Through the death


Thanatopsis(view of death)中英文

Thanatopsis(view of death)中英文

William Cullen Bryant (1794–1878) was an American romantic poet, journalist, and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post.Thanatopsis (meditation on death)To him who in the love of Nature holds热爱自然的人与世间万象Communion with her visible forms, she speaks 有着心神的交流,对他A various language; for his gayer hours她可说各种各样的语言She has a voice of gladness, and a smile他高兴的时候,她声音喜悦And eloquence of beauty, and she glides eloquence:smooth and lovely speech微笑里透着高贵的美丽Into his darker musings, with a mild她潜入他隐秘的思索,带着And healing sympathy, that steals away温柔和抚慰的关切,未及他明白Their sharpness, ere he is aware. When thoughts她就将痛苦带走,Of the last bitter hour come like a blight当最后思想如灾难降Over thy spirit, and sad images临你的精神Of the stern agony, and shroud, and pall,悲痛的哀影,寿衣,棺罩And breathless darkness, and the narrow house,令人窒息的黑暗,以及促狭的房屋Make thee to shudder and grow sick at heart;-- 使你瑟瑟发抖,并心生憎恨——Go forth, under the open sky, and list去开阔的田野吧,去听听To Nature's teachings, while from all around—自然的教诲,听听那从四野里——Earth and her waters, and the depths of air—大地、河川和新鲜的空气中——Comes a still voice--Yet a few days, and thee 传来的静谧而寂寥的声音——The all-beholding sun shall see no more然而几天后,普照大地的太阳In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground,在它的行程里,也不见你的踪影;也不在冰冷的大地Where thy pale form was laid with many tears, 你含泪苍白的形体停放之处Nor in the embrace of ocean, shall exist也不在大海的怀抱存你的形象Thy image. Earth, that nourish'd thee, shall claim养育了你的大地要将你召回Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again,复归为尘土,And, lost each human trace, surrendering up消除人的痕迹Thine individual being, shalt thou go你的个体将臣服于此,你将To mix for ever with the elements,永远与自然之中的万物共处To be a brother to the insensible rock,去做无情的草木和磐石的兄弟And to the sluggish hard clod, which the rude swain乡村青年掩藏在坚硬的泥土下,任由Turns with his share, and treads upon. The oak 那粗野的情郎翻犁和践踏Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mould.橡树伸展的根须将刺穿你的躯体。




Death is rejected all understand.2、他说每一种死亡都痛苦。

He said that every death pain.3、承受痛苦,比死亡更需要勇气。

It takes courage to bear pain, more than death.4、人生就是一连串的死亡与复活。

Life is a series of death and resurrection.5、不要去寻找死亡,死亡会来找你。

Dont go looking for death, death one room to another room.19、死亡是活过的生命,生活是在路上的死亡。

Death is a live life, the life is in the way of death.20、人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。

The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death.21、一个老年人的死亡,等于倾倒了一座博物馆。

An old mans death, equal to dump a museum.22、每个正直的人,就像躲避死亡一样,避免撒谎。

Each honest man, like to escape death, avoid telling a lie.23、生命本身並无意义,唯有死亡彰显生命的价值。

Life itself is meaningless, only death reveals the value of life.24、死亡并不是生命的终点,死亡不过是开端罢了。

Death is not the end of your life, but thats just the beginning.25、冷漠无情,就是灵魂的瘫痪,就是过早的死亡。

Indifference, is the paralysis of the soul, is premature death.26、死亡是一把匕首,然而流血负伤的却是活着的人。

the feeling of suicide 自杀的感觉(英文)

the feeling of suicide 自杀的感觉(英文)

一、安眠药Many people think that eating sleeping pills is the most comfortable way to kill them. They’ll die before they know it in sleep without pain and in beautiful appearance. Actually eating sleeping pills is anguished and the most undignified way. Because after you eat SP, within 48 hours, you won’t fall asleep and you will have many symptoms like gastro spasm, abdominal pain, foaming at the mouth. In summary, that is the internal organs turned flips, and the pain is coming by turns. This is because of that every organ in our body has stress ability. When you ingest a large amount of toxic substances, organs will make reaction spontaneously. So many people who eat SP can’t stand the pain and call for help by himself finally.二、割脉Most of the women will choose this way to die. Use a blade to cut your pulse. Blood flows slowly. And you will wait for the death in silent. Come on! This is the plot of the TV dramas. Actually, when you cut the pulse, you are in pain. You’ll be with the huge psychological pressures. And 90% people don’t know the correct position and depth. We all know that the pulse of our body is divided into arteries and veins. If we cut the veins, the blood flowsslowly and silent. But the problem is that it won’t kill a person and only left pain. And if we find the correct position and depth, we cut the arteries. That will be a trouble. You’ll find that the situation isn’t like the plots in TV dramas. The blood will gush out wildly,spray a head of a face. The body has only four-five liters of blood, people will have a shock when the blood is less than a half. According to the speed, you haven’t felt sleepy or shock until you see the god.三、触电Many people think getting an electric shock will make corpse black and scorched, dead with a horror appearance. But actually, suicide by getting an electric shock can be a perfect way. The original appearance of corpse can be preserved completely. At the moment you get an electric shock, you will fell bone-chilling pain in a moment. And the breath and heartbeat will stagnate. The process is short and you may hardly feel any pain. But you have to pay attention to that only the electric current through your heart can kill you. If not you won’t die and just have serious sequelae.四、切腹Japanese prefer to choose this way. It sounds very scary. But the death rate is very low. It’s too difficult to operate. It has highrequirements of technical. If you only cut you bowels, it can be sewed back unless you can endure the long pain in a corner that nobody can see you. Die of wound infection. There are many instances that people’s bowels was already slide out, but the doctor only did a simple operation, use common antibiotics. And then the people were recovered. So it’s too difficult to die only by happy dispatch.五、上吊This is an ancient way. And it’s universal. People can do it without other’s help and no requirements of technical. The most important thing is its success rate is very high. It can be the earliest form of suicide. The plot in TV dramas that people be rescued after hang up a few minutes can talk or even can cough and waved to struggle in midair is not true. Actually when people put all weight on their neck, tracheal will instantly rupture, cervical vertebra will take off crack, and shift. First of all, head will loss consciousness immediately, tinnitus, light in eyes, after, muscle will go into spasm, not like independent struggle in TV, finally, urine overflow, eyeball bumps, respiratory arrest, simply say is it will come out only if it can come out , and appearance of death is not pretty. In this period, the heart is still beating, and will continue to beat tenminutes long, that is, if people can be saved in the ten minutes, finally although will leave sequelae (such as change to a vegetable, etc), also can save a life.六、溺亡According to the survivor’s memory, at the beginning they were panic and tried to hold breath-usually lasts for 30 to 90 seconds. Then water poured into your lungs straight. Lung gas forced within. The pain liked crack the chest. No one can stand this. It was a grieved feeling, but soon mind becomes extremely calm. They lose consciousness because of hypoxia. The heart stops beating. Then brain died.七、坠落Survivors say that falling from a high place will usually give person a kind of illusion that time has slow down. Researchers in the United States had a survey of 100 remains of suicides jump off the 75 meters high golden gate bridge from San Francisco, and found that, in many cases, the victims of falling are going to experience the lung rupture, hea rt burst, organs damaged because of the ribs’ fracture. Suicide by jump from a high building has the same results. They often loss of consciousness because of a strong vibration when jump down. And they woke up, the whole body viscerafractured. After coma in the seven or eight hours, he will felt broken pain like ten thousand arrows stab the body.。



