

SAP netweaver 的BPM培训

SAP netweaver 的BPM培训


1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考 的方法 。20.5. 520.5.5 Tuesda y, May 05, 2020

2、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的 人谈话 。02:2 3:0502: 23:0502 :235/5/ 2020 2:23:05 AM
NetWeaver BPM
SAP NetWeaver BPM(SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management ) 是SAP NetWeaver CE 的新组 件。
自SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1 提供了增强包1 时起,这 种集成化复合环境将包含建模、连接、编译、部署和维护 复合业务流程所需的功能。
Business Rules Management 用来定义流程中的处理规则,根 据事先设定好的规则表来判断当 前流程的走向。
SAP NetWeaver BPM能够帮助您根据不断变化的业 务需求,通过多种方法快速对自己的业务流程进行定 制。此软件能够: ■ 让业务和IT专家共同对流程进行模拟 ■ 通过基于Java的流程引擎集中对流程进行执行 ■ 为业务用户提供直观的界面 ■ 将业务规则整合至业务流程中
Process Composer 将支持流程建模的所有阶段,从 流程的高级定义一直到实际开发内容的充实以及部署和执行。
NetWeaver BPM
Process Desk 特指NetWeaver Portal 中用户查看、处 理流程的界面。 Process Server 是基于Java的流程执行引擎。 BRM(Business Rules Management)是基于流程的 规则管理。

SAP BPM 流程建模

SAP BPM 流程建模

复合应用程序/复合业务流程复合应用/复合流程的特征以用户为中心的流程 跨越多个系统和组织 高度协作和动态的业务流程 调用其它系统提供的服务(功能) 有时需要实现新的业务逻辑或修 改已有的业务逻辑复合应用SAP NetWeaver Business Process ManagementLegacy 3rd System PartySAP SRMSAP SAP Buyer ERP Partner© SAP 2007 2008 / Page 2SAP NetWeaver 业务流程管理 (BPM)复合流程: BPMSAP NetWeaver BPM使用图形化工具建模流程 聚合来自可重用块的工作流 聚合来自可重用块的工作流流程的组合(BPM)用户界面: Visual Composer、Web Dynpro、Adobe Forms 以图形化的方式建模UI 在无需编码的前提下应用UI更改用户界面(UI)使用专为满足特定需求而调整过的交互式表单 业务对象和服务: CAF服务的组合(CAF)企业服务的导入 建模业务对象Eclipse 3JEE 5复合应用程序逻辑 基于开放标准 Java EE 5 Eclipse 3CAF: Composite Application Framework UI: User InterfaceBPM: Business Process Management© SAP 2008 / Page 3复合业务流程中的业务流程管理基于BPMN的图形化建模工具 图形化流程设计 支持关键流程概念的整个生命周期 (工作流, 事件, 任务, 环境, 角色, 用 户界面) 将人工交互和系统集成整合进一个 模型中 直接从业务视图到流程执行 从设计到实现完全一致,无需任何 转化 动态的基于角色的视图 单个激活模型Rules Composer Rules Process Management DeskProcess ComposerProcess Process Desk DeskProcess Server灵活执行 业务规则管理Rules Engine嵌入到流程中的规则使流程更灵活© SAP 2008 / SAP PageTechEd 4 08 / BPM100 Page 4在SAP NetWeaver BPM中设计业务流程© SAP 2008 / SAP PageTechEd 5 08 / BPM160 Page 5业务流程建模标注简介 (BPMN, Business Process Modeling Notation)“BPMN的主要目标是提供一些容易被所有业务用户理解的符号,从创 建流程轮廓的业务分析到这些流程的实现,直到最终用户的管理监控。



BPM与WEB Dynpro总结郑永文2007-4-18目录目录 (2)1基本步骤 (4)1.1创建BPM (4)1.2创建WEB UI (4)1.3建立PROCESS与WEB UI的关系 (4)1.3.1指定关联 (4)1.3.2指定TASK的interface (5)1.3.3指定process中的各activity的数据mapping,即在各个activity中可流转的数据 (6)1.4D EPLOY PROCESS (6)1.5访问 (6)2技术架构 (7)3结构 (7)3.1V IEW的LAYOUT (11)3.2C OMPOSITE UI E LEMENT (15)3.3字段属性 (17)4MESSAGE (17)5动态设置V ALUE-HELP (19)6动态编程,即动态设置CONTEXT (20)7外部MODEL数据 (27)8JA312: ADV ANCED WEBDYNPRO FOR JA V A (28)8.1设置弹出式窗口 (29)8.1.1OVS (31)8.2消息处理 (32)8.3高级CONTEXT (32)8.4动态UI (33)8.5M ODEL INTERFACE (33)8.6S TRUCTING APPLICATION (33)8.6.1dependencity (33)8.6.2structing (40)8.7附录 (42)9实用东西 (44)9.1查看日志 (44)9.2ABAP层次的WEB SERVICE (45)9.3T ASK层次的某些属性可在H UMAN ACTIVITY中覆盖 (45)9.4P ROCESS的WEB SERVICE (45)9.5调用WEB SERVICE (45)9.5.1WSDL 文档结构 (46)9.5.2WSDL 端口 (47)9.5.3WSDL 消息 (47)9.5.4WSDL types (47)9.5.5WSDL Bindings (47)9.5.6总结 (47)10实用类、接口 (49)10.1C LASS WDV ALUE S ERVICES (49)11连接外部数据库 (49)12账号权限 (51)12.1P ORTAL上UWL的权限 (51)12.2管理员权限 (51)13常用URL (51)13.1流程管理 (51)HTTP:// ROCESS M ANAGEMENT/INDEX.JSP (51)13.2流程监控 (52)14问题 (52)15总结 (52)1基本步骤1.1 创建BPM在NWDS中,创建一个BPM流程实例。



SAP业务流程管理(BPM)第⼀节SAP 业务流程管理平台SAP致⼒于世界级⼤型ERP/CRM/SRM等软件领域的构建,实施,已经超过35年的历史。




将企业级服务(Enterprise Service)作为企业流程的构建基点,实现了对典型的企业需求,如待办事项、流程监控、业务流程控制等普遍⽀持。



同时,业务流程管理平台还可以与SAP ⼯作流平台相互融合,相合协调,同时,⼜通过统⼀的待办事项将两者进⾏集中管理,使最终的⽤户⽆需关⼼流程是运⾏在业务流程管理平台,还是⼯作流平台。

