



布莱克(William Blake)是18世纪末19世纪初的英国浪漫主义诗人和艺术家,他的伦敦诗歌是他作品中的重要组成部分。












London--William Blake鉴赏

London--William Blake鉴赏
London deals with the dreadful(可怕的)scene in the industrialized London in the 18th century. In the first stanza(节), Blake gives an overview of the city and successfully creates the gloomy, dark and suffocating(令人窒息的)atmosphere. Blake applies varied rhetorical devices(修辞手法)in the poem,of which the most striking and significant is repetition. For example, the word “chartered” is reiterated i n line 1 and line 2 to emphasize the fact that the streets and river are owned by the wealthy upper class. And the word “mark” occurs in “mark in every face I meet”(li ne 3) and “mark of weakness, mark of woe”(line 4). The transition of the word “mark” from verb to noun manifests the change of observation to noticeable signs. Every person Blake meets in London is desperate and feeble. What a horrible scene it is! Repeated appearance of the word “every “in the second stanza stresses the idea that everyone suffers from misery. Blake hears the cry of the grown-ups, and of the infants in fear. Blake perceives the destructive restrictions on people’s mind caused by law and rules. “Mindforged manacle” is a metaphor(象征). Blake compares limitations with manacles. The expression that Blake hears “manacles” is synesthesia(牵联感).

william blake london解析

william blake london解析

William Blake是18世纪英国最杰出的诗人、画家和创作家之一,他的作品被认为是浪漫主义文学的代表作之一。



一、背景介绍1.1 William Blake简介William Blake(1757-1827)是18世纪末、19世纪初英国浪漫主义文学和美术的先驱者,他的作品充满了对社会不公、人性冲突和信仰的探讨。


1.2《London》简介《London》是William Blake的一首诗歌作品,最早出现于《Songs of Experience》(经验之歌)集中。



二、诗歌解析2.1 诗歌整体风格和结构《London》是一首由四个四行组成的简短诗歌,每一句都节奏明快、语言简洁,却又富有深刻的内涵。


2.2 伦敦城的描绘诗中通过描述伦敦城的风景和景象,展现了当时城市中的贫困、污秽和不公。


2.3 社会现实的批判诗歌中通过对城市景象的描绘,隐含着对当时英国社会现实的批判。



2.4 人性、存在和信仰的反思除了对社会现实的批判外,诗中还展现了对人性、存在和信仰的深刻反思。


William-Blake-个人及作品风格介绍 PPT

William-Blake-个人及作品风格介绍 PPT
William Blake
Group 8
1. Author 3.Background
2.Introduction 4.Stylistic Features
PART ONE author
His life
1. Early life
2. Later life and career
3. Turning point
"The Chimney Sweeper" is the title of a pparts in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of experience in 1794. The poem "The Chimney Sweeper" is set against the dark background of child labour that was prominent in
England in the late 18th and 19th century. At the age of four and
five, boys were sold to clean chimneys, due to their small size. These children were oppressed and had a diminutive existence that was socially accepted at the time.
later poem, an apparently adult speaker encounters a child



He'd have God for his father, and never want joy. And so Tom awoke, and we rose in the dark,
诉汤姆, 如果他是一个乖小孩 上帝会是他的父亲 并且将永不欠缺喜乐。
And got with our bags and our brushes to work. 汤姆醒了过来,我们也都在黑暗中起床
And so he was quiet, and that very night,
嘿汤姆,不要理会你的头发, 当没了你的头发 你会知道煤 灰不再可能弄脏你金黄的头 发。
As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight! - 涅德与杰克
William Blake
The theme
the soul word
▪ angel There are so many poor children.No one loves them,so they can only hope that the angels.The children like Tom,they all have miserable lives .But they still have sweet dream and nice wish.


Questions for Discussion
1.Make a Comparison between Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.
• Language/ tone/ theme 2. Make a tentative
Interpretation of the following poem:
But most thro’ midnight streets I hear How the youthful Harlot’s curse Blasts the new born Infant’s tear, And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.
The Romantic Period
• Neoclassicism: reason, order, accuracy and elegant wit
• Romanticism: passion, emotion, and natural beauty
The romantic period is an age of poetry.
“Piper, sit thee down and write In a book, that all may read.” So he vanish’d from my sight, And I pluck’d a hollow reed,
And I made a rural pen, And I stain’d the water clear, And I wrote my happy songs Every child may joy to hear.

