginal rate of substitution curves without making about income dis-tribution we can draw a“sum of the marginal distribution.6Chapter3.Allocation and DistributionMore General ResultsBergstrom and Cornes[1]found a more general class of utility functions for which the Pareto efficient amount of public goods is independent of the distribution of private goods.Suppose that there is a single private good and k public goods.Let X i denote the amount of private goods consumed by individual i and let Y=Y1,...,Y k)be the vector of public goods.The Bergstrom-Cornes family of utility functions take the following form for each consumer i:U i(X i,Y)=A(Y)X i+B i(Y).(3.13) Notice that each individual has the same function A(·),but that the func-tions B i(·)can differ from person to person.Samuelson ConditionsIf there is just one public good and utility functions take this form,then the marginal rate of substitution of each consumer i between the public good and the private good is seen to be:MRS i(X i,Y)=A (Y)A(Y)X i+B i(Y)A(Y).(3.14)Summing Equation3.13over all i and rearranging terms slightly,wefind that the Samuelson condition can be written asA (Y) A(Y)X+ni=1B i(Y)A(Y)=c.(3.15)where X= n i=1X i.Thus we see that the sum of the marginal rates of substitution depends only on the aggregate amount of consumption and on the amount of private goods and does not depend on the distribution of the private goods among individuals.We can use the feasibility condition X+cY=W to eliminate the variable X from Equation3.15.Then we have:A (Y) A(Y)(W−cY)+ni=1B i(Y)A(Y)=c.(3.16)The only variable in Equation3.16is Y.From the previous lecture we know that(if utility is continuously differentiable)the Samuelson conditionWHEN CAN THE ALLOCATION BRANCH IGNORE DISTRIBUTION?7 is necessary for an interior Pareto optimum and that if utility functions are also quasiconcave,then the Samuelson condition together with the feasibility equation is sufficient for an allocation to be Pareto efficient.Therefore we can conclude that at any interior Pareto optima,the amount of public goods must solve Equation3.16.We also know that if Equation3.16is satisfied for Y=¯Y,then every allocation(X1,...,X n,¯Y)such that X i=W−cY and such that X i>0for all i is Pareto optimal.A Non-calculus TreatmentWe haven’t yet answered the question of when there is a unique value of Y that satisfies Equation3.16.Nor have we worked out the story of what happens at boundary solutions.We could approach the uniqueness ques-tions with calculus arguments and the boundary solutions with Kuhn-Tucker methods,but I think it is more instructive to take a different approach.We can use simpler arguments based on addition,multiplication,some inequal-ities and some simple geometry of convex sets.Let us begin by extending our discussion to a more general set of feasible allocation than we have considered previously.Specifically,let us assume that there is some closed bounded subset F of the Euclidean plane such that the set of feasible allocations consists of all allocations(X1,...,X n,Y)such that( X i,Y)∈F.2Preferences that can be represented by utility functions of the Bergstrom-Cornes form as in Equation3.13all have the same linear coefficient for private consumption.Therefore,the sum of individual utilities is determined by the amount Y of public goods and the total amount X of private goods consumed and does not depend on how the private goods are divided among individuals.Specifically,we haveni=1U i(X i,Y)=A(Y)X+ni=1B i(Y)(3.17)where X= n i=1X i.Now consider the combination(¯X,¯Y)of public goods and aggregate private good output that maximizes the sum of utilities subject to the feasi-bility constraint,(X,Y)∈F.3Why should we be interested in the feasible 2In the special case where there is afixed initial endowment of private goods and public goods are produced from private goods at constant cost of c per unit,the set F is {(X,Y)|X+cY=W}.3A standard mathematical result(known as the Weierstrass theorem)tells us that if8Chapter3.Allocation and Distribution outcome that maximizes the sum of utilities?Because any allocation that maximizes the sum of utilities must be Pareto optimal.(I leave this as an exercise for you to prove.)The sum of utilities will be the same at all allocations in which the amount of public goods is¯Y and the total amount of the private good is ¯X although,of course,different allocations of the same total amount ofprivate goods will lead to different distributions of utility.But since(¯X,¯Y) maximizes the sum of utilities over all feasible allocations,it must be that every allocation in which the amount of public goods is¯Y and the total amount of a private goods is¯X is Pareto optimal.We can state this result more formally.Proposition1Suppose that preferences of all consumers can be repre-sented by utility functions of the form U i(X i,Y)=A(Y)X i+B i(Y)and suppose that(¯X,¯Y)maximizes A(Y)X+ i B i(Y)over the set of all fea-sible combinations of X and Y,where X= i X i.Then every allocation (X 1,...,X n,¯Y)such that X i=¯X is Pareto optimal.Proposition1tells us that we canfind a whole lot of Pareto optima by choosing¯X and¯Y to maximize A(Y)X+ B i(Y)subject to(X,Y)∈F and then distributing the total amount¯X of private goods in any way that adds up.This theorem does not,however,tell us whether¯Y is the only possible amount of public goods in a Pareto optimum,or even if¯Y is the only possible amount of public goods at an interior Pareto optimum.Figure3,which will look familiar to you from consumer theory will give you a good idea of how to answer these questions.The crosshatched region in Figure3shows the set of feasible allocations F.We have drawn two level curves(indifference curves) and for the function A(Y)X+ B i(Y). Notice that we have drawn the set F as a convex set and we have also drawn the level curves to be convex toward the origin,in such a way that the set of points above each level curve is a convex set with noflat edges.A standard result in consumer theory is that this is appropriate if and only if the function A(Y)X+ B i(Y)is a strictly quasi-concave function.The picture shows the indifference curve to be the highest indifference curve that touches the feasible set F.The point of tangency is the point(¯X,¯Y).The line shown as ab is tangent both to the set F and to the set{(X,Y)|A(Y)X+ B i(Y)≥A(¯Y)¯X+ B i(¯Y}at the one and only point(¯X,¯Y)belonging to both sets. the feasible set is a non-empty closed bounded set in afinite-dimensional space and if the function to be maximized is continuous then there is at least one point in the feasible set that maximizes the function over the feasible set.Therefore so there always is at least one (¯X,¯Y)that solves this constrained maximization problem.WHEN CAN THE ALLOCATION BRANCH IGNORE DISTRIBUTION?9 Figure3.1:Maximizing the Sum of UtilitiesXLooking set F is closed, bounded and convex and the function A(Y)X+ B i(Y)is a strictly quasi-concave function,that there is exactly one quantity¯Y of public goods that corresponds to an outcome which maximizes the sum of utilities.Bergstrom and Cornes are able to show that when this is true,in any Pareto optimal allocation that gives a positive amount of private goods to each consumer, the amount of public goods must be the unique quantity¯Y that maximizes the sum of utilities.Proposition2Suppose that preferences of all consumers can be repre-sented by strictly quasiconcave utility functions of the form U i(X i,Y)= A(Y)X i+B i(Y)and that the set F of feasible combinations of aggregate output and public good supply is closed,convex and bounded.Then there is a unique quantity of public goods¯Y such that in every Pareto optimal allocation in which each consumer has a positive amount of private goods, the amount of public goods must be¯Y.Although any allocation that maximizes the sum of utilities must be Pareto optimal,(You will be asked to prove this in an exercise),it is not in general true that every Pareto optimum maximizes the sum of utilities. Example3.1,shows why this is the case.Example3.2shows why we need the convexity assumption for Proposition2.10Chapter 3.Allocation and Distribution Example 3.1Suppose that there are two persons,1and 2,and that each consumer i has utility function U i (X ,Y )=X i +√.Public goods can be produced from private goods at a cost of 1unit of private goods per unit of public goods and there are initially 3units of private goods which can either be used to produce public goods or can be distributed between persons 1and 2.Thus the set of feasible allocations is {(X 1,X 2,Y )≥0|X 1+X 2+Y ≤3}.The sum of utilities is U 1(X 1,Y )+U 2(X 2,Y )=X 1+X 2+2√Y which is equal to X +2√where X =X 1+X 2.Thus we would maximize the sum of utilities by maximizing X +2√subject to X +Y ≤3.The solution to this constrained maximization problem is Y =1and X =3.Any allocation (X 1,X 2,1)≥0such that X 1+X 2=2is a Pareto optimum.In Figure 3,we draw the utility possibility set.We start by finding the utility distributions that maximize the sum of utilities and in which Y =1and X 1+X 2=2.At the allocation (2,0,1),where Person 1gets all of the private goods,we have U 1=2+1=3and U 2=0+1=1.This is the point A .If Person 2gets all of the private goods,then U 1=0+1=1and U 2=2+1=3.This is the point B .Any point on the line AB can be achieved by supplying 1unit of public goods and dividing 2units of private goods between Persons 1and 2in some proportions.Figure 3.2:A Utility PossibilitySetU 1Now maximize the sum of utilities.Consider,for example,the point that maximizes Person 1’sWHEN CAN THE ALLOCATION BRANCH IGNOREDISTRIBUTION?11utility subject to the feasibility constraint X 1+X 2+Y =3.Since Person 1has no interest in Person 2’s consumption,we will find this point by maximizing U 1(X 1,Y )=X 1+√subject to X 1+Y =3.This is a standard consumer theory problem.If you set the marginal rate of substitution equal to the relative prices,you will find that the solution is Y =1/4and X 1=234.With this allocation,U 1=314and U 2=1/2.This is the point C on Figure 3.Notice that when Person 1controls all of the resources and maximizes his own utility,he still leaves some crumbs for Person 2,by providing public goods though he provides them from purely selfish motives.The curved line segment CA comprises the utility distributions that result from allocations (W −Y,0,Y )where Y is varied over the interval [1/2,1].An exactly symmetric argument will find the segment DB of the utility possibility frontier that corresponds to allocations in which Person 2gets no private goods.The utility possibility frontier,which is the northeast boundary of the utility possibility set,is the curve CABD .There are also some boundary points of the utility possibility set that are not Pareto optimal.The curve segment CE consists of the distributions of utility corresponding to alloca-tions (W −Y,0,Y )where Y is varied over the interval [0,1/2].At these allocations,Person 1has all of the private goods and the amount of pub-lic goods is less than the amount that Person 1would prefer to supply for himself.Symmetrically,there is the curve segment DF in which Person 2has all of the private goods and the amount of public goods is less than 1/2.Finally,every utility distribution in the interior of the region could be achieved by means of an allocation in which X 1+X 2+Y <3.In this example,we see that at every Pareto optimal allocation in which each consumer gets a positive amount of private goods the amount of public goods must be Y =1,which is the amount that maximizes the sum of utilities.Example 3.2Suppose that as in Example 3.1,there are two persons,1and 2,and each person i has utility function U i (X ,Y )=X i +√Y .As in the previous example,public goods can be produced from private goods at a cost of 1unit of private goods per unit of public goods and there are initially 3units of private goods.But in this example,the amount of public goods supplied must be either Y =0or Y =1/4.In this case the set of possible allocations is not a convex set.The utility possibility set includes the two lines AB and CD .Points on12Chapter3.Allocation and Distribution Figure3.3:A Non-convex Utility Possibility SetU1the line AB show all of the utility distributions that are possible when Y=1 and2units of private goods are divided between the persons1and2.Points on the line CD show the utility distributions that are possible when Y=1/4 units of private goods are divided between the persons1and2.The and234cross-hatched area shows the entire utility possibility set.(Points that are not on AB of CD are obtained by wasting some of the private goods.)The utility possibility frontier consists of the three line segments AB,CE,and DF.The Pareto optimal allocations on the line segments CE and DF are reached with Y=1/4rather than Y=1,even though Y=1maximizes the sum of utilities.Moreover,except for the endpoints C and D,points on these lines correspond to allocations in which both persons get a positive amount of public goods.EXERCISES13 Exercises3.1Suppose in the example where Claude and Dorothy have utility func-tions X C Y2and X D Y respectively,the Distribution Branch has the rule that X C=2X D.Solve for the Pareto optimal choice of Y by the Allocation Branch.3.2Whereα>0andβ>0,show that if all consumers have identical Cobb-Douglas utility functions Xαi Yβthen these same preferences can also be represented by a utility function of the form A(Y)X i+B i(Y).What are the functions A(Y)and B i(Y)?Hint:What monotonic transformation of the Cobb-Douglas func-tions will give a utility function of the Bergstrom-Cornes form?3.3Consider an economy with three individuals,each of whom has a utility function:Y X i.Public goods can be produced from private goods at a cost of one unit of private goods per unit of public goods,and there is an initial allocation of W units of private goods.Describe and sketch the entire utility possibility set.3.4Consider an economy with two individuals.Person i has utility function Y(X i+k i)where k i>0.Public goods can be produced from private goods at a cost of one unit of private goods per unit of public goods,and there is an initial allocation of W units of private goods.a).Find the unique amount of public goods that satisfies the Samuelsoncondition.b).Show that there are some Pareto optima that do not satisfy the Samuel-son condition and that have a different amount of public goods. c).Describe the utility possibility set and the utility possibility frontier.Sketch the way it would look,qualitatively.d).Suppose that one or both of the k i’s are pare the quan-tity of public goods at Pareto optimal outcomes that do not satisfy the Samuelson conditions with those at Pareto optimal outcomes that do.Interpret your result.14Chapter3.Allocation and Distribution 3.5Consider an economy with n individuals where individual i has utility function U i(X i,Y)=Yα(X i+βi Y+γi),where0<α<1, iβi=0,and γi>0for all i.Assume that public goods can be produced from private goods at a cost of one unit of private goods per unit of public goods,and that there is an initial allocation of W units of private goods.Find the unique quantity of Y that satisfies the Samuelson conditions.3.6Prove the following results which are claimed in the text of the lecture:a).An allocation that maximizes the sum of individual utilities over allfeasible allocations must be Pareto optimal.b).Where a i>0for all i=1,...,n,any allocation that maximizes thesumni=1a i U i(X i,Y)of individual utilities over all feasible allocations must be Pareto opti-mal.Hint:Consider an allocation that is feasible and Pareto superiorto the allocation that solves your maximization problem.What istrue of the sum or weighted sum of the utilities in this allocation?Can this allocation be feasible?Why not?3.7In Example3.1,find the allocation that maximizes2U1(X1,Y)+ U2(X2,Y)subject to the feasibility constraint.Hint:Can X2be positive in an allocation that maximizes thisexpression?3.8There are two consumers and one public good.Person1always prefers more of the public good to less.Person2’s preferences are more subtle. Their utility functions are given byU1(X1,Y)=(1+X1)YU2(X2,Y)=X2Y−12Y2.The feasible allocations are those such that X1+X2+Y=W.a).Are these utility functions of the Bergstrom-Cornes form?EXERCISES15 b).Draw some sample indifference curves for Person2between privateand public goods.How would you describe Person2’s attitude toward public goods?c).Find the allocations that maximize the sum of utilities.Take care todistinguish the case where W is large enough for there to be an interior solution from the case where it is not.d).In the case where W=4,find all of the Pareto optimal allocations anddraw the utility possibility set and show the utility possibility frontier.e).In the case where W=4,find all of the Pareto optimal allocations anddraw the utility possibility set and show the utility possibility frontier.f).In the case where W=1/2,find all of the Pareto optimal allocationsand draw the utility possibility frontier.g).In the case where W=3/2,find all of the Pareto optimal allocationsand draw the utility possibility frontier.h).For what values,if any,of W are there Pareto optimal allocations inwhich both consumers consume some private goods and where the sum of utilities over the set of feasible allocations is not maximized.3.9The graph of an indifference curve for the utility function U(X,Y)has the equation U(X,Y)=u for some constant u.Suppose that U(X,Y)= A(Y)X+B i(Y)and that you graph indifference curves with Y on the hor-izontal axis and X on the vertical axis.Write an expression for the slope of the indifference curve as a function of Y and the utility u on that curve. What conditions on the functions A and B i imply that indifference curves have diminishing marginal rate of substitution as in standard convex pref-erences?What conditions are needed if there is diminishing marginal rate of substitution for all values of u?3.10Bergstrom and Cornes prove that under fairly weak assumptions rep-resentability of preferences in the functional form A(Y)X i+B i(y)is both necessary and sufficient for it to be true that regardless of the level of aggre-gate income starting from a Pareto optimal allocations in which both con-sumers have some private goods,if one leaves the amount of public goods unchanged and redistributes private goods to reach another allocation in which all consumers have some private goods,the resulting outcome will also be Pareto optimal.This exercise shows that the“necessity”part of this。

