Development of Mixed Mode MPI OpenMP Applications
openmpi跨节点执行命令参数【原创版】目录1.openmpi 概述2.openmpi 跨节点执行的命令参数3.实例说明正文1.openmpi 概述OpenMPI(Open-source MPI)是一个开源的并行计算框架,可以用于构建高性能计算(HPC)系统。
MPI(Message Passing Interface)是一种并行计算的通信协议,OpenMPI 是 MPI 的一种实现。
OpenMPI 提供了一种在分布式系统上实现并行计算的方法,它的设计目标是为了提供高性能、可移植性和易用性。
在 OpenMPI 中,可以通过 mpirun 命令来执行并行任务,这个命令可以跨节点分配任务和资源。
2.openmpi 跨节点执行的命令参数openmpi 跨节点执行的命令参数主要包括以下几个:- "-n":指定并行度,即并行处理的节点数目。
- "-l":指定每个节点上的进程数。
- "-o":指定输出文件。
- "-f":指定输入文件。
- "- Host":指定主机名,用于与主机进行通信。
- "- Port":指定端口号,用于与主机进行通信。
3.实例说明假设我们有一个名为“example.mpi”的并行计算程序,我们希望在两台节点(node1 和 node2)上执行它。
那么,我们可以使用以下命令:```mpirun -n 2 -l 2 -o output -f input example.mpi```这条命令的含义如下:- "-n 2":指定并行度为 2,即在两台节点上执行任务。
- "-l 2":指定每台节点上运行 2 个进程。
- "-o output":指定输出文件名为“output”。
- "-f input":指定输入文件名为“input”。
OpenMP(Open Multi-Processing)是一种支持共享内存并行编程的API,由OpenMP Architecture Review Board牵头提出,并已被广泛接受,用于共享内存并行系统的多处理器程序设计的一套指导性编译处理方案(Compiler Directive)。
OpenMP支持的编程语言包括C、C++和Fortran;而支持OpenMp 的编译器包括Sun Compiler,GNU Compiler和Intel Compiler等。
1.基于MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型的并行声纳信号处理技术研究 [J], 胡银丰;孔强
2.基于SMP集群的MPI+CUDA模型的研究与实现 [J], 许彦芹;陈庆奎
3.基于SMP集群的MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型研究 [J], 潘卫;陈燎原;张锦华;李永革;潘莉;夏凡
4.基于MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型的水声传播并行算法 [J], 张林;笪良龙;范培勤
例如,在GCC中,可以使用以下命令来编译包含OpenMP指令的程序:gcc -fopenmp program.c -o program第二步:并行循环最简单的OpenMP并行化形式是并行循环。
在循环的前面加上`#pragma omp parallel for`指令,就可以让循环被多个线程并行执行。
例如,下面的代码演示了如何使用OpenMP并行化一个简单的for循环:c#include <stdio.h>#include <omp.h>int main() {int i;#pragma omp parallel forfor (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {printf("Thread d: d\n", omp_get_thread_num(), i);}return 0;}在上面的例子中,`#pragma omp parallel for`指令会告诉编译器将for 循环并行化。
文章编号 :17 — 64 (0 9 4 0 3 — 3 6 1 44 2 0 )0 — 0 7 0
MP + e Mp混 合 编 程 模 式 研 究 与 效 率 分 析 I Op n
吴 兆 明
( 南京 交通 职 业技 术学 院 团委 ,江 苏 南京
2 18 ) 118
要 :对 MP+ pn P混合编程模 式的 两种 类型进行 了分析 ,总结 了混合编 程模 式的要点 和优 化措施 ,讲述 了 IO eM
函数调用 )来完 成 的。但 是 ,MP 并 行 模 型也有 其 不足 之 I
处 ,比如 :细粒度 的并行会引发大量 的通信 ;动态负载平衡
困难 。
软件并行化 的全新 应用 模式 ,软 件设 计 的并行 时代 已经到
O eM pn P使用 F r— o ok Ji n的并行 执 行模 式。开始 时 由一 个主线程执行程序 ,该线程一直 串行地执行 ,直到遇到第一
个进程 ,工作负载被分配 到每个计算节点 的 k 个线程 中 ,而 在通信过程 中只需要 m个 进程 ,从 而减 少 了通信 开销 ,在 通信密集型 的程序 中效率差别将 十分 明显 。因此 ,混合编程 模式充分利用 了 MP 的优点 ,采 用用 MP 解 决多 处理 器 间 I I 粗粒度通信 ,同时 ,采用 O e M pn P提供 的轻量级 线程解决点 内各处理器间的交互 ,是解决消息 的一种优化解决方案 。
程 间通 信 出现 在 O e M pn P的 fr ji 行域 外 ,由 主线 程 ok o / n并
共享存储体系结构上 ,而且允许静态任务调 度。M I P 使用显
示方式控制并行 ,因此提供 了一个 更好 的性能 和可移植 性 。
1、系统环境操作系统:Win7开发IDE:VS20102、配置openmp开发环境现流行的C/C++编译器基本上都支持openmp编程,只需在编译器上启动openmp选项即可VS2010开启openmp选项的操作如下:右击项目,选择“Property Pages(属性页)”;点击“Configuration Properties(配置属性)”,找到并点击“C/C++”,找到“Language(语言)”选项,里面有关于openmp的选项“OpenMP Support(OpenMP 支持)”,修改该选项即可。
(3)在VS2010中,配置VC++ Directories选项。
在VS2010中,VC++ Directories在Solution Explorer中,在项目名称上右键选择Properties,即进入Property Pages窗口。
(4)展开左边Configuration Properties,选中其中的VC++ Directories,在右边Include Directories加入“C:\Program Files\MPICH2\include;”(mpi安装目录里)(5)展开左边Configuration Properties,选中其中的VC++ Directories,在右边Library Directories加入“C:\Program Files\MPICH2\lib;”(6)展开左边Configuration Properties中的C/C++,选中其中的Preprocessor,在右边的Preprocessor Definitions中加入“MPICH_SKIP_MPICXX;”(7)同样展开C/C++,选中Code Generation,把右边的Runtime Library更改为“Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)”(此外有下拉菜单可选到它)(8)展开左边的Linker,选中Input,在右边Additional Dependencies中加入“mpi.lib;”(9)运行MPI程序打开“开始-所有程序-MPICH-wmpiexec.exe”,在Applicationd右边浏览找到你在VS2010中生成的exe文件,设置Number of processes(即进程数目,用来模拟并行计算的CPU数目)。
Fortran:Program hellouse mpiuse omp_libImplicit NoneInteger :: myid,numprocs,rc,ierrInteger :: i,j,k,tidCall MPI_INIT(ierr)Call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myid,ierr)Call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,numprocs,ierr)!$OMP Parallel private(tid)tid=OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()write(*,*) 'hello from',tid,'of process',myid!$OMP END PARALLELCall MPI_FINALIZE(rc)StopEnd Program helloC++:# include <cstdlib># include <iostream># include <ctime># include "mpi.h"# include "omp.h"using namespace std;int main ( int argc, char *argv[] );//****************************************************************************80int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ){int myid;int nprocs;int this_thread;MPI::Init();myid=MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();nprocs=MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();#pragma omp parallel private(this_thread){this_thread=omp_get_thread_num();cout <<this_thread<<" thread from "<<myid<<" is ok\n";}MPI::Finalize();return0;}这⾥值得要注意的是,似乎直接⽤mpif90/mpicxx编译的库会报错,所以需要⽤icc -openmp hello.cpp -o hello -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK -L/Path/to/mpi/lib/ -lmpi_mt -lmpiic -I/path/to/mpi/include其中-DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK为防⽌MPI2协议中⼀个重复定义问题所使⽤的选项,为了保证线程安全,必须使⽤mpi_mt库对于intel的mpirun,必须在mpirun后加上-env I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN omp使得每个mpi进程会启动openmp线程。
