山东省淄博市沂源县(五四学制)2014-2015学年六年级下学期期末考试 英语试题(扫描版)及答案




六年级英语期末考试试卷得分_______一. 单项选择(15分)1. What’s this? ________ a ruler .A. This is B .that is C. Its D. It is2. Five and three is __________. .A .sixB .seven C. eight D. nine3. Here _________ my parents.A.amB. isC. are D .be4. Have a good time.A.OKB. yes C .Thanks D. No5. -__________ my photos?---They are on the table.A.What’sB. How areC. Where’sD. Where are6. I like sports, __________my sister doesn’t like them .A.andB. butC. forD. with7. My birthday is________ October ninthA .at B. on C. in D. to8. Linda __________ lunch at school.A. hasB. haveC.eatD. like9. _______ she like vegetables?A.IsB. AreC. DoesD. Do10. _______ is this shirt?A.HowB. How oldC. How muchD. When11. January is the________ day of a year.A.firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth12 .There are 12 _________ in a year.A. daysB. weeksC. monthsD. years13._______ is your PE teacher?A.WhatB. WhoC. WhenD. Where14. What’s your favorite _________? ---Basketball.A.sportB. colorC. subjectD. food15. Why does she like English? ----________ it’s interesting.A. SoB. andC. withD. Because二.完形填空 (15分)My friend is Jim.Green.__1___ is twelve years old .We __2___ in the same school .He__3___ playing soccer. ___4____he doesn’t play basketball .He__5___ some balls .His birthday is __6__July ___7___. His father buys a new soccer for him. ___8___ is his father? __9___ is Mr Green. He is __10__English teacher.( ) 1. A She B. Her C. He D. His( ) 2. A. be B .am C. is D .are( ) 3. A. like B. likes C. has D. have( ) 4 . A .too B .either C. and D. but( ) 5. A .has B .have C .is D .are( ) 6. A in B. on C. at D. with( ) 7. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. ninths( ) 8. A. What B. Who C. When D. Where( ) 9. A .He B. She C. he D. she( ) 10 A. a B. an C. the D. of三.阅读理解 (20分)AThis is Ann’s room .It’s small but tidy .The pictures are on the walls. Her schoolbag is on the sofa .her ball is under the chair .She has some books .They are in the bookcase .Two pens are in the pencil box .She likes her room very much .判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1.Her room is small but tidy .( ) 2.The pictures are on the walls .( ) 3.Her schoolbag is under the chair .( ) 4.Two pencils are in the pencil box .( ) 5.Ann doesn’t like her room .BMy name is Xia Yang. I am a student .It’s Friday today .I like it very much , because the next day is Saturday .At 6:50, I have English .My English is great fun. We all like him .At 8:20 , We have math. Math is difficult, but it is interesting .Next, we have Chinese, music and P.E .My favorite subject is P.E .My P.E teacher is Mr Chen . He plays games with us every day .At 11:40, we have lunch .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

