far away from home 挖空练习听力
Far Away From HomeI'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so....I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homewithout you I'll be so far away from homeIf we could make it thrue the darkest Night we'd have a brither day.the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homewithout you I'll be so far away from homeI count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homewithout you I'll be so far away from homeIn my dreams I'm not so far away from homeWhat am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homewithout you I'll be so far away from homebrigher day.the world I see beyond your eyes, makes me want to stay.And who can those tiny hearts, and what are we to be.Where is on the milkyway of stars, I my eyesIn my I'm not so far away from homeWhat am I in a so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeyou I'll be so far away from home∙teardrops on my guitar - taylor swift∙Drew looks at me∙I fake a smile so he won't see∙That I want and I'm needing∙Everything that we should be∙I'll bet she's beautiful∙That girl he talks about∙And she's got everything∙That I have to live without∙Drew talks to me, I laugh cause its so funny∙That I can't even see anyone when he's with me∙He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,∙I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night ∙He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar∙The only thing that keeps me wishin on a wishin star ∙He's the song in the car I keep singing,∙Don't know why I do∙Drew walks by me∙Can he tell that I can't breathe?∙And there he goes, so perfectly∙The kind of flawless I wish I could be∙She better hold on tight,∙Give him all her love∙Look in those beautiful eyes∙And know she's lucky∙Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar∙The only thing that keeps me wishin on a wishin star ∙He's the song in the car I keep singing,∙Don't know why I do∙So I'll drive home alone,∙As I turn out the light∙I'll put his picture down and maybe∙Get some sleep tonight∙He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar∙The only one that's got enough of me to break my heart ∙He's the song in the car I keep singing∙Don't know why I do∙He's the time taken up∙But there's never enough∙And he's all that I need to fall into∙Drew looks at me∙I fake a smile so he won't see∙edito∙∙And know she's∙Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my∙The only thing that keeps me wishin on a wishin star∙He's the song in the car I keep singing,∙Don't know why I do∙So I'll home alone,∙As I turn out the∙I'll put his picture down and maybe∙Get some sleep∙He's the for the teardrops on my guitar∙The only one that's got of me to my heart ∙He's the in the car I keep singing∙Don't know why I do∙He's the time taken up∙But there's never∙And he's all that I need to fall into∙Drew at me∙I a smile so he won't see∙。
far away from home
这个故事全部的经历: 这个乐队最开始由四个人组成,其中两个实际上是通过音乐这个无国界的灵物,在创作、制作上走到了一起,但谁也想象不到的是,其中一个成员她却在一次海边崖壁上创作录音的时候,突然晕倒,在送到医院之后,被查出是尿毒症晚期,留下的时间已经不多。而且更可怕的是,女孩子小时候,在一次车祸当中全家最后留下的只有她一个人,同时,在那段时间里,医院院方正式地通知了他,不大可能有新鲜的肾脏可以移植,一切都要看女孩自己求生欲望强烈程度了,换句话说,已经是医学的方式可以说是回天乏术。虽然,他自己也向院房提出过,要求无偿捐献出自己的一个肾脏来维持女孩子的生命。但医院却在检验过血型之后,发现血型虽然没有大规模的排异现象产生,不过还是为了保险起见,同时,也正因为他的行为感动了医院,医院没有答应他的要求,这个中间还有一点是实际上女孩子要的两个肾脏,而非一个。而这个病因追溯之后,正是那次车祸之后的病毒性感染导致。 她倾心深爱的这位男孩,却毫不犹豫地恳求医生无论无何也要救活她的女友,而且将这个消息深深地埋藏了在心底,始终没有告诉这个女孩,同时在那段时间里他始终陪伴在她女友重症看护病房外,在这个时间里,他的日常生活全部除开在医院走廊里的创作就是陪伴她女友。也正是这个时间里,这个人用心为我们这些身处异国他乡的音乐迷们创作出了《far away from home》、《She》等脍炙人口的音乐。 正因为如此,他也付出了常人所不能付出的代价,这个代价就我们一些人看来也许是近乎超现实的,因为,在那走廊里,《god is a girl》的底稿也在这个时候创作完成,但就在他创作完成不久,自己却先她女友而去。 在他离开人世后,院方和他的朋友们在清理他遗物的时候,发现了三样东西:一份医嘱、一份在女孩子进医院后与德国红十字会签定的一份捐献单、一份就是《god is a girl》还在修改中的底稿,上面写着希望在自己走后,请院方在不告诉这个女孩子的情况下将遗体捐献出来做医学研究。因此,院方按照遗嘱,在第一时间里,在红十字会协商之后,然后在其和男孩子家属和朋友的监督下取走了他的两个肾脏做了保鲜处理,准备在合适的第一时间里将肾脏移植给女孩子,女孩子也奇迹般地在昏迷了15天后苏醒。 当她苏醒之后,虽然男孩子的家人和朋友并没有告诉她发生了什么,但她一切瞬间全部明白~ 最后,在这个男孩子的葬礼上,人们发现女孩子在医院工作人员的搀扶下,身穿一身雪白的全新的婚莎在了她深爱的男孩葬礼现场。 当男孩在下葬为安的时候,这个女孩再一次晕倒,这次晕倒之后,她也再也没有苏醒过来。她也随深爱她的,她深爱的人而去。 一年之后,他们这个乐队剩下的朋友,同样倾心将这个故事完美地融合到了这个《god is a girl》当中,从而一举获得了2003年多项大奖而闻名。在当时的现场知道他们中间这个事件的人们,起立表示最诚挚地祝贺,而这个中间同样也有八位不同寻常的受邀观众,他们八位就是这两个年轻人生命的延续(他们分别是受益于男女孩子角膜和心脏捐献的六位,两位受益于男孩子肾脏捐献的两位),而这八位中正因为这个事情的影响,也组成了两个家庭。 而在得奖之后,大家一起将所获的奖杯含泪放在了他们两位合葬的墓前. 这就是故事的全部。 最开始当我听到这个故事的时候,我整个不愿意去相信有这样的事情,但当我在德国留学归来的同学再次述ge,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组合。
makes me want to stay.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,
And what are we to be.
Where is home on the milky way of stars?
