
《商务英语阅读》实训指导书一、课程信息1.课程代码:2.课程类型: B类3.适用对象: 高职商务英语专业二、实训目的与任务1.实训目的<<英语阅读>>是英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课, 同时也是使学生大量接触英语读物和培养阅读能力的一门实践基础课。
英语阅读课的目的在于培养学生的英语阅读能力和提高学生的阅读速度;培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;提高学生的阅读技能, 包括略读、寻读、细读、评读等能力;并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量, 增强语感, 不断积累各种语言知识, 加深文化沉淀。
2.实训任务1)能读懂英语国家出版的中等难度的新闻电迅、特写、传记、科普文章和文学原著, 阅读速度达到每分钟不少于80个词, 能掌握主旨和大意, 抓住主要论点或情节, 并能根据所读材料进行推理和分析, 从而领会作者的真实意图。
2)5—6分钟内速读1000词左右的中等难度的文章, 了解中心大意, 能根据上下文和构词知识猜测和判断词义。
3)较熟练地使用词典和初步学会查阅参考书, 独立解决大部分语言难点和一些背景知识问题。
三、实训要求1. 必须按计划要求精心准备, 密切配合, 共同完成实训任务。
2. 在实训期间遵守实训制度, 服从实训指导老师的指导和安排。
4.严格进行考勤, 不得迟到, 出勤情况作为该课程平时成绩的重要依据之一。
5.实训结束后, 按要求撰写、提交实训报告。
四、教学组织形式在教学组织与安排上, 实行项目引导、任务驱动的教学组织方式。
以教师为主导、学生为主体, 以典型工作任务为载体, 突出岗位实践能力, 落实教、学、做一体化。
五、实训项目设置六、能力训练条件实验实训条件有校内商务综合实训室, 语音多媒体教室。
七、考核方案综合实训主要考核学生对教学内容的掌握情况, 以及运用已学知识和技巧解决问题的能力。

《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
3. We are pleased to place an order with you for 15000 pairs of women’s leather shoes.
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
【BUSINESS SITUATION】 Having studied the email of the Seller, Alfred White agrees to the concession of 2%, and confirms his order with him. Mike Du is faxing his Sales Confirmation to the Buyer and asks him to sign and fax it back.
【背景提示】买方同意卖方所作出2%的让步,卖方用传 真发出销售确认书。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》

另一方面,在大一《英语听力》、《英语口语》、《综合英语教程》等课程学习的基础上进一步将已学的英语基础知识融合于商务背景之中,通过Tell Me More软件模拟商务情境的实战练习,让学生初步掌握商务基础词汇和常用短语及句型。

商务英语专业外贸函电实训任务书与指导书山东水利职业学院商务管理系目录§1 实训性质与目的§2 实训任务与时间安排§3 实训作业组织§4 实训成绩考核§5 实训基本内容与指导§1 实训性质与目的一、实训性质商务英语专业《外贸英语函电》实训是国际贸易、商务英语专业的实践性教学环节,是一门将英语知识应用于国际贸易专业写作的课程。
§2 实训任务与时间安排一、实训任务(一)模拟建立业务关系实训项目教学的目的与要求:根据报纸、使馆、因特网、交易会、商会、往来客户等提供的信息,按照潜在客户的需求,结合本公司的业务范围和发展需要,撰写要求建立业务关系的信函、资信调查函和对公司作简介。

一、系统总体界面 学生注 册入口
网站后 台管理 入口
比赛管理 员、评委 入口
1、点击评委入口, 登陆管理中心。注: 必须在管理中心进行相关设置, 才能开始比赛
点击比赛设置——场次管理,设置本场比赛的小组平均人数、比赛时 长,保存关闭。
6、添加或编辑商品 在基本信息标签页面填写商品名称、分类及是否推荐等信息。
点击商品描述 标签栏 填写产品描述信息,可插入文字、图片、flash信息。
上传商品相关图片;暂定为前2张为处理过的商品图片;后2张为商品拍摄 的原始图片,届时以参赛指南相关要求为准则,完成后点击保存按钮。
E、订单管理——在此完成对订单的相关操作 点击第一条订单,进入订单操作页面,见下页图
比如将订单金额修改为10000,之后点 保存 ,看到 后点击返回,进入下页图页面.
此时选择确认订单,看到 理,进入下页图页面.
此时选择银行汇款支付, 进入下页图页面.
3、登录 输入注册时的用户名和密码,登录学生操作端。
4、申请店铺 点击免费开店按钮
比赛时 间提示
添加店铺相关信息(注:店铺公告中可插入图片或Flash)填写完毕后,点击 保存按钮,进入商品分类页面。
正确的选择商品的类别,填写文字描述及上传分类图片,其中排列顺序 必须输入数字
其它商品分类信息可在卖家管理的商品分类管理模块 ,点击保存后进入添加或编辑商品页面

