


关于牙本质过敏症,哪项正确()A.并不是所有牙本质暴露的牙都出现敏感症状B.涂局麻药于牙本质表面能减轻症状C.刺激去除后仍痛D.是—种独立的疾病E.症状不受健康和气候的影响 《商业银行法》于1995年5月10日在第届全国人大常委会第次会议上通过,于年月日进行了修改。A、八、十三、2003/12/27B、八、十、2003/12/27C、八、十三、2003/12/28D、八、十三、2001/12/27 测定水中浊度时,为了获取表代有性的水样,取样前轻轻搅拌水样,使其均匀,禁止振荡。A.正确B.错误 男,6岁,因发热、头痛4天,病情加重一天,呕吐两次,于8月29日入院。体查:体温40,颈硬,克氏征(+),脑脊液:潘氏试验(+),糖正常,氯化物正常,白细胞200×109/L,多核0.54,单核0.46.外周血白细胞14×109/L,中性粒细胞0.86。追问病史,近一周来同村儿童有十余人先后同样 下列存储器中,容量最大的是。A.30GB硬盘B.256MB优盘C.1.44MB软磁盘D.64MB内存条 在Maya中,通过许多方式显示多边形的各种元素和数目等,为我们在建模过程中提供许多方便。例如,Display>PolygonDisplay提供更多的多边形显示选项,下面可能成为选项的是。A、网格显示模式B、实体显示模式C、实体和材质显示模式D、以上全部 [多选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患者,男性,43岁。因膝关节酸痛而口服阿司匹林2片/次,3次/日。1小时前恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为咖啡样,约500ml。柏油样便,量约700g。查体:脉搏120次/分,血压90/75mmHg,神清,贫血貌。四肢湿冷,上腹压痛。提问:有关Hp感染与非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID 家庭功能不包括.A.满足家庭成员基本生理需要B.满足人们爱和被爱的情感需要C.传授社会技巧和知识D.经济收入公开,共同享用E.发展建立人际关系能力 移动网络管理系统以管理为主,涵盖智能网、GPRS、IP等设备。 对于化学反应A+B→F(主反应),B+F→S(副反应)为了提高选择性应采用下列哪种操作方式。A、间歇操作B、半间歇操作:一次性加入A物质,B物质连续加入C、连续操作D、半间歇操作:一次性加入B物质,A物质连续加入 利用细胞代谢变化作为增殖指征来检测细胞因子生物活性的方法称为A.放射性核素掺入法B.NBT法C.细胞毒测定D.MTT比色法E.免疫化学法 急性上呼吸道感染会并发或继发什么疾病,以下不正确的是A.急性鼻窦炎B.中耳炎C.肺结核D.气管-支气管炎E.心肌炎 属于公路工程常用的流水空间参数是。A.施工过程数B.工作面C.流水节拍D.技术间歇 计量标准就是。A、计量基准;B、计量器具;C、计量标准器具;D、其他。 防排烟的设计理论就是对的理论。A.烟气控制B.火灾控制C.人员疏散控制D.火灾扑救 利用油脂的沸点远高于水的沸点的温度条件,对肉品进行热加工处理的过程称为.A.烘烤B.干燥C.烟熏D.油炸 属于选择性β1-受体阻滞剂是A.普萘洛尔B.阿普洛尔C.普拉洛尔D.拉贝洛尔 在托收中使用的汇票可以是:或。 下列不是结核性脑膜炎并发症的是A.脑出血B.脑积水C.继发性癫痫D.脑性瘫痪E.脑神经障碍 哪项检查对确诊流脑有意义A.咽拭子涂片染色镜检B.咽拭子培养C.血清内毒素测定D.血清特异性抗体测定E.脑脊液沉淀物涂片染色镜检 排烟管道必须采用制作。A、不燃材料B、可燃材料C、易燃材料D、难燃材料 斜视的双眼视觉改变不包括()A.复视B.抑制C.混淆视D.异常视网膜对应E.弱视 如图,为一支气管的外观图,下列关于右主支气管的叙述,错误的是()A.右主支气管较粗短,长约2.5cmB.与气管纵轴成20~25°角C.可分为上、下两肺叶支气管D.不压迫食管前壁形成食管的生理性狭窄E.异物易进入右侧支气管 当井喷失控时,下列应急程序必须执行。A.现场总负责人或其指定人员向当地政府报告,协助当地政府作好井口500m范围内居民的疏散工作,根据监测情况决定是பைடு நூலகம்扩大撤离范围B.关停生产设施C.设立警戒区,任何人未经许可不得入内D.请求援助 先天性心血管畸形发生在胚胎发育什么时期A.2~8周B.2~3个月C.3~6个月D.6~9个月E.9个月以后 粉彩的主要特征是色调柔和淡雅,笔力精致工细,故又称。A.软彩B.硬彩C.填彩D.斗彩 运用一定的评估方法计算同一路线价区段内的若干标准宗地的地价,然后求这些标准宗地的单位地价等,即得该路线价区段的路线价。A.众数B.加权算术平均值C.简单算术平均值D.中位数E.随机选择数 若加工物本身的缺陷给物流需求方或第三人的人身、财产造成损失的,物流企业应当承担责任,这种责任属于。 在未来的社会中,教育的阶级性将随着阶级的消灭而A.呈现超阶级性B.交替出现C.不变D.消灭 装卸作业的操作方法、作业技术标准和规范,以及维护工艺纪律的生产组织程序是()。A.装卸组织B.操作过程C.装卸工艺D.装卸工艺流程 审判机关、监狱管理机关、公安机关看守所在法律文书生效后日内,将矫正对象的各类法律文书及其相关材料送达其长期固定居住地司法所,并责令矫正对象在法律文书生效后日内到居住地司法所办理登记手续。A.5;5B.5;7C.7;5D.15;7 与地方病发生有关的因素有A.与病区中的生物因素有关B.与病区中的气温有关C.与病区中的空气有关D.与病区中的降雨量有关E.与病区中的气候有关 外阴瘙痒的是A.长期阴道分泌物的刺激B.药物过敏C.蛲虫病D.尿液及粪便浸渍E.卫生用品污染 中国民间文艺研究会1958年制定出“,重点整理,大力推广,”的民间文学工作方针。 当以传输信号的码型不同划分来建立多址接人时,称为。A、频分多址方式B、时分多址方式C、码分多址方式D、频编码多址



2021年新高考i卷英语阅读理解a篇In the 2021 new college entrance examination English reading comprehension section, passage A discusses the importance of sleep for teenagers' physical and mental health. It emphasizes the negative effects of sleep deprivation on adolescents and provides suggestions for improving sleep quality.The passage begins by highlighting the fact that teenagers need more sleep than adults due to their rapid physical and mental development. Lack of sleep can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including poor academic performance, mood swings, and even increased risk of accidents. The author stresses that sleep is essential for teenagers' overall well-being and should not be neglected.To help teenagers improve their sleep quality, the passage offers several practical tips. It suggests establishing a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding electronic devices before bed, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. Additionally, the author recommends limiting caffeine intake and engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.Furthermore, the passage discusses the benefits of good sleep habits, such as improved concentration, mood, and physical health. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep and making it a priority in teenagers' daily routines. By following the suggestions provided, teenagers can experience better sleep quality and overall well-being.In conclusion, the passage underscores the significance of sleep for teenagers' physical and mental health. It encourages adolescents to prioritize sleep and adopt healthy sleep habits to improve their overall well-being. By recognizing the importance of sleep and making it a priority, teenagers can experience the benefits of improved concentration, mood, and physical health.。


