
【英文版】When I was youngmy homesickness was a small stampI was heremy mother was there.After growing upmy homesickness was a narrow ticketI was heremy bride was there.Latermy homesickness was a little tombI was outsidemy mother was inside.And nowmy homesickness is a shallow straitI am herethe mainland is there.【赏析】余光中,台湾著名诗人,1928年生于南京,现任高雄中山大学文学院院长。

【原诗】乡愁余光中小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头【译诗】(1) 赵俊华译HomesickAs a boy,I was homesick for a tiny stamp,—I was here,Mom lived alone over there.When grow up,I was homesick for a small ship ticket.—I was here,My bride remained over there.Later on,I was homesick for a little tomb.—I was here,Mother rested over there.And to-day,I am homesick for a shallow strait,—I am here,The Mainland lies over there.(2)杨钟琰译NostalgiaWhen I was a child,Nostalgia seemed a small stamp:"Here am Iand there my mother."Then I was a grown-up,Nostalgia became a traveling ticket:"Here am IAnd there my bride."During the later yearsNostalgia turned to be a graveyard:"Here am IAnd yonder my mother."And now at presentNostalgia looms large to be a channel:"Here am Iand yonder my Continent!"2 准确性一直以来,翻译界对严复“信、达、雅”翻译的标准是比较推崇的。

以下是小编搜集整理的席慕容《乡愁》中英版,欢迎阅读收藏!乡愁作者: 席慕容故乡的歌是一支清远的笛总在有月亮的晚上响起故乡的面貌却是一种模糊的怅惘仿佛雾里的挥手别离离别后乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树永不老去英文版The song is a native flute quiet and remoteAlways sounded the night the moonThe face of home is a vague wistfulWaving goodbye as if the fogAfter partingHomesickness is a tree without ringsNever to grow old创作背景此诗写于20世纪80年代早期,当时的台湾与大陆之间仍不能公开往来。

称 。 原 作 中 “ 时 候 ” “ 大后 ” 未 出现 谓 语 动 词 , 在英 语 小 、长 也 这 中 不 可 能构 成 规 范 的 句式 。 因 为英 语 的 主语 功 能 一般 都 要 充 当 谓 语 动 词 V( 事 行 为 ) 施 的动 作 发 出 者 ( 事 者 ) 因 为 “ … 施 , … 英 语 是 ‘ 行 ’ , 语 句 法 都 恪 守 以S 做 主 轴 的形 式 程 式 原 重 的 英 V 则” 。所 以译 文 中前 两 节 的第 一 句 出 现 了主 语 “” 谓 语 “ a , I, wg
二 、 作分 析 译
在 译 作 中 的每 小 节 的后 两行 中 ,第 一 行 都 出现 了w s最 a, 后 一 行 都 用 连 词 (n hc ) 连 接且 都 省 略 了 助动 词 w s例 a i 来 h a, 如 :A d.u u w sMo i ie , 它 三 节 的 末 行 中 省 略 比 “ n , t p( a) r n d ” 其 h n s 较 明显 “w sss y g a i / ig 。 行 的 助 动词 的省 略 是 ( a] ) al / in l n ” 末 i t n w tgy 为 了避 免 重 复 , 助 于 语 言 结 构 的适 度优 化 。 谓 “ 度 ” 与 有 所 适 指 源 语 的灵 活 对 应 , 时 也 有 助 于 与接 受 者 的审 美 参 与 。 同 ( ) 感 分 析 二 情 英 译 文 中 前 三 节 的 第 二 行 开 头 均 以w e 开 始 来 抒 发 作 者 hn 的思 乡 之 情 , 而最 后 一 节 以 “ 开 始 。译 者 此 处 是 在 深 切 地 感 0” 受作 者 的感 情 之 后 的 感 慨 。作 者 在 谈 及 本 文 时 说 : 时 候 小 , 小 寄 宿学 校 , 与妈 妈 写 信 ; 后 赴 美 读 书 , 轮 船 返 台 ; 来 母 要 婚 坐 后 亲去 世 , 失母 爱 ; 三 句 思念 的都 是 女 性 。 永 前 到最 后 一 句 , 想 我 到大 陆这 个 “ 大母 亲 ” 于是 意 境 和 思 路便 豁然 开 朗 。 者 在 深 , 译 切感 受 : 者 因 时 间 的 推 移 和 空 间 的 转 换 , 发 深 深 的思 乡之 作 抒 情 时 , 到 由 于 特 殊 的政 治 原 因 , 陆 和 台湾 长 期 阻 隔 . 己 想 大 自