What am I in a world so far away from home?
All my life all the time so far away from home
Without you I'll be so far away from home.
1. 无
2. 没有
3. conj. 除非
8,make through[英][meik θru:] [美][mek θru]
adj.黑暗的( dark的最高级 );(颜色)深色的;暗色的;(皮肤、毛发等)棕黑的 eyes again.
In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,
What am I in a world so far away from home?
12,pretty[英][?priti] [美][?pr?ti]
Far away from home 文档 (4)
Far away from homeI'm loving living every single day But sometimes I feel so...I hope to find a little peace of mind And I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we'd have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 重复I count on you, no matter what they say, Cause love can find its time.I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 重复In my dreams部分再重复一遍Far away from homeI'm loving living every single day But sometimes I feel so...I hope to find a little peace of mind And I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we'd have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 重复I count on you, no matter what they say, Cause love can find its time.I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 重复In my dreams部分再重复一遍Far away from homeI'm loving living every single day But sometimes I feel so...I hope to find a little peace of mind And I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from homeAll my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we'd have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 重复I count on you, no matter what they say, Cause love can find its time.I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 重复In my dreams部分再重复一遍。
我是如此的享受每一天的生活,但有时也感到失落I'm loving living every single day,but sometimes I feel so....想要寻找一个宁静的心灵空间,寻找一个答案I hope to find a little peace of mind.and I just want to know.谁能安抚那些破碎的心,我们将何去何从And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.在广阔的星空下何处寻到我的家,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.梦中我从未曾远离家园In my dreams I'm not so far away from home,现实中却如此远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home,有生以来我都远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home,没有你的相伴我依然远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的夜,我们将能拥有更光明的明天If we could make it through the darkest night,we'd have a brighter day.透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界,它是如此让我留恋The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.谁能治愈那破碎的心,我们将何去何从And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.渺茫星空,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干眼泪Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.梦中我从未曾远离家园In my dreams I am not so far away from home,现实中却如此远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home,有生以来我都远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home,没有你的相伴我依然远离家园Without you I'll be so far away from home.我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说,爱能找到属于自己的季节I count on you, no matter what they say,cause love can find its time.我渴望再一次的与你相融,爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.谁能安慰那些破碎的心,我们将何去何从And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.渺茫星空,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼Where is home on the milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.梦中我从未曾远离家园In my dreams I am not so far away from home,现实中却如此远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home,有生以来我都远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home, 没有你的相伴我依然远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.梦中我从未曾远离家园In my dreams I am not so far away from home,现实中却如此远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home,有生以来我都远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home, 没有你的相伴我依然远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home.-CX-。
Far Away From home歌词(中英对照)
Far Away From Home I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活,但只是不时自我感觉如此I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静,仅仅是想知道。
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从。
Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。
In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day.如果我们能穿越黑夜,将能拥有光明的明天。
The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界,它是如此让我留恋。
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。
关于far away from home
Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。
自2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。
在“2003年德国舞曲大赛Deutchscher Dance Award”,舞动精灵乐队以新人之姿荣获提名入围多项奖项,总计计有Best Dance Act National年度最佳舞曲团体,Best Dance Hit 年度最佳舞曲,Best Newcomer最佳新进艺人!最终舞动精灵乐团groove coverage获得评审团青睐夺得了“年度最佳舞曲团体”奖项!GC的成功还要归因于主音Mell与DJ Novus每个周末都在全球各地成千上万的舞曲乐迷面前进行现场表演。
