o 输入模式, 键可以作为退格键使用, 键用作确认键。
h 修改键 z 对于可以修改的内容,液晶的最下面一行会自动显示"修改"字样,此时按修改键即进入修改页面。
d 退出 .g 在字符数字输入模式,液晶最下面一行出现“退出”选项,此时按该键即退出输入界面。
字符数字键盘字符数字键盘可以输入字符、数字以及其他符号,例如标点符号等。他有字符和数字两种输 入模式,现场通讯器能根据需要,自动选择输入模式。在字符输入模式,若要输入数字,直接按数字所在
1、将现场通讯器正面朝下放在平稳的地方,注意不要损坏液晶屏 (如图1-1)
z 2、 按住红色圆圈处,向后轻轻推开后盖更换电池。(注意后盖推开距离不能太大,以免损坏内部的连接线)
.gdzhong 1.2 开机注意事项 w 在开机前,请确保以下几点:
w .电池组已经装好 w. 将现场通讯器连接到回路(如图1-2)
d >>提供压力值 .g1、零点
w 图2-8
选择,按 确定。 基本设置(图2-9) 子菜单:
ww 1
1、单位 2、写保护
提供KPa,Pa,mmH2O,mmHg,Bar,mmBar,%,mA 这8 种单位。
变送器,变送器会自动校正电流输出,使输出为4。000mA, 若一次达不到理想效果,可重复此操作。(注
o 意:电流表精度应该高于表的输出精度) h >>输出微调 z1、4mA微调
HART®手操器Fisher-Rosemount TM 1HART®手操器概述HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer高速可寻址遥远的转换器)手操器(图1-1)是手持式设备,提供了联接到所有的HART-相容基于微处理的仪器设备的通用通讯。
第 1 节讨论 HART 手操器的连结,液晶显示, 键盘,脱机和联机菜单、电池组、存储模块和数据包装 100 ,维护和 2000 年问题兼容性。
第 2 节描述对 Fisher- Rosemount 的 HART 的通常任务设置和通用屏幕显示设置。
第 3 节显示Fisher-Rosemount 产品典型的设置菜单树。
HART 手操器可以与任何 HART-相容的设备在 4 – 20 mA 回路的任何点接入,在手操器和电源之间必须提供了最小负载为250欧姆电阻。
HART 手操器使用 Bell 202 移频键(FSK) 高频数传讯号的技术叠加在标准的 4 – 20 mA 电流传送回路。
因为加在回路上总的高频信号电压为零 ,所以手操器与通讯设备之间的信号不会通信干扰 4 – 20 mA 讯号。
液晶显示(LCD)功能键动作键字母键Shift 键图 1-1. HART 手操器1-1HATR手操器的连接HATR手操器可以通过后部的连接面板(如图 1-2)在控制室、设备安装点或者在回路的任何连接点与变送器通讯。
回路连接1 / 39HART 手操器说明串口回可换镍镉钮扣电池1-2注意:为了HATR手操器正确执行功能,在回路中必须有最小为250欧姆的电阻值。
图1-3和图1-4例举了HART手操器与任何兼容设备之间的典型接线图图1-3 连接到变送器的接线端子2 / 39图1-4 手操器连接到回路中图1-5显示如何连接可选的250欧姆负载电阻器(Load Resistor)注意:安装临时的250欧姆负载电阻器1.将负载电阻器插入安装插孔2.断开回路将电阻器串接入回路3.闭合回路图1-5 带负载电阻器的手操器连接液晶屏(LCD)LCD屏为连接设备之间提高了8行21个字符的通讯。
HART 通讯器调校(差)压变指南HART通讯器的主菜单:Offline:编辑组态数据准备下载到一个变送器或者模拟一个在线连接变送器,但实际没有连接变送器;Online:组态、标定或操作一个在线变送器Frequency Device:显示输出频率和输出电压(不用于I/A系统的压力变送器)Utility:组态通讯器参数,自动修正通讯器的LCD在线或离线的I/A系统压力变送器的顶级菜单:Measurements:显示测量(过程变量)及关联数据;Calibrate:执行四种标定功能;Configure:显示和/或编辑各种参数;Test:执行一系列测试或显示变送器的状态通讯器键盘和显示:I/O键:开/关键;↑、↓键:用于同级菜单选择;(也可按数字键直接选择)→、←键:进入下一级、返回上一级; F1~F4键:依显示屏下排提示;·操作:要在通讯器上显示测量值,在主菜单中选择2Online(在线),然后在在线菜单中选择1Measurements (测量),将显示:PV 主要测量变量;PV % rnge 主要测量变量的输出百分比;SV 次要测量变量;TV 传感器温度;4V 电路温度组态:在线组态:大多数情况下都是在线组态你的I/A系统压力变送器。
利用通讯器组态:1、在主菜单中选择2Online(在线);2、在在线菜单中选择3Configure(组态);3、在下一级菜单中选择2Edit Params(编辑参数);参数意义:Date:日期,格式为月/日/年;Descriptor:最多16个字符的描述;Dev id:独特的识别变送器类型;Distributor:变送器的销售商;Final assembly num:整个变送器有关的数据;Fld dev rev:变送器的修正说明;Loop test:利用变送器作为一个校验器检查回路中的其它装置;M1 EFAC:主要的变量参数(EGU的范围),只在平方根模式下可编辑。
附录A HART手操器信息.........................A-1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B-1 附录 C CSA 和 FM 本质安全认证………………………..C-1 附录 D 手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录 E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1
回顾.............................................2-6 快速键顺序...............................……....2-6
介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4
Rosemount 和 SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标 MINIGRABBER 是 的 Pomona Electronics 一个商标。 HART 是 HART 通信基础公司的一个注册的商标。
Fisher-Rosemount 8301 Cameron 路 Austin,TX 78754 美国 技术支持: 1-800-833-8314 或 (512)832-3774 服务热线: 1-800-654-7768 Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000. 版权所有。
275 & 375操作指南1.接线:回路中必须有>250欧姆的电阻。
2.调试:1).开启275按I/O 键,275进行自检测.如果连接正常进入Online 功能菜单:2).Rerange 改变量程:在Online 功能菜单下直接按 5 →→选择要改项按 1或 2 → 输入新数值后按 F4(ENTER) →请确认后按 F2(SEND)传送给变送器 →提示(warning)按F4(OK) →再提示(warning)按F4(OK) → 按F3(HOME).操作结束. 此方法也可以作迁移,迁移时请上下限均改为新数值一同传送。
3).Zero trim 零点调整:操作前请确定变送器的高低压室已放空,或将三阀组高压侧截止阀关死同时将平衡阀打开,用于流量测量请使用第二种方法并带压调。
在Online 功能菜单下请按以下操作进行调整:1.Device setup 设备设置 →2.Diag/Service 诊断设置 →3. Calibration 校验 → 3. Sensor trim 微调 → 1. → Zero trim 零点调整,进入零点调整此时请按照提示按 F4键直到 F3上出现(HOME)时按下,操作结束。
)3.375调试:调试前请作好准备:将电池充电/ 第一次使用将SIM 卡(组态扩展模块)按说明装入机内(取下电池,开启375(左下按键3秒),开机后375将卡内容读入需20分钟左右。
/ 开机将375后面点触笔拔出,选择HART 项(双击)进入Online 功能菜单,调试过程与275相同.注意在关机时要退到初始菜单(点击屏幕左上箭头,消失为初始菜单) 按开关键5秒关机。
(注: 操作中带框的功能单击,带序号的直接按序号方便,其余双击选定.因运算原因有些功能执行较慢请不要急于操作以免死机。
) 1).开启375按I/O 键,375进行自检测。
开启后显示菜单:进入Online功能菜单:2).Rerange 改变量程:在Online功能菜单下请按以下操作进行调整:4. Detailed setup(诊断设置)→ 2. Signal condition (输出信号状态设置)→3).Zero trim 零点调整:操作前请确定变送器的高低压室已放空,或将三阀组高压侧截止阀关死同时将平衡阀打开,用于流量测量请使用第二种方法并带压调。
附录C CSA和FM本质安全认证………………………..C-1
1-1. HART手操器................................1-1
Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4
Basic Setup(基本设定)..........................2-5
