第一章石油钻井工程英语基础第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill————拓展记忆钻井:drilling定向斜井directional drilling 欠平衡钻井under-balance 海上钻井off-shore陆地钻井on-land drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头rock bit金刚石钻头diamond bit 喷射钻头jet bit 钻铤drill collar 衣领collar钻杆:drill pipe 钻井队drilling crew 钻机drill rig 钻井泥浆drilling mud钻井液drilling fluid2.油,石油:oil————拓展记忆原有crude oil 石油petroleum 中国石油Petro-China 采油oil production采油设备oil production equipment 采油平台oil production platform 油泵oil pump3.地质:geology————拓展记忆地质专业人员geologist 物理physics地球物理勘探geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井logging 测井作业logging operations 测井记录logging record4.油井:well————拓展记忆井眼hole 油井oil well 试井,油井测试well test 井下down-hole井下作业down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油crude oil 天然气natural gas 煤层气coal-bed gas 一体化设计integral design钻井drilling 钻井原理the principles of drilling顿钻钻井percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井rotary drilling液体冲击fluid percussion 大位移big deviation侧钻井sidetracking drilling technology lateraldrilling水平井horizontal well 探井wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井deep well 浅井shallow well老井maturing well 欠平衡钻井under-balanced drilling 丛式钻井cluster drilling technology 煤层气井coal-bed gas well 生产井production wells 报废井abandon wells停产井non-production wells 绕障井、三维井three-dimensional wells常温井normal temperature well 注采井injection and production well 稠油井heavy oil well热洗井hot washing pipe 井况well condition第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸tension 拉伸强度tension strength 应力stress 压力pressure 应力点stress point压力等级pressure grade 压力降pressure drop 压力梯度pressure gradient回压back pressure 大气压atmosphere 压差differential pressure静液柱压力static fluid column pressure 特征characteristic,feature定性讨论qualitative argiment 定量使用quantitative use液体liquid 固体solid 气体gas,air 正的positive 负的negative虚线dashed line,broken line 实线full line 递减率decline rate 正比于be proportional to 水平的horizontal 垂直的vertical 油层静压the formation static pressure第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷load 扭矩torque 扭转twist 摩擦friction钻压WOB, weight on bit,weight, drilling weight钻速rate of penetration, drilling rate, the rate of drilling, average ROP 钻井周期drilling period 钻速rotary speed 地层压力预测formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测the formation fast prediction 埋藏深度bury depth产油层,产油带,pay zone,productive formation温度梯度temperature gradient 地层压力formation pressure 坍塌压力collapse pressure破裂压力fracture pressure 平衡压力equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力drilling string pressure 钻头振动vibration of bit 钻井成本drilling costs井眼尺寸hole size,well size 参数计算parameters calculation几何参数geometric parameters 参数分析parameter analysis 动态参数dynamic data静态监测static data 注水参数parameter of injection 参数、变量variables 井距well space 垂直深度vertical depth 水平位移horizontal deviation 总深度total depth水平位移horizontal displacement 最大井斜角maximum hole inclination井眼环空annulus space 压力调节器pressure regulator 恢复(增加)压力the build-up pressure 初始开采primary recovery 含水地层water bearing formation 套管漏失casing leak摩擦损失friction losses 气聚阀gas-lift valve 石蜡族paraffin series含气液柱gas-laden column 增产措施stimulation treatment 流动能力flowing capacity生产速率production rate 水驱water drive 气驱gas drive 网状系统grid system水侵water influx 五点法five-spot pattern 油井产量well-productivity 径向流radial system 富气enriched gas 贫气lean gas 气顶gas cap 气驱gas drive(or gas flooding)水驱water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害formation damage 波及系数sweep efficiency 泄油半径drainage radius 基岩处理matrix treatment 单级脱气single stage separation泄油面积drainage area 表面张力surface tension 束缚力connate water(or interstitial water)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1 钻井队drilling crew 队、组crew、team2 技术员technician 钻井技术员drilling technician 泥浆技术员mud technician3 监督supervisor 钻井监督drilling supervisor 副监督assisstant supervisor地质监督geology supervisor4 工程师engineer 泥浆工程师mud engineer 泥浆工mudman机械工程师mechanic engineer 引擎、发动机engine 工程engineering钻井工程drilling engineering 采油工程production engineering石油工程petroleum engineering 试油工程oil test engineering拓展记忆---------------------------工作项目project 希望工程the hope project 三峡工程the Three-Gorge Project项目经理project manager 工程管理project management 钻工:roughneck、floorman司钻driller 副司钻assistant driller 钻井队长drilling foreman 钻井领班tool pusher井架工derrick man 发动机工,机工motorman 钻台工floorman机械师technicians,mechanic 电焊工welder 电工electrician 医生doctor材料员material man,staff man 炊事员cook 翻译interpreter, tansalator洗衣工laundry man第6节石油作业现场常用工具1、石油作业现场普通工具扳手wrench 螺丝起子screwdriver 多角螺丝起子Phlilips screwdriver活动扳手monkey wrench,adjustable 钳子pliers 手斧hatchet 钩子hook 台钳bench vice 榔头hammer 木锤mallet 搬手spanner 锯子saw 电动手锯jigsaw 电锯power saw钢锯hacksaw 硬尺rule 软尺tape measure 砂纸sandpaper 油漆paint 油漆刷paintbrush 绝缘胶布electrical tape 电线wire 插头plug 电插座outlet 开关switch 螺栓bolt螺帽nut 钉子nail 电钻electric drill 钻头bit 工作台workbench 工具箱toolbox胶水glue 交棒glue bar 管钳pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳chain tongs,chain spanner,chain wrench护丝thread protector,screw protector手轮hand wheel 阀门搬手valve wrench,valve spanner 链接法兰coupling flange安全带safety belt 安全帽safety cap 工作靴working boots 千斤顶jack 吊车crane拖拉机tractor 推土机dozer 刮刀scraper2、石油作业现场专业工具接头sub 配合接头X-over,cross-over 提升短接lifting sub,lifting nipple elevator卡瓦slip 母锥box bell 公锥taper tap 短节joint 柔性短节flex joint 井口wellhead螺旋钻铤spiral collar 方钻杆kelly 钻杆架pipe rack 材料房warehouse 绳卡guy anchor 润滑器lubricator 维护保养maintenance 内钳lead tong 外钳back-up tong液压大钳hydraulic tong 兜绳mule line 四通阀four-way valve 软管hose球阀ball valve, globe valve 闸板阀ram valve, gate valve 增压泵booster pump换配件fittings change 灌注泵charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1 井架derrick 塔形井架derrick A形井架cantilever mast,mast-A 桅杆mast底座大梁sill 架,台rack 架工操作台monkey-board2 游动系统travelling systemn 天车crown block 天车梁crown block beam游动滑车travelling block 钻井大绳drilling line, wire line 金属线, 电线wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆wire line 金属线,电线wire,line 钢丝绳股strand 截断cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮pulley 吊耳eye plate3 大钩与水龙头hook and swivel 顶驱top drive 大钩hook 大钩弹簧hook spring大钩销子hook pin 大钩环hook ring 大钩锁紧装置hook locking device大钩悬挂高度hook height 水龙头swivel 鹅颈管gooseneck 冲管wash pipe水龙头盘根swivel packing 钻井水龙带drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose 立管stand pipe 高压管线high pressure line 低压管线low pressure line 放压管线relief line储气筒gas holder,air holder4 转盘rotary table 转盘方瓦master bushing 方补心kelly drive bushing方孔square openning 小鼠洞mouse hole 大鼠洞rat hole (井架大门处)坡板ramp5 绞车drawworks,hoist 液压绞车hydraulically-powered winch 气动绞车air operated hoist 绞车hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒线轴卷轴reel pool drum滚筒高速气离合器drum high air clutch 滚筒低速气离合器drum low high clutch猫头cathead 液压猫头hydraulic cathead 上扣猫头make up cathead卸扣猫头make out cathead 牙嵌离合器jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车eddy current brake 猫头轴cathead shaft 猫头绳cathead line猫头绳爪cat line grip 死绳dead line 死绳固定器deadline anchor死绳固定器膜片dead line diaphragm 上扣spin up,screw on 卸扣,卸开break out, screw off 上紧,固定tighten 松开,松扣loosen 加载load 卸载unload 拧紧screw 拧松unscrew 刹者brake 刹车总成brake assembly 刹车轴brake axle,brake shaft 刹车带brake band刹车片brake band lining 刹车杆brake bar 闸瓦brake block 刹把break crank,brake bar刹车鼓brake drum 离合器clutch 液压油箱hydraulic reservoir液动试压泵hydraulic test pump 液压大钳hydraulic tong 倒档齿轮reverse gear第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump 活塞piston 活塞杆piston rod活塞皮瓦piston cup 缸套liner,pumpliner 凡尔体valve body 凡尔座valve cup阀弹簧valve spring 阀杆valve lever 阀面valve face 阀帽valve bonnet泥浆泵安全阀mud relief valve 排出阀discharge valve 吸入阀suction valve潜水泵submersible pump 阀门valve 阀盖valve cap 阀座valve seat 回压阀回压阀back pressure valve 单向阀check valve single-pass valve 安全阀safety valve手动阀manual valve 液动阀hydraulic valve 冷缸cold cylinder 拉杆tie rod,tension bear 上水头intake,suction end 排出口discharge spout 高压管high pressure压力表pressure gauge 冲数strokes 排量displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate第3节井下泵类及相关设备泵筒pump barrel 柱塞plunger 关闭shut down 尾管tail pipe 抽油杆sucker rod长冲程long stroke 低泵速small pumping speed 泵充满度the fullness efficient of the pump 抽油杆sucker rod 排气方法gas bleeding method 泵效pump efficiency三维空间three dimensional space 有效生举efficient lift for the deviated抽油杆扶正工具sucker rod centralization tools 严重的管杆偏磨serious string partial wear游动阀the travelling valve 固定阀the standing valve 部分磨损、偏磨partial wear无杆泵rodless pump 小泵深抽small pump deep pumping technology挂泵深度pump setting depth 尾管长度length of liner 管柱结构the structure of pipe string防脱器dropout-prevent device 井斜角hole angle 电热杆borehole electric heating rod稠油开采heavy oil production 空心杆热载体hollow sucker rod heat carrier变扣器方补芯bushing 终端器terminal assembly 空心抽油杆hollow sucker rod整体电缆传感器continuous cable,sensor 空心光杆hollow polish rod 悬挂器hanger防喷盒stuffing box第4节采油设备采油树Christmas tree 抽油机pumping unit 往复运动reciprocating motion泵杆pumping rod 机械传动mechanical transmission 载荷能力peak polish rod load系统效率system efficiency 冲程stroke length 冲次frequency of stroke无级可调smooth regulation 沉降式抽油泵the sinking sand pump 泵下沉砂sinking砂颗粒sand particles 胶质沥青gum asphalt含蜡量paraffin content 凝固点solidification point 热流hot fluid 参水mingle water第5节与泵操作有关的使用短语没有压力no pressure 压力过高the pressure is too high 返回太少mud return is few水太少water is little 抢修rush to repair 请看记录please read the record没作记录no record 加化学小品put in chemicals 加高岭土粉put in koaline powder加云母片put in mica sheet 加增粘剂put in viscosifier 加稀释剂put in diluent(thinner)加稳定剂put in stabilizer(stabilizing agent)加烧碱put in caustic soda测定比重measure gravity,gravity test 测定失水test filtration 测定切力measure force开关switch 停泵stop the pump 请打手势please make a gesture转动一周turn round a circle 垫高一些put something under it to raise 抓紧firmly grasp抬高lift it up 拿稳hold firm 打一下strike once 往下拉pull out站稳stand firm take a firm hand 小端small end 大端large end 光滑smooth粗糙rough,coarse 平面plane,flat 弯曲winding,bending 放松loosen绷直stretch tight,draw tight 撬棍pinch bar,pry bar 充氨气nitrogen aeration 气包snubber 冷却cooling 润滑lubricate 过载overload 功率不足inadequate power,power is not enough第6节钻台与底座钻台drilling floor,derrick floor,rig floor 钻井记录drilling record司钻监视器driller’s monitor 司钻控制台driller’s console 指重表weight indicator转盘rotary table 卡瓦slip 吊卡latch elevator 底座substructure 井队活动房bunkhouse 钻台上值班房doghouse 立根盒setback (place)立根盒容量setback capacity井控设备well-control device第7节防喷器万能防喷器versatile blowout preventerBag type BOP单闸板防喷器single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器double ram preventer 闸板pipe ram全封闭式防喷器blind ram 蓄能器energy accumulator 压井管线kill line 入口inlet出口outlet 演习drill 消防演习fire drill 