《商务英语 Business》学习手册本手册旨在向学习者展示《商务英语Business》课程的架构和使用方法。
写作课欢迎页每个单元包含一个复习课,通常是一个单元的第11课——“Let’s Review”。
本课的“Learning Points” (学习要点)和“Target Words” (目标词汇)取自本单元之前学过的课,因此,虽然对话或课文是新的,但语法和词汇却不是。
复习课欢迎页单元测试欢迎页故事情节多个主角贯穿整个课程的1, 2,3个级别。
课程组成部分L et’s Start——欢迎页,拉开每一课的序幕。

实训平台使用手册实训平台使用手册 (1)一.为什么要使用实训平台 (2)二.登录实训平台 (3)三.更改课程设置 (5)四.管理教学资料 (6)五.给学生提供学习材料 (8)5.1 打开编辑功能 (9)5.2 提供学习材料 (9)5.3组织学生讨论与答疑 (13)5.4查看成绩 (18)一.为什么要使用实训平台通过本实训平台,老师可以发布课程大纲、教学计划,以及每堂课的教学内容,布置作业,批改作业,公布学生成绩。
二.登录实训平台注册用户名和密码,如图示:使用实训平台1. 在右上角的登录处输入你的用户名和密码。
图表 32. 使用预设的的帐号登录后,进入主程界面:图表 43. 点击相应的课程链接,即可进入。
. 设置课程密码如果您想控制只让某些人选修你的课程,您可以设置您的课程密码。

知识点 外贸函电(邀请函)
国际贸易实务(L/C付款,订舱单),外贸函 电(改证函) 国际贸易实务(L/C议付,商业发票、箱单、 提单、保险单、原产地证等)
机场接机,商务演示 之公司介绍,介绍和 引导礼仪
知识点 财务类 人力资源(KPI考核)管理(目标设定之SMART) 管理(企业文化和团队活动)
如果配合教学同步使用,建议使用阶段为大二或大三;如果作为实习实训平台, 建议学生完成商务模块课程后在高年级使用。
4. Q&A
2. 配套使用教材
设计者通过梳理上述教材,以巧妙的故事设计手法,通过知识导入、训练题 和答案解析,将以上教材80%以上的通用知识点融入软件中。因此,只要按 照新国标要求开设的综合英语或者商务综合类课程都可以使用该软件,对教 材无特定要求。
1 2 3
简介 具体设计 Q&A
4 Q&A
1. 课时要求和使用阶段
22个关卡,55个场景, 单个场景< 1课时
软件以自主学习为设计思路,以HTM5为开发基础,实现了个性化和随时随地学习, 可作为课堂外同步训练,也可在实训室集中训练。
2 设计—— 实训中心
2 设计—— 实训中心
2 设计—— 实训中心
国际商务英语模拟实训教程Unit2 Sales Promotion

Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Two Sales Promotion
现具函自我介绍,本公司是中国一家主要出口商, 经营各类运动服。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Two Sales Promotion
奥迪贸易公司推荐你公方是加拿大主要儿童 玩具进口公司之一。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Two Sales Promotion
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Two Sales Promotion
1.We are one of the leading exporters of first class china wears and are enjoying an excellent reputation through twenty years’ business experience.

