CPP Product directory
首营资料目录(索取) -国外
The first supply enterprise and product catalog
2、Reference substance in the imported drug registration standards / standards.
3、Up and down the box sealing tape.
4、Procurement contracts (with responsibility for Transport)
Need to provide a blank bag
(Batch number, date of expiry / production)
In packaging
(If any)
Color draft (final version)
Large packing
Color draft (final version)
CC++学习----使⽤C语⾔代替cmd命令、cmd命令⼤全【开发环境】物理机版本:Win 7 旗舰版(64位)IDE版本:Visual Studio 2013简体中⽂旗舰版(cn_visual_studio_ultimate_2013_with_update_4_x86_dvd_5935081_Chinese-Simplified)【前⾔】cmd常⽤命令:calc:启动计算器notepad:打开记事本netstat -a:查看所有的端⼝tasklist:查看所有的进程d: 盘符切换dir(directory) 列出当前⽬录下的⽂件以及⽂件夹md (make directory) 创建⽬录rd (remove directory) 删除⽬录(带内容的⽂件或者⽂件夹不能直接删除,必须先删除⾥⾯,再删除外⾯)。
如果要删除⾮空⽬录,可以使⽤命令:rd /s xxxdir或者rd /s /q xxxdircd (change directory) 改变指定⽬录(进⼊指定⽬录)cd.. 退回到上⼀级⽬录cd\ 退回到根⽬录del (delete) 删除⽂件,删除⼀堆后缀名⼀样的⽂件*.txtexit 退出dos命令⾏cls (clear screen)清屏Win7中打开cmd窗⼝的⽅式:在当前路径下,按住shift键,⿏标右键:⼀、通过C语⾔代码来实现cmd命令⾏功能:这⾥⽤到了c语⾔中的⼀个库:#include<stdlib.h>1、打开记事本:cmd.cpp:#include<stdlib.h>void main() {system("notepad"); //System:执⾏系统的命令⾏}程序⼀运⾏,记事本就打开了:2、查看ip地址:#include<stdlib.h>void main(){system("ipconfig");system("pause"); //如果没有这⼀⾏代码,cmd窗⼝就会闪退}注:如果没有第04⾏的pause,cmd窗⼝就会闪退。
WHO CPP药品证明书-参考格式
Model certificate of a pharmaceutical productPlease refer to the guidelines for full instructions on how to complete this form and information on the implementation of the Scheme.The forms are suitable for generation by computer. They should always be submitted as hard copy, with responses printed in type rather than handwritten.Additional sheets should be appended, as necessary, to accommodate remarks and explanations.Certificate of a pharmaceutical product1This certificate conforms to the format recommended by the World Health OrganizationNo. of certificateExporting (certifying country):Importing (requesting country):1. Name and dosage form of the product:1.1. Active ingredient(s)2 and amount(s) per unit dose3:For complete composition including excipients, see attached4:1.2. Is this product licensed to be placed on the market for use in the exporting country?5 (yes/no) 1.3 Is this product actually on the market in the exporting country?If the answer to 1.2. is yes, continue with section 2A and omit section 2B.If the answer to 1.2 is no, omit section 2A and continue with section 2B6:2.A.1. Number of product licence7 and date of issue:2.A.2. Product licence holder (name and address):2.A.3. Status of product licence holder8: (Key in appropriate category as defined in note 8)2.A.3.1. For categories b and c the name and address of the manufacturer producing the dosage form is9:2.A.4. Is a summary basis for approval appended?10 (yes/no)2.A.5. Is the attached, officially approved product information complete and consonent with the licence?11 (yes/no/not provided)2.A.6. Applicant for certificate, if different from licence holder (name and address)12:2.B.1. Applicant for certificate (name and address):2.B.2. Status of applicant: (Key in appropriate category as defined in footnote 8)2.B.2.1. For categories (b) and (c) the name and address of the manufacturer producing the dosage form is:92.B.3. Why is marketing authorization lacking? (not required/not requested/under consideration/refused)2.B.4. Remarks13:3. Does the certifying authority arrange for periodic inspection of the manufacturing plant in which the dosage form is produced? (yes/no/not applicable)14If not or not applicable, proceed to question 4.3.1. Periodicity of routine inspections (years):3.2. Has the manufacture of this type of dosage form been inspected? (yes/no)3.3 Do the facilities and operations conform