











威职海大航海学P Y Y 教学设计方案科目 水手英语听力与会话授课章节第一章 第一节 日常生活用语课时 2+2 授课人 裴媛媛教学目标 使学生掌握日常生活用语包括:打招呼问候,告别,感谢,道歉,交流日期、星期,问路,询价等。

教学重点 日常生活用语 教学难点 日常生活用语教法学法 直观展示,讲解,小组讨论法,提问答疑 教学资源多媒体,板书教 学 过 程 设 计教学内容教、学过程设计意图、 教学方法要点回顾与检查1. 疑问词what 什么 where 哪里how 如何 how much 多少钱 2. 人称代词我I 你you 他 he 它it 她she 你们you 他们,它们,她们they 我们we me 我(宾格) 3. 表示“…是” 我用am ,你用are ,is 连着他她它,单数is ,复数are.4. 我的 my 你的 your 他的 his 她的 her 它的 its 我们的 our 你们的 your 他(她,它)们的 their5. this 这个 the 这/那个 a/an 一,一个6. 月份,星期的单词January 一月 February 二月March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月November 十一月 December 十二月 week/ wi:k / 周 day / dei / 天星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday通过提问,一起复习上一节的重点内容:常用基础词汇,帮助学生查漏补缺,为后面的学习打好基础。

威职海大航海学P Y Y 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期天 Sunday课程导入船东可能雇佣不同国家的船员同船工作,日常工作生活中的交流需要通用语;船舶挂靠不同国家的港口时,船员有时间会下船与当地居民接触。



4.S1:Good-bye,sir! 4.S2:Good-bye!
S1:再见,先生! S2:再见!
5.S1:Thank you very much. 5.S2:You'er welcome.
S1:非常感谢你。 S2:不客气。
Part Ⅰ drills
第一节 日常生活用语
6.S1:I'm sorry. 6.S2:It doesn't matter/Not at all .
3.S1:Can I see your ID card? 3.S2:Yes,Here you are.
S1:我能看一下你的身份证吗? S2:当然,给你。
4.S1:Excuse me.Who are you looking for? 4.S2:Captain/Chief officer.
5.S1:Please sign your name on the visitor log 5.OK.
5.This is the chief motorman/motorman/electro-technical ratingedit. 这是我们船上的机工长/机工/电子技工。
Useful Words and Expressions
Part Ⅱ
captain ['kæptɪn]/['mɑːstə] 船长
Part Ⅲ
S1:Where are you going? S1:你要去哪里? S2:I'm going to the seamen's club
supermarket/airport/hotel. S2:我要去海员俱乐部/超市/机场/宾馆。
S1:Excuse me,where is the nearest bus stop/shop/ post office/bank/hospital ? S1:请问最近的公交车站/商店/邮局/银行/医院在哪? S2:Go along the street and turn right/left at the second corner. S2:沿着这条路向前走,在第二个十字路口右/左转。



(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话(1-13课全)Answer the Questions:(问答题部分分值60%)Lesson 1 Daily English (10题)1. What is your name[neim]? 你叫什么名字?My name is…… 我叫……。

2. How old are you? 你多大了?Twenty. 我20岁了。

3. What is your marital['mæritl] status['steitəs]?你的婚姻状况是什么?Married['mærid]/Single['siŋɡl]. 已婚/单身。

4. How many people are there in your family [ˈfæmili]? 你家里有几口人?Four people. 我家里有四口人。

5. How long have you worked[wə:kt] on board [bɔ:d]?你在船上工作多久了?2 years. 两年了。

6. How many countries['kʌntriz] have you ever['evə] been to?你曾经去过几个国家?2 countries. 两个。

7. Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗?Yes, I like it. 是的,我很喜欢我的工作。

8. What is your favorite[ˈfeivərit] color[ˈkʌlə]? 你最喜欢的颜色是?Blue[blu:]. 蓝色。

9. Which season[ˈsi:zən] do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?Spring. 春天。

10. What kind of music[ˈmju:zik] do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?Pop music. 流行音乐Lesson 2 Common terms on board (5题)1 (高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分1. How many departments[diˈpɑ:tmənts] are there on board[bɔ:d] ship? 船上有几个部门?2 departments. 有两个部门。


Chapter 1 Common English
Lesson One Daily English ——Useful Expression
Sentence ◆The captain is from Asia. ◆What’s the A. B. ’s date of birth? ◆The A. B. ’s date of birth is May 12th 1990. ◆Why don’t you stay a little longer? ◆What’s the matter with you? ◆How long does it take to go from here to
wait a moment 稍等一下 birth 出生 hold 货舱;持有;拥有 May 五月 seaman 海员,水手 stay 坚持;停留 captain 船长 luggage 行李,箱包 hospital 医院 supermarket 超级市场 matter 有关系;要紧
the hospital? ◆Can you tell me the way to the
supermarket? ◆May I have a look at your seaman book? ◆Do you have any luggage to check? ◆Hold on. / Wait a moment, please.
I Useful Expressions II Listening Part III Speaking Part IV Scripts V New Words
Listening and Analysis ——Sentence Understanding



Chapter 1 Daily EnglishLesson 1I. Answering the questions.1. What’s your date of birth?________.(May 1st 1985.)2. What’s your seaman book number?The number is R1235.3. Where are you from ?I’m from Guangdong China.4. What’s your captain’s nationality?He is Chinese.5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?I think safety is the most important thing on board.6. Which ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian , Singapore, Hong Kong and so on.7. What’s your marital status?I’m single.8. How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia?It will take about one week.9. How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?I wish to take Economy class.10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance?Yes, I do.II. Topics.1. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work..c) Your spare time activities.My name is____________. I am_________ years old. I am from_________ province.I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College.I will graduate in the year _______.I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday.In the evening, I usually review my lessons.Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something.During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports.I like playing basketball and football very much.Life at school is interesting to me.I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills.I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future.12. Say something about your family.a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are _____ people in my family.My grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and me.My father is a worker( farmer, teacher, doctor, company staff, government staff, seafarer)My mother is a ___________.(housewife)They work very hard to support my education at school.I am very thankful to them.My father likes reading newspaper very much.(watching TV, playing cards)My mother likes shopping very much.My father and mother are very kindMy father is a man of few words and he talks little.My mother is talkative and she talks a lot.I love my family very much.3. Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is located in the southeast part of China.It is a seashore city.There are 3 million people in my hometown.My hometown is developing very fast.The environment in my hometown is very good.People keep their traditional customs.Fishery industry is important to my hometown.It is a major fishery products providing place in China.Nowadays, my hometown has rapid development in tourism.Thousands of tourists from different parts of China and other countries visit my hometown. And people’s living standard has been improved greatly.I am very proud of my hometown.4. Please say something about your responsibilities on boarda) Your position on board..b) Your daily work on board..c) Your duties on board .My position on board is A.B. I am under the Bosun’s Leader, when keep watching, l am under the command of the duty officer.1)before leaving a port, I must test the steering gear, check navigational lights andsignal lights.2)Hoist and low down the Flag, turn on and turn off all kinds of light.3)When sailing at sea, maneuver the steer according to the orders from captain, dutyofficer or pilot.4)Properly change the pilot according to the orders from the duty officer.5)Responsible for the sanitary work in and out of the bridge.6)Rig and take in the pilot ladder and gangway on time.7)When berthing, engage in mooring and unmooring operation.8)Do the Repair and maintenance under the arrangement of the bosun.一级水手在水手长直接领导下,值班时听从值班驾驶员指挥。



(高级)值班水手英语听力与会话(会话部分)Chapter oneLesson oneTopics1 please say something about yourself【请说说你自己】My name is ShenZhiPeng, I’m 18-years old. I’m a sailor. I have been working on board for half a year. My hobby is playing computer games.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway watch.我的日常工作是保持桥看着手表的人或引导轮当船在海上。