高级微观经济学public goods and externality

高级微观经济学public goods and externality

• ri: the reservation price of i.
ui (1, wi ri ) ui (0, wi )
Public goods
• Then will get:
r1 r2 g1 g2 c
• The sum of reservation price exceeds the cost of public goods, it’s efficient to provide the public goods.
• Continuous case: • Benchmark:
max au1 (1 a)u2
g1 , g 2
u1 u u (1 a) 2 a 1 G G x1
u1 u2 u2 a (1 a) (1 a) G G x2
u1 G
u1 u2 x1 G
Lecture 15: public goods and externality
Public goods
• Voting:
Public goods
• Continuous case:
G f ( g1 g2 )
ui ( f ( g1 g2 ), wi gi ) • Social welfare function:
W au1 (1 a)u2
Public goods
Public goods
• Lindahl allocation:

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities lec9

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities lec9

Chapter9Excludable Public GoodsThe standard definition of public goods requires that consumption of these goods is non-rival in the sense that more than one person can simultane-ously“consume”the good at the same time,without diminishing the other’s enjoyment of that good.Even if a good is non-rival,it may be technically possible to exclude people from access to it.Cable television is a good ex-ample of such a good.If a good is non-rival,then excluding anyone from access to the entire existing stock is wasteful in a fairly obvious sense.On the other hand,as we have seen,it is not always easy tofind efficient ways to determine people’s preferences for public goods if they are supplied pub-licly at a price of zero.Thus it is interesting both from a positive and from a normative viewpoint to consider markets in which prices are charged for access to excludable public goods.The Oakland Model of Competitive SupplyThe best model of“competitive”supply of excludable public goods that I know of is that of William Oakland,published in the1974Journal of Political Economy.Oakland assumes that an excludable public good can be produced at constant marginal cost.The“competitive”part comes from his assumption that there is free entry into the industry in the sense that anyfirm can produce a perfect substitute for the units of the public good that are produced by others and can do so at the same constant marginal cost.The assumptions of constant marginal cost and free entry imply that in equilibrium,allfirms in the industry will be making zero profits.2Chapter9.Excludable Public Goods The idea of Oakland’s competitive equilibrium is illustrated by the fol-lowing fable.A fableIn the small country of Couch Potato,people love to watch soap operas on cable television and eat hot dogs.They consume nothing else.Their cur-rency is pegged to the hot dog,so that the price of a hot dog is1.Television programming isfinanced entirely by paid subscriptions from viewers.The cost of producing soap operas is c per minute of program.There is free en-try into the soap opera production industry and because of this,soap opera producers make zero profits in equilibrium.Couch Potato has three kinds of people,which we will call Types1,2, and3.There are1000people of each type.People of type i have quasi-linear utility functions of the formU i(x i,y i)=x i+A i y i−y2i2(9.1)where x i is the number of units of other A1>A2>A3.With this utility function,we see that if a type i could buy access to soap operas at the price p per minute,she would purchase q=A i−p minutes of programming. The total amount demanded by type is at price p is therefore D i(p)= 1000(A i−p)Figure9.1shows demand curves for each of the three types.If all3000consumers purchase access to a soap opera,then the supplier could recover its costs by charging each subscriber c/3000per minute.In Figure9.1,we have drawn a horizontal line at c3=c/3000.At this price, the type3s,who have the lowest demand curve would want to purchase q3 units,while the type1s and type2s would want to purchase more than that. But in order to be able to sell minutes of soap opera at a price of c/3000, suppliers must be able to sell to access for these minutes to all three types. Thus in equilibrium,suppliers will supply only q3units at price c/3000.Suppose that some suppliers offer to sell additional units of soap opera at a price of c2=c/2000in hopes that these units will attract demand from the type1s and2s.We see from Figure9.1that if they could buy only at price c2then the type2s would want to buy q2units.In fact,type2s can buy q1units at the lower price c3.Since we have assumed quasi-linear utility,there are no income effects on demand and so the type2s would buy the q3units that are available at price c3and would buy the remaining q2−q3units at the higher price c2.Thus in equilibrium,suppliers would supply q2−q1units at price c2=c/2000.THE OAKLAND MODEL OF COMPETITIVE SUPPLY 3Figure 9.1:Soap Opera in Couch PotatoD 1(p )D 2(p )D 3(p )q 3q 2q 1c 3c 2c 1s s sThere remains a possibility for producers to produce additional minutes of soap opera which would be consumed only by the highest demanders.These would have to be sold at a price of c 1=c/1000.From Figure 1,we see that at this price,type 1s would demand q 3units in total.Since they can purchase a total of q 2units at prices lower than c 1,the number of units they will buy at price c 1is given by q 1−q 2in Figure 9.1This example is a special case of Oakland’s model.Oakland describes equilibrium for a model in which there are many types,whose demand curves may possibly cross each other,and where there may be income effects on demand.Characteristics of Oakland EquilibriumOakland asks us to notice a number of unusual features of equilibrium in this market.These include the following:1.Despite the fact that all firms produce perfect substitutes for each others’output,there is no “law of one price”.Some units are sold at higher prices than others.2.In equilibrium there is “excess capacity”in the sense that some of the units produced are not made available to some consumers,even4Chapter9.Excludable Public Goods though they have positive value for these units and even though the marginal cost of extending access to these consumers is zero.3.Firms are neither price takers nor price setters.They do not offer tomeet all demand at a specified price,nor do they choose a quantity and sell it at what the market will bear.Instead they offer specific price-quantity combinations.4.Firms no nothing about the demands of individual consumers and areunable to practice price discrimination between different consumers.5.In equilibrium,despite the different prices paid for different units,there are no possibilities for profitable arbitrage even if the goods are freely transferable.6.The equilibrium outcome has both underconsumption and underpro-duction of the public good relative to full Pareto efficiency.Some Thoughts on the Oakland Model(In progress)All of the examples of excludable public goods that I can think of are ones in which separate units are not perfect substitutes for each other, at least in the eyes of interested consumers.This includes television pro-grams,novels,movies,music performances,and academic journals.When one reads two novels,one is not interested in reading two separate books with identical text.Same goes for the other products.Copyright laws prevent one seller from marketing a perfect copy of the other producer’s product.In fact,people who will pay a positive amount one copy are likely to be unwilling to pay anything for a second identical copy.Readers of detective stories will want to read different books and possibly different authors.Music lovers will want CD’s of different pieces of music,though perhaps of the same type.In some applications,for example academic journals,I suspect that different journals in the samefield are complements rather than substitutes.These issues deserve more modelling.MONOPOLY MODELS5 Monopoly modelsThe Brennan-Walsh ModelThis model was introduced by Geoffrey Brennan and CliffWalsh in the American Economic Review(1981).A public good is produced by a monopolist who is able to exclude po-tential users from consuming any unit unless they pay the“price”that the monopolist charges for that unit.The monopolist is unable to tell his con-sumers apart and is not able to price discriminate.The monopolist can choose both a price to charge and a quantity to produce.Consumers of type z have demand functions for the public good that take the form q(z,p) where p is the price that demanders must pay for the public good.We assume that demand functions are continuous in q and z and that curves of different types of people never“cross each other.”That is,for all p,if z >z,then q(z ,p)>q(z,p).The cost to the monopolist of producing Q units of public good is C(Q),where C (Q)>0.Since the public good is “non-rival”,each unit of the public good could be sold to every consumer in the economy.If the monopolist produces Q units and sells at a price p, then consumers for whom q(z,p)>Q will be rationed to just Q units of the public good.Consumers for whom q(z,p)≤Q will consume just q(z,p) units.With little loss of generality1,we assume that z is uniformly distributed on the interval[0,1].Clearly the monopolist will never choose to produce a price-quantity pair(p,Q)such that for all z,q(z,p)<Q nor would it choose (p,Q)such that q(z,p)>Q for all z.(In the former case,he could increase his profits by reducing Q,in the latter case by increasing p.)Therefore for any profit-maximizing choice,q(s,p)=Q for some type s∈[0,1].It follows that the monopolist’s decision can described as a choice of a price p,and a marginal consumer type s,such that the quantity supplied is Q=q(s,p).Define R(z,p)=pq(z,p).The monopolist’s profits can be written as a functionsR(z,p)dz+(1−s)pq(s,p)−C(q(s,p)).(9.2)Π(s,p)=Let q1(z,p)and q2(z,p)denote the partial derivatives of q(z,p)with respect to itsfirst and second arguments and let R2(z,p)be the partial derivative 1We can simply choose units of measurement for the public good so that the distribution of willingness to pay is uniform.6Chapter9.Excludable Public Goods of R(z,p)with respect to price.Thefirst order conditions for profit max-imization are found by differentiating with respect to p and s respectively. These aresR2(z,p)dz+(1−s)R2(s,p)−C (q(s,p))q2(s,p)=0(9.3)and[(1−s)p−C (q(s,p))]q1(s,p)=0.(9.4) From Equation9.4it follows that C (q(s,p))=(1−s)p.Substituting into Equation(2),we havesR2(z,p)dz+(1−s)[R2(s,p)−pq2(s,p)]=0(9.5)But R2(s,p)=q(s,p)+pq2(s,p)and q(s,p)=Q.Therefore,Equation9.5 simplifies to−sR2(z,p)dz=(1−s)Q.(9.6) This condition looks like it might be useful,but what can we make of it.Let us monkey with some special functional forms and try to get explicit solutions and interpretations of this result.One idea is to express things in terms of elasticities and then take a look at the special case of constant elasticity.Applying the standard definition of price elasticity to the demandof a type z,we haveξ(z,p)=pq(z,p)q2(z,p).(9.7)ThenR2(z,p)=q(z,p)+pq2(z,p)=q(z,p)(1+ξ(z,p))(9.8) Therefore Equation9.7could be written as−s(1+ξ(z,p))q(z,p)dz=(1−s)Q.(9.9)Consider the special case where q(z,p)=f(z)p−ξ.Then then there is a constant price elasticity elasticity of demandξ(z,p)=ξfor all types z. Equation9.9simplifies to−(1+ξ)sq(z,p)dz=(1−s)Q.(9.10)MONOPOLY MODELS7 Dividing both sides of this equation by p−ξ,we see that Equation9.10isequivalent tos−(1+ξ)f(z)dz=(1−s)f(s).(9.11)Equation9.11can be shown to have at least one solution s=¯s.(I need to investigate conditions under which there is only one solution,but haven’t yet done so.)Having solved for a solution¯s to Equation9.11,we can return to Equa-tion9.4tofind a solution for the profit maximizing price,¯p.For simplicity, suppose that there is a constant marginal cost c of producing the public good.Then from Equation(3),we have¯p=c/(1−¯s).The monopolist will produce¯Q=f(¯s)¯p−ξ.What comparative statics results can wefind for this model?It would be good to have some applications in mind so that we can decide what are the interesting questions to investigate.We could compare this solu-tion with various alternative solutions,like oligopoly,competition,regulated monopoly and so on.Perhaps one should try some other simple special functional forms for demand.A Problem to SolveA city has2types of people,and1000people of each type.There is one private good and one public good.Let X i denote the amount of private consumption consumed by citizen i and let Y denote the amount of public good available in the city.All type1’s have the utility function U(X i,Y)=X i Y,type2’s have the utility function U(X i,Y)=X i Y2.The price of private goods is$1per unit.Type1’s have an income of$10,000 and Type2’s have an income of$15,000.Public goods can be made from private goods with constant returns to scale.It takes30units of the private good to make one unit of the public good.The following questions all relate to alternative arrangements for provision of public goods in this city.A)Calculate the Lindahl equilibrium prices and quantities for this city.B)Suppose that the public good is excludable and marketed competitively as in the Oakland(1974)model.In the Oakland competitive equilibrium with free entry forfirms,how many units will be consumed by the type1’s? the type2’s?What will be the total number of units produced?What will the competitive prices be?How many units of the public good will the low price seller sell?How much will the high price seller sell.。

