

1. 证券市场理论在投资学中,证券市场理论是一个重要的基础概念。
请简要解释以下几个概念:a) 有效市场假说b) 均值方差理论c) 资本市场线2. 投资组合理论投资组合理论是投资学的核心内容之一。
请回答以下问题:a) 什么是投资组合的风险和收益?b) 如何根据投资者的风险偏好构建一个有效的投资组合?c) 请解释资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的原理和应用。
3. 股票估值股票估值是投资学中的一个重要主题。
请回答以下问题:a) 什么是股票的内在价值和市场价值?b) 请解释常见的股票估值方法,如市盈率法和现金流量折现法。
c) 在估值过程中,有哪些因素需要考虑?4. 金融衍生品金融衍生品是金融市场中的一类特殊投资工具。
请回答以下问题:a) 什么是期权和期货合约?b) 请解释期权的价值和风险特征。
c) 期货合约的交割方式是怎样的?5. 投资策略投资策略是投资学中的一个关键话题。
请回答以下问题:a) 什么是市场定时和市场择时策略?b) 请解释动量策略和反转策略的原理和应用。
c) 在选择投资策略时,有哪些因素需要考虑?以上只是投资学考试试题的一小部分,涵盖了证券市场理论、投资组合理论、股票估值、金融衍生品和投资策略等多个方面的知识。

投资学习题+答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、若提高一只债券的初始到期收益率,其他因素不变,该债券的久期( )。
A、变小B、无法判断C、变大D、不变正确答案:A2、以下说法不正确的是( )。
A、价格高开低收产生阴K线B、光头阳K线说明以当日最高价收盘C、价格低开高收产生阳K线D、今日价格高于前日价格必定是阳K线正确答案:D3、在周期天数少的移动平均线从下向上突破周期天数较多的移动平均线时,为股票的( )。
A、卖出信号B、买入信号C、等待信号D、持有信号正确答案:B4、合格的境内机构投资者的英文简称为( )。
A、QFIIB、QDIIC、RQFIID、RQDII正确答案:B5、有四种面值均为100元的债券,投资者预期未来市场利率会下降,应该买入( )。
债券名称到期期限票面利率甲 10年 6%乙 8年 5%丙 8年 6%丁 10年 5%A、乙B、丙C、甲D、丁正确答案:D6、投资与投机事实上在追求( )目标上是一致的。
A、风险B、处理风险的态度上C、投资收益D、组织结构上正确答案:C7、除权的原因不包括( )。
A、发放红股B、配股C、对外进行重大投资D、资本公积金转增股票正确答案:C8、一个股票看跌期权卖方承受的最大损失是( )。
A、执行价格减去看跌期权价格B、执行价格C、股价减去看跌期权价格D、看跌期权价格正确答案:A9、某项投资不融资时获得的收益率是20%,如果融资保证金比例为80%,则投资人融资时在该项投资上最高可以获得的收益率是( )。
A、28%B、40%C、58%D、45%正确答案:D10、股票看涨期权卖方承受的最大损失可能是( )。
A、无限大B、执行价格减去看涨期权价格C、看涨期权价格D、执行价格正确答案:A11、下面哪一种形态是股价反转向上的形态( )。
A、头肩顶B、三重顶C、双底D、双顶正确答案:C12、下列关于证券投资的风险与收益的描述中,错误的是( )。
A、在证券投资中,收益和风险形影相随,收益以风险为代价,风险用收益来补偿B、风险和收益的本质联系可以用公式表述为:预期收益率=无风险利率+风险补偿C、美国一般将联邦政府发行的短期国库券视为无风险证券,把短期国库券利率视为无风险利率D、在通货膨胀严重的情况下,债券的票面利率会提高或是会发行浮动利率债券,这种情况是对利率风险的补偿正确答案:D13、若提高一只债券的票面利率,其他因素不变,该债券的久期( )。

• 2 dominates 1; has a higher return • 2 dominates 3; has a lower risk • 4 dominates 3; has a higher return
Utility and Indifference Curves
Represent an investor’s willingness to trade-off return and risk. Example
Rule 2: The variance of an asset’s return is the expected value of the squared deviations from the expected return.
= ∑ P(s)[r(s) − E(r)] σ s
Return on a Portfolio
Portfolio Risk with Risk-Free Asset
Rule 4: When a risky asset is combined with a risk-free asset, the portfolio standard deviation equals the risky asset’s standard deviation multiplied by the portfolio proportion invested in the risky asset.
U = E ( r ) - .005 A σ 2 = .22 - .005 A (34%) 2 Risk Aversion A Value High 5 -6.90 3 4.66 Low 1 16.22

《投资学》考试题库及答案投资学考试题库及答案1. 什么是投资学?投资学是研究投资行为和投资决策的学科。
2. 请列举投资学中常见的投资工具和资产类别。
- 投资工具:股票、债券、期货合约、期权合约等。
- 资产类别:股票、债券、商品、房地产等。
3. 什么是现金流量?为什么它在投资决策中很重要?- 现金流量指的是某一时间段内产生或支出的现金金额。
- 它在投资决策中很重要,因为投资决策的目的是为了获得更多现金流入。
4. 请解释什么是投资回报率(ROI)?如何计算ROI?- 投资回报率是用于衡量投资项目的收益率的指标。
- 计算ROI的公式是(投资收益 - 投资成本)/ 投资成本 ×100%。
5. 什么是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)?它有什么作用?- 资本资产定价模型是一种用于估计资产预期回报的模型。
- 它的作用是帮助投资者确定资产的合理价格,并衡量资产的系统风险。
6. 请解释什么是分散投资?为什么分散投资可以降低投资风险?- 分散投资指的是将投资分散到不同的资产或资产类别中。
- 分散投资可以降低投资风险,因为不同资产之间的回报通常是不相关的。
7. 请说明什么是投资组合?如何构建一个优化的投资组合?- 投资组合是指将多个不同的资产组合在一起形成的投资策略。
- 构建一个优化的投资组合需要考虑资产的回报和风险,以及投资者的目标和偏好。
8. 请解释什么是市场效率假设?它对投资者有什么影响?- 市场效率假设认为市场价格已经反映了所有可获得的信息,投资者无法通过分析市场信息获得超额收益。
- 对投资者而言,市场效率假设表明他们需要依赖其他策略来获取超越市场平均水平的收益,如选择合适的资产配置和分散投资。


、基本概念1、 资本资产定价模型的前提假设是什么?2、 什么是资本配置线?其斜率是多少?3、 存在无风险资产的情况下, n 种资产的组合的可行集是怎样的?(画图说明) ;什么是有效边界?风险厌恶的投资者如何选择最有效的资产组合?(画图说明) 4、 什么是分离定理? 5、什么是市场组合?6、 什么是资本市场线?写出资本市场线的方程。
7、 什么是证券市场线?写出资本资产定价公式。
8 P 的含义二、单选1、根据 CAPM ,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关( AA •市场风险B •非系统风险C .个别风险D •再投资风险 2、在资本资产定价模型中,风险的测度是通过(A •个别风险B •贝塔系数3、市场组合的贝塔系数为( BA 、0B 、1C 、-14、无风险收益率和市场期望收益率分别是 0.06 和 0.12。
根据 CAPM 模型,贝塔值为 1.2 的证券 X 的期望收益率为( D )。
A . 0.06B . 0.144C . 0.12 美元D . 0.132 5、对于市场投资组合,下列哪种说法不正确( D ) A .它包括所有证券 B •它在有效边界上C 市场投资组合中所有证券所占比重与它们的市值成正比D •它是资本市场线和无差异曲线的切点6、关于资本市场线,哪种说法不正确( C ) A .资本市场线通过无风险利率和市场资产组合两个点 B •资本市场线是可达到的最好的市场配置线 C .资本市场线也叫证券市场线 D •资本市场线斜率总为正7、证券市场线是( D )。
A 、充分分散化的资产组合,描述期望收益与贝塔的关系作业 1资产组合理论& CAPM)。
B )进行的。
C .收益的标准差D .收益的方差)。
D 、0.5B 、 也叫资本市场线C 、 与所有风险资产有效边界相切的线D 、 描述了单个证券(或任意组合)的期望收益与贝塔关系的线根据 CAPM 模型,进取型证券的贝塔系数( D ) B 、等于0 C 、等于1 D 、大于19、 A 、 美国“ 911” 系统性风险 事件发生后引起的全球股市下跌的风险属于( B 、非系统性风险C 、信用风险 A ) D 、流动性风险10 、下列说法正确的是( C ) A 、 分散化投资使系统风险减少 B 、 分散化投资使因素风险减少 C 、 分散化投资使非系统风险减少 D 、 .分散化投资既降低风险又提高收益 11、现代投资组合理论的创始者是( A ) A.哈里.马科威茨 B.威廉.夏普 C.斯蒂芬.罗斯 D.尤金.珐玛 12、反映投资者收益与风险偏好有曲线是( D ) A.证券市场线方程 B.证券特征线方程 C.资本市场线方程 D.无差异曲线 13 、不知足且厌恶风险的投资者的偏好无差异曲线具有的特征是( A. 无差异曲线向左上方倾斜B. 收益增加的速度快于风险增加的速度C. 无差异曲线之间可能相交D.无差异曲线位置与该曲线上的组合给投资者带来的满意程度无关 B ) 14、反映证券组合期望收益水平和单个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( A.单因素模型 B.特征线模型C.资本市场线模型 D.套利定价模型 A )三、多项选择题1、关于资本市场线,下列说法正确的是( ABD )。

大一投资学考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 投资学中,投资组合的风险主要来源于()。
A. 系统性风险B. 非系统性风险C. 市场风险D. 利率风险答案:B2. 根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM),下列哪项不是决定资产预期收益率的因素?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 资产的贝塔系数D. 资产的流动性答案:D3. 在现代投资理论中,下列哪项不是有效市场假说(EMH)的类型?()A. 弱式有效市场B. 半强式有效市场C. 强式有效市场D. 完全有效市场答案:D4. 以下哪项不是投资学中的风险度量指标?()A. 方差B. 标准差C. 夏普比率D. 收益率答案:D5. 投资组合理论中,投资者通过分散投资可以降低的是()。
A. 系统性风险B. 非系统性风险C. 市场风险D. 利率风险答案:B6. 根据债券定价理论,下列哪项不是影响债券价格的因素?()A. 利率水平B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的到期时间D. 债券的面值答案:D7. 股票的股息贴现模型(DDM)中,下列哪项不是决定股票内在价值的因素?()A. 预期股息B. 贴现率C. 股票的面值D. 股息增长率答案:C8. 在投资中,下列哪项不是财务杠杆的作用?()A. 增加收益B. 增加风险C. 减少收益D. 增加风险和收益的潜力答案:C9. 投资学中,下列哪项不是投资决策的基本原则?()A. 风险与回报的权衡B. 多元化投资C. 市场时机选择D. 长期投资答案:C10. 投资学中,下列哪项不是投资分析的主要方法?()A. 基本分析B. 技术分析C. 宏观经济分析D. 行为分析答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 投资学中,下列哪些因素会影响股票价格?()A. 公司的盈利能力B. 利率水平C. 通货膨胀率D. 投资者情绪答案:ABCD12. 投资组合管理中,下列哪些是风险管理策略?()A. 资产配置B. 风险预算C. 衍生品对冲D. 市场时机选择答案:ABC13. 根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM),下列哪些因素会影响资产的预期收益率?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 资产的贝塔系数D. 资产的流动性答案:ABC14. 投资学中,下列哪些是影响债券价格的主要因素?()A. 利率水平B. 债券的信用等级C. 债券的到期时间D. 债券的面值答案:ABC15. 投资学中,下列哪些是投资分析的主要方法?()A. 基本分析B. 技术分析C. 宏观经济分析D. 行为分析答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. 投资组合理论认为,通过分散投资可以消除所有风险。

A. 创业投资B. 证券投资C. 风险投资D. 实物投资题目2以下属于失业人口的范畴的为()。
A. 不愿工作的人B. 在校学生C. 被公司辞退的人员D. 退休人员题目3投资风险与收益之间呈()。
A. 同方向变化B. 同比例变化C. 不确定性D. 反方向变化题目4实物投资主体是()投资者,金融投资主体是()投资者。
a. 直接;间接b. 间接;直接c. 间接;间接d. 直接;直接题目5区分直接投资和间接投资的基本标志是在于()。
A. 投资者的投资方式B. 投资者是否拥有控制权C. 投资者的资本数量D. 投资者的投资渠道题目6总产出通常用()来衡量。
A. 国内生产总值B. 国民生产总值C. 物价指数D. 国家生产总值题目7非自愿失业可分为()。
或多项A. 结构性失业B. 隐蔽性失业C. 摩擦性失业D. 周期性失业The correct answers are: 摩擦性失业, 结构性失业, 周期性失业题目8则利用乘数-加速数模型计算下一期国民收入为()。
A. 1400B. 600C. 2400D. 1000正确答案是1400题目9如果资本存量的利用程度高,那么消费与投资成()变化。
A. 零B. 正比例C. 不确定性D. 反比例正确答案是反比例题目10用来衡量通货膨胀的程度的指标是()。
A. 固定资产投资价格指数B. 城市居民消费价格指数C. 消费价格指数D. 工业品出产价格指数正确答案是消费价格指数二、多项选择题(每题6分,共30分)题目11以下哪些属于投资主体()。
或多项A. 银行B. 政府C. 投资基金D. 保险公司E. 证券公司The correct answers are: 银行, 证券公司, 保险公司, 投资基金, 政府题目12投资的特征有()。
或多项A. 安全性B. 时间性C. 风险性D. 收益性E. 经济性The correct answers are: 经济性, 时间性, 收益性, 风险性题目13短期投资和长期投资相比,具有()特性。