防喷演习BOP drill防腐涂料油管anti-corrosion coating material tubing 多功能管柱multi-function string第三章钻井工程作业部分第1节钻井事故泄漏leak 漏失fluid loss 出砂sand production 井喷blow out 井涌kick,flow off井漏lost of circulation,circulation lost坍塌,井壁坍塌caving,cave in,collapse出砂sand production,sand flow 桥塞bridge plug 砂桥sand bridge 井堵well clogging卡钻sticking 卡钻杆sticking the pipe 卡钻具sticking the drill stem 打捞fishing打捞工作fishing job 侧钻side-tracking 侧钻井眼sidetracking hole水泥窜槽cement channeling 固井失败cement failure 防砂sand control,sand-proof第2节钻头牙轮钻头rock bit,tooth-wheel bit 刮刀钻头drag bit 金刚石钻头diomand bit镶齿钻头tungsten carbide bit,insert bit 喷射钻头jet bit 铣齿钻头milled bit 牙轮cone钻头装卸器bit breaker 钻头直径bit diameter 钻头寿命bit life 钻头规格bit gauge钻头磨损bit wear 钻头型号bit type 水眼尺寸nozzle size 水眼效率nozzle efficiency钻头接头bit sub第3节钻具方钻杆kelly 方钻杆旋转短节kelly spinner 方钻杆考克(旋塞)kelly cock 接头sub钻头接头bit sub 钻具drill stem,drilling string 钻杆drill pipe 管子tube,pipe钻具组合drilling assembly 扶正器stabilizer,centering guide 翼状扶正器wing stabilizer扩眼器reamer drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe近钻头扶正器near-bit stabilizer 绕性接头flexible joint 震击器jar 减震器shock absorber 螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器key seat reamer 安全接头safety joint钻杆刮泥器drill pipe wiper 配合接头crossover sub 减震器shock sub井下钻具组合BHA-bottom hole assembly泥浆动力钻具mud motor 管线tubeline 钻柱drill string 涡轮tubine涡轮钻具turbo-drill stem 斜度taper,slope 塔式钻具tapered drill stem 接头 a joint,sub 管接头a joint of pipe 立根stand,a stand,thribble 加厚upset 内加厚internal upset外加厚external upset 内外加厚internal-external upset 丝扣thread 母扣box 公扣pin左旋螺纹left-hand thread 右旋螺纹right-hand thread 正规接头regular joint贯眼接头full hole joint 内平接头internal flush joint 护丝thread protector丝扣油thread dope,thread oil 打捞篮junk basket 打捞工具fishing tool打捞管柱fishing string 打捞公锥fishing nipple 打捞颈fishing neck 打捞头fishing head 打捞作业fishing operation 打捞母锥fishing socket 牙轮打捞器cone fisher倒扣工具reversing tool 卡瓦打捞筒slip socket 铣鞋milling shoe 铣具milling tool平底铣鞋flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具magnetic fishing tool 套管打捞矛casing spear打捞矛fishing spear 打捞钩fish hook 套管打捞筒casing bowl 动力扳手power wrench动力大钳power tong 大钳活动牙块hinged jaw 大钳锁销latch 大钳悬臂suspension unit 气动工具pneumatic tool 打捞震击器fishing jars 打捞缓冲器fishing bumper sub打捞环die collar 打捞筒overshot 打捞短节junk sub 卡瓦slips 刮井器scatcher刮眼器扩井器wiper 油位检查丝堵oil lever check plug 油位oil lever油尺oil-lever dipstick 加油孔lubrication hole 盘根盒stuffing box 井筒工具well bore tool 配套工具matching tools 滚轮扶正器idler wheel centralizer 减磨短节friction reduction sub 轴线加压hydraulic thruster 扶正器centralizer 防脱器、装置anti-slip device减磨扭矩接箍torque-reduction sub 减扭接头torque reduction sub轴向水力加压工具hydraulic thruster 下套管漂浮接箍casing floating coupling轴向加压器hydraulic thruster第4节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入kelly-in 方余kelly-up 开钻spud in,starting drilling 作业指令working instruction起钻POOH=pull out of the hole 下钻run in the hole 起下钻make a trip 短起下钻short trip 通井wiper trip 起下循环一周round a trip 循环时间round time,circulating time换钻头change bit 甩钻具laydown 填井pack-hole封井packed drilling发生故障break down 接单根connection 放卡瓦set slip,setting slip,起卡瓦pull slip扩眼openning 划眼reaming 二层台double monkey board,runround 顶部驱动器top drive 吊环bail 吊卡elevator 安全卡瓦safety slips 接头sub adapter 短节sub substitute井下震击器downhole(bumper)jar,down well shaker 打捞工具fishing tool三片卡瓦three slips,three pieces 补芯bushing 方补芯kelly drive bushings转盘补芯(大方瓦)rotary drive bushing 转盘刹车rotary brake 丝扣油thread lubricant oil 刹把brake crank,brake bar,brake lever 脚踏开关pedal switch 挂档put into gear拉猫头cathead 内钳back-up tongs 外钳lead tongs 气动大钳pneumatic tongs 液压大钳hydraulic tongs 机械手mechanical arm 铁钻工machine hand 司钻房driller room有故障it has broken down, it has something wrong 已修好the breakdown has been fixed马上去go there at once 请下去please go down 请上来please come up躲开,危险get out,danger 请翻译来ask the interpretor to come here 冲洗flushing井口well-head(well head)井下落物fish 一根钻杆(单根)single(pipe)三根钻杆组合(立根)thribble 甩单根breaking down 接单根make a connection气动绞车pneumatic drawworks 吊篮basket 卡子clamp 绳套rope sling loosening紧固tightening 挪开move it off 换班change,shift 保养设备maintain equipment钻井日志boring journal,boring log 油管悬挂器tubing hanger第5节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口bell mouth,flare opening 贮能器accumulater 液压阀hydraulic valve液压管hydraulic hose 阻流管choke line 井控管汇well control manifold泄压阀pressure relief valve 调压针阀pressure regulating needle valve回压阀backpressure valve 井口螺丝the bolt of wellhead 井口绞车well head drawworks水刹车water brake,hydraulic brake 电缆(electric)cable 井口压力wellhead pressure隔水导管conductor riser 小心滑倒Guard against slipping 不要掉下去Take care not to fall down 我来清理let me clean up 带把扳手来bring a spanner,please 带把铁锤来bring a hammer,please. 带点密封剂bring a little sealant,please 带个密封圈bring a sealing washer 用起子撬prize with (using)screwdriver 用手推注push by hand 卸下来了it has been removed off 装配好了it has been assembled 很快就好了it will be finished right away抬一下let’s lift it 上紧螺丝tighten the screw loosen 松开螺丝loosen the screw把绳子给我give me the rope,please 把绳子拿走take the rope away。
Unit 2 Geology and reservoir trapsP24在石油工程中,工程师必须知道油藏是怎样的,石油是如何形成的,流涕在油藏中是如何流动的。
P37Unit 4 Properties of reservoir rockP60Unit 6 Well completionP99 当一口完成了钻井,做完产层的经济评价之后就开始下套管,准备油气井的生产了。
Unit 7 Production of oil and gasP120气举是一种很灵活的方法,在海洋上可以用于斜井,并且可以迅速的适应于产量变化的需要以及产液种类变化的需要。
Unit 11 Enhanced oil recoveryP193表面活性剂驱和碱驱的驱油机理是建立在形成极低的界面张力的基础上的,其中聚合物驱或者表面活性剂/聚合物驱是利用控制流度来提高采收率。
石油工程专业英语【课文翻译】Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
✓Swamp: 沼泽,湿地✓Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
✓Service rig: 修井设备;修井机✓Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
isolate zones绝缘区hydrocarbon reservoir油藏production strings生产管线production packer采油封隔器open-hole completion 裸眼完井required specifications所需求的技术指标effluent seepage area渗出区(域)pressure drops压力降optimum condition 最佳条件retrievable hollow carrier guns回收式射孔枪geological characters地址特性cemented casing封隔套管water break through(WBT)水窜入井open-hole completion 裸眼完井conventional completion常规完井flow rate流量hanging tubing尾管悬挂workover jobs修井作业dual packer双封隔器producing formation 产油层reservoir fluids储层流体limestone reservoirs石灰岩油藏surface casing表层套管depletion drive溶解气驱primary recovery一次采油residual oil残油down hole tools井下工具energy consumption能量消耗progressive cavity pump(无杆)螺杆泵water flooding注水staggered line drive交错的行列注水pressure-driven steam process压力驱蒸汽驱油法solution gas溶解气effluent seepage area渗出区(域)skewed four-spot斜四点(井网)Reservoir rock compressibility储油岩层可压缩性retrievable hollow carrier guns回收式射孔枪recovery engineering采油工程There are two有两种单区完井的主要类型。
Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
✓Swamp: 沼泽,湿地✓Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
✓Service rig: 修井设备;修井机✓Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
一英译汉1.Petroleum Industry 石油工业2.oil seeps 油苗3.natural gas 天然气4.hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物5.methane 甲烷6.petroleum jelly 石油膏7.kerosene 煤油8.paraffin 石蜡9 bitumen 沥青10.gum bed 地蜡11.cable tool drilling 顿钻钻井12.driller 钻孔机(钻床,钻探工)13christmas tree 采油树14.crown bloc 天车15rotary table 转盘16heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储集层17 recoverable reserve 可采储量18heavy oil 重油19seismic interpretation 地震解释20 capillary action 毛细作用21 damage zone 污染带22 compressibility 压缩的可能性,压缩性,压缩率23 overburden 地层表土24connate water 原生水25oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数26 phase diagram 相图27core samples 岩心样品28development well 开发井29geothermal gradient 地温梯度30 lost circulation 漏失31 derrick 动臂起重机32 drilling line 钻井用钢丝绳33 cavings 塌坍的落石34 shale shaker 泥浆振动筛35 casing head 套管头36 kill line 压井管线37 cement slurry 水泥浆38 compressive strength 抗压强度39 sonic bond log 声波测井40 pay bond log41 payzone 产油气带42 wait on cement 候水泥凝固43 annular space 环形空间44 casing hanger 套管挂45 surface casing 表层套管46 gel strength 凝胶强度47 gusher 自喷井48 slotted liner 割缝衬管49 sloughing 坍塌性的;崩落50 abnormal pressure 异常压力51 workover 修理52remedial work 修井作业53 bringing in54 choke 节流器55 killing the well (killing well 压井)56 nogo nipple 不过端短节57 blast joint 耐磨接头58 ressure buildup test 压力恢复试井59 flow efficiency 完善系数60 gas-liquid ratio 气液比61 gas cap 气顶62resercoir drive mechanism油藏驱动机理63 stripper well 低产井64 intermediate casing 中间套管65 gravity segregation 重力分异66 penetration rate 进尺速度67drill collar 钻铤68 kick 井涌69 swivel 旋转接头70 blowoat preventers 防喷器71 aquifer 含水层72 salinity 矿化度73pressure drawdown 压降74 intermittent gaslift 间歇气举75 shut-in well pressure 关井压力76 compression coefficient 压缩系数77 transient flow 瞬变流动78 surface unit 地下单位79gear reducer 齿轮减速器80 subsurface pump 井下泵81 sucker rod 抽油杆82 polished rod 光杆83 stuffing box 填料盒84 stroke length 冲程85 combustion engines 内燃机86skin effect 表皮效应87formation volume factor 地层体积系数88 absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量89 drainage radius 泄油半径90 prime mover 原动机91 crank 曲柄92 torque rating 扭矩测定;扭矩值93 kill fluid 压井液94 landing nipple 坐放短节95 sand control 含砂量控制96 peak load 峰值负载97 power fluid 传动液98 subsurface pump 井下泵99 overload protection 过载保护100 compatibility 兼容性101 organic acid 有机酸102 offset well 补偿井103 gravity drainage 重力泄油104 wettability 湿润性105 interfacial tension 界面张力106 huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐107 pitman 联接杆108 junction box 接线匣109 put back on production 恢复生产110 fracture pressure 破裂压力111 matrix acidizing 基岩酸化112 pad fluid 前置液;缓冲液113 proppant 支撑剂114 massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂115 volumetric sweep efficiency 体积波及效率116 breakthrough 突破;穿透117 residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度118 displacement efficiency 置换效率;驱替效率;洗油效率119 fractional flow 分相流动;分流量120 well deliverability equation 油井产能方程121 net thickness 有效厚度122 multipay reservoir 多油层油田123 casing-tubing configuration 套管组合124 hreaded coupling 螺纹接口125 switchboard 配电盘126 natural fissure 天然裂缝127 preflush fluid 前置液;冲洗液129 unswept zone 未波及区130.fault 断层二汉译英1. 原油crude oil2. 天然气natural gas3. 方钻杆Kelly4. 钻杆drillpipe5. 泥浆泵mud pump6. 转盘rotary table7. 封隔器packer8. 旋转钻井rotary drilling9. 固井cementing10. 裸眼完井openhole completion11. 井口well head12. 扶正器centralizer13. 三次采油tertiary recovery14. 射孔perforating15. 油管tubing16. 油井流入动态inflow performance relationship17. 井底流压bottom hole flowing pressure18. 采油指数productivity index19. 增产增住措施stimulation20. 近井地带near-well bore region21. 含水率water cut22. 最终采收率ultimate recovery23. 剩余油remaining oil24. 提高采收率IOR25. 水驱water flooding26. 原始地质储量OOIP(original oil in place)27. 流度比mobility ratio28. 有效渗透率effective permeability29. 空隙体积pore volume30. 上冲程upstroke31. 下冲程downstroke32. 润湿性wettability33. 聚合物驱polymer flooding。
