

《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语课件PPT)-5 basic news lead 新闻开头的写法.ppt

《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语课件PPT)-5 basic news lead 新闻开头的写法.ppt

Activity 1:
▪ Read the following news, and discuss in groups whether the leads tell you the most important or attractive information.
1. Chinese courts told to listen
▪ The courts must constantly listen to the public so they can carry out their work in a better way, Shen Deyong, executive vice president of the SPC, told a national conference on the publicity work of courts.
English News Reading and Writing
Chapter 5 :Basic News Lead
The Lead
1. What is a lead? ▪ Lead is the first paragraph in the news
story. 2. What can a lead do? ▪ Catch the reader’s attention ▪ Tell readers what’s important ▪ Pull readers into more detail
▪ The money funded 188 key projects covering infrastructure building, urban development, environmental protection and cultural conservation, the regional government said in a press release.

china daily 双语新闻 精读

china daily 双语新闻 精读

china daily双语新闻精读【释义】china daily中国日报【短语】1North China Daily News字林西报;上海字林西报;华北日报;北华捷报2a copy of China Daily一份中国日报3North China Daily林西;字林西报4China Daily European Weekly中国日报欧洲版5China Daily USA中国日报美国版;中国日报网美国版6The North China Daily News字林西报7China Daily-Sohu English搜狐英文网8the China Daily中国日报9North China Daily News Building字林大楼【例句】1I'm reading a passage in China Daily.我在读《中国日报》上的一篇文章。

2The answer is"no",according to China Daily.据《中国日报》报道,答案是否定的。

3China Daily is worth reading,we can learn a lot from it.《中国日报》值得一读,我们可以从中学到很多东西。

4The probe is planned to reach the Red Planet in May or June in 2021,China Daily reported.据《中国日报》报道,该探测器计划于2021年5月或6月抵达火星。

5It has helped to plant more than66billion trees across13provinces in the country's north to act as windbreaks(防风林),according to China Daily.《中国日报》称,它在该国北部的13个省种植了660多亿棵树作为防风林。