to GMP as recommended by the World Health Organization?15 (yes/no/not applicable)144. Does the information submitted by the applicant satisfy the certifying authority on all aspects of the manufacture of the product16: (yes/no)If no, explain:Address of certifying authority:Telephone:Fax:Name of authorized person:SignatureStamp and dateExplanatory notes1.This certificate, which is in the format recommended by WHO, establishes the status of thepharmaceutical product and of the applicant for the certificate in the exporting country. It is for a single product only since manufacturing arrangements and approved information for different dosage forms and different strengths can vary.e, whenever possible, International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) or nationalnonproprietary names.3.The formula (complete composition) of the dosage form should be given on the certificateor be appended.4.Details of quantitative composition are preferred but their provision is subject to theagreement of the product-licence holder.5.When applicable, append details of any restriction applied to the sale, distribution oradministration of the product that is specified in the product licence.6.Sections 2A and 2B are mutually exclusive.7.Indicate, when applicable, if the licence is provisional, or the product has not yet beenapproved.8.Specify whether the person responsible for placing the product on the market:a.manufactures the dosage form;b.packages and/or labels a dosage form manufactured by an independent company;orc.is involved in none of the above.9.This information can only be provided with the consent of the product-licence holder or, inthe case of non-registered products, the applicant. Non-completion of this sectionindicates that the party concerned has not agreed to inclusion of this information. It should be noted that information concerning the site of production is part of the product licence.If the production site is changed, the licence has to be updated or it is no longer valid.10.This refers to the document, prepared by some national regulatory authorities, thatsummarizes the technical basis on which the product has been licensed.11.This refers to product information approved by the competent national regulatoryauthority, such as Summary Product Characteristics (SPC)12.In this circumstance, permission for issuing the certificate is required from theproduct-licence holder. This permission has to be provided to the authority by theapplicant.13.Please indicate the reason that the applicant has provided for not requesting registration.a.the product has been developed exclusively for the treatment of conditions —particularly tropical diseases — not endemic in the country of export;b.the product has been reformulated with a view to improving its stability undertropical conditions;c.the product has been reformulated to exclude excipients not approved for use inpharmaceutical products in the country of import;d.the product has been reformulated to meet a different maximum dosage limit foran active ingredient;e.any other reason, please specify.14.Not applicable means the manufacture is taking place in a country other than that issuingthe product certificate and inspection is conducted under the aegis of the country of manufacture.15.The requirements for good practices in the manufacture and quality control of drugsreferred to in the certificate are those included in the thirty-second report of the Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, WHO Technical Report Series No. 823, 1992, Annex 1. Recommendations specifically applicable to biological products have been formulated by the WHO Expert Committee on