1. 关于产业技术路线图1.1技术路线图的产生技术路线图(Technology Roadmap)最早出现在20世纪70年代末期的美国汽车行业。
澳大利亚、中国、法国、希腊、印度、意大利、韩国和葡萄牙的安装量也在逐渐 增加。 研究和发展 在过去十年里,光伏研发(R&D)的全球政府支出大大地增加了,主要国 家的政府研发实力增长了一倍,即从 2000 年的 2.5 亿美元增长到 2007 年的 5 亿 美元,如图 2 所示。试点和示范项目占这些支出从 2000 年的 25%扩大到 2007 年的 30%。 太阳能电池及其组件研发是研发部分的主要构成部分, 占整体支出的 75%。 技术发展趋势及战略目标 为了进一步降低成本、提高效率,期望研发在改善现有技术和开发新技术方 面不断取得进步。根据各种应用的特殊要求和经济情况,预计未来将会开发出更 多的新型技术。图 3 所示为不同光伏技术的发展状况及前景。 表 1 总结了一系列光伏系统的一般技术指标,包括转换效率、能源回收期、 使用寿命。典型商业平板组件的效率期望能从 2010 年的 16%增长到 2030 年的 25%,2050 年增长到 40%。目前,能源和材料在制造业的使用会变得更加高效, 因而会缩短光伏系统的能源回收期。预计能源回收期会从 2010 年的两年降低到 2030 年的 0.75 年,到 2050 年会下降到 0.5 年。另外,使用寿命期望从 25 年增 加到 40 年。 表 1 一般技术指标 指标 典型平板组件效率 系统能源回收期(1500kWh/kWp) 使用寿命 1、单晶硅 、 如今,光伏组件的绝大多数(每年全球市场的 85%-90%)都是硅基晶片, 预计晶体硅光伏组件将持续占据光伏技术直到 2020 年,到那时的市场份额也将 超过 50%。 这要归功于晶体硅光伏组件的可靠性技术、 长寿命以及丰富的原料储 备。晶体硅光伏组件存在的主要挑战是提高转换效率、有效地减少资源消耗、改 良电池组概念、制造自动化。 2008 16% 2年 25 年 2020 23% 1年 30 年 2030 25% 0.75 年 35 年 2050 40% 0.5 年 40 年
制定多种技术发展方案,评估其可行性、风险和效 益,筛选出最优方案。
明确技术发展目标、时间节点、关键里程碑和资 源需求,形成技术路线图。
对技术路线图实施过程进行监测和评估,及时调整和优 化路线图。
确保技术路线图预研的目标与组织战略目标保持一致 ,具有实际可操作性。
新型太阳能光伏技术包括钙钛 矿、染料敏化等新型材料和技 术,具有低成本、高效率等潜 力,是未来太阳能光伏产业的 重要发展方向。
技术路线图预研是一种系统的方法,用于规划、评 估和优化技术发展路径,以实现特定目标或解决特 定问题。
它涉及对技术发展趋势、市场需求、资源条件、政 策环境等方面的深入分析和预测。
加强国际合作,共同应对全球气候变化挑 战;同时,面对国际竞争,需要不断提升 自身技术创新能力和市场竞争力。
鼓励企业增加对太阳能光伏技 术研发的投入,提高自主创新
引导企业合理布局,形成产业 集聚效应,降低生产成本。
制定有利于技术创新的产业政策,降低企业研发 成本,提高市场竞争力。
通过技术升级和突破,逐步提 高光伏电池的转换效率,降低
优化光伏组件的材料和制造工 艺,延长其使用寿命和可靠性 。
Solar module array
DC Load
aafte DC
AC Load
1. 太阳能电池板发出的电是直流电,不能直接供交流负荷(灯具,家用电器等)使用,所以需要转换成交流电才能供交流负荷使用。
2. 转换以后的交流电不仅可以供用电负荷使用,并且可以并入国家电网,也就是卖掉多余的电能。
3. 我所做的工作一个是给太阳能组件(厂家提供,包括电池板
附录A 英文文献1.The world's current situation and development of photovoltaic industry forecastSolar cells is the use of the material effects of photovoltaic solar energy into electrical energy directly to the semiconductor devices, also known as photovoltaic cells. In 1954, the first practical silicon solar cells (η = 6%) and the first atomic power station at the same time in the United States was born in 1959 into the space solar cell applications, the energy crisis in 1973 after the application step by step to the ground.Photovoltaic power generation is divided into independent grid photovoltaic systems and photovoltaic systems. Independent PV power station, including the villages in remote areas the power supply system, solar household power system, communications, signal power, cathodic protection, such as solar street lamps withbatteries can run independently of the photovoltaic power generation system.Grid PV system is connected with the power grid to feed electricity grid PV power system. Currently technically achievable grid PV power system in the way: housing fixed-grid system and power plant system of the desert. Use of the existing roof system is the effective area of the roof construction, installation and network of photovoltaic power generation system, the size of a few kWp generally ranging from several MWp. Desert power plant is uninhabited desert area in the development and construction of large-scale photovoltaic power generation systems and networks, the size of several GWp from the 10MWp size. In recent years, the rapid increase in solar cell production, for 8 years in 30% growth in 2004, even more than the annual growth rate of 60 percent, reaching 1200MW.2.The Chinese PV market and industry status2.1 China's solar market developmentChina started research on solar cells in 1958, in 1971, China successfully launched the first applies to the 2nd satellite Dongfanghong. Started in 1973 for ground-based solar cells. China's photovoltaic industry in 80 years ago is still in embryonic form, the annual production of solar cells has been hovering below 10KW, price is also very expensive.As a result of restrictions on prices and production, market development is very slow, and apart from, as the satellite power supply, on the ground only for low-power solar power systems, such as beacon lights, railway signal systems, weather station equipment alpine electricity, electricity Wai field, black light, fluorescent lamps, such as DC power is normally a few watts to tens of watts. In the "65" (1981-1985) and "75" (1986-1990), the countries of photovoltaic PV industry and to give support for the development of the market, the central and local governments invested in the photovoltaic certain funds, makes a very weak solar industry hasbeen consolidated and applied in many areas of the model, such as microwave relay stations, communications system units, gates and oil pipeline cathodic protection systems, rural carrier telephone system, small households and villages with power supply system systems. At the same time, "75" period, the domestic has introduced from abroad a number of solar cell production line, in addition to the amorphous silicon, a 1MW battery production line, the other is single crystal silicon cell production line, making China's solar cell production capacity increased to 4.5MWp / years, the price is also from "75" early 80 yuan / Wp dropped to 40 yuan / Wp around.After the nineties, with the shape of China's photovoltaic industry and to lower costs to the industrial application areas and application of the development of rural electrification, the market steadily expanding, and are included in the national and local government plans, such as Tibet "Project Sunshine" "bright