trouble shooting solution
Micrium OS 开发者指南说明书
Micrium Tools Training: µC/Probe and SystemViewLabsMicrium’s µC/Probe and SEGGER’s SystemView can be invaluable for developers whose projects are based on the Micrium OS. The lab exercises described in this document will familiarize you with these two tools. The instructions for the lab assume that you have a Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit (SLWSTK6000B), and that you’ve already insta lled µC/Probe and SystemView, as well as the Simplicity Studio IDE, on your PC. Download links for all of these tools are provided below.Download LinksSimplicity Studio: /products/development-tools/software/simplicity-studioThe Micrium OS example project prepared for these labs was developed using SimplicityStudio. You’ll need the IDE in ord er to build and run the project.µC/ProbeA visit to Micrium’s Web site to download µC/Probe is not necessary, since the tool was recently integrated into Simplicity Studio. However, you may need to use the IDE’s Package Manager to update your install and gain access to µC/Probe. Within the Package Manager, which you can find by clicking the button with the green, downward-facing arrow appearing near the upper-left corner of Simplicity Studio in the Launcher perspective, the link for installing µC/Probe is located on the Tools page, as indicated in the below screenshot. The Educational Edition of µC/Probe referenced by the link can be used without a license. If you’d like access to the full-featured Professional Edition of the tool, you can contact Micrium to get a one-year FAE license at no cost.SystemView: https:///downloads/free_tools/Setup_SystemView_V242.exe SystemView is a free tool from SEGGER. In order for the tool t o work properly, you’ll need the latest J-Link software, which is also available from SEGGER: https:///downloads/jlink/JLink_Windows_V614c.exe.Lab 1: Building and Running the Example ProjectIn this lab, you’ll build and run a Simplicity Studio example proj ect incorporating the Micrium OS. You’ll use this project in Lab 2 and Lab 3 to explore the features of µC/Probe and SystemView.Procedure:1.Your hardware platform for the labs is the Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit. Youshould now connect one of your k it’s main boards (BRD4001A) to a radio board(BRD4161A). You should then establish a USB connection between your PC and thecombined boards. Your main board features a built-in J-Link debugger, and the USB connection will allow you to leverage this debugger within Simplicity Studio.2.If you’re not al ready running Simplicity Studio, you should start it now. You shouldmake sure that you’re in the Simplicity IDE perspective, which you can open by selecting Window>Perspective>Simplicity IDE.3.The example project for the labs is delivered in a zip file named should now extract the contents of this zip file to a folder of your choice. To avoid any possible issues with long path names, it is recommended to keep the zip file contents relatively close to your root folder.4.You’ll now need to import the example project that was delivered in You should start the import process in Simplicity Studio by selecting File>Import…. On the dialog that subsequently appears, you should expand General and select Existing Projects into Workspace, as indicated in the below screenshot. You should then click the Next button.5.Within the second Import dialog, you should ensure that Select root directory is chosenand you should then click the corresponding Browse button. You must then navigate to the location of the project folder (named Tools-Lab-1) that was provided in Before clicking the Finish button, you should ensure that the Tools-Lab-1 is checked in the Projects field and that Copy projects into workspace is likewise checked, as indicated in the below screenshot.6.The example project should now appear in your Project Explorer, as indicated below.To clean any build artifacts that might exist for the project, you should right-click its name, Tools-Lab-1, and select Clean Project from the menu that appears. If the clean operation was successful, you should then attempt to build the project by again right-clicking the project name and this time selecting Build Project.7.The build operation for your project should have completed without any errors. (Thereshould have been one warning associated with deprecated interrupt code in the BSP.) In the case of a successful build, you should now attempt to download your project’s code to your board by right-clicking Tools-Lab-1in the Project Explorer and then selecting Debug As>1 Silicon Labs ARM Program.8.Simplicity Studio should automatically switch to the Debug perspective as a result ofyour actions in the previous step. Within this pers pective’s editor area, the tool should indicate that execution of your project is halted on the first line of the main() function. You should now start execution of the project’s code by clicking the Resume button shown below. LED0and LED1should then begin alternately blinking on yourboard.9.After confirming that your code is running and your LEDs are blinking, you can terminateyour debug session by right-clicking the Silicon Labs ARM MCU item that, as indicated inthe below screenshot, should appear in the Debug window. You should selectTerminate from the subsequent pop-up menu. Your LEDs should continue to blink afterthe debug session has ended, since your project’s code now resides in Flash memory.Lab 2: µC/ProbeIn this lab, you’ll use µC/Probe to visualize the internals of the project that you built in Lab 1. You’ll first monitor one of the project’s C variables, and you’ll then use µC/Probe’s kernel-awareness capabilities to view statistics output by the µC/OS 5 kernel on which the project is based.Procedure:1.You should now run µC/Probe. You can actually start the tool within Simplicity Studio byclicking the button shown in the below screenshot.2.µC/Probe makes it possible to view the values of an application’s variables as codeactually runs. In order to offer this capability, it needs information on the variables’ locations. It typically gets this information from an ELF file. When you built the Micrium OS example project following the procedure given in the previous section of this document, an ELF file, Tools-Lab-1.axf, should have been generated by Simplicity Studio and placed at the path listed below. In this path, <project_location> is the folder where your project resides. If you’re uncertain of this location, you should right-click the project’s name in Project Explorer and select Properties. If you then select Resource from the categories listed on the left side of the Properties dialog, you’ll be able to read your project folder from the Location field in the upper half of the dialog.<project_location>\GNU ARM v4.9.3 - Debug3.You can pass an ELF file to µC/Probe using the Symbol Browser located at the bottom ofthe tool’s main window. You should now click the Symbol Broswer’s ELF button, which is shown in the below screen shot. In the ensuing dialog, you should simply browse to the ELF file described above and then click the Open button.4.µC/Probe will be able to use your board’s built-in J-Link debugger to access variables inyour running example code. In order to establish J-Link as your preferred communication interface, you’ll need to select it in the Settings dialog. You should now open this dialog by clicking the Settings button shown below.5.As indicated in the below screenshot, the lower left corner of the Settings dialogcontains a list of Debug Interfaces containing just one item: J-Link. You should confirm that J-Link is selected, and you should then ensure that Don’t Change has been specified for the Interface Mode. Before clicking OK, you should choose Silicon Labs as the Manufacturer, and, using the provided table, select EFR32MG12PxxxF1024as your Device.6.µC/Probe provides a variety of graphical components that can be used for displaying thevalues of variables. You can access these components via the Toolbox located on the left side of the main program window. You should now instantiate a new component—a gauge—by first clicking Angular Gauges in the lower half of the Toolbox and thendragging and dropping the Semicircle 3gauge onto the data screen in the middle of µC/Probe’s program window. The data screen should then appear as shown in thebelow screenshot.7. A graphical component is not of much use until it has been associated with a variable, orsymbol. The Symbol Browser will be your means of associating a variable with your new gauge. If the Symbol Browser is not already displaying a list of C files corresponding to the code that you built in the first part of the lab, you can make such a list appear by expanding the entry for Tools-Lab-1.axf that appeared when you specified the path of this file in Step 2. Once the list is visible, you should expand the entry for the C file ex_main.c in order to make the variables contained in that file appear. You should then drag and drop the variable Ex_MainSpeed from the Symbol Browser to your gauge. As indicated below, the variable name will appear below thegauge to indicate that the two are associated.8.You should now click µC/Probe's Run button, which, as indicated below, is located in theupper left-hand corner of the tool's main program window. If you’re using the Educational Edition of the tool, you’ll be presented with a dialog indicating that you won’t have access to µC/Probe’s full set of features unless you upg rade to the Professional Edition. You can simply click this dialog’s Close button. You will then enter µC/Probe’s Run-Time mode. The dial on your gauge should begin moving from 0 to 100 and then back to 0. It should repeat this pattern indefinitely. Keep in mind that, with the Educational Edition, you will only be able to remain in Run-Time mode for one minute before a time-out occurs and another dialog prompting you to upgrade appears.9.µC/Probe can be used with nearly any embedded system—including those not based ona real-time kernel. However, the tool is especially helpful when paired with projectsthat incorporate Micrium’s embedded software modules, in part because of its kernel-awareness capabilities. These capabilities are implemented via a number of pre-populated data screens that show the values of different kernel variables. You should now stop µC/Probe (by clicking the Stop button located in the upper left-hand corner of the main program window) and add the kernel-awareness screens for µC/OS 5, the kernel featured in the example project, to your workspace. You can add the screens by first clicking Project1in µC/Probe's Workspace Explorer window and then clicking Screens>Micriµm OS Kernel (µC/OS-5), as indicated in the below screenshot. After making this change, you can again click Run to prompt µC/Probe to begin updating the new screens with kernel statistics.10. Within the main µC/OS 5 kernel-awareness screen, there are a number of subordinatescreens, including one for Task(s). As shown below, this screen displays the status of each task running in your project. You should now take a moment to look over the screen and familiarize yourself with the various tasks that the example incorporates.The percentage of CPU cycles consumed by the tasks is provided in the CPU Usage column, and you should note that, after the kernel’s Idle Task—which runs when no application tasks are ready—it is the Tick Task—the kernel task responsible for processing periodic tick interrupts—that consumes the most CPU cycles, with a usage of approximately 5.5%.11.After you’ve looked over Task(s), you should stop µC/Probe (via the Stop buttonmentioned in Step 9). You should then return to Simplicity Studio to make a simple change to the example project’s code. Within the IDE, you should open the file ex_main.c. You’ll be able to find this file by expanding the Micrium folder within the Project Explorer, and then similarly expanding Micrium_OS_V5.00 and examples. You should add the below two lines to ex_main.c, placing the new code at line 156, just below the variable declaration in the main() function. The result of your addition will be to change the frequency of tick interrupts received by the kernel, from 1 kHz to 100 Hz.OS_TASK_CFG Ex_MainCfgTick = {DEF_NULL, 256u, 4u, 100u};OS_ConfigureTickTask(&Ex_MainCfgTick);12.You should now build and run your modified project, following the same procedure thatyou used in Lab 1. Afterward, you should return to µC/Probe and again run your workspace. With tick interrupts now occurring at 1/10 of their original frequency, you should confirm that the overhead of the kernel’s Tick Task has experienced a similar decrease, meaning that the task’s CPU usage should be around 0.6%.Lab 3: SystemViewThis lab w ill walk you through the steps needed to use SEGGER’s SystemView with the example project featured in the previous two labs. With SystemView, you’ll be able to see the cont ext switches, interrupts, and kernel function calls that occur as the project runs.Procedure:1.Because the latest Micrium OS is a relatively new software module, it is not yetsupported by the version of SystemView available from the SEGGER Web site.Fortunately, though, it is fairly easy to update SystemView so that it will recognize applications based on MicriumOS. To make the update, you should now copy SYSVIEW_Micrium OS Kernel.txt, which was provided in, and paste this file into the Description folder in the SystemView install path—Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\SystemView_V242.2.You should now run SystemView by clicking the tool’s entry in the Windows Start menu.3.When you run SystemView for the first time, you’ll be presented with the below dialog,asking whether you’d like to load a sample recording. You can simply click this dialog’s No button.4.In order to begin analyzing the behavior of your example project’s code, you’ll need torecord the code’s activity. To initiate recording, you should select Target>Start Recording within SystemView. You will then be presented with a Configuration dialog.Once you’ve verified that the contents of this dialog match the screenshot shown below, you should click the OK button to initiate recording.5.Shortly after you’ve started to record, you may be presented with the dia log shown inthe below screenshot. This dialog indicates that some of the data that would otherwise be displayed by SystemView was lost, because the buffer used to temporarily store that data on your target experienced overflows. You can simply click OK to close the dialog.For information on how to limit the potential for overflows, you can consult the last section in this document.6.Once you’ve gathered a few second’s worth of data, you should click the Stop Recordingbutton shown in the first of the two screenshots shown below. As the second screenshot indicates, the Timeline located near the center of the SystemView main program window should subsequently display all of the task and ISR activity that occurred during the period the recording was active. You now can begin investigating the execution of the example project’s code in detail.7.If you adjust the zoom on the timeline, you should be able to see, every 40 ms, thepattern of events depicted in the below screenshot. The example project incorporates three application tasks, in addition to a number of kernel, or system, tasks. One of the application’s tasks, labeled Post Task, peridocially performs a post operation on a semaphore, and that is what is shown in the screenshot. In the next couple of steps, you’ll adjust the period of the Post Task and then make an additional SystemViewrecording to confirm the results.8.The period of the Post Task is established by a variable in the same file that youmanipulated in Step 11 of the previous lab, ex_main.c. The variable is named Ex_MainDelayPostms and you have two different options for changing its value.One is to simply replace the variable’s initialization on line 371 of ex_main.c with thebelow code. You’l l then need to rebuild the example project and again download its code to your board. The second option involves µC/Probe. In addition to allowing you to read variables, µC/Probe offers a number of Writable Controls for changing variable values. You can drag and drop one of these controls—a Horizontal Slider, for example—into your workspace from Lab 2, and use the new control to adjust the value of ExMainDelayPostms.Ex_MainDelayPostms = 20;9.With the value of the variable adjusted, you should return to SystemView and make anew recording. Now the post operation described in Step 6 should be visible every 20 ms, as opposed to 40 ms. If time permits, you can make further adjustments to the code, changing, for example, the priority of the Post Task (established by the #define EX_MAIN_POST_TASK_PRIO), and you can use SystemView to observe the results of the changes.Limiting OverflowsThere are a few steps that you can take to limit overflows and maximize the amount of data recorded by SystemView. One of these is to increase the size of the buffer used to temporarily store SystemView data on your target before it is passed to the PC application. The buffer size is established by the #define SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE in the file SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h. This file is contained in Micrium/Tools/SystemView/Config within the example project. The provided copy of SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h uses a buffer size of 4096, but you’re free to increase to any size that the hardware can accomodate.An additional measure, recommended by SEGGER for reducing the number of overflows, is to ensure that SystemView is the only tool using your J-Link. In other words, if you were previously running µC/Probe or the Simplicity Studio debugger while recording data, you should stop the other tools and try a new recording. With exclusive access to the J-Link, SystemView should have fewer impediments to capturing all of the example project’s events.。
Desolvation gas flow liters/hr 200 to 250 250 to 400 250 to 400 400 to 750
Higher desolvation temperatures give increased sensitivity. However, increasing the temperature above the range suggested reduces beam stability. Increasing the gas flow rate higher that the quoted values lead to unnecessary high nitrogen consumption. Avoid operating the desolvation heater for long periods of time without proper gas flow. To do so could damage the source.