How to defeat burnout and stay motivated “做⾃⼰喜欢做的事。









"Do what you love." We've all heard this advice before. It's great advice, though not many people truly take it to heart. But sometimes doing what you love isn't enough to keep you going. Inspiration, passion, and motivation are difficult things to hold on to. They always seem to slip away right when you need them most. You know that feeling. Where you're that close to finishing a project, or achieving a goal, or crossing a task off your to-do list … but you just can't muster the energy. You've lost interest. You're exhausted. Drained. And you don't know why. That's burnout. It's something many of us are all too familiar with. I'd like to share with you a few ways that I fight burnout – or prevent it from catching me in the first place. 1. Achieve in increments. When you only focus on a big goal someday, it's easy to get burned out by the daily grind. It's like driving toward a mountain in the distance. You can drive for hours, but the mountain doesn't seem to get any closer. And spinning your wheels gets real tiring real fast. The solution is to give yourself a way to measure and record every little step forward you take. Here's how: Get a journal, notebook, or calendar. Writing things down is important. Identify milestones on the road towards your goal. If milestones aren't obvious, create them. Track milestones in a simple, visual format. 2. Train your muse. One of the biggest myths about inspiration that it's random. One day you're inspired and motivated, the next day you're burned out – and there's no way around it. Or so they say. In fact, inspiration is just like any other skill. It may start out as unreliable, but it can be trained and developed into something you can rely on. So how do you train your muse? The best way I've found is immersion. Surround yourself with things that inspire you and reflect your goals. Immersion trains your mind to work efficiently in the ways you need it to. The more that your inspiration becomes a part of your life, the less likely it is to run out when you need it most. With that in mind, be creative. What ways can you connect with your inspiration on a daily basis? 3. Work less. Cut down on the amount of energy and time you spend working. If you have sick days or vacation days left, take advantage of them. Or, if you're self-employed, force yourself to work fewer hours each day – even if that means turning down new projects. Working less doesn't mean you have to slack off or get less done. It does mean that you: Eliminate unnecessary tasks. Take strategic breaks. Stop multi-tasking. Seek help from other people. 4. Define success realistically. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having big dreams and big ambitions. But if you're constantly frustrated by a lack of progress, it might be time to take a step back and examine your goals. Are they achievable? Are you holding yourself to a reasonable timeline? Here's a good way to do this. Get a piece of paper and write down your big, ambitious goal. Then write down at least 10 specific, concrete steps that will allow you to achieve that goal. Be as detailed as possible. If you can't come up with a series of down-to-earth steps to get you from here to your dream, that's a sign that you need to either redefine your goals or rethink the way you're pursuing those goals. 5. Get more sleep. You've heard this before, I know. So have I. But that didn't stop me from going against my better judgment and tiring myself out by staying up late to work. Getting enough sleep takes a conscious decision – and, just like any good habit, takes time to develop. One of the biggest barriers for me in this area is procrastination. I have a tendency to put things off throughout the day, then stay up later as a result. What's keeping you from getting the rest you need? 6. Take it slow(er). The world tells us to rush things: "Get there faster. Make money quicker. Retire sooner." And while these things aren't necessarily bad, they can easily get us in over our heads. If you're feeling burned out and overwhelmed, it's time to slow down. A few ways to take yourself out of 24/7 high gear: Spend at least 10 minutes a day in a quiet place, away from distractions. Breathe. Put together a playlist of slow, relaxing music. Listen to it whenever you start feeling frazzled. Take a butcher knife to your to-do list. Set a limit to the number of tasks you take on each day and stick to it. Extend your deadlines. Do you absolutely, positively have to get this done now? Just remember – this isn’t an excuse to procrastinate. 7. Get a second opinion. It's hard to spot burnout from the inside. Your close friends and family are likely to identify the signs of burnout long before you do. So listen to what they're saying. The next time your spouse, parent, or best friend tells you you're working too hard, take it seriously. 8. Set clear boundaries. Burnout happens when we allow work to overflow its boundaries and interfere with every other part of our lives. So set strong boundaries. The clearer the better. In writing, if possible. For example, instead of saying: "I'll spend at three hours every night with my family," make it clearer: "I won't work after 8 o'clock. That's 100% family time." Clear boundaries are easier to stick to and harder to rationalize away. 9. When you're working, focus. I've found that concentrating on work is actually less exhausting than allowing yourself to be wishy-washy about it. When you decide that it's time to work, buckle down, eliminate distractions, and do it wholeheartedly. There's something amazingly refreshing about pure, sharp focus. 10. Create outlets. If you're a person of diverse interests (and really, who isn't?), it's likely that you have several very different goals and ideas bouncing around in your head at any given time. These ideas need outlets. If you hold them inside, they'll eventually start interfering with your focus and creating unnecessary frustration, leading to burnout. 11. Know when to power through it. This is going to sound out of place given what I've said above, but it's powerful – if applied correctly. Sometimes the solution for burnout is just to power through it. Sometimes burnout can be an illusion. In these cases, the best choice is to refuse to use burnout as an excuse, ignore the fact that you feel burned out, and just work through it. It's like a runner gaining her second wind and coming out stronger on the other side. 12. Never accept defeat. Burnout is an obstacle like any other. It can hold you back for a while, but it's not the end of the world – unless you let it defeat you. If you have a great goal in mind, don't give up on it, no matter how apathetic, exhausted, or frustrated you might feel. If everything I've said up until this point fails, do this: hold on to your dream – even if it doesn't feel like much of a dream at the moment. Hold on to it anyway. That way, when the storm clears, your dream will still be intact, ready for another try.。