In my spare time, I’d like to listen to music, see move.在我的业余时间,我喜欢听音乐,看行动。

2 please say something about your familyThere are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me.My parents are workers in a company, and I’m a sailor.My parents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading newspaper.3 please say something about your hometownMy hometown is in Henan province, with a population of 100,000, and it is famous for its tea.My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly.The specialty of my hometown is tea.4 1 please say something about your responsibilities on boardMy position on board is A.B.My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I’ll keep the gangway wa tch.My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, I’ll act as required in the muster list.Questions1.what’s your date of birth? My date of birth is May 18th, 1990.2.what’s your seaman’s book number? My seaman’s book number is A1234563.where are you from? I’m from China.4.what’s your captain’s nationality? Our captain’s nationality is Chinese.5.what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety first.6.which ports do you often call at? We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.7.what’s your marital status? I’m unmarried.8.how long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa toAustralia.9.how do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy, please.10.do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Sorry, you don’t have. / No, you don’t have.lesson twotopics1.say something about ship’s manningThe master is in command of the ship. The ship’s manning consists of three departments.The personnel of deck department includes the c/o, 2/o, 3/o, bosun, A.B. and O.S.The personnel of engine departments includes the C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, fitter, oilers and wiper.The personnel of service department includes the c/cook and the steward.2.say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship.There are many maritime agencies, the MSA, harbour master, the agent, stevedores company, tally agency, and so on.The MSA supervising the maritime fares, the harbour master is in charge of the harbour and inbounding and outbounding vessels, the agent is to assist the master in going through the formalities, the stevedores load and discharge the cargo, and the tally agency is responsible for the tally work during cargo handling.3.say something about ship’s structures.In general, a ship is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure.The main body of a ship is the hull, it contains the E/R, cargo spaces and a number of tanks.The superstructure includes the forecastle, the bridge and the poop.Questions1.who is in command of the ship? Our captain is in command of the ship.2.generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department? There are 3 officers inthe deck department, they are c/o, 2/o and 3/o.3.what department does bosun belong to? Bosun belongs to the deck department.4.can you list some ship’s stores? The ship’s stores include the oil, water, paint, spare parts, and soon.5.can you list some ship’s tools? The ship’s tools include the scaling manchines, jett guns/ chisel,scrapers, chipping hammers, brushes, booms, and so on.6.what does “lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean? It means the man overboard lifebuoy, it’s usedin emergency when someone falls overboard.7.what does “cargo wire” mean? It’s the wires to lifting the cargo used in the derricks or crane s.8.what does “port side” mean? It means the left hand side of the ship.9.what is “board sling” used for? It is used to carry the general cargoes during cargo handling.10.can your list some ship’s bridge equipments? The ship’s bridge equipments includes th e wheel,telegraph, radar, GPS, AIS, gmdss equipments, and so on.Chapter twoLesson oneTopicsWhat procedures should be taken when you receive helm orders as a helmsman?The helmsman should take three procedures orderly when he receives the helms orders, that is to repeat, carry out and report.The helmsman should answer the helm orders clearly and loudly.When the ship does not answer the wheel, the helmsman should report it immediately to the person giving the orders.Questions1.How many orders are included in standard ship orders? Can you list some? There are four ordersincluded in the standard ship orders. They are the helm orders, anchor orders, mooring and unmooring orders, and the engine orders.2.if you are ordered “port five”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “port five” clearlyand loudly, then steer the wheel to port five position, when the rudder angle reaches “port five”, report to the commander “wheel is five to port, Sir.”3.if you are ordered “steady”, how to reply and report? First repeat the order “steady” clearly andloudly, and speak out the course on the compass when the order is given. then steer the wheel to keep the course steady on it. Then report, “steady on course XXX.”4.how does the rudder answer? The rudder answer well/ slowly./ No answer./sluggish.5.what is the course? Course XXX.Lesson twoTopicsPlease describe the line handling operations before berthing.When approaching the quay, the deckhands should prepare the heaving lines, the winches and the mooring lines. Keep sharp look out of the movement of the ship, and prevent the lines from fouling. Usually the spring lines are firstly sent ashore, and keep it in strain. Then send the other lines ashore. When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines.To prevent the lines from fouling, you should operate the winch step by step and keep the lines in good order.Questions1.what does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? That means to cast off all theother forward lines except for one breast line and a spring line.2.if you want to change the position of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say? Shiftthe head line 3 meters forward.3.if you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say? Heave up the breast line. / T akein/Pick up the slack on the breast line.4.which order is an equivalent to “send out head line”? Pay out/Slack the head line.5.which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”? Undo/ slack off the stern line.Lesson threeTopicsWhat measures should be taken if anchor dragging?Anchor dragging means the anchor can’t bring up the ship to the seabed/ground. To prevent anchor dragging, you should make full consideration of all the features of the anchor position before anchoring, work out the cable length, and make sure the ship is brought up when anchoring. When anchor dragging, we should inform the master, the engine room, c/o and other personnel involved. Announce the alarm on radio to the other ships in vicinity. And then heave up the anchor to drop itagain.Questions1.what does “anchor is foul” mean? It means the anchor chain is across.2.if the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report?Anchor is aweigh.3.if the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report? She is brought up.4.if there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what do you report? The bow isclear.5.when the anchor is heaved out of water and just above it, what do you report? The anchor is outof water.Lesson fourTopicsIf you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?When engine orders given, first repeat it clearly and loudly, then ring the telegraph to the position ordered, when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander. Such as “dead slow astern”, that means to keep the ship run astern very slowly. When the order is given, repeat it “dead slow astern”, then ring the telegraph to the “dead slow stern” position., when the revolution is obtained, report “engine is dead slow astern, sir.”Questions1.If you are ordered “stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report? First repeat isclearly and loudly, then inform the engine room to get the both engines ready for use. When you receive the notice from the E/R that both engines are ready, you should report it to the commander, “both engines are ready, Sir.”2.if you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given, repeatit “full ahead”, then ring the telegraph to the “full ahead” position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is full ahead, sir.”3.if you are ordered “ring off engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given,repeat it “ring off engine”, then ring the telegraph to the max imum position., when the revolution required is obtained, report “engine is rung off , sir.”4.if you are ordered “stop engine”, how should you reply and report? When the order is given,repeat it “stop engine”, then ring the telegraph to the “stop” positi on., when the revolution reaches zero, report “engine is stopped, sir.”5.what does “finished with engine” mean? That means the movement of the engine is no longerrequired.Chapter threeQuestion1.Are you the sailor on duty/ watch? Yes, I am.2.Is your chief officer on board? Yes, he is.3.Would you show me the way? Yes, my/ with pleasure. This way, please.4.Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back. O.K., thank you.5.When will your captain come back? He will be back in half an hour.6.The gangway/ accommodation ladder is too high. I’ll lower it a bit more/ a little bit.7.Would you please take me to see your captain? Yes. Follow/ After me, please.8.I am the relieving/ in-coming third officer, here is my ID card. O.K. please sign here.9.The head line is too tight. I’ll slack it. /Ease the strain on it.10.What’s your draft fore and aft? The draft is 6.90 meters, on even keel. //DESIMALChapter fourLesson oneQuestion1.Are holds clean? Yes, they are.2.Are holds dry? Yes, they are.3.Are holds free of smell? Yes, they are.4.Close hatch covers and report. Close the hatch covers. The hatch covers are closed, Sir.5.Lower down and secure all derricks. Lower down and secure all derricks. All derricks aresecured,Sir.Lesson two1.How many holds do you have? We have 5 holds.2.What is size of hatch openings? It’s 16X/by 25 square meters.3.What is safety load of Hold No. 2? The safety load of Hold No.2 is 5 tons per square meter.4.Are dockside cranes available? Yes, they are.5.What is length (width, depth) of Hold No.1? The length (width, depth) of Hold No.1 is 40 (30, 15)meters.Chapter fiveTopics1.Describe the procedures of adjusting derricks. The derrick is made up of derrick itself, winch,guys, hook and riggings. First, unlash the derrick, then operate the derrick as required, such as topping, lowering or swinging. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do not exceed the safe working load of the derrick.2.Describe the proper way of using derricks. Remember safety first, and operate it steadily. Do notexceed the safe working load of the derrick. Do not swing it when the cargo is not being hoisted up.Questions1.What does “Union purchase” mean? “Union purchase” means handling the same sling by twoderricks at the same time.2.What does “SWL” stand for?/ represent “SWL” stands for safe working load.3.What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting? A jumbo boom or heavyderrick used for lifting heavy cargo.4.Who usually adjust the derricks during the loading and discharging? During the loading anddischarging, the stevedores adjust the derricks usually.5.How many derricks are there at each hold? There is one derrick at each hold. /One for each.6.Before adjusting the derrick, what work should be done? Before adjusting the derrick, you shouldmake sure that the power is on and that the derrick is clear of obstructions.7.If the derrick is overloaded, what will happen? The cargo wire or the derrick will break up, andmaybe hurt persons.8.If the derrick is too high and can’t get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it? Lower thederrick and pay out more cargo wire.Chapter sixTopics1.Say something about cargo carried on a ship. Generally speaking, the cargo includes dry cargoand liquid cargo. Dry cargo includes general cargo, cargo in bulk, cars, containered cargo, etc.Liquid cargo includes oil, LNG & LPG, chemical, and so on. The principal of cargo stowage is to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo.2.Preparations for loading cargo on board ship. Before loading cargo, we should get the shipready for loading, the preparation includes cleaning the cargo holds, decks, preparing dunnage, and derricks or cranes if fitted, and so on.Questions1.What does “SWL” stand for? “SWL” stand for safe working l oad.2.What equipment can be used to load cargo? It depends on the cargo to be loaded. The loadingequipment includes deck cranes, derricks, shore cranes, convey belt, loading machines, crabs, and so on. .3.What can be used to cover bilge before loading? Mattress, 麻布片?4.What can be used to separate cargo in a hold? Dunnage. Such as plank, canvas, mattress, wires,and so on.5.Who do the work of loading and unloading? The stevedores do.6.Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel? It depends on the type of ship, the cargo,the sequenceof discharging and the shiper’s requirement. Usually, the cargo is stowed in holds or tanks.Chapter sevenTopicsDescribe the importance of lashing and securing operation.The lashing and securing operation means to fix the cargo to holds and prevent them to move or shift during the voyage. It’s very important job onboard vessel, especially for general cargo. As we know, the ship will roll and pitch at sea, if the cargo is not well lashed and secured, the cargo will move or shiftin the hold to cause cargo damage, and even more to affect the stability of the ship so as to cause vessel listing or capsizing.Questions1.What does “jettison of cargo” mean? “jettison of cargo” mean to drop some cargo overboard inemergency for the safe of the ship and cargo on board and for the mutual interests of the parties involved.2.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Before entering the enclosed space,we should complete the check list, check the air for oxygen and toxic gas, and check the equipments to be used to ensure that it is safe to enter the enclosed space. And the approval from the master and the chief officer is essential.3.What does “shifting cargo” mean? “shifting cargo” means that the cargo moves in the holdswhen the ship is at sea.4.Can you list some lashing and securing equipment? Please list some. Yes, I can list some lashingand securing equipment. The lashing and securing equipments are the lashing ropes or wires, shackles, turnbuckles, chocks, wedges, and so on.5.When is the lashing work done? The lashing work should be done during and after the loadingoperation, and should be completed before sailing.6.When is the unlashing work done? The unlashing work should be done before discharging.Chapter eightQuestions1.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, weshould get ready of pilot ladder, heaving line, lifebuoy, outside lighting at night, and so on.2.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? When a vessel requires a pilot, theflag “G” should be hoist.3.What ship’s particulars does pilot station usually ask for? Pilot station usually ask for the ship’sparticulars of ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.4.What kind of things to be report to the pilot station? There so many things to be report to thepilot station, such as ship’s name, call sign, nationality, cargo, drafts, last port of call, and so on.5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? The followings should be confirmed from thepilot station, such as the way of boarding, boarding time and position, the requirements about the pilot ladder if needed.6.What does “underway” mean? “underway” mean the ship is not at anchor, berthed, or made fastto shore.7.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’sembarkation? Before the pilot’s embarkation, the heaving line, lifebuoy, and outside lighting, must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder.8.What flag should be hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? When the pilot has arrived onboard, the flag “H” should be hoist.Chapter nineTopics1.Cleaning and repair work onboard. The importance of the cleaning and repair work is to maintainthe ship in good condition for seaworthiness. Cleaning and repair work onboard includes clean the deck, holds, engine room and accommodation, and some repair to moving parts. The work should be done as planned. And some must be daily done.2.Painting work used on board. The basic types of paint used on board include primer, coating,varnish and so on. Before painting, the surface should be well prepared, free of stains or rust, dry, and free of dirt.Questions1.Can you list at least three kinds of paint? Yes, I can. They are primer, undercoats, top coats,varnish, and so on.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s funnel? Heat-resistant paint is usually given tothe ship’s funnel.3.What type of paint do you use on deck? We used non-slip paints on deck.4.What paint is used for woodwork? Varnish is used for woodwork.5.Before repainting an area, what preparations do you make? Before repainting an area, the areamust be cleaned and washed to remove the salt, dirt and oil. Loose paint and scale to be removed.6.How do you remove the heavy rust on the plates? We use chipping hammer to remove the heavyrust on the plates.7.What repair work do the sailors usually do on board? Cleaning and greasing.Chapter tenC h a p t e r T e nShipboard Safe Navigational WatchT o p i c s1.The duties of the able seafarer on watch when underway.a) General rules as to watch-keeping.The able seafarer shall make regular checks to ensure that the ship navigates safety.b) Items to be checked at each watch.I t e m s t o b e c h e c k e d a s f o l l o w s:p o s i t i o n,c o u r s e,s p e e d a n d d r a u g h t o f t h e s h i p,w i t h t h e o t h e r ssuch as tides, current, weather, visibility and so on.2.The bridge shift change.a)The procedures for the bridge shift change.1) The officers and sailors often change their shifts once every 4 hours on the bridge.2) T h e r e l i e v i n g o f f i c e r s h o u l d c o m e o n t o t h e b r i d g e 15 m i n u t e s e a r l i e ri n o r d e r t o g e t f a m i l i a r with the circumstances. The handing over officer shall introduce the circumstances at present suchas the sh ip’s position, course, speed, vessels in the vicinity, sea state, wind state, etc. the relieving officer should check the navigational equipments and the ship’s route.b)Special attention for shift change.T h e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n f o r s h i f t c h a n g e i s h a n d o v e r t h e w o r k c o n t e n t s u n d e r s t a n d i n g v e r y c l e a r l y between the both parties.Questions1.Who keeps navigational watches on the bridge at sea?The duty officer and the duty sailor.2.How many watches are there on the bridge a day?There are three watches.3.Who takes the navigational watch from 0800 to 1200 hours in the morning and evening?The third officer.4.Who takes the navigational watch from 0000 to 0400 hours in the day and night?The second officer.5.What is the duty of the able seafarer on watch on the bridge at sea?Ensure the ship navigating safety.6.What should the able seafarer being relieved say?I now have the watch.7.What should the relieving able seafarer say?Y ou now have the watch.8.What should a relieving able seafarer do after taking over the watch?They will watch on the bridge and do the duty of watch work.Chapter ElevenShip SecurityQuestions1.What cargo are you carrying on your ship?The general cargo.2.Who is responsible for the security training on your ship?SSO (ship security officer)3.Do you organize regular security trainings?Y e s,w e d o.4.Do you know about the main threats facing to the security officer?Encountering the pirates and the armed attacks.5.What means of Security Level 1?Means the easy class security.6.What means of Security Level 2?Means the middle class security.7.What means of Security Level 3?Means the highest class security.8.Do you understand the measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship?Y es, I understand.9.Do you understand the identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to them?Y es, I understand.10.Do you have the special security facilities?Y e s,w e h a v e.C h a p te r T w e lv eQuestions1.Check the fire alarms and report.All fire alarms are operational.2.Check the portable extinguishers and report.All portable extinguishers are in position and operational3.Check the firemen’s outfits and report.All the firemen’s outfits are operational.4.Check the openings in all rooms and report.All the openings are operational.5.Check the fire area every 10 minutes for re-ignition and report. For several times 10 minutes checking there is no re-ignition.6.Report direction and distance of person in water.The person in water’s direction is 120 angles and 50 meters ahead.7.Check launching tracks and report.All the launching tracks are operational.8.Check working parts and report.All working parts are operational.9.Operate lifeboat engine and report.Lifeboat engine is operated.10.Pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds is too low. Increasing the pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds.。