William Blake威廉布莱克及作品英国文学家ppt课件

William Blake威廉布莱克及作品英国文学家ppt课件

给你生命,把你喂养 在溪流旁的草场; 给你柔软,发亮 毛绒绒的衣裳;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
一沙一世界,一花一天堂。 无限掌中置,刹那成永恒。 ——徐志摩(译)
• 一花一世界, • 一草一天堂, • 一叶一如来, • 一砂一极乐, • 一方一净土, • 一笑一尘缘, • 一念一清静。
这一切都是一种心境。心若无 物就可以一花一世界,一草一 天堂。参透这些,一花一草便 是整个世界,而整个世界也便 空如花草。
2. What does Lamb stand for?
“The Tiger”
The Tyger / 老虎 (I)
• Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright • In the forests of the night, • What immortal hand or eye • Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
• a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion,
• by a renewed interest in medieval literature.
• In England, this movement showed itself in the trend of Pre-Romanticism in poetry.
• 给你这样柔美的声音,
• 使所有的山谷都欢畅?

最新英国伟大诗人威廉布莱克 William Blake精品课件

最新英国伟大诗人威廉布莱克 William Blake精品课件
英国伟大诗人威廉布莱克 William Blake
1.Imagination is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements.
2.It is in solitude, in communion with the natural universe that man can exercise this most valuable faculty.
3. Songs of Experience
• Presenting a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone
Questions for Discussion
1.Make a Comparison between Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.
“Piper, sit thee down and write In a book, that all may read.” So he vanish’d from my sight, And I pluck’d a hollow reed,
And I made a rural pen, And I stain’d the water clear, And I wrote my happy songs Every child may joy to hear.
Poetry should be free from all rules
✓They turned to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects.



酒,淡淡的红,淡淡的芳香... ...蹄声得得,旅途比预期的 还要完善.

个60岁的男子登山失踪了,他身靠腹部的地方由于动过手 术,有条15厘米长的疤痕,假设有人觉察这位男子,请通知
•表达出一种人的生命的尊严。 •即使饿死累死也不情愿死在一个病恹恹 的动物嘴里。人之所以为人,在于高于 动物的士气、毅力和才智。
• 比尔和“他”都带着装满黄金的鹿皮口 袋,比尔至死都不情愿放弃黄金,而 “他”经过一次又一次的分开黄金后最 终把黄金全扔掉了。
• 从“他”和比尔不同的结局,可以看出 两人的性格特点有何不同?你从中得到 什么启发?
1、作品的人物性格是通过什么表现出来的?为 什么连个名字也没有?
通过极富感染力的细节描写、人物内心世 界的刻画和人物动作描写来刻画的。
小说仆人公没知名字,仅以“他”指 代,“他”是整个人类的象征。
2、火柴:象征着生命。 〔火柴意味着暖和,意味着生存的希望,是生 存的工具,是支撑他活下去的信念。〕
• 比尔半路抛弃了同伴,冷酷自私,至死都不情愿 丢下黄金,贪欲而重视物质,结果因太累赘拖累 自己,耽误行程,最终被狼群吃掉。
• “他”在困难时总是以朋友为希望,正是这种信 念鼓舞他坚持下去,“他”宠爱生命,勇敢顽强, 意志坚韧。
• 虽然他的朋友曾卑劣地把他抛弃,但他还是没有 拿走比尔身旁的那袋金子,也绝不“吮吸比尔的 骨头”,即使到了生命垂危、令人无望的关键时 刻,“他”仍旧坚守着做人的道德良知。最终 “他”为了生存放弃了黄金,人之为人的价值就 显示在这里。
• 坚韧是妙不行言的东西,它可