【原诗】乡愁余光中小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头【译诗】(1) 赵俊华译HomesickAs a boy,I was homesick for a tiny stamp,—I was here,Mom lived alone over there.When grow up,I was homesick for a small ship ticket.—I was here,My bride remained over there.Later on,I was homesick for a little tomb.—I was here,Mother rested over there.And to-day,I am homesick for a shallow strait,—I am here,The Mainland lies over there.(2)杨钟琰译NostalgiaWhen I was a child,Nostalgia seemed a small stamp:"Here am Iand there my mother."Then I was a grown-up,Nostalgia became a traveling ticket:"Here am IAnd there my bride."During the later yearsNostalgia turned to be a graveyard:"Here am IAnd yonder my mother."And now at presentNostalgia looms large to be a channel:"Here am Iand yonder my Continent!"2 准确性一直以来,翻译界对严复“信、达、雅”翻译的标准是比较推崇的。

关键词:乡愁选词意象韵律风格美国诗人Robert Frost有一句名言:Poetry is what is lost in translation(诗者,译之所失也),不管这句话是多么极端,它还是道出了诗歌翻译的难处。
译文1:陈文伯译When I was a child/my homesick was a small stamp/ Linking Mum at the other end /And me this.When I grew up/I remained homesick/but it became a ticket/by which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.Then/homesickness took the shape of the grave/Mum inside of it/and me outside.Now I'm still homesick/but it is a narrow strait/ Separating me on this side/and the mainland on the other.译文2:杨种琰译When I was a child/Nostalgia seemed a small stamp/:“Here am I/ and there my mother.”Then I was a grown-up/Nostalgia became a traveling ticket/:“Here am I/and there my bride.”During the later years/Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard/:“Here am I/and yonder my mother.”And now at present/Nostalgia looms large to be a channel/:“Here am I/and yonder my Continent!”譯文3:赵俊华译As a boy /I was homesick for a tiny stamp/ I was here/Mom lived alone over there.When grown up/I was homesick for a small ship ticket/ I was here/ My bride remained over there.Later on/ I was homesick for a little tomb/ I was there/ Mother rested over there.And to-day/ I am homesick for a shallow strait/ I am here/ The Mainland lies over there.译文4:张智中译When I was a child/ Nostalgia is a tiny stamp/I am hither/And Mother is thitherWhen I become an adult/Nostalgia is a slip of boat ticket/I am hither/And bride is thitherLater on/Nostalgia is a short tomb/I am without/And Mother is withinBut now/Nostalgia is a shallow strait/I am hither/And the mainland is thither译文5:余光中译When I was young/Nostalgia was a tiny stamp/Me on this side/Mother was on the other side.When I grew up/Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket/Me on this side/Bride on the other side.But later on/Nostalgia was a low,lowgrave/Me on the outside/Mother on the inside.And at present/Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait/Me on this side/Mainland on the other side.一、选词“乡愁”的翻译,有两个译本译为“homesick”,其余两个版本为“nostalgia”。