二次结构泵 https:// 二次结构泵

二次构造柱泵设备体积小,移动式细石混凝土泵适用范围⊙地暖、隔热轻质发泡水泥、砂浆、小骨料混凝土的输送;⊙耐火、保温材料的输送(喷射);⊙生态环境建设中的绿化土壤的输送(喷射);⊙各类工程建设中的素混凝土、纤维混 输送(喷射);⊙各类基础桩的压力灌浆。本产品移动动方便,效率高。传统的构造柱灌料无法使用机械,此问题一直困扰着建筑施工人员。公司机械制造有限公司工程技术人员集多年研发混凝土泵的经验,针对二次构造柱施工的特点,利 开发手段,设计制造了小型S管阀式砂浆泵细石混凝土泵,成功地解决了构造柱浇筑过程中只能人工作业的难题。该设备采用多项混凝土泵的世界先进技术,并已申请两项国家专利,是国内首创的先进二次构造柱填充新设备,也是建筑施工 细石混凝土的理想设备。⊙地暖、隔热轻质发泡水泥、砂浆、小骨料混凝土的输送;⊙耐火、保温材料的输送⊙生态环境建设中的绿化土壤的输送⊙各类工程建设中的素混凝土、纤维混凝土的输送⊙各类基础桩的压力灌浆二次构造柱通常设 梯间的休息处,纵横墙交接处,墙的转角处,墙长达到五米的中间部位要设构造柱。进年来为提高砌体结构的承载能力或稳定性而又不增大截面尺寸,中的构造柱已不仅仅设置在房屋墙体转角、边缘部位,而按需要设置在墙体的中间部位 须设置成封闭状。从施工角度讲,构造柱要与圈梁地梁、基础梁整体浇筑。与砖墙体要在结构工程有水平拉接筋连接。如果构造柱在建筑物、构筑物中间位置,要与分布筋做连接二次构造柱浇注专用设备优点如下:泵机的使用功率非常小 22kw,在无电源的情况下只需配一台最小型的发电机即可工作。是国内体积最小的混凝土输送泵,是许多狭窄施工环境的选择。泵机配置高,全液压操作,性能稳定,结构紧凑,故障率低,寿命长。二次构造柱泵价格:我们是生产厂家,价 市场价格较低,厂家适当有优惠活动,所以具体价格请咨询以下经理电话。 二次构造柱泵其特点如下:1.结构紧凑简单、性能卓越、价格经济。2.操作维护容易。3.重量轻、轮式设计、移动方便。4.可灌浆液水灰比范围大、特别适宜高浓度设计要求的稠浆。5.可灌注浆液灰沙比大,沙粒粒径范围宽。6.可连续灌浆 了活塞式过大的瞬时脉动压力。7.被动升压,当浆液灌满后,压力逐渐升高,便于控制和保持灌浆压力。8.配套外加剂泵,可实现双液灌注浆。9.可用于表面层喷涂作业(需配套喷射器及空压机)。适用范围:该泵广泛用于城市建筑工程二 施工(如构造柱、隐形柱等的灌注)、公路、铁路隧道、城市地铁、水电站地下洞室等锚固灌浆、团结灌浆及回填灌注浆工程;还可用于边坡、软岩加固时锚桩的灌注浆工程;配合空压机和喷射器还可实现混凝土湿喷。 小型二次构造柱泵是目前国内最小的混凝土输送泵,主要是针对一些特殊的施工工况或者狭窄空间施工条件受设备大小的局限而造成施工不便或难以完成施工进度而精心设计高科技产品。二次构造柱泵的优势分析:1.结构简单,适应性强。 压力高,输送距离远。3.高效率,输送排量大,综合工效高。4.高性能,喷层混凝土性能高,密实,匀质,高强度。5.高可靠性,关键部件采用国内知名品牌保证设备高可靠性。6.速凝剂添加与控制技术,国内气动计量泵计量准确,雾化射 嘴料流混合使得速凝剂与混凝土混合均匀。7.降低了机旁和喷嘴外的粉尘浓度,消除了对工人健康的危害。8.回弹度低,干喷时,混凝土回弹度达15%—50%,采用湿喷技术,回弹率甚至可降低到10%以下,有效节约成本。9.采用风冷却方 液压油,简单环保。10.一机多用,即可作为湿喷机用,也可作为混凝土泵用。二次构造柱泵电控系统电器控制箱采用Y—△软启动方式,避免了开机时对电网的冲击,采用可编程序控制,使电路简化,性能可靠,有安全电压工作灯,便于夜 及检修。遥控器配备有线遥控,操作更加方便。液压系统双联泵组系统采用单泵顺序回路,推送系统和分配系统依次顺序动作。科学的设计,保证系统的高效、低耗。吸、回油过滤器采用吸、回油双过滤,杜绝了杂质进入,保证液压系统 可靠的运行。独立强制风冷散热系统主油路系统采用强制风冷散热,能更好的适应现场环境,保证液压系统油温处于正常工作范围。该泵广泛应用于建筑工程二次浇筑施工(如构造柱、隐形柱等的灌注)、公路、铁路隧道、城市地铁、水 下洞室等锚固灌浆、固结灌浆及回填灌注浆工程;还可以用于边坡,软岩加固时锚桩的注浆工程;并广泛用于一些特殊的施工环境如:铁路公路隧道,引水洞,涵洞,矿洞,桥洞等洞体内的施工,还包括水利工程,水电工程,边坡支护, 工作业,基础的灌装工程,大型群楼建筑的构造柱浇注等等。应用在高层建筑灰砂浆及细石混凝土输送、二次构造柱填充、水库、水电站、港口、码头中各种压力注浆,基础处理、软弱地基、加固注浆、隧道、地铁、矿山施工中回填灌浆 护。配合空压机和喷射器还可以实现混凝土湿喷。为了保证二次构造柱泵既要有较大输送量,又能有一定的出口压力和与之相匹配的经济功率,在二次构造柱泵的设计中,大都采用了恒功率柱塞泵;即恒功率值选定后,当出口压力升高时 输出排量会自动降低,达到与功率设计相对应的值;如果既要达到出口压力高,又想得到输送量大的目的。惟一的途径就是增加电机功率。二次构造柱泵该设备是搅拌与泵送结合为一体的输送设备,为客户减轻了成本压力和繁琐的操作程 客户的操作更简单、更便捷、自动化程度更高。该设备采用全液压双缸泵送系统,大大提高了机器的整体可靠性。设备具有结构紧凑、合理、运作平稳、节能环保、输送距离远、移动便捷、维护方便、使用成本低等诸多优点。


• They keep a cat called Mary. • (后置定语) • 6. One summer holiday, my parents
went to Shanghai. They took my sister with them. • One summer holiday, my parents went to Shanghai, taking my sister along.
• 7. To improve our life, we have to work hard.
• We have to work hard to get our life improved.
• (get…done结构)
• 8. My father sat in the sofa. He was smoking and reading a 掌握以下10种变通后的句子结构1
• 1.We will hold the party on Saturday afternoon.
• The party will be held on Saturday afternoon.
• (被动语态)
• 2. My brave dog saved my little sister. • It was my brave dog that saved my
• (伴随状语) • 4. We can only do this in order to get
good mark. • Only in this way can we get good
• 5. They have a cat. The cat’s name is Mary.



Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1. What does the man mean when he says "Let's go for a walk"?A. He wants to go to the library.B. He wants to take a walk.C. He wants to go to the cinema.D. He wants to go to the park.2. What is the woman's suggestion?A. To have a cup of coffee.B. To go to the beach.C. To go shopping.D. To have a rest.3. How does the man feel about the movie?A. He likes it very much.B. He doesn't like it at all.C. He thinks it's okay.D. He doesn't want to watch it.Section B4. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of exercise.B. The benefits of a healthy diet.C. The effects of stress on health.D. The causes of sleep problems.5. What does the speaker suggest to improve sleep quality?A. To avoid caffeine and alcohol.B. To take a warm bath before bed.C. To read a book before going to sleep.D. To exercise regularly.Part II Reading ComprehensionPassage 1Questions 6-106. What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage?A. To introduce the concept of social media.B. To discuss the impact of social media on young people.C. To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of social media.D. To provide tips on how to use social media effectively.7. According to the passage, what is one of the negative effects of social media?A. It helps people stay connected.B. It improves communication skills.C. It causes stress and anxiety.D. It increases productivity.8. What does the author suggest should be done to address the negative effects of social media?A. To limit the amount of time spent on social media.B. To encourage more face-to-face interactions.C. To ban social media in schools.D. To develop new social media platforms.9. What is the author's attitude towards social media?A. NegativeB. PositiveC. NeutralD. Ambiguous10. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Social media can lead to mental health issues.B. Social media can improve social skills.C. Social media can affect sleep patterns.D. Social media can promote misinformation.Passage 2Questions 11-1511. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle.B. The causes of obesity in children.C. The impact of technology on children's health.D. The role of parents in children's health.12. According to the passage, what is one of the reasons for the increase in childhood obesity?A. Lack of physical activity.B. Unhealthy eating habits.C. Both A and B.D. The use of technology.13. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem of childhood obesity?A. To ban sugary drinks and snacks.B. To encourage more outdoor play.C. To provide healthy school meals.D. Both B and C.14. What is the author's tone in the passage?A. PersuasiveB. CriticalC. ObjectiveD. Entertaining15. Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the passage?A. Technology is the main cause of childhood obesity.B. Parents should be solely responsible for their children's health.C. A healthy lifestyle can help prevent childhood obesity.D. Obesity is not a serious health concern.Part III WritingWrite an essay on the following topic:How do you think social media has affected the way people communicate in the modern world? Discuss the positive and negative impacts of social media on communication, and provide your own opinions on how to balance the use of social media in daily life.(答案仅供参考,具体答案请根据个人理解进行修改。



广东高职高考英语考试真题2024Guangdong Vocational College Entrance Exam (English) 2024Section A: Reading Comprehension1. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.In recent years, technology has played an increasingly important role in education. Many schools now utilize tools such as computers, tablets, and smart boards to enhance the learning experience for students. While some argue that technology can be a distraction in the classroom, others believe that it can be a valuable learning aid.1. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of technology in educationB) The drawbacks of technology in educationC) The history of technology in educationD) The future of technology in education2. According to the passage, why do some argue that technology is a distraction in the classroom?A) It can be difficult to useB) It can be expensive to implementC) It can take away from traditional teaching methodsD) It can be difficult to maintain3. According to the passage, how can technology enhance the learning experience for students?A) By providing access to a wealth of informationB) By reducing the need for teachersC) By eliminating the need for textbooksD) By making learning more difficult2. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.One of the most important skills that students can learn in school is critical thinking. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make rational decisions. It is a skill that is essential for success in both academics and the workplace.1. According to the passage, what is critical thinking?A) The ability to memorize informationB) The ability to analyze information and make rational decisionsC) The ability to follow directionsD) The ability to write a good essay2. Why is critical thinking important for success in academics and the workplace?A) Because it helps students make rational decisionsB) Because it is essential for acquiring knowledgeC) Because it is the only skill that students needD) Because it is important for developing good study habits3. How can students develop their critical thinking skills?A) By memorizing informationB) By evaluating arguments and making rational decisionsC) By following directionsD) By avoiding difficult tasksSection B: Writing1. Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in education.2. Write a letter to your school principal suggesting ways to improve critical thinking skills among students.Section C: Listening Comprehension1. Listen to the following passage and answer the questions below.1. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of exerciseB) The dangers of smokingC) The importance of healthy eatingD) The benefits of meditation2. According to the passage, how can exercise improve your health?A) By reducing stressB) By improving your memoryC) By increasing your risk of heart diseaseD) By making you gain weight3. What is one way to reduce stress, according to the passage?A) SmokingB) Eating junk foodC) ExercisingD) Watching televisionOverall, the 2024 Guangdong Vocational College Entrance Exam in English covers a range of topics related to education, critical thinking, and health. Students who are able to effectively demonstrate their knowledge in these areas are likely to perform well on the exam. Good luck to all those taking the exam!。