BiologicalStandardization (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 822, 1992, Annex 1).16.This section is to be completed when the product-licence holder or applicant conforms tostatus (b) or (c) as described in note 8 above. It is of particular importance when foreign contractors are involved in the manufacture of the product. In these circumstances the applicant should supply the certifying authority with information to identify the contracting parties responsible for each stage of manufacture of the finished dosage form, and the extent and nature of any controls exercised over each of these parties.。
境 控制) 工艺控制
关键参数 非关键参数
工艺 参数
重要参数 非重要参数
221如何定义CPP ? 窄范Fra bibliotek(和/或难控制)
关键的* 工艺中一个可调节的参数(可变的),需要在窄的
范围 内进行维护,以保证不会影响到关键的产品质量属
物化性质 性状
物理状态 (例如:液体、固体)
可能关键也可能不关键 基于API的物理性质和计划用途
纯度 粒度 微生物纯度
有机(HPLC) 无机(硫酸化灰分、
炽 灼残渣) 残留溶剂 重金属* 手性杂质(手性分析、 旋光度)
粒度 密度
总数 内毒素
使用ICHQ6A决策树 使用ICHQ6A决策树
工艺控制orGMP控制 GMP控制
工艺控制和/或GMP控制 基于药品
GMP控制或工艺控制 (工
艺条件可能影响物理状 态)
Drug Product 制药产品
Critical Parameters 关键参数
Critical Steps 关键步骤
API Critical Quality Attributes
CPP生产状况及专用料开发进展吴志生【摘要】聚丙烯流延膜(CPP)因具有生产速度快,薄膜透明性好,热封性优良等特点,在日用品和复合材料等领域得到了广泛应用.本文概况了聚丙烯流延膜的分类及生产工艺技术,介绍了国内生产厂商、设备和产能等生产情况.分析了国内专用料树脂开发状况,以及CPP对聚丙烯基础专用料树脂的要求.最后对聚丙烯流延膜的前景进行了展望,指出需要加快研究和开发步伐,在扩大生产量的同时,进一步提高产品档次.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2013(041)009【总页数】4页(P34-37)【关键词】聚丙烯流延膜;生产工艺;聚丙烯专用树脂【作者】吴志生【作者单位】中国石化扬子石油化工有限公司塑料厂,江苏南京210048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ426.6聚丙烯薄膜按制法、性能和不同用途可分为聚丙烯流延膜(Cast Polypropylene film;CPP)、聚丙烯吹胀膜和双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜三种。
CPP 的生产有单层流延和多层共挤流延两种方式。
1 聚丙烯流延膜分类聚丙烯流延膜可分为通用CPP(General CPP,简称GCPP)薄膜、金属化型CPP(Metalized CPP,简称MCPP)薄膜和蒸煮型CPP(Retort CPP,简称RCPP)薄膜。
在C++中还可以使⽤ name.h形式的标准C库头⽂件名。
C++标准库的内容分为10类:C1.语⾔⽀持 C2.输⼊/输出 C3.诊断 C4.⼀般⼯具 C5.字符串C6.容器 C7.迭代器⽀持 C8.算法 C9.数值操作 C10.本地化C1 标准库中与语⾔⽀持功能相关的头⽂件头⽂件描述<cstddef> 定义宏NULL和offsetof,以及其他标准类型size_t和ptrdiff_t。
<limits> 提供与基本数据类型相关的定义。
<climits> 提供与基本整数数据类型相关的C样式定义。
这些信息的C++样式定义在<limits>中<cfloat> 提供与基本浮点型数据类型相关的C样式定义。
这些信息的C++样式定义在<limits>中<cstdlib> 提供⽀持程序启动和终⽌的宏和函数。
今天在VC6.0中咕哝个程序,遇到如下提示:Cannot open precompiled header file:'Debug/password.pch' No such file or directory所谓pch,即p re c ompiled h eader你可以打开StdAfx.h,然后F7.看看正常没~或者:选择全部组建,试试看:不行的话往下看。
如何使用预编译头文件以提高编译速度?要使用预编译头文件,必须指定一个头文件(.H),它包含我们不会经常修改的代码和其他的头文件,然后用这个头文件(.H)来生成一个预编译头文件(.PCH)VC默认的头文件就是StdAfx.h,因为头文件是不能编译的,所以我们还需要一个.CPP文件来作桥梁,VC默认的文件为StdAfx.cpp,这个文件里只有一句代码就是:#include "StdAfx.h"。
c++ getcurrentdirectory函数
c++ getcurrentdirectory函数正文:'GetCurrentDirectory' 函数是一个 C++ 的标准库函数,用于获取当前工作目录的路径。
它位于 <filesystem> 头文件中,并且是C++17 版本之后引入的。
使用 'GetCurrentDirectory' 函数非常简单,只需传入一个参数,该参数为一个字符数组,指定存储当前工作目录路径的缓冲区的大小。
下面是一个示例代码,演示如何使用 'GetCurrentDirectory' 函数:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <filesystem>int main(){char buffer[FILENAME_MAX];std::filesystem::path currentPath =std::filesystem::current_path();std::string currentDirectory = currentPath.string();std::cout << 'Current directory: ' << currentDirectory << std::endl;return 0;}```在上面的代码中,我们首先定义了一个字符数组 `buffer`,它将用于存储当前工作目录的路径。
然后,我们使用`std::filesystem::current_path()` 函数获取当前工作目录的路径,并将其存储在 `currentPath` 变量中。
接下来,我们将`currentPath` 转换为字符串类型,并将其存储在`currentDirectory` 变量中。
最后,我们使用 `std::cout` 将当前工作目录的路径打印到控制台上。
在程序中,我们将创建以下几个类:1. 商品类 (Product):用于表示售货机中的商品,包含名称、价格等属性。
2. 售货机类 (VendingMachine):用于管理售货机的机制,包括商品的存储、购买过程等。
3. 用户类 (User):用于表示用户,包含购买商品等操作。
类的实现商品类 (Product)首先,我们定义商品类,它包含以下成员变量:cppclass Product {private:std::string name; // 商品名称double price; // 商品价格public:// 构造函数Product(std::string n, double p) : name(n), price(p) {}// 获取商品名称std::string getName() {return name;}// 获取商品价格double getPrice() {return price;}};商品类有一个构造函数,用于初始化商品的名称和价格。