商务英语函电实训系统用户操作手册厦门亿学软件有限公司2016 年6月24日修订历史序号版本说明修改日期修改人1 V0.1 初稿2015/8/31 姚江海2 V0.2 补充教师端操作说明2016/6/24 蔡志勤目录1引言 (1)1.1文档目的 (1)1.2适用范围 (1)2数据库管理工具的安装 (1)3产品安装 (6)4角色操作 (13)4.1学生端操作 (13)4.1.1单项实训 (13)知识点解析 (15)同步实训 (17)4.1.2综合实训 (21)4.1.3考试 (30)4.1.4个人中心 (32)4.2教师端操作 (34)4.2.1单项技巧管理 (35)单项实训设置 (36)进度查询 (37)同步训练题目结果分析 (38)单项成绩统计 (38)4.2.2考试测评管理 (39)考试安排 (39)考试监控 (42)按考试查询 (43)按学生查询 (45)4.2.3能力测评管理(综合实训) (46)案例安排 (46)考务安排 (47)进度查询 (48)能力测评成绩统计 (50)4.2.4成绩管理 (51)成绩权重设置 (51)成绩查询 (53)成绩分布统计 (55)4.2.5管理中心 (56)班级管理 (56)学生管理 (57)公告管理 (57)留言管理 (58)教学资源管理 (59)用户信息修改 (60)密码修改 (60)实训总结管理 (61)1引言1.1文档目的本文档是商务英语函电实训系统的用户操作使用手册,为用户提供产品的安装、使用、操作等方面的帮助。

提供免费产品介质 (加密狗、光盘)更换。
提供日常免费7*24小时电话和 网络支持响应服务,包括邮 件、在线客服、400咨询。
让一亿名学子 从亿学软件实训平台中受益
Thank you!
3.5 产品特点
智能批改+ 学生互评
4 第四部
服务器端软件环境建议以Windows Server 2003/2008 Enterprise Edition的x86 或 x64系统作为主要操作系统平台;
客户端软件环境建议以Windows XP、Windows 7、Windows Server 2003/2008 系统作为主要操作系统平台;
3.2 单项训练
Module Skills
知识点导入+案例模板解析+常用 词语和句式,可供学生自学 随机测试题,可检测学习效果
3.2 单项训练
Module Skills
单项训练操作演示 18
任务背景表现形式多样:客户来函、图 片、报表、单据等 每个单项3-8个任务,课堂训练+课后巩固
3.3 综合训练
Integrated Training
综合训练操作演示 22
财务分析、合同审核、单据操作、 跨文化知识融入函电训练中,培养思辨能力
3.4 考试系统
集成的考试系统: 考核内容除包含对学生词语、句型、语法、写作等语言能力 的测评,还涉及相关的国际贸易理论和实务知识。

3D仿真商务英语综合实训系统用户操作手册厦门亿学软件有限公司2016年6月16日修订历史序号版本说明修改日期修改人1 V1.0 修改文档格式2015-09-30 姚江海2 V1.1 修改目录页码2016-1-5 姚江海3V1.2补充教师端新增功能,修改学生端部分图片和文字2016-6-16姚江海目录1.安装说明 (1)1.1数据库管理工具安装 (1)1.2产品安装 (3)2.管理员角色操作 (9)2.1老师管理 (10)2.2注册管理 (11)2.2.1学校注册查询 (11)2.2.2版权信息 (11)2.3系统管理 (11)2.3.1软件升级管理 (12)2.3.2数据库管理 (12)2.4常用工具 (12)2.4.1我的信息管理 (12)3.老师角色操作 (12)3.1老师角色登录 (12)3.2学生管理 (13)3.2.1班级管理 (13)3.2.2学生管理 (15)3.3知识点睛管理 (18)3.3.1 知识点睛查询 (18)3.4实验数据管理 (19)3.4.1基础参数 (19)3.4.2通关商品参数 (23)3.5 3D成绩管理 (24)3.5.1 3D大关卡得分查询 (24)3.5.2 3D小关卡得分查询 (24)3.5.3 任务重置 (24)3.5.4 学生关卡状态 (25)3.5.5 关卡特许开放 (26)3.5.6 关卡答案开放 (26)3.5.7 答案解析开放 (27)3.5.8 得分率统计 (27)3.5.9 关卡评分模拟 (28)3.5.10 关卡错误情况统计 (28)3.6 管理中心 (29)3.6.1我的信息管理 (29)4.学生角色操作 (30)4.1学生角色登录 (30)4.1.1学生角色登录 (30)4.1.2个人中心 (31)4.1.3流程图 (33)4.2第一大关卡:My Dream Job (33)4.2.1 第一小关卡:A Job Wanted Ad (34)4.2.2 第二小关卡:A Resume (36)4.2.3 第三小关卡:A Self-introduction (39)4.2.4 第四小关卡:An Interview (41)4.3 第二大关卡: A New Face (42)4.3.1 第一小关卡:A Newcomer (42)4.3.2 第二小关卡:Orientation (45)4.3.3 第三小关卡:Staff Manual (45)4.3.4 第四小关卡:Brainstorming (46)4.4第三大关卡:Success & Failure (48)4.4.1 第一小关卡:A Meeting Minutes (48)4.4.2 第二小关卡:An Insurance Policy (49)4.4.3 第三小关卡:A Letter of Credit (53)4.4.4 第四小关卡:A Talk (53)4.5 第四大关卡:An Opportunity (54)4.5.1 第一小关卡:A Trade Fair (55)4.5.2 第二小关卡:Counter Offers (56)4.5.3 第三小关卡:Business Negotiation (57)4.5.4 第四小关卡:Payment terms (62)4.5.5 第五小关卡:Packing & Shipping (63)4.5.6 第六小关卡:Insurance Policy (64)4.5.7 第七小关卡:Documents (65)4.5.8 第八小关卡: Negotiation of documents (68)4.6第五大关卡:An Award (70)4.6.1 第一小关卡:Annual Review (71)4.6.2 第二小关卡:Candidates (73)4.6.3 第三小关卡:An Acceptance Speech (74)1.安装说明1.1数据库管理工具安装步骤一:运行YiXue数据库管理工具,如下图步骤二:点下一步,开始安装步骤三:输入安装密码步骤四:运行自解压步骤五:第一次安装请选择“是”步骤六:完成安装步骤七:打开IE:输入http://服务器IP地址:端口如下:步骤八:如果无法访问数据库,开始->程序->YiXue数据库管理工具->启动数据库服务;如下图:1.2产品安装步骤一:运行商务英语综合实训系统安装程序步骤二:点下一步,开始安装步骤三:输入安装密码,安装密码附加在光盘上步骤四:点击下一步,一直到下图:步骤五:点击“下一步”,出现如下图所示:步骤六:点击上图的“下一步”,出现如下图所示:步骤七:点击上图的“下一步”,出现如下图所示:可根据实际情况选择快捷方式类型或都不选择。

