Sage++ An object-oriented toolkit and class library for building Fortran and C++ restructur
Sage++ is an object oriented toolkit for building program transformation and preprocessing tools. It contains parsers for Fortran 77 with many Fortran 90 extensions, C, and C++, integrated with a C++ class library. The library provides a means to access and restructure the program tree, symbol and type tables, and source-level programmer annotations. Sage++ provides an underlying infrastructure on which all types of program preprocessors can be built, including parallelizing compilers, performance analysis tools, and source code optimizers.
code. In each case, these systems have been based on a layer of compiler technology that has required years for each research group to develop. Sage++ makes this layer available in a generalized form. By starting from Sage++ rather than starting from scratch, researchers in these elds can potentially cut years o their development time. A second motivation for releasing Sage++ is in response to a frequent request by programmers for access to tools that allow them to go beyond simple macros, and create extensions to C++ or Fortran.
§3.建立 Object Model
总行拥有多台ATM 分行提供分行计算机和柜员终端 储户拥有账户 总行由各个分行组成 分行保管账户 总行拥有中央计算机 现金兑换卡访问账户 储户拥有现金兑换卡 分行雇用柜员
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§3.建立 Object Model
操作 既可为名词又可为动词的词,应慎重考虑。
第1步:收集 ——
§3.建立 Object Model
2、确定关联 结构层
① 需求陈述中涉及objets的动词短语:
国家工程实验室NI 9247 3通道电流输入模块用户手册说明书
Manufacturer: National InstrumentsVolatile MemoryUser Accessible/ BatteryType Size System Accessible1Backup? Purpose Method of Clearing2ADC 24 bits x4 Yes/Yes No Stores last digitized value Cycle powerCPLD RAM 6 bytes Yes/Yes No Stores Module Configuration Cycle powerNon-Volatile MemoryUser Accessible/ BatteryType Size System Accessible Backup? Purpose Method of Clearing EEPROM 1 KB No/Yes No Module ID and calibration None available to userCPLD 440 Macrocell No/No No Module operation None available to userDigital Trimpot 1 byte x3 No/No No Analog frontend compensation None available to user Media StorageUser Accessible/ BatteryType Size System Accessible Backup? Purpose Method of Clearing NONEClearing Notes:EEPROM: User accessibility of the calibration EEPROM is exposed through an external calibration Applications Programming Interface (API) in LabVIEW. To declassify this memory, complete the steps listed in KB 4GHLANQE (Clearing the User-Accessible EEPROM on an NI-DAQmx Supported Device)1 Items are designated No for the following reason(s):a) Hardware changes or a unique software tool from National Instruments are required to modify contents of the memory listed.b) Hardware-modifying software tools are not distributed to customers for any personal access or customization, also known as non-normal use.2 The designation None Available to User indicates that the ability to clear this memory is not available to the user under normal operation. The utilities required to clear the memory are not distributed by National Instruments to customers for normal use.Terms and DefinitionsUser Accessible Allows the user to directly write or modify the contents of the memory during normal instrument operation.System Accessible Does not allow the user to access or modify the memory during normal instrument operation. However, system accessible memory may be accessed or modified by background processes. This can be something that is not deliberate by the user and can be a background driver implementation, such as storing application information in RAM to increase speed of use.Cycle Power The process of completely removing power from the device and its components. This process includes a complete shutdown of the PC and/or chassis containing the device; a reboot is not sufficient for the completion of this process. Volatile Memory Requires power to maintain the stored information. When power is removed from this memory, its contents are lost.Non-Volatile Retains its contents when power is removed. This type of memory typically contains calibration or chip configuration information, such as power up states.。
A Proof Environment for Specifications
March th,
/ in a Nutshell
e Object Constraint Language ()
Textual extension of the Allows for annotating diagrams In the context of class–diagrams:
invariants preconditions postconditions
A machine checked semantics for .
Achim D. Brucker ( Zurich)
A Proof Environment for Specifications
March th,
/ in a Nutshell
context Account inv: 0 <= id
Account balance:Integer id:Integer 1..* getId():Integer accounts getBalance():Integer deposit(a:Integer):Boolean withdraw(a:Integer):Boolean
Achim D. Brucker ( Zurich)
A Proof Environment for Specifications
March th,
/ in a Nutshell
The Object Constraint Language ()
e Object Constraint Language ()
Journal of Machine Learning Research15(2014)3183-3186Submitted6/12;Revised6/13;Published10/14ooDACE Toolbox:A Flexible Object-Oriented Kriging ImplementationIvo Couckuyt∗********************* Tom Dhaene******************* Piet Demeester*********************** Ghent University-iMindsDepartment of Information Technology(INTEC)Gaston Crommenlaan89050Gent,BelgiumEditor:Mikio BraunAbstractWhen analyzing data from computationally expensive simulation codes,surrogate model-ing methods arefirmly established as facilitators for design space exploration,sensitivity analysis,visualization and optimization.Kriging is a popular surrogate modeling tech-nique used for the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments(DACE).Hence,the past decade Kriging has been the subject of extensive research and many extensions have been proposed,e.g.,co-Kriging,stochastic Kriging,blind Kriging,etc.However,few Krig-ing implementations are publicly available and tailored towards scientists and engineers.Furthermore,no Kriging toolbox exists that unifies several Krigingflavors.This paper addresses this need by presenting an efficient object-oriented Kriging implementation and several Kriging extensions,providing aflexible and easily extendable framework to test and implement new Krigingflavors while reusing as much code as possible.Keywords:Kriging,Gaussian process,co-Kriging,blind Kriging,surrogate modeling, metamodeling,DACE1.IntroductionThis paper is concerned with efficiently solving complex,computational expensive problems using surrogate modeling techniques(Gorissen et al.,2010).Surrogate models,also known as metamodels,are cheap approximation models for computational expensive(black-box) simulations.Surrogate modeling techniques are well-suited to handle,for example,expen-sivefinite element(FE)simulations and computationalfluid dynamic(CFD)simulations.Kriging is a popular surrogate model type to approximate deterministic noise-free data. First conceived by Danie Krige in geostatistics and later introduced for the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments(DACE)by Sacks et al.(1989),these Gaussian pro-cess(Rasmussen and Williams,2006)based surrogate models are compact and cheap to evaluate,and have proven to be very useful for tasks such as optimization,design space exploration,visualization,prototyping,and sensitivity analysis(Viana et al.,2014).Note ∗.Ivo Couckuyt is a post-doctoral research fellow of FWO-Vlaanderen.Couckuyt,Dhaene and Demeesterthat Kriging surrogate models are primarily known as Gaussian processes in the machine learning community.Except for the utilized terminology there is no difference between the terms and associated methodologies.While Kriging is a popular surrogate model type,not many publicly available,easy-to-use Kriging implementations exist.Many Kriging implementations are outdated and often limited to one specific type of Kriging.Perhaps the most well-known Kriging toolbox is the DACE toolbox1of Lophaven et al.(2002),but,unfortunately,the toolbox has not been updated for some time and only the standard Kriging model is provided.Other freely available Kriging codes include:stochastic Kriging(Staum,2009),2DiceKriging,3 Gaussian processes for Machine Learning(Rasmussen and Nickisch,2010)(GPML),4demo code provided with Forrester et al.(2008),5and the Matlab Krigeage toolbox.6 This paper addresses this need by presenting an object-oriented Kriging implementation and several Kriging extensions,providing aflexible and easily extendable framework to test and implement new Krigingflavors while reusing as much code as possible.2.ooDACE ToolboxThe ooDACE toolbox is an object-oriented Matlab toolbox implementing a variety of Krig-ingflavors and extensions.The most important features and Krigingflavors include:•Simple Kriging,ordinary Kriging,universal Kriging,stochastic Kriging(regression Kriging),blind-and co-Kriging.•Derivatives of the prediction and prediction variance.•Flexible hyperparameter optimization.•Useful utilities include:cross-validation,integrated mean squared error,empirical variogram plot,debug plot of the likelihood surface,robustness-criterion value,etc.•Proper object-oriented design(compatible interface with the DACE toolbox1is avail-able).Documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is provided in the form of a getting started guide (for users),a wiki7and doxygen documentation8(for developers and more advanced users). In addition,the code is well-documented,providing references to research papers where appropriate.A quick-start demo script is provided withfive surrogate modeling use cases, as well as script to run a suite of regression tests.A simplified UML class diagram,showing only the most important public operations, of the toolbox is shown in Figure1.The toolbox is designed with efficiency andflexibil-ity in mind.The process of constructing(and predicting)a Kriging model is decomposed in several smaller,logical steps,e.g.,constructing the correlation matrix,constructing the1.The DACE toolbox can be downloaded at stochastic Kriging toolbox can be downloaded at /.3.The DiceKriging toolbox can be downloaded at /web/packages/DiceKriging/index.html.4.The GPML toolbox can be downloaded at /software/view/263/.5.Demo code of Kriging can be downloaded at //legacy/wileychi/forrester/.6.The Krigeage toolbox can be downloaded at /software/kriging/.7.The wiki documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is found at doxygen documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is found at diagram of the ooDACE toolbox.regression matrix,updating the model,optimizing the parameters,etc.These steps are linked together by higher-level steps,e.g.,fitting the Kriging model and making predic-tions.The basic steps needed for Kriging are implemented as(protected)operations in the BasicGaussianProcess superclass.Implementing a new Kriging type,or extending an existing one,is now done by subclassing the Kriging class of your choice and inheriting the(protected)methods that need to be reimplemented.Similarly,to implement a new hyperparameter optimization strategy it suffices to create a new class inherited from the Optimizer class.To assess the performance of the ooDACE toolbox a comparison between the ooDACE toolbox and the DACE toolbox1is performed using the2D Branin function.To that end,20data sets of increasing size are constructed,each drawn from an uniform random distribution.The number of observations ranges from10to200samples with steps of10 samples.For each data set,a DACE toolbox1model,a ooDACE ordinary Kriging and a ooDACE blind Kriging model have been constructed and the accuracy is measured on a dense test set using the Average Euclidean Error(AEE).Moreover,each test is repeated 1000times to remove any random factor,hence the average accuracy of all repetitions is used.Results are shown in Figure2a.Clearly,the ordinary Kriging model of the ooDACE toolbox consistently outperforms the DACE toolbox for any given sample size,mostly due to a better hyperparameter optimization,while the blind Kriging model is able improve the accuracy even more.3.ApplicationsThe ooDACE Toolbox has already been applied successfully to a wide range of problems, e.g.,optimization of a textile antenna(Couckuyt et al.,2010),identification of the elasticity of the middle-ear drum(Aernouts et al.,2010),etc.In sum,the ooDACE toolbox aims to provide a modern,up to date Kriging framework catered to scientists and age instructions,design documentation,and stable releases can be found at,I.Couckuyt,K.Crombecq,and J.J.J.Dirckx.Elastic characterization of membranes with a complex shape using point indentation measurements and inverseCouckuyt,Dhaene and Demeester(a)(b)Figure2:(a)Evolution of the average AEE versus the number of samples(Branin function).(b)Landscape plot of the Branin function.modelling.International Journal of Engineering Science,48:599–611,2010.I.Couckuyt,F.Declercq,T.Dhaene,and H.Rogier.Surrogate-based infill optimization applied to electromagnetic problems.Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering:Advances in Design Optimization of Microwave/RF Circuits and Systems, 20(5):492–501,2010.A.Forrester,A.Sobester,and A.Keane.Engineering Design Via Surrogate Modelling:A Practical Guide.Wiley,Chichester,2008.D.Gorissen,K.Crombecq,I.Couckuyt,P.Demeester,and T.Dhaene.A surrogate modeling and adaptive sampling toolbox for computer based design.Journal of Machine Learning Research,11:2051–2055,2010.URL,H.B.Nielsen,and J.Søndergaard.Aspects of the Matlab toolbox DACE. Technical report,Informatics and Mathematical Modelling,Technical University of Den-mark,DTU,Richard Petersens Plads,Building321,DK-2800Kgs.Lyngby,2002.C.E.Rasmussen and H.Nickisch.Gaussian processes for machine learning(GPML)toolbox. Journal of Machine Learning Research,11:3011–3015,2010.C.E.Rasmussen and C.K.I.Williams.Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning.MIT Press,2006.J.Sacks,W.J.Welch,T.J.Mitchell,and H.P.Wynn.Design and analysis of computer experiments.Statistical Science,4(4):409–435,1989.J.Staum.Better simulation metamodeling:The why,what,and how of stochastic Kriging. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,2009.F.A.C.Viana,T.W.Simpson,V.Balabanov,and V.Toropov.Metamodeling in multi-disciplinary design optimization:How far have we really come?AIAA Journal,52(4): 670–690,2014.。
National Instruments TestStand序列编辑器用户手册说明书
Execution Object StructureExecution ObjectContains information TestStand needs to run a sequence, its steps, and any subsequences it calls. You can suspend,interactively debug, resume, terminate, or abort executions.Thread ObjectRepresents an independent path of control flow.Report ObjectContains the report text. The process model updates the Report object, and the sequence editor or user interface displays it.Call StackLists the chain of active sequences waiting for nestedsubsequences to complete. The first item in the call stack is the most-nested sequence invocation.Root SequenceContext ObjectRepresents the execution of the least-nested sequence invocation that contains a list of steps and calls to other sequences.SequenceContext ObjectRepresents the execution of a sequence that another sequence called.Current StepRepresents the executing step of the currently executingsequence in the call stack.Architecture OverviewTestStand Sequence EditorTestStand development environment for creating, modifying,executing, and debugging sequences.Custom User InterfacesCustomizable applications that, depending on mode,edit, execute, and debug test sequences on a test station. User interfaces are available in several different programming languages and include fullsource code, which allows you to modify them to meet specific needs.Process ModelsDefine the operations that occur for all test sequences,such as identifying the UUT, notifying the operator of pass/fail status, generating a test report, and logging results. TestStand includes three fully customizable process models: Sequential, Parallel, and er Interface ControlsA powerful set of ActiveX controls and support APIs for creating custom user interfaces.TestStand EngineA set of DLLs that provides an extensive ActiveX Automation API for controlling and interacting with TestStand. The TestStand Sequence Editor, User Interface Controls, and user interfaces use this API.Sequence File ExecutionsCreated by the TestStand Engine when you execute a test sequence using the sequence editor or a user interface.AdaptersAllow TestStand to call code modules in a variety of different formats and languages. Adapters also allow TestStand to integrate with various ADEs to streamline test code generation and debugging.Code ModulesProgram modules, such as LabVIEW VIs (.vi ) or Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll ), that contain one or more functions that perform a specific test or action. TestStand adapters call code modules. Built-In Step TypesDefine the standard behaviors for common testing operations. Some step types use adapters to call code modules that return data to TestStand for furtheranalysis. Other step types perform standard operations,such as calling an executable or displaying dialog boxes.User-Defined Step TypesDefine a set of custom step properties and default behaviors for each step of that custom type. You can also define data types.TemplatesCreate custom sequences, steps, and variables to use as templates to build sequence files.OVERVIEW CARDNI TestStandTMSystem and ArchitectureNI TestStand is flexible test management software that offers the following major features:•Out-of-the-box configuration and components provide a ready-to-run, full-featured test management environment.•Numerous methods for modifying, configuring,and adding new components, which provide extensibility so you can create a test executive that meets specific requirements without altering the core TestStand Engine. You can upgrade to newer versions of TestStand without losing your customizations.•Sophisticated sequencing, execution, anddebugging capabilities, and a powerful sequence editor that is separate from the user interfaces.•User interface controls for creating custom user interfaces and sequence editors.•You can also create your own user interface in any programming language that can host ActiveX controls or control ActiveX automation servers.•Example user interfaces with source code for National Instruments LabVIEW, National Instruments LabWindows ™/CVI ™, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, C#, and C++ (MFC).•An open language interface that provides support for many application development environments (ADEs). You can create code modules in a variety of ADEs and call pre-existing modules or executables.• A comprehensive application programminginterface for building multithreaded test systems and other sophisticated test applications.•Integration with third-party source code control packages.