现代大学英语(第二版)精读2 (2)

二、课程目标本课程的目标是使学生能够: - 熟练阅读和理解英文原著文学作品; - 掌握相关的英语语法和词汇知识; - 培养对英文文学的欣赏和分析能力; - 提高写作和口语表达能力。
三、课程内容本课程主要包括以下几个模块的学习内容:1. 文学作品阅读本模块将引导学生阅读经典的英文原著文学作品,如莎士比亚的戏剧作品、狄更斯的小说作品等。
2. 语法和词汇学习本模块将重点学习与文学作品相关的语法和词汇知识。
3. 文学分析和评论本模块将引导学生分析和评论阅读过的文学作品。
四、教学方法和学习策略本课程将采用以下教学方法和学习策略:1. 讲授和讨论教师将通过讲授和讨论的方式,向学生介绍相关的文学作品和语法知识,并引导学生深入理解和思考。
2. 阅读和写作练习学生将通过大量的阅读和写作练习,巩固他们的阅读理解和写作能力。
3. 分组讨论和演讲学生将被分成小组,在小组中进行文学作品的分析和讨论,并进行相应的演讲,提高他们的口语表达能力和团队合作能力。
4. 独立研究和报告学生将被要求进行独立研究,并撰写相关的报告,提高他们的独立思考和写作能力。