1.SAP 商务套间中的业务⼯作流平台SAP⼯作流是SAP系统中⼀个独⽴的技术模块,与其他的业务模块,如财务管理模块库存管理模块等⽆缝集成。



SAP NetWeaver的业务流程管理1.doc

SAP NetWeaver的业务流程管理1.doc

SAP NetWeaver的业务流程管理1SAP NetWeaver的业务流程管理(Business Process Management)Robin Xu /文现代企业要实现可持续发展和利润的增长,就需要企业不停的改变和创新,来适应瞬息万变的市场环境。


SAP Netweaver是一个强大完整的技术平台,它能够帮助企业IT应用迅速改变以适应业务变化的需要。

SAP Netweaver BPM 是以流程为中心的技术,填补了SAP业务过程建模、流程执行、流程运行监控的空白,同时结合IDS Scheer的ARIS for Netweaver实现流程的优化管理的能力。

SAP BPM能够帮助SAP的客户基于SAP组件实现自动化业务流程;能够帮助SAP的用户以一种预先主动的方式参与各种业务流程;能够帮助SAP的业务经理们方便的实现的跨越不同的系统来控制和改进他们的商业流程;能够帮助SAP用户以一种简单直观的形式创建自己的特定的流程并执行;能够提供整个流程的透明度和各种业务信息给流程的参与者和各种不同的关注业务流程的人,使业务流程透明顺畅地执行和管理。

SAP的BPM技术SAP BPM设计了3个不同的技术关注点来满足各种不同的需求环境和场景,针对这3个关注点都有相应的工具还实现,并且提供了一套通用的机制共享通过这3种工具产生的对象和服务。

这3个关注点是:1.个人流程管理通过EP(SAP企业门户)框架中的协同任务工具(Universal Worklist, Guided Procedures, Collaboration等),实现个人用户创建轻量级的特定的业务流程,优化每天的任务,增加了与同事之间协同工作的透明度。

2. mySAP应用组件流程管理SAP商业工作流工具(SAP Business workflow)内嵌在SAP Web Application Server中,用来实现SAP应用内部组件之间的业务流程集成和管理,是SAP应用(ERP,CRM,SRM等)的工作流工具。






















sap netweaver

sap netweaver

SAP NetWeaver应用服务器基础BC-KN-1001SAP NetWeaver应用服务器基础版本:2009V1课时:32课时此文档仅供中石化内部使用课程概述课程内容:本课程对于SAP NetWeaver的结构以及功能进行了介绍,这门课是其他SAP系统管理课程以及SAP业务编程课程的基础。


软件信息:本课程基于SAP R/3 4.6C(或ECC6.0)总部ERP支持中心| 1建议先期学习的课程要求:计算机以及数据处理方面的基础知识。

总部ERP支持中心| 2通过完成本课程的学习,你将可以做到:z描述SAP Netweaver的基本概念z描述SAP Web应用服务器的基本架构。

z描述SAP环境下软件开发的基本特征z使用日常系统管理的事务总部ERP支持中心| 3□SAP NetWeaver简介□SAP系统界面□SAP NetWeaver应用服务器架构□SAP开发环境介绍□通讯和集成技术□SAP系统管理介绍总部ERP支持中心| 4□SAP NetWeaver简介□SAP系统界面□SAP NetWeaver应用服务器架构□SAP开发环境介绍□通讯和集成技术□SAP系统管理介绍总部ERP支持中心| 5人员集成信息集成流程集成SAP NetWeaver是SAP新一代面向服务的开放的企业系统集成和应用开发综合平台。

总部ERP支持中心| 6SAP NetWeaver由以下7种组件和3种开发与管理工具组成:组件SAP Auto-ID基础架构¾SAP Auto-ID基础架构¾SAP 商务智能¾SAP 企业门户SAP交换基础架构¾SAP 交换基础架构¾SAP 主数据管理。

¾SAP 移动基础架构¾SAP 平台应用服务器工具¾SAP 解决方案管理器¾SAP 复合应用框架。

SAP开发者平台¾SAP 开发者平台总部ERP支持中心| 7SAP Auto-ID基础架构可以实时感应和控制自动信号,并直接连接到需要信号数据来更快、更好地推动商业决策的业务流程。



SAP BPM工作流在信息系统中的应用摘要:介绍SAP BPM工作流平台以及它的实际应用。

关键词:SAPNetweaver ,WebDynpro, Process Composer, BPM Modeling引言:在企业的⽣存和发展中,创新和快速的市场应变能⽣已经越来越重要,很多企业由于存在分散的业务系统以及IT维护的不规范,抑制了业务增长和竞争⽣的提⽣。

总结起来主要存在以下问题:(1)没有办法完成从业务需求到IT实现的⽣缝转化(2)没有统⽣的建模环境驱使从业务需求到IT 实现的流程转化(3)没有⽣动化的⽣式去执⽣和跟踪流程。


SAP BPM简介SAP Netweaver 是一个强大的集成技术平台,而SAP BPM则是Netweaver 集成平台中以面向业务流程管理为中心的一个重要组成部份,侧重于流程的优化,再造和监控管理的部份。

SAP BPM 做为一个技术平台,提供了设计业务流程建模、实施、运行,流程运行监控的一整套工具,帮助 SAP 的客户机与 SAP 已有的应用模块实现自动化的业务流程跨越不同的系统来控制和提升业务流程的运行效率,能够给业务流程的参与者和监控业务流运行的管理者提供完整的流程透明度,使得企业复杂的业务流程能够高效率而且自动化的的运行。

SAP BPM流程设计需要用到的关键应用(1) Web Dynpro for Java因为 SAP BPM 建模工具无法直接操作ABAP GUI 或者 ITS BSP 程序,所以用Web Dynpro来开发数据查询、输入,审批的的用户界面。