山东省淄博市沂源县2014-2015学年六年级生物下学期期末试卷(含解析) 鲁科版五四制

山东省淄博市沂源县2014-2015学年六年级生物下学期期末试卷(含解析) 鲁科版五四制

学习资料山东省淄博市沂源县2014-2015学年六年级生物下学期期末试卷(含解析)鲁科版五四制班级:科目:2014-2015学年山东省淄博市沂源县六年级(下)期末生物试卷一、选择题1.下列植物中,靠孢子繁殖后代的一组是()A.水稻与小麦B.银杏与水螅C.满江红与海带D.松与菊花2.下列植体物内没有输导组织的是()A.贯众B.墙藓C.银杏D.水稻3.小麦播种后立即下了一场大雨,土壤浸水过多,小麦出苗很少,主要原因是()A.土壤湿度过低B.土壤养分流失C.土壤空气不足D.阳光不足4.花生种子萌发时所需要的营养,来源于( )A.胚芽B.胚根C.胚轴D.子叶5.下列关于花和果实的叙述不正确的是()A.将未成熟的花进行套袋处埋,透气的袋内一定不会结出果实B.通过对玉米实施人工辅助授粉,可以解决玉米果穗顶部缺粒现象C.玉米的种皮和果皮紧密结合在一起,一粒玉米就是一个果实D.一个西瓜含有多粒种子,说明一个子房中有多个胚珠6.把木本植物主干基部的树皮和形成层环割一圈,会造成植物的死亡,因为()A.根得不到足够的有机物B.根和茎得不到足够的水分C.形成层受到破坏,茎不能加粗D.树皮被破坏,不能贮藏营养物质7.木本植物的茎用很多用途,例如木质课桌就是利用了木本植物茎的()A.韧皮部B.形成层C.木质部D.髓8.李叔叔种植的菠菜叶色发黄,可能是缺少下列哪种肥料()A.氮肥B.磷肥C.钾肥D.硼肥9.一朵花中能产生花粉的结构是()A.雄蕊B.雌蕊C.花瓣D.花托10.植物根尖分生区属于()A.保护组织B.营养组织C.分生组织D.输导组织11.从“狼吃兔子,兔子吃草”这一事实可以看出,狼体内的有机物是来源于()A.光B.草C.兔子D.狼12.为使贮存在仓库中的粮食不霉烂、变质,下列采取的有关措施中,错误的是( )A.仓库内保持干燥B.仓库要保持透风C.适当增加仓库二氧化碳的含量D.仓库要保持温度适宜13.我国北方常将地瓜贮藏在地窖中,进入地窖取地瓜之前,农民往往把一盏油灯用绳子伸入窖内,这一做法的目的是()A.测量窖内二氧化碳的含量B.测量窖中氧气的含量C.主要为了照明D.燃烧掉地窖内的一氧化碳14.大力植树造林,可以改善气候的原因是()①蒸腾作用旺盛,使大气湿度增加②呼吸作用旺盛,产生的水量增多③光合作用旺盛,改善氧气与二氧化碳的平衡④可以保持水土,防风固沙.A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④15.在探究“植物对空气湿度的影响”时,将测得数据做不同处理,可以说明不同的问题,如果把一处早、中、晚的平均值做成曲线,就可以了解( )A.草地、裸地、灌丛的温度差异B.无对照,不能说明植树问题C.草地、裸地、灌丛一天中的湿度差异D.该处一天内的湿度变化16.做“绿色植物在光下制造淀粉"的实验,正确的实验顺序是()①选叶遮光②酒精脱色③黑暗处理④碘酒显影⑤观察变化.A.①③②⑤④B.③①②④⑤C.③①②⑤④D.①②③④⑤17.下列哪项是在阳光下,一颗小树进行的生命活动()A.光合作用和呼吸作用B.光合作用和蒸腾作用C.呼吸作用和和蒸腾作用D.光合作用、呼吸作用和蒸腾作用18.我们都有这样的经验:萝卜、黄瓜等一些蔬菜或水果放久了会出现空心现象,不如购买回来的时候好吃.这是因为()A.呼吸作用消耗了大量的氧气B.光合作用消耗了大量的水分C.呼吸作用消耗了大量的有机物D.光合作用消耗了大量的二氧化碳19.下列不进行呼吸作用的是()A.萌发的种子B.晒干的种子C.煮熟的种子D.新鲜的叶片20.西双版纳地区,植物种类特别丰富,终年常绿,大部分植物都很高大,这种植物类型是( )A.针叶林B.草原C.落叶阔叶林D.热带雨林二、理解与应用(共4个题,每空1分,共22分)21.小红观察了以下植物:A蕨 B油松 C花生 D葫芦藓 E水绵请你帮她解决下列问题:没有根、茎、叶等器官分化的是,具有正真的根、茎、叶的植物有.能用种子进行繁殖的植物有,种子的外面有果皮包被的是.(此题请用字母代号回答.22.玉米是我市的主要粮食作物,请结合学习的生物有关知识,回答下列问题:(1)农民伯伯常选用粒大饱满的玉米种子播种,原因是这样的种子满足了种子萌发的自身条件,具有充足的供胚发育的(2)在玉米长齐后,农民伯伯会采取“间苗、定苗”措施,使玉米苗疏密合理这样做的意义是(3)玉米是一年生植物,长成以后,茎就不在加粗,原因是.(4)玉米富含淀粉、胡萝卜素等营养物质,这些营养物质储存于玉米种子的中.(5)玉米开花季节,如果遇到阴雨连绵的天气,常会造成减产,这主要是导致的,可以通过的措施进行弥补.(6)种植期间,应该及时施肥,这是给玉米的生长提供,根吸收这些物质的主要部位是根尖的区.23.我市有很多菜农利用温室大棚栽培蔬菜,请回答下列有关问题:(1)菜农常采用白天适当增强光照,夜晚适当降低室温的措施,提高蔬菜产量,其中的道理是增加光照可使增强,降低温度可使减弱,从而增加有机物的积累.(2)菜农常常要适当增加温室内的二氧化碳浓度,目的是.(3)蔬菜生长时期,要定期补充一定量的水分,这些水分主要用于植物的作用.(4)在移栽菜苗时,为了提高植物成活率通常采用在阴天或傍晚移栽幼苗,或是移栽幼苗时带土坨,其目的分别是和.24.呼吸作用于生产生活的关系:中耕松土、及时排涝都是为了使空气疏通,以利于植物根部进行.植物的呼吸作用要分解,因此在储存植物的种子或其他器官时,要设法降低呼吸作用.例如储存粮食时,要保持干燥和温,储存水果时,要降低或者氧浓度等都可抑制呼吸作用.三、识图与分析(共2个小题,每空1分,共22分)25.如图为植物叶肉细胞内的物质和能量变化示意图,请据图回答:(1)如图A、B代表能量转化器,则A是,B是,它们存在于细胞结构的中.(2)如果A、B代表生理过程,则A是作用;B是作用,其中过程是生物的共同特征.(3)从图示可以判断,图中的②和③应该是和.26.如图中甲、乙、丙、丁分别表示某一植物的一段枝叶、叶芽的纵切、种子结构、子房的纵剖面示意图.请据图分析回答:(1)甲图中的1是由乙图中的发育来的,也是由丙图中的发育来的,甲图中的2是由乙图中的发育来的,也是由丙图中的发育来的.(本小题请用图中的数字填空)(2)丙图中的[11]是由丁图中的[] 受精后发育而成的.丙图中的[10]将来发育成.(3)丁在正常传份受精后会发育成,它里面的胚珠会发育成.(4)如果将甲图中的2进行横切,制成切片用显微镜观察,会发现在木质部中有管,作用是运输和无机盐,在韧皮部中有管,作用是运输.四、实验与探究(共3小题,每空1分,共16分)27.如图所示,取同一植株上大小相同的两个枝条,分别标记为A、B,枝条A保留叶片,枝条B摘除叶片,然后将它们分别插入两个相同大小盛有等量清水的量筒中.在量筒中滴加油滴,让油滴铺满水面.将这两个装置放在相同的环境下24小时,观察量筒中液面的变化.回答下列问题:(1)水分从活的植物体表面以水蒸气状态散失到大气中的过程叫做.进行该过程的“门户”是叶表皮上.它是由一对半月形的细胞围成的.(2)实验时在量筒中滴加油滴的作用是.(3)24小时之后,插有枝条A的量筒的液面比插有枝条B的量筒中的液面,说明蒸腾作用的主要器官是.28.如图表示把银边天竺葵(叶片边缘非绿色部分A无叶绿体)放在黑暗处一昼夜后,用黑圆纸片将C处两面遮盖,移入光下几小时,再经酒精脱色后滴加碘液.请分析回答问题:(1)滴加碘液后只有B处变蓝,证明光合作用制造的有机物是.叶片A处和叶片B处构成一组对照试验,变量是.得出的结论是:光合作用的场所是(2)B、C构成一组对照试验,变量是,得出的结论是.29.如图是验证植物呼吸作用的实验装置图,请据图回答下列有关问题:(1)实验要用黑布将整个装置遮盖起来,不让光线透入,其目的是,第二天揭开黑布,装置内小烧杯中的石灰水变浑浊,说明大钟罩内的浓度大大增加.将燃烧着的火柴放进大钟罩内,火柴立即熄灭,说明大钟罩内的浓度大大降低.(2)这个实验说明:植物体的呼吸作用是吸收,放出.2014-2015学年山东省淄博市沂源县六年级(下)期末生物试卷(五四学制)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题1.下列植物中,靠孢子繁殖后代的一组是( )A.水稻与小麦B.银杏与水螅C.满江红与海带D.松与菊花【考点】植物的分类.【分析】绿色植物根据繁殖后代的方式不同可以分为两大类:孢子植物和种子植物;孢子植物能够产生孢子,孢子脱离母体后,遇到适宜的环境条件能够萌发和生长;种子植物能够产生种子,靠种子繁殖后代.【解答】解:A、水稻与小麦都属于种子植物,靠种子繁殖后代,A错误.B、银杏属于裸子植物,水螅的繁殖方式是出芽生殖,B错误.C、满江红和海带都属于蕨类植物,用孢子来繁殖后代,属于孢子植物.C正确.D、牡丹和菊花都属于被子植物,都用种子繁殖,D错误.故选:C【点评】回答此题的关键是明确植物的类群和特征.2.下列植体物内没有输导组织的是()A.贯众B.墙藓C.银杏D.水稻【考点】植物的分类.【分析】苔藓植物生活在阴湿的环境中,没有真正的根,因此无法支持很高的地上部分,虽然有了茎和叶,但茎、叶内无输导组织,不能为植株输送大量的营养物质供其利用,所以苔藓植物比较矮小.【解答】解:A、贯众属于蕨类植物,属于蕨类植物,也生活在阴湿的环境中,有了根、茎、叶的分化,根能吸收大量的水和无机盐,并且体内有输导组织,能为植株输送大量的营养物质供植物生长利用,不符合题意;B、墙藓属于苔藓植物,生活在阴湿的环境中,没有真正的根,因此无法支持很高的地上部分,虽然有了茎和叶,但茎、叶内无输导组织,不能为植株输送大量的营养物质供其利用,所以苔藓植物比较矮小;符合题意;CD、种子植物包括裸子植物和被子植物,它们的根茎叶发达,具有发达的机械组织和输导组织,银杏种子裸露,没有果皮包被,属于裸子植物.水稻有果实,种子外面有果皮包被,是被子植物.故选:B【点评】掌握每类植物的主要特征,仔细分析题意一般能作出正确的选择.3.小麦播种后立即下了一场大雨,土壤浸水过多,小麦出苗很少,主要原因是()A.土壤湿度过低B.土壤养分流失C.土壤空气不足D.阳光不足【考点】探究种子萌发的条件.【分析】种子萌发必须同时满足外界条件和自身条件,外界条件为一定的水分、适宜的温度和充足的空气;自身条件是胚是完整的、胚是活的、种子不在休眠期以及胚发育所需的营养物质.【解答】解:下一场大雨后,积水把土壤缝隙中的空气排挤出来,土壤中的空气减少,而种子萌发必须有充足的空气.