©2004 Waters Corporation
MS Troubleshooting Strategy
Try to simplify -assess impact on lab efficiency -inspect the MS or /MS/MS -try to categorize troubleshoot the easiest to fix items first
Mass Spectrometry
Source: ESI APcI Nano-ESI Mass analyzers: magnetic sectors electric sectors time of flight quadrupole ion trap FT-ICR
Exercise 1
PD Critical Thinking Process
Action Plan
Sales: Our Sales numbers are low. Our sales team is losing business to our competitor. They have a much more advantaged product. 销售:我们的销售额下降了。由于竞争对手上市了更优质的产品,抢走了我们的业务 Product Development: Yes, I know, I‟ve received at least 3 calls this month from sales reps who are losing business to the competition. 研发:知道了。关于此事,这个月销售代表已经来过3个电话了 Sales: We need to do something about this. Can we develop a faster, cheaper product? 销售:需要采取行动。我们能够研发出成本更低、生产更快的产品吗? Product Development: Hold on now, let me do a bit of research to verify if their product actually is faster and cheaper than ours. I‟ll get one of their units and have our team of engineers test it. This is no easy task, it will take about a month. 研发:采取行动前,我得调查一下他们的产品确实比我们的产品更便宜、更好。先让工程师测试竞 争对手的产品。该项测试有一定难度,需要一个月才能出结果 Sales: If we get a faster, cheaper product, our sales will increase drastically. 销售:如果有成本更低、生产更快的产品,我们的销售额将迅速增长
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation 产品说明书
OBJECTIVESOLIDWORKS® Flow Simulation is a powerful Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solution fully embedded within SOLIDWORKS. It enables designers and engineers to quickly and easily simulate the effect of fluid flow, heat transfer and fluid forces that are critical to the success of their designs.OVERVIEWSOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation enables designers to simulate liquid and gas flow in real-world conditions, run “what if” scenarios and efficiently analyze the effects of fluid flow, heat transfer and related forces on or through components. Design variations can quickly be compared to make better decisions, resulting in products with superior performance. SOL IDWORKS Flow Simulation offers two flow modules that encompass industry specific tools, practices and simulation methodologies—a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) module and an Electronic Cooling module. These modules are add-ons to a SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation license. BENEFITS• Evaluates product performance while changing multiple variables at a rapid pace.• Reduces time-to-market by quickly determining optimal design solutions and reducing physical prototypes.• Enables better cost control through reduced rework and higher quality.• Delivers more accurate proposals.CAPABILITIESSOLIDWORKS Flow SimulationSOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is a general-purpose fluid flow and heat transfer simulation tool integrated with SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD. Capable of simulating both low-speed and supersonic flows, this powerful 3D design simulation tool enables true concurrent engineering and brings the critical impact of fluid flow analysis and heat transfer into the hands of every designer. In addition to SOL IDWORKS Flow Simulation, designers can simulate the effects of fans and rotating components on the fluid flow and well as component heating and cooling. HVAC ModuleThis module offers dedicated simulation tools for HVAC designers and engineers who need to simulate advanced radiation phenomena. It enables engineers to tackle the tough challenges of designing efficient cooling systems, lighting systems or contaminant dispersion systems. Electronic Cooling ModuleThis module includes dedicated simulation tools for thermal management studies. It is ideal for companies facing thermal challenges with their products and companies that require very accurate thermal analysis of their PCB and enclosure designs.SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation can be used to:• Dimension air conditioning and heating ducts with confidence, taking into account materials, isolation and thermal comfort.• Investigate and visualize airflow to optimize systems and air distribution.• Test products in an environment that is as realistic as possible.• Produce Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percent Dissatisfied (PPD) HVAC results for supplying schools and government institutes.• Design better incubators by keeping specific comfort levels for the infant and simulating where support equipment should be placed.• Design better air conditioning installation kits for medical customers.• Simulate electronic cooling for LED lighting.• Validate and optimize designs using a multi-parametric Department of Energy (DOE) method.SOLIDWORKS FLOW SIMULATIONOur 3D EXPERIENCE® platform powers our brand applications, serving 12 industries, and provides a rich portfolio of industry solution experiences.Dassault Syst èmes, t he 3D EXPERIENCE® Company, provides business and people wit h virt ual universes t o imagine sust ainable innovat ions. It s world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 220,000 customers of all sizes in all industries in more than 140 countries. For more information, visit .Europe/Middle East/Africa Dassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel Dassault CS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex France AmericasDassault Systèmes 175 Wyman StreetWaltham, Massachusetts 02451-1223USA Asia-PacificDassault Systèmes K.K.ThinkPark Tower2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 141-6020Japan©2018 D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 3D E X P E R I E N C E ®, t h e C o m p a s s i c o n , t h e 3D S l o g o , C A T I A , S O L I D W O R K S , E N O V I A , D E L M I A , S I M U L I A , G E O V I A , E X A L E A D , 3D V I A , B I O V I A , N E T V I B E S , I F W E a n d 3D E X C I T E a r e c o m m e r c i a l t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s , a F r e n c h “s o c i ét é e u r o p ée n n e ” (V e r s a i l l e s C o m m e r c i a l R e g i s t e r # B 322 306 440), o r i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e o w n e d b y t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . U s e o f a n y D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o r i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s t r a d e m a r k s i s s u b j e c t t o t h e i r e x p r e s s w r i t t e n a p p r o v a l .• Free, forced and mixed convection• Fluid flows with boundary layers, including wall roughness effects• Laminar and turbulent fluid flows • Laminar only flow• Multi-species fluids and multi-component solids• Fluid flows in models with moving/rotating surfaces and/or parts• Heat conduction in fluid, solid and porous media with/without conjugate heat transfer and/or contact heat resistance between solids• Heat conduction in solids only • Gravitational effectsAdvanced Capabilities• Noise Prediction (Steady State and Transient)• Free Surface• Radiation Heat Transfer Between Solids • Heat sources due to Peltier effect• Radiant flux on surfaces of semi-transparent bodies• Joule heating due to direct electric current in electrically conducting solids• Various types of thermal conductivity in solid medium • Cavitation in incompressible water flows• Equilibrium volume condensation of water from steam and its influence on fluid flow and heat transfer• Relative humidity in gases and mixtures of gases • Two-phase (fluid + particles) flows • Periodic boundary conditions.• Tracer Study• Comfort Parameters • Heat Pipes • Thermal Joints• Two-resistor Components • PCBs•Thermoelectric Coolers• Test the heat exchange on AC and DC power converters.• Simulate internal temperature control to reduce overheating issues.• Better position fans and optimize air flux inside a design.• Predict noise generated by your designed system.Some capabilities above need the HVAC or Electronic Cooling Module.SOLIDWORK Design Support• Fully embedded in SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD• Support SOLIDWORKS configurations and materials • Help Documentation • Knowledge base• Engineering database• eDrawings ® of SOLIDWORKS Simulation results General Fluid Flow Analysis• 2D flow • 3D flow • Symmetry• Sector Periodicity • Internal fluid flows • External fluid flowsAnalysis Types• Steady state and transient fluid flows • Liquids • Gases• Non-Newtonian liquids • Mixed flows• Compressible gas and incompressible fluid flows •Subsonic, transonic and supersonic gas flowsMesher• Global Mesh Automatic and Manual settings • Local mesh refinementGeneral Capabilities• Fluid flows and heat transfer in porous media • Flows of non-Newtonian liquids • Flows of compressible liquids •Real gases。
农业灾害研究 2023,13(5)昆明地区火箭人工增雨防雹安全射界图制作技术探讨胡卫芬1,王占良2,董思平1,黄初龙1,邓 祥1,耿 琼11.云南省寻甸回族彝族自治县气象局,云南寻甸 655200;2.昆明市气象局,云南昆明 650501摘要 安全射界图是人工影响天气开展地面火箭安全作业的重要图文资料。
关键词 火箭;安全射界;残骸中图分类号:P481 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2023)05–0115-03目前,昆明市共设70余个固定人工增雨防雹作业点开展地面人工影响天气作业,配备火箭增雨防雹发射架100余具,作业人员300余人,年均增雨防雹1 200余次。
《人工影响天气火箭作业点安全射界图绘制规范》(GB/T 37274—2018)虽然已就火箭作业点安全射界选取、安全射界图标绘与审核作出了规定,但未充分考虑箭体自毁不完全或伞降残骸等致危因素,实际作业过程中存在重大安全隐患。
1 火箭弹的主要构造和工作原理火箭弹是自带动力装置的火工品。
火箭在发射架中以离架速度(0~90 m/s)飞行,直至推进剂燃烧完毕才达到最大速度。
第一部分知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题 1. 5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
I’d just arrived at school, ready for another school day. I was reading a book in the classroom when there was an 1 . “Today at 1: 10 there will be auditions (面试) for a musical.” My friends all jumped up in excitement and asked me, “Will you be going, Amy?” “Sure,” I said. I had no 2 in drama, but I’d try out because my friends were doing it.At 1:10, there was a 3 outside the drama room. Everyone looked energetic. I hadn’t expected I’d be standing there that morning. But now that I was doing it, I 4 felt nervous. What if I wasn’t any good?I entered the room and the teachers made me say some lines from the musical. They then 5 my singing skills and asked what role I wanted to play. The teachers were smiling and praising me. I felt like I had a 6 , so I said, “A big role.” They said they’d look into it. I started getting really nervous. What if I didn’t get a main role?Soon, the cast list was 7 . My friends checked and came back shouting, “Amy, you got the main role! ” Sure enough, my name was at the top. I just stared at it and started to 8 . I was so happy.After two months we were all prepared and ready to go on stage. It was fun. And when people started 9 , that gave me a boost of confidence. It stayed with me and made me feel 10 . I realised that by trying something new, I can have fun — even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone.1.A.assignment B.initiative C.announcement D.interview2.A.hesitancy B.interest C.worry D.line4.A.suddenly B.continuously C.originally D.generally5.A.advertised B.tested C.challenged D.polished6.A.demand C.dream D.chance7.A.traded B.posted C.questioned D.claimed8.A.well up B.roll in C.stand out D.go off9.A.whispering B.arguing C.clapping D.stretching10.A.funnier B.fairer C.cleverer D.braver第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)A阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。
Innovation: The Key to Unlocking PotentialInnovation is the lifeblood of progress, a concept that has been ingrained in my mind since my high school years. Its not just about creating something new its about challenging the status quo, thinking outside the box, and pushing boundaries. My journey with innovation began with a simple curiosity, which blossomed into a passion for exploring the unknown.During my high school years, I was fortunate to be part of a science club that encouraged us to think creatively and solve problems in unconventional ways. One of our projects involved designing a model rocket that could reach unprecedented heights. We were a group of teenagers with a dream, armed with nothing but our imagination and a few basic tools.Our first attempts were far from successful. The rockets either failed to launch or plummeted back to Earth within seconds. But each failure was a lesson, a stepping stone towards innovation. We analyzed our mistakes, researched new materials, and experimented with different designs. The process was iterative, and it required patience, resilience, and a willingness to learn from our setbacks.One day, after countless trials and adjustments, we finally launched a rocket that soared into the sky, reaching heights we had only dared to dream of. The feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. It was a testament to the power of innovation and the importance of perseverance.Innovation is not limited to the realm of science and technology. It permeates every aspect of our lives, from the arts to social issues. For instance, during a school debate competition, I was part of a team that had to argue for a novel approach to environmental conservation. Instead of the traditional methods, we proposed using technology and community engagement to create a sustainable solution. Our innovative ideas not only won us the debate but also sparked a conversation within our school community about the importance of thinking creatively to address global challenges.Moreover, innovation is about more than just individual achievements. Its about collaboration and the collective effort to create something greater than the sum of its parts. In my schools annual cultural festival, I was part of a team that created a performance piece that combined traditional dance with modern elements. The fusion of old and new was a hit, and it demonstrated how innovation can bridge the gap between generations and cultures.In conclusion, innovation is a multifaceted concept that has the power to transform lives and societies. It requires a curious mind, a willingness to take risks, and the courage to embrace change. My high school experiences have shown me that innovation is not just a buzzword its a mindset that can unlock potential and pave the way for a brighter future.创新:解锁潜能的关键创新是进步的生命线,这一概念自我高中时期起就深深植根于我的脑海中。
As a high school student with a keen interest in technology and innovation, Ive always been fascinated by the concept of having a dedicated research and development RD team. The idea of a group of professionals working tirelessly to push the boundaries of whats possible is truly inspiring. In my school, we had the opportunity to witness the power of such a team when our science club collaborated with a local tech startup to develop a project that could potentially revolutionize the way we learn.The project was simple in its conception but complex in its execution: to create an app that could analyze students learning patterns and suggest personalized study plans. The startup provided the expertise, and our science club provided the fresh perspective of students who were actually using the educational system. It was a match made in innovation heaven.Our journey began with a series of brainstorming sessions. The RD team from the startup, consisting of software developers, data analysts, and educational experts, would come to our school once a week. They would sit with us, listen to our ideas, and guide us through the process of turning those ideas into a tangible product. It was during these sessions that I truly appreciated the value of a professional RD team.The developers were not just coders they were problem solvers. They had the ability to understand complex educational theories and translate them into userfriendly software features. The data analysts were magicians with numbers, able to find patterns and trends that were invisible to the naked eye. And the educational experts brought a wealth of knowledge aboutlearning methodologies and cognitive psychology, ensuring that our app was not just technologically advanced but also pedagogically sound.One of the most memorable moments of this project was when we hit a roadblock. We had a great idea for a feature that would allow students to set goals and track their progress, but we couldnt figure out how to make it work. It seemed like an insurmountable problem, but the RD team didnt give up. They spent hours discussing the issue, exploring different approaches, and finally came up with a solution that was both elegant and effective.This experience taught me several valuable lessons about the importance of a professional RD team. Firstly, having a diverse team with different areas of expertise is crucial. Each member brought their unique skills and perspectives to the table, allowing us to tackle problems from multiple angles. Secondly, persistence and problemsolving skills are essential. The RD team never gave up, no matter how difficult the challenge. They were always looking for creative solutions and were not afraid to think outside the box.Moreover, I learned about the importance of collaboration and open communication. The RD team was always open to our ideas and suggestions, and they made us feel like we were an integral part of the project. This collaborative approach not only made the project more enjoyable but also led to better results, as we were able to incorporate the real needs and preferences of students into the app.Lastly, I realized that having a professional RD team is not just about technical skills. Its also about passion, dedication, and a genuine desire to make a difference. The team members were not just working on the project because it was their job they truly believed in its potential to improve education and were committed to making it a success.In conclusion, my experience with the RD team from the tech startup was an eyeopening journey into the world of innovation and problemsolving. It showed me the power of collaboration, the importance of diverse perspectives, and the value of persistence and creativity. As I look towards my future, I am inspired to continue learning, exploring, and pushing the boundaries of whats possible. And who knows, maybe one day, Ill be part of a professional RD team, creating solutions that can change the world.。