Detailed Setup(详细的设定).......................2-5
Lower Range Value量程下限(LRV)..................2-3
Upper Range Value量程上限(URV)..................2-3
Device Setup Menu(设备设定菜单)...................2-4
Process Variables(过程变量)......................2-4
♦ ♦ 开/关键 开/关键 ,按此键一秒钟可打开和关闭手持器。下移动光标。 左右箭头键 向左箭头键 可以在屏幕显示 F4*键时向左移 动光标或返回上一级菜单;向右箭头键 可以在屏 幕显示 F4*键时向右移动光标或选择相应菜单项。 确认键 确认键 用来在屏幕显示 F4*键时对选项的确 认。 ♦
图 3. 手持器连接图 注意:为保证 HART375E 正常通信,回路负载电阻最 小值为 250Ω。HART375E 不能直接测量回路电流。
- 3 -
1.3 打开手持器 按下手持器的 键一秒钟以上可以打开 HART375E 智能手持器(在打开时,再按该键一秒钟 以上可关闭手持器), HART375E 启动后将自动在 4~20mA 回路上寻找轮询地址为 0 的 HART®设备。
附录 3 ROSEMOUNT 3051 树形菜单..................... 25 附录 4 YOKOGAWA EJA 树形菜单.........................28 附录 5 BJZRZC H3051 树形菜单............................. 31
- 2 -
1.2 手持器和 HART 连接 HART375E 连接面板示意图如下所示。
图 2. 连接面板 HART375E 和 仪 表 的 连 接 如 图 3 所 示 , HART375E 可以并联在 HART®协议设备上,也可以 并联在其负载电阻( 250Ω)上。连接时不必考虑引 线的极性。
- 1 -
一 使用指南 1.1 简介 HART375E HART® 智能手持器可以对所有符合 HART®协议的设备进行组态、校验和维护。
MAN 4275A00PN: 00275-8026-0001简体中文二零零四年九月HART®手操器Fisher-Rosemount TM编译:**************HART手操器操作手册注意事项:在使用该产品工作之前请通读了这本手册。
为了个人和系统安全, 以及最恰当的产品使用,确定在使用或修护前彻底地了解该产品。
Rosemount 和SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标MINIGRABBER 是的Pomona Electronics一个商标。
Fisher-Rosemount8301 Cameron 路Austin,TX 78754 美国技术支持: 1-800-833-8314或 (512)832-3774服务热线: 1-800-654-7768 Fisher-Rosemount TM Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000.版权所有。
HART手操器.....................................1-1介绍.............................................1-1hart 手操器连接..................................1-2液晶显示 (LCD)...................................1-5动作键...........................................1-5ON/OFF 键........................................1-5上箭头键.........................................1-6下箭头键............................…….........1-6左箭头键和预设菜单键.............……………......1-6右箭头和选择键....................……….…......1-6热键.............................…..............1-6软件定义功能键................……………….......1-6字母键和 Shift 键................…………........1-8使用快速选择功能..................…………….....1-8使用 Shift 键输入数据...............……….......1-9开始了解HART手操器..........………………………...1-9软件图标...................………...............1-10学习菜单结构...............……………….........1-11回顾安装的装置..................…………........1-12主要菜单........................................1-12脱机菜单........................................1-13新配置(脱机)....................……………......1-14从空白的模板菜单...............………...........1-15已存档配置菜单(脱机)..............…………......1-17数据包内容菜单...................………….......1-17已存档配置菜单 (数据包内容)..………………….....1-18联机菜单..........................…............1-19频率配置菜单........................……........1-22公用程式菜单....................................1-22手操器配置菜单..................………………....1-22轮询菜单..............................……......1-23对比度菜单......................................1-24关闭时间菜单....................................1-24i忽略诊断菜单....................................1-25 删除配置菜单....................................1-25 系统信息菜单........................... . . . ...1-26 计算机接收菜单.........................….......1-26 储存位置菜单.......................... .. .......1-28 仿真菜单................................ .......1-28 储存被连接的设备配置..........…………………....1-29 使用热键.....................……...............1-30 自定义热键菜单 .................…………........1-31 在热键菜单增加选项...............…………….....1-31 删除热键菜单选项...........…………………….....1-33 HART 手操器和 2000 年问题........…………….....1-34 编辑日期.........................……...........1-34 HART手操器修护..................………………....1-35 HART 手操器校正...............………………......1-35 使用电池组.......................……...........1-35 更换碱性电池......................……………....1-36 可充电电池组....................………………....1-37 使用存储模块......................………........1-37 更换存储模块...................……………….....1-38 安装和删除数据包装 100........……………………..1-39 Fisher- Rosemount Hart手操器通用任务................…..…..……....2-1 介绍................................…….........2-1 上电联机..............................……….....2-1 Online Menu(联机菜单).....................