Reading Comprehension.阅读理解15篇附答案doc

Reading Comprehension.阅读理解15篇附答案doc

Reading Comprehension: 15篇(附答案)Directions: Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one you think is the best answer.Passage 1 CCBCDAfter practising as a surgeon for several years, Dr. Ginoux decided to apply for membership in the American College of Surgeons (美国外科医生学会), a highly selective and distinguished professional organization.As part of the application procedure (手续), Dr. Ginoux was asked to prepare a list of all the operations performed in the previous seven years. Slowly, as she worked on the long list, she began to feel uncertain. She began to question some of her decisions. Had she used the best techniques in that case? Maybe, in this case, she should have… Would the doctors on the selection committee understand that, as the only trained surgeon in the area, she usually could not get advice from others and therefore, had to rely completely on her own judgment? For the first time, Dr. Ginoux felt lonely and isolated.The longer Dr. Ginoux worked on the application forms, the more depressed she became. As hope faded, she wondered if a “country doctor” had a realistic chance of being accepted by the American College of Surgeons.1. Dr. Ginoux was working inA. a large city.B. the American College of Surgeons.C. an area far from any big city.D. a selective organization.2. The application forms must includeA. the best technique.B. a list of advice and judgments.C. a record of all the operationsD. the decision procedure.3. It was most probable that Dr. Ginoux wasA. a member in that organization.B. a well-trained surgeon.C. a graduate from the American College of Surgeons.D. a distinguished surgeon in America.4. When she was filling the application forms, Dr. Ginoux began to beA.realistic.B.distinguished.C.perplexed.D.decisive.5. When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed becauseA. she didn’t perform enough operations.B. some operations were unsuccessful.C. she didn’t g et advice from the selection committee.D. she was doubtful about her operations.Passage 2 ADBDDAfter a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles(肌肉) relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep tell us that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This period of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.If you can’t fall asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believed that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!1. A good title for this passage is ________.A. SleepB. Good HealthC. DreamsD. Work and Rest2. The word “drowsy” in the last paragraph means _________.A. sickB. stand upC. awakeD. a little sleepy3. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you______.A. dream more oftenB. have poor healthC. nervousD. breathe quickly4. During REM, ________________.A. your eyes move quicklyB. you dreamC. you are restlessD. both A and B5. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is __________.A. approximately six hoursB. around ten hoursC. about eight hoursD. not stated herePassage 3 CACBCTokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too many cars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can. But in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams. Tokyo is not different when one wants to walk.At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London's Oxford Street. But the streets near Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimes it is really difficult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them.The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is when the night-clubs are closing and everybody wants to go home. There are 35,000 night-clubs in Tokyo, and you do not often see one that is empty.Most people travel to and from work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. At most stations, trains arrive every two or three minutes, but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper. In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep, whether his journey is long or short.In Tokyo, I stood outside the station for five minutes. Three fire-engines raced past on the way to one of the many fires that Tokyo has every day. Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now. instead, I am surprised at myself: I must go there next year on business. I know I hate the overcrowded city. But I feel like a man who is returning to his long-lost love.1. Tokyo is different from London in that ____________.A. it has a smaller populationB. it is an international cityC. it is more difficult to go somewhere on foot in TokyoD. its people are friendlier and more polite.2. What time does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?A. When the night-clubs are closing.B. At 8 o'clock in the morning.C. When the train is overcrowded.D. At 11:30 a.m.3. What does the writer say about Japanese trains?A. There are not enough trains.B. They are very nice and comfortable.C. They leave and arrive at the right time.D. They often run behind schedule.4. From the writer's observation, we can see that fires break out in Tokyo _______.A. occasionally.B. quite frequentlyC. not very oftenD. twice a day5. The writer hates Tokyo mainly because the city _________.A. is dirty and the people are impoliteB. has been seriously pollutedC. is crowded and noisyD. is not modern enoughPassage 4 DCCCBEvery ten years there is a national census(人口普查) to count the number of people. The Census Office asks every household to answer questions on a census form. The census counts people by the kind of housing they live in, the country in which they were born, and the kind of job they do and how they travel to work. Census results are used by a great many people and areavailable to everyone in many ways.For example, in order to work out present and future needs we must know how people are housed now, and the sizes and ages of their families. For hospitals, schools and other local services, the size of annual grants(拨款) made by the Government to these services depends largely on the numbers and needs of people in the area.Many of the figures come from the census. In order to work out future spending for pensions (养老金), we need to know people's ages, how many are men and how many are women, whether they are single or married, and the size of the family. The census shows how many people have moved from one area to another and how the local workforce is changing. This information is used when factories, offices, shops, public transport and places for leisure are being planned. The census is taken in order to provide figures about the nation as a whole. It does not give information about any named person, family or household. Names and addresses are needed to take the census accurately, but they are not fed into the computer. After the census, the forms are locked away and will not be released to anyone outside the Census Office for 100 years. The answers you give on your census form will be treated secretly. No one outside the Census Office will see your completed form - but if you refuse to complete your form properly, you may be taken to court and the form could be produced as evidence. Everyone working on the census is required to keep it secret and can be accused if he or she improperly reveals information.1. It is necessary to know what sort of housing conditions people have in order to plan ________.A) the sizes and ages of familiesB) the sizes and ages of housesC) how many presents will be neededD) how many houses need to be built2. The census shows the changes that have taken place regarding ______.A) the number of people who work in the areaB) the number of buses in the areaC) the strength of workers in the areaD) the use of power in the area3. Which of the following statements is true?A) There is no information about people's names on the census forms.B) The census would not be accurate if the information was fed into a computer.C) The census gives information about the whole country.D) Named people and families do not need to give information.4. Information about names and addresses ________.A) is stored in the computer for 100 yearsB) is not usually accurateC) will not be seen by anyoneD) will be made public in 100 years5. The people who work on the census _______.A) will not see the completed formsB) have promised not to reveal informationC) are not allowed to keep the information in memoryD) are secretly trainedPassage 5 CBCAAIf you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year.A famous scientist, Ellsworth Huntington(1876-1974), concluded, from his work among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in spring man’s mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about rapid growth of everything in nature.Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be good time to take a long vacation from thinking.1. According to this passage, your intelligence probably________.A. stays the same throughout the yearB. varies from day to dayC. changes with the seasonsD. changes from year to year2. Huntington based his conclusions on __________.A. records of changes in his own intelligenceB. his work among peoples in different climatesC. records of temperature changesD. all of the above3. It seems that the cold of winter _________.A. increases the ability to thinkB. is the best time for thinkingC. is better for thinking than the heat of summerD. decreases the ability to think4. One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that______.A. everything in nature, including man, is growing then.B. it lasts longer than the other seasons.C. it is not too warm and not too coldD. both B and C5. The two best seasons for thinking seem to be _________.A. spring and fallB. winter and summerC. summer and springD. fall and winterPassage 6 ABCADSurprise! You’re in college! “I never knew living with a roommate was so hard.” “I can’t believe the amount of reading required for just one class.” “I didn’t know what the Freshman 20was until I gained 20 pounds.” No matter how hard or how long you plan for college, it’s f illed with surprises, from dorm conflicts and academic rigors(严酷;艰苦)to the relationship maze and campus logistics(后勤). Students at Northwestern College in Saint Paul, Minn., share surprises they encountered to give freshmen a “heads up” on what to expect when entering the ivy-covered walls this fall.Dorm LifeAdjusting to a roommate’s music preferences, sleeping times and tastes in dorm was a surprise to Emily Carlson,a communication major. “I was an only child used to my own room, so it was a chall enge adjusting to roommates.” “At first it felt like being at summer camp,” recalls Kristy Lindquist, a cross-cultural ministry major. “Eventually one becomes accustomed to it, after growing from both good and bad experiences.” At the beginning of her fres hman year, Amber White, a music major, thought she’d get close to one roommate in particular, but it wasn’t the case. “I thought I’d get along better with my roommates, but overall the friends I made in the first weeks were not the friends I actually kept.” The housekeeping aspects of the sexes surprised senior Ben Hemmila, president of the Northwestern Student Association. “Guys’ dorms smell bad no matter what happens! Girls’ dorms are generally messier than guys’, but smell better.”AcademicsNeed to study for a mid-term exam or finish a term paper? Get ready to burn the midnight oil ― and the early-morning oil! “Late in college means 3-4 a.m. not 10-11 p.m.” says Hemmila. Carlson agrees. “With other obligations, like work and social things, studying until 3 a.m. is not unusual.” Yet she was surprised at her stamina(体力;精力;活力). “I’ve stayed up 48, even 72 hours studying ― thanks to coffee and willpower. Staying up isn’t that hard. The difficult part is keeping everything in your brain.” Another common s urprise is the vast amount of reading college requires: 50-60 pages a night ― per class! Hemmila was surprised he didn’t get a detention(延迟;留置;拘留)when he skipped a class. But he still paid the tuition for that skipped class. S tudents are surprised to realize their education needs to include personal discipline and time management. “There is never enough time,” realizes Katie Dean, a business major. “I can’t be involved in everything like in high school, and even a part-time job is hard with a full load.” P aul Bradley, dean of residence life at Northwestern College, says freshmen usually find they have more homework than expected and finals are more difficult. “They’re surprised because they get fewer directives from professors on how to study and what to st udy.”As for that Freshman 20, Murphy hears from many students who were amazed how quickly they gained weight. “It’s the reality of inactivity ― sitting in class, studying, then eating pizza.”1. According to the passage above, the Freshman 20 is _____.A.a new student who is almost 20B.a freshman who gains 20 pounds quicklyC.a new students who is 20 poundsD.a freshman who always gains weight 20 pounds a year2. What might “burn the midnight oil” mean in this passage?A.To burn something at night with oil.B.To stay up studying.C.To burn the mid-term exam or a term paper at night.D.To get up late.3. The following statements are mentioned EXCEPT _____.A.bo ys’ dorms do not smell good no matter what happensB. it was a challenge for those who live in their own rooms at home to adjust to roommatesC. students are not surprised to know the y need personal discipline and time managementD. coffee and willpower can help students study at night for long time4. What can we know from the passage based on the author’s opinion?A.Time and tide wait for no man.B.It is easy for students to adjust to the new college life.C.Dorm life is different from the life at home.D.Freshmen know what to do because they can get much help from professors.5. This passage mainly tells us ______.A.dorm life in collegeB.academics in collegeC.new s tudents life at Northwestern CollegeD.surprise at dorm life and academics of the new students in collegePassage7 DCBABWhat can you do when you find yourself in school without enough friends? Making friends on campus is not the easiest thing to do especially when you are new on campus or you go to an urban commuter campus. Meeting people at school need s not be a daunting task. There are several methods that are not difficult to master and you may find easy when you try them out.Start by looking around at people you tend to see frequently, such as, people who you see in your classes, dorms and dining areas. Often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common interest. For example, before or after classes, ask, “did you get the assignment for next week”, or “ what did you think of the professor’s theory of...”This gets you pas s the most difficult part, which is starting the first conversation. Be sure to introduce yourself before the end of the conversation.If your campus has a dining facility, cafe or coffee cart, then there will be more opportunities for meeting people. After you’ve introduced yourself and talked about class, it’s the perfect time to ask the other person to join you for a cup of coffee. Once you are at the table it should be easier to talk about where you’re from, what is your major, what you think of the class, whether it is easy or hard. Once you start a conver sation, you’ve gotten past the most difficult part. It will be much easier to suggest meeting again for coffee, or to meet socially off campus.Put yourself where there are other people that you will see over and over. Join a club, interest group or sports team. Obviously if you live in a dormitory you will have chances to interact with people in your dorm floor as well as the dorm cafeteria. Make it a point of inviting people to meet you for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Don’t be a cockroach —someone who hangs out in a dark room and scurries(急转,疾行) when the lights are turned on.Working on Campus is also a good way to meet people, as well as put some money in your pocket, while solving two problems at once. Social events can be good ways to meet people. School dances, campus mixers and happy hours may seem to make you have something in common to talk about.1. In the first paragraph, the author seems trying to convey the following EXCEPT _____.A. making friends is a hard thing on campusB. we can do nothing about making friendsC. there are methods of making friends that may be of helpD. none of the above2. The expression ‘cockroach’ (Line 5, Para. 4) in this passage probably refers to _____.A. the insect that comes out at night and seldom goes out in the daytimeB. someone who comes out at night and seldom goes out in the daytimeC. someone who often stays in a dorm and only goes out when necessaryD. someone who often hangs around and only meets people on campus3. The methods of making friends include the following statements EXCEPT _____.A. joining in a sports teamB. taking up a part-time jobC. studying in a place frequentlyD. asking someone to join you for a cup of coffee4. The possible reason that the author suggests you ask ‘did you get the a ssignment for next week’ is _____.A. to start a conversationB. to know why he or she did n’t finish the assignmentC. to get help from him or her assignmentD. to collect the assignment for the professor5. What this passage mainly discusses is______.A. the importance of making friends on campusB. making friends on campus is very easyC. m eeting and m aking f riends on c ampusD. life on campusPassage 8 DCBBAOne cold morning in winter, when I was a little boy, a smiling man with an ax on his shoulder sto pped me, saying, “My pretty boy, has your father a grindstone ( 磨刀石)?”“Yes, sir,” said I.“You are a fine little fellow!” said the man. “Will you let me grind my ax?”Pleased with the flattery, I answered, “Oh, yes, sir. The grindstone is down in the shop.”Patting me on my head, he said, “Will you get me some hot water?” I ran and brought the hot water.“How old are you, and what is you name?” he asked, without waiting for a reply, “I’m sure you are one of the finest boys I have ever seen. Will you turn the grindstone a few minutes for me?”Hearing the flattery again, I went to work with a will. It was a new ax, and I worked hard until I was almost tired to death. The school bell rang, but I could not get away, because the ax was not half ground.At last, however, it was sharpened. Then the man turned to me and said, “Now, you little rascal (小坏蛋), you have played truant ( 旷课)! Run to school, or you’ll be sorry!”“Alas!” thought I. “It was hard enough to turn a grindstone this cold day, b ut now to be called a rascal is too much.”The memory of turning the grindstone that winter morning sank deep into my mind. I have thought of it since. Now, whenever I hear words of flattery, I say to myself. “That man has an ax to grind.”1. Which of the following did the man with the ax NOT do that morning?A. Flattering the boy with nice words.B. Patting the boy on the head.C. Blaming the boy with sharp words.D. Giving the boy a small toy.2. T he man ask ed the boy so many questions ________.A. to know how old the boy wasB. to know if his father was at homeC. to let the boy grind his axD. to know the study about the boy3. What did NOT happen to the boy when the work was finished?A. He was tired.B. He was praised by the man.C. He was late for school.D. He felt hurt by the man’s words.4. The man called the boy “rascal” because _______.A. his ax was done wellB. he thought that the boy should go to school on timeC. his ax was damagedD. he di dn’t want the boy to go to school5. Today in the English language, “That man has an ax to grind” means _______.A. that man has some selfish reasons for his actionsB. that man needs to sharpen his axC. that man is very kind to boysD. that man works with an axPassage 9 DCACDWhy is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.Successful and happy people have a vision of how their life should be and they set lots of goals (both short-term and long-range) to help them reach their vision. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind (her goal) which is laid out for her on a map. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns. The other driver has no goal or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere, just using up gas and oil. Which driver do you want to be?Winners in life set goals and follow them. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren’t difficult to set and they aren’t difficultto reach. It’s up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. You are the one who must decide what to pursue and in what direction to aim your life.Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also when you write your goals in a particular fashion you are able to stimulate your subconscious to be continuously alert to situations that will further your goal.1) The example of two drivers in the second paragraph is cited to show __________.A. the difficulty of driving without a mapB. the foolishness of the second driverC. the importance of avoiding wrong turnsD. the significance of setting goals2) Successful people differ from unsuccessful ones in that __________.A. the former set goals which are difficult to achieveB.the latter make unreasonable demands of themselvesC.the former have goals in life and make plans to carry them outD. the latter set goals and try to get other people to help them3) According to the writer, what is the most important in the whole process of realizing one’s goal?A.Trying to be realistic about one’s capabilities.B. Analyzing problems that may be involved.C. Having a clear understanding of what one wants in life.D. Dreaming of a very beautiful future.4) What is suggested if people want to realize their goals without fail?A. They should write down their goals.B. They should sign a contract with other people involved.C. They should be aware of the difficulties they are faced with.D. They should discuss with other people about their goals.5) Which of the following statements is closest to the main idea of the passage?A. Success is possible only when a person has set his or her goal clearly.B. Goals enable people to achieve everything they desire in life.C. Winners of any competition should never be satisfied with themselves.D. Goals must be realistic and within the realm of possibility.Passage 10 BCDCCIt was a quarter past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day. Once inside the lobby, she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before she could get on one going to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked “King Enterprises,” she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no reply. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices,so she opened the door and went in. Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had the interview with Mr. King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. At the far end of the room, somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her. Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realized that the day’s work in the office began just before Mr. King arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning, arriving in the office at 9:35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.1) Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because _______.A. it was her first day in a new jobB. she was a little bit late for workC. she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong placeD. there was no answer from inside the office2) Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as _______.A. the office had a new appearanceB. Mr. King was not in the officeC. nobody was doing any workD. she had been there only once3) The people in the office suddenly started working because _______.A. they saw a stranger in the officeB. they had finished their morning breakC. no one wanted to talk to MarieD. the boss was about to arrive4) We can infer from the text that the employees of the enterprise _______.A. would start their work by listening to a jokeB. were cold to newcomersC. lacked devotion to the companyD. were always punctual for work5) The best title for this text would be _______.A. Punctual Like A ClockB. A Cold WelcomeC. An Unpunctual ManagerD. Better Late Than NeverPassage 11 BCDBBI was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember about the victory celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not suffered much from the war there, though like most children of my age, I was used to seeing bombed houses in the streets and the enormous army lorries (卡车)passing through. But both at home and at school I had become accustomed to the phrases “before the war ” and “when the war’s over”. “Before the war”, apparently, things had been better, though I was too young to understand why, except that there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice。