商务英语外贸企业实习报告手册As a student pursuing a degree in Business English, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in a foreign trade enterprise internship. This experience not only allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge I had gained in the classroom but also provided invaluable insights into the practical aspects of international business operations. In this report, I will share my experiences and the key takeaways from my internship at a leading foreign trade company.During my internship, I was assigned to the International Sales and Marketing department where I had the chance to work closely with experienced professionals in the field. One of my primary responsibilities was to assist in the preparation of marketing materials and promotional campaigns targeting potential overseas clients. This involved conducting market research to identify the needs and preferences of target markets, as well as collaborating with the design team to create visually compelling and informative brochures, presentations, and digital content.Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of effective communication and cultural sensitivity in international business. I learned how to tailor our marketing strategies to different cultural contexts, ensuring that our messaging resonated with clients from diverse backgrounds. This included paying close attention to language nuances, visual representations, and the overall tone and style of our materials.Another key aspect of my internship was participating in the process of negotiating and finalizing international contracts. I had the opportunity to sit in on meetings with clients from various countries, observing the intricate dance of negotiation, compromise, and mutual understanding. This experience taught me the value of strong interpersonal skills, the ability to think critically and problem-solve, and the importance of meticulous attention to detail when drafting and reviewing legal documents.Moreover, I was involved in the coordination of international shipments and logistics. This entailed working closely with the shipping and customs departments to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of goods to our overseas clients. I learned about the complex web of regulations, documentation, and communication protocols that must be navigated to successfully navigate the global supply chain.One of the most valuable lessons I took away from this internship was the importance of adaptability and cultural intelligence. The foreign trade industry is inherently dynamic, with constantly evolving market conditions, shifting customer preferences, and ever-changing regulatory environments. I witnessed firsthand how the most successful companies were those that could quickly adapt to these changes, leveraging their cultural understanding and linguistic skills to maintain strong relationships with clients and partners around the world.Throughout my internship, I had the opportunity to attend various training sessions and workshops focused on developing specialized skills in areas such as international negotiation, cross-cultural communication, and global supply chain management. These learning opportunities not only expanded my knowledge but also reinforced the importance of continuous professional development in the rapidly evolving field of international business.Perhaps the most significant takeaway from my internship experience was the realization of the immense value that Business English professionals can bring to the table in the foreign trade industry. As a bridge between language, culture, and business, I witnessed how my skills in areas such as translation, interpretation, and intercultural mediation were instrumental in facilitating successful international transactions and fostering strong, long-lasting client relationships.In conclusion, my internship at the foreign trade enterprise was a transformative experience that has significantly shaped my understanding of the global business landscape and the crucial role that Business English professionals play in it. The knowledge, skills, and insights I have gained will undoubtedly be invaluable as I continue to pursue my career in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to the success of this organization, and I look forward to applying the lessons learned in my future endeavors.。