Web Dynpro 采用了一种高级的 MVC / Data Binding 架构模式,并且提供非常友好的编程界面。

Web 界面可以使用拖拉的形式进行开发,使用Web Dynpro,开发者只需要关注业务流程,可以非常迅速的开发出企业级的应用程序。

SAP NetWeaver 基础知识教程说明书

SAP NetWeaver 基础知识教程说明书

About the T utorialSAP NetWeaver is an open technology platform that offers a comprehensive set of technologies for running mission-critical business applications and integrating people, processes, and information.It utilizes open standards to enable integration with information and applications from almost any source or technology.AudienceThis tutorial has been prepared for those who want to acquire knowledge on the basics of SAP NetWeaver. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise and possess fair knowledge on how to use the platform for your benefit. PrerequisitesThe course is designed for beginners with little or no SAP NetWeaver experience. But you need to have a basic understanding of SAP basics to make the most of this tutorial.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************.T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Disclaimer & Copyright (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. i i 1.SAP NW − INTRODUCTIO N . (1)SAP NW Development (1)SAP NetWea ver − Advantages (2)2.SAP NW − ARCHITECTUR E (3)SAP NetWeaver − Architecture (4)3.SAP NW − COMPONENTS (5)4.SAP NW − RELEASE DETAIL S (8)5.SAP NW − NW VERSION IN ECC SYSTEM (10)6.SAP NW − SETTING UP NW (13)Operating System/Database PAM for SAP NetWeaver (14)Desktop and Mobile Browser Support for SAP NetWeaver (14)7.SAP NW − INSTALLATIO N OPTIONS (17)8.SAP NW − PASSING PAR AMETERS FOR INSTALLATION (25)Typical Mode (25)Custom Mode (26)Configuring Transport Management (27)Adding a System to the Transport Domain (28)Managing Transport Routes (29)Import/Export of Objects in the Transport System (31)10.SAP NW − MANAGING BA CKGROUND JOBS (34)Unscheduling a Background Job (37)11.SAP NW − NW BUSINESS CLIENT (39)NWBC for HTML (39)NWBC for Desktop Application (40)Key Difference between SAP GUI and NWBC (41)12.SAP NW − SERVICE CON FIGURATION (43)HTTP/HTTPS Settings in the ICM (43)Activate Services in ICF (44)13.SAP NW − BUSINESS CL IENT INSTALLATION (47)14.SAP NW − NWBC TRANSA CTION & NAVIGATION (49)15.SAP NW − SAP APPLICA TIONS BASED ON NW (51)SAP NetWeaver BW (51)SAP Process Integration (52)SAP NetWeaver Mobile (53)Application Development ABAP (54)16.SAP NW − PORTAL (57)Application Portal EPC (57)Portal Navigation (57)18.SAP NW − ENTERPRISE PORTAL ROLES & GROUP (60)Comparison between UME & Portal Roles (61)Create a Role and Add iViews to Role (61)19.SAP NW − KNOWLEDGE M ANAGEMENT (63)Key Features of SAP Enterprise Knowledge Management (63)20.SAP NW − KM ADMINIST RATION (65)Initial Configuration (65)System Administration (65)Content Administration (66)Add Reports to KM Repository Manager (66)21.SAP NW − DEVELOPER S TUDIO (68)Create a Web Project in Developer Studio (68)22.SAP NW − WEB CONTENT (71)Add an Article Using Web Page Composer (72)23.SAP NW − PROCESS INT EGRATION OPTIONS (74)Why Do We Need SAP PI? (74)SAP NetWeaver PI Installation Options (75)SAP NetWeaver PI Architecture (75)24.SAP NW − GATEWAY (77)SAP NetWeaver Gateway: Capabilities and Key Benefits (77)Gateway Installation / Deployment Options (77)User Administration (79)Lock/Unlock a User (82)26.SAP NW − PFCG ROLES (83)27.SAP NW − AUTHENTICAT ION METHODS (85)28.SAP NW − COMMUNICATI ON SECURITY (86)Important Features (86)Levels of Protection (86)1.SAP NetWeaverSAP NetWeaver(SAP NW) describes all the software and services used for 'Business Enablement'. The SAP Business suite, such as ERP Central Component (ECC) or Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), contains the software components for that specific business solution.Following are the key points about SAP NetWeaver platform:∙It is an open technology platform that offers a comprehensive set of technologies for running mission-critical business applications and integrating people, processes, and information.∙It is a web-based, open integration, application platform that serves as the foundation for Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture (Enterprise SOA) and allows the integration and alignment of people, information, and business processes across business and technology boundaries.∙It utilizes open standards to enable integration with information and applications from almost any source or technology.∙It is the foundation of SAP Business Suite and SAP Business by Design. It also powers partner solutions and custom-built applications.SAP NW DevelopmentSAP NetWeaver was first introduced by TopTier Software, an Israeli company, in 1997. SAP has acquired this company in the early 2000’s. The first version of SAP NetWeaver was released in 2004 with version NW7.0.Note: The latest available version is SAP NetWeaver 7.5 released in Q4 2015.SAP has tied up with various hardware vendors to provide different application components to enhance the capabilities of the NetWeaver platform. SAP Business Warehouse (BW) Accelerator is one of the examples that was developed to improve data load and query performance in SAP BW.Various application development has been introduced by SAP based on the NetWeaver platform like ABAP Workbench, Web Dynpro, Visual Composer, SAP Solution Manager and NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) based on JAVA stack.In the following image, you can see key enablement based on SAP NW Platform: ∙Highly Configurable Business Applications − This includes SAP ECC suite, SAP CRM software suite for Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management and other key modules that are part of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution.SAP NetWeaver ∙Business Enablement Applications −This contains business enablement applications like SAP Process Integration (PI), Enterprise Portal, and Business Intelligence software suite.∙Common Development and Technology Platform −This contains web development and application development technologies like ABAP Workbench, SAP Web Dynpro, Visual Composer, etc.SAP NetWeaver −etWeaver veSAP NW is an open platform for managing and configuring business applications for the development of workbench application so you can achieve multiple advantages.∙It is based on the Service-Oriented Architecture approach and hence allows you to perform tasks with flexibility. System upgrades can also be performed easily.∙With the use of SAP NetWeaver Application server, you can perform analysis and embedded analytics in real time.∙Easy development of web applications using tools like ABAP Workbench, Web Dynpro, and NW Development Studio.∙ A single application platform to manage applications from different providers, implemented in different languages.∙Easy implementation and consumption of business logic and SAP Backend system content using web and mobile applications.∙Flexible and simple development environment for mobile and web applications using SAP NetWeaver Gateway, SAP UI5 based on JAVA, and HTML5 based Application development.∙Easy workflow and management of day-to-day business operations by using SAP Fiori Launchpad based on NetWeaver platform deployment model. Using NetWeaver gateway, developers can create applications that link business users to SAP software from any environment and through any device.2.SAP NetWeaverSAP NetWeaver is called a central foundation for SAP software stack and provides a flexible platform for other NetWeaver components such as Process Integrator, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Portal, and also for ABAP and Java applications.SAP NetWeaver Application Server supports platform-independent web services, business applications, and standards-based development, enabling you to leverage existing technology assets for Web-services-oriented solutions.All NetWeaver components are built on SAP Web Application Server and components are written in J2EE or ABAP.SAP NetWeaverSAP NetWeaver − ArchitectureSAP NetWeaver is one of central component of entire SAP software stack and provides a platform for the other components, as well as JAVA and ABAP applications.SAP Application server consists of multiple application server instances and also database servers. With the use of dialog instance, it also contains a message server and an enqueue server.A dialog instance executed by the user has the following components:∙Internal Communication Manager − It is used to process both the client and the server web requests. It supports protocol – HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP.∙Dispatcher − Dispatcher is used to distribute the user request to different work processes. If all the work processes are busy, requests are stored in the Dispatcher queue.∙Work Processes − These are used to execute Java or ABAP programs.∙SAP Gateway − This provides RFC interface between SAP instances.∙Message Server − This is used for message communication and also balances the load in SAP system.SAP NetWeaverSAP NetWeaver includes a comprehensive set of components, applications, and tools.SAP NetWeaver Application ServerIt supports platform-independent web services, business applications, and standards-based development, enabling you to leverage the existing technology assets for Web-services-oriented solutions.Its key features include:∙Proven scalable and comprehensive toolset for managing application platform development.∙Leverage the existing infrastructure skillset.3.Internet Communication ManagerInternet Communication Manager (ICM) is used to process web and server requests and to set up the connection to the internet using HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP protocol. The requests were sent via Web browser by the users.∙ A RFC connection is used to connect SAP NetWeaver Application server to Back-end system for acquiring and processing the data.∙In SAP Web Application Server, SAP Gateway makes the RFC interface between the SAP instances available.∙The Message Server is used to process the messages and for load balancing in the SAP system.Installation Options for the SAP NetWeaver Application ServerFor the installation of SAP NetWeaver Application Server, you can select from the following two installation options:∙ABAP System: Using this installation method, you can run ABAP programs and also few selected SAP Java applications.∙Java System: Using this installation method, you can run J2EE applications but not any ABAP programs.SAP NetWeaver − Business IntelligenceIt enables you to integrate data from across the enterprise and transform it into practical, timely business information to drive sound decision making.SAP NetWeaver − GatewayIt enables developers to create applications that link business users to SAP software from any environment and through any device.SAP NetWeaver − Master Data ManagementIt ensures cross-system data consistency and helps integrate business processes across the extended value chain.SAP NetWeaver − Process OrchestrationIt helps improve processes, from simple workflows to integrated processes that span applications and organizational boundaries. It includes capabilities for business process management, business rules management, and process integration.SAP NetWeaver − PortalIt unifies critical information and applications to provide users with role-based views that span the enterprise, enabling you to take full advantage of your information resources.SAP Auto-ID InfrastructureIt gives you all the capabilities you need to integrate all automated sensing devices including RFID reader and printers, bluetooth devices, embedded systems, and barcode devices.SAP NetWeaver − Identity ManagementIt addresses access and provisioning issues facing a typical enterprise. It creates a new opportunity for integrating business processes, and helps to integrate systems in a heterogeneous IT environment.SAP NetWeaver − Information Lifecycle ManagementIt allows you to archive data in a readily accessible format according to regulatory retention rules that you define.4.SAP NetWeaverSAP NetWeaver platform and different applications based on NetWeaver technology allows you to use SAP and non-SAP products in a heterogeneous environment. In the following table lists different release details of SAP NetWeaver platform.SAP NetWeaver 7.0 was first released in 2004. Its latest release is SAP NetWeaver 7.5, which was released in Nov 2015.SAP NetWeaver5.SAP NetWeaverAs mentioned earlier, SAP NetWeaver includes a comprehensive set of components, applications, and tools. You can check the version of NetWeaver platform in SAP ECC suite. To check the version of NetWeaver platform –Step 1: Login to SAP ECC system using SAP GUI.Step 2: Select the system for which you want to check NetWeaver version and login. Step 3: To check the version, click the system tab at the top -> StatusThis will open the System Status Tab.You can view different details such as Usage Data, Repository Data, and Host Data.Step 4: To check the version, under SAP system data -> Component Version -> Click the Lens icon.In the next Installed Software screen, under the Installed Software Component Versions, you can find Component name, Release, Service Pack Level, and Support Package.Step 5: Under the Release tab, you can check the version of NetWeaver version. In the following screenshot, it is NetWeaver 7.4.Step 6: Under the same screen but the next tab, i.e., Installed Product Versions, you can find the version of each component installed on the SAP system. To search the version of SAP NetWeaver, scroll down to find it.6.SAP NetWeaverTo set up SAP NetWeaver, you have to check SAP NetWeaver Product Availability Matrix (PAM) on SAP Site. This tells you the platform availability, release type and maintenance, and upgrade duration of the product.Using PAM, SAP publishes the following information about SAP software releases: ∙Release type (for example, standard release, early adoption release, or custom development project release)∙Planned availability∙Maintenance durations∙Upgrade paths∙Platform availability, including database platforms and operating systemsTo check the platform, maintenance and upgrade, and release details of SAP NetWeaver platform, go to the following SAP PAM site and login using partner ID and password. https:///sap/support/pamTo check PAM for SAP NetWeaver 7.4, go to the following link and login using your SID and password. information is available on this site:∙OS/DB∙Developer Workplace∙Language Support∙Browser SupportNote: SAP note 1843183 for Release of SAP NetWeaver 7.4.SAP NetWeaverOperating System/Database P AM for SAP NetWeaverIn the following table, you can find the Operating System and database Product Availability Matrix for SAP NetWeaver platform. Along the Y-axis, it shows the database support, their version, and along the X-axis it shows which Windows OS is supported.∙AS - Application server with whole SAP NetWeaver stack only∙DB - Database Server only∙HA - High Available Solution only∙X64 - x64 and x86_64 represent the same hardwareDesktop and Mobile Browser Support for SAP NetWeaverFollowing is the desktop browser support for SAP NetWeaver releases -Microsoft Internet Explorer∙IE 11 Desktop (recommended)∙IE 11 on Windows 10 support planned for October 2015∙IE 7 - IE 10 until January 2016Microsoft Edge∙Planned for UI Add-on 2.0 SP1 (SAPUI5 1.32). Down port to UI Add-on 1.0 SP15 (SAPUI5 1.28) plannedMozilla Firefox∙Latest Extended Support Release Cycle (recommended)∙Latest Rapid Release Cycle (conditionally supported)Google Chrome∙Latest Release Cycle for Windows∙Support of NW 7.02, 7.03, 7.30 and higherApple Safari∙On OS X for 3 years from the version release date∙Support of NW 7.02, 7.03, 7.30 and higherFollowing is the mobile browser support for SAP NetWeaver releases - ∙Apple Safari on iPad∙Apple Safari on iPhone∙Google Chrome on Samsung Galaxy Tab/S∙Android browser on Samsung Galaxy Tab/S (A4.4 and higher)∙Windows Phone 8.1 on Nokia Lumia 930 (conditionally supported)∙Windows Phone 10 on Nokia Lumia 930 (planned)∙BlackBerry on BlackBerry Z10/30Note: Devices and OS version support for 3 years from vendor Release date. Supported UI technologies:∙SAPUI5 / OpenUI5∙SAP Fiori applications may have different supportSAP NetWeaver Developer Workplace∙Consists of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and AS Java with limited platform support∙Local development and test capabilities∙No support for team development∙No tool updates available via Eclipse update sites∙No extension supportLanguage SupportAll information regarding language availability can be found in the Product Availability. Matrix (PAM) under Technical Release Information -> Languages -> Product Instance -> Display link in Additional InformationEnd of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。