MPI的搭建及OpenMP的配置实验指导书1.MPI简介消息传递接口(Message Passing Interface,MPI)是目前应用较广泛的一种并行计算软件环境,是在集群系统上实现并行计算的软件接口。
1992年开始正式标准化MPI,1994年发布了MPI的定义与实验标准MPI 1,相应的MPI 2标准也已经发布。
MPI事实上只是一个消息传递标准,并不是软件实现并行执行的具体实现,目前比较著名的MPI具体实现有MPICH、LAM MPI等,其中MPICH是目前使用最广泛的免费MPI系统,MPICH2是MPI 2标准的一个具体实现,它具有较好的兼容性和可扩展性,目前在高性能计算集群上使用非常广泛。
关键词:混合编程模型;多核机群;MPI; OpenMPTP312:A:1672-7800(2010)03-0050-031 MPI与OpenMP混合模型MPI( Message Passing Interface)是消息传递并行编程模型的代表和事实标准,可以轻松地支持分布存储和共享存储拓扑结构;OpenMP是为共享存储环境编写并行程序而设计的一个应用编程接口,是当前支持共享存储并行编程的工业标准。
在多核PC 机群中,结合MPI与OpenMP技术,充分利用这两种编程模型的优点,在付出较小的开发代价基础上,尽可能获得较高的性能。
按照在MPI进程间消息传递方式和时机,即消息何时由哪个或哪些线程在MPI进程间传递进行分类,混合模型可以分为以下两种:(1)单层混合模型(Hybrid master- only)。
该混合模型编程易于实现,即在基于MPI模型程序的关键计算部分加上OpenMP循环命令#pramgma omp par-allel- -即可。
(2)多层混合模型(Hybrid multiple)。
Lammps Mac 的并行之路openmp与openmpi区别openmp比较简单,修改现有的大段代码也容易。
(1)MPI=message passing interface:在分布式内存(distributed-memory)之间实现信息通讯的一种规范/标准/协议(standard)。
MPI允许静态任务调度,显示并行提供了良好的性能和移植性,用 MPI 编写的程序可直接在多核集群上运行。
在集群系统中,集群的各节点之间可以采用 MPI 编程模型进行程序设计,每个节点都有自己的内存,可以对本地的指令和数据直接进行访问,各节点之间通过互联网络进行消息传递,这样设计具有很好的可移植性,完备的异步通信功能,较强的可扩展性等优点。
MPI 模型存在一些不足,包括:程序的分解、开发和调试相对困难,而且通常要求对代码做大量的改动;通信会造成很大的开销,为了最小化延迟,通常需要大的代码粒度;细粒度的并行会引发大量的通信;动态负载平衡困难;并行化改进需要大量地修改原有的串行代码,调试难度比较大。
Reference:They are two implementations of the MPI standard. In the late 90s and early 2000s, there were many different MPI implementations, and the implementors started to realize they were all re-inventing the wheel; there wassomething of a consolidation. The LAM/MPI team joined with the LA/MPI, FT-MPI, and eventually PACX-MPI teams to develop OpenMPI. LAM MPI stoppedbeing developed in 2007. The code base for OpenMPI was completely new, butit brought in ideas and techniques from all the different teams.Currently, the two major open-source MPI implementation code-bases are OpenMPI andMPICH2.而MPICH2是MPICH的一个版本。
mpi openmp 案例
mpi openmp 案例MPI和OpenMP是并行计算中常用的编程模型,它们可以在多核和分布式系统中实现并行计算,提高计算效率。
MPI(Message Passing Interface)是一种消息传递的并行编程模型,适用于分布式系统中的并行计算;而OpenMP是一种共享内存的并行编程模型,适用于多核系统中的并行计算。
正文内容:1. MPI案例1.1 分布式矩阵乘法- 使用MPI实现矩阵乘法可以将计算任务分配给不同的进程,每个进程负责计算一部分矩阵乘法的结果。
- 使用MPI的消息传递机制,进程之间可以相互通信,将计算结果进行汇总,得到最终的矩阵乘法结果。
- 这种分布式矩阵乘法可以充分利用分布式系统的计算资源,提高计算效率。
1.2 并行排序算法- 使用MPI可以将排序任务分配给不同的进程,每个进程负责排序一部分数据。
- 进程之间可以通过消息传递机制交换数据,实现分布式的排序算法。
- 这种并行排序算法可以大大减少排序的时间复杂度,提高排序的效率。
2. OpenMP案例2.1 并行矩阵运算- 使用OpenMP可以将矩阵运算任务分配给不同的线程,每个线程负责计算一部分矩阵运算的结果。
- 多个线程可以共享内存,可以直接访问共享的数据,减少了数据的拷贝和通信开销。
- 这种并行矩阵运算可以充分利用多核系统的计算资源,提高计算效率。
2.2 并行图像处理- 使用OpenMP可以将图像处理任务分配给不同的线程,每个线程负责处理一部分图像数据。
- 多个线程可以并行地对图像进行处理,提高了图像处理的速度。
- 这种并行图像处理可以广泛应用于图像处理领域,如图像滤波、图像分割等。
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Intel TBB的优点
Intel TBB替你指定合理的并行,代替自己线程化。
直接对线程编程是冗长的并且导致无效的编程,因为线程是低阶的,需要接近硬件的重构造,直接利用线程编程强迫你把逻辑任务映射到线程中,相反,Intel TBB 运行时库自动把逻辑并行映射到现在中,有效利用处理器资源。
Intel TBB目标是性能。
替代,Intel TBB关注并行计算密集工作的目的,传递高阶,更简单的解决方案。
Intel TBB和其他线程包兼容。
Intel TBB强调可扩展,数据并行编程。
但是在很多情况下,采用纯的MPI 消息传递编程模式并不能在这种多处理器构成的集群上取得理想的性能。
二、OpenMP+MPI混合编程模式使用混合编程模式的模型结构图如图1在每个MPI进程中可以在#pragma omp parallel编译制导所标示的区域内产生线程级的并行而在区域之外仍然是单线程。
OpenMP与MPI之对比OpenMP与MPI是并行编程的两个手段,对比如下:1. OpenMP:线程级(并行粒度);共享存储;隐式(数据分配方式);可扩展性差;2. MPI:进程级;分布式存储;显式;可扩展性好。
3. OpenMP采用共享存储,意味着它只适应于SMP、DSM机器,不适合于集群。
MPI虽适合于各种机器,但它的编程模型复杂:需要分析及划分应用程序问题,并将问题映射到分布式进程集合;需要解决通信延迟大与负载不平衡两个主要问题;4. 调试MPI程序麻烦;MPI程序可靠性差,一个进程出问题,整个程序将错误;5. 常采用mpi而不用openmp的原因是:openmp扩展性差,对机器要求高,要想运算的快点,机器就要很贵。
6. 一般双核,用openmp。
7. 在一台机器中有很多CPU共享其中的内存条,叫共享内存并行机(如今天的双核CPU台式机),它适合OpenMP,而把这样的机器用专用高速网连接就形成了分布式内存并行机,它适合于MPI。
嵌套并行执行模型OpenMP 采用fork-join (分叉- 合并)并行执行模式。
OpenMP 并行区域之间可以互相嵌套。
二、实验设备(环境)及要求Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2005MPICH2Windows 7 32位Intel Core2 Duo T5550 1.83GHz 双核CPU2GB内存三、实验内容与步骤1.配置实验环境/research/projects/mpich2/downloads/index.php?s =downloads 处下载MPICH2,并安装。
以管理员身份运行cmd.exe,输入命令smpd -install -phrase ***。
#include "mpi.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>#define NUM 6#define MAX 999999#define MIN 100000int check(int n){int i, x, y, sum;if (n < MIN){return -1;}sum = 0;for (i=1; i<NUM; i++){x = (n%(int)pow(10, i))/(int)pow(10,i-1);y = (n%(int)pow(10, i+1))/(int)pow(10, i);if (x == y){return -1;}sum = sum+x+y;}if (sum==7 || sum==11 || sum==13){return -1;}return 0;}void main(int argc, char **argv){int myid, numprocs, namelen;char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];MPI_Status status;double startTime, endTime;int i, mycount, count;MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&myid);MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&numprocs);MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name,&namelen);if (myid == 0){startTime = MPI_Wtime();}mycount = 0;for (i=myid; i<=MAX; i+=numprocs){if (check(i) == 0){mycount++;}}printf("Process %d of %d on %s get result=%d\n", myid, numprocs, processor_name, mycount);if (myid != 0){MPI_Send(&mycount, 1, MPI_INT, 0, myid, MPI_COMM_WORLD);}else{count = mycount;for (i=1; i<numprocs; i++){MPI_Recv(&mycount, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);count += mycount;}endTime = MPI_Wtime();printf("result=%d\n", count);printf("time elapsed %f\n", endTime-startTime);}MPI_Finalize();}计算量平均分给每个进程,每个进程将自己计算的部分结果发送给0号进程,由0号进程将结果相加,并输出。