Public Goods and Externalities 公共物品和外部性

Public Goods and Externalities 公共物品和外部性

Can you imagine how to stop sailors from enjoying the benefits of light coming from a lighthouse?
”User Fee” Concept
operated by associations of shippers – fee paid in ports. Nowadays:
Public Goods and Externalities
Lecture 2.
Supply of Goods – Market vs. Government

Market is an extremely efficient mechanism to provide goods and services. Some goods and services cannot be supplied by market. Categories of goods:

Positive: spill-over benefits. Negative: spill-over costs.
Oil Tanker Disaster

bears the costs?
Ship owner? Insurance company?

about sea birds?
Dirty beaches, dead animals
costs vs. social costs.
Externalities: Beyond the Borders

case of Sowie Mountains:


还有一些物品或服务,既带有公共物品或服务的特 性,又带有私人物品或服务的特性,即混合产品。
具有非竞争性和排他性,但技术上排他成本太 高的产品,属于公共产品;技术上排他成本较 低的产品,是具有非竞争性和排他性的准公共 产品,由非营利组织经营,或由私人经营,政 府给予适当的补贴。
3.3.2 林达尔均衡与免费搭便 林车达尔均衡
(Wicksell—Lindahl Equilibrium)
均衡的任务在于:确定公共产品产出的合理水平,决 定人们之间税负合理分布所需的原则和决策章程(均 衡的公共支出规模)。
林达尔均衡是指这样一种状态:如果 每个社会成员(消费者)都能按照自己 从公共产品或服务消费中所获得的边际 效用水平真实地表示自己对公共产品或 服务的需求,从而相应地承担公共产品 的成本费用,则公共物品或服务的供给 量就可以达到具有效率的最佳水平。
2.价格排他性的公共物品 指的是效益可以定价, 从而可以在技术上实现排他的公共物品或服务。 这类物品或服务的效用在名义上向全社会提供, 但在受益上却可以排他。
3.4.2 混合物品的供给
就两类混合物品或服务来看,它们有一个 共同的特点,即既可以由私人部门通过市 场提供,也可以由政府部门直接提供,或 是由政府部门给予补助的办法通过市场提 供。 1.拥挤性公共物品的提供 2.价格排他性公共物品的提供
政府可以通过征税或管制的方式减少其使用,从而解决 这个问题。也可以将公共资源变成私人物品来解决。
1.公共产品的基本特点。 2.何谓纯粹的公共产品?何谓纯粹的私人产 品?两者需求有什么区别? 3.如何实现纯粹公共产品的有效配置? 4.什么是林达尔均衡?什么叫免费搭车?如 何解决免费搭车问题? 5.何谓混合物品?什么是拥挤性公共产品? 什么是价格排他性公共产品? 6.混合产品通过什么途径实现有效供给?

第三章 公共产品理论XXXX

第三章 公共产品理论XXXX
? 社会制裁。(道德法庭)
知识补充 产权界定与资源配置:科斯定理
coase theorem
1932 年毕业于英国伦敦经济学院, 1951 年获博士学位。除了在 第二次世界大战期间服务于英国政府以外,科斯 —直从事学术研 究活动。先后在英园的利物浦大学和伦敦经济学院等任教。 1951 年移居美国,先后在布法罗大学、弗吉尼亚大学和芝加哥 大学任教。 1961 年后任美国《法学与经济学杂志》主编。 1991 年被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。
Ob A h=1
A 承 担 的 h* 税 金 比 例
h=0 Oa
E B G*
B B承
担 的 税 金 比 例
从理论模型可以得出: 公共产品有效供给的关键在于消费者 按自己从公共产品消费中获得的边际 效用水平真实地表示自己对公共产品 的需求,从而相应地承担公共产品的成 本。 这正是公共产品有效供给困难所在。
科斯一生从事产权的理论研究。其理论形成大致分为两个阶段。第 一阶段, 30年代对正统的微观经济学进行批判性考察,指出市场 机制运行中存在着摩擦即存在着交易费用,减少磨擦的关键是产 权制度和企业组织形式的创新。在分析企业的起源、性质和生产 纵向一体化的过程中,科斯首次将交易费用概念引入经济分析, 奠定了现代西方交易费用和产权理论的基础。这一阶段的代表作 是1937 年发表于伦敦经济学院《经济学家》杂志上的经典性论 文《企业的性质》 (该文当时并未引起重视, 20 多年后,当科斯 的另一篇重要论文《社会成本问题》问世后,《企业的性质》一 文才引起西方经济学界的广泛关注。正是《企业的性质》一文, 奠定了科斯作为现代西方产权理论的开山鼻祖和主要代表的地 位)。
? 以国防和苹果为例:

平狄克微观经济学Externalities and Public GoodsPPT课件

平狄克微观经济学Externalities and Public GoodsPPT课件

©2005 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 18
Externalities arise between producers, between consumers, or between producers and consumers
Externalities are the effects of production and consumption activities not directly reflected in the market
q1 q*
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 18
Repair Level
Ways of Correcting Market Failure
Assumption: The market failure is pollution
Output decision and emissions decision are independent
Additional cost to firm of controlling pollution Downward sloping because when emissions
are high, there is little cost to controlling them
Large reductions require costly changes in production process
©2005 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 18



2009年10月浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)Journal of Z hejiang University(Humanities and S ocial Sciences)45[收稿日期]2009 09 07[本刊网址 在线杂志]http://ww w.journ /s oc [在线优先出版日期]2009 10 22[基金项目]国家社会科学基金重点项目(08AJ Y031);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCE T 08 0497)[作者简介] 1.沈满洪,男,浙江大学经济学院教授,博士生导师,浙江理工大学经济管理学院教授,主要从事资源与环境经济学研究; 2.谢慧明,男,浙江大学经济学院博士研究生,主要从事环境经济学研究。

DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008 942X.2009.09.071公共物品问题及其解决思路公共物品理论文献综述沈满洪1,2 谢慧明1(1.浙江大学经济学院,浙江杭州310027;2.浙江理工大学经济管理学院,浙江杭州310018)[摘 要]狭义的公共物品是指具有非竞争性和非排他性的物品。





[关键词]公共物品;搭便车;公地悲剧;供给方式On the Issue of Public Goods and Its Solution:A Review on the Public Goods TheoryShen M anhong 1,2 Xie H uim ing1(1.College of E conomics,Zhej iang Univ er sity ,H angz hou 310027,China;2.School of Economics and Management,Zhej iang Sci Tech University ,H angz hou 310018,China)Abstract:In a narrow sense,public go ods are non competitive and non ex clusive g oods,w hile in a broad sense,public goo ds ar e non competitive or non exclusive goo ds including pure public goo ds,club goods and pool resources.Such issues as fr ee r iding ,exclusive cost,trag edy of the com mons,financing and allocating have been considered as the issues o f public go ods in a bro ad sense by Sam uelso n,Buchanan and Ostrom,w ho have already built up their o w n classic theo ries of public go ods based on different public g oods and economic issues,such as pure theory of public goo ds,club theory and theo ry of the com mons.Recent researches on public g oods in g eneral have2009年10月浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)46shifted to the issue of supply,go vernm ental supply,private supply,joint supply,vo luntar y general supply and any combination of w hich are the basic supply modes.Studies on these aspects have also show n that future researches on public g oods m ight mainly focus on the combination of ecolog ical econo mics,spatial eco nom ics or w elfare eco nom ics w ith public g oods theory.Key words:public goo ds;free riding;tragedy of the co mmo ns;supply mode公共物品问题是导致市场失灵的根源之一。