商务英语实训流程Business English Training ProcessIntroduction:The Business English Training Process is designed to enhance the professional communication skills of individuals in a corporate environment. It focuses on the practical application of English in business settings, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and written correspondence. This process is structured to be comprehensive, engaging, and effective in improving participants' language proficiency and business acumen.Step 1: Needs AnalysisThe first step in the process is to conduct a thorough needs analysis. This involves assessing the current English proficiency levels of the participants and identifying the specific business English skills that require enhancement. This step is crucial as it helps to tailor the training program to the needs of the participants.Step 2: Setting ObjectivesBased on the needs analysis, clear and measurable objectives are set for the training. These objectives define the expected outcomes and serve as a benchmark for evaluatingthe success of the training program.Step 3: Curriculum DesignThe curriculum is designed to align with the objectives and covers various aspects of business English, such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It includes interactive sessions, role-plays, and simulations that mimic real business scenarios.Step 4: Training DeliveryThe training is delivered through a combination of lectures, group discussions, and practical exercises. The use of multimedia tools and online resources enhances the learning experience. Trainers are experienced professionals who are adept at facilitating adult learning and providing constructive feedback.Step 5: Assessment and FeedbackRegular assessments are conducted to evaluate the progress of the participants. These assessments can be in the form of quizzes, tests, or practical exercises. Feedback is provided to help participants understand their strengths and areas for improvement.Step 6: Progress TrackingA systematic approach to tracking the progress of participants is essential. This involves maintaining recordsof assessments, feedback, and overall performance. Progress tracking allows for adjustments to be made to the training program as needed.Step 7: Post-Training SupportAfter the completion of the training program, participants are provided with post-training support. This may include access to online resources, follow-up sessions, or mentoring to reinforce the skills acquired during the training.Step 8: Evaluation and Continuous ImprovementThe final step is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the training process. This involves collecting feedback from participants, analyzing the results of assessments, and identifying areas for continuous improvement. The insights gained from this evaluation are used to refine the training process for future programs.Conclusion:The Business English Training Process is a systematic approach to developing the language skills necessary for success in a global business environment. By following these steps, organizations can ensure that their employees are equipped with the communication skills required to operate effectively in a multicultural and multilingual business world.。

商务英语实训平台使用手册目录1 学生篇1.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录21.2 ......................................................................................................................... 在线实训21.3 ......................................................................................................................... 自主实训51.4 ......................................................................................................................... 评估报告61.5 ............................................................................................................................. 资源库62 教师篇2.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录72.2 ......................................................................................................................... 基本了解72.3 ......................................................................................................................... 学生管理82.4 ......................................................................................................................... 作业管理92.5 ......................................................................................................................... 成绩报表113 主管篇3.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录143.2 ......................................................................................................................... 基本了解143.3 ......................................................................................................................... 学生分析153.4 ......................................................................................................................... 教师分析174 管理员篇4.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录184.2 ......................................................................................................................... 学校设置184.3 ......................................................................................................................... 课程设置194.4 ......................................................................................................................... 教师管理194.5 ......................................................................................................................... 学生管理21学生篇1.1平台登录访问商务英语实训平台网页,按照页面提示输入学生“用户名”、“密码”,点击登录即可。
剑桥商务英语实训指导书 (教案)