…....2-2 Device Setup(设备设定)..........................2-2 Primary Variable(测量值 PV)......................2-3 Analog Output(模拟输出 AO).......................2-3 Lower Range Value 量程下限 (LRV)..................2-3 Upper Range Value 量程上限 (URV)..................2-3 Device Setup Menu(设备设定菜单)...................2-4 Process Variables(过程变量)......................2-4 Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4 Basic Setup(基本设定)..........................2-5 Detailed Setup(详细的设定).......................2-5ii回顾.............................................2-6 快速键顺序...............................……....2-6菜单树..........................................3-1 介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4附录A HART手操器信息.........................A-1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B-1附录C CSA和FM本质安全认证………………………..C-1 附录D手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1iii例证列表序号名称页码1-1. HART 手操器 ................................1-1 1-2. 可充电镍铬电池联结面板 ...........…......1-21-3. 连接到变送器通讯终 ..............….........1-3 1-4. 回路中HART 手操器的连接 ............…......1-3 1-5. 用负载电阻连接 HART 手操器…………………….1-4 1-6. HART手操器字母键和Shift 键 ........….......1-8 1-7. 快速访问菜单 .....................…........1-8 1-8. 通电脱机或联机......................….....1-10 1-9. 菜单图标和相关键...........................1-10 1-10. 主要菜单...........................….....1-12 1-11. 脱机菜单树................................1-13 1-12. 脱机菜单..................................1-14 1-13. 从空白模板菜单............................1-15 1-14. 个人编辑菜单..............................1-15 1-15. 单元变量菜单..............................1-15 1-16. 保存菜单...........................……...1-16 1-17. 定位菜单..................................1-16 1-18. 配置保存菜单 (脱机) .....................1-17 1-19. 数据包内容菜单............................1-17 1-20. 配置保存菜单 (数据包) ......…......1-181-21. 联机菜单............................…....1-19 1-22. 通用联机菜单树.....................……...1-21 1-23. 频率设置菜单.......................….....1-22 1-24. 公用程序菜单........................…....1-22 1-25. 手操器设置菜单...................…….....1-22 1-26. 轮询菜单............................…....1-23 1-27. 对比度菜单..........................…....1-24 1-28. 关机时间菜单.........................…...1-24 1-29. 忽略诊断菜单.................……………...1-25iv1-30. 删除配置菜单 . ...........................1-25 1-31. 系统信息菜单.............………...........1-26 1-32. 计算机接收菜单… .........................1-26 1-33. 储存位置菜单................………........1-28 1-34. 热键标本菜单.................….....…....1-30 1-35. 热键配置菜单.. ........... .....…….......1-31 1-36. 增加热键选择项.. .... ........... ........1-32 1-37. 标记只读热键选择项… .......... ..........1-32 1-38. 热键菜单.. .......……………… . ........1-32 1-39. 变量显示设置选择项 ............. .. ......1-33 1-40.删除热键选择项 ........……………..… ....1-33 1-41. 日期菜单………….. .......................1-34 1-42. HART 手操器防爆检查…………….. .........1-35 1-43. 电池组拆卸 .....………...... .............1-36 1-44. 存储模块更换……………….. ........... ...1-38 1-45. 数据包装 100个安装和卸载……… ...... ....1-39 2-1. 联机菜单………………………….. ..... .......2-2 2-2. 设备设定菜单……. .... ......................2-4 2-3. 诊断和服务菜单…………………….. ..... .....2-4 2-4. 基本设定菜单………………….. ........ ..... .2-5 2-5. 快速键顺序样本………………… ..... .........2-6表列表序号名称页码1-1. 功能键标识..................................1-7 1-2. PC AMS 界面主要选择项......……………...........1-27vHART® 手操器概述 HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer 高速可寻址遥远的转换器)手操器(图 1-1)是手持式设备,提供了联接到所有的HART-相容基于微处理的仪器设备的通用通讯。
MAN 4275A00PN: 00275-8026-0001简体中文二零零四年九月HART®手操器Fisher-Rosemount TM南京霍格机电有限公司HART手操器操作手册手操器操作手册注意事项:在使用该产品工作之前请通读了这本手册。
为了个人和系统安全, 以及最恰当的产品使用,确定在使用或修护前彻底地了解该产品。
Rosemount 和SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标 MINIGRABBER 是 的Pomona Electronics一个商标。
Fisher-Rosemount8301 Cameron 路Austin,TX 78754 美国技术支持: 1-800-833-8314或 (512)832-3774服务热线: 1-800-654-7768 Fisher-Rosemount TM南京霍格机电有限公司南京霍格机电有限公司 Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000. 版权所有。
