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Hey guys , today is my honor to talk someth ing about my hometow n to you here . My hometow n is an unn ameable and small city in no rtheast of China , people call it JIXI .



I still remember, when I first time came to Beijing in 2004. Some my new friends ask me about

hometown , when I told them I am from JIXI ..they just look at me with the blank expression ,that

really make me feel embarrassed ; I totally understand why they looked at me blankly , because

this small town is strange to most people , it doesn ' t like some big city like BEIJING , SHANGHAI , CHONGQING etc , everybody know them.




Ok , first of all , talking about how this city 'name came ...let starts from the most famous mountain here. It ' s n ame is JIGUAN mountain . And, you know there is an an cie nt lege nd about JIGUAN moun tai n .

Long long ago , the farmland of the both side of the river is irrigated by MULING river which is the major rive in this city even today . People lived here really love this river , they swim ming here , fishing here , boating here and washing

here ...the river brings a lot of convenience to them , so they also call this rive mother river.







Sudde nly one day , there is an eno rmous turtle swim here and hid ing in the deep . Midni ght , this huge turtle came out from water and eati ng the ani mals rais ing by people here ,such as chicke ns , ducks , sheeps , and cows .even more , this evil turtle leads to flooding often and often . The flood inun dated the whole farmla nd ,destro ying crops . People here are sufferi ng .

The few superstitious and ignorant people think this turtle is immortal desend to the earth ,so they offered sacrifices to the turtle . But most people think this turtle is evil . So they expected there will be a redeemer coming for them...



One day ,when this evil turtle came out from water and ready to lead flooding . Suddenly , there are two huge roosters with the gold feathers flying in to here . They are wheeling in the air with deafening crowing , two minutes later ,they start attacking this evil turtle . People who lived here also in volve in this war , The roosters peck the eyes of turtle ,the people throw big stones at the turtle . This is a really fierce battle .4 hours later ,this huge and evil turtle fin ally be killed . People jump for joy , a grand celebration is hold on the both sides of the river. One day later ,these two golden roosters has become two lofty mountains after morning ringing . The shape of the mountains just like crest of rooster , so people call it JIGUAN mountain .It was told the golde n chicken is Chicken star officer of the twenty eight constellation .








now this story is over , let us to know why this city call JIXI ,reas on is simple ,just because this city is located on the west of the JIGUAN mountain , JI here means the JIGUAN mountain , XI means the west .

Ok , now let ' s talk something about this city .

JIXI is located on the southeast of HEILONGJIANG province which is the sixth largest province in China . East of this city is Very closed to Russia , only one river which is call the WUSULIJIANG as a boundary lake . On this area of land, there are high mountain s, l ong rivers, un dulati ng hills and boun dless pla ins


以就叫做鸡西… 鸡西是个市级单位。


隔水相望,西、南与牡丹江市接壤,北与七台河市相连。看看这个位置,不论古今,这绝对是兵家必争之地… 鸡西市境内地势起伏,地形以山地、丘陵、平原为主,

As for the geomorphic features of this city ,we can describe it with a sentence , four mou ntai n ,one water ,one grassla nd and four farmla nd . 四山一水一草四分田in Chin ese . That mea ns four in ten mountains area ,one in ten river system ,one in ten grassla nd and four in ten

farmland .

JIXI city covers a area of 22500 square meters . It is consist of 6 districts , 3 counties and 49 villages .

When the people talking about JIXI, there is always a same word come to the mind .it is coal . Because it is one of the most importa nt in dustrial bases in no rtheast part of China . The biggest coal city in n ortheast of China .