剑桥商务英语实训指导书 (教案)一、实训项目在整个专业实训环节中的地位本实训项目是通过一系列规范、有效的商务仿真场景交际练习对学生进行商务口语基本技能和技巧训练,结合社交英语--电话用语;会议组织安排;商务贸易活动--产品推销、商谈技巧;招聘员工;公司介绍;价格谈判等模拟现场商务交际实践,使学生们在全面提高五项基本技能(听、说、读、写、译)的基础上,培养学生的商务意识,掌握商务礼仪;提高话语分析能力、逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力。
(2) 掌握商务谈判中报价还价阶段的策略。
(3) 能灵活运用价格谈判中的让步技巧。
三、实训项目具体操作过程和内容项目一:社交英语,电话用语词句的拓展:国际电话中的常用语Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?◆Yes, this is he speaking.◆Who's speaking, please?◆I'm sorry, he is not in now.◆Would you like to leave a message?◆Mr. Brown is on another line now.◆Hold the line a moment, please.◆May I have Ext. 5883?◆I can't hear you.◆Would you speak a little louder?◆I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.◆You are wanted on phone.◆Will you ask him to call me back later?◆I was cut off. Will you connect me again?◆We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?◆I want to place an overseas call to New York.◆Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?◆Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.◆This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in theInternational Department?◆This is the overseas operator in the United States. You have an overseas collect callfrom◆Mr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?(二) 交际实践————————实训练习一—————————(O=Operator, C=Chinese)O: Is this the Silver Star Trading Company?C: Yes, it is.O: This is the overseas telephone operator in the United States. We have a call for Mr. John Wang in the International Finance Department from a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.C: From whom, did you say?O: From a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.C: Thank you. Just hold the line, please.(Several seconds later...)C: Hello. I'm sorry but Mr.. John Wang is in a conference right now.O: Oh, is that right? When will he be free?C: Well, he'll be free around four o'clock.O: I see. Just a minute, please.(Several seconds later...)O: Hello. How about Mr. Peter Chen, then?C: Yes, he's here. One moment, please.Peter Chen: Hello. This is Peter Chen speaking.O: Oh, Mr.. Chen? Will you hold the line, please?(Pause)O: Thank you for waiting. Mr. Robert is on the line. Go ahead, please.Peter Chen: Thank you.————————实训练习二—————————In this part, you and your partner will ask and answer questions.Set 1Question CardInformation Card————————实训练习三—————————Set 2Question CardInformation Card项目二:会议组织安排(一)背景介绍:Are meetings important for companies? Why? / Why not?Is it essential to have a proper timing when running a business meeting? Why?How important is it to set the agenda of a conference in advance? Why?Do you think it important to visit the place for a meeting before booking it? Why? /Why not?————————实训练习一—————————Set 1 Preparing for meetingMini-presentationWhat is important when selecting a place for a business meeting?Size of rooms availableFacilities offeredCost of hiring————————实训练习二—————————Set 2 How to Chair a MeetingMini-presentation∙Have you ever chaired a meeting?∙Do you think it essential to have a good chairperson when running a meeting?∙How important is it to keep control of the meeting when it proceeds?∙What kind of chairperson do you think is a qualified one?————————实训练习三—————————Collaborative Task and Discussion∙You have been asked to organize a meeting for all staff in your department. Talk together for about 2 minutes about what you need to do and decide which threethings you should do first. Here are some ideas to help you.∙Prepare refreshments∙Book a meeting room∙Decide on the agenda of the meeting∙Invite all the participants∙Decide on the date and starting time of the meeting∙Set a time limit for the meeting∙Ask the participants to prepare for the meeting项目三:商务贸易活动--产品推销(一)词句的拓展:Manufacturer◆Our products have met with great favor overseas.◆Why not place a trail order to sound out the market potential?◆I strongly recommend this item. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it.◆Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low.◆Our products will be well marketable in your area.◆Good quality and reasonable price will promise our products strong competitiveness. Dealer◆Could you tell me about your sales network?◆What was the total amount of your sales last year?◆Have you got the samples?◆If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow.◆I think these patterns are quite good.◆Could you give us some idea about your prices?Comprehend by analogy◆Do you have any cheaper ones?◆Do you have something less expensive?◆Any particular color?◆Do you have any preference for color?————————实训练习一—————————A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. LiA: My firm has sent me here to inquire about the possibility of promoting our product export to USA.B: How’s your product better than the competitor’s?A: Our product is over and above our rival’s product, and yet we’re able to sell it at the same price.B: How many different models do you offer?A: Our products are available in various models and sizes. Here is our latest catalogue, which shows most of our product. We will not only supply you with the highest quality goods but also provide a good after-sale service. If you find the quality of our productsunsatisfactory, we’re prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week.B: Thank you for your introduction.A: Would you like to hear may presentation and let me show you how it works now?B: Yes, please.————————实训练习二—————————Set 1 Mini-presentationWhat’s important when promoting a new store on the first day?◆Low price◆Opening ceremony◆Promotional gifts————————实训练习三—————————Collaborative Task and DiscussionYour company is going to introduce a new foreign product in your country. Talk together for about 2 minutes about some of the things that are important for the product promotion and decide which three would be the most important. Here are some ideas to help you.