Chapter 06Capital Allocation to Risky Assets Multiple Choice Questions1.Which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true?A. T hey only care about the rate of return.B. T hey accept investments that are fair games.C. T hey only accept risky investments that offer risk premiums over the risk-free rate.D. T hey are willing to accept lower returns and high risk.E. T hey only care about the rate of return, and they accept investments that are fair games.2.Which of the following statements is(are) true?I) Risk-averse investors reject investments that are fair games.II) Risk-neutral investors judge risky investments only by the expected returns.III) Risk-averse investors judge investments only by their riskiness.IV) Risk-loving investors will not engage in fair games.A. I onlyB. I I onlyC. I and II onlyD. I I and III onlyE. I I, III, and IV only精选文库3.Which of the following statements is(are) false?I) Risk-averse investors reject investments that are fair games.II) Risk-neutral investors judge risky investments only by the expected returns.III) Risk-averse investors judge investments only by their riskiness.IV) Risk-loving investors will not engage in fair games.A. I onlyB. I I onlyC. I and II onlyD. I I and III onlyE. I II and IV only4.In the mean-standard deviation graph an indifference curve has a ________ slope.A. n egativeB. z eroC. p ositiveD. v erticalE. c annot be determined5.In the mean-standard deviation graph, which one of the following statements is true regardingthe indifference curve of a risk-averse investor?A. I t is the locus of portfolios that have the same expected rates of return and differentstandard deviations.B. I t is the locus of portfolios that have the same standard deviations and different rates ofreturn.C. I t is the locus of portfolios that offer the same utility according to returns and standarddeviations.D. I t connects portfolios that offer increasing utilities according to returns and standarddeviations.E. N one of the options6.In a return-standard deviation space, which of the following statements is(are) true for risk-averse investors? (The vertical and horizontal lines are referred to as the expected return-axis and the standard deviation-axis, respectively.)I) An investor's own indifference curves might intersect.II) Indifference curves have negative slopes.III) In a set of indifference curves, the highest offers the greatest utility.IV) Indifference curves of two investors might intersect.A. I and II onlyB. I I and III onlyC. I and IV onlyD. I II and IV onlyE. N one of the options7.Elias is a risk-averse investor. David is a less risk-averse investor than Elias. Therefore,A. f or the same risk, David requires a higher rate of return than Elias.B. f or the same return, Elias tolerates higher risk than David.C. f or the same risk, Elias requires a lower rate of return than David.D. f or the same return, David tolerates higher risk than Elias.E. C annot be determined8.When an investment advisor attempts to determine an investor's risk tolerance, which factorwould they be least likely to assess?A. T he investor's prior investing experienceB. T he investor's degree of financial securityC. T he investor's tendency to make risky or conservative choicesD. T he level of return the investor prefersE. T he investor's feelings about loss9.Assume an investor with the following utility function: U = E(r) - 3/2(s2).To maximize her expected utility, she would choose the asset with an expected rate of return of _______ and a standard deviation of ________, respectively.A. 12%; 20%B. 10%; 15%C. 10%; 10%D. 8%; 10%10.Assume an investor with the following utility function: U = E(r) - 3/2(s2).To maximize her expected utility, which one of the following investment alternatives would she choose?A. A portfolio that pays 10% with a 60% probability or 5% with 40% probability.B. A portfolio that pays 10% with 40% probability or 5% with a 60% probability.C. A portfolio that pays 12% with 60% probability or 5% with 40% probability.D. A portfolio that pays 12% with 40% probability or 5% with 60% probability.11.A portfolio has an expected rate of return of 0.15 and a standard deviation of 0.15. The risk-free rate is 6%. An investor has the following utility function: U = E(r) - (A/2)s2. Which value ofA makes this investor indifferent between the risky portfolio and the risk-free asset?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 812.According to the mean-variance criterion, which one of the following investments dominatesall others?A. E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.20B. E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.20C. E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.25D. E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.25E. N one of these options dominates the other alternatives.13.Consider a risky portfolio, A, with an expected rate of return of 0.15 and a standard deviationof 0.15, that lies on a given indifference curve. Which one of the following portfolios might lie on the same indifference curve?A. E(r) = 0.15; Standard deviation = 0.20B. E(r) = 0.15; Standard deviation = 0.10C. E(r) = 0.10; Standard deviation = 0.10D. E(r) = 0.20; Standard deviation = 0.15E. E(r) = 0.10; Standard deviation = 0.2014.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.Based on the utility function above, which investment would you select?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. C annot tell from the information given精选文库15.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.Which investment would you select if you were risk neutral?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. C annot tell from the information given16.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.The variable (A) in the utility function represents theA. i nvestor's return requirement.B. i nvestor's aversion to risk.C. c ertainty-equivalent rate of the portfolio.D. m inimum required utility of the portfolio.17.The exact indifference curves of different investorsA. c annot be known with perfect certainty.B. c an be calculated precisely with the use of advanced calculus.C. a lthough not known with perfect certainty, do allow the advisor to create more suitableportfolios for the client.D. c annot be known with perfect certainty and although not known with perfect certainty, doallow the advisor to create more suitable portfolios for the client.18.The riskiness of individual assetsA. s hould be considered for the asset in isolation.B. s hould be considered in the context of the effect on overall portfolio volatility.C. s hould be combined with the riskiness of other individual assets in the proportions theseassets constitute the entire portfolio.D. s hould be considered in the context of the effect on overall portfolio volatility and should becombined with the riskiness of other individual assets in the proportions these assetsconstitute the entire portfolio.19.A fair gameA. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor.B. i s a risky investment with a zero risk premium.C. i s a riskless investment.D. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor and is a risky investment with a zero riskpremium.E. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor and is a riskless investment.20.The presence of risk means thatA. i nvestors will lose money.B. m ore than one outcome is possible.C. t he standard deviation of the payoff is larger than its expected value.D. f inal wealth will be greater than initial wealth.E. t erminal wealth will be less than initial wealth.21.The utility score an investor assigns to a particular portfolio, other things equal,A. w ill decrease as the rate of return increases.B. w ill decrease as the standard deviation decreases.C. w ill decrease as the variance decreases.D. w ill increase as the variance increases.E. w ill increase as the rate of return increases.22.The certainty equivalent rate of a portfolio isA. t he rate that a risk-free investment would need to offer with certainty to be consideredequally attractive as the risky portfolio.B. t he rate that the investor must earn for certain to give up the use of his money.C. t he minimum rate guaranteed by institutions such as banks.D. t he rate that equates "A" in the utility function with the average risk aversion coefficient forall risk-averse investors.E. r epresented by the scaling factor "-.005" in the utility function.23.According to the mean-variance criterion, which of the statements below is correct?A. I nvestment B dominates investment A.B. I nvestment