



ABB低压电器元件选型技术部分内容简介1产品选用基本技术参数2常用产品选用注意事项3产品大全及分类1元件选用基本技术参数本章节列出的是选用每种元件必须的基本技术参数,具体参数选择请参阅《ABB 低压电器元件选用手册》及相关样本。

断路器 1.1 1-7Emax空气断路器 1.1.1•框架•框架电流•分断能力•额定电流•脱扣器•极数•安装方式•附件控制电压例如:E1 B 12 PR111/P-LI R1250 3P WHR框架分断能力框架电流脱扣器额定电流极数安装方式技术参数代号解释框架: E1 E1 Iu = 800~1250AE1 Iu = 800~1250AE2 Iu = 1250~2000AE3 Iu = 1250~3200AE4 Iu = 3200~4000AE6 Iu = 3200~6300A分断能力: B B: 40kAB: 40kAN: 65kAS: 75kAH: 100kAV: 150KAL: 130KA框架电流:12 1250A(E1,1250A--E6,6300A)脱扣器:PR111/P-LI PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LSI PR111脱扣器,三段保护PR111/P-LSIG PR111脱扣器,四段保护PR112/P-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护PR112/P-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护PR112/PD-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护带对话单元PR112/PD-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元PR113/P-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护PR113/PD-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元额定电流:R1250 1250A(E1,250A--E6,6300A)极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:WHR W:抽出式(W:抽出式F:固定式)HR:水平后接线HR 水平后接线VR 垂直后接线F 延伸接线FL 端面接线(固定式无)附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,MIsomax塑壳断路器 1.1.2 •框架•框架电流•额定电流•分断能力•脱扣器(TM热敏电磁脱扣器型无须提供)•极数•安装方式•附件控制电压例如:TM热敏电磁脱扣器型:S2 S – 160 / R125 3P FFC框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式技术参数代号解释框架: S2 S2S1 I=125S2 I=160S3 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800分断能力:S SS1: B / N KA数值请查样本S2: B / N / S KA数值请查样本S3: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L * KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本框架电流:160A 参阅框架额定电流:R125 125AS1-125, 10A----S6-800, 800A极数:3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M框架 分断能力 框架电流 脱扣器 额定电流 极数 安装方式微处理器脱扣器型:S4 N – 250 / In125 LSIG 3P FFC技术参数 代号 解释框架:S4S4 I=160,250 S4 I=160,250 S5 I=400,630 S6 I=630,800 S7 I=1250,1600S8 I=2000, 2500, 3200分断能力: N NS4: N / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S5: N / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S6: N / S / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S7: S / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S8: H / V (新品)KA 数值请查样本框架电流: 250 参阅框架 额定电流: R125 125AS4-160, 100A----S6-800, 3200A脱扣器: LSIG LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障I: 短路瞬动 LI: 长延迟+瞬动LSI: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障 LRIU: 长延迟+堵转+瞬动+断相或相不平衡( PR010/K,PR212/D,PR212/T 参见样本 )极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用) W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线 F: 前接线 EF: 加长前接线 ES: 加长扩展前接线 FC: 铜电缆前接线 R: 螺纹后接线 RC: 铜/铝后接线 附件控制电压: 需要注明控制电压附件---YO ,YC ,YU ,MIsomax限流型塑壳断路器 1.1.3 •框架•框架电流•额定电流•分断能力•极数•安装方式附件控制电压例如:技术参数代号解释S3 X - 125 / R80 3P FEF框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式框架: S3 S3S2 I=1~100 分档S3 I=125,200S4 I=250S6 I=400,630分断能力:X XS2X分断能力70KA; S3X,S4X,S6X分断能力200KA框架电流:125 参阅框架额定电流:R80 80AS2X-80: 1~80(19档), 3P,单磁 (参见样本)S2X-100:1~100(16档), 3P, 参见样本S3X-125: 32,50,80,100,125S3X-200: 125,160,200S4X-250: 100,160,250S6X-400: 320,400S6X-630: 630极数:3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:FEF F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)EF: 加长前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M一体化剩余电流断路器 1.1.4•框架•框架电流•额定电流•极数•安装方式•排列•附件控制电压例如:S2 N – 160 / R125 4P FFC +RC212/ 2V框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式脱扣器技术参数代号解释框架、分断能力、框架电流:S2N-160只有两种S2N-160,S3N-250额定电流:R80 80AS2-160: 12.5,16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160S3-250: 32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250S3及以下磁脱扣固定为10倍,非标可有5倍或单磁. 极数:4P 4P安装方式:FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线(S3N)FC: 铜电缆前接线(S2N)排列:V V:垂直安装V:垂直安装,H:水平安装附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M切换回路数回路数额定电流额定电流 安装方式 电源自动切换装置1.1.5DPT• 切换回路数 • 额定电流例如:DPT / SE1600技术参数代号 解释 切换回路数: SESE 双电源切换,TE 三电源切换 额定电流:1600 1600A 主回路电流Isomax 低压塑壳断路器配合剩余电流保护继电器1.1.6RC212• 框架电流• 安装方式例如:RC212 / 2 / 垂直安装技术参数 代号解释额定电流: 2(代码) 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S3-250/4P: 选 3 安装方式: 垂直安装 垂直安装与断路器叠装: 垂直安装 与断路器并装: 水平安装RCD• 剩余动作电流例如:剩余动作电流互感器内径主回路电流极数辅助触头数量控制电压RCD 0.03技术参数代号解释剩余动作电流: 0.03 30 mA剩余动作电流:0.03 - 0.1 - 0.3 -0.4 - 1A剩余电流保护继电器 1.1.7 RCQ•互感器内径例如:RCQ Ф110技术参数代号解释互感器内径: 110mm Φ110 mmΦ60 mm互感器内径Φ110 mm互感器内径工控产品及接线附件 1.2 1-3接触器系列 1.2.1接触器 1.2.1a •主回路电流•控制电压(交、直流)•极数•辅助触头数量例如:A30 – 30 - 10 控制电压ac220V技术参数代号解释主回路电流: 30 30A极数: 30 3常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量辅助触头数量10 一常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压(交、直流)ac220V 交流220VTA热过载继电器 1.2.1b •热脱扣电流•轻重载(450以上)例如:T450 DU 400主回路电流轻重载脱扣电流技术参数代号解释主回路电流: 450 450A轻重载:DU DU普通DU普通SU重载中间继电器 1.2.1c •触点数、主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)•控制电压、交、直流操作例如:N 63 E 控制电压ac220V触点数、主触点组合方式控制电压、交、直流操作技术参数代号解释触点数、主触点组合方式:63 6常开,3常闭前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压、交、直流操作:控制电压ac220V额定电流触点数、主触点组合方式控制电压、交、直流操作框架电流和分断能力额定电流ESB接触器 1.2.1d •额定电流•主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)•控制电压、交、直流操作•灯具应用请参阅样本例如:ESB 63 - 31 控制电压ac220V技术参数代号解释额定电流:63 63A20 对AC1/AC7a负载24 对AC1/AC7a负载40 对AC1/AC7a负载63 对AC1/AC7a负载触点数、主触点组合方式:31 6常开,3常闭ESB20: 可选: 20, 02, 11ESB24: 可选: 40, 04, 22, 31, 13ESB40: 可选: 40ESB63: 可选: 40前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压、交、直流操作:控制电压ac220V灯具应用:请参阅样本电动机起动器 1.2.2 •框架电流和分断能力•热脱扣电流例如:MS 325 - 20框架电流和分断能力:325 MS325 50KA,0.1-25AMS325 50KA,0.1-25AMS450 50kA,16~50AMS451 50KA,16~50AMS495 50KA,40~100AMS496 100KA,40~100AMS497 100KA,16~100A额定电流20 20APSS、PST、PSTB软启动器 1.2.3 •电机额定电流(结合功率考虑)•负载类型(重、轻载)•控制电源电压例如:PSS - 18/30电机额定电流技术参数代号解释电机额定电流:18/30 18A外接法/30A内接法(PSS)负载类型(重、轻载):参阅样本控制电源电压:参阅样本开关及熔断器设备 1.3 1-3开关熔断器组 1.3.1 OS、OESA•额定电流•极数例如:OESA 250 D3PL 3P额定工作电流极数额定工作电流:250 250A极数:3P 3极负荷开关/隔离开关 1.3.2 OT、OETL•额定电流•极数例如:OETL 250 K3 3P额定工作电流极数技术参数代号解释额定工作电流:250 250A极数:3P 3极Easyline熔断丝切换隔离开关 1.3.3 XLP三极•额定电流例如:XLP 00额定电流技术参数代号解释额定电流:00 160A按照样本根据电流选择型号线路保护装置 1.4极数脱扣特性额定电流极数脱扣特性额定电流数量剩余电流动作电流微型断路器 1.4.1 •额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如S261)•分断能力•脱扣特性(B、C、D、K等)例如:S 261 – C 20技术参数代号解释极数: 261 1极最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推脱扣特性: C CB、C、D、K、Z根据样本,由不同系列不同电流而不同额定电流:20 20A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围过电流保护电磁式剩余电流动作断路器 1.4.2DS250S•额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如DS252) •分断能力•脱扣特性(B、C)•剩余电流动作电流例如:DS253S-C 40 / 0.03技术参数代号解释极数:DS253 3极极数脱扣特性额定电流数量剩余电流动作电流最后位数字为可选项,2为2极…依此类推(无1极)脱扣特性: C CB、C两种额定电流:40 40A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围剩余电流动作电流:0.03 30mADS9•额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极。