◆Price of the product◆Packaging◆Advertising◆Offer of free samples◆Time of the year◆Consider competitor’s product◆Promotional gifts◆News conference项目四:招聘员工(一)简历ResumeSurname (family name)Forenames (given nameAddress (include postcodeTelephone NODate ofEducationList secondary schools, colleges and universities in order, their addresses and dates attendedQualificationsList the ones most important to the employer first ( degree, trade or professional qualification), state the examinations, subjects, pass grades. Full training courses undertaken relevant to your applicationEmployment history.The most recent or current job first. Give dates, employers (company), job title and main duties, your level of authorityInterests and activitiesShow the extent of your participation (organizer, committee). Awards related to activities.Additional InformationCurriculum VitaePersonal DataFull name Date and Place of BirthMarital Status Home Address and phone numberSchool achievements( List schools and colleges attended )Postgraduate 1997-2000 Nanjing UniversityCollegeSecondaryQualifications and CreditsOther Achievement and Experience( Work experience, leisure activities, skills gained )School Certificates English Grade AHistoryGrade BEmployment History ( all jobs listed)2000 to date: Secretary to the Human Resource Manager, Vague and Bague Co.Ltd.AwardsScholarship, prizes, awards out school and colleges.Recreational Interests and HobbiesClassical music, reading, seeing friends, member sports and games.SkillsRemember particularly skills which will transfer to the workplace: driving, fluent writer, ability to handlepayments, organizing, personal computerAction plan(Your career aim): To be super actress//To be a first salesman, etc.ReferencesI attach references from Miss Annie Wang, Headmistress, Nanjing university.(二)求职信A letter of application should be:1. Attractively presented to arouse the reader’s interest.2. Concise and easily read to save the time and trouble.3. Informative showing that your qualifications satisfy the requirements for the jobvacancy.4. Properly modest.5. Tactful enough not to draw attention to your lack of experience in any respect.6. Persuasively inducing an action to get an invitation to an interview.7. In ―you – attitude‖8. In proper language and style.SamplePRODUCTION SECRETARYI am writing with reference to your advertisement for a Production Secretary in theGuardian of 23 July 2001.I graduated from Madrid University in 1994 with a degree in Modern European languages.My first full-time job was as a support secretary for the Training Director of a company which ran courses for software designers and IT managers. Since 1996 I have been working as a bilingual secretary for a large international publishing company.I am very interested in the position because I would like to use my languages. I amenthusiastic about working for a TV company and feel that I have the flexibility, motivation and communication skills you require.Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and a photo.I look forward to hearing from you.(三)招聘方法Recruitment methodsExternal/ internal recruitmentto use an agencyapply for a jobby advertising the vacancy in newspapers and magazinesto recruit staff through the Internetinterview / select the candidates(四)常见问题Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes?Go for it.(你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。
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商务英语实训平台使用手册目录1 学生篇1.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录21.2 ......................................................................................................................... 在线实训21.3 ......................................................................................................................... 自主实训51.4 ......................................................................................................................... 评估报告61.5 ............................................................................................................................. 资源库62 教师篇2.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录72.2 ......................................................................................................................... 基本了解72.3 ......................................................................................................................... 学生管理82.4 ......................................................................................................................... 作业管理92.5 ......................................................................................................................... 成绩报表113 主管篇3.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录143.2 ......................................................................................................................... 基本了解143.3 ......................................................................................................................... 学生分析153.4 ......................................................................................................................... 教师分析174 管理员篇4.1 ......................................................................................................................... 平台登录184.2 ......................................................................................................................... 学校设置184.3 ......................................................................................................................... 课程设置194.4 ......................................................................................................................... 教师管理194.5 ......................................................................................................................... 学生管理21学生篇1.1平台登录访问商务英语实训平台网页,按照页面提示输入学生“用户名”、“密码”,点击登录即可。