2013 1
2014 3
2015 1
2016 1
2017 2
New words Words Unfamiliar usage
Pronouns (指代词)
Lexical chunks (词块): Phrases or sentences
(new words unfamiliar usage)
Why do some people flush when they drink
alcohol? This effect is a common reaction to Introduction
alcohol among East Asians. It affects about 36
Reading Comprehension: The Underlined Part
词/句义猜测题主要是测试考生利用上下 文判断单词、短语或句子在特定语言环境中 确切含义的能力,以及it,they,them等判 断指代内容
《考试说明》介绍阅读理解部分有可能 会考查对词组或短语在上下文的词语猜测
年份 题数
Explanation Given information
1.语法原则:单复数一致, 人称一致
2.前指原则:正确答案必在 所考代词之前
(2013 江苏 D篇)
Twain's racial tone was not perfect. One is left uneasy,for example,by the lengthy passage in his autobiography(自传 )about how much he loved what were called “nigger shows” in his youth mostly with white men performing in lackface and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them. Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality. His frequent attacks on slavery and prejudice suggest his keen awareness that they did not.



Section I: Reading Comprehension (40%)Passage 1:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In the past decade, the rise of social media has dramatically changed the way people communicate. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become integral parts of daily life for billions around the world. While social media has brought numerous benefits, such as improved connectivity and the ability to share information instantaneously, it has also raised concerns about its impact on mental health and privacy.The constant exposure to carefully curated images and lifestyles can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression, particularly among younger users. Moreover, the lack of face-to-face interaction can diminish social skills and emotional intelligence. However, social media also offers opportunities for community building, activism, and educational purposes.Question 1: What are the two main benefits of social media mentioned in the passage?Question 2: According to the passage, what are some of the negative effects of social media on mental health?Question 3: How does the passage suggest that social media can be used for positive purposes?Passage 2:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity arejust a few of the consequences of global warming. Many scientists argue that immediate action is necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change and preserve the planet for future generations.One proposed solution is the transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. These sources are abundant and have a lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels. Additionally, investing in public transportation and promoting sustainable practices in agriculture and industry can also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Question 4: What are two consequences of climate change mentioned in the passage?Question 5: According to the passage, what are two methods proposed to combat climate change?Question 6: Why is the transition to renewable energy sources considered an effective solution to climate change?Section II: Writing (30%)Write an essay on the following topic:Discuss the impact of technology on education in the last decade. How has technology changed the way students learn and teachers teach? Provide examples of both positive and negative impacts and offer suggestions on how educational institutions can leverage technology to enhance the learning experience.Section III: Listening Comprehension (20%)Listen to a short lecture or conversation and answer the questions that follow.Question 1: What is the main topic of the lecture?Question 2: According to the speaker, what are two factors contributing to the decline in the honeybee population?Question 3: What is the proposed solution to the problem mentioned in the lecture?Section IV: Grammar and Vocabulary (10%)Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the given word.1. The __________ (excite) news about the project's success has spread rapidly among the team members.2. The company has decided to __________ (relocate) its headquarters toa new building next month.3. It is essential that every student understands the __________ (importance) of academic integrity.4. Despite the __________ (difficulty) of the task, the team managed to complete it on time.5. The speaker emphasized the __________ (need) for more research inthis area.Section V: Translation (10%)Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.2. It is crucial for educational institutions to adapt to the changing demands of the job market.3. The use of social media has both positive and negative impacts on individuals' mental health.4. Many scientists believe that immediate action is necessary to address the challenges posed by climate change.5. Continuous learning and professional development are essential for career advancement.。



2024年高考英语:全国新高考卷阅读理解I真题解析(含全国新高考I卷、II卷)英文版Title: 2024 National College Entrance Examination English: National New College Entrance Examination Reading Comprehension I Question Analysis (including National New College Entrance Examination I and II)In the 2024 National College Entrance Examination English paper, the reading comprehension section plays a crucial role in testing students' understanding and interpretation skills. This document provides an analysis of the Reading Comprehension I section, including both the National New College Entrance Examination I and II papers.The Reading Comprehension I section consists of a series of passages followed by a set of questions that test students' ability to comprehend the main ideas, identify key details, and draw inferences from the text. Students are required to read each passage carefully andanswer the corresponding questions by selecting the most appropriate answer choice.To excel in the Reading Comprehension I section, students should focus on developing their reading skills, including skimming and scanning for key information, understanding the author's purpose and tone, and making logical connections between different parts of the text. Additionally, students should pay attention to vocabulary and context clues to aid in their understanding of the passages.By practicing regularly and honing their reading comprehension skills, students can improve their performance in the Reading Comprehension I section of the 2024 National College Entrance Examination English paper. This document aims to provide valuable insights and strategies to help students succeed in this important section of the exam.。