英国文学选读Poems:Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 1, lines 55-86)生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击, 还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌, 并将其克服。

死即睡眠, 它不过如此!倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患, 那么, 此结局是可盼的! 死去, 睡去...但在睡眠中可能有梦, 啊, 这就是个阻碍: 当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊,在死之长眠中会有何梦来临? 它令我们踌躇, 使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾,否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨, 如暴君之政、骄者之傲失恋之痛、法章之慢贪官之侮、或庸民之辱假如他能简单的一刃了之? 还有谁会肯去做牛做马, 终生疲於操劳默默的忍受其苦其难, 而不远走高飞, 飘於渺茫之境倘若他不是因恐惧身後之事而使他犹豫不前?此境乃无人知晓之邦, 自古无返者进入我们无法知晓的地域所以,「理智」能使我们成为懦夫而「顾虑」能使我们本来辉煌之心志变得黯然无光, 像个病夫再之, 这些更能坏大事, 乱大谋, 使它们失去魄力。

Hamlet P81. Why is sleep so frightening, according to Hamlet, since it can “end” the heartache and the thousand natural shocks”?Nobody can predict what he will dream of after he falls asleep. Death means the end of life, you may go to or unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet’s can't realize his will. Though “sleep” can end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks, it is a state of mind. Hamlet didn’t know at all. He is frightened by the possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good may be evil.2. Why would people rather bear all the sufferings of the world instead of choosing death to get rid of them, according to Hamlet?Death is so mysterious that nobody knows what death will bring to us. Maybe bitter sufferings, great pains, heartbreaking stories…Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?” People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.3. What, after all, makes people lose their determination to take action? Please explain in relation to the so-called hesitation of Hamlet.Conscience and over-considerations. He wants to revenge, but doesn’t know how. He wants to kill his uncle, but finds it too risky. He lives in despair and wants to commit suicide. However, he knows if he dies, nobody will comfort his father’s ghost. He is in face of great dilemma. They don’t know the result after their taking the action. Such as Ham let, he doesn’t know what would happen if he kills hisuncle or kills himself. So Hamlet was hesitated.Sonnet 18 P15我怎么能够把你来比作夏天?你不独比它可爱也比它温婉:狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,夏天出赁的期限又未免太短:天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,它那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽:被机缘或无常的天道所摧折,没有芳艳不终于雕残或销毁。

Through the death

Through  the  death

The end

A false alarm 虚惊一场
• With the release of a "2012 doomsday" film, the entire world into a doom panic. December 31, 2012 is the end of human civilization in the Mayan long calendar days. Since then, mankind will enter no relationship with this civilization, a new civilization. Regardless of the outcome, human after all, is insignificant in a vain attempt with nature that is futile and only harmony is the only way out.
• 或许你还有一种关于 死亡的期待, 那就是如 今如火如荼的穿越。 关于异度空间如今仍 是个令科学家热议的 迷.如多你对此颇有兴 趣,不妨看看爱因斯 坦的平行空间与持怀 疑态度霍金的著作吧。
• Never thought how I would die, like drifting bottle floating in the sky, I want to stay here to meet you is a beautiful accident。
• 随着一场《2012世界末日》 电影的上映,全球陷入了 一场末日之慌。但是2012 年12月31日是玛雅人长历 法中本次人类文明结束的 日子。此后,人类将进入 与本次文明毫无关系的一 个全新的文明。




一、你的思想,才是世界的主宰You're shut down and frightened, the world seems hostile; when you love what is, everything in the world becomes the beloved. Inside and outside always match -- they're reflections of each other. The world is the mirror image of your mind.当你脑子停滞放空、被恐惧笼罩着,你就会觉得整个世界都不怀好意;当你爱上这个世界本身,你就会觉得世上的每样东西都值得你爱。


Not believing your own thoughts, you're free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realize the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there's no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It's simple, because there really isn't anything. There's only the story appearing now. And not even that.如果你不相信自己的想法,那么你就可以免受原始欲望的驱使:因为你所想的现实往往不是其真实的样子。



我是否可以把你比喻成夏天?Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?虽然你比夏天更可爱更温和:Thou art more lovely and more temperate:狂风会使五月娇蕾红消香断,Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,夏天拥有的时日也转瞬即过;And summer's lease hath all too short a date:有时天空之巨眼目光太炽热,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,它金灿灿的面色也常被遮暗;And often is his gold complexion dimmed,而千芳万艳都终将凋零飘落,And every fair from fair sometime declines,被时运天道之更替剥尽红颜;By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: 但你永恒的夏天将没有止尽,But thy eternal summer shall not fade,你所拥有的美貌也不会消失,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,死神终难夸口你游荡于死荫,Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,当你在不朽的诗中永葆盛时;When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st,只要有人类生存,或人有眼睛,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,我的诗就会流传并赋予你生命。

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.注:第11行语出《旧约•诗篇》第23篇第4节:“虽然我穿行于死荫之幽谷,但我不怕罹祸,因为你与我同在……”英文赏析:This is one of the most famous of all the sonnets, justifiably so. But it would be a mistake to take it entirely in isolation, for it links in with so many of the other sonnets through the themes of the descriptive power of verse; the ability of the poet to depict the fair youth adequately, or not; and the immortality conveyed through being hymned in these 'eternal lines'. It is noticeable that here the poet is full of confidence that his verse will live as long as there are people drawing breath upon the earth, whereas later he apologises for his poor wit and his humble lines which are inadequate to encompass all the youth's excellence. Now, perhaps in the early days of his love, there is no such self-doubt and the eternal summer of the youth is preserved forever in the poet's lines. The poem also works at a rather curious level of achieving its objective through dispraise. The summer's day is found to be lacking in so many respects (too short, too hot, too rough, sometimes too dingy), but curiously enough one is left with the abiding impression that 'the lovely boy' is in fact like a summer's day at its best, fair, warm, sunny, temperate, one of the darling buds of May, and that all his beauty has been wonderfully highlighted by the comparison。






