

Key toexercisesUnit1Preview1.Listentothe recording of the text and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences.1.. aim/purpose; training;practical/professional skills; technical training;universities2..graduateschool;Shakespeare’s p lays; be apharmacist3. makingaliving;keephimself;hisfamily;expose;ideas4.waking;average;aliving;allabout5. in dang er; m echanized savages; push-buttonNeanderthals6. have left us; peculiar accom plishments;species7.. center;storehouse8.. sarcastic;humorous2.R ead the text for better comprehension a nd a nswerthequestions,paying special a ttention to the par ts in boldtype.1)It m e a ns a nnoyi n g experiences, t ou g h pro blems or failures.2)The y must have finishe d their graduat e s t udie s w i th a n advanc e d d e gr e eli keaPhD.3)Itsimplymeans?one of thestudents?.Theword?body?here meansthewholegroupofstudents.Becausethestudentisthinandtall.Itismeanttobe humorous rather thaninsulting.4)He t ea ches Englishliterature.5)Byus i ngt helike t h e c our s word?s t u f f?,h eshowshisdislikefor t he c ou r se ve r y clea r ly.Hedoesn’tebe c ausehethinksitis us e l ess forhisplanned career.6)Wecanassumethathedoesnotthinkitnecessarytowastemoneyonthe books since heintends to drop thecourse.7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.8)He is talking about the Pharmacy School. He is being sarcasticwhenhecallsit?a DrugstoreMechanicsSchool?Itmeans?技工?.9)He is talking about the diploma for university orcollegegraduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants tobe:pharmacists.10)Itmeans?havingbeenintroduced to theideasdevelopedorproduced throughouthistory.11)It refers to his effort to convince thestudent.12)?Hold?hereisanintransitiveverbmeaning?remaintrue?.Itisoftenuseda sase t phrase?hol dtrue?.13)Itmeans?thingsofthesamekind?.诸如此类14)We call it the fut ure c on tinuou s t e ns e. It i s used for ongoin g future ac t ions.15)He is saying here that you will make sure that the medicineyou make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;thatthehousesyoubuildwillsuccessfullykeepoutbullsifyourchosenjobise ngineering;and t h at yo ur client w i l l not be sentenc ed to d eat h b e cause you a re inc om petent if you want to b e al a wyer.16)T he s e are a ll us eful things to d o… a nd raises/bri n g s up your c hildren.17)InformalEnglish,?may?is usedtoexpress ahopeorwish.Moreexamples:Mayourcountrybeprosperousandourpeoplehappy.May peacefina l lypr e vail.Note: suf fi ce (be s uff i cient) It is formal for hu m orouseffect.18)民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family that is familiar withthegreatdemocratic ideas in past history?19)He meansthetallstudent.?Pest?is oftenused to refer to anannoying person especially achild.20)No. H e means that he i s a i ming to m ak e m oney. T hat i s hispurpos e forcoming toschool.21)…you’regoi n gto ha vetroublefi n dingsometh i ngt od owhen you arenot spending money.22)…thenyoushouldn’tgotocollege.Youhavenoreasontogotocollege.23)Heissayingherethatyoungpeoplemaybecomesavagesliketheancientpe opl ew ho lived 35,000 t o 130,000 yea rs a go although t h ey c annowpushbut t onsa ndu semachi n e s,hence, a ?n ew s p ec i es?.24)Ourcoll e g e sareboundtoprod uc eso m estude nt softhi s ki nd.H e i sver ysarcasticabout these people and thinks that they are not truly educatedandcivilizedastheyshouldbetoday.Thereforeheusestheexpression:?such li feforms?. Note alsothattheword?graduate?is usedas a transitiveverbhere.25)We are talking about how ideas or concepts are developedandhowimportant they are in the evolution of the human species. Animalsliveby instinct. Only human beings are able to formulate ideas such aslove,freedom,democracy,andequality.Theseideasmakeusdifferentfromotherani mals. And we get these ideas from people in the past. That is why readingissoimportant.Manyscholarsmaintainthatwithoutreadingwe do n’tknowhow tothink.Thereare,however,peoplewhoemphasizetheimportanceofdirect experienceSometimestheyevengoas far as to maintain .Theysaythat‘Doing isalsolearning’.that reading may prevent us from creativethinking.26)The fact that we have the faculty means that…Vocabulary1.D o t he f ollowing exercises on wor d f or mation rules.1)Thefollowingwordsareadjectivesendingwiththesuffixes?-ent?a nd?-a nt,?andtheircorrespondingnounsusuallyendingwith?-ence?a nd?-a nce.?Decide which of the following should be the for mer, and which the latter.1.di f fe r ent2.i nd ependent3.extrava g a n tpetent5.arrogant6.important7.c o nfi de nt8.fra g ra n t9.signifi c ant10.convenient 11.e vident12.i nt e ll i g ent13.re levant14.present15.urgent16.violent17.c ur re n t18.fr e qu en t19.di stantNote: The following words are nouns, not adjectives: accountant;assistant;defendant; dependant;attendant2)Guess the cor r esponding nouns of the following, paying special a ttention totheirpronuncia t ion.1.qua l ifi c ati o n c l arifi c at i onunification notificationclassification identificationintensification justificationsimplif i cation c ert ifi c at i onglori f ication speci fi cat i on2.m o derniz a ti onmechani z ationrealization civilizationglobalization specializationAmericanization industrializationurbanization idealizationcentralization marketizationnationalization privatization3.permission discussionadmission professioncommission confessionremission impressionemission oppressionsubmission compressiontransmission expressionom i s s i on depre s sion3)Giveder i vative s of th e f oll o wi n gwords.1.se ns e: sensitive; s en sible; s en se l ess; sens i bility; ove rs ensitive; ins e ns i tive2.technique: technical; technically;technician;3.special: specially; specialty;specialize4.intellect: intellectual; intelligent;intelligence5.civil: c i vi l ize; c i vi l ization; ci v i l ized;u nc iviliz e d4)T r ans l ate the following i nt o C hi n e s e.1.Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a bigaccomplishment.2.The lack of availability of certified accountants who can meetsuchhighqualifications is still a bigproblem.3.Early specialization is not wise. Students should have a wide exposure toworldculturebe f ore t h eyspeci a lize.4.Strong as we might be some day we must never become a r rogant. We shouldcontinuetopur sue the policy of peaceful co-existence amongnations.powerrestsessentiallywithitsadvanced civilization.5.Itis a penetr a tingthoughtthat a nation’s6.Ourmemoryofpastdisastrousexperiencesisanextremelyimportantspiritualresource.2.Tr anslate the following v er b+noun c oll oc at i ons intoEn g li s h.1)f oldone’sarms2)fold theletter3)acquireknowledge4)generateideas5)g en e ratejobs6)gen e r ate p ow er7)g en e r at e i nte r e s t8)employworkers9)use/employtime10)rear/raiseone’schildren11)rearsheep12)raiseone’sfamily13)raiseone’svoice14)raisetax15)raise thequestion16)maintaincontact17)maintain law andorder18)maintainpeace3.Give the synonyms and antonyms of thefollowing.Synonyms1.re a sona bl y/r athe r/quite2.c l earl y/evi d ently3.tokeep4.toraise5.togain/obtain6.t opr oduce7.t opr ove8.de pa rtment(univers i ty)9.humanity10.drugstore /chemist (英)11.type/example/model/case Antonyms1.una v aila bl e2.m ode s t ly3.general4.unqualified5.uncivilized/savage6.t ounfol d7.unemployed8.incompetence9.insensitive 12.t oent e r/join13.how eve r/but14.sharp/thoughtful15.thinker/intellectual16.toshake/tremble/shiver17.una voidably/ce rt ainly/18.t o s uppos e/presume/thi nk/guess19.t ohel p/ass i st20.strange/odd/unusual/queer21.achievement/success/victory22.specialskillplete the sentences with the expressions listedbelow.1)to see to it; exposedto2)out for; succeedin3)a v e ra gesout4)specializein5)stuckfor6)presideover7)stuck for; see to itthat8)t r ue of9)out to; see to itthat10)have nobusiness5.Fill in the blanks with the r ight wor d or expression in the bracket.1)in making; tofind2)see3)out; of; of;for4)to5)by;for6)Poor as he w a s;put7)for8)in9)believed in;forcing10)physicist;sensitive6.Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse.Wemust exposethemtoallsocialproblemsbecauseverysoontheywillbedealingwiththemasresponsible citizens.2)As time goes on we a re inevit a bly g oing t o get more a nd m o re invol v edininte rna ti on alaffairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different viewsandinterests betweennations.3)We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we mustneverbecomearrogant. Otherwise we will lose ourfriends.4)Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the informationofasmalllibrary5)Thatconstructioncompanyisnotqualifiedtohandletheproject. Theydonothaveany legal documentto certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find acompany that specializes in buildingtheatres.6)These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideasandpenetratinganalyses that will be extremely useful for decisionmakers.7)The growthofGDPisnoteverything.Ourcountrycannotbesaidtohavebeen modernizedunlessthequalityofour people’slivesisreallyimprove d.8)Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children,fortherewas clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, andponds; and alot of flowers, trees and birds in thefields.9)Giveabsolutepowertosomeindividualoranyparticulargroupofpeople,andthatperson orgrouparesure to abusethatpowerbecause,justasLordActonsays,?P o w ercorrupts,and abs olute pow erc orr u pt s absol u tely.?10)Traditionallyinourcountryschooleducationwasalwayssaidtobemore importantand usefulcompared with all otherpursuits.Gr ammar1.. Point out how future time is expressed and what concept each futureexpression conveys.Itisfarmorecomplicatedtotalkaboutthefuturethantotalkaboutthepresentandpast.Generally,future time is expressed in these ways.Future a tPresenta)) ?will?asin3):usedtosaysomethingisexpectedtohappen?w illbe doing?as in4):usedtosaythatyouaresurethatsomethingwillhappen becausearrangements have been madeb)?begoingto?:used2),5)tosaythatsomethingwillhappenquitesoonortotalkaboutsb’sintentionsorwhattheyhavedecidedtodoc)?the present progressive?as in10):used to talkaboutsomethingthatwillhappen be c aus eyou have p lann e d or arra n g e ditd)?the s impl e present?asin9):us e d to saythat s om et hi ngwil l de f initely happ en ata particulartime, especially because it has been officiallyarrangedFuture in thePasta)) ?would?asin7):usedtosaywhatyouintendedtodoorexpectedtohappenb)?was/weregoingto?asin1):usedtosaythatsomethingwasexpectedtohappenc)?w a s/were t o do?a s i n6),8):used to t alk a bout so m ething t hat w ouldha ppe nbecause it hadbeen planned orarranged.2.. Learntouse emphasizingcoordinatingconjunctions.1.Point out the gr a mmatical for m each pair of theconjunctionsconnects.Emphasizing coordinating conjunctions connect parts of thesentence that have thesame grammatical form.1)twonouns2)twoadjectives3)two prepositionalphrases4)two infinitivephrases5)two nounphrases6)two nounphrases7)two prepositionalphrases8)two prepositionalphrasesbine each pair of the sentences using the r ight emphasizing coordinatingconjunctions.1)) Theprovinceisstrongbothinindustryandinagriculture./Theprovinceisnot only strong inindustry, but a lso inagriculture.2)) Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3)) Generally, after working for the company for five years, young employees eitherareprom ot ed orleav e.4)) TV programs for children should not only entertain but a lsoteach.5)) Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but byfearoffailure6)) At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable toeliminateexaminations altogether.7))AsianAmericansareplayingamoreactiveroleinpoliticsthaneverbefore,bothat localandnationallevel.8)) Myunclebelievesthatinourtownsightseeingisbestdoneeitherbytourbusorby bicyc l e.9)) Wood floori ng not on l y cleans e as il y, but is environmental ly frie ndl y.10)) Until I read the article I knew neither where she was brought up nor (whereshewas)educated.11)) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12)) Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting,buthe als os pokefort w e nt ymi nut es.3.. Fill in each blank with ONE suita ble word.(1)other (2)best (3)reason (4)mental (5)next(6)As (7)take (8)cool (9)thinking (10)rest4.. Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)) The premier is leaving for New York for a UN conferencetomorrow.2)) He is to meet the heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York.3))What a re you going to do during the National Day holidays? Are yougoinghomeor staying oncampus?4)) —Whatdoyouthinkschoolwillbelikeintwentyyears’time?— I think children will probably lear n at home with a mechanicalteacher.5)) Thirty years ago, my grandparents never thought they would be able to moveintoa two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6)) What they lack is not money butexperience.7)) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but to learnaboutChinese culture as well.8)) What children want most from their parents are not material things butloveand attention.9)) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or do it onyourcomputer.showup.Eitherhewasnotinterested,orhesimply forgot10))I’m notquitesurewhyhedidn’taboutit.11)) A society should respect both its scientists and its garbagecollectors.12)) He i s m i s e r ly b ot h with hi s money an d wit h hi s time.5.. Identify and cor rect the mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of thesentences.1)) I will phone you as soon as I ar r ive inBeijing.2)) We can har dly imagine what life will be like in 50years.3)) WhatarewegoingtodoifEdithwon’thelpus?(Nomistakeinthissentence.Here?if…will?ispossiblewhenwillexpresses?willingness?.)4)) Pleasebeseated,everyone.Theshowisa b outtobegin.(Use?beabouttodosth?tosaythatsomethingwillhappenalmostimmediately.?Will?isnotused.)Chinawillbeabletosendmantothe Moon.(?Tobea5))Itispredictedthatinaboutten years’time,bletodo sth?is usedtosayitispossibleforsomeoneor something to dosomething.)6)) Dropinwheneveryouplease.You’ll alwaysbewelcome.(Adverbsof frequency, such as always, usua lly, often, sometimes, etc, usually go immediately infront of the m a inve r b.)7)) Nei t herhispa re nts,norhisbrot he r was ablet oc ometohispe r form a nce.(Th em ai n verbagrees with the noun phrase introduced bynor.)8)) Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talentcontest.9)) My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Normally, the twoitems c onne cte d by emphas i z i ng coordina t ing conj unc t i ons s houl d be expr e s s e di n the same grammatical form, here, two prepositionalphrases.)10))Wecaneitherdoitnoworafterclass—uptoyou.(Nomistake.Thoughthetwo items?now?and?afterclass?aren’tit’sthesamegra mmaticalform,thisisacceptablebecausewecanregardthemascondensedfrom?W ecaneitherdoit nowordoit a f terclass.?T he r e fore,thet w oitemscanalso b e d i fferentgramma t ical fo rms serving the same grammatical function, here, bothadverbials.)Unit2Preview1.L isten to the r ecor ding of the text and fill in the blanks in the followingsentences.1)racialequality2)civil rights; lingeron3)husband; qui t e a g ood hu s band/very conside r ate; li beral; ra c ia l4)considered;unprepared5)give his wife; hadadmitted6)found out;pressing7)look; argued about such seriousmatters8)perfectly nor m al;to l erate9)are differentculturally10)culturally and socially; racialsegregation11)white; married; a perfectstranger2.R ead the text for better comprehension and answer thequestions.1)?pi tchin?me a ns?t o joi n w i thotherpeopleindoinga j ob?.Intheex pre ssion?topit c habaseball?,theword?pitch?means?tothrow?.?topitchatent?means?toputupatent 支帐篷.?pitchdark?means?asdarkaspitch?漆黑—pitchmeans沥青?housework?meansthe workyoudotokeepyourhousecleanandtidy;?homework?means the work a teacher gives to a student to do out of class.2)Af t er th i nki n g of a l l as p ects of t he mat t er c a r e ful l y.We can assume that he would have considered the difficulties and problems he believeditwould bring to his life if he married a blackwife.3)Heknewtherewouldbeanunpleasantquarrel,andthatitwaswiserforhimjusttokeephis mouth shut.This shows that they have had previous serious disagreements. Thiswas notthefi r st t ime.It shows that the man has seldom taken his wifeseriously.4)?youcomingalong…andimplying…?isthecomplexobjectof?need?.a racist,hewouldnotsayno,sincehiswifeisexactly the samepersonexceptfor her Ifheweren’tskincolor.5)No. It is clear that the wife is using an ironicaltone.No.Themanisusingacommonexcuseofwhiteracistswhotrytojustifytheirprejudice based on different skin color by using a seemingly more neutral and respectableterm?culturaldifferences?.6)To show that he found the situation veryannoying.Normallyitmeans?w hat I sayisabsolutely true?,butherehemeans?I t istruenotbecauseI am saying it.I have statistics to prove this.?7)She saiditcontemptuously.She wasgettingangry.8)Because his wife keeps mimicking him, showing that she thinks what he saidwasridiculous andhypocritical.。