1 相关理论
1.1 主位 / 述位
最早提出主位 / 述位的是布拉格学派的创始人
马泰修斯( Mathesius) ꎮ 马泰修斯把句子划分为“ 主
题主位ꎬ并以主题主位结束ꎮ 例如:
And George you ( T) / / mustn ’ t touch the
computer( R) .
重要作用ꎬ运用系统功能语言学的相关理论ꎬ对« 乡愁» 及其三个英译文进行主位分析比较ꎬ可以了
解« 乡愁» 及其译文发展语篇的过程ꎮ
关键词:« 乡愁» ꎻ英译文ꎻ主位分析
中图分类号:H315.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009 - 3907(2020)03 - 0047 - 05
长 春 大 学 学 报 第 30 卷
ground.( R) ( 标记主位)
众多翻译 人 士 的 关 注ꎬ有 多 个 英 语 译 文ꎮ 我 们 作
ley 以及许景城翻译ꎮ 我们的选择是基于以下原因
( And 是连接词ꎬ作语篇主位ꎻGeorge 是呼
语ꎬ作人际主位ꎻyou 是主语ꎬ作主题主位)
项主位出现于小句复合体中ꎮ 例如:
When I was young( T) / / ꎬ I’ d listen to the
radioꎬ waiting for my favorite songs.( R)
年轻学者ꎮ 下面以 « 乡 愁» 原 文、余 光 中 本 人 的 译
文、Rewi Alley 的译文以及许景城的译文为语料 ②ꎬ

涵及特定形式的特征 。相 比于一般文学翻译 ,诗 二、《乡愁》英译中“三美”的体现
歌翻译 除了忠于原文 ,还需传达原 文风格 ,表现 《乡愁 》是余 光 中先生的经典作 品 ,是一首
出原 文 音 韵 美 。 因此 ,在 翻译 界形 成 一种 共 识 , 风 格 典 丽 的 现代 诗 ,简 明 中见 绵 密 之 韵 致 ,诗 歌
美 国诗人 Robe ̄Frost曾说 过 :“诗 者 ,译 之 达 出诗歌所蕴含的诗意 ,即译 文能再现诗歌 的
所 失也 。”(Poetry is what is lost in translation.)中文 意境 和情感[21,译诗也应有 意象 以及 由意象组合
诗歌语 言凝练 ,韵律感强 、意象 丰富 ,使得 翻译 而成的意境 。诗歌翻译首先要 正确传递原文所
阳两隔 ,坟墓 以慰别情 ;第 四小节 :游子漂泊 ,国 故乡的眷念也随之厚重 。
家 统 一 ,海 峡 以慰 爱 国情 怀 。邮票 、船 票 、坟 墓 、 诗 歌 中 ,“这 头 ”和 “那 头 ”相 较 于余 译 的平 铺
海峡 ,精炼而单纯的四个意象 ,全然无堆砌而蓄 直叙 ,以下译本传达 出原诗 的内涵意义 。赵译
诗一样有悦耳的韵律 ,这是音美 ;还要尽可能保 鲜 明而具体的生活画面 ,四种对应物表 达乡愁 。
持原 诗 的形 式 ,这是 形 美 ”[1l。
第一小节 :幼 时求学 ,母子分离 ,书信 以慰 别情 ;
诗歌最美在于它 的诗意 。诗歌翻译时 ,要传 第 -d'节 :成 年后 ,告 别新 婚 妻子 ,离 乡 背 井 ,各
为例 ,体会 原 文 的 “意美 ,音 美 ,形美 ”。
定 ,“要尽可能保持原诗 的形式 (如长短 、对仗