• 酸雨可以对人的健康产生直接的影响,要么通过大气,
7 of 43
5 of 43
● 边际外部收益 企业增加一单位产出给其他个人或群体带来的收益增加
● 边际社会收益 边际私人收益和边际外部收益之和
24 of 43
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22 of 43

中级微观经济学第5讲 外部性与公共物品PPT课件

中级微观经济学第5讲 外部性与公共物品PPT课件

消 费 者 购买
1 不买
(-50, -50)
设有两个消费者和两件 物品:公共物品G,用于私人消费的货币 x。
i 2
p,h ),h )
p2 x2i (
p,h) mi
p,h) mi
消费的外部性:局部均衡分析(参见:马斯-科莱尔等, 1995:p490-493)
由于这两个消费者的行 为不影响价格p,即在我们的分析过程 中
p不发生变化,因此可以 将 i ( p,h )简化为 i ( h )。
支付T的补偿。消费者 1接受这一补偿的条件是 ,因减少外部性活动
带来的净收益不低于外 部性活动为h* 时的收益,即 1( h ) T 1( h* )。
进一步,均衡的 h将使得消费者 1对于是否减少外部性活 动是无差异的,
即 1( h ) T 1( h*)。此时,消费者 2面临的选择为:
max 2 ( h ) T h,T
h h0
消费的外部性:局部均衡分析(参见:马斯-科莱尔等, 1995:p490-493)
假定 1 ( h )是凹函数,即 1 ( h ) 0
如果h产生负外部性,即 2 ( h )
h h0
0,则 1 ( h )
h h0
由于 1 ( h ) 0,所以h* h0,即均衡量大于社会最 优量



第十章私人物品、公共物品以及外部性Private goods,public goods and externalities第九章介绍了市场没有很好地发挥作用或甚至完全失去作用时是如何导致市场失灵的。




学习要点Learning outcomes本章将:•阐明私人物品与公共物品之间的差异•区分公共“物品”与公共“劣品”的含义•解释为什么外部性是公共“物品”或公共“劣品的一种表现形式•区分正外部性与负外部性的含义•引入了“边际”的概念,并运用边际分析解释为什么产生正负外部性时会出现市场失灵关键术语Key term私人物品Private good:具有排它性和竞争性的物品(如橘子)。

私人物品Private goods我正在用我的笔记本电脑写这一段话。













公共物品Public goods公共物品表现出有与私人物品相反的特点:非排他性(non-excludability),以及非竞争性(non-rivalry)或非递减性(non-dminishability)。



