

第1章 绪论 《公共关系学》PPT课件

第1章 绪论 《公共关系学》PPT课件

1.2.2 公共关系 的原则
3)全员公关 4)开拓创新 5)立足长远
1.3 公共关系的产生与发展
❖1.3.1 公共关系溯源 公共关系的源头可追溯到古代社会人类文
明开始的地方——古埃及、巴比伦、波斯 和中国等国家。虽然“公共关系”这个名 词几千年前根本没有出现,但在当时,它 作为人类的一种实践活动却已有之。
❖ ●与新闻媒体保持畅通的真实的信息交流。
❖ ●他发表了著名的《原则宣言》,明确论述了公 共关系的职业目标:公众应该被告知。
❖ 但是艾维•李的公关咨询只有艺术性而无科学性
❖ 公关学科化的一面旗 手; 出版了被称为公共关系 理论发展史的“第一个 里程碑”的专著── 《公众舆论的形成》; 1928年,他写出了《舆 论》一书;1952年,他 又写出了《公共关系学》 教科书。
“说真话”的基本思想,提 出了“公众必须被告知” 的公共关系基本原则。
❖ 公关职业化的第一人,赢 得了“公共关系之父”的 美誉
❖ 艾维•李的主要贡献有:
❖ ●提出了关于工商组织应把自己的利益同公众利 益联系起来,而不是对立起来的概念。
❖ ●公共关系人员要力争与组织最高决策层联系, 并赢得他们的支持。
❖卡特李普和森特在他们的代表作《有效公 共关系》中提出了“双向对称”的公共关 系模式,成为当代公共关系的重要标志。
❖所谓“双向对称”的公共关系模式,就是 在公关的目标上将组织和公众的利益置于 同等重要的位置上,在方法上坚持组织与 公众之间的双向传播与沟通。
1.1.3 公共关系的特征

公共关系英文版 4

公共关系英文版 4

Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Public Relations Departments
Importance of PR to today’s organizations
PR pros seen as strategic communication managers PR offers 184% ROI CEOs want communication that is strategic, research-based, and two-way

Levels of public relations influence

Purely advisory practitioners are often ineffective

Compulsory-advisory: Management is required to listen to public relations’ perspective before acting Concurring authority: PR and others must agree on an action

Seldom used
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Chapter Four: Today’s Practice – Departments & Firms
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law: •any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over network; •preparation of any derivative work including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; •any rental, lease, or lending of the program.

公共关系概述 ppt课件

公共关系概述 ppt课件

1、结合本案例,谈一谈你对“公共关系”定 义的理解。
2、这次活动是一次自然的公共关系活动,还 是一次自觉的公共关系活动。为什么?
自然的PR活动:不自觉的PR活动及无意 识中形成的PR状态。
自觉的PR活动:一个社会组织,为创造良 好的PR状态而进行的有意识、有目的、有计 划的PR活动。 4)PR的科学界定 ⑴PR与人际关系
于是,便出现本文前述的万人空巷的盛况。 当这两桶仪态不凡的美酒登场亮相时,群情沸腾,欢声 四起,有些人甚至大声唱起了法国国歌《马赛曲》。 此刻,美国公众似乎已经闻到清醇芬芳的酒香,更由此 而品尝到了友谊佳酿的美味。 从此,法国白兰地就昂首阔步地迈进了美国市场,国家
着这两桶白兰地正步前行,进入白宫。 这项耗资可观的公关规划立即得到公司最高决策者的批
准,并且获得法国政府的赞赏和支持,外交渠道的绿灯也亮 了。 于是,美国公众在总统寿辰一个月之前就分别从不同 的传播媒介获得了上述信息,一时间,法国白兰地即刻成了 新闻报道,街谈巷议的热门话题。千百万人都翘盼着这两桶 名贵白兰地的光临,以一睹其丰采为快。
经济组织:从事物质资料的生产、分配、 交换和消费的组织。
文化组织:社会中从事文化活动、文化事 业的组织。
群众组织:非国家政权性质的、民间的群 体团体。
②按照目标与受益者的关系分为: 营利性组织:以追求利润为目标的组织。 服务性组织:以为它的服务对象谋求利益 为目标的非营利性组织。 互益性组织:追求组织内部各成员的共同 利益和共同目标的组织。 公益性组织:为整个社会的公益谋利益, 为全社会服务的机构。


Chapter 2: Managing Competition
and Conflict
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law: •any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over network; •preparation of any derivative work including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; •any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
p. 253
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Risk Communication
5 Variables Affecting Risk Perception
Risk communication is an 1. Control
The conflict management life cycle
Managing the life cycle
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
A New Way of Thinking: The Role of Public Relations in Managing Conflict
attempt to communicate 2. Complexity