2.SAP 业务流程管理(BPM)的价值SAP业务流程管理(以下简称BPM)能够从企业的IT实际业务管控需求出发,减少适应变化的周期时间、以创新的方式提升现有管理模式和系统、以及提高工作效率。





图1-1 SAP业务流程管理平台的价值①固化企业流程:初期,企业通过BPM系统固化流程,把企业的关键流程导入系统,由系统定义流程的流转规则,并且可以由系统记录及控制工作时间,满足企业的管理需求及服务质量的要求,真正达到规范化管理的实质操作阶段。




SAP NetWeaver Business ProcessManagement – End-to-End ProcessImplementation SampleApplies to:SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1SummaryThis document provides step by step guidance on how to implement a process sample with the SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management component which is shipped as part of the SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1. In our case the end-to-end process implementation sample is called “My name and age”.Author(s):Donka DimitrovaCompany:SAP Labs BulgariaCreated on: 01 August 2008Author BioDonka Dimitrova is a Product Manager in the SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management team. She focuses on the early Customer adoption programs for SAP NetWeaver Business Process Management (SAP NetWeaver BPM). She is also leading the SAP BPM Design Partner Council which currently consists of ten worldwide recognized SAP customers selected from different industries, that are helping the SAP team with validation of goals, concepts, and technology throughout the entire software life-cycle.S TEP1.C REATE A N EW D EVELOPMENT C OMPONENT1.Start SAP NetWeaverDeveloper Studio (NWDS)and select a new workspace.3.To create a new project selectFile > New > Project.5.Select Software ComponentLocal Development > MyComponents [].Click Next.S TEP2.C REATE A N EW P ROCESS9.Expand DevelopmentComponent tree. Go toProcess Modeling > ProcessesMouse right button click andselect “New”.15.Type “MyNameAge” as aname for the Pool -Select thePool and go to Properties >General > Name\ 19.Type the name of the Humanactivity “Fill Name Age”.20.Create one more Humanactivity using again the speedbuttons.S TEP3.C REATE W EB D YNPRO UI S24.Open the Web Dynproperspective.27.Select Software Componentand click “Next”29.Leave the default values forthe Project properties andclick “Finish”.34.Open the ComponentController of the newComponent“C_FillMyNameAge” withdouble click.42.Copy Context with rightbutton click and “Copy”49.Type name “Complete” forthis event and click “Finish”.50.Click Save or (Ctrl+S).55.This will be the result.56.Click Save or (Ctrt+S)63.Navigate to Implementationwith right mouse button clickover the new method.67.Type “;” at the end of the row.If you prefer to type the code directly, without using the help list, you have to type:wdThis.wdFireEventComplete();68.Save (Ctrl+S) and close thetab with the code.69.Open the View of theComponent with double clickon it.73.Select the Required Controllerand click “OK”.79.Go to the Layout tab of theView.81.Right button click on theRootElement and select ApplyTemplate.84.Select ”Name” row and moveit on the first position usingthe arrows.This will be the result. Click“Finish”.91. Click on the Label“Age_lable”.92. Go to Properties and changethe “text” property to “Age”96. Create and event for theButton. Go to Properties>Events > onAction and clickthe buttong Create97. Type “BtnOK” as a name forthe Action and click “Finish”.98. Save (Ctrl+S).100. Navigate to Implementationfor this Action “BtnOK”.104. Add “C_FillMyNameAge”component to the Public Partof the Web DynproDevelopment Component withright button click on thecomponent.105. Create new Public part forthis Development Component> click the button “New..” andtype “API” for the name of thenew Public Part. Click“Finish”.108. Type name“C_DisplayMyNameAge” forthe new Component and click“Next”.111. Create Context for thisComponent Controller withtwo attributes: “Name” of typestring and “Age” of typeinteger.112. Copy Context with rightbutton click and “Copy”.118. Copy the Event with rightbutton click and “Copy”.126. Navigate to implementation131. Go to the context of theView.135. Go to Layout of the View anddelete the DefaultTextView138. Copy the “TextView”element with right button clickand paste it as child to theRootElement.This will be the result:141. Click on the TextView1 >Properties > text. Click Bindbutton to bind the “text”property of the TextView1with the “Name” attribute ofthe Context.146.Click on the TextView2 >Properties > text. Change“text” property to “and I am”.148. Change the “design” propertyto “emphasized”.157. Navigate to Implementation.162. Add“C_DisplayMyNameAge”component to the Public Partof the Web DynproDevelopment Component withright button click on thecomponent.163. Select the Public Part “API”and click “Finish”.S TEP4.S ET U P D EPENDENCES 164. Go to DevelopmentInfrastructure perspective tocreate dependencies.169. The Local Build State of the“wd_ui_mna” will become“ok”.173. Type the name of the WebDynpro DevelopmentComponent “wd_ui_mna“ asfilter and select it when thesystem will find it. Click“Next”.S TEP5.C REATE U SERS AND G RANT A CCESS 177.Open SAP NetWeaverApplication ServerAdministration > UserManagement182. Assign Users to Roles.Change the Search Criteria toRole.187. When found, select all rows192. Go to tab “Assigned Users”and click button “Modify”.196. After the assign both UserIDswill be displayed on the rightsite with Assigned Users.S TEP6.C REATE T ASKS IN THE P ROCESS C OMPOSER AND LINK THEM WITH THE RELEVANT W EB D YNPRO UI198.Go to the Process Composerperspective.199. Create a new Task.203. The Public Part “API” willbe displayed, select it andclick “Next”.204. Wait for the System to load the components205. Select the Component withthe name“C_FillMyNameAge”. Thiswill display the InterfaceView of this Component. 