选用手册ABB低压电器元件1SXF100200L2006 10-2006低压产品低压产品20062006低压电器元件选用手册目录页1.断路器1空气断路器- New E ............................................................................... 1/ 1-4塑壳断路器- T ....................................................................................... 1/5-8塑壳断路器- Iso................................................................................... 1/9- 10漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器........................................................................ 1/ 11双电源自动切换装置- DPT ............................................................................. 1/ 12配电智能化元件-IPD ............................................................................... 1/ 13- 142.工控产品软起动器..................................................................................................... 2/ 1-7 2接触器........................................................................................................... 2/8手动电机起动器- MS系列........................................................................... 2/9- 11短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合.......................................................... 2/ 12电动机保护.............................................................................................. 2/ 13- 17指示装置.................................................................................................. 2/ 18- 19接线端子.................................................................................................. 2/20-2 1电子产品和继电器..................................................................................... 2/22-243.开关及熔断器组3开关熔断器组- PowerLine ............................................................................... 3/ 1负荷开关- Sw itchLine .................................................................................. 3/2-3熔断器开关- Easy Line .................................................................................... 3/44.终端配电保护产品4建筑电器元件............................................................................................... 4/ 1-8建筑用接触器- ESB 导轨安装........................................................................ 4/9电涌保护器- OV R ......................................................................................... 4/ 10优化脉冲提前放电避雷针- OPR ...................................................................... 4/ 115.箱体终端配电箱- A CM/A CP/A CF 系列..................................................................... 5/ 1 5三相配电箱- SDB系列................................................................................. 5/2-3动力配电箱- MDS系列................................................................................. 5/4-56.电网质量产品6电容器专用接触器........................................................................................... 6/ 1无功补偿控制器件........................................................................................ 6/2-3有源动态滤波器........................................................................................... 6/4-57.断路器保护配合表7断路器保护配合表...................................................................................... 7/ 1- 10●因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。



型 号
型号中"口"可选1,2,3,4表示开关极数 动力回路将"C"改为"D";另外,在一 般住宅项目上主推SH200系列(分断 6KA,无附件,可参选用手册的5/3页) S20口-C20 S20口-C25 S20口-C32 S20口-C40 S20口-C50 S20口-C63 S28口-C80 S28口-C100
浪涌抑 配电柜,入楼总箱(一级) 制器 SPD 型 OVR3N-65-440SP (配OS125D22保护SPD) 号
具体选型可进一步参选用手册的5/31 页及5/34-35页
OVR3N-40-275sP (配S264H-C32保护SPD)
OVR1N-15-275sP (配S262-C16保护SPD)
T3N250/R口口 T3N250/In口口 PR221
T4N320/R口口 T4N320/In口口 PR221
T5S400/R口口 T5S400/In口口 PR221
T5S630/R口口 T5S630/In口口 PR221
除热磁的TMD/TMA/TMG脱扣器外, 可选电子脱扣器的PR221/222直到 PR332脱扣器。 微型断 路器 0.5A MCB 型 S20口-C0.5 号 微型断 路器 20A MCB



低压产品目 录页1.断路器空气断路器 - Emax 空气断路器 - New Emax 空气断路器 - Megamax 塑壳断路器 - Isomax 漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器 塑壳断路器 - Tmax 双电源自动切换装置 - DPT 配电智能化元件 - IPD 2.工控产品软起动器接触器建筑用接触器 - ESB (导轨安装)手动电机起动器 - MS 系列短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合电机控制/保护器件指示装置接线端子3.开关及熔断器组开关熔断器组 - OS/OESA (32…800A)负荷开关 - OT/OETL (16…3150A)熔丝开关 - Easyline/Fastline 4.终端配电保护建筑电器元件电涌保护器 - OVR 5.箱体终端配电箱 - ACM/ACP/ACF 系列三相配电箱 - SDB 系列动力配电箱 - MDS 系列6.电网质量产品无功补偿控制器件有源谐波滤波器7.断路器保护配合表断路器保护配合表因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。

ABB 公司对本手册的接受或使用无任何商业承诺或保证,由使用者根据具体应用考虑本手册的适应性。

0/1ABB 低压电器元件选用手册1234567...................................................................................... 1/1-3.............................................................................. 1/4-7................................................................................ 1/8-9................................................................................ 1/10-15........................................................................ 1/16.................................................................................. 1/17-20............................................................................ 1/21............................................................................... 1/22-23..................................................................................................... 2/1-7........................................................................................................... 2/8........................................................................ 2/9......................................................................... 2/10-12.......................................................... 2/13................................................................................... 2/14-22................................................................................................. 2/23-24................................................................................................. 2/25-26............................................................. 3/1................................................................ 3/2-3........................................................................ 3/4-5............................................................................................. 4/1-13........................................................................................ 4/14..................................................................... 5/1................................................................................. 5/2-3................................................................................. 5/4-5........................................................................................ 6/1-4.............................................................................................. 6/5........................................................................................ 7/1-5。