假期作业·新闻翻译系别国际传播学院年级2012级专业(班级)学号姓名时间2014年7月【1】英美两国新规定手机不开机不让上飞机Passengers at some overseas airports that offer U.S.-bound flights will soon be required to power on their electronic devices in order to board their flights — a measure intended to enhance aviation security at a time when intelligence officials are concerned about hidden explosives, a counterterrorism official said.American intelligence officials have been concerned about new al-Qaida efforts to produce a bomb that would go undetected through airport security. There is no indication that such a bomb has been created or that there's a specific threat to the U.S., but intelligence has suggested that al-Qaida and like-minded groups are focused on perfecting an explosive that could be hidden in shoes, electronics or cosmetics.Also, all travelers flying to or from Britain have been warned they may have to switch on mobile phones, laptops and other gadgets at security to prove they are working properly.British Airways warned on Monday night that passengers who could not switch on an electronic device when asked to do so would not be allowed to board their flight, with or without the item in question, as part of a new security protocol.But less than 24 hours later it reversed its position, offering passengers the option of being rebooked on a later service, leaving their device at the airport for collection on their return, or having it forwarded to an address of their choice.(译文)未来不久,从某些海外机场飞往美国的乘客将被要求打开自己的电子设备才能登机。



双语新闻阅读与练习我国连续11年成为全球最大工业机器人市场,AIS English,1分钟双语新闻China has remained the world’s largest market for industrial robots for an 11th consecutive year, Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said at the ongoing 2024 World Robot Conference in Beijing.2024世界机器人大会当前正在北京举行,工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌在大会上表示,我国连续11年成为全球最大工业机器人市场。

Data shows that in 2023, China’s industrial robot production had reached 430,000 sets, while the country’s newly added robot installations accounted for more than half of the global market over the past three years, said Xin Guobin.据辛国斌介绍,数据显示,2023年我国工业机器人产量为43万套,近3年新增装机量占全球一半以上。

After a decade of rapid development, China has become a strong promoter of the growth of the global robot industry, Xin added.辛国斌称,经过十年的快速发展,中国已成为全球机器人产业增长的有力推动者。

Xin said that over the years, China’s robot industry has made great progress in innovation and development, and new breakthroughs have been achieved in the research and development of bionic perception, cognition, planning and control technologies.辛国斌表示,多年来,我国机器人产业在创新发展方面取得了长足进步,在仿生感知、认知、规划和控制技术研发方面实现了新的突破。




下面是店铺给大家整理的中英双语新闻报道,供大家参阅!中英双语新闻报道:希腊议会通过新紧缩法案确保获得救助金The Greek Parliament approved another round oftough economic cuts and austerity measuresThursday to assure itself another installmentpayment of European bailout funds.本周四,希腊国会批准通过了另一轮严峻的经济削减与财政紧缩措施,以确保本国可以得到欧洲财政援助基金的另一批资金。

Greece may have again faced bankruptcy in Julywithout the payment.如果得不到援助金,希腊将在7月份再一次面临破产。

All 153 lawmakers in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras'leftist coalition voted for the cuts; all 128 opposition members voted no.希腊阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯的左翼联盟中的153名国会议员均投票支持财政紧缩措施;而128名反对党成员则投票反对。

More than 10,000 Greeks weary of the nation's economic problems, including elderlypensioners facing more cuts, marched outside Parliament against the measures.有超过1万名希腊公民对国家的经济问题感到厌倦,其中包括面临更多削减的老年养老金领取者,他们通过在议会外游行来反对这些措施。

Several dozen young marchers wearing masks broke away from the crowd to throw gasolinebombs at police, who responded with tear gas.其中几十个带着面具的年轻游行者走出游行人群,向警察扔汽油弹。



china daily双语新闻:中国的故事世界的故事Regarded as the world`s leading futurist, Naisbitt shed light on his upcoming book Megatrends China during a recent visit to Beijing. He gained an extensive following in China back in the 1980s with Megatrends, which sold 14 million copies around the world and topped the New York Times best-seller list for the best part of two years. Back then, I was a postgraduate student at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and read his book word by word. Although I didn`t fully understand it, I found it very encouraging for China in the early years of its opening-up and reform.不久前,世界未来学家奈斯⽐特来京宣传他的新书《中国⼤趋势》。