售货机类 (VendingMachine)接下来,我们定义售货机类。
cppclass VendingMachine {private:std::vector<Product> products; // 售货机中的商品列表public:// 添加商品void addProduct(Product product) {products.push_back(product);}// 购买商品bool buyProduct(std::string productName, double &change) {for (Product &p : products) {if (p.getName() == productName) {if (change >= p.getPrice()) {change -= p.getPrice();return true;} else {return false;}}}return false;}};售货机类有一个属性`products`,用于存储售货机中的商品列表。
c++ mkir用法
c++ mkir用法摘要:C++ mkdir用法教程:创建目录、删除目录、重命名目录1.C++ mkdir简介2.C++ mkdir函数用法a.创建目录b.删除目录c.重命名目录3.实例演示4.注意事项5.总结正文:C++ mkdir用法教程:创建目录、删除目录、重命名目录1.C++ mkdir简介C++ mkdir是C++标准库中的一个函数,用于操作目录。
2.C++ mkdir函数用法C++ mkdir函数有以下三种用法:a.创建目录```cpp#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <filesystem>int main() {std::string dir_path = "example_directory";std::error_code ec;bool result = std::filesystem::create_directory(dir_path, ec);if (ec) {std::cerr << "创建目录失败:" << ec.message() << std::endl;return 1;}std::cout << "目录创建成功:" << dir_path << std::endl;return 0;}```b.删除目录```cpp#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <filesystem>int main() {std::string dir_path = "example_directory";std::error_code ec;bool result = std::filesystem::remove(dir_path, ec);if (ec) {std::cerr << "删除目录失败:" << ec.message() << std::endl;return 1;}std::cout << "目录删除成功:" << dir_path << std::endl;return 0;}```c.重命名目录```cpp#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <filesystem>int main() {std::string old_dir_path = "old_directory";std::string new_dir_path = "new_directory";std::error_code ec;bool result = std::filesystem::rename(old_dir_path, new_dir_path, ec);if (ec) {std::cerr << "重命名目录失败:" << ec.message() << std::endl;return 1;}std::cout << "目录重命名成功:" << old_dir_path << " 变为" << new_dir_path << std::endl;return 0;}```3.实例演示请参考上述代码实例,根据实际需求进行修改和调试。
WHO CPP药品证明书-参考格式
Model certificate of a pharmaceutical productPlease refer to the guidelines for full instructions on how to complete this form and information on the implementation of the Scheme.The forms are suitable for generation by computer. They should always be submitted as hard copy, with responses printed in type rather than handwritten.Additional sheets should be appended, as necessary, to accommodate remarks and explanations.Certificate of a pharmaceutical product1This certificate conforms to the format recommended by the World Health OrganizationNo. of certificateExporting (certifying country):Importing (requesting country):1. Name and dosage form of the product:1.1. Active ingredient(s)2 and amount(s) per unit dose3:For complete composition including excipients, see attached4:1.2. Is this product licensed to be placed on the market for use in the exporting country?5 (yes/no) 1.3 Is this product actually on the market in the exporting country?If the answer to 1.2. is yes, continue with section 2A and omit section 2B.If the answer to 1.2 is no, omit section 2A and continue with section 2B6:2.A.1. Number of product licence7 and date of issue:2.A.2. Product licence holder (name and address):2.A.3. Status of product licence holder8: (Key in appropriate category as defined in note 8)2.A.3.1. For categories b and c the name and address of the manufacturer producing the dosage form is9:2.A.4. Is a summary basis for approval appended?10 (yes/no)2.A.5. Is the attached, officially approved product information complete and consonent with the licence?11 (yes/no/not provided)2.A.6. Applicant for certificate, if different from licence holder (name and address)12:2.B.1. Applicant for certificate (name and address):2.B.2. Status of applicant: (Key in appropriate category as defined in footnote 8)2.B.2.1. For categories (b) and (c) the name and address of the