目录目录HART HART手操器手操器手操器......................................1-1介绍.............................................1-1hart 手操器连接..................................1-2液晶显示 (LCD)...................................1-5动作键...........................................1-5ON/OFF 键........................................1-5上箭头键.........................................1-6下箭头键............................…….........1-6左箭头键和预设菜单键.............……………......1-6右箭头和选择键....................……….…......1-6热键.............................…..............1-6软件定义功能键................……………….......1-6字母键和 Shift 键................…………........1-8使用快速选择功能..................…………….....1-8使用 Shift 键输入数据...............……….......1-9开始了解HART手操器..........………………………...1-9软件图标...................………...............1-10学习菜单结构...............……………….........1-11回顾安装的装置..................…………........1-12主要菜单........................................1-12脱机菜单........................................1-13新配置(脱机)....................……………......1-14从空白的模板菜单...............………...........1-15已存档配置菜单(脱机)..............…………......1-17数据包内容菜单...................………….......1-17已存档配置菜单 (数据包内容)..………………….....1-18联机菜单..........................…............1-19频率配置菜单........................……........1-22公用程式菜单....................................1-22手操器配置菜单..................………………....1-22南京霍格机电有限公司 轮询菜单..............................……......1-23对比度菜单......................................1-24关闭时间菜单....................................1-24i忽略诊断菜单....................................1-25删除配置菜单....................................1-25系统信息菜单........................... . . . ...1-26计算机接收菜单.........................….......1-26储存位置菜单.......................... .. .......1-28仿真菜单................................ .......1-28储存被连接的设备配置..........…………………....1-29使用热键.....................……...............1-30自定义热键菜单 .................…………........1-31在热键菜单增加选项...............…………….....1-31删除热键菜单选项...........…………………….....1-33HART 手操器和 2000 年问题........…………….....1-34编辑日期.........................……...........1-34HART手操器修护..................………………....1-35HART 手操器校正...............………………......1-35使用电池组.......................……...........1-35更换碱性电池......................……………....1-36可充电电池组....................………………....1-37使用存储模块......................………........1-37更换存储模块...................……………….....1-38安装和删除数据包装 100........……………………..1-39Fisher Fisher-- Rosemount Hart Rosemount Hart手操器通用手操器通用任务任务................…..…..……....2-1介绍................................…….........2-1上电联机..............................……….....2-1Online Menu(联机菜单).....................…....2-2Device Setup(设备设定)..........................2-2Primary Variable(测量值 PV)......................2-3Analog Output(模拟输出 AO).......................2-3Lower Range Value 量程下限 (LRV)..................2-3Upper Range Value 量程上限 (URV)..................2-3Device Setup Menu (设备设定菜单)...................2-4南京霍格机电有限公司 Process Variables (过程变量)......................2-4 Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4 Basic Setup( 基本设定)..........................2-5 Detailed Setup (详细的设定).......................2-5ii回顾.............................................2-6 快速键顺序...............................……....2-6 菜单树..........................................3..........................................3--1 介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4附录附录A A A HART HART HART手操器信息手操器信息..................................................A -1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B -1 附录C CSA 和FM 本质安全认证………………………..C -1 附录D 手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1南京霍格机电有限公司 iii 例证列表例证列表序号序号 名称名称 页码页码页码1-1. HART 手操器 ................................1-1 1-2. 可充电镍铬电池联结面板 ...........…......1-2 1-3. 连接到变送器通讯终 ..............….........1-3 1-4. 回路中HART 手操器的连接 ............…......1-3 1-5. 用负载电阻连接 HART 手操器 …………………….1-4 1-6. HART手操器字母键和Shift 键 ........….......1-8 1-7. 快速访问菜单 .....................…........1-8 1-8. 通电脱机或联机......................….....1-10 1-9. 菜单图标和相关键...........................1-10 1-10. 主要菜单...........................….....1-12 1-11. 脱机菜单树................................1-13 1-12. 脱机菜单..................................1-14 1-13. 从空白模板菜单............................1-15 1-14. 个人编辑菜单..............................1-15 1-15. 单元变量菜单..............................1-15 1-16. 保存菜单...........................……...1-16 1-17. 定位菜单..................................1-16 1-18. 配置保存菜单 (脱机) .....................1-17 1-19. 数据包内容菜单............................1-17 1-20. 配置保存菜单 (数据包) ......…......1-181-21. 联机菜单............................…....1-19 1-22. 通用联机菜单树.....................……...1-21 1-23. 频率设置菜单.......................….....1-22 1-24. 公用程序菜单........................…....1-22 1-25. 