乡愁英语赏析作文Nostalgia, a powerful and poignant emotion, is a theme that resonates deeply in literature across cultures. In English poetry and prose, the evocation of nostalgia can be found in various forms, often serving as a bridge between the past and the present, and as a reflection on the passage of time and the changes it brings. This essay aims to explore the nuances of nostalgia as depicted in English literature, focusing on its aesthetic and emotional impact.The Poetics of NostalgiaIn poetry, nostalgia is often intertwined with the use of imagery and metaphor. Poets like Robert Frost and Thomas Hardy use the changing seasons and rural landscapes to evoke a sense of longing for a time gone by. For instance, Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay" laments the fleeting nature of innocence and beauty, while Hardy's "Drummer Hodge" reflects on the permanence of the past through the lens of war and loss.Nostalgia in ProseIn prose, nostalgia is frequently explored through character development and narrative structure. For example, in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," the protagonist Scout's recollections of her childhood in the South are filled with a sense of nostalgia that is both warm and melancholic.Similarly, Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" uses the device of revisiting the past to evoke a sense of nostalgia that is central to the story's theme of redemption.The Role of LanguageThe language used to convey nostalgia is often rich with sensory details and emotional resonance. Words that describe scents, sounds, and tactile sensations can transport readers back to a different time, allowing them to experience the character's feelings of nostalgia. The use of dialect, idiom, and period-specific vocabulary can also serve to ground the narrative in a particular time and place, enhancing the sense of nostalgia.Cultural and Personal NostalgiaNostalgia in literature can be both cultural and personal. Cultural nostalgia might refer to a collective past, such as the idealization of a simpler time in history, while personal nostalgia is more intimate, relating to individual memories and experiences. Works like J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" tap into personal nostalgia, as the reader follows the protagonist's internal monologue and memories.The Emotional Spectrum of NostalgiaNostalgia is not always a pleasant emotion; it can be bittersweet or even painful. It can represent a yearning for something that can never be recaptured or a recognition of loss. In literature, this can be seen in the way charactersgrapple with their past, as in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried," where the characters carry the weight of their memories from the Vietnam War.ConclusionNostalgia in English literature is a complex and multifaceted theme that serves to connect readers with the characters' inner lives and the broader human experience. It is a device that can enrich a narrative, providing depth and emotional resonance. Through careful examination of the language, imagery, and narrative techniques used to convey nostalgia, we can appreciate the artistry and impact of this timeless theme in English literature.。

英语版的乡愁诗歌英语版的乡愁诗歌 《乡愁》是诗⼈余光中漂泊异乡,游⼷于海外回归中国后所作的⼀⾸现代诗。
⼀起来看看英语版的乡愁,仅供⼤家参考!谢谢! Nostalgia -----by 余光中 When I was a child, Nostalgia seemed a small stamp: "Here am I And there ……my mother." Then I was a grown-up, Nostalgia became a traveling ticket: "Here am I And there……my bride." During the later years, Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard: "Here am I And yonder……my mother." And now at present, Nostalgia looms large to be a channel: "Here am I And yonder……my Continent!" 当余光中的乡愁遇到古代诗词 乡愁 ——余光中 ⼩时候, 乡愁是⼀枚⼩⼩的邮票, 我在这头,母亲在那头。
长⼤后, 乡愁是⼀张窄窄的船票, 我在这头,新娘在那头。
后来啊, 乡愁是⼀⽅矮矮的坟墓, 我在外头,母亲在⾥头。
⽽现在, 乡愁是⼀湾浅浅的海峡, 我在这头,⼤陆在那头。
边城思 南北朝-何逊 柳黄未吐叶,⽔绿半含苔。
静夜思 唐-李⽩ 床前明⽉光,疑是地上霜。

What’s your translation?
• • • • 小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头 长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头 后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头 而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头
• • • • •
原文: 小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头 长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头 后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头 而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头
• • • • • • • • • • •
And there my bride." During the later years Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard: "Here am I And yonder my mother." And now at present Nostalgia looms large to be a channel: "Here am I and yonder my Continent!"
• • • • • • • • • • •
Nostalgia (杨钟琰译) When I was a child, Nostalgia seemed a small stamp: "Here am I and there my mother." Then I was a grown-up, Nostalgia became a traveling ticket: "Here am I
析:这一版与前一版的区别首先是将“乡愁”译为了“nostalgia”,而非“homesick”。“乡愁”译 为“homesick”没有问题。Nostalgia这个词与homesick有些区别,前者指较为强烈、 甚至影响健康的思乡之情,同时,nostalgia比homesick的含义更广泛,渴求的不仅 仅是家乡,同时渴求的色彩也更加强烈一些,浪漫色彩更浓一些。因此,文学色彩 更浓的nostalgia似乎比homesick更适合翻译这里的“乡愁”二字。
余光中 乡愁 英译

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Translated by Yu Guangzhong
When I was young,
Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp,
Me on this side,
Mother on the other side.
When I grew up,
Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket,
Me on this side,
My bride on the other side.
But later on,
Nostalgia was a lowly grave,
Me on the outside,
Mother on the inside.
And at present,
Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait,
Me on this side,
Mainland on the other side.