——斯宾诺莎All sure all negative。


——费尔巴哈Those who live should live。


——克尔凯戈尔One is the most easy to forget himself。


——托马斯·阿奎那In life, but is passing travelers。


——卢梭Human beings are born free equality。


——康德Matter to me, I will use it to create a universe。


——叔本华Happiness is but a desire to temporarily stop。


——亚当斯密Human nature is the pursuit of personal interests。


——洛克Knowledge in the final analysis by experience。


——维特根斯坦Clarify spirit is a great temptation。


——莱布尼茨There are no two identical leaves in the world。


——毕达哥拉斯Can't restrict themselves, can't call it freedom。



Ⅰ、Introduction“A Rose for Emily”is a classic story representing Faulkner’s favorite subject, theme and style、The story is set in the town of Jefferson in his imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, the “mythical kingdom”、The story begins with a funeral of the eponymous Miss Emily、It does not follow a particular order of chronological time、The narration flows backwards or forwards in a line of reality, revealing significant details of Emily’s life and the murder of the Homer Barron by Emily, which are suspended till the end of the story、The narrative is also divided into five parts, allowing for flexible shifts in time and displays of Emily’s image at various stages of her life、Through the story about Emily, the author tries to pinpoint an unavoidable fate of the aristocracy and various changes in the South America after the Civil War、In this story, Emily Grierson, the main character, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during her lifetime、One year after her father’s death, she falls in love with a northerner、When she finds that her lover is not going to get married with her, she poisons him so that she can keep him with her forever、Though the plot of the story is not complicated, yet it can be considered as a minor program of his works、In it are examples of Faulkner’s artistic preoccupations and techniques: the exploration of psychological reality, the social structure and mores of a southern community, the nature of time, and the relation of the past to the present、This paper will approach the story from the following aspects: analysis of Emily’s character, the root causes of her characters and her destiny、Ⅱ、Analysis of Emily’s charactersEmily is the main character, the protagonist of the story、In this story, the author mainly focuses and reveals the main characte r—Emily、In order to analyze Emily’s character, some question s have at first to be answered: What type is this story or what kind of theme this story plans to reveal? When answering these questions, itbecomes much easier to analyze her character、Miss Emily is kind of quiet and perverse, proud and aloof, haughty, brave and tough, a representative of traditional convention and so forth、The followings are going to expatiate on them、2、1Miss Emily’s haughty characterAt the very first, Emily is easy to be regarded as a haughty woman、In the story, the writer not only reveals the abnormal phenomenon of Emily’s grotesque character and her ill-sexed psychology, but also lively portrays her as a strong figure of haughtiness、Miss Emily Grierson is the socialite of her town、Naturally with this status there is a certain reputation she has to withhold、She not only represented her family name but, in a sense the people of her town、Because she was such a dominant figure the townspeople had put her on a pedestal and were very attentive to her actions、During the time in which her father was alive Emily was seen as a figure to be admired but never touched、Many wooers she had but according to her father’s standard, none were suitable enough、2、2 Miss Emily’s isolated and eccentric characterBesides, Miss Emily is isolated and eccentric、From the whole story, there is no doubt that she was an isolated one from the beginning of the story to the surprising end、All her life is the town people’s topic after meals、They regard her as a monster、And because of her family, in particular, her father, she nearly get separated from her neighbors, which adds more pressure to her personal affairs to fall in love with the Yankee, Homer Barron, which, at last, creates the tragedy、On the other hand, she is eccentric at thesame time、When the men from the government want to tax her after her father’s death, but they are refused by Emily、The reason is quite simple, that is, when her father is alive, in Jefferson, they need not to pay taxes、She just tells the government that she has no taxes in Jefferson、What she said was the matter several years ago、And there was once a man called Colonel Sartoris explained it to her about her tax-free privilege、She does not respect the truth, that is, her so-called Colonel died ten years ago and new policy comes into practice、The narrator arranges the specific detail on her behavior of buying Arsenic、The druggist can not imagine her purpose in buying the poison and just thinks that she might use it for rat and such things、Miss Emily just stares at him, her head tilts back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looks away and goes and gets the arsenic and wraps it up for her、How strange and eccentric she is、She does not allow anyone to ask about her matter, even though it is a dangerous affair which is forbidden by law、2、3 Miss Emily’s necrophiliaMiss Emily is a necrophilia, too、Greatly surprised at the sight of the last paragraph of Faulkner’s short-story “A Rose for Emily”, the town people find that Miss Emily is not only a murderer, but also sleeps with Homer Barron after she kills him、Then it is noticed that in the second pillow is the indentation of a head、One of the townspeople lifts something from it, and leans forward, finding the faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, and a long strand of iron-gray hair、Horribly, she kills her lover and sleeps next to him for a long time until being found out、As for the whole passage, the narrator refuses to dismiss Emily as simply mad or to treat her life as merely a grotesque, sensational horror story、Instead, his narrative method brought us into her life before we hastily rejectedher, and doing so offered us a complex imaginative treatment of fiercedetermination and strength coupled with illusions and shocking eccentricities、4 2、4 Miss Emily’s braveness and toughnessShe is brave and tough as well、As a woman, Emily is normal、She just tries her best to pursue her happiness、In this story, the most attractive part for a great number of people is Emily’s brave pursuit of love、Only after her father’s death, she begins to have the right to love、“In the summer after her father’s death, she has her hair cut short and looks like a little girl、Soon she falls in love with Homer, who is a Yankee, a northerner and a day labor as well、” She holds her head high in her dignity as she is the last Grierson of her family though the townspeople think she has fallen because she is with a man who is different from her、However, Emily’s love affair is not affected by the townspeople and her two female cousins’ interference、What’s more,Ⅲ、Intrinsic and extrinsic Reasons3、1 Intrinsic reasons3.1.1 FamilyIt is her family, especially her father that influences her so much、Emily, the heroine in the story, is a victim、Dominated by her father and his rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from marrying during his life time and therefore afterhis death, she is left alone and penniless、Her dependence on her father continues even after he dies; she refuses to bury him and keep his portrait in a prominent place in her living room、Emily not only clings to her father’s memory, she also begins to assume his domineering traits、She does not accept the passage of time and changes or the inevitable loss that accompanies it、It is not just pathetic attempts to cling to the past, it develops into obsession and finally, homicidal mania、Rather than lose Homer as she lost her father, she kills him in order to keep him、She lives many years as a recluse、Abnormal characters are easy to form when under such strong pressure、It is Emily’s family that ruins her life and then Homer’s、3.1.2 PhysiologyEmily’s typical characters are cause by another important reason, namely, the physiological one、From Freud Sigmund’s narration, there are three conceptions which are connected to the analysis needed to understand, that is, Id, Ego, and Super-ego、They are the three parts of the fictive “psychic apparatus” defined in Freud’s so-called structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described、According to this model, the uncoordinated instinctual trends are the “id”; the organized realistic part of the psyche is the “ego”, and the critical and moralizing function the “super-ego”、The Id comprises the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives、The Id is unconscious by definition、6Id is human’s first reaction when human physiological needs happen, which is also an unorganized phenomenon、Miss Emily just tries her best to chase her happiness as other normal women do、From this angle, Miss Emily has the right to fall in love with Homer and to have their own family、What she has done is within the common practice、However, a lot of elements result in the tragic sequel、It is she that can not grasp the physiological element and causes her unhappy or even miserable destiny、3.1.3 Pathology and psychologyThere is another important intrinsic reason, that is pathological and psychological one、From her behavior to her father Mr、Drieson, she is complete Elctra Comlex(恋父情结)、She lived with her father when Mr、Grieson was alive, without communicating with others、Mr、Grieson controlled her whole life completely, which is the root that causes Miss Emily’s tragedy and Homer’s、What is more, Emily’s father drove away all the young men who were going to chase his daughter for the reason that he just wanted to hold Emily for himself、In Emily’s sub-consciousness, her father is her lover、It is this kind of abnormal psychology that influences the formation of Emily’s abnormal characters、In Emily’s eyesight, losing her father amounts to losing her lover、And that means she will be alone from that time on、Therefore, she refuses to bury her father even though he has been dead for several days、And at last she kills her own lover just in order to keep him with her、3、2 Extrinsic reasonsWhen referred to intrinsic reasons, it is easy to think of extrinsic reasons causing Miss Emily’s characters and her destiny、What is more, the extrinsic reasons play a crucial role on her which worth of researching here、3.2.1 Cultural traditionCultural tradition makes great impact on Emily’s characters and the tragedy、Fa ulkner was aware of the Southerners’ association with the South tradition,not only physical,but spiritual as well; so he took pains to picture a group of Southerners who desperately submitted to the old way of life.But as an artist of the twentieth century,he observed the gradual changes of the South: the old veterans were dying of, and the old loyalties were adjusted to conform to new conditions.In “A Rose for Emily”,Faulkner described the conflicts between the old tradition and the new order, and the doomed defeat of the old tradition.Emily lived in her big and squarish frame house, which Grierson family thought the great choice、But her house was on its way to “coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps、And the once most select street which was filled with houses decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily l ightsome style of the seveties” was then encroached