主唱Mell1981年4月8日出生于德国慕尼黑,她在录音棚里录下了那首“Moonlight Shadow”并从此一举成名。
单曲“Moonlight Shadow”的推出是GC取得巨大成功中最关键的一步。
该单曲翻唱自80年代 Mike Oldfield的传奇单曲,从德国单曲榜第8名攀升至第3名,并在德国取得了金唱片销量。
紧接着推出的单曲“God Is A Girl”凭借着勾魂女声加上猛烈撞击碎拍魔力的再现而奠定了GC在德国舞曲界如日中天的地位,不仅问鼎冠军之作,还开始在国际上走红。
此外的一首Far away from home还被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。
DJ NOVUSIn 1976, strictly speaking at 07th November a little boy came into this world: NOVUS – a little star was borne.Even from earliest childhood he showed big interest in music and therefore he owned his first record-player already at the age of eight, though then it was all about Elvis Presley (埃尔维斯普雷斯利)and Madonna.(麦当娜)Inspired by various events in Munich (慕尼黑)he started –at his parents’ annoyance(烦恼)– his DJ-career in his parental home in Rottenburg in Lower Bavaria(巴伐利亚)in 1995.Known under his pseudonym (笔名)“Novus” (lat. mean. “New”) he rapidly casted a spell on the regional crowds with his “Hands-up-Party Trance”.All his friends and lots of fans joined his sets and numerous bookings far beyond the borders of his home state Bavaria were following.In 1996, while those booking- and resident activates, he got to know Axel Konrad at one of his gigs(音乐会)in his home base at that time.By a very short time they both knew that they are on the same wavelength (波长)– in music matters as well as interpersonal –and a friendship far beyond the “Dj-thing” developed. (Original quotation(报价)from A.K. 1996: “As a townie I thought you can make a killing here at the country because you own the newest and most fabulous (极好的)vinyl, but you had to put away one after the other record again because the resident dj is playing exactly your set!”)In cooperation with Subprime Music Ingolstadt(次级音乐因戈尔施塔特)the project “Groove Coverage” was founded overnight by Mark us(马库斯)and Axel in Summer 2001.Supported by his both producers Axel Konrad (阿克塞尔康拉德)and Ole Wierk even the debut (首次亮相)single entered the Top 20 of the Dance/Club charts.Probably “Are u ready” should have been a sign at that time, because with the second track the final, enormous breakthrough succeeded like no one dared to imagine before.The cover version (版本)of Mike Oldfields super hit “Moonlight Shadow” was number 3 of Media Control Charts and blessed DJ Novus – in the meantime resident in Landshut - the with a 14-days-residence in the Top 20 of the German Single-selling Charts.Golden record for more than 250,000 sold sound storage media; nomination for an “Echo 2003”, “Mc Mega Music Award 2003” – a dream came true!Since then Groove Coverage are now touring as Live-act as well as Dj-Act through all parts of Europe and are fireing their audience.Simultaneous(同时)with the third single, which should also be the fastet own-composed No. 1 of the German DJ Playlist (“God is a Girl”, Meda Control: #8) GC published their first album called “Cover Girl” by the end of 2002. By meeting up with Lou Bega(娄贝加)they got a songwriter, who everyone should still remember of well because of his “Mambo No. 5”.Without taking a long break GC worked on completion of the fourth single by using again the very expressive and emotional vocals(主唱)of Verena and Mell, who also contributed the vocals for the whole GC album.“The End” (Media Control Charts Place 13) means not the end but was already the beginning of the second album.Expected date of publication: Winter 2003-03-13“God is a girl –wherever YOU are!!!”””Music Awards:ECHO 2003 (nom.)ECHO 2004 (nom.)Mc Mega Award 2003 (nom.)BLM-Radio Galaxy Award 2003 (won)New Faces Award 2003 (nom.)Deutscher Dance Award(德意志舞蹈奖)2003 (won)Esca Radio Award (Poland) (won)VERENAOnce upon a time, many years ago, explicitly said on 14 May 1984, a little girl called Verena got loosed to the world in her hometown Neuburg.(诺伊堡)Already at the age of six she caused her parents headache because of her initial (初始)ear-splitting plunking at her first piano.Result: Four years later she started her 8-years lasting career at a boarding-school specializing in teaching art and music.But that little girl did not want to be a good girl and spend her time on learning. Instead of it she began taking care of her music and started realizing her dream: To be on stage, singing and being near to all persons who share her big love.....Arduous (艰巨的)years of practising and bothering singing-lessons, piano-lessons and learning of notes finally caused more parential headache....Some years she had to stand before she could make her first experiences on stage with a cover-band.Actually the little girl should have been happy then, but she was insatiable(贪得无厌)of this feeling in her heart caused by the music. And while she was trying to get herschool-leaving qualification and getting a little adulthood she was waiting for her big chance... 