When I finally met Naisbitt and his wife Doris in Beijing, I found the 80-year-old still hale and hearty. We had a friendly chat that was free of age or cultural differences. The old man`s eyes sparkled with wisdom, earnestness and a childish smile.多年后,当我终于有幸在北京见到奈斯⽐特和他夫⼈多丽丝,我发现他虽已是80岁⾼龄,却依然⾝体健康、精神饱满。

china daily 双语新闻:自然的方法预防皱纹

china daily 双语新闻:自然的方法预防皱纹

china daily 双语新闻:自然的方法预防皱纹Most women are very sensitive about getting wrinkles on their faces. Even though aging is a natural process, it can be unpleasant and painful. So, how do you avoid or prevent wrinkles from showing up on your face? Let’s take a look at 5 natural ways.1. Eat rightSkin is the largest organ in the body. It literally reflects the condition of your entire body and its organs. Eating right can keep you and your skin healthy. Avoid consuming too much of fatty and sweet foods. Eat enough vegetables, fruits, fish, seeds and nuts to supply your skin with antioxidants and vitamins. They can stop or slow down the process of aging.2. Drink rightKeeping your skin hydrated is essential for its healthy and young look. So, drink lots of water. You need to avoid drinks that dehydrate your skin, especially alcohol and soda. Alcohol damages your liver, which reflects on your skin and gives your face an old and lusterless look. Soda damages your kidneys.3. Cleanse rightThis is one of the golden rules of younger looking skin. Your skin renews itself everyday. In order to bring the rejuvenated skin to the fore, you need to get rid of dead skin cells by throwing them off your body. Proper cleansing can help your skin to exfoliate faster and to prevent suchskin problems, as acne. This keeps skin looking young and healthy.4. Steam rightSteaming can be a part of cleansing process. When you steam your face, you can use a facial sauna device or just bow down over a pan of hot water. Steaming helps to open up your pores. It removes dead cells, extra sebum and dirt. It makes your skin softer and prevents wrinkles.5. Massage rightThere is a special kind of massage that can help you to keep your facial skin looking young and to prevent sagging. You can do it yourself. You have to relax your face muscles. Gently, but actively massage all over your face. Such a massage relaxes your face muscles as also lessens the number of wrinkles. It would be ideal if you could ask a professional to massage your face every fortni ght. You’d find a noticeable difference in the shine and luster of your skin.。



/language_tips/index.html地球真的受伤了……Earth's "vital signs" in bad shape: reportMore wood was removed fromforests in 2005 than ever before, one of many troubling environmental signs highlighted on Thursday in theWorldwatchInstitute's annual check of the planet's health. TheWashington-basedthink tank's "Vital Signs 2007-2008" report points to global patterns ranging from rising meatconsumption to Asian economic growth it says are linked to the broader problem of climate change. "I think climate change is the most urgent challenge we have ever faced," said Erik Assadourian, director of the Vital Signs project."You see many trends in climate change, whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding. Or meatproduction as livestock production makes up about20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions," he toldMore wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, one of manytroubling environmental signshighlighted on Thursday in theWorldwatch Institute's annual check ofthe planet's health.上周四,世界观察研究学会一年一度的“地球健康体检”报告出炉。



双语新闻阅读与练习《我的阿勒泰》热播,治愈之地阿勒泰会成为下一个顶流吗?双语新闻China’s new hit TV show To the Wonder has made Altay in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region a new trendy tourism destination among young people, who are attracted by the breathtaking views and the simple and heartwarming lives of the local residents.近日,电视剧《我的阿勒泰》让新疆阿勒泰地区成为现在年轻人中最火的旅游目的地,壮丽景色和当地居民淳朴温馨的生活深深吸引着他们。

Adapted from My Altay, a collection of prose by Li Juan, the drama tells the story of Li Wenxiu, a young woman who returned to her hometown of Altay to live with her mother after failing in her dream of becoming a writer and having setbacks at work. She then found the meaning of life and her love in Altay.该剧改编自李娟的同名散文集,电视剧讲述了少女李文秀在城市中工作受挫、追逐文学梦想碰壁后回到家乡与母亲一起生活的故事。


The travel portal Qunar said that from May 7 — the day the TV show began its commercial airing — flight ticket bookings to Altay rose 20 percent compared with the same period in the previous month, and hotel bookings doubled during the period on its platform.去哪儿网站显示,自5月7日电视剧播出以来,前往阿勒泰的机票预订量比上月同期增长了20%,其平台上的酒店预订量在此期间翻了一番。