manufacturer producing the dosage form is:92.B.3. Why is marketing authorization lacking? (not required/not requested/underconsideration/refused)2.B.4. Remarks13:3. Does the certifying authority arrange for periodic inspection of the manufacturing plant in which the dosage form is produced? (yes/no/not applicable)14If not or not applicable, proceed to question 4.3.1. Periodicity of routine inspections (years):3.2. Has the manufacture of this type of dosage form been inspected? (yes/no)3.3 Do the facilities and operations conform to GMP as recommended by the World Health Organization?15 (yes/no/not applicable)144. Does the information submitted by the applicant satisfy the certifying authority on all aspects of the manufacture of the product16: (yes/no)If no, explain:Address of certifying authority:Telephone:Fax:Name of authorized person:SignatureStamp and dateExplanatory notes1.This certificate, which is in the format recommended by WHO, establishes the status of thepharmaceutical product and of the applicant for the certificate in the exporting country. It is for a single product only since manufacturing arrangements and approved information for different dosage forms and different strengths can vary.e, whenever possible, International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) or national nonproprietarynames.3.The formula (complete composition) of the dosage form should be given on the certificate orbe appended.4.Details of quantitative composition are preferred but their provision is subject to theagreement of the product-licence holder.5.When applicable, append details of any restriction applied to the sale, distribution oradministration of the product that is specified in the product licence.6.Sections 2A and 2B are mutually exclusive.7.Indicate, when applicable, if the licence is provisional, or the product has not yet beenapproved.8.Specify whether the person responsible for placing the product on the market:a.manufactures the dosage form;b.packages and/or labels a dosage form manufactured by an independent company; orc.is involved in none of the above.9.This information can only be provided with the consent of the product-licence holder or, inthe case of non-registered products, the applicant. Non-completion of this section indicates that the party concerned has not agreed to inclusion of this information. It should be noted that information concerning the site of production is part of the product licence. If the production site is changed, the licence has to be updated or it is no longer valid.10.This refers to the document, prepared by some national regulatory authorities, that summarizesthe technical basis on which the product has been licensed.11.This refers to product information approved by the competent national regulatory authority,such as Summary Product Characteristics (SPC)12.In this circumstance, permission for issuing the certificate is required from theproduct-licence holder. This permission has to be provided to the authority by the applicant.13.Please indicate the reason that the applicant has provided for not requesting registration.a.the product has been developed exclusively for the treatment of conditions —particularly tropical diseases — not endemic in the country of export;b.the product has been reformulated with a view to improving its stability under tropicalconditions;c.the product has been reformulated to exclude excipients not approved for use inpharmaceutical products in the country of import;d.the product has been reformulated to meet a different maximum dosage limit for anactive ingredient;e.any other reason, please specify.14.Not applicable means the manufacture is taking place