现代大学英语精读2第二版课文翻译UNIT1 又一学年——为了什么?约翰·切阿迪1.给你们讲讲我刚当老师时候的一次失败经历吧。

现代大学英语精读2_unit1-2课后翻译.Unit 1课后习题翻译:1、我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。
It is wrong to rear children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse, we must expose them to(put exposure to all kinds of social problems/issue, for/because soon they will face/deal with /handle problems as a responsible citizen.2、随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多的卷入国际事务。
As time goes by /on we will inevitably get more and more involved in international affairs. Conflicts are sure to take place.3、我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。
We are proud of our accomplishment/achievement, and we have every reason to be so. Nevertheless we should never become arrogant; or/otherwise we will lose our friends.4、信息现在唾手可得。
Information nowadays is easily available. An averagecomputer can store the information of an ordinary library.5、那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。

The way people helped him during his joureny when he had no money convined the writer that people can still depend on stranger.2.随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。
As time going on we are inevitably going to get more involve in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.3. 健康保健必须为所有公民所享受,不管他们有什麽不同。
Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We cannot justify a policy that denies medical care to the large population living in the countryside.4.我住在我叔叔家农场的时候常常出洋相。
I often made a fool of myself when I was living with my uncle on his farms. Whenasked to get rid of the weeds in the rice fields, foe example, I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedling.5. 稻子需要大量的水,很多科学家警告我们,不管我们如何节约用水,总有一天我们会为有限的水资源打仗。

5. Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can't recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song.
6. Besides the usual weekend housework, I also have a whole pile of homework to do tomorrow. It's really terrible.
3. We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never
become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends. 4. Informa on is now easily available. An average computer can store the informa on of a small

现代大学英语精读2第三版课后答案unit31、If the trousers are too long, ask the clerk to bring you a shorter _____. [单选题] *A. suitB.setC.oneD.pair(正确答案)2、I hope to see you again _______. [单选题] *A. long long agoB. long beforeC. before long(正确答案)D. long3、I passed the test, I _____ it without your help. [单选题] *A.would not passB. wouldn't have passed(正确答案)C. didn't passD.had not passed4、It is reported that the fire caused serious()to that school building. [单选题] *A. damage(正确答案)B. destroyC. harmD.hurt5、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *A. active(正确答案)B. quietC. lazyD. honest6、76.—Could you tell me ________the bank?—Turn right and it's on your right. [单选题]* A.how get toB.how to getC.how getting toD.how to get to(正确答案)7、The three guests come from different _______. [单选题] *A. countryB. countrysC. countryesD. countries(正确答案)8、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /9、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice10、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time11、I have a _____ every day to keep fit. [单选题] *A. three thousand meter walkB. three-thousands-meters walkC.three-thousand-meters walkD. three-thousand-meter walk(正确答案)12、96.Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] * A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)13、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where14、Nobody noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______. [单选题] *A. put outB. turn outC. give outD. go out(正确答案)15、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as16、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a17、We had a(an)_____with him about this problem last night. [单选题] *A.explanationB.impressionC.exhibitionD.discussion(正确答案)18、She works in a hospital. She is a(n) _______. [单选题] *A. managerB. engineerC. doctor(正确答案)D. patient19、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phoneD. grocery20、You are getting too old for football.You had better _____tennis instead. [单选题] *A.take up(正确答案)B.take inC.take forD.take over21、I think you should buy this novel. It is really worth _____. [单选题] *A. reading(正确答案)B. being readC. readD. to read22、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] *A. carryB. takeC. borrowD. bring(正确答案)23、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时24、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] *A. clearly(正确答案)B. lovelyC. widelyD. carelessly25、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher26、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one27、41.My father is a headmaster and he is _____ charge _____ a primary school. [单选题] *A./, ofB./, withC.in, of (正确答案)D.in, with28、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)B. theirC. theyD. them29、54.—________?—Yes, please. I'd like some beef. [单选题] * A.What do you wantB.May I try it onC.Can I help you(正确答案)D.What else do you want30、The traffic jams often happen in _______ hours. [单选题] *A. lunchB. workC. leisureD. rush(正确答案)。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 11一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 12一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 13一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 14一、练习答案Unit 15一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 16一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Adisaster [di5zB:stE] n.灾难,灾祸;不幸【例句】These difficulties are caused by natural disasters. 这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。
semester [si5mestE] n.学期;半年【例句】His writing has improved greatly in this semester. 这学期他的写作有了很大进步。
【助记】seme(看作semi半)+s+ ter(看作terra学期)→半学期beanpole [5bi:npEul] n.(插在地上供豆茎攀缘的)支竿,瘦长之人【例句】Li Ling’s elder sister is short and overweight while her younger sister is a beanpole.李玲的姐姐是个矮胖墩儿,可她妹妹却是个细高个儿。

现代大学英语精读Lesson2B课文原文A Homecoming of a Different Sort ---Vicki ViebruggeJeff and I had many conversations during the year, but I will always remember the time he told me about his family. His mother, a loving, caring woman, was the one who held the family together. She died shortly before Jeff graduated from high school. His father, a successful physician, cold and stern in Jeff's words, had firm beliefs that a person would never make a valuablecontribution to the world unless they attended and graduated from college by the age of twenty-three. His father had even paved the way for Jeff to attend the same college from which he had graduated, and had offered to pay Jeff's entire tuition and living expenses. As an active Alumni Association member, he was excited that his son would someday follow in his footsteps.Jeff was twenty-seven and a successful business planner at a Fortune 500 company—without a degree. His passion was skiing. When he graduated from high school he decided to decline his father' s offer and instead move to Colorado to work with a ski patrol. With pain in his eyes Jeff told me that he still remembered the day he told his father he was going to give up college and take a job at a ski resort. He remembered every word of the short conversation. He told his father of his passion for skiing and for the mountains and then of his plans. His father looked off into the distance; his face became red. Then came the words that still echoed in Jeff's mind: "You lazy kid. No son of mine is going to work on a ski patrol and not attend college. I should have known you'd never amount to anything. Don't come back in this house until you have enough self-respect to use the brains God gave you and go to school!" The two had not spoken sincethat conversation.Jeff was not even sure that his father knew he was back in the area near where he grew up and he certainly did not want his father to know he was attending college. He was doing this for himself, not for his father. He said it over and over again.Janice, Jeff's sister, had always remained supportive of Jeff's decisions. She stayed in contact with their father, but Jeff had made her promise that she would not share any information about his life with him.Jeff's graduation ceremony that year was on a hot, sunny day in June. As I walked around talking to people before the ceremony, I noticed a man with a confused expression on his face."Excuse me, " he said as he politely approached me. "What is happening here today?""It's graduation day, " I replied, smiling."Well that's odd," he said, "my daughter asked me to meet her atthis address." His eyes sparkled and he smiled. "Maybe she completed her associate' s degree and wanted to surprise me!"I helped him find a seat and as he left me he said, "Thank you for helping me. By the way, my name's Dr. Holstrom."I froze for a second. Jeff Holstrom. Dr. Holstrom. Could this be the same person I had heard about over the last year? The cold, stern man who demanded his son attend college or never enter his home again?Soon the familiar music could be heard. I turned around in my chair to get a glimpse of Dr. Holstrom. He seemed to be looking for his daughter amongst the graduates on stage. Speeches were given, the graduates were congratulated, and the dean began to read the names of the graduates.Jeff was the last person to cross the stage. I heard his namebeing announced "Jeff Holstrom." He crossed the stage, received his diploma from the college president, and, just as he started down the stairs from the stage, he turned toward the audience looking for his sister.A lone figure stood up in the back of the audience—Dr. Holstrom. I'm not sure how Jeff even saw him in the crowd, but I could tell that their eyes met. Dr. Holstrom opened his arms, as if to embrace the air around him. He bowed his head, almost as if to apologize. For a moment it seemed as if time stood still, and as if they were the only two in the auditorium. Jeff came down the stairs with tears in his eyes."My father is here, " he whispered to me. I smiled."What are you going to do?" I asked him."Well, " he said, "I think I'm going home."参考译文别样的回家那年杰夫我俩有过多次谈话,但我始终记得那次,他跟我谈起他的家庭。