•Deployment tools to aid in transferring a test system from development to production.TestStand Sequence EditorCode ModulesResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsCustom User InterfacesUser Interface (UI)ControlsApplication Programming Interface (API) TestStand EngineSequence File ExecutionsUser-Defined Step TypesSequence File ExecutionsNo ModelTest Socket 0Execution UUTUUTUUTTest Socket 1Execution UUTUUT TestSocket nExecution UUTUUTUUT UUT UUTUUTUUTUUTProcess Model Result ProcessingSchema DefinitionsDatabase LoggerReport GeneratorADO/ODBCThread Object 0Thread Object n Sequence File GlobalsStepsMain Step GroupStepsCleanup Step GroupParametersSequencesLocal VariablesAdapters.VI.DLL, .OBJ, .LIB, .C.DLL .DLL, .EXE .DLL, .EXE.PRG .SEQLabVIEW Adapter LabWindows/CVI Adapter C/C++ DLL Adapter .NET Adapter ActiveX/COM Adapter HTBasic Adapter Sequence AdapterTypesSequence FileParallel Process ModelBatch Process ModelSequential Process ModelProcess Model Sequence File ExecutionTestSocket nExecution Test Socket 1Execution TestSocket 0Execution Oracle . . .SQL ServerReport ObjectExecution ObjectCall StackRootSequenceContextObject 0SequenceContextObject 1SequenceContextObject nStep Object 0Step Object n. . .Current StepMicrosoft Access Process Models. ... ..XMLHTMLASCII-Text. . .Sequence File Execution FlowSequence File ExecutionsYou can execute a sequence directly, or you can execute a sequence file through a process model Execution entry point,such as Test UUTs and Single Pass.Process Model Sequence File ExecutionWhen you start an execution through a process modelExecution entry point, the process model defines how to test the UUTs. The Sequential model tests one UUT at a time. The Parallel model tests multiple independent test sockets at the same time. The Batch model tests a batch of UUTs using dependent test sockets.Process Model Result ProcessingThe TestStand Engine collects the results of each step that executes into a result list. Process models use the result list to generate reports and log data to databases. Unit Under Test (UUT)Device or component that you are testing.Test Socket ExecutionFor each test socket, or fixture, in the system, the Parallel and Batch models launch a separate test socket execution that controls the testing of UUTs in that test socket.Report GeneratorThe report generator traverses test results to create reports in XML, HTML, and ASCII-text formats. You can fully customize the reports.Schema DefinitionsSchema definitions define SQL statements, table definitions,and TestStand expressions that define how to log results to a database. You can fully customize the schemas.Database LoggerThe database logger traverses test results and exports data into database tables using schema definitions.Sequence File StructureSequence FileContains any number of sequences, a set of data types and step types the sequence file uses, and any global variables that sequences in the sequence file share.SequencesContain groups of steps, local variables, and parameters used for passing data between steps and subsequences.TypesSequence files contain definitions of all data types and step types that its sequences use. Variables and properties in a sequence are instances of data types. Steps in a sequence are instances of step types.Sequence File GlobalsStore data you want to access from any sequence or step within the sequence file in which you define the sequence file global variable.Setup, Main, Cleanup Step GroupsTestStand executes the steps in the Setup step group first,the Main step group next, and the Cleanup step group last.By default, a sequence moves to the Cleanup step group when a step generates an error in the Setup or Main step group.Local VariablesStore data relevant to the execution of the sequence. You can access local variables from within steps and code modules defined in a sequence.ParametersUse parameters to exchange data between calling and called sequences.StepsPerform built-in operations or call code modules. A step is an instance of a step type, which defines a set of step properties and default behaviors for each step.373457B-01 Apr07. . .. . .. . .National Instruments, NI, , NI TestStand, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information aboutNational Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products,refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents .© 2003–2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in Ireland.StepsSetup Step GroupTemplatesFlow Control Sequence Call Statement LabelMessage Popup Call Executable Property Loader FTP FilesSynchronization Steps Database Steps IVI-C Steps LabVIEW UtilityPass/Fail Test Numeric Limit Test Multiple Numeric Limit Test String Value Test Action Built-In Step TypesYou can use the fully customizable TestStand developmentenvironment to create, modify, execute, and debug sequences. You can also use the sequence editor to modify step types and process models. You can customize the environment by docking, auto-hiding, and floating panes to optimize your development tasks. TheDevelopment EnvironmentOVERVIEW CARD NI TestStand TMSystem and ArchitectureTestStand includes separate user interface applications developed in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET,C#, and C++ (MFC). Because TestStand includes the source code for each user interface, you can fully customize the userinterfaces. You can also create your own user interface using any programming language that can host ActiveX controls orcontrol ActiveX automation servers. With the user interfaces in operator mode, you can start multiple concurrent executions, set breakpoints, and single-step. In editor mode, you can modify sequences, display sequence variables, sequence parameters,step properties, and so on.TestStand Sequence Editor Overview User Interface OverviewPrinted DocumentationNI TestStand Quick Start GuideUse this document for system requirements andinstallation instructions. This document also contains information about the different TestStand licensing options.NI TestStand Release NotesUse this document to learn about new features and upgrade information.Using TestStandUse this manual to familiarize yourself with the TestStand environment and the basic features you use to build and run test sequences.Using LabVIEW with TestStandUse this manual in conjunction with the Using TestStand manual to learn how to use LabVIEW with ing LabWindows/CVI with TestStandUse this manual in conjunction with the Using TestStand manual to learn how to use LabWindows/CVI with TestStand.NI TestStand Reference ManualUse this manual to learn about TestStand concepts,architecture, and features.Online HelpNI TestStand HelpUse this help file to learn more about the TestStand environment and the TestStand User Interface Controls and Engine APIs. The NI TestStand Help also includes basic information about using an ActiveX automation server.NI TestStand VIs and Functions HelpUse this help file to learn more about TestStand-specific VIs and functions. This help file is accessible only from LabVIEW.Cards and PostersNI TestStand User Interface Controls Reference Poster Use this poster to learn about the controls available for writing custom user interfaces for TestStand.NI TestStand API Reference PosterUse this poster as an overview of the TestStand API. This poster lists the properties, objects, methods, and APIinheritance of the TestStand API.L i s t B a r Lists the currentlyopen sequence files and executions.S e q u e n c e F i l e W i n d o wE x e c u t i o n V i e wR e p o r t V i e wS e q u e n c e V i e wLists steps in the sequence and step group for the sequence file you select in the list bar.Displays the threads,call stack, and steps for the execution you select.Displays the report for the execution you select.Displays sequences and other items in a sequence Displays the threads,call stack, and stepsthat an execution runs.When executioncompletes, displays thereport for theexecution.User Manager WindowAdministers groups, users,login names, pass-words, and privi-leges.UsersDisplays users for the test station. Output Pane Displays output messages that expressions and code modules post to theTestStand Engine.Call Stack Pane Displays the nested sequence invocations for the thread you select.sequence editor provides familiar LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET debugging tools, including breakpoints, single-stepping, stepping into or over function calls, tracing, a Variables pane, and a Watch View pane. In the TestStand Sequence Editor, you can start multiple concurrent executions, execute multiple instances of the same sequence, and execute different sequences at the same time. Separate Execution windows display each execution. In trace mode, the Execution window displays the steps in the currently executing sequence. When you suspend an execution, the Execution window displays the next step to execute and provides single-stepping options.Templates List Organizes custom sequences, steps,and variables you can use as templates for building sequence files.Step Settings PaneSpecifies the settings for the step, such as code module parameters, switching, flow control, and post actions.Variables Pane Displays the variables andproperties, including the values, that steps can access at run time.StepPerforms built-in operations or calls code modules.ProjectOrganizes sequence files and code module files in folders.Workspace PaneManages projects for source code control (SCC) integration and deployment. TestStand inte-grates with third-party SCC pack-ages to add files, obtain the lat-est versions of files, and check files in and out.Watch View Pane Monitors the values of specifiedvariables, properties,and expressions during an execution.Threads Pane Contains a list of threads in the current execution.Insertion Palette Displays step types and templates you can insert into sequence files.GroupsDisplays groups that users belong to.。
外文翻译原文Researches and Development of InteractiveEducational Toys for ChildrenSun Yingying, Guo Liyan,Zhang ZuyaoZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityHangzhou, ChinaAbstract: For Oriented by the teaching philosophy "game based learning", this paper carried out an in-depth research on the interactive mode of children's educational toys. In the research process, it attempted to build a new immersed educational-game scenario for children by using the new interactive technology so as to inspire the children's interest in learning and exploration. The research object in this paper was an interactive educational toy-"funny tap" English learning machine for children. After integrating the design concept of this product from an industrial design perspective, we selected specific interactive technology and completed the engineering. Moreover, we have conducted tests of work principles and effect of usage based on the sample machine. The final result indicated that there is a promising and huge market potential to apply the new interactive technology to development of educational toys.Keywords: Interactive Educational Toys, Interactive Design, interactive mode1.INTRODUCTIONSince 1980s, human beings including the children have entered a digital age. Under the influence of the advanced information, early stage education machines, electronic building blocks, electronic wall charts, and other new toys have become children's new favorites. With the influence of the west teaching philosophy-"game based learning", parents are strongly agreed with such toys for children. These modern educational toys will become the mainstream of toy development due to their promotion of children's learning, practical ability, creativity and imagination.Interaction exists in all things contacted by humans, and interactive design emerged to design a kind of communication and dialogue between human and objects to minimize the "cognitive conflict". As a new design theory, interactive design has a wide range of applications in designing educational toys.2. THE PLAN AND BENEFITS OF THE INTERACTIVE MODE OFCHILDREN 'S TOYSThe rise of various digital technologies, such as voice recognition, 3D video, and virtual reality technology etc., gives new experience to people's perception. The author aimed to apply these new digital technologies to the researches of interactive educational toys design.The plan of the interactive mode of children's educational toys:2.1. Voice InteractionVoice interaction voice includes touch voice interaction, voice command interaction and intelligent voice interaction. Touch voice interaction and voice command interaction have been very common, such as electronic wall charts, televox; intelligent voice interaction is the author's aim to create a genuine dialogue between children and simulation toys through digital technology, to foster children's language ability, particularly in a family with only one child, the children need a "partner" to accompany them to learn and play with.2.2. Video InteractionVideo interaction can be divided into 2D image interaction and 3D video interaction. The former has been broadly used in toys, such as in multimedia courseware, image or video of horse will appear when referring to "horse"; 3D video interaction is the author's aim to apply 3D projection technology in the "play" process, for instance, when referring to a green grassland, a grassland projection will appear so that children feel like being on the grassland, which enhances children's learning experience; meanwhile, this enhanced emotional experience will prolong the memory retention time or even extend to a ultra- long-term memory.2.3. Narrative InteractionNarrative interaction is to conceive a story for the toy and offer a task role forchildren to make them participate in the story. The steps are shown in Figure 1: Fig. 1. The steps of narrative interactionBased on children's curiosity and imitation psychology as well as the investigation of the games, the author found the correct application of story interaction in educational toys can greatly mobilize children's learning enthusiasm, for example, we conceive an English learning process as treasure hunt activity. In this activity, the words are hidden in the treasure box, and children themselves are explorers, if they put one or a few words together, they will get a treasure box, and they can also make a competition with peers to get the treasure boxes. Through establishment of game theme, selection of roles, and plot development in the activities, children not only increase their knowledge of English, also learn how to get along with peers and develop good self-awareness.2.4. Web Virtual Reality InteractionWeb virtual reality interaction is virtual imaging through network connections, making you feel like your partners sitting, playing and learning with you, to deliberate the loneliness in the contemporary families, and promote children's learning initiative in the competitive context.Psychological research shows that with respect to the learners, the learning behavior resulting in emotional pleasure experience will produce a positive emotional resonance, thereby enhancing the learners' learning initiative and enthusiasm. The realistic educational-game scenario created by interactive educational toys for children not only brings emotional pleasure experience to children so that learning is no longer boring for them with a purpose of mobilizing the enthusiasm of study and developing creative thinking, but also enhances children's social communication ability to help children establish good social character favorable for their life.3. DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL TOY—"FUNNYTAP"Parents are head-ached on children's learning English, so we focus on developing an interactive English learning toy to help the children remembering words in gamescenario and stimulate their interests in learning English, and training children's hand operation and brain coordination.The development practice procedure of interactive toy for children-"funny tap" is shown in Figure 2 as following:Fig. 2. The development practice procedure of "funny tap"3.1. The development process of interactive concept of interactive educational toy-"funny tap"It is the development process of "funny tap" interactive concept. After investigating the object group of children and parents about their needs of English learning machine, we summarized six key indicators such as security, fun and incentive. Here we mainly describe three models of interactions shaded in Figure 3.To meet the requirement of fun, the author designed a narrative interactive process, as is shown in Figure 3:Fig. 3. The narrative interactive process of "funny tap"The word learning process is conceived as a game of whack-a-mole, imagining there are N mole holes, and there are M letters in a word (i.e. M moles with a letter). If you tap down M jumping moles in accordance with the order, you will get the cheers, if the tap is not correct, it will continue to call "come on"; meanwhile, the action of "tap" is not only funny, but also effective to train children's hands and brain coordination.Voice interaction was prepared by the microcontroller program to control the voice modules. There are two features regarding the "funny pat": one is wordpronunciation; the other is the design of the applause and cheering voices for reward and punishment, which help to reach the goal of incentive.In the first stage, video interaction was prepared by displaying the letters on buttons through LED dot matrix character display modules mainly controlled by microcontroller; in the second stage, we provided toy with 3D projector for projecting the whole process in the air to construct a 3D emotional scenario, and the action of "tap" is to tap the projections in the air.3.2. Principle diagram of interactive educational toy for children-"funny tap" The operation principle of "funny tap" is shown in Figure 4:Fig. 4. The operation principle of "funny tap"The system consists of six components, such as voice module, LED indicator, action back module, MCU, power module and LED dot matrix character display module. Among these, the three formers are connected with MCU through 8-bit data bus; LED dot matrix character display module is connected with the microcontroller through the 12C bus. Voice module stores English word pronunciation documents needed in the game, and MCU pronounces the word by controlling the voice module via the bus. LED dot matrix character display module consists of driver chips and the 8*8 LED matrix. MCU bus control LED dot matrix character display module via I2C to show the corresponding English letters. Action back module tests and captures the player's actions during the game for the MCU to judge whether the player conducts normal actions to control the game process.3.3. Appearance design process of interactive educational toy-"funny tap"The following Figure 5 is a design process from sketch, modelling, model-making to the final product and the drawing of the product structure explosion.Fig. 5. Appearance design process of "funny tap"3.4. Interaction testSample of N (N is an odd number) preschool children was randomly selected to test the product's availability, usability and user's willingness of using it. Mainly onsite testing observation and questionnaire survey, and then we improve the product according to the test results.Testing times are equal to or more than I so as to find the products with highest interaction. In the product final trial, most of parents fed back that this toy combined fun and knowledge well and the whole learning process was very smooth and the children were very happy when "learning".4. SUMMARY AND PROSPECTChina is a large country of toy manufacturing, but it still remains in the stage of imitating foreign design, especially in educational toy design. The research and practice of interactive educational toys in this study is expected to give some thought and inspiration to toy designers so as to further promote the development of Chinese toy industry.REFERENCES[I] Liu Zaihua, Children's Social Intelligence, Anhui People's Publishing House, 2008.[2] KARL T. ULRICH, STEVEN D. EPPINGER, Product Design and Developmen,Higher Education Press, 2005.[3] (U.S.) Robert J. stembeg, Translated by Yang Bingjun, Chen Yan, Chow Zhiling,Cognitive Psychology, Beijing: China Light Industry Press, 2006.[4] Zhang Zhcnzhong, Li Yanjun, Classification Research of Educational Toys,Textiles and Design, December 2008 Vol. 12.[5] Li Qiaodan, Xia Hongwen, On the Function of Digitized Bran-training Toys inElementary Education, China Education Informationalization Issuing Department.