All petroleum reservoirs experience pressure declines, and most wells require artificial lift at some point, most commonly where reservoir pressure is insufficient for natural flow. Artificial lift systems may also be used to enhance production from flowing wells with a reservoir pressure that is insufficient to produce a require amount of fluid. 所有的油气储层都要经历压力降低的过程, 大多数井在某些阶段需要人工举升,通常是在储层的压力不足以自流自喷。
Extensive research and field studies have been conducted on a range of artificial—lift systems that have been developed and applied extensively to meet industry needs. These systems include beam pumping, gas lift, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps, and hydraulic.为满足行业的需求,广泛的研究和实地调查已经进行了, 人工举升系统得到了广泛的发展和应用。
这些系统包括游梁抽油机,气举,电潜泵(ESP ,螺杆泵(PCP 的 ,和液压泵。
Gas lift lightens the fluid gravity to increase the flow and correspondingly lower the sand—face pressure。
Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related to the production of hydrocarbons ([ˌhaɪdrəˈkɑ:bən]), which can be either crude oil or natural gas. Subsurface activities are deemed to fall within the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry, which are the activities of finding and producing hydrocarbons.Refining and distribution to a market are referred to as the downstream sector.Exploration, by earth scientists, and petroleum engineering are the oil and gas industry's two main subsurface disciplines, which focus on maximizing ([ˈmæksəˌmaɪz]) economic recovery of hydrocarbons from subsurface reservoirs ([ˈrezəvwɑ:]). Petroleum geology and geophysics ([ˌdʒi(:)əuˈfiziks]) focus on provision of a static description of the hydrocarbon reservoir rock, while petroleum engineering focuses on estimation of the recoverable volume of this resource using a detailed understanding of the physical behavior of oil, water and gas within porous ([ˈpɔ:rəs]) rock at very high pressure.The combined efforts of geologists and petroleum engineers throughout the life of a hydrocarbon accumulation determine the way in which a reservoir is developed and depleted, andusually they have the highest impact on field economics. Petroleum engineering requires a good knowledge of many other related disciplines, such as geophysics ([ˌdʒi(:)əuˈfiziks]), petroleum geology, formation evaluation (well logging), drilling, economics, reservoir simulation, well engineering, artificial lift systems, and oil and gas facilities engineering.石油工程与碳氢化合物,可以是原油或天然气生产活动有关的工程领域。
3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:)三维地5-spot pattern n.五点井网Abandon well 口.废井Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidize v.酸化Agent n.试剂,媒介Analytic solution n.解析解Annular a.环形的Annulus n.环形空间,环空API standards n.美国石油协会标准香的Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barrel n.桶Bbl (blue barrel)Belt cover n.皮带 ^盖Bit n.钻头Blender truck n.混砂车Blowout n.井喷Borehole n.井眼Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Compaction n.压实作用Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compressor n.压缩机Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing 口.导管Conductor hole n.导管孔Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Connate a.原生的,共生的Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Core 口.岩心Core holder 口.岩心夹持器Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂衡,抵消Counterweight n.平衡块Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Curve n.曲线震勘探Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Acid wash 口.酸洗Acidization n.酸化(作用)Additive n.添加剂Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular mist flow n.环雾流Anticline 口.背斜Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a.芳Artificial lift n.人工举升Asphaltene n.沥青烯Associated a.伴生的Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barite n.重晶石Barrier n.隔层Bean n.油嘴,节流器Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blow out v.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Bottom hole n.井下Collar n.钻铤Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Compress v.压缩Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing 口.导管Conductor pipe 口.导管Configuration 口.构造Connate water n.原生水,共生水Continuous lift n.连续气举Core 口.岩心Core slug 口.岩心塞Corrode v.腐蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平Crack v.裂开Crown block 口.钻台Crust n.地壳Cutting/chips 口.钻屑Darcy’ s law n.达西定律Degas 丫.脱气Dehydration n.脱水,去水Demulsified n.破乳剂对)Derrick n.井架,钻塔Desalt v.除盐Desand v.除砂Descale v.除垢Development well n.开发井Deviated well 口.斜井Diesel n.柴油机,内燃机Diffusivity n.扩散率,扩散性,扩散系数Dimensional a.量纲的,维次的Discharge line n.排出管线Discount rate n.现贴率investment Displacement n.驱替,取代,排出量Displacement fluid n.顶替液Dissolve v.溶解,解除;无效Doghouse n.井场值班房Downhole n.底部井眼,井下Dozer n.推土机Drainage area n.供油面积,泄油面积Drillfloor n.钻台Drilling mud n.钻井泥浆Drillstem test (DST ) n.中途测试试验器试井Droplet n.微滴,小滴Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevate v.提升,升华Emulsified acid n.乳化酸Emulsion n.乳化;乳状液Encroachment 口.侵入,水侵Engine system n.动力系统Enhanced recovery n.强化采油,提高采收率Ethane n.乙烷Exploration 口.勘探Fall-off test n.(注水井)压降试井Fault n.断层Fingering n.指进现象Five-spot n.五点井网Flow nipple n.节流嘴,油嘴Flow rate 口.产量Defoamer n.去泡剂LlDehydrate v.脱水Delta 口.三角洲| Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw 相Derrick floor 口.钻台Desalter 口.脱盐剂Desander n.除砂器Desilter n.除泥器Deviate v.偏移,偏差Diamond n.金刚石Diesel n.柴油机;柴油Dimension n.量纲,因次,维,元Directional well n.定向井Discount factor n.贴现系数Discounted cash flow return onDisplacement efficiency n.驱替效率Displacement pressure n.排驱压力Dissolved gas n.溶解气Dolomite n.白云岩Downstroke n.下冲程Drainage n.排驱,排水Draw works n.绞车Drilling line n.钻井钢丝绳Drilling string 口.钻柱Drill-stem test (DST ) n.中途试井,地层Dynagraph card n.不功图Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevation n.海拔,上升,举起Emulsifier n.乳化剂Emulsion breaker n.破乳齐Ll Engine oil 口.机油Enhance v.提高,改善Ester n.酯,酯类Exploitation n.开发Exploration well 口.探井Fatty a.脂的,脂肪的Fine 口.细砂Fitting n.配件;油嘴;适合Flood front n.注水前缘Flow pattern 口.流型Flowing well efficiency n.流动系数Flowmeter n.流量计Fold v.褶皱,折叠Formation gas oil ratio n.地层气油比Frac pumper n.压裂泵车Fraction n.馏分;分数Fracture n.裂缝;破裂v.压裂Friction reducing additive n.降阻齐LlFuel storage n.燃料罐积系数Gas cap n气顶Gas-in-place n.天然气地质储量Gathering system n.集输系统permeable 相对)Impurity n.杂质,夹杂质混合物Infill drilling n.加密钻井Inject 丫.注入Injectivity index n.注入指数Insitu combustion n.层内燃烧,火烧油层试井Intermediate casing n.中间套管Intermittent lift n.间歇气举Interval n.间隔,间距,层段;隔层余的Irreducible water/oil saturation 束缚水/残余油饱和度Jack up v.举高,顶起Kelly n.方钻杆Kerosene 口.煤油Layer zone n.产层Leakage /leakoff 口.滤失Liner hanger n.尾管悬挂器Foam 口.泡沫Formation n.地层Formation transmissibility n.地层传导率Frac sand n.压裂砂,支撑剂Fracture v. & n.裂缝Freshwater n.淡水,清水,新鲜水Fuel n.燃油FVF(formation volume factor) n.地层体Gaseous a.气体的,气态的,空虚的Gasoline 口.汽油Gear reducer n.齿轮变速器Geophysical well logs 地球物理测井Gravel pack n.砾石充填Grease n.润滑油Gush v.井喷Gusher n.井喷Heterogeneity n.不均匀,复杂性Hoist system n.提升系统Hose n.水龙带Hydraulic fracture n.水力压裂裂缝Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物Hydrogen sulphide n.硫化氢Impermeable a.不渗透的(与In situ n.(拉丁语)就地,原地Influx 口.流入,注入,主入口Injectivity 口.注入能力,注入性Inlet n.进口,输入(量)Interference test n.井间干扰测试,干扰Intermittent a.间歇的,中断的Internal rate of return n.内部收益率Irreducible a.不可减少的,剩余的,残Liquefy v.液化;稀释油气,液化气Lubricant n.润滑油Make a trip起下钻Manifold n.管汇Marine a.海相的,海上的Geometry n.几何形态,几何学Gravel n.砾石,砾砂Gravitational drainage n.重力排驱Gross thickness n.总厚度Gush v.井喷Hardness n.硬度,硬性Hoist v.提升,轮换,改变Hook n.大钩Hydraulic fracture n.人工裂缝,水力压裂裂缝Hydraulic fracturing n.水力压裂Hydrogen sulfide n.硫化氢n.束缚水/残余油饱和度Irreducible water/oil saturationJunk n.废料,井下金属碎屑Kelly bushing n.方钻杆补心Kick n.井涌;v.踢Leak v.滤失Limestone n.石灰岩Liner n.筛管,尾管Masterbushing n.转盘方瓦MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) Microbial al微生物的Mine v.开采矿物Miscibility n.混相能力Miscible a.混相的,互溶的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mobility n.流度Monkey board n.二层平台Mud cake n.泥饼Mud gas separator n.泥气分离器Mud logger n.录井员Mud pit n.泥浆池Mud scale n.泥浆比重计n.聚晶金刚石钻头n.现值投资收益率Natural gas liquids n.天然气液体,凝析油LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) n.液化石Magnesium n.镁Manifold a.多方面的;口.汇管Marine a.海上的Mast n.桅杆式井架Matrix n.基质Methane n.甲烷Milli-Darcy n.毫达西(渗透率单位) Mineral n.矿物Miscible a.混相的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mist n.雾Mobility ratio n.流度比Mud acid n. 土酸Mud engineer n.泥浆工程师Mud house n.泥浆房Mud n.泥浆,淤泥Mud pump n.泥浆泵Multiple-well test n.多井测试,干扰试井n.微生物强化采油Natural flow n.自然流动,自喷Nodding donkey/horsehead n.驴头Non-associated natural gas n.非伴生天然气, 气田气Non-associated natural gas 非伴生天然气,气田气Normal fault 正断层井程序Offshore n.海上,近海Oil patch/field n.油田Oil zone n.生产层Oil-in-place n.地下原油储量Open-hole n.裸眼Original oil in place n.原始地质储量Outcome 口.产量Outlet n.出口,输出(量) Overbalanced drilling n.过平衡钻井Oversaturated oil 过饱和油Packer-bridge n.桥堵Paraffin n.链烷烃,石蜡族;煤油Pattern n.井网;模式Pay zone n.生产层PDC bit (polycrystalline diamond compact bit ) Pentane n.戊烷Perforated a.射孔的,带孔的ODP (offshore drilling process) n.海洋钻Oil film n.油膜Oil string n.油层套管,生产套管Oil-bearing 油层;含油的Onshore a.陆地的,陆上的Open-hole completion n.裸眼完井Originate v.起源,发起(接from) Outcrop n.露头Overbalance n.过平衡,正压Overlay 丫.上覆Packer n.封隔器Pad fluid n.前置液Particle n.微粒,粒子Pattern type n.井网类型Payout time n.偿还期Penetration n.穿透;吃入(钻头对岩层) Perforate v.射孔,穿孔Perforated completion n.射孔完井Perforation n.射孑LPermeability n.渗透率Petrochemical n.石油化工,石油化学Pig n.清管器Pig sender n.发球装置Pipe rack n.管架Pipeline system n.管网系统Piston n.活塞Pitman 口.连杆Plug v.堵;n.旋塞,岩塞,段塞Plunger 口.柱塞Pneumatic/air drilling n.风钻,空气钻井Polymer n.聚合物Porous a.多孔的,空隙的Portable rig 口.轻便钻机模型Ppm (parts per million ) n.百万分之几Preflush n.前置液Present worth n.现值Pressure buildup n.压力恢复压力恢复测试Pressure drawdown n.压力降落Primary recovery n.一次米油Production battery 集油站Production decline 产量递减Production gain 增产油量Production interval 生产层段Production logging 生产测井Production rate n.采油速度,产量Production rate 产量Production watercut 产液含水率Production zone n.生产层Productivity n.生产能力,产能Productivity index n.生产指数Profit-to-investment-ratio n.利润投资比Proppant n.支撑剂杆Pulse test n.脉冲试井Quaternary recovery n.四次采油Rate n.速度,速率;v.评定,采储量Recycle v.再循环Refine v.炼制,提纯Refinery n.炼油厂Perforation interval n.射孔井段Permeable a.可渗透的Phase n.相;阶段Pig receiver n.收球装置Pile driver n.打桩机Pipeline n.管道,管道输送Pipework/pipeline n.管网,管道工程Pit n.坑,窖,泥浆池Platform 口.钻台Plug v.堵塞;n.塞子Pneumatic a.空气的,风力的;气体的Polish rod 口.光杆Porosity n.孔隙度Porous media多孔介质Potentiometric model n.电位模型,等势Ppm(parts per million ) n.百万分之几Present worth index n.现值指数Presentworth net profit n.现值净收益Pressurebuild-up test n.压力恢复试井,Primary pore n.原生孔隙Prime mover n.