in a country other than that issuing theproduct certificate and inspection is conducted under the aegis of the country of manufacture.15.The requirements for good practices in the manufacture and quality control of drugs referredto in the certificate are those included in the thirty-second report of the Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, WHO Technical Report Series No. 823, 1992, Annex 1. Recommendations specifically applicable to biological products have been formulated by the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (WHO Technical Report Series, No.822, 1992, Annex 1).16.This section is to be completed when the product-licence holder or applicant conforms to status(b) or (c) as described in note 8 above. It is of particular importance when foreign contractorsare involved in the manufacture of the product. In these circumstances the applicant should supply the certifying authority with information to identify the contracting partiesresponsible for each stage of manufacture of the finished dosage form, and the extent and nature of any controls exercised over each of these parties.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
c++路径使用方法在C++中,可以使用以下方法来处理文件和目录路径:1.使用C风格的字符串:c复制代码char path[] = "/path/to/file.txt";2.使用C++风格的字符串(推荐):cpp复制代码std::string path = "/path/to/file.txt";3.使用标准库中的文件路径类(std::filesystem):cpp复制代码#include<filesystem>namespace fs = std::filesystem;fs::path path("/path/to/file.txt");4.使用C风格的字符串和文件操作函数:c复制代码#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cerrno>#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cerrno>#include<sys/stat.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<dirent.h>#include<unistd.h>char *realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path); // 获取绝对路径DIR *opendir(const char *path); // 打开目录struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir); // 读取目录内容int closedir(DIR *dir); // 关闭目录使用示例:1.获取绝对路径:cpp复制代码char *resolved_path = realpath("/path/to/file.txt", NULL);if (resolved_path != NULL) {printf("Resolved path: %s\n", resolved_path);free(resolved_path); // 释放内存} else {perror("realpath"); // 打印错误信息}2.打开目录:cpp复制代码DIR *dir = opendir("/path/to/directory");if (dir != NULL) {// 读取目录内容...closedir(dir); // 关闭目录} else {perror("opendir"); // 打印错误信息}。
文件用途 明确风险评估的策略要求 确认厂房设施、系统、设备的直接影响系
统 保持风险分析与注册工艺的一致性
熟悉生产工艺、操作单元、中间控制点, 支
持工艺风险评估的执行 基于对生产工艺的理解及历史经验 基于研发的数据 明确法规的要求 生产工艺/设备信息了解 230 生产工艺/设备信息了解 自控系统信息了解
• 高:失效随时会被发现。 • 中:失效通常都能被发现。
• 低:失效不太可能被发现。
RiskClass 风险级别
LowProbability 可能性低
HighSeverity 严重性高
RiskClass2 风险级别2
MediumSeverity 严重性中
RiskClass3 风险级别3
体积 时间
StepsCriticalQualityAttributesIncludes 工序关键质量属性包括
StepsCriticalProcessParametersIncludes 工序关键工艺参数包括
工艺控制和/或GMP控制 (例如:水的质量,环
境 控制) 工艺控制
关键参数 非关键参数
工艺 参数
该函数属于Windows API,可用于获取操作系统的系统目录。
以下是一个使用`GetSystemDirectory`函数获取系统目录的示例代码:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <windows.h>int main() {//定义一个字符数组来接收系统目录char systemDir[MAX_PATH];//使用GetSystemDirectory函数获取系统目录UINT result = GetSystemDirectory(systemDir, MAX_PATH); if (result > 0 && result < MAX_PATH) {std::cout << "系统目录: " << systemDir << std::endl; }else {std::cerr << "无法获取系统目录" << std::endl;}return 0;}```在上面的代码中,我们使用`MAX_PATH`宏定义来定义字符数组`systemDir`的大小,该宏定义在`windows.h`头文件中。
c++ linux编译命令
c++ linux编译命令
下面是一些常用的C++ Linux编译命令: 1. g++命令:用于编译C++程序。
语法:g++ [options] file1.cpp file2.cpp ... -o output 选项说明:
- -o output:指定输出文件的文件名。
- -c:仅编译源文件,生成目标文件(.o文件)。
- -g:生成调试信息。
- -O:优化编译过程。
- -Wall:显示全部警告。
2. make命令:用于自动化编译。
语法:make [target]
- target:指定要编译的目标(默认为Makefile中的第一个目标)。
3. cmake命令:用于生成Makefile文件。
语法:cmake [options] source_directory
- -G:指定生成的Makefile文件类型。
- -D:设置变量的值。
4. gdb命令:用于调试程序。
语法:gdb [options] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]]