4 long years were to pass by, before she had her big break-through.One evening after one of her appearances (外表)she met two unknown guys who should make her dreams come true.Since then she is singing in her own apartment (to her parents happiness), is living a very exciting life and trys to make people happy and give them hope with her music and her great ambition..... --- Love you more than I can say ---....P.S. Now quite seriously: Up to now I had a very fabulous life and there wasn’t a situation when my love for music was not helpful to me.Now I want to thank all the people who supported me anyhow and anytime and these are in the front line my parents!!! But our great success is owing to you, our fans, and therefore our biggest thanks to all of you!!!Music Awards:ECHO 2003Mc Mega Award 2003BLM-Radio Galaxy Award 2003New Faces Award 2003Deutscher Dance Award 2003I am loving living every single day 我喜欢过单纯的每一天but sometimes I feel so 也有些时候会感觉到I hope to find a little peace of mind 我渴望心灵暂获片刻安宁and I just want to know 我只是很想有答案And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心and what are we to be 到时候我又会变怎样Where is home on the Milky way of stars 家是否在浩渺星空的银河上I dry my eyes again. 我又一次拭去脸上的泪In my dreams 在梦里I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及What am I 我又算什么in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生so far away from home 背井离乡Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会so far away from home 背井离乡If we could make it through the darkest night 只要熬过这漆黑的漫漫长夜we have a brighter day. 通亮的黎明又会到来The world I see beyond your pretty eyes 透过你美丽的眼底我看到了makes me want to stay 一个我决定驻足的世界And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心and what are we to be 到时候我又会变怎样In my dreams 在梦里I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及What am I 我又算什么in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生so far away from home 背井离乡Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会so far away from home 背井离乡I count on you 你是我全部的依靠no matter what they say 无论别人的流言蜚语cause love can find it time 因为时间是爱情最好的证明I hope to be a part of you again 我渴望成为你生命的一部分baby, let us shine 宝贝,愿我们美好And who can heal those tiny broken hearts 谁能治愈这颗零落支离的心and what are we to be 到时候我又会变怎样In my dreams 在梦里I am not so far away from home 家并非如此遥不可及What am I 我又算什么in a world so far away from home 在这寂寞生疏的异乡之地All my life all the time 仿若注定了我将终我一生so far away from home 背井离乡Without you I will be 没有你的陪伴我确实会so far away from home 背井离乡。
far away from home
far away from homeI am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活,但只是不时自我感觉如此I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静,仅仅是想知道。
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从。
Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。
In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将远离家园Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能穿越黑夜,将能拥有光明的明天。
The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界,它是如此让我留恋。
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。
听力填空Far Away From Home
Far Away From HomeGroove CoverageI am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel _________.I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.And who_________heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to _________ Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am _________ so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter _________.The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are _________ to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes_________.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am_________in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter what they _________,cause love can find it _________.I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home _________ the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I_________a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without _________ I will be so far away from home.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so_________away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you _________ will be so far away from home.。
Far away from home
• • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能穿越黑夜,将能拥有光明的明天。 The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 透过你那明眸我看到了一个丐界,它是如此让我留恋。