电动机,马达Productioncasing n.生产套管Production facility生产设备Production horizon 生产层位Production liner n.生产尾管Productionoperation 采油作业Production rate 口.产量Production seismology 开发地震Production well n.生产井Productive a.生产的,开采的,产油的Productivity index n.采油指数Profitability index n.赢利指数Propanen.丙烷Pull rod/sucker rod /sucker pole n.抽吸拉Quaternary a.第四的,第四次的Ram n.柱塞;防喷器芯子估计;确定,衡量Recoverable reserves n.可Reel n.卷轴,滚筒;卷缆车Refinery n.炼油厂Reinject 丫.回注Reperforation n.补孔,再射孔Reservoir n.油藏,水库Reservoir performance n.油藏动态Residual oil saturation n.剩(残)余油饱和度Respirator n.防毒面具,口罩Rig n.钻机Rocking ram 口.摇臂Rotary a.旋转的,循环的Rotary table n转盘Saddle bearing n.支架轴承Saline a.含盐的;n.盐水Saline lake n.盐湖Saline water 口.盐水Salinity n.矿化度Samson posts 口.支架Sand control 口.防砂Sand truck n.砂罐车Sandup n.砂堵Saturation 口.饱和Screen 口.筛网Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩Sedimentary basin n.沉积盆地Separator n.分离器Shaped charges n.聚能射孔弹Shut-in 口.关井Simulation 口.模型,模拟,模型化Skin factor n.表皮系数Slant hole /inclined well 口.斜井Slippage effect 口.滑脱效应Slug flow n.段塞流Slurry n.水泥浆Soluble a.可溶的,能溶的;可解决的Sort v.分选,排序Spud in v.开钻Standing valve n.固定阀Steam drive n.蒸汽驱增注Stimulation n.增产措施Storage n.储存,储备Stratigraphic a.地层的,地层学的Stroke 口.冲程Stuffing box n.盘根盒Sucker 口.吸入泵,吸管,吸入活塞Sulphur 口.硫Reserve 口.储量Reservoir management n.油藏管理Residual a.残余的,剩余的Resin n.树脂,松香;v.涂树脂Return line n.上返管线Rock layer n.岩层Rod pump n.有杆泵Rotary drilling n.旋转钻井Rotating system n.旋转系统Safety slip n.安全卡瓦Saline n.盐水;a.含盐的Saline water 口.盐水Salineness n.含盐度,含盐量Salinity n.盐度,盐性,矿化度Sand carrier n.携砂液Sand cutting n.砂蚀,砂屑Sandstone 口.砂岩Saturate v.饱和Scale n.刻度,温标;水垢Secondary recovery n.二次采油Sedimentary a.沉积的Sedimentary rock n.沉积岩Shale shaker n.泥浆振动筛Shut-down n.关井,停机Simulate v.模仿,模拟,使模型化Simulator n.模拟程序,模拟器Skin factor n.表皮因子Slip n.滑;卡瓦Slug n.段塞Slug n.段塞Slurry fluid n.携砂液Solution n.溶解作用Sour gas n.含硫天然气Spudding in n.开钻STB(stock tank barrel) n.储罐桶数Stimulate v.(油井)增产,(水井)Stimulation n.增产措施;增注措施Strata n. (pl.)地层Stratum n.层,岩层;地层Structure fault trap 构造断层圈闭Substructure n.井架底座Sulfide n.硫化物Supersaturated a.过饱和的Surface casing n.表层套管Surfactant n.表面活性剂Sweep efficiency n.波及效率Swivel n.旋转接头,(钻井)水龙头Tectonic a.构造的,构造学的Tertiary recovery 口.三次米油Throttle v.节流,减速;n.节流阀Throttle valve n.节流阀Thrust fault 逆断层Tortuous a.弯曲的Tractor-trailer n.牵引拖车Traveling block n.游动滑车Tricone bit 口.三牙轮钻头Truck-mounted rig n.车载钻机Underbalance drilling n.欠平衡钻井Undersaturated oil 不饱和油Upstroke n.上冲程Viscosity n.黏度Viscous a.粘性的,粘稠的Walking beam 口.游梁Water cut含水率Water flooding n.水驱Water tank n.水罐Water-in-oil n.油包水乳状液Wax n.蜡;a.蜡状的Well pattern n.井网Well testing n.试井Wellbore n.井筒Wellhead n.井口Wildcat n.干井,初探井丝筛管完井Wire-wrapped screen n.绕丝筛管Workover n.修井Yield 口.产量Surface tension n.表面张力Suspending agent n.悬浮剂Sweep v.扫油,波及Syncline n.向斜Tectonic plate n.构造板块Throat n.喉道,咽喉Throttle v.节制,调节,n.节流,节流阀Throughput n.生产量,生产率Tortuosity n.迂曲度,弯曲度Toxic a.有毒的Trap n.圈闭Traveling valve n.游动阀Trip out v.起出(钻具)Tubing 口.油管Undersaturated a.不饱和的Unemulsified a.非乳化的V-door ramp 口.斜坡Viscosity increasing agent n.增粘剂Void n.空隙,孔隙;a.无效的,空白的Wash-out n.冲蚀;清洗Water encroachment n.水侵(量)Water influx n.水侵量Water-free a.不含水的,无水的Water-oil contact n.油水界面Wear out v.磨损,磨坏Well rate n.油井产量Wellbore n.井眼Wellbore n.井眼Well-sorted a.分选好的Wire-wrapped screen completion n.绕Withdrawal rate n.产量Workover operation n.修井作业。
石油工程专业英语第一部分:Words and special terms 采油工程设计部分一、基础术语 basic terms1. 垂直井vertical well2. 定向井directional well3. 水平井horizontal well4. 生产井producing well5. 注人井injection well6. 原始油(气)藏压力initial reservoir pressure7. 油(气)藏压力reservoir pressure8. 油(气)藏压力梯度reservoir pressure gradient9. 油(气)藏压力系数reservoir pressure coefficient10. 异常地层压力abnormal formation pressure11. 井底流压flowing bottom hole pressure12. 流压梯度flowing pressure gradient13. 静压梯度static pressure gradient14. 生产压差production pressure differential15. 套管压力casing Pressure16. 油管压力tubing pressure17. 井口压力well head pressure18. 回压back pressure19. 原始油(气)藏温度initial reservoir temperature20. 井底温度bottom hole temperature(BHT)21. 井筒流温梯度well flowing temperature gradient22. 生产气油比producing gas-oil ratio23. 生产气液比producing gas-1iquid ratio24. 生产水气比producing water-gas ratio25, 凝析油气比condensate-gas ratio26. 含水率water cut27. 极限含水1imited water cut28. 采油(气)速度rate of oil(gas) production29. 折算采油(气)速度reduced rate of oil(gas) production30. 折算日产量equivalent daily production; converted daily production 31折算年产量reduced annual production32. 采油(液、气)强度production intensity of oil(liquid or gas)33. 死油dead oil34. 凝析气condensate gas35. 试采producing test二、完井工程well completion engineering1. 完井well completion2. 完井方法completion method3. 裸眼井open hole4. 裸眼完井open hole completion5. 先期棵眼完井premature open hole completion6. 后期裸眼完井1ater open hole completion7. 射孔完井perforation completion8. 尾管完井tail pipe completion9. 筛管完井screen pipe completion10. 衬管完井liner completion11. 砾石充填完井gravel packing completion12. 小井眼完井small diameter completion 无油管完井tubeless completion13. 完井液completion fluid14. 射孔perforating;perforation15. 负压射孔underbalanced perforating16. 过油管射孔through-tubing perforating17. 油管传输射孔tubing convered perforating19. 发射率ratio of shots to total bullets20. 相位角phase angle21. 布孔方式arrangement of bores22. 聚能射孔focusing perforating23. 射孔密度shot density24. 水泥返高cement top25. 水泥塞cement plug26. 窜槽channeling27. 人工井底artificial well bottom28. 井身结构wellbore arrangement/套管程序casing program29. 表层套管surface casing30. 技术套管protection casing/中间套管intermediate casing31. 生产套管production casing32. 试油formation testing33. 中途测试drill-stem testing(DST)34. 地层测试器formation tester35. 裸眼测试open hole testing36. 诱流wellbore unloading37. 替喷displaced flow38. 求产measuring production39. 抽汲swabbing40. 提捞bailing41. 试井well test三、油(气)井生产技术oil&gas well producing technology(一) 自喷采油flowing production1. 自喷井flowing well2. 间歇自喷井intermittent flowing well3. 采油树christmas tree4. 采气井口装置well head device for gas production 采气树christmas tree5. 套管头casing head6. 油管头tubing head7. 高压井口安全阀high pressure wellhead safety valve8. 油嘴choke9. 地面油嘴surface choke10. 井下油嘴bottom-hole choke 。
3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:) 三维地震勘探5-spot pattern n.五点井网Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Abandon well n.废井Acid wash n.酸洗Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidize v.酸化Additive n.添加剂Agent n.试剂,媒介Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃Analytic solution n.解析解Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular a.环形的Annular mist flow n.环雾流Annulus n.环形空间,环空Anticline n.背斜API standards n.美国石油协会标准Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a. 芳香的Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial lift n.人工举升Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltene n.沥青烯Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质 Associated a.伴生的Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barite n.重晶石Barrel n.桶Barrier n.隔层Bbl (blue barrel) Bean n.油嘴,节流器Belt cover n.皮带盖Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩Bit n.钻头Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blender truck n.混砂车Blow out v.井喷Blowout n.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Borehole n.井眼Bottom hole n.井下Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Collar n.钻铤Compaction n.压实作用Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compress v.压缩Compressor n.压缩机Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing n.导管Conductor casing n.导管Conductor hole n.导管孔Conductor pipe n.导管Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Configuration n.构造Connate a.原生的,共生的Connate water n.原生水,共生水Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Continuous lift n.连续气举Core n.岩心Core n.岩心Core holder n.岩心夹持器Core slug n.岩心塞Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平衡,抵消Counterweight n.平衡块Crack v.裂开Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crown block n.钻台Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Crust n.地壳Curve n.曲线Cutting/chips n.钻屑Darcy’s law n.达西定律Defoamer n.去泡剂Degas v.脱气Dehydrate v.脱水Dehydration n.脱水,去水Delta n.三角洲Demulsified n.破乳剂Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw 相对)Derrick n.井架,钻塔Derrick floor n.钻台Desalt v.除盐Desalter n.脱盐剂Desand v.除砂Desander n.除砂器Descale v.除垢Desilter n.除泥器Development well n.开发井Deviate v.偏移,偏差Deviated well n.斜井Diamond n.金刚石Diesel n.柴油机,内燃机Diesel n.柴油机;柴油Diffusivity n.扩散率,扩散性,扩散系数Dimension n.量纲,因次,维,元Dimensional a.量纲的,维次的Directional well n.定向井Discharge line n.排出管线Discount factor n.贴现系数Discount rate n.现贴率Discounted cash flow return on investmentDisplacement n.驱替,取代,排出量Displacement efficiency n.驱替效率Displacement fluid n.顶替液Displacement pressure n.排驱压力Dissolve v.溶解,解除;无效Dissolved gas n.溶解气Doghouse n.井场值班房Dolomite n.白云岩Downhole n.底部井眼,井下Downstroke n.下冲程Dozer n.推土机Drainage n.排驱,排水Drainage area n.供油面积,泄油面积Draw works n.绞车Drillfloor n.钻台Drilling line n.钻井钢丝绳Drilling mud n.钻井泥浆Drilling string n.钻柱Drillstem test (DST ) n.中途测试Drill-stem test (DST ) n.中途试井,地层试验器试井Droplet n.微滴,小滴Dynagraph card n.示功图Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevate v.提升,升华Elevation n.海拔,上升,举起Emulsified acid n.乳化酸Emulsifier n.乳化剂Emulsion n.乳化;乳状液Emulsion breaker n.破乳剂Encroachment n.侵入,水侵Engine oil n.机油Engine system n.动力系统Enhance v.提高,改善Enhanced recovery n.强化采油,提高采收率Ester n.酯,酯类Ethane n.乙烷Exploitation n.开发Exploration n.勘探Exploration well n.探井Fall-off test n.(注水井)压降试井Fatty a.脂的,脂肪的Fault n.断层Fine n.细砂Fingering n.指进现象Fitting n.配件;油嘴;适合Five-spot n.五点井网Flood front n.注水前缘Flow nipple n.节流嘴,油嘴Flow pattern n.流型Flow rate n.产量Flowing well efficiency n.流动系数Flowmeter n.流量计Foam n.泡沫Fold v.褶皱,折叠Formation n.地层Formation gas oil ratio n.地层气油比Formation transmissibility n.地层传导率Frac pumper n.压裂泵车Frac sand n.压裂砂,支撑剂Fraction n.馏分;分数Fracture v. & n. 裂缝Fracture n.裂缝;破裂v.压裂Freshwater n.淡水,清水,新鲜水Friction reducing additive n.降阻剂Fuel n.燃油Fuel storage n.燃料罐FVF(formation volume factor) n.地层体积系数Gas cap n.气顶Gaseous a.气体的,气态的,空虚的Gas-in-place n.天然气地质储量Gasoline n.汽油Gathering system n.集输系统Gear reducer n.齿轮变速器Geometry n.几何形态,几何学Geophysical well logs 地球物理测井Gravel n.砾石,砾砂Gravel pack n.砾石充填Gravitational drainage n.重力排驱Grease n.润滑油Gross thickness n.总厚度Gush v.井喷Gush v.井喷Gusher n.井喷Hardness n.硬度,硬性Heterogeneity n.不均匀,复杂性Hoist v.提升,轮换,改变Hoist system n.提升系统Hook n.大钩Hose n.水龙带Hydraulic fracture n.人工裂缝,水力压裂裂缝 Hydraulic fracture n.水力压裂裂缝Hydraulic fracturing n.水力压裂Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物Hydrogen sulfide n.硫化氢Hydrogen sulphide n.硫化氢Identified crude oil reserves n.探明地质储量 Impermeable a.不渗透的(与permeable相对)Impurity n.杂质,夹杂质混合物In situ n.