[6] Song Jun, Researches on Design Principles of Children's Educational Toys,[Online]. Available: [7] Liu Mingliang, " The Principle Production and Purchasing of Electronic Toys", New Era Press, 1992.Toy development and design based on the needs of olderpersonsAbstract:In china, aging and the life-quality of older persons has become today’s important issues of social concern, and how to solve this problem thus turns to be an important challenge in the design and development of supplies for the old. Now, the ensuing ways to solve varied. For instance, the design community has put emphasis on the design and development of the supplies for the old, but a large part of these de signs were for medical care and medical products of the senior person. The designs for the vast majority of the healthy people in their senior age are rarely involved. In this, I think, for the function of toys, the emphasis on the development of physical and mental health of older persons is the key, so to rethink the development of toys for the old persons in china is one of the ways.Keywords: Toys for the old, Needs design, humane careMentions of the toys, we always unconsciously think of the innocent children, as if toys are just child’s belongings. With the improvement of living standards, emphasis on the toys is constantly improved. To meet the needs of children, various designs are brought out, and then from luxury goods, toys have gradually become the child’s necessities. However, the authorities of the china toy association state that the toy is no longer the children’s only product: toy concept has been extended and functional and practical range of modern toy has been further expanded. Toys notonly inspire children, but also become the recreation products for the seniors. The old also need toys that could meet their spiritual needs and enrich their life in later years.1.Status of the development and design of toys for the seniorsIn china, toy for the old is still an industry to be developed. Senior people, as customers, they have needs and also purchasing power, but no targeted toys for them. There are as much as 130 million seniors in china who would be a huge consumer group, but the research and development of toys for old consumers has lagged behind developed country for more than 30 years.In America, the toys designed for the senior amount to 40% of the toy market. The toy market for old persons is more mature. They have many toy stores for the seniors throughout the urban and rural areas. Also our neighbor Japan does well in the development of toys for the old persons, and most toy companies have produced toys for seniors, and continued to introduce new products.2.The meaning of the development of toys for the seniors3.Retiring from work, the senior people get more time than before. Besides watching TV at home, they have no many alternative entertainments. Some old people have been for a long period in loneliness. Over time, they are prone to depression, anxiety disorder and Alzheimer’s, seriously affecting their physical and mental health and become burden to children and society.4.Li guangqing in department of rehabilitation of Beijing Xuanwu Hospital once said: “with age increasing, the function of the body of the seniors gradually degraded, and their reaction will be clumsier. At the same time, retirement from work, the opportunity for the old to use their brain reduces, which further brings the decline of attention and cognitive ability. Except to maintain good habits and moderate exercise, to slow down brain aging, putting hands and brain in work at the same time is the most effective way, which is exactly the function of toys. for people with Alzheimer’s, playing with toys, to some extent, would alleviate the condition.5.Therefore, toys can develop people’s thinking ability, and improve our intelligence. If the seniors play with toys constantly, the aging of the brain and theAlzheimer’s would be effectively prevented. Medical experts found that to maintain old people’s intelligence, we must first fully protect the brain. In addition to proper nutrition and adequate sleep, the seniors should make most of the brain. Just as Chinese saying tells that”water does not rot, and the door hinge is never worm-eaten “, the more one use his brain, the more sensitive it becomes. Playing with toys is exactly a good way to use the brain. With toys, the old people not only receive more information, at the same time become more optimistic than before, thereby enhancing their immune system function.6.The needs-analysis of toys for the old7.What is a needs analysis? This approach is to focus on the users’ needs. Users’ needs are sources of many new products.8.What is the demand-design? it is the most front-end process for new product in its life cycle, and decides the success or failure of the new products. Needs-design starts from the businesses and designers’ judgment of the market or the needs of users, and ends at planning proposals or technical specifications on description of the product development. Understand the market or user demand is a high-level investment for the success of the product.The development and design of toys for old persons should start from the needs of the seniors. Only a real understanding of the old consumers and their psychological and physiological needs can bring toys that give practical cares for the seniors physically and spiritually.Toys for the old should bring human care. Toy design process should be integrated into this concept. The aim of the toy design for the old is enhanced, with seniors-centered design principles, and with the help of analysis on the seniors’physiological psychological characteristics, cultural level and lifestyle. The toy design principle that shows humane care for the seniors is reflected at the same time.(1)Safety firstTo varying degrees, the judgment, cognitive ability and ability to respond of the old people weaken, thus in the process of using the product, they inevitably make mistakes. In case a threat to physical and mental health occurs, they usually are unable to escape the danger. Therefore, toys for the seniors should befault-tolerant. So that, the old people even make a mistake, there will be no danger. Here the reduction of operation process and the set of message for safe operation is an effective way to ensure the safety of the seniors with toys.(2)Moderate difficultThe design of toys for the old should be of moderate difficulty, and the purpose is to arouse their interest in playing. If too simple, it would not enhance the interest of the seniors and thus would not achieve the aim of exercising the brain; if too difficult, it would be strenuous for them to learn, and consequently cause a sense of failure which is not conducive to their mental health.(3)Easy to identifyThe toy should have a familiar form and an understandable functional theory for the old. It should also be equipped with an interface in keeping with the experience and habits of the seniors. Besides, the toys that need interface design, should take into account the graphic symbols, size, color, clarity of sound, light intensity.(4)Facilitate communicationPeople’s feelings need to vent and exchange, especially for the seniors. For them, emotional communication is indispensable to maintain their vitality, and improve the quality of life. Playing with toys, there are many ways for the old to choose, such as: taking turns to participate, working together and racing in the game. The development of multiple-persons playing toys is to create a harmonious environment in which they can talk when play. So the core of toy-development is to involve the participants as much as possible. For the participating ways, common collaborative participatory approach is the best, which is more conducive to conversation, and get to know some new friends. In this way the seniors can expand their social circle with emotional exchange.(5)The effect for keeping fitness and developing intelligenceIncreasing with age, people’s organ recession becomes an objective physiological phenomenon. In order to maintain good physical function and mental state, and improve the quality of life, fitness puzzle is a very important content in the lives of older persons. Body-building that can achieve with playing toys is themost basic needs of older persons. Old people by playing intellectual toys can effectively prevent Alzheimer’s disease, so to maintain the flexibility of the seniors’mind is the main direction of the toy development.(6)Cultural connotationsLife experiences bring the old people with more comprehensive concept of life, thus toys with a certain ideological and cultural depth usually put them in recollecting and thinking of issues. Toys for the seniors are different from those for children: a child plays a toy intuitively, while the old emphasize the toy’s inherent fun, and show great interest in the toys with cultural connotations. Of course, this culture must be familiar with the elderly, has gone deep into the ideological deep.Summing up, toys for the seniors have a promising market, for each one of us would inevitably become old. The design industry should make more efforts to improve the living standard of the seniors. One way is to develop toys for the old and help them improve their life quality with theses design. We all know, care for the old is to care for all mankind, and designing from the needs of the old has become an urgent task of today’s society.References:[1]Yang Guanghui. China’s Population Aging and the Industrial Structure [m].Liaoning Science and Technology Press, 2008.7.[2] Wang Lianhai. Chinese Toys, Art History [m], Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2006.8.[3] Wang court. Toys And Innovative Design [m], Chemical Industry Press,2005.12.儿童家具的人性化设计摘要:本文以儿童家具设计问题为出发点,提出人性化的概念在新的时代环境下的新解释,并指出新的人性化设计原则在儿童家具的设计方法中的实现,分析儿童家具的现状,并提出一些建议。
Introduction to robotics technologyIn the manufacturing field, robot development has focused on engineering robotic arms that perform manufacturing processes. In the space industry, robotics focuses on highly specialized, one-of-kind planetary rovers. Unlike a highly automated manufacturing plant, a planetary rover operating on the dark side of the moon -- without radio communication -- might run into unexpected situations. At a minimum, a planetary rover must have some source of sensory input, some way of interpreting that input, and a way of modifying its actions to respond to a changing world. Furthermore, the need to sense and adapt to a partially unknown environment requires intelligence (in other words, artificial intelligence).Mechanical platforms -- the hardware baseA robot consists of two main parts: the robot body and some form of artificial intelligence (AI) system. Many different body parts can be called a robot. Articulated arms are used in welding and painting; gantry and conveyor systems move parts in factories; and giant robotic machines move earth deep inside mines. One of the most interesting aspects of robots in general is their behavior, which requires a form of intelligence. The simplest behavior of a robot is locomotion. Typically, wheels are used as the underlying mechanism to make a robot move from one point to the next. And some force such as electricity is required to make the wheels turn under command.MotorsA variety of electric motors provide power to robots, allowing them to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices with variousprogrammed motions. The efficiency rating of a motor describes how much of the electricity consumed is converted to mechanical energy. Let's take a look at some of the mechanical devices that are currently being used in modern robotics technology.Driving mechanismsGears and chains:Gears and chains are mechanical platforms that provide a strong and accurate way to transmit rotary motion from one place to another, possibly changing it along the way. The speed change between two gears depends upon the number of teeth on each gear. When a powered gear goes through a full rotation, it pulls the chain by the number of teeth on that gear.Pulleys and belts:Pulleys and belts, two other types of mechanical platforms used in robots, work the same way as gears and chains. Pulleys are wheels with a groove around the edge, and belts are the rubber loops that fit in that groove.Gearboxes:A gearbox operates on the same principles as the gear and chain, without the chain. Gearboxes require closer tolerances, since instead of using a large loose chain to transfer force and adjust for misalignments, the gears mesh directly with each other. Examples of gearboxes can be found on the transmission in a car, the timing mechanism in a grandfather clock, and the paper-feed of your printer.Power suppliesPower supplies are generally provided by two types of battery. Primary batteries are used once and then discarded; secondary batteries operate from a (mostly) reversible chemical reaction and can be recharged several times. Primary batteries have higher density and a lower self-dischargerate. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries have less energy than primary batteries, but can be recharged up to a thousand times depending on their chemistry and environment. Typically the first use of a rechargeable battery gives 4 hours of continuous operation in an application or robot.SensorsRobots react according to a basic temporal measurement, requiring different kinds of sensors.In most systems a sense of time is built-in through the circuits and programming. For this to be productive in practice, a robot has to have perceptual hardware and software, which updates quickly. Regardless of sensor hardware or software, sensing and sensors can be thought of as interacting with external events (in other words, the outside world). The sensor measures some attribute of the world. The term transducer is often used interchangeably with sensor. A transducer is the mechanism, or element, of the sensor that transforms the energy associated with what is being measured into another form of energy. A sensor receives energy and transmits a signal to a display or computer. Sensors use transducers to change the input signal (sound, light, pressure, temperature, etc.) into an analog or digital form capable of being used by a robot.Microcontroller systemsMicrocontrollers (MCUs) are intelligent electronic devices used inside robots. They deliver functions similar to those performed by a microprocessor (central processing unit, or CPU) inside a personal computer. MCUs are slower and can address less memory than CPUs, but are designed for real-world control problems. One of the major differences between CPUs and MCUs is the number of external components needed tooperate them. MCUs can often run with zero external parts, and typically need only an external crystal or oscillator.Utilities and toolsROBOOP (A robotics object oriented package in C++):This package is an object-oriented toolbox in C++ for robotics simulation. Technical references and downloads are provided in the Resources.CORBA: A real-time communications and object request broker software package for embedding distributed software agents. Each independent piece of software registers itself and its capabilities to the ORB, by means of an IDL (Interface Definition Language). Visit their Web site (see Resources) for technical information, downloads, and documentation for CORBA.TANGO/TACO:This software might be useful for controlling a robotics system with multiple devices and tools. TANGO is an object oriented control system based on CORBA. Device servers can be written in C++ or Java. TACO is object oriented because it treats all(physical and logical) control points in a control system as objects in a distributed environment. All actions are implemented in classes. New classes can be constructed out of existing classes in a hierarchical manner, thereby ensuring a high level of software reuse. Classes can be written in C++, in C (using a methodology called Objects in C), in Python or in LabView (using the G programming language).ControllersTask Control Architecture: The Task Control Architecture (TCA) simplifies building task-level control systems for mobile robots. "Task-level" refers to the integration and coordination of perception, planning, andreal time control to achieve a given set of goals (tasks). TCA provides a general control framework, and is intended to control a wide variety of robots. TCA provides a high-level machine-independent method for passing messages between distributed machines (including between Lisp and C processes). TCA provides control functions, such as task decomposition, monitoring, and resource management, that are common to many mobile robot applications. The Resources section provides technical references and download information for Task Control Architecture.EMC (Enhanced Machine Controller): The EMC software is based on the NIST Real time Control System (RCS) methodology, and is programmed using the NIST RCS Library. The RCS Library eases the porting of controller code to a variety of UNIX and Microsoft platforms, providing a neutral application programming interface (API) to operating system resources such as shared memory, semaphores and timers. The EMC software is written in C and C++, and has been ported to the PC Linux, Windows NT, and Sun Solaris operating systems.Darwin2K: Darwin2K is a free, open source toolkit for robot simulation and automated design. It features numerous simulation capabilities and an evolutionary algorithm capable of automatically synthesizing and optimizing robot designs to meet task-specific performance objectives.LanguagesRoboML (Robotic Markup Language): RoboML is used for standardized representation of robotics-related data. It is designed to support communication language between human-robot interface agents, as well as between robot-hosted processes and between interface processes, and to provide a format for archived data used by human-robot interface agents.ROSSUM: A programming and simulation environment for mobile robots. The Rossum Project is an attempt to help collect, develop, and distribute software for robotics applications. The Rossum Project hopes to extend the same kind of collaboration to the development of robotic software.XRCL (Extensible Robot Control Language): XRCL (pronounced zircle) is a relatively simple, modern language and environment designed to allow robotics researchers to share ideas by sharing code. It is an open source project, protected by the GNU Copyleft.SummaryThe field of robotics has created a large class of robots with basic physical and navigational competencies. At the same time, society has begun to move towards incorporating robots into everyday life, from entertainment to health care. Moreover, robots could free a large number of people from hazardous situations, essentially allowing them to be used as replacements for human beings. Many of the applications being pursued by AI robotics researchers are already fulfilling that potential. In addition, robots can be used for more commonplace tasks such as janitorial work. Whereas robots were initially developed for dirty, dull, and dangerous applications, they are now being considered as personal assistants. Regardless of application, robots will require more rather than less intelligence, and will thereby have a significant impact on our society in the future as technology expands to new horizons.外文出处:Robotic technology / edited by A. Pugh./P. Peregrinus, c1993.附件1:外文资料翻译译文机器人技术简介在制造业领域,机器人的开发集中在执行制造过程的工程机器人手臂上。
Armando Vilaseca, Commissioner of Education Rae Ann Knopf, Deputy Commissioner of Education John Fischer, Director of Secondary Education Peter Peltz, State Representative + House Education Committee Member Kathy Larsen, Vice Chair of the Vermont Board of Education Tim Donovan, Chancellor of Vermont State Colleges David Coriell, Special Assistant to Governor Douglas Tami Esbjerg, Proprietor of Studio di Disegno
An Internationally
Self-Assessment Tool for Secondary Learning
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The authors of this tool would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the New England Secondary School Consortium Council, our regional steering committee, for the support and leadership it has provided during the first year of our existence. As champions for the vision, mission, and goals of the Consortium, our Council has been instrumental in making our work—including this resource—a success.