A类雅思写作真题解析-需要更多措施防止犯罪观点类大作文犯罪类话题Many people are afraid of leaving house because of crime. Some think more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others think little can be done. What is your view?(题目来源:2015年9月3日大陆雅思大作文)题目大意很多人因为犯罪害怕出门。
审题,找出敏感词/限定词Action,限定词,measure等Prevent,限定词,deter,cease,halt等高分范文An ongoing topic of debate in traffic safety world has been whether the age for driving should be raised or not. Typically, the legal age to drive alone needs to be 17 or so, but there is aproposal, underpinned by some groups.It is fairly hard to imagine that home has become the only place of safety in modern society, where residents are worried about various kinds of crimes, street robbery, car theft and even shooting. This is obligation of the government to protect the civil life and work, which, I think, could be classified into three aspects.First, deterring potential crimes is considered as a direct way to improve living environment for residents. Some strict laws and regulations should be imposed on specific crime cases. For example, prolonging the term of imprisonment could be an effective way to deter crimes, like theft and robbery. Also, lowering the minimum crime age on punishment is another solution to ordinary crimes because younger criminals are liable to escape from punishments.Second, the high rate of crimes is derived partly from the widening gap of living in cities. Therefore, creating more job opportunities after investing in manufactures and public services could, to some degree, bring about stable incomes. Reduction in the number of the homeless and unemployed contributes to decline in the level of social chaos and conflicts. When everyone is satisfied with the company they work for and the salary they are paid, there may be no need for them to risk committing crimes.Third, popularity of primary and secondary education or opening more technical schools is an urgent task. People who live in slums with minimum education more probably commit crimes than those with decent education and comparatively higher social status. Therefore, the level of education reflects living condition and public security in communities, which for a long term is regarded as the foundation of civilized society.In conclusion, there are plenty of solutions to crimes and social problems, which depend on effectiveness of activities and continuous efforts from both government and individuals.相关词汇Street robbery街道抢劫Car theft 偷车Obligation责任Classify分类Deter震慑Be imposed on强加于Prolong延长Imprisonment关监狱Be liable to 易于做某事Be derived from 由而产生Social chaos社会混乱Conflict冲突Slum贫民窟Decent体面的Comparatively相对而言地雅思作文:犯罪原因与处理范文解析写作题目Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give your reason.You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.范文In recent years, a growing number of people have begun to challenge against the existing practice of sending criminals toprison. They argue that the law offenders should be punished to do something for the public. In my opinion, however, they should be locked up in prisons.First of all, it can ensure a safe and comfortable living environment to the law-abiding citizens. For criminals like thieves, robbers, rapists or even murderers, it is improper or even dangerous to let them out of jails, because they still pose threat to our society. Just as an old saying goes, Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.The imprisonment of criminals not only punishes the criminals but also deters the potential criminals. It will make would-be criminals think twice before they commit a crime. Researches reveal that there is a direct link between the implementation of imprisoning criminals and the decline of crime rate. Without the practice, the world would be in great chaos and full of blood and violence.Some people may say that the practice lays heavy financial burden on the government. In fact, if the police want the behaviour of the criminals to be under control, they have to spend more money and time in supervising the criminals after they are set free. Furthermore, once the criminals commit crimes again, it will take the police much trouble to catch them. In addition, the loss and the damage to the victims will be irreparable.From what I mentioned above, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that criminals should be imprisoned in jails and receive compulsory reclaim.雅思写作真题及解析:解决犯罪问题,教育比监狱更有效吗“In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is toprovide people with better education so that they can not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”本题是2012年5月12日的原题重现。
Mettler Toledo XP26微衡仪用户说明书
NewsWeighing and Analysis in the Laboratory1Machinery PlasticsElectronicsDiverse Tasks, One GoalHella KGaA Hueck & Co. runs its world-wide single chemical laboratory in Lipp-stadt, Germany. The site copes with an en-tire spectrum of the most diverse samples. The items which land on Peter Broske’s desk include complete headlight assem-blies, complex electronic components, circuit boards, single microchips, gran-ules, production containers and samples for air and water analysis for environ-mental protection and safety at work. Apart from in-process quality control, the lab also conducts analysis alongside the development of new products. It is also the central point of contact for troubleshoot-ing within production, processes and in the field.In the laboratory of Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., the daily routine of testing diverse samples used in the automotive industry is now greatly simpli-fied and far more efficient with the employment of METTLER TOLEDO’s XP26 microbalance. Peter Broske, head of the measurement and test centre in the chemical analytics division of Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. is very enthusiastic about this new purchase. Turning Up the Lights for a Real Problem SolverEfficient operations, high throughput, user-friendliness and flexible deployment of the relevant equipment are therefore essential. In addition, the automotive industry sets tight constraints in respect to accuracy, reproducibility and deadline adherence, in order to greatly reduce the risk of handling errors. Peter Broske ex-plains how well the XP26 microbalance from METTLER TOLEDO meets these requirements and shares some practical examples with us.Difficult Sample Handling Solved by Smart SolutionsFogging tests are now standard practice in the automotive industry, which is still by far the primary customer segment for Hella. These tests involve studying the2METTLER TOLEDO Machinery, Plastics & Electronics News 1PublisherMettler-Toledo AGLaboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ProductionSegment Marketing LAB SwitzerlandTechnical articles Mettler-Toledo AG– Laboratory & Weighing Technologies – Analytical Instruments 11794274 40.12Subject to technical changes. © Mettler-Toledo AG 08/01 Printed in Switzerland.X P 26 M i c r o b a l a n c eemission of water, organic solvents, ad-ditives and plasticisers from components and assemblies. To perform the test the sample is heated and the volatile compo-nents are condensed onto a thin piece of cooled aluminum foil. These delicate foils are 50 - 80 mm in diameter and must not be bent or folded while determining tare weight, sample taking or back weighing. “The sensitivity and the size of the foil is the problem here”, explained Broske, just one crease or fold is enough to destroy the airtight seal between the sample and the sample holder. The luminous reflectance of the folded edges would prevent any sub-sequent visual inspection of the conden-sates intended to determine their reflec-tance or impede any direct analysis under the FTIR microscope. This problem was solved thanks to the XP microbalance’s large weighing chamber and the hanging support of the weighing pan, situated at the rear of the weighing chamber”.The grid-type weighing pan can be eas-ily removed and replaced with ErgoClips. The ErgoClip is a modified weighing pan tailor-made to the individual needs of fre-quently used tare containers (e.g. volu-metric flasks or Eppendorf tubes). In the case of fogging tests on aluminum foil, Mr. Broske helped to find an optimum solution with his own modified version of the ErgoClip micro basket.Peter Broske, head of the mea-surement and test centre in the chemical analytics division of Hella KGaA Hueck & CoMr. Broske also benefits from the bal-ance’s application software: “The dif-ferential weighing application in the balance enables us to rule out any errors occurring during manual notation of the tare weights. That’s a major plus!”3METTLER TOLEDO Machinery, Plastics & Electronics News 1Full Independency Thanks to METTLER TOLEDOMr. Broske sums up the advantages of the XP microbalance:n Large weighing area and high degreeof flexibility, thanks to SmartGrid and the ErgoClipsn High accuracy for small samples and up to 52 grams with the possibility of directly weighing into various tare vesselsn Differential weighing application accelerates work rate and lowers error riskn Short settling times and stable results within seconds thanks to the well-pro-tected weighing chamber with exter-nal/internal draft shields and unique hanging SmartGrid weighing pan n Automatic door opening facilitatesand accelerates operation procedureThe microbalance in its surroundings at the analytical laboratory at Hella.Intelligent grid-type weighing pan and up to 52 g extra weighing area allow direct weighing into a wide and diverse range of tare vessels - illustrated here with thermodesorption tube.High-precision sample weighing up to 0.2 mg, illustrated here with a scratched coating on a polymer component.Modified ErgoClipHe summarizes: “Given the constantly growing number and diversity of tasks and the required accuracy and reproduc-ibility, we would have had to outsource tests to other laboratories. But these labo-ratories do not share our material and process know-how. Therefore, not only would it be expensive but also extremely questionable in terms of the quality and significance of the results. The XP26 mi-crobalance is definitely the best invest-ment and overall solution.”} /micro。
思考对解决问题的意义作文高中英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Thinking Is the Key to Solving ProblemsHave you ever felt really frustrated when trying to solve a difficult problem? Maybe it was a tough math equation that had you stumped, or an English paper that you just couldn't figure out how to start. When we're faced with challenges like these, it can be really tempting to just give up and say "This is too hard!" But here's the thing - the ability to think critically and work through problems is one of the most important skills we can develop.I'll be honest, when I was younger I used to get really annoyed whenever my parents or teachers would tell me to "think it through" instead of just giving me the answer. It seemed like such a waste of time! Why struggle and strain my brain when the solution could just be handed to me? But as I've gotten older, I've realized that learning how to think through issues and solve problems on my own is absolutely vital. It's a superpower that will help me in every area of life.Think about it this way - we are constantly faced with problems and challenges, big and small. What should I make for dinner tonight? How can I study effectively for my math test? Why is my friend upset with me? How can I make the world a better place? Some problems are simple, while others are incredibly complex. But every single one requires us to use our thinking skills to analyze the situation, weigh the options, and come up with a solution. Without strong critical thinking abilities, we would be lost!The truth is, there will always be questions that don't have a simple, obvious answer. Sometimes in life there are no teachers, parents or experts around to guide us - we have to figure things out on our own. That's why developing our ability to think logically, critically and creatively from an early age is so important. It gives us the confidence and skills to tackle any problem that comes our way.One of the best ways to build critical thinking skills is to put them into practice as often as possible. When I'm stuck on a homework assignment, instead of immediately asking for help, I try to walk myself through it step-by-step first. What information am I working with? What strategies could I use to approach this problem? Have I looked at it from different perspectives?Breaking it down into smaller steps helps make overwhelming tasks feel more manageable.I've also found that talking through problems out loud, whether with friends, parents or even just to myself, can be really helpful. Saying my thoughts out loud forces me to get them into a logical sequence and identify any holes or flaws in my thinking. And getting an outside perspective is so valuable - oftentimes others can point out angles I've completely missed or make suggestions I hadn't considered.The ability to think critically is a skill that will pay dividends throughout our entire lives. In school, it will help us analyze texts, solve equations, write powerful essays, and really just maximize our learning in every subject. Once we move into careers, strong problem-solving and critical thinking abilities will make us incredibly valuable employees who can take on complex challenges. On a personal level, solving our own problems and making good choices is key to creating happy, healthy, fulfilling lives.And perhaps most importantly in today's world, being able to think critically is crucial to solving big societal issues like climate change, poverty, disease and injustice. We can't rely on others to just hand us the solutions - we all need to think deeply,challenge assumptions, and develop creative ideas for how to overcome these massive challenges facing humanity. The future quite literally depends on our ability to think.So next time you find yourself frustrated and wanting to give up on a tough problem, remember - the struggle itself is valuable practice for your brain. Dig in, think it through from every angle, and have confidence in your ability to work through even the trickiest of challenges. You've got this! Because at the end of the day, thinking iscritical. It's the key to solving any problem, no matter how big or small. Let's get those brain muscles pumping!