英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:中国农业创新助⼒发展,供⼤家参考:)In 1968, when I was in high school, a book titled The Population Bomb was published. The author, Paul Erlich, began the book with this statement: "The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate" I knew very little about farming then, but was frightened by the vision and wondered if anyone could prevent this future state.Fortunately, due in large part to the individual dynamism and genius of a man named Norman Borlaug, this dire prediction did not come true. Borlaug, along with Yuan Longping and other researchers, identified new seed varieties for rice, wheat and maize, launching the "Green Revolution" in the 1960s that helped farmers double and triple their yields around the world.But the benefits of the Green Revolution didn't reach every region of the world; yields in Africa are still dismally low and farmers continue to face tough conditions to grow their crops. Climate change has contributed to an increase in droughts and floods in tropical regions, which is a huge challenge for smallholder farmers living there.Today, almost a billion people are affected by severe hunger and poverty. It is a horrible irony that so many of those who go to bed hungry are the same people growing and harvesting food. But poor farmers are not the problem to be fixed, they are the solution.At our foundation, we put the smallholder farmer at the center of our work, we believe by listening to their needs and understanding the crops they want to grow, the food they want to eat, we will make the right investments and find the best innovations to help drive a new Green Revolution in Africa.China is one of our key partners, with rich experience and deep expertise in agriculture, which can help accelerate progress in poor countries. China is also a world leader in rice breeding.We are thrilled to be partnering with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to develop a series of new rice varieties, Green Super Rice. The new rice varieties will mean farmers have to use less inputs - so they don't need to rely as much on fertilizer and water. Green Super Rice has been introduced to some African and Asian countries for early trials. In some pilot countries, it has helped smallholder farmers increase production by 20 percent. The next step is to share China's promising results with other poor countries, and help farming families increase productivity in an affordable and sustainable way.The innovations in gene sequencing, led by Chinese scientists at the Beijing Genome Institute, could also lead to dramatic productivity gains. Historically, it would take years for crop breeders to find and cross breed the right combination of seed variants to deliver higher yielding seed varieties. Now, however, scientists can sequence the genomes of thousands of plants and use computer algorithms to predict which combinations will work best, greatly simplifying and accelerating this process and the potential gains for farmers.Imagine the analogy of a large public library with rooms full of books. We used to have to use the card catalogue and browse through the books to find the information we needed. Now we know the precise page that contains the piece of information we need. In the same way, we can find out precisely which plant contains a gene conferring a specific characteristic.It is exciting to be partnering with BGI in this initiative, working with some of the best scientists, and the best technology to drive progress for the poorest people in the world.Beyond agricultural innovation, China has rich experience and significant potential in bio-gas, vaccine R&D and manufacture, and medicine research, which are critical for helping the poorest in Africa to alleviate poverty and live productive lives. We are pleased to cooperate with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology to co-invest in these innovative programs for the poorest in Africa and around the world.1968年,我正在读中学,当时保罗·埃利希的《⼈⼝爆炸》⼀书影响很⼤。




研究表明女性基因其实更"强势"While women have for centuries been labelled as the weaker sex, new research suggests the truth is quite the opposite.据英国《每日电讯报》9月28日报道,几世纪以来,女性都被打上弱势性别的标签,但一项新研究表明,事实可能正好相反。

According to a study, the fairer sex is genetically programmed to better resist infections and cancer, and also have a back-up system for fighting disease.根据该研究,女性基因更能有效抵抗传染病和癌症,同时其基因还具备一套抵御疾病的支持体系。

The discovery sheds light on why members of the so-called stronger sex succumb to "man-flu".这一发现解释了所谓的强势性别——男人总易患流感的原因。

The reason why women are more robust appears to be microRNAs - short strands of RNA encoded on the chromosome, scientists believe. RNA is a genetic cousin of DNA and can have important biological effects.科学家认为,女性更健康的原因可能在于微RNA(核糖核酸),它是染色体上RNA编码的短片段。