adobe flash 运行时发展蓝图(Adobe Flash 运行时发展蓝图)Adobe Flash runtime development blueprintThis document gives a brief overview of the Adobe Flash runtime and its development blueprint. The main goal is to provide guidance for you to gain insight into Adobe's current perspectives and plans for the core Flash capabilities contained in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR for the next one to two years.Note: this document is based on the date of publication, and the information contained in it may change. The longer the duration of the discussion, the more difficult it is to determine the specific route of the blueprint. If there are major changes in the plan discussed in this white paper, we will also update the document accordingly. Users can always query the latest version of this document at the following URL: /go/flashplayer_roadmap.abstractNo matter in the past ten years and recently, Flash Player and Adobe AIR has played a very important role in the field of Web, has been providing a consistent platform in the deployment of rich content and expressive as cross browser, desktop and device. Flash runtime started as a platform to support animation, and then gradually evolved into a complete multimedia platform, providing other ways can not be achieved Web experience.Looking to the future, Adobe believes that Flash is extremelysuitable for entry into the game and pay video market, and will focus on developing these areas. At the same time, Adobe will also make corresponding adjustments to the language structure and operation, in order to ensure that the Flash is running in place, in order to achieve the most abundant experience of Web in the next ten years, success across mobile devices.Flash runtimeThe Flash runtime refers to the runtime Flash Player and Adobe AIR, are built on a core set of multimedia technology, to provide a uniform platform for content and applications to create and deploy highly expressive, can run the operating system and equipment across all browsers.Flash content is mainly developed using ActionScript 3 language, and can be packaged as SWF files or compiled cost machine formats, including multimedia assets and execution code, and displayed in Flash runtime.Flash runtime coreThe Flash runtime core contains the underlying API and functionality, and each runtime distribution is built on this basis. The main runtime distribution refers to the Flash Player browser plug-in and Adobe AIR, Adobe AIR provides other API and function specific to its own host environment.Unless otherwise specified, this document refers to the functions defined in the kernel Flash runtime, which is applicable to various specific runtime distributions thatcontain this function.The "Flash runtime core" referenced in this document refers to the core Flash functionality that is distributed at runtime.The "Flash runtime" referred to in this document refers to the runtime that is built on the core Flash functionality. These runtime include Flash Player (browser plug-in) and Adobe AIR (stand-alone application).Adobe Flash Player browser plug inAdobe Flash Player is a browser based plug-in built on top of the core Flash functionality that allows you to view applications, content, and videos in an unmatched way across browsers and operating systems.The "Flash Player" and "Flash Player browser plug-in" cited in this document refer to the runtime of the Flash Player browser plug-in.Adobe AIRAdobe AIR is a desktop or mobile devices running on, built on the core Flash functionality, developers can cross the personal computer, operating system and equipment based on the contents of the Flash as a separate desktop and mobile applications to create and deploy.Brief historyFlash Player was released in the late 1990s, which was originally a browser based plug-in for displaying simple graphics and animations based on vectors. Because it provides creative, rich media to display animation on the web,This operation is difficult (or even impossible) to execute directly in the browser) and is rapidly gaining popularity in the animation industry.With the passage of time, Flash Player has added a variety of new features and functions, greatly expanding the player and the operation can be carried out on the network. Some of the functions are as follows:animationVector based graphicsAudio (including MP3)videoMicrophone and camera accessLow-level bitmap operationsSocket based on binaryStrongly typed programming language based on classHardware speeds up 2D and 3D contentWith the gradual addition of new functions, designers and developers can create new types of Web content, which in turn ensures that users can continue to install and use Flash Player. This creates a virtuous circle. The Flash Player provides new features almost free access on Web, so developers can create a lot of new content and expressive, and because the Flash Player is able to access some of the most exciting Web content, so the user will continue to install Flash Player.In 2008, Adobe released a desktop runtime, which included this core Flash runtime function. Its name is Adobe AIR, the runtime for developers and designers will be based on the contents of the Flash as a stand-alone application to create and deploy, initially can only be done on a desktop operating system, and more recently, can be realized on a mobile device.The strategic focus of Flash runtimeWith the browser market competition intensified, browser vendors innovation, launched a new function, so that through the browser technology deployment dynamic graphics rich directly, and this burden is borne mainly by Flash Player. Gradually, people began to deploy a variety of dynamic graphics directly through browsers using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and other modern Web technologies. Although the main role of Flash Player is still Web innovation engine, this has not changed, but its use will be a major change.Adobe is convinced that the Flash runtime is particularly suited to the following two main use cases and plays anirreplaceable role: creating and deploying rich games that contain a large number of console quality graphics, and deploying paid video.This shift does not mean that the existing content is no longer running, nor does it mean that Flash can not be used outside games and paid videos. However, this does mean that when you think about future developments and bug fixes priorities, you'll give priority to games and paid video use cases.GameGames are immersive interactive content, and game users often require first-class richness, consistency, performance, and coverage. Can provide integrated vector and raster graphics and animation, in the entire network, video and audio synchronous dynamic response performance of Flash, which will create a standard platform, not only can play casual games on the Web, can also pull more complicated game.The game continues to break technical barriers, and Flash makes it possible for Adobe to provide new functionality faster than almost any other technology, while maintaining maximum coverage and maximum followers. Flash runtime provides a large number of game platform key advantages and differences in features, including the following aspects:Almost all PC is covered by the Flash Player browser plug-in, while almost all mobile devices are covered by Adobe AIRYou can quickly add new features and provide them to the mostwidely used usersTotal hardware acceleration provides support for 2D and 3D, providing console quality graphicsRich ecosystem of game developersAn object oriented powerful programming languageWorld class creation and development tools, including Adobe Flash Builder, Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe IllustratorAdobe is convinced that Flash is a console for Web, and it lays the foundation for game developers to provide more games and experiences more easily to more users than any other platform. Flash Player browser plug in itself can cover 99% of PCs without hindrance, and does not need to install any additional components (which is 11 times as much as the best-selling hardware console). Adobe AIR allows developers to own game based on Flash package application cost machine procedures, so that seamless coverage of intelligent mobile phone and tablet computer, including Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Android intelligent mobile phone and tablet computer and Kindle Fire.Adobe shifts its focus to create a powerful gaming business. This includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:Standard game development programGame serviceFull range of product support allows developers to make full use of their own Flash games C and C++ code and LibraryAuthorized access game development advanced functions and APIThe Flash runtime eliminates barriers that enable game developers to serve as many users as possible, provide dynamic games and realize their currency value. The world's biggest game publishers make billions of dollars a year by investing in Flash based games. Games are often the most experienced and demanding interactive experience. Adobe believes that only through Flash can this rapid innovation and consistency continue to adapt to the development of the game.Advanced functions and APIAdobe announced that since March 28, 2012, the top API in Flash Player has been developed for game developers. To use these advanced functions, developers will need to sign a license agreement with Adobe.Developers who want to use Stage3D and fast memory operating code through domainMemory API have to get Adobe permission to use them. In addition to the use of Stage3D API, there is no restriction on the use of domainMemory API.The advanced function licenses for Stage3D hardware acceleration and fast memory operation code are only applicable to the case where domainMemory and Stage3D API are used together, but not applicable to the following circumstances:Use the operating code /domainMemory API aloneUsing hardware to speed up Stage3D functions aloneAll the usage of Stage3D software render functionAll the uses of these functions, including the combination and use of AIR, are packaged as native applications in FlashIn a word, the combined use of domainMemory API and Stage 3D API will be considered as an advanced function and restricted by license terms.In order to ensure the overall success in the existing content and project development stage, Adobe will be the exemption rights extended to August 1, 2012, before this period published content will be completely free, the user must obtain the license to use advanced features, but does not apply to these terms of business. For more information on advanced functions and terms, please visit /go/fpl.Adobe plans to incorporate the bundle into other API that focuses on game development. The functions included in the plan include the following:In order to realize the function of relying on the content of large assets "instant play" game experience, these assets can use local storage API cache dataCan help content publishers find better brands and usersrequest acquisition technology, if the user wants to create a shortcut to the application on the desktop, taskbar, or start menuIn the original version, only the new runtime API was included in the advanced function column. Since new functions are introduced into Flash Player, these new functions are designated as advanced functions, or they are specified as part of the collection before the final release of the free standard function set,And maybe through a blueprint or pre release during the pre release period.This document will be updated with the upcoming advanced API program and information release.Advanced functional licensingAdvanced functions are encouraged to use and test through pricing, and have the minimum income threshold, the user must reach this threshold licensing fee in order to enter into force. You can get details at the following URL: /go/fpl.Toll videoBy providing high quality, secure and consistent solutions across browsers and operating systems, Adobe Flash achieves explosive growth of online video. Flash can be called "video engine" for online video, because it can provide consistent high-quality codec, streaming media protocol and contentprotection technology. In addition, Flash can providelow-level access to developers, so that they write custom behavior or protocol, otherwise it is impossible to enter only the stack of advanced API.Online video is still in the initial stage of development, Adobe believe that we will see more days after the broadcast and paid content on the network. Where there is a consumer, there is this kind of paid content consumption, which means that the video not only needs to cover the desktop, but also covers tablet computers, mobile phones, smart TV and other video streaming devices. The content must be safe, reliable, quality, attractive, and monetization and analysis.Adobe is convinced that Flash Player will continue to be at the forefront of online video through innovation in key areas. The following innovations are included:Using native format to push Adobe video stream and content protection technology to more platformsSupport the needs of fee content ownersStrengthen collaboration with hardware vendors to provide high cost performance experienceAdobe believes that Flash has some of the basic and unique advantages in the video field:Cross browser, platform and operating system support single and stable player and codecContent protection support (single DRM), and then authorize the payment of video content for network distributionA fully functional, proven, mature solution to provide "mission critical" video platforms for paid content owners, including ad insertion and analysis supportTo maintain client consistency and provide services such as advertising and analysis to drive revenue, Adobe is the only company that can meet the needs of paid content owners. The goal of Adobe is to help pay content owners to promote more content to the network, to maximize the monetary value of such content. Its advanced video solution uses Flash runtime to provide high quality content on a large number of devices that are used by users in a secure manner, and can eliminate a large number of obstacles to achieve this goal. Second, monetization technology of Adobe allows content owners to grab maximum value from their content by dynamically inserting advertisements, enabling analysis, reporting, and subdividing users.Technology development blueprintThis section describes the Flash runtime version and functional development blueprint for the next two years. The document will also be updated as we continue to define and expand this blueprint on the basis of the first two years of the plan reflected in the following article. This information will serve as a guide to guide developers and content providers to understand the overall development direction of the Flash runtime, as well as the specific functions of the currentplanning or thinking.Please note that the blueprint represents the Adobe's current plans and views on the Flash runtime, and the content may change. The details of the release are likely to change with the further development of the future planning version.This document will be updated with the changes of information and plan.Adobe AIRIn the past, Adobe AIR and Flash Player browser plug-ins have been going on, but not the same line of development. In general, Flash API and functionality will be first released through the Flash Player plug-in, and eventually incorporated into the Adobe AIR version.渐渐地, adobe air 和 flash player 浏览器插件版本将会越来越同步, 最终实现同时发布.Adobe air 3 能够通过将本机扩展捆绑至其应用程序来帮助开发人员扩展运行时的 API 平面和功能.这些扩展均以低级语言编写, 并且能够访问并非通过 adobe air 揭示的特性和功能.未来的 adobe air 开发将关注纳入核心 flash 运行时的各项功能.同时也将开发桌面和移动设备特定 API, 它们并非 adobe air 开发工作的主要焦点.无法通过 adobe air 直接获取功能的开发人员应当考虑通过本机可扩展性添加该功能 API API.Flash player 11.2目前的 flash player 版本为 11.2, 关注添加对游戏和视频市场至关重要的功能.本版本包含的其中一些功能如下所示:鼠标锁定支持右键和中间键鼠标单击支持上下文菜单禁用通过 adobe air 为 Apple IOS 和 Android 提供硬件加速图形 / stage 3D 支持支持更多硬件加速视频卡 (自 2008 年 1 月), 以便扩大硬件加速内容的可用性.全新的限制事件 API (当 flash player 限制、暂停或恢复内容时分派事件)PC 上的多线程视频解码管道, 用以提高所有桌面平台上视频的整体性能调试播放器高级功能使用通知; 内容可在该版本播放器中无限制运行Flash player 11.2 中的高级功能下面是 flash player 11.2 高级功能的技术实现摘要:Domainmemory API 使用将不受限制.当在 flash player 内搭配使用 domainmemory debug API 与stage3d 时, 将会显示水印, 通知开发人员他们的 API 使用将受到下一版播放器许可的约束.Flash player "Cyril"在发布 flash player 11.2 之后, Adobe 着手计划发布另一版本, 代号为 "Cyril", 计划将于 2012 年第二季度发布.此版本将关注启用对游戏市场至关重要的特性和功能, 以及满足开发人员提出的热门功能请求.此版本计划推出的其中一些功能如下所示:全屏模式键盘输入支持改进音频支持, 用以处理低延迟音频能够逐步梳理 stage 3D 内容纹理Bytearray LZMA 压缩支持帧标签事件支持将 bitmapData 压缩至 JPEG png 格式和支持 Mac OS X 应用程序商店应用程序沙盒要求Flash player "Dolores"Adobe Flash player 正在计划于 2012 年下半年推出另一版本, 代号为 "Dolores", 此版本侧重于启用针对游戏市场的各种功能, 以及改进 flash player 整体使用情况.