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2个工作日 2 working days 7天 Seven days 7天 Seven days 7天 Seven days 7个工作日 Seven working days 15个工作日 Fifteen working days 约7天,与设计单位当面讨论后才能确定 7 days in scheme, needs to be confirmed by the design unit 3个工作日 Three working days
Leabharlann Baidu
土地招拍挂 土地局 Bid,auction and listing of the land use Bureau of Land and Resources right 有资质的单位(物探所) Qualified Institution (as Geophysical Prospecting Research Institute) 地质灾害性评估报告 To issue Appraisal Report of Geographic Hazard
土地使用权出让手续办理流程 Procedure of Transfer of Land Use Right
序号 Step 部门 Related Department 招商局 the Investment Promotion Bureau 第一步 Step One 事项 Content 项目核准告知意见函的办理 the Letter for approval of the project 项目申请报告书的制作 To make Application Report of the project 环评报告的初步制作 To prepare EIA Report 节能专项报告的制作 To finish Special Report of Energy Conservation 环评报告的审批 To examine and approve the EIA Report 所需时间 Time Needed
规划局 Urban Planning Bureau
项目选址意见书的办理 To finish Letter of Site Selection Intent
1个工作日 One working days
项目核准、增资审批 Approval for project and capital increase 招商局 the Investment Promotion Bureau 章程变更审批 Approval for alteration of articles of association 经营范围变更审批 Approval for alteration of business scope 外汇局 SAFE 会计师事务所 accounting firm 工商局 the industrial and 各局 All other related bureau 办理相关登记手续,完成资金注入 Relevant registration formalities, 验资报告的出具 issue capital verification report 取得招商局批复后30日内办理 within 30 days upon obtaining the approval from the Investment Promotion Bureau 7个工作日 Seven working days
1个工作日 One working days 7个工作日 Seven working days
注:此表仅供参考,具体事项以相关部门实际要求为准。 The above information is for reference only. And the entrusted affair shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the government
换发营业执照 7个工作日 obtaining the new business license Seven working days 办理各种证照的变更手续 换发执照后30日内(与以下各手续可同时 To revise registration information in 办理) 约一到两个月 about one to two months
10天 Ten days
规划局 Urban Planning Bureau 土地局 Bureau of Land and Resources
规划许可证的办理 To issue Planning Permission 土地使用权证的办理 To issue Land Use Rignt Certificate
乙级以上资质的设计单位 Design Unit (Grade A or B)
环保局 Enviromental Protection Bureau
项目用地预审意见 土地局 To give preliminary opinion on use of Bureau of Land and Resources land for the project 设计单位 Design Unit 规划局 Urban Planning Bureau 平面图的设计 To design floor plan of the project 平面图的审批 To examine and approve the Floor Plan