现代大学英语精读2-U n i t-4单词及释义Unit 4account n.账户;解释;账目,账单;理由vi.解释;导致;报账vt.认为;把…视为acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的aesthetic adj. 美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的anonymity n. 匿名;匿名者;无名之辈balding adj. 变秃的behave vi. 表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用vt. 使守规矩;使表现得…belt n. 带;腰带;地带vt. 用带子系住;用皮带抽打vi. 猛击blast n. 爆炸;冲击波;一阵vi. 猛攻vt. 爆炸;损害;使枯萎budget n. 预算,预算费vt. 安排,预定;把…编入预算vi. 编预算,做预算adj. 廉价的casualty n. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室challenge n. 挑战;怀疑vt. 向…挑战chaotic adj. 混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的chunk n. 大块;矮胖的人或物clash n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声vt. 使碰撞作声collision n. 碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的)倾轧commitment n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身conclusion n. 结论;结局;推论congressional adj.国会的;会议的;议会的crash n. 撞碎;坠毁;破产;轰隆声;睡觉vi. 摔碎;坠落;发出隆隆声;破产vt. 打碎;使坠毁、撞坏;擅自闯入desperate adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的dip vt. 浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入vi. 浸;下降,下沉;倾斜;舀,掏n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿distinction n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章doze vi. 打瞌睡;假寐vt. 打瞌睡度过n. 瞌睡element n. 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境emotional adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的employee n. 雇员;从业员工essential adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品flight n. 飞行;班机;逃走vt. 射击;使惊飞vi. 迁徙flotation n. 浮选(等于floatation)freeze vi. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬vt. 使…冻住;使…结冰n. 冻结;凝固grope vi. 摸索;探索vt. 摸索n. 摸索;触摸gull n. [鸟] 鸥;笨人;易受骗之人vt. 骗;欺诈harsh adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的helicopter n. [航] 直升飞机vi. [航] 乘直升飞机vt. 由直升机运送high adj.高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带adv. 高;奢侈地immovable adj.不动的;固定的;不改变的impact vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧vi. 冲击;产生影响n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力impersonal adj. 客观的;非个人的;没有人情味的;非人称的n.非人称动词;不具人格的事物injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的jet n. 喷射,喷嘴;喷气式飞机;黑玉adj. 墨黑的vt. 射出vi. 射出;[航] 乘喷气式飞机lifeline n. 生命线;救生索likewise adv. 同样地;也location n. 位置;地点;外景拍摄场地monument n.纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽作品vt. 为…树碑preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎n.保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品occasion n. 时机,机会;场合;理由vt. 引起,惹起possibility n. 可能性;可能发生的事物presidential adj. 总统的;首长的;统辖的principle n. 原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉proof n.证明;证据;校样;考验;验证adj.防\耐…的;不能透入的;证明用的vt. 试验;校对;使不被穿透remark n. 注意;言辞vt. 评论;觉察vi. 谈论represent vt.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送vi. 代表;提出异议section n.截面;部分;部门;地区;章节vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt.把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分skid n.打滑;刹车;滑轨,滑动垫木vt. 刹住,使减速;滚滑vi. 打滑slap vt. 拍击;侮辱;掌击;掴…的耳光n. 掴;侮辱;掌击;拍打声vi. 掴;拍击adv. 直接地;猛然地;恰好standoff n. 和局;僵持;冷淡;平衡adj. 冷淡的;有支架的stewardess n. 女管家;女干事;女服务员stick vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人stunning adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的v.把…打昏;使震耳欲聋;使大吃一惊survivor n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物tragedy n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案unidentified adj. 未经确认的;未辨别出的,身分不明的unique adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的n. 独一无二的人或物universal adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的n. 一般概念;普通性。

1.You know it when you considered,it's not a bad idea to you 2.I don‘t likewhat? All thingstake sarcastic tone the way be a just did. teacher.As a implying all think it is that i am good-for -nothing. You seem to bematter of fact, Ithe time an excellent idea. 2.I don‘t like it when you take sarcastic tone the way you just did.You 3.It is seem toconsiderate the my father to leave -nothing. decision really be implying all of time that i am good-for the final 3.It to really.I must say Imy father tolucky. Not many people .I is me considerate of am very leave the final decision to me must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terriffic have such a terrific father . father. 4. You said don’t want any money .You may not want money ,but you 4. You said don’t want any what’s wrong with students earning do need money. I don’t see money .You may not want money , some money during their spare time. but you do need money .I don’t see what’s wrong with 5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what time. students earning some money during their spare it is. In any case , it is a Russian folk song.

现代大学英语精读21. 课程简介现代大学英语精读2是大学英语专业的一门主干课程,旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力和理解能力。
2. 教学内容现代大学英语精读2的教学内容主要包括以下几个方面:2.1 文本阅读本课程将为学生提供丰富的英语文本,包括新闻报道、学术论文、文学作品等。
2.2 语法和词汇在阅读的过程中,学生也会遇到各种各样的语法和词汇问题。
3. 教学标准现代大学英语精读2的教学标准旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力和理解能力。
教学标准包括以下几个方面:3.1 阅读能力学生需要通过本课程的学习,提高自己的整体阅读能力。
3.2 词汇掌握学生需要掌握一定量的英语词汇,能够理解并正确使用常见的词汇。
3.3 语法运用学生需要掌握常见的英语语法知识,并能够正确运用这些知识。
最新版现代大学英语精读2-unit-2课文翻译say yes

Text ASay Yes1.They were doing the dishes, his wife washing while he dried. Unlikemost men he knew,he really pitched(用力扔;投;抛;搭帐篷;沥青漆黑;)in on the housework. A few months earlier he'd overheard a friend of his wife's congratulating her on having such a considerate husband. 他们在洗盘子,妻子,他擦干。
2.They talked about different things and somehow got onto the subjectof whether white people should marry black people. He said that all things considered, he thought it was a bad idea.他们闲聊着不同的事情,不知不觉就谈到了白人是否应该和黑人结婚这一话题。
3.“Why?" she asked.“为什么?”她问。
4.Sometimes his wife got this look where she pinched(拧;捏;掐;捏住)her brows([braʊ]额头;山脊;坡顶)together and bit her lower lip.When he saw her like this he knew he should keep his mouth shut, but he never did.Actually it made him talk more. She had that look now.有时他妻子会做出这样的表情;紧锁双眉,咬住下唇。

现代大学英语精读2speaking答案1、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)2、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since3、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] *A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why4、She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. [单选题] *A. which(正确答案)B. whoC.itD. that5、Patrick bought her two handbags as gifts,but _____ of them was her style. [单选题] *A. eitherB. noneC. neither(正确答案)D. all6、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phoneD. grocery7、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)8、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的9、Finally,I have _____ interesting to share with you,and I am sure you will be interested in it. [单选题] *A. everythingB. something(正确答案)C. nothingD. anything10、--The last bus has left. What should we do?--Let’s take a taxi. We have no other _______ now. [单选题] *A. choice(正确答案)B. reasonC. habitD. decision11、Before leaving the village, he visited the old house _____ he spent his childhood. [单选题] *A in which(正确答案)B. whichC. to whichD at which12、The city is famous _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. for(正确答案)B. ofC. asD. to13、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at14、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking15、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)16、Jim will _______ New York at 12 o’clock. [单选题] *A. get onB. get outC. get offD. get to(正确答案)17、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard18、_______ your help, I passed the English exam. [单选题] *A. ThanksB. Thanks to(正确答案)C. Thank youD. Thank to19、—How do you find()birthday party of the Blairs? —I should say it was __________ complete failure.[单选题] *A.a; aB. the ; a(正确答案)C.a; /D.the; /20、Now he is _______ his homework. [单选题] *A. busyB. busy with(正确答案)C. busy with doingD. busy does21、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing22、The young man had decided to give up the chance of studying abroad, _____ surprised his parents a lot. [单选题] *A. whenB. whereC. which(正确答案)D. that23、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take24、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one25、Nearly two thousand years have passed _____ the Chinese first invented the compass. [单选题] *A. whenB. beforeC. since(正确答案)D. after26、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody27、They went out in spite of rain. [单选题] *A. 因为B. 但是C. 尽管(正确答案)D. 如果28、—______is my notebook?—Look! It’s in your schoolbag.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhichC. Where(正确答案)D. How29、I _____ of her since she left school three years ago. [单选题] *A. didn’t hearB. haven’t heard(正确答案)C. was not hearingD. shall not heard30、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)。

To be continued on the next page.
II. Listen to a Song
Love is Color-Blind
It don't matter if you're black white or yellow, if your brown or red let's get down to that love is color-blind you're my brother, you're my friend all that matters in the very end is to understand love is color-blind
To be continued on the next page.
II. Listen to a Song
Love is Color-Blind
take it out to the world tell every boy and every little girl be proud of yourself cause you're as good as anybody else put away your prejudice open your mind, don't need a stick to this try to make this earth a better place without a racial curse
I. On the Origin of Racism
Debates over the origins of racism often suffer from a lack of _c_la_r_it_y over the term. Many mix recent forms of racism with earlier forms of ethnic and national conflict. In most cases ethno-national conflict seems to _o_w_e_ to conflict over land and strategic resources. In some cases ethnicity and nationalism were _h_ar_n_e_s_s_e_d to wars between great religious empires (for example, the Muslim Turks and the Catholic Austro-Hungarians). As Benedict Anderson has suggested ethnic _id_e_n_t_it_y and ethno-nationalism became a source of conflict within such empires with the rise of print-capitalism.