现代大学英语精读6(第二版)参考用书Unit 8 Housewifely ArtsMegan Mayhew BergmanAdditional Background InformationWhat is this story about? One answer is simply thatit is about love. Because of the protagonist’s strong maternal love for her son, Ike, she worries about geic weaknesses she might have passed on to him—―cancer genes, hay fever, high blood pressure, perhaps a fear of math‖, plus being undersized for his age making him an easy target for bullies. Being a single parent, she knows that she is all her son has. She takes care to shelter him from bad exles and possible harm. The desire to be a good mother, to help her child grow up happy, healthy, and productive is so intense that she is sometimes haunted by nightmares.The experience of parenting her child gradually makes the protagonist more aware of her relationship with her mother:Will you love me forever? I think to myself. Will you love me when I’m old? If I go crazy? Will you beembarrassed by me? Avoid my calls? Wash dishes when you talk to me on the phone, roll your eyes, lay the receiver down next to the cat?These were exactly the things she did to her mother. Loving her son, she finally realizes how much her parents also loved her. Her father’s love was easier to understand. He tried his best to give her opportunities in life, but when she failed in the year at a private college, which he had funded for her with considerable difficulty, he did not judge or reproach her. She loved her father, but she regarded her mother as cold and harsh and fought constantly with her, reacting like her former self, the rebellious teenager, being neither mature nor passionate in looking after her mother in old age, understanding her, forgiving her weaknesses, and loving her.But now that her mother is dead, she begins increasingly to miss her, and the decision to drive nine hours with her son for the sake of hearing her mother’s voice again through the imitations of Carnie, the African parrot, shows how much she needs this connection. “I realize how badly I need a piece of my mother. A scrap, asound, a smell—something.” She knows she has not been a good daughter, and the parrot her mother loved and whichshe hated so much, always seemed to e between them. Now, however, Carnie has bee her only avenue to the kind of memory she craves. But the bird does not give her that satisfaction, remaining pletely silent. Perhaps it couldnot forgive her unkind treatment of it in the past.Noheless, the journey proves successful. In thetradition of the American ―road trip‖, a nother way of thinking about this story, the protagonist does notmerely make an actual journey with her son in a car,during which various things happen along the way, shealso makes a personal, emotional journey in which she achieves a measure of enlightenment. It is a typicalfeature of―road trip‖ journeys that they teach the characters things about themselves that they did not previously know.Driving toward home, they stop at the house in whichthe protagonist grew up–- ―a deserted, plain house fo rplain folks…‖…I lead him to the back of the house, down thehallway which still feels more familiar to me than any Iknow…I remove the valances Mom made in the early eighties, dried bugs falling from the folds of the fabric into the sink below. These are the things with which she made a home. Her contributions to our sense of place were humble and put forth with great intent, crafts which took weeks of stitching and unstitching, measuring, cutting, gathering. I realize how much in the home was done by hand and sweat. My father had laid the carpeting and linoleum. Mom had painted the same dinner chairs twice, sewed all the window treatments…I scan the kitchen and picture Mom paying bills, her perfect script, the way she always listed her occupation with pride: homemaker…Recalling how her parents had created a home that she describes to Ike by saying, ―This was a beautiful house‖, she understands that her parents were not demonstrative people, not people who talked about love, but people who had shown it to her in all their actions and these things they had made. And here, also, she finds the clear recollections of her mother that she had been seeking: ―… Now I can hear my mother everywhere—in the kitchen, in my bedroom, on the front porch…‖This visit also helps the protagonist to make a major decision around which one part of the plot is constructed: should she and Ike move to Connecticut, a state to which her firm has offered to transfer her? Ike is reluctant.“…What if we live here forever? He asked. People used to do that, I said. Lived in one house their entire life. My mother, for instance…”In revisiting the house of her childhood, she has grasped the profound sense of home that growing up inthis single place has given her. She concludes: “Together, we can make a solid grilled cheese, prune shrubs, clean house. Together, maybe we’re the housewife this house needs. Maybe our best life is here.”And, significantly, she es, finally, to a true understanding of her mother’s courage and streng th, granting her respect and admiration: “Steamrolled by the world, but in the face of defeat, she threatened usall.‖ And the last three sentences of the story—My heart, she’d said. I can turn it off. For years, I’d believed her.But I know the truth now. What maniacs we are—sick with love, all of us.—make clear her final realization that her mother loves and has always loved her, and that she, too, loves and has always loved her mother.Structure of the TextPart I (Paras. 1-11)The protagonist introduces herself and tells us that she is driving nine hours with her 7-year-old son so that she can hear her mother’s voice again.Part II (Paras. 12-22)The protagonist describes how she had to sell her mother’s house and how the house brought back memories of her dead mother with her African parrot.Part III (Paras. 23-34)On their way to the Zoo, the protagonist and her son e to a rest stop and what she sees makes her think about her responsibilities as a mother.Part IV (Paras. 35-51)The protagonist reminisces about how she first saw the parrot at her mother’s home and how they developed a hostile relationship from the very beginning.Part V (Paras. 52-58)The protagonist tells her son where they are going and for what purpose. We learn from this section what kind of person her son’s father is and how she became a single parent.Part VI (Paras. 59-65)The protagonist’s son, Ike, tells her a story about his classmate Louis’ crazy mother and this once again makes her keenly aware of her desire to protect her son against even the knowledge that such people exist.Part VII (Paras. 66-97)This is a most revealing and touching part of the story in which we learn the reasons for the intense disagreements between the protagonist and her mother. She does not understand why her mother often appears harsh and cold, unlike her father, who was kind and did not judge her, nor can she understand why her mother gave so much of her care and attention to a bird so soon after her father’s death.Part VIII (Paras. 98-110)The protagonist and her son check into an inn and there she remembers how her mother cried over her grandmother’s death. She also hears in the news about apython strangling a toddler, which reminds her of a video of a similar event Ik e’s father showed her. The fearthat this could really happen to her son keeps her awake that night.Part IX (Paras. 111-123)In this section, the protagonist recalls how cruelly she hurt her mother’s feelings over the parrot when it was time to send her mother to a nursing home.Part X (Paras. 124-143)These memories show why the protagonist misses her mother so much and wants so much to hear her dead mother’s voice once again through the imitations of the parrot, but the bird refuses to talk, as though her mother still will not forgive her for the way she treated the bird.Part XI (Paras. 144-150)The protagonist now remembers the day her mother finally had to part with her beloved bird and go to the nursing home. It was a heart-breaking day for her.Part XII (Paras.151-177)As the protagonist revisits her home, happy memories e to her and she recalls her deceased parents. Her sonfeels sorry that his mother has been brought up in this place; in its rundown state, he sees it as miserable, buth is mother tells him that it was ―a beautiful house‖.(提醒:因编辑的疏忽,教材(184页)1-4行漏标了段落序号,造成176-179序号缺失,并非文字缺失,特此说明。

