





Android: A Programmer’s Guide

1 What Is Android

1.1 Key Skills & Concepts

● History of embedded device programming

● Explanation of Open Handset Alliance

● First look at the Android home screen

It can be said that, for a while, traditional desktop application developers have been spoiled. This is not to say that traditional desktop application development is easier than other forms of develop ment. However, as traditional desktop application developers, we have had the ability to create alm ost any kind of application we can imagine. I am including myself in this grouping because I got my start in desktop programming.

One aspect that has made desktop programming more accessible is that we have had the ability to interact with the desktop operating system, and thus interact with any underlying hardware, pretty



Java and the Internet

If Java is,in fact,yet another computer programming language,you may question why it is so important and why it is being promoted as a revolutionary step in computer programming.The answer isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from a traditional programming perspective.Although Java is very useful for solving traditional stand-alone programming problems,it is also important because it will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.

1.Client-side programming

The Web’s initial server-browser design provided for interactive content,but the interactivity was completely provided by the server.The server produced static pages for the client browser,which would simply interpret and display them.Basic HTML contains simple mechanisms for data gathering:text-entry boxes,check boxes,radio boxes,lists and drop-down lists,as well as a button that can only be programmed to reset the data on the form or“submit”the data on the form back to the server.This submission passes through the Common Gateway Interface(CGI)provided on all Web servers.The text within the submission tells CGI what to do with it.The most common action is to run a program located on the server in a directory that’s typically called“cgi-bin.”(If you watch the address window at the top of your browser when you push a button on a Web page,you can sometimes see“cgi-bin”within all the gobbledygook there.)These programs can be written in most languages.Perl is a common choice because it is designed for text manipulation and is interpreted, so it can be installed on any server regardless of processor or operating system. Many powerful Web sites today are built strictly on CGI,and you can in fact do nearly anything with it.However,Web sites built on CGI programs can rapidly become overly complicated to maintain,and there is also the problem of response time.The response of a CGI program depends on how much data must




1、Software Engineering

Software is the sequences of instructions in one or more programming languages that comprise a computer application to automate some business function. Engineering is the use of tools and techniques in problem solving. Putting the two words together, software engineering is the systemtic application of tools and techniques in the development of computer-based applications.

The software engineering process describes the steps it takes to deelop the system. We begin a development project with the notion that there is a problem to be solved via automation. The process is how you get from problem recognition to a working solution. A quality process is desirable because it is more likely to lead to a quality product. The process followed by a project team during the development life cycle of an application should be orderly, goal-oriented, enjoyable, and a learning experience.




JSP application frameworks

What are application frameworks:

A framework is a reusable, semi-complete application that can be specialized to

produce custom applications [Johnson]. Like people, software applications are more alike than they are different. They run on the same computers, expect input from the same devices, output to the same displays, and save data to the same hard disks. Developers working on conventional desktop applications are accustomed to toolkits and development environments that leverage the sameness between applications. Application frameworks build on this common ground to provide developers with a reusable structure that can serve as the foundation for their own products.







能被计算机操作系统直接运行的计算机程序称为可执行程序。可执行程序是以机器码的形势表示的一系列非常简单的指令。这些指令对于不同计算机的CPU 而言是特定的,它们与硬件有关。例如,英特尔“奔腾”处理器和Power PC微处理器芯片各自有不同的机器语言,要求用不同的代码集来完成相同的任务。机器码指令是从存储单元取数据,或将两个存储单元的内容相加(通常在CPU的寄存器中进行)。机器码指令是二进制的——比特序列(0和1)。由于这些数字令人难以理解,所以计算机指令通常不是用机器码来写的。


与机器语言指令相比,汇编语言使用的命令较容易为程序员理解。每条机器语言指令在汇编语言中有等价的命令。例如,在汇编语言中,语句“MOV A,B”命令表示计算机把数据从一个单元复制到另一个单元,而及其代码中同样的指令是有一串16位的0和1组成的。一旦汇编语言程序编写完毕,它就由另一个称之为汇编起的程序转换成机器语言程序。相对于机器语言而言,汇编语言速度快,功能强。可它仍然难以利用,因为汇编语言指令是有一系列抽象代码组成的。另外,不同的CPU使用不同的机器语言,因此需要不同的汇编语言(程序)。有时为了执行特殊的硬件任务,或者为了加快高级语言程序的速度,汇编语言被插入到高级语言程序中。


A computer is composed of hardware and software. The hardware includes the physical components of the computer, such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage, input and output devices, etc. The software refers to the programs and applications that run on the computer, including the operating system, utilities, and applications software.
In recent years, with the rise of artificial intelligence, the functions of computers have been greatly enhanced. For example,voice recognition, facial recognition, and machine learning have been widely applied to various fields, bringing great convenience to people's lives.