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Development of Mixed Mode MPI/OpenMPApplicationsLorna Smith and Mark BullEPCC,James Clark Maxwell Building,The King’s Buildings,The University of Edinburgh,Mayfield Road,Edinburgh,EH93JZ,Scotland, or m.bull@Abstract—MPI/OpenMP mixed mode codes could potentially offer the most ef-fective parallelisation strategy for an SMP cluster,as well as allowing the different characteristics of both paradigms to be exploited to give the best performance on a single SMP.This paper discusses the implementation,de-velopment and performance of mixed mode MPI/OpenMP applications.The results demonstrate that this style of programming will not always be the most effective mechanism on SMP systems and cannot be regarded as the ideal programming model for all codes.In some situations,however, significant benefit may be obtained from a mixed mode implementation. For example,benefit may be obtained if the parallel(MPI)code suffers from:poor scaling with MPI processes due to load imbalance or toofine a grain problem size,memory limitations due to the use of a replicated data strategy,or a restriction on the number of MPI processes combinations.In addition,if the system has a poorly optimised or limited scaling MPI imple-mentation then a mixed mode code may increase the code performance.Keywords—mixed mode,OpenMP,MPI,HPC applications,perfor-mance.I.I NTRODUCTIONShared memory architectures are gradually becoming more prominent in the HPC market,as advances in technology have allowed larger numbers of CPUs to have access to a single mem-ory space.In addition,manufacturers are increasingly clustering these SMP systems together to go beyond the limits of a single system.As clustered SMPs become more prominent,it becomes more important for applications to be portable and efficient on these systems.Message passing codes written in MPI are obviously portable and should transfer easily to clustered SMP systems.Whilst message passing is necessary to communicate between nodes,it is not immediately clear that this is the most efficient parallelisa-tion technique within an SMP node.In theory,a shared memory model such as OpenMP should offer a more efficient paralleli-sation strategy within an SMP node.Hence a combination of shared memory and message passing parallelisation paradigms within the same application(mixed mode programming)may provide a more efficient parallelisation strategy than pure MPI. Whilst mixed mode codes may involve other program-ming languages such as High Performance Fortran and POSIX threads,this paper will focus on mixed MPI and OpenMP codes. This is because these are likely to represent the most widespread use of mixed mode programming on SMP clusters due to their portability and the fact that they represent industry standards for distributed and shared memory systems respectively.Whilst SMP clusters offer the greatest reason for developing a mixed mode code,both the OpenMP and MPI paradigms have different advantages and disadvantages and by developing such a model these characteristics may be exploited to give the best performance on a single SMP system.This paper discusses the benefits of developing mixed mode MPI/OpenMP applications on both single and clustered SMPs. Section II describes related work on mixed mode programming whilst Section III provides a comparison of the different char-acteristics of the OpenMP and MPI paradigms.Section IV dis-cusses the implementation of mixed mode applications and Sec-tion V describes a number of situations where mixed mode pro-gramming is potentially beneficial.Section VI contains a case study and Section VII a real mixed mode application;in both cases we describe the implementation of a mixed mode applica-tion and compare and contrast the performance of the code with pure MPI and OpenMP versions.II.R ELATED W ORKHenty et al.[1]have developed an MPI,OpenMP and mixed mode version of a discrete element model(DEM)code and com-pared and contrasted the performance.This work is also dis-cussed further in Section V.Tafti et al.