因此小麦播种后立即下了一场大雨,土壤浸水过多,小麦出苗很少,主要原因是土壤空气不足.故选:C.【点评】解答此类题目的关键是理解掌握种子萌发的条件.4.花生种子萌发时所需要的营养,来源于()A.胚芽B.胚根C.胚轴D.子叶【考点】菜豆种子和玉米种子结构的异同.【分析】单子叶植物种子的营养一般储存在胚乳里,双子叶植物种子的营养一般储存在子叶里,据此解答.【解答】解:种子萌发时,胚根最先突破种皮,发育成根,根只能从土壤中吸收水和无机盐,不能吸收有机物.因此此时的有机物不是来自于土壤,而是来自于种子本身,单子叶植物种子的营养一般储存在胚乳里,双子叶植物种子的营养一般储存在子叶里,所以种子萌发初期的有机物,单子叶植物的种子一般是由胚乳提供,双子叶植物的种子是一般由子叶提供,等发育出叶后,有机物通过光合作用获得,花生属于双子叶植物,种子在土壤中萌发时,所需要的营养物质来源于子叶.故选:D.【点评】掌握菜豆种子和玉米种子的异同点是解题的关键.5.下列关于花和果实的叙述不正确的是( )A.将未成熟的花进行套袋处埋,透气的袋内一定不会结出果实B.通过对玉米实施人工辅助授粉,可以解决玉米果穗顶部缺粒现象C.玉米的种皮和果皮紧密结合在一起,一粒玉米就是一个果实D.一个西瓜含有多粒种子,说明一个子房中有多个胚珠【考点】花的结构;传粉和受精;果实和种子的形成.【分析】一朵花经过传粉受精后,子房发育成果实,胚珠发育成种子,种子的数目是由胚珠数目决定.【解答】解:A、花经过传粉和受精以后才能结出果实和种子.未成熟的花可能是两性花,能进行自花传粉,透气的袋内也能会结出果实,A错误.B、玉米果穗顶部缺粒现象是由于传粉不足的原因,可通过人工辅助授粉的方法来解决.B正确.C、玉米种子在生物学意义上是果实,因为其种皮和果皮紧密结合在一起,属于颖果.C正确.D、种子是由子房里的胚珠发育而成的,因而种子的数目是由胚珠数目决定.D正确.故选:A【点评】回答此题的关键是要明确以下知识点:一、传粉和受精;二、玉米种子的结构;三、果实和种子的形成.6.把木本植物主干基部的树皮和形成层环割一圈,会造成植物的死亡,因为()A.根得不到足够的有机物B.根和茎得不到足够的水分C.形成层受到破坏,茎不能加粗D.树皮被破坏,不能贮藏营养物质【考点】筛管的位置和对有机物的运输.【分析】筛管是植物韧皮部内输导有机养料的管道.由许多管状活细胞上下连接而成.【解答】解:筛管是植物韧皮部(树皮内侧)内输导有机养料的管道.被环割了主干树皮后的树因树皮被割断,有机物的运输通道筛管被割断,叶制造的有机物不能运输到根,根不能进行呼吸作用获得能量,时间长了就会死亡,最终导致树木死亡.因此被环割了主干树皮后的树往往死去.这主要是因为树皮损伤严重,切断了筛管,根缺少有机物,就是说有机物不能向下运输,根部得不到有机物而死去.故选:A【点评】解答此类题目的关键是熟记筛管的位置和功能,知道被环割了主干树皮后的树往往死去,这是因为环割树皮会导致根部得不到有机物.7.木本植物的茎用很多用途,例如木质课桌就是利用了木本植物茎的()A.韧皮部B.形成层C.木质部D.髓【考点】双子叶植物木质茎的基本结构和主要功能.【分析】木质茎结构如图:【解答】解:A、韧皮部位于树皮的内层,内有筛管,质软不能做课桌,A错误;B、形成是由有分裂能力的细胞组成,很薄的一层,不能做课桌,B错误;C、木质部里面有木纤维,对茎有很强的支持作用,可以用来做课桌,C正确;D、髓由薄壁细胞组成,比较软,不能用来做课桌,D错误;故选:C【点评】解答此类题目的关键是理解木本植物茎的结构和功能,结合图解记忆.8.李叔叔种植的菠菜叶色发黄,可能是缺少下列哪种肥料()A.氮肥B.磷肥C.钾肥D.硼肥【考点】氮、磷、钾对植物生活的意义.【分析】无机盐对植物的生长发育起着重要的作用,这些无机盐包括含氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、硼、锰、锌、钼等的多种无机盐,需要量最多的是含氮磷钾的无机盐.【解答】解:需要量最多的是含氮磷钾的无机盐,其中含氮的无机盐能促进细胞的分裂和生长,使枝繁叶茂;含磷的无机盐可以促进幼苗的发育和花的开放,使果实、种子提早成熟;含钾的无机盐使植物茎秆健壮,促进淀粉的形成与运输.由上可知,李叔叔种植的菠菜叶色发黄,可能是氮肥.故选:A【点评】关键点:含氮的无机盐能促进细胞的分裂和生长,使枝繁叶茂.9.一朵花中能产生花粉的结构是()A.雄蕊B.雌蕊C.花瓣D.花托【考点】花的结构.【分析】此题考查花的结构,首先明确花有哪些结构【解答】解:一朵完整花由花托、花柄、萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊组成,雄蕊包括花药和花丝,其中花药里面含有花粉;雌蕊包括柱头、花柱和子房.故选:A【点评】花的结构是考查的重点,可通过花的结构示意图掌握.10.植物根尖分生区属于()A.保护组织B.营养组织C.分生组织D.输导组织【考点】植物的几种主要组织及功能;根尖结构以及与吸收功能相适应的特点.【分析】植物的组织主要有保护组织、分生组织、营养组织、输导组织等,它们各有不同的特点和功能.据此答题【解答】解:植物根尖分生区的细胞小,细胞壁薄,细胞核大,细胞质浓,具有很强的分裂能力,不断分裂产生新细胞向下形成新的根冠部分,向上形成伸长区.A、保护组织植物的保护组织一般由植物根、茎、叶表面的表皮细胞构成,具有保护内部柔嫩部分的功能.故A错.B、营养组织构成营养组织的细胞壁薄,液泡大,有储存营养物质的功能,含有叶绿体的营养组织还能进行光合作用.故B错.C、分生组织构成分生组织的细胞小,细胞壁薄细胞核大,细胞质浓,具有很强的分裂能力,不断分裂产生新细胞形成其它组织.故C正确.D、输导组织植物体内的导管能运送水和无机盐,筛管能运送有机物,属于输导组织.故D错.故选C【点评】这部分知识经常考到,平时要注意识记,最好结合四种组织的图形来识记,真正理解它们的特点和功能,同时要注意区分植物的组织与动物的组织11.从“狼吃兔子,兔子吃草”这一事实可以看出,狼体内的有机物是来源于()A.光B.草C.兔子D.狼【考点】生态系统中的食物链和食物网;生态系统的组成及各部分的作用;生态系统中物质和能量的流动.【分析】(1)食物链反映的是生产者与消费者之间吃与被吃的关系,所以食物链中不应该出现分解者和非生物部分.食物链的正确写法是:生产者→初级消费者→次级消费者…注意起始点是生产者.(2)生态系统包括生物部分和非生物部分,非生物部分包括阳光、空气、水、温度等,生物部分由生产者(植物)、消费者(动物)和分解者(细菌、真菌)组成.(3)能量在沿着食物链流动的过程中是逐级递减的,一般只有10%﹣20%的能量能够流入下一个营养级.【解答】解:食物链是生产者与消费者之间吃与被吃的关系形成的链状结构,“狼吃兔子,兔子吃草”构成的食物链是:草→兔子→狼.物质、能量沿着食物链流动,兔子吃草,草进行光合作用储存的物质和能量就进入了兔子的体内,狼吃兔子,兔子体内储存的物质和能量就到了狼的体内.因此狼体内的有机物是来源于草.而狼维持生命活动所需要的能量最终来自光.故选:B.【点评】解答此类题目的关键是理解掌握在生态系统中只有绿色植物才能进行光合作用制造有机物,狼所需的有机物最终来自于草,而狼所需要的能量最终来自阳光.12.为使贮存在仓库中的粮食不霉烂、变质,下列采取的有关措施中,错误的是()A.仓库内保持干燥B.仓库要保持透风C.适当增加仓库二氧化碳的含量D.仓库要保持温度适宜【考点】种子的知识在农业生产上的应用.【分析】种子的寿命是指种子在一定条件下保持生活力的最长期限,超过这个期限,种子的生活力就丧失,也就失去萌发的能力.种子的贮藏条件,对种子寿命的长短起着十分明显的影响.贮藏种子的最适条件是干燥和低温,只有在这样的条件下,种子的呼吸作用最微弱,种子内营养的消耗最少,有可能度过最长时间的休眠期.如果湿度大,温度高,种子的呼吸作用强,种子内贮存的有机养料将会通过种子的呼吸作用而大量消耗,种子的贮藏期限也就必然会缩短.【解答】解:仓库内保持干燥,水分少,种子的呼吸作用弱;仓库要保持通风.有利于降低温度,减弱呼吸作用;适当增加仓库中二氧化碳的含量,二氧化碳增多,抑制种子的呼吸作用,仓库中保持温暖适宜,种子的呼吸作用强,大量消耗种子内的有机物,容易使粮食变质.故选D.【点评】解答此类题目的关键是理解呼吸作用消耗有机物从而影响种子的寿命.13.我国北方常将地瓜贮藏在地窖中,进入地窖取地瓜之前,农民往往把一盏油灯用绳子伸入窖内,这一做法的目的是( )A.测量窖内二氧化碳的含量B.测量窖中氧气的含量C.主要为了照明D.燃烧掉地窖内的一氧化碳【考点】呼吸作用过程中有机物的分解能量的释放.【分析】呼吸作用是指细胞内的有机物在氧的参与下被分解成二氧化碳和水,同时释放出能量的过程.因此呼吸作用消耗氧气,产生二氧化碳.【解答】解:地窖内储存的蔬菜,通过呼吸作用消耗了地窖内氧气同时产生了大量的二氧化碳,因此地窖内二氧化碳的浓度相对较高,氧气的浓度相对较低,利用氧气助燃的原理,农民把一盏油灯用绳子吊入窖内就是看看地窖里的氧气是否充足,油灯正常燃烧说明,氧气含量正常,人就可以下去;油灯灭了,说明氧气太少,人暂时不能下去.故选:B【点评】逐步学会利用生物学知识解释生活中的现象,地窖内蔬菜的呼吸作用消耗氧气产生二氧化碳,二氧化浓度较高,开盖后接着进入地窖内,由于氧气含量相对而言非常低,严重的会使人窒息引起死亡.14.大力植树造林,可以改善气候的原因是()①蒸腾作用旺盛,使大气湿度增加②呼吸作用旺盛,产生的水量增多③光合作用旺盛,改善氧气与二氧化碳的平衡④可以保持水土,防风固沙.A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④【考点】绿色植物有助于维持生物圈中的碳氧平衡.【分析】绿色植物通过叶绿体,利用光能,把二氧化碳和水转化成储存能量的有机物,并且释放出氧气的过程,叫做光合作用.【解答】解:绿色植物通过光合作用制造的有机物,不仅满足了自身的需要,而且是动物和人的食物来源以及多种工业原料的来源;光合作用储存在有机物中的能量,是植物自身和其他生物进行生命活动所必需的能量来源;光合作用释放氧气,不断消耗大气中的二氧化碳,维持了生物圈中碳﹣氧的相对平衡;同时,大力植树造林还可以可以保持水土,防风固沙,因此大力植树造林,可以改善环境的原因是①③④.故选:B.【点评】此题考查了光合作用的意义:有助于维持生物圈中的碳氧平衡、为所有生物提供食物和氧气、为所有的生物的生命活动提供能量.。