B dominates investmentC.C. I nvestment D dominates all of the other investments.D. I nvestment D dominates only investment B.E. I nvestment C dominates investment A.24.Steve is more risk-averse than Edie. On a graph that shows Steve and Edie's indifferencecurves, which of the following is true? Assume that the graph shows expected return on the vertical axis and standard deviation on the horizontal axis.I) Steve and Edie's indifference curves might intersect.II) Steve's indifference curves will have flatter slopes than Edie's.III) Steve's indifference curves will have steeper slopes than Edie's.IV) Steve and Edie's indifference curves will not intersect.V) Steve's indifference curves will be downward sloping and Edie's will be upward sloping.A. I and VB. I and IIIC. I II and IVD. I and IIE. I I and IV25.The capital allocation line can be described as theA. i nvestment opportunity set formed with a risky asset and a risk-free asset.B. i nvestment opportunity set formed with two risky assets.C. l ine on which lie all portfolios that offer the same utility to a particular investor.D. l ine on which lie all portfolios with the same expected rate of return and different standarddeviations.26.Which of the following statements regarding the capital allocation line (CAL) is false?A. T he CAL shows risk-return combinations.B. T he slope of the CAL equals the increase in the expected return of the complete portfolioper unit of additional standard deviation.C. T he slope of the CAL is also called the reward-to-volatility ratio.D. T he CAL is also called the efficient frontier of risky assets in the absence of a risk-freeasset.27.Given the capital allocation line, an investor's optimal portfolio is the portfolio thatA. m aximizes her expected profit.B. m aximizes her risk.C. m inimizes both her risk and return.D. m aximizes her expected utility.E. N one of the optionsand a variance of 0.04 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 6%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.12B. 0.087; 0.06C. 0.295; 0.06D. 0.087; 0.12E. N one of the options29.An investor invests 30% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.13and a variance of 0.03 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 6%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.128B. 0.087; 0.063C. 0.295; 0.125D. 0.081; 0.05230.An investor invests 40% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17and a variance of 0.08 and 60% in a T-bill that pays 4.5%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.126B. 0.087; 0.068C. 0.095; 0.113D. 0.087; 0.124E. N one of the optionsand a variance of 0.04 and 30% in a T-bill that pays 5%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.120; 0.14B. 0.087; 0.06C. 0.295; 0.12D. 0.087; 0.1232.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.12 and a standarddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.09?A. 85% and 15%B. 75% and 25%C. 67% and 33%D. 57% and 43%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.06?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determined34.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.12 and a standarddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.A portfolio that has an expected outcome of $115 is formed byA. i nvesting $100 in the risky asset.B. i nvesting $80 in the risky asset and $20 in the risk-free asset.C. b orrowing $43 at the risk-free rate and investing the total amount ($143) in the risky asset.D. i nvesting $43 in the risky asset and $57 in the riskless asset.E. S uch a portfolio cannot be formed.deviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.4667.B. 0.8000.C. 2.14.D. 0.41667.E. C annot be determined36.Consider a T-bill with a rate of return of 5% and the following risky securities:Security A: E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.04Security B: E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.0225Security C: E(r) = 0.12; Variance = 0.01Security D: E(r) = 0.13; Variance = 0.0625From which set of portfolios, formed with the T-bill and any one of the four risky securities, would a risk-averse investor always choose his portfolio?A. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security A.B. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security B.C. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security C.D. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security D.E. C annot be determinedconstructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.If you want to form a portfolio with an expected rate of return of 0.11, what percentages of your money must you invest in the T-bill and P, respectively?A. 0.25; 0.75B. 0.19; 0.81C. 0.65; 0.35D. 0.50; 0.50E. C annot be determined38.You are considering investing $1,000 in a T-bill that pays 0.05 and a risky portfolio, P,constructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.If you want to form a portfolio with an expected rate of return of 0.10, what percentages of your money must you invest in the T-bill, X, and Y, respectively, if you keep X and Y in the same proportions to each other as in portfolio P?A. 0.25; 0.45; 0.30B. 0.19; 0.49; 0.32C. 0.32; 0.41; 0.27D. 0.50; 0.30; 0.20E. C annot be determinedconstructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.What would be the dollar values of your positions in X and Y, respectively, if you decide to hold 40% of your money in the risky portfolio and 60% in T-bills?A. $240; $360B. $360; $240C. $100; $240D. $240; $160E. C annot be determined40.You are considering investing $1,000 in a T-bill that pays 0.05 and a risky portfolio, P,constructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.What would be the dollar value of your positions in X, Y, and the T-bills, respectively, if you decide to hold a portfolio that has an expected outcome of $1,120?A. C annot be determinedB. $568; $378; $54C. $568; $54; $378D. $378; $54; $568E. $108; $514; $378精选文库41.A reward-to-volatility ratio is useful inA. m easuring the standard deviation of returns.B. u nderstanding how returns increase relative to risk increases.C. a nalyzing returns on variable rate bonds.D. a ssessing the effects of inflation.E. N one of the options42.The change from a straight to a kinked capital allocation line is a result ofA. r eward-to-volatility ratio increasing.B. b orrowing rate exceeding lending rate.C. a n investor's risk tolerance decreasing.D. i ncrease in the portfolio proportion of the risk-free asset.43.The first major step in asset allocation isA. a ssessing risk tolerance.B. a nalyzing financial statements.C. e stimating security betas.D. i dentifying market anomalies.44.Based on their relative degrees of risk toleranceA. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risky asset in their portfolios.B. a ll investors will have the same portfolio asset allocations.C. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risk-free asset in their portfolios.D. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risky asset and varying amounts of the risk-freeasset in their portfolios.45.Asset allocation may involveA. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset.B. t he decision as to the allocation among different risky assets.C. c onsiderable security analysis.D. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset and thedecision as to the allocation among different risky assets.E. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset andconsiderable security analysis.46.In the mean-standard deviation graph, the line that connects the risk-free rate and the optimalrisky portfolio, P, is calledA. t he security market line.B. t he capital allocation line.C. t he indifference curve.D. t he investor's utility line.47.Treasury bills are commonly viewed as risk-free assets becauseA. t heir short-term nature makes their values insensitive to interest rate fluctuations.B. t he inflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible.C. t heir term to maturity is identical to most investors' desired holding periods.D. t heir short-term nature makes their values insensitive to interest rate fluctuations and theinflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible.E. t he inflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible and their term to maturity isidentical to most investors' desired holding periods.48.Your client, Bo Regard, holds a complete portfolio that consists of a portfolio of risky assets(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the expected return on Bo's complete portfolio?A. 10.32%B. 5.28%C. 9.62%D. 8.44%E. 7.58%(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the standard deviation of Bo's complete portfolio?A. 7.20%B. 5.40%C. 6.92%D. 4.98%E. 5.76%(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the equation of Bo's capital allocation line?A. E(r C) = 7.2 + 3.6 × Standard De viation of CB. E(r C) = 3.6 + 1.167 × Standard Deviation of CC. E(r C) = 3.6 + 12.0 × Standard Deviation of CD. E(r C) = 0.2 + 1.167 × Standard Deviation of CE. E(r C) = 3.6 + 0.857 × Standard Deviation of C(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What are the proportions of stocks A, B, and C, respectively, in Bo's complete portfolio?A. 40%, 25%, 35%B. 8%, 5%, 7%C. 32%, 20%, 28%D. 16%, 10%, 14%E. 20%, 12.5%, 17.5%52.To build an indifference curve we can first find the utility of a portfolio with 100% in the risk-free asset, thenA. f ind the utility of a portfolio with 0% in the risk-free asset.B. c hange the expected return of the portfolio and equate the utility to the standard deviation.C. f ind another utility level with 0% risk.D. c hange the standard deviation of the portfolio and find the expected return the investorwould require to maintain the same utility level.E. c hange the risk-free rate and find the utility level that results in the same standarddeviation.53.The capital market lineI) is a special case of the capital allocation line.II) represents the opportunity set of a passive investment strategy.III) has the one-month T-Bill rate as its intercept.IV) uses a broad index of common stocks as its risky portfolio.A. I, III, and IVB. I I, III, and IVC. I II and IVD. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, III, and IV54.An investor invests 35% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.18and a variance of 0.10 and 65% in a T-bill that pays 4%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.089; 0.111B. 0.087; 0.063C. 0.096; 0.126D. 0.087; 0.14455.An investor invests 30% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11and a variance of 0.12 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 3%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.086; 0.242B. 0.054; 0.104C. 0.295; 0.123D. 0.087; 0.182E. N one of the optionsdeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.08?A. 85% and 15%B. 75% and 25%C. 62.5% and 37.5%D. 57% and 43%E. C annot be determined57.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.08?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.47.B. 0.80.C. 2.14.D. 0.40.E. C annot be determined59.You invest $1,000 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17 and a standarddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.11?A. 53.8% and 46.2%B. 75% and 25%C. 62.5% and 37.5%D. 46.2% and 53.8%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.20?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determined61.You invest $1,000 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17 and a standarddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.325.B. 0.675.C. 0.912.D. 0.407.E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.13?A. 130.77% and -30.77%B. -30.77% and 130.77%C. 67.67% and 33.33%D. 57.75% and 42.25%E. C annot be determined63.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.08?A. 301% and 69.9%B. 50.5% and 49.50%C. 60.0% and 40.0%D. 61.9% and 38.1%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.A portfolio that has an expected outcome of $114 is formed byA. i nvesting $100 in the risky asset.B. i nvesting $80 in the risky asset and $20 in the risk-free asset.C. b orrowing $46 at the risk-free rate and investing the total amount ($146) in the risky asset.D. i nvesting $43 in the risky asset and $57 in the risk-free asset.E. S uch a portfolio cannot be formed.65.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.4667.B. 0.8000.C. 0.3095.D. 0.41667.E. C annot be determinedShort Answer Questions66.Discuss the differences between investors who are risk averse,risk neutral,and risk loving.67.In the utility function: U = E(r) - [-0.005As2], what is the significance of "A"?68.What is a fair game? Explain how the term relates to a risk-averse investor's attitude towardspeculation and risk and how the utility function reflects this attitude.69.Draw graphs that represent indifference curves for the following investors: Harry, who is arisk-averse investor; Eddie, who is a risk-neutral investor; and Ozzie, who is a risk-loving investor. Discuss the nature of each curve and the reasons for its shape.70.Toby and Hannah are two risk-averse investors. Toby is more risk-averse than Hannah. Drawone indifference curve for Toby and one indifference curve for Hannah on the same graph.Show how these curves illustrate their relative levels of risk aversion.71.Discuss the characteristics of indifference curves, and the theoretical value of these curves inthe portfolio building process.72.Describe how an investor may combine a risk-free asset and one risky asset in order toobtain the optimal portfolio for that investor.73.The optimal proportion of the risky asset in the complete portfolio is given by the equation y* =[E(r P) - r f]/(.01A times the variance of P). For each of the variables on the right side of the equation, discuss the impact of the variable's effect on y* and why the nature of therelationship makes sense intuitively. Assume the investor is risk averse.74.You are evaluating two investment alternatives. One is a passive market portfolio with anexpected return of 10% and a standard deviation of 16%. The other is a fund that is actively managed by your broker. This fund has an expected return of 15% and a standard deviation of 20%. The risk-free rate is currently 7%. Answer the questions below based on thisinformation.a. What is the slope of the capital market line?b. What is the slope of the capital allocation line offered by your broker's fund?c. Draw the CML and the CAL on one graph.d. What is the maximum fee your broker could charge and still leave you as well off as if youhad invested in the passive market fund? (Assume that the fee would be a percentage of the investment in the broker's fund and would be deducted at the end of the year.)e. How would it affect the graph if the broker were to charge the full amount of the fee?。

1. 投资学是什么?
2. 什么是投资组合理论?
3. 市场资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的内容是什么?
4. 什么是主观价值理论?


1. 假设你有一笔资金,你打算进行投资来获取更多的财富。
2. 如果你的投资组合包括股票、债券、房地产和黄金,你将如何分配资金比例?请解释你的理由。
3. 请列举出影响投资决策的因素,并分析这些因素对投资风险和回报的影响。
4. 你认为心理因素对投资决策的影响有多大?请结合实例说明。
5. 对于长期投资和短期投资,你更倾向于哪一种?为什么?
6. 在进行投资决策时,你会如何利用基本面分析和技术分析?它们对你的投资决策有何帮助?
7. 你认为市场情绪对投资的影响有多大?请说明你的看法。
8. 请描述一次成功的投资经验,以及你从中学到的教训。
9. 你觉得投资的关键在于什么?请分享你的看法和经验。
10. 未来几年,你对投资市场的发展有何预测?你将如何应对未来可能的挑战和机遇?

CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。

CHAPTER 6: CAPITAL ALLOCATION TO RISKY ASSETS PROBLEM SETS1. (e) The first two answer choices are incorrect because a highlyrisk averse investor would avoid portfolios with higher riskpremiums and higher standard deviations. In addition, higher orlower Sharpe ratios are not an indication of an investor'stolerance for risk. The Sharpe ratio is simply a tool toabsolutely measure the return premium earned per unit of risk.2. (b) A higher borrowing rate is a consequence of the risk of theborr owers’ default. In perfect markets with no additional cost of default, this increment would equal the value of the borrower’soption to default, and the Sharpe measure, with appropriatetreatment of the default option, would be the same. However, inreality there are costs to default so that this part of theincrement lowers the Sharpe ratio. Also, notice that answer (c) is not correct because doubling the expected return with a fixed risk-free rate will more than double the risk premium and the Sharperatio.3. Assuming no change in risk tolerance, that is, an unchanged risk-aversion coefficient (A), higher perceived volatility increases the denominator of the equation for the optimal investment in the risky portfolio (Equation 6.7). The proportion invested in the riskyportfolio will therefore decrease.4. a. The expected cash flow is: (0.5 × $70,000) + (0.5 × 200,000)= $135,000.With a risk premium of 8% over the risk-free rate of 6%, therequired rate of return is 14%. Therefore, the present value ofthe portfolio is:$135,000/1.14 = $118,421b. If the portfolio is purchased for $118,421 and provides anexpected cash inflow of $135,000, then the expected rate ofreturn [E(r)] is as follows:$118,421 × [1 + E(r)] = $135,000Therefore, E(r) =14%. The portfolio price is set to equate theexpected rate of return with the required rate of return.c. If the risk premium over T-bills is now 12%, then the requiredreturn is:6% + 12% = 18%The present value of the portfolio is now:$135,000/1.18 = $114,407d. For a given expected cash flow, portfolios that commandgreater risk premiums must sell at lower prices. The extradiscount from expected value is a penalty for risk.5.When we specify utility by U = E(r) – 0.5Aσ2, the utility levelfor T-bills is: 0.07The utility level for the risky portfolio is:U = 0.12 –0.5 × A× (0.18)2 = 0.12 –0.0162 × AIn order for the risky portfolio to be preferred to bills, thefollowing must hold:0.12 – 0.0162A > 0.07 A < 0.05/0.0162 = 3.09A must be less than 3.09 for the risky portfolio to be preferred tobills.6. Points on the curve are derived by solving for E(r) in thefollowing equation:U = 0.05 = E(r) – 0.5Aσ2 = E(r) – 1.5σ2The values of E(r), given the values of σ2, are therefore:2E(r)0.00 0.0000 0.050000.05 0.0025 0.053750.10 0.0100 0.065000.15 0.0225 0.083750.20 0.0400 0.110000.25 0.0625 0.14375The bold line in the graph on the next page (labeled Q6, forQuestion 6) depicts the indifference curve.7. Repeating the analysis in Problem 6, utility is now:U = E(r) – 0.5Aσ2 = E(r) – 2.0σ2 = 0.05The equal-utility combinations of expected return and standarddeviation are presented in the table below. The indifference curve is the upward sloping line in the graph on the next page, labeled Q7 (for Question 7).2E(r)0.00 0.0000 0.05000.05 0.0025 0.05500.10 0.0100 0.07000.15 0.0225 0.09500.20 0.0400 0.13000.25 0.0625 0.1750The indifference curve in Problem 7 differs from that in Problem6 in slope. When A increases from 3 to 4, the increased riskaversion results in a greater slope for the indifference curvesince more expected return is needed in order to compensate foradditional σ.8. The coefficient of risk aversion for a risk neutral investor iszero. Therefore, the corresponding utility is equal to theportfolio’s expected return. The corresponding indifference curve in the expected return-standard deviation plane is a horizontalline, labeled Q8 in the graph above (see Problem 6).9. A risk lover, rather than penalizing portfolio utility to accountfor risk, derives greater utility as variance increases. Thisamounts to a negative coefficient of risk aversion. Thecorresponding indifference curve is downward sloping in the graph above (see Problem 6), and is labeled Q9.10. The portfolio expected return and variance are computed as follows:(1) W Bills (2)r Bills(3)W Index(4)r Indexr Portfolio(1)×(2)+(3)×(4)Portfolio(3) × 20%2Portfolio0.0 5% 1.0 13.0% 13.0% = 0.130 20% = 0.20 0.04000.2 5 0.8 13.0 11.4% = 0.114 16% = 0.16 0.02560.4 5 0.6 13.0 9.8% = 0.098 12% = 0.12 0.01440.6 5 0.4 13.0 8.2% = 0.082 8% = 0.08 0.00640.8 5 0.2 13.0 6.6% = 0.066 4% = 0.04 0.00161.0 5 0.0 13.0 5.0% = 0.050 0% = 0.00 0.0000 11. Computing utility from U = E(r) – 0.5 ×Aσ2 = E(r) –σ2, wearrive at the values in the column labeled U(A = 2) in thefollowing table:W Bills W Index r Portfolio Portfolio 2Portfolio U(A = 2) U(A = 3)0.0 1.0 0.130 0.20 0.0400 0.0900 .07000.2 0.8 0.114 0.16 0.0256 0.0884 .07560.4 0.6 0.098 0.12 0.0144 0.0836 .07640.6 0.4 0.082 0.08 0.0064 0.0756 .07240.8 0.2 0.066 0.04 0.0016 0.0644 .06361.0 0.0 0.050 0.00 0.0000 0.0500 .0500The column labeled U(A = 2) implies that investors with A = 2prefer a portfolio that is invested 100% in the market index to any of the other portfolios in the table.12. The column labeled U(A = 3) in the table above is computed from:U = E(r) – 0.5Aσ2 = E(r) – 1.5σ2The more risk averse investors prefer the portfolio that isinvested 40% in the market, rather than the 100% market weightpreferred by investors with A = 2.13. Expected return = (0.7 × 18%) + (0.3 × 8%) = 15%Standard deviation = 0.7 × 28% = 19.6%14. Investmentproportions:30.0% in T-bills0.7 × 25% 17.5% in Stock= A0.7 × 32% = 22.4% in Stock B0.7 × 43% = 30.1% in Stock C15. Your reward-to-volatility ratio:.18.080.3571.28S-==Client's reward-to-volatility ratio:.15.080.3571.196S-==16.ClientP0 5 10 1520 25 30 010203040σ (%)E (r )% CAL (Slope = 0.3571)17. a. E (r C ) = r f + y × [E (r P ) – r f ] = 8 + y × (188)If the expected return for the portfolio is 16%, then:16% = 8% + 10% × y. -== Therefore, in order to have a portfolio with expected rate of return equal to 16%, the client must invest 80% of total funds in the risky portfolio and 20% in T-bills. b.Client’s investment proportions: 20.0% in T-bills0.8 × 25% = 20.0% in Stock A0.8 × 32% = 25.6% in Stock B0.8 × 43% = 34.4% in Stock Cc. σC = 0.8 × σP = 0.8 × 28% = 22.4%18. a. σC = y × 28%If your client prefers a standard deviation of at most 18%, then:y = 18/28 = 0.6429 = 64.29% invested in the risky portfolio.b. ().08.1.08(0.6429.1)14.429%C E r y =+⨯=+⨯=19. a. y *0.36440.27440.σ22==⨯-=-=PfP A r )E(r Therefore, the client’s optimal proportions are: 36.44%invested in the risky portfolio and 63.56% invested in T-bills.b. E (r C ) = 0.08 + 0.10 × y * = 0.08 + (0.3644 × 0.1) = 0.1164 or11.644%C= 0.3644 × 28 = 10.203%20. a. If the period 1926–2012 is assumed to be representative offuture expected performance, then we use the following data to compute the fraction allocated to equity: A = 4, E (r M ) − r f = 8.10%, σM = 20.48% (we use the standard deviation of the riskpremium from Table 6.7). Then y *is given by:That is, 48.28% of the portfolio should be allocated to equity and 51.72% should be allocated to T-bills.b.If the period 1968–1988 is assumed to be representative of future expected performance, then we use the following data to compute the fraction allocated to equity: A = 4, E (r M ) − r f = 3.44%, σM = 16.71% and y * is given by:22()0.0344*0.308040.1671M fME r r y A σ-===⨯Therefore, 30.80% of the complete portfolio should be allocated to equity and 69.20% should be allocated to T-bills.c. In part (b), the market risk premium is expected to be lowerthan in part (a) and market risk is higher. Therefore, the reward-to-volatility ratio is expected to be lower in part (b), which explains the greater proportion invested in T-bills.21. a. E (r C ) = 8% = 5% + y × (11% – 5%) . -==-b. σC = y × σP = 0.50 × 15% = 7.5%c. The first client is more risk averse, preferring investmentsthat have less risk as evidenced by the lower standard deviation.22. Johnson requests the portfolio standard deviation to equal one halfthe market portfolio standard deviation. The market portfolio20%M σ=, which implies 10%P