Paraphrases Contemporary English Book II Lesson 1 ... I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. (Para. 1) ... I had just completed my graduate studies and began teaching at the University of Kansas City. goto 2 to have just come from a particular place, to have just had a particular experience, e.g. students fresh from college I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. (Para. 2) Subjunctive mood: I didn't point it out in fact. go to 3 I could have told him that he was now not getting training for a job in a technical school but doing a B.Sc. at a university. to intend to do sth. to indicate, register, or show Here the word education is used in a broad sense, which involves not only the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills, but also that of improving the mind. go to 4 That is to say, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training and education. (Para. 2) What is the difference between training and education, according to the writer? Training is preparation for a job, or a career, such as the training in a certain skill. Education, on the other hand, is learning to develop one's mental and moral powers. "For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours." (Para.4) to come to an average or ordinary level or standard, esp. after being higher or lower More examples: Meals at the university average out to about 10 yuan per day. The restaurant's monthly profits averaged out at 30% last year. go to 5 You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn't jump the fence, or that your client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. (Para. 5) go to 6 You have to take responsibility for the work you do. If you're a pharmacist, you should make sure that aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals. As an engineer, you shouldn't get things out of control. If you become a lawyer, you should make sure an innocent person is not sentenced to death because you lack adequate legal knowledge and skill to defend your client. In addition to all other things these professions offer, they provide you with a living so that you can support a family-wife and children. Noun clause, used as predicative go to 7 Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. (Para. 5) I hope that your income will always be enough. go to 8 They will be your income, and may it always suffice. (Para. 5) Inverted sentence, used in a blessing. e.g. May they live long! go to 9 "I hope you make a lot of it, " I told him, "because you're going to be badly stuck for something to do when you're not signing checks." (Para. 8) Notice the sarcastic tone of the writer. If you don't have any goal in life apart from making money to satisfy your desire for material riches, go ahead and make a lot of it. not to know what to do in a particular situation More examples: You've no business telling me what to do. She has no business reading your mail. go to 10 If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man's development we call history-then you have no business being in college. (Para. 9) to have no right to do sth., shouldn't have been/be doing sth. If you are too anxious to make money, too ignorant to see your limitations, then you couldn't regard those great people's minds as a gift to your humanity, and thus you can't be a developed human. go to 11 If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer, or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy. (Para. 12) "too... to..."structure object of the verb "accept" ... when I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include. (Para. 14) "except" used as a conjunctive, introducing an adverbial clause The end of Sentence Paraphrase. both as specialists and as humans: as persons who have specialized and are trained in a certain subject or skill and as civilized creatures and thinking animals Lesson 2 11 Not that we didn't have our troubles. (Para. 5) When I say the year I got Maheegun was the happiest year of my life, I don't mean that Maheegun never caused troubles. although it is not true that... e.g. She loved music but seldom went to concerts-not that she couldn't afford to. To be continued on the next page. Maheegun would poke his head around the corner, waiting for things to quiet down. (Para. 5) would + v.: a past habit (At such times) he would move and stay somewhere out of Grandma's sight, and wait until her anger died down. 22 To be continued on the next page. And in the fall, after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice. (Para. 6) 33 When it was getting cold, and there were no more grasshoppers, we had to go the nearest meadow to hunt field mice. to make sb./sth. go from one level, or situation to another, e.g. His job as a UN official took him to over sixty countries. To be continued on the next page. It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpa's repeated warnings, and one night left Maheegun unchained. (Para. 8) to have a particular effect or result, e.g. The blanket could serve to keep the rain out for a while. 44 Figurative, to confuse or hide Objective complement To be continued on the next page. On top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening. (Para. 11) Absolute construction that describes the state the wolf was in sitting on the rock. The clear figureof a big wolf was sitting without moving on the top of the rock. His ears were raised and he seemed to be listening to something. 55 To be continued on the next page. Everything in the snow-covered wildness seemed to be aroused/stirred by the passionate cry of Maheegun. 66 to feel excited at sth. To be continued on the next page. The whole white world thrilled to that wild cry. (Para. 14) "He will take her for life, hunt for her, protect her. This is the way the Creator planned life. No man can change it." (Para. 16) Cultural Note: According to the first part of the Bible, God created the world and everything in it in six days, and on the seventh day God rested. When God made human beings, he made a man called Adam out of the earth, and then made a woman called Eve out of Adam's ribs (one of the curved bones that surround your chest). God assigned different roles to Adam and Eve-the first man and woman, Adams role being to take care of Eve, provide for her and protect her, and also to guide her. God created living creatures in the same way. 77 all ones' life God To be continued on the next page. There was only one thing to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself out. (Para. 25) I knew that it was dangerous to move on in the blinding snow, and that the only thing to do was to stay where I was and get some sleep during the night and hope that I would find the snowstorm had stopped the next morning. 88 Subjunctive mood is used here because the storm didn't stop the next day. To be continued on the next page. 99 The light of another day still saw no end to the storm. I began to get confused. I couldn't recall whether it had been storming for three or four days. (Para. 26) to be the time when/the place where an event happens; to witness When the first gray light of another day came, the storm was going on. I found myself unable to think clearly. I couldn't tell whether the snowstorm had continued into its third or fourth day. To becontinued on the next page. The cold and loss of blood were taking their toll. (Para. 36)10 10 As I had lost a lot of blood, and it was extremely cold, I was sick and weak. to havea bad effect on sb./sth. over a long period of time To be continued on the next page. It was quite some time before my eyes came into focus enough to see my grandfather sitting by my bed. (Para. 41) It took quite some time for my eyes to adjust themselves to be able to see clearly my grandfather sitting by my bed. The end of Sentence Paraphrase.11 11 Lesson 3 11 We already have 2.4 million people under some form of correctional supervision, 412,000 of them locked away in a prison cell. (Para. 1) In this country, there are already 2.4 million people who are receiving punishment in one form or another; 412,000 of them are serving their prison terms. a euphemism, meaning being disciplined, or being made to improve one's behavior under the charge of the community, etc. as a punishment To be continued on the next page. 11 Cultural note: In the U.S., besides imprisonment, there are other forms of punishment. For example, young people who break the law can be put into a reform school where they receive training. Or they might be required to do community service work for a fixed number of hours. go to 2 22 Countries like Saudi Arabia can afford to give out harsh punishments precisely because they have so little crime. (Para. 2) go to 3 Cultural note: In some Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, severe punishment is enforced on crimes of any kind. For example, murderers are invariably put to death, and pickpockets, thieves and robbers are often punished, by having their hands cut off. 33 But can we afford to cut off the hands of those who committed more than 35 million property crimes each year? Can we send them to prison? Can we execute more than 22,000 murderers? (Para. 2) But can we cut off the hands of those who committed more than 35 million crimes of stealing, mugging or robbery each year? Can we put all of them into prison? Can we put to death the more than 22,000 murderers each year? Can we do all that without arousing cries of protests? rhetorical questions, and use of repetition To be continued on the next page. 33 go to 4 Cultural note: In the U.S., even when the suspect involved in a murder case is caught, he is more often than not found innocent because the accused is held "innocent until proven guilty" and is convicted "beyond reasonable doubt", and it is not so easy to find evidence about which no reasonable doubt can be raised. 无罪推定,排除合理疑点后才能判罪Note the irony in comparing university enrollment and imprisonment. 44 Just as the decline in the number of high- school graduates has made it easier to gain admission to the college of one's choice, the gradual increase in the criminal population has made it more difficult to get into prison. (Para. 4) The increasing number of crimes has made it more difficult to get criminals into prison while the decreasing number of high-school graduates has made it easier to be admitted into the college of a person's choice. go to 5 Note the sarcasm in this remark. 55 While elite colleges and universities still have high standards of admissions, some of the most "exclusive" prisons now require about five prior serious crimes before an inmate is accepted into their correctional program. (Para. 4) There is a similarity between prisons and universities in their recruiting policy. You've got to be outstanding candidates to get into the best colleges and universities. Similarly, certain prisons for dangerous criminals only accept those who have committed five serious crimes before being convicted for the present one. go to 6 66 Our current crop of prisoners is an elite group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz. (Para. 4) Our present imprisoned criminal populationis indeed composed of first-rate criminals. On the whole, they are much more seriouslaw-breakers than those who were put in a prison for the dangerous criminals of the country in the thirty years between the early 1930s and early 1960s. go to 7 here used ironically 77 The police can't find most criminals and those they do find are difficult and costly to convict. (Para. 5) First, the police force is unable to find most criminals. Second, it is difficult to prosecute those they have found, try them and finally get a court to declare them guilty, and it costs a lot of money to do so, too. To be continued on the next page. 77 Cultural note: According to the judicial system of the U.S., a criminal is tried by a jury who reaches a verdict of innocent or guilty. The accused is to be found guilty "beyond reasonable doubt". This makes it difficult to convict a criminal, for his lawyers can always raise a reasonable doubt concerning the evidence, the testimony or the reliability of the witnesses. Also, collecting evidence and having a trial cost a lot of money. Sometimes a trial might last months, or even years as the nine- month trial of O. J. Simpson, famous American football player and actor, who was charged with murdering his former wife and her boy friend, but eventually declared innocent. go to 8 88 Yet when measured against the lower crime rates this would probably produce, longer prison sentences are not worth the cost to state and local governments. (Para. 7) If criminals were kept longer in prison, crime rates would probably go down. But when we consider the money that state and local governments have to pay for this, longer prison sentences are not worthwhile. compared with go to 9 keeping them locked up for longer periods of time 99 Even if released prisoners commit an average of two crimes each, this would amount to only 15,000 crimes prevented: a drop in the bucket when measured against the 41 million crimes committed each year. (Para. 8) go to 10 an amount of sth., that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference 杯水车薪,小巫见大巫 e.g. What we have raised is just a drop in the bucket. The project will need far more. 10 10 Thefirst-year operating cost would be $150,000 per crime prevented, worth it if the victim were you or me, but much too expensive to be feasible as a national policy. (Para. 9) $150,000 would be worth it if there were only one person's life, such as yours or mine, to save, but such a policy would be much too expensive to carry out nationwide. go to 11 11 11 This essay, one of the series discussing crime and punishment, begins and ends with the same statement: dealing with crime severely won't work. an item that forms part of a book, magazine, broadcast, discussion, etc. My contribution to the public debate begins and ends with this simple observation: getting tough with criminals is not the answer. (Para. 10) The end of Sentence Paraphrase. a remark, or statement Lesson 5 All the things considered, he thought it was a bad idea. (Para. 2) absolute construction go to 2 Sometimes his wife got this look where she pinched her brows together and bit her lower lip. (Para. 4) "Where" is used to indicate a relative clause. It can be used after words referring to an aspect of a situation, or a stage in sth. He squeezed to see how deep the wound was. (Para. 18) Noun clause introduced by "how" functions as the object of "see". go to 3 Pun: "Wound" refers to both the cut and injury to feelings. "Yes, different," he snapped, angry with her resorting to this trick of repeating his words so that they sounded hypocritical. (Para. 16) spoke abruptly and sharply go to 4 to turn to the help of the trick adjective phrase as subject complement appositive structure linked by "of" While he was at it, he decided, he might as well mop the floor. (Para. 42) go to 5 had better he was doing the dishes He thought the years they had spent together, and how close they were, and how well they k。