[2],[3]have studied irregular applications such as adaptive mesh refinement codes which suffer from load balance problems when parallelised us-ing MPI.By developing a mixed mode code for a clustered SMP system,MPI need only be used for communication between nodes.The OpenMP implementation does not suffer from load imbalance and hence the performance of the code would be im-proved.They have developed a technique called computational power balancing which dynamically adjusts the number of pro-cessors working on a particular calculation.This work is dis-cussed further in Section nucara et al.[4]have developed mixed OpenMP/MPI versions of two Conjugate-Gradients al-gorithms and compared their performance to pure MPI imple-mentations.The DoD High Performance Computing Modernisation Pro-gram(HPCMP)Waterways Experiment Station(WES)have de-veloped a mixed mode OpenMP/MPI version of the CGW A VE code[5].This code is used by the US Navy for forecasting and analysis of harbour conditions.The wave components are the parameter space and each wave component creates a separate partial differential equation that is solved on the samefinite ele-ment grid.MPI is used to distribute the wave components using a simple boss-worker strategy,resulting in a course grain par-allelism.Each wave component results in a large sparse linear system of equations that is parallelised using OpenMP.The de-velopment of a mixed mode code has allowed these simulations to be carried out on a grid of computers,in this case on two different computers at different locations simultaneously.This mixed mode code has been very successful and won the“most effective engineering methodology”award at SC98.Bova et al.[6]have developed mixed mode versions offive separate codes.These are the CGW A VE code mentioned above, the ab initio quantum chemistry package GAMESS,a Linear al-gebra study,a thin-layer Navier-Stokex solver(TLNS3D)and the seismic processing benchmark SPECseis96.Each model was developed for different reasons however most used multiple levels of parallelism,with distributed memory programming for the coarser grain parallelism and shared memory programming for thefiner-grained.Finally,a number of talks and presentations have also been given on comparing OpenMP and MPI and on mixed mode pro-gramming styles.For further information see references[7],[8], [9],[10],[11],[12],[13].III.P ROGRAMMING MODEL CHARACTERISTICSAs mentioned previously,as well as being potentially more effective on an SMP cluster,mixed mode programming may be of use on a single SMP,allowing the advantages of both mod-els to be exploited.This section briefly summarises the two paradigms and considers their potential advantages and disad-vantages.A.MPIThe message passing programming model is a distributed memory model with explicit control parallelism.MPI[14]is portable to both distributed and shared memory architecture and allows static task scheduling.The explicit parallelism often pro-vides a better performance and a number of optimised collec-tive communication routines are available for optimal efficiency. Data placement problems are rarely observed and synchronisa-tion occurs implicitly with subroutine calls and hence is min-imised naturally.However MPI suffers from a few deficiencies.Decomposi-tion,development and debugging of applications can be time consuming and significant code changes are often required. Communications can create a large overhead and the code gran-ularity often has to be large to minimise the latency.Finally, global operations can be very expensive.B.OpenMPOpenMP is an industry standard[15]for shared memory pro-gramming.Based on a combination of compiler directives,li-brary routines and environment variables it is used to specify parallelism on shared memory munication is implicit and OpenMP applications are relatively easy to imple-ment.In theory,OpenMP makes better use of the shared mem-ory architecture.Run time scheduling is allowed and bothfine and course grain parallelism are effective.OpenMP codes will however only run on shared memory machines and the place-ment policy of data may causes problems.Course grain paral-lelism often requires a parallelisation strategy similar to an MPI strategy and explicit synchronisation is required.C.Mixed mode programmingBy utilising a mixed mode programming model we should be able to take advantage of the benefits of both models.For example a mixed mode program may allow the data placement policies of MPI to be utilised with thefiner grain parallelism of OpenMP.The majority of mixed mode applications involve a hi-erarchical model;MPI parallelisation occurring at the top level, and OpenMP parallelisation occurring below.For example,Fig-ure1shows a2D grid which has been divided geometrically be-tween four MPI processes.These sub-arrays have then been fur-ther divided between three OpenMP threads.This model closely maps to the architecture of an SMP cluster,the MPI parallelisa-tion occurring between the SMP nodes and the OpenMP paral-lelisation within thenodes.process 0process 1process 2process 3thread 0thread 1thread 