(拉丁语)就地,原地Infill drilling n.加密钻井Influx n.流入,注入,主入口Inject v.注入Injectivity n.注入能力,注入性Injectivity index n.注入指数Inlet n.进口,输入(量)Insitu combustion n.层内燃烧,火烧油层Interference test n.井间干扰测试,干扰试井Intermediate casing n.中间套管Intermittent a.间歇的,中断的Intermittent lift n.间歇气举Internal rate of return n.内部收益率Interval n.间隔,间距,层段;隔层Irreducible a.不可减少的,剩余的,残余的Irreducible water/oil saturation n.束缚水/残余油饱和度Irreduciblewater/oil saturation 束缚水/残余油饱和度Jack up v.举高,顶起Junk n.废料,井下金属碎屑Kelly n.方钻杆Kelly bushing n.方钻杆补心Kerosene n.煤油Kick n.井涌;v.踢Layer zone n.产层Leak v.滤失Leakage /leakoff n.滤失Limestone n.石灰岩Liner hanger n.尾管悬挂器Liner n.筛管,尾管Liquefy v.液化;稀释LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) n.液化石油气,液化气Lubricant n.润滑油Magnesium n.镁Make a trip 起下钻Manifold a.多方面的;n.汇管Manifold n.管汇Marine a.海上的Marine a.海相的,海上的Mast n.桅杆式井架Masterbushing n.转盘方瓦Matrix n.基质MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) Methane n.甲烷Microbial a.微生物的Milli-Darcy n.毫达西(渗透率单位)Mine v.开采矿物Mineral n.矿物Miscibility n.混相能力Miscible a.混相的Miscible a.混相的,互溶的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mist n.雾Mobility n.流度Mobility ratio n.流度比Monkey board n.二层平台Mud acid n.土酸Mud cake n.泥饼Mud engineer n.泥浆工程师Mud gas separator n.泥气分离器Mud house n.泥浆房Mud logger n.录井员Mud n.泥浆,淤泥Mud pit n.泥浆池Mud pump n.泥浆泵Mud scale n.泥浆比重计Multiple-well test n.多井测试,干扰试井n.聚晶金刚石钻头n.微生物强化采油n.现值投资收益率Natural flow n.自然流动,自喷Natural gas liquids n.天然气液体,凝析油Nodding donkey/horsehead n.驴头Non-associated natural gas n.非伴生天然气,气田气Non-associated natural gas 非伴生天然气,气田气Normal fault 正断层ODP (offshore drilling process) n.海洋钻井程序Offshore n.海上,近海Oil film n.油膜Oil patch/field n.油田Oil string n.油层套管,生产套管Oil zone n.生产层Oil-bearing 油层;含油的Oil-in-place n.地下原油储量Onshore a.陆地的,陆上的Open-hole n.裸眼Open-hole completion n.裸眼完井Original oil in place n.原始地质储量Originate v.起源,发起(接from)Outcome n.产量Outcrop n.露头Outlet n.出口,输出(量)Overbalance n.过平衡,正压Overbalanced drilling n.过平衡钻井Overlay v.上覆Oversaturated oil 过饱和油Packer n.封隔器Packer-bridge n.桥堵Pad fluid n.前置液Paraffin n.链烷烃,石蜡族;煤油Particle n.微粒,粒子Pattern n.井网;模式Pattern type n.井网类型Pay zone n.生产层Payout time n.偿还期PDC bit (polycrystalline diamond compact bit ) Penetration n.穿透;吃入(钻头对岩层)Pentane n.戊烷Perforate v.射孔,穿孔Perforated a.射孔的,带孔的Perforated completion n.射孔完井Perforation n.射孔Perforation interval n.射孔井段Permeability n.渗透率Permeable a.可渗透的Petrochemical n.石油化工,石油化学Phase n.相;阶段Pig n.清管器Pig receiver n.收球装置Pig sender n.发球装置Pile driver n.打桩机Pipe rack n.管架Pipeline n.管道,管道输送Pipeline system n.管网系统Pipework/pipeline n.管网,管道工程Piston n.活塞Pit n.坑,窖,泥浆池Pitman n.连杆Platform n.钻台Plug v.堵;n.旋塞,岩塞,段塞Plug v.堵塞;n.塞子Plunger n.柱塞Pneumatic a.空气的,风力的;气体的Pneumatic/air drilling n.风钻,空气钻井Polish rod n.光杆Polymer n.聚合物Porosity n.孔隙度Porous a.多孔的,空隙的Porous media 多孔介质Portable rig n.轻便钻机Potentiometric model n.电位模型,等势模型Ppm (parts per million ) n.百万分之几Ppm(parts per million ) n.百万分之几Preflush n.前置液Present worth index n.现值指数Present worth n.现值Present worth net profit n.现值净收益Pressure buildup n.压力恢复Pressure build-up test n.压力恢复试井,压力恢复测试Pressure drawdown n.压力降落Primary pore n.原生孔隙Primary recovery n.一次采油Prime mover n.电动机,马达Production battery 集油站Production casing n.生产套管Production decline 产量递减Production facility 生产设备Production gain 增产油量Production horizon 生产层位Production interval 生产层段Production liner n.生产尾管Production logging 生产测井Production operation 采油作业Production rate n.采油速度,产量Production rate n.产量Production rate 产量Production seismology 开发地震Production watercut 产液含水率Production well n.生产井Production zone n.生产层Productive a.生产的,开采的,产油的Productivity n.生产能力,产能Productivity index n.采油指数Productivity index n.生产指数Profitability index n.赢利指数Profit-to-investment-ratio n.利润投资比Propane n.丙烷Proppant n.支撑剂Pull rod/sucker rod /sucker pole n.抽吸拉杆Pulse test n.脉冲试井Quaternary a.第四的,第四次的Quaternary recovery n.四次采油Ram n.柱塞;防喷器芯子Rate n.速度,速率;v.评定,估计;确定,衡量Recoverable reserves n.可采储量Recycle v.再循环Reel n.卷轴,滚筒;卷缆车Refine v.炼制,提纯Refinery n.炼油厂Refinery n.炼油厂Reinject v.回注Reperforation n.补孔,再射孔Reserve n.储量Reservoir n.油藏,水库Reservoir management n.油藏管理Reservoir performance n.油藏动态Residual a.残余的,剩余的Residual oil saturation n.剩(残)余油饱和度 Resin n.树脂,松香;v.涂树脂Respirator n.防毒面具,口罩Return line n.上返管线Rig n.钻机Rock layer n.岩层Rocking ram n.摇臂Rod pump n.有杆泵Rotary a. 旋转的,循环的Rotary drilling n.旋转钻井Rotary table n.转盘Rotating system n.旋转系统Saddle bearing n.支架轴承Safety slip n.安全卡瓦Saline a.含盐的;n.盐水Saline n.盐水;a.含盐的Saline lake n.盐湖Saline water n.盐水Saline water n.盐水Salineness n.含盐度,含盐量Salinity n.矿化度Salinity n.盐度,盐性,矿化度Samson posts n.支架Sand carrier n.携砂液Sand control n.防砂Sand cutting n.砂蚀,砂屑Sand truck n.砂罐车Sandstone n.砂岩Sandup n.砂堵Saturate v.饱和Saturation n.饱和Scale n.刻度,温标;水垢Screen n.筛网Secondary recovery n.二次采油Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩Sedimentary a.沉积的Sedimentary basin n.沉积盆地Sedimentary rock n.沉积岩Separator n.分离器Shale shaker n.泥浆振动筛Shaped charges n.聚能射孔弹Shut-down n.关井,停机Shut-in n.关井Simulate v.模仿,模拟,使模型化Simulation n.模型,模拟,模型化Simulator n.模拟程序,模拟器Skin factor n.表皮系数Skin factor n.表皮因子Slant hole /inclined well n.斜井Slip n.滑;卡瓦Slippage effect n.滑脱效应Slug n.段塞Slug flow n.段塞流Slug n.段塞Slurry n.水泥浆Slurry fluid n.携砂液Soluble a.可溶的,能溶的;可解决的Solution n.溶解作用Sort v.分选,排序Sour gas n.含硫天然气Spud in v.开钻Spudding in n.开钻Standing valve n.固定阀STB(stock tank barrel) n.储罐桶数Steam drive n.蒸汽驱Stimulate v.(油井)增产,(水井)増注Stimulation n.增产措施Stimulation n.增产措施;増注措施Storage n.储存,储备Strata n. (pl.) 地层Stratigraphic a.地层的,地层学的Stratum n.层,岩层;地层Stroke n.冲程Structure fault trap 构造断层圈闭Stuffing box n.盘根盒Substructure n.井架底座Sucker n.吸入泵,吸管,吸入活塞Sulfide n.硫化物Sulphur n.硫Supersaturated a.过饱和的Surface casing n.表层套管Surface tension n.表面张力Surfactant n.表面活性剂Suspending agent n.悬浮剂Sweep efficiency n.波及效率Sweep v.扫油,波及Swivel n.旋转接头,(钻井)水龙头Syncline n.向斜Tectonic a.构造的,构造学的Tectonic plate n.构造板块Tertiary recovery n.三次采油Throat n.喉道,咽喉Throttle v.节流,减速;n.节流阀Throttle v.节制,调节,n.节流,节流阀Throttle valve n.节流阀Throughput n.生产量,生产率Thrust fault 逆断层Tortuosity n.迂曲度,弯曲度Tortuous a.弯曲的Toxic a.有毒的Tractor-trailer n.牵引拖车Trap n.圈闭Traveling block n.游动滑车Traveling valve n.游动阀Tricone bit n.三牙轮钻头Trip out v.起出(钻具)Truck-mounted rig n.车载钻机Tubing n.油管Underbalance drilling n.欠平衡钻井Undersaturated a.不饱和的Undersaturated oil 不饱和油Unemulsified a.非乳化的Upstroke n.上冲程V-door ramp n.斜坡Viscosity n.黏度Viscosity increasing agent n.增粘剂Viscous a.粘性的,粘稠的Void n.空隙,孔隙;a.无效的,空白的Walking beam n.游梁Wash-out n.冲蚀;清洗Water cut 含水率Water encroachment n.水侵(量)Water flooding n.水驱Water influx n.水侵量Water tank n.水罐Water-free a.不含水的,无水的Water-in-oil n.油包水乳状液Water-oil contact n.油水界面Wax n.蜡;a.蜡状的Wear out v. 磨损,磨坏Well pattern n.井网Well rate n.油井产量Well testing n.试井Wellbore n.井眼Wellbore n.井筒Wellbore n.井眼Wellhead n.井口Well-sorted a.分选好的Wildcat n.干井,初探井Wire-wrapped screen completion n.绕丝筛管完井Wire-wrapped screen n.绕丝筛管Withdrawal rate n.产量Workover n.修井Workover operation n.修井作业Yield n.产量(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
Swamp: 沼泽,湿地Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
Service rig: 修井设备;修井机Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
✓Swamp: 沼泽,湿地✓Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
✓Service rig: 修井设备;修井机✓Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP) tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost-per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved-gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas-lift valve 气举阀gas-liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive-displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo-steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curre 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water-sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well-killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油 crude oil天然气 natural gas方钻杆 kelly钻杆 drillpipe泥浆泵 mud pump转盘 rotary table封隔器 packer旋转钻井 rotary drilling固井 cementing裸眼完井 openhole completion井口 well head扶正器 centralizer三次采油 tertiary recovery射孔 perforating油管 tubing油井流入动态 inflow performance relationship 井底流压 bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数 productivity index增产增注措施 stimulation近井地带 near-well bore region含水率 water cut最终采收率 ultimate recovery剩余油 remaining oil提高采收率 IOR水驱 water flooding原始地质储量 OOPI(original oil in place)流度比 mobility ratio有效渗透率 effective permeability孔隙体积 pore volume上冲程 upstroke下冲程 downstroke润湿性 wettability聚合物驱 polymer flooding。
第一章石油钻井工程英语基础第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill————拓展记忆钻井:drilling定向斜井directional drilling 欠平衡钻井under-balance 海上钻井off-shore陆地钻井on-land drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头rock bit金刚石钻头diamond bit 喷射钻头jet bit 钻铤drill collar 衣领collar钻杆:drill pipe 钻井队drilling crew 钻机drill rig 钻井泥浆drilling mud钻井液drilling fluid2.油,石油:oil————拓展记忆原有crude oil 石油petroleum 中国石油Petro-China 采油oil production采油设备oil production equipment 采油平台oil production platform 油泵oil pump3.地质:geology————拓展记忆地质专业人员geologist 物理physics地球物理勘探geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井logging 测井作业logging operations 测井记录logging record4.