山东省淄博市沂源县2022-2023学年六年级下学期期末英语试卷(含解析) (1)

山东省淄博市沂源县2022-2023学年六年级下学期期末英语试卷(含解析) (1)


10.(1分)My grandmother is sixty﹣six,but she looks very .( )A.old B.new C.fat D.young 11.(1分)only fifty people in the village now.( )A.It has B.There have C.There is D.There are 12.(1分)I see him,so I don't know him.( )A.usually B.never C.always D.often13.(1分)There are things you can do.( )A.too many B.too much C.a lot D.lot of14.(1分)﹣Remember your homework here this afternoon.﹣No problem.( )A.bring B.bringing C.to bring D.brings15.(1分)—the weather in Lu'an ?— It's sunny.( )A.Where's .B.What's .C.Who's .D.How's.16.(1分)—Is there bread on the dish?—Yes,there is . ( )A.some;some B.any;some C.any;any D.some;any 17.(1分)—Where is Jack?—He soccer with his classmates.( )A.play B.to play C.is playing D.plays18.(1分)—Don't eat in class,John!一.( )A.Good idea B.Thanks a lotC.Sorry,Mr.Smith D.Sounds fun19.(1分)—?—Because they are very cute.( )A.Can you see pandas in the zooB.Are there any pandas in the zooC.Do you like pandasD.Why do you like pandas.三、完形填空(10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