• And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁 能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从。 • Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. • 星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。 • • • • • • • • In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾进离家园 What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此进离家园 All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将进离家园 Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将进离家园
• count on (或 upon) • no matter what
指望,期待;依靠 丌管什么,无论什么
11/1解 每一天
• every single day
• heal 英[hiːl] 美[hil] • vt. 治愈,痊愈;和解 vi. 痊愈 • tiny 美['taɪni] adj. 微小的;很少的 伤心, 绝望, 心碎 n. 银河 进离;离…进
far away from home中译
far away from homei'm loving living every single day but sometimes i feel so....i hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to know.and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.where is home on the milkyway of stars, i dry my eyes again.in my dreams i'm not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i'll be so far away from home if we could make it thrue the darkest night we'd have a brither day.the world i see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.where is home on the milkyway of stars, i dry my eyes again.in my dreams i'm not so far away from homewhat am i in a world so far away from homeall my life all the time so far away from homewithout you i'll be so far away from home i count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.i hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 家太遥远孤单回味共渡的每一天,难以走出自我的纠缠。
far away from home 歌词
peace of mind and i just want to know. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and i just want to know. and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. if we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. the world i see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. i count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. i hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home.without you i will be so far away from home. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from homei am loving living every single day but sometimes i feel so. i hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to know. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and i just want to know. and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. if we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. the world i see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. i count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. i hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home.without you i will be so far away from home. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from homepeace of mind and i just want to know. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and i just want to know. and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. if we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. the world i see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. i count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. i hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home.without you i will be so far away from home. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from homei am loving living every single day but sometimes i feel so. i hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to know. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and i just want to know. and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. if we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. the world i see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home. i count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. i hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. where is home on the milky way of stars, i dry my eyes again. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home.without you i will be so far away from home. in my dreams i am not so far away from home. what am i in a world so far away from home. all my life all the time so far away from home. without you i will be so far away from home。
英文歌曲赏析Far away from home-8
Far Away from Home
I'm loving living every single day, but sometimes I feel so....
I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.
And who can heal those tiny broken hearts and what are we to be.
All my life all the time so far away from home,
Without you I will be so far away from home.
Repeat #
Thank you !