高考英语会考试题及答案Section A: Reading Comprehension1. California Gold RushIn 1848, gold was discovered in California, sparking the famous California Gold Rush. Thousands of people from all over the world flocked to California in search of fortune. The gold rush not only brought great wealth to some, but also transformed the demographics and economy of the state.2. Climate Change and Its ImpactClimate change is a pressing issue that affects the entire planet. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are some of the consequences of global warming. It is crucial that governments and individuals take immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect our environment for future generations.3. Benefits of MeditationMeditation has been practiced for centuries and has numerous benefits for both the mind and body. Regular meditation can reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote overall well-being. It is a simple yet powerful technique that can be easily incorporated into our daily lives.4. The Importance of Financial LiteracyFinancial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, andinvesting. It plays a vital role in our lives, helping us make informed decisions about money and ensuring long-term financial stability.5. The Rise of E-commerceE-commerce, or electronic commerce, has revolutionized the way we shop and do business. With the advent of online marketplaces and payment systems, customers can now conveniently purchase goods and services from the comfort of their homes. This has led to the rapid growth of e-commerce and its significant impact on traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.Section B: Listening Comprehension1. Conversation between two friends discussing travel plansA: Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?B: I'm thinking of going to Thailand. I heard the beaches there are amazing.A: That sounds great! I've always wanted to visit Southeast Asia.B: We should definitely go together. I can help you plan the itinerary.2. Lecture on the benefits of studying abroadStudying abroad offers numerous benefits for students. It allows them to gain a global perspective, develop cross-cultural communication skills, and enhance their language proficiency. Additionally, studying abroad provides opportunities for personal growth and independence.3. News report on the latest technological advancementsScientists have recently made significant breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence. This has led to the development of advanced robots capable of performing complex tasks. The implications of these advancements are far-reaching and have the potential to reshape various industries.4. Radio interview with a famous chefThe chef discusses his culinary journey and shares tips for aspiring chefs. He emphasizes the importance of passion, creativity, and dedication in the culinary arts. He also advocates for using locally-sourced, fresh ingredients to create exceptional dishes.Section C: Grammar and Vocabulary1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb forms(1) Jane (finish) ____ her project yesterday.(2) The children (play) _____ in the park when it started raining.(3) I (not see) _____ my old friends for years.(4) They (paint) _____ the house next week.2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence(1) The ______ of the film left the audience in tears. (ending/ending)(2) It is important to ______ your passwords regularly. (change/charge)(3) The teacher asked the students to ______ their assignments by Friday. (submit/submit)(4) James is a ______ writer who has published several award-winning novels. (talented/talented)Please note that the above questions are just examples. The actual high school English exam may vary in content and format. It is essential to refer to the official exam materials for accurate information.。


• Research the artists' life. Some galeries have an intormational plaque (匾 牌)near the artworks that desoribe the artists. Read the informational plaque next to the artwork. This is a great way to better understand the artists and their mindsets when they created the artworks. Most abstract artworks try to capture a feeling or emotion like sadness,rage, or happiness.4
bed, table, armchair…
police – policeman(相同词根)
running, swimming, jumping…
英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用 无非是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧 妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差 异可以准确而快速地解题。
解 题方 法
1. 看文章结构 2. 找关键词 3. 找逻辑关系
Step 1 文章结构
01 总-分-(总) 02 平行关系
Understanding and appreciating abstract art can be tough if you don't have much experience with art. But don't wory. The following can help you gain appreciation of abstract artworks enormously.



Section I: Reading ComprehensionPassage 1:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The rapid advancement of technology in the 21st century has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. One of the most significant developments has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). AI systems are now capable of performing complex tasks that were once exclusive to humans, such as language translation, medical diagnosis, and even artistic creation.Despite the numerous benefits of AI, there are concerns about its impact on society. Critics argue that AI could lead to job displacement, as machines become more efficient than humans in certain tasks. They also express worries about the ethical implications of AI, such as the potential for bias in decision-making algorithms and the risk of AI systems becoming uncontrollable.Proponents of AI, however, believe that it will create new job opportunities and improve the quality of life. They argue that AI will free humans from mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and fulfilling endeavors. Moreover, AI has the potential to enhance human decision-making by providing data-driven insights and predictions.The debate over AI's impact on society is likely to continue as the technology evolves. It is crucial for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to understand both the opportunities and challenges presented by AI. By doing so, they can ensure that AI is developed and implemented in a way that maximizes its benefits while minimizing its risks.Questions:1. What are two main concerns expressed by critics of AI?2. How do proponents of AI argue that it will improve the quality of life?3. What is the main point of the passage?Passage 2:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In recent years, the environmental movement has gained significant momentum worldwide. People are becoming increasingly aware of the urgent need to address climate change and protect the planet. One of the most effective ways to combat climate change is through the adoption of renewable energy sources.Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, has several advantages over traditional fossil fuels. Firstly, it is a clean and sustainable source of energy, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps mitigate climate change. Secondly, renewable energy is abundant and inexhaustible, ensuring a reliable energy supply for future generations. Finally, investing in renewable energy can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.However, the transition to renewable energy faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the high initial cost of setting up renewable energy infrastructure. Additionally, some renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are intermittent and depend on weather conditions, which can make them less reliable than fossil fuels.Despite these challenges, the global trend towards renewable energy is undeniable. Many countries are setting ambitious targets for renewable energy adoption, and technological advancements are making renewable energy more efficient and cost-effective. As a result, the future of renewable energy looks promising, and it is crucial for the world to continue investing in this crucial sector.Questions:1. What are three advantages of renewable energy over fossil fuels?2. What are two main challenges faced by the transition to renewable energy?3. What is the author's overall perspective on the future of renewable energy?Section II: WritingTask 1: EssayWrite an essay in which you discuss the importance of cultural exchange programs for students. You should provide specific examples to support your points and explain how these programs can benefit both the students involved and the societies they come from.Task 2: CompositionWrite a composition in which you describe a memorable experience you had with a teacher. You should explain why this experience was significant to you and how it influenced your education or personal growth.Section III: Language UsageTask 1: GrammarCorrect the errors in the following sentences.1. The government has announced plans to invest in infrastructure, which will improve the quality of life for citizens.2. If I were in your position, I would take a different approach to solving the problem.3. The movie was so compelling that it kept me on the edge of my seatfor the entire two hours.Task 2: VocabularyChoose the correct word from the list below to complete each sentence.1. The manager was praised for his __________ leadership style.2. The new policy aims to __________ the gap between rich and poor.3. The explosion caused a __________ in the local economy.Section IV: Listening ComprehensionListen to the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow.Dialogue:Two friends are discussing their plans for the weekend.Questions:1. What is the first activity they plan to do on Saturday?2. Why does the second friend suggest visiting the art gallery instead of the museum?3. How do they feel about the weather forecast for Sunday?Section V: WritingTask 1: LetterWrite a letter to a friend who is planning to visit your city. In your letter, describe the city and some of the interesting places and events they should check out.Task 2: EssayWrite an essay in which you discuss the importance of reading for personal and professional development. You should provide examples from your own experience or from the experiences of others to support your points.End of Examination。

北京高考在线 高三英语 阅读表达43题

北京高考在线 高三英语 阅读表达43题

北京高考在线高三英语阅读表达43题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Beijing Gaokao Online High School English Reading Comprehension 43 QuestionsIntroduction:The Beijing Gaokao Online High School English Reading Comprehension Test consists of 43 questions designed to assess students' reading comprehension skills. This test is an important part of the high school English curriculum in Beijing and is often used to determine students' readiness for the Gaokao exam, a standardized test for university admissions in China. In this test, students are required to read a series of passages and answer multiple-choice questions based on the content of the passages. The questions cover a range of topics, including literature, science, history, and current events.Sample Question:Read the following passage and answer the questions below:Passage:The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Stretching over 13,000 miles, it was built over 2,000 years ago to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north. Today, the Great Wall is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year.Question 1:What was the main purpose of building the Great Wall of China?A) To provide a barrier against attacks from neighboring countriesB) To serve as a symbol of China's military powerC) To create a tourist attractionD) To establish trade routes with other countriesQuestion 2:How long is the Great Wall of China?A) 1,000 milesB) 5,000 milesC) 10,000 milesD) 13,000 milesQuestion 3:Why is the Great Wall of China considered a significant historical monument?A) Because it was built to protect China from invasionsB) Because it is the longest wall in the worldC) Because it was built over 2,000 years agoD) Because it attracts millions of tourists each yearConclusion:The Beijing Gaokao Online High School English Reading Comprehension Test is a valuable tool for assessing students' reading comprehension skills and preparing them for the Gaokao exam. By practicing with sample questions like the ones provided above, students can improve their reading skills and increase their chances of success on the test. Reading comprehension is an important skill that can benefit students in all areas of their academic and professional lives, making it worth the time and effort to master.篇2Beijing Gaokao Online Senior English Reading Comprehension Exercise 431. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:As marathon runners, most of us are familiar with the term “hitting the wall.” It's that dreaded moment when your body suddenly feels like it can't go any further. You’re fatigued, dehydrated, and your muscles are screaming at you to stop. However, hitting the wall is not just a physical barrier; it’s also a mental challenge.In training, we push our bodies to their limits, gradually increasing our distance and pace. But no matter how prepared we are, there will come a point in the race when we hit that wall. The key to overcoming this obstacle lies in our mental strength. We need to dig deep, focus on our goals, and push through the pain.2. Questions:a) What is “hitting the wall” in marathon running?b) Why is hitting the wall not just a physical barrier?c) What is the key to overcoming the wall in a race?d) How can mental strength help runners overcome the wall?3. Answers:a) “Hitting the wall” refers to the moment when a runner feels physically and mentally unable to continue due to fatigue, dehydration, and muscle exhaustion.b) Hitting the wall is not just a physical barrier because it also presents a mental challenge. Runners must push through the pain and exhaustion to reach the finish line.c) The key to overcoming the wall in a race is mental strength. Runners need to focus on their goals, dig deep, and push through the pain to finish the race.d) Mental strength can help runners overcome the wall by providing them with the determination and resilience needed to push through the physical and mental barriers they face during a race.Overall, hitting the wall is a common experience for marathon runners, but with mental strength and perseverance, they can overcome this obstacle and achieve their goals.篇3Beijing Gaokao Online High School English Reading Comprehension Test 43Directions: In this section, you will read four passages. After each passage, you will find several questions based on the passage. Answer the questions according to what is stated or implied in the passage. For each question, choose the best answer.Passage 1:The internet has changed the way people live. It has also changed the way people spend their leisure time. Today, millions of people surf the internet each day to look for information, shop online, or connect with friends and family through social media platforms.Question 1: According to the passage, what has the internet changed?A. The way people work.B. The way people eat.C. The way people spend their leisure time.D. The way people exercise.Question 2: What do millions of people do each day on the internet, according to the passage?A. Watch TV shows.B. Play video games.C. Go shopping.D. Read newspapers.Passage 2:In recent years, more and more people have been choosing to travel solo. Solo travel allows individuals to explore new places at their own pace, without having to compromise on their preferences. It also encourages personal growth and independence.Question 3: What is solo travel?A. Traveling with a group of friends.B. Traveling by oneself.C. Traveling with a tour guide.D. Traveling by car.Question 4: According to the passage, what are the benefits of solo travel?A. It encourages personal growth and independence.B. It limits your options.C. It forces you to compromise on your preferences.D. It is more expensive than group travel.Passage 3:The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Fast fashion brands produce large quantities of clothes at low prices, leading to environmental damage and exploitation of workers. Sustainable fashion advocates for ethical and eco-friendly practices.Question 5: What is fast fashion?A. Brands that produce clothes at low prices.B. Brands that produce clothes using sustainable materials.C. Brands that produce clothes slowly.D. Brands that don't produce clothes.Question 6: According to the passage, what do sustainable fashion advocates promote?A. Low-quality clothes.B. Ethical and eco-friendly practices.C. Fast fashion brands.D. High prices.Passage 4:Music has the power to evoke emotions and memories in people. Listening to music can improve mood, reduce stress, and even increase productivity. Different genres of music can have different effects on individuals.Question 7: According to the passage, what can listening to music do?A. Increase stress.B. Decrease productivity.C. Improve mood.D. Induce sleepiness.Question 8: What effects can different genres of music have on individuals?A. The same effects.B. Different effects.C. No effects.D. Negative effects.This concludes the Beijing Gaokao Online High School English Reading Comprehension Test 43. Thank you for participating!。