现代大学英语精读第二版第六课课文分析B T L E W Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Part Three ENTER B T L E W Text Appreciation Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Text analysis 1 General analysis 2 Theme 3 Structure 4 Further discussion II Sentence paraphrase Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Plotof the story Setting of the story Protagonists of the story Theme of the story Text Analysis Have you got the key elements in the story To be continued on the next page Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Plot My experience in a small Brazilian village and what I concluded Settinga small village in the central area of Brazil Protagonists an American traveler I several Brazilian people Theme of the storygo to the next page Text Analysis For reference The end of General Analysis Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Text Analysis We should respect all civilizations in the world Wisdoms are to be discovered with an open mindto other cultures Theme of the story The end of Theme Part 1 paras 1 about Part 2 paras about Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Text Analysis Structure of the text 4 The story of the green bananas What the author learned We should respect all civilizations in the world The endof Structure 5 8 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana What is learning moments Have you ever experienced learning moments Have you ever heard of orencountered the experience of cultural differences List the examples The occasion called for some show of recognition on my part para3 What does this sentence mean trying to show interest if not complete acceptance para3 Does the author agree with the villagers Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page W Lesson 10 –The Green Banana its time had come to meet my need It was my own time that had come all in relation to it para5 It was my own time to do what Why is it in the authors opinion that many useful things remain unknown to us Who is to blame But once a conscious breakthrough to a second center is made a life-long perspective and collection can begin para7 What does he mean by the second center Which is the first center How can we make a conscious breakthrough to a second center What does he mean by perspective and collection Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Whats the use of green bananas in the text Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page Green bananas are first used as something to stop the leak of the jeep temporarily and then as a symbol of the unknown treasures of each civilization W For Reference Lesson 10 – The Green Banana When the author says we should leave our own centers of the world does he mean we should travel to other countries more often Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page The author believes that everynation has good things to offer to the rest of the world It is therefore wrong to regard any nation as inferior We should reject ethnocentrism andadopt cultural relativism For Reference in the central area of Brazilsteep mountain road jeep stopped stopped for help went on reached destination special potential of green bananas importance of the rock Cultural relativism Text Analysis To be continued on the nextpage Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Beginning Ending Cli Development learning experience paras5-8 Telling the first part of the StoryStory Narration The end of Text Analysis Text Analysis Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 1 My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began to leak para 1 When the radiator started to drip my oldjeep was trying hard to climb up the mountain in the scenery rural areathe infinitive as object go to 2 to strain to try very hard radiator thepart of a car which prevents the engine from getting too hot 散热器Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 2 Theover-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village which consistedof a small store and a few houses that were scattered here and there para1 Due to the high temperature of the engine I had to stop at thenext village which contained a small shop and several houses that were loosely distributed infinitive as object complement go to 3 over-heatedtoo hot consist of contain be made of Lesson 10 – The Green BananaII Sentence Paraphrase 3 He patted me on the shoulder assuring me that everything would work out para 1 He patted my shoulder confirming methat all the things would be resolved telling me that something is sureto happen or is definitely true go to 4 patted my shoulder More ExamplesTo be continued on the next page Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase Similarly 1 to wound sb in the leg to wound ones leg 2 tohit sb at the back to hit ones back back to 3 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 4 I did not ask them though as that would show my ignorance para 2 However I did not inquire about the reason since it would reveal my lack of knowledge go to 5 an adverbial clause of reason Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 5He in turn inspected me carefully as if to make sure I grasped the significance of his statement para 3 in a proper order Then he examined me with great caution in the way of ensuring whether I understoodthe importance of his words The infinitive is used in a set constructiongo to 6 with the appearance of apparently More Examples Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 1He looked as if he had seen a ghost followed by a clause 2 She cleared her throat as if to speak followedby an infinitive 3 He was standing by the window as if waiting for somebody followed by a present participle back to 5 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 6 I looked to see if he was teasingme but his face was serious para3 I looked in order to find outwhether he was joking but he seemed deeply earnest infinitive as adverbial go to 7 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 7 They then refilled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to take along in case my radiator should give me trouble again para 4 Then my radiator was filled again by them and I was provided with more bananas as a precaution my radiator should leak again infinitive as attribute go to 8 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 8 As a product of American education I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come para 5 As someone educated in the United States I naturally had never paid any attention to the green banana except to take it as a fruit which was not yet ripe or which was not yet ready to be picked and eaten go to 9 The tone is humorous and self-mocking Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 9 It was my own time that had come all in relation to it para 5 It was me who had come to know the green bananas and everything connected with it According to the author every civilization has special geniuses symbolized by the green banana which have existed for many years But they will not come to your notice and benefit you until and unless you are ready to go out and meet them go to 10 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 10 I had been wondering for some time about what educators like to call learning moments and I now knew I had just experienced two of them at once para5 refers to the two learning moments The two things that suddenly dawned on him are the fact that every civilization has wonderful treasure to share with others and the idea that every village town region or country has a right to regard itself as the center of the world infinitive as objectgo to 11 B T L E W。