work", "Ali photovoltaic project in Tibet", optical fiber communication power, oil pipeline cathodic protection, radio and television every village, a large-scale promotion of rural households with photovoltaic power systems. The 21st century, particularly in the last 3 years of "power to the villages," the project, two billion state investment, the installation of 20MW, to solve our country's 800 townships without electricity power problems in China's PV market to promote rapid, substantial increase in .At the same time, grid demonstration project began rapid development, from 5kW, 10kW to 100kW development of more than 1MW Expo in Shenzhen in 2004 and works as a grid PV applications in China highlights. The end of 2004, China's total installed capacity of photovoltaic systems reached approximately 65MW.Shenzhen, Shantou, Guangzhou and Zhejiang, solar garden lights, a large number of exports, with annual sales of as much as 500 million. Garden of the cells used are usually imported, and then with plastic packaging, simple process. The 6MW cells by as much as a year is a large solar applications (which are not into statistics).2.2 China's status of the industrialization of solar cellsAlthough the rapid development of China's photovoltaic industry, the size and technological level of industry have been raised accordingly. But compared with developed countries, there is still a big gap, such as: the degree of domestic raw materials-specific is not high, species was incomplete, already made materials and components, its performance is lower than abroad, such as silver, aluminum paste, EV A, etc. . Packaging components suede low iron glass, TPT has not yet been put on the market.The upper reaches of small photovoltaic industry chain, the lower reaches of large imbalances, the most serious is that the production of solar grade polysilicon is blank, entirely dependent on imports. The difference between the part of other aspects of the need to import,such as cells, silicon ingot / silicon, supporting materials.The level of industrial equipment design and manufacturing capabilities behind. Poly-silicon casting furnace, wire sawing, breaking completely the need to import ingot; PECVD silicon nitride deposition equipment, screen printing presses,battery-chipsorting machines, welding machines and other series can not meet the performance needs of modern production. These devices will need to introduce a full set, and so on.These gaps with the R&D base and weak industrial base. Enterprises through the introduction of digestion and absorption in a short period of time a modern photovoltaic industry, but supporting a special materials and equipment also can not keep up, in which the solar-grade polysilicon material particularly conspicuous. Countries should be organized photovoltaic industry with chemical, mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturing industries joint research, at the same time actively seeking international cooperation in solar-grade silicon as the breakthrough point, to avoid the technology of semiconductor-grade silicon blockade.3.China's PV market forecasting and planning proposals"11, the five" period, should be the implementation of the rural off-grid photovoltaic power generation plan, the implementation of open terrain (desert) and large-scale PV power station network pilot projects, as well as "central cities and the construction of photovoltaic net" plan as a priority. For the commercial development of PV will also be actively support policies and support.3.1 Rural off-grid photovoltaic power generation plansThere are about 28,000 of China's villages, 7 1 million, 3,000 million people without electricity. These are the distribution of the population without electricity in western China and a number of islands, some of which are villages without electricity using diesel generators for power generation, power supply 2-3 hours per day; some did not even diesel generators can only point of butter lamps, kerosene lamp and candle lighting. These areas without electricity have a wealth of solar energy resources, photovoltaic power generation in this region has a vast market prospect.Rural electricity supply problem has been through the "power to the villages," the fundamental solution works. There are villages without electricity and household electric power supply issues need to be resolved. If every village without electricity in accordance with the 10KWp, households without electricity in accordance with each 400Wp planning, taking into account the expansion of the power station has been built, the potential market is around 3,000 MWp.From the current policy of national strength and perspective, by 2010, for the full settlement of the western region of more than 50 villages without electricity and 15% of households living without electricity electricity issues 2006 and-2010 years, 10,000 to settle the village without electricity and 100 million households without electrical power problems, the amount of new photovoltaic 265MWp, accumulated solar for rural electrification to reach 300 MWp.3.2 Open to large-scale photovoltaic power plant construction and networkFrom the current policy of national strength and perspective, by 2010, should be open to carry out large-scale photovoltaic power plant tests, the test site chosen should have the following conditions: close to the trunk power system (preferably within 50 kilometers), in order to reduce the additional transmission line of investment; backbone grid of sufficient bearing capacity, in the case of non-modified PV power station capable of transmission of electricity; load center distance of 100 kilometers in order to reduce transmission losses; if there is no electricity near load centers, the best large-scale hydropower, photovoltaic power station could be pumped-storage power through the conversion. Planning to establish by 2010, Block 2-3 of about 10-20MWp open to (desertification) pilot demonstration power plant, with a total installed capacity reached 30MWp, to test their technical and economic feasibility. 