Far Away from Home
Groove Coverage
About the singer
• Groove Coverage,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合
多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自 2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德 国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又 一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组合。在专辑 “Covergirl”中,单曲“God is a girl”(《上帝是 女孩》)问鼎2003年欧陆舞曲榜,成为该年度最 强劲的“黑马”;动感十足的“Far away from home”(《远离家乡》),则被众多知名DJ誉为 当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。
Where is home on the Milky Way of starms I am not so far away from home,
far away from home
far away from home(中英对照)i'm loving living every single day,(我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活)but sometimes i feel so....(但只是不时自我感觉如此而已)i hope to find a little peace of mind.(渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静)and i just want to know.(仅仅只是想知道)and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)i dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园) what am i in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园) without you i'll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)if we could make it thrue the darkest night,(如果我们能穿越黑夜)we'd have a brither day.(我们将能拥有光明的明天)the world i see beyond your pretty eyes,(透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界) makes me want to stay.(它是如此让我留恋)and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)i dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园) what am i in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园) without you i'll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)i count on you, no matter what they say,(我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说)cause love can find it's time.(爱能找到属于自己的季节)i hope to be a part of you again,(我渴望再一次的与你相融)baby let us shine.(爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉)and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(谁能医治那破碎的心)and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从)where is home on the milkyway of stars,(星河灿烂,何处是家园)i dry my eyes again.(我只得再一次地擦干泪眼)in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园) what am i in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园) without you i'll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园) what am i in a world so far away from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so far away from home,(终我一生都将远离家园) without you i'll be so far away from home.(无你相伴我将远离家园)end上帝是个女孩god is a girl(中英文对照版)remembering me discover and see all over the world记得我在全世界寻找而领悟shes known as a girl to those who a free她是一个想得到自由的女孩the mind shall be key forgotten as the past思想将被封锁,忘记过去cause history will last使过去的事情继续延续……god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信她吗?can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it 你会相信她吗?can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎么样do you believe it 你会相信她吗?can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩shes only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it 你会相信她吗?she wants to shine forever in time她希望永远的闪耀着she is so driven shes always mine她是如此地被动……cleanly and free她永远是我的"纯洁"与"自由"she wants you to be a part of the future她希望未来的大部分时间里a girl like me有一个女孩会喜欢我there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there有天空照亮着我们,某人的离开that we truly trust才是我们真实的期待there is a rainbow for you and me有一道彩虹等着你和我a beautiful sunrise eternally一轮美丽的日出是那样的永恒!god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信她吗?can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it 你会相信她吗?can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎么样do you believe it 你会相信她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩shes only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it 你会相信她吗? can you receive it你会接受她吗? god is a girl上帝是一个女孩wherever you are无论你在何处do you believe it 你会相信她吗? can you receive it你会接受她吗? god is a girl上帝是一个女孩whatever you say无论你说什么do you believe it 你会相信她吗? can you receive it你会接受她吗? god is a girl上帝是一个女孩however you live无论你生活怎么样do you believe