六年级英语下学期(山东教育版,五四制)期末检测卷 有答案

六年级英语下学期(山东教育版,五四制)期末检测卷 有答案


(每个句子听一遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)一、A. B. C. D. E.1._________2._________3._________4._________5._________Ⅱ.听句子,选择恰当的答语。

(句子听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)6.A.Yes,please. B.No,thanks.C.This way,please.7.A.Good morning. B.Fine,thank you.C.You’re welcome.8.A.It doesn’t matter. B.Don’t mention it.C.That’s right.9.A.I’d love to. B.Not at all.C.Thank you.10.A.I’m fifteen years old. B.Happy New Year.C.I was born on June 5,1997.Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确选项。

(对话听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)11.A.In the park. B.In the restaurant.C.In the office.12.A.Went to the town. B.Visited his dad.C.Cleaned the yard.13.A.The weather. B.The food.C.The time.14.A.A doctor. B.A driver.C.A teacher.15.A.Goes to church. B.Works in the garden.C.Reads newspapers.Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确选项。

(短文听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)16.Susan is a school girl from .A.ChinaB.AustraliaC.America17.Her Chinese friends sometimes don’t understand her because.A.her Chinese is poorB.she speaks Chinese too fastC.she is too shy to speak Chinese18.She wanted to go to the zoo to see the .A.pandas and monkeysB.elephants and pandasC.monkeys and elephants19.She stopped a Chinese boy in the street to .A.ask the wayB.go to the zoo togetherC.practice speaking Chinese20.She made herself understood by .A.gesture (手势)B.drawingC.writing二、笔试部分(满分80分)Ⅰ.单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21.Jim is school. His father is work.A.on;atB.at;atC.at;onD.on;on22.The teacher wanted to have a word with Tom,but she had to tell him.A.important somethingB.nothing importantC.important anythingD.something important23.It me two hours to do my homework last night.A.spentB.tookC.paided24.Lin is good basketball player in the NBA.A.aB.anC.theD./25.Reading more helps learn better.A.weB.ourD.ours26.—Can I help you,boy?—Yes.There is wrong with my bike.A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing27.—Look at that photo. What a happy family!—Yes,it’s a photo my family.A.atB.forC.ofD.in28.We need two apples and three .A.orangeB.tomatoesC.breadD.carrot29.—Where did you go yesterday,Rick?—I went to see a because I had a cold.A.teacherB.doctorC.reporterD.worker30.—What time is it?—It’s 12 o’clock.It’s time for.A.breakfastB.lunchC.supperD.dinner31.—What a hot day! I am a bit thirsty.—Would you like some ?A.noodlesB.meatC.waterD.bread32.—How was your weekend?—Great!It was my grandfather’s birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A.seventyB.seventiethC.the seventiethD.seventeenth33.Now,everyone,please turn to Page and look at the picture.A.Twelve;fifthB.Twelfth;fifthC.Twelve;fiveD.Twelfth;five34.My friend Henry was born June 10th,1997.A.inB.onC.atD.for35.Tom is than any other player in the school team.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.more tallⅡ.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on the 36 . I like animals. I have a lot of 37 animals in my room. In the 38 ,I can see tigers, elephants, bears, monkeys, pandas, snakes, and many other 39 . Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are 40 . That is why they have to stay in 41 . But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages can’t be 42 .I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins. I like 43 them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 44 water! They are very 45 to people. If you fall into the water and can’t swim, they may come to help you.36. A. summer B. monthC. autumnD. weekend37. A. real B. funnyC. toyD. your38. A. zoo B. parkC. bankD. library39. A. tigers B. peopleC. friendsD. animals40. A. dangerous B. safeC. interestingD. ugly41. A. houses B. buildingsC. cagesD. ponds(池塘)42. A. angry B. happyC. sadD. strong43. A. looking B. seeingC. watchingD. noticing44. A. in B. atC. withD. on45. A. friendly B. rudeC. warmD. coldⅢ.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)AA little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls,and nobody liked her,so she was always unhappy and didn’t like to talk to others. However,one day,her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹).When she wore it,she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.On her way to school,she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her.Most of her schoolmates said “hello” to her,but this never happened before.She thought that the beautiful hair clip had brought her them all.She was so happy about all of the wonderful things.Although she didn’t tell her classmates about her beautiful hair clip,they all wanted to know what had happened to her.When she went back home after s chool,her mother asked her,“Did you know you dropped your hair clip?I found it by the door this morning.”She understood that she hadn’t worn the hair clip to school at all.It is not important what we wear or how we look.The most important is how we think about ourselves.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。