2010-2020 open to the formal start of China (desertification) of photovoltaic power station planned for 2010-2020 new installed PV power station 11,970 MWp, to open by the end of 2020 to a total of (Desert) photovoltaic power plants installed 12GWp.中文翻译1.世界光伏产业现状和发展预测太阳电池是利用材料的光生伏打效应直接将太阳能变成电能的半导体器件,也称光伏电池。
在技术路线图中,光伏产业可以分为以下几个阶段:1. 单晶硅太阳能电池技术:单晶硅太阳能电池是目前应用最广泛、性能最稳定的一种电池技术。
2. 多晶硅太阳能电池技术:多晶硅太阳能电池是克服单晶硅太阳能电池生产成本较高的一种替代方案。
3. 薄膜太阳能电池技术:薄膜太阳能电池具有制造成本低、材料消耗少等优点。
二、光伏产业的战略规划光伏产业作为一种新兴产业,在战略规划方面需要注重以下几个方面:1. 增加投资:光伏产业需要大量的资金用于技术研发、设备更新和生产扩张。
2. 完善政策支持:政府应制定相关政策来鼓励光伏产业的发展,包括提供补贴和优惠政策,加强市场监管和技术标准制定等。
3. 加强国际合作:光伏产业具有全球性的特点,需要国际合作来推动技术进步和市场开拓。
4. 培养人才:光伏产业需要大量的专业人才来支持其发展。
5. 推动市场发展:政府和企业应积极推动光伏发电市场的发展,通过政府采购、投资补贴和公共项目等方式扩大光伏发电的规模和市场份额。
四个国家的光伏发电累计安装容量超过了1GW:德国(5.3 GW)、西班牙(3.4 GW)、日本(2.1 GW)、美国(1.2 GW)。
2008 年,中国光伏发电新装容量为45MW,占全球需求的比重不到1%,远远落后于欧美日等光伏市场大国。
截止到2008 年末,中国光伏累计装机容量为145MW,相当于14万KW,相对于8 亿KW 的总电力装机容量而言,几乎可以忽略不计。
35MWp绿色能源太阳能光伏项目实施流程英文版Implementation Process of 35MWp Green Energy Solar Photovoltaic ProjectThe implementation process of the 35MWp green energy solar photovoltaic project involves several key steps that need to be followed for successful completion. The project begins with the planning phase, where the site for the solar panels is selected and the design of the system is finalized.Once the planning phase is complete, the next step is procurement. This involves sourcing the necessary materials and equipment for the project, such as solar panels, inverters, and mounting structures. It is important to ensure that the materials and equipment are of high quality to guarantee the efficiency and longevity of the solar system.After procurement, the installation phase begins. This involves the actual construction of the solar photovoltaic system, including mountingthe panels, connecting the wiring, and testing the system for proper functionality. It is crucial to follow all safety protocols during the installation phase to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of the workers.Once the installation is complete, the next step is commissioning. This involves testing and inspecting the system to ensure that it is operating as intended and meeting the required performance standards. Any issues or defects discovered during the commissioning phase must be addressed promptly to avoid delays in the project timeline.After commissioning, the final step is operation and maintenance. This involves monitoring the performance of the solar system, conducting regular inspections, and performing any necessary repairs or maintenance to keep the system running efficiently. It is important to have a well-defined operation and maintenance plan in place to prolong the lifespan of the solar system and maximize its energy production.Overall, the implementation process of the 35MWp green energy solar photovoltaic project requires careful planning, efficientprocurement, meticulous installation, thorough commissioning, and diligent operation and maintenance. By following these steps diligently, the project can achieve its goal of generating clean and sustainable energy for years to come.。
Photovoltaic System Design1 IntroductionAfter PV workers unremitting efforts, solar cell production technology constantly improve, and increasingly widely used in various fields. Posts and telecommunications in particular, the telecommunications industry in recent years because of the rapid development of communication power requirements have become more sophisticated, so stable and reliable power Solar energy is widely used in communications. And how the various regions of solar radiation conditions, to the design of both economic and reliable photovoltaic power system, which is one of the many experts and scholars study the long-standing issue, but there are many excellent research results, for the development of China's photovoltaic laid a solid foundation. The author of the study at the design methodology of experts found that the design has only considered the self-maintenance of battery time (that is, the longest consecutive rainy days), without taking into account the loss of electric batteries as soon as possible after the recovery time (ie, two sets of the longest continuous rain days, the shortest interval between the days). This problem particularly in the southern China region should pay great attention to the southern region because of our rainy day is long too, and for the convenience of independent photovoltaic power system, because there is no other emergency backup power protection, so this problem should