此版本计划推出的其中一些功能如下所示:ActionScript 工作线程 (在独立线程上实现并发 ActionScript 执行)支持高级分析支持更多硬件加速视频卡 (相较于 2005 / 2006), 以便扩展硬件加速内容的可用性针对 Apple IOS 改进了 ActionScript 性能性能指数 API, 用以了解当前环境的性能发布外部鼠标事件 API用以访问快速内存操作码的 ActionScript 3 API (API 当与stage3d 一同使用时即为高级功能)Dolores 中的高级功能自 Dolores 发布起,Using advanced functions, Stage3D hardware acceleration, and fast memory operating code combinations will require licenses.The implementation of this technique is as follows:The use of domainMemory API and Stage3D API will be limited and subject to the licensing agreement signed with Adobe. If the content is not licensed, it will appear in software (rather than hardware) mode.By default, the debug player displays the watermark when using advanced functions (combining Stage3D and fast memory operating code) (see above), indicating the need for advanced functional licensing. To facilitate the development and testing of advanced functions, developers will be able to disable this watermark function in the debug player.Flash Player "Next""Adobe is committed to continuously release products in 2012 (including the 11.2 and subsequent 2012 version) at the same time, we also strive to achieve the Flash runtime library modernization, to meet the needs of developers over the next five to ten years to ensure that Flash is running. In this document, this work refers to Flash Player and ActionScript "Next"This work includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects:Refactoring the current Flash runtime core code library and realizing its modernizationWorking on the ActionScript virtual machineUpdate ActionScript languageThe main goal of this work is to achieve the core Flash runtime and ActionScript virtual machine modernization, in order to substantially improve the performance of script execution, and lay the foundation for the future development of Flash in the next ten years.At present, the first version of the Flash runtime version of this work will be released on 2013.Adobe plans to add hardware accelerated StageVideo support in the Adobe AIR version released in 2013.ActionScript "Next""In recent years, the application and scope of ActionScript have changed dramatically, but the ActionScript 3 language has remained almost unchanged since its launch in 2006. Adobe believes that it is time to change the language so that it can be carefully guided to further evolve toward higher expressiveness and improved work efficiency and improved performance.From the point of view of language design, Adobe uses the following assumptions to guide the next generation ActionScript development:The demand for long - term production advantages such as robustness, modularity and maintainability is gradually increasing to compensate for the short - term advantages ofscripting language, such as development speedHigh performance requirements continue to riseHardware utilization requirements continue to increaseFirst of all, Adobe plans significantly improve performance in the short term, while establishing long-term performance improvement goals. When we look at how to develop ActionScript, performance is the primary goal. Second, Adobe aims to improve the efficiency of developers by simplifying language, improving tool support, and promoting error prevention. Finally, due to the reduction of unnecessary complexity, we will be able to deploy innovations within the more rapid Flash runtime.Here are a few topics about the next generation of ActionScript languages and virtual machines:By default, static types are strictly used, but dynamic types can be selected: most of the extensions of most programs are expected to benefit from static types. However, ActionScript 3 tends to fall into dynamic types where the absolute static type is best used. This kind of behavior will be corrected. If necessary, you can still use dynamic type, but it is no longer the default operation of ActionScript, but needs to be explicitly enabled.Type inference: only certain strategic positions need to have type declarations. The compiler will automatically infer the appropriate type declarations in all other positions, and thewhole process will be regarded as a static type, even if the programmer does not need to explain so is any type. Therefore, users can easily obtain the convenience of non typing programming,The performance advantage of typed programming is also provided.Numerical types for hardware: for example, int, uint, float, float4, byte, short, long, etc. (exact types are still being discussed). Currently in ActionScript 3, integer values can be overflowed to floating point values. This value will change, so the numerical operation will never change the base representation of the value. We expect that this incremental operation will greatly reduce implementation complexity and improve runtime performance.These are just a small part of our focus. As we develop and consolidate the understanding of how languages and virtual machines will change, we will update this document step by step.CompatibilityThe next version of ActionScript will evolve from ActionScript 3, but in some cases it may not be fully compatible with ActionScript 3. We want to simplify all ActionScript 3 migration operations so that they are no longer as cumbersome as migrating from ActionScript 2 to ActionScript 3.In any case, we will continue to explore the tool operation program, simplify this transition or automate operation.The current ActionScript 3 content will continue to run in the Flash runtime, although it may not run in the same virtual machine as the latest ActionScript. This pattern is similar to the current model based on ActionScript 2 running in Flash Player.Essential informationThis section describes the basic information and guidelines for the Flash runtime.Platform supportAdobe releases a list of support platforms for each Flash runtime version. Users can log in to the Adobe website to understand the list of support platforms corresponding to each version, and can view the latest support platform list on the /cn/products/flashplayer/systemreqs/.PC and device supported Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR may vary. For more information, see their respective release notes.personal computerAdobe is dedicated to providing Flash Player browser plug ins and Adobe AIR for personal computer operating systems. In some cases, Adobe may cooperate with third parties to assist in developing and / or distributing Flash runtime for various browsers and operating systems.Apple OS X:Adobe has been trying to provide support for Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR for Mac OS X operating systems. On the Mac OS X operating system, the system can be distributed directly, or Adobe AIR applications can be distributed through the Mac application store.At present, we are trying to implement the Adobe AIR application distribution on the Mac application store in accordance with the new Mac OS X application sandbox. We want to provide the following support in the "Cyril" runtime version.Microsoft Windows:Adobe has been trying to provide support for Flash Player browser plug-ins and Adobe AIR for Windows based operating systems.Windows 8:Microsoft is now developing Windows 8, and it's also a new generation of Windows operating systems. The operating system contains a large number of different user interface configurations (desktop and Metro) and targeted processor chip sets (x86/64 and ARM), which establishes a large number of different development goals for the Flash runtime.Adobe is currently working closely with Microsoft to finalize the support configuration details of Flash Player and Adobe AIRon Windows 8. Once the document is finalized and the release schedule is established, the document will be updated accordingly.Linux:Adobe has been working closely with Google to develop a single modern API for hosting browser plug-ins. The PPAPI is called "Pepper", which aims at setting a layer between the plug-in and the browser to abstract the differences between browsers and operating system implementation.You can log in to /p/ppapi/ to learn more about Pepper API.As a result of this work, Adobe has been working with Google to implement Flash Player "Pepper" for all x86/64 platforms supported by Google Chrome browsers". Later this year, Google will begin to distribute this new Flash Player based on Pepper as part of Chrome, and distribute it on all platforms (including Linux).For the 11.2 and later versions of the Flash Player Flash Player Linux browser plug-in for a part only through the "Pepper" API as Google Chrome browser to distribute, and cannot proceed directly from the Adobe download. Within five years since its release, Adobe will continue to provide security updates for non Pepper distribution products of Flash Player 11.2.Flash Player will also use non Pepper plug-in API to support browsers on platforms other than Linux.Adobe will execute the Flash Player browser plug-in to debug the player on Linux, and update the document after understanding its distribution principle details.As of Adobe AIR 3, Adobe has stopped providing Adobe AIR support for Linux operating systems.Mobile deviceFlash Player 11.1 is the latest version of Flash Player plug in for mobile browsers. Adobe does not add new mobile device configuration support (chipset, browser, operating system version, etc.). Adobe will continue to provide critical bug fixes and security updates for existing device configurations, so that our source code licensees will be able to continue processing and publishing their respective implementation scenarios.Adobe will continue to actively invest and support developers to create and deploy Flash based content as mobile (and desktop) applications via Adobe AIR.televisionLike desktop and mobile devices, Adobe's future TV technology innovations and marketing activities will focus on the following two use cases: pay video and advanced games.Today, Adobe supports Flash based video and game applications built with two different models:Adobe AIR for TVUsing Flash Player to replay video content of HTML applications (in this model, Flash Player will be used as a "video engine" in HTML applications).We will be firmly committed to the development of television, and will continue to optimize their own television hardware technology, in order to achieve excellent video and gaming experience.Although we have been able to authorize Flash Player to browse general web pages on TV, we don't recommend this approach because TV hardware is difficult to ensure consistent and high quality "whole network" browsing.More informationFlash platform white paperAdobe AIRAIR Developer CenterFlash PlayerFlash Player Developer CenterDocument release record。
develop computational “objects” that represent fundamental abstractions of ele-ments in a computational model. In the structured approach, the fundamental unit of code is a subroutine or function that modifies the data in some way,where in the object-oriented approach,the fundamental unit is an objectdescribed by a class in C++. A class con-tains both data that describe the object and functions that operate on those data. In Overture, object-oriented design principles have been used throughout to hide the details of complex data structures and algorithms and their par-allel implementation. Data structures and algorithms can be specialized and extended through derivation. TheUCRL-TB-132077 Rev. 2URL: /casc/Overture/offs for using this method are signifi-cant, but the implementation details can be complex due to the intricacy of both the overall algorithm and the physics behind the simulation.The Overture FrameworkWhile it is possible to use traditionalstructured programming approaches to implement, debug, modify, and maintainapplications codes based on the adaptive composite overlapping grid method, this would be a daunting task, particularly on parallel computers. The Overture frame-work was developed usingobject-oriented design techniques and with the C++ programming language.With object-oriented design, the task is toOvertureObject-Oriented Tools for Solving CFD and Combustion Problems in Complex Moving Geometry TechnologyOverture is an object-oriented code framework for solving partial differen-tial equations in serial and parallel computing environments. It provides a portable, flexible software development environment for applications that involve the simulation of physical processes in complex moving geome-try. It is implemented as a collection of C++ libraries that enable the use of finite difference and finite volumemethods at a level that hides the details of the associated data structures, as well as the details of the parallel imple-mentation. While maintainingperformance equivalent to hand-coded C or Fortran, Overture is designed for solving problems on a structured grid or a collection of structured grids. In particular, it can use curvilinear grids,adaptive mesh refinement, and the composite overlapping grid method to represent problems involving complex domains with moving components.The method of adaptive com-posite overlapping grids provides a computationalmechanism to accurately simulate phys-ical processes that are described by systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) in complex moving domains.High-resolution finite difference or finite volume methods are used on a collection of structured curvilinear grids. This basic differencing technol-ogy is combined with block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) to pro-vide local resolution in the computation with correspondingly greater computa-tional efficiency. At LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory (LLNL),this approach is used for high-resolution simulations of incompressible and low Mach number hydrodynamics flows in complex moving geometries. The pay-Figure 1.This simulation of a shock interacting with a cylindrical obstacle demonstrates the structured adaptive mesh refinement capabilities within Overture.The two component grids (shown in blue) are refined independently using a Berger-Oliger style approach.The two levels of refinement grids are indicated by the green and red patches.This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W -7405-Eng-48.OvertureOverture classes provide tools for the rapid development of application codes. The main class categories are listed below.1. A++/P++ arrays describe multidi-mensional arrays and provide for serial and parallel operations on those arrays. In the parallel environ-ment, these provide for thedistribution and interpretation ofcommunication required for thedata-parallel execution of operations on the arrays.2. Mappings define transformations such as curves, surfaces, areas, and volumes. These are used to represent the geometry of the computational domain.3. Grids define a discrete representationof a mapping or mappings. These include single grids and collections of grids, in particular composite overlapping grids. CASC’s Rapsodi project provides tools for the con-struction of curvilinear grids and for overlapping those grids to represent complex moving geometries.4. Grid functions provide for the repre-sentation and centering of solution values such as density, velocity, and pressure, defined at each point on the grid(s).5. Operators provide discrete represen-tations of differential operators and boundary conditions through finitedifference or finite volume approxi-mations.6. Visualization tools based on OpenGL are provided to furnish a high-level graphics interface for visualizing geometry and simulation results.7. Adaptive mesh refinement provides automatic refinement of the overlap-ping grid structure for increased local resolution and efficiency of computational simulations.8. Load-balancing tools are provided for automatic load-balancing of computations on the adaptive over-lapping grid structure on parallel computers.9. Parallel distribution mechanisms are provided through the PADRE library,part of the DOE 2000 ACTS toolkit.10.Full Fortran-like performance pro-vided by the ROSE optimizingsource-to-source code preprocessor.Overture Application Code DevelopmentScientists at LLNL collaborate with academia to use Overture to develop flow solvers for high-speed compress-ible flow problems, incompressible flow problems, low Mach number,non-Newtonian, and reacting fluid flow problems.Through its object-oriented design,Overture reduces code duplication,encourages interoperability of applica-tion software, and simplifies the learning curve for new computational methods.Overture’s object-oriented architecture provides flexibility to address a wide range of applications that involve simu-lations in complex moving geometry on serial and parallel computers. The advantages of this approach include reduced code development time and broader, more in-depth research into numerical methods for scientific and industrial applications.For additional information about Overture,contact David L.Brown,(925) 424-3557,dlb@;or William Henshaw,(925) 423-2697,henshaw@;orDaniel J.Quinlan,(925) 423-2668,dquinlan@./casc/Overture/Figure 3.The moving geometry capabilities of Overture are demonstrated in this figure.Here two solid drops interact with a viscous fluid under the force of gravity.The use of overlapping grids is an efficient approach for computing such flows since the grids do not have to be regenerated as the solution evolves.Only the locations of the interpolation points used to communicate information between the grids is recomputed at each time step,a much more efficient operation.Figure 2.Overlapping grids can be used to rep-resent complex geometries by combining component grids.This example uses compo-nent meshes provided by engineers atChalmers University of Technology,Sweden.。
高三英语计算机编程单选题50题1. In a software development project, when you want to create a new variable to store an integer value, which of the following is the correct keyword in many programming languages?A. varB. intC. strD. bool答案:B。
2. When debugging a program, you find an error that occurs when the program tries to access an element in an array that doesn't exist. What is this type of error called?A. Syntax errorB. Runtime errorC. Compile - time errorD. Logical error答案:B。
选项D 逻辑错误是指程序的逻辑存在问题,导致结果不符合预期,但不是这种访问不存在元素的错误类型。
3. In object - oriented programming, what is a class?A. A single instance of an objectB. A blueprint or template for creating objectsC. A method that operates on objectsD. A variable that stores object references答案:B。