2014-2015学年第二学期六年级英语期末试卷试卷分值:100分考试时间:60分钟分值听力部分(30%)一.听录音、选出你听到的单词(10%)( ) 1. A. learn B. teach C. work( ) 2. A. on B. by C. in( ) 3. A. people B. teachers C. workers( ) 4. A. take B. interview C. protect( ) 5. A. flowers B. cars C. trees.( ) 6. A. Canada B. China C. America( ) 7. A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Friday( ) 8. A. ship B. plane C. train( ) 9. A. No.5 B. No. 8 C. No.1( ) 10. A. near B. on the left of C. in front of二.听录音、标出朗读顺序号(5%)三.听录音、根据问句选择合适的答语(5%)( ) 1. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there i sn’t. C. Yes, I did.( ) 2. A.I was born in Beijing. B. It was wonderful. C. It is on Sunday.( ) 3. A. No, there isn’t. B. I was at home. C. Yes, they did.( ) 4. A.I was born in Tianjin. B. I’m at home. C. They were in Hangzhou. ( ) 5. A. I’m reading now. B. It’s over there.. C. Yes, it was.四.听短文,根据短文内容判断正误. (5%)( ) 1. Last Friday was March 12th.( ) 2. It was Teachers’ Day.( ) 3. It was sunny.( ) 4. Trees are not very important to people.( ) 5. The students want to make their country greener.五. 听短文,选择并补全文中所缺单词. (5%)Man: ( Sorry / Excuse me), How can I get to the City Library? Tom: The City Library? Oh, you can (take / by) the No. 16 bus. Man: But (where / How) is the bus stop?Tom: Look, it’s over there, across the road. Get off the bus at the third stop, and then turn left. Go straight along the Blue Road. The City Library is onyour (left/ right).Man: Thank you.Tom: You’re (welcome / come).笔试部分(70%)一.选择填空.(20%)( )1. was your holiday?A. WhatB. HowC. What a( )2.They themselves in Canada last year.A. enjoyB. enjoyedC. enjoys( )3.Where you last Sunday?A. isB. wasC. were( )4. were you born?A. WhenB. WhatC. How( )5.Mimi is angry Micky.A. inB. withC. at( )6.Peter watched TV the eve of the Spring Festival.A. onB. inC. to( )7. He enjoyed the book.A. readB. readingC. to read( )8.Peking Man fire to cook.A. madeB. makingC. makes( )9.He lived big caves.A. inB. ofC. about( )10. It was sunny.A. aB. anC. \( )11.January is the month of the year.A. lastB. first C .third( )12.China’s National Day is October 1st.A. atB. inC. on( )13.There some books on the desk.A. areB. haveC. is( )14.There is a toy shop near home.县学校姓名考号班级…………………………………………………..密……………………………………….封……………………………………………….线………………………………………………….A. PeterB. Peter’sC. Peters( )15.Students shouldn’t be late school.A. forB. to C .at( )16.He never makes in class.A. noisyB. many noiseC. noise( )17.Let’s light the candles the cake.A. onB. overC. in( )18.Welcome back school.A. toB. withC. for( )19.Kate wants to buy a gift her mother.A. forB. atC. from( )20.My father’s ho bby is .A. fishB. fishingC. to fish1.There are strawberries in the bowl.2.There is umbrella behind the door.3.There is milk in the desk.4.There are tomatoes in the basket.5.There is orange on the table.三.句型转换. (10%)1.They were at school last Sunday. ( 改为一般疑问句)at school last Sunday?2. My holiday was wonderful. ( 就划线部分提问)your holiday?3.Are there many books in the bookshop? (肯定回答), there .4.My good friends will take a train to Xi’an. (同义句)My good friends will go to Xi’an .5.I can see some desks in the classroom. (否定句)I see desks in the classroom.四.选择合适的句子把对话补充完整. (5%)Li Yan: Hi Yang Ming. You were not at school last week. Where were you? YangMing:Li Yan: HangZhou? Why?YangMing: My grandma is in HangZhou. She was ill last week.Li Yan: Oh, I’m sorry. Were you born in HangZhou?YangMing: . But my father was born there.Li Yan:YangMing: I was born in Beijing.Li Yan: Oh, me too. And when were you born? YangMing:Li Yan: On New Year’s Day?YangMing: Yes!Li Yan: Wow!A. Where were you born?B. No, I wasn’t.C.. I was born on the same day as you.D.. I was in HangZhou.E. I was born on January 1st, 1992.五.对号入座,将其序号填入括号内(5%)( )1.How’s the weather today?A.My hobby is swimming.( )2.How was your holiday? B.It’s fine.( )3.What’s your hobby?C.I was at home.( )4.Where were you last Sunday? D.Yes, I did.( )5.Did you go to plant trees last Friday? E.It was wonderful.六、.阅读理解(15%)(一) 读短文,根据短文内容判断正误. (5%)Last Friday, the children had social studies. They learned about a very interesting topic. Miss Liu told them about some animals. These animals are called dinosaurs.Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Dinosaurs were huge animals. They were tall, big and strong. Some ran very fast, but some only walked slowly. Some could fly. Some dinosaurs ate grass and plants and some ate meat. But today there are no more dinosaurs. We can only find their bones underground. ( )1. Last Saturday, the children had social studies.( )2. Mr Wang told them about some animals.( )3. These animals are called dinosaurs.( )4. Dinosaurs lived hundreds of years ago.( )5. Today there are no more dinosaurs.(二)读短文,根据短文内容判断正误. (5%)Peter’s family is going on a trip around China during the school holidays. The first place to go is the Great Wall. It is the longest wall in the world. Then they are going to take a plane to Hangzhou. They are going to see the Wes t Lake and they are going to drink “Longjing Tea”. They will also visit Sanya. They Plan to go to Xi’an and Harbin, too.( )1. Li Lei’s family is going on a trip around China during the school holidays.( )2. The first place to go is the Summer Palace.( )3. They are going to take a train to Hangzhou.( )4. They will also visit Sanya.( )5. They Plan to go to Shanghai and Harbin, too.(三)阅读短文,选择正确答案. (5%)Look at the blue planet. This is our home. There are plains, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans on our planet. There are all kinds of trees, flowers and grass on our planet. There are all kinds of wild animals living together with us. Don’t you want to keep our planet beautiful? But sometimes we do bad things to it. We waste too much water. We cut down too many trees. We hunt too many wild animals for our food or clothes…. We shouldn’t do these things. We should save our planet, because we have only one planet. ( )1. Look at the planet.A. yellowB. blueC. white( )2. This is our .A. familyB. homeC. bedroom( )3. We cut down trees.A. too manyB. too muchC. much too( )4. We hunt too many wild animals for our .A. breakfastB. drinkC. food or clothes( )5. We should save our planet, because we have only planet.A. oneB. twoC. three七、根据要求完成下列各题。



鲁教版(五四制)六年级英语下册期末综合测试卷(限时:120分钟满分:120分)第一部分(听力共20 分)一、听句子, 选择正确的应答语, 每个句子读一遍(每小题1 分, 共5 分)1. A. He is writing a letter. B. She is reading a book.C. They are talking on the phone.2. A. It’s funny. B. It’s boring.C. It’s cloudy.3. A. Yes, we can. B. No, you can’t.C. No, I can’t.4. A. A new movie. B. He likes swimming.C. In the library.5. A. I’m watching TV.B. Sure, I like reading very much.C. No, I don’t like computer games.二、听五段对话选择正确答案, 每段对话读两遍(每小题1 分, 共5 分)6. When is Tom’s brother’s birthday?A. On March 12th.B. On June 5th.C. On January 9th.7. What’s Jingjing’s favorite subject?A. History.B. Science.C. Geography.8. What can Tina play?A. Play the piano.B. Play the drums.C. Play the guitar.9. How does Frank go to school?A. By bike.B. On foot.C. By bus.10. What animals does Lucy like best?A. Lions.B. Elephants.C. Pandas.三、听对话选择正确答案, 对话读两遍(每小题1 分, 共5 分)听第一段对话,回答第11 至12 小题。



2014-2015学年度第二学期六年级英语测试卷第一部分:听力部分(20分)(10分)( )1、The canteen is on floor.A.the sec ondB.the thirdC.the first()2、We are going to meet at 8:30 on .A.SundayB.SaturdayC.Monday( )3、Jim is going to be a .A.doctorB.driverC.policeman ( )4、Last weekend, he went to Beijing by .A.bikeB.shipC.plane( )5、What’s the like in summer.A.sweaterB.warmC.weather( )6、There is a bank my home.A.besideB.behindC.between( )7、How many are there in a year?A.seasonsB.monthsC.days( )8、Jim is very in English.A.interestingB.interestedC.interest( )9、The Great wall is the wall in the world.A.longB.longerC.longest( )10、Yesterday we had an English .A.classB.tomorrowC.party(5分)( )1、A.By train B.In English C.In a hotel()2、A.My pleasure B.That’s right C.Welcome ( )3、A.No, I can B.Yes. I can C.It’s in London ( )4、A.Red B.Tigers C.Pencils( )5、A.I’m the teacher B.Six lessons C.Collecting stamps(5分)( )1、A.一年有十二个月。