and obliterated by garages and cotton gins、Faulkner admired somewhat the merits of the South tradition—the compassion and humanity men like Colonel Sartoris and his peer s–inherited forced them to tell a kind lie to Emily so as to look after the single lady without insulting her dignity.But only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ generation and thought could have invented it、The moral values of the South tradition were lost.The new generation of public officials may be more efficient and businessman-like、They were more practical; the next generation,with its more modern ideas,produced some little dissatisfaction with the hereditary obligation upon the town、but the old generation like Judge Stevens totally objected to the idea for it was shameful to let others know that such noble lady had smell on her faces、The conflicts between the old generation and the new one indicated the decline of the Southern tradition.Faulkner believed that it was the moral values—courage,honor,pride,compassion,liberty and justice that produced the glorious Southern kingdom,but the new generation lost the virtues,thus losing its faith and force.The loss of the South tradition and the appearance of the North industrialization caused not only the devastation of the Southern plantation system, but also the macabre disillusionment to the Southern descendants、They were reared in the ways of the traditional South, vividly taught the beliefs and the loyalties of the tradition as the South knew them.Whereas,they saw that world changing into another kind and they were themselves of that new changed world,yet apart from it.Faulkner revealed with intensity the rootless of the Southern descendants.They witnessed that the Northern industrialization penetrated the South, but their inherited Southernaristocracy forbade their acceptance of the new order of life.They stubbornly objected to the invasion of the northern way of life, but in vain.So the Southern descendants had to suffer from the loneliness and bitterness of separating from the new world.The disillusionment of the Southerners was wel1 revealed in the portrayal of Emily, which is a symbol that Emily’s characters form ed and caused her tragic end、For Miss Emily, she holds a firm conception that the Southern tradition or her family system is some sort of superiority、Therefore, when another new system-the Northern one comes into being, she just can not accept the truth and does some deeds to resist it and protect her “perfect one”、It is such behaviors and traditions that makes her abnormal characters、3.2.2 Social elementAnother extremely crucial factor for Emily’s characters to form is the social element、Here it mainly refers to the environment—the Jefferson community around her、For the townspeople, Grieson family never choose a northerner, a day labor、They think even though Emily is sad, she can not forget that she is a noble、They seem to be Emily’s new father after her father died、They try to control Emily on her love affair、When Emily and Homer appear together, they talk about them with scornful expression、However, the community’s opposition does not influence Emily’s persistent love with Homer、If the townspeople give up at this moment, the result of Emily may be much better、But, instead the opposition becomes further intensified、A priest gets in and fails、Then come Emily’s two far-distance cousins、From the writer’s viewpoint in the story, Miss Emily has been much better when she fall love in Homer、But the social environment pushes her to the edge of an abnormal woman again and again、Ⅳ、DestinyShe refused to release her father’s body for burial,and kept his portrait in a prominent place in her living room: She refused to cooperate with modernization inthe tax-paying service, answering the tax notice “on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink…”Her clinging to the past developed into such obsession and homicidal mania that she killed Homer Barron when she knew he would not marry her、So she killed him and kept the body, From Emily’s tragic end and Faulkner’s other characters, we can see the portentous disillusionment of the Southern descendants in the transitional period.“They isolated themselves from the actual society, so what they could do was only to miss the past desperately until at last they died with deep agony、”9Consequently, Miss Emily suffered great pressure from the society, her family tradition, her relatives and community’s nonchalance etc、on her personal affair which finally caused her to die、Nonetheless, nobody paid much attention to whether she was alive or dead、Poor Emily is a character of misery、She is the sacrificial lamb of her time、Ⅴ、ConclusionEmily was respected as a monument by townspeople、Emily’s resistance is heroic、Her tragic flaw is the conventional pride: she undertook to regulate the natural time- universe、She acted as though death did not exist, as though she could retain her unfaithful love by poisoning her lover and holding his physical body in a world which had all of the appearances of reality except that most necessary of all things- life、Because Homer died, he couldn’t marry Miss Emily, then the monument continued to exist in the south people、In fact, the two generations ignored the real Emily, and create and maintain the myth of Emily as an example of southern womanhood from a last age、The writer uses the comic technique to disclose the conflict between south and north、This conflict cannot easily be solved at that time、Instead, it does great harm to Emily doomed destiny、In the above passage, Miss Emily’s characters are analyzed from different dimensions、At first, her behavior shows that she is a haughty, isolated and eccentric, necrophilia but brave and tough woman、Her characters are complex and to someextent ambivalent、From the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons above, it is known that Emily tragic destiny is doomed to happen at last、An analysis of "A Rose for Emily"William Faulkner regarded the past as a repository of great images of human effort and integrity, but also as the source of a dynamic evil、He was aware of the romantic pull of the past and realized that submission to this romance of the past was a form of death (Warren, 269)、In "A Rose forEmily", Faulkner contrasted the past with the present era、The past was represented in Emily herself, in Colonel Sartoris, in the old Negro servant, and in the Board of Alderman who accepted the Colonel's attitude toward Emily and rescinded her taxes、The present was expressed chiefly through the words of the unnamed narrator、The new Board of Aldermen, Homer Barron (the representative of Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and thus toward the entire South), and in what is called "the next generation with its more modern ideas" all represented the present time period、Miss Emily was referred to as a"fallen monument" in the story、She was a "monument" of Southern gentility, an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death (and decay)、The description of her house "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps--an eyesore among eyesores" represented a juxtaposition of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself (Norton Anthology, 2044)、The house smells of dust and disuse and has a closed, dank smell、A description of Emily in the following paragraph discloses her similarity to the house、"She looked bloated like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that palled hue"、But she had not always had that appearance、In the picture of a young Emily with her father, she was frail and apparently hungering to participate in the life of the era、After her father's death, she looked like a girl "with a vague resemblance to thoseangels in colored church windows--sort of tragic and serene"、This suggests that she had already begun her entrance into the nether-world、By the time the representatives of the new, progressive Board of Aldermen waited on her concerning her delinquent taxes, she had already completely retreated to her world of the past、She declared that she had no taxes in Jefferson, basing her belief on a verbal agreement made with Colonel Sartoris, who had been dead for ten years、Just as Emily refused to acknowledge the death of her father, she now refused to recognize the death of Colonel Sartoris、He had given his word and according to the traditional view, his word knew no death、It is the past pitted against the present--the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in "the books、"We can further see this distinction in the attitude of Judge Stevens, who was over eighty years old, and the young man (a member of the rising generation) who came to the judge regarding the smell at Emily's house、For the young man, it was easy to point out the health regulations that were on the books、But for the judge dealing with the situation it was not sosimple、"Dammit, sir、、、will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (Norton Anthology, 2045)、If Homer had triumphed in seducing Emily and deserting her, Emily would have become susceptible to the town's pity, therefore becoming human、Emily's world, however, was already in the past、When she was threatened with desertion and disgrace, she not only took refuge in that world but also took Homer with her in the only manner possible--death、Miss Emily's position in regard to the specific problem of time was suggested in the scene where the old soldiers appear at her funeral、There are two perspectives of time held by the characters、The first perspective(the world of the present) views time as a "mechanical progression" in which the past is a "diminishing road" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The second perspective (the world of tradition and the past) views the past as "a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years" (Norton Anthology, 2049)、The first perspective was that of Homer and the moderngeneration、The second was that of the older members of the Board ofAldermen and of the confederate soldiers、Emily held the second view as well, except that for her there was no bottleneck dividing her from the meadow of the past、Emily's room above the stairs was that timeless meadow、In it, the living Emily and the dead Homer remained together as though not even death could separate them、In the simplest sense, the story says that death conquers all、But what is death? On one level, death is the past, tradition, whatever is opposite of the present (Hoffman, 265)、In the setting of this story, it is the past of the South in which the retrospective survivors of the Civil War deny changing the customs and the passage of time、Homer Barron, the Yankee, lived in the present, ready to take his pleasure and depart, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility of defeat neither by tradition (the Griersons) nor by time itself (death)、In a sense, Emily conquered time, but only briefly and by retreating into her "rose-tinted" world of the past、This was a world in which death was denied at the sametime that it was shown to have existed、Such retreat, the story implies, is hopeless since everyone, even Emily, was finally subject to death and to the invasion of his or her world by the clamorous and curious inhabitants of the world of the present、"When Miss Emily died, [the] whole town went toher funeral、、、the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of herhouse, which no one save an old manservant、、、had seen in at least ten years" (Norton Anthology, 2044)、艾米丽小姐大多数时候隐藏在情节里。