手操器设置菜单...................…….....1-22南京霍格机电有限公司 1-26. 轮询菜单............................…....1-23 1-27. 对比度菜单..........................…....1-24 1-28. 关机时间菜单.........................…...1-24 1-29. 忽略诊断菜单.................……………...1-25iv1-30. 删除配置菜单 . ...........................1-25 1-31. 系统信息菜单.............………...........1-26 1-32. 计算机接收菜单… .........................1-26 1-33. 储存位置菜单................………........1-28 1-34. 热键标本菜单.................….....…....1-30 1-35. 热键配置菜单.. ........... .....…….......1-31 1-36. 增加热键选择项.. .... ........... ........1-32 1-37. 标记只读热键选择项… .......... ..........1-32 1-38. 热键菜单.. .......……………… . ........1-32 1-39. 变量显示设置选择项 ............. .. ......1-33 1-40.删除热键选择项 ........……………..… ....1-33 1-41. 日期菜单………….. .......................1-34 1-42. HART 手操器防爆检查…………….. .........1-35 1-43. 电池组拆卸 .....………...... .............1-36 1-44. 存储模块更换……………….. ........... ...1-38 1-45. 数据包装 100个安装和卸载……… ...... ....1-39 2-1. 联机菜单………………………….. ..... .......2-2 2-2. 设备设定菜单……. .... ......................2-4 2-3. 诊断和服务菜单…………………….. ..... .....2-4 2-4. 基本设定菜单………………….. ........ ..... .2-5 2-5. 快速键顺序样本………………… ..... .........2-6表列表表列表序号序号 名称名称 页码页码页码1-1. 功能键标识..................................1-7南京霍格机电有限公司 1-2. PC AMS 界面主要选择项......……………...........1-27v第一节第一节HART® 手操器手操器概述概述HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer 高速可寻址遥远的转换器)手操器(图图 1 1--1)是手持式设备,提供了联接到所有的HART-相容基于微处理的仪器设备的通用通讯。
2. 275通讯器2.1 HART 手操器可以与任何HART-相容的设备在4 – 20 mA 回路的任何点接入,但在手操器的接入端子和电源之间必须提供了最小负载为250欧姆电阻。
HART 手操器使用Bell 202 移频键(FSK) 高频数传讯号技术叠加在标准的4 – 20 mA 电流传送回路,从而实现回路的通信。
因为加在回路上总的高频信号电平为零,所以通信信号不会通信干扰测量4 – 20 mA 讯号。
2.2建立通信在校验室进行通信时,如图2所示,将变送器与通信器连接,还需要一台12~45VDC 稳压电压和标准电流表,为了进行通信,在电源和275接口端子之间必须要有不小于250欧姆的电阻,这一点非常的重要,大多数的通信故障都是由于没有满足这个通信条件而引起的。
附录B HART ®手操器的使用B.1 概述本手册的使用说明都假定用户已经熟悉HART手操器,并能执行下列任务:•打开HART手操器•浏览HART手操器菜单•与兼容HART协议的设备建立通讯•在HART手操器与兼容HART协议的设备间发送和接受组态信息。
•用第一个键输入信息B.2 连接HART®手操器你可以直接将HART手操器接到变送器的HART/mA端或HART网络上的一个点:与变送器通讯端的连接要直接将HART手操器接到变送器的通讯端:1.打开本质安全的接线腔的盖子。
图B-1 接到通讯端电阻HART手操器与多点网络的连接HART手操器可以接到多点网络中的任一点,见图B-2。
图B-2 接到多点网络主设备变送器HART手操器电阻(若需要)B.3 本手册的约定在介绍所有的HART手操器操作步骤时都假定你是从联机菜单开始的。
图B.3 HART手操器的联机菜单B.4 HART®手操器安全提示和注释用户必须响应出现在HART手操器上的安全提示信息(如警告)以及注释。
B.4 HART®手操器菜单树109页图B-4画出了1000和2000系列变送器的HART手操器菜单树。
图B.4 HART®手操器菜单树图B.4 HART®手操器菜单树(继续)。
HART 手操器的使用
编写: 余志琴
一.HART 手操器
(1). HART 275
(2). HART 375
(2). 直接连到仪表上
(1).启动步骤(以HART 375为例)
b. 会出现如下画面
c.双击HART Application
e. 双击Online,进入在线菜单.(如果与现场设备已经连接好,会自动进入Online菜单)
f. 下图是Online的操作菜单:
其中Device setup 可以对HART仪表进行设置;PV 是仪表当前的测量数值;AO 是测量数值对应的模拟输出;LRV 是仪表量程下限(LOWER RERANGE V ALUE);URV 是仪表量程上限(UPPER RERANGE V ALUE).
g.进入Device setup菜单,会有五项子菜单,下面是详细设置.。
手操器HART 菜单树中文
H ART 375 HART® 协议手持通信器HART375手持器注意事项!注意 1:在使用HART手持器之前请阅读本手册。
目录一、使用指南 (5)1.1 简介 (5)1.2 手持器连接 (5)1.3 打开手持器 (6)1.4 常用功能指导 (6)1.4.1监视变量(读取检测值) (6)1.4.2设定主变量单位 (6)1.4.3设定量程上限 (7)1.4.4设定量程下限 (7)1.4.5设定阻尼 (7)1.4.6输出电流校准 (7)1.4.7主变量调零 (7)二、技术指标 (8)2.1 外形尺寸 (8)2.2 HART接口部分 (8)2.3 PC接口部分 (8)2.4 功耗指标 (8)2.5 电池的使用 (8)2.6 环境温度要求 (9)2.7 液晶显示屏 (9)三、按键说明 (9)3.1 开/关键 (9)3.2向上箭头键 (10)3.3向下箭头键 (10)3.4向左箭头键和返回上一级菜单键 (10)3.5向右箭头键和选择键 (10)3.6确认键 (10)3.7文字数字和转换键 (10)3.8使用转换键来输入数据 (11)四、功能介绍 (11)4.1主菜单 (11)4.2 在线菜单 (11)4.3 读取过程变量 (12)4.4 诊断/服务 (12)4.5 基本设置 (12)4.6 详细设置 (13)4.7 其他功能介绍 (16)4.7.1上电自动轮询仪表 (16)4.7.2 下装 (16)4.7.3 显示电池电量 (16)4.7.4 轮询 (17)五、常见故障排除 (17)5.1 手持器不能找到仪表 (17)5.2 按手持器电源开关无显示 (17)5.3 不支持设备的特殊功能 (17)附录1 ROSEMOUNT 1151树形菜单 (19)附录2 ROSEMOUNT 3051树形菜单 (21)一、使用指南1.1 简介H ART375 HART手持器是支持HART协议设备的手持通信器,它可以对所有符合HART协议的设备进行配置、管理和维护。
要访问自空模板菜单,参看新设置(脱机)(NewConfiguration (Offline))页1-14下的步骤2至5。
Mark all(标志所有)标记所有被传送至HART兼容设备的设置参数。设置参数是出现在你用编辑个别选项编辑参数设置时。
HATR手操器可以通过后部的连接面板(如图 1-2)在控制室、设备安装点或者在回路的任何连接点与变送器通讯。
回路连接器 串口
Unmark all(标志撤销)撤销所有设置参数标志。无标志的设置参数不会传送至连接的HART兼容设备。
Edit individually(单独编辑)(图1-14)打开单独编辑菜单包含了许多设置参数。
Saved Configuration (Offline)已保存设置菜单(脱机)
2. 在脱机菜单中按2键,出现已保存设置菜单项(图1-18)
275型HART通讯器1、HART协议HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer)协议赋予现场设备以数字传送仪表和过程数字的通信能力。
如果没有搜索到,它显示信息“No Device Found”(没有找到设备),然后显示主菜单。
从屏幕上可得到四种选择:Offline(离线)、Online(在线)、Frequency Device(频率设备)和Utility (应用)。
关于Online 和Offline菜单的更多资料见后面的菜单结构。