be included in the design considered together.In this paper, an integrated design method of the previous advantages, combinedwith the author over the years actually engaged in the design of photovoltaic power systems experience, the introduction of two sets of the longest consecutive rainy days, the shortest interval between the number of days as the basis for the design of one, and comprehensive consideration of the the impact of solar radiation conditions of the factors that made solar cells, the formula for calculating battery capacity, and related design methods.2 Many factors affect the designSun solar cells on the ground square on the radiation of light spectrum, light intensity by the thickness of the atmosphere (ie air quality), geographic location, the location of the climate and weather, terrain and surface features such as the impact of its energy in one day, January and a year of great change, or even years between the total annual amount of radiation There were also large differences.Square solar photoelectric conversion efficiency, by the battery itself, temperature, sunlight intensity and battery voltage fluctuations, which is three in one day will change, so square photovoltaic solar cell conversion efficiency is also variable.Battery is charging in the float state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature.Solar energy battery charge and discharge controller made by the electronic components manufacturer, it is also necessary energy, while the use of components ofperformance, quality, etc. is also related to the size of energy consumption, thus affecting the efficiency of charge.Load of electricity, but also as determined by uses, such as communications relay stations, unmanned weather stations and so on, have a fixed power equipment. Some equipment such as a lighthouse, beacon lights, civilian power consumption such as lighting and equipment power consumption are often changing.Therefore, the solar power system design, the need to consider many factors and complex. Characteristics are: the data used in most previous statistical data, the statistical data measurement and data selection are important.Designers of the mission are: In the solar cell matrix under the conditions of the environment (that is, the scene of the geographical location, solar radiation, climate, weather, terrain and surface features, etc.), the design of solar cell and battery power system matrix is We should pay attention to economic efficiency, but also to ensure system reliability.Location of a particular energy of solar radiation data to meteorological information provided the basis for the design of solar cells used phalanx. These meteorological data required to check the accumulation of several years or even decades on average.Various regions on the Earth by sunlight and radiation changes in the cycle for the day, 24h. In a square area of solar cells also have the power output 24h of the cyclical changes in its laws and sun radiation in the region, the changes of the same.However, changes in weather will affect the square of the generating capacity. If you have a few days consecutive rain days, almost square on the power generation should not rely on batteries to power, and battery depth of discharge and then need to be added as soon as possible good. Most designers in order to weather the sun to provide a daily total of radiation energy or the annual average sunshine hours as the design of the main data. Each year because of a regional data is not the same as for the sake of reliability should be taken within the last decade of the minimum data. Under the load of electricity consumption, in sunshine and no sunshine when battery power is required. Weather provided by solar power or the total amount of radiation the total sunshine hours on the battery capacity of the size of the decision is indispensable data.Phalanx of the solar cell, the load should include all power system devices (except for use but also have a battery and electrical circuits, controllers, etc.) consumption. Matrix components of the output power and the number of series-parallel, and series are required in order to obtain the operating voltage, in parallel are necessary in order to obtain the current work, an appropriate number of components through which the composition of series-parallel connection of solar cells required phalanx.3 Designed capacity of batteriesSolar cell power supply system is the battery energy storage devices. And solar cell batteries are usually square matching job at Floating state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Its load capacity than the powerrequired is much greater. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature. And solar cells in order to match the job requirements of long life battery and easy maintenance.(1)Battery SelectionAnd be able to support the use of solar cells, many different types of batteries, widely used at present have lead-acid maintenance-free batteries, ordinary lead-acid batteries and alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries of three. Domestic use are mainly maintenance-free lead-acid batteries, because of its inherent "free"maintenance of properties and less polluting to the environment characteristics, it is suitable for the performance of reliable power systems solar power, especially in unattended workstations. Ordinary lead-acid batteries require regular maintenance because of its larger environmental pollution, so the main suitable for the maintenance of the ability or have the use of low-grade occasions. Although alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries have better low-temperature, over-charge, take-off performance, but because of their higher prices, only applies to more special occasions.