油井:well————拓展记忆井眼hole 油井oil well 试井,油井测试well test 井下down-hole井下作业down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油crude oil 天然气natural gas 煤层气coal-bed gas 一体化设计integral design钻井drilling 钻井原理the principles of drilling顿钻钻井percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井rotary drilling液体冲击fluid percussion 大位移big deviation侧钻井sidetracking drilling technology lateraldrilling水平井horizontal well 探井wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井deep well 浅井shallow well老井maturing well 欠平衡钻井under-balanced drilling 丛式钻井cluster drilling technology 煤层气井coal-bed gas well 生产井production wells 报废井abandon wells停产井non-production wells 绕障井、三维井three-dimensional wells常温井normal temperature well 注采井injection and production well 稠油井heavy oil well热洗井hot washing pipe 井况well condition石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸tension 拉伸强度tension strength 应力stress 压力pressure 应力点stress point压力等级pressure grade 压力降pressure drop 压力梯度pressure gradient回压back pressure 大气压atmosphere 压差differential pressure静液柱压力static fluid column pressure 特征characteristic,feature定性讨论qualitative argiment 定量使用quantitative use液体liquid 固体solid 气体gas,air 正的positive 负的negative虚线dashed line,broken line 实线full line 递减率decline rate 正比于be proportional to 水平的horizontal 垂直的vertical 油层静压the formation static pressure石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷load 扭矩torque 扭转twist 摩擦friction钻压WOB, weight on bit,weight, drilling weight钻速rate of penetration, drilling rate, the rate of drilling, average ROP 钻井周期drilling period 钻速rotary speed 地层压力预测formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测the formation fast prediction 埋藏深度bury depth产油层,产油带,pay zone,productive formation温度梯度temperature gradient 地层压力formation pressure 坍塌压力collapse pressure破裂压力fracture pressure 平衡压力equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力drilling string pressure 钻头振动vibration of bit 钻井成本drilling costs井眼尺寸hole size,well size 参数计算parameters calculation几何参数geometric parameters 参数分析parameter analysis 动态参数dynamic data静态监测static data 注水参数parameter of injection 参数、变量variables 井距well space 垂直深度vertical depth 水平位移horizontal deviation 总深度total depth水平位移horizontal displacement 最大井斜角maximum hole inclination井眼环空annulus space 压力调节器pressure regulator 恢复(增加)压力the build-up pressure 初始开采primary recovery 含水地层water bearing formation 套管漏失casing leak摩擦损失friction losses 气聚阀gas-lift valve 石蜡族paraffin series含气液柱gas-laden column 增产措施stimulation treatment 流动能力flowing capacity生产速率production rate 水驱water drive 气驱gas drive 网状系统grid system水侵water influx 五点法five-spot pattern 油井产量well-productivity 径向流radial system 富气enriched gas 贫气lean gas 气顶gas cap 气驱gas drive(or gas flooding)水驱water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害formation damage 波及系数sweep efficiency 泄油半径drainage radius 基岩处理matrix treatment 单级脱气single stage separation泄油面积drainage area 表面张力surface tension 束缚力connate water(or interstitial water)石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1 钻井队drilling crew 队、组crew、team2 技术员technician 钻井技术员drilling technician 泥浆技术员mud technician3 监督supervisor 钻井监督drilling supervisor 副监督assisstant supervisor地质监督geology supervisor4 工程师engineer 泥浆工程师mud engineer 泥浆工mudman机械工程师mechanic engineer 引擎、发动机engine 工程engineering钻井工程drilling engineering 采油工程production engineering石油工程petroleum engineering 试油工程oil test engineering拓展记忆---------------------------工作项目project 希望工程the hope project 三峡工程the Three-Gorge Project项目经理project manager 工程管理project management 钻工:roughneck、floorman司钻driller 副司钻assistant driller 钻井队长drilling foreman 钻井领班tool pusher井架工derrick man 发动机工,机工motorman 钻台工floorman机械师technicians,mechanic 电焊工welder 电工electrician 医生doctor材料员material man,staff man 炊事员cook 翻译interpreter, tansalator洗衣工laundry man石油作业现场常用工具石油作业现场普通工具扳手wrench 螺丝起子screwdriver 多角螺丝起子Phlilips screwdriver活动扳手monkey wrench,adjustable 钳子pliers 手斧hatchet 钩子hook 台钳bench vice 榔头hammer 木锤mallet 搬手spanner 锯子saw 电动手锯jigsaw 电锯power saw钢锯hacksaw 硬尺rule 软尺tape measure 砂纸sandpaper 油漆paint 油漆刷paintbrush 绝缘胶布electrical tape 电线wire 插头plug 电插座outlet 开关switch 螺栓bolt螺帽nut 钉子nail 电钻electric drill 钻头bit 工作台workbench 工具箱toolbox胶水glue 交棒glue bar 管钳pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳chain tongs,chain spanner,chain wrench护丝thread protector,screw protector手轮hand wheel 阀门搬手valve wrench,valve spanner 链接法兰coupling flange安全带safety belt 安全帽safety cap 工作靴working boots 千斤顶jack 吊车crane拖拉机tractor 推土机dozer 刮刀scraper1、石油作业现场专业工具接头sub 配合接头X-over,cross-over 提升短接lifting sub,lifting nipple elevator卡瓦slip 母锥box bell 公锥taper tap 短节joint 柔性短节flex joint 井口wellhead螺旋钻铤spiral collar 方钻杆kelly 钻杆架pipe rack 材料房warehouse 绳卡guy anchor 润滑器lubricator 维护保养maintenance 内钳lead tong 外钳back-up tong液压大钳hydraulic tong 兜绳mule line 四通阀four-way valve 软管hose球阀ball valve, globe valve 闸板阀ram valve, gate valve 增压泵booster pump换配件fittings change 灌注泵charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1 井架derrick 塔形井架derrick A形井架cantilever mast,mast-A 桅杆mast底座大梁sill 架,台rack 架工操作台monkey-board2 游动系统travelling systemn 天车crown block 天车梁crown block beam游动滑车travelling block 钻井大绳drilling line, wire line 金属线, 电线wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆wire line 金属线,电线wire,line 钢丝绳股strand 截断cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮pulley 吊耳eye plate3 大钩与水龙头hook and swivel 顶驱top drive 大钩hook 大钩弹簧hook spring大钩销子hook pin 大钩环hook ring 大钩锁紧装置hook locking device大钩悬挂高度hook height 水龙头swivel 鹅颈管gooseneck 冲管wash pipe水龙头盘根swivel packing 钻井水龙带drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose 立管stand pipe 高压管线high pressure line 低压管线low pressure line 放压管线relief line储气筒gas holder,air holder4 转盘rotary table 转盘方瓦master bushing 方补心kelly drive bushing方孔square openning 小鼠洞mouse hole 大鼠洞rat hole (井架大门处)坡板ramp5 绞车drawworks,hoist 液压绞车hydraulically-powered winch 气动绞车air operated hoist 绞车hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒线轴卷轴reel pool drum滚筒高速气离合器drum high air clutch 滚筒低速气离合器drum low high clutch猫头cathead 液压猫头hydraulic cathead 上扣猫头make up cathead卸扣猫头make out cathead 牙嵌离合器jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车eddy current brake 猫头轴cathead shaft 猫头绳cathead line猫头绳爪cat line grip 死绳dead line 死绳固定器deadline anchor死绳固定器膜片dead line diaphragm 上扣spin up,screw on 卸扣,卸开break out, screw off 上紧,固定tighten 松开,松扣loosen 加载load 卸载unload 拧紧screw 拧松unscrew 刹者brake 刹车总成brake assembly 刹车轴brake axle,brake shaft 刹车带brake band刹车片brake band lining 刹车杆brake bar 闸瓦brake block 刹把break crank,brake bar刹车鼓brake drum 离合器clutch 液压油箱hydraulic reservoir液动试压泵hydraulic test pump 液压大钳hydraulic tong 倒档齿轮reverse gear第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump 活塞piston 活塞杆piston rod活塞皮瓦piston cup 缸套liner,pumpliner 凡尔体valve body 凡尔座valve cup阀弹簧valve spring 阀杆valve lever 阀面valve face 阀帽valve bonnet泥浆泵安全阀mud relief valve 排出阀discharge valve 吸入阀suction valve潜水泵submersible pump 阀门valve 阀盖valve cap 阀座valve seat 回压阀回压阀back pressure valve 单向阀check valve single-pass valve 安全阀safety valve手动阀manual valve 液动阀hydraulic valve 冷缸cold cylinder 拉杆tie rod,tension bear 上水头intake,suction end 排出口discharge spout 高压管high pressure压力表pressure gauge 冲数strokes 排量displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate第3节井下泵类及相关设备泵筒pump barrel 柱塞plunger 关闭shut down 尾管tail pipe 抽油杆sucker rod长冲程long stroke 低泵速small pumping speed 泵充满度the fullness efficient of the pump 抽油杆sucker rod 排气方法gas bleeding method 泵效pump efficiency三维空间three dimensional space 有效生举efficient lift for the deviated抽油杆扶正工具sucker rod centralization tools 严重的管杆偏磨serious string partial wear游动阀the travelling valve 固定阀the standing valve 部分磨损、偏磨partial wear无杆泵rodless pump 小泵深抽small pump deep pumping technology挂泵深度pump setting depth 尾管长度length of liner 管柱结构the structure of pipe string防脱器dropout-prevent device 井斜角hole angle 电热杆borehole electric heating rod稠油开采heavy oil production 空心杆热载体hollow sucker rod heat carrier变扣器方补芯bushing 终端器terminal assembly 空心抽油杆hollow sucker rod整体电缆传感器continuous cable,sensor 空心光杆hollow polish rod 悬挂器hanger防喷盒stuffing box第4节采油设备采油树Christmas tree 抽油机pumping unit 往复运动reciprocating motion泵杆pumping rod 机械传动mechanical transmission 载荷能力peak polish rod load系统效率system efficiency 冲程stroke length 冲次frequency of stroke无级可调smooth regulation 沉降式抽油泵the sinking sand pump 泵下沉砂sinking砂颗粒sand particles 胶质沥青gum asphalt含蜡量paraffin content 凝固点solidification point 热流hot fluid 参水mingle water第5节与泵操作有关的使用短语没有压力no pressure 压力过高the pressure is too high 返回太少mud return is few水太少water is little 抢修rush to repair 请看记录please read the record没作记录no record 加化学小品put in chemicals 加高岭土粉put in koaline powder加云母片put in mica sheet 加增粘剂put in viscosifier 加稀释剂put in diluent(thinner)加稳定剂put in stabilizer(stabilizing agent)加烧碱put in caustic soda测定比重measure gravity,gravity test 测定失水test filtration 测定切力measure force开关switch 停泵stop the pump 请打手势please make a gesture转动一周turn round a circle 垫高一些put something under it to raise 抓紧firmly grasp抬高lift it up 拿稳hold firm 打一下strike once 往下拉pull out站稳stand firm take a firm hand 小端small end 大端large end 光滑smooth粗糙rough,coarse 平面plane,flat 弯曲winding,bending 放松loosen绷直stretch tight,draw tight 撬棍pinch bar,pry bar 充氨气nitrogen aeration 气包snubber 冷却cooling 润滑lubricate 过载overload 功率不足inadequate power,power is not enough第6节钻台与底座钻台drilling floor,derrick floor,rig floor 钻井记录drilling record司钻监视器driller’s monitor 司钻控制台driller’s console 指重表weight indicator转盘rotary table 卡瓦slip 吊卡latch elevator 底座substructure 井队活动房bunkhouse 钻台上值班房doghouse 立根盒setback (place)立根盒容量setback capacity井控设备well-control device第7节防喷器万能防喷器versatile blowout preventerBag type BOP单闸板防喷器single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器double ram preventer 闸板pipe ram全封闭式防喷器blind ram 蓄能器energy accumulator 压井管线kill line 入口inlet出口outlet 演习drill 消防演习fire drill 防喷演习BOP drill防腐涂料油管anti-corrosion coating material tubing 多功能管柱multi-function string第三章钻井工程作业部分第1节钻井事故泄漏leak 漏失fluid loss 出砂sand production 井喷blow out 井涌kick,flow off井漏lost of circulation,circulation lost坍塌,井壁坍塌caving,cave in,collapse出砂sand production,sand flow 桥塞bridge plug 砂桥sand bridge 井堵well clogging卡钻sticking 卡钻杆sticking the pipe 卡钻具sticking the drill stem 打捞fishing打捞工作fishing job 侧钻side-tracking 侧钻井眼sidetracking hole水泥窜槽cement channeling 固井失败cement failure 防砂sand control,sand-proof第2节钻头牙轮钻头rock bit,tooth-wheel bit 刮刀钻头drag bit 金刚石钻头diomand bit镶齿钻头tungsten carbide bit,insert bit 喷射钻头jet bit 铣齿钻头milled bit 牙轮cone钻头装卸器bit breaker 钻头直径bit diameter 钻头寿命bit life 钻头规格bit gauge钻头磨损bit wear 钻头型号bit type 水眼尺寸nozzle size 水眼效率nozzle efficiency钻头接头bit sub第3节钻具方钻杆kelly 方钻杆旋转短节kelly spinner 方钻杆考克(旋塞)kelly cock 接头sub钻头接头bit sub 钻具drill stem,drilling string 钻杆drill pipe 管子tube,pipe钻具组合drilling assembly 扶正器stabilizer,centering guide 翼状扶正器wing stabilizer扩眼器reamer drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe近钻头扶正器near-bit stabilizer 绕性接头flexible joint 震击器jar 减震器shock absorber 螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器key seat reamer 安全接头safety joint钻杆刮泥器drill pipe wiper 配合接头crossover sub 减震器shock sub井下钻具组合BHA-bottom hole assembly泥浆动力钻具mud motor 管线tubeline 钻柱drill string 涡轮tubine涡轮钻具turbo-drill stem 斜度taper,slope 塔式钻具tapered drill stem 接头 a joint,sub 管接头a joint of pipe 立根stand,a stand,thribble 加厚upset 内加厚internal upset外加厚external upset 内外加厚internal-external upset 丝扣thread 母扣box 公扣pin左旋螺纹left-hand thread 右旋螺纹right-hand thread 正规接头regular joint贯眼接头full hole joint 内平接头internal flush joint 护丝thread protector丝扣油thread dope,thread oil 打捞篮junk basket 打捞工具fishing tool打捞管柱fishing string 打捞公锥fishing nipple 打捞颈fishing neck 打捞头fishing head 打捞作业fishing operation 打捞母锥fishing socket 牙轮打捞器cone fisher倒扣工具reversing tool 卡瓦打捞筒slip socket 铣鞋milling shoe 铣具milling tool平底铣鞋flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具magnetic fishing tool 套管打捞矛casing spear打捞矛fishing spear 打捞钩fish hook 套管打捞筒casing bowl 动力扳手power wrench动力大钳power tong 大钳活动牙块hinged jaw 大钳锁销latch 大钳悬臂suspension unit 气动工具pneumatic tool 