2thread 0thread 1thread 2thread 0thread 1thread 2thread 1thread 22D Arraythread 0Fig.1.Schematic representation of a hierarchical mixed mode programming model for a2D array.Whilst the majority of mixed mode programs implement this type of model,a number of authors have described non-hierarchical models(see Section II).For example,message passing could be used within a code when this is relatively sim-ple to implement and shared memory parallelism used where message passing is difficult[16].IV.I MPLEMENTING A MIXED MODE APPLICATION Although a large number of MPI implementations are thread-safe,this cannot be guaranteed.To ensure the code is portable, all MPI calls should be made within thread sequential regions of the code.This often creates little problem as the majority of codes involve the OpenMP parallelisation occurring beneath the MPI parallelisation and hence the majority of MPI calls occur outside the OpenMP parallel regions.When MPI calls occur within an OpenMP parallel region the calls should be placed inside a CRITICAL,MASTER or SINGLE region,depending on the nature of the code.Care should be taken with SINGLE regions,as different threads may execute the code on successive passes.Ideally,the number of threads should be set from within each MPI process using omp numNUMging and performance optimisation is most effectively carried out by treating the MPI and OpenMP separately.When writing a mixed mode application it is important to con-sider how each paradigm carries out parallelisation,and whether combining the two mechanisms provides an optimal paralleli-sation strategy.For example,a two dimensional grid problem may involve an MPI decomposition in one dimension and an OpenMP decomposition in one dimension.As two dimensional decomposition strategies are often more efficient than a one di-mensional strategy it is important to ensure that the two decom-positions occur in different dimensions.V.B ENEFITS OF MIXED MODE PROGRAMMINGThis section discusses various situations where a mixed mode code may be more efficient than a corresponding MPI imple-mentation,whether on an SMP cluster or single SMP system.A.Codes which scale poorly with MPIOne of the largest areas of potential benefit from mixed mode programming is with codes which scale poorly with increasing MPI processes.If,for example,the corresponding OpenMP version scales well then an improvement in performance may be expected for a mixed mode code.If,however,the equiva-lent OpenMP implementation scales poorly,it is important to consider the reasons behind the poor scaling and whether these reasons are different for the OpenMP and MPI implementa-tions.If both versions scale poorly for different reasons,for example the MPI implementation involves too much load im-balance and the OpenMP version suffers from cache misses due to data placement problems,then a mixed version may allow the code to scale to a larger number of processors before either of these problems become apparent.If however both the MPI and OpenMP codes scale poorly for the same reason,developing a mixed mode version of the algorithms may be of little use.A.1Load balance problemsOne of the most common reasons for an MPI code to scale poorly is load imbalance.For example irregular applications such as adaptive mesh refinement codes suffer from load balance problems when parallelised using MPI.By developing a mixed mode code for a clustered SMP system,MPI need only be used for communication between nodes,creating a coarser grained problem.The OpenMP implementation does not suffer from load imbalance and hence the performance of the code would be improved[2].A.2Fine grain parallelism problemsOpenMP generally gives better performance onfine grain problems,where an MPI application may become communica-tion dominated.Hence when an application requires good scal-ing with afine grain level of parallelism a mixed mode program may be more efficient.Obviously a pure OpenMP implementa-tion would give better performance still,however on SMP clus-ters MPI parallelism is still required for communication between nodes.By reducing the number of MPI processes required,the scaling of the code should be improved.For example,Henty et al.