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Kuang reached Toronto which lies slightly near thebo1r3derat a misty dawn. There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth n1e4arby at once r1a5ther thanwaiting for him to come. They had a good time together.
rather than
We will have to go with Plan B rather than Plan A.
He, rather than you, ____ (be) on duty today.
注意:rather than 作连词用,连接两个并列成分;连接 主语时,谓语动词的数与其前面的成分保持一致。
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V. 包围,围绕
multi 多+cultural 文化的 =multicultural 多种文化的
cultural 文化的
前缀,意为 + national 民族的
colored 彩色的
multicultural adj.多种文化的
multinational adj. 多民族的
multicolored adj.五彩缤纷的
He saw beautiful harbours in the distance, wealthy urban areas and maple forest that covered thousands of acres. He even _m_a_n_a1g0e_d__t_o_ catch s1ig1ht ofan eagle flying up1w2ardover bushes.
measuring approximately 5,000 kilometers. His train started from Vancouver, a citys_u_3rr_o_u_n_ded by
mountains. After confirming his baggage was aboard the train, Kuangs_e_tt4l_e_d_d_o_wnin his seat._H_a_v5in_g_ a gift for communication, he started _c_h_a6tti_n_g_ with another passenger w__it7h_in__ 5 minutes. Their topics included the Canadian _tr_a_d8it_i_o_n_s, the Prime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After a nice buffet at noon, he was pleased to find that the scenery was_i_m_p_r9e_s_s_i.ve
west 西
north 北
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adj. 向东方的;朝东的 adv. 向东
adj. 向南的;在南方的 adv. 向南
adj. 向西的;西方的 adv. 向西
adj. 向北的;北方的 adv. 向北
We will have to go with Plan B rather than Plan A.
The women chat casually about their lives.
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v. 闲聊,聊天 n.闲谈,聊天 句:The women chat casually about their lives.
英 chat=to talk with someone in casual way
Unit 5 Canada——“The True North” ——words and expressions
A Journey Across_M___u_l_t_i_c1_u_l_t_u__r_a_l__Canada
After a quiz last autumn, Kuang crossed the continent _e_as2tw__a_rd__ to Toronto to visit his schoolmate, the distance
chat with sb. 与某人闲聊 chat about sth. 闲聊某事
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v/n. 喋喋不休
chat with sb.
v/n. 喋喋不休 和某人闲谈
v. 闲谈
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Look for the house with the two windows surrounded by green vines(藤).
Choose the right picture which corresponds with the blue font, according to the sentence.
Canada is a multicultural country.
adj. 多种文化的 句:Canada is a multicultural country.
Mommy, what is that? Look upward!
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adv. 向上地,上升地 adj.上升的,向上的 句:Mommy, what is thaபைடு நூலகம்? Look upward! up 向上 + ward 向… =upward 向上的
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east 东
south 南 -ward是表示 + 方向的后缀