附件 1. 原文; 2. 译文


History of computing

Main article: History of computing hardware

The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations.

Limited-function early computers

The Jacquard loom, on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, England, was one of the first programmable devices.

The history of the modern computer begins with two separate technologies, automated calculation and programmability, but no single device can be identified as the earliest computer, partly because of the inconsistent application of that term. A few devices are worth mentioning though, like some mechanical aids to computing, which were very successful and survived for centuries until the advent of the electronic calculator, like the Sumerian abacus, designed around 2500 BC of which a descendant won a speed competition against a modern desk calculating machine in Japan in 1946, the slide rules, invented in the 1620s, which were carried on five Apollo space missions, including to the moon and arguably the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient astronomical computer built by the Greeks around 80 BC. The Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria (c. 10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when. This is the essence of programmability.




Progress in computers

The first stored program computers began to work around 1950. The one we built in Cambridge, the EDSAC was first used in the summer of 1949.

These early experimental computers were built by people like myself with varying backgrounds. We all had extensive experience in electronic engineering and were confident that that experience would standus in good stead. This proved true, although we had some new things to learn. The most important of these was that transients must be treated correctly; what would cause a harmless flash on the screen of a television set could lead to a serious error in a computer.

As far as computing circuits were concerned, we found ourselves with an embarrass de riches. For example, we could use vacuum tube diodes for gates as we did in the EDSAC or pentodes with control signals on both grids, a system widely used elsewhere. This sort of choice persisted and the term famillogic came into use. Those who have worked in the computer field will remember TTL, ECL and CMOS. Of these, CMOS has now become dominant.



1 . Introduction To Objects

1.1The progress of abstraction

All programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re able to solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction。By “kind” I mean,“What is it that you are abstracting?” Assembly language is a small abstraction of the underlying machine. Many so—called “imperative” languages that followed (such as FORTRAN,BASIC, and C) were abstractions of assembly language。These languages are big improvements over assembly language,but their primary abstraction still requires you to think in terms of the structure of the computer rather than the structure of the problem you are trying to solve。The programmer must establish the association between the machine model (in the “solution space,” which is the place where you’re modeling that problem, such as a computer) and the model of the problem that is actually being solved (in the “problem space,” which is the place where the problem exists). The effort required to perform this mapping, and the fact that it is extrinsic to the programming language,produces programs that are difficult to write and expensive to maintain,and as a side effect created the entire “programming methods” industry.



Computer Program


Computer Program, set of instructions that directs a computer to perform some processing function or combination of functions. For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads the program, and then follow the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion.

A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.

Programs fall into two major classes: application programs and operating systems. An application program is one that carries out some function directly for a user, such as word processing or game-playing. An operating system is a program that manages the computer and the various resources and devices connected to it, such as RAM, hard drives, monitors, keyboards, printers, and modems, so that




We can apply this formula to get the polynomial approximation directly for a given function f (x), without having to resort to the Lagrange or Newton

polynomial. Given a function, the degree of the approximate polynomial, and the left/right boundary points of the interval, the above MATLAB routine ―cheby()‖ uses this formula to make the Chebyshev polynomial approximation.

The following example illustrates that this formula gives the same approximate polynomial function as could be obtained by applying the Newton polynomial with the Chebyshev nodes.

Example 3.1. Approximation by Chebyshev Polynomial. Consider the problem of finding the second-degree (N = 2) polynomial to approximate the function 2()1/(18)f x x =+. We make the following program ―do_cheby.m ‖, which uses the MATLAB routine ―cheby()‖ for this job and uses Lagrange/Newton polynomial with the Chebyshev nodes to do the same job. Readers can run this program




Introduction of Visual Basic6.0

Visual Basic, Listed VB, Microsoft Corporation to launch a Windows application development tool. Is the world's most widely used programming language, it was generally acknowledged to be the most efficient programming of a programming method. Whether the development of powerful, reliable performance of the business software, or can be prepared to deal with the practical problems of small practical procedures Visual Basic6.0 is the quickest, most convenient way.

What is Visual Basic6.0? "Visual" refers to the use of visualization of the development of graphical user interface (GUI), generally do not need to prepare a large number of code interface elements to describe the appearance and location, and as long as necessary to drag and drop controls on the screen to the corresponding location will be; "Basic" refers to the BASIC language, Visual Basic6.0 is because the original BASIC language developed on the basis of that so far includes hundreds of phrases Function and keywords, and many Windows GUI are directly related. Professionals can use Visual Basic6.0 to any other Windows programming language function, you beginners and several Keywords can establish practical application.