[1]have developed an MPI version of a discrete element model(DEM)code using a domain de-composition strategy and a block-cyclic distribution.In order to load balance certain problems afine granularity is required,but this results in an increase in parallel overheads.The equivalent OpenMP implementation involves a simple block distribution of the main loop,which effectively makes the calculation load balanced.In theory therefore,the performance of a pure MPI implementation should be poorer than a pure OpenMP imple-mentation for thesefine granularity situations.A mixed mode code could provide better performance,as load balance would only be an issue between SMPs,which may be achieved with coarser granularity.This specific example is more complicated with other factors affecting the OpenMP scaling:see[1]for fur-ther details.B.Replicated dataCodes written using a replicated data strategy often suffer from memory limitations and from poor scaling due to global communications.By using a mixed mode programming style on an SMP cluster,with the MPI parallelisation occurring across the nodes and the OpenMP parallelisation inside the nodes,the problem will be limited to the memory of an SMP node rather than the memory of a processor(or,to be precise,the memory of an SMP node divided by the number of processors),as is the case for a pure MPI implementation.This has obvious advan-tages,allowing more realistic problem sizes to be studied.C.Ease of implementationImplementing an OpenMP application is almost always re-garded as simpler and quicker than implementing an MPI ap-plication.Based on this the overhead in creating a mixed mode code over an MPI code is relatively small.In general,no signifi-cant advantage in implementation time can be gained by writing a mixed mode code over an MPI code,as the MPI implementa-tion still requires writing.There are possible exceptions where this is not the case.In a number of situations it is more effi-cient to carry out a parallel decomposition in multiple dimen-sions rather than in one,as the ratio of computation to com-munication increases with increasing dimension.It is however simpler to carry out a one dimensional parallel decomposition rather than a three dimensional decomposition using MPI.By writing a mixed mode version,the code would not need to scale well to as many MPI processes,as some MPI processes would be replaced by OpenMP threads.Hence,in some cases writing a mixed mode program may be easier than writing a pure MPI ap-plication,as the MPI implementation could be simpler and less scalable.D.Restricted MPI process applicationsA number of MPI applications require a specific number of processes to run.For example one code[18](which uses a time dependent quantum approach to scattering processes)distributes the work by assigning the tasks propagating the wavepacket at different vibrational and rotational numbers to different pro-cesses.Whilst a natural and efficient implementation,this limits the number of MPI processes to certain combinations.In addi-tion,a large number of codes only scale to powers of2,again limiting the number of processors.This can create a problem in two ways.Firstly the number of processes required may notequal the machine size,either being too large,making running impossible,or more commonly too small and hence making the utilisation of the machine inefficient.In addition,a number of MPP services only allow jobs of certain sizes to be run in an attempt to maximise the resource usage of the system.If the restricted number of processors does not match the size of one of the batch queues this can create real problems for running the code.By developing a mixed mode MPI/OpenMP code the natural MPI decomposition strategy can be used,running the desired number of MPI processes,and OpenMP threads used to further distribute the work,allowing all the available processes to be used effectively.E.Poorly optimised intra-node MPIAlthough a number of vendors have spent considerable amounts of time optimising their MPI implementations within a shared memory architecture,this may not always be the case. On a clustered SMP system,if the MPI implementation has not been optimised,the performance of a pure MPI application across the system may be poorer than a mixed MPI/OpenMP code.This is obviously vendor specific,but in certain cases a mixed mode code could offer significant performance improve-ment,for example on a Beowulf system.F.Poor scaling of the MPI implementationClustered SMPs open the way for systems to be built with ever increasing numbers of processors.In certain situations the scaling of the MPI implementation itself may not match these ever increasing processor numbers or may indeed be restricted to a certain maximum number[19].In this situation developing a mixed mode code may be of benefit(or required),as the num-ber of MPI processes needed will be reduced and replaced with OpenMP threads.putational power balancingA technique developed by D.Tafti and W.Huang[2],[3], computational power balancing dynamically adjusts the number of processors working on a particular calculation.The applica-tion is written as a mixed mode code with the OpenMP direc-tives embedded under the MPI processes.Initially the work is distributed between the MPI processes,however when the load on a processor doubles the code uses the OpenMP directives to spawn a new thread on another processor.Hence