σ=. The intercept of the CML equals0.05f r =and the slope of the CML equals the Sharpe ratio for the market portfolio (35%). Therefore using the CML:()()0.050.350.100.0858.5%M fP f P ME r r E r r σσ-=+=+⨯==23. Data: r f = 5%, E (r M ) = 13%, σM = 25%, and B f r = 9%The CML and indifference curves are as follows:24. For y to be less than 1.0 (that the investor is a lender), riskaversion (A ) must be large enough such that:1σ<-=2MfM A r )E(r y>A For y to be greater than 1 (the investor is a borrower), A must be small enough:1σ)(>-=2MfM A r r E y 0.640.250.090.132=-<A For values of risk aversion within this range, the client will neither borrow nor lend but will hold a portfolio composed only of the optimal risky portfolio:y = 1 for 0.64 ≤ A ≤ 1.2825. a. The graph for Problem 23 has to be redrawn here, with:E (r P ) = 11% and σP = 15%b. For a lending position: 2.670.150.050.112=->A For a borrowing position: 0.890.150.090.112=-<A Therefore, y = 1 for 0.89 ≤ A ≤ 2.6726. The maximum feasible fee, denoted f , depends on the reward-to-variability ratio.For y < 1, the lending rate, 5%, is viewed as the relevant risk-free rate, and we solve for f as follows: . ---=., or 1.2%.25f ⨯=-= For y > 1, the borrowing rate, 9%, is the relevant risk-free rate.Then we notice that, even without a fee, the active fund isinferior to the passive fund because:.11 – .09 – f = 0.13 < .13 – .09 = 0.16 → f = –.004.15 .25More risk tolerant investors (who are more inclined to borrow)will not be clients of the fund. We find that f is negative: thatis, you would need to pay investors to choose your active fund.These investors desire higher risk –higher return completeportfolios and thus are in the borrowing range of the relevant CAL.In this range, the reward-to-variability ratio of the index (thepassive fund) is better than that of the managed fund.27. a. Slope of the CML . The diagram follows.CML and CAL 0246810121416180 10 20 30Standard Deviation E x p e c t e d R e t r u n CAL: Slope = 0.3571 CML: Slope = 0.20b.My fund allows an investor to achieve a higher mean for any given standarddeviation than would a passive strategy, i.e., a higher expected return forany given level of risk.28. a. With 70% of hi s money invested in my fund’s portfolio, theclient’s expected return is 15% per year with a standarddeviation of 19.6% per year. If he shifts that money to thepassive portfolio (which has an expected return of 13% andstandard deviation of 25%), his overall expected return becomes:E(r C) = r f+ 0.7 × [E(r M) −r f] = .08 + [0.7 × (.13 – .08)] = .115, or 11.5%The standard deviation of the complete portfolio using thepassive portfolio would be:σC = 0.7 ×σM = 0.7 × 25% = 17.5%Therefore, the shift entails a decrease in mean from 15% to11.5% and a decrease in standard deviation from 19.6% to 17.5%.Since both mean return and standard deviation decrease, it isnot yet clear whether the move is beneficial. The disadvantageof the shift is that, if the client is willing to accept a meanreturn on his total portfolio of 11.5%, he can achieve it witha lower standard deviation using my fund rather than thepassive portfolio.To achieve a target mean of 11.5%, we first write the mean ofthe complete portfolio as a function of the proportion investedin my fund (y):E(r C) = .08 + y × (.18− .08) = .08 + .10 × yOur target is: E(r C) = 11.5%. Therefore, the proportion thatmust be invested in my fund is determined as follows:.115 = .08 + .10 × y. standard deviation of this portfolio would be:σC = y× 28% = 0.35 × 28% = 9.8%Thus, by using my portfolio, the same 11.5% expected return can be achieved with a standard deviation of only 9.8% as opposed to the standard deviation of 17.5% using the passive portfolio.b. The fee would reduce the reward-to-volatility ratio, i.e., the slope of the CAL. The client will be indifferent between my fund and the passive portfolio if the slope of the after-fee CAL and the CML are equal. Let f denote the fee: Slope of CAL with fee . f ---== Slope of CML (which requires no fee). Setting these slopes equal we have: .100.200.044 4.4%.28f f -=⇒==per year29. a.The formula for the optimal proportion to invest in the passive portfolio is: 2σ)(*M f M A r r E y -= Substitute the following: E (r M ) = 13%; r f = 8%; σM = 25%; A = 3.5: 20.130.08*0.2286, or 22.86% in the passive portfolio 3.50.25y -==⨯b. The answer here is the same as the answer to Problem 28(b). Thefee that you can charge a client is the same regardless of theasset allo cation mix of the client’s portfolio. You can chargea fee that will equate the reward-to-volatility ratio of yourportfolio to that of your competition.CFA PROBLEMS1. Utility for each investment = E(r) –0.5 × 4 × σ2We choose the investment with the highest utility value, Investment3.Investment ExpectedreturnE(r)Standarddeviation UtilityU1 0.12 0.30 -0.06002 0.15 0.50 -0.35003 0.21 0.16 0.15884 0.24 0.21 0.15182. When investors are risk neutral, then A = 0; the investment withthe highest utility is Investment 4 because it has the highestexpected return.3. (b)4. Indifference curve 2 because it is tangent to the CAL.5. Point E6. (0.6 × $50,000) + [0.4 × ($30,000)] $5,000 = $13,0007. (b) Higher borrowing rates will reduce the total return to theportfolio and this results in a part of the line that has a lower slope.8. Expected return for equity fund = T-bill rate + Risk premium = 6% +10% = 16%Expected rate of return of the client’s portfolio = (0.6 × 16%) +(0.4 × 6%) = 12%Expected return of the client’s portfolio = 0.12 × $100,000 =$12,000(which implies expected total wealth at the end of the period =$112,000)Standard deviation of client’s overall portfolio = 0.6 × 14% =8.4%9. Reward-to-volatility ratio = .100.71 .14CHAPTER 6: APPENDIX1.By year-end, the $50,000 investment will grow to: $50,000 × 1.06 =$53,000Without insurance, the probability distribution of end-of-yearwealth is:ProbabilityWealthNo 0.999 $253,000Fire 0.001 53,000For this distribution, expected utility is computed as follows: E[U(W)] = [0.999 × ln(253,000)] + [0.001 × ln(53,000)] =12.439582The certainty equivalent is:W CE = e 12.439582 = $252,604.85With fire insurance, at a cost of $P, the investment in the risk-free asset is:$(50,000 –P)Year-end wealth will be certain (since you are fully insured) andequal to:[$(50,000 –P) × 1.06] + $200,000Solve for P in the following equation:[$(50,000 –P) × 1.06] + $200,000 = $252,604.85 P = $372.78This is the most you are willing to pay for insurance. Note thatthe expected loss is “only〞 $200, so you are willing to pay asubstantial risk premium over the expected value of losses. Theprimary reason is that the value of the house is a large proportion of your wealth.2. a. With insurance coverage for one-half the value of the house,the premium is $100, and the investment in the safe asset is$49,900. By year-end, the investment of $49,900 will grow to:$49,900 × 1.06 = $52,894If there is a fire, your insurance proceeds will be $100,000,and the probability distribution of end-of-year wealth is:WealthProbabilityNo 0.999 $252,894Fire 0.001 152,894For this distribution, expected utility is computed as follows: E[U(W)] = [0.999 × ln(252,894)] + [0.001× ln(152,894)] =12.4402225The certainty equivalent is:W CE = e 12.4402225 = $252,766.77b.With insurance coverage for the full value of the house,costing $200, end-of-year wealth is certain, and equal to:[($50,000 –$200) × 1.06] + $200,000 = $252,788Since wealth is certain, this is also the certainty equivalentwealth of the fully insured position.c.With insurance coverage for 1½ times the value of the house,the premium is $300, and the insurance pays off $300,000 inthe event of a fire. The investment in the safe asset is$49,700. By year-end, the investment of $49,700 will grow to:$49,700 × 1.06 = $52,682The probability distribution of end-of-year wealth is:ProbabiliWealthtyNo 0.999 $252,682Fire 0.001 352,682For this distribution, expected utility is computed as follows: E[U(W)] = [0.999 × ln(252,682)] + [0.001 × ln(352,682)] =12.4402205The certainty equivalent is:W CE = e 12.440222 = $252,766.27Therefore, full insurance dominates both over- and underinsurance. Overinsuring creates a gamble (you actuallygain when the house burns down). Risk is minimized when you insure exactly the value of the house.。