篇2Thinking is Super Important for Solving ProblemsHi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about how incredibly important it is to really think hard when you have a problem to solve. Grown-ups are always telling kids to "use your brain" but I don't think they really explain why thinking is so valuable. Well, after a few experiences I've had lately, I totally get it now. Thinking deeply is key to figuring stuff out!Just last week, I was trying to beat a tough video game level that I've been stuck on forever. I kept just running into the level and mashing buttons, hoping I'd get lucky. But I kept failing over and over. I was so frustrated! My older sister saw me struggling and said "Timmy, you need to think this through more carefully instead of just winging it." She had a point.So I stepped back and watched someone beat the level on an online video very closely. I paid attention to their strategy and the patterns in the level. I started thinking critically about my own abilities and limitations compared to the video player. After analyzing it a bunch, I came up with a step-by-step plan to beat the level myself. And you know what? It worked! Just by using my brain rather than just button-mashing, I solved that problem level.Then in school recently, we had a brachistochrone problem in math class. That's a fun word that means the fastest path between two points that aren't level with each other. Basically, we had to figure out the perfect curve to build a ramp so a marble would slide from one point to another in the shortest time possible.At first, I just guessed random curves, but none of them were fast enough. My friend Sarah was way ahead of me. She said shespent a long time visualizing the perfect curve shape, drawing little sketches, and thinking through the physics step-by-step. While I was just guessing, she used creative Problem-Solving thinking and crushed that brachistochrone challenge. From her example, I learned that I need to spend quality time thinking through problems from all angles instead of just winging it.Another good example happened when my dad lost his vintage novel somewhere in the house. We looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it. We were all ready to give up. But then my little brother had a thinking breakthrough. He said "Hey, didn't the dog rip up some books in the backyard last week during that storm? Maybe Dad's book is out there!"Sure enough, I went outside and found the tattered remains of the book amidst the wreckage of that stormy day. If my brother hadn't stopped to think through when the book had gone missing and considered possibilities with a fresh perspective, we may never have found it. His thoughtful approach solved a mystery that had stumped the rest of us.From all these examples, I've realized that thinking things through from all angles is an incredibly powerful tool. Whenever I hit a roadblock or can't figure something out now, I make sureto step back and spend quality time thinking. I ask myself questions like:What am I missing here?Are there any other ways of looking at this?Have I taken everything into account?Can I break this down into smaller steps?What worked or didn't work last time, and why?Basically, I try my best to analyze the crap out of the situation rather than just giving up or guessing randomly. I've found that checking my gut reaction and digging way deeper by really thinking pays huge dividends. It's like a superpower!For instance, just a few days ago I was trying to decide what sport to play next season. At first, I thought maybe baseball since I played that as a kid. But then after thinking it through more, I realized baseball might be boring to me now. I considered the pros and cons of every sport, thought about which ones fit my personality and interests best, and even tested out a bunch of them to get a feel for it. In the end, I decided to go with rock climbing since it combines athleticism with creative problem solving, which is right up my alley.I'm so glad I didn't just quickly pick baseball since that was the obvious choice. By thinking it through from every angle over a few weeks, I landed on a great decision for me. And I apply this deeper thinking to everything now - from handling disagreements with friends, to managing my time on big projects, to researching topics I'm interested in. It's amazing how much more effective and successful I am when I use my brain properly!So in conclusion, I really want to encourage all my fellow kids out there - don't just rely on your instincts or make snap judgments. Really spend quality time thinking about challenges from all perspectives. Ask critical questions, analyze all the possibilities, break it down into steps, and allow your creative thinking to flow. I guarantee that if you work that thought muscle, you'll start finding incredible solutions to any problem life throws your way.Thinking deeply leads to way better decisions and outcomes. It may take more effort than guessing, but it's incredibly worth it. So have patience, be persistent, and use that amazing human brain of yours. Trust me, with high-quality thinking, no problem will Ever be too difficult for you to conquer. Thanks for listening everybody! Think on!篇3Thinking: The Key to Unlocking SolutionsHey there, friends! It's me, your buddy from high school, here to share some thoughts on a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately – the importance of thinking when it comes to solving problems. Now, I know what you might be thinking (pun intended), "Dude, why are you getting all philosophical on us?" But hear me out, because this stuff is actually super relevant to our daily lives, whether we're tackling a tricky math equation or navigating the ups and downs of friendships and relationships.Let's start篇4Thinking...It's Something We All Do, But Are We Doing It Right?Hi there! I'm just a regular high school kid, but I've learned something super important that I want to share with you all. It's about the power of thinking and how it can help us solve any problem that comes our way.Now, I know what you might be thinking - "Duh, everyone thinks. What's the big deal?" But hear me out, because the kindof thinking I'm talking about goes way beyond just having thoughts pop into your head. It's about purposeful, structured thinking that allows us to break down problems, consider different perspectives, and come up with creative solutions.Let me give you an example from my own life. Last year, I was really struggling in my math class. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't wrap my head around certain concepts, and my grades were suffering big time. I could have just given up and accepted that math wasn't my strong suit. But instead, I decided to really think through the problem.First, I had to identify exactly what I was having trouble with. Was it the theory behind the concepts, or was I getting tripped up by the actual calculations? Once I pinpointed the areas where I was struggling, I could start exploring different strategies to tackle them.I tried a bunch of different approaches - watching extra tutorial videos, working through practice problems step-by-step, and even meeting with my teacher for one-on-one help. Some things worked better than others, but the key was that I was actively thinking about the problem from multiple angles instead of just banging my head against the wall.And you know what? It paid off! By the end of the year, my math grades had improved dramatically, all because I refused to give up and put in the hard work of really thinking through the issues I was facing.But this kind of thinking isn't just useful for academic problems. It can be applied to pretty much any challenge life throws our way, whether it's dealing with a conflict with a friend, figuring out what you want to do after high school, or even just deciding what to make for dinner.The first step is always to clearly define the problem you're trying to solve. What is the root cause of the issue? What are the different factors at play? Once you have a solid grasp on the problem itself, you can start generating potential solutions.This is where the real thinking comes in. Don't just go with the first idea that pops into your head. Take the time to consider multiple options, weighing the pros and cons of each approach. And don't be afraid to get creative! Sometimes the best solutions are the ones that seem a little out-of-the-box at first.It's also crucial to consider different perspectives. How might other people view the problem? What are their motivations and concerns? By putting yourself in someone else's shoes, you might uncover new angles you hadn't thought of before.Once you've explored all the possibilities, it's time to make a decision and put your plan into action. But the thinking doesn't stop there! As you implement your solution, pay close attention to how it's working (or not working). Be willing to adjust your approach as needed, and don't be discouraged if you have to go back to the drawing board a few times.The most successful problem-solvers are the ones who embrace thinking as an ongoing process, not a one-and-done event. They're constantly evaluating, adapting, and looking for ways to improve their solutions.I know this all might sound like a lot of work, but trust me, it's worth it. By developing strong critical thinking skills, you'll be better equipped to tackle any obstacle that comes your way, both now and in the future.Just think about all the incredible innovations and advancements that have come about because someone took the time to really think through a problem. Things like the internet, space travel, and modern medicine were all born from people who refused to accept the status quo and were willing to put in the hard work of thinking critically and creatively.So next time you're facing a challenge, big or small, don't just go with the first solution that pops into your head. Take astep back, define the problem, consider multiple perspectives, and explore all your options. You might be surprised at the ingenious solutions you come up with when you really put your thinking cap on.And who knows? With enough practice and dedication, you could end up being the next great thinker and problem-solver who changes the world. All it takes is a willingness to embrace the power of purposeful, structured thinking.So what are you waiting for? Get those gears turning and start thinking your way to success!篇5The Power of Thinking for Problem SolvingHave you ever felt completely stumped by a problem? Like no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't figure it out? I know I have - way too many times to count! Math problems that had me pulling my hair out, disagreements with friends that seemed impossible to resolve, or trying to decide what activity to sign up for and feeling torn in a million different directions.The older I get, the more I realize that most of life's problems don't have one clear "right" answer. There are usually multiplepossible solutions, and it's up to us to use our brains and think critically to find the best path forward. That's where the power of thinking comes in!When I was younger, I used to get really flustered when facing a difficult problem. I would panic and feel completely lost, wanting someone else to just give me the answer so I didn't have to struggle anymore. But over time, I've learned that taking a step back, clearing my mind, and giving myself the space to really think through the different options is SO valuable. It's almost like meditation - letting all the noise and unhelpful thoughts drift away so I can focus solely on the task at hand.One example that really sticks out in my mind is a huge fight I got into with my best friend last year. We had been friends for years, but suddenly little things started setting us off and we couldn't seem to see eye-to-eye on anything. We said some really hurtful things to each other and at one point, I honestly wondered if our friendship was over for good. I was devastated and couldn't imagine my life without her by my side.In the heat of the moment, I wanted to lash out even more or just cut her off completely. But thankfully, I took a step back instead of acting rashly. I went for a long walk, put my headphones in, and really thought things through objectively. Irealized that our friendship was too valuable to throw away, that we were both being stubborn and petty out of fear of losing our bond. With a clear mind, I could see paths forward that involved apologizing, setting boundaries so we didn't trigger each other, and ultimately preserving our friendship by addressing the root issues with empathy.When I approached my friend after giving it some real thought, I was able to have a much more productive conversation. We were both able to admit our mistakes, agree on some ground rules, and re-commit to the friendship. A year later, we're tighter than ever and I'm so grateful that I used my thinking skills instead of acting on my most irrational impulses in the midst of that blowout fight.In a situation like that, thinking it through helped me realize that overcommitting myself and becoming burnt out would actually be counterproductive. I'd end up doing a mediocre job at everything instead of excelling in just a few areas that were most important to me. It wasn't the dream scenario of doing every single extracurricular I was interested in, but thinking it through showed me it was the wisest choice for my overall wellbeing right now. Perhaps I'll get another chance to explore some of those other interests later on.Whether it's figuring out how to improve a relationship, making a tough schedule decision, or solving a complicated math or science problem, stopping to give it some quality thought has been invaluable for me. It's helped me become a more rational, empathetic, and discerning person overall.I've found that the actual thinking process works best for me when I adopt a few key practices: staying calm rather than letting my emotions take over, being as objective as possible by trying to see the situation through multiple lenses, breaking big issues down into smaller parts, and considering all the potential consequences or ripple effects of each possible solution.It's also really important to get an outside perspective sometimes, whether that's running ideas by a friend or teacher, or conducting additional research to gain more context around the problem. Our individual viewpoints can be so limited based on our backgrounds and personal biases, so tapping into other trusted sources can open up new angles we may not have considered.Once I've given a problem some real, quality thought, my next step is to make a decision and then commit to it fully. Indecision and constantly second guessing myself is counterproductive. At some point, I have to pull the trigger, evenif I'm not 100% sure it's the "best" solution. Then it's a matter of moving forward, assessing whether my initial decision is working or not, and making adjustments from there. Very few problems have one set-in-stone answer that will work forever.Ultimately, thinking through problems is a muscle that gets stronger the more I exercise it. The more practice I get, the better I get at analyzing situations from multiple angles, weighing tradeoffs, and coming up with effective solutions that minimize unintended negative consequences.Developing this skill will serve me so well in all areas of life - at school, with friends and family, eventually in my career, and just in day-to-day decisions and curveballs life throws my way. I can't control everything that happens to me, but I can control how I respond. And thanks to the power of thinking, I'm getting better every day at responding with wisdom, self-awareness, and careful consideration.So next time you face something challenging or confusing, don't just throw up your hands in exasperation. Take a deep breath, remove yourself from the intensity of the situation for a bit, and give your amazing brain the space to work through the problem with intention. You may be surprised at the insightsyou'll arrive at and the solutions that will reveal themselves, simply by tapping into your incredible capacity for thinking!篇6The Importance of Thinking in Problem-SolvingHey there! Let me start by saying that problem-solving is a really big deal. Like, it's one of those skills that you'll need your whole life, no matter what you end up doing. And the key to being a good problem-solver? Thinking. Yup, it's that simple (and that complicated!).You see, when you're faced with a problem, it's easy to just react without really thinking it through. Maybe you get frustrated and give up. Maybe you try the first solution that pops into your head, even if it's not the best one. Or maybe you just avoid the problem altogether and hope it goes away (spoiler alert: it won't!).But here's the thing - if you take a step back and really think about the problem, you're much more likely to find a good solution. It's like having a superpower! By using your brain and considering all the angles, you can come up with creative ideas, anticipate potential obstacles, and figure out the best way forward.Now, I know what you're thinking - "Thinking is hard! My brain gets tired just listening to you talk about it." And you're right, it can be tough sometimes. But here's the cool part: the more you practice thinking critically about problems, the easier it gets. It's like exercising a muscle - the more you work it out, the stronger it becomes.So, let me give you an example of how this whole "thinking" thing works in real life. Let's say you're struggling with a really hard math problem. You could just guess at the answer and hope for the best (not recommended), or you could take a step back and think it through.First, you might want to break the problem down into smaller pieces to make it more manageable. Then, you could try to identify any patterns or relationships between the numbers that might give you a clue. If you're still stuck, you could look for similar problems that you've solved before and see if any of those strategies might work here.And don't be afraid to think outside the box! Sometimes the most creative solutions come from considering the problem from a totally different angle. You could try drawing a diagram or using physical objects to represent the problem. Heck, you could even make up a song or a dance about it (hey, whatever works!).The key is to keep an open mind, stay curious, and be willing to try different approaches until you find one that works. And if you get really stuck? Ask for help! Talking through the problem with a friend, parent, or teacher can give you a fresh perspective and might spark some new ideas.But let's not forget the bigger picture here. Thinking critically isn't just useful for math problems - it's a skill that'll serve you well in all areas of life. Whether you're trying to figure out the best way to study for a big test, deciding which after-school activities to join, or navigating a tricky social situation with friends, taking the time to really think things through can make all the difference.And you know what else is cool? The more you practice thinking critically, the more confident you'll become in your ability to tackle tough challenges. You'll start to see problems as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than just obstacles to overcome.So, there you have it - my not-so-humble opinion on the importance of thinking in problem-solving. It might seem like a lot of work upfront, but trust me, it's worth it in the long run. Plus, it's way more fun than just guessing or giving up, right?At the end of the day, we all face problems in life - that's just a fact. But if you can learn to approach them with a thoughtful, critical mindset, you'll be well on your way to becoming a true problem-solving superhero. So, put on your thinking cap and get ready to take on the world, one problem at a time!。
Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742/locate/neucomProblem-solving behavior in a system modelof the primate neocortexAlan H.BondCalifornia Institute of Technology,Mailstop136-93,Pasadena,CA91125,USAAbstractWe show how our previously described system model of the primate neocortex can be extended to allow the modeling of problem-solving behaviors.Speciÿcally,we model di erent cognitive strategies that have been observed for human subjects solving the Tower of Hanoi problem. These strategies can be given a naturally distributed form on the primate neocortex.Further, the goal stacking used in some strategies can be achieved using an episodic memory module corresponding to the hippocampus.We can give explicit falsiÿable predictions for the time sequence of activations of di erent brain areas for each strategy.c 2002Published by Elsevier Science B.V.Keywords:Neocortex;Modular architecture;Perception–action hierarchy;Tower of Hanoi;Problem solving;Episodic memory1.Our system model of the primate neocortexOur model[4–6]consists of a set of processing modules,each representing a corti-cal area.The overall architecture is a perception–action hierarchy.Data stored in each module is represented by logical expressions we call descriptions,processing within each module is represented by sets of rules which are executed in parallel and which construct new descriptions,and communication among modules consists of the trans-mission of descriptions.Modules are executed in parallel on a discrete time scale, corresponding to20ms.During one cycle,all rules are executed once and all inter-module transmission of descriptions occurs.Fig.1depicts our model,as a set of cor-tical modules and as a perception–action hierarchy system diagram.The action of theE-mail address:***************.edu(A.H.Bond).0925-2312/02/$-see front matter c 2002Published by Elsevier Science B.V.PII:S0925-2312(02)00466-6736 A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742Fig.1.Our system model shown in correspondence with the neocortex,and as a perception–action hierarchy.system is to continuously create goals,prioritize goals,and elaborate the highest priority goals into plans,then detailed actions by propagating descriptions down the action hierarchy,resulting in a stream of motor commands.(At the same time,perception of the environment occurs in a ow of descriptions up the perception hierarchy.Perceived descriptions condition plan elaboration,and action descriptions condition perception.) This simple elaboration of stored plans was su cient to allow is to demonstrate simple socially interactive behaviors using a computer realization of our model.A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–7427372.Extending our model to allow solution of the Tower of Hanoi problem2.1.Tower of Hanoi strategiesThe Tower of Hanoi problem is the most studied,and strategies used by human subjects have been captured as production rule systems[9,1].We will consider the two most frequently observed strategies—the perceptual strategy and the goal recursion strategy.In the general case,reported by Anzai and Simon[3],naive subjects start with an initial strategy and learn a sequence of strategies which improve their performance. Our two strategies were observed by Anzai and Simon as part of this learning sequence. Starting from Simon’s formulation[8],we were able to represent these two strategies in our model,as follows:2.2.Working goalsSince goals are created dynamically by the planning activity,we needed to extend our plan module to allow working goals as a description type.This mechanism was much better than trying to use the main goal module.We can limit the number of working goals.This would correspond to using aÿxed size store,corresponding to working memory.The module can thus create working goals and use the current working goals as input to rules.Working goals would be held in dorsal prefrontal areas,either as part of or close to the plan module.Main motivating topgoals are held in the main goal module corresponding to anterior cingulate.2.3.Perceptual tests and mental imageryThe perceptual tests on the external state,i.e.the state of the Tower of Hanoi apparatus,were naturally placed in a separate perception module.This corresponds to Kosslyn’s[7]image store.The main perceptual test needed is to determine whether a proposed move is legal.This involves(a)making a change to a stored perceived representation corresponding to making the proposed move,and(b)making a spatial comparison in this image store to determine whether the disk has been placed on a smaller or a larger one.With these two extensions,we were able to develop a representation of the perceptual strategy,depicted in Fig.2.3.Episodic memory and its use in goal stackingIn order to represent the goal recursion strategy,we need to deal with goal stacking, which is represented by push and pop operations in existing production rule represen-tations.Since we did not believe that a stack with push and pop operations within a module is biologically plausible,we found an equivalent approach using an episodic memory module.738 A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742Fig.2.Representation of the perceptual strategy on our brain model.This module creates associations among whatever inputs it receives at any given time, and it sends these associations as descriptions to be stored in contributing modules. In general,it will create episodic representations from events occurring in extended temporal intervals;however,in the current case we only needed simple association. In the Tower of Hanoi case,the episode was simply taken to be an association between the current working goal and the previous,parent,working goal.We assume that these two working goals are always stored in working memory and are available to the plan module.The parent forms a context for the working goal.The episode description is formed in the episodic memory module and transmitted to the plan module where it is stored.The creation of episodic representations can proceed in parallel with the problem solving process,and it can occur automatically or be requested by the plan module.Rules in the plan module can retrieve episodic descriptions usingA.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742739the current parent working goal,and can replace the current goal with the current parent,and the current parent with its retrieved parent.Thus the working goal context can be popped.This representation is more general than a stack,since any stored episode could be retrieved,including working goals from episodes further in the past. Such e ects have,in fact,been reported by Van Lehn et al.[10]for human subjects. With this additional extension,we were able to develop a representation of the goal recursion strategy,depicted in Fig.3.Descriptions of episodes are of the form con-text(goal(G),goal context(C)).goal(G)being the current working goal and goal context(C)the current parent working goal.Theÿgure shows a slightly more general version,where episodes are stored both in the episodic memory module and the plan module.This allows episodes that have not yet been transferred to the cortex to be used.We are currently working on extending our model to allow the learning a sequence of strategies as observed by Anzai and Simon.This may result in a di erent representation of these strategies,and di erent performance.740 A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742during perceptual analysis during movementP MFig.4.Predictions of brain area activation during Tower of Hanoi solving.4.Falsiÿable predictions of brain area activationFor the two strategies,we can now generate detailed predictions of brain area acti-vation sequences that should be observed during the solution of the Tower of Hanoi ing our computer realization,we can generate detailed predictions of activa-tion levels for each time step.Since there are many adjustable parameters and detailed assumptions in the model,it is di cult toÿnd clearly falsiÿable predictions.However, we can also make a simpliÿed and more practical form of prediction by classifying brain states into four types,shown in Fig.4.Let us call these types of states G,E,P and M,respectively.Then,for example,the predicted temporal sequences of brain state types for3disks are:A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742741For the perceptual strategy:G0;G;E;P;G;E;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;E;M;P;G0:and for the goal recursion strategy:G0;G;E;P;G+;E;P;G+;E;P;E;M;P;G∗;E;P;E;M;P;G∗;E;P;G+;E;P;E;M;P;G∗;E;P;E;M;P;G;E;P;G+;E;P;E;M;P;G∗;E;P;E;M;E;G;E;P;E;M;P;G0: We can generate similar sequences for di erent numbers of disks and di erent strate-gies.The physical moves of disks occur during M steps.The timing is usually about 3:5s per physical move,but the physical move steps probably take longer than the average cognitive step.If a physical move takes1:5s,this would leave about300ms per cognitive step.The perceptual strategy used is an expert strategy where the largest disk is always selected.We assume perfect performance;when wrong moves are made,we need a theory of how mistakes are made,and then predictions can be generated.In the goal recursion strategy,we assume the subject is using perceptual tests for proposed moves, and is not working totally from memory.G indicates the creation of a goal,G+a goal creation and storing an existing goal(push),and G∗the retrieval of a goal(pop). Anderson et al.[2]have shown that pushing a goal takes about2s,although we have taken creation of a goal to not necessarily involve pushing.For us,pushing only occurs when a new goal is created and an existing goal has to be stored.G0is activity relating to the top goal.It should be noted that there is some redundancy in the model,so that,if a mismatch to experiment is found,it would be possible to make some changes to the model to bring it into better correspondence with the data.For example,the assignment of modules to particular brain areas is tentative and may need to be changed.However, there is a limit to the changes that can be made,and mismatches with data could falsify the model in its present form.AcknowledgementsThis work has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation,Informa-tion Technology and Organizations Program managed by Dr.Les Gasser.The author would like to thank Professor Pietro Perona for his support,and Professor Steven Mayo for providing invaluable computer resources.References[1]J.R.Anderson,Rules of the Mind,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Hillsdale,NJ,1993.[2]J.R.Anderson,N.Kushmerick,C.Lebiere,The Tower of Hanoi and Goal structures,in:J.R.Anderson(Ed.),Rules of the Mind,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Hillsdale,New Jersey,1993,pp.121–142.742 A.H.Bond/Neurocomputing44–46(2002)735–742[3]Y.Anzai,H.A.Simon,The theory of learning by doing,Psychol.Rev.86(1979)124–140.[4]A.H.Bond,A computational architecture for social agents,Proceedings of Intelligent Systems:ASemiotic Perspective,An International Multidisciplinary Conference,National Institute of Standards and Technology,Gaithersburg,Maryland,USA,October20–23,1996.[5]A.H.Bond,A system model of the primate neocortex,Neurocomputing26–27(1999)617–623.[6]A.H.Bond,Describing behavioral states using a system model of the primate brain,Am.J.Primatol.49(1999)315–388.[7]S.Kosslyn,Image and Brain,MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,1994.[8]H.A.Simon,The functional equivalence of problem solving skills,Cognitive Psychol.7(1975)268–288.[9]K.VanLehn,Rule acquisition events in the discovery of problem-solving strategies,Cognitive Sci.15(1991)1–47.[10]K.VanLehn,W.Ball,B.Kowalski,Non-LIFO execution of cognitive procedures,Cognitive Sci.13(1989)415–465.Alan H.Bond was born in England and received a in theoretical physics in1966from Imperial College of Science and Technology,University of London.During the period1969–1984,he was on the faculty of the Computer Science Department at Queen Mary College,London University,where he founded and directed the Artiÿcial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory.Since1996,he has been a Senior Scientist and Lecturer at California Institute of Technology.His main research interest concerns the system modeling of the primate brain.。
Waters2695 Trouble Shooting Guide