(2)Calculation of battery capacityBattery capacity to ensure continuous power supply is very important. At one year, the month of matrix generation has very different. Phalanx at the generating capacity can not meet the electricity needs of the month, to rely on battery power give supplement; electricity required in more than month, are relying on batteries to storeexcess energy.Phalanx so inadequate generating capacity and surplus value, is to determine the basis for one of the battery capacity. Similarly, the continuous overcast and rainy days during the load of electricity must also be obtained from the battery. Therefore, the power consumption during this period to determine the battery capacity is also one of the factors.光伏系统设计1引言通过光伏工作者们坚持不懈旳努力,太阳能电池旳生产技术不停得到提高,并且日益广泛地应用于各个领域。
外文翻译--。太阳能发电技术—— 光伏发电系统控制器
to ensure their optimal performance。
it is XXX.1.2 XXXOne of the important XXX-discharging of the battery。
Without proper n。
the load of the photovoltaic system can XXX over-discharging。
These measures include: (1) disconnecting the load when the preset charging level is reached。
光伏发电原理、技术及其应用英文文档:Photovoltaic Power Generation Principle, Technology, and ApplicationsPhotovoltaic power generation is a method of converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells.When sunlight is absorbed by the semiconductor materials in the photovoltaic cells, it generates an electric current.This process is known as the photovoltaic effect.The photovoltaic cells are typically made of silicon, which is a semiconductor material.When sunlight is absorbed by the silicon, it creates electron-hole pairs.The electric field within the cell separates these pairs, resulting in a flow of electrons, which generates an electric current.Photovoltaic power generation technology has been rapidly developing in recent years.The efficiency of photovoltaic cells has been increasing, and the cost has been decreasing.Photovoltaic power generation systems can be installed on roofs, buildings, and open spaces, and can be used for residential, commercial, and utility-scale applications.Photovoltaic power generation has many benefits, including reducing reliance on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and providing clean, renewable energy.However, there are also somechallenges, such as intermittency and high initial capital costs.In conclusion, photovoltaic power generation is a promising method of generating electricity from sunlight.As technology continues to advance, it is likely that photovoltaic power generation will play an increasingly important role in meeting global energy needs.中文文档:光伏发电原理、技术与应用光伏发电是一种利用光伏电池将阳光转换为电能的方法。
英文回答:The design process for solar photovoltaic (PV) productsprises several pivotal steps that can be systematically delineated in a mind map to ensure a coherent and organized approach. The initial phase necessitates the definition of the requirements and specifications of the PV product. This epasses the determination of the desired electrical output, efficiency, size, and other pertinent factors. The mind map can epass branches for each of these specifications, thereby facilitating aprehensive overview of the design requirements.太阳能光伏发电产品的设计过程提出了几个关键步骤,可以在一个思维图中系统地加以界定,以确保采取连贯和有组织的办法。
Once you've figured out what you need for your project, the next step is to think about the electrical stuff. You gotta look at all the different parts of the solar power system, like the solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, and batteries. Drawing a mind map can help you visualize how all these things connect,and it can also show you if there are any problems with your design. You can even use the map topare different options and see which one works best.一旦你明白你的项目需要什么下一步就是考虑一下电动的东西你得看看太阳能系统的所有不同部分,比如太阳能电池板、反转器、电荷控制器和电池。
单晶硅电池具有较高的光电转换效率,一般在 18% 25%之间,但其生产成本相对较高。
多晶硅电池的光电转换效率略低于单晶硅电池,通常在 15% 20%左右,但生产成本相对较低。
然而,薄膜电池的光电转换效率相对较低,目前一般在 10% 15%之间,且稳定性方面还有待提高。
Photovoltaic-thermal coupling technology is a technology that integrates the use of solar energy for the production of electricity and heat.2.它能够提高太阳能的利用效率,实现可持续能源的更好利用。
It can improve the utilization efficiency of solar energy and achieve better use of sustainable energy.3.光伏光热耦合技术可以应用于建筑物、工业生产等领域。
PV-thermal coupling technology can be applied in buildings, industrial production and other fields.4.它有助于降低能源消耗和减少环境污染。
It helps to reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.5.光伏组件可以同时产生电能和热能,提高了能源利用效率。
Photovoltaic panels can produce both electricity and heat, which improves energy utilization efficiency.6.光热集热器则可以充分利用太阳能进行热水供应、采暖等。
Solar collectors can fully utilize solar energy for hot water supply, heating, etc.7.这两种技术的结合,可以实现太阳能的综合利用,提高了系统的整体效益。
The combination of these two technologies can achieve comprehensive utilization of solar energy and improve the overall efficiency of the system.8.光伏光热耦合技术有望成为未来清洁能源领域的重要技术之一。