<换词> below可替换为: ◆above 在... ...上面 ◆under 在... ...下面 ◆on 在... ...上面 ◆over 在... ...上面 ◆ in 在... ...里面,在... ...中间 <换词> storeroom 可替换为: ◆hold(s) 货仓 ◆accommodation 生活区 ◆laundry 洗衣间 ◆saloon 大厅 ◆control rooms 控制间 ◆machinery spaces 机械处 ◆cargo spaces(area) 货物区 ◆pump room 泵房 ◆bridge 驾驶台
Chapter 1 Common English
Lesson One Daily English——Listening
saloon 大厅 Laundry 洗衣房 equipment 设备;器材 museum 博物馆 passport 护照;通行证 tanker 油轮 engineer 工程师 discharge 排放;卸货 cargo 货物;船货 S:The saloon is below the storeroom.
Listening and Analysis ——Dialogues
听力技巧: 1.熟悉常考场景及词汇。
2.预览选项,预测谈话内容,抓住重点。 Short Dialogues 常见问句:
What’s the matter with you, Jane? What’s the seaman ’s date of birth? What does O. S. mean on board ship? What are you responsible for? What course are you steering? what business do you have? ……

水手英语听力与会话 课程整体教学设计

水手英语听力与会话 课程整体教学设计




三、课程设计课程目标设计1. 专业能力目标:(1)能基本理解日常生活中的英语表述与会话;能基本理解对外业务联系中的英语表述及会话;要求语言流利、清晰、达意,具有一定的英语表述朗读技巧。





2. 社会能力目标:(1)具有吃苦耐劳、爱岗敬业的职业素养;(2)具有良好的沟通、组织、协调等人际交往能力;(3)具有团队精神和协作能力;(4)具有创新精神和创造能力;(5)具有良好的心理素质和克服困难的能力。

3. 方法能力目标:(1)能开展自主学习的能力;(2)能通过各种媒体资源收集和处理信息的能力;(3)能独立制定工作计划并实施的能力;(4)处理和解决问题的方法和能力。

lesson 6 高级值班机工英语听力与会话

lesson 6 高级值班机工英语听力与会话
S1: Please replace the filter with a larger one. S2: Yes, you can get them from the second engineer, and a motor will be in the tool room every day. 2. Q: How is the filter? A. The filter is too small.滤器太小了。
S1: What's the function of sea water? S2: It can be used for sanitary(清洁厕所), ballasting and fire extinguishing purpose. 8. Q: Which one is not the function of sea water? B. Drinking. 饮用
You can run the turbocharger. 1.A.You can operate the turbocharger. B.You can repair the turbocharger. C.You can operate the supercharger. D.You can dismantle the turbocharger. Both engineers and motormen worked day and night. 2.A.Engineers and motoren both work very hard. I only have a spanner, but I still need a hammer. 3.I've got a spanner, but I haven't a hammer. Plastic pipes will be used instead of metal pipes. 4.B.plastic pipes will be used.