Waters CorporationWaters 2690/5 USER& TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEContents2690/5 TheorySetup procedures. Troubleshooting the 2690/5 User maintenance of the 2690/5Spare Parts2690/5 Theory2690/5 Solvent Management Flow Path2690/5 TheoryThe solvent management system components work together to deliver solvent in the following sequence.1. The accumulator plunger (left plunger) moves forward delivering solvent,while the primary plunger (right plunger) moves backwards filling withsolvent.2. While the accumulator continues to deliver solvent, the primary plungerwaits. The primary pressure transducer then measures the pressure and matches it to the systempressure by moving the primary plunger forward, pre-compressing the solvent.3.When the accumulator plunger reaches the end of its stroke, it slows down and reverses direction.Simultaneously, the primary plunger moves forward delivering solvent.4.While the accumulator plunger moves backwards, the primary plunger moves forward slightlyfaster which allows the primary plunger stroke to both fill the accumulator piston chamber and to deliver solvent to the rest of the systemThis sequence enables the solvent management system to maintain a consistent and pulse-free manner.2690/5 Sample Management System Theory2690/5 Injection CycleThe injection cycle is completed in three steps.1.Isolation of the loop.Valve 1 closes.Needle wash pump turns on.Valve 4 opens.Needle moves into the bottom seal.Valve 3,2 open venting the loop to atmospheric pressure.2.Sample withdrawal.Valve 3 closesNeedle wash pump turns off. Valve 4 closes.Needle moves into the vial.Syringe moves withdrawing sample.Needle moves to the bottom seal.3.Sample injection.Valve 3 opens. Valve 2 closes.Needle moves into the stream.Valve 1 opens. Sample is injected.Syringe moves home. Valve 3 closes2690/5 Sample Management System Purge & Compression Check The purge cycle consists of three parts.1.Purge: Fills the sample loop with new composition of mobile phase replacing theprevious mobile phase and any air bubbles.2.Flush syringe: Fills the syringe with new composition of mobile phase replacing theprevious mobile phase and any air bubbles.pression check: The mobile phase in the injector assembly is compressed to checkfor leaks, the presence of air bubbles and undegassed mobile phase.Priming a New or Dry system using undegassed solvents1.Fill the solvent bottles with Mobile Phase.2. From the Status Page turn the degasser on. *3. Perform a dry prime until solvent flows from each of the four lines.4. Starting with the organic solvent, perform a 3 minute Wet Prime on each line separately at a flowrate of 7.5 mL/min **5. Once all lines are primed, set the flow rate to 0mL/min with the degasser on for 2 minutes.6. Start the flow with the initial conditions of your chromatographic method. Equilibrate with 10column volumes of solvent.7. Check the Pressure Ripple on page two of the Status Page. The ripple should be less than 2% ofthe system pressure. (For system pressures above 1000psi, repeat Wet Prime if the ripple is toohigh)8. After the column is equilibrated, Purge the autosampler. (initial conditions)9. Run samples.Priming an idle system using existing mobile phase1.From the Status Page turn the degasser on.*2. For each line that will be used, starting with the organic solvent, perform a 1.0 minute Wet Primeat a flow rate of 7.5 mL/min. **3. Once all lines are primed, set flow rate to 0mL/min with degasser on for 2 minutes.4. Start the flow with the initial conditions of your chromatographic method. Equilibrate with 10column volumes of solvent.5.Check the Pressure Ripple on page two of the Status Page. The ripple should be less than 2% ofthe system pressure. (for system pressures above 1000psi, repeat Wet Prime if the ripple is toohigh)6.After the column is equilibrated, Purge the autosampler. (initial conditions)7.Run Samples.Priming an idle system changing the mobile phase1.Fill all of the solvent bottles with mobile phase.2.For each line that will be used, starting with the organic solvent, perform a 3 minute Wet Prime ata flow rate of 7.5 mL/min. **3.Once all of the lines are primed, set the flow rate to 0 mL/min with the degasser on for 2 minutes.4.Start the flow with the initial conditions of your chromatographic method. Equilibrate with 10column volumes of solvent.5.Check the Pressure Ripple on page two of the Status Page. The ripple should be less than 2% ofthe system pressure. (for system pressures above 1000psi, repeat wet prime if the pressure is toohigh)6.After the column is equilibrated, Purge the autosampler. (initial conditions)7.Run Samples.Replacing the Needle Wash Frit (as needed or 6 months) Remove all carousels and power off the 2690/5. Reach into the sample compartment and unscrew the lower frit retainer which located under the injector assembly. Remove the frit with a small diameter pick and discard. Wet the replacement frit with methanol and seat it completely within the retainer. Reinstall the lower retainer using a clockwise motion. Screw the retainer in by hand until it is firmly seated.* The degasser should never be left on with no flow for long periods of time. (i.e. overnight)** Caution: To avoid precipitating salts in the Separations Module use an intermediate solvent such as water when you change from buffers to high-organic content solvents.The volume of each solvent line including the vacuum degasser chamber is 7 .5 mL. This volume must be considered when priming the system and changing to a different mobile phase.The degasser can be turned off, the flow rate stopped and the lamp turned off (if controlling the detector through the Alliance) in a Shutdown Method.SETUP PROCEDURESPriming the Seal Wash Pump (when needed)1.Press the Diag screen key in the Main screen. The Diagnostic screen appears.2.Attach the syringe adapter (from the Startup Kit) to the syringe.3.Remove the solvent filter from the plunger seal wash inlet line or remove the plunger seal washwaste line from the waste container. (Either pushing solvent through it or drawing solvent through it can be used to prime the plunger seal wash pump.)4.Fill the syringe with the plunger seal wash solvent* and attach the syringe adapter to the end of theplunger seal wash line or attach the syringe to the end of the plunger seal wash waste line.5.Press the Prime Sealwash Screen key and then press the Start screen key. The plunger seal washprocedure begins. Push on the syringe to push seal wash solution through the system or draw onthe syringe to pull solvent through the plunger seal wash pump.6.When solvent flows out of the plunger seal wash line or into the syringe (the pump will run quieterwhen it is primed) press the Halt screen key.7.Reinstall the solvent filter and place the seal wash inlet line back into the plunger seal washreservoir or place the plunger seal wash waste line back into the waste container. To finish thepriming push the Start screen key again.8.Press Close to return to the diagnostics screen.* Choose a Seal Wash solution that has high solubility with salts and/or buffers used in the mobile phase. (Usually a solution of 80-90% aqueous, 20-10% methanol.)Priming the Needle Wash Pump (daily or weekly)1.Make sure Needle Wash line (Green Line) is in its appropriate bottle.2.Press the Diag screen key in the Main screen. The Diagnostics screen appears.3.Press the Prime NdlWsh screen key. The 30-second needle wash procedure begins. If solventdoes not flow out of the waste line (the yellow line) press the Start Again screen key.* Choose a Needle Wash solution that your sample is soluble in. Buffered solutions or a mobile phase modifier such as TFA are not recommended. If these solutions are necessary they must be flushed from the instrument.TROUBLE SHOOTING THE 2690/52690/5 System Error MessagesMESSAGE ACTION STEPSAccumulator over pressure Locate restriction... guard column / column / inline filter /blocked tubing.Bubble found on intake Wet prime and allow system to sit at zero flow with thedegasser in continuous mode for approx. 10 min. prior tostarting the run. If the flow rate is greater than 1 mL/min.install extended flow inlet tube.Carousel malfunction Cycle power. If message persists call Waters ServiceRepresentative.Carousel Z axis malfunction Cycle power. If message persists call Waters ServiceRepresentative.Compression check failed Solvent not degassed properly. Check for bubble on syringeplunger. Test seal pack and valve 3. Perform appropriatemaintenance.Degasser pressure fault Replace faulty degasser chamber or vacuum pump. CallWaters Service Representative.Lost prime Solvent not degassed properly. Change check valves. If theflow rate is greater than 1 ml/min. install extended flow inlettube.Missing vial The missing vial should be placed in the correct location in thetray.Disable the vial sensor [Main>>Config>>Highlight] “Verifyvial presence" press clear.Call Waters Service Representative.Needle malfunction Check needle wash reservoir. Prime needle wash. Cyclepower. If message persists call Waters ServiceRepresentative.Plunger homing fault Cycle power. Change inline filter. If message persists callWaters Service Representative.Primary transducer range (volts) Call Waters Service Representative.SampleTROUBLE SHOOTING THE 2690/52690/5 System Error MessagesMESSAGE ACTION STEPSSolvent delivery h/w fault Cycle power. If message persists call Waters ServiceRepresentative.Solvent delivery motor lost sync Cycle power. Change inline filter. If message persists callWaters Service Representative.Syringe Movement malfunction Cycle power. If message persists call Waters ServiceRepresentative.System over pressure Locate restriction... guard column / column / inline filter /blocked tubing.System under pressure Connect column. Locate leak. 50 psi is needed to run thesystem.Chromatographic ErrorsSYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTI0N Erratic retention times Air bubble Wet prime the unit. Degas allsolvents.Malfunctioning check valves Clean/ replace check valves.Solvent leak Check all fittings. Replace seals.Chemistry Check mobile phase, column,Gradient Proportioning Valve.Clogged solvent filters Replace filters.Temperature Use column oven.Increased retention times Incorrect flow rate Malfunctioning check valve.Solvent leak.Incorrect Mobile Phase Change solvent.Column Contaminated. Clean/ replace the column.Chromatographic ErrorsSYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTI0N Reduced retention times Incorrect flow rate Change flow rate.Incorrect solvent composition Change composition. Checkgradient proportioning valve.High column temp. Change column temp.Column contamination Clean/ replace column.Solvent not degassed Degas solvent.Reproducibility errors Solvent not degassed Degas solvent.Air in syringe Purge solvent management system.Incompatible vial septa Switch to approved vial and septa.Sample management Contact Waters Servicesystem Representative.Baseline drift Column not equilibrated Equilibrate column.Detector not equilibrated Allow detector to warm up. Timewill vary with wavelength andsensitivity.Solvent contaminated Use fresh solvent.Solvent not properly degassed Degas solvent.Flow/ Pressure fluctuations Prime system. Replace checkvalves, pump seals.Temperature fluctuations Stabilize operating environment.Leaking flow cell Repair leak.Dirty flow cell Clean flow cell.Baseline noise Flow fluctuations Malfunctioning check valve. Leaks,Seals, fittings.Radio frequency noise Eliminate interference.Air in detector Purge detector.Solvent not degassed Degas solvent.Chromatographic ErrorsSYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTI0N Baseline noise Solvents contaminated Use fresh solvents.Column contaminated Clean/ replace column.Dirty flow cell Clean flow cell.Electronic Call Waters ServiceRepresentative.Sensitivity loss Solvent leak Check all fittingsDegraded, contaminated, or Use fresh sample.improperly prepared sample.Column contaminated Clean/ replace column.Loss of column efficiency Clean/ replace column.Leak in flow cell Repair leak.Change in mobile phase Correct mobile phase. (i.e. pH orionic composition)Contaminated solvents Use fresh mobile phase.Dirty flow cell Clean flow cell.Old Lamp Replace lampSplit peaks Needle wash solvent Prime needle wash solvent.Solvent not appropriate forsamples.Column Clean/ Replace column.User maintenance of the 2690/5The power on the 2690/5 should be cycled once a week to perform self-diagnostic and calibration routine.Replacing an Inlet Check Valve Cartridge1.From the Menu screen select [ Diagnostics > Other Tests>Turn GPV off].2.Remove the compression fitting from the check valve housing using a 5/16” a ½” wrench to remove the check valve housing from the manifold.4.Tip the check valve housing upside down to remove the old check valve cartridge.5.Insert the new check valve cartridge into the check valve housing with the arrow or the two holesfacing a ½” wrench to reinstall the check valve housing to the manifold. (do not over-tighten )ing a 5/16” wrench reconnect the compression tubing to the check valve housing. (to preventover-tightening of the check valve housing, use a ½’’ wrench to prevent the housing from moving)8.Exit out of diagnostics.9.Prime and degas the system.NOTE: Check valve cartridges may be cleaned. Sonicate check valve cartridges in water for 15 minutes and in an appropriate organic solvent for an additional 15 minutes.User maintenance of the 2690/5Replacing the In-Line Filter1. Use a 5/8” wrench and a 5/16” wrench to separate the compression screw on the left side of the in-line filter from the in-line filter inlet housing.2. Use a 5/8” wrench to hold the filter outlet housing while you loosen the inlet housing with another 5/8” wrench.3. Tip the housing upside down to remove the in-line filter element.4. Insert the replacement in-line filter element.5. Reconnect the in-line filter inlet and outlet housing using two 5/8” wrenches.6. Reconnect the compression screw into the inlet housing.7. Inspect connections for leaks.ATTENTION: The in-line filter insert should be replaced every 6 months or whenever a significant increase in back pressure is seen on the system transducer.User maintenance of the 2690/5Replacing Plunger Seals and Face SealsPlunger Seal Replacement1.Press the Diagnostic screen from the Main screen.2.Press the Other Test screen key in the Diagnostics screen.3.Select Head Removal and Replacement from the list.4.Follow the directions that appear in the Head Removal and Replacement screen.5.Remove the plunger seal using the Seal removal tool (P/N WAT039803).6.Wet the seals and the seal opening with methanol.7.Insert the plunger seal using the seal insertion tool (P/N WAT270969).Face Seal Replacement1. Follow directions 1-4 from the plunger seal replacement directions.2.Remove face seals using plastic tweezers.3.Wet the seals and the seal opening with methanol.4.Replace the face seals in the seal openings using a clean flat object.5.Follow the directions that appear in the Head Removal and Replacement screen.6.Prime the system and allow 10 minutes to degas the mobile phase before running the system. NOTE: Plunger seals and face seals should be replaced at the same time.ATTENTION: To avoid damage to the sealing surfaces do not use sharp tools.2690/5 SPARE PARTS Description Part Number2500 µL Syringe WAT077342 250 µL Syringe WAT07310925 µL Syringe WAT077343 Plunger Seals (kit) WAT270938 Face Seals (kit) WAT270939 Check Valve Cartridge (2) WAT270941 High Flow Inlet Tubing WAT2709682 mL Loop WAT096106 200 µL Loop WAT045584 Vials with Preslit Septa 186000307 Total Recovery Vials with Preslit Septa 186000385In-Line Filter Insert WAT088084 Needle Wash Frit (5) 700001318 PerformancePLUS Needle 700001326 Optional Solvent Tray 205000329 Alliance Interactive System Support CD 715000116。
Failure Message and Troubleshooting
Short Failure
Shorts fail message
Shorts Report for "shorts". Fri Jun 29 08:27:28 2001 bnj1_p2 ---------------------------------------Short #1, Thresh 8, Delay 50us Ohms From: _TXD 20905 4 ctp577.1 Two nodes fail ic3.1 ic11.13 To: _N_75779 204107 4 ctp332.1 ic11.12 Common Common Devices: Device ic11 Total of 2 nodes, Message is: None. ------End, 1 Problem Reported----------bnj1_p2 OEM_SN: 01Y906011240 Sorry, this CARD HAS FAILED ICT
Analog Failure
Analog fail message
---------------------------------------3070 Board bnk1 Thu Jun 07 16:56:18 2001 ---------------------------------------c209 HAS FAILED WP-90006L70 x-1.52 y2.87 B Measured: 31.665p Nominal: 27.000p High Limit: 31.066p Low Limit: 22.707p Capacitance in FARADS ---------------------------------------Failed r29 HAS FAILED high limit WP-92864L1 x-3.41 y5.32 B Measured: 750.79k Nominal: 866.00 High Limit: 942.90 Low Limit: 832.31 Resistance in OHMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3070 Board bnk1 Thu Jun 07 16:56:45 2001 ---------------------------------------OEM_SN: 01Y906020003 Sorry, this CARD HAS FAILED ICT