英语高考试题及答案I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Choose the best answer from the four choices given.1.A: Have you heard about the new restaurant on the corner? B: Yes, I've been there. The food is great, but the service is slow.Question: What does B think of the restaurant?A. The food is great.B. The service is slow.C. Both A and B.D. Neither A nor B.2.A: I'm going to the library to return some books.B: Oh, could you please bring me a novel while you're there? Question: What does B want A to do?A. To return some books.B. To bring a novel.C. To go to the library.D. To read a novel.3.A: I can't believe you're leaving for your holiday already. B: Yes, I've got a lot of work to do before I go. Question: What does B imply?A. B has finished all the work.B. B has a lot of work to do.C. B is not going on a holiday.D. B is leaving for work.Section BDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.4. What is the main topic of the passage?A. Travel tips.B. Holiday planning.C. Cultural differences.D. Weather forecasts.5. What does the speaker suggest you should do before traveling abroad?A. Learn about the local customs.B. Check the weather forecast.C. Book the tickets in advance.D. Prepare a travel itinerary.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a longer conversation or a story. After listening to the recording, you will answer a question.6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Colleagues.C. Friends.D. Strangers.7. Why is the man upset?A. He missed the bus.B. He lost his wallet.C. He failed the exam.D. He got a traffic ticket.II. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)Section ADirections: Read the following passage. After reading it, choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given.In recent years, the popularity of cycling has increased dramatically. Many people have chosen to ride bicycles as a means of transportation because it is environmentally friendly and healthy. However, with the growing number of cyclists, traffic accidents involving bicycles have also risen. To ensure safety, it is important for cyclists to follow traffic rules and wear helmets.8. The passage mainly discusses _______.A. the popularity of cyclingB. the environmental benefits of cyclingC. the health benefits of cyclingD. the safety concerns of cycling9. What is the reason for the increase in traffic accidents involving bicycles?A. The growing number of cars on the road.B. The increasing popularity of cycling.C. The lack of awareness of traffic rules.D. The poor condition of roads.10. What does the author suggest to prevent bicycle accidents?A. Stricter traffic laws.B. More public awareness campaigns.C. Following traffic rules and wearing helmets.D. Limiting the number of cyclists.Section BDirections: Read the following passage and answer thequestions that follow.The world is changing rapidly, and so are our lifestyles.With the advancement of technology, we have access to awealth of information at our fingertips. This has led to the rise of the "information age," where knowledge is power. The ability to quickly access and process information has becomea crucial skill in today's society.11. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of technology.B. The impact of the information age.C. The role of knowledge in society.D. The necessity of processing information.12. According to the passage, what is the key to success inthe modern world?A. Access to technology.B. A wealth of information.C. The ability to access and process information.D. The ability to work hard.III. Cloze Test(完形填空)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given. Choose the one that best fits the context of the passage.Once there was a young man who wanted to be a great artist. He worked hard every day, but he was not very successful. One day, he decided to go to the countryside to find inspiration. He believed that the beauty of nature could help him improve his skills.13. The young man was _______ to become a great artist.A. determinedB. interestedC. curiousD. confused14. He thought that the countryside was a good place to_______.。

2019年6月上海高考英语试题III. Reading Comprehension(试题,答案)

2019年6月上海高考英语试题III. Reading Comprehension(试题,答案)