英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:世界卫⽣组织空⽓污染致癌,供⼤家阅读参考。

Fresh air polluted by exhaust fumes and industrial emissions causes lung cancer, a team of World Health Organisation experts has officially declared.Outdoor air pollution was officially classified as carcinogenic to humans by the cancer arm of the WHO after a review of the latest scientific evidence from around the world.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also highlighted an apparent link between air pollution and an increased risk of bladder cancer, although the findings were less conclusive.Levels of pollution vary widely between urban and rural areas, but the working group said their findings applied to all regions of the world, and sent a “strong signal” to governments to tackle the problem immediately.Dr Kurt Straif, head of the IARC Monographs Section which identifies environmental causes of cancer, said: “The air we breathe has become polluted with a mixture of cancer-causing substances.“We now know that outdoor air pollution is not only a major risk to health in general, but also a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths.”The latest available data suggest that in 2010, air pollution was responsible for the deaths of 223,000 lung cancer patients around the world.Scientists from the IARC studied more than 1,000 academic papers on polluted air and, separately, small particles found in polluted air.They found that the risk of developing lung cancer rises in tandem with increasing levels of either, concluding for the first time that outdoor air pollution is a cause of cancer.Prof David Phillips of King’s College London, a member of the working group, said there was no particular threshold at which pollution becomes dangerous. “The higher the pollution, the greater the cancer risk,” he explained. “It does not suddenly kick in at a particular level.”The programme had previously classed a variety of individual chemicals and mixtures found in polluted air as carcinogens, such as diesel engine exhaust, solvents, metals, and dusts.Dr Dana Loomis, deputy head of the IARC monographs section, explained: “Our task was to evaluate the air everyone breathes rather than focus on specific air pollutants.“The results from the reviewed studies point in the same direction: the risk of developing lung cancer is significantly increased in people exposed to air pollution.”Although the findings do not come as a surprise, they are likely to significantly increase the pressure on governments around the world to tackle pollution, which has risen rapidly around the world during industrialisation and was already known to raise the risk of conditions like heart and respiratory diseases.Traffic, power stations, industrial and agricultural emissions, and cooking and heating in the home are the main causes of air pollution.Dr Christopher Wild, director of the IARC, said: “Classifying outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans is an important step. There are effective ways to reduce air pollution and, given the scale of the exposure affecting people worldwide, this report should send a strong signal to the international community to take action without further delay.”查看译⽂据英国《每⽇电讯报》报道,世界卫⽣组织的专家们正式宣布,被汽车尾⽓和⼯业废⽓污染的空⽓会导致肺癌。



⽆忧考英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:8个⽅法让你的上午更⾼效,供⼤家阅读参考。

Just as it’s rare for anyone to experience overnight success, it’s also rare for our lives to crumble to pieces in an instant. Most unproductive or unhealthy behaviors are the result of slow, gradual choices that add up to bad habits; a wasted morning here, an unproductive morning there.就像很少有⼈能⼀夜成名⼀样,我们的⽣活也不太可能在顷刻间⽀离破碎,许多低效或不健康的⾏为习惯都是由这种缓慢⽽持续的选择叠加⽽成的。


The good news is that exceptional results are also the result of consistent daily choices. Nowhere is this more true than with your morning routine: the way you start your day is often the way that you finish it.但好消息是,如果每天坚持健康正确的选择,就能产⽣与众不同的结果。


What you do each morning is an indicator of how you approach your entire day. It’s the choices that we repeatedly make that determine the life we live, the health we enjoy, and the work we create. Here are the strategies that I’ve found to be most effective for getting the most out of my morning.你每个早上的作为影响着你⼀整天的⽣活⽅式。



Research in China finds air pollution significantly shortened life expectancy研究发现:空气污染显著缩短寿命A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China. Researchers estimate that the half-billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5 years less than their southern counterparts because they breathed dirtier air.一项新的研究表明由于烧煤引发的严重空气污染将缩短中国北方居民的寿命。