关于解决问题的英语作文八年级下册第四单元全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Tackling Problems: The Key to Unlocking SuccessHave you ever found yourself stuck on a tricky math problem or struggling to understand a difficult concept in class? Don't worry, we've all been there! Solving problems is a part of life, and the way we approach and tackle these challenges can make a big difference in our success.As an 8th grader, I've learned that problems come in all shapes and sizes, from simple arithmetic equations to complex social situations with friends or family. However, one thing remains constant: the approach we take to solve these problems can either lead us to a satisfying solution or leave us feeling frustrated and stuck.One of the most important lessons I've learned about problem-solving is the importance of breaking things down into smaller, more manageable steps. When faced with a daunting task or a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and want to give up. However, by breaking theproblem down into smaller pieces, we can tackle each part one by one, making the overall challenge feel much more approachable.For example, when I was struggling with a particularly tricky algebra equation, my teacher suggested that I break it down into individual steps. By focusing on one step at a time and not getting bogged down by the entire equation, I was able to work through the problem methodically and eventually arrive at the correct solution. This approach not only helped me solve the problem but also allowed me to better understand the underlying concepts and principles.Another key aspect of effective problem-solving is having a positive mindset and a willingness to persevere. It's easy to get discouraged when faced with a difficult challenge, but it's important to remember that every problem has a solution, even if it's not immediately apparent. By maintaining a positive attitude and refusing to give up, we increase our chances of finding that elusive solution.I remember when our class was tasked with building a model bridge out of popsicle sticks and glue for a science project. My initial design kept collapsing under the weight of the books we were using to test its strength. Instead of getting frustrated andgiving up, I took a step back, analyzed where my design was failing, and tried a different approach. After several iterations and a lot of perseverance, I finally created a bridge that could support the weight of the books and earned top marks for the project.In addition to breaking things down and maintaining a positive mindset, it's also important to seek help when needed. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can't solve a problem on our own. That's when it becomes crucial to reach out to others – teachers, parents, classmates, or even online resources –for guidance and support.Last year, I was struggling with a particularly challenging writing assignment, and no matter how many times I rewrote my essay, I couldn't seem to get it right. Instead of continuing to bang my head against the wall, I reached out to my English teacher for help. She provided me with valuable feedback and suggestions, and with her guidance, I was able to refine my essay and produce a piece of writing I was truly proud of.Problem-solving is a skill that extends far beyond the classroom and into every aspect of our lives. Whether we're navigating a disagreement with a friend, figuring out how to manage our time more effectively, or trying to decide whatextracurricular activities to pursue, the ability to approach challenges with a level head and a willingness to find solutions is invaluable.As I move on to high school and beyond, I know that the problem-solving skills I've developed in middle school will serve me well. The challenges may become more complex and the stakes higher, but the principles of breaking things down, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking help when needed will remain the same.In a world that is constantly changing and presenting us with new obstacles to overcome, the ability to solve problems is a superpower. By embracing these skills and continually honing them, we can unlock a world of possibilities and set ourselves up for success in whatever endeavors we pursue.So, the next time you're faced with a tricky problem, remember: take a deep breath, break it down, stay positive, and don't be afraid to ask for help. With determination and perseverance, there's no challenge too great to overcome.篇2Solving Problems - The Key to SuccessHi there! My name is Emily and I'm an 8th grader. Today, I want to talk to you about something that's super important in life - solving problems. You see, no matter who you are or what you do, problems are always going to come up. That's just a fact of life. But it's how you deal with those problems that really matters.I'll be honest, I used to get really frustrated and upset whenever I faced a problem. Whether it was a tough math equation I couldn't figure out or a disagreement with a friend, I would just shut down and give up. But then I realized that wasn't getting me anywhere. In fact, it was only making things worse!That's when I decided to change my mindset and start looking at problems as opportunities instead of obstacles. You see, every problem we face is a chance to learn and grow. It's a chance to develop new skills and come up with creative solutions. And when you solve a problem, you get this amazing feeling of accomplishment and confidence that you can take on whatever life throws your way.One of the most important things I've learned about solving problems is that it's okay to ask for help. In fact, it's often necessary! None of us have all the answers, and that's perfectly fine. Asking for help from a teacher, a parent, or even a friendcan give you a fresh perspective and new ideas that you might not have thought of on your own.Another key to solving problems is to break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Sometimes, a problem can seem so big and overwhelming that you don't even know where to start. But if you take it one step at a time, and focus on solving one piece at a time, it becomes much less daunting.It's also important to be open-minded and flexible when it comes to solving problems. Sometimes, the first solution you try doesn't work out, and that's okay! Don't get discouraged; just take a step back, reevaluate, and try a different approach. Being willing to adapt and think outside the box is crucial.And finally, don't forget to celebrate your successes along the way! Solving problems, no matter how big or small, is something to be proud of. Give yourself a pat on the back, and use that feeling of accomplishment to fuel your motivation for tackling the next challenge that comes your way.I know that solving problems can be tough, but it's such an important life skill. It's something that will benefit you in school, in your future career, and in your personal life. So don't be afraid of problems – embrace them! See them as opportunities to growand learn, and develop the resilience and problem-solving skills that will help you succeed in whatever you do.Who knows, maybe one day you'll solve a problem that changes the world! But even if you don't, the ability to tackle challenges head-on and find solutions will make you a stronger, more confident person. And that's something to be truly proud of.So keep working hard, keep asking questions, and keep an open mind. With the right mindset and some perseverance, there's no problem you can't solve!篇3Title: Facing Challenges Head-On: A Young Problem-Solver's JourneyHi there! My name is Emily, and I'm an eighth-grader at Oakwood Middle School. Today, I'd like to share with you my thoughts and experiences on solving problems. Now, I know what you might be thinking – "Solving problems? That sounds like a boring topic for a kid!" But trust me, it's anything but boring!You see, life is full of challenges, big and small. Whether it's struggling with a tricky math equation, navigating a conflict with a friend, or trying to figure out how to earn enough money for that new video game you've been eyeing, problems are everywhere. And let me tell you, learning how to tackle them is one of the most valuable skills you can have.I'll be honest, I haven't always been the best problem-solver. In fact, when I was younger, I used to get really frustrated when faced with a challenge. I'd throw tantrums, cry, or just give up altogether. But over time, I've learned that problems are like puzzles waiting to be solved, and with the right mindset and strategies, you can conquer them one by one.One of the most important things I've learned is the power of a positive attitude. It's so easy to get discouraged when you're stuck on a problem, but that's exactly when you need to dig deep and stay positive. I like to remind myself that every problem has a solution, and with enough effort and determination, I can find it.Another key strategy is breaking down big problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. When I'm faced with a complex challenge, I try to identify the different parts or steps involved. Then, I tackle each piece one at a time, rather thantrying to solve the whole thing at once. It's like climbing a mountain – you wouldn't try to reach the summit in a single leap, would you? You'd take it one step at a time, and before you know it, you've reached the top!One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the importance of perseverance. Not every problem will be solved on the first try, and that's okay. What matters is that you don't give up. When I'm feeling stuck, I take a break, recharge, and come back to the problem with fresh eyes. Sometimes, the solution comes to me in the most unexpected moments – like in the middle of a math class or while I'm brushing my teeth!And you know what? That's okay. In fact, it's more than okay – it's amazing! Because every time you face a challenge and find a solution, you're growing stronger, smarter, and more resilient. You're building the skills and confidence you'll need to tackle even bigger problems down the road.So, my fellow problem-solvers, embrace the challenges that come your way. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and never, ever give up. Remember, every problem is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become a篇4Solving Problems: The Key to SuccessHave you ever felt completely stuck on a difficult math problem or assignment? Maybe you spent hours racking your brain, feeling frustrated and ready to give up. I know I have –more times than I can count! But I've learned that giving up isn't the answer. The key is developing strong problem-solving skills.Problem-solving is such an important ability for students like us to build. It helps us work through those really tough assignments and challenges we face in school every day. But it's about more than just academics. Effective problem-solving can help us in all areas of life – now while we're kids, and also as we grow older.So what does it really mean to be a good problem-solver? Basically, it refers to the process of working through the details of an issue in a logical, step-by-step way to arrive at the best solution. It involves being able to analyze a situation, identify the obstacles, think creatively about ways to overcome them, and then take action.Understand the problem inside and out. This is the critical first step. Before you can solve something, you need to make sure you fully grasp the issue at hand. What, exactly, is theproblem you're trying to solve? Break it down into specific details and absorb all the key facts and figures involved.Think outside the box. Once you understand the problem, it's time to get those creative juices flowing! Don't just go with the first solution that pops into your head. Brainstorm as many possibilities as you can and explore them from different angles. The more approaches you consider, the better your final solution is likely to be.Make a plan. After you've generated a bunch of ideas, start to narrow it down. Which potential solutions seem most promising? Put together a step-by-step plan for carrying out your chosen approach. Writing it out can help organize your thoughts.Try it out and adjust as needed. With a solid plan in place, it's time take action and put it into motion. But stay flexible! If you run into roadblocks or find that your initial idea isn't quite working, don't get frustrated. Analyze what needs to change, make revisions to your plan, and try a new tactic.Persist and don't give up. Here's the thing aboutproblem-solving: It rarely happens in one fell swoop. It's an ongoing process of testing, observing, reworking, and trying new strategies. Expect challenges and hurdles along the way.Preserve and keep pushing forward. Your persistence will pay off!Those are some key tips, but problem-solving also involves other skills like gathering information, time management, evaluating different perspectives, and communicating effectively. The more we practice tackling problems with this strategic approach, the better we'll become.Why does it matter so much? Well, pretty much every single day involves solving problems in one way or another – whether it's a tricky homework assignment, choosing between conflicting schedules, or dealing with challenges involving friends or family. Students who have strong problem-solving abilities will be better equipped to work through difficulties, overcome obstacles, and achieve success.But it's about so much more than just academic performance. The ability to analyze situations and devise effective solutions is a tremendously valuable skill in the real world after school. Solving problems will help us tackle workplace challenges once we start our adult careers. It will help us navigate important life decisions like buying a home or budgeting money. Every single person faces problems on a daily basis, so this is certainly an ability that will serve us well throughout our entire lives!While I still have so much more to learn, improving my problem-solving skills is one of my biggest priorities. I find it incredibly satisfying to work through a complicated issue, consider creative ideas, and discover an effective solution. That sense of accomplishment pushes me to keep developing these crucial abilities.We're living in an extraordinarily complex world with no shortage of challenges. Those who lack problem-solving skills will easily become overwhelmed and struggle to make headway. But those of us who take the time to methodically analyze problems and implement strategic solutions will be able to overcome any obstacle. With dedication, we can all become expert problem-solvers ready to achieve our biggest goals!篇5Solving Problems: A Skill for LifeHey there! I'm an 8th grader, and let me tell you, life is full of problems. Big ones, small ones, problems at school, at home, with friends - you name it. But you know what? Learning how to solve problems is one of the most important skills you can have.Let me give you an example. Just last week, I had this huge math test coming up. I studied really hard, but there were a fewconcepts I just couldn't wrap my head around. Instead of freaking out, I decided to break the problem down into smaller pieces. I made a list of everything I didn't understand, and then I went through each item one by one. For the stuff I still couldn't figure out, I asked my teacher for extra help after class.You know what happened? I got an A on that test! Breaking down the big problem into smaller, manageable steps made it much easier to tackle. That's often the key to solving problems - don't get overwhelmed by the whole thing. Take it step-by-step, and you'll get there.Another example? Let's talk about problems with friends. We all have disagreements sometimes, right? Maybe your best friend did something that really hurt your feelings. Instead of blowing up and causing a huge fight, I've learned it's better to stay calm and have an open conversation. Explain how you feel using "I" statements, like "I felt really upset when you did that." Listen to their side too. More often than not, it was just a misunderstanding that can be cleared up through good communication.Solving problems isn't just about the big, obvious ones either. It's a mindset you can apply to all sorts of everyday situations. Let's say you're running late for soccer practice.Instead of just being late (and getting in trouble), you can problem-solve your way there faster. Maybe you can take a shortcut, or call your parents for a ride. If all else fails, at least you can tell your coach you tried your best to get there on time.You know what else is key when it comes to solving problems? Not getting discouraged. Sometimes, your first attempt at a solution won't work. That's okay! The important thing is that you learn from it and try a different approach. My dad always says, "If you can't go over a problem, you've got to go around it." There's usually more than one way to solve something.I'll give you another example from my life. Last year, I was struggling in my English class. I worked really hard, but I just couldn't seem to raise my grade. Instead of giving up, I got creative. I started meeting with a tutor once a week, made flashcards to practice vocabulary, and asked my teacher for extra credit opportunities. Slowly but surely, my grades improved. It took persistence and trying different solutions, but I solved that problem!Honestly, learning problem-solving skills has helped me so much, not just in school, but in life in general. I feel much more confident about facing challenges and overcoming obstacles.You're going to encounter so many problems as you go through life - it's inevitable. But if you've got problem-solving skills in your toolbelt, you'll be prepared to take them on.So what are some tips for becoming a masterproblem-solver? First, learn to stay calm instead of getting anxiety. Take a few deep breaths and approach the issue logically. Next, identify the problem clearly. What exactly is the obstacle you're trying to overcome? Once you've got that figured out, start brainstorming possible solutions. Write them all down, even the silly ones! You never know where your next great idea will come from.Then, you can start evaluating your options. What are the pros and cons of each potential solution? Which one seems the most promising? Pick one and give it a shot. Like I said before, if it doesn't work, don't get discouraged. Just go back to the drawing board and try a different approach. Oh, and don't be afraid to ask others for help or advice, especially trusted friends, family members, or teachers. Two heads are better than one when it comes to problem-solving!Over time, solving lots of problems will become a habit. You'll be a pro before you know it! Just remember to stick with it, even when the going gets tough. Every problem you overcomewill make you stronger and better prepared for the next challenge life throws your way.Well, I could probably go on and on about the importance of problem-solving skills, but I'll wrap it up there. Just keep in mind that problems are inevitable, but they're not unsolvable. With some creative thinking, determination, and willingness to adapt, you can overcome anything. Trust me, learning how to problem-solve now will pay off huge for the rest of your life!