杨立民现代大学英语精读2课后答案!杨立民现代大学英语精读2课后答案!杨立民现代大学琴语精读2课后答案一:Unitl 一、词汇短语TextA disaster[diza:ste]n.灾难,灾祸;不幸【例句】These difficulties are caused by natural disasters.这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。
【助记】dis (不,没有)+aster (星星)一星星消失了,难道预示着灾难的来临?谐音“点扎死他”,灾难。
semester[simeste]n.学期;半年【彳列句】His writing has improved greatly in this semester.这学期他的写作有了很大进步。
【助记】seme (看作semi半)+s+ter (看作terra学期)—半学期beanpoletbimpeujn.(插在地上供豆茎攀缘的)支竿,瘦长之人【例句】LiLing's elder sister is short and overweight while her younger sister is a beanpole.李玲的姐姐是个矮胖墩儿,可她妹妹却是个细高个儿。
hip[hip]n.臀部,髓;屋脊;蔷薇果;忧有郁adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的【例句】He stood there with his hands on his hips.他双手叉腰站在那里。
specimen[spesimen]n.范例;样品,样本,标本【例句】He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.他采集各种岩石和矿物的标【助记】spec-看+men男人,人,(医院)常有供人看的人的样品。
drugstoretdrAg^toJn.(美国兼售化妆品、家居用品、饮料、小吃等的)药店,药房【例句】I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands. 我到药房去给你的手弄点药来。

现代大学英语精读2 the right of spring课后 答案

现代大学英语精读2 the right of spring课后答案1、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre2、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before3、I am worried about my brother. I am not sure _____ he has arrived at the school or not. [单选题] *A. whether(正确答案)B. whatC. whenD. how4、22.______ is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi now. [单选题] * A.It(正确答案)B.ThisC.ThatD.What5、We can’t go out ______ school nights. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. by6、The Yangtze River is one of ()the in the world. [单选题] *A. longest riverB. longest rivers(正确答案)C. longer riverD. longer rivers7、_____ to wait for hours,she brought along a book to read. [单选题] *A. ExpectedB. Expecting(正确答案)C. ExpectsD. To expect8、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night9、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worriedB. worry(正确答案)C. worried aboutD. worry about10、_____he was seriously ill, I wouldn’t have told him the truth. [单选题] *A.If I knewB.Had I known(正确答案)C.Did I knowD.Were I known11、11.________ big furniture shop it is! [单选题] *A.HowB.WhatC.What a (正确答案)D.What an12、You wouldn't have seen her if it _____ not been for him . [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD.is having13、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until14、You’d ______ give up smoking. [单选题] *A. goodB. wellC. better(正确答案)D. best15、There may be something wrong with her _______. She can’t see things clearly. [单选题] *A. eyes(正确答案)B. earsC. mouthD. nose16、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke17、Some people were born with a good sense of direction. [单选题] *A. 听觉B. 方向感(正确答案)C. 辨别力D. 抽象思维18、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)19、Nick got out of bed and _______ a shower. [单选题] *A. practicedB. took(正确答案)C. didD. made20、Fresh _______ is good for our health. [单选题] *A. climateB. skyC. weatherD. air(正确答案)21、_______ a busy afternoon! [单选题] *A. HowB. What(正确答案)C. WhichD. Wish22、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because23、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)24、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new25、Don’t play games on the computer all day. It’s ______ for your eyes. [单选题] *A. bad(正确答案)B. usefulC. helpfulD. thankful26、_____ of the teachers in this district are women teachers. [单选题] *A. Four fifthB. Four fifths(正确答案)C. Fourth fifthsD. Four five27、—What ______ your sister ______ this Saturday?—Something special, because it’s her birthday. ()[单选题] *A. are; going to doB. is; going to do(正确答案)C. does; doD. did do28、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do29、I should like to rent a house which is modern, comfortable and _____, in a quiet neighborhood. [单选题] *A.in allB. after allC. above all(正确答案)D. over all30、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] *A. to learn(正确答案)B. learnC. learningD. learned。