问答题10题,每题6分,共计60分第一章第一课1、What’s your date ofbirth?Nineteen ninety, Maythe first.2、What’s your seaman’sbook number?A345666.3、Where are you from?Wuhan.4、What’s your captain’snationality?China.5、What do you think is themost important thing onboard?Safety.6、Which ports do youoften call at?Guangzhou, Shanghai,Dalian.7、What is your maritalstatus?I’m single/ married.8、How long will it take toget Entry Visa toAustralia?Two weeks.9、How do you wish to fly?Economy or first class?First class.10、Do I have more thanthe duty-free allowance?Yes, you do.第一章第二课1、Who is in command of the ship?The captain/ master. 2、Generally speaking, how many officers arethere in the deck department?Three.3、What department does Bosun belong to?The deck department. 4、Can you list some ship’s stores?Yes, I can. Paint, thinner, hose, rag.5、Can you list some ship’s tools?Yes, I can. Saw, hammer, plier, hook.6、What does “ lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean?It can lit at night and give off smoke by day while using.7、What does “ cargo wire” mean?It is used to hoist and lower the cargo.8、What does “port side “ mean?When standing on board and facing the bow, theleft-hand side is the port side.9、What is “board sling” used for?It is used for bagged cargo, such as cement.10、Can you list some ship’s bridge e quipment?Yes, I can. VHF, radar, GPS, Echo sounder第二章第一课1、How many orders are included in Standard ShipOrders? Can you list some. Four. Helm orders, mooring and unmooring orders, anchor orders, engine orders.2、If you are ordered “Port five”, how to reply and report?Reply “port five”, report “Wheel port five”.3、If you are ordered “Steady”, how to reply and report?Reply “steady”, report“Course 125”.4、How does the rudder answer?Good.5、What is the course? Course 125.第二课1、What does “Single up forward to breast line and spring” mean?Let go all lines except forward breast line and spring.2、If you want change theposition of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say?Shift the head line ahead 3 meters.3、If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say?Take in the breast line.4、Which order is an equivalent to “Send out head line”?Pay out head line.5、Which order is anequivalent to “Let go stern line”?Cast off stern line.第三课1、What does “ Anchor is foul” mean?Anchor is crossing.2、If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report? Anchor aweigh.3、If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, whatdo you report?The anchor is brought up.4、If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, what should you report?The anchor is clear.5、When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it , what do you report?The anchor is clear of the water.第四课1、If you are ordered “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?Reply “Stand by both engines”, report “ Both engine standing by”.2、If you are ordered “Full ahead”, how should you reply and report?Reply “Full ahead”, report “ Engine full ah ead”.3、If you are ordered “Ring off engine”, how should you reply and report?Reply “Ring off engine”, report “ Engine ring off”.4、If you are ordered “Stop engine”, how should you reply and report?Reply “Stop engine”, report “ Engine stopped”.5、What do es “Finished with engine” mean?It means engine is no longer needed.第三章1、Are you the sailor on duty?Yes, I am.2、Is your chief officer on board?Yes, he is. / No, he has gone ashore.3、Would you show me the way?My pleasure. Come thisway, please.4、Our master is not on board, please wait a moment. I’ll call him back.Thank you.5、When will your captain come back?In two hours.6、The gangway is too high, what should you say to the duty sailor?Lower it 2 meters, please.7、Would you please take meto see your captain? Sure. Follow me, please.8、I am the relieving third officer, here is my ID card. Welcome on board.9、The head line is too tight, how do you handle it?Pay out the head line. 10、What’s your draft fore and aft?Fore draft is 8 meters and aft is 10 meters.11、If you’re the sailor on duty on the bridge, what’syour main job?Steer the ship and keep a lookout.12、If someone goes on board, what do you say first?I’m the duty sailor. What can I do for you?13、The agent comes on board, he want to find the captain. How do you treat him?Welcome on board. Follow me, please.第四章第一课1、Are holds clean?Yes, they are.2、Are holds dry?Yes, they are.3、Are the holds free of smell?Yes, they are.4、Close hatch covers and report.Hatch covers closed.5、Lower down and secure all derricks.All derricks lowered down and secured.第二课1、How many holds do you have?Seven2、What is size of hatch openings?Length 8 meters,width 7 meters.3、What is the safety load of Hold No. 2?2000 ton.4、Are dockside cranesavailable?Yes, they are.5、What is length (width, depth) of Hold No. 1? Length 22 meters,width 16 meters,depth 9 meters. 第六章1、What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?Safe working load.2、What equipment can be used to load cargo?Derricks and cranes.3、What can be used to cover bilge before loading? Planks or mats.4、What can be used to separate cargo in a hold? Paint,net,lines and so on.5、Who do the work of loading and discharging? Stevedores.6、Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel?On deck or in holds.7、What equipment do youuse for loading or discharging first?Derricks and cranes.第九章1、Can you list at least three kinds of paint?Yes, Primer, varnish, non-slip paint, read lead. 2、What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s funnel?Heat-resistant paint.3、What type of paint do you use on deck?Non-slip paint.4、What paint is used for woodwork?Varnish.5、Before repainting an area, what preparations do you make?Derust and clean.6、How do you remove the heavy rust on the plates?I can use the chipping hammer.7、What repair work do the sailors usually do on board?Grease/ oil,renew worn parts,check working parts.8、When you wash the hold by sea water, what tools do you need?Mops and buckets.第十章1、Who keeps navigational watches on the bridge at sea?A.B. and OOW2、How many watches are there on the bridge a day? Six watches.3、Who takes the navigational watch from 0800 to 1200 hours in the morning and evening?The third officer.4、Who takes the navigational watch from 0000 to 0400 hours day and night?The second officer.5、What is the duty of the able seafarer on watch on the bridge at sea?Steer the ship and keep alookout.6、What should the able seafarer being relieved say? You now have the watch.7、What should the relieving able seafarer say?I now have the watch.8、What should a relieving able seafarer do after taking over the watch?He must be familiar with navigational status and prevailing weather condition and visibility.第十二章1、Check the fire alarms and report.All fire alarms are operational.2、Check the portable extinguishers and report.All portable extinguishers are operational.3、Check the firemen’s outfits and report.All fireman’s outfits are operational.4、Close all openings in all rooms and report.All openings closed.5、Check the fire area every 10 minutes for re-ignition and report.No re-ignition.6、Report direction and distance of person in water. southeast 045 degrees. 3 miles.7、Check launching tracks and report.All launching tracks areoperational.8、Check working parts and report.All working parts are operational.9、Operate lifeboat engine and report.Lifeboat engine operated.10、Pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds is too low.Increase the pressure in the water pipe in cargo holds.口述题1题,共计20分第一章第一课1、Please say something about yourself.My name is XXX, I am twenty years old. I am a student. I haven’t any working experiences. My hobby is reading books. My daily work is study. I often play football or listen music in my spare time.2、Please say somethingabout your familyThere are 3 people in my family. They are father, mother and I. My parents are farmers. They like watching TV. I have a happy family and I love them.3、Please say something about your hometown.My hometown is Wuhan. She lies in the middle of China. There are about 10 millions people. She includes 3 partsWuchang, Hanyang and Hankou. This city is famous not only her modern but also her special food.4、Please say something about your responsibilities on board.I’m a sailor. While sailing, I keep watch with officers on the bridge. While berthing,I assist in mooring or anchoring. I also keep gangway watch and do some maintenance works.第二课1、say something about ship’s manningThe master is in charge of the ship.The deck department has the Chief officer, Second officer, Third officer, bosun, A.B. and O.S.The engine department has the Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Third Engineer, Fourth Engineer, motormen. The service department hasthe cook.2、Say something about ship’s structural parts.Ship can be divided into two parts: the hull and the superstructure. The hull includes the engine room, holds and tanks. The superstructure is above the main deck. It includes forecastle, bridge and poop. 第二章第一课What procedures should be taken when you receivehelm orders as a helmsman? Repeat orders clearly and loudly and carry out correctly and quickly. If the vessel does not answer the wheel, report to the duty officer at once.第二章第二课Please describe the line handling operations before berthing.stand by winches and mooring lines. Faking to prevent the lines fromfouling.Send the spring ashore first, take it in. Then send the other lines ashore. When the ship is in position, make fast all the lines.Operate the winch step by step.第二章第三课What measures should be taken if anchor dragging? Anchor dragging means the anchor can’t bring up. Before anchoring, checkthe anchor position, work out the cable length. Make sure the ship is brought up. When anchor dragging, call the master at once. Drop another anchor and heave up the former anchor.第二章第四课If you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?Stop engines means immobilize enginesStand by engines meansget engines ready. Finished with engines means engines no longer needed.Repeat engine orders clearly and loudly. Such as order “Full ahead.”Reply “Full ahead” Report “Engine full ahead.”第六章1、Say something about cargo carried on a ship. (1) There are generalcargoes on board.(2) ① distribute the weight of cargo as per holds capacities;②check the ship’s stability and strength;③ensure the position of G below the position M for any state of loading2、Preparations for loading of cargo on board ship. (1) Before loading, clean deck and holds; no dirt and broken dunnage; free of smell. After these, dunnageall holds.(2) Get the loading equipments and operators ready. Check the equipments carefully: oil, adjust and renew broken parts.第九章1、Cleaning and Repair Work on board.(1) Cleaning and repair work can ensure the seaworthiness of the ship and the completeness of thecargo.(2) Repair work includes dismantle, inspect, clean,oil and renew broken parts. (3) The sailors do cleaning and repair work as per maintenance plan under the supervision of the bosun.2、Painting work used on board.(1) The basic paint on board are the primer, under coat, top coat, heat-resistant paint, non-slip paint, varnish,topside paint, boottopping paint and anti-fouling paint.(2) Before painting, clean and wash the area. Use a wire brush on bare metal.(3) Apply paint evenly. Painting on sunny days. Put on the chipping goggles. Secure safety harness.第十章1、The duties of the able seafarer on watch when underway.(1) The A.B. steers thewheel and keep lookout. (2) Check the auto-pilot and the compass error. Check the navigational lights. Hoist or lower the navigational flag.2、The bridge shift change.(1) Relieving A.B. must get to the bridge beforehand to get the information from the relieved A.B.(2) Relieving AB must know ship’s navigational status, weather, visibilityand potential dangers. Relieving AB can’t accept the watch until the order is finished.朗读1题,共计20分P7 第一章第一课P29 第一章第二课P40 第二章第一课P43 第二章第二课P46 第二章第三课P85 第六章Passage 1Passage 2P112 第九章Passage 2 Passage 3P122 第十章Passage 2 P139 第十二章Passage 1 Passage 2。



值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 1 Daily English:1.What is your name?My name is _______.2.How old are you?I am XXX.3.What is your marital status?I am XXX.4.How many people are there in your family? There are four people in my family.5.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for two years.6.How many countries have you ever been to?I have been to two countries.7.Do you like your job?Yes。