U4 AHeroes among us我们身边的英雄Who's a hero these days? In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common. We use hero to describe both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies. Who are the heroes among us?谁是当今的英雄?在一个英雄主义发扬光大的时代,“英雄”一词已经变得更加常见。


那么,我们身边哪些人是英雄呢?In the days subsequent to a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, many described 20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero. During the horrible shooting, he courageously ran through the danger to save the life of one of the victims, his boss and friend, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and applied pressure to her wounds. He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be fine. And he never left her side, staying beside her in the ambulance all the way to the hospital.在亚利桑那州图森市枪击案发生后的日子里,许多人都把20 岁的政界同事丹尼尔•赫尔南德兹描述为英雄。

苏教译林版初中英语九年级上册 Unit 4 知识汇总

苏教译林版初中英语九年级上册 Unit 4 知识汇总

01Unit 4 单词on one’smind 挂在心上;惦念time 时期,时代whenever 无论何时through 以,凭借as soon as —…就deal 很多a great deal (of) 大量,许多junior high <美>初级中学try out for sth 参加…选拔(或试演)lose heart 泄气,灰心score 得分senior high <美>髙级中学stand 看台change one’s mind 改变主意leader 领导者name 命名university 大学simply 仅仅;简直junior college <美>两年制专科学校,大专national 国家的championship 锦标赛,大赛succeed 成功succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事scholarship 奖学金although 尽管,虽然graduate 毕业force 强迫,迫使league 联盟,社团remain 逗留;保持不变take notice of 注意,察觉achievement 成就,成绩prove 证明matter 要紧,有重大影响career 生涯,职业against 对抗;与…相反;违反break out 爆发record 记录symbol 象征victory 胜利spirit 幽灵;精神;灵魂Jew 犹太人go into hiding 躲藏起来Nazi 纳粹的die of/from 死于German 德国(人)的Nazi 纳粹分子Thought 想法,看法,主意survive 幸存;生存Admire 钦佩,羡慕courage 勇气in fear of one’s life 为生命安全担扰unusual 不寻常的,不平常的cell 细胞cancer 癌症surprise 惊奇,诧异to one’ssurprise令某人惊奇的是research 研究;调查death 死,死亡02Unit 4知识梳理【重点短语】1.on one’s mind 惦念2.not...until 直到...才3.learn about the world 了解世界4.through the Internet 通过互联网5.people in different times and places不同时期不同地方的人6.a great deal of information大量的信息7.attend junior high 上初中8.try out for the school team 参加校队选拔 refused to do被拒绝去做某事10.lose heart失去信心11.get the chance得到机会12.from then on 从那时起13.the star of the team团队的明星14.because of his height因为身高15.practise even harder练习的更刻苦16.get sb to do让某人做17.change one’s mind改变主意18.go on to do进而去做 named Player of the Year 被誉为年度最佳球员20.simply because仅仅因为21.decide to do决定去做某事22.lead sb to带领某人到 ...lead to sth导致…23.the attention of sth ..的关注24.succeed in doing sth成功的做某事 forced to do被迫去做某事26.remain there=stay there呆在那27.take notice of sb = pay attention to sb关注(注意)到某人28.give up放弃29.have many great achievements有许多巨大成就’s proudest moment某人的最骄傲的时刻31.through hard work通过艰苦的努力32.size and body type体型33.does not matter无关紧要34.get a scholarship from... …得到奖学金 NBA player 一个 NBA 球员36.go jogging去慢跑37.feel tired out 感到筋疲力尽38.receive a call from收到某人的电话 crazy about痴迷于40.become serious about sth对..变得认真41.know little English 几乎不懂英语42.end his basketball career结束他的篮球生涯43.break out爆发44.because of the war因为战争45.a record of一个..的记录46.a symbol of 一个..的象征47.the victory of …的胜利48.human spirit 人类精神49.go into hiding 躲藏起来50.die of illness死于疾病内因用 of51.have her diary published使她的日记被出版52.a Nazi camp 一个纳粹集中营53.write down her thoughts写下她的想法54.get away from 从…逃离55.survive the war在战争中幸存56.admire sb for sth因为..而钦佩某人57.a best-seller畅销 in peace生活在和平中 in fear of their lives 生活在生命安全的恐惧中e across偶遇61.a Jewish girl 一个犹太女孩62.her fear of discovery and death她的被发现和死亡的恐惧 his fifties 他五十多岁64.donate blood cells捐献血细胞 one’s surprise令某人惊奇的是66.medical research医学研究 kind to sb对某人好68.a heart full of love 一个充满爱的心【重点句型】1. The car accident is always on my mind.那次车祸总是挂在我心上.2. I plan to go over my lessons as soon as the film ends.我打算电影一结束就复习功课3. I didn't learn about people in different times until I read the history book.直到读了历史书,我才了解了,不同时期的人们4. Whenever he goes to Suzhou, he will go to visit his grandparents.无论何时他去苏州,他总是去看望他的祖父母5. There is still a great deal of timeleft.还有大量的时间剩余6. Don't/Never lose heart whatever difficulty you 're met.无论不论遇到什么困境,都不能失去信心.7. Mary succeeded in entering the best university.玛丽成功地进入了最好的大学8. Through hard work, our monitor led our football team to the national championship.通过努力训练,班长带领我们的足球队进入了全国锦标赛9. Since you sing so well, why not try out for the singing competition?既然你唱歌那么动听,为什么不参加唱歌比赛的选拔?10. We tried to change his mind, but failed.我们想法劝他改变主意,但失败了11. He is much smaller than the other kids at school.他比学校里其他小孩都要小得多12. To get him to change his mind, I tried everything.为了使他改变主意,我想尽了一切办法13. The old man didn't take notice of the car until it drove past him.直到那辆轿车从他身边开过,这个老人才察觉到14. Yao Ming was much taller than the children of his age when he was young.姚明小时候比他同龄的孩子要高许多。