引言英文文献原文Digital image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection of cancerCancer is the second leading cause of death for both men and women in the world , and is expected to become the leading cause of death in the next few decades . In recent years , cancer detection has become a significant area of research activities in the image processing and pattern recognition community .Medical imaging technologies have already made a great impact on our capabilities of detecting cancer early and diagnosing the disease more accurately . In order to further improve the efficiency and veracity of diagnoses and treatment , image processing and pattern recognition techniques have been widely applied to analysis and recognition of cancer , evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment , and prediction of the development of cancer . The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers working on image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection and assessment of cancer , and to promote research in image processing and pattern recognition for oncology . A number of papers were submitted to this special issue and each was peer-reviewed by at least three experts in the field . From these submitted papers , 17were finally selected for inclusion in this special issue . These selected papers cover a broad range of topics that are representative of the state-of-the-art in computer-aided detection or diagnosis(CAD)of cancer . They cover several imaging modalities(such as CT , MRI , and mammography) and different types of cancer (including breast cancer , skin cancer , etc.) , which we summarize below .Skin cancer is the most prevalent among all types of cancers . Three papers in this special issue deal with skin cancer . Y uan et al. propose a skin lesion segmentation method. The method is based on region fusion and narrow-band energy graph partitioning . The method can deal with challenging situations with skin lesions , such as topological changes , weak or false edges , and asymmetry . T ang proposes a snake-based approach using multi-direction gradient vector flow (GVF) for the segmentation of skin cancer images . A new anisotropic diffusion filter is developed as a preprocessing step . After the noise is removed , the image is segmented using a GVF1snake . The proposed method is robust to noise and can correctly trace the boundary of the skin cancer even if there are other objects near the skin cancer region . Serrano et al. present a method based on Markov random fields (MRF) to detect different patterns in dermoscopic images . Different from previous approaches on automatic dermatological image classification with the ABCD rule (Asymmetry , Border irregularity , Color variegation , and Diameter greater than 6mm or growing) , this paper follows a new trend to look for specific patterns in lesions which could lead physicians to a clinical assessment.Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer other than skin cancer and a leading cause of cancer deaths in women in developed countries . In recent years , CAD schemes have been developed as a potentially efficacious solution to improving radiologists’diagnostic accuracy in breast cancer screening and diagnosis . The predominant approach of CAD in breast cancer and medical imaging in general is to use automated image analysis to serve as a “second reader”, with the aim of improving radiologists’diagnostic performance . Thanks to intense research and development efforts , CAD schemes have now been introduces in screening mammography , and clinical studies have shown that such schemes can result in higher sensitivity at the cost of a small increase in recall rate . In this issue , we have three papers in the area of CAD for breast cancer . Wei et al. propose an image-retrieval based approach to CAD , in which retrieved images similar to that being evaluated (called the query image) are used to support a CAD classifier , yielding an improved measure of malignancy . This involves searching a large database for the images that are most similar to the query image , based on features that are automatically extracted from the images . Dominguez et al. investigate the use of image features characterizing the boundary contours of mass lesions in mammograms for classification of benign vs. Malignant masses . They study and evaluate the impact of these features on diagnostic accuracy with several different classifier designs when the lesion contours are extracted using two different automatic segmentation techniques . Schaefer et al. study the use of thermal imaging for breast cancer detection . In their scheme , statistical features are extracted from thermograms to quantify bilateral differences between left and right breast regions , which are used subsequently as input to a fuzzy-rule-based classification system for diagnosis.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women , and also the third mostcommon cause of cancer-related death in the USA . Y ao et al. propose a novel technique to detect colonic polyps using CT Colonography . They use ideas from geographic information systems to employ topographical height maps , which mimic the procedure used by radiologists for the detection of polyps . The technique can also be used to measure consistently the size of polyps . Hafner et al. present a technique to classify and assess colonic polyps , which are precursors of colorectal cancer . The classification is performed based on the pit-pattern in zoom-endoscopy images . They propose a novel color waveler cross co-occurence matrix which employs the wavelet transform to extract texture features from color channels.Lung cancer occurs most commonly between the ages of 45 and 70 years , and has one of the worse survival rates of all the types of cancer . Two papers are included in this special issue on lung cancer research . Pattichis et al. evaluate new mathematical models that are based on statistics , logic functions , and several statistical classifiers to analyze reader performance in grading chest radiographs for pneumoconiosis . The technique can be potentially applied to the detection of nodules related to early stages of lung cancer . El-Baz et al. focus on the early diagnosis of pulmonary nodules that may lead to lung cancer . Their methods monitor the development of lung nodules in successive low-dose chest CT scans . They propose a new two-step registration method to align globally and locally two detected nodules . Experments on a relatively large data set demonstrate that the proposed registration method contributes to precise identification and diagnosis of nodule development .It is estimated that almost a quarter of a million people in the USA are living with kidney cancer and that the number increases by 51000 every year . Linguraru et al. propose a computer-assisted radiology tool to assess renal tumors in contrast-enhanced CT for the management of tumor diagnosis and response to treatment . The tool accurately segments , measures , and characterizes renal tumors, and has been adopted in clinical practice . V alidation against manual tools shows high correlation .Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system and one of the most malignant diseases affecting children . Two papers in this field are included in this special issue . Sertel et al. present techniques for classification of the degree of Schwannian stromal development as either stroma-rich or stroma-poor , which is a critical decision factor affecting theprognosis . The classification is based on texture features extracted using co-occurrence statistics and local binary patterns . Their work is useful in helping pathologists in the decision-making process . Kong et al. propose image processing and pattern recognition techniques to classify the grade of neuroblastic differentiation on whole-slide histology images . The presented technique is promising to facilitate grading of whole-slide images of neuroblastoma biopsies with high throughput .This special issue also includes papers which are not derectly focused on the detection or diagnosis of a specific type of cancer but deal with the development of techniques applicable to cancer detection . T a et al. propose a framework of graph-based tools for the segmentation of microscopic cellular images . Based on the framework , automatic or interactive segmentation schemes are developed for color cytological and histological images . T osun et al. propose an object-oriented segmentation algorithm for biopsy images for the detection of cancer . The proposed algorithm uses a homogeneity measure based on the distribution of the objects to characterize tissue components . Colon biopsy images were used to verify the effectiveness of the method ; the segmentation accuracy was improved as compared to its pixel-based counterpart . Narasimha et al. present a machine-learning tool for automatic texton-based joint classification and segmentation of mitochondria in MNT-1 cells imaged using an ion-abrasion scanning electron microscope . The proposed approach has minimal user intervention and can achieve high classification accuracy . El Naqa et al. investigate intensity-volume histogram metrics as well as shape and texture features extracted from PET images to predict a patient’s response to treatment . Preliminary results suggest that the proposed approach could potentially provide better tools and discriminant power for functional imaging in clinical prognosis.We hope that the collection of the selected papers in this special issue will serve as a basis for inspiring further rigorous research in CAD of various types of cancer . We invite you to explore this special issue and benefit from these papers .On behalf of the Editorial Committee , we take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the autors and the reviewers for their diligence in abilding by the editorial timeline . Our thanks also go to the Editors-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition , Dr. Robert S. Ledley and Dr.C.Y. Suen , for their encouragement and support for this special issue .英文文献译文数字图像处理和模式识别技术关于检测癌症的应用世界上癌症是对于人类(不论男人还是女人)生命的第二杀手。
AVL PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONProduct DescriptionPROFESSIONAL DATA POST-PROCESSINGAVL CONCERTO 4™EXPERIENCE THE HARMONYAVL CONCERTO 4™ is a graphical data evaluation and visualization software package specifically designed to handle all the different kinds of data that can be acquired on test beds or in the test bed environment and in vehicles. It is the ideal tool for professional data browsing and data management as well as for presentation, calculation, report generation and batch processing of the acquired data.The uniform access to different data sources - located on file servers or in data bases (e.g. ASAM ODS) - and different data formats (like indicating data, crank angle data, log point data or time based recorder data) makes additional data conversion tools unnecessary and also allows easy correlation of different kinds of data. AVL CONCERTO 4™ is designed to squeeze all required results out of the mass of acquired data.Due to its wizard support AVL CONCERTO 4™ is easy-to-use and intuitive. Creating sophisticated diagram displays or impressive reports is just a matter of a few mouse clicks and makesAVL CONCERTO 4™ to the engineers preferred tool for data evaluation within automotive industry.Areas of usageAVL CONCERTO 4™ is a unique tool for evaluating test bed data, analyzing engine maps, supporting calibration engineers, for file comparison to reference data, series data processing, analyzing dynamic test runs as well as combustion analysis, statistical evaluation, etc.AVL CONCERTO 4™ substantially reduces data processing time wherever:a large number of files with different contents has to be manageddata at different locations has to be organised logicallyrepeated tests have to be evaluateddata with different formats, resolutions or file lengths have to be combinedcalculations using standard or customer-specific algorithms have to be performedautomated (batch) or remote data processing is requiredfast and high quality printouts and reports are requiredetc.Characteristics of modern post-processing solutionsThe software package AVL CONCERTO 4™ focuses on the continuously growing and changing market requirements within the automotive industry. The following characteristics of software solutions for data post processing are combined and ideally achieved in AVL CONCERTO 4™ within one compact tool.Quick adaptation to changing requirements and safety of investment: due to quickly changing demands from the market, it becomes essential that solutions for new customer requirements are implemented in the evaluation software in short time. The software has to be flexible and open to assure that future demands for additional functions and extensions can be implemented. A continuous development has to provide the necessary integration of new standards and it has to consider new trends in engine development and engine calibration.Functionality and ease of use at the same time: the software has to fulfil different requirements from different user groups. On one hand it has to offer the maximum flexibility and power to the expert user, and on the other hand it has to be easy and safe to use for beginners.Data access and data management: the ever increasing amount of collected data, require quick and easy data access and flexible interfaces to implement further new data formats. Additionally the post-processing software must support the logical organisation, management and navigation through the measurement data. More than this, nowadays it is necessary to support numerous of different data types and professional data processing software has to be able to harmonize all this different data. To be effective AVL CONCERTO 4™ offers multiple conversion functionalities to get all the data in the same style.User and application support: for most efficient use it is crucial to have access to a professional, competent and fast support organisation. Problem solving support is the minimum requirement, but ideally the supplier of the evaluation software is capable of giving application support and developing customer specific solutions and applications.Additionally to these standard characteristics AVL CONCERTO 4™ provides you with additional essential benefits for the user.One window to engine development data: AVL CONCERTO 4™ offers access to different data formats independent from the type of data sources such as automation, indicating, emission,simulation, etc. Therefore all different data can be evaluated and analyzed within one single tool.The CONCERTO-DataExplorer provides a clear overview and the easy access to all supported formats.Global standards for data evaluation and comparison:AVL CONCERTO 4™ allows today’s globally acting users to exchange data and evaluation routines like layouts, formulas and scripts witha single click of a button. This is the basis for common worldwide engineering; it generatescomparable results and helps to improve data security as well as efficiency, and promotes standards within an organization.Time and cost saving through automation: the automation of repeatedly used procedures saves time and costs in the evaluation process, helps to reduce errors and ensures consistent, repeatable and comparable results in the data evaluation process. AVL CONCERTO 4™ supports automation procedures by using standard scripts as well as customer specific scripts.Fast growing range of applications: more than 8000 licenses of AVL CONCERTO 4™ are in daily use by engineers of the automotive industry worldwide. The feedback from these users make AVL CONCERTO 4™ a fast growing software package with new and optimized functionalities made available with every new release.Access to international support network:besides local supporters, an international team of software and application supporters is available to assist the customers to optimize the use AVL CONCERTO 4™ in accordance to the specific needs.Technical FeaturesIntuitive user interface: Drag-and-drop functionality, task oriented toolbars, wizards, dock-able windows, quick access to parameter settings via context-sensitive menus, etc.As a result AVL CONCERTO 4™ is easy to use, intuitive and requires minimum training. Property dialogs and data selection and visualization via comprehensive explorer trees for data and graphic objects help to reduce the time for daily data evaluation. Other strong points are easy and intuitive definition of diagrams and partly or fully automated data processing using flexible layouts, macros and scripts.Flexible data access: AVL CONCERTO 4™ offers interfaces not only to AVL specific data formats but also to customer specific data formats and to generic standardized database formats like ASAM ODS. Nowadays more than 30 data formats are supported and new formats become available with each new release to constantly broaden the application area of the software.DataExplorer:comprehensive overview and convenient access to all available files, data sets, formulas and result data, look and feel quite similar to MS Windows™ Explorer but deeper browser functionality down to single data channel level.Fast and easy data-search:The new data-search mechanism combined with a local SolR-index-based data server allows to search through all indexed data within milliseconds for relevant data. The indexing mechanism stores statistic information like minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation in addition to the file name, path and all channel names.Modularity and flexibility:To deal with the wide range of user levels and requirements, CONCERTO supports user groups, offering the full functionality and flexibility to expert users and configurable functionality and simple user interfaces for the standard users and beginners.Additionally the CONCERTO concept allows creating interactive and intuitive evaluation environments adapted for customer specific evaluation tasks, which make the full power of CONCERTO available to any user at the click of a button.Powerful display features:CONCERTO offers a wide range of visualization and presentation methods and objects (graphics, tables, lists, combined reports, etc.).CONCERTO offers manifold different diagram objects from simple 2D-diagrams (line-, bar-, stacked bar-, band-, x/y-, stair-diagrams, etc.) over 3D-diagrams (3D-engine-maps, waterfall-diagrams, 3D-bars, 3D-curves, etc.) up to specific diagrams (radar-diagrams, Campbell-diagrams, scatter-diagrams, pV-diagrams, indicating curves, full load curves with ISO-lines, etc.). The datasets can be time based as well as cycle based, crank angle based or log-point based.The usage of user definable layouts, templates and report windows and the possibility to combine test results from many different measurement systems makes CONCERTO a versatile data evaluation tool.ActiveX-Controls / Movie-Object:CONCERTO also allows you to insert ActiveX-Controls in its display windows. A Movie-Object can be displayed (e.g. AVI-File from simulation systems) synchronously to diagrams in which measurement data is displayed over time.Interactive Data Analysis:a wide set of cursor tools for detailed interactive analysis of data is accessible directly via the user interface in CONCERTO.Powerful calculation features:CONCERTO offers several powerful built-in tools for