2019年6月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.We’re told that writing is dying. Typing on keyboards and screens 41 written communication today. Learning cursive (草书), joined-up handwriting was once 42 in schools. But now, not so much. Countries such as Finland have dropped joined-up handwriting lessons in schools 43 typing courses. And in the U. S., the requirement to learn cursive has been left out of core standards since 2013. A few U. S. states still place value on formative cursive educa tion, such as Arizona, but they’re not the 44 .Some experts point out that writing lessons can have indirect 45 . Anne Trubek, author of The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting, argues that such lessons can reinforce a skill called automaticity. That’s when you’ve perfected a task, and can do it almost without thinking. 46 you extra mental bandwidth to think about or do other things while you’re doing the task. In this sense, Trubek likens handwriting to 47 .“Once you have driven for a while, you don’t 48 think ‘Step on gas now’ (or) ‘Tu rn the steering wheel a bit’,”she explains. “Y ou just do it. That’s what we want children to 49 when learning to write. You and I don’t think‘now make a loop going up for the ‘I’or ‘now look for the letter ‘r’on the keyboard’.” Trubek has written many essays and books on handwriting, and she doesn’t believe it will die out for a very long time, “i f ever”. But she believes students are learning automaticity faster with keyboards than with handwriting: students are learning how to type without looking at the keys at 50 ages, and to type faster than they could write, granting them extra time to think about word choice or sentence structure. In a piece penned (if you’l l pardon the expression) for the New York Times last year, Trubek argued that due to the improved automaticity of keyboards, today’s children may well become better communicators in text as 51 takes up less of their education. This is a(n) 52 that has attracted both criticism and support.She explains that two of the most common arguments she hears from detractors regarding the decline of handwriting is that not 53 it will result in a “loss of hist ory” and a “loss of personal touch”.On the former she 54 that 95% of handwritten manuscripts can’t be read by the average person anyway “that’s why we have paleographers,”she explains, paleography being the study of ancient styles of writing while the latter refers to the warm 55 we give to handwritten personal notes, such as thank-you cards. Some educators seem to agree, at least to an extent.41. A. abandons B. dominates C. enters D. absorbs42. A. compulsory B. opposite C. crucial D. relevant43. A. in want of B. in case of C. in favour of D. in addition to44. A. quantity B. minimum C. quality D. majority45. A. responsibility B. benefits C. resources D. structure46. A. granting B. getting C. bringing D. coming47. A. sleeping B. driving C. reviewing D. operating48. A. eventually B. constantly C. equivalently D. consciously49. A. adopt B. reach C. acquire D. activate50. A. slower B. later C. faster D. earlier51. A. handwriting B. adding C. forming D. understanding52. A. trust B. look C. view D. smile53. A. containing B. spreading C. choosing D. protecting54. A. commits B. counters C. completes D. composes55. A. associations B. resources C. procedures D. interactionsSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AAll I had to do for the two dollars was clean her house for a few hours after school. It was a beautiful house, too, with a plastic-covered sofa and chairs, wall-to-wall blue-and-white carpeting, a white enamel stove, a washing machine and a dryer things that were common in her neighborhood, absent in mine. In the middle of the war, she had butter, sugar, steaks, and seam-up-the-back stockings.I knew how to scrub floors on my knees and how to wash clothes in our zinc tub, but I had never seena Hoover vacuum cleaner or an iron that wasn’t heated by fire.Part of my pride in working for her was earning money I could squander (浪费): on movies, candy, paddleball, jacks, ice-cream cones. But a larger part of my pride was based on the fact that I gave half my wages to my mother, which meant that some of my earnings were used for real things an insurance-policy payment or what was owed to the milkman or the iceman. The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was profound. I was not like the children in folktales: burdensome mouths to feed, nuisances to be corrected, problems so severe that they were abandoned to the forest. I had a status that doing routine chores in my house did not provide and it earned me a slow smile, an approving nod from an adult. Confirmations that I was adultlike, not childlike.In those days, the forties, children were not just loved or liked; they were needed. They could earn money; they could care for children younger than themselves; they could work the farm, take care of the herd, run errands (差事), and much more. I suspect that children aren’t needed in that way now. They are loved, doted on, protected, and helped. Fine, and yet…Little by little, I got better at cleaning her house good enough to be given more to do, much more. I was ordered to carry bookcases upstairs and, once, to move a piano from one side of a room to the other. I fell carrying the bookcases. And after pushing the piano my arms and legs hurt so badly. I wanted to refuse, or at least to complain, but I was afraid she would fire me, and I would lose the freedom the dollar gave me, as well as the standing I had at home although both were slowly being eroded. She began to offer me her clothes, for a price. Impressed by these worn things, which looked simply gorgeous to a little girl who had only two dresses to wear to school, I bought a few. Until my mother asked me if I really wanted to work for castoffs. So I learn ed to say “No, thank you” to a faded sweater offered for a quarter of a week’s pay.Still, I had trouble summoning (鼓起) the courage to discuss or object to the increasing demands she made. And I knew that if I told my mother how unhappy I was she would tell me to quit. Then one day, alone in the kitchen with my father, I let drop a few whines about the job. I gave him details, examples of what troubled me, yet although he listened intently, I saw no sympathy in his eyes. No “Oh, you poor little thing.” Perhaps he understood that what I wanted was a solution to the job, not an escape from it. In any case, he put down his cup of coffee and said, “Listen. You don’t live there. You live here. With your people. Go to work. Get your money. And come on home.”That was what he said. This was what I heard:Whatever the work is, do it well not for the boss but for yourself.You make the job: it doesn’t make you.Your real life is with us, your family.You are not the work you do: you are the person you are.I have worked for all sorts of people since then, geniuses and morons, quick-witted and dull, big-hearted and narrow. I’ve had many kinds of jobs, but since that conversation with my father I have never considered the level of labor to be the measure of myself, and I have never placed the security of a job above the value of home.56. What is the “pleasure” o f the author from the sentence “The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was profound. (par agraph 3)”?A. She was proud as she could earn money for her mother.B. Her own value of being needed.C. She is distinctive from those children in folktales.D. She enjoyed a status of being an adult in her family.57. According to the article, which of the following is true about children in the 1940s and now?A. Children become needed, loved and liked when they are at forty.B. Children in modern times are less likely to be spoiled by parents.C. Children in 1940s are capable as they can handle various daily routine.D. Children in modern times aren’t needed to do daily works any more.58. What did the author’s father make her understand?A. Don’t escape from difficulties at work.B. Whatever decision she made, her father would support her.C. Convey her dissatisfaction with her work.D. Make a distinction between work and life.59. Which of the following corresponds to the author’s views in the passage?A. Don’t regard work achievement as a criterion for evaluating oneself.B. Hard work is a struggle for a better future in your limited life.C. Parents are the best teachers of children.D. Job security is less valuable when compared with family.BGeographers are interested in the spatial patterns observed on earth. Bridging the natural and social sciences, Geography is the interdisciplinary study of environments and how people interact with the environment. It is important to study geog raphy because many of the world’s problems require understanding the interdependence between human activities and the environment. Geography is therefore a beneficial major for students because its theories and methods provide them with analytical skills relevant to occupations focused on solving social and environmental problems. The Department of Geography offers eight majors that help students tailor their focus of study.The Geography-globalization and Development major will provide students with a sophisticated understanding of contemporary global issues and a geographical framework for analyzing key issues involved in national and international development. Reflecting the discipline of geography as a whole, this major emphasizes an integrated approach to studying the relationship of global change to individual and community well-being by combining the benefits of area studies with theoretical and topical investigations in the curriculum.Our department is committed to excellence in both teaching and advising. Several of our faculty members have received teaching awards, and we are known across campus for the quality of our advising. As a geography major, you will meet one-on-one with your faculty advisor every semester during advising week, and you are always welcome to talk with your advisor at any time throughout the semester whenever questions may arise. In addition to advising our students about their academic programs, weprovide timely information about internships, nationally competitive awards, and other opportunities as they arise. Many of our students complete internships and several of our students over the last few years have received nationally competitive awards.For more information about our program, please visit our website, or contact our Undergraduate Chair, whose information is listed above.Admissions InformationFreshmen/First-year AdmissionNo requirements beyond University admission requirements.Change of Program PolicyNo selective or limited admission requirements.External Transfer AdmissionNo requirements beyond University admission requirements.Opportunities Upon GraduationWith a liberal arts degree in Geography globalization and Development, students are prepared for employment in a variety of fields, including non-profit and government work, particularly in the areas of community and international development. This degree will also prepare students well to work in the private sector in an international context. Graduates from this program will also be well situated to continue on to graduate school or law school, with research and professional interest in academic fields, including, but not limited to, geography, public affairs and policy, development studies, and community and regional planning.Browse through dozens of internship opportunities and full-time job postings for Ohio University students and alumni on Handshake, OHIO’s key resource for researching jobs, employers, workshops, and professional development events.60. Who can be selected as the target of the geography course in the passage?A. A freshman who has studied in a university.B. A college student majoring in geography.C. A senior high school graduate interested in geography.D. A high school graduate who wants to find a job61. What are the advantages of choosing the geography major in this university in terms of employment?A. Acquiring skills to solve social and environmental problems.B. Understanding contemporary global issues.C. Getting one-on-one information on geography teaching.D. Achieving more international opportunities.62. Where is the most likely place to read this passage?A. In a magazine.B. On the university website.C. In a geographic journal.D. On the enrollment information network.CComposite image of Europe and North Africa at night, 2016. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Roman, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Artificial light is often seen as a sign of progress: the march of civilization shines a light in the dark; it takes back the night; it illuminates. But a chorus of scientists and advocates argues that unnaturally bright nights are bad not just for astronomers but also for nocturnal (夜间活动的) animals and even for human health.Now research shows the night is getting even brighter. From 2012 to 2016 the earth’s artificially lit area expanded by an estimated 2.2 percent a year (map), according to a study published last November in Science Advances. Even that increase may understate the problem, however. The measurement excludeslight from most of the energy-efficient LED lamps that have been replacing sodium-vapor technology in cities all over the world, says lead study author Christopher Kyba, a postdoctoral researcher at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam.The new data came from a NASA satellite instrument called the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). It can measure long-wavelengths of light, such as those produced by traditional yellow-and-orange sodium-vapor street lamps. But VIRS cannot see the short-wavelength blue light produced by white LEDs. This light has been shown to disrupt human sleep cycles and nocturnal animals’behavior.Credit: Mapping Specialists: Source: “Artificially Lit Surface of Earth at Night Increasing in Radiance and Extent.” by Christopher C. M. Kyba et al. in Science Advances, V ol. 3. No 11, Article No, El701528; November 22, 2017.The team believes the ongoing switch to LEDs caused already bright countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the U. S. to register as having stable levels of illumination in the VIIRS data. In contrast, most nations in South America, Africa and Asia brightened, suggesting increases in the use of traditional lighting. Australia actually appeared to lose lit area but the researchers say that is because wildfires skewed the data.“The fact that VIIRS finds an increase (in many countries), despite its blindness in the part of the spectrum that increased more, is very sad,”says Fabiofalchi, a researcher at I taly’s Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute, who did not participate in the study. In 2016 Falchi, along with Kyba and several other members of his research team, published a global atlas of artificial lighting that showed one third of the world’s population currently lives under skies too bright to see the Milky Way at night.The data also cast doubt on the idea that the LED lighting revolution will lead to energy cost savings. Between 2012 and 2016 the median nation pumped out 15 percent more long-wavelength light as its GDP increased by 13 p ercent. And overall, countries’ total light production correlated with their GDP. In other words, Kyba says, “we buy as much light as we are willing to spend money on.”63. Which is not true about the spread of lit areas?A. Lit area expanded by an estimated 2.2 percent a year.B. Artificial light is often seen as a sign of progress.C. The increase in GDP is due to the increase in light.D. It is bad for nocturnal animals and even for human health.64. Which of the following about VIIRS is NOT true according to the passage?A. It is a kind of NASA satellite device.B. It can record and analyze long-wavelength light.C. The blue light generated by white LEDs can disrupt human sleep cycles.D. VIIRS has found an increase of traditional lighting in lots of nations.65. According to the article, what we can know about the LEDs?A. Artificial LED lights at nights are harmful to people’s health.B. It is a sign of civilization in modern society.C. The blue l ight disrupts human and animals’ life cycles.D. Artificially lit surface of Earth increasing because of LEDs.66. The author writes this article to .A. show the VIIRS data from NASAB. demonstrate the significance of VIIRS for its measurement of wavelengthsC. reveal the relationship between wavelength light and GDPD. arouse people’s awareness of light pollutionSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Eachfirst community,” said Adam Ear nhardt, chairman of the communications department at Youngstown State University and co-author of “Sports Fans, Identity and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium.”“I don’t care if a Seattle fan moves to China, he or she carries with them their love for the sports teams,” he said. “67 ”68 And when a team begins to catch fire, as with, say, the Mariners in ’95 or the Seahawks of recent vintage, well, it’s easy to get swept up in the wave.“It’s phenomenal,” sai d Simons. “We have this ability to understand other people so remarkably that their victories literally become ours. Our testosterone (睾酮) literally responds to their victory. 69 They’re us, and competing on a literal level as us a little extension of us.”Professor Robert Cialdini at Arizona State University came up with the term BIRG Basking In Reflected Glory to describe the intense pride fans feel when their teams succeed. It can be used as a verb, as in, “Seahawks fans are currently BIRGING up a storm.” The counterpoint, as coined by researchers C. R. Snyder, Mary Anne Lassergard and Carol E, Ford, is the concept of CORFing Cutting Off Reflected Failure. 70 We’ve all heard it in action: We won, but they lost.This leads into another concept, that of cognitive bias, also known as confirmation bias, which causes fans to help explain away defeats by blaming outside factors, such as referees. I’m sure it would also help explain why Seahawks fans rallied around Richard Sherman after his postgame interview, rationalizing behavior that was widely criticized by many fans with no vested interest. It could also explain the notion of “eustress”, invented by endocrinologist Hans Selye to refer to a combination of euphoria (极度愉快的心情) and stress, such as that resulting from watching te nse sporting events. Indeed, it’s much of the appeal.参考答案III. Reading Comprehension (共45分。




1. 听力理解 Listening Comprehension):这部分考查学生的英语听力能力,通常包括对话和短文的理解。


2. 单项选择 Multiple Choice):这部分主要考查学生对英语语法、词汇、句型结构等的掌握情况。


3. 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension):这部分是高考英语试卷中分值最高的板块之一,通常包括多篇文章,每篇文章后面跟有几道问题。