第8章 公共关系专题活动《公共关系学》PPT课件

第8章 公共关系专题活动《公共关系学》PPT课件

❖ 8.2.6矫正型活动模式 ❖ 矫正型活动模式是在组织形象遇到损害,如组织
产品存在质量问题给社会公众造成危害,组织的 生产破坏了社区的生态平衡,或组织商标被侵犯 造成公众的误解时,采用的进行善后处理的活动 模式。
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
开放参观应认真做好以下工作: 1)确定参观日期 2)成立专门机构 3)宣传准备工作 4)确定对外开放参观的内容 5)选择参观路线 6)做好解说和接待工作 7)做好欢送工作,收集参观者意见
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
8.5 社会赞助 ❖ 8.5.1社会赞助的含义与意义
8.5.3 社会赞助的方式 ①资金赞助 ②产品赞助 ③服务支持 ④设备、设施赞助
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
8.5.4 社会赞助应遵循的原则

①自愿原则 ②社会效益原则 ③传播效果原则 ④量力而行原则 ⑤合法、合理原则
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
8.3.3 节庆活动 应注意的问题:
⑴要区分公共关系节庆活动的重点 ⑵开展节庆活动,贵在富有传统特色 ⑶开展节庆活动,重在创新
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data
Restricted Information and Basic Personal Data







一、公共关系英语的基础词汇1. Public Relations(公共关系)2. Stakeholder(利益相关者)3. Reputation(声誉)4. Crisis(危机)5. Strategy(战略)6. Communication(沟通)7. Brand(品牌)8. Image(形象)9. Media(媒体)10. Press Release(新闻稿)二、公共关系英语的应用场景1. 媒体沟通媒体是公共关系工作中最为重要的利益相关者之一。

在与媒体沟通时,需要使用到一些专业术语,比如:1)Press conference(新闻发布会)2)Media coverage(媒体报道)3)Interview(采访)4)News release(新闻稿)5)Media kit(媒体工具包)2. 危机公关危机公关是公共关系工作中最具挑战性的一项工作。

在处理危机时,需要使用到一些专业术语,比如:1)Crisis management(危机管理)2)Crisis communication(危机沟通)3)Damage control(损害控制)4)Reputation management(声誉管理)5)Crisis response team(危机应对团队)3. 社交媒体公关随着社交媒体的兴起,公共关系工作也逐渐向社交媒体拓展。

在处理社交媒体公关时,需要使用到一些专业术语,比如:1)Social media strategy(社交媒体战略)2)Influencer marketing(影响者营销)3)Social media monitoring(社交媒体监测)4)User-generated content(用户生成内容)5)Social media crisis management(社交媒体危机公关)三、公共关系英语的实际应用1. 撰写新闻稿在进行新闻稿撰写时,需要注意以下几点:1)标题要简洁明了,能够概括文章的主题。

公共关系(第一章 概念英文)

公共关系(第一章 概念英文)

特定关系说 公关是一种特定的社会关系,因此正确认识和处理公关 是开展公关的出发点和归宿。 特征综合说 以上所有特征都包含在内。
相同的理解: 公共关系的基本性质是 一种现代管理职能; 公共关系的基本内容是 社会组织协调与其内外公众之间的 关系; 公共关系的基本原则是 以社会利益为重,平等互惠; 公共关系的基本手段是 双向传播与沟通;

3.Marketing the Institute of Marketing says that marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably.
6.Sales promotions They often take the form of two for the price of one offers, giveaways or money-off coupons. case study: supermarket’s action 区别:公关追求的是组织的社会效益和长远利益,而商业推销 追求的则是组织的经济效益和短息效益。 7. Publicity one of the objectives of a marketing or of a public relations campaign.
追求组织在公众中 通过意识形态的教育和传播活动达到改 的信誉,与其建立 变和强化人们的心理状态或精神状态, 良好的关系 获得人们对某种主张与信仰的支持。 主要借助于大众传 主观的,单向的传播活动 播媒介,注重双向 性 真实 有可能不真实
传播说 强调的是组织一种特定的传播管理行为和职能。 艾吉《大众传播学导论》:公共关系是一个公司或者机构 为与它的各类公众建立有利于双方关系而采取的有计划、 有组织的行为。 廖为建:公关是一个组织与其相关公众之间的传播管理。 毛经权等:公共关系是一个组织运用各种传播手段,在组 织与社会公众之间建立相互了解和信赖的关系,并通过双 向的信息交流,在社会公众中树立起良好的形象和声誉, 以取得理解、支持和合作,从而有利于促进组织本身目标 的实现。 美大学中,将公关设在新闻传播学院内


edit + or = person who does something (edits) public + ity = noun expressing an activity or action (attracting public
attention to something or someone)
Vocabulary bank
Guessing words in context
Removing prefixes
A prefix = letters at the start of a word. A prefix changes the meaning of a word.
rewrite – write again
Unit 1 What is Public Relations?
Skills focus Listening •preparing for a lecture •predicting lecture content from the introduction •understanding lecture organization •choosing an appropriate form of notes •making lecture notes
If you recognize a word but don’t understand it in context, think: ✓ What is the basic meaning of the word? ✓ Does that help me understand the special meaning?