- -tui:启动GDB的文本模式界面。
- -q:禁止显示版权和欢迎信息。
- -x:执行指定的GDB脚本。
以上就是一些常用的C++ Linux编译命令,开发者们可以根据需要使用相应的命令,提高编译效率和程序质量。
酪蛋白磷酸肽-无定形磷酸钙促进牙再矿化的机制罗菁菁【摘要】In the physiological states, demineralization and remineralization of enamel is in the dynamic balance. When the environment changes, the balance can be broken. Demineralization not only led to morphological changes (such as opaque spot), but also the initial of caries. We should take effective measures to block this process, so that the direction of balance toword the remineralization. In the last decades, fluoride are widely used as an effective topical agent for the prevention of caries by promoting enamel remineralization. But the side-effects of fluoride can limiting its application. Recently, it has been founded that milk and cheese have the properties of anticariogenic, which attributed to the casein. Its tryptic digestion product of phosphopeptides (CPP) have the ability to bind amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). When the phosphopeptides appling to the surface of teeth, this can delive ring the calcium and phosphate ions, and enhances remineralization, prevents demineralization and reduces caries development. In this review, the structure and the source of CPP, the blend of CPP and ACP, the properties of enhances remineralization and prevents demineralization, the current evidence supporting of CPP-ACP, the interaction of CPP-ACP with fluoride, and the influence of the subsequent resin adhesion are in details.%牙体在正常生理状态下处于脱矿和再矿化的动力平衡之中,当环境改变后,平衡被打破,脱矿和再矿化会向某一方向持续进行.脱矿不仅导致牙体形态学发生改变,也是龋病的开端,所以应该采取有力措施阻断这一过程,使其平衡向再矿化方向发展.以往以氟化物防龋并取得了较好的效果,却因不良反应使其应用受到了一定的限制.研究显示,牛奶和奶酪等奶制品也可发挥防龋效应,且此种效应主要与牛奶中所含的酪蛋白有关.酪蛋白经过酶消化后所得到的酪蛋白磷酸肽(CPP)结合无定形磷酸钙(ACP),应用于牙体表面可持续提供钙和磷酸根离子,促进牙体再矿化并抑制牙体脱矿.本文就CPP的来源和结构、CPP与ACP结合、CPP-ACP的抑制脱矿和促进再矿化作用、CPP-ACP作用的试验支撑、CPP-ACP与氟化物的相互作用、CPP-ACP对树脂粘接力的影响等研究进展作一综述.【期刊名称】《国际口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(038)006【总页数】4页(P662-664,669)【关键词】酪蛋白磷酸肽;无定形磷酸钙;无定形钙氟磷;再矿化;防龋作用【作者】罗菁菁【作者单位】安徽医科大学附属口腔医院修复科合肥230032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R781.05正常牙体的主要无机结构羟磷灰石晶体是含有多种微量成分的生物混晶,为六方晶系,微溶于水,易溶于酸,故在酸性条件下容易脱矿。
c++ mkir用法
在C++中,`mkdir` 函数用于创建一个新的目录。
下面是 `mkdir` 函数的基本用法:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <sys/stat.h>int main() {std::string directoryName = "new_directory";// 使用 mkdir 函数创建一个新目录int result = mkdir(directoryName.c_str(), 0777); // 第二个参数表示权限,这里使用 0777 表示最高权限if (result == 0) {std::cout << "Directory created successfully." << std::endl;} else {std::cout << "Failed to create directory." << std::endl;}return 0;}```上述代码中,我们首先包含了两个头文件:`<iostream>` 用于输入输出操作,`<sys/stat.h>` 用于使用 `mkdir` 函数。
然后,我们定义了一个字符串 `directoryName`,用于指定要创建的目录的名称。
接下来,使用 `mkdir` 函数创建一个新的目录。
`mkdir` 函数的第一个参数是要创建的目录的路径名,通过 `c_str()` 函数将 C++ 字符串转换为 C 字符串。
第二个参数是权限,这里使用 `0777` 表示最高权限。
最后,根据 `mkdir` 函数的返回值判断目录是否成功创建,并输出相应的结果。
需要注意的是,`mkdir` 函数在创建目录时需要有适当的权限,否则可能会失败。
cmake 语句顺序
cmake 语句顺序CMake是一种跨平台的构建工具,用于自动化构建过程。
以下是一些常用的CMake语句顺序,供参考:1. cmake_minimum_required:指定所需的CMake的最低版本。
2. project:设置项目的名称。
3. set:设置变量,可以用于指定源文件、编译选项等。
4. include_directories:添加头文件搜索路径。
5. add_executable:添加可执行文件,指定源文件和依赖的库。
6. add_library:添加库文件,指定源文件。
7. target_link_libraries:指定可执行文件或库文件依赖的库。
8. add_subdirectory:添加子目录,用于构建子项目。
9. find_package:查找外部依赖的库。
10. install:安装生成的可执行文件或库文件。
下面是对每个语句进行详细说明:1. cmake_minimum_required:此语句指定所需的CMake的最低版本。
例如,cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)表示需要CMake版本大于等于3.10。
2. project:此语句设置项目的名称。
3. set:此语句用于设置变量。
例如,set(SOURCES main.cpp)将变量SOURCES设置为main.cpp。
4. include_directories:此语句用于添加头文件搜索路径。
5. add_executable:此语句用于添加可执行文件。
c++ cmake语法
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