275手操器操作指南注:具体操作可与服务工程师凌建新 139******** 联系 过程变量 Process Variables观测流体仪器变量View Fld Dev vars质量流量 Mass Flo温度 Temp质量总量 Mass totl密度 Dens质量库存量 Mass inventory体积流量 Vol Flo体积库存量 Vol inventory粘度 Viscosity压力 Pressure观测输出View output vars观测PV-模拟量 View PV- Analog 2PV是 PV isPV PVPV%范围PV% rangePVAO观测SV-模拟量2 View TV-FrequencySV是SV isSV SVSV%范围SV% rangeSVAO观测TV-频率View TV-FrequencyTV是TV isTV TV压力频率Pres freq观测QVVIEW QVQVQV观测事件1 View event 1值 Value事件1类型Event1 type事件1设置点Event1 setpoint事件1状态Event1 status观测事件2 View event 2值 Value事件2类型Event2 type事件2设置点Event2 setpoint事件2状态Event2 ststus观测状态View ststus累加器控制Totlizer cntrl累加器控制Mass totl体积总量Vol totl起始累加器Start totalizer停止累加器Stop totalizer复位累加器Reset totalizer珍断/维修分支Diagnostics/ Service Branch珍断/维修 Diag/Service测试/状态 Test/Status观测状态 View status自测试 Self test回路测试 Loop Test固定模块输出 Fix Anaiog out 14MA20MA其它 Other固定频率输出 Fix Anaiog out 24MA20MA其它 Other结束 end固定频率输出 Fix Anaiog out10KHz其它 Other结束 End效准 Calibration自动调零 Auto zero自动调零 Perform auto zero质量流量 Mass flo调零时间 Zero time收敛时间 Converg limit密度标定 Density cal密度 pt1 dens pt1标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK1密度 Pt2 Dens Pt2标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK2密度 Pt3 Dens标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK3质量流量 Mass flo最小质量流量 Min mass flow 标定 Calibration粘度标定 Viscosity cal粘度梯度标定 Visc slope cal标定 Perform cal粘度 Viscosity粘度补偿标定 Visc offset cal标定 Perform cal粘度 Viscosity温度标定 Temperature cal温度补偿标定 Temp ofform cal标定 Perform cal温度 Temp温度梯度标定 Temp offset cal标定 Perform cal温度 Temp微调模块输出1 Trim Anaiog out 1微调模块输出2 Trim Anaiog out2安全事件寄存器 Security Event reg组态寄存器 Config reg标定寄存器 Calib reg测试点 Test pointsLPORPO管道周期 Tube驱动器 Drive带电调零流量 Live zero flow基本设置分支Basic setup branch∙基本设置 Basic setup标签 TagPV 单位 PV unit模块1范围值 Analog 1 range valuePV URVPV LRVSV 单位 SV Unit模块2范围值 Analog 2 range valueSV URVSV LRVTV 频率系数 TV Freq factrTV 频率系数 TV Rate factr细节设置分支Detailed setup branch∙细节设置 Detailed setup特性化传感器 Charize sensor流量标定 Flow cal密度 Density密度A Dens AK1密度B Dens BK2温度系数 Temp coeffK3温度效准系数 Temp cal factr粘度 Visocsity压力转换或粘度转换 Pressure polling or Viscositypolling粘度标度系数 Visc cal factr流体仪器标签 Fld dev tag4 ma 压力 4ma pressure20ma 压力 20ma pressure压力补偿 Pressure comp压力转换 Pressure polling测量系数 Flow factr密度系数 Dens factr流量效准压力 Flowcal pressure流量仪器标签 Fld dev tag4ma 压力 4ma pressure20ma 压力 20ma pressure流量度系数 Mater factors质量流单位 Mass factor体积因子 Vol factor密度因子 Dens factor组态流体仪器变量 config fld dev var流量 Flow质量流量单位 Mass flo unit质量流量子流量切除 Mass flo cutoff特定质量单位 Spcl mass units基本质量单位 Base mass unit基本质量时间 Base mass time质量流量转换系数 Mass flo conv fact质量流量文本 Mass flo text体积质量总量文本 Mass totl text体积流量单位 vol flo unit体积流量小流量切除 Vol flo cutoff特定体积单位 Spcl vol units基本体积时间 Base vol unit基本体积时间 Base vol time体积流量系数 Vol flo conv fact体积量文本 Vol flo taxt体积总量本 Vol totl taxt流向 Flo direction阻尼 Flo damp密度 Density密度单位 Dens unit密度阻尼 Dens damp团状流下限 Slug low limi团状流上限 Slug high limit温度 Temp温度单位 Temp unit温度阻尼 Temp darnp粘度/压力 Viscosity unit差压单位 dp unit粘度单位 Viscosity unit组态输出 Config outputs模拟输出 Analog output1PV是 PV is范围值 Range valuesPV URVPV LRVUSLLSLPV最小标度 PV min spanPV AO 小流量最切除 PV AO cutoffPV AO 附加阻尼 PV AO added damp 模拟输出1 Analog out1固定模拟输出1 Fix Analog out14ma20ma其它other结束 end微量输出1 Analog output2模拟输出2 Analog out2SV是 SV is范围值 Range valuesSV URVSV LRVUSLLSLSV 最小标度 SV min spanSV AO 小流量切除 SV AO cutoffSV AO 附加阻尼 SV Added damp固定模拟输出2 Fix analog out24ma20ma其它 other结束 end微调模拟输出2 Trim analog out2频率输出 Frequency outputTV是 TV isTV 频率系数 TV freq factrTV 速率系数 TV Rate factrK 系数 K factor最大脉冲宽度 Max pulse width固定频率输出 Fix frequency out10KHZ其它 other结束 end控制输出 control cutput故障输出 Fault output故障指示 Fault indicator粘带期间 Slug durationHART 输出 HART output轮询地址 poll addr数字规格标志 num req preams触发模式 Burst mode触发选项 Burst option设备信息 Device information标签 Tag插述符 Descriptor信息 Massage日期 date设备号 Dev id最终装配号 Final assembly num传感器 snsr传感器模式 Snsr model结构材料 Construction matls法兰 Flange传感器材料 Snsr matl村里材料 Liner matl复审号 revision总体复查 Universal rev流体设备 Fld dev rev软件复审 Software rev硬件复审 Hardware rev组态事件 Config events事件1 Event 1事件1变量 Event 1 var事件1 类型 Event 1 type事件1 设置点 Event1 set point事件2 Event2事件2变量 Event 2 var事件2类型 Event 2 type事件2 设置点 Event2 set point 检查分支Review branch检查 Review设备信息 Device info分销商 Distributor型号 Model标签 Tag描述符 Descriptor信息 Massage日期 Date仪器 Dev id最终装配号 Final assembly