1.What are the Core Axioms of Public Relations?Public relations is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or failure depends.2.Define”Issues Management”,and give an example.A distinction is sometimes made between different types of issue, for example:software errors or "bugs" in the developed technical solution,more general problems that concern the project team,issues that represent a requested change to the system, andproblems or "bugs" that need to be reported to an external supplier.3.Explain Public Relations’Sevelopment”.Development is a specialized part of public relations in nonprofit organizations that builds and maintains relationships with donors and members to secure financial and volunteer support.4.Explain “Investor Relations”Investor Relations is a specialized part of corporate public relations that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community to maximize market value5.Explain “Issues Management”Issues Management is the proactive process of anticipating,identifying,evaluating,and responding to public policy issues that affect an organization’s relationships with its publics.6.Define”Lobbying”, and explain its significanceThe US Senate defines lobbying as “the practice of trying to persuade legislators to propose,pass,or defeat legislation or to change existing laws.Lobbying is specialized part of pubic relations that builds and maintains relations with government primarily to influence legislation and regulatio/7.Explain“Public affairs”.Public affairs is that specialized part of public relations that builds and maintains relationships with governmental agencies and community stakeholder groups in order to influence public policy.8.Define“Press agentry”and explain its purpose.Press agentry is creating newsworthy stories and events to attract media attention in order to gain public notice. Purpose:the goal of press agentry is to creat the perception that the subject of the publicity is a newsworthy subject deserving public attention.9.What’s“Advertising”?What’s“Marketing”?Advertising is information placed in the media by an identified sponsor that pays for the time or space.it is a controlled method of placing messages in the media.10.Explain”Publicity”Publicity is information provided by an outside source that is used by the media because the inrormation has news value.This is an uncontrolled messages in the media because the source does not pay the media for placement.11.What is”Internal Relations”Internal relations is the specialized part of public relations that builds and maintains a mutually beneficial relationship between managers and the emplo yees on whom an organization’s success depend.12.According to PRSA,public relations?(1-9)Public relations uses advertising to reach audiences other than the customers targetd by marketing.13.What is thePRSA’s”Official Statement of Public Relations”?This interactive concept appeared in Webster's Third New International Dictionary's definition:"The art or science of developing reciprocal understanding and good will"14.Define and explain:reciprocal,mutual,and between.blue-ribbon panel of PASA leaders attempted to provide society members a definition of the field that stressed public relations' contributions to society.15.Outline how public relations helps improve organizations and society.。

(公共关系英文版课件)2015 BA public relations section2

(公共关系英文版课件)2015 BA public relations section2

Secondary Research
Many public relations campaign begins with an inventory of organizational materials that can shed light on such things as:
(1) the success of the product or service in the Past (2) analysis of what geographical areas provide the most
The Internet is a powerful research tool for the public relations practitioner. Online search engines make a universe of information available to everyone.NS
Dr. Zhao hui Yu
The Importance of Research
Various types of research can be used to accomplish an organization’s objectives and meet its need for information.
outside consultant?
▪ How will the research data be analyzed, reported, or applied? ▪ How soon will the results be needed? ▪ How much will the research cost?
The Importance of Research cont.

公共关系第10版英文ppt (8)[20页]

公共关系第10版英文ppt (8)[20页]

Communication Process Model
Cutlip & Center's Effective Public Relations, Tenth Edition Glen Broom
Copyright ©2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 All rights reserved.
Communication Effects
1. Creating perceptions of the world around us
Cutlip & Center's Effective Public Relations, Tenth Edition Glen Broom
Copyright ©2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 All rights reserved.
4. Describe the main theories of mass media effects that underpin public relations communication.
Cutlip & Center's Effective Public Relations, Tenth Edition Glen Broom
• …is a reciprocal process of exchanging signals to inform, persuade, or instruct, based on shared meanings and conditioned by the communicators’ relationship and the social context.