Chapter 20第二十章EXTERNALITIES ANDPUBLIC GOODS外部性和公共物品Copyright ©2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.Externality外部性•An externality occurs whenever the activities of one economic agent affect the activities of another economic agent in ways that are not reflected in market transactions 当一个经济参加者的行为以并不反映在市场交易中的形式影响其他经济参加者的行为时,会产生外部性–chemical manufacturers releasing toxic fumes 化学品制造厂释放有毒烟雾–noise from airplanes飞机的噪音–motorists littering roadways 道路上驾驶员乱丢垃圾Interfirm Externalities企业间的外部性•Consider two firms, one producing good x and the other producing good y 考虑两个企业,一个生产商品x,另一个生产商品y•The production of x will have an external effect on the production of y if the output of y depends not only on thelevel of inputs chosen by the firm but on the level at which x is produced如果y的产出不仅仅依赖于该企业选择的投入,还依赖于x的生产水平,商品x的生产对商品y的生产就有外部影响,y = f(k,l;x)Beneficial Externalities正外部性•The relationship between the two firms can be beneficial两个企业间的关系可能是有益的–two firms, one producing honey and the otherproducing apples 两个企业,一个生产蜂蜜,另一个生产苹果Externalities in Utility效用的外部性•Externalities can also occur if the activities of an economicagent directly affect an individual’s utility如果一个经济体的行为能直接影响一个人的效用,也会发生外部性–externalities can decrease or increase utility 外部性可以减少或者增加效用•It is also possible for someone’s utility to be dependent on the utility of another 也可能是某人的效用依赖于其他人的效用utility = U S(x1,…,x n;U J)Public Goods Externalities公共品外部性•Public goods are nonexclusive 公共品是非排他的–once they are produced, they provide benefits to an entire group一旦生产了,他们就会使整个群体受益–it is impossible to restrict these benefits to the specificgroups of individuals who pay for them 不可能将这些收益限制在付了钱的的特定群体内Externalities and Allocative Inefficiency 外部性和分配的非有效性•Externalities lead to inefficient allocations of resources because market prices do not accurately reflect theadditional costs imposed on or the benefits provided tothird parties 外部性将导致资源的非有效分配,因为市场价格并不准确地反映第三方的额外成本或者收益•We can show this by using a general equilibrium model with only one individual 我们可以使用仅有一个人的一般均衡模型说明这一结论Externalities and Allocative Inefficiency 外部性和分配的非有效性•Suppose that the individual’s utility function is given by 假设个人的效用函数是utility = U(x c,y c)where x c and y c are the levels of x and y consumed等式中,xc 和yc是对商品x和y的消费水平•The individual has initial stocks of x* and y* 个人有x*和y*的初始存量–can consume them or use them in production 可以消费或者在生产中使用Externalities and Allocative Inefficiency 外部性和分配的非有效性•Assume that good x is produced using only good y according to假设商品x仅使用商品y进行生产,按照x o= f(y i)•Assume that the output of good y depends on both the amount of x used in the production process and theamount of x produced假设商品y的产出依赖于生产中使用的x的数量以及生产出的x的数量y o= g(x i,x o)Externalities and Allocative Inefficiency 外部性和分配的非有效性•For example, y could be produced downriver from x and thus firm y must cope with any pollution that production of x creates比如,y可以在x的下游生产,所以企业y必须处理生产x产生的任何污染•This implies that g1> 0 and g2< 0 这意味着,g1> 0 and g2 < 0Externalities and Allocative Inefficiency 外部性和分配的非有效性•The quantities of each good in this economy areconstrained by the initial stocks available and by theadditional production that takes place 经济中,每一种商品的数量都受到可获得的初始存量以及额外生产的约束x c+ x i= x o+ x*y c+ y i= y o+ y*Finding the Efficient Allocation寻找有效分配•The economic problem is to maximize utility subject to the four constraints listed earlier 经济问题是在之前列出的四个约束条件下,达到效用最大化•The Lagrangian for this problem is 这个问题的拉格朗日函数为L= U(x c,y c) + λ1[f(y i) -x o] + λ2[g(x i,x o) -y o] + λ3(x c+ x i-x o-x*)+ λ4(y c+ y i-y o-y*)Finding the Efficient Allocation寻找有效分配•The six first-order conditions are 六个一阶条件为∂L/∂x c= U1+ λ3= 0 (1)∂L/∂y c= U2+ λ4= 0 (2)∂L/∂x i= λ2g1+ λ3= 0 (3)∂L/∂y i= λ1f y+ λ4= 0 (4)∂L/∂x o= -λ1+λ2g2-λ3= 0 (5)∂L/∂y o= -λ2-λ4= 0 (6)Finding the Efficient Allocation寻找有效分配•Taking the ratio of the first two, we find 由前两个等式的比值得MRS = U1/U2= λ3/λ4•The third and sixth equation also imply that 第三个和第六个等式也意味着MRS = λ3/λ4= λ2g1/λ2= g1•Optimality in y production requires that the individual’s MRS in consumption equals the marginal productivity of x in the production of y 最优化生产y ,要求个人消费中的MRS等于y的生产中x的边际生产率Finding the Efficient Allocation寻找有效分配•To achieve efficiency in x production, we must also consider the externality this production poses to y为了在x的生产中达到有效性,我们也必须考虑这一生产对y的外部性•Combining the last three equations gives 将最后三个等式结合起来得MRS = λ3/λ4= (-λ1+ λ2g2)/λ4= -λ1/λ4+ λ2g2/λ4MRS = 1/f y-g2Finding the Efficient Allocation寻找有效分配•This equation requires the individual’s MRS to equal dy/dx obtained through x production这个等式要求个人的MRS等于从x生产中获得的dy/dx –1/f y represents the reciprocal of the marginal productivity of y in x production 1/f y代表x生产中,y的边际生产率的倒数–g2represents the negative impact that added x production has on y output g2代表增加x的生产对y的产出的负面影响•allows us to consider the externality from x production 这允许我们考虑来自x生产的外部性Inefficiency of the Competitive Allocation 竞争性分配的非有效性•Reliance on competitive pricing will result in an inefficient allocation of resources 竞争性定价的结果将导致资源的非有效分配• A utility-maximizing individual will opt for 效用最大化的个人将选择MRS = P x/P yand the profit-maximizing producer of y would choose x inputaccording to且y的利润最大化生产者将选择投入x ,根据P x= P y g1Inefficiency of the Competitive Allocation 竞争性分配的非有效性•But the producer of x would choose y input so that 但是x的生产者将选择投入y使得P y= P x f yP x/P y= 1/f y•This means that the producer of x would disregard the externality that its production poses for y and willoverproduce x这意味着,x的生产者将无视它的生产对y的外部性并且会过多生产xProduction Externalities生产外部性•Suppose that two newsprint producers are located along a river 假设两个新闻用纸制造者位于河边•The upstream firm has a production function of the form上游企业的生产函数为x= 2,000l x0.5Production Externalities生产外部性•The downstream firm has a similar production function but its output may be affected by chemicals that firm xpours in the river下游企业有着相似的生产函数,但是其产出受到企业x倒入河流的化学品的影响y= 2,000l y0.5(x -x0)α(for x> x0)y= 2,000l y0.5(for x ≤x0)where x0represents the river’s natural capacity forpollutants等式中,x0代表河流对于污染物的自然承载力Production Externalities生产外部性•When firm x does have a negative externality (α< 0), its profit-maximizing decision will be unaffected (l x* = 400 and x*= 40,000) 当企业x确实有负外部性时(α< 0),企业x的利润最大化决策将不受影响(l x* = 400 且x*=40,000)•But the marginal product of labor will be lower in firm y because of the externality 但是,在企业y中,由于外部性,劳动的边际产品将较低Production Externalities生产外部性•Suppose that these two firms merge and the manager must now decide how to allocate the combined workforce 假设这两个企业合并,管理者现在必须决定如何分配劳动力•If one worker is transferred from x to y, output of x becomes 如果一名工人从x转移到y,x的产出变为x = 2,000(399)0.5= 39,950 (减少了50)and output of y becomes而y的产出变为y = 2,000(88)0.5(1,950)-0.1= 8,796 (增加了73)Production Externalities生产外部性•Total output increased by 23 with no change in total labor input总劳动投入没有变化,而总产出增加了23•The earlier market-based allocation was inefficient because firm x did not take into account the effect of its hiring decisions on firm y 之前基于市场的分配是无效率的,因为企业x 并没有考虑到其雇用策略对企业y的影响Production Externalities生产外部性•If firm x was to hire one more worker, its own output wouldrise to如果企业x多雇佣一名工人,其产出将增加至x= 2,000(401)0.5= 40,050 (增加了50)–the private marginal value product of the 401st worker is equal to the wage第401名工人的私人边际价值产品等于工资•But, increasing the output of x causes the output of y to fall (by about 21 units) 但是,增加x的产出,导致y的产出下降(21个单位)•The social marginal value product of the additional worker is only $29额外一名工人的社会边际价值产品仅为$29Solutions to the Externality Problem 外部性问题的解决方法•The output of the externality-producing activity is too high under a market-determined equilibrium 在市场决定的均衡下,具有外部性的生产活动的产出过高了•Incentive-based solutions to the externality problem originated with Pigou, who suggested that the most direct solution would be to tax the externality-creating entity外部性问题的基于激励的解决办法起源于庇古,他提出,最直接的解决方法是对产生外部性的实体征税Solutions to the Externality Problem 外部性问题的解决方法Quantity of x PriceS = MC Dx 1p 1Market equilibrium will occur at p 1, x 1市场均衡为p 1, x 1If there are external costs in the production of, social marginal costs are represented by MC’如果在x 生产中存在外部成本,社会边际成本将由MC’表示MC’Solutions to the Externality Problem 外部性问题的解决方法Quantity of x PriceS = MC MC’Dx 2tax A tax equal to these additional marginal costs will reduce output to the socially optimal level (x 2)等于额外边际成本的税收将减少产出至社会最优水平(x 2)p 2The price paid for the good (p 2) nowreflects all costs商品的价格(p 2)现在反映了所有的成本A Pigouvian Tax on Newsprint对新闻纸的庇古税• A suitably chosen tax on firm x can cause it to reduce its hiring to a level at which the externality vanishes对企业x选择合适地征税,会使其减少其雇佣水平至外部性消失的水平•Because the river can handle pollutants with an output of x= 38,000, we might consider a tax that encourages the firm to produce at that level 因为河流可以处理产出水平x= 38,000的污染物,我们可以考虑税收,鼓励企业在该水平生产A Pigouvian Tax on Newsprint对新闻纸的庇古税•Output of x will be 38,000 if l x= 361如果l x= 361,产出x 将为38,000,•Thus, we can calculate t from the labor demand condition 所以,我们从劳动需求条件计算得t(1 -t)MP l= (1 -t)1,000(361)-0.5= 50t = 0.05•Therefore, a 5 percent tax on the price firm x receives would eliminate the externality 所以,对企业x征收价格百分之五的税收可以消除外部性Taxation in the General Equilibrium Model 一般均衡模型下的税收•The optimal Pigouvian tax in our general equilibrium model is to set t= -p y g2 在我们的一般均衡模型下,最g2优的庇古税是,t= -py–the per-unit tax on x should reflect the marginal harm that x does in reducing y output, valued at the price of good y 对x的单位税收,应该反映x减少y产出的边际损害,以商品y的价格衡量Taxation in the General Equilibrium Model 一般均衡模型下的税收•With the optimal tax, firm x now faces a net price of (p x-t) and will choose y input according to 对于最优税收,企业x现在面临净价格(p x-t),会选择投入y,根据p y= (p x-t)f y•The resulting allocation of resources will achieve 最终的资源分配将达到MRS = p x/p y= (1/f y) + t/p y= (1/f y) -g2Taxation in the General Equilibrium Model 一般均衡模型下的税收•The Pigouvian tax scheme requires that regulators have enough information to set the tax properly庇古税模式要求管理者有足够的信息来确定合适的税收–in this case, they would need to know firm y’sproduction function 在这种情况下,他们需要知道企业y的生产函数Pollution Rights污染权利•An innovation that would mitigate the informational requirements involved with Pigouvian taxation is thecreation of a market for “pollution rights” 一个可以减轻对庇古税的信息要求的创新是创造一个“污染权利”市场•Suppose that firm x must purchase from firm y the rights to pollute the river they share 假设企业x必须从企业y购买他们共享河流的污染权–x’s choice to purchase these rights is identical to its output choice x对这些权利购买的选择等同于其产量选择Pollution Rights污染权利•The net revenue that x receives per unit is given by p x-r, where r is the payment the firm must make to firm y for each unit of x it produces x的每单位的净利润是p x-r,r 为每生产一单位x时企业必须支付给企业y的数量•Firm y must decide how many rights to sell firm x by choosing x output to maximize its profits通过选择x的产量来最大化自己的利润,企业y必须决定卖给企业x多少权利πy= p y g(x i,x o) + rx oPollution Rights污染权利•The first-order condition for a maximum is最大值的一阶条件是∂πy/∂x o= p y g2+ r = 0r= -p y g2•The equilibrium solution is identical to that for the Pigouvian tax均衡解与庇古税的相同–from firm x’s point of view, it makes no difference whether it pays the fee to the government or to firm y 从企业x的角度看,支付给政府或者企业y没有区别The Coase Theorem 科斯定理•The key feature of the pollution rights equilibrium is that the rights are well-defined and tradable with zerotransactions costs 污染权均衡的关键特征是,权利是完全定义的,并且可以按零交易成本进行交换•The initial assignment of rights is irrelevant 初始的权利配给无关–subsequent trading will always achieve the same, efficient equilibrium随后的交易总会达到相同的、有效率的均衡The Coase Theorem科斯定理•Suppose that firm x is initially given x T rights to produce (and to pollute) 假设企业x最初有x T权利进行生产(并且污染)–it can choose to use these for its own production or it may sell some to firm y 它可以将这些权利用于自己生产或者卖给企业y •Profits for firm x are given by 企业x的利润为πx= p x x o+ r(x T-x o) = (p x-r)x o+ rx Tπx= (p x-r)f(y i) + rx TThe Coase Theorem 科斯定理•Profits for firm y are given by 企业y的利润为πy= p y g(x i,x o) -r(x T-x o)•Profit maximization in this case will lead to precisely the same solution as in the case where firm y was assigned the rights 这种情况下的利润最大化,将与企业y得到权利的情况完全相同The Coase Theorem科斯定理•The independence of initial rights assignment is usually referred to as the Coase Theorem初始权利给定的无关性,常常被称为科斯定理–in the absence of impediments to making bargains, allmutually beneficial transactions will be completed没有议价阻碍时,所有共赢的交易都将得以进行–if transactions costs are involved or if information isasymmetric, initial rights assignments will matter如果存在交易成本或者信息不对称,初始权利分配将有关系Attributes of Public Goods公共品的属性• A good is exclusive if it is relatively easy to exclude individuals from benefiting from the good once it is produced如果一个商品生产出来后可以很容易地阻止个人从商品中受益,那么该商品是排他性的,• A good is nonexclusive if it is impossible, or very costly, to exclude individuals from benefiting from the good如果不能排除个人从商品中受益或者这样做的成本非常高,那么该商品是非排他性的Attributes of Public Goods公共品的属性• A good is nonrival if consumption of additional units of the good involves zero social marginal costs of production如果消费额外一单位商品所涉及的社会边际生产成本为零,那么该商品是非竞争性的,Public Good公共品• A good is a pure public good if, once produced, no one can be excluded from benefiting from its availability and if the good is nonrival --the marginal cost of an additional consumer is zero如果一个商品一旦生产出来,不能排除任何人从它的使用中获利,并且该商品是非竞争性的——增加一个消费者的边际成本是零,那么该商品是纯公共品Public Goods and Resource Allocation公共品和资源配置•We will use a simple general equilibrium model with two individuals (A and B) 我们将使用一个包含两个人(A和B)的简单的一般均衡模型•There are only two goods 只有两种商品–good y is an ordinary private good Y商品是普通私人商品•each person begins with an allocation (y A*and y B*) 每个人会有一定的初始分配(y A*和y B*)–good x is a public good that is produced using y 商品x是用商品y 生产的公共品x = f(y s A+ y s B)Public Goods and Resource Allocation公共品和资源配置•Resulting utilities for these individuals are 个人产生的效用如下U A[x,(y A*-y s A)]U B[x,(y B*-y s B)]•The level of x enters identically into each person’s utility curve x的水平影响每个人的效用曲线–it is nonexclusive and nonrival它是非排他的和非竞争的•each person’s consumption is unrelated to what he contributesto production每个人的消费与他对生产的贡献无关•each consumes the total amount produced每个人消费掉所有生产出来的量Public Goods and Resource Allocation公共品和资源配置•The necessary conditions for efficient resource allocation consist of choosing the levels of y s A and y s B that maximizeone person’s (A’s) utility for any given level of the other’s (B’s) utility 有效资源配置需要的情况包括选择这样的y s A和y s B,以使得在任何给定的另一个人(B的)的效用下,最大化这个人(A的)的效用•The Lagrangian expression is 拉格朗日表达式如下L= U A(x, y A*-y s A) + λ[U B(x, y B*-y s B) -K]Public Goods and Resource Allocation公共品和资源配置•The first-order conditions for a maximum are 最大化的一阶条件∂L/∂y s A= U1A f’ -U2A+ λU1B f’ = 0∂L/∂y s B= U1A f’ -λU2B+ λU1B f’ = 0•Comparing the two equations, we find比较这两个等式,我们发现λU2B= U2APublic Goods and Resource Allocation公共品和资源配置•We can now derive the optimality condition for the production of x 我们现在可以推导出x的最优生产水平•From the initial first-order condition we know that 对于最初的一阶条件我们知道U1A/U2A+ λU1B/λU2B= 1/f’MRS A+ MRS B= 1/f’•The MRS must reflect all consumers because all will get the same benefits MRS必须反映所有消费者,因为所有人得到相同的利益。


P1 q* q1
The industry competitive output is Q1 while the efficient
level is Q*.
Firm output
Q* Q1
Aggregate social cost of
negative externality
Chapter 18
Slide 2
Topics to be Discussed
Public Goods Private Preferences for Public Goods
Chapter 18
Slide 3
Action by one party imposes a cost on another party
3) Profit maximizing output chosen
Why is this more efficient than zero emissions?
At Eo the marginal cost of abating emissions
Chapter 18
Externalities and Public Goods
Topics to be Discussed
Externalities Ways of Correcting Market Failure Externalities and Property Rights Common Property Resources
than the marginal cost.
The differences is the marginal external