2,李霁野译文我来将你比作夏天吗?你比夏天更为可爱,更为温和:暴风摇落五月的柔嫩花芽,夏季的租赁期限要短得多:有的时候太阳照得太热,他的金色面孔常变阴暗;每种美有时都会凋零衰谢,由于机缘,或者由于自然变幻;但是你的永久夏季不会衰败,你的美也永远不会丧失;死亡不至夸口:你在他的阴影里徘徊, 当你在不朽的诗行中度日:——只要人还能呼吸,眼睛还能看望,这些诗行就会永存,使你万寿无疆。









我将用我的手带你走出忧伤困苦With this hand I will lift your sorrows.你的杯将永不干涸因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.我将用这支蜡烛在黑暗中照亮你的生命With this candle, I will light your way into darkness.现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗?With this ring, I ask you to be mine.台词- Good morning. - Good morning.-早晨 -早晨Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.号外,号外!范家的婚礼彩排十分钟后开始彩排。

Watch it!小心点。

It's a beautiful day今天是个好日子It's a rather nice day一个相当好的日子A day for a glorious wedding婚礼的大喜之日。

A rehearsal, my dear To be perfectly clear亲爱的,其实是婚礼彩排A rehearsal for a glorious wedding这可是个盛大的婚礼彩排Assuming nothing happensThat we don't really know 希望不要发生意外That nothing unexpected Interferes with the show来打断我们的好事And that's why everything Every last little thing 所以任何事情,任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thingMust go 任何细节都必须…According to plan按照计划进行Our son will be married我们的儿子要结婚了According to plan按照计划Our family carried我们的家族就能…Elevated to the heights of society一步跨入上流社会To the costume balls -挤进化装舞会In the hallowed halls挤进黄庭宫殿Rubbing elbows with the finest和权贵擦肩往来Having crumpets with Her Highness和女王共进点心We'll be there, we'll be seen Having tea with the queen我们挤入上流社会,就能吸引目光,和女王一起喝茶We'll forget everythingThat we've ever, ever been彻底忘却以往的身份- Blimey! It's my dress is caught. - Begging your pardon, ma'am.-奥…我的裙子卡住了 -槽糕- Come on, dear. - It's not me. It's my dress is caught.-亲爱的…用力挤 -不是我卡住了,是裙子Where is Victor? We might be late.维克特在哪?我们要迟到了Fish merchants.鱼贩子- It's a terrible day - Now, don't be that way-真是个糟糕的日子 -啊~ 别这样It's a terrible day for a wedding今天因为这桩婚事弄得真糟糕It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in我们怎么会落得如此狼狈That has led to this ominous wedding才会换来这该死的婚礼How could our family have come to this?咱们家怎么会潦倒至此To marry off our daughter To the nouveau riche得把女儿嫁给爆发平民- They're so common - So coarse-他们真庸俗 -真粗鄙- Oh, it couldn't be worse - Couldn't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree 糟的不能再糟了 -不能再糟?这我可不同意They could be land-rich, Bankrupt aristocracy有人是地主,有人破产Without a penny to their name有人是贵族却身无分文Just like you and me就像你…和我Oh, dear.呃…天哪!And that's why everything Every last little thing所以任何事情,任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing Must go任何细节都必须…- According to plan - Our daughter will wed-…按照计划进行 -女儿要嫁人- According to plan - Our family led-按照计划 -家族就能…From the depths of deepest poverty…脱离贫困- To the noble realm - Of our ancestry重回祖先时的显赫And who would have guessed In a million years谁会想得到- That our daughter with a face - Of an otter in disgrace 相貌如此平庸的女儿Would provide our ticket To a rightful place却是把钥匙,让我们得回该有的地位Oh, Hildegarde.奥!希尔德加德What if Victor and I don't like each other?万一我和维克特不喜欢彼此怎么办?As if that has anything to do with marriage.哈…这和婚姻有何关系!Do you suppose your father and I like each other?你认为你的父母喜欢彼此吗?Surely you must a little?你们当然…起码有一点吧?- Of course not. - Of course not.当然没有Get those corsets laced properly.把衣带绑妥当了I can hear you speak without gasping.看你说话连气都喘不过来You've certainly hooked a winner this time, Victor.这次你一定得成功,维克特- Now, all you have to do is reel her in. - I'm already reeling, Mother. -你只要照着做就行啦 -我已经照着做了Shouldn't Victoria Everglot be marrying a lord or something?维多利亚艾弗格拉为什么不嫁个门当户对的大官或什么Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Everglots.呃…胡说!我们不比艾弗格拉家差I always knew I deserved better than a fish merchant's life.我总觉得我的身份就该比那些鱼贩子高尚But I've never even spoken to her.但…我从没和她说过话Well, at least we have that in our favor.这起码对我们有利Mayhew! Silence that blasted coughing.梅修,拜托别再咳了Marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat.婚姻不过是合伙的关系,互相利用罢了You'd think a lifetime watching us...这辈子看着我们夫妻俩…Might have taught her that她总该学到了吧- Might have taught her that - Everything must be perfect -她总该学到了吧 -凡是都不能出差错- Everything must be perfect - Everything must be perfect 凡事都得完美…完美…Perfect That's why everything…完美,所以任何事情Every last little thing任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing Must go任何细节都必须…According to plan按照计划进行Look at the way you're standing.看看你站着的样子You look like you got ricketsor something...不像话!你得…呃…呵呵!Oh, my goodness. Oh, such grandeur!噢,我的天啊,噢,真是富丽堂皇!Such impeccable taste!太有品位了!Oh, beautiful, innit?哦~很美,是吧?It's not as big as our place, dear.比艾菲家差了点儿- Bit shabby really, isn't it? - Shut up.-呃…不是。



死的失去生命的英文单词英文回答:Death, the cessation of life, is a universal phenomenon that all living beings must face. It is the irreversible end of an organism's existence, marked by the absence of vital signs such as breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity.Death can occur naturally through a variety of causes, including aging, disease, injury, and accidents. It can also be induced intentionally through suicide, euthanasia, or capital punishment. Regardless of the cause, death is the ultimate fate of all living things.The concept of death has been explored throughout history and across cultures. In many cultures, death is viewed as a transition to an afterlife, while in others it is seen as the final end of existence. The way in which a culture views death can have a profound impact on itsattitudes towards life and mortality.For many individuals, the prospect of death can be a source of anxiety and fear. However, it is also possible to confront death with courage and acceptance. Byunderstanding the inevitability of death, we can learn to appreciate the preciousness of life and to live each day to the fullest.中文回答:死亡,生命的终止,是所有生物都必须面对的普遍现象。