(公共关系英文版课件)effective presentation

(公共关系英文版课件)effective presentation
Minds work 4x faster than mouths
People only remember 18-25% of what they hear
We think in pictures and understand new concepts through experience
Speaking for the Ear
The YOU element is crucial.
Symptoms: Visible and Invisible
blushing memory loss filler words
butterflies racing heart sweaty palms dry mouth
Set a clear objective
be? How am I going to do it?
Analyze the Audience
Who are they? What do they know? How will they respond? How can you appeal to them? What might they object to?
What do you want your audience to know or do as a result of your communication?
So you must… – Inform – Persuade/Sell – Inspire – Teach/Train
Note: All effective presentations involve an element of persuasion!
Typical Attention Curve



2.PR’s task
4.Adjusting the hotel image
During the necessary period, the hotel need to adjust image according to the circumstances change, fixes position again.
A good hotel image, is going to consider at least two big aspect synthetically : Demand of the public to hotel , the hotel condition and advantage. In other words, be just to be going to hope a hotel in the public how, the hotel finds hotel image basis , extends the meaning of out and personality characteristics between being expert in being what the public acts as.
2.PR’s task
1.Designing the hotel image
2. Extending the hotel image
3 .Checking the hotel image
4.Adjusting the hotel image
2.PR’s task
the hotel image
2.PR’s task
3 .Checking the hotel image
Through broad investigation,know about and check whether there’re differences or not between actual hotel image and expectation , analyse the cause that difference produces, report to the hotel’s decision-maker and takes appropriate measures.



Framing theory: framing is communicating an idea in such a way that an audience is influenced, either intentionally or unintentionally, by the way it is expressed. (by Robert Entman)
Mass media
Persuasion is a two-way street
Aristotle’s point of view
Logos: an appeal to reason Pathos: an appeal to emotions Ethos: an appeal based on personality
Share of thoughts
Daily communication
Role interaction
Outside stimulus
Physical filtering
Psychological filtering
PR report PR story PR column PR event PR activity
Mass Media

(公共关系英文版课件)2015 本科 public relations section 1 to s

(公共关系英文版课件)2015 本科 public relations section 1 to s
◦ Public Relations is most developed in the United States.
◦ Major growth is occurring in the European Union, Russia, other independent nations of Soviet Union and Asia, especially China.
Learning perspectives
• In the early 21st century, public relations and social media have emerged as powerful societal forces.
• Together, they have revolutionized the way we communicate with key publics around the world.
• persuasive • believable • actionable
Yet, the power, value and influence of public relations have never been greater.
Public relations is a growth industry
Key players in PR
PR Dept. PR Agent
PR vs. Media
PR Dept. PR Agent
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Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
A government relations specialty Effort directed to influence legislation/regulation Many participate at local, state, and federal levels Many constituents have lobbyists Nature of lobbying contrary to stereotype Much information is developed by lobbyists Grassroots lobbying involves coalition building
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Election Campaignபைடு நூலகம்: Public Relations
$100 million dollar industry Range of communication techniques employed New communication tools quickly adopted Ethical guidelines important
Social Service Organizations
Public Relations Strategies and Tactics Publicity Creation of events Use of services Creation of educational materials Newsletters
Government Relations by Corporations
Monitor governments and legislative activity Gather information Disseminate management's views Cooperate with government on projects Motivate employees to participate in political process
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Membership Organizations
Professional Associations ex. Public Relations Society of America
Trade Associations ex. National Soft Drink Association
Labor Unions ex. United Auto Workers
Cultural Organizations ex. The New York Philharmonic
Religious Organizations ex. Churches
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
1. To strengthen and maintain the public perception.
2. To help market the hospitals proliferating array of services
Health Agencies
1. To prevent and respond to disease and promote health
2. To deliver generalized health services
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Educational Organizations: Serving the Publics
Chambers of Commerce ex. Local chamber of commerce
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Advocacy Groups
Activist Groups ex. Green Peace
Membership organizations
Advocacy groups
Social service organizations
Health organizations
Educational organizations
Government organizations
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Social Service Organizations
Philanthropic foundations ex. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations
News programs Assistance and
information to media Responses to phone calls
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Government Organizations
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
The role of public relations in nonprofit, education, and government organizations
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Colleges and Universities: Serving the Publics
Faculty and staff Students Alumni and other donors Government The community
Chapter 13:
Nonprofit, Education, and Government Organizations
This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law: •any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over network; •preparation of any derivative work including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; •any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
conscience Tax considerations
Donations Structures campaigns Direct mail Sponsorship events Solicitation over television Telephone solicitations 800 and 900 numbers Commercial enterprises
The Role of Public Relations in Nonprofit, Education,
and Government Organizations
Purposes & functions
Nonprofit Serving public interest Fostering good will Tax exempt Staff development Volunteer recruiting Fundraising
Social Issue Organizations ex. Mothers Against Drunk Driving
PR Strategies and Tactics
Lobbying Litigation Mass demonstrations Boycotts Reconciliation Fund-Raising
Competition, conflict & cooperation
Competition for donations Partnership based on common
interest Conflict with different causes
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Copyright © Allyn and Bacon 2006Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2008
Social Service Organizations
Motivations for Giving Types of Fundraising