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities Lec6

Theory of Public Goods and Externalities Lec6

Lecture6—Law and Economics Theodore Bergstrom,UCSBMarch31,2002c 1998Chapter6Law,Economics,and ExternalitiesCoase attacks PigouIn a famous paper,called“The Problem of Social Cost,”[1]Ronald Coase attacked the interventionist approach to externalities that Coase identified with the work of A.C.Pigou.Coase argued that Pigou and other economists had lost sight of the fact that one party imposes damages on another,the extent of the damages depends on the action of both parties and efficient allocation of resources may involve adjustments in the behavior of both parties.According to Coase:“The traditional approach(to problems where businessfirms inflict harmful effects on others)has tended to obscure the natureof the choice that has to be made.The question is commonlythought of as one in which A inflicts harm on B and what hasto be decided is how should we restrain A?But this is wrong.We are dealing with a problem of a reciprocal nature.To avoidthe harm to B would inflict harm on A.The real question tobe decided is:should A be allowed to harm B or should B beallowed to harm A?”[1]page2Coase thought of the establishment of legal liability rules as a specifying initial property rights as a starting point from which private bargaining would determine the ultimate outcome.According to Coase:1It is necessary to know whether the damaging business is li-able or not for damage caused since without the establishment ofthis initial delimitation of rights there can be no market trans-actions to transfer and recombine them.But the ultimate result(which maximizes the value of production)is independent of thelegal system if the pricing system is assumed to work withoutcost.[1]page8Applying Coase’s view to the example of Ed and Fiona in chapter??, the situation where Ed is not liable for the damage caused by his smoking corresponds to assigning initial property rights corresponding to the alloca-tion X in Figure??and the situation in which Ed is fully liable for damage caused by his smoking corresponds to the assignment of property rights to the allocation W0in Figure??.As Coase points out,the legal specification of“property rights”is not necessarily a good prediction of what thefinal outcome will be.Rather the legal rules determine a starting point from which bargaining can proceed.What is the Coase Theorem?—A digressionEvery economist has heard of the“Coase Theorem”,but those who have read Coase’s article willfind neither a statement of a theorem nor a proof. There is a series of examples and some very interesting discussion.But the conclusions to be drawn are not stated with the directness that we normally associate with formal economics.The term“Coase Theorem”seems to be due to George Stigler,who explained Coase’s ideas in his textbook The Theory of Price.[8],pp110-114.Stigler claimed that the Coase theorem establishes two results:a).“under perfect competition,private and social costs will be equal.”b).“the composition of output will not be affected by the manner in whichthe law assigns liability for damage.”Stigler offered no proof of these claims but simply presents a numerical example for which the result seems to be ter admirers of Coase were more cautious than Stigler and stated versions of the Coase theorem that were qualified by assumptions.For example,according to Richard Zerbe[9],“The Coase theorem,without violence to common usage,may be expressed as:11Zerbe graciously absolves Coase of responsibility for the Coase theorem by saying the2‘In a world of perfect competition,perfect infor-mation,and zero transactions costs,the allocation ofresources will be efficient and invariant with respect tolegal rules of liability’.”There has been a great deal of dispute among economists about what Coase said,what Coase meant,and whether he was right.2One thing that we all learn from teaching classes is that even when we think that our lectures are paragons of clarity,our students mayfind them puzzling or ambiguous. Coase seems to believe although Pigou infected by bad ideas,he didn’t state them clearly enough so that they could be refuted.“It is strange that a doctrine as faulty as that developed by Pigou should have been so influential,although part of its successhas been due to the lack of clarity of exposition.Not being clear,it was never clearly wrong.”[5],page39.Some of those who have attempted to pin down the claims made by Coase will believe that thisfine bit of rhetoric applies at least as well to Coase’s “Problem of Social Cost”as it does to Pigou’s Theory of Welfare.A Modern Interpretation of CoaseModern mathematical economists have made several efforts to formulate Coase’s claims as general propositions that can be proved or disproved un-der specific assumptions.Significant progress along these lines was made by several authors,including Marchand and Russell,[4],Starrett[7],and Schweizer[6].I strongly recommend reading Schweizer’s discussion,which is particularly clearly-presented and thorough.The presentation that follows is based closely on Schweizer’s paper.We introduce another pair of neighbors,George and Hazel,who are in many ways similar to Ed and Fiona.George,like Ed,imposes a disagreeable externality on his neighbor.In the spirit of Coase’s examples,we suppose that the interaction between George and Hazel is a step more subtle than that between Ed and Fiona.Unlike in the case of Ed and Fiona,the damage that George causes to Hazel depends in part on the Hazel’s own activity. following.“The interpretations of Coase’s work given here are based on what seems the most useful view of this work,not necessarily on what Coase himself meant.This can be determined only by Coase himself.2A small sample of the large number of papers written in an effort to interpret Coase include papers by Marchand and Russell,[4],Zerbe[9],Gifford and Stone[3],Cooter[2], and Schweizer[6].3George enjoys walking around his backyard in his underwear,singing rugby songs.Hazel enjoys having tea with refined friends in her backyard which abuts George’s back yard.The amount of annoyance that Hazel suffers from George’s activity is an increasing function of the amount of time that Hazel spends in her back yard as well as of the amount of time that George spends in his backyard,singing in his underwear.We model this story as follows.3George cares about two things–the level of activity X that he performs and his money income Z G.Hazel enjoys activity Y and her money income Z H,but her enjoyment of Y is diminished by George’s performance of X.In particular,the damage that George does to Hazel is an increasing function both of x,the level of George’s activity and of Y,the level of Hazel’s activity. Both persons have quasilinear utility functions,linear in income.George’s utility function is of the form:U G(x,z G)=G(x)+z G(6.1) Hazel’s utility function is of the form:U H(x,y,z G)=H(y)−S(x,y)+z H(6.2) The function S(x,y)represents the amount of damage that George’s activity causes to Hazel when George does x units of X ing and Hazel does y units of Y ing.Assumption1The functions G,H,and S have the following properties.•George has a preferred x∗such that G (x)>0for x<x∗and G (x)<0 for x>x∗.The function G is concave and twice differentiable,so thatG (x)≥0for all x≥0.•For Hazel,there is also a preferred y∗such that H (y)>0for y<y∗and H (y)<0for y>y∗.The function H is concave and twice differentiable,so that H (y)≥0for all y≥0.•The function S(x,y)is an increasing function of both variable x and y and for all x and y,S xy(x,y)>0where S xy is the cross-partial derivative between x and y.3There has been some dispute among my students about the activities that constitute X and Y.You may for example,prefer to think of activity X as driving a noisy pickup truck with poor brakes and no muffler and activity Y as riding a bicycle on the same road.4Some day I think that I will expand these notes to apply most of Schweizer’s discussion for Hazel and George.On the other hand,the problem set does almost the entire Schweitzer paper for specific utility functions.This to-gether with reading Schweizer might be enough on this subject.I would be happy to have your opinions on this matter.I will also probably briefly discuss accident law and torts.Diamond and Mirrlees,Calabresi,Shavell,are likely references.Maybe a bit of”value of life”and discussion of the mistake of confounding insurance and punishment. Exercises6.1George’s utility function isU G(x,y)=48x−x2+z Gand Hazel’s utility function isU H(x,y)=60y−y2−xy+z Hwhere x is the amount of X ing that George does and y is the amount of Y ing that Hazel does and where z G and z H are the amounts of bread that George and Hazel consume,respectively.When George does x units of X ing and Hazel does y units of Y ing,the amount of damage that George does to Hazel is equal to xy.George and Hazel each havefixed incomes W G and W H.The set of feasible allocations consists of all vectors(x,y,z G,z H)≥0 such that z G+z H=W G+W H.a).Find all of the Pareto optimal allocations in which George and Hazeleach consume positive amounts of bread.How much X is there and how much Y?b).Suppose that George and Hazel are not able to communicate with eachother and that there is no government interference either with X ing or with Y ing.In consequence,the outcome is a(non-cooperative)Nash equilibrium in which the payofffunctions are U G(x,y)=48x−x2+z Gfor George and U H(x,y)=60y−y2−xy+z H for Hazel.In equilibrium, how much X ing is there and how much Y?c).Suppose that there is strict legal liability,so that George has to payHazel for all damage that he does to her.Suppose also that transaction costs are so high that no deals are struck between George and Hazel.In equilibrium,how much X is there and how much Y?56.2Suppose that George and Hazel of the previous problem are still unableto communicate or make deals between them.The government decides to impose a taxof tx on George where x is the amount of activity X that he does.The government seeks a taxrate that will induce George and Hazel to perform Pareto optimal amounts of activities X and Y.a).If the government gives all of the taxrevenue to Isolde,whom youhaven’t yet met,what taxrate t must it use to induce George and Hazel to perform Pareto optimal amounts of activities X and Y. b).If the government gives all of the taxrevenue to Hazel,what taxratet must it use to induce George and Hazel to perform Pareto optimalamounts of activities X and Y.c).If the government gives half of the taxrevenue to Hazel and half toGeorge,what taxrate t must it use to induce George and Hazel to perform Pareto optimal amounts of activities X and Y.6.3Suppose that the government introduces a market for the right toperform activity X.In this market,demand and supply curves are defined as follows:At any price p,D(p)is the amount of X ing that George would choose to do if each unit of X cost him p.At price p,S(p)is the amount of X ing that Hazel would want George to do if she is paid p for each unit of X ing that George does.Find the equilibrium price at which D(p)=S(p)and the amount of X ing and of Y ing that would take place when the price of X ing is set at the equilibrium level.6.4Suppose that George and Hazel of the previous problems are able tocommunicate cheaply and easily.Whenever there are possible gains from a deal between them,they will make a deal.The outcome of the deal always turns out to be the Nash bargaining solution(sometimes called the“coop-erative”Nash solution).In any situation,they recognize a“threat point”, which is the distribution of utility(¯U G,¯U H)that they would achieve if they make no deal.The result of bargaining is that theyfind the point on the utility possibility frontier that maximizes the product(U G−¯U G)(U H−¯U H) over all possible utility distributions in their utility possibility set.Prove that in doing so,Hazel and George will choose the point on the utility possi-bility frontier such that U G−¯U G=U H−¯U H.Would this be true regardless of the shape of the utility possibility frontier?Explain.6.5Suppose that George and Hazel from the previous problems have notransactions costs and always bargain to the Nash bargaining solution.6a).Assuming that there is no government interference,so that the threatpoint is the noncooperative Nash equilibrium,find the predicted amount of X ing and of Y ing and the predicted distribution of income and of utility between George and Hazel.b).Assuming that the government imposes strict liability and that thethreat point is the noncooperative Nash equilibrium that would obtain under these rules,find the predicted amount of X ing and of Y ing and the predicted distribution of income and of utility between George and Hazel.6.6Suppose that George and Hazel from the previous problems have no transactions costs and always bargain to the Nash bargaining solution.The government imposes the taxrate t that induced George to perform a Pareto optimal amount of activity X when George and Hazel were unable to bargain and the money was given to Isolde.a).If the government gives the taxrevenue to Isolde,what levels of activ-ities X and Y will George and Hazel choose?b).If the government splits the taxrevenue between George and Hazel,what levels of activities X and Y will George and Hazel choose?6.7Hazel and George have one and only chance to make a deal.The chance works like this.Hazel offers George an all-or-nothing proposition.If George reduces his X ing to a level x∗,Hazel will give him a lump sum payment of z∗dollars.If George rejects this deal,then the outcome will revert to the non-cooperative Nash equilibrium in which there is no government interference. After George has either accepted or rejected the deal that he is offered,Hazel can decide on the amount of Y ing that she will do.Hazel knows George’s utility function.Assuming that George will accept any deal that is as good or better for him than the Nash equilibrium outcome,what combination of x∗and z∗should Hazel make in order to maximize her utility?6.8This problem is like the previous one except for one thing.Hazel does not know George’s utility function.Hazel knows that George’s utility function is of the functional form:U G(x,z G)=Ax−x2+z G,but all she knows about A is that with probability1/2,A=36and with probability 1/2,A=60.a).Hazel offers to give George a lump sum payment of of z∗dollars if hereduces his amount of X ing to x∗.What choice of z∗and x∗would maximize Hazel’s expected utility.7Hint:There are only two interesting strategies for Hazel.She might choose x∗and z∗so that George is sure to accepther offer,whether A=60or A=36.Alternatively,shemight choose x∗and z∗so that George will accept her offerif and only if A=36.For each of these two strategies thereis a best choice of x∗and z∗.Find these two solutions.Thencompare Hazel’s utility under each solution.b).Show that for any offer that Hazel makes,there is a probability ofat least1/2that the amount of X selected by George is not Pareto optimal.8Bibliography[1]Ronald Coase.The problem of social cost.Journal of Law and Eco-nomics,3:1–44,1960.[2]Robert Cooter.The cost of coase.Journal of Legal Studies,11(1):1–33,1982.[3]A.Gifford and C.Stone.Externalities,liability,separability,and re-source allocation:comment.American Economic Review,65(4):730–732, September1975.[4]James R.Marshand and Keith P.Russell.Externalities,liability,separa-bility,and resource allocation.American Economic Review,63(4):611–620,September1973.[5]A.C.Pigou.The Economics of Welfare.MacMillan,London,4th edition,1932.[6]Urs Schweizer.Externalities and the coase theorem:Hypothesis or re-sult?Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,144(2):245–266,April1988.[7]David Starrett.Fundamental nonconvexities in the theory of externali-ties.Journal of Economic Theory,4:180–199,1972.[8]George Stigler.The Theory of Price.Macmillan,New York,3rd edition,1966.[9]Richard Zerbe.The problem of social cost:Fifteen years later.In StevenA.Y.Lin,editor,Theory and Measurement of Economic Externalities,pages29–36.Academic Press,New York,1976.9。