Warming -up
Topic discussion: 1. Can you summary what you got from the University last semester? 2. What do you expect from a new semester? 3. Do you think you can fulfil that? If you think you can , how? If you think you can’t, why not?
---- Mark Twain
从使用情况来看,闭胸式的使用比较 广泛。 敞开式 盾构之 中有挤 压式盾 构、全 部敞开 式盾构 ,但在 近些年 的城市 地下工 程施工 中已很 少使用 ,在此 不再说 明。
Text analysis
What did the writer do after he was fresh from graduate school?
Topic discussion
Suggested answers:
1. To give Ss sufficient training for a career. 2. To expose Ss to the essence of human
civilization 3. To cultivate the qualities of being a human 4. To gather useful information and knowledge 5. To encourage intellectual curiosity and cultural

Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part I: Байду номын сангаасxercise
___ through a barbed-wire fence, I’d ___ the bright sun and the ___ and ___ of insects and animals outside and ___ into another world. My own breathing ___ in my ears, and the slightest ___ of any woodland creature ___ through this private paradise.
Detailed Analysis
Part I: Sentence Paraphrase
I started hiking there …, up a long, sloping hill to an almost impenetrable stand of trees called Bear Wood. (para.4)
verge against: to be close to; to be at the edge or border of (This is a rare expression) a network of: a system of lines, wires, roads, etc that cross each other and are connected to each other
Wisdom of Bear Wood
Unit 6
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis

当我们在精读课或泛读课上学习一篇课 文的时候、在口语课或听力课上学习一段对话 的时候,在知识性课程(如“英美文化”、 “英语词汇学”等)上学习一个章节的时候, 我们学习这些语言材料的最终目标是什么?
1、学习任何一门外语,都一定要 靠“三习”,即学习、练习和复 习。 2、快学、猛练、常复习。
第二步,将文章中有用的句子选择出来,译成地道汉语。 (学习) 第三步,将英语句子读熟。这一步的关键是看着汉语读英 语,边读边做对比。(练习)
• 4. 能够提升学习境界,将关注重点从语言的一般学习转移到

Warming up
1. Learn about the different solutions to the drug problem and understand the pros and cons of each of them.
2. Compare the arguments and find out their logical premises and fallacies.
foreign policy)
Compare the three authors’ backgrounds and see if you can explain why they disagree with each other.
Unit 6
W arming up B ackground T ext Analysis R einforcement
How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
Unit 6
Questions/Activities Check-on Preview
• Gore Vidal was often pointedly controversial: he published comments on democracy, homosexuality, religion, and drug legalization.
2. Clarence Page
• columnist and member of the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune • 1972 Pulitzer Prize for a Chicago Tribune Task Force series on voter fraud • 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary

Lesson Six: The Man in the Water1. Warm-up questionsWhat does the author try to say through the story?A. The disaster?B. The three heroes?C. The man in the water?D. Human nature?2. Word buildingacknowledge—acknowledgementadmire—admirable—admirationaesthetic—aestheticism—aesthete—aestheticsanonymous—anonymityroot: synonym, antonym, homonym, pseudonymbehave—behaviorcollide—collisionfloat—floatation (flotation)tragic—tragedycomedy—comicsurvive—survival—survivorunique—uniquenessemploy—employment—employee—employerc.f. train, trainee, trainer, traininge.g. Y ou can employ your spare time more effectively. (make use of)injure—injuryc.f. injure 事故受伤事故中伤者wound 战斗受伤战斗中伤员damage 事物受到损坏hurt 可指心灵伤害president—presidential—presidency (preside)vice ~, former~, be elected/ appointed~during/ under the presidency of George W. Bush 总统职位、任期~ campaign / election/ candidate3. V ocabularyacknowledge1) meaningsHe acknowledged his secret marriage. (agree to the truth of, admit) 承认(They acknowledged that they have been defeated.)He was acknowledged as/ to be their leader. (recognize, accept, admit…as) 认可He acknowledged our help with a present. (show appreciation/ that he is grateful for…) 感谢We must acknowledge his letter. (state that one has received sth) 我们应告诉他来信已收到。

The Man in the Water
• The man was later identified as Arland D. Williams Jr., a bank examiner working for the Federal Reserve system in Atlanta. The 14th Street Bridge was renamed in his honor.
– What does this article concentrate on? Does it focus on the description of the disaster or how people are saved? Why?
Background Category of News
News fall into basic categories: hard news and soft news.
The Man in the Water Unit 4
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Warming up
Warming up Questions / Activities
•Do you know of any disaster(s) that happened in recent years or recently? •When disaster happens, what do we usually want to know? •We sometimes identify some heroes in disasters. What do you think about them?

Careful Reading – Passage 17
What and how?
What – Descriptions of the author’s job How – enumeration
Text 1 Structure
Paras. 1 – 5: The bonding between the author and his father.
Paras. 6 – 10: The bonding between the author and his son.
An analogy would help you understand different ways of reading are used for different purposes. You know how to walk slowly, walk fast and run. It does not mean that you always run. Reading, rapid reading and skimming can be considered to have some similarity with the modes of locomotion suggested.
fastest speed comparatively lower level of comprehension selectively omittinding the main idea of the material remembering as many details as possible used for light reading or reviewing
Unit2 现代大学英语精读2 PPT

• A revered writer& teacher of creative writing and literature in Stanford and elsewhere.
• Is the man a good husband? Cite textual evidence to support your view.
• Is the man a racist? Cite textual evidence to support your view.
Check-on Preview
• Work in pairs and discuss the following two questions. Keep a record of your opinions to see whether they will change as the text is analyzed in detail.
Say Yes
Tobias Wolff
• What kinds of person you would like to marry? Have you ever thought of marrying a foreigner or a black person?
Questions / Activities
the pages
blur out
the right answer
come up with

Structure of the TextPart I (Paras. 1-11)The protagonist introduces herself and tells us that she is driving nine hours with her 7-year-old son so that she can hear her mother’s voice again.Part II (Paras. 12-22)The protagonist describes how she had to sell her mother’s house and how the house brought backmemories of her dead mother with her African parrot.Part III (Paras. 23-34)On their way to the Zoo, the protagonist and her son come to a rest stop and what she sees makesher think about her responsibilities as a mother.Part IV (Paras. 35-51)The protagonist reminisces about how she first saw the parrot at her mother’s home and how theydeveloped a hostile relationship from the very beginning.Part V (Paras. 52-58)The protagonist tells her son where they are going and for what purpose. We learn from this section what kind of person her son’s father is and how she became a single parent.Part VI (Paras. 59-65)The protagonist’s son, Ike, tells her a story about his classmate Louis’ crazy mother and t his once again makes her keenly aware of her desire to protect her son against even the knowledge that such people exist.Part VII (Paras. 66-97)This is a most revealing and touching part of the story in which we learn the reasons for the intense disagreements between the protagonist and her mother. She does not understand why hermother often appears harsh and cold, unlike her father, who was kind and did not judge her, norcan she understand why her mother gave so much of her care and attention to a bird s o soon afterher father’s death.Part VIII (Paras. 98-110)The protagonist and her son check into an inn and there she remembers how her mother cried overher grandmother’s death. She also hears in the news about a python strangling a toddler, whichreminds h er of a video of a similar event Ike’s father showed her. The fear that this could reallyhappen to her son keeps her awake that night.Part IX (Paras. 111-123)In this section, the protagonist recalls how cruelly she hurt her mother’s feelings over the par rot when it was time to send her mother to a nursing home.Part X (Paras. 124-143)These memories show why the protagonist misses her mother so much and wants so much to hearher dead mother’s voice once again through the imitations of the parrot, but the b ird refuses to talk,as though her mother still will not forgive her for the way she treated the bird.Part XI (Paras. 144-150)The protagonist now remembers the day her mother finally had to part with her beloved bird and go to the nursing home. It was a heart-breaking day for her.Part XII (Paras.151-177)As the protagonist revisits her home, happy memories come to her and she recalls her deceased parents. Her son feels sorry that his mother has been brought up in this place; in its rundownstate,he sees it as miserable, but his mother tells him that it was “a beautiful house”.Part XIII (Paras. 178-192)A realtor comes for a preview, then a couple come for an inspection. As they check the house, theyjot down critical observations. The protagonist thinks that perhaps this is just the right place forher and her son.Part XIV (Paras. 193-211)The protagonist again remembers the day she was to send her mother to the nursing home. She kept asking her mother whether she would like to keep a few things as souvenirs, but her mother’sanswer was always no, saying that she “could turn her heart off”. Looking back, the protagonistrealizes that this was not true, and that they were all “sick with love”.。