London By William Blake 作品赏析课件教案资料

London By William Blake 作品赏析课件教案资料
--- description of the happy condition of a child before he knows the pains of existence, optimistic, hopeful, open and resilient in face of wrongs
Songs of Experience (1794) 《经验之歌》
Presenting a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a mela
Experience bringing a fuller sense of evil, joy replaced by bitterness
A precursor of Romanticism in English poetry
An innovative poet and thinker (mystic) Strong opposition to rationalism and
tyranny of all forms, emphasis on intuition and imagination An undaunted revolutionary
Songs of Innocence (1789)《天真之歌》
Purpose : “And I made a rural pen, / And I stained the
water clear, / And I wrote my happy songs, / Every child may joy to hear. ” (“ Introduction”)
Designed to publish for children, in simple language a child can understand, depicting a child’s delight in the harmony of nature and people (with illustrations of his own)



布莱克的《创世之曲》受到基督教圣经中创世 记的启示,以及对宗教、哲学和神秘主义思想 的思考。
威廉·布莱克的艺术和文学对世界产生 的影响
1 文学影响
布莱克的诗歌作品对浪漫主义运动和后继的文学发展产生了深远的影响。他的诗歌充满 了情感、想象力和自由的精神。
2 艺术影响
布莱克的视觉艺术作品影响了后续艺术家和艺术运动,例如象征主义和超现实主义。他 的作品展示了独特的审美观和对人类精神和信仰的探索。
布莱克的《虎》受到了浪漫主义和宗教启示的 影响,以及对自然界力量和神性的思考。
《无辜的童年》是布莱克另一首具有深刻意义 的诗歌,通过对童年经历的思考,探索了无辜 和成长的主题。
布莱克的《无辜的童年》反映了当时社会对儿 童处境的关注,以及对人与社会关系的思考。
布莱克深受英国传统文化、宗教和神话的影响,他的创作借鉴了古代文学、宗教 经典和民间传说的元素。
布莱克不断探索和创新,发展出独特的艺术语言,将视觉和文字结合在一起,形 成了自己独特的艺术风格。
布莱克的作品也对当时的传统观念进行了批判,他对社会不公和宗教束缚的反思 与传统文化形成了对立和对话。
大学英语课件:William Blake
这个课件将重点介绍英国诗人威廉·布莱克的生平和艺术成就,以及他一些著 名的诗歌和艺术作品的分析。
威廉·布莱克(William Blake)是18世纪英国的一位重要诗人和艺术家。他出生于伦敦,一生饱受 贫困和不公正待遇。 然而,尽管生活困苦,布莱克对于艺术的热爱和创造力从未停止。 他作为一位天才的视觉艺术家,以及创作了众多优秀的诗歌作品而闻名于世。

william Blake威廉 布莱克 PPT课件

william Blake威廉 布莱克 PPT课件

啊,向日葵!怀着对时间的厌倦 • 整天数着太阳的脚步. • 它寻求甜蜜而金色的天边—— • 倦旅的旅途在那儿结束;
• 那儿,少年因渴望而憔悴早殇, • 苍白的处女盖着雪的尸布, • 都从他们坟中起来向往—— • 向着我的向日葵要去的国度。
• (飞白译)
Auguries of Innocence
hallucination:幻觉 eg. a tree full of angels从童年时代起,布莱克就充满了
丰富的想像力,并且时常经历幻想。他说他曾看见过缀满 天使的大树,曾见到过安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂中的古圣先 贤,并给他们画过画像。他把自己所看到的一切用绘画和 诗歌表现出来。他的画大多是经过深思熟虑后的变形人体 或表现他幻觉中所见到的人物。
Life Experience
1783, his first collection of poems Poetical Sketches was printed
1782, he married the illiterate
Catherine and taught her to read, write and engrave
W i l l i a m B l a k e 威 廉 ·布 莱 克 (1757-1827)
Life Experience Literary Creations Literary Position
a memorial of him was at the Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey
“And because I am happy, & dance & sing, They think they have done me no injury, And are gone to praise God & his Priest & King, Who make up a heaven of our misery”.