打捞震击器fishing jars 打捞缓冲器fishing bumper sub打捞环die collar 打捞筒overshot 打捞短节junk sub 卡瓦slips 刮井器scatcher刮眼器扩井器wiper 油位检查丝堵oil lever check plug 油位oil lever油尺oil-lever dipstick 加油孔lubrication hole 盘根盒stuffing box 井筒工具well bore tool 配套工具matching tools 滚轮扶正器idler wheel centralizer 减磨短节friction reduction sub 轴线加压hydraulic thruster 扶正器centralizer 防脱器、装置anti-slip device减磨扭矩接箍torque-reduction sub 减扭接头torque reduction sub轴向水力加压工具hydraulic thruster 下套管漂浮接箍casing floating coupling轴向加压器hydraulic thruster第4节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入kelly-in 方余kelly-up 开钻spud in,starting drilling 作业指令working instruction起钻POOH=pull out of the hole 下钻run in the hole 起下钻make a trip 短起下钻short trip 通井wiper trip 起下循环一周round a trip 循环时间round time,circulating time换钻头change bit 甩钻具laydown 填井pack-hole封井packed drilling发生故障break down 接单根connection 放卡瓦set slip,setting slip,起卡瓦pull slip扩眼openning 划眼reaming 二层台double monkey board,runround 顶部驱动器top drive 吊环bail 吊卡elevator 安全卡瓦safety slips 接头sub adapter 短节sub substitute井下震击器downhole(bumper)jar,down well shaker 打捞工具fishing tool三片卡瓦three slips,three pieces 补芯bushing 方补芯kelly drive bushings转盘补芯(大方瓦)rotary drive bushing 转盘刹车rotary brake 丝扣油thread lubricant oil 刹把brake crank,brake bar,brake lever 脚踏开关pedal switch 挂档put into gear拉猫头cathead 内钳back-up tongs 外钳lead tongs 气动大钳pneumatic tongs 液压大钳hydraulic tongs 机械手mechanical arm 铁钻工machine hand 司钻房driller room有故障it has broken down, it has something wrong 已修好the breakdown has been fixed马上去go there at once 请下去please go down 请上来please come up躲开,危险get out,danger 请翻译来ask the interpretor to come here 冲洗flushing井口well-head(well head)井下落物fish 一根钻杆(单根)single(pipe)三根钻杆组合(立根)thribble 甩单根breaking down 接单根make a connection气动绞车pneumatic drawworks 吊篮basket 卡子clamp 绳套rope sling loosening紧固tightening 挪开move it off 换班change,shift 保养设备maintain equipment钻井日志boring journal,boring log 油管悬挂器tubing hanger第5节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口bell mouth,flare opening 贮能器accumulater 液压阀hydraulic valve液压管hydraulic hose 阻流管choke line 井控管汇well control manifold泄压阀pressure relief valve 调压针阀pressure regulating needle valve回压阀backpressure valve 井口螺丝the bolt of wellhead 井口绞车well head drawworks水刹车water brake,hydraulic brake 电缆(electric)cable 井口压力wellhead pressure隔水导管conductor riser 小心滑倒Guard against slipping 不要掉下去Take care not to fall down 我来清理let me clean up 带把扳手来bring a spanner,please 带把铁锤来bring a hammer,please. 带点密封剂bring a little sealant,please 带个密封圈bring a sealing washer 用起子撬prize with (using)screwdriver 用手推注push by hand 卸下来了it has been removed off 装配好了it has been assembled 很快就好了it will be finished right away抬一下let’s lift it 上紧螺丝tighten the screw loosen 松开螺丝loosen the screw把绳子给我give me the rope,please 把绳子拿走take the rope away。
海滩砂和河道砂(sands along beaches and reservoir channels)富含有机物的沉积岩(organic-rich sedimentary rock)生油岩层(source rock)储油岩层(reservoir rock)互相连通(intercommunicate) (岩石/矿脉的)露头(crop out/outcrops)贝壳层(shell bed)运移通道(migration channels)大油气田(giant field accumulation)背斜(anticline)角度不整合(angular unconformity
Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业. Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置. Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号.Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.Pick up stands. 接立柱Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟Run in hole. 下钻Put out of hole. 起钻Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次Check mud weight every 15 minutes. 每15分钟检查泥浆比重Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆Stop drilling. 停止钻进Drilling ahead. 钻进Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头Change bit. 换钻头Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?Run in 9” collars. 下9”钻铤The cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头力量不够Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆Break out the stand. 卸立柱Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗?No! Break it out with tong. 不行! 要用大钳卸扣Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器Don’t set this stand back. 这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节Secure the safety clamp. 上紧安全卡瓦The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM. 转速保持120---140转/分Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了D on’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000米停钻Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了What is the hook load? 悬重多少?What’s the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少?What’s the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少?Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆A stabilizer is needed here. 这里需要一个扶正器This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤Pull the cat line. 拉猫头Operate the break lever. 操作(或:扶)刹把Stop the pumps. 停泵Make a wiper trip. 通井Retrieve wear bushing. 取出抗磨补心Bleed off pressure. (释)放压(力)Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5圈Set slips. 座上卡瓦If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井眼紧, 重复划眼Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有的警报信号都开着Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器Run in hole bit #15 to bottom. 用15号钻头下钻到井底Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋Pick up same bit and BHA. 装上同样的钻头和钻具组合Lay down 5” HW drill pipe. 甩5”加重钻杆Move string every 2 hours. 每2小时活动钻具一次Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气Ream if needed. 如必要时进行划眼Select the best penetration rate. 选择最佳钻进速度Fix the traveling assembly. 固定游动系统100. Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合?Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥Drill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡Set the slips. 放卡瓦Adjust the crown-o-matic (crown saver). 调整防碰天车Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大钩销子Check OD of stabilizer. 检查扶正器的外径Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻Change the cutters. 换割刀Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆Drill the stand down. 钻完立柱Start/run the shale shaker. 开振动筛Start the desanders. 开除砂器Start the desilters. 开除泥器Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40目筛布Shut it off. 关掉Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去Make a fast connection. 接单根要快Don’t dump the mud into the sea. 不要把泥浆排放到海里Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸开Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗?Casing and Cementing 下套管与固井Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井This is the casing program. 这是套管程序Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管Make everything ready for running 7”c asing. 做好下7”套管的准备Make cementing job. 固井Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替泥浆Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞Wait on cement. 候凝The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋Connect the floor collar. 接浮箍Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 用350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管Clean and dry 20” casing thr eads with rags. 清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里?Rig Move, Anchoring and Positioning 拖航, 抛锚, 定位What is our position now? 我们现在船位在哪里?What’s the moving speed now? (What’s the towering speed?) 拖航速度是多少? The speed is about 4 knots. 船速是4节左右Which one is the main tug? 主拖是哪条船?The main tug is Nanhai 205. 主拖是南海205Which one is the chase boat? 护航船是哪一条?How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?She has 6000 HP. 有6000马力Move the rig off location 50 feet. 将平台移开50英尺We are ready to drop the anchor. 我们已经做好抛锚的准备了Secure all the movable equipment. 固定好各种活动的设备Preload. (自升式)压载Ballast. (半潜式)压载Put the preload water into the tank. 向压载舱灌压压载水We need 5500 tons of preload water. 需要5500吨压载水Shall we preload right now? 马上开始压载吗?Drain the water off. 放水The rig is overloaded. 平台已超载Jack up (jack down) the rig. 升(降)船The draft is 3.5 meters. 船体吃水3.5米The jetting pressure is 100psi. 冲桩压力是100psiPenetrate the legs. 插桩How much penetration do we have? 入泥多深了?No.1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters. 1,2号桩腿插入10米Fix the upper and lower wedges. 固定上下楔块Pay out the anchor line. 放出锚缆绳Skid the derrick. 移开井架The rig is short of potable water now. 平台缺乏饮用水Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors. 抛2号和3号锚Why has the main engine stopped? 主机为什么停?Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开锚机刹车冷却水Retrieve the No.1 to No.8 anchors. 起1到8号锚Check the paint marks at the anchor winches. 检查锚机上的油漆记号Prepare for a location move. 准备好移井位Commence anchor handling. 开始起锚(或抛锚)Secure all equipment stored on deck. 固定好所有存放在甲板上的设备Carry out stability and load calculations. 做稳性和载荷计算Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. 将起抛锚短索, 卸扣和浮标吊起给起锚船Lower the windward anchor to seafloor. 抛上风锚到海底Pick up the leeward anchor first. 先起下风锚Take anchor chaser (or chaser) back to rig. 将捞/抛锚环送回平台Hook up towing lines to tug boat. 将拖缆连接到拖轮Sound fog signal for two seconds every twenty seconds. 发大雾信号, 每20秒钟响两秒Fishing 打捞The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循环打捞篮There is a lot of junk in the hole. 井下有很多落物The fish is 235.46 meters long. 落鱼长度235.46米The fish top is at 2478.34 meters. 鱼顶位置2478.34米Coring 取芯Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头?Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头Let’s drop the ball for coring. 可以投球取芯The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装在岩芯盒里Don’t brake suddenly. 不要猛刹车Take out the core. 岩芯出筒How long is the core? 岩芯多长The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%Run in the core barrel again. 继续下岩芯筒(或: 取芯筒)Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒Drop ball. 投钢球Recover core. 取出岩芯Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂The hole is tight. 遇阻了Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力)The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control异常井况与压井The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量Lower the mud density. 降低比重Cut down the hydrostatic pressure. 减少静压The gas smell is strong. 天然气味度很浓Th ere’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳It is a zone of abnormal pressure. 这是异常压力层The hole (well) is kicking! 井涌啦!Shut in the BOP! 关闭防喷器Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合警报The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2. 立管压力10公斤/厘米2The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2. 套压2510公斤/厘米2Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表Kill the well. 