e.g. There’s always an element of risk in this kind of investment. 2) a group of people who form part of a larger group, especially when the rest of the group does not approve of them. e.g. There is a strong right-wing element in the organization.
[+between]: Discrepancies between ideas and collisions between beliefs had to be reconciled and mediated.
New words and phrases
Troops clashed near the border. ( if two armies, or groups of people clash, they suddenly start fighting each other.) Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate. (if two people or groups of people clash, they argue because their opinions and beliefs are very different.)
Pre-reading questions
no need to be heroes, self-protection is more realistic doubt with a single person’s power, if more people join, me too fight for the weak

My father's government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. (1)
twisting and pulling myself violently away from friends
Beauties that lie in the friendship
a vaulted cathedral …
giving but no taking …
Text Analysis
When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life.
2. Reading 2.3 Discussion questions
1) How did the boy come to live in England? (1) How did he like the frequent moves? (2) What did he usually do to amuse himself? (3) Why did Bear Wood become his favorite? (4) How did the boy come to meet Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow? (5) How did they become friends?
The second part describes the boy’s encounter with the old scribes the death of the old lady and the boy’s nostalgia (怀念)for her.
《大学英语精读》第三版第2册Unit_6 PPT

Text interpretation
▪ Warm-up questions 1. Self-confidence is the first requisite to
great undertakings. What is your comment? 2. Are you a self-confident person? 3. How can a diffident person become selfconfident?
记叙文 说明文 描述文 议论文
Text interpretation
▪ What is the main idea of the text?
✓ A famous surgeon tells about the importance of self-confident from his own experience.
Text interpretation
▪ Answer the questions
Ⅱ Comprehension 2 on p.144
▪ What type is the text, generally?
A. narration B. exposition C. description D. argumentation
▪ A confidence man ▪ 骗子,欺诈者
Useful expressions
▪ 预支收入 ▪ 简单/不费力 ▪ 背后捅刀 ▪ A belly laugh ▪ 肺穿孔 ▪ 人非圣贤 ▪ 独家代理
▪ Anticipate one’s income
▪ No sweat. ▪ Stab sb. in the back ▪ 捧腹大笑 ▪ A punctured lung ▪ To err is human. ▪ Sole agent
Book II 2 现代大学英语课件

The chairman’s speech served only to fog the issue.
Structure: leave + n. + v.-ed / + v. -ing / adj. / prep. phrase
5. Lovable: upset, scatter, poke, wait for things to quiet down 6. restless, with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and
that, check the wind; sit still, ears pointed, alert, listen, raise his muzzle, stir, a deep rumble of pleasure, slip down the rock, head out across the ice
in search of field mice; winter months, make a fire, tell stories 4. half grown, puppy-wool coat gone, handsome black mantle;
mischievous/naughty, curious, bloody;
Lesson II
Maheegun My Brother
6. Did the boy suffer when Maheegun left him for the she-wolf? tell oneself: all for the best, hard to lose my brother