题目一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分一、听力理解(共20小题,每题1分,满分20分)A. Choose the best answer to the sentence that you hear.( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. R-U-L-E-R.( )2. A. March 8th . B. June 1st . C. May 1st .( )3. A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, they aren ’t.( )4. A. I don’t like to talk. B. Sorry, Mr. Green. C. But I want to.( )5. A. Yes, I can. B. Swimming club. C. I like singing.B. Choose the best answer to the question according to what you hear.( )6. Can Wang Mei wear hats at school?A. Yes, she can.B. No, she can’t.C. We don’t know.( )7. Does Li Tao like dogs?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. Yes, he likes tigers.( )8. What is Jack doing?A. He is reading a book.B. He is reading a newspaper.C. He is watching TV .( )9. How’s the weather?A. It’s cold.B. It’s rainy.C. It’s sunny.( )10. What does the woman want to know?A. Where the park is.B. Where the restaurant is.C. Where the post office is.C. Choose the best answer to the question according the conversation you hear.( )11. Where is Jack from?得 分 评卷人A. Canada.B. The USA.C. England.( )12. What is Li Hong?A. A teacher.B. A worker.C. A student.( )13. What is Jack poor at?A. English.B. Math.C. Chinese.( )14. When is the show on?A. On Monday evening.B. On Saturday evening.C. On Sunday evening.( )15. When will they meet?A. At 6:30 p.m.B. At 7:00 p.m.C. At 7:30 p.m.D. Choose the best answer to the question according what you hear.( )16. Why does Jane feel so happy today?A. Because her mother gives her some animals.B. Because her mother takes her to the zoo.C. Because her mother takes her to the park.( )17. What animals do Jane and her mother go to see first?A. Tigers and lions.B. Pandas.C. Elephants.( )18.What do tigers and lions eat every day?A. Grass.B. Leaves.C. Meat.( )19. How many elephants are there in the zoo?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.( )20. What animals are fat and shy?A. Pandas.B. Giraffes.C. Tigers.二、单项选择(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将其标号填在提前括号内。

六年级英语下学期期末试题2 鲁教版五四制

六年级英语下学期期末试题2 鲁教版五四制

六年级英语下学期期末试题PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共40分)一. 听音,排序。

(Listen and rank) (共10分)听句子,将下列图片按所听到的顺序排序。



(Listen and choose) (共10分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。


()1.A.camp B.catch C.cake()2.A.skirt B.hurt C.nurse()3.A.book B.caught C.bought()4.A.fall B.fell C.feel()5.A.beach B.teach C.beside三.听音,写单词。

(Listen and write) (共10分)听录音,补全句子。


1.There is a new ______ ______in my school.2.Keep off from the ______.3.Do you like to______ ______?4.I don’t like ______. ____________ you?5.He couldn’t swim______ ______ ago.四.听录音,根据听到的问句选择合适的答语。

(Listen and choose) (10分)( )1.A.I went to Sichuan. B.I went by plane.( )2.A. I learned Chinese with David.B.We are going to have a party next week.( )3.A.Yea,Ihad a lot of fun. B.No,she can’t.( )4.A.He went to the bookstore yesterday.B.He went to the park by bus.( )5.A.No, he doesn’t. B.Yes,she did.Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共60分)五、根据中文意思写单词。








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外研版六年级英语下册期末测试题(时间:60分钟总分100分)一、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中(5分)( ) 1。

A. open B。

look C。

sit D. nice () 2. A. England B. Chinese C. China D。

US( ) 3。

A.flute B。

guitar C. hot dog D. drum( ) 4。


pen B。

pencil C. book D.watermelon( ) 5. A。



初中英语学习资料madeofjingetieji2015— 2016 学年第二学期期末学业水平测试一试卷六年级英语说明:1.英语科总分为130 分,本试卷为120 分。


2.口语记 10 分,按中心期末考试要求方法和等级进行评定,结果计入总分。


题目一二三四五六七总分得分得分一、听力理解(共20 小题,每题 1 分,满分 20 分)A. Choose the best answer to the sentence that you hear.评卷人( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’ t. C. R-U-L-E-R.( )2. A. March 8 th. B. June 1st. C. May 1 st.( )3. A. No, she isn ’ t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, they aren ’t. ( )4. A. I don ’ t like to talkB.. Sorry, Mr. Green. C. But I want to.( )5. A. Yes, I can. B. Swimming club. C. I like singing.B. Choose the best answer to the question according to what you hear.()6. Can Wang Mei wear hats at school?A. Yes, she can.B. No, she can’ t.C. We don ’ t know. ()7. Does Li Tao like dogs?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’ t.C. Yes, he likes tigers. ()8. What is Jack doing?A. He is reading a book.B. He is reading a newspaper.C. He is watching TV . ()9. How ’ s the weather?A. It’ s cold.B. It’ s rainy.C. It’ s sunny.()10. What does the woman want to know?A. Where the park is.B. Where the restaurant is.C. Where the post office is.C. Choose the best answer to the question according the conversation you hear. ()11. Where is Jack from?A. Canada.B. The USA.C. England.( )12. What is Li Hong?A. A teacher.B. A worker.C. A student.( )13. What is Jack poor at?A. English.B. Math.C. Chinese.( )14. When is the show on?A. On Monday evening.B. On Saturday evening.C. On Sunday evening. ( )15. When will they meet?A. At 6:30 p.m.B. At 7:00 p.m.C. At 7:30 p.m.D. Choose the best answer to the question according what you hear.( )16. Why does Jane feel so happy today?A. Because her mother gives her some animals.B. Because her mother takes her to the zoo.C. Because her mother takes her to the park.( )17. What animals do Jane and her mother go to see first?A. Tigers and lions.B. Pandas.C. Elephants.( )18.What do tigers and lions eat every day?A. Grass.B. Leaves.C. Meat.( )19. How many elephants are there in the zoo?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.( )20. What animals are fat and shy?A. Pandas.B. Giraffes.C. Tigers.得分二、单项选择(共10 题,每题 1 分,满分 10 分)评卷人从 A 、 B 、C、 D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最正确选项,并将其标号填在提早括号内。



装订线内不要答题◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆u u u u u u u u u ◆◆◆◆◆◆2014—2015学年第二学期期末测试卷六年级英语 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其标号填入题前括号内。

(10分) ( )1 A north B south C mouse ( )2. A shark B scared C sad ( )3. A. sing B. song C. singing ( )4. A. know B. how C. now ( )5. A A study B story C silk二、听录音,选答语。

(10分)( )1. A He likes insects. B She likes insects. C We like insects.( )2. A I am sad because my dog is lost.B I am happy because today is my birthday.C I am sad because my dog eat my lunch. ( )3. A He was an artist. B He was from America. C He was a poet.( )4. A I ’m going to learn Chinese painting. B I ’m going to America.C I ’m helping my parents do chores ( )5 A They are mammals. B They are insects. C They are reptiles. 三、听录音,填入所缺的单词.(10分)My favorite season is spring. It ’s _______. And there are many beautiful flowers to _____. This season is a good time to _____ kites. I really like to play _____ my friends _____ spring.笔试部分(70分)四.词形转换.(10分)1.win (过去式)________2.city(复数)________3.take (过去式)________4. run (现在分词)________5. famous (比较级)________五.选择填空。