太阳能电池片 的生产过程
太阳能电池片 的生产过程
太阳能电池组件 清洗 串焊 叠层 层压
标准型组件 外形尺寸: 1581*802*40mm 电池片: 125*125mm ,6*12片
外形尺寸: 1197*535*35mm 电池片: 125*125mm ,4*9片 Pm:75~90W
外形尺寸: 1316*992*40mm 电池片: 156*156mm ,6*8片 Pm:220~240W
太阳能电池组 件的应用
六、太阳能电池组件的应用 原理:
• 应用图例
• 应用 图例
• 应用 图例
• 应用图例
【总页数】6页(P17-22)【关键词】产业技术路线图;太阳能光伏产业;产业链;应用【作者】王仰东;邵一兵;许栋明;王秀香;赵传超;雷浩;连昱琼【作者单位】国家科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心;科技型中小企业技术创新基金管理中心;保定市科技局;英利能源(中国)有限公司【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F062.9【相关文献】1.基于技术路线图的呼和浩特市太阳能光伏产业发展战略研究 [J], 李长青;李丹丹2.把脉世界光伏产业走向,纵论中国光伏产业发展——2010第二届中国国际新能源暨节能环保产业展览会举行太阳能光伏高峰论坛 [J], 鹏飞;汪彤彤;潘嫄3.结合地方产业发展需要加强太阳能光伏专业建设——关于太阳能光伏技术人才培养的思考 [J], 廖卫兵;罗双根;孔荣青;熊明辉4.光伏产业的起与伏——我国太阳能光伏产业发展技术预见 [J], 吴弼人5.区域重点产业的技术路线图构建思路和方法——以太原市太阳能光伏产业为例[J], 李保集;王纬;张乔木因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:Technology Roadmap Concentrating Solar Power出处:International Energy Agency作者:International Energy Agency一、外文原文Policy framework: roadmap actions and milestones Overcoming economic barriersCSP today is usually not competitive in wholesale bulk electricity markets, except perhaps in isolated locations such as islands or remote grids, so in the short term its deployment depends on incentives. A number of regions, including Spain, Algeria, some Indian states, Israel and South Africa, have put in place feed-in tariffs or premium payments. Spain, for example, lets the producers choose between a tariff of EUR 270 (USD 375)/MWh, or a premium of EUR 250 (USD 348)/MWh that adds to the market price, with a minimum guaranteed revenue of EUR 250/MWh and a maximum of EUR 340 (USD 473)/MWh. This approach has proven effective, as it offers developers and banks long-term price certainty, and makes CSP one of the less risky investments in the power sector.In the United States, the federal government recently created the Renewable Energy Grant Program, as well as a Federal Loan Guarantee Program designed to foster innovation. BrightSource became the first CSP provider to benefit from this programme, securing USD 1.4 billion from the US Department of Energy in February 2010 for several projects.In the long term, however, financing of CSP plants may become difficult if investors in technology companies do not supply some equity capital. Prices for capacity and energy are only guaranteed by utilities on a case-by-case basis under renewable portfolio standards (the regulations that require increased production of energy from renewable sources) and these standards are not always binding.Financing innovationAs pointed out earlier in this roadmap, many different technical approaches to CSP have been proposed, each showing expected benefits and potential challenges. All these options have to be tested in pilot plants to reveal their benefits and constraints, so strong government support for innovative small pilot plants is direly needed. Small 5 MW pilot plants are essential as a step towards developing commercial plants.Once a prototype has been tested through small-scale demonstration, it is conceivable to build a full-scale, first-of-its-kind commercial plant. This is a risky step for private investors. Managing first-of-their-kind plants draws upon public knowledge while also providing lessons to the global CSP community, so public R&D institutes should take part in these efforts.The US Loan Guarantee Program is one example of a strong incentive designed to foster innovation by private investors. Another useful procedure could be for utilities bidding for capacities to specify that some degree of innovation is required.Incentives for deploymentTo support CSP deployment, it is vital to build investor confidence by setting a sufficiently high price for the electricity generated, and in a predictable manner. Feed-in tariffs and premiums have proven effective for CSP deployment in Spain, and for other renewable energy technologies in many countries. The levels of feed-in tariffs or premiums must be carefully studied and agreed upon with everyone involved, however, as they are ineffective if too low and economically inefficient if too generous. Renewable energy standards might be effective if they are sufficiently ambitious and “binding” for utilities – that is, if the financial penalties or safety valves are set at appropriate levels in case of no or limited compliance.While incentives need to be gradually reduced to foster less expensive CSP electricity, revisions need to be announced in advance to enable producers to adapt. Furthermore, while governments may want to limit the benefit of incentives to specified overall project capacities, they should not arbitrarily limit plant size, asscaling up plant size is one important way of reducing costs.Similarly, governments should avoid arbitrarily setting hybridisation rates; instead, they should establish ways to limit incentives to the solar fraction of CSP power. As PV power and CSP use the same resource, they should enjoy the same incentives so that choices efficiently match the quality of the solar resource with energy needs.Governments should also design and implement incentives for solar process heat for industrial applications of all kinds and, at a later stage, for the various solar fuels that concentrating solar plants can deliver.Regardless of whether the electricity sector belongs to state-owned or partially