num传感器 Sensor传感器材质 Sensor model法兰 Flange传感器材料 Sensor matl衬里材料 Liner matl软件复审 Software rev硬件复审 Hardware rev合面复审 Universal rev特性化传感器 Charize sensor流量标定 Flow cal密度A Dens AK1 K1密度B Dens BK2 K2温度系数 Temp coeff温度标定系数 Temp cal factr粘度标定系数 Visc cal factrK3 K3转化压力 Pressure polling流量系数 Flow factr密度系数 Dens factr流量标定压力 Flowcal pressure4ma 压力 4ma Pressure20ma压力 20ma Pressure质量系数 Mass factr体积系数 Vol factr密度系数 Dens factr组态寄存器 Config reg标定寄存器 Calib reg流体设备变量 Fld dev vars质量流量单位 Mass flo unit质量流量小流量切除 Mass flo cutoff流速阻尼 Flo damp体积流量单位 Vol flo unit体积流量小流量切除 Vol flo cutoff流向 Flo direction密度单位 Dens unit密度阻尼 Dens damp团状流下限 Slug low limit团状流上限 Slug high limit温度单位 Temp unit温度阻尼 Temp damp粘度单位 Viscosity unit差压单位 DP unit基本体积单位 Base vol unit体积流量转换系数 Vol flo conv factr基本体积时间 Base vol time体积流量文本 Vol flo test基本质量单位 Base mass uniy质量流量转换系数 Mass flo conv factr基本质量时间 Base mass time质量流量文本 Mass flo taxt输出 OutputsPV 是 PV isPV LRVPV URVPV AO小流量切除 PV AO cutoffPV AO附加阻尼 PV AO added damp PV AOPV AOSV是SV LRVSV URVSV AO 小流量切除 SV AO cutoffSV AO 附加阻尼 SV AO added damp SV AOSV AOTV 是TV 频率系数 TV Freq factrTV 流量系数 TV Rate factr控制输出 Concrol output故障指示 Fault indicator粘带期间 Slug duration事件1变量 Event 1 var事件1 类型 Event 1 tape事件1 设置点 Event 1 setpoint事件2 变量 Event 2 Var事件2 类型 Event 2 tape事件 2 设置点 Event 2 setpoint转换地址 Poll addr数字规格标志 Num req preams触发模式 Burst mode。
HART手持式操作通信器使用说明书目录一、使用说明 (2)二、连接 (2)三、主菜单 (3)四、在线调试状态 (4)1、过程变量 (4)2、附加信息 (5)3、量程修改 (5)4、环路测试 (6)5、线性化 (7)6、压力微调 (9)7、其它 (9)五、装箱清单项 (10)一、按键操作说明:光标移动键:光标在各项菜单中的上、下、左、右的移动。
菜单中的“▋”为需要选择的图1 主菜单选项。
1、过程变量 如右图3所示。
本选项可以查看仪表的“PV ”(压力)、“I ”(电流)、“PER ”(百分数值)、“T ”(环境温度)、“LRV ”(零位)、“URV ”( 量程)、“LSL ”(最大测量范围低限)、“USL ”(最大测量范围高限)。
目录第一章简介……………………………………………………2第二章基本使用………………………………………………3现场通讯器的基本性能和功能 (3)开机注意事项 (4)键区的使用和说明 (5)第三章在线操作菜单…………………………………………6检测菜单 (6)3.1.1轮询检测 (6)3.1.2按轮询号检测 (7)3.1.3选择设备类型 (7)压力变送器主菜单 (8)3.2.1过程变量 (8)3.2.2组态与测试 (9)3.2.3特征化 (12)3.2.4校准 (19)3.2.5显示模式 (21)3.2.6通用格式化 (22)电磁流量计主菜单 (23)涡街流量计主菜单 (23)靶式流量计/浮筒液位计主菜单 (23)金转流量计主菜单 (23)通用主菜单 (23)第四章故障排除………………………………………………24故障介绍和排除方法 (24)提示界面 (25)附一………………………………………………………………27附二………………………………………………………………28第一章简介感谢您使用本现场通讯器,本通讯器适合HART协议智能变送器的通讯操作,与HART275、HART388、HART375兼容,具有极好的兼容性,可通讯1151,3051,EJA,ABB及流量方面的HART协议的进口仪表。
该设备配备:手操器一台电池(机内)一块包一个充电器一部通讯线缆一条操作手册一本250欧姆电阻一支第二章 基本使用现场通讯器的基本性能和功能开/关数字字母按键显示区 PV 键 左中右选择四个导确认键 充电器接通讯电缆电池显开机注意事项在开机前,请确保以下几点:·该现场通讯器没有物理机械损坏 ·电池已充满电。
Rosemount 275 HART Communicator 用户手册说明书
1981Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007Rosemount 2088 and 2090 Appendix B Rosemount 275 HARTCommunicatorOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page B-1Safety Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page B-1Connections and Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page B-4Communicator Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page B-5Menus and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page B-8 OVERVIEW This appendix provides basic communicator information on the Rosemount275 HART Communicator when used with Rosemount 2088, 2090P, or 2090FSmart Pressure Transmitters.Included in this appendix are a menu tree, a table of fast key sequences, andinformation on using the HART communicator.For more complete information on the HART Communicator, refer to theHART Communicator Product Manual 00809-0100-4275.This brief appendix will familiarize you with the HART Communicator but isnot meant to replace the HART Communicator product manual.SAFETY MESSAGES Instructions and procedures in this section may require special precautions toensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information thatraises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol (). Pleaserefer to the following safety messages before performing an operationpreceded by this symbol.WarningsReference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007Rosemount 2088 and 2090B-2Figure B-1. HART Communicator Menu Tree for the Rosemount 2088 Smart.PressurePercent Range Analog Output3 Tag4 Unit5 RANGE VALUES6 DEVICE INFO7 Damp8 METER OPTIONS2 Self test3 Status 3 Keypad Input4 Apply Values3 Loop T est4 Digital-to-Analog Trim5 Scaled D/A T rim6 AO Alarm T ype 3 Poll Address4 Number of Req. Pream.5 