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ABB 低压数字设备技术规格说明书

ABB 低压数字设备技术规格说明书

© Copyright 2022 ABB. All rights reserved.Specifications subject to change without notice.1S D C 200083B 0201 - 2022.11—ABB S.p.A.5, Via Pescaria I-24123, BergamoPhone: +39 035 /lowvoltage—LOW VOLTAGETechnical specifications for low voltage digital unit1TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT— The goal of this specification is to define the basic design requirements of digital unit for low voltage installations with rated voltage up to 1150V ACand rated current up to 6300A.It shall enable easy update installations, providing monitoring, protection and control functions.The current document describesthe general aspects of the unit,such as conformity with Standards, functional, environmental and construction characteristics and alist of the accessories available.2—General Characteristics-Conformity with StandardsDigital unit used in low voltage installations shall be constructed and tested in accordance with international IEC 60255 and UL 508 series of Standards:• IEC 60255-26 (ECM requirement), IEC 61000-6-2 (EMC-Immunity Standard) and IEC 61000-6-4 (emission standard)• IEC 61010-1 (General requirement)• UL 508 (Standard for Industrial Control Equipment)• UL C37.90 and C37.90.1 (using shielded cables)• CEI 0-16• DNV-GL (type approval certificate)• RINA (type approval certificate).In addition it shall respect the following directives:• CE "Low Voltage Directives" (LVD) 2014/35/EU• CE "Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive" (EMC) 2014/30/EU• UL and cULus.3TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT—Environmental characteristicsTemperature:• Operating temperature for unit and accessories: -25 °C ...+70 °C• Storage temperature: -40°C …. +70°CEnvironmental parameters:Unit shall be able to operate in particularly difficult industrial atmospheres.It shall have been tested in accordance with:• IEC 60068-2-1: dry cold climate• IEC 60068-2-2: dry hot climate• IEC 60068-2-30: humid hot climateProtection degree:shall be not less than IP40Vibrations:Unit shall comply with the following mechanical compatibility standards and classes.• IEC 60255-21 class 1 (vibrations, shocks and blows), with DIN guide assembly • IEC 60255-21 class 2 (vibrations, shocks and blows), with door assembly.• Rated current shall be between 100 and 6300 A with the possibility of set trip threshold of L protection from 40A;• Digital unit shall be suitable for installation with rated frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz.• Two different versions of digital unit shall be available, according to monitor and protection functions required. It shall be possible to up-grade unit with advanced software functions directly from the online ABB Ability Market-place TM .• Digital unit shall provide supervision functions to monitor main energy parameters and power quality, either locally or on cloud energy moni-toring system, without requiring external unit for communication or gateway.—Functional characteristicsIt shall be possible to connect directly the digital unit in network with phase to phase voltage up to 690V. It shall be possible to connect digital unit with external transformers to enable installation of device in network with rated service voltage up to 1150 V AC.• Datalogger shall ensure information on trigger events for fast diagnosis in case of fault or anomalies.• Digital unit shall be suitable for protection based on current and voltage measurement.• Digital unit shall be provided with specific pro-tection for generators and motors.• Digital unit shall be provided with algorithm to enable optimization of energy consumption of plant and with communication to enable De-mand response functions.• Self-diagnosis functions shall be always available to check continuity of internal connection of unit and with sensors, pre-alarm and alarm for abnor-mal temperature, to guaranty correct operation.4• Digital unit shall be designed to be door or DIN-rail mounted.• Digital unit shall be designed with orientable digital contacts to enable mounting on DIN rail or on the front door of the switchboard.• Labels for wiring connection shall be visible in each mounting solution allowed.• Unit shall be provided with software for commis-sioning, analysis of fault and testing of commu-nication bus.• Terminals for current sensors shall be provided either for 3 poles and 4 poles installations.• Rogowski coil current sensors shall be provided to enable flexibility, linearity and easy detection of quickly current variations as well as harmonic contents.—Construction characteristics• Closed current sensor with copper terminals for busbar up to 6300A shall be available to allow in-stallation in switchboards with reduced space.• Closed current sensors shall be available in ver-sion without copper terminals for cable connec-tions for current up to 1600A.• Opening Rogowski coils up to 6300A, not requir-ing auxiliary power supply, shall be provided also for upgrade of existing switchgears. • Terminal box shall be with spring clamps.• It shall be possible to install the electrical acces-sories without removing the cover.• Dedicated slot for power supply module.• Device unique serial number shall be visible on sticker, available on the touchscreen menu and also remotely readable via data communication.• Warranty shall be available for 1 year with exten-sion up to 5 years.5TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT—AccessoriesThe following accessories shall be available for the whole range:• Digital unit shall be provided with plug-in on board power supply unit.• Remote control and signaling shall be possible through digital I/O freely configurable. It shall be possible to add additional I/O modules for 2, 4 or 10 more digital I/O. it shall be possible to con-nect at the same time up to three external digital I/O module for 11 input and 10 output with one unit by local bus.• It shall be possible to connect 3 or 6 temperature inputs and 1 or 2 analogic 4-20mA inputs.• It shall be possible to adjust the rated current of digital unit by applying at the front part suitable plug.• It shall be possible to upgrade basic measuring functions, enabling measurement of phase and neutral voltages, powers and energy, through ad-ditional plug-in measuring module.When required following accessories shall be available:• Unit shall be supplied homopolar toroid for earth conductor (star center of the transformer), with rated current from 100 to 800 A.• Relay shall be supplied with homopolar toroid for residual current protection to enable monitoring of earth current from 3…30 A.• Unit shall be supplied with accessory to mea-sures voltages from two phases of one line through an external transformer for check of synchronization of parallel lines. Module shall be provided with output contact that is activated when synchronism condition is verified.6—Protection FunctionsMeasurement functions• Digital unit shall be provided with measurement of the currents flowing in the three phases and in the neutral.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of the currents. Class accuracy of the ammeter measurement shall be equal or better than 0,2 and 1 when connected to current sensors type A, B and C.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of the voltages (phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground). Class accuracy of the voltage measure-ment chain shall be equal or better than 0,5 and 0,7, when connected to sensors.• Unit shall be able to provide measurement of powers and energies (active, reactive, appar-ent). Class accuracy of the measurement chain shall equal or better than 0,5 and 2 including ac-curacy of sensors (for power) and 0,2 and 2 in-cluding accuracy of sensors (for energy).• Set of measurement functions that shall be available on the protection release:-Current measurements-Voltage measurements-Power measurements-Power factor measurements.-Measurements of frequency and peak factor -Phase Sequence-Energy measurements• Digital unit shall record minimum and maximum values of phase currents, voltage in range of time settable between 5 and 120 minutes.• Digital unit shall record maximum and average values of active and reactive power, in range of time settable between 5 and 120 minutes.Power Quality functions• Digital unit shall be able to provide measure-ment according to IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 2• and EN50160 standards of the main power qual-ity gauges, like:-Voltage spikes-Voltage sags-Voltage micro-interruptions-Harmonic analysis (voltage harmonics, current harmonics, THD) up to the 50th harmonic • Data logger with 2 independent registers shall be available to record current, voltages and ac-tive power. Sampling frequency shall be setta-ble in a range from a minimum of 1200Hz up to 9600Hz.• Digital unit, when associated with switching de-vice, shall be able to register and store informa-tion about:-Number of operations (mechanical and elec-trical)-Load profile-Last maintenance carried out• Time stamp shall be always available and shall store information of last 200 events with asso-ciated time stamps.7TECH N I C A L S PECI F I C ATI O N S FO R LOW VO LTAG E D I G ITA L U N IT8 Instantaneous Currents (L1, L2, L3, N, rms)Earth fault current (rms)L-L voltage (V12, V23, V31, rms)L-N voltage (V1, V2, V3, rms)Phase sequenceFrequency (Hz)Active power (P1, P2, P3, Ptot)Reactive power (Q1, Q2, Q3, Qtot)Apparent power (S1, S2, S3, Stot)Power factor (cos-phi)Peak factor (L1, L2, L3, N)Cumulative measurement Active power Ep (tot, + and -)Reactive power Eq (tot, + and -)Apparent power Es (tot)Network analyzer Average volts/hour (Vmin= 0.75-0.95 xVn, Vmax= 1.05-1.25 xVn, Events/day in pastyear and total events)Short voltage interruptionsShort voltage spikes, sags and swellsVoltage unbalance and micro-interruptionsHarmonics analysis (THDv, THDi, V/I up to 50th order)2 independent registers for V/I/P with sampling frequency user-settable from 1200to 9600HzTime-stamped values Currents (Imin, Imax)L-L voltage (Vmin, Vmax)Reactive power (Qmean, Qmax)Apparent power (Smean, Smax)Time-stamp of last 200 eventsData logging Currents (L1, L2, L3, N, Ig)Voltages (V12, V23, V31)Active power (Pmean, Pmax)Max recorded durationRecording stop delayRecording intervals = 5 to 120 min, user-settableTrip and opening data/info Type of protection on tripFault values per phase based on trigger (see note below)Time-stamping (date, time, progressive number)Maintenance indicators Last 30 trips info (see note below)Last 200 events info (time-stamped)Mechanical operations (can be sent to alarm)Total number of trips (see note below)Total operating time (hours)Last maintenance performed (date)Maintenance required indicationUnit ID (type, assigned name and serial number)Self-diagnosis Internal connections checksCB failure to open (ANSI 50BF) (see note below)Over-temperature (pre-alarm and alarm)Basic Protection functions• Adjustable protection against overload (L), with a delay up to 144s (with I=3In), L protection shall be excludable;• Digital unit shall have Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) operating curves in accordance with IEC 60255-151, supporting both IEC and ANSI/IEEE standard.• I 4t equal to constant curve shall be available for better coordination with upstream switching devices or fuses.• A settable pre-alarm on overload shall be avail-able.• Protection against overcurrent, selective (S) shall always be adjustable, with a delay up to 0.8s, and a pick-up threshold ranging from 0.6 to 10 times In.• Protection against overcurrent, instantaneous (I) shall be settable with several pick-up thresh-olds, up to 15 times In.• It shall be possible to enable overcurrent pro-tection of neutral and set up to 200% of phase currents.• Protection against ground fault (G) shall be set-table with several pick-up thresholds, ranging from 0.1 to 1 times In.• For G protection, a pre-alarm indication with settable threshold shall be available and it shall be possible to exclude trip, keeping only alarm for continuity of service.• Protection functions against short circuit and ground fault shall be excludable.• It shall be possible to connect digital unit with external toroid for ground fault protection.—Protection FunctionsAdvanced protection functions:• Thermal memory for functions L and S shall be available;• Start-up function shall be available for protec-tions S, I and G, to avoid trips due to inrush cur-rent during the “start-up” of motors or trans-formers;• Second complete set of parameters for protec-tions shall be stored in the unit and activated by means of a digital input, communication net-work, unit display or started automatically after a set time.• Protection against unbalanced current or unbal-anced voltage shall be provided by digital unit • Embedded additional protections, based on voltage/frequency measurement shall be avail-able:-Under voltage protection (UV) -Over voltage protection (OV) -Under frequency protection (UF) -Over frequency protection (OF)• Shall be possible to enable second protection against under voltage, overvoltage, over fre-quency and under frequency.• It shall be possible to activate residual current function by using dedicated accessory and ex-ternal toroid.• Additional Motor Protection: -Motor protection overload (49) -Rotor blockage - Jam (51R) -Rotor blockage - Stall (51R) -Phase lackand/or unbalance -- Undercurrent (37).Additional Generator Protection• Unit shall have comprehensive voltage protec-tion functions including:• Residual overvoltage (59N)• Cyclical direction of phases (47)• Three-phase voltage-dependent overcurrent protection (51V) against short circuit close to generator terminals. Function shall operate when current exceeds a set value calculated on measured terminal voltage. It shall be possible to select either a voltage restrained/ voltage slope or voltage controlled/voltage step charac-teristics.• To protect generator against harmful effects of excessive overpower, digital unit shall have pro-tection against reverse active power (32R)• Unit shall have under excitation protection (40/32R) to protect synchronous machine against loss of field or reverse reactive power conditions, that can cause excessive heating on stator winding.• Digital Selectivity-It shall be possible to lock overcurrent andground fault protection to enable fast faultisolation, while guarantying continuity of ser-vice in healthy part of installation.-It shall be possible to use logic selectivity with directional overcurrent protection to enableselectivity in ring distribution system.• Directional overcurrent-Digital unit shall provide directional protec-tion with two different time-delay accordingto current direction.• Restricted / unrestricted earth-It shall be possible to connect external unitwith digital unit for restricted earth fault, dis-tinguishing it from a non-restricted earthfault.• Synchrocheck-Function shall include energizing check func-tionality and support the operation modedead-line / live-line. The function shall ensure that the voltage, phase angle and frequencyon two separate sections of networks meetrequirements for safe interconnection.Additional Logics• Load Shedding-Load shedding function shall be available toavoid frequency drop in off-grid state thatmight cause generation protections trip.-It shall be possible to upgrade basic loadshedding function to adaptive logic to discon-nect not priority loads according to powerconsumption and frequency.• Interface protection-Digital unit shall have embedded logic func-tions to disconnected local generation fromthe grid whenever voltage and frequency val-ues of the grid itself are out of the ranges pre-scribed by the standard, in order to avoidfeeding of failure on grid.-Interface protection function shall be certified for CEI 0-16 standard.• Power Controller-Digital unit shall manage active/passive loads by embedded software, sending commandfrom remote to relevant switching devices ac-cording to a user default priority.-Embedded algorithm shall be able to foreseeaverage power absorption calculation whichcan be set over a determined time interval;whenever this forecasted value and to com-pare it with contractual power, in case value is over contractual power it shall operate turning off/or the devices under control, to stay be-yond limits.-It shall be possible to define weekly schedul-ing and to take into consideration tariff bands for maximum saving on billing.-It shall be possible to control up to 15 loads or group of loads.• Predictive maintenance-It shall be possible to enable predictive main-tenance in the cloud with ABB circuit breakers or switch-disconnectors.—Protection FunctionsANSI Code Short description49Overload Protection, excludable, delay to 144 at 3xIn, with thermal memory50TD Time-delayed overcurrent protection, time delay up to 0.8s, settable 0.6 to 10xIn, excludable,with thermal memory and provision to offset inrush50Instantaneous overcurrent protection, settable up to 15xIn, with provision to offset inrush currents50N TD Earth fault protection, settable 0.1 to 1xIn, excludable, with provision to offset inrush currents46Current unbalance protection50Instantaneous overcurrent protectionClosing on short-circuit protection50G TD Earth fault protection64 50N Residual current protectionTD87N Differential ground fault protectionCurrent threshold LCCurrent threshold Iw27Undervoltage Protection59Overvoltage Protection47Voltage unbalance protection81L Underfrequency protection81H Over-frequency protection32R Reverse active power protection47Cyclical direction of phases783-phase power factor (cos-phi)50TD Time-delayed overcurrent protection67Directional overcurrent protection (forward and back)27Undervoltage Protection59Overvoltage protection81L Underfrequency protection81H Overfrequency protection51V Voltage controlled overcurrent protection59N Residual overvoltage protection32OF Active overpower protection32OF Reactive overpower protection32LF Active underpower protection40/32R Loss of field or reverse reactive power protection51V Voltage controlled overcurrent protection81R Rate of change of frequency protection25Synchrocheck (Live busbars)49Motor protection overload51R Rotor blockage - JamRotor blockage - StallPhase lackand/or unbalance37UndercurrentUser interface and HMI• Digital unit shall have high resolution display for monitoring and controlling. Each alarm or warn-ing shall be clearly shown on the display.• Access to control and configuration of the unit shall be allowed by means of a password;• It shall be possible to set as default page of the display to show measure or logics.• 8 analog inputs for current and voltage signals shall be available on digital unit.• Full colour touchscreen for readouts and menu access.• 4 digital outputs and 4 digital inputs with ekip signaling 4k-A. 4 digital outputs, 2 digital inputs with ekip signaling munication (wired)• It shall be possible to connect digital unit, through communication bus twisted pair or Ethernet, with one or more communication pro-tocols at the same time without external inter-face devices, choosing among:-Modbus RS485-Modbus TCP-Ethernet IP-DeviceNet-Profibus-Profinet-IEC 61850• To guarantee the maximum safety, a redundant communication profile shall be provided.• To ensure a redundant communication layer (for example local/system) shall be possible to in-stall up to four different communication mod-ules• Proprietary communication bus should also be available for easy integration of power automa-tion logics.• It shall be possible to store data on cloud by us-ing gateway embedded module.• Communication module with certified cyberse-curity shall be available to exchange date-re-ports with load aggregators and utilities.。