state-owned monopolies or is fully deregulated, governments could encourage all utilities to bid for CSP capacities. Governments should also consider other options to help initiate or develop CSP capacities, such as: offering suitable land or connection to the grid or to water resources; waiving land property taxes; and helping ensure the availability of low-cost or at least reasonably priced loans.Utilities, for their part, should reward the flexibility of CSP plants, i.e. their ability to dispatch electricity when needed. Capacity payments represent a simple option for doing this. Storage has a cost, and should be valued at grid level, not plant level. Policy frameworks should encourage this necessary evolution.Addressing non-economic barriersObtaining permits and grid access are the main challenges for new CSP plants. Access to water or gas networks for backup may be difficult in some locations, and will certainly become important if large numbers of CSP plants are deployed in desert regions.Nearby residents do not usually object to permits, although the synthetic oil of trough plants and molten salts are classified as hazardous material in some jurisdictions. Before permits are given, however, all environmental impacts must be evaluated, including loss of animal habitat, water use, visual impact and effects on endangered species. The pace of the permitting process is the most frequent problem. In California, for example, environmental analyses on federal or state land can take 18to 24 months.Similarly, grid access problems are not caused by utilities, which like the guaranteed, dispatchable nature of CSP, but by slow planning and permitting processes.Governments must act decisively to streamline procedures and permits for CSP plants and transmission lines. It is especially important to build a network of HVDC lines to transmit electricity from CSP plants in sunny regions to less sunny regions with large electricity demand. The global success of CSP depends on interested countries, producers and consumers sharing a common vision.Research, development and demonstration supportOver the last three decades, public RD&D efforts have taken place mostly in Australia, Europe and the United States. Russia and Ukraine seem to be less involved than in the past but China and South Korea are building new R&D programmes, while other countries have expressed interest, in particular Abu Dhabi through Masdar.Recent global public RD&D investments in CSP have been assessed at less than USD 100 million per year. The CSP deployment in the BLUE Map scenario would imply building about 20 GW of new CSP capacity each year on average during the next four decades. This represents investment expenses of about USD 56 billion per year. R&D expenditures are typically 1% of total investments, giving USD 560 million as the necessary level of public and private RD&D expenditures. Even if 50% of this were to come from industry, the global public RD&D expenses still need to be almost tripled.There is a need for more open access to RD&D tower facilities like those at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria (Spain), as the few others available are all overloaded in experiments. Scalable demonstration plants in the 5 MW range also need to be built, possibly via public-private partnerships. These developments would easily add another USD 300 million per year to the public RD&D funding already mentioned.For these reasons, public RD&D and small-scale demonstration support to CSP worldwide should be increased rapidly from USD 100 million to USD 500 million per year, and perhaps further increased to USD 1 billion per year in a second stage. Itshould be noted that these sums remain modest compared with the support already enjoyed by other power or fuel technologies.Collaboration in RD&D and deploymentSince its inception in 1977, the IEA Implementing Agreement SolarPACES13 has been an effective vehicle for international collaboration in all CSP fields. Of all IEA Implementing Agreements, SolarPACES has the largest participation from non-IEA members. It has been a privileged place for exchanging information, sharing tasks and, above all – through the Plataforma Solar de Almeria run by CIEMAT – for sharing experience.The SolarPACES START teams (Solar Thermal Analysis, Review and Training) have carried out missions to support the introduction of CSP to developing countries. By sending international teams of experts, independent technical advice was made available to interested countries, including Egypt, Jordan, Brazil and Mexico. In solar chemistry research, where the commercialisation goals are more long term, SolarPACES has succeeded in building up and supporting international interest, defining research priorities and facilitating co-operative international research.The current work programme of SolarPACES includes five tasks:1.Solar Thermal Electric Systems;2.Solar Chemistry Research;3.Solar Technologies and Applications;4.Solar Resource Knowledge Management (in common with the IEA Solar Heatingand Cooling Implementing Agreement);5.Solar Energy & Water Processes and Applications.Task IV, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes, a collaborative task with the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Implementing Agreement, ended in 2007.The annual CSP