4. 写作 Writing):这部分考查学生的英语写作能力,包括短文写作、图表作文或书信作文等。


5. 翻译 Translation):这部分测试学生将中文翻译成英文或将英文翻译成中文的能力,通常包括句子翻译和短文翻译。






2023年上海高考(新课标)英语试题及答2023 Shanghai College Entrance Examination (New Standard) English Test Questions and AnswersPart 1: Reading ComprehensionSection ARead the following passage and answer the questions below.The future of work is changing rapidly as technology continues to advance. Automation and artificial intelligence are transforming industries and job roles. While this shift presents opportunities for increased efficiency and productivity, it also brings challenges for workers who may find themselves displaced or needing to retrain for new roles.As automation becomes more prevalent, certain skills will become increasingly valuable in the job market. Critical thinking, adaptability, and problem-solving skills will be crucial for workers to stay competitive. In addition, soft skills such as communication and collaboration will be essential in a world where human interaction remains key.In order to prepare for the future of work, individuals must embrace lifelong learning and be willing to adapt to newtechnologies and ways of working. Companies also have a responsibility to provide training and support for their employees to ensure they are equipped for the changing landscape of work.1. What are some of the challenges that workers may face as technology continues to advance?2. Why are critical thinking and problem-solving skills important for workers in the future job market?3. What can individuals do to prepare for the future of work?Section BRead the passage below and choose the best option to complete each sentence.It is important to ________ with the latest industry trends in order to stay competitive in the job market.A) keep upB) give upC) give inD) catch upPart 2: Listening ComprehensionListen to the audio recording and answer the following questions.1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. What are two things the speaker mentions that are important for success in the workplace?Part 3: WritingWrite an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic:"Discuss the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work. What are the potential benefits and challenges of these technologies for workers and industries? How can individuals and companies adapt to the changing landscape of work?"Part 4: SpeakingPrepare a short presentation on the following topic:"Describe a situation in which you had to adapt to a new technology or way of working. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?"Answers:Section A1. Workers may face challenges such as displacement and the need to retrain for new roles as technology advances.2. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are important in the future job market because they allow workers to adapt to new challenges and find innovative solutions.3. Individuals can prepare for the future of work by embracing lifelong learning and being willing to adapt to new technologies and ways of working.Section B: A) keep upPart 21. The main topic of the conversation is the future of work in relation to technology and automation.2. The speaker mentions that adaptability and continuous learning are important for success in the workplace.Part 3: WritingThe impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work is significant. These technologies have the potential to increase efficiency and productivity in industries, but they also pose challenges for workers who may need to retrain for new roles. Individuals and companies can adapt to thechanging landscape of work by embracing lifelong learning, developing critical thinking skills, and providing training and support for employees.Part 4: SpeakingIn my previous job, I had to adapt to a new software system that was implemented to streamline our workflow. Initially, I faced challenges in learning how to use the software effectively and integrating it into my daily tasks. However, I overcame these challenges by seeking help from colleagues, taking online tutorials, and practicing using the software regularly. Eventually, I became proficient in using the new technology and it significantly improved my efficiency at work.Overall, the future of work is evolving rapidly with the advancement of technology. Workers and industries must adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive and thrive in the modern job market. By developing key skills, embracing lifelong learning, and being open to new ways of working, individuals and companies can navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by automation and artificial intelligence.。



2022年英语高考读后续写范文及答案Title: 2022 English Gaokao Reading Comprehension Follow-up Writing and AnswersIntroduction:The 2022 English Gaokao Reading Comprehension section was challenging for many students. The texts covered a wide range of topics, from environmental issues to social trends, requiring a comprehensive understanding of English language and reading skills. In this follow-up writing, we will further explore and analyze the topics discussed in the reading comprehension section, as well as provide answers to the questions asked.Environmental Issues:One of the passages in the reading comprehension section focused on environmental issues, particularly the impact of plastic pollution on marine life. The passage highlighted the devastating effects of plastic debris on marine ecosystems, and the urgent need for action to address this issue. Many students found this passage to be eye-opening, prompting them to rethink their own consumption habits and environmental footprint.Social Trends:Another passage in the reading comprehension section discussed social trends, specifically the rise of social media influencers and their impact on consumer behavior. The passage explored how influencers can sway public opinion and drive trends, often promoting products and services to their followers. This topic sparked a lively debate among students, with some arguing that influencers have a valuable role to play in marketing, while others expressed concerns about the authenticity of influencer endorsements.Answers to the Questions:1. In the passage on environmental issues, the main idea is that plastic pollution poses a serious threat to marine life and ecosystems. The passage highlights the need for urgent action to address this issue, including reducing plastic consumption and increasing recycling efforts.2. In the passage on social trends, the main idea is that social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. The passage discusses how influencers can shape public opinions and drive trends, often promoting products and services to their followers.Conclusion:The 2022 English Gaokao Reading Comprehension section covered a diverse range of topics, sparking thoughtful discussions among students. By further exploring and analyzing the passages from the exam, students can deepen their understanding of the issues discussed and enhance their reading comprehension skills. Overall, the reading comprehension section provided a valuable opportunity for students to engage with important global issues and trends, preparing them for success in future academic and professional endeavors.。

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[单选]可在门诊了解胎儿储备功能,并可作为催产素激惹试验的筛选试验是().A.多普勒测胎心率B.自测胎动C.NSTD.OCTE.尿E3测定 [单选]如果将物体放在互相垂直的投影面之间,用三组分别()的平行投射线进行投影,就得到物体三个方向的正投影图,也即形成了三面投影图。A.倾斜B.直射C.折射D.垂直 [单选]细菌性痢疾通常属于()A.纤维素性炎症B.化脓性炎症C.卡他性炎症D.浆液性炎症E.出血性炎症 [单选,A1型题]前列腺电切(TURP)术中及术后常见的并发症有()A.TURP综合征B.术后出血C.膀胱穿孔D.尿失禁E.以上都是 [单选]下列不属于招标采购合同基本法律特点的是()。A.招标采购合同是一种民事法律行为B.招标采购合同是一种刑事法律行为C.招标采购合同是合同当事人意思表示一致的协议D.招标采购合同以设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系为目的 [单选]()是用鱼瞟加工干制而成的,被誉为“海八珍”之一。A、鱼肚B、鱼片C、鱼翅D、鱼骨 [多选]装置吹扫操作吹扫要求是()和附管线吹扫明细表。A、管线要由上往下吹B、常压设备必须防止憋压C、不经过流量计和调节阀D、管线要由下往上吹 [单选]无土栽培时,水基质的一大缺点是()。A、使用方便B、pH值适中C、水质较纯净D、通气条件差,含氧量不够 [单选]光面爆破时,周边光爆眼应用炮泥封实,且封泥长度不得小于()。A.0.2mB.0.25mC.0.3m [单选]下列肾上腺疾病中,哪一项是肾上腺髓质病变A.库欣综合症B.原发性醛固酮增多症C.无分泌作用的皮质腺瘤D.艾迪生病E.神经母细胞瘤 [单选,A1型题]不属于促进慢性肾炎恶化因素的是()A.肾脏基础病变活动B.高脂血症C.高蛋白质饮食D.高血压E.遗传因素 [单选,A1型题]氰化物有()A.苦杏仁味B.蒜味C.苯酚味D.酒味E.尿素味 [填空题]《学校卫生工作条例》所称的学校,是指普通中小学、农业中学、职业中学、中等专业学校、技工学校、()。 [单选]于油轮,在对机舱燃油辅助锅炉进行吹灰作业前,应先经得()同意。A.轮机长B.值班轮机员C.值班驾驶员D.大副 [问答题,简答题]凝结水供哪些设备用水? [单选]以下各项检查对确定膀胱肿瘤最可靠()A.CTB型超声C.膀胱镜检查+活检D.膀胱双合诊E.尿细胞学检查 [填空题]200号溶剂汽油是烃类化合物的混合物,由于其中芳烃含量不同,它表现的()力也不同。 [多选]施工现场临时用水量计算包括()。A.现场施工用水量B.施工机械用水量C.施工现场生活用水量D.基坑降水计算量E.消防用水量 [问答题,简答题]什么叫稀土?写出所有稀土元素的名称及符号。 [问答题,简答题]什么是企业经营空间战略?有哪些空间战略方案供企业选择? [单选]疑为子宫内膜不规则脱落,取内膜活检的理想时间是()。A.月经第1日B.月经第5日C.月经干净后3日D.月经来潮前12hE.月经来潮12h内 [单选]在几种胶结类型中,基底胶结的孔隙度()A、最高B、最低C、中等D、较高 [问答题,简答题]打磨的作用与要求? [填空题]乙炔装置AR476分析仪抽气泵水压力应该调整为()。 [单选]A企业有关账户的期末余额如下:"现金"20000元,"银行存款"50000元,"应收票据"10000元,"其他货币资金"30000元。在资产负债表中,"货币资金"项目的金额为()。A.70000B.80000C.100000D.110000 [单选,A1型题]关于T、B细胞免疫耐受的特点正确的叙述是()A.诱导T细胞耐受所需时间长,B细胞短B.诱导T细胞耐受维持时间短,B细胞长C.高剂量TD-Ag不能使T、B细胞产生耐受D.低剂量TD-Ag仅能使T细胞产生耐受,不能使B细胞产生耐受E.低剂量的TI-Ag能使T、B细胞均产生耐受 [单选]下列不属气滞癥瘕的主要证候为()A.积块不坚B.时聚时散C.痛处固定D.腹内触之有块E.推之可移 [单选]港口与航道工程施工总承包特级资质企业的企业净资产为()以上。A.1亿元B.1.5亿元C.3亿元D.3.6亿元 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]慢性粒细胞白血病化疗首选()A.羟基脲B.白消安C.靛玉红D.MTXE.CTX [单选]事业单位年终结账时,下列项目中不应转入“结余分配”科目的是()。A."事业结余"科目借方余额B."事业结余"科目贷方余额C."经营结余"科目借方余额D."经营结余"科目贷方余额 [填空题]塞尺是用来测量()的一种工具. [单选]患者接受电生理检查的目的不包括().A.确立心律失常及其类型B.了解心律失常的起源部位与发生机制C.检测自主神经功能D.通过电极导管以不同的能量(射频、超声等)消融参与心动过速形成的心肌,以达到治愈心动过速的目的E.通过电刺激确定患者是否易于诱发室性心动过速、有无 [名词解释]种子安全含水量 [名词解释]辅助原料 [单选]托盘是为了使物品能有效地装卸、运输、保管,将其按一定()组合放置于一定形状的台面上。A.体积B.数量C.大小D.标识 [单选]无线列调系统中,以站-车通信为的系统称()系统ABC [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]脑卒中患者偏瘫侧肢体分级处于BrunnstromⅡ期,康复治疗措施正确的是()A.控制肌痉挛和异常运动模式,促进分离运动的出现B.增强患侧肢体肌力、耐力训练C.增强患侧肢体平衡和协调性训练D.恢复提高肌张力,诱发主动运动E.控制肌痉挛,促进选择性运动和速度 [单选]阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池组,在下列哪项容量以上时宜设专用蓄电池室()?A.50AhB.100AhC.150AhD.200Ah [单选,A1型题]显像剂在脏器内或病变处的浓度达到相对平衡时进行的显像称为()。A.动态显像B.局部显像C.平面显像D.延迟显像E.静态显像 [名词解释]