206. Select the Interface View“C_FillMyNameAgeView” ofthis Component and click“Next”.207. Select the Completion Event“Complete” and click“Finish”.208. Save (Ctrl+S).209. Go to the “Roles” tab.210. Potential Owners >“Choose..”211. Change Principal to “User”212. Type “User_*” and click“Search…”213. Provide UserID andPassword for the access to theUME214. Select “User_A” and clickbutton “Add”.displayed on the right sideclick “OK” and the user“User_A” will be selected asa potential owner for this task. 216. Save (Ctrl+S).217.Create the second Task.218. Type “DisplayMyNameAge”as name for the Task andclick “Finish”.219. Go to the Task Overview tab.Go to User Interface sectionand click “Choose..” to selectthe User Interface220. Click on the DevelopmentComponentbe displayed, select it andclick “Next”.222. Wait for the System to load the components223. Select the Component withthe name“C_DisplayMyNameAge”.This will display the InterfaceView of this Component. 224. Select the Interface View“C_DisplayMyNameAgeView” of this Component andclick “Next”.225. Select the Completion Event“DisplayComplete” and click“Finish”.226. Save (Ctrl+S).227. Go to the “Roles” tab.228. Potential Owners >“Choose..”229. Change Principal to “User”230. Type “User_*” and click“Search…”231. Provide UserID andPassword for the access to theUME232. Select “User_B” and clickbutton “Add”.233. When “User_B” will bedisplayed on the right sideclick “OK” and the user“User_B” will be selected asa potential owner for this task. 234. Save (Ctrl+S).S TEP7.A SSIGN T ASKS TO T HE R ESPECTIVE H UMAN A CTIVITIES235.Open the Process with doubleclick.240.Go to Properties > Task>Select “FillMyNameAge” taskfrom the drop down list. 241.Save (Ctrl+S).244. Select the Task “Fill NameAge”> Go to Properties >Output Mapping > Map Nameand Age as Output from theFill Name Age Humanactivity on the left side withthe Name and Age of theProcess context on the rightside.245. Select the Task “DisplayName Age”> Go to Properties> Input Mapping > MapName and Age from theProcess context on the leftside with the Name and Ageof the Input for Display NameAge Human activity.246. Save (Ctrl+S).S TEP9.B UILD AND D EPLOY THE P ROCESS 247. Go to DevelopmentInfrastructure perspective.Find the DevelopmentComponent of the process andBuild.249. Go to the Overview of theDevelopment Component ofthe Process and check theLocal Build State. It has to be“ok”.253. Deploy is still Running。

SAPNetWeaver-快速向导培训资料(doc 83页)

SAPNetWeaver-快速向导培训资料(doc 83页)

SAPNetWeaver-快速向导培训资料(doc 83页)SAP NetWeaver - 快速向导SAP NetWeaver - 简介SAP NetWeaver (SAP NW)描述了用于“业务启用”的所有软件和服务。


以下是有关SAP NetWeaver平台的要点:•它是一个开放技术平台,提供了一套全面的技术,用于运行关键业务应用程序和集成人员,流程和信息。

•它是一个基于Web的开放式集成应用程序平台,用作企业面向服务的架构(Enterprise SOA)的基础,并允许跨业务和技术边界的人员,信息和业务流程的集成和调整。


•它是SAP Business Suite和SAP Business by Design的基础。


••Workbench,SAP Web Dynpro,Visual Composer等。

SAP NetWeaver - 优势SAP NW是用于管理和配置业务应用程序以开发工作台应用程序的开放平台,因此您可以实现多个优点。



•使用SAP NetWeaver应用程序服务器,您可以实时执行分析和嵌入式分析。

•使用诸如ABAP Workbench,Web Dynpro和NW Development Studio之类的工具轻松开发Web应用程序。


•使用SAP NetWeaver Gateway的移动和Web应用程序的灵活和简单的开发环境,基于JAVA的SAP UI5和基于HTML5的应用程序开发。

SAP NetWeaver 后台任务管理指南说明书

SAP NetWeaver 后台任务管理指南说明书
To pass the start condition, enter the start date, end date, frequency, etc. In case, the start condition is not specified, then the job will remain in the scheduled state and will not run. Various options can be used to define the start condition. To create a periodic job, select the box at the bottom.
The following screenshot will confirm that job is released as well as other details of the job.
Note − When a job is in the Active state, it can’t be unscheduled till it’s completed. Step 1 − Enter the job name and the user name. Step 2 − To un-schedule a job, select Released and Ready from the status tab. Step 3 − Enter the Job start condition and Select Execute button at the top as shown in following screenshot.
Once schedule is defined, click the Save button to save the job. You can define different Scheduling options − Immediate − To immediately run the job. Date/Time − You can add a date and time to run the job. After Job − You can also schedule this job after a particular job is completed. After Event − You can also add a schedule when a specific event is triggered. At Operation Mode − You can also add a schedule in the operation mode.