ABB Drive 低压电机 低压电机说明书

ABB Drive 低压电机 低压电机说明书
DriveIT 低压电机
安装、操作及 维护手册
符合性声明样本 由 ABB 提供。
低电压指令 73/23/EEC (由 93/68/EEC 修订)
有些机器顶部安装的接线端子盒可旋转 4 x 90°,而有 些机器的接线端子盒则安装在机器侧面。 产品目录对是 否采用了这些方案作了说明。
接线端子盒不仅装有主绕组和地线端子,还能容纳热敏 电阻、静止加热元件、双金属部件、开关或 PT100 电阻 元件的接头。
警告 加热元件或直接绕组加热元件的电源可在停机状 态下接入接线端子盒。
公司注册证书 (指令 98/37/EEC 第 4.2 条和附录 II 子条款 B):
CE 标示年份:CE00。
签名 ..................................
标题 ..................................
必须依照地方条例提供必要的安全设备,以防安装和操 作现场发生事故。
警告 供电电流直接由热敏开关控制的小电机可自动 启动。
1. 不要踏在机器上。 2. 在正常操作过程中,本机外壳温度可能会达到烫手的
程度。 3. 在某些特殊场合应用本机时需参照特别说明 (如使用
变频器供电等)。 4. 吊环只能用于抬升本电机。本电机与其他设备连

ABB马达 保护器M101用户设置手册

ABB马达 保护器M101用户设置手册

3.10 电机起动时间(N2 速度) (仅对 M102-P) .................................... 13 3.11 切换时间(仅对 M102-P) .................................................. 13 3.12 软起动时间(仅对 M102-P) ................................................ 14 3.13 软停机时间(仅对 M102-P) ................................................ 14 3.14 通讯失败运行模式 ...................................................... 15 3.15 通讯失败延时 .......................................................... 15 3.16 反馈触点 .............................................................. 15 3.17 漏电电流互感器(RCT)一次电流 ......................................... 15 3.18 电压输入(L-N) (仅对 M102-P) ............................................ 16 3.19 内部 CT 一次电流 ....................................................... 16
功能定义 .............................................................. 25 触点类型 .............................................................. 26 起动互锁延时 .......................................................... 27 运行互锁延时 .......................................................... 27 执行模式 .............................................................. 27 瞬时告警 关闭/开启 .................................................... 27 可编程输出 .............................................................. 28 功能定义 .............................................................. 28 起动/停机 延时 ........................................................ 28 热过载保护 (TOL) ...................................................... 29



—Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards for electric motorsBy making the decision to use energy efficient motors, you can lower your energy costs and have a positive effect on the environment. ABB’s energy efficient motors are designed and labeled to comply with international IEC standards and local MEPS requirements.MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) for low voltage motors have played an important role in helping countries to meet their energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions targets. For motor users, MEPS have led to an overall increase in motor efficiency and made it easier to compare efficiency levels between manufacturers.These benefits have prompted many countries around the world to adopt their own MEPS. However, the actual requirements varybetween the different MEPS.Overview Americas•Canada•USA•Argentina•Brazil•Chile•Colombia•Ecuador•Mexico•PeruEurope•EU, EEA & EFTAcountries, Switzerland,Turkey and UKAsia•China•India•Indonesia•Japan•Kingdom ofSaudi-Arabia•Singapore•South Korea•Taiwan•VietnamAustralia & Oceania•Australia & New Zealand•Fiji—EuropeEU MEPSRegulation (EU)2019/1781 and amending (EU)2021/341EU MEPS –Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/1781 amended by (EU) 2021/341 under Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC defines the scope for direct-on-line operated low voltage induction motors and variable speed drives.European countries that are not members of the EU have adopted all the relevant directives and regulations in their own legislation, which means that the CE mark is recognized in those countries.Scope Induction motors rated for direct-on-lineoperation.IC418 (TEAO), Ex motors with protectiontypes Ex ec, Ex db, Ex dc, Ex tb and Ex tcare covered.Output From 0.12 kW to1000 kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency From50 V up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz,60 Hz and 50/60 Hz sinusoidal voltage Duty type Continuous duty(S1, S3 ≥80%, S6 ≥80%)Motor efficiencyAmbient temperatures-30°C…+60°CMarking CE (all relevant directives to be fulfilled) Registration Self declarationExplosive atmospheres ATEX directive and certification0.75 kWIE2IE3IE40.12 kW 75 kWIE3200 kW(2, 4, 6 poles)EU MEPS REGULATIONUK MEPS REGULATIONSWISS MEPS READ MOREAdoption of the EU RegulationsEuropean countries that are not EU members have adopted all or most of the EU directives and regulations in their own legislation. As a result, the CE mark is recognized in those countries.–EEA & EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.–Switzerland MRA with EU.–Turkey via Customs Union Agreement SGM-2019/1781/AB & SGM: 2021/16.–The UK is an exception: Statutory Instruments (SI) and the UKCA mark shall be applied.Regulation (EU) 2019/1781 after July 1, 20232-, 4-, and 6-pole single speedbe IE4 compliant.Note: the IE4 requirement does notapply to Ex motors with protectiontypes Ex ec, Ex db,Ex dc, Ex tb andEx tc.Ex motors with protection typeEx eb to be IE2 compliant.EU MEPSRegulation (EU) 2019/1781 and the amending (EU)2021/341 Exempted−IC410 (TENV) motors−Motors wholly immersed in liquid−Motors completely integrated into a product −Motors specified to operate exclusively•at altitudes exceeding 4000 m above sea level•in maximum operating temperature above 400°C•where the water coolant temperature at the inlet to a product is less than 0°Cor exceeds 32°C−Multi-speed motors−Motors designed specifically for the traction of electric vehicles −Brake motors ‘forming an integral part of the inner construction and can neither be removed nor powered by a separate power source’−Motors with an integrated variable speed drive (compact drives) whose energy performancecannot be tested independently from thevariable speed drive−Motors specifically qualified for the safety of nuclear installations, as defined in Article 3of Council Directive 2009/71/EURATOM−Explosion-protected motors specifically designed and certified for mining,accordingto Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX)—Americas—CanadaEnergy Efficiency Act and Energy Efficiency RegulationsThe Energy Efficiency Regulations published in 2016, along with a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, define the scope and requirements for the energy efficiency of electric motors.In addition to the scope, the following designs are covered;−NEMA design A, B or C with a three-or four-digit NEMA frame number,−enclosed NEMA design A, B or C with a NEMA frame number of 56, or−IEC design N or H with an IEC shaft height of 80 or more.Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 1 hp up to 500 hp (orequivalent kW rating)Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Not more than600 VAC, 50Hz, 50/60Hz or60HzDuty type Continuous operation S1Motor efficiency Premium efficiency equivalent to IE3 Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking NEMA Nom.Eff and ENERGY Registration NRCan registrationExplosiveatmospheres(HazLoc)CEC Class & Division or IECEx withcertification.CAN MEPSCanadaEnergy Efficiency Act and Energy Efficiency Regulations Exempted–Motors cooled by air that is forced over the motor by a fan or blower which is not an integral part of the motor–Liquid-cooled motors–Inverter-only motors–Motors designed to operate continuously only while immersed –Fire pump motors–Motors with IEC frame 71 and belowUSA10 CFR Subpart B -Electric MotorsIntegral Horsepower Motor Final Rule (IHP)Scope Single speed induction motors with cageoperating at 60Hz sinusoidal line power.NEMA design A, B or C electric motor or anIEC design N or H electric motor.Output Nominal power from 1 hp up to 500 hp (orequivalent kW rating)Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 600 V and 60HzDuty type Continuous operation S1Motor efficiency Premium efficiency equivalent to IE3Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking NEMA Nom. Eff. and the CC numberRegistration DOE registrationExplosive atmospheres (HazLoc)US NEC 500 Class & Division and certification.Almost all motors are covered by the IHP Rule and must fulfil Premium Efficiency levels as per the Table 5 in the 10 CFR 431 (Code of Federal Regulations). The Table 5 is identical with the NEMA MG 1 Table 12-12.USA MEPSUSA10 CFR Subpart B -Electric Motors Integral Horsepower Motor Final Rule (IHP)Exempted–Two digit frames(NEMA 42 –56 / IEC 63 –80)–Multi-speed motors–TEAO motors–Submersible motors–Water-cooled motors–Intermittent duty, S2…S8, motors not capable of continuous duty operation–Design D motors –VSD only driven motors(MG1 Part31) that cannot be DOL driven“with no line start”–Synchronous motors–Permanent magnet motors–Servo motors–Smoke extraction motors over400°C–Stator-rotor setsArgentinaSafety Certificate for motors up to 5kW and Energy Efficiency certificate for motors in the scope ie. from 0,75 kW up to 30 kW from third party authority is mandatory when delivered as standalone and for general use.Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,75kW to 30kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 600 VAC, 50Hz or60HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE1Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking Country of origin ‘MADE IN XXXX’ + IRAM62405 labelingRegistration-ExplosiveatmospheresIECExExempted–Motors integrated in machines–Duty type different than S1–Motors manufactured specifically designed for VSDBrazilPortaria Interministerial No. 533Scope Single speed, three-phase squirrel cageinduction motors according to ABNT NBR17094-1.Output Nominal power from 0.12 kW up to 370 kW or0.16 hp up to 500 hp.Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-and8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 1000 V, for 50/60Hz or60 HzoperationDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%,Motor efficiency IR3Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking PROCEL stickerRegistration INMETROExplosive atmospheres INMETRO certification.The requirement are based on the standard ABNT NBR 17094-1:2018 standard introducing IR3 energy efficiency levels. The standard covers cooling methods IC410 and IC411 as well as hazardous location motors with the protection type Ex nA/Ex ec.BrazilPortaria Interministerial No. 533Exempted−VSD only motors−Special application motors−Intermittent or variable speed operation,duty cycles S2,S3(<80%),S4… ABNT NBR17094-1:2018−Ex e, Ex d(e) and Ex t (DIP) motors for explosive atmospheres−Water cooled motors−Motors for marine and offshoreChileThe efficiency and safety tests must be certified by a local certification entity (CESMEC, LENOR) and the efficiency tests must be performed by an ILAC accredited laboratory.Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,75kW to 7,5kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 690V, rated for 50 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE2Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking Efficiency and safety label Registration-ExplosiveatmospheresIECExExempted–Motors manufactured specifically designed for VSD–Brake motorsColombiaMotors must have both RETIE (safety) and RETIQ (efficiency) certificates.Motors designed to be operated only from VSD are excluded from RETIQ Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,18kW to 373kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 600 V, rated for 60 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE2 (C) for motors with rated power 0.18 –0.74kWIE3 (B) for motors having rated powerequal or above 0.75 kWAmbient temp.Not limitedMarking Efficiency labelRegistration-Explosive IECExEcuadorThere is no mandatory regulation nor labeling scheme in place in Ecuador. IE2 efficiency is recommended by the authorities but not mandatory. Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,75kW to 375kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-, 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 60 HzDuty type S1 or S3 >80%Motor efficiency IE2Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking IERegistration-ExplosiveatmospheresIECExMexicoNOM-016-ENER-2016MEPS in Mexico is based on the NORMA OFICAL MEXICANA, NOM-016-ENER-2016.Importing company must have the NOM certificate for motors.Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,746kW to 373kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-, 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 600 V, rated for 60 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking NOM certificationRegistration-ExplosiveatmospheresIECExExempted–VSD only driven motors that cannot be DOL driven–Duty service other than S1–Two or more speed motors—PeruMotors intended for general purpose applications and covered by the scope are subject to mandatory labeling scheme in Peru.Scope Single speed, three-phase, cage inductionmotors.Output Nominal power from 0,75kW to 375kW Speed 2 -, 4-, 6-, 8-pole motorsVoltage & Frequency Up to 600 V, rated for 60 HzDuty type S1, S3>80%Motor efficiency IE1Ambient temp.Not limitedMarking Efficiency labelRegistration-ExplosiveatmospheresIECExExempted–Motors for explosive atmospheres –Two speed motors–Brake motors–Motors for non general purpose applications—AsiaChinaChina Energy Label 007-2021 and the GB18613-2020Standard GB18613-2020 defines the minimum allowable energy efficiency levels for low voltage motors. The scope includes motors with output powers from 0.12 kW to 1000 kW and introduces efficiency Grades 1 to 3. Grade 3 efficiency is the minimum level and is equivalent to IE3.The China Energy Label regulation requires motor registration and use of the CEL sticker on 2-8 pole motors with outputs from 0.75 kW to 375 kW.Scope Applicable to all low voltage fan cooled(TEFC) motors, also including Ex motors. Output0.75kW to 375kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz or 50/60Hz sinusoidal voltageDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%Motor efficiency Grade3Ambient temperatures–15°C to +40°CMarking CEL label(CEL scope)Registration CEL registrationExplosive atmospheres CCC certification(not mining)ChinaChina Energy Label 007-2021 and the GB18613-2020 Exempted–Motors•with an electromagnetic brake inside•specified to operate wholly immersed in a liquid•operated in a special environment andconditions, e.g. motors operated at highaltitude (>1000 m) or high ambienttemperatures as smoke extraction motors(temperature class over 250°C)•rated for 60 Hz only•designed for ambient temperatures above +40°C or below -15°C –Water cooled motors–Two-/multi-speed motors–Marine motors–VSD motors (permanent magnet, SynRM)–Motors completely integrated into a machine(e.g. pump, fan or compressor) that cannot betested separately from the machineIndiaMotors shall be designed based on the IS 12615 standard and having IE2 level as minimum. Motors must be labeled with the ISI mark.The BIS license (Bureau of Indian Standards) is a factory specific approval to produce motors for Indian market.Exempted:IE2 efficiency is not mandatory for Ex motors.Scope Single speed three-phase 50 Hzinduction motorsOutput0.12kW to 1000kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6, 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz or 50/60HzDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%Motor efficiency IE2Ambient temperatures-Marking ISIRegistration(License)BISExplosive atmospheres PESOIndonesiaThere is no regulation in place in Indonesia. Generally, motors are recommended to be as minimum with IE1 efficiency.Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.375kW to 75kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz or 50/60HzDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%Motor efficiency IE1Ambient temperatures-Marking-Registration-Explosive atmospheres IECExJapanJapanese MEPS is a part of the Top Runner Program introduced by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), under the Energy Savings Act.There is no requirement for product registration.Exempted:Motors with insulation class H, N or R Explosion-proof motorsMotors designed to operate within liquids Water cooled motorsMarine motors Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.75kW to 375kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz, 60 Hz or50/60 HzDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temperatures-20 °C<Marking-Registration-Explosive atmospheres JPEx(TIIS)Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaThe standard SASO 2893 sets the IE3 as a minimum efficiency level for motorsIt is the responsibility of the importer to apply the CoC (Certificate of Conformity) from a third party for the customs clearance purposes for all motors imported to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.In Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.75kW to 375kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6, 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency From50 V up to 1000 V, rated for 60 Hzor 50/60 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temperatures From-20 °C to +60 °CMarking-RegistrationNo registrationSASO (”In Scope” & ”Exempted” motors)”Out of Scope” motorsExplosive atmospheres IECExKingdom of Saudi ArabiaExempted–Brake motors–Wound rotor motors–High torque motors–Smoke Extraction motors operatingtemperature above +300°C–Ex motors–Totally enclosed air-over motors, TEAO (IC418)–Submersible motors–Motors with specific air-cooling methods (e.g.IC5Ax)–Motors with liquid cooling methods Out of Scope–Variable speed or two speed motors –Other than three phase motors–Other than induction motors–Motor is not capable of operating DOL –Integrated motors–Motor is rated for 50Hz onlySingaporeAny importer intending to supply regulated products to Singapore must be registered by National Environment Agency (NEA) as a registered supplier.The registered supplier must also register the regulated products before supplying them to Singapore.Scope Single speed three-phase 50 Hzinduction motorsOutput0.75kW to 375kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1000 V, rated for 50 Hz or 50/60HzDuty type S1, S3 ≥80% or S6 ≥80%Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temperatures From -30 °C up to +60 °CMarking-Registration NEAExplosive atmospheres IECExSingaporeExempted–Motors with maximum operating temperature above 400°C–Designs where the water coolant temperature at the inlet to a product is less than 0°C orexceeding 32°C–Ex-motors–Motors specified to operate wholly immersed in a liquid–Multi-speed motors–Brake motors–High torque motors –Motors that are completely integrated into a product–Motors to be re-exported outside of Singapore –Motors exempted by the Director-General of Environmental Protection of the NationalEnvironment Agency–Marine and offshore applicationsSouth KoreaMotors imported to South Korea must be registered to KEA (Korea Energy Agency) by the importer and provided with a specific sticker.Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.75kW to 375kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-, 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency From50 V up to 1000 V, rated for 60 Hzor 50/60 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temperatures Max +40 °CMarking Korean MEPS stickerRegistration KEAExplosive atmospheres KCsSouth Korea Exempted–IC410 motors–IC418 motors–Thrust and sleeve bearing motors –Motors intended for re-export–Water cooled motors–Marine motors if used outside Korea –Very high starting torque applications (design C and D)–Synchronous motors that can be supplied only from VSD–Short time duty (S2)Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)In Taiwan, CNS 14400 defines the requirements on the energy efficiency for low voltage three-phase induction motors.IE3 is not mandatory but it is recommended by authorities. Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.75kW to 200kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 690 V, rated for 60 Hz or 50/60 Hz Duty type S1Motor efficiency IE3Ambient temperatures-Marking-Registration-Explosive atmospheres ITRIVietnamIn Vietnam, the standard TCVN 7540-1:2013, Part 1: “Energy efficiency” defines the minimum energy efficiency levels.It is the responsibility of the importer to register the motors to the MOIT Scope Single speed three-phase inductionmotorsOutput0.75kW to 150kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency up to 1000 V, rated for 50Hz, 60 Hz or50/60 HzDuty type S1Motor efficiency IE1Ambient temperatures-Marking-Registration MOITExplosive atmospheres Local Ex certification—Australia & OceaniaAustralia, New Zealand and Fiji Australian MEPSThe Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Determination 2019 is the requirement for motors to be registered in Australia. Both‘Minimum efficiency’ (IE2) and ‘High efficiency’ (IE3) levels, as aligned with IEC 60034-30-1, are recognized.New Zealand and Fiji have adopted the same regulation as well as the registration system.Scope Induction motors rated for direct-on-lineoperation and inverter duty motors thatcan be DOL operated.Output From 0.73 kW up to but not including 185kWSpeed2-, 4-, 6-and 8-pole motorsVoltage& Frequency Up to 1100 V, rated for 50 Hz and/or 60Hz sinusoidal voltageDuty type S1 or S3 ≥80%Motor efficiency IE2 or IE3Ambient temperatures Not limitedMarking IERegistration GEMS registrationExplosive atmospheres IECEx(not mining)AUS MEPS NZ MEPSAustralia, New Zealand and Fiji Australian MEPSExempted−Motors for re-export business−Integrated motors that cannot operate as amotor if separated from the driven unit−Submersible (sealed) motors−Multi-speed motors−Motors for use only for short-time duty cycleapplications−VSD motors that cannot be DOL operatedTool to select MEPS compliant motors, calculate the total cost of ownership and find relevant documents.OPTIMIZERK 108440 R e v D , E N 07-2023。