I like my job.8.What is your favorite color?XXX blue.9.Which season do you like best?I like spring the best.10.What kind of music do you like?I like pop music.Lesson 2 XXX:1.How many departments are there on board? There are two XXX.2.What is the difference een port and starboard?Port is the left side of the ship and starboard is the right side.3.What is the meaning of bow?Bow is the front part of the ship.4.What is the meaning of stern?XXX is the back part of the ship.5.What is the meaning of deck?Deck is the floor of the ship.The n of clarifier is to remove solid impurities from oil。





第一部分图片大风浪、恶劣海况international shore connection第二部分单句----------------01----------------请打开你的手提包.please open your handbag.谐音:普利斯欧喷幺喊得摆个----------------02----------------打扰了,我能见一下大副吗?Excuse me,may I see your chief officer?谐音:一克思克有自米,每啊衣谁幺吃诶服奥飞色----------------03----------------请出示你的海员证.please show me your seafarer’s passport.谐音:普利斯收米幺谁服爱热’思帕斯泡特----------------04----------------请问最近的医院在哪儿?where is the nearest hospital?谐音:外额A之泽捏瑞思特号思培涛----------------05----------------沿着这条路向前走,在第二个路口向右转弯.go along the street and turn right at the second corner.谐音:够饿狼泽思追特安得特恩入爱特艾特泽晒肯的靠呢----------------06----------------你是大管轮吗?are you the second engineer?谐音:啊有泽晒肯的恩摘捏----------------07----------------这位是木匠this is carpenter.谐音:贼思A之卡喷特----------------08----------------你好,我是我们船上的接班大厨hello,I am the relieving chief cook of our vessel.谐音:哈喽,啊爱爱慕泽瑞离屋婴吃诶服库克额屋啊屋额外少----------------09----------------这是我们船上的机工this is the motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------10----------------这是我们船上的机工长this is the chief motorman of our vessel.谐音:贼思A之泽吃诶服某特曼额屋啊屋额外少----------------11----------------这是船长房间this is the master’s cabin.谐音:贼思A之泽吗思特’思开宾----------------12----------------请在访客记录簿上签字please sign your name on the visitor log.谐音:普利斯塞恩幺内幕昂泽为贼特捞哥----------------13----------------值班驾驶员,供应商上船了duty officer,the ship chandler is coming on board.谐音:丢忒奥飞色,泽谁普产的了A之卡名昂报的----------------14----------------引航员上船了the pilot is coming on board.谐音:泽排了特A之卡名昂报的----------------15----------------我是港口国检察官,我想见你们船长I am the PSC officer,I want to see your captain.谐音:啊爱爱慕泽PSC 奥飞色,啊爱王特图思A 幺开扑特恩----------------16----------------我船左舷船尾有艘追越船an overtaking vessel is on our port quarter谐音:安哦屋额忒K婴外少A之昂阿屋额泡特苦熬特----------------17----------------我船正横可见他船绿灯a ship green light is on our beam.谐音:额谁普格润莱特A之昂阿屋额闭幕----------------18----------------我船前方有艘渔船fishing boat ahead of us.谐音:费事婴波欧特额害的额屋啊思----------------19----------------我船左舷有不明物体an unknown object is at our port side.谐音:安安No恩奥波摘克特A之艾特阿屋额泡特塞得----------------20----------------有船自左舷穿越a vessel is crossing from port side.谐音:额外少A之克绕思婴服绕木泡特塞得----------------21----------------在引航员软梯上安放照明灯put lights on at the pilot ladder.谐音:普特莱吃昂艾特泽派乐特来的----------------22----------------引航员软梯和舷梯合装rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder.谐音:瑞哥泽额考么得深来的因考木北内深位子泽派乐特来的----------------23----------------在引航员软梯处准备好救生圈have a lifebuoy ready at the pilot ladder.谐音:还无额来福报A 入爱得艾特泽派乐特来的----------------24----------------陀螺罗经航向035gyro compass course is 035谐音:债肉科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------25----------------磁罗经航向035magnetic compass course is 035谐音:买个耐忒克科目怕死考斯A之贼鹅肉思诶发爱屋----------------26----------------操纵模式是什么what is the steering mode.谐音:沃特A之泽思底额润某得----------------27----------------船尾吃水是10.8米the draft aft is 10.8meters.谐音:泽抓福特啊福特A之特恩跑恩特诶特米特斯----------------28----------------现在能见度很差visibility is poor now.谐音:维泽背了忒A之泡闹----------------29----------------右舵5starboard 5谐音:四大包的发爱屋----------------30----------------左满舵!左满舵,先生!hard a port.wheel hard a port,sir.谐音:哈的额泡特,外奥哈的额泡特,涩----------------31----------------右满舵!右满舵,先生!hard a starboard.wheel hard a starboard,sir.谐音:哈的额四大包的,外奥哈的额四大包的,涩----------------32----------------回舵到10ease to 10谐音:一思图忒恩----------------33----------------航向复原course again.谐音:考斯额根----------------34----------------航向120course 120谐音:考斯玩图贼鹅肉----------------35----------------把定航向150steady on 150谐音:丝带得昂玩发爱屋贼鹅肉----------------36----------------使航标处于左舷keep the mark on port side.谐音:尅普泽马克昂泡特塞得----------------37----------------如果舵没有反应要报告report if she does not answer the wheel.谐音:瑞泡特诶服谁大之闹特昂色泽外奥----------------38----------------完舵,不要继续操舵finished with wheel,no more steering.谐音:菲内斯的位子外奥,No 毛思底额润----------------39-------------泊位上有碰垫fenders are on the berth.谐音:分的思啊昂泽波思----------------40-------------船首尾准备好碰垫have fenders ready forward and aft.谐音:还无分的思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------41--------------船首尾准备好撇缆have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.谐音:还无泽黑无影来恩思日吾爱得服奥我的安得阿福特----------------42----------------把首尾解成单绑single up forward and aft.谐音:星高阿噗服奥我的安得阿福特----------------43----------------解掉拖缆let go towing line.谐音:莱特够偷婴莱恩----------------44----------------使用巴拿马导缆孔use the panama lead.谐音:油思泽拍呢吗里的----------------45----------------船首到岸的距离是50米the forward distance to the shore is 50 meters.谐音:泽服奥我的得思特恩思图泽少A之费服忒米特斯----------------46----------------准备好左锚stand by port anchor.谐音:斯但的拜泡特安可----------------47----------------升锚球hoist the anchor ball.谐音:好诶斯特泽安可报----------------48----------------打开锚灯switch on the anchor lights.谐音:思维吃昂泽安可来吃----------------49----------------合上锚机离合器put the windlass in gear.谐音:普特泽问的了思因给额----------------50----------------绞起左锚heave up port anchor.谐音:黑屋阿噗泡特安可----------------51----------------松出锚链slack out the cable.谐音:斯莱克奥特泽尅宝----------------52----------------刹住左锚链hold on the port cable.谐音:后的昂泽泡特尅宝----------------53----------------准备好绞锚stand by for heaving up.谐音:斯丹德拜服奥黑屋婴阿噗----------------54----------------锚链走向是什么how is the cable leading.谐音:号A之泽尅宝里丁----------------55----------------锚离底了the anchor is aweigh.谐音:泽安可A之额位----------------56----------------打开电源,启动马达switch on the power and start the motor.谐音:思维吃昂泽泡窝安得斯达特泽某特----------------57----------------打开第一舱舱盖open the hatch covers of hatch NO.1谐音:欧喷泽还吃卡窝思额屋还吃男宝玩----------------58----------------打开舱盖以后插上制动销after opening the covers,set the stopper pins.谐音:啊福特欧喷宁泽卡窝思,赛特泽死道破拼思----------------59----------------打开货舱灯switch on the hold light.谐音:思维吃昂泽后的莱特----------------60----------------下雨时关舱close the hatches of rain.谐音:科楼丝泽还彻思额屋润----------------61----------------首先松速动螺栓releasing all the quick-acting cleats first.谐音:瑞里思婴奥泽奎克-爱客厅克里吃佛斯特----------------62----------------检查并清理导轨check and clean the guide rails.