London By William Blake 作品赏析 ppt课件

London By William Blake 作品赏析 ppt课件

London By William Blake 作品赏析
Purpose : “And I made a rural pen, / And I stained the
water clear, / And I wrote my happy songs, / Every child may joy to hear. ” (“ Introduction”)
We know that there are chartered companies at the time when Blake wrote this poem. But why was the river Thames chartered?
London By William Blake 作品赏 析
full of angels Went to a drawing school at 10, thus began his
career as an artist Started writing poetry in his teens (12) A man of sharp perception, original thinking,
London By William Blake 作品赏 析
Besides the word “chartered”, can you find other repetitions in the poem? How do you understand them?
London By William Blake 作品赏 析
Change of voice into bitterness and anger, more concern about social ills and human weakness, exposition of tyranny in religion and patriarchy














每个诗节都压尾韵abab,比如第一个诗节中的street和meet,flow和woe;第二个诗节中的man和ban,fear和hear;第三节的cry和sigh,appals 和walls;第四节的hear和tear,curse和hearse。






WilliamBlake——London赏析英文版(威廉布莱克《伦敦》评析)LondonI wander thro’ each charter’d street,Near where the charter’d Thames does flow.And mark in every face I meetMarks of weakness, marks of woe.In every cry of every Man,In every Infants cry of fear,In every voice: in every ban,The mind-forg’d manacles I hearHow the Chimney-sweepers cryEvery black’ning Church appalls,And the hapless Soldiers sighRuns in blood down Palace wallsBut most thro’ midnight streets I hearHow the youthful Harlots curseBlasts the new-born Infants tearAnd blights with plagues the Marriage hearseThe poem London was written by the British poet and engraver William Blake. It has4 quatrains with alternative lines rhyming. Written in iambic pentameter, the poem is beautifully rhymed.London deals with the dreadful scene in the industrialized London in the 18th century. In the first stanza, Blake gives an overview of the city and successfully creates the gloomy, dark and suffocating atmosphere. Blake applies varied rhetorical devices in the poem, of which the most striking and significant is repetition. For example, the word “chartered” is reiterated inline 1 and line 2 to emphasize the fact that the streets and river are owned by the wealthy upper class. And the word “mark” occurs in “mark in every face I meet”(line 3) and “mark of weakness, mark of woe”(line 4). The transition of the word “mark”from verb to noun manifests the change of observation to noticeable signs. Every person Blake meets in London is desperate and feeble. What a horrible scene it is!Repeated appearance of the word “every “in the second stanza stresses the idea that everyone suffers from misery. Blake hears the cry of the grown-ups, and of the infants in fear. Blake perceives the destructive restrictions on people’s mind caused by law and rules. “Mind-forged manacle” is a metaphor. Blake compares limitations with manacles. The expression that Blake hears “manacles” is synesthesia.In the third stanza Blake satirizes the church and the monarchies. The church walls are becoming black because of pollution; the sound of crying from the chimney sweepers combines with the sigh of soldiers arouses a feeling of fear and scare in me. On account of re lentless warfare, soldier’s blood runs down from palace wallswhere. The thought of the color of scarlet contrasting with the pale walls makes me shivering.During the midnight, the poet wonders through streets and hears the curse of prostitutes. They are infected with venereal diseases which pass on to their new-born babies. In the eyes of Blake, in London, marriage and birth, the symbols used to be regarded as revival and vitality, now forebode death. The appalling scene combines with devastating horror and fear reveals the social condition in London.感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。



Features of London
Internal External
Internal characteristics
• This is a narrative poem, it describes the scenes the speaker saw and the sounds he heard while he was wandering the streets. Through the sights and hearings, the author reflects all the miseries and ills in London, economy, religion, politics and military, covering all aspects of social life.
In every cry of every Man, In every Infant’s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forg’d manacles I hear. How the Chimney-sweeper’s cry Every black’ning Church appalls; And the hapless Soldier’s sigh Runs in blood down Palace wall. But most thro’ midnight streets I hear How the youthful Harlot’s curse Blasts the new-born Infant’s tear, And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.
Further analyze of the stanzas