Scenarios using SAP NetWeaver BPM

Scenarios using SAP NetWeaver BPM

© SAP 2009 / Page 5
Parallel branch
Solution For parallel branching, use “Parallel Split” and “Parallel Join” gateways Parallel join requires careful modeling, potential deadlock For the recommendation with parallel join, read a guideline on SDN
© SAP 2009 / Page 10
Role delegation
Either requester or approver wants to replace/delegate the role to somebody else for a specific period of time
(dynamic parallel is EHP2)
© SAP 2009 / Page 6
Live workflow status view
3 Live workflow or macro view how the submission is proceeding
Person A Persons in the entire workflow can see the live status of where and how the step is processed
© SAP 2009 / Page 11
Role delegation
Solution You can make use of the UWL features called “Delegation” or “Substitution”. Delegation: 1. In the UWL click the task you want to delegate.

SAP 技术文档 模板

SAP 技术文档 模板

基本信息文档编号对应需求说明书文档编号项目名称TransprtRequests需求名称业务顾问需求日期完成日期开发人员开始日期开发人天业务模块 财务(FI/CO) □物料管理(MM-采购) □物料管理(MM-结算) □客户服务(CRM) □销售(SD) □物流(LE)□仓库管理(WM) □人事(HR) □BW□主数据□跨应用□其它____________需求类型□创建□优化□其它____________技术风险□低□中□高运行方式□手工□自动(后台JOB)□外部系统调用□内部系统调用运行频率□任何时间□每天□每周□每月□每季度□每年□其它_________开发信息开发类型开发内容技术对象查询报表□ALV/LIST报表程序名功能性事务□Report Transaction 程序名(事务代码)□Dialog Transaction 程序名(事务代码)表单□Script Form SE71对象□Smart Forms Smart Forms □Report Form 程序名出口增强□User Exit 程序名□BADI SE19里面的接口对象名和方法(METHODS)□Enhancement 程序名□Modification 程序名□Infotype PM01 PPCIFM/接口□Function Module FUNCTION MODULE数据处理□Batch Data Processing 程序名□IDOC 程序名以及配置的所有对象Dictionary □Database Table □View□Structure□Data Elements □Data Domain□Search Help□Lock Object□Table Index其它修改历史修改日期修改人修改内容需求目的说明(详细描述本需求的背景及目的)把需求上面写的实现功能复制过来选择界面(Report截图查询界面)方案设计(开发内容含用户界面时,填写本项)处理逻辑(清楚描述开发过程中需要使用的逻辑,操作过程等)(数据库主要取数逻辑,主要处理代码)(使用的功能型的FM/BAPI,主要处理代码,预期效果)开发过程中使用的一些业务功能函数以及公共函数,简单描述下功能和使用方法和使用效果。



1.审批流配置1.1. 流程定义与维护路径:系统管理-流程系统配置-流程定义与维护功能:定义流程编号、名称、任务、会签人数、执行顺序、跳转方式等。



⏹修改流程⏹删除流程没有权限⏹新增任务⏹修改任务⏹删除流程没有权限取消1.2. 公司指派流程路径:系统管理-超级管理员-公司指派流程功能:指定那些公司可以使用某一项流程,与删除某个公司使用该流程的权限。

1.3. 公司管理员设置路径:系统管理-超级管理员-公司管理员设置功能:在系统中设置各电厂的管理员名单。

1.4. 流程角色管理路径:系统管理-流程权限管理-流程角色管理功能:设置流程角色1.5. 流程管理路径:系统管理-流程权限管理-流程管理功能:将流程任务(节点)与流程角色进行匹配。


1.6. 跨公司管理流程路径:系统管理-流程权限管理-跨公司流程管理功能:审批环节在不同公司之间跳转,例如:黄台电厂财务部计划员-黄台电厂财务部负责人-山东公司财务部经办人-山东公司财务部负责人-集团公司财务部审批。


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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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BPM与WEB Dynpro总结郑永文2007-4-18目录目录 (2)1基本步骤 (4)1.1创建BPM (4)1.2创建WEB UI (4)1.3建立PROCESS与WEB UI的关系 (4)1.3.1指定关联 (4)1.3.2指定TASK的interface (5)1.3.3指定process中的各activity的数据mapping,即在各个activity中可流转的数据 (6)1.4D EPLOY PROCESS (6)1.5访问 (6)2技术架构 (7)3结构 (7)3.1V IEW的LAYOUT (11)3.2C OMPOSITE UI E LEMENT (15)3.3字段属性 (17)4MESSAGE (17)5动态设置V ALUE-HELP (19)6动态编程,即动态设置CONTEXT (20)7外部MODEL数据 (27)8JA312: ADV ANCED WEBDYNPRO FOR JA V A (28)8.1设置弹出式窗口 (29)8.1.1OVS (31)8.2消息处理 (32)8.3高级CONTEXT (32)8.4动态UI (33)8.5M ODEL INTERFACE (33)8.6S TRUCTING APPLICATION (33)8.6.1dependencity (33)8.6.2structing (40)8.7附录 (42)9实用东西 (44)9.1查看日志 (44)9.2ABAP层次的WEB SERVICE (45)9.3T ASK层次的某些属性可在H UMAN ACTIVITY中覆盖 (45)9.4P ROCESS的WEB SERVICE (45)9.5调用WEB SERVICE (45)9.5.1WSDL 文档结构 (46)9.5.2WSDL 端口 (47)9.5.3WSDL 消息 (47)9.5.4WSDL types (47)9.5.5WSDL Bindings (47)9.5.6总结 (47)10实用类、接口 (49)10.1C LASS WDV ALUE S ERVICES (49)11连接外部数据库 (49)12账号权限 (51)12.1P ORTAL上UWL的权限 (51)12.2管理员权限 (51)13常用URL (51)13.1流程管理 (51)HTTP:// ROCESS M ANAGEMENT/INDEX.JSP (51)13.2流程监控 (52)14问题 (52)15总结 (52)1基本步骤1.1 创建BPM在NWDS中,创建一个BPM流程实例。