《投资学》选修题库第二章1.两只债券的期限相同,且为同一发行人发行,但票面利率不同,当市场利率下降时,会发生下列那种情况:()A.两只债券的价格都上升 B.两只债券的价格都下降C.票面利率高的债券价格上升,票面利率低的债券价格下降D.票面利率高的债券价格下降,票面利率低的债券价格上升2。
某债券期限为10年,面值1000元,票面利率10%,市场交易价格为1060元,则该债券的到期收益率应为( )A.10% B.低于10% C.高于10% D.无法判断3.在市场利率为10%时,投资者希望买入7年期的一次还本付息的债券,到期偿付额为500万元,则目前最可能成交的价格是()元。
A.3324512.9 B.2941176.4 C.2567913.8 D.2741123。
34.某公司发行到期一次还本付息债券,票面利率10%,单利计息,面值1000元,期限5年,市场利率8%,债券的内在价值为( )元。
87 B.1000 C.1388.89 D.1096.085.某公司发行到期一次还本付息债券,票面利率10%,复利计息,面值1000元,期限5年,市场利率8%,计算债券的内在价值( )A.1020.87 B.1000 C.1388。
89 D.1096。
086.下列观点那些属于流动性偏好理论:( )A.远期利率不是未来的预期即期利率的无偏估计B.远期利率是未来的预期即期利率的无偏估计C.流动性溢价的存在使得收益率曲线为正向的情况要多于为反向的情况D.预期利率上升,利率期限结构并不一定是正向的7.利率期限结构理论包括( )A.调整过渡理论 B.市场分割理论C.流动性偏好理论 D.市场预期理论(三)计算题1.投资者以900元的价格购入一张10年期的面值为1000元的财政债券,每年将获得100元的利息支付,并在10年末收回1000元的债券面值.计算债券的到期收益率。
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CHAPTER 06EFFICIENT DIVERSIFICATION 1.So long as the correlation coefficient is not 1.0, the portfolio will contain diversificationbenefits. Any other combination will cause a diversification benefit since the standard deviation will fall, relative to the return on the portfolio. Otherwise, the risk and return will change in unison.2.The covariance with the other assets is more important. Diversification is accomplishedvia correlation with other assets. Covariance helps determine that number.3. a. and b. will both have the same impact of increasing the sharpe measure from .40to .45.4.The expected return of the portfolio will be impacted if the asset allocation is changed.Since the expected return of the portfolio is the first item in the numerator of the sharpe ratio, the ratio will be changed.5.a. Both will have the same impact. The total variance will increase from .18to .1989b. An increase in beta, however, increases the correlation coefficient and thuscreates more diversification benefit.6.a.Without doing any math, the severe recession is worse and the boom is better.Thus, there appears to be a higher variance, yet the mean is probably the samesince the spread is equally larger on both the high and low side. The meanreturn, however, should be higher since there is higher probability given to thehigher returns.b.Calculation of mean return and variance for the stock fund:Covariance has increased because the stock returns are more extreme in therecession and boom periods. This makes the tendency for stock returns to bepoor when bond returns are good (and vice versa) even more dramatic.7.a.One would expect variance to increase because the probabilities of the extremeoutcomes are now higher.c.Covariance has decreased because the probabilities of the more extreme returns in the recession and boom periods are now higher. This gives more weight to the extremes in the mean calculation, thus making their deviation from the mean less pronounced.8. The parameters of the opportunity set are:E(r S ) = 15%, E(r B ) = 9%, σS = 32%, σB = 23%, ρ = 0.15, r f = 5.5% From the standard deviations and the correlation coefficient we generate the covariance matrix [note that Cov(r S , r B ) = ρσS σB ]:Bonds StocksBonds 529.0 110.4 Stocks 110.4 1024.0The minimum-variance portfolio proportions are: )r ,r (Cov 2)r ,r (Cov )S (w B S 2B 2S B S 2B Min -σ+σ-σ=3142.0)4.1102(52910244.110529=⨯-+-=w Min (B) = 0.6858The mean and standard deviation of the minimum variance portfolio are:E(r Min ) = (0.3142 ⨯ 15%) + (0.6858 ⨯ 9%) = 10.89%[]21BS B S 2B2B 2S2SMin)r ,r (Cov w w 2w w +σ+σ=σ= [(0.31422 ⨯ 1024) + (0.68582 ⨯ 529) + (2 ⨯ 0.3142 ⨯ 0.6858 ⨯ 110.4)]1/2= 19.94%% in stocks % in bonds Exp. return Std dev.00.00 100.00 9.00 23.00 20.00 80.00 10.20 20.3731.42 68.58 10.89 19.94 Minimum variance40.00 60.00 11.40 20.18 60.00 40.00 12.60 22.5070.75 29.25 13.25 24.57 Tangency portfolio80.00 20.00 13.80 26.68 100.00 00.0015.0032.009.The graph approximates the points:E(r) σ Minimum Variance Portfolio 10.89% 19.94% Tangency Portfolio13.25% 24.57%10. The reward-to-variability ratio of the optimal CAL is: 3154.057.245.525.13r )r (E pfp =-=σ-11.a. The equation for the CAL is:C C pfp f C 3154.05.5r )r (E r )r (E σ+=σσ-+=Setting E(rC) equal to 12% yields a standard deviation of: 20.61%b. The mean of the complete portfolio as a function of the proportion invested inthe risky portfolio (y) is: c.E(r C ) = (l - y)r f + yE(r P ) = r f + y[E(r P ) - r f ] = 5.5 + y(13.25- 5.5)Setting E(r C ) = 12% ⇒ y = 0.8387 (83.87% in the risky portfolio)1 - y = 0.1613 (16.13% in T-bills)From the composition of the optimal risky portfolio:Proportion of stocks in complete portfolio = 0.8387 ⨯ 0.7075 = 0.5934 Proportion of bonds in complete portfolio = 0.8387 ⨯ 0.2925 = 0.245312. Using only the stock and bond funds to achieve a mean of 12% we solve:12 = 15w S + 9(1 - w S ) = 9 + 6w S ⇒ w S = 0.5Investing 50% in stocks and 50% in bonds yields a mean of 12% and standard deviation of:σP = [(0.502 ⨯ 1024) + (0.502 ⨯ 529) + (2 ⨯ 0.50 ⨯ 0.50 ⨯ 110.4)] 1/2 = 21.06%The efficient portfolio with a mean of 12% has a standard deviation of only 20.61%. Using the CAL reduces the standard deviation by 45 basis points. 13.a. Although it appears that gold is dominated by stocks, gold can still be anattractive diversification asset. If the correlation between gold and stocks is sufficiently low, gold will be held as a component in the optimal portfolio.b.If gold had a perfectly positive correlation with stocks, gold would not be a partof efficient portfolios. The set of risk/return combinations of stocks and goldwould plot as a straight line with a negative slope. (See the following graph.)The graph shows that the stock-only portfolio dominates any portfoliocontaining gold. This cannot be an equilibrium; the price of gold must fall andits expected return must rise.14.Since Stock A and Stock B are perfectly negatively correlated, a risk-free portfolio canbe created and the rate of return for this portfolio in equilibrium will always be the risk-free rate. To find the proportions of this portfolio [with w A invested in Stock A and w B = (1 – w A) invested in Stock B], set the standard deviation equal to zero. With perfect negative correlation, the portfolio standard deviation reduces to:σP = Abs[w AσA - w BσB]0 = 40 w A- 60(1 – w A) ⇒ w A = 0.60The expected rate of return on this risk-free portfolio is:E(r) = (0.60 ⨯ 8%) + (0.40 ⨯ 13%) = 10.0%Therefore, the risk-free rate must also be 10.0%.15.Since these are annual rates and the risk-free rate was quite variable during the sampleperiod of the recent 20 years, the analysis has to be conducted with continuouslycompounded rates in excess of T-bill rates. Notice that to obtain cc rates we must convert percentage return to decimal. The decimal cc rate, ln(1+percentage rate/100), can then be multiplied by 100 to return to percentage rates. Recall also that with cc rates, excess returns are just the difference between total returns and the risk-free (T-bill) rates.SD19.648.88Corr(stocks,bonds)0.13the portfolio table shows, mixing 0.87% of bonds with 13% stocks would have produced a portfolio less risky than bonds. In this sample of these 20 years, the average return on the less risky portfolio of bonds was higher than that of the riskier portfolio of stocks. This is exactly what is meant by “risk.” Expectation will not always be realized.16.If the lending and borrowing rates are equal and there are no other constraints onportfolio choice, then optimal risky portfolios of all investors will be identical.However, if the borrowing and lending rates are not equal, then borrowers (who arerelatively risk averse) and lenders (who are relatively risk tolerant) will have differentoptimal risky portfolios.17.No, it is not possible to get such a diagram. Even if the correlation between A and Bwere 1.0, the frontier would be a straight line connecting A and B.18.In the special case that all assets are perfectly positively correlated, the portfoliostandard deviation is equal to the weighted average of the component-asset standarddeviations. Otherwise, as the formula for portfolio variance (Equation 6.6) shows, theportfolio standard deviation is less than the weighted average of the component-assetstandard deviations. The portfolio variance is a weighted sum of the elements in thecovariance matrix, with the products of the portfolio proportions as weights.19.The probability distribution is:Probability