关于死亡的描写英文作文英文回答:Death is a universal human experience, yet it is often shrouded in mystery and fear. Philosophers, theologians, and scientists have pondered the nature of death for centuries, but the ultimate question remains unanswered: what happens when we die?In literature, death has been portrayed in countless ways, reflecting the cultural and historical contexts in which it is depicted. In ancient Greek tragedy, death is often seen as a tragic end, a punishment for hubris. In medieval literature, death is often personified as a grim reaper, come to claim the souls of the living. In modern literature, death is often explored as a philosophical concept, a meditation on the meaning of life and the inevitability of our own mortality.Some writers have used death as a tool to explore thehuman condition. In "The Death of Ivan Ilyich," Leo Tolstoy tells the story of a man who slowly and painfully dies from cancer. Through Ivan's experiences, Tolstoy explores the themes of suffering, mortality, and the search for meaning. In "The Catcher in the Rye," J.D. Salinger tells the story of a young boy who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his brother. Through Holden Caulfield's experiences, Salinger explores the themes of childhood, innocence, and the loss of both.Death can also be a source of comedy in literature. In "A Modest Proposal," Jonathan Swift satirizes the poverty and overpopulation of Ireland by suggesting that the Irish should eat their children. In "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," Douglas Adams uses the concept of death to explore the themes of life, the universe, and everything.Ultimately, how death is portrayed in literature depends on the author's own beliefs and experiences. Death can be seen as a tragedy, a comedy, a mystery, or a philosophical concept. It is a subject that is both universal and deeply personal, and it is one that willcontinue to be explored by writers for generations to come.中文回答:死亡是人类的一种普遍经历,但它却经常被神秘和恐惧笼罩着。



向某人介绍一位诗人及代表作英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introducing a Poet and Their Famous WorksI would like to introduce you to the renowned poet William Wordsworth, one of the most important figures in English Romantic poetry. Born in 1770 in the Lake District of England, Wordsworth was known for his celebration of nature, love for the simplicity of rural life, and his exploration of the human spirit.One of Wordsworth's most famous works is "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," also known as "Daffodils." This poem captures the beauty and tranquility of nature as the speaker reflects on a field of daffodils dancing in the breeze. The vivid imagery and emotional depth of the poem have resonated with readers for centuries, making it a timeless classic in English literature.Wordsworth's poetry often explores themes of memory, imagination, and the passage of time. In his poem "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey," Wordsworth reflects on the power of nature to inspire and comfort the humansoul. The poem explores the connection between the natural world and the inner world of the individual, emphasizing the healing and transformative power of nature.Another notable work by Wordsworth is "The Prelude," an autobiographical epic that traces the poet's development as a writer and thinker. The poem explores Wordsworth's journey of self-discovery and his evolving relationship with the natural world. Through vivid descriptions of the landscapes and experiences that shaped him, Wordsworth captures the essence of his poetic vision and his belief in the spiritual significance of nature.Overall, William Wordsworth's poetry is a testament to the enduring power of nature, the beauty of the human spirit, and the importance of individual experience. His works continue to resonate with readers around the world, inspiring us to connect with the world around us and explore the depths of our own inner selves. I hope you enjoy exploring the works of this remarkable poet and discovering the wisdom and beauty they contain.篇2Introducing a Poet and Their Representative WorksIntroductionPoetry has the power to evoke emotions, paint vivid images, and capture the essence of humanity in just a few words. One renowned poet who has mastered this craft is Emily Dickinson. Born in 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson is considered one of America's greatest poets. Her unique style, profound insights, and powerful imagery have solidified her place in literary history. In this essay, we will explore Emily Dickinson's life, poetic style, and examine some of her most famous works.Life of Emily DickinsonEmily Dickinson led a reclusive life in her family home in Amherst, rarely venturing beyond its walls. Despite her seclusion, she maintained a rich inner life, filled with introspection, observation, and imagination. Dickinson's poems are characterized by their brevity, unconventional punctuation, and striking imagery. Her themes often revolve around nature, death, love, and the human experience.Representative Works1. "Because I could not stop for Death"One of Dickinson's most famous poems, "Because I could not stop for Death," explores the theme of mortality. In this poem, Death is personified as a kind gentleman who takes the speaker on a carriage ride through various stages of life. The journey is calm and peaceful, with Death eventually guiding the speaker to eternity. This poem encapsulates Dickinson's fascination with death and the afterlife, as well as her unique perspective on mortality.2. "Hope is the thing with feathers"In "Hope is the thing with feathers," Dickinson personifies hope as a bird that resides in the soul. This uplifting poem celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the power of hope to sustain us in times of darkness. Through vivid imagery and metaphor, Dickinson conveys the enduring nature of hope and its ability to soar above life's challenges.3. "I heard a Fly buzz when I died""I heard a Fly buzz when I died" is a haunting poem that depicts the experience of death from the perspective of the speaker. As the speaker lies on their deathbed, surrounded by loved ones, a fly disrupts the solemn scene. This seemingly insignificant detail underscores the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. Dickinson's stark depiction of mortality andthe intrusion of the mundane into the sublime makes this poem a powerful meditation on the final moments of life.ConclusionEmily Dickinson's poetry continues to captivate readers with its depth, complexity, and beauty. Through her unique voice and visionary insight, she has left a lasting legacy in the world of literature. Her exploration of life, death, nature, and the human experience resonates with audiences across generations, making her a timeless and revered poet. Emily Dickinson's works have stood the test of time, inspiring reflection, contemplation, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.篇3Introduction to a Poet and Their Representative WorksIntroduction:Today, I would like to introduce you to one of the most renowned poets of our time, Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist who made a significant impact on literature and society with her powerful words and deeply moving works.Biography:Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis, Missouri. She faced numerous obstacles and challenges throughout her life, including racism, poverty, and trauma. Despite these hardships, Angelou rose above her circumstances and became a beacon of hope and inspiration for many.Angelou's works often focused on themes of identity, race, and personal growth. She was known for her vivid storytelling, lyrical language, and unwavering honesty. Angelou's writing was deeply personal, drawing from her own experiences and emotions to create impactful and thought-provoking pieces.Representative Works:One of Angelou's most famous works is her memoir "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." This groundbreaking book tells the story of Angelou's childhood and adolescence, exploring themes of resilience, courage, and the power of storytelling. The title is inspired by a line from the poem "Sympathy" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, which Angelou used as a metaphor for the struggles and limitations faced by African Americans in a racist society.Another well-known work by Angelou is her poem "Still I Rise." This empowering poem celebrates the resilience and strength of African American women, who have faced centuries of discrimination and oppression. The poem's refrain, "I rise,"serves as a powerful declaration of self-affirmation and resistance against injustice. "Still I Rise" has become an anthem of empowerment for many marginalized communities around the world.In addition to her poetry and memoirs, Angelou also wrote essays, plays, and children's books. Her diverse body of work continues to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds, inspiring them to embrace their own identities, overcome adversity, and strive for a better world.Conclusion:Maya Angelou's powerful words and poignant insights have left a lasting impact on literature and society. Through her poetry, memoirs, and activism, she has touched the hearts of millions and challenged us to confront our own biases and injustices. Maya Angelou's legacy lives on in her words, which continue to inspire and empower readers to this day.。