现代大学英语精读第二册练习与答案2007-1-22 16:59:28Lesson One Another School Year --- What For?I . Discuss the following questions:1) Why did the professor draw a line between training and education? In what way are they different?2) Are universities only for job training according to the professor? What else should a student strive for in a university3) How did the professor try to prove the importance of book-reading?4) How would you respond if your brother or sister or your best friend declares that he/she is only interested in learning some job skill and therefore has no use for literature, politics, philosophy, history, art, music, etc.?5) Discuss with or interview a classmate, find out his/her ideas, summarize them and report back briefly to the class: Is education for living or make a living?II. V ocabulary1. Practice using the rules of word formation.1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes “–ize” and “–fy”.specialize:____ + ____ simplify: ____ + ____2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “–ize” and vice versa.Example: computer (n.) + -ize computerize (v.)Noun/Ajective Verbcapital __________central __________final __________hospital __________ideal ____________________ apologize__________ civilize__________ fertilize__________ industrialize__________ realize3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “–fy”.Example: beauty (n.) + -fyNoun/adjective Verbclarity __________class __________identity __________intense __________just __________4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets. (1) If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is a time for you to ________ (施肥) your lawn.(2) Just enjoy the little things you are doing. When you look back, you will ________ (意识到) they were doing the big things.(3) Walt Disney ________(总结)how he made his dreams come true in four C’s: curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy.(4) The plan was ________ (批评) as too idealistic and impractical.(5) The waste water is now ________ (净化) and then used for irrigation.(6) The training courses aims to ________ (使合格) them as teachers of English.(7) How can you ________ (说明有正当理由的) your behavior?(8) The freshmen will first read some ________ (简写) stories.(9) Books can be ________ (分类) in different ways.(10) I was really ________ (害怕的) when I was told that 500 million people would watch my performance.2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.to average out (to a certain number)to be exposed toto be out toto be stuckto be true ofto do with sth.to have no business doing sth.to put sb. In touch withto see to sth./to see to it that clauseto specialize to1) They said that they would __________ no more trees are cut from now on2) When he first retired, he felt very uncomfortable. He did not know what to __________ all his time.3) If you want to know this, I can __________ a real expert.4) Meals at the hotel __________20 yuan per day.5) James protested that others __________ saying such things about him.6) Eric told me that everything in the hospital was first-rate, and so was it __________ its doctors and nurses.7) They were shocked to hear Professor Jin say that a company should not __________ make profit only.8) My father was a historian. He __________ the history of the Ming Dynasty.9) There are several ways to get around the difficulties when you __________ in the middle of a sentence.10)Some sociologists argue that the ever-increasing crimerate is due to the fact that people __________ too much violence in TV programs.11) In the first half of the year, Li Fan’s income __________ 6,000yuan per month.12) They promised to __________ the nuclear power station would be safe.3.Choose the right word and put it in the proper form..i . to say to speak to talk to tell1) “I can __________ you how to start, but you’l l have to work out the answeryourself, ” __________ Mr. Baker.2) She insisted that parents should try to find out why children sometimes __________ lies.3) Would you please stop __________? We can’t hear what the speaker is __________.4) He __________ a few words about himself and then on to __________ about the recent development in the Sino-Russian relationship.5) We learned from what students __________ about him that he __________ four languages.ii . fairly rather1) The food was__________ good, but not as delicious as in the other restaurant.2) She speaks __________ fluently, but her pronunciation is __________ poor.3) It’s___ hot here in the room. Will you please open the window?iii . sensitive sensible1) I didn’t mean you .You are too__________..2) I thank it was a very __________ thing for you to do on such occasions.3) It was __________ of them to withdraw their troops from that area.4. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.1) The town used to __________ almost entirely __________ (依靠) tourism for its economic development .2) The president asked me to __________ (主持) the meeting on his behalf .3) I told them that Mr. Shen __________ ( 坚持) their giving a straightforward answer4) No country has the right to __________ (干涉) other countries’internal affairs .5) His grandparents __________ (渴望) his return to his own country .6) In the last twenty years his research __________ (集中) a new strain of rice .7) All this __________ (同意了的) at our last discussion .I don’t see why we need to talk about it again .8) Alice is still __________ (犹豫) the choice between the tow jobs .9) They would never __________ ( 采取) these means to get rich .10) There is no use __________ (埋怨) the situation we are in . We should take action and __________ (依靠) ourselves o change it for the better .11) Do you remember the name of the Chinese who __________ (成功) swimming across the English Channel ?5.Put in the missing words.If you are like most people, your intelligence (1) __________ from season .You are (2) __________ a lot sharper in spring than you are at any (3)___ time of the year. Spring appears to be the best (4) __________ of the year for thinking. One (5) __________ may be that in spring man’s mental (6) __________ are affected by the same factors that bring (7) __________ great changes in all nature.Autumn is the next best season, (8) __________ winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to (9) __________ a long vacation from thinking! It has been (10) __________ that cool weather is much more favorable (11) __________creative thinking than is summer hear. This does not (12) __________ that all people are (13) __________ intelligent in summer than they (14) __________ during the rest of the year. It (15) __________ mean , however , that the mental powers of large numbers of people (16) __________ to be lowest in summer.III . Grammar1. Complete the following sentence wit one of these ways of expressing future time, using the verbs in the brackets.shall/will shall/will be doing shall/will have donebe to do sth. be doing sth. be going to do sth.1) It has been decided that Beijing __________ (host) the 2008 Olympics.2) The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics __________ (complete) by 2006.3) The central government __________ (do) do what is within its power to help make the event a success.4) Thousands of people __________ (work) as volunteers when the games __________(hold).5) There __________ (be) no financial problem for Beijing in organizing the games.6) By then the air in Beijing __________ (be) cleaner.7) By then all factories that cause serious air, water or noise pollution __________ (move) out of the city.8) Beijing __________ (be) more beautiful in 2008.9) Many people in Beijing __________ (learn) English in the seven years ahead.10) Both the government and the people of Beijing __________ (work) hard to make the Beijing Olympics one of the best in history.2. Combine each pair of the sentences, using the right emphasizing coordinate conjunctions.not…butnot only …but alsoboth …andeither … orneither …or1). His brother is a lawyer. His sister is a lawyer, too.2). What they lack is not money. What they lack is experience.3). They have come to china to learn Chinese. They have also come to china to learn about her culture.4). I find the new manager is not easy to get along with. I find he is not delightful to talk to, either.5). You may write your essay in your regular exercise book. You may print a copy if you do it on your computer.3. Put in the right preposition from the list below.about along with as at behind by for from in into like near of off on on to out of round to under upon with beside1) Professor Li spoke __________ an expert __________ modern Chinese literature.2) He talks __________ a computer expert, but really he knows little.3) In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were __________ work.4) __________ her 21st birthday, her parents sent her a leather coat __________ an affectionate letter.5) The manager’s office is large and airy. __________ the window is a CEO-type of desk. An office chair stands __________ the desk. Future back __________ the corner there is a floor-to-ceiling bookcase filled __________ books, magazines, etc.6) Everyone knows him __________ Old Arthur. He lives __________ a little hut __________ the middle of a small wood, about a mile __________ the village. He goes __________ the village twice a week to buy food, and occasionally he collects letters and his pension __________ the post office.7) This is what old Arthur said __________ himself __________ a reporter __________ the local newspaper: “I get up every morning __________ the birds. There is a stream __________ my hut and I fetch water __________ there. It’s good, clear, fresh water, better than you get __________ the city. Occasionally, __________ winter, I have to break the ice. I cook simple food__________ my stove; mostly stews and things __________ that. I don’t have much money, but I think I’m a lucky man.”8) Recently I came __________ a little group __________ worried people, gathered __________ a man lying __________ the pavement __________ a busy London road. They were waiting __________ an ambulance, because the man had been knocked down __________ a passing taxi. Apparently he had stepped the pavement and __________ the street, to avoid walking a ladder. This superstition goes back the days when the gallows were built a platform. To get up __________ the platform you had to clime a ladder. To pass __________ that ladder therefore was considered very unlucky.IV . Written workSuppose you are the writer and write what you said to the tall student about the purpose of a university in about 130 words. Your retelling should contain three parts.1. How you came to talk about it2. What you said3. What you pointed in conclusionKey to the exercisesII . V ocabulary1. Practice using the rules of word formation.1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes “–ize” and “–fy”.suffixes “–ize”, from Greek, is used to form verbs meaning:(1) to cause to be, to make(2) to become(3) to put into the stated placesuffixes “–fy”, from Latin, is used to form verbs meaning: to cause to be, to make.2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “–ize” and vice versa.capitalize apologycentralize civilfinalize fertilehospitalize industrialidealize real3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “–fy”clarify classify identify intensify justify4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.