Symposium run by SolarPACES is by far the largest CSP scientific conference, and attracts more and more industry, finance and policy representatives.There seems to be no need to create any new international structure supervising RD&D for CSP. Participation by all countries sunny enough for CSP, whether IEAmembers or not, would further strengthen SolarPACES, however. The IEA Technology Platform currently under development inside the IEA Secretariat will co-operate closely with SolarPACES on all relevant aspects of CSP development.Deployment in developing economiesThe full potential for global CSP deployment requires particular attention to the needs of developing economies. While some would, under this roadmap, build CSP plants for their own needs (e.g. China and India), others would build more for exports, notably North African countries.Governments of developing countries have come to realise that CSP technology, which in a few years could have extensive local content, is a productive investment. Some governments are making considerable investments in CSP, as it offers a strategy to reduce energy imports and protection against spikes in the costs of fossil fuels. Algeria and South Africa have established feed-in tariffs for CSP, and India recently set aside USD 930 million to launch its Solar Mission with the aim to build 20 GW of solar capacities (PV and CSP) by 2022. Morocco has established a detailed plan for building 2 GW of solar plants on five sites from 2010 to 2019, representing 38% of the current installed electric capacity of the country. One US company recently contracted with partners to build solar towers in India and China with overall capacities of 1 GW and 2 GW, respectively.There are several ways of helping developing countries cover the cost difference between CSP and more conventional power sources in the first decade. These include the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which offers a mechanism for industrialised nations to pay for CO2 reductions in developing countries. The Shams-1 project is an example of a CDM project that has already been registered. The World Bank’s Clean Technology Fund has also set aside USD 750 million to cover 10% of the investment costs of CSP plants in the Middle East and North Africa. Such investments may also receive attractive loans from regional development banks and, according to their proportion of imported material, from export credit agencies.For North African countries and to a lesser extent Middle East and Central Asiancountries, electricity exports are expected to be a catalyst to the development of CSP. The marginal cost of electricity production is already higher in several potential importing countries, notably in Europe. Furthermore, Europeans may accept an even higher price for imported renewable electricity to help achieve the ambitious objective of obtaining 20% of Europe’s final energy from renewable sources.It is too early to estimate the marginal cost of renewable electricity needed in Europe to achieve these targets, but if the level of feed-in tariffs is an indication, the price paid by European countries could cover the cost of CSP electricity in North Africa and its transport to Europe. Cross-border incentives have thus to be set to facilitate integration. In the importing country, priority grid connection should be offered to all renewable energy projects, independent of origin. In both exporting and importing countries, laws and regulations should allow fast-track approval of new transmission lines.Such projects need to result in win-win situations. It would seem unacceptable, for example, if all solar electricity were exported overseas while local populations and economies lacked sufficient power resources. Newly built plants will have to fulfil the needs of the local population and help develop local economies. Meanwhile, the returns from exporting clean, highly valued renewable electricity to industrialised countries could help cover the high initial investment costs of CSP beyond the share devoted to exports. CSP would thus represent a welcome diversification from oil and gas exports, and help develop local economies by providing income, electricity, knowledge, technology and qualified jobs.Possible energy security risks for importing countries must also be carefully assessed. Large exports would require many HVDC lines following various pathways. The largest transfers envisioned in this roadmap, from North Africa to Europe, would require by 2050 over 125 GW of HVDC lines with 50% capacity factor –i.e. 25 distinct 5 GW lines following various paths. If some were out of order for technical reasons, or as a result of an attack, others would still operate – and if the grid within importing and exporting countries permits, possibly take over. In any case, utilities usually operate with significant generating capacity reserves, which could be brought on line in case of supply disruptions, albeit at some cost. Furthermore, the loss ofrevenue for supply countries would be unrecoverable, as electricity cannot be stored, unlike fossil fuels. Thus, exporting countries, even more than importing ones, would be willing to safeguard against supply disruptions.二、翻译文章基于太阳能发电的产业技术路线图国际能源机构政策框架:路线图作用和里程碑克服经济障碍今天的CSP在批发散装电力市场通常没有竞争,除了在偏远地区或电网孤立的岛屿,所以在短期内刺激它的发展取决于其部署。