Rate of Return0.7 100%0.3 -50%Expected return = (0.7 ⨯ 100%) + 0.3 ⨯ (-50%) = 55%Variance = [0.7 ⨯ (100 - 55)2] + [0.3 ⨯ (-50 - 55)2] = 4725Standard deviation =4725= 68.74%20.The expected rate of return on the stock will change by beta times the unanticipatedchange in the market return: 1.2 ⨯ (8% – 10%) = – 2.4%Therefore, the expected rate of return on the stock should be revised to:12% – 2.4% = 9.6%21.a.The risk of the diversified portfolio consists primarily of systematic risk. Betameasures systematic risk, which is the slope of the security characteristic line (SCL).The two figures depict the stocks' SCLs. Stock B's SCL is steeper, and hence StockB's systematic risk is greater. The slope of the SCL, and hence the systematic risk,of Stock A is lower. Thus, for this investor, stock B is the riskiest.b.The undiversified investor is exposed primarily to firm-specific risk. Stock Ahas higher firm-specific risk because the deviations of the observations from theSCL are larger for Stock A than for Stock B. Deviations are measured by thevertical distance of each observation from the SCL. Stock A is thereforeriskiest to this investor.22.The answer will vary, depending on the data set selected. The following raw data isused to produce the subsequent results of 2.16. As with problem 15, excess returns are used in this computation.23.A scatter plot results in the following diagram. The slope of the regression line is 2.0and intercept is 1.0.24.Regression output produces the following.a. alpha = 3.18, beta = 1.39, Residual St Dev = 12.78b. Sharpe measure = -.61 / 4.03 = -0.15c. Information ratio = 3.18 / 12.78 = .25d. Wg = %84.5103.461.78.1218.322-=-GOOG Weight = -.5184 / [1+(-51.84(1-1.39)] = - 2.04% e. So =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛…so sharpe increases from .12 to .28CFA 1E(r P ) = (0.5 x 15) + (0.4 x 10) + (0.10 x 6) = 12.1%CFA 2 Fund D represents the single best addition to complement Stephenson's currentportfolio, given his selection criteria. First, Fund D’s expected return (14.0 perc ent) has the potential to increase the portfolio’s return somewhat. Second, Fund D’s relatively low correlation with his current portfolio (+0.65) indicates that Fund D will provide greater diversification benefits than any of the other alternatives except Fund B. The result of adding Fund D should be a portfolio with approximately the same expected return and somewhat lower volatility compared to the original portfolio.The other three funds have shortcomings in terms of either expected returnenhancement or volatility reduction through diversification benefits. Fund A offers the potential for increasing the portfolio’s return, but is too highly correlated to providesubstantial volatility reduction benefits through diversification. Fund B providessubstantial volatility reduction through diversification benefits, but is expected togenerate a return well below the current portfolio’s return. Fund C has the greatestpotential to increase the portfolio’s return, but is too highly correlated to providesubstantial volatility reduction benefits through diversification.CFA 3a.Subscript OP refers to the original portfolio, ABC to the new stock, and NPto the new portfolio.i. E(r NP) = w OP E(r OP) + w ABC E(r ABC) = (0.9 ⨯ 0.67) + (0.1 ⨯ 1.25) = 0.728%ii. Cov = r ⨯σOP⨯σABC = 0.40 ⨯ 2.37 ⨯ 2.95 = 2.7966 ≅ 2.80iii. σNP = [w OP2σOP2 + w ABC2σABC2 + 2 w OP w ABC (Cov OP , ABC)]1/2= [(0.92⨯ 2.372) + (0.12⨯ 2.952) + (2 ⨯ 0.9 ⨯ 0.1 ⨯ 2.80)]1/2= 2.2673% ≅ 2.27%b.Subscript OP refers to the original portfolio, GS to government securities, andNP to the new portfolio.i. E(r NP) = w OP E(r OP) + w GS E(r GS) = (0.9 ⨯ 0.67) + (0.1 ⨯ 0.42) = 0.645%ii. Cov = r ⨯σOP⨯σGS = 0 ⨯ 2.37 ⨯ 0 = 0iii. σNP = [w OP2σOP2 + w GS2σGS2 + 2 w OP w GS (Cov OP , GS)]1/2= [(0.92⨯ 2.372) + (0.12⨯ 0) + (2 ⨯ 0.9 ⨯ 0.1 ⨯ 0)]1/2= 2.133% ≅ 2.13%c.Adding the risk-free government securities would result in a lower beta for thenew portfolio. The new portfolio beta will be a weighted average of theindividual security betas in the portfolio; the presence of the risk-free securitieswould lower that weighted average.d.The comment is not correct. Although the respective standard deviations andexpected returns for the two securities under consideration are equal, thecovariances between each security and the original portfolio are unknown,making it impossible to draw the conclusion stated. For instance, if thecovariances are different, selecting one security over the other may result in alower standard deviation for the portfolio as a whole. In such a case, that securitywould be the preferred investment, assuming all other factors are equal.e.Grace clearly expressed the sentiment that the risk of loss was more important toher than the opportunity for return. Using variance (or standard deviation) as ameasure of risk in her case has a serious limitation because standard deviationdoes not distinguish between positive and negative price movements.CFA 4a.Restricting the portfolio to 20 stocks, rather than 40 to 50, will very likelyincrease the risk of the portfolio, due to the reduction in diversification. Suchan increase might be acceptable if the expected return is increased sufficiently.b.Hennessy could contain the increase in risk by making sure that he maintainsreasonable diversification among the 20 stocks that remain in his portfolio. Thisentails maintaining a low correlation among the remaining stocks. As apractical matter, this means that Hennessy would need to spread his portfolioamong many industries, rather than concentrating in just a few.CFA 5Risk reduction benefits from diversification are not a linear function of the number ofissues in the portfolio. (See Figures 6.1 and 6.2 in the text.) Rather, the incrementalbenefits from additional diversification are most important when the portfolio is leastdiversified. Restricting Hennessy to 10 issues, instead of 20 issues, would increase the risk of his portfolio by a greater amount than reducing the size of the portfolio from 30 to 20 stocks.CFA 6The point is well taken because the committee should be concerned with the volatilityof the entire portfolio. Since Hennessy's portfolio is only one of six well-diversifiedportfolios, and is smaller than the average, the concentration in fewer issues might havea minimal effect on the diversification of the total fund. Hence, unleashing Hennessyto do stock picking may be advantageous.CFA 7a.Systematic risk refers to fluctuations in asset prices caused by macroeconomicfactors that are common to all risky assets; hence systematic risk is oftenreferred to as market risk. Examples of systematic risk factors include thebusiness cycle, inflation, monetary policy and technological changes.Firm-specific risk refers to fluctuations in asset prices caused by factors that areindependent of the market, such as industry characteristics or firmcharacteristics. Examples of firm-specific risk factors include litigation, patents,management, and financial leverage.b.Trudy should explain to the client that picking only the five best ideas wouldmost likely result in the client holding a much more risky portfolio. The total risk of a portfolio, or portfolio variance, is the combination of systematic risk and firm-specific risk.The systematic component depends on the sensitivity of the individual assets to market movements, as measured by beta. Assuming the portfolio is well-diversified, the number of assets will not affect the systematic risk component of portfolio variance. The portfolio beta depends on the individual security betas and the portfolio weights of those securities.On the other hand, the components of firm-specific risk (sometimes callednonsystematic risk) are not perfectly positively correlated with each other and, as more assets are added to the portfolio, those additional assets tend to reduce portfolio risk. Hence, increasing the number of securities in a portfolio reduces firm-specific risk. For example, a patent expiration for one company would not affect the other securities in the portfolio. An increase in oil prices might hurt an airline stock but aid an energy stock. As the number of randomly selected securities increases, the total risk (variance) of the portfolio approaches itssystematic variance.。