(5分)⑴ stronger ⑵ excited ⑶ pear ⑷ heavier⑸ grapes ⑹ spring ⑺ bored ⑻ fall⑼ ate ⑽ yellow ⑾ sang ⑿ blueA.tired______ _______B.taller________ _______C.winter _____ _______D. learned ______ ______E.red _______ ______F.banana _______ ______二、选择。

(10分)()1.My ruler is ________ than yours.A. longB. longerC. taller()2.____is your brother? He is 26 kg. He's very thin.A. How oldB. How heavyC. How tall()3.Zhang Peng looks very sad.Because he _______yesterday.A. failed the English test.B. went to the zoo.C. played ping-pong with his friends.()4._______ your brother ________ TV last weekend?A. Did…watchedB. Does…watchC. Did…watch()5.Zhao Benshan is a famous(著名的)________A. writerB. actressC. actor()6.What's your favourite food?A. Apples.B. Noodles.C. Yellow.()7.Where did you go _________ your holiday ?A.inB.atC.on()8.Did you go hiking _________ your friends?A.andB.withC.to()9.What can you do? I can _________ songs.A.singB.singingC.sang()10.想知道“今天是星期几”应该说:A.What's the weather like today?B.What's the date ?C.What day is it today?三.补全对话。



山东省淄博市小学英语六年级下学期期末模拟测试卷(1)姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共14分)1. (4分)正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号①Mike fine hello play football long hair tall and fat②Who am I,Linda? You are fat. You are Danny.2. (4分) My parents often watch ________ in the evening.3. (2分) I don't like art. I like m________.4. (2分) My sister has g________.5. (2分) I like to s________in the sea.二、单选题 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分) ________ is she?A . What'sB . HowC . Who7. (2分) I have no _____where to go.A . ideaB . knowC . thinkD . look8. (2分) That is________ mother.A . IB . my9. (2分) In Hainan,it's going to be very ________ in summer.A . coldB . rainyC . hot10. (2分) We are going to _____the museum at 13:30.A . leave toB . leave forC . leave at三、音标题 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)读一读,选出读音含有/ʌ/的单词。




(10分)( B ) 1. A. look B.food C.good( A ) 2. A. there B. here C.nere( A ) 3. A. cat B. baby C.cake( A ) 4. A. bed B. he C. me( B ) 5. A. no B. box C. go二、选出每组中不同类的一项,将序号写在题前括号里。

(10分)( B )1. k B. cat C.bread( A )2. A.tomato B.fork C.knife r( B )3. A.bought B.ride C.went( C )4. A.cow B.duck C. beef( B )5. A.younger B.small C.thinner( B )6. A.elephant B.money C.rabbit( A )7. A.first B.two C.ten( C )8. A.swimming B.camping C.run( B )9. A.look B.there C.watch( C )10.A.teacher B.doctor C.nose三、按要求写词语:(10分)one (序数词) first longer (反义词) shorter thin (比较级) thinnertooth (复数) teeth I (同音词) eye swim (现在分词) swimminghave (第三人称单数) has read (过去式) read buy(过去式)bought doesn’t (完全形式)does not四、单项选择:(15分)( A ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend ?A. did, doB. do, doC. does, do( B) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday.A. washB.washesC.washed( C ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow.A. are goingB.are go toC. are going to( B ) 4. I failed my English test. I am ______.A. happyB.sadC.excited.( B ) 5. How____you feeling?----- I’m feeling better.A. amB. areC. do( C ) 6. It’s raining outside. Tom______bored.A. feelB. doesC. feels( C ) 7. What did you do yesterday?----- I _____skiing.A. goB.goedC.went(B ) 8. How _____are you ?----- I’m 160 cm t all.A. oldB.tallC.heavy( B ) 9. My nose______.A. hurtB. hurtsC. is hurting ( A ) 10. ______is it ?-----It’s Tuesday.A. What dayB. What colourC. What( B) 11. Look, they are_____the insects carefully.A. watchB.watchingC.watched( C ) 12. He is an _____, he draws pictures.A. actorB.cleanerC.artist( B ) 13. I played ____piano.A. \B.theC.a( B ) 14. I get up ___7:00___the morning.A. at atB. at inC.in in( A ) 15. I like to go ____on Sundays.A. fishingB. to fishC.fish五、连词成句:(10分)1. likes he listening music toHe likes listening to music.2. did you there how goHow did you go there?3. do you when Beijing to goWhen do you go to Beijing?4. am to aunt visit I going myI am going to visit my aunt.5. two years I’m than you youngerI’m two years younger than you.六、连线:(10分)(B) 1. What did you do yesterday ? A.I feel sick.(A) 2. How do you feel ? B.I climbed a mountain.(C) 3. What’s the date ? C.October 1st.(E )4. Where did you go ? D.Yes , I did. (D) 5. Did you learn English ? E.I went to Xinjiang.七、情景交际:(10分)1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:(A )A.Let's go fishing this weekend.B.B.Let's go hiking this weekend.C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend.2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:( A )A.OK,here you are. B.Fine. C.I don't think so.3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:( B )A.Not at all. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.You're welcome.4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:( C )A.I' m sorry. B.Hi. C.Excuse me.5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( C )A.You too. B.The same. C.Thank you.八.用单词的正确形式填空。



2014---2015第二学期六年级英语期末试卷班级: ________ 姓名: _________ 学号:_____ 成绩:________听力部分(35分)一、把你所听到的单词,短语或句子的字母编号填在括号里.(10分) ( ) 1. A. stairs B. pear C. there( ) 2. A. drop B. talk C. tall( ) 3. A. light B. Why C. climb( ) 4. A. bread B. brother C. break( ) 5. A. get B. gate C. gift( ) 6. A. tired B. cried C. excited( ) 7. A. go straight B. turn right C. turn left( ) 8. A. lost my keys B. got a kitten C. sang a song ( ) 9. A. It’s next to the shopping mall.B. It’s in front of the supermarket.C. It’s behind the bus stop .( ) 10. A. He read a book last night.B. She wrote a letter to her friend last night.C. They made models last night.二、听读句子,找出最佳答语,并把字母编号填在前面的括号里.(5分) ( ) 1. A.I like drinking cola. B. Eat a lot of vegetables.C. Junk food isn’t bad for us .( ) 2. A. She is a farmer. B. She goes shopping.C. She cooked dinner.( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I can. C. Sure, I’ll do it later. ( ) 4. A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, he did.( ) 5. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes , they did. C. They rode bikes. 三、听音判断,与图内容相符的的写“T”,不相符的写“F”(10分)1()2()3()4()5()6()7()8()9()10()四、听录音,补全对话,每空只填一词. (10分)A:I’m ___________ .B: Why?A: Because I __________ up my room yesterday.B: Why did you do ___________?A: Because it was my ____________ birthday. We _________ a birthday party for him. Many friends came to my home . During the party, we ________ , sang and danced . We had a __________ time . ________ the party , my mother, my father and I had to collect the _________ . So I ________ up late .笔试部分(65分)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。

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