Modern design and manufacturing


CAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of greater integration(一体化)of design and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as distinct(清楚的)and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-integrated factory of the future.

Computer-aided design (CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization(最优化)of a design. The computer systems consist of the hardware and software to perform the specialized design functions required by the particular user firm. The CAD hardware typically includes the computer, one or more graphics display terminals, keyboards, and other peripheral equipment. The CAD software consists of the computer programs to implement(实现,执行)computer graphics to facilitate the engineering functions of the user company. Examples of these application programs include stress-strain(压力-应变)analysis of components(部件), dynamic(动态的)response of mechanisms, heat-transfer calculations, and numerical control part programming. The collection of application programs will vary from one user firm to the next because their product lines, manufacturing processes, and customer markets are different these factors give rise to differences in CAD system requirements.






logistics distribution center location factors:

(1)the goods distribution and quantity. This is the distribution center and distribution of the object, such as goods source and the future of distribution, history and current and future forecast and development, etc. Distribution center should as far as possible and producer form in the area and distribution short optimization. The quantity of goods is along with the growth of the size distribution and constant growth. Goods higher growth rate, the more demand distribution center location is reasonable and reducing conveying process unnecessary waste.

(2)transportation conditions. The location of logistics distribution center should be close to the transportation hub, and to form the logistics distribution center in the process of a proper nodes. In the conditional, distribution center should be as close to the railway station, port and highway.



Computer Program


Computer Program, set of instructions that directs a computer to perform some processing function or combination of functions. For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads the program, and then follow the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion. A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.

Programs fall into two major classes: application programs and operating systems. An application program is one that carries out some function directly for a user, such as word processing or game-playing. An operating system is a program that manages the computer and the various resources and devices connected to it, such as RAM, hard drives, monitors, keyboards, printers, and modems, so that they may be used by other programs. Examples of operating systems are DOS, Windows 95, OS\2, and UNIX.




Computer Language and Programming

I. Introduction

Programming languages, in computer science, are the artificial languages used to write a sequence of instructions (a computer program) that can be run by a computer. Similar to natural languages, such as English, programming languages have a vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. However, natural languages are not suited for programming computers because they are ambiguous,meaning that their vocabulary and grammatical structure may be interpreted in multiple ways. The languages used to program computers must have simple logical structures, and the rules for their grammar, spelling, and punctuation must be precise.

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Computer Program

1 Introduction

Computer Program, set of instructions that directs a computer to perform someprocessing function or combination of functions.

For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads the program, and then follow the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion. A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.

Programs fall into two major classes: application programs and operating systems. An application program is one that carries out somefunction directly for a user, such as word processing or game-playing. An operating system is a program that manages the computer and the various resources and devices connected to it, such as RAM,hard drives, monitors, keyboards, printers, and modems,so that they maybe used by other programs. Examples of operating systems are DOS, Windows 95, OS\2, and UNIX.

2 Program Development

Software designers create new programs by using special applications programs, often called utility programs or development programs. A programmer uses another type of program called a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called a programming language. With the text editor, the programmer creates a text file, which is an ordered list of instructions, also called the program source file. The individual instructions that make up the program source file are called source code. At this point, a special applications program translates the source code into machine language, or object code— a format that the operating system

will recognize as a proper program and be able to execute.

Three types of applications programs translate from source code to object code: compilers, interpreters, and assemblers. The three operate differently and on different types of programming languages, but they serve the samepurpose of translating from a programming language into machine language.

A compiler translates text files written in a high-level programming language--such as FORTRAN, C,or Pascal —from the source code to the object code all at once. This differs from the approach taken by interpreted languages such as BASIC, APL and LISP, in which a program is translated into object code statement by statement as each instruction is executed. The advantage to interpreted languages is that they can begin

executing the program immediately instead of having to wait for

all of the source code to be compiled. Changes can also be made

to the program fairly quickly without having to wait for it to

be compiled again. The disadvantage of interpreted


is that they are slow to execute, since the entire program must

be translated one instruction at a time, each time the program

is run. On the other hand, compiled languages are compiled only

once and thus can be executed by the computer muchmore quickly

than interpreted languages. For this reason, compiled languages are more common and are almost always used in professional and scientific


Another type of translator is the assembler, which is used for

programs or parts of programs written in assembly language.

Assembly language is another programming language,

but it is

much more similar to machine language than other types of high-level languages. In assembly language, a single statement

can usually be translated into a single instruction of machine

language. Today, assembly language is rarely used to

write an

entire program, but is instead most often used when the programmer needs to directly control some aspect of the computer 's


Programs are often written as a set of smaller pieces, with each