在此步骤中,只设置流程图(在pool中,创建多个lane,在每个lane中设置流程活动,如activity、event、gatway等),在流程图中的每个human activity中,需要用到task,在该task中,指向web dynpro for java开发的WEB UI。


1.2 创建WEB UI在该步骤中,创建process中人机交互的页面,此部主要就是web dynpro for java的开发,创建好后,需要每个compontent add to public part中,以便在process中可用1.3 建立process与web ui的关系此步在development infrastructure中完成,即将上述两步创建的process 与web ui关联起来,以便在process的task中可指定web ui的interface(即要用到第二步中add to public part的组件)、在process的owner中指定该步的执行者及流程中多个activity的数据mapping (包括input mapping 、output mapping等)1.3.1指定关联1.3.2指定TASK的interface在task的编辑器中,可指定task对应的UI interface,此处interface即需要用到1.2中add to public part中的compontent.在此处指定compontent后,即可在process的数据类型中可找到该compontent种定义的contezt中的数据,如下图所示:注意:在此处指定task的UI interface时,必须在WEB UI的Component的Interface controller中指定一个Complete event,否则无法指定。

同理,在interface controller中也要指定context,否则无法在process中mapping1.3.3指定process中的各activity的数据mapping,即在各个activity中可流转的数据此步完成后,即可●在process中加入数据对象●可在process的activity中作数据mapping操作(否则,在input mapping中无的TaskInput中无UIRequest,在output mapping的TaskOutput中无UIResponse)如此,即可在context与activity中的input/output做数据mapping。

在portal上的UWL中,将可以显示任务列表,此处的任务列表显示的内容可以定制并可用参数,在TASK的user text中定义,如下图所示:此处的参数也从绑定的userinterface(compontent)中而来,若不绑定,则无可选的context 数据(在UIRequest或UIResponse节点中)。



1.4 Deploy process1.5 访问http://的san链接中,通过Configuration Management--→processes and tasks----→process reposity来启动在1.4中deploy的流程2技术架构DC关系:3结构对于每个VIEW,分别对应有两个interface,假设view的名称为MMM,则接口名分别为IPrivateMMMView和IPublicMMMView,前者用于VIEW的对内数据操作,后者用于对外的数据交换,在VIEW中定义的ACTION在前者中定义,在private的view中,1.context中所选的每个node都对应有两个静态内部类,分别为I{NodeNmae}Node、I{NodeName}Element,在这两个内部类中分别定义node的操作、属性等东西。


2.view中定义的method、action也在此接口中定义3.每个view均实现类,有个IPrivateMMMView类型的变量wdThis, public PurchaseRequestView(IPrivatePurchaseRequestView wdThis){this.wdThis = wdThis;this.wdContext = wdThis.wdGetContext();this.wdControllerAPI = wdThis.wdGetAPI();this.wdComponentAPI = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent();}对于每个web dynpro for java的组件,均有controller、view、window,其中controller对应有接口IPublic{组件名}、IPrivate{组件名}的接口,其中IPrivate extends IPublic,在IPublic中,有两个内部类,分别为IContextNode继承自DataNode 表示节点,IContextElement继承自DataNodeElement表示元素,在对应的Controller 的JAVA文件中,有一个私有成员wdThis变量类型为IPrivate的,故通过这个变量即可实现对Context的访问. 其中wdContext变量类型为上述IPublic中的内部类IcontextNode,通过该变量实现对Context的访问;此外,另两个变量wdComponentAPI/wdControllerAPI的类型均未IWDCompontent,通过这两个变量可实现对message、尽量不要使用Custom Controller,只有在优化、简单化开发时才考虑使用wdDoPostProcessing()在复杂的应用中,用于校验来自多个组件的数据wdDoBeforeNavigation在不同的congtroller中共享数据External-mapping在设置internal mapping时,需要将cardinality设为1..n,否则在界面上不能输入。

若view 的context为从control映射过来,则需在controller的context中设置cardinality,在view中不能设置。


注意在VIEW中的BUTTON中,不要直接在VIEW中写代码更改屏幕中元素的值,而是应该在controller中更改值,方法是在controll中定义method,然后在view的layout的outline 中,选中button,右键在出来的菜单中选择apply templete,在此定义action并在后续步骤中选择controll中定义的方法。



public voidonActionInitialValue( t wdEvent ){//$$begin Action Button(-750211490)wdThis.wdGetStartCompController().initPersonInfo();//$$end}3.1 View的layout3.2 Composite UI Element3.3 字段属性在controller 的context 中,可将字段属性的calculated 属性设为true ,则该在controller 中可在该字段的set/getter 方法中写代码操作该字段的值,在该代码中修改该字段的值后,在mapping 过的view 中可直接显示该字段的值4 Message3种类型:Standard, Warning, Error在IMessage{Nc}中作为常量存在,如component 为 StartComp,则该类名为 IMessageStartComp. 访问方式:IWDTextAccessor txtAccessor = wdComponentApi.getTextAccessor(); String msg = txtAccessor.getText(“{MessageKey}”);IWDMessageManager msgMgr = wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager();将Message与UI元素关联:抛出错误信息:wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().raisePendingException();在NWDS中在deploy时,经常会提示服务不可用,但经查系统,发现服务端无任何问题,此时,在NWDS中将SAP AS JA V A中的服务重配即可。
