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A blue stocking A legend
Eileen Chang
Works and well-known saying Evaluation
Marrige Lifetime
李鸿章 赵小莲
李菊耦 张佩纶
张茂渊 张庭重 黄逸梵
张爱玲 张子静
Li Hongzhang
• In 1930, Eileen was sent to old-style private school again and had a stepmother. • On one day of 1936, Eileen left for her mother's home to escape her father and stepmother , she was beaten by his father. • In 1937,she graduated from St. Maria girls school(圣玛利亚女校). • In 1938, Eileen managed to escape from father's home. In the same year, Eileen was admitted to London university, but she could not go there because of intense wars. • In 1939,she was admitted to the university of Hong Kong to study literature. •
Works 《霸王别姬》
《不了情》 《倾城之恋》 《哀乐中年》 《琉璃瓦》 《情场如战场 《金锁记》 》 《花凋》 《人财两得》 《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》 《桃花运》 《创世纪》 《六月新娘》 《鸿鸾禧》 《南北一家亲 《秧歌》 》 《赤地之恋》 《南北喜相逢 《怨女》 》 《迟暮》 《秋雨》 《半生缘》 《红楼梦》 《到底是上海人》《烬余录》 《相见欢》 《中国人的宗教》《忆胡适之》 《色·戒》 《浮花浪蕊》
Zhao Xiaolian Li Juou
Zhang Peilun
Zhang Tingzhong Zhang Maoyuan
Eileen Chang
Zhang Zijing
Huang Yifan
1920~1930 • On Sep.30,1920,she was born in shanghai. • In 1924, she was sent to old-style private school (私塾), at the same time, began her novel creation. • Her mother went abroad to study in 1924. • When she was 8,they moved back to Shanghai. Eileen started to learn playing the paino, painting and English from her mother.They moved back to Tianjin and she bagan to read famous works.
遗嘱: • 一旦弃世,所有财产将 赠予宋淇先生夫妇。 • 希望立即火化,骨灰应 撒在任何无人居住的地 方,如在陆地,应撒在 荒野处。
她的逝世使她的名字在文坛上再 一次复苏。这位沉没了多年的作 家一夜间又浮上水面来,而且是 前所未有的美。那刻的美是永恒 的,因为张爱玲孤独的一生走完 了,留下的一片苍凉与无尽叹息 化成玻璃灵柩,守护着她过去的 灿烂。隔着空间和时间的玻璃墙 望回去,越光辉的成就也越凄凉。
张 爱 玲 与 胡 兰 成
胡兰成说“将来日本战败,我大概还是能逃脱 这一劫的,就是开始一两年恐怕要隐姓埋名躲藏起 来,我们不好再在一起的。” 张爱玲笑道:“那时你变姓名,可叫张牵,或 叫张招,天涯地角有我在牵你招你。”
When Japan was defeated in 1945, Hu escaped to Wenzhou, where he fell in love with other women, ZhouXunDe(小周) and Fan Xiumei(范秀美)one and another. Eileen said,"我想过,我倘是不得不离开 你,亦不会自寻短见,亦不能再爱别人,我将 只是萎谢了." They finally divorced in 1947.
In New York, Eileen Chang met her second husband, the American writer, Reyer, whom she married in 1956, when Eileen was 36, and Reyer was 65 years old. Reyer was paralyzed after he was hit by strokes in 1961, and died in 1967.
很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不 忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。 因为懂得,所以慈悲。
见了他,她变得很低很低,低到尘埃里,但她心 里是欢喜的,从尘埃里开出花来。
• 夏志清:『张爱玲是今日中国最优秀、最重要的作家, 凡是中国人都应当阅读张爱玲的作品。』
• 南方朔:『许多人是时间愈久,愈被遗忘,张爱玲则是 愈来愈被记得。』 • 王德威:『五四以来,以数量有限的作品,而能赢得读 者持续支持的中国作家,除鲁迅外,只有张爱玲。』 • 杨 照:『她的时代感是敏锐的,敏锐得甚至觉得时代 会比个人的生命更短促。』 • 侯孝贤:『创作者最大的希望,是像张爱玲一样创造出 可以留传下来的不朽作品。』 Contents
• In 1942, she returned to Shanghai. • In 1943, all kinds of magazines started to publish her novels. She had a sepcial taste of clothes which were designed by herself and her best friend Yanying(炎樱). • In 1944, she married Hu Lancheng. • In 1947,she divorced with Hu. • In 1950, she joined the Shanghai first literature art world congress.
In 1944, Zhang and Hu got married, no legal procedures, no wedding party just with a marriage witness. Their marriage contract wrote,"胡兰成与张爱玲签订终身, 结为夫妇。愿使岁月静好,现实安稳." That year, Hu was 38 years old, and Eileen was 24 years old. When Japan was defeated in 1945, Hu escaped to Wenzhou.
起初不经意的你 和少年不经世的我 红尘中的情缘 只因那生命匆匆不语的胶着 想是人世间的错 或前世流传的因果 终生的所有 也不惜换取刹那阴阳的交流 来易来去难去 数十载的人世游 分易分聚难聚 爱与恨的千古愁 本应属于你的心 它依然护紧我胸口 为只为那尘世转变的面孔后的翻云覆雨手 于是不愿走的你 要告别已不见的我 至今世间仍有隐约的耳语 跟随我俩的传说 滚滚红尘里有隐约的耳语 跟随我俩的传说
1950~1995 • In 1956, Eileen married her second husband who was 65 years old, Reyer, • an American. • In 1960 ,she became American citizen. • In 1967, her huaband died. • In 1973, she settled in Los Angeles. • On September 8, 1995, Eileen died in her apartment when that day was Chinese Mid-Autumn festival. • On September 30th, her birthday, her bone ash was scattered into the Pacific Ocean by Lin Shitong(林式同)and her other friends.
滚 滚 红 尘
On a early spring day of 1944,Hu read Zhang's novel and visited her house. Then Hu regularly visited Eileen. Zhang sent him a photo of herself, writing a sentence: Saw him, she became very low very low to dust, but she was glad, flower leaves to come from the dust. • (见了他,她变得很低很低低到尘 埃里,但她心里是欢喜的,从尘埃 里开出花来.) •
well-known saying
我不喜欢壮烈。我是喜欢悲壮,更喜欢苍凉。 壮烈只有力,没有美,似乎缺少人性。——苍 凉之所以有更深长的回味,就因为它像葱绿配 桃红,是一种参差的对照。 我喜欢反高潮──艳异的空气制造与突然的跌 落,可以觉得传奇里的人性呱呱啼叫起来。
也许每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个。 娶了红玫瑰,久而久之红的变了墙上的一抹蚊子血, 白的还是 窗前明月光,娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上 的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。