谐音:柴可安得科林泽盖的瑞奥斯----------------63----------------你应该在卸货开始前完成解绑工作you should finish the unlashing work before discharging.谐音:油收的菲内斯泽安莱斯婴沃克比服奥得思查之婴----------------64----------------我们使用钢丝绳,链条,和绑扎杆来绑扎货物we use wires,chains and lashing bars to lash the cargo.谐音:位有丝外额思,产思安得莱市婴吧思图莱斯泽卡够----------------65----------------卸扣,花篮螺丝和夹子都是很有用的系固工具shackles,turnbuckles and clips are very useful securing tools.谐音:晒口思,特恩吧扣思安得科力普思啊外瑞有丝服奥思科油润图奥斯----------------66----------------准备好绑扎和系固甲板货物get ready for lashing and securing the cargo on deck.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥来是婴安得思科油润泽卡够昂代课----------------67----------------请准备好垫舱材料please get dunnage ready.谐音:普利斯盖特搭内置日吾爱得----------------68----------------烟雾报警器状况不好the smoke alarms are in bad condition.谐音:泽思谋可额拉姆思啊因白的肯得深----------------69----------------防火挡板破损the fire damper is broken.谐音:泽服爱额代木破A之不揉肯----------------70----------------4号箱中的消防水枪不见了the fire nozzle in NO.4 fire box is missing.谐音:泽服爱额闹照因男宝服奥服爱额宝克斯A之米星----------------71----------------检查消防总管并报告check the fire mains and report谐音:柴可泽服爱额门思安得瑞泡特----------------72----------------厨房起火了!拿灭火器fire in the galley!get a fire extinguisher.谐音:服爱额因泽盖类,盖特额服爱额诶克斯丁桂设----------------73----------------用水给舱壁降温cool down the bulkhead with water.谐音:酷奥当泽报课害的位子沃奥特----------------74----------------关闭防火挡板shut off the fire damper.谐音:沙特奥夫泽服爱额代木破----------------75----------------火势得到控制fire under control.谐音:服爱额安的抗戳奥----------------76----------------我们在进行消防演习we are having a fire fighting drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴额服爱额发爱听追奥----------------77----------------一个救生圈的烟雾信号过期the smoking signal of one lifebuoy is expired.谐音:泽思某克婴谁个闹额屋来福报A A之伊克斯拜额的----------------78----------------所有浸水服随时可用all immersion suits are ready for use.谐音:奥一么深苏吃啊日吾爱得服奥有丝----------------79----------------救生筏处于良好状态the life rafts are in good condition.谐音:泽来福日屋啊服吃啊因够的肯得深----------------80----------------穿上救生衣put on your life jacket谐音:普特昂幺来福债尅特----------------81----------------所有人员上救生艇all get down the boat谐音:奥盖特当泽不欧特----------------82----------------检查救生衣及携带的物品check your lifejackets and belongings谐音:柴可幺来福债尅吃安得比浪婴思----------------83----------------准备好放艇get ready for lowering the boat.谐音:盖特日吾爱得服奥漏额润泽不欧特----------------84----------------同时脱开前后吊艇钩detach the fore and aft hooks at the same time谐音:得太吃泽服奥安得阿福特后克思艾特泽谁木他爱木----------------85----------------人员落水.保持落水人员在视野范围内man overboard,keep the man in sight.谐音:满欧屋额报的,尅普泽满因撒爱特----------------86----------------我们在进行弃船演习we are having an abandon ship drill.谐音:位啊还屋婴安额办得恩谁普追奥----------------87----------------报告落水人员的方位和距离report bearing and distance of person in water.谐音:瑞泡特拜瑞婴安的得思特恩思额屋破申因屋奥特----------------88----------------淡水应该装在艏尖舱中the fresh water should be stowed in the fore peak tank.谐音:泽服日吾爱是屋奥特收的比思到的因泽服奥匹克坦克----------------89----------------压载水装在双层底舱the ballast water is stowed in the double bottom tank.谐音:泽拜了思特屋奥特A之思到的因泽打包宝特姆坦克----------------90----------------除锈后用钢丝刷清理船壳板use the wire brush to clean the hull plate after derusting.谐音:有丝泽外额不日屋啊是图科林泽胡奥普雷特啊福特得日屋啊思听----------------91----------------把绳子放入物料间put the ropes into the storeroom谐音:普特泽肉普斯音图泽丝倒入木----------------92----------------凿子,扳手,钳子和剪刀是船上非常有用的工具chisel,wrench,pliers and scissors are very useful tools on board.谐音:吃A照,润吃,扑来额思安的谁这思啊外瑞有丝服奥图奥思昂报的----------------93----------------导缆孔可以改变系泊缆绳的方向fair leads can change the direction of the mooring lines.谐音:服爱额里自看趁之泽得入爱克深额屋泽毛润莱恩思----------------94----------------我们把系泊缆绳系在缆桩上we put the mooring lines on the bitts.谐音:位普特泽毛润莱恩斯昂泽比吃----------------95----------------甲板克令吊用于装卸货物deck cranes are used to load or discharge cargoes.谐音:代课科润思啊有丝的图漏的噢得思差之卡够思----------------96----------------吊货钩可用cargo hooks are available.谐音:卡够后克斯啊额位了报----------------97----------------3号舱吊货钢丝磨损the cargo wire at NO.3 hatch is worn out.谐音:泽卡够外额艾特男宝思锐还吃A之屋奥恩奥特----------------98----------------应该定期给支索加滑油the stays should be greased at regular intervals.谐音:泽思得思收的比哥瑞思的艾特日吾爱个也了因特屋奥思----------------99----------------检查滑车以备立即使用check the blocks for immediate use.谐音:柴可泽不唠嗑思服奥一米底额特有丝----------------100----------------非随动舵Non-follow-up谐音:No恩-服奥漏-阿普----------------101----------------把定当前航向Steady as she goes谐音:丝带得爱之谁够之第三部分场景----------------01---------------S1:what time is it?现在是几点?沃特他艾母诶子诶特S2:It’s 7 o’clock.现在是七点整.诶次塞文鹅克劳克Q:what the time.几点了?A:7 o’clock.七点整.----------------02---------------S1:Excuse me,may I have your passport?打扰一下,我可以看一下你的护照吗?艾克斯克柚子米,美I 海雾要帕斯泡特?S2:here you are. 给你嘿鹅又啊Q:what was checked?他们在检查什么沃特沃司柴可的?A:the passport.护照则帕斯泡特----------------03---------------S1:please open your baggage?请打开你的行李普利斯欧喷要白给之S2:OK.好的Q:what should the second speaker do?第二个人应该做什么沃特数的则塞肯德斯必克度A:open the baggage.打开行李----------------04---------------S1:which is your ship?哪艘是你的船?未吃A子要谁普S2:my ship is ‘HuangHe’.我的船是’黄河’马艾谁普A子黄河Q:what is the ships name?船的名字是什么?沃特A子则谁普司内木A:HuangHe.黄河----------------05---------------S1:what is the date today?今天星期几?沃特A子则得特特得S2:it's the 2nd of may.今天五月二号.A特司则塞肯德鹅夫枚Q:what is the date they are talking?他们谈话的日期是什么时候?沃特A子则得特贼啊淘客英A:2nd of may.五月二号.----------------06---------------S1: what day is today?今天星期几?沃特得A子特得S2:it’s Thursday.今天星期四.A子色司得Q:What day are they talking?他们在哪天谈话?沃特得啊贼淘客英A:Thursday.星期四.----------------07---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your chief officer?打扰一下,我可以见大副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要吃A夫奥飞色S2:OK,follow me.可以,跟我来佛奥楼米Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁沃特大子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:chief officer.大副----------------08---------------S1:excuse me,may I see your second officer?打扰一下,我可以见二副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要塞肯德奥飞色S2:OK I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:second officer.二副----------------09---------------S1:excuse me may I see your third officer?打扰一下,我可以见三副吗艾克斯克柚子米,美I 西要色的奥飞色S2:OK, I will call him for you.可以,我帮你叫他啊艾为奥考黑木佛奥又Q:who does the first speaker want to see?第一个说话的人想要见谁?胡达子则佛斯特斯必克忘特吐西A:third officer.三副----------------10---------------S1:Are you the chief engineer?你是轮机长吗?啊又则吃A夫恩之A捏S2:No, I am the second engineer.不,我是大管轮.啊艾木则塞肯德恩之A捏Q :who is the second speaker?第二个说话的人是谁?胡A子则塞肯德斯必克A:he is the second engineer.大管轮.黑A子则塞肯德恩之A捏----------------11---------------S1:Are you the second engineer?你是大管轮吗?啊又则塞肯德恩之A捏S2:No,I am the chief engineer.不是,我是轮机长。