mortal 翻译

mortal 翻译

mortalIntroductionThe concept of mortality has been a subject of fascination and contemplation for humans throughout history. Mortality refers to the state of being subject to death, the finiteness of life, and the transient nature of human existence. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of mortality, including its philosophical implications, cultural and religious perspectives, the fear and acceptance of death, and the impact mortality has on individual lives and society as a whole.Philosophical Perspectives on MortalityMortality as a Fundamental Existential ConditionMortality has long been regarded as a fundamental condition of human existence in various philosophical traditions. From ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates and Epicurus to modern existentialistthinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, mortality has been seen as an inescapable reality that shapes the human experience. It raises profound questions about the meaning and purpose of life, the existence of an afterlife, and the significance of our actions in the face of mortality.Mortality and the Fear of DeathThe fear of death is a common human emotion that arises from the realization of our mortality. It is natural for individuals to experience anxiety and dread when confronted with the inevitability of their own demise. The fear of death can stem from concerns about the unknown, the loss of consciousness, or the fear of leaving loved ones behind. Various psychological theories and coping mechanisms have been proposed to address and alleviate this fear, such as terror management theory and the concept of death acceptance.Mortality and the Acceptance of DeathWhile the fear of death is widespread, many individuals strive to cultivate an acceptance of their mortality. Accepting the transient nature of life can lead to a deeper appreciation of the present moment and a focus on living a meaningful and purposeful existence. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and contemplation of mortality have been embraced by different cultures and belief systems as a means to confront and accept the reality of death.Cultural and Religious Perspectives on MortalityMortality in Ancient CivilizationsAncient civilizations had diverse views on mortality, often shaped by their cultural and religious beliefs. For instance, the ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife and mummification as a means to preserve the body for the journey to the next life. In contrast, ancient Greek philosophers emphasized the importance of a virtuous life and the legacy one leaves behind rather than focusing on an afterlife.Mortality in Abrahamic ReligionsThe Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have significant teachings and practices concerning mortality and the afterlife. These religions emphasize the existence of a divine judgment that determines an individual’s fate after death. Concepts such as heaven, hell, resurrection, and life after death play a central role in shaping the beliefs and practices surrounding mortality in these religious traditions.Mortality in Eastern Philosophies and ReligionsEastern philosophies and religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, offer unique perspectives on mortality. Buddhism, for instance, teaches the concept of impermanence, emphasizing that all things, including life, are transient. The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to achieve liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Hinduism, on the other hand,incorporates the belief in reincarnation, where the soul is reborn into different bodies after death, influenced by o ne’s karma.Impact of Mortality on Individual Lives and SocietyReflection on Priorities and ValuesThe awareness of mortality often leads individuals to reflect on their priorities, values, and the legacy they want to leave behind. Knowing that life is finite can inspire people to reevaluate their choices, relationships, and pursuits, focusing on what truly matters to them. It can also motivate individuals to strive for personal growth, pursuetheir passions, and make a positive impact on the world.Death and Grief in SocietyDeath and mortality have profound effects on society as a whole. When individuals die, their loved ones experience grief, which is a complex and individualized response to loss. Society develops various rituals, customs, and support systems to navigate the grieving process and honor the deceased. Death can also serve as a catalyst for discussions and advancements in healthcare, end-of-life care, and ethical considerations surrounding the prolongation of life.Mortality and the Human Quest for ImmortalityThroughout history, humankind has sought ways to transcend its mortal limitations and achieve some form of immortality. From the quest for elixirs of life in ancient times to the contemporary field of life extension and cryonics, the desire for immortality continues to influence science, ethics, and society. While immortality remains an elusive concept, the pursuit of longevity and the improvement of human health are areas of ongoing research and debate.ConclusionThe concept of mortality encompasses a vast array of philosophical, cultural, and societal dimensions. It raises questions about the purposeand inevitability of human existence, the fear and acceptance of death, and the profound impact mortality has on individual lives and society. By exploring these different aspects of mortality, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own mortality and perhaps find meaning and purpose in the finite nature of life.。



小说野性的呼唤中优美英文句子1. 野性的呼唤英语经典美句Love, genuine passionate love, was his for the first time.(爱,真正的充满激情的爱,第一次出现在他心里。

)Mercy did not exist in the primordial life. It was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstandings made for death. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law.(在原始社会中不存在仁慈。



)He linked the past with the present, and the eternity behind him throbbed through him in a mighty rhythm to which he swayed as the tides and reasons swayed.(他连接了古代和此刻,他身后的永恒以强有力的节奏在他体内搏动,他也随着潮流和季节的律动而律动。

)It filled him with a great unrest and strange desires. It caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearings and strings for he knew not what.(那呼唤用一种巨大的不安和奇怪的欲望充满了他的心,让他感到一种模糊而甜蜜的欢乐,使他意识到了种种狂野的渴望和激动,追求着某种他所不知道的东西。

)2. 野性的呼唤英语经典美句Love,genuinepassionatelove,washisforthefirsttime.(爱,真正的充满激情的爱,第一次出现在他心里。

the myth of sisyphus西西弗斯的神话

the myth of sisyphus西西弗斯的神话

Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted!!!!!! Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe in yourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。

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The end
A false alarm 虚惊一场
• With the release of a "2012 doomsday" film, the entire world into a doom panic. December 31, 2012 is the end of human civilization in the Mayan long calendar days. Since then, mankind will enter no relationship with this civilization, a new civilization. Regardless of the outcome, human after all, is insignificant in a vain attempt with nature that is futile and only harmony is the only way out.
• 或许你还有一种关于 死亡的期待, 那就是如 今如火如荼的穿越。 关于异度空间如今仍 是个令科学家热议的 迷.如多你对此颇有兴 趣,不妨看看爱因斯 坦的平行空间与持怀 疑态度霍金的著作吧。
• Never thought how I would die, like drifting bottle floating in the sky, I want to stay here to meet you is a beautiful accident。
从未想过我会如何死 去,就像漂流瓶漂浮 在空中,我想呆在这 儿遇见你们是最美丽 的意外。
• Death is not the absolute end with nothing, it is another kind of rebirth. 死亡不是绝对的结束,是另一种重生
• Death comes to all, will can not represent all the things we really swept a space, and the real you, is not as time changes, even death. 死亡来临的时候,会把所有不能代表真整 我们的东西席卷一空,而真正的你,是不 会随着时间,甚至死亡改变的。
• 彼岸花是开在冥界忘 川彼岸的血一样绚烂
却生前的种种,曾经 的一切留在了彼岸,
彼岸花 花开一千年 花落一千年 花生时叶已经落尽
叶长出时花却开始 凋谢
彼岸花的花朵和枝 叶虽然是同根生
却生生世世永不相 见。
Equinox flower blooming flowers, one thousand years, one thousand years, peanut leaf has fallen, leaves to grow flowers began to fade, equinox flower flowers and branches as they grow from the same root, but generation after generation will never meet.
When iபைடு நூலகம் comes to death when you
think of what?当一提到死亡是你想到 什么?
• Equinox flower was on the other side of the blood as bright red flowers. There are flowers without leaves. When the soul through the lethe forget in all, all have to stay in the other side, into beautiful flowers.
• 随着一场《2012世界末日》 电影的上映,全球陷入了 一场末日之慌。但是2012 年12月31日是玛雅人长历 法中本次人类文明结束的 日子。此后,人类将进入 与本次文明毫无关系的一 个全新的文明。
• 不论结局如何,人类毕竟 是渺小的,妄图与大自然 抗争那是徒劳无益的,只 有和谐才是唯一的出路。
• Perhaps you have a death look that is now like a raging fire through. On the inner space is still a mystery to scientists hot. If you are interested, may wish to have a look Einstein parallel space and skeptical of Hawking's writings.