definition of calculation algorithms and data editing. To further extend the calculation power, an interface to Mathworks Matlab™ is available.Calculator: the calculator tool of CONCERTO enables the user to create single-line formulas (with up to 4 input variables) and transformation macro functions quickly and easily. In addition to several arithmetical and mathematical standard functions free definable macros can be included too. The knowledge of a programming language is not required.Formula/Script Editor- Formula Compiler:high-level programming tool for sophisticated evaluation algorithms and scripting.A large library of predefined functions for mathematics, statistics, combustion analysis, data handling,string handling, logical and Boolean operators, etc. is available and makes the creation of new formulas, scripts and macros easy. The Formula/Script Editor also supports a MS Intellisense™ like programming style.CalcGraf- graphical formula editor:the CalcGraf-tool allows calculations to be defined as graphical models. The models include single or multiple input channels that are transformed to single or multiple output channels via operators, function blocks, etc. Therefore it is used for fast creation of formulas for cycle-based as well as time-based datasets. No knowledge of a programming language is required.The comprehensive graphical visualization of complex calculations is an additional benefit of this tool.Automation possibilities: With the possibility of automating evaluation procedures, using macros, scripts and batch files, CONCERTO offers a great potential for time and cost saving. Reports can be created immediately after the test run or already during the test run automatically.Open interfaces: To ensure the extendibility and usability in quickly changing environments, CONCERTO offers standard interfaces to communicate with other application programs.CONCERTO supports customer-written file access, Active-X and COM, ASAM ODS (AVL Santorin) and ASAM CEA, import/export of graphs and tables, etc.Data correlation: data sets from different measurement types are correlated easily, e.g. test bed data and combustion datao Evaluation of inhomogeneous data: data sets of different length can be easily evaluated o Evaluation of manifold test bed data: stationary tests (log point-based), dynamic tests (e.g.full load curves), endurance tests, engine maps, emission measurements (e.g. full FTP cycles), combustion data (crank angle-/time-/cycle-based), etc.o Support of different data sources: local or network drive, host system, ASAM ODS database, SQL-access, etc.Wizards: easy creation of diagrams, reports, etc. for presentation and documentation with self-explaining step-by-step guidesAPI for customer-specific file access methodsTechnical information, licensing and packagesDesigned for Microsoft Windows 7 , Windows 8.1 and Windows 10Recommended PC configuration: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz (or equivalent AMD ) processor, DVD-Drive, 1GB RAM (or higher)Single (via USB-dongle) or network licenses (via Network License Manager)Packages:- CONCERTO- Key:is the base package and provides a set of basic functions for generic data post-processing (e.g. 2D diagrams, tables, text objects, simple formula functions, access to basic file formats, etc.)- CONCERTO- Advanced for Indicating:incl. the full functionality of CONCERTO-Key and additional specific functions for combustion analysis tasks (e.g. CalcGraf with function library for combustion analysis, etc.)- CONCERTO- Advanced for Test Bed:incl. the full functionality of CONCERTO-Key and additional specific functions for test bed data evaluation (e.g. access to ASAM-ODS data bases, 3D engine maps, etc.)- CONCERTO- Premium:incl. full functionality of CONCERTO-Key, CONCERTO-Advanced for Indicating, CONCERTO-Advanced for Test Bed and additionally a set of expert functionalities (e.g.extended data access, COM- and Active-X-Interface, user interface - adaptability, etc.) - In addition to this preconfigured license packages further application oriented packages and optional extensions are available (e.g. for analysis of emission test data, evaluation of hybrid test bed data, extended combustion analysis like gas exchange or injection rate, etc.)。
大连理工大学智慧树知到“选修课”《专业英语(计算机英语)》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.CD is designed to read the disks and translate the data into a it can process.()A.正确B.错误2.However what really triggered the tremendous growth of computers and its significant impact on our lives is the invention of the microprocessor.()A.正确B.错误3.An audio wave is a two-dimensional acoustic wave.()A.正确B.错误4.Click the backward Undo arrow to cancel the first action you performed.()A.正确B.错误5.Most networks-even those with just two computers also contain a hub or switch to act as a connection point between the computers.()A.正确B.错误6.The keyboard is classified as a of output.()A.正确B.错误7._____ is an operating system similar to Unix.A.Windows NTB.MS-DOSC.OS/2D.Linux8.A computer can be broken down into three distinct categories, namely output, and CPU.()A.正确B.错误9.It wasn't until the 1980's that people began buying computer for personal use.()A.正确B.错误10.The fourth generation computers can be characterized by both the jump to monolithic integrated circuits and the invention of _____.A.microprocessorB.transistorC.chipD.circuit11.A(n) _____ mouse emits and senses light to detect movement.A.cordlessB.opticalC.cameraD.microphone12.Each web page has a unique address, called a URL that identifies its location on the network.()A.正确B.错误13.A computer must include three of following. Which one is not necessary?A. systemB.output systemC.processing systemworking system14.A network interface on each computer, usually called a network interface card(NIC) or adapter.()A.正确B.错误15.Microsoft Office 2000 includes Word, _____, Outlook and FrontPage.A.ExcelB.Power PointC.AccessD.All of the above第2卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.Database management system(DBMS) programs are designed to work with data that is logically structured or arranged in a particular way, known as modelB.databaseC.inationD.data2.A _____ is a collection of relation fields.A.fieldB.recordC.characterD.file3.Which one is an image-editing tool?A.PhotoshopB.WordC.Extreme 3DD.Premiere4.To access the Web, users require a _____, which is the software program used to access the World Wide Web.A.Plug-insB.HelperC.Add-onsD.Web browser5.Telnet enables users to cute terminal sessions with local hosts.()A.正确B.错误6._____ provides reliable, full-duplex connections and reliable service by ensuring that data is resubmitted when transmission results in an error.A.TCPB.ARPC.UDPD.IP7.Click the open folder button to open an existing workbook.() A.正确B.错误8.Which of the following is not a format for a graphical image file?A.BMP fileB.GIF fileC.JPG fileD.AVI file9.TCP/IP application layer protocols include the following except _____.A.HTTPB.FTPC.UDPD.Telnet10.C is an object-oriented programming language.()A.正确B.错误11.Transistors were a tremendous breakthrough in advancing the computer.()A.正确B.错误12.A VPN offers the security and full data access of a private WAN, but because it runs over the Internet, it is more affordable and complex.()A.正确B.错误13.ERP is _____.A.Enterprise resource planning softwareB.Enterprise Application IntegrationC.Electronic Application IntegrationD.None of the above.e the spell checker to correct spelling errors on the worksheet.()A.正确B.错误15.FTP performs basic interactive file transfers between hosts.()A.正确B.错误第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:B2.参考答案:A3.参考答案:B4.参考答案:B5.参考答案:A6.参考答案:B7.参考答案:D8.参考答案:A9.参考答案:B10.参考答案:A11.参考答案:B12.参考答案:A13.参考答案:D14.参考答案:A15.参考答案:D第2卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:A2.参考答案:D3.参考答案:A4.参考答案:D5.参考答案:B6.参考答案:A7.参考答案:A8.参考答案:D9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:B11.参考答案:A12.参考答案:A13.参考答案:A14.参考答案:A15.参考答案:A。
新课标背景下小学英语评课稿范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1New Curriculum Primary English Lesson EvaluationAs a fifth-grade student, I've experienced quite a few changes to how English is taught over the past few years due to the new national curriculum standards. Overall, I think the updates have been really positive and helped make English classes more engaging and effective. Let me share my thoughts on some key aspects:Class Environment and InteractionOne of the biggest shifts has been creating a more immersive English environment in the classroom. Our teacher, Ms. Wang, speaks to us almost entirely in English during lessons which pushes us to listen and respond in English too. She also incorporates lots of games, songs, rhymes and hands-on activities which makes it feel less like we're just doing rote memorization.The classroom is decorated with lots of English labels on objects, motivational phrases, and posters with grammar tips ornew vocabulary words. We're encouraged to use English as much as possible with our classmates during group activities as well. At first this was quite challenging since we were so accustomed to using Chinese, but it's helped improve our listening and speaking abilities a lot over time.Content and Skills DevelopmentThe content we cover has expanded beyond just simple vocabulary and simple grammar patterns. We still build those foundational skills, but there's more emphasis now on practical, everyday English usage. The dialogues we practice are conversations you might actually have like introducing yourself, talking about hobbies, discussing the weather, etc. The readings have also shifted to focus more on interesting stories and informational texts about different countries and cultures.We spend time working on skills like expressing opinions, making requests politely, and giving reasons or explanations which are super useful. Before it felt like we just memorized words and patterns without much application. These practical components make English feel more relevant and motivate me to learn since I can see how I'd use it in real life.Learning Materials and TechnologyOur textbooks and learning materials have improved a ton too! The textbooks are full of colorful pictures, varied activities, listening exercises and games. We also use education apps, video clips, songs, and online resources like Bilingual Bedtime Stories that make lessons way more interactive and multimedia. Compared to the old texts which were very dry and monotonous, the updated materials keep us more engaged.Our school has also invested in classroom technology like projectors and desktop computers. We sometimes watch animations or themed videos at the beginning of a unit to spark interest in the new topic. Having visuals and animations really helps make the language more contextualized and memorable. Plus, we can look up extras like cultural tips, idioms, or slang related to the lessons.Teaching Style and Classroom ManagementMs. Wang is amazing at creating a positive, supportive atmosphere in our English classes. She always starts with an energetic warmup game or chant to get us excited about English. She gives us lots of encouragement and praise, even for small successes. If someone struggles, she offers extra help and strategies in a kind, patient way.Her lessons include a good mix of individual work, pair activities, and group projects. The collaborative stuff is helpful for practicing dialogue, building teamwork skills, and allowing students to assist each other. She also provides different options for assignments sometimes to fit varied learning styles and abilities.Ms. Wang also uses good techniques to keep everyone focused and managed. She has attention getters like clapping patterns we respond to, as well as clear rewards and consequences. Transitions between activities are smooth and she's skilled at regaining control if we get too rambunctious. Having a consistent routine and her positive demeanor creates a classroom that feels lively yet structured.Assessment StylesIn the past, English assessments seemed to be predominantly written tests focused just on vocabulary and grammar drills. Now there's more diversity in the way our learning is evaluated with a balance of formative and summative checks.For formative assessment, Ms. Wang will circulate and observe our conversations to check pronunciation and oral fluency. Sometimes we'll record ourselves to evaluate ourspeaking. She'll have us turn in assignments like journals, dialogue scripts, or short writing pieces to check our reading comprehension and writing skills.For tests and bigger summative checks, we'll have written components but also oral exams. We might be asked to study a picture and describe it verbally or record ourselves reading a passage out loud. Projects like making videos or putting on skits are another way to get evaluated in a more authentic, comprehensive manner.I appreciate this broader view of assessment because it feels more reflective of overall English proficiency versus just memorization ability. The frequent formative checks also provide helpful feedback along the way before major tests.Overall Thoughts and TakeawaysTo summarize, I've been really impressed with how English instruction has evolved in alignment with the new curriculum guidelines. Creating an immersive environment, focusing on practical skills and real-world usage, providing engaging multimedia materials, and implementing a supportive yet structured classroom approach have all contributed to more effective, student-centered learning.While there's still room for improvement in areas like increasing opportunities for cultural exposure or incorporating project-based learning, I feel the updates have been extremely positive overall. English class is way more interesting and meaningful compared to the boring textbook drilling of the past. I'm much more motivated to keep building my English abilities because I can clearly see the value and applications now.For other students experiencing similar curriculum changes, I'd encourage them to embrace it with an open, positive mindset. It may seem difficult adjusting to more speaking, collaboration, and skill application at first. However, pushing yourself to participate and taking advantage of the improved resources will pay off tremendously. An interactive, communicative classroom leveraging modern techniques and materials is proven to be so much more powerful for achieving real language proficiency.I'm grateful our education system recognized the need to reform English teaching. The new student-centered, proficiency-oriented approach puts us in a much better position to become confident English users equipped for the global community and future opportunities. I'm excited to continue my English journey in this more engaging, practical way!篇2Lesson Observation Report: Ms. Johnson's 4th Grade English ClassToday we had our weekly English lesson with Ms. Johnson. I always look forward to her classes because she makes learning English fun and engaging. Under the new national curriculum standards, there is more emphasis on using English for practical communication rather than just rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar rules. Ms. Johnson's lessons reflect this shift towards a more interactive and student-centered approach.The lesson began with a warm-up activity called "Fortunately/Unfortunately." Ms. Johnson wrote a simple sentence starter on the board, such as "One sunny day, a boy went to the park." She then called on students to continue the story by adding their own sentence, alternating between starting with "Fortunately..." or "Unfortunately..." For example, one student said "Fortunately, he brought a frisbee to play with." The next student continued with "Unfortunately, the wind blew the frisbee into a tree." We went around the class building an entertaining story through our collective sentences. Not only was this a lively way to warm up our English skills, but it also encouraged creativity, spontaneity, and listening skills.After the warm-up, Ms. Johnson transitioned into the main lesson topic of describing favorite foods. She showed us a short video of a child talking about their favorite pizza toppings. We had to listen carefully and jot down the descriptive words used, like "gooey," "savory," and "mouth-watering." Ms. Johnson then gave us a simple template for describing our own favorite foods and had us work in pairs to discuss and share descriptions. My partner Daniel and I happily chatted about how much we love crispy fried chicken and buttery mashed potatoes.The real fun began when Ms. Johnson introduced an information gap activity. She had brought in cutouts of different foods from magazines and one student from each pair had to describe their cutout to their partner without showing it. The partner then had to listen and draw what they thought the food looked like based on the description. After we revealed our drawings, there were lots of giggles because some didn't match at all! But that was the point - to get us practicing descriptive language in a low-stress, engaging way.Throughout the activities, Ms. Johnson was an encouraging guide on the side. She monitored our conversations, gently corrected mistakes, and provided sentence starters or vocabulary assistance if we got stuck. Instead of lecturing at us, shefacilitated our learning by creating opportunities for us to practice speaking, listening, describing, and cooperating with partners. I felt motivated to use as much English as I could because the activities made it feel like a fun challenge rather than a chore.At the end of class, Ms. Johnson reviewed the main vocabulary words and phrases we had used related to describing foods. She also had us reflect on what we had learned and which skills we had practiced. I raised my hand to share that not only had I learned new descriptive adjectives, but I had also practiced skills like creative storytelling, listening carefully, negotiating meaning with a partner, and not being afraid to make mistakes. These were invaluable real-world language and life skills.Overall, I continue to be impressed with how Ms. Johnson makes our English lessons engaging and relevant under the new curriculum guidelines. Her class was interactive from start to finish, giving us ample opportunities to use English in authentic ways. The activities were level-appropriate and incrementally challenged us, building our confidence. Most importantly, we were active participants in the lesson rather than passive recipients of knowledge. I left class today feeling energized and proud of the English I had produced. Ms. Johnson'sstudent-centered, communicative approach is effectively preparing me with the language skills I need to thrive.