12Tran s f or me r sLow Voltage Products & Systems12.1TransformersDescription• Epoxy encapsulated coils up through 750VA • Epoxy resin impregnated coils 1 kVA to 5 kVA• Provides stepped down voltages formachine tool control devices and industrial control panels• Laminations of high quality silicon steel • Minimum core loss• Optimized performance• Copper magnet wire providing the highest quality and efficient operation • Molded-in terminals• 80°C rise, 130°C insulation system • 50/60 Hz• UL File # E175311• CSA File #LR27533• IP 20 Touch safe covers available as an optionT r a n s f o r m e r s12.2Low Voltage Products & Systems1 Consult factory for applications with different voltages.2 Whenever both secondary voltages are to be used at the same time, remove the secondary fuse clip and use a separate mounted 2 pole fuse block.3 Includes terminal and fuse covers.T - Industrial control transformer X - New generation industrial control transformer Primary voltage rating 14 - 460V , 230V & 208V 6 - 575V & 600VVA rating045 = 45VA 350 = 350VA 050 = 50VA 500 = 500VA 075 = 75VA 750 = 750VA 100 = 100VA 1K = 1000VA 150 = 150VA 1.5K = 1500VA 200 = 200VA 2K = 2000VA 250 = 250VA 3K = 3000VA 300 = 300VA 5K = 5000VAX 4 100 PS F1 /COption 3Add $15 to list priceIP 20 Terminal coversMeets finger safe or touch safe requirements for IEC specification 529. Available 50VA thru 750VA Secondary voltage(s) 2F = 24V 1 = 115VF1 = 115/24V dual secondary 2Fuse blocksP = primary fuse block (2 pole Class CC, less fuses)S = secondary fuse clip (13/32" x 1 1/2", less fuse)Example : T4100PSF1• ABB Industrial control transformer• Primary voltage: 460V , 230V and 208V • 100 VA rating• Primary & secondary fuse blocks provided • S econdary voltage 115/24V • Optional IP 20 terminal coversLow Voltage Products & Systems12.5Primary voltage — 460/230/208V , 480/240V , 440/220/200V Secondary voltage — 115/24V 2, 120/25V , 110/23VPrimary voltage — 460/230/208V , 480/240V , 440/220/200V Secondary voltage — 115V , 120V , 110V1 Primary & secondary fuse block provided as standard (750VA unit, only).2 Whenever both secondary voltages are to be used at the same time, remove the secondary fuse clip and use a separate mounted 2 pole fuse block.Discount schedule ATSide ViewSide ViewT op View Side ViewX4045SF1T41K1X4750PSF112.6Low Voltage Products & SystemsPrimary voltage — 600/575/550V Secondary voltage — 120/115/110VPrimary voltage — 575/460/230V Secondary voltage — 115 - 95VDiscount schedule ATT op ViewSide ViewT op View Side View。



目 录页1.断路器空气断路器 - New Emax 空气断路器 - Megamax 塑壳断路器 - Isomax 漏电保护组件/漏电保护继电器 塑壳断路器 - Tmax 双电源自动切换装置 - DPT 配电智能化元件 - IPD 2.工控产品软起动器接触器建筑用接触器 - ESB (导轨安装)手动电机起动器 - MS 系列短路保护电器和接触器及热继电器的配合电机控制/保护器件指示装置接线端子3.开关及熔断器组开关熔断器组 - PowerLine 负荷开关 - SwitchLine 熔断器开关 - EasyLine/FastLine 4.终端配电保护产品建筑电器元件电涌保护器 - OVR 5.箱体终端配电箱 - ACM/ACP/ACF 系列三相配电箱 - SDB 系列动力配电箱 - MDS 系列6.电网质量产品无功补偿控制器件有源谐波滤波器7.断路器保护配合表断路器保护配合表因产品技术不断改进,所有数据应以本公司最新确认为准。

ABB 公司对本手册的接受或使用无任何商业承诺或保证,由使用者根据具体应用考虑本手册的适应性。

0/1ABB 低压电器元件选用手册1234567.............................................................................. 1/1-4................................................................................ 1/5-6................................................................................ 1/7-12........................................................................ 1/13.................................................................................. 1/14-17............................................................................ 1/18............................................................................... 1/19-20..................................................................................................... 2/1-7........................................................................................................... 2/8........................................................................ 2/9......................................................................... 2/10-12.......................................................... 2/13................................................................................... 2/14-22................................................................................................. 2/23-24................................................................................................. 2/25-26............................................................................... 3/1.................................................................................. 3/2-3................................................................... 3/4-5............................................................................................... 4/1-8........................................................................................... 4/9..................................................................... 5/1................................................................................. 5/2-3................................................................................. 5/4-5........................................................................................ 6/1-4.............................................................................................. 6/5........................................................................................ 7/1-53/1开关熔断器组 - OS/OESA (32…800A )开关熔断器组 - P o w e r L i n e 3说 明:1. 开关熔断器组不包括熔断器,熔断器需另行订购2. 熔断器应符合 IEC 有关标准。

abb低压电器元件 - 选用手册

abb低压电器元件 - 选用手册

abb低压电器元件 - 选用手册1. 引言在现代工业生产和家庭生活中,电气设备已经成为必不可少的一部分。



2. abb低压电器元件概述abb低压电器元件包括断路器、接触器、继电器、隔离开关等,涵盖了电气系统中各种重要的功能。


3. abb低压电器元件选用手册abb低压电器元件选用手册是abb官方提供的一本重要参考资料,其中包含了各种abb低压电器元件的技术参数、选型指南、安装要求等详细信息。


4. 深入探讨abb低压电器元件的选用要点(1)技术参数分析在选用abb低压电器元件时,首先需要仔细研读选用手册中的技术参数。







5. abb低压电器元件的未来发展abb作为全球领先的电气设备制造商,其低压电器元件在性能和稳定性上都有着显著的优势。


6. 个人观点和总结通过研读abb低压电器元件选用手册,我深切感受到abb在电气设备领域的技术实力和丰富经验。



框架 分段 号码 能力 框架电流Iu B 800 ,1000 ,1250 ,1600 E1 N 800 ,1000 ,1250 ,1600 B 1600, 2000 N 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000 S 800,1000, 1250, 1600, 2000 E2 L 1250, 1600 N 2500, 3200 S 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200 H 800, 1000,1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200 V 800, L 2000, 2500 S 4000 H 3200, 4000 E4 V 3200, 4000 H 4000, 5000, 6300 E6 V 3200, 4000, 5000, 6300 额定电流 In (根据Iu选择 In) Iu 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 R 3200
额定电流 In (根据Iu选择 In) In 400, 630, 800 400, 630, 800, 1000 400, 630, 800, 1000, 1250 400, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600 400, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000 400, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500 400, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200 脱扣器 LI LSI PR121/P LSIG LI LSI PR122/P LSIG LSI PR123/P LSIG 极数
Iu 3200 4000 5000 R 6300



ABB低压电器元件选型技术部分内容简介1产品选用基本技术参数2常用产品选用注意事项3产品大全及分类1元件选用基本技术参数本章节列出的是选用每种元件必须的基本技术参数,具体参数选择请参阅《ABB 低压电器元件选用手册》及相关样本。