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Lecture5—Externalities Theodore Bergstrom,UCSBMarch31,2002c 1998Chapter5ExternalitiesA Model of One-sided PollutionEd smokes.Fiona,his neighbor,hates smoke.Ed and Fiona both love beans.Neither cares how many beans the other eats.Ed can get tobacco for free.Both havefixed incomes that can be used to buy beans.Ed’s utility function isU E(S,B E)and Fiona’s utility function isU F(S,B F)where S is the amount of smoking that Ed does and B E and B F are the amounts of beans consumed by Ed and Fiona respectively.The set of allocations available to Ed and Fiona consists of all the triples (S,B E,B F)such thatB E+B F=W E+W Fwhere W E and W F are the wealths of Ed and Fiona,measured in terms of the numeraire,beans.Smoke in a BoxThere is a nice way to show the set of possible allocations and the preferences of Ed and Fiona,using a diagram that looks like an Edgeworth box without a roof.The distance between the two vertical walls of the box in Figure5.1 is constructed to be W E+W F,which is the total amount of beans to be allocated between Ed and Fiona.A point in the box represents an allocation1in the following way.The horizontal distance of the point from the left side of the graph is beans for Ed.The distance from the right side is beans for Fiona.The vertical distance from the bottom of the graph is the total amount of smoking by Ed.Each point on the graph represents a feasible allocation since the sum of Ed’s and Fiona’s beans will always be W E +W F and since we have assumed that there is no resource constraint on Ed’s smoking.The point W 0on the horizontal axis represents the allocation in which Ed and Fiona consume their initial allocations of beans and there is no smoking.Figure 5.1:A One-Sided Externality0Beans for EdBeans for FionaS m o k i n g b y E d Ed’s indifference curves are the curves bulging out from the right side.They bend back on themselves because even for Ed,too much smoking is unpleasant.Fiona’s curves slope downwards away from the point 0.This gives her convex preferences and a preference for more beans and less smoke.Property RightsIf there were no restrictions on smoking and no bargains were made between Ed and Fiona,then Ed and Fiona would each spend their own wealth on their own beans and Ed would smoke an amount,S 0.But the allocationX =(S 0,W E ,W F )is not Pareto optimal.This can be seen by noticing that any point inside the football-shaped region whose tip is X designates a feasible allocation2that is Pareto superior to X.They would both be made better offif Fiona would give Ed some of her beans in return for which Ed would smoke less. It is easy to see that the Pareto optimal allocations are points of tangency between Ed’s and Fiona’s curves.Those Pareto optimal allocations which are better for both Ed and Fiona than the allocation X are represented by the points on the line segment,Y T.If Ed has a legal right to smoke as much as he likes and if Fiona and Ed bargain to reach a Pareto optimal point,the outcome would be somewhere on Y T.Alternatively,there might be a law that forbids Ed to smoke without Fiona’s consent.If no deal were struck,the outcome would be the allocation marked by W O on the box where there is no smoking and where Ed consumes W E and Fiona consumes W F.We see from Figure5.1that this allocation is not Pareto optimal.Both parties would benefit if Ed gave Fiona some beans in return for permission to smoke.The Pareto optimal allocations that are Pareto superior to the no-smoking allocation are represented by the line SZ in Figure5.1.The set of all Pareto optimal allocations includes the entire line ST as well as points of tangency beyond S and T.We notice that the optimal amount of smoke is different at different points on the curve ST that is chosen.Lindahl Equilibrium in a Smoky BoxIt is interesting tofind the Lindahl equilibrium in Ed and Fiona’s smoky box.Considerfirst the case where initial property rights allow no smoking. Let beans be the numeraire,with price1,let Ed’s Lindahl price for Ed’s smoking be p E and let Fiona’s Lindahl price for Ed’s smoking be p F.Recall that in Lindahl equilibrium,the allocation chosen must be an allocation that maximizes the the total value of output where public goods are evaluated at the sum of the Lindahl prices.Since smoking does not cost anything in terms of public goods,it must be that in Lindahl equilibrium,the amount of smoking S maximizes(p E+p F)S over all possible values of S.This is possible for afinite positive S only if p E+p F=0.1Thus we conclude that in Lindahl equilibrium,p F=−p E.When no smoking is allowed in the initial allocation,Ed’s Lindahl budget 1The logic here is similar to the reasoning that tells us that in competitive equilibrium afirm that operates under constant returns to scale can be maximizing profits with a finite positive output only if it is making zero profits.3Figure 5.2:Lindahl EquilibriumS m o k i n g b y E d Beans for Fionaconstraint must be B E +p E S ≤W E .(5.1)His budget line is a straight line passing through the the point W 0in Figure5.2,with slope −1/p E .Fiona’s Lindahl budget constraint isB F +p F S ≤W F .(5.2)Let W =W E +W F .Since Fiona’s consumption is measured from the right side of the box,her budget constraint can also be written as W −B E +p F S ≤W −W E ,which we see by rearranging terms is equivalent to B E −p F S ≥W E .In Lindahl equilibrium,we must have p F =−p E .Therefore Fiona’s budget constraint in equilibrium can be written asB E +p E S ≥W E .(5.3)Comparing the budget inequalities 5.1and 5.3,we see that in Lindahl equilibrium,Ed is confined to choosing a point that is on or below a bud-get line passing through the initial allocation W 0and Fiona is confined to choosing a point that is on or above the same budget line.If the price p E is arbitrarily chosen,there is no reason to suspect that Ed would choose the same allocation that Fiona would choose.But,just as in the case of competitive equilibrium,it is possible to show that under quite weak as-sumptions there will be at least one point where their choices coincide.We have drawn the dashed budget line in Figure 5.2to correspond to a price P E4at which Ed’s preferred allocation is the same as Fiona’s.This allocation is marked E N in thefigure.We see that in Lindahl equilibrium,Ed pays Fiona for permission to smoke.When Ed is paying the Lindahl equilibrium price,the amount of smoking that Ed demands is the same as the amount of smoking permission that Fiona is willing to grant at that price.In Lindahl equilibrium,Ed does not have to quit smoking altogether,but he smokes less than he would if he were free to smoke at no charge.An alternative way to assign property rights is to allow Ed to smoke as much as he wishes.Fiona,of course,may choose to bribe him to smoke less. The corresponding Lindahl equilibrium is found by choosing a budget line that passes through the point X in Figure5.2with the property that Ed’s favorite allocation from among those points that lie on or below this line is the same as Fiona’s favorite allocation from among those points that lie on or above the line.We have drawn such a line in Figure5.2and marked the resulting Lindahl equilibrium allocation as E S.In this Lindahl equilibrium, Fiona bribes Ed to reduce his smoking.The Lindahl price is the price at which Ed’s demand for smoking is equal to the supply of smoking permission that Fiona is willing to grant.In Lindahl equilibrium,Ed smokes less than he would if there were no charge for smoking,but he consumes more beans than he would without trade.What Is an Externality?Pigou’s ViewsEconomists are not entirely sure about how best to define externalities. Professor Arthur Cecil Pigou,one of the founders of modern publicfinance theory,devoted a chapter of his book The Economics of Welfare[?]to problems that most economists these days would call externalities.Pigou, however,doesn’t use the word“externalities”,he speaks of the divergence between social and private product.)According to Pigou:“Here the essence of the matter is that one person A,in the course of rendering some service,for which payment is made,to asecond person B,incidentally also renders services or disservicesto other persons(not producers of like services),of such a sortthat payment cannot be extracted from the benefited parties orcompensation enforced on behalf of the injured parties.”[?],page183.5Pigou offers a list of examples of beneficial externalities,including the fol-lowing...Maintenance of a private forest may improve the environment for neighbors,lamps erected at the doors of private houses may illuminate the street,pollution abatement activities offirms improve air quality,re-sources devoted to fundamental research may in unexpected ways improve production processes.Pigou also lists some harmful externalities,“the game-preserving activities of one occupier involve the overrunning of a neighbor’s land by rabbits,”a factory in a residential neighborhood destroys the ameni-ties of neighboring sites,motor cars congest and wear out roads,manufac-turers produce noxious smoke as a biproduct.Pigou suggests that appropriate taxes and subsidies may be useful for achieving efficiency in a competitive economy with externalities.2According to Pigou:“When competition rules and social and private net product at the margin diverge,it is theoretically possible to put mattersright by imposition of a tax or the grant of a subsidy.”[?],page381.Modern economists frequently refer to such interventions as“Pigovian”taxes or subsidies.Externalities and Missing MarketsWalter P.Heller and David Starrett[?]propose and then(partially)re-nounce a definition that would seem to reasonably capture the“external-ity”found in the Ed-Fiona example and the examples suggest by Pigou. According to Heller and Starrett:“An externality is frequently defined to occur whenever a decision variable of one economic agent enters into the utilityfunction or production function of another.We shall argue thatthis is not a very useful definition,at least until the institutionalframework is given.”To understand Heller and Starett’s point,it may be helpful to consider an example.Suppose that persons A and B both pick berries from a common berry-patch.As it happens,the more berries that B picks,the more difficult 2Pigou acknowledges that in practice,correction of externalities by means of taxes and subsidies may be difficult or impossible,and he discusses the alternative of using publicly-managedfirms as an alternative.6it is for A tofind berries and the harder A has to work to pick any given number of berries.In this case,A will care about the number of berries that B picks.According to our proposed definition,B’s berry-picking generates an externality on A.If,on the other hand,the berry patch is owned by an owner who hires A and B to pick berries for an hourly wage and also sells berries to them,then the economy can be readily modelled as one in which there are no externalities;that is,neither A nor B cares about the berry-picking activities or the berry consumption of the other.As Heller and Starr suggest,“one of the prime attributes of the market system is that it isolates one individual from the influence of others’behavior(assuming of course that prices are taken by everyone as given.)”Heller and Starr suggest that the definition proposed at the beginning of this paragraph should be modified to apply only if interdependencies exist in the framework of a competitive market system.Thus they propose to describe externalities as follows:“ can think of externalities as nearly synonymous with nonexistence of markets.We define an externality to be a situ-ation in which the private economy lacks sufficient incentives tocreate a potential market in some good and the nonexistence ofmarkets results in losses in Pareto efficiency.”Heller and Starrett suggest that when we observe situtations with appar-ent externalities,it is useful to focus our attention on the more fundamental question of why it is that the situation lacks markets which would eliminate the externality.Heller and Starr suggest the relevant considerations in this way.