it 你会相信她吗? can you receive it你会接受她吗? god is a girl上帝是一个女孩shes only a girl她仅仅是一个女孩do you believe it 你会相信她吗? can you receive it你会接受她吗?god is a girl上帝是一个女孩歌曲:3月9日歌手:一公升的眼泪[ar:一公升的眼泪]胡景伟流泪之作观后感:爱惜任何生命,比欲望金钱更重要在流动的季节里忽然间感觉到时间的长度匆匆忙忙流逝的每一天我跟你编织著梦想3月的风乘载著想像只要春天到了樱花就会持续绽放洒落而下的阳光一点一点的温暖了早晨打了一个大大的呵欠有点害羞的你在我身边站在一个崭新的世界的入口回过神来已经不是孤单一个人☆闭上双眼☆∙歌曲:爱因为在心中∙歌手:王力宏当我睁开双眼每一天(妙苗)都会记得大家的笑脸(修罗)明白心中勇敢又多了一点(妙苗修罗)曾经哭泣也会看不见(可爱的小南瓜)未来总会有别的喜悦(忧郁之蓝)就让时间翻开崭新的一页(可爱的小南瓜忧郁之蓝)你的音符你的脸(nicholaslee)有种无声的语言(nicholaslee)教我不退缩要坚持着信念(nicholaslee)用音符画一个圈(音乐进化论)经过都会被纪念(音乐进化论)我想爱永远会留在你心间(音乐进化论)每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱)即使彼此不相同(合唱)能够与你分享(合唱)无论失败成功都会感动(合唱)爱因为在心中(合唱)平凡而不平庸(合唱)世界就像迷宫(合唱)却又让我们此刻相逢our home(合唱)伤心时你会给我笑脸(ssf)让我感受友爱的原点(饭饭)快乐地过有风有雨的岁月(ssf 饭饭) 失望和伤心在所难免(冰兰)都会经历漫长的严寒(irini)让这一切在我们心中沉淀(冰兰irini) 用旋律写张信签(ourhome小5)放入你的心里面(ourhome小5)手牵手记录我们爱的和弦(beat)用音符画一个圈(死神的乐章)经过都会被纪念(死神的乐章)我想爱永远会留在你心间(shane)每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱)即使彼此不相同(合唱)能够与你分享(合唱)无论失败成功都会感动(合唱)爱因为在心中(合唱)平凡而不平庸(合唱)世界就像迷宫(合唱)却又让我们此刻相逢our home(合唱) 每个人都拥有一个梦(合唱)即使彼此不相同(合唱)能够与你分享(合唱)无论失败成功都会感动(合唱)爱因为在心中(合唱)平凡而不平庸(合唱)世界就像迷宫(合唱)却又让我们此刻相逢our home(合唱) lalalalalala~爱因为在心中(合唱)平凡而不平庸(合唱)世界就像迷宫(合唱)却又让我们此刻相逢our home(合唱)。
Far Away From Home
Far Away From HomeI am loving living every single daybut sometimes I feel so.I hope to find a little peace of mindand I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and I just want to know. and what are we to be. Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home. What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home. Without you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest nightwe have a brighter day.The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home. What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home. Without you I will be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter what they say,cause love can find it time.I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home. What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home. Without you I will be so far away from home.In my dreams I am not so far away from home. What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home. Without you I will be so far away from home。
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far away from home i'm loving living every single day,
but sometimes i feel so....
i hope to find a little peace of mind.
and i just want to know.
and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,
and what are we to be.
where is home on the milkyway of stars
i dry my eyes again
in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,
what am i in a world so far away from home,
all my life all the time so far away from home
without you i'll be so far away from home.
if we could make it thrue the darkest night,
we'd have a brither day.
the world i see beyond your pretty eyes,
makes me want to stay.
and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,
and what are we to be.
where is home on the milkyway of stars
i dry my eyes again.
in my dreams i'm not so far away from home,(
what am i in a world so far away from home,( 现实中却如此远离家园)
all my life all the time so far away from home, (终我一生都将远离家园)
without you i'll be so far away from home. (无你相伴我将远离家园)
i count on you, no matter what they say,
(我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说) cause love can find it's time.(
i hope to be a part of you again,
baby let us shine.
and who can heal those tiny broken hearts, (谁能医治那破碎的心)
and what are we to be.(我们将何去何从) where is home on the milkyway of stars
i dry my eyes again.
in my dreams i'm not so far away from home, (梦中我从未曾远离家园)
what am i in a world so far away from home, (现实中却如此远离家园)
all my life all the time so far away from home, (终我一生都将远离家园)
without you i'll be so far away from home. (无你相伴我将远离家园)
in my dreams i'm not so far away from home, (梦中我从未曾远离家园)
what am i in a world so far away from home, (现实中却如此远离家园)
all my life all the time so far away from home, (终我一生都将远离家园)
without you i'll be so far away from home. (无你相伴我将远离家园)