1.1.1 Emax空气断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙例如: 框架框架电流分断能力额定电流脱扣器极数安装方式附件控制电压技术参数框架:解释 E1 Iu = 800~1250A E1 Iu = 800~1250AE2 Iu = 1250~2000AE3 Iu = 1250~3200AE4 Iu = 3200~4000AE6 Iu = 3200~6300A分断能力: B B: 40kAB: 40kAN: 65kAS: 75kAH: 100kAV: 150KAL: 130KA框架电流: 12 1250A(E1,1250A--E6,6300A)脱扣器: PR111/P-LI PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LSI PR111脱扣器,三段保护PR111/P-LSIG PR111脱扣器,四段保护PR112/P-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护PR112/P-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护PR112/PD-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护带对话单元PR112/PD-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元PR113/P-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护PR113/PD-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元额定电流: R1250 1250A(E1,250A--E6,6300A)极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: WHR W:抽出式(W:抽出式F:固定式)HR:水平后接线HR 水平后接线VR 垂直后接线F 延伸接线FL 端面接线(固定式无)附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M 代号 E1Isomax塑壳断路器∙∙∙∙框架框架电流额定电流分断能力 1.1.2∙∙∙∙例如:脱扣器(TM热敏电磁脱扣器型无须提供)极数安装方式附件控制电压 TM热敏电磁脱扣器型:技术参数框架: 代号 S2 解释 S2S1 I=125S2 I=160S3 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800分断能力: S SS1: B / N KA数值请查样本S2: B / N / S KA数值请查样本S3: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L * KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本框架电流: 160A 参阅框架额定电流: R125 125AS1-125, 10A----S6-800, 800A极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线 F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线 FC: 铜电缆前接线 R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M微处理器脱扣器型:技术参数框架:解释 S4 I=160,250S4 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800S7 I=1250,1600S8 I=2000, 2500, 3200分断能力: N NS4: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本S7: S / H / L KA数值请查样本S8: H / V(新品)KA数值请查样本框架电流: 250 参阅框架额定电流: R125 125AS4-160, 100A----S6-800, 3200A脱扣器: LSIG LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障I: 短路瞬动LI: 长延迟+瞬动LSI: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障LRIU: 长延迟+堵转+瞬动+断相或相不平衡( PR010/K,PR212/D,PR212/T 参见样本 )极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M代号 S4Isomax限流型塑壳断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙框架框架电流额定电流分断能力极数安装方式附件控制电压 1.1.3 例如: 技术参数框架: 代号解释 S3S3S2 I=1~100 分档S3 I=125,200S4 I=250S6 I=400,630XS2X分断能力70KA; S3X,S4X,S6X分断能力200KA参阅框架80AS2X-80: 1~80(19档), 3P,单磁 (参见样本) S2X-100:1~100(16档), 3P, 参见样本 S3X-125: 32,50,80,100,125S3X-200: 125,160,200S4X-250: 100,160,250S6X-400: 320,400S6X-630: 6303极(3或4极可选)F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)EF: 加长前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线分断能力: X 框架电流:额定电流: 125 R80 极数:安装方式: 3P FEFES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M一体化剩余电流断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙∙例如:1.1.4 框架框架电流额定电流极数安装方式排列附件控制电压技术参数代号解释框架、分断能力、框架电流: S2N-160只有两种S2N-160,S3N-250额定电流: R80 80AS2-160: 12.5,16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160S3-250: 32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250S3及以下磁脱扣固定为10倍,非标可有5倍或单磁.极数: 4P 4P安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线(S3N)FC: 铜电缆前接线(S2N)排列: V V:垂直安装V:垂直安装,H:水平安装附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M电源自动切换装置DPT1.1.5∙切换回路数∙额定电流例如:技术参数切换回路数:额定电流:代号解释 SE SE双电源切换,TE三电源切换 1600 1600A主回路电流Isomax低压塑壳断路器配合剩余电流保护继电器 RC212 1.1.6∙框架电流∙安装方式例如:技术参数额定电流:安装方式:代号 2(代码)垂直安装解释配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S3-250/4P: 选 3 垂直安装与断路器叠装: 垂直安装与断路器并装: 水平安装RCD∙剩余动作电流例如:技术参数代号剩余动作电流: 0.03解释 30 mA剩余动作电流:0.03 - 0.1 - 0.3 -0.4 - 1A剩余电流保护继电器RCQ1.1.7∙互感器内径例如:RCQ技术参数互感器内径:代号 110mm解释Φ110 mmΦ60 mm互感器内径Φ110 mm互感器内径接触器系列接触器1.∙主回路电流∙控制电压(交、直流)∙极数∙辅助触头数量例如:技术参数主回路电流: 极数:代号 30 30 10辅助触头数量控制电压(交、直流) ac220V解释 30A 3常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量一常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量交流220VTA热过载继电器 1.2.1b∙热脱扣电流∙轻重载(450以上)例如:技术参数主回路电流: 轻重载:代号450 DU解释 450A DU普通 DU普通 SU重载中间继电器 1.2.1c∙触点数、主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)∙控制电压、交、直流操作例如:技术参数代号触点数、主触点组合方式: 63 控制电压、交、直流操作:解释6常开,3常闭前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压ac220VESB接触器1.2.1d∙额定电流∙主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)∙控制电压、交、直流操作∙灯具应用请参阅样本例如:技术参数额定电流:代号 63触点数、主触点组合方式: 31控制电压、交、直流操作:灯具应用:控制电压ac220V请参阅样本解释 63A 20 对AC1/AC7a负载 24 对AC1/AC7a负载 40 对AC1/AC7a负载 63 对AC1/AC7a负载 6常开,3常闭ESB20: 可选: 20, 02, 11ESB24: 可选: 40, 04, 22, 31, 13 ESB40: 可选: 40 ESB63: 可选: 40前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量电动机起动器 1.2.2∙框架电流和分断能力∙热脱扣电流例如:技术参数框架电流和分断能力:代号 325额定电流 20解释MS325 50KA,0.1-25A MS325 50KA,0.1-25A MS450 50kA,16~50A MS451 50KA,16~50A MS495 50KA,40~100A MS496 100KA,40~100A MS497100KA,16~100A 20APSS、PST、PSTB软启动器∙电机额定电流(结合功率考虑)∙负载类型(重、轻载)∙控制电源电压例如:1.2.3技术参数代号电机额定电流: 18/30 负载类型(重、轻载):参阅样本控制电源电压:参阅样本解释18A外接法/30A内接法(PSS)开关熔断器组 OS、OESA∙额定电流∙极数例如:1.3.1技术参数额定工作电流:极数:代号 250 3P 解释 250A 3极负荷开关/隔离开关 OT、OETL ∙额定电流∙极数例如:1.3.2技术参数额定工作电流:极数:代号 250 3P解释 250A 3极Easyline熔断丝切换隔离开关XLP三极∙额定电流例如:1.3.3技术参数额定电流:代号 00解释 160A按照样本根据电流选择型号微型断路器 1.4.1∙额定电流∙极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如S261)∙分断能力∙脱扣特性(B、C、D、K等)例如:技术参数极数:代号261脱扣特性: C额定电流:20解释 1极最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推 CB、C、D、K、Z根据样本,由不同系列不同电流而不同 20A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围过电流保护电磁式剩余电流动作断路器 DS250S∙∙∙∙∙例如:1.4.2额定电流极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如DS252) 分断能力脱扣特性(B、C)剩余电流动作电流技术参数极数:代号DS253解释 3极脱扣特性: C 40 0.03额定电流:剩余电流动作电流:最后位数字为可选项,2为2极…依此类推(无1极) CB、C两种 40A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围 30mADS9∙额定电流∙极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极。







则可以选型为A110-30-11 AC220V2、如何在面价表中查询:我们在04年ABB低压产品面价表中工作电压为220V的正确型号也是最常用的型号应该为A110-30-11*220-230V50HZ,所以在面价表中选接触器时,都要以这样的型号为准,除客户特殊要求。

我们库存型号如:A110-30-11 AC220V,这个型号就是面价表中的A110-30-11*220-23050HZ,现在出现业务员订A110-30-11*220V50HZ,可能就会看到为什么处理的货期这么长,220V的不是很常用的吗?我们的解释是,这是两个完全不同的型号,你已经订错货了,此为不常用型号。


以下是交流接触器在面价表中的几个电压等级正确型号:24V————A110-30-11*24V50HZ110V————A110-30-11*110-115V50HZ220V-------A110-30-11*220-23050HZ380V————A110-30-11*380-400V50HZ3、订货输入要求:型号输入:A110-30-11 AC220V型号就这样输入,但品名必须要输入220-230V所对应的物料号,虽然我们没有输入220-230V,但物料号一定不能错。


二、热过载继电器1、过载继电器在价格表中如TA25DU1.0和TA25DU1.0 V1000,同是1.0的就有两个型号,就纳闷了,我到底应该选哪个呢,导致无法确认?现在明确的说明,选TA25DU1.0,所有的热继都不要去管带V1000的,包括我们库存型号也是一样的。

ABB马达 保护器M101用户设置手册

ABB马达 保护器M101用户设置手册
1 技术说明,如有变更恕不另行通知。 ABB © 厦门 ABB 低压电器设备有限公司 200410
3.20 外部 CT 的安装 ......................................................... 17 3.21 外部 CT1 一次电流 ...................................................... 17 3.22 外部 CT2 一次电流(仅对 M102-P) ......................................... 18 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 PROFIBUS DP 通讯 ........................................................ 18 设备地址 .............................................................. 18 地址改变 .............................................................. 18 操作模式 .............................................................. 19 DP 块(Block DP) ........................................................ 19 控制权限(CONTROL AUTHORITY) ........................................... 19 电机控制权限(对 M101-P) .............................................. 20 电机控制权限(对 M102-P) .............................................. 20 电机群控 ................................................................ 21 功能开启,关闭 ........................................................ 21 电机群起动方向 ........................................................ 21 群编号 ................................................................ 22 群标识(ID) .......................................................... 22 群起动延时 ............................................................ 22 群停机延时 ............................................................ 22 特定定义输入(仅对 M102-P) .............................................. 23 起动 1 起动 2 停机 开启/关闭 ..................................................... 23 开启/关闭 ..................................................... 23 开启/关闭 ...................................................... 23 开启/关闭 ................................................. 24 开启/关闭 ................................................. 24 开启/关闭 ................................................. 24