“We propose(roughly)that situations usually identified with “externality”have more fundamental explanations in terms of1)difficulties in defining private property(2)noncompetitivebehavior(3)absence of relevant economic information,or(4)nonconvexities in transaction sets.”Creating Markets for Externality PermitsThe Case of One Polluter and One VictimLet us pursue Heller and Starrett’s suggestion that the externality in the case of Ed and Fiona might correspond to a“missing”market.In order to7construct this market,however,we are going to have to introduce some legalinstitutions.In particular,let us suppose that the“government”introducesa new commodity called“smoking permits”along with a law that requiresthat for each unit of smoke that a person produces,he has to to presentone smoking permit.The government prints afixed supply¯S of smoking permits and distributes them in some way between Ed and Fiona.Although Fiona will not want to use a smoking ticket for permission tosmoke,she will be willing to pay something for smoking tickets because sheknows that there is afixed supply of tickets and that every ticket that sheacquires is one that Ed will not be able to use.If,for example,Fiona keepsall of the smoking tickets,then Ed will not be able to smoke at all.We now have an economy with two private commodities,beans andsmoking tickets.In our previous discussion,we defined Ed’s and Fiona’sutility functions U E(S,B E)and U F(S,B F)with the variable S represent-ing Ed’s smoking appearing in both people’s utility functions.With theintroduction of smoking permits,we can convert this economy into one withprivate goods only.In particular,if Ed always uses his smoking permits toget permission to smoke,his utility when he has S E smoking permits will be ˜U E(S E,B E)=U E(S E,B E).If Fiona buys S F smoking permits and hides them in her sock drawer,then Ed will have only¯S−S F permits and hence will produce only¯S−S F units of smoke.In this case,Fiona’s utility will be ˜U F(S F,B F)=U(¯S−S F,B F),which depends only on her own consumption of beans and her own consumption of smoking permits.The economy that we have constructed in this way is a standard two-person,two-commodity pure exchange economy—the kind of economy that is found in Edgeworth boxes in all good intermediate price theory texts.Let us now draw an Edgeworth box for this economy.This box turnsout to look exactly like the Edgeworth box that we drew in Figures5.1and5.2except that we now put a roof on the Edgworth box.In particular,thebox will be¯S units high,where¯S is the initial supply of tickets.Before going further with our Edgeworth box construction,we need todecide who gets the smoking tickets initially.As you might guess,the ques-tion of to whom the permits are assigned initially is exactly the same ques-tion of property rights that we addressed in the case of Lindahl equilibrium.One possibility is that we assign a property right to clean air to Fiona.Thiscould be accomplished by giving all of the smoking permits to Fiona ini-tially.In this case the initial endowment corresponds to the point W0in theEdgeworth box.Alternatively,we could have given Ed an initial right tosmoke as much as he wishes,given his initial holdings of beans.We couldaccomplish this assignment of rights by giving Ed an initial holding of per-8Figure5.3:A Market for Smoking PermitsBeans for Fionamits equal to the amount of smoking he would choose if he could smoke freely and by giving the rest of the permits to Fiona.In this case the initial allocation corresponds to the point X in the Edgeworth box.It would also be possible in principle to allocate initial holdings of permits in any other way such that the total number of permits adds to¯S.In Figure5.3,we have shown the competitive equilibrium budget lines and the competitive equilibrium allocations E N and E S corresponding to the two different initial allocations W0and X.Notice that these correspond exactly to the Lindahl equilibria in our previous discussion.You may also wonder what decides the total number¯S of smoking per-mits to be issued.In part,the answer is indeterminant.If we start from a situation in which¯S permits are issued and where in the resulting competi-tive equilibrium Fiona chooses to hold some permits,then we notice that if the government issued more permits,but gave them all to Fiona,the out-come would not be changed at all.Of course if the government wants to give Ed the right to produce at least S units of smoke,it will have to supply at least¯S permits.Having shown the way in which markets can“privatize”the smoking externality in our model of Ed and Fiona,it is useful to return to the focus suggested by Heller and Starrett.Why did it seem natural for us to model the effects of Ed’s smoking on Fiona,without immediately assigning owner-ship rights and without introducing a corresponding market for transfer of9such rights?It may be fruitful to turn this question around and ask why it seemed entirely natural to assign initial property rights to beans.Certainly it is physically possible for Ed to steal Fiona’s beans and vice versa.In many societies,but certainly not in all,institutions and norms have evolved that make theft relatively rare.It is possible in principle to regard inflicting tobacco smoke on another person without that person’s permission as the legal and moral equivalent of theft.Indeed norms in the United States ap-pear to be shifting in that direction.This is undoubtedly in part a response to relatively new scientific information about actual damage that smokers inflict on non-smokers and in part due to an increase in the proportion of non-smokers in the population.As Heller and Starrett point out,even where market equilibrium exist,as in the case of Ed and Fiona,introduction of market institutions is likely to have costs.If there is to be a market,then somehow Ed has to be prevented from smoking without a permit.For violations to be enforceable,they must be relatively cheaply observable.In realistic circumstances,it may not be so easy to tell whether Ed is secretly puffing a cigar,or whether the nasty smell that plagues Fiona comes instead from a burning tire or aflatulent canine.A fundamental difficulty in the establishment of property rights in the face of“externalities”is that it is easy for people to claim damage from the actions of others and difficult to verify that actual damage has been done. It would certainly be impractical to force everyone to buy permission for each publicly observable action that he or she might take.In every society, people are willing to accept occasional annoyance from others without com-pensation,knowing that some of their own actions will also cause offense.It seems to me that a free society must be one whose members are relatively tolerant of annoyance that does not cause objectively measurable harm.As science develops new methods of detecting,measuring,and pricing harmful externalities,however,new market forms and new forms of property rights are quite likely to evolve.Conspicuous examples of this kind include mar-kets for emissions of pollutants into the air and water,and for congestion of highways,streets and other public areas.The Case of Many Polluters and Many VictimsSuppose that instead of just two people,Ed and Fiona,we have a community in which there are many polluters and many pollution victims.We will not assume that polluters and pollutees are separate people,but allow the possibility recognized by Walt Kelly’s Pogo,who said“We have met the10enemy and it is us.”In this economy,there are n consumers,m private goods,and k non-private activities .Consumer i cares about i ’s own vector of private goods x i but does not care about the private goods consumption of others.Consumers also care about their own vectors of non-private activities as well as the sum of the vectors of non-private activities of others.Thus Consumer i has a utility function u i (x i ,,y i ,z )where y i is the vector of non-private activities performed by i and where z = n s =1y s .For simplicity of notation,let us confine our attention to a pure exchange economy without production of private goods.Each consumer i has an ini-tial endowment vector of private goods,ˆx i and we define ˆx = n i =1x i .3This formulation account for pollution activities in the following way.Consumer i may take pleasure in releasing pollutant j but,holding constant his own release of pollutant,every consumer may regard the total amount of pol-lutant j in the atmosphere as a “bad”.In this case,u i is an increasing function of y ij ,but a decreasing function of z j = n s =1y sj .Suppose that for each polluting activity j ,the government issues a fixed number ˆz j trans-ferable permits,where consumer i is given ˆz ij permits and where we define ˆz j = n i =1ˆz ij .Consumers are allowed to trade these permits for private goods or for other kinds of tickets.A consumer is not allowed to release more pollution than the amount for which he has permits.The formulation can also account for positive externalities.For example,there may be a service activity,like picking up trash or beautifying the environment,which is unpleasant to perform,but where the total amount of this activity perform is regarded as a good by all consumers.For such an activity,j ,u i would be a decreasing function of the amount y ij of the service performed by i but an increasing function of the total amount z j of service j that is performed by community members.The government could issue an initial endowment of marketable service obligations,such that the holder of each unit of obligations is required to perform a corresponding unit of the service.With this assignment of property rights,the total amount of each non-private activity that will be performed must equal the total number of per-mits or obligations for that activity that are issued by the government.Trades of permits and obligations will determine the ultimate distribution3This model can be interpreted as a production economy,in which we allow some consumers to own firms (or parts of firms).These consumers may engage in “production”which is treated as negative consumption of output goods,along with positive consumption of input goods.The consumers’budget equations then apply to net purchases positive or negative.11of non-private activities,but will not affect the vector ˆz of total amounts of pollution and of service activities.In the resulting economy,each consumer’s utility takes the form u i (x i ,y i ,ˆz )where ˆz is fixed.The only variables that i chooses are x i and y i .When ˆz is held constant,nobody other than person i cares about either x i or y i .Thus when ˆz is fixed,we have a model that is formally the same as a pure exchange model with private goods only where any feasible allocation of x ’s and y ’s must satisfy the equations n i =1x i =ˆx i and n i =1y i =ˆz .As is well known from competitive equilibrium theory,a competitive equilibrium will exist for this economy if all individuals have continuous,convex preferences and if a few other relatively weak technical assumptions are satisfied.If,however,the vector of permits and obligations ˆz is arbitrar-ily selected,there is no reason to expect that the outcome will be Pareto optimal.Although the competitive equilibrium with ˆz ,may not be the op-timal,it will be true that this outcome will be Pareto optimal conditional on the aggregate vector ˆz .That is to say,any allocation that is Pareto su-perior to this competitive equilibrium must either be infeasible or must be one in which the aggregate vector of non-private activities is different from ˆz .To say this yet another way,although this competitive equilibrium may not have the right total amount of non-private activities,allocation of these activities among individuals is done efficiently.One Pollutant,Many Polluters,and Many PolluteesTo focus our attention,let us consider a special case of the model we have just discussed.There are n consumers,one private good and one non-private pollution activity.Each person’s utility function is of the form u i (x i ,y i ,z )where x i is i ’s private consumption,y i is the amount of pollution that i produces and z = n i =1y i is the total amount of pollution produced in the community.The function u i is an increasing function of its first two arguments and a decreasing function of its third argument.(To be continued...)We will show that unlike in the case of Ed and Fiona,if we introducing just one kind of pollution permit allocates production efficiently among pol-luters but won’t lead to efficient total amount of pollution.If we introduce separate permissions for each pollutee we have thin markets,no reason to expect competitive happen even though it exists.12Exercises5.1Suppose that Ed’s utility function is U E(B E,S)=B E S for0≤S≤4,and U(B E,S)=0for S>4.Suppose that Fiona’s utility function is U F(B F,S)=B F−S2.Assume that the initial allocations of beans are W Eand W F,where W E+W F=16.a).Sketch an Edgeworth diagram,showing Ed’s and Fiona’s preferencesover possible allocations.b).Write algebraic expression(s)to describe all of the Pareto optimalallocations for Ed and Fiona.c).Write an equation for the utility possibility frontier and sketch it.d).Find the Lindahl equilibrium prices and quantities as a function ofW E where initial property rights forbid smoking.e).Find the Lindahl equilibrium prices and quantities as a function ofW E where initial property rights allow one to smoke as much as onewishes.5.2Jim and Tammy are partners in business and in Life.As is all toocommon in this imperfect world,each has a little habit that annoys the other.Jim’s habit,we will call Activity X and Tammy’s habit,activity Y. Let x be the amount of activity X that Jim pursues and y be the amount of activity Y that Tammy pursues.Jim must choose an amount of activity X between0and50.Tammy must choose an amount of activity Y between0 and100.Let c J be the amount of private goods that Jim consumes and let c T be the amount of private goods that Tammy consumes.Jim and Tammy have only$1,000,000per year to spend on consumption goods.Jim’s habit costs$40per unit.Tammy’s habit also costs$100per unit.Jim’s utility function isU J=c J+500ln x−20yand Tammy’s utility function isU T=c T+500ln y−10x.a).Find the set of Pareto optimal allocations of money and activities inthis partnership.13b).Suppose that Jim has a contractual right to half of the family incomeand Tammy has a contractual right to the other half.c).If they make no bargains about how much of the externality generatingactivities to perform,how much x will Jim choose and how much y will Tammy choose?d).Find Lindahl equilibrium prices and quantities if the initial propertyrights specify that neither activity X nor activity Y can be performed without ones partner’s consent.e).Find Lindahl equilibrium prices and quantities if Jim has a right toperform X as much as he is able to and Tammy has a right to perform activity Y as much as she is able to.5.3The cottagers on the shores of Lake Invidious are an unsavoury bunch. There are100of them and they live in a circle around the lake.Each cottager has two neighbors,one on his right and one on his left.There is only one commodity and they all consume it on their front lawns in full view of their two neighbors.Each cottager likes to consume the commodity,but is envious of consumption by the neighbor on his left.Nobody cares what the neighbor on his right is doing.Every consumer has a utility function U(c,l)=c−l2,where c is her own consumption and l is consumption by her neighbor on the left.a).Suppose that every consumer owns1unit of the consumption goodand consumes it.Calculate the utility of each individual.b).Suppose that every consumer consumes only3/4of a unit.What willbe the utility of each of them?c).What is the best possible consumption if all are to consume the sameamount?d).Suppose that everybody around the lake is consuming1unit,can anytwo persons make themselves both better offeither by redistributing consumption between them or by throwing something away?e).How about a group of three persons?f).How large is the smallest group that could cooperate to benefit all ofits members.14。