when an MPI process becomes overloaded the work can be redistributed.Tafti et al.have used this technique with irregular applications such as adaptive mesh refinement(AMR)codes which suffer from load balance problems.When load imbalance occurs for an MPI application either repartition of the mesh,or mesh migration is used to improve the load balance.This is often time consum-ing and costly.By using computational power balancing these procedures can be avoided.The advantages of this technique are limited by the operat-ing policy of the system.Most systems allocate afixed number of processors for one job and do not allow applications to grab more processors during execution.This is to ensure the most effective utilisation of the system by multiple users and it is dif-ficult to see these policies changing.The obvious exception is “free for all”SMPs which would accommodate such a model.VI.C ASE STUDYHaving discussed the possible benefits of writing a mixed mode application,this section looks at an example code which is implemented in OpenMP,MPI and as a mixed MPI/OpenMP code.A.The codeThe code used here is a Game of Life code,a simple grid-based problem which demonstrates complex behaviour.It is a cellular automaton where the world is a2D grid of cells which have two states,alive or dead.At each iteration the new state of the cell is entirely determined by the state of its eight nearest neighbours at the previous iteration.The basic structure of the code is:1.Initialise the2D cell.2.Carry out boundary swaps(for periodic boundary condi-tions).3.Loop over the2D grid,to determine the number of alive neighbours.4.Up-date the2D grid,based on the number of alive neighbours and calculate the number of alive cells.5.Iterate steps2–4for the required number of iterations.6.Write out thefinal2D grid.The majority of the computational time is spent carrying out steps2–4.B.ParallelisationThe aim of developing a mixed mode MPI/OpenMP code is to attempt to gain a performance improvement over a pure MPI code,allowing for the most efficient use of a cluster of SMPs. In general,this will only be achieved if a pure OpenMP version of the code gives better performance on an SMP system than a pure MPI version of the code(see Section V-A).Hence a number of pure OpenMP and MPI versions of the code have been developed and their performance compared.B.1MPI parallelisationThe MPI implementation involves a domain decomposition strategy.The2D grid of cells is divided between each process, each process being responsible for updating the elements of its section of the array.Before the states of neighbouring cells can be determined copies of edge data must be swapped between neighbouring processors.Hence halo-swaps are carried out for each iteration.On completion,all the data is sent to the mas-ter process,which writes out the data.This implementation in-volves a number of MPI calls to create virtual topologies and de-rived data types,and to determine and send data to neighbouring processes.This has resulted in considerable code modification, with around100extra lines of code.B.2OpenMP parallelisationThe most natural OpenMP parallelisation strategy is to place a number of PARALLEL DO directives around the computa-tionally intense loops of the code and an OpenMP version of the code has been implemented with PARALLEL DO directives around the outer loops of the three computationally intense com-ponents of the iterative loop(steps2–4).This has resulted in minimal code changes,with only15extra lines of code.The code has also been written using an SPMD model and the same domain decomposition strategy as the MPI code to provide a more direct comparison.The code is placed within a PARAL-LEL region.An extra index has been added to the main array of cells,based on the thread number.This array is shared and each thread is responsible for updating its own section of the array based on the thread index.Halo swaps are carried out between different sections of the array.Synchronisation is only required between nearest neighbour threads and,rather than force extra synchronisation between all threads using a BARRIER,a sep-arate routine,using the FLUSH directive,has been written to carry this out.The primary difference between this code and the MPI code is in the way in which the halo swaps are carried out.The MPI code carries out explicit message passing whilst the OpenMP code uses direct reads and writes to memory.C.PerformanceThe performance of the two OpenMP codes and the MPI code has been measured with two different array sizes.Table I shows the timings of the main loop of the code (steps 2–4)and Fig-ures 2and 3show the scaling of the code on array sizes 100100and 700700respectively for 10000iterations.123456789No of threads/processesS p e e d -u pFig.2.Scaling of the Game of