Useful Expressions
11.How far is it from here? 12.May I speak to…? 13.Can I leave a message? 14.Who is speaking? 15.How much is it? 16.When will we arrive? 17.Show me your passport. 18.Anything to declare? 19.Can you make it cheaper? 20.Let me try it on. 21.Do you mind if I smoke? 22.What is the date today? 23.What’s the matter with you? 24.I want to see a doctor. 25.You’d better take a rest.
Task 1 Picture listening
9. A. The leaf. B. The tree. C. The glass. D. The flower. 10. A. The mountain. B. The island. C. The river. D. The shore.
高级值班机工 英语听力与会话
Unit 1 Daily English Lesson 1 Daily English
Part Ⅰ Warm-up Activities
Useful Expressions
1.How do you do? 2.Excuse me. I am … May I know your name? 3.Let me introduce myself. 4.Nice to meet you. 5.It’s a pleasure to know you. 6.Thank you very much. 7.It’s my Pleasure. 8.You’re welcome. 9.What time is it? 10.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to…?



高级值班水手听力与会话评估〔口语部分〕Unit 1一、简答题1.What’s your date of birth?〔你的生日是哪一天?〕My date of birth is 11th July 1990.2.What’s your Seaman book number?〔你的海员证号是多少?〕My Seaman book number is A123456.3.Where are you from?〔你来自哪里?〕I ‘m from China.4.What’s your captain’s nationality?〔你船长的国籍是哪个国家?〕My captain’ s nationality is Chinese.5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?〔你认为在船上最重要的事情是什么?〕I think Safety is most important things on board.6.Which ports do you often call at?〔你们经常挂靠哪些港口?〕We often call at Shanghai, Tianjin and Xiamen port.7.What is your marital status?〔你的婚姻状况如何?〕I’ m married./I’ m single./I’m divorced./I’ widowed.(我已婚/我单身/我离婚/我寡居。

)8.How long will take to get Entry Visa to Australia?〔获得澳大利亚的准入签证需要多长时间?〕It will take 2 weeks to get Entry Visa to Australia.9.How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?〔你想选择哪个舱位?经济舱或者头等舱?〕Economy, please!10.Do I have more than the duty-free allowance?〔我有更多的免税限额吗?〕Sorry sir, you don’t have any more duty-free allowance!/Sure!11.Who is in command of the ship?〔负责指挥船舶的人是谁?〕The captain is in command of the ship.12.Generally speaking, how many officers are there in the deck department?〔通常而言,甲板部有几名驾驶员?〕Generally speaking, there are 4 officers in the deck department.13.What department does Bosun belong to?〔水手长属于哪个部门?〕Bosun belongs to deck department.14.Can you list some ship’s store?〔你能列举一些船上的备品吗?〕Yes, I can. Such as: working gloves, rag, dunnage and so on.15.Can you list some ship’s tool?〔你能列举一些船上的工具吗?〕Yes, I can. Such as: spanner, saw, axe and so on.16.What does“lifebuoy with light and smoke” mean?〔“灯标烟雾救生圈”的含义是什么?〕It means that the lifebuoy flashes and ignites yellow smoking when dropped into water.17.What does “cargo wire” mean?〔“吊货钢丝”的含义是什么?〕It means that the wire is used for lifting cargo.18.What does “port side” mean?〔“左舷”的含义是什么?〕It means the left-hand side of a ship.19.What dose “board sling” mean?〔“吊货盘”的含义是什么?〕It is a kind of sling which be used for loading boxes,trashes,small cases and so on.20.Can you list some ship’s bridge equipment?〔你能列举一些驾驶台的设备吗?〕Yes, I can. Such as: radar, AIS, GPS and so on.二、陈述题1.Please say something about yourself.(请做一下自我介绍)a)Your name, age, rank, working experience, hobbies.〔你的,年龄,职务,工作经历,业余爱好。



值班水手听力与会话Questions1、What’s your date of birth?It’s Jun 28th 1993.2、What’s your seaman book number?It’12343、Where are you from?I am from Hengyang, Hunan province.4、What’s your captain’s nationality?He is Chinese.5、What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety6、Which port do you often call at?We often call at SH, Dalian and HK.7、What is you marital status?I am single.8、How long will it take to get entry visa to Australia?I take about one weeks9、How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class?First class.10、DO I have more than the duty free allowance?Yes, you do11、Who is in command of the ship?Captain.12、Generally speaking. How many officers are there deck department.There are three.13、What department does Bosun belong to ?Deck department.14、Can you list some ships stores?Yes, for example. Working gloves, paint and dunnage.15、Can you list san ship's tools?Yes, for example, spanner. Saw and axe.16、What does "lifebuoy with light and smoke" mean?It means that a lifebuoy is provided with self-activating light and self-activating smoke signal which is available for use by day and night.17、What does “cargo wire” mean?It is a kind of wire which is used to lift cargo.18、What does “port side” mean?It means left side.19、What is “board sling” used for?It is used for lifting cargo.20、Can you list some ship’s bridge equipment?Yes, for example. Radar. Compass and AIS.21、How many orders are included in Standard Ship order? Can you list some?There are 3. They are helm orders. Engine orders. Mooring and unmooring orders and anchoring orders.22、If you are ordered “port five”. How to reply and report?Port five. Wheel port five.23、If you are ordered “steady”. How to reply and report?Steady. Course 125.24、How does the rudder answer?Very good. \No answer.25、What is the course?Course 128.26、What does “single up forward to breast line and spring” mean?Let go all the lines except breast line and spring.27、If you want to change the position of the headline forward for 3 meters . What do you say?Shift the headline 3 meters ahead.28、If you want to heave tight the breast line , what should you say?Pick up the slack on the breast line.29、Which order is an equivalent to “send out stern line”?Send head line.30、Which order is an equivalent to “let go stern line”?Slack stern line.31、What does “anchor is foul” mean?Crossing anchor. (anchor has its own cable twisted around itself or has fouled an obstruction)32、If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom. What do you report?Anchor is aweigh.33、If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom. What do you report?Anchor is brought up.34、If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring. What should you report?Anchor is clear.35、When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it , What do you report?Anchor is clear of water/up.36、If you are order “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?Stand by both engines, both engines stand by.37、If you are ordered “full ahead”, how should you reply and report?Stop engine, engine rung off.。

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