China itself made the comparison possible: for decades, a now-discontinued government policy provided free coal for heating, but only in the colder north. Researchers found significant differences in both particle pollution of the air and life expectancy in the two regions, and said the results could be used to extrapolate the effects of such pollution on lifespans elsewhere in the world.中国可以用自身来做一个比较:几十年来,国家政策只允许给寒冷的北方地区提供免费的煤燃料供暖,现在这项政策已经被废止。



chinadaily双语新闻:我们都有面临抑郁的危险Each one of us has some risk for becoming depressed. For some the chance might be remote, while for others it can be almost inevitable.我们每个人都有一定水准的抑郁风险。


We all have our own vulnerabilities for depression, based on our life experiences, health conditions, substance use, and genetic predisposition. A person's risk for becoming depressed at some point in his or her life ranges from low to high, based upon the interaction of all of these factors.对于抑郁,我们都有各自的薄弱点,这些可能和人生经历、健康情况、物质滥用和遗传易感性相关。


A good general way to think of the factors that lead to depression is with the two-hit hypothesis. This model suggests that people become depressed when the effects oftheir genetic composition—which itself puts them somewhereon a scale of low-to-high likelihood of eventually developing depression—combine with stressful life experiences.采取“两步假设法”能够从宏观上了解这些因素是怎样导致抑郁的。



The First woman cured of HIV研究报告全球首位治愈艾滋病的女性A patient in the United States with leukemia(白血病)has become the first woman to be cured of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.美国一名白血病患者成为首位艾滋病被治愈的女性。

The patient received stem cells from a donor. Stem cells are special cells that can become any kind of cell in the body. The donor was naturally resistant to HIV, researchers said.这位患者接受了来自捐赠者的干细胞。



The woman has been described as a 64-year-old woman of mixed race.这位女性是一名64岁的混血妇女。

It is the first case involving blood from the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord connects a pregnant mother to her baby. The use of umbilical blood is a somewhat new method. Doctors are considering making the treatment available to more people.这是第一例涉及使用脐带血的案例。



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One of the Democratic party foreign policy platforms is a pledge to exert more American leadership on situations such as that in Sudan's Western Darfur region.
The subject of Sudan, where government-supported militias have killed, injured and displaced thousands, made it to the floor of the Democratic convention.
Congressman Joe Hoeffel, who is running for a key Senate seat in the [Eastern] state of Pennsylvania, listed bloodshed and human rights violations in Sudan among issues he says a Kerry administration can be expected to aggressively deal with: "The fierce urgency of now, demands that we respond to the genocide, rape and murder in the Sudan," he said.
Dan Robinson
29 Jul 2004, 00:30 UTC
Robinson report - Download 370k (RealAudio)
Foreign policy issues, including the situation in Iraq, figured prominently in speeches during the third day of the Democratic national convention in Boston.
Democratic Convention Speeches Focus on Iraq, Other Foreign Issues
Senator Kerry, who voted for a congressional resolution authorizing military action in Iraq, is expected to address these issues again on Thursday as he accepts the Democratic nomination for President.

Senator Kerry has pledged a range of steps to strengthen the U.S. and has received the endorsement of many veterans groups. At a campaign event Wednesday here in Boston, a dozen former U.S. generals and admirals endorsed Mr. Kerry for president.
Political conventions have for decades provided politicians and others an opportunity to voice their feelings about a range of issues, domestic and foreign. However, foreign policy plays a particularly prominent role this year, because national security has become unusually important in American politics in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Addressing the convention Wednesday, Congressman Ike Skelton, top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, had this indirect criticism of Bush administration support for U.S. troops in Iraq.
"In a foxhole there are no political parties. It is a mistake to assume that military votes are Republican votes," he said. "The bulk of the [U.S.] enlisted military comes from inner cities and rural areas that form the Democratic core. Military personnel don't like being used as props for political purposes. We need to honor their service. Don't deploy them wantonly. Give them the compensation, the recognition and the tools they need and above all, don't patronize them."
However, most of the attention in the party platform is devoted to Iraq, and reflects Senator Kerry's view that the United States must remain engaged to create a stable and secure environment there, while seeking to internationalize military operations.
From the continuing military and security struggles in Iraq, to the situation in Sudan, many have tried to highlight issues that otherwise might be submerged amid talk about the economy, health care, education and other things.
Iraq continues to feature prominently as the convention moves toward its climax.