篇3New Curriculum Standards and Primary English Teaching: A Student's PerspectiveAs a student who has been learning English since the first grade under the new national curriculum standards, I have some thoughts to share on how my English classes have been conducted over the past few years. Overall, I feel that the new standards have brought positive changes, emphasizing practical communication skills and engaging classroom activities. However, there are also some areas where improvement is needed.One of the biggest improvements I've noticed is the focus on listening and speaking practice from a very young age. Instead of just rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar rules, we spend a lot of time in class doing listening exercises, repeating after the teacher or audio recordings, and practicing dialogues with classmates. We also have many opportunities to speak English through role-plays, presentations, and open discussions.This intensive practice with the spoken language has really helped build my confidence in understanding and speaking English. I used to be very shy about speaking up in English class, but now I don't feel as self-conscious. The supportive classroom environment created by my English teachers has been vital - they are always patient and encouraging when we make mistakes. They also make the lessons fun by incorporating games, songs, and interactive activities.The new emphasis on learning English through context and practical scenarios has made the lessons much more relevant and interesting compared to just studying isolated words and rules. For example, we learn words and expressions related to different situations like shopping, ordering food, asking for directions etc. We then apply what we've learned throughrole-plays or watching video clips. This makes the language feel more "alive" and purposeful.That said, I do feel we could use even more exposure to authentic English materials and cultures from an early age. While our textbooks have improved in quality, the content can still feel oversimplified and "localized" at times. Bringing in more children's storybooks, media, and resources fromEnglish-speaking countries would make the learning experiencericher. It would also be beneficial to have more opportunities to interact with native speakers, even if just through video calls or correspondence.Another critique I have is that testing and assessment has not fully adapted to the new communicative approach. Many of our tests still heavily emphasize rote learning of vocabulary, grammar rules, and reading comprehension. There needs to be a bigger shift towards evaluating practical skills like listening comprehension, fluency, and the ability to communicate effectively in different situations. Overreliance on standardized written tests can contradict the spirit of the new curriculum standards.I also wonder if the training for English teachers in the new standards and methodologies has been sufficient. While my current teachers are doing a good job overall, I've had some teachers in the past who still relied heavily on outdated teaching methods like excessive rote memorization andgrammar-translation. Handling the new curriculum requires strong English proficiency and expertise in communicative teaching approaches. More robust teacher training is likely needed across the board.Despite these areas for improvement, I am grateful overall for the direction the new English curriculum has taken us. The emphasis on practical English ability and trying to make learning engaging and relevant to real-life has gone a long way in kindling my interest in the language. While we have more work to do in addressing gaps, I feel the new standards have set a strong foundation for cultivating communicative competence from a young age.As China's integration with the world continues andcross-cultural exchanges intensify, being proficient in English will only become more vital. By building on the innovations of the new curriculum and addressing the remaining challenges, we can ensure the next generation gains robust English skills and develops a keen interest in diverse cultures and global literacy. The journey has been positive so far, and I look forward to further enriching English learning experiences in the years ahead.。
instandof用法 -回复
instandof用法-回复Title: Understanding the Usage of "instanceof" Operator in JavaIntroduction:The "instanceof" operator is an essential feature in Java programming that allows developers to determine whether an object belongs to a particular class, or is an instance of a subclass or a superclass. This operator plays a significant role inobject-oriented programming and enables developers to write dynamic and flexible code. In this article, we will explore the various applications and use cases of the "instanceof" operator and understand its key features.What is the "instanceof" operator?In Java, the "instanceof" operator is used to check whether an object is an instance of a specific class, a subclass, or a superclass. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the object belongs to the specified class or not. The general syntax of the "instanceof" operator is as follows: object instanceof class.Syntax and Basic Usage:The "instanceof" operator is straightforward to use and requiresonly two operands: an object and a class. The operator checks whether the object is an instance of the class (including subclasses). If the object is an instance of the class, the operator returns true; otherwise, it returns false. Here's a basic example demonstrating the usage of the "instanceof" operator:class Animal { }class Dog extends Animal { }class Cat extends Animal { }public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Animal animal = new Cat();System.out.println(animal instanceof Animal); Output: true System.out.println(animal instanceof Dog); Output: false System.out.println(animal instanceof Cat); Output: true }}In the code snippet above, we define the class "Animal" and its twosubclasses, "Dog" and "Cat." In the main method, we create an instance of the "Cat" class and assign it to the "animal" variable. We then use the "instanceof" operator to check if the "animal" object belongs to the classes "Animal," "Dog," and "Cat." Based on the provided arguments, the "instanceof" operator returns the respective boolean values.Advanced Applications:The "instanceof" operator is not limited to checking object-class relationships but can also be used in more advanced scenarios. Some of the notable applications include:1. Type Casting:One of the primary applications of the "instanceof" operator is to perform safe type casting in Java. Before casting an object to a specific class or interface, it is crucial to validate whether the object is an instance of that class or interface. Here's an example:class Shape { }class Circle extends Shape {public void draw() {System.out.println("Drawing a circle.");}}class Square extends Shape {public void draw() {System.out.println("Drawing a square."); }}public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Shape shape = new Circle();if (shape instanceof Circle) {Circle circle = (Circle) shape;circle.draw(); Output: Drawing a circle.}}}In the code snippet above, we define the class "Shape" and its two subclasses, "Circle" and "Square." In the "Main" class's main method, we create an instance of the "Circle" class and assign it to the "shape" variable. Before calling the "draw" method specific to the "Circle" class, we use the "instanceof" operator to verify the object's class. If the object is an instance of "Circle," we safely perform the type casting to access the "Circle" class's methods.2. Object Composition and Polymorphism:The "instanceof" operator contributes to object composition and polymorphism in Java. It allows developers to create composite objects or containers that can store instances of different classes or subclasses. By using the "instanceof" operator, it becomes easier to access specific methods or behaviors of the class stored within a container object.Conclusion:The "instanceof" operator is a powerful tool in Java programming that facilitates object-oriented concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and object composition. It provides developers with a means to check object types dynamically and perform safetype casting. By understanding the usage and applications of the "instanceof" operator, developers can write more flexible and efficient code while adhering to the principles of object-oriented programming.。
创新高效英语Innovation and Efficiency in English Language LearningEffective language learning is a crucial skill in today's globalized world. As the international language of business, science, and diplomacy, English has become an essential tool for success in a wide range of fields. However, traditional methods of English instruction often fall short in providing learners with the practical skills and confidence they need to communicate effectively. This is where innovation and efficiency come into play, transforming the way we approach English language learning.One of the key aspects of innovative English language learning is the incorporation of technology. In the digital age, learners have access to a wealth of online resources, from interactive language-learning apps to virtual classrooms and language exchange platforms. These tools not only make the learning process more engaging and accessible but also allow for personalized instruction and self-paced progress. By leveraging technology, educators can create dynamic and adaptive learning environments that cater to the unique needs and learning styles of each student.Moreover, innovative approaches to English language learning often emphasize the importance of practical application and real-world relevance. Rather than focusing solely on grammar rules and vocabulary memorization, effective programs integrate language skills with practical, task-oriented activities. This could involve role-playing exercises, business simulations, or project-based learning, where students apply their linguistic knowledge to solve relevant problems or complete meaningful tasks. By bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world, learners develop a stronger sense of purpose and motivation, leading to more efficient and lasting language acquisition.Another key aspect of innovative and efficient English language learning is the incorporation of collaborative and interactive learning strategies. Traditional classroom settings, where the teacher is the sole source of knowledge, are being replaced by more dynamic, student-centered approaches. Learners are encouraged to engage in group discussions, peer-to-peer feedback, and collaborative projects, fostering a sense of community and shared learning. This not only enhances language skills but also develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal abilities – all of which are highly valued in the modern workforce.Furthermore, innovative English language programs often incorporate a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on insights fromfields such as cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and educational technology. By understanding the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition, educators can design more effective learning strategies and tailor their methods to the unique needs of individual learners. This may involve the use of spaced repetition, gamification, or multimodal learning, all of which have been shown to improve retention, engagement, and overall language proficiency.In addition to the integration of technology and collaborative learning, efficient English language programs also emphasize the importance of personalized instruction and continuous assessment. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, innovative educators recognize the need to adapt their teaching methods to the individual needs and learning styles of their students. This may involve diagnostic assessments, regular feedback, and the use of adaptive learning algorithms to provide personalized recommendations and support.By embracing innovation and efficiency, the field of English language learning is undergoing a transformative shift. Through the integration of technology, practical application, collaborative learning, and personalized instruction, learners are gaining the skills, confidence, and motivation they need to excel in an increasingly globalized world. As we continue to explore new frontiers in language education, the potential for even greater advancementsand breakthroughs in English language learning remains vast and exciting.。
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Cl´ audio A. de Carvalho Silva and Marco L. Bittencourt
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Faculdade de Engenharia Mecˆ anica, Departamento de Projeto Mecˆ anico P.O. Box 6051, Zip Code 13083-970, Campinas/SP, Brazil Key Words: Optimization, sensitivity analysis, object-oriented programming, C++, finite elements, Nurbs. Abstract. An interactive shape and parameter optimization tool was developed using continuum sensitivity analysis, mathematical programming and elastic structural analysis. Global efficiency of an optimization tool not only depends on the kind of algorithms used but also on the effectiveness of the data exchange among its several modules during the iterative process. Object-oriented programming features were applied in the development of an structural optimization enviroment aiming for efficiency. The evaluation of performance functionals and sensitivity analysis procedures were implemented in a class having the finite element model of the system to be optimized as a variable. Hence, the characteristics of the finite element model, its methods of solution and results are stored in memory, allowing them to be accessed without data file sharing costs. All these numerical tools were integrated by means of a NURBS-based graphical interface.
where a (u, v ) = B T (u) · E (v ) dV ; l (v ) = ∂ B t·v dA + B b·v dV ; T is the stress tensor; E is the strain tensor; t is the surface force ; b is the body force; V is the set of all kinematically possible solutions. Applying the Galerkin method an approximated solution is computed u(N ) in the N -dimensional subspace VN ⊂ V such that u ≈ u(N ) = (N ) (N ) N i=1 ui φi , VN = span [φ1 , . . . , φN ], where ui , i = 1, . . . , N are scalars. Observe that u= 2.2 u1
f , gi e hj are the structural performance functionals of the problem: f is the objective 2
Cl´ audio A. de Carvalho Silva and Marco L. Bittencourt
In applications, an optimization code works together with an analysis program. In structural engineering field, the most widely used technique is, undoubtedly, the finite element method, because of its accuracy and versatility. Therefore, it is worthwhile to examine the characteristics of an optimization problem whose analysis stage is done by finite elements. Consider the following model of structural optimizatiom problem,8 min f (p, u (p)) sujeita a ` gi (p, u (p)) ≤ 0 hj (p, u (p)) = 0 i = 1, 2, . . . , m j = i e hj are the constraints. The vector of nodal displacements u ∈ N satisfies the finite element equilibrium equation K (p) u = F (p), where p ∈ Ω ⊂ n is the ndimensional vector of design variables, K (p) is the stiffness matrix and F (p) is a vector of applied loads. That linear system represents the finite element solution of the variational problem of linear elasticity defined on the domain B ∈ 3 : Find the displacement field u ∈ V such that a (u, v ) = l (v ) ∀v ∈ V (2)
Cl´ audio A. de Carvalho Silva and Marco L. Bittencourt
In spite of object-oriented programming (OOP) framework being well suited to deal with large software, there still are few implementations of this methodology in engineering. To some extent, it is due to the loss of efficiency the first object-oriented languages brought to implementations. Even using the present languages such as C++, which perform as well as traditional procedural languages, the careless application of OOP features can compromise the numerical efficiency of the code when compared to traditional practices. The aim of this work is to present the concepts used and the results obtained in the development of an structural optimization tool, which applies OOP features to reach high global efficiency while keeping the benefits of this programming technique. An interior point mathematical programming algorithm1–3 was considered. The finite element method is used for structural analysis and gradients of performance functionals gradients are computed by continuum-based design sensitivity analysis.4 The design geometry is described by NURBS (Non Uniform Ration B-Splines) curves due to their flexibility and simplicity on the description of boundaries.5, 6 The computational requirements of an efficient structural optimization enviroment are identified from the mathematical formulation of the optimization problem. One of the characteristics of this problem is the necessity of dealing with complex data structures used for finite element analysis and geometry description. In this way, improvements on the global efficiency can be reach with clever access, management and sharing of data among components of the environment. As OOP features very good characteristics of data modelling, it can be used to obtain better reliability and efficiency. In addition, combining a NURBS-based interface, interactive finite element, parametrization and performance functional definition can bring productivity to structural design. 2 2.1 MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION OF STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION Structural optimization model