篇6Problem-Solving: A Key to SuccessHave you ever faced a situation where you feel stuck and don't know what to do? Well, you're not alone! All of us encounter problems in our daily lives, whether it's a challenging math problem, a disagreement with a friend, or a chore we don't want to do. The good news is that we can learn to solve these problems effectively by developing our problem-solving skills.What is problem-solving, you might ask? It's the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. It involves identifying the problem, analyzing the situation, generating possible solutions, evaluating those solutions, and thenimplementing the best one. Sounds complicated, right? Don't worry; I'll break it down for you.The first step in problem-solving is to identify the problem clearly. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the emotions or frustrations of a situation that we don't see the real problem. For example, if you're having trouble with a math assignment, the problem might not be that you're bad at math; it could be that you don't understand a particular concept or method.Once you've identified the problem, it's time to analyze the situation. This means gathering as much information as possible about the problem and trying to understand it from different perspectives. You might ask yourself questions like, "What factors are contributing to this problem?" or "How have others solved similar problems in the past?"Next, you'll need to generate possible solutions. This is where your creativity comes into play! Brainstorming is a great way to come up with ideas. Don't hold back; write down every idea that comes to mind, no matter how silly or far-fetched it might seem. You never know which idea might lead to the perfect solution.After you've come up with a list of potential solutions, it's time to evaluate them. Consider the pros and cons of eachsolution, and think about how feasible and effective each one might be. You might even want to consult with others, like your parents or teachers, to get their input.Finally, once you've chosen the best solution, it's time to implement it. This might involve creating a plan of action, gathering the necessary resources, and taking the necessary steps to carry out the solution. Don't be discouraged if the solution doesn't work perfectly the first time; problem-solving is often an iterative process, and you may need to adjust or try a different solution.Now, let me give you a real-life example of how I used problem-solving skills to overcome a challenge. Last year, I was having a hard time getting along with one of my classmates. We were constantly arguing and bickering, and it was making it difficult for us to work together on group projects.First, I identified the problem: We had a conflict that was causing tension and disrupting our ability to collaborate effectively.Next, I analyzed the situation. I realized that part of the problem was that we had very different personalities and communication styles. I tend to be more outgoing and talkative, while my classmate is more reserved and quiet.Then, I brainstormed possible solutions. Some of my ideas included:Talking to my classmate and trying to understand their perspective better.Asking our teacher to assign us to different groups.Finding common interests or activities we both enjoyed, to help us bond.Practicing active listening and trying to be more patient and understanding.After evaluating the pros and cons of each solution, I decided to try option 4: practicing active listening and being more patient and understanding. I made an effort to listen to my classmate's ideas without interrupting and to be more considerate of their personality and communication style.It wasn't easy at first, but over time, we started to get along better. We learned to compromise and respect each other's differences. By the end of the year, we had become good friends and worked together effectively on group projects.Problem-solving is a skill that can be applied to almost every aspect of life. Whether you're dealing with a conflict, facing a challenge, or trying to achieve a goal, developing yourproblem-solving abilities can help you navigate through life's obstacles and come out on top.Remember, the key to successful problem-solving is to approach each situation with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek advice from others. And most importantly, don't give up! With practice and perseverance, you'll become a master problem-solver, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.So, the next time you're faced with a problem, take a deep breath and embrace it as an opportunity to grow and develop your problem-solving skills. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself with the creative and innovative solutions you come up with!。
问题导向教学法英文Problem-Based LearningProblem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach that challenges students to "learn to learn" by working collaboratively to investigate and resolve complex real-world problems. Rather than simply memorizing facts and figures, students engage in an active, student-centered learning process. PBL prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources.The core of PBL is the problem itself. The problem drives the learning, and students determine what they need to learn in order to solve the problem. Typically, the problem is presented first, before any instruction has occurred. Students work in small collaborative groups to define the problem, identify relevant facts, generate hypotheses, identify learning issues, and develop a plan of action. Instructors serve as facilitators, providing guidance and support when necessary.The PBL process typically involves the following steps:1. Encounter the problem: Students are presented with a complex,real-world problem that does not have a single, clear-cut solution.2. Define the problem: Students work in small groups to define the problem, identify the key issues, and develop a plan of action.3. Gather information: Students research the problem, consult with experts, and gather relevant information from various sources.4. Develop a solution: Students analyze the information they have gathered, generate possible solutions, and select the most promising approach.5. Present the solution: Students present their proposed solution to the class or to a panel of experts.6. Reflect and evaluate: Students reflect on the learning process, evaluate the effectiveness of their solution, and identify areas for improvement.The benefits of PBL are numerous. By engaging in the process of problem-solving, students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, as well as a range of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They learn to work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and become self-directed learners. PBL also helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice, as students apply theirknowledge to real-world situations.However, PBL is not without its challenges. Implementing PBL effectively requires a significant shift in the traditional teacher-centered model of instruction. Instructors must be willing to relinquish some control and act as facilitators rather than lecturers. Students may also initially struggle with the open-ended nature of PBL, as they are accustomed to more structured, teacher-directed learning environments.Despite these challenges, PBL has been widely adopted in a variety of educational settings, from K-12 classrooms to medical schools and graduate programs. As the demand for critical thinking and problem-solving skills continues to grow, PBL is becoming an increasingly important component of modern education.In conclusion, problem-based learning is a powerful instructional approach that promotes active, student-centered learning and the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By engaging students in the process of investigating and resolving complex real-world problems, PBL prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century.。
HSS-HLR integration Procedure
Features need to be activated iN hlr-FE
• ESM Interacting with AuC
Licenses: CXC 401 0989/21 This status license enables the handling of Interacting with AuC feature in ESM. With this feature, the attribute HSSEsmAuthenticationVectorSupplier can be set to ‘HLR’.
Features need to be activated in hss-fe/hss
• MAP Based Notification Procedure in monolithic HSS-HLR
Features need to be activated in hss-fe/hss
• External Database Netween FEs
!Different from monolithic HLR, we use SPXA and SPXB IP address in HLR-FE vlan BC-SIG for Sctp LAYER Local IP address.!
*软件指制度面Wn-Sn 展开表(O )S3-1订立补偿准则 (O )S3-2求出最适去膜压力(△)S4-1护岸剂评估(O)S4-2蚀刻滚轮设计更改 (O)S4-3卷式蚀刻设备建立 (O)S4-4定期校正曝光能量 (O)S4-5评估较薄干膜(O)S4-6定期校正压膜温度(O)S5-1玻璃底片评估 (O)S5-2保湿工具运送底片 (O)S5-3保持无尘室温湿均一 (O)S5-4最适plotter 评估 (O)S5-5最适曝光机评估(O)S5-6前处理,压膜条件最适化 (×)S5-7垂直蚀刻机 (△)S5-8延长喷嘴研究此题过大,应针对W1“蚀刻制程能力不够”以“现有哪些能力不足”为层别作初步的分析。
初步分析展开后(亦及W2),若依L/F 产品特性而言,“E/F 不足”是较重要的课题,所以应拟订“E/F 不足”为Wn 分析的对象(追根问题点),较为恰当。
(详见下图)Wn 展开表Wn(WHYn)分析(问题分析)做法﹕针对所拟定Wn分析的对象,不断的问“为什么”(why),全面展到不能再展,直到找到ROOT CAUSE为止原则﹕n-1 n n+11.W n分析要依结果→原因结果→原因结果→原因……的方式展开(第n阶是第n-1阶的原因,是第n+1阶的结果),要不断的以“为什么…,因为…。
2.展开的内容应based on专业技术.知识.经验与理论基础。
(请参考Wn分析表)6.W n展开后,应依据某一期间之质量数据收集,在经过报废板之缺点比对.判定后,决定Wn 每一阶之贡献度,以作为solution评价的标准。
8D Problem Resolving DisciplinesThe 8 Disciplines (8D) process is a problem management tool popularly used in responding to customer returns or issues. Its effectiveness stems from the fact that it incorporates all the important aspects of problem management, i.e., containment of the problem, root cause analysis, problem correction, and problem prevention.The output of an 8D process is the 8D report, the format of which follows the steps of the 8D process. Below is the basic outline of an 8D process/8D report.Discipline 1. Form the TeamThis is the first step of the 8D process and the first part of the 8D report. This step defines the composition of the 8D team. The team should be cross-functional and should include as members the process owner, a member from QA, and others who will be involved in the containment, analysis, correction and prevention of the problem. The names of the members as well as their positions in the company organization must be enumerated in this part of the report.Discipline 2. Describe the ProblemThis step involves a detailed assessment of the problem highlighted by the customer. Under this step, the 8D report provides background information on and a clear picture of the problem being highlighted by the customer. It should include the following details: a) the identity of the customer; b) a description of the customer application; c) device information (device, package, lot #, date code, etc.; d) when the problem was encountered; e) where the problem was encountered; f) a specific description of the failure mode; and g) failure rate.Discipline 3. Contain the ProblemThis discipline explains the extent of the problem and bounds it. Based on initial problem investigation, all lots that are potentially affected by the same problem must be identified and their locations pinpointed. If possible, specific lot #'s and/or date codes of potentially affected lots shall be enumerated in this portion of the report.Lots that are still in the factory must be put on hold until their reliability has been properly assessed. They must only be released if the lots are either proven to be clean or the failures may be effectively screened.If the problem has an extremely high reliability risk and the application of the product is critical (e.g., failure of the product is life-threatening), lots already in the field may need to be recalled. However, recall must only be done under extreme cases wherein the impact of reliability risk is greater than the impact of recall.Discipline 4. Identify the Root CauseThis 8D process step consists of performing the failure analysis and investigation needed to determine the root cause of the problem. The corresponding portion in the 8D report documents the details of the root cause analysis conducted. A detailed description of the actual failure mechanism must be given, to show that the failure has been fully understood.The root cause is then presented, showing how it triggered the failure mechanism identified. All events emanating from the root cause and leading to the failure mechanism must be included in the explanation. As much evidence as possible must be provided to show that the root cause is the real culprit behind the problem. The root cause must also be correctively actionable.Discipline 5. Formulate and Verify Corrective ActionsThis next discipline identifies all possible corrective actions to address the root cause of the problem. The owners of the corrective actions and the target dates of completion shall be enumerated in this section of the report. It is also suggested that the rationale behind each corrective action be explained in relation to the root cause.Sometimes, identification of the best corrective action(s) for the root cause requires preliminary evaluations and studies before they can be implemented. This is referred to as 'verification of the corrective actions.' This must be done especially in cases wherein the affected volume is very large, since an incorrect solution deployed over a large inventory will result in wastage of crucial time and money.Discipline 6. Correct the Problem and Confirm the EffectsThe sixth discipline of the 8D process involves the actual implementation of the identified corrective actions, details of which must be documented in the corresponding portion of the 8D report. The dates of completion and owners of the corrective actions must be shown in this section. Data showing that the corrective actions are effective in preventing the root cause of the problem must be presented. Any deficiency in the effectiveness of the corrective actions must be addressed by improvements in or additions of corrective actions.Discipline 7. Prevent the ProblemThis next discipline should not be confused with 'correcting' the problem. Prevention of the problem entails the identification of devices or packages that are similarly vulnerable to the same problem highlighted by the customer, even if not affected under the current situation. Actions necessary to prevent these from being affected by a similar problem in the future are called preventive actions. All preventive actions must be enumerated, along with their owners and target dates of completion.An important aspect of this discipline is the standardization and deployment of corrective actions or process improvements to all products that may possibly be subjected to the same issue.Discipline 8. Congratulate the TeamThe last step of the 8D process and the last portion of the 8D report consists of an acknowledgement from management of the good work done by 8D team. Approvals for the 8D report are also shown in this last discipline.。
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Trouble shooting
Hi朋友, 我已经做了几处改动,方便的时候请你上传并测试一下目前效率。
1Overview: (2)
2Solution for your trouble (2)
3提高Performance建议 (3)
3.1注释掉所有social相关的js代码,理由: (3)
3.2重写函数load_google_fonts()为local版本,理由: (3)
3.3把所有引用的资源本地化,禁用外链,理由: (3)
3.4按需加载js文件,理由: (3)
3.5开启Gzip压缩,理由: (3)
3.6压缩js/css,理由: (3)
4我已经做的 (3)
2Solution for your trouble
1)sprite4-a67f741843ffc4220554c34bd01bb0bb.png, 图片为加载成功,花费14多秒时间
Removed, not affect functionality
2)widgets.js, 这是引用的是twitter,国内不能访问,加载花费19秒时间
Removed, not affect functionality
Future, could be leverage by load on demand if in need, but major changes may occurred.
Removed, not affect functionality
外链的服务器可能不稳定或不能访问,导致用户体验不佳,如font, js, image
主页中加载太多无关的js, 导致用户体验不佳
3.1, 3.2, 3.3提到的,我已经修改好了,所以请你先试一下。