Life code for array size 100.1234567123456789No of threads/processesS p e e d -u pFig.3.Scaling of the Game of Life code for array size 700.array size 100OpenMP (SPMD)OpenMP (Loop)5.59 4.822 4.002.98 2.3163.022.09 1.97MPI1264.20146.20120.34471.3852.2345.22846.21tion of the array.Halo-swaps are carried out for each itera-tion.In addition OpenMP PARALLEL DO directives have been placed around the relevant loops,creating further parallelisa-tion beneath the MPI parallelisation.Hence the work is firstly distributed by dividing the 2D grid between the MPI processes geometrically and then parallelised further using OpenMP loop based parallelisation.The performance of this code has been measured and scaling curves determined for increasing MPI processes and OpenMP threads.The results have again been measured with two differ-ent array sizes.Table II shows the timings of the main loop of the code for 10000iterations.Figure 4shows the scaling of the code on array sizes 100100and 700700.01234567123456789No of threads/processesS p e e d -u pFig.4.Scaling of the loop based and OpenMP /MPI Game of Life code forarray sizes 100and 700.It is clear that the scaling with OpenMP threads is similar to the scaling with MPI processes,for the larger problem size.However when compared to the performance of the pure MPI code the speed-up is very similar and no significant advantage has been obtained over the pure MPI implementation.The scaling is slightly better for the smaller problem size,again demonstrating OpenMP’s advantage on finer grain prob-lem sizes.Further analysis reveals that the poor scaling of the code is due to the same reasons as the pure MPI and OpenMP codes.The scaling with MPI processes is less than ideal due to the ad-ditional time spent carrying out halo swaps and the scaling with OpenMP threads is reduced because of the additional synchro-nisation creating a load balance issue.In an attempt to improve the load balance and reduce the amount of synchronisation involved the code has been modified.Rather than using OpenMP PARALLEL DO directives around the two principal OpenMP loops (the loop to determine the num-ber of neighbours and the loop to up-date the board based on the number of neighbours)these have been placed within a parallel region and the work divided between the threads in a geomet-ric manner.Hence,in a similar manner to the SPMD OpenMP implementation mentioned above,the 2D grid has been divided between the threads in a geometric manner and each thread is re-sponsible for its own section of the 2D grid.The 2D arrays are still shared between the threads.This has had two effects:firstly the amount of synchronisation has been reduced,as no synchro-nisation is required between each of the two loops.Secondly,Loop based mixed mode code Threads Threads (700)(100)1229.18 5.462121.77 3.76462.25 2.70645.58 2.94839.213.19Processes Processes (700)(100)302.41 5.22172.43 3.9292.69 3.8668.76 3.5258.513.56SPMD mixed mode codeThreads Threads (700)(100)1251.84 5.252133.18 3.59468.92 2.61649.87 2.73843.113.19TABLE IIT IMINGS OF THE MAIN LOOP OF THE MIXED MODE G AME OF L IFE CODESWITH ARRAY SIZES 100100AND 700700FOR 10000ITERATIONS .the parallelisation now occurs in two dimensions,whereas pre-viously parallelisation was in one (across the outer DO loops).This could have an effect on the load balance if the problem is relatively small.Figure 5shows the performance of this code,with scaling curves determined for increasing MPI processes and OpenMP processes.This figure demonstrates that the scaling of the code with OpenMP threads has decreased,and the scaling with MPI pro-cesses remained similar.Further analysis reveals that the poor scaling is still in part due to the barrier synchronisation creat-ing load imbalance.Although the number of barriers has been decreased,synchronisation between all threads is still necessary before the MPI halo swaps can occur for each iteration.When running with increasing MPI processes (and only one OpenMP thread),synchronisation only occurs between nearest neighbour processes,and not across the entire communicator.In addition,the 2D decomposition has had a detrimental effect on the per-formance.This may be due to the increased number of cache lines which must be read from remote processors.In order to eliminate this extra communication,the code has been re-written so that the OpenMP parallelisation no longer occurs underneath the MPI parallelisation.The threads and processes have each been given a global iden-tifier and divided into a global 2D topology.From this the near-est neighbour threads /processes have been determined and the nearest neighbour (MPI)rank has been stored.The 2D grid has been divided geometrically between the threads and processes based on the 2D topology.Halo swaps are carried out for each。