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II.Grammar and Vocabulary (26%)

Section A (16)

Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.


Recently, a student organization at Cornell University ____________ (introduce)their Big Red Bikes program. Like many bike share programs across America, the project aims to make biking accessible and convenient for every student on the campus.____________the cold winter approaches, the bikes are being moved into storage, but that has not stopped the organization ____________(continue) to collect money in the hope of expanding the program in the next years.

Big Red Bikes provided 20 bikes for the students to use in May 2011.Six months later, 20 more ____________(add).The hope is to finally expand the program to include 100 bikes and more parking station.

As the need for the program increases,Big Red Bikes is working in a highly democratic (民主的)manner to determine how to expand the program. The organization sent out a campus-wide survey to decide____25____ they would put future parking stations and get advice on bike models. For example, the second 20-bike addition has a slightly different model and includes a basket.

____26____ it is only a campus-wide program at present, it could contribute to a larger national movement. Boris Suchkov, the finance director of Big Red Bikes, ____27____ (explain), “When graduates go to live somewhere else, they have this expectation that biking should be a part of life.” He added, “We believe that students ____28____ are exposed to an environmentally sustainable transport system during their college years will be more likely to expect and need sustainable systems of all kinds in the future.”


Happiness, according to the Oxford English dictionary, ____29____(base) on luck or good fortune. Joy on the other hand, is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. Thus, happiness depends on circumstance; joy____30____ our emotional well-being.

If you know joyful people, you will probably notice common traits(特性) among them. Joyful people are often healthy, both physically and mentally; they value strong positive relationships, and they don’t allow the extremes of life -- sudden highs or sudden lows -- ____31____(influence) them too much. Joyful people lead ____32____ more stable life. But these abilities do not just arrive; they have to be worked at.

Teaching ourselves to be joyful may be one of the greatest things that we can do ____33____(enhance) our overall health. However, it is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not affected by the things that happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we ____34____ strive to find the joy within, educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives. One way to start is to make a decision to wake up every morning and find joy in our lives. ____35____(think) about a special person or a devoted pet. It is our choice to be either joyful ____36____ fearful. Let’s take the time to train ourselves to be joyful -- our lives will be both happier and healthier for it.

Section B(10’)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Nine times out of ten, students complain to their Physical Education teachers about being out in the hot sun, running around for no reason. Perhaps in lower level education, children see it as a ____37____ of escaping the classroom, but as they grow older, it’s simply looked upon as a huge waste of time and energy.

However, engaging in acts of physical activity from a young age is very important for both the mental and physical health of a child; the habits learnt in youth tend to continue into adulthood, thus having an effect on the prevalence of obesity and ____38____ illnesses in society. Physical activity has been ____39____ with an increased life expectancy in adults so its importance is