The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
❖It is regarded as Blake’s principle prose work, was conceived as early as 1790 but was not etched in its entirely until 1793. while this work was given lavish praise by the 19th-century poet Swinburne, it is actually very obscure.
Comments on Blake
❖ Blake should be remembered chiefly for his “Songs of experience” in which he poured out his bitter social criticism on the reality of his day, but also for the topical references to the fight for the freedom and the expose of tyranny in “ The French Revolution” and “America” and “The Songs of Los”, and for the great lyricism with which these poems and these great pages are written.
❖ He cherished great expectations and enthusiasm for the French Revolution, and regarded it as a necessary stage leading to the millennium predicted by the biblical prophets
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William Blake 布莱克
Life and Literary Career (1757-1827)
Engraver, painter, printer and poet At age 4, had a vision of God, later saw a tree
full of angels Went to a drawing school at 10, thus began his
William Blake
What do you know about the poem from the title?
It is a poem about London, the city and people in London.
What is the location of the poem, countryside or city?
The speaker is not the piping, pastoral bard of the earlier poem: he is in the city. The poem’s title denotes a specific geographic space, not the archetypal locales in which many of the other Songs are set.
Change of voice into bitterness and anger, more concern about social ills and human weakness, exposition of tyranny in religion and patriarchy
Songs of Innocence and Experience
career as an artist Started writing poetry in his teens (12) A man of sharp perception, original thinking,
exceptional boldness, contempt for reason, deep concern with the Revolution
The third quatrain
How the chimney sweeper’s cry Every blackening Church appalls; And the hapless Soldier’s sigh Runs in blood down palace walls.
charter: n. a written statement describing the rights that a particular group of people should have.(宪章)
Charter: v. to state officially that a new organization, town or university has been established and has special rights and privileges.(特许设立)
A precursor of Romanticism in English poetry
An innovative poet and thinker (mystic) Strong opposition to rationalism and
tyranny of all forms, emphasis on intuition and imagination An undaunted revolutionary
Strange, simple beauty both in themes and in language and in verse form and rhythm
Some songs from “Innocence”:
“ The Echoing Green”, “The Lamb”,
“The Little Black Boy”, “The Little Boy Lost”, “The Little Boy Found”, “Nurse’s Song”, “The Chimney Sweeper” ,“Infant Joy”
Blake’s poetry largely divided in to 2 groups:
lyrical poems: “Poetical Sketches”
(poetry of ages 12-20), “Songs of Innocence”, “Songs of Experience”
Presenting a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy, sometimes bitter tone
Experience bringing a fuller sense of evil, joy replaced by bitterness
Besides the word “chartered”, can you find other repetitions in the poem? How do you understand them?
It is as if language itself, the poet’s medium, experiences a hemming-in, a restriction of resources. Blake’s repetition, thudding and oppressive, reflects the suffocating atmosphere of the city.
But words also undergo transformation within this repetition: thus “mark”, between the third and fourth lines, changes from a verb to a pair of nouns--from an act of observation which leaves some room for imaginative elaboration, to an indelible imprint, branding the people’s bodies regardless of the speaker’s actions.
What is the speaker doing?
The speaker wanders through the streets of London and comments on his observations.
What is the meaning of “chartered”?
prophetic poems: “Visions of the
Daughters of Albion”, “America”, “The French Revolution” ,“Jerusalem”, “The Book of Los”, “The Book of Urizen”, “The Marriage of Herain
I wandered through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does
flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe,
In every cry of every Man, In every infant’s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear.
ban: curse
mind-forged manacles: restraints forged for the mind
Depicting “two contrary states of the human soul”: the presentation of the world is colored/prejudiced by the state of mind of the speaker
Poems in two collections well paired off: “The Lamb”/ “The Tiger”, “The Divine Image”/ “The Human Abstract”, “The Chimney Sweeper”/ “The Chimney Sweeper”, “The Nurse’s Songs”
Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker describes.
The second quatrain
A mixture of the simple and the childlike with the serious and the thoughtful in voice
Some songs from “Experience”
“London”, “The Chimney Sweeper”, “A Little Boy Lost”, “A Little Girl Lost”, “Infant Sorrow”, “A Poison Tree”, “The Sick Rose”, “Nurse’s Song”
Songs of Innocence (1789)《天真之歌》
Purpose : “And I made a rural pen, / And I stained the