压井There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又漏, 情况复杂Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气What’s the lag time? 迟到时间是多少The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定BOP and subsea Equipment 防喷器与水下设备Cut off the 30” conductor. 割掉30”隔水管Weld on the 30” bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰Hoist and nipple up 30” diverter. 吊装30”转喷器Change the 5” pipe rams to 3-1/2” rams. 把这个5”闸板换成3-1/2”Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子Check the seal ring of the conductor. 检查隔水管密封圈Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环Test BOP. 测试防喷器Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子Full pressure test the ram preventers. 对闸板防喷器进行全压试压Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psiCheck annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝Establish the guide lines. 装导向绳Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具freestore 2005-08-01 13:49Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器Move the BOP to the moonpool door. 将防喷器移到园井甲板的活动门上Run the test plug. 下试压塞Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环Remove the hose bundles. 卸下垮接软管Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自控转动Set the LMRP on the test pump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架Paint mark the top 6 meters of 30” conductor white. 在30”隔水管的顶部6米处用白漆涂上记号Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够Move temporary guide base (TGB) into moonpool. 将临时导向基板到园井甲板Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给导向基板及下入工具上黄油Test fit TGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物Pick up 30” conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态Place BOP stack on the test pump. 将防喷器组放在试压桩上Check condition of all 30” casing connectors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈Attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器Prepare spud plate and wireline to check water depth. 准备测深板和钢丝绳测量水深Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了Slack off drill pipe and release running tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水电视观察钻头是否进入临时导向基板Don’t rotat e until hole opener passes through the TGB. 在扩眼器通过临时导向基板前不要旋转Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板Monitor riser level via trip tank. 用计量罐来控制隔水管内的液面Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psiPick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业Do n’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动The repairing is under way. 正在检修Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持放毒面具在附近It’s a drill. 这是演习It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣Abandon the vessel! 弃船Sound the abandonment alarm! 发出弃船警报Go to the helideck! 去飞机坪集合Aboard the lifeboat. 登上救生艇Aboard the supply boat to shore! 乘拖船上岸Check life saving apparatus periodically. 定期检查救生设备It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的Start the fire pump. 启动消防泵This rope is too small. 这根绳子太细了It should be function tested. 需做功能测试A warning notice should be set up. 要挂警告牌Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须始终保持良好的应急状态Will the typhoon hit our rig? 台风要袭击我们的平台吗?We will have to evacuate the rig. 我们要撤离平台Personnel on board (POB). 在船人员总数Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习conduct abandon ship drill. 举行弃船演习Release the boat hooks. 释放救生艇吊钩Board the life boat. 登救生艇Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆Three rafts are located near life boat station port side. 在左舷救生艇站附近还存放有3个救生筏Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck. 在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新Check the expiry date for all foam extinguisher. 检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间Close all the water-tight doors. 关闭所有水密门Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时候都应遵守安全程序Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头Colour code all the connection at the loading station. 在供给站管线接头处用颜色表明各管线Verify that a high level alarm is installed on the sludge tank. 确认污水舱安装有高位警报Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机柴油机应有两套独立的起动方法Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳Clean the internals of the emergency switchboard. 清洁应急配电盘内部Helicopter and Supply Vessel 直升机与供应船Load out Contractor’s riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台Offload casing. (从供应船上)卸套管Load (offload or unload) the boat. 装(卸)船Get the food container loaded on the boat. 把食品集装箱装上船The helicopter will land on rig soon. 直升机很快就要在平台降落Tell the base to get (or send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 飞机不能降落Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞行员报天气Inform the boat come to standby. 通知拖轮过来待命Call the boat to come along port side. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷We will take the personnel basket. 我们乘坐吊篮Repair and Maintenance 检修Have an overall check. 进行全面检查MPI the brake linkage system. 对刹车连接系统进行磁粉探伤Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 lbs. 证明上扣猫头能拉到7000磅Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理Adjust the brake band equalizer beam properly. 适当调整刹带平衡梁Note that the 3000 hour inspection on TDS is due. 注意顶驱的3000小时保养时间已到Check sheave rope pocket wear with a 1 3/8”+1 1/32 template. 用1 3/8”+1/32”量规检查绳槽磨损的情况Repair the handrails on the crown. 修理天车台的栏杆Function test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis. 每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手Renew brake rim because of excessive wear. 更换磨损严重的刹车鼓Clearly mark safe working load (SWL) on the air winch below the rig floor. 表明钻台底下气动绞车的安全工作负荷Measure the master bushings for wear. 测量主补心磨损情况Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查Install a ground cable on the triplex pump motor. 给三缸泵马达安装接地线We need a 48” pipe wrench. 我们需要一把48”的管钳Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝Check it with a level. 用水平尺量一下Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油Have it greased. 给它上黄油Put out of hole test string. 取出测试管串Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病Rig inspection will be performed in August. 验船安排在8月份Maintain the hoisting system. 保养提升系统Adjust the brake band. 调整绞车刹带Change the oil in the rotary gear box (transmission). 更换转盘变速箱机油Replace one water pump. 倒换一台冷却泵It’s quick-discharge air valve. 这是快速放气阀This clutch needs repair. 这台离合器需修理This tong needs replacing. 这把钳要更换了Slip 6 meters of the drilling line. 滑移钻井大绳6米Cut off 45 meters of the drilling line. 切割大绳45米Check the pump liners and pistons. 检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞The piston has been washed. 活塞刺坏了The supercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对The multi-pen recorder has some problem. 多笔记录仪坏了Miscellaneous 其他No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪Speed up please. 请快点The geologist must be present. 地质人员必须到场We have to wait on weather. 必须等候天气There will be strong wind. 有强风Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙Do you understand? 明白吗?No way! 不行Man overboard! 有人落水Help! Help! 救命Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了, 医生Call for the medic. 叫医生Get a stretcher please. 拿担架来No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒Don’t overrun your equipment. 不要超负荷运转Be careful at work. 工作时要小心No joking here. 别开玩笑Rig up for logging. 准备电测What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备附录一: 平台人员岗位名称一. 承包商人员( Contra ctor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior Toolpusher 高级队长Junior Toolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Barge Master (captain) 船长First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工Chief Engineer 轮机长Head of Routabout 甲板班长Crane Operator 吊车工Routabout 甲板工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Motorman 轮机员Welder 焊工Radio Operator 电报员Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Medic 医生Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师ROV Engineer 潜水工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师附录二: 平台主要设备一. 钻井设备(Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统(Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备(Well Control Equipment): Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统(Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房(Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备(Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船附录三. 平台场所Bow 船首Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column 立柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool 月池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV RoomChange Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up Tong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞(接单根用) Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀Chain Tong 链钳Casing 套管Tubing 油管Drill String 钻柱Jar (drilling jar) 震击器Right Hand Thread 正扣Left Hand Thread 反扣Stabilizer 扶正器Rabit 通管器Liner 尾管Conductor 导管Thread Protector 护丝Stand (钻杆) 立柱Single (钻杆) 单根Joint (钻具) 根Bend 弯头Sub 短节Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头Bit 钻头Bit Breaker 钻头盒Box 母扣Pin 公扣Hole Opener 开眼钻头Reamer 扩眼钻头。
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Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
Swamp: 沼泽,湿地 Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
Service rig: 修井设备;修井机 Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa) Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
Paleontologist : 古生物学家 Waxy: 似蜡的,光滑如蜡的b) Seismic surveys在地震测试中,地球物理勘测队的员工将在地面铺设一条或者几条金属的敏感接受仪,被称为震波接受仪。
Cutline:截线 Vessel:容器,船舰 Tow:拖,拉,拽Array of:一大批 Dynamite: 炸药 Hydrophone:海洋检波器d) Drilling钻井工程师们将把理论和残酷的经济现实联系起来。
Stake : 赌注基本的钻井过程是很简单的。
1) Producing oil and natural gasa) Production- recovery resources当钻井确定了油气藏的位置之后,承包商的生产部门将接受管理将油气资源举升到地面的任务。
b) Oil recovery method在一次采油中,最初的采油方法就是利用油藏压力或者泵举的方法。
c) Processing- making marketable commodities大多数的原油和天然气在推向市场之前都需要一些炼制过程来去除一些不需要的组分。
d) Gas processing消费者购买的天然气几乎全部是由最简单的碳氢化合物甲烷构成的。
2) Moving oil and natural gasTransportation- moving and selling products石油和天然气一般都位于偏远的地区。
3) Using oil and natural gasa) Refining and petrochemicals- manufacturing molecules石油分子是由各种各样的尺寸和形态的碳氢链组成的。
b) A versatile energy source石油工业的存在是因为人们已经习惯了石油产品带给人们的各种好处,例如方便、廉价的运输,温暖的房间和成千上万的合成材料。
Unit 2 Geology and reservoir traps1) Introduction P24在石油工程中,工程师必须知道油藏是怎样的,石油是如何形成的,流涕在油藏中是如何流动的。
2) Formation of a sedimentary basin P24~25石油通常是在沉积盆地被发现的。
3) Origins of oil and gas地球不是我们想象的那样固定不变的。
1) Looking inside rocks一个勘探工作者应该掌握很好的理论知识或者拥有直觉,为何一个区域会含有油气。