13.4 用户界面序号说明1 LED 预报警指示2 LED 报警指示3 背景灯图表显示4光标向上移动按钮5光标向下移动按钮6 通过一个外部装置(PR030/B 供电单元、BT030 无线连接单元以及PR010/T 单元)来连接或测试脱扣器的测试连接器7输入数据确认键或页面切换8 退出次级菜单或取消操作键(ESC)9 额定电流插件10 保护脱扣器的系列编码11 “i test”按钮当有一个辅助供电或有最小母排电流或PR120/V 供电时,LCD 图像显示器即可显示,请参见13.2.2.1。


13.4.1 按钮使用通过↑和↓键可进行选择,通过键进行确认。



为了确定先前配置的参数,请按ESC 一次,这样将完成一个检查和显示参数配置界面。

如果想回主页,请按ESC 两次。

“i test”按钮必须在自供电模式下执行脱扣测试,这样就能看到相关信息和断路器分闸48 小时内的最后一次脱扣。

13.4.2 阅读和编辑模式在“read”模式(仅仅读取数据)或“edit”模式(可设置参数),菜单显示所有可得到的界面和通过键盘可移动。

在任何界面,根据脱扣器的状态具有2 种功能:1“read”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面2“edit”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面状态决定功能:“read”测量和历史数据的查看脱扣器单元配置查看保护参数配置查看“edit”“read”模式下的任何事情脱扣器单元配置保护参数配置脱扣器单元测试功能在可编辑的界面按键可进入“edit”模式,当然需要输入密码。

键盘使用方法如下:键盘功能界面间移动,菜单间移动,改变参数值结束设置阶段和确认结果,选择菜单从默认界面进入菜单,可回前一个界面和回到默认界面,退出参数设置阶段和取消变化在自供电模式,断路器分闸48 小时内可激活显示器。



ABB低压电器元件选型技术部分内容简介1产品选用基本技术参数2常用产品选用注意事项3产品大全及分类1元件选用基本技术参数本章节列出的是选用每种元件必须的基本技术参数,具体参数选择请参阅《ABB 低压电器元件选用手册》及相关样本。

1.1.1 Emax空气断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙例如: 框架框架电流分断能力额定电流脱扣器极数安装方式附件控制电压技术参数框架:解释 E1 Iu = 800~1250A E1 Iu = 800~1250AE2 Iu = 1250~2000AE3 Iu = 1250~3200AE4 Iu = 3200~4000AE6 Iu = 3200~6300A分断能力: B B: 40kAB: 40kAN: 65kAS: 75kAH: 100kAV: 150KAL: 130KA框架电流: 12 1250A(E1,1250A--E6,6300A)脱扣器: PR111/P-LI PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LSI PR111脱扣器,三段保护PR111/P-LSIG PR111脱扣器,四段保护PR112/P-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护PR112/P-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护PR112/PD-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护带对话单元PR112/PD-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元PR113/P-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护PR113/PD-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元额定电流: R1250 1250A(E1,250A--E6,6300A)极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: WHR W:抽出式(W:抽出式F:固定式)HR:水平后接线HR 水平后接线VR 垂直后接线F 延伸接线FL 端面接线(固定式无)附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M 代号 E1Isomax塑壳断路器∙∙∙∙框架框架电流额定电流分断能力 1.1.2∙∙∙∙例如:脱扣器(TM热敏电磁脱扣器型无须提供)极数安装方式附件控制电压 TM热敏电磁脱扣器型:技术参数框架: 代号 S2 解释 S2S1 I=125S2 I=160S3 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800分断能力: S SS1: B / N KA数值请查样本S2: B / N / S KA数值请查样本S3: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L * KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本框架电流: 160A 参阅框架额定电流: R125 125AS1-125, 10A----S6-800, 800A极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线 F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线 FC: 铜电缆前接线 R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M微处理器脱扣器型:技术参数框架:解释 S4 I=160,250S4 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800S7 I=1250,1600S8 I=2000, 2500, 3200分断能力: N NS4: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本S7: S / H / L KA数值请查样本S8: H / V(新品)KA数值请查样本框架电流: 250 参阅框架额定电流: R125 125AS4-160, 100A----S6-800, 3200A脱扣器: LSIG LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障I: 短路瞬动LI: 长延迟+瞬动LSI: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障LRIU: 长延迟+堵转+瞬动+断相或相不平衡( PR010/K,PR212/D,PR212/T 参见样本 )极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M代号 S4Isomax限流型塑壳断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙框架框架电流额定电流分断能力极数安装方式附件控制电压 1.1.3 例如: 技术参数框架: 代号解释 S3S3S2 I=1~100 分档S3 I=125,200S4 I=250S6 I=400,630XS2X分断能力70KA; S3X,S4X,S6X分断能力200KA参阅框架80AS2X-80: 1~80(19档), 3P,单磁 (参见样本) S2X-100:1~100(16档), 3P, 参见样本 S3X-125: 32,50,80,100,125S3X-200: 125,160,200S4X-250: 100,160,250S6X-400: 320,400S6X-630: 6303极(3或4极可选)F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)EF: 加长前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线分断能力: X 框架电流:额定电流: 125 R80 极数:安装方式: 3P FEFES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M一体化剩余电流断路器∙∙∙∙∙∙∙例如:1.1.4 框架框架电流额定电流极数安装方式排列附件控制电压技术参数代号解释框架、分断能力、框架电流: S2N-160只有两种S2N-160,S3N-250额定电流: R80 80AS2-160: 12.5,16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160S3-250: 32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250S3及以下磁脱扣固定为10倍,非标可有5倍或单磁.极数: 4P 4P安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线(S3N)FC: 铜电缆前接线(S2N)排列: V V:垂直安装V:垂直安装,H:水平安装附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M电源自动切换装置DPT1.1.5∙切换回路数∙额定电流例如:技术参数切换回路数:额定电流:代号解释 SE SE双电源切换,TE三电源切换 1600 1600A主回路电流Isomax低压塑壳断路器配合剩余电流保护继电器 RC212 1.1.6∙框架电流∙安装方式例如:技术参数额定电流:安装方式:代号 2(代码)垂直安装解释配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S3-250/4P: 选 3 垂直安装与断路器叠装: 垂直安装与断路器并装: 水平安装RCD∙剩余动作电流例如:技术参数代号剩余动作电流: 0.03解释 30 mA剩余动作电流:0.03 - 0.1 - 0.3 -0.4 - 1A剩余电流保护继电器RCQ1.1.7∙互感器内径例如:RCQ技术参数互感器内径:代号 110mm解释Φ110 mmΦ60 mm互感器内径Φ110 mm互感器内径接触器系列接触器1.∙主回路电流∙控制电压(交、直流)∙极数∙辅助触头数量例如:技术参数主回路电流: 极数:代号 30 30 10辅助触头数量控制电压(交、直流) ac220V解释 30A 3常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量一常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量交流220VTA热过载继电器 1.2.1b∙热脱扣电流∙轻重载(450以上)例如:技术参数主回路电流: 轻重载:代号450 DU解释 450A DU普通 DU普通 SU重载中间继电器 1.2.1c∙触点数、主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)∙控制电压、交、直流操作例如:技术参数代号触点数、主触点组合方式: 63 控制电压、交、直流操作:解释6常开,3常闭前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压ac220VESB接触器1.2.1d∙额定电流∙主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)∙控制电压、交、直流操作∙灯具应用请参阅样本例如:技术参数额定电流:代号 63触点数、主触点组合方式: 31控制电压、交、直流操作:灯具应用:控制电压ac220V请参阅样本解释 63A 20 对AC1/AC7a负载 24 对AC1/AC7a负载 40 对AC1/AC7a负载 63 对AC1/AC7a负载 6常开,3常闭ESB20: 可选: 20, 02, 11ESB24: 可选: 40, 04, 22, 31, 13 ESB40: 可选: 40 ESB63: 可选: 40前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量电动机起动器 1.2.2∙框架电流和分断能力∙热脱扣电流例如:技术参数框架电流和分断能力:代号 325额定电流 20解释MS325 50KA,0.1-25A MS325 50KA,0.1-25A MS450 50kA,16~50A MS451 50KA,16~50A MS495 50KA,40~100A MS496 100KA,40~100A MS497100KA,16~100A 20APSS、PST、PSTB软启动器∙电机额定电流(结合功率考虑)∙负载类型(重、轻载)∙控制电源电压例如:1.2.3技术参数代号电机额定电流: 18/30 负载类型(重、轻载):参阅样本控制电源电压:参阅样本解释18A外接法/30A内接法(PSS)开关熔断器组 OS、OESA∙额定电流∙极数例如:1.3.1技术参数额定工作电流:极数:代号 250 3P 解释 250A 3极负荷开关/隔离开关 OT、OETL ∙额定电流∙极数例如:1.3.2技术参数额定工作电流:极数:代号 250 3P解释 250A 3极Easyline熔断丝切换隔离开关XLP三极∙额定电流例如:1.3.3技术参数额定电流:代号 00解释 160A按照样本根据电流选择型号微型断路器 1.4.1∙额定电流∙极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如S261)∙分断能力∙脱扣特性(B、C、D、K等)例如:技术参数极数:代号261脱扣特性: C额定电流:20解释 1极最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推 CB、C、D、K、Z根据样本,由不同系列不同电流而不同 20A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围过电流保护电磁式剩余电流动作断路器 DS250S∙∙∙∙∙例如:1.4.2额定电流极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如DS252) 分断能力脱扣特性(B、C)剩余电流动作电流技术参数极数:代号DS253解释 3极脱扣特性: C 40 0.03额定电流:剩余电流动作电流:最后位数字为可选项,2为2极…依此类推(无1极) CB、C两种 40A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围 30mADS9∙额定电流∙极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极。

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