(1) fertilize (2) realize (3) summarized (4) criticized (5) purified(6) qualify (7) justify (8) simplified (9) classified (10) terrified2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.(1) see to it that (2)do with (3)put you in touch with(4)average out to(5) had no business (6)true of (7)be out to (8)specialized in (9) are stuck (10)are exposed to (11)averaged out to (12)seeto it that3. Choose the right word and put it in the proper form.i 1) tell, said 2) tell 3) talking, saying 4) said, speak/talk 5) said, spokeii 1) fairly 2)fairly, rather 3) ratheriii 1) sensitive 2) sensible 3) sensible4. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.1) depend on/upon 2)preside over 3)insisted on 4)interfere in/with5)are longing for/longed for 6)has been concentrated on 7)was agreed on/upon 8)hesitating about/over 9)resort to 10)complaining about, rely on/upon 11)succeeded in5. Put in the missing words.(1)varies (2)probably (3)other (4)period (5)reason (6)powers (7)about (8)then (9)take (10)found (11)for (12)mean (13)less (14)are (15)does (16)tendIII . Grammar1. Complete the following sentence wit one of these ways of expressing future time, using the verbs in the brackets.1) will host2) will have been completed/will be completed3) shall/will do4) will work, is held5) will be6) is going to be/will be7) will have (been) moved8) will be9) are going to learn10) are going to work2.2. Combine each pair of the sentences, using the right emphasizing coordinate conjunctions.1) Both his sister and brother are lawyers.2) What they lack is not money but experience.3) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but also to learn about her culture as well.4) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.5) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or print a copy if you do it on your computer.3. Put in the right preposition from the list below.1) as, on2) like3) out of4) For/On, along with5) By/Near, behind, in, with6) as, in, in, from, to/into, at/from7) about, to, from, with, near, from, in, in, on, like 8) on/upon, of, round, on, beside, for, by, off, into, under, to, on, on to, underIV . Written workSuppose you are the writer and write what you said to the tall student about the purpose of a university in about 130 words. Sample:One day back in January of 1940 , a student came to my office and told me that he had come to college to be a pharmacist. He said he didn’t see why he should read Shakespeare. I tried, to the best of my ability, to explain what a university is supposed to do. I told him that the job of a university was to produce/ turn out specialists is who were at the same time civilized citizens. In other words, the business of a university is not only to help its students acquire knowledge and professional skills, but also to put them in touch with the great minds of the past. I pointed out that if a person just wanted to be a mechanized savage he had no business being in college.Lesson Two Maheegun My BrotherI. Do you have a similar story to tell? Is it also about a wolf, about how a dog saved his little master from drowning, about how a horse saved a horseman, about how a tiger rapid the kindness of a doctor who had cured his skin trouble? OK, go ahead and tell us.II. Vocabulary1. Practice using the rules of word formation.? Complete the following sentences with the words in their proper forms from the list below. Write N (noun) or V (verb). bandage hit waste journey risk camp(1)You can’t run a business without taking __________. ()(2)The secret of his successful business is that he gets ahead during the time others __________. ()(3)Success is a __________, not a destination. ()(4)The old city area has been heavily__________ by the earthquake. ()(5)She has __________successfully across the desert. ()(6)The weather was fine, so we decided to __________ out for the night. ()(7)The soldier refuse to leave his comrades. He __________ his head and continued to fight. ()2) Study how the compound words“snow-filled”(para.23) and “blood-soaked”(para.29) are formed.snow-filled (adj.): ___ + ____ (meaning: filled with snow) blood-soaked (adj.) ____ + ___ (meaning: soaked with blood)Put the following phrases into Chinese.o a state-owned factoryo home-made cakeso heart-felt thankso an enemy-occupied areao snow-covered fieldso test-oriented educationo government-controlled shareso a poverty-stricken villageo a student-centered approacho sugar-coated pillsplete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.all for the bestat the edge ofin search ofin sth’s or sb’s placeto below itself outto quite downto come into focusto work one’s way out of? Mr. Watson put up a fence __________ his vegetable field to keep the passersby from crossing it.? Before I wrote his biography, I spent almost two years in the national library __________ information about him.? The chairperson tried to make the discussion __________ because it was impossible to solve all the problems just in one afternoon.? He decided to take the job although it didn’t pay well. He felt it was probably__________.? It took them a whole week to __________ the big forest.? When the storm finally __________, they found three people missing.? Ms. Wu acted __________ while he was away on holiday. ? The people were extremely angry. They shouted in loud protest. It took the mayor 10 minutes to make them __________.? For days, warships and fishing boats were sent to that area __________ survivors.? When the moving objects __________, we found that they were only swans.3.Choose the right phrasal verbs in the brackets and put them in proper forms.? I felt a sharp pain when the nurse__________ (tear away, tear off) the blood-soaked bandage from the wound in my leg.? I was walking along the river the other day when I saw a kid fall into the water. I immediately __________ (tear away, tear off) my jacket and jumped into the river to save them.? The old houses have been __________ (tear off, tear down) to make room for a new shopping center.? The sunset was so beautiful in the mountains that we had trouble ourselves __________. (tear away, tear off)4.Put the Chinese into English.? 他们把病人的档案全储存在计算机里了。
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It’s wrong to raise our children in the way that we grow flowers in the greenhouse.We must expose them to all social problems,because they will be dealing with them as citizen very soon.2、随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。
As time flying by,we are inevitably going to more and more involved in affairs.And conflict are sure to occur,because there are always different opinion and interest among nations.3、我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。
We are proud of our achievements and we have reason to be.But we must never be arrogant,or we will lose our friends。
Information is easily available now.An average computer can store the information of an average library.5、那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。
The construction company is not qualified for the project.They do not have any legal documents to certify that they have the necessary expertise.We must find a company specializing in building theaters.6、这些智囊团不做决策。
These think tanks don’t make decisions.They are out to put forward some new ideas and analysis helpful for decision maker.7、国内生产总值不是一切。
GDP isn’t everything.If the quality of our people’s life isn’t really improved,our country can’t be said to have been modernized.8、虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难,但作为孩子我们仍然很幸福,因为有干净的空气、水;江河湖泊里有很多鱼、螃蟹、黄鳝;田野里有花、有树、有鸟。
Poor as we are in many aspects at that time,we were still happy as children for there was fresh air、clean water,a lot of fish、crabs in the river,a lot of flowers and birds in the fields.9、只要给某一个人或者某一群人以绝对的权力,那这一个人或这一群人就肯定会滥用权力,因为正如阿克顿勋爵所说,“权力使人腐败,绝对权力使人绝对腐败。
”Once absolute power is given to any individual or any group,that person or group is sure to abuse power because just as Lord Acton said,“power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely。
Traditionally in our country,school education was always said to be more important and useful in contrast to all other pursuit。
Premier is leaving for New York for UN Comference tomorrow。
He is to meet heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York3、国庆长假期间你打算干什么?回家还是呆在校园里?What are you going to do during the National Day holiday?Are you going home or staying on campus.4、——你认为20年后学校会是什么样子?——我想孩子们很有可能会在家里跟机器老师学习。
What do you think school will be like in 20 years time?I think children will probably learn at home with a robot teacher.5、30年以前,我的祖父母根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里住。
30 years ago,my grandparents never thought they would be able to move into a two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6、他们缺的不是钱,而是经验。
What they lack is not money but experience.7、他们到中国来不仅仅是为了学汉语,而且是为了了解中国文化。
They come to China not only to learn Chinese but also to learn about Chinese culture.8、孩子们从父母那里最想得到的不是物质的东西而是爱和关注。
What children want most from their parents not material things but love and attention.9、你们既可以在练习簿里写作文,也可以在电脑里写。
You can either write in your exercise book or do it in your computer.10、我不太清楚他为什么没有来。
I’m not sure why he didn’t show up.Either he was not interested or he forgot it.11、社会应该既尊重科学家,也尊重环卫工人。
Society should respect both it’s scientists and it’s garbage collector.12、他对自己的钱和时间都挺抠门的。
He is miserly both with his money and with his time.P471、我跟你说,从各方面考虑,当老师不失为一个好主意。
All things considered,it’s not a dad idea to be a teacher。
In fact,this idea is excellent.2、我不大喜欢你像刚才那样用讽刺的口气说话。
I don’t like you taking a sarcastic tone the way you just did。
You seem to be always implying that I am a good-for-nothing.3、我爸能让我做最后决定,真是很体谅人。
It’s really considerate of my father to let me make the final decision。
I must say I’m very lucky。
Not many people have such a terrific father.4、你说你不要钱。
You say you don’t want any money。
You may not want money,but you do need it。
I don’t see what’s wrong with college students who make money during their spare time.5、不知道为什么,这个曲调听来很熟,但我就是记不起来了。
Somehow this tune sounds familiar,but I just can’t recall。
Anyhow,it’s a Russian folk song. 6、除了一贯的周末家务,我明天还有一大堆家庭作业要做。
Besides the usual weekend housework,I still have a pile of homework to do tomorrow.7、为了表明我们对最近争端的不快,我们无限期地推迟了外交部长的出访。
To demonstrate we are unhappy with the recent dispute。
We postphone our visit endless.8、天快黑了。