Burst Mode6 Burst Option 3 Digital-to-Analog T rim 4 Scaled D/A Trim 3 Zero T rim4 Lower Sensor T rim5 Upper Sensor T rim6 Sensor T rim Cal T ype7 Sensor T rim Points3 Date4 Descriptor5 Message6 Write Protect 3 Keypad Input 4 Apply Values 3 Pressure4 Percent Range 3 Keypad Input 4 Apply Values3 Pressure4 Percent Range5 Analog Output 3 FIELD DEVICE INFO 4 SENSOR INFO 5 Self T est6 DIAPHRAGM SEALS INFO3 DEVICE SETUP4 PV5 AO6 LRV7 URVPROCESS VARIABLESDIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICEBASIC SETUPDETAILED SETUP3 TEST DEVICE4 Loop Test5 CALIBRATION3 RERANGE4 ANALOG OUTPUT TRIM5 SENSOR TRIM3 Pressure4 % Range3 PROCESS VARIABLES4 SENSOR TRIM5 UnitOnline Menu3 Zero Trim4 Lower Sensor T rim5 Upper Sensor T rim6 Snsr Trim Cal T ype7 Sensor Trim Points3 PRESSURE SNSR3 SENSORS4 SIGNAL CONDITION5 OUTPUT CONDITION6 DEVICEINFORMATION3 T ag4 Date5 Descriptor6 Message7 Model8 Write Protect 9 Local Keys 10 REVISION #s 11 Final Assy #Device ID Distributor3 Measurement T ype4 Isolator Material5 Fill T ype6 Proc. Conn. Type7 Proc. Conn. Material 3 Meter T ype 4 CUSTOMMETER SETUP3 Select Dec. Pt. Pos.4 CM Upper Value5 CM Lower Value6 CM Units 3 PROCESS VARIABLES4 RANGE VALUES5 Unit6 Damp3 PROCESS VARIABLES4 ANALOG OUTPUT5 HART OUTPUT6 METER OPTIONS3 Diaph. Seal T ype4 Diaph. Seal Fill Fluid5 Diaph. Seal Material3 Meter Type4 CUSTOMMETER SETUP5 Custom Meter Value3 Select Dec. Pt. Pos.4 CM Upper Value5 CM Lower Value6 CM Units 3 Univ. Rev.4 Fld. Dev. Rev.5 S/W Rev.Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EA March 2007B-3Rosemount 2088 and 2090TABLE 0-1. HART Fast Key Sequences for the Rosemount 2088S.Analog Output 3Analog Output Alarm 1, 4, 3, 2, 4Burst Mode Control 1, 4, 3, 3, 3 Burst Operation 1, 4, 3, 3, 4 Calibration 1, 2, 3Damping 1, 3, 5Date 1, 3, 4, 1Descriptor1, 3, 4, 2Digital To Analog Trim (4–20 mA Output)1, 2, 3, 2, 1Disable Local Span/Zero Adjustment 1, 4, 4, 1, 7Field Device Info 1, 4, 4, 1Keypad Input 1, 2, 3, 1, 1Loop Test1, 2, 2Lower Range Value 4, 1Lower Sensor Trim 1, 2, 3, 3, 2Message 1, 3, 4, 3Meter Type1, 3, 6, 1Number of Requested Preambles 1, 4, 3, 3, 2Output Trim 1, 2, 3, 2 Percent Range 1, 1, 2Poll AddressLeft Arrow, 5, 1Pressure 2Range Values 1, 3, 3Rerange1, 2, 3, 1Scaled D/A Trim (4–20 mA Output)1, 2, 3, 2, 2Self Test (Transmitter)1, 2, 1, 1Sensor Info1, 4, 4, 2Sensor Trim (Full Trim)1, 2, 3, 3Sensor Trim Points 1, 2, 3, 3, 5Status 1, 2, 1, 2Tag1, 3, 1Transmitter Security (Write Protect)1, 3, 4, 4Units (Process Variable)1, 3, 2Upper Range Value 5Upper Sensor Trim 1, 2, 3, 3, 3Zero Trim1, 2, 3, 3, 1Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007Rosemount 2088 and 2090B-4CONNECTIONS AND HARDWAREThe HART Communicator 275 can interface with a transmitter from the control room, the instrument site, or any wiring termination point in the loop through the rear connection panel as shown in Figure B-2. To communicate, connect the HART Communicator in parallel with the instrument or load resistor. The connections are non-polarized. Avoid contact with leads and terminals. Do not make connections to the serial port or NiCad recharger jack in an explosive atmosphere. Before connecting the HART Communicator in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the instruments in the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive field wiring practices. Both transmitter covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion proof requirements.Figure B-2. Rear Connection Panel with Optional NiCad Recharger Pack.NOTEThe HART Communicator needs a minimum of 250 ohms resistance in the loop to function properly. The HART Communicator does not measure loop current directly.Loop Connection PortsSerial PortOptional NiCad Recharger JackReference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EA March 2007B-5Rosemount 2088 and 2090Figure B-3. Bench Hook-up (4–20 mA Transmitters).COMMUNICATOR KEYSThe keys of the HART Communicator include action, function, alphanumeric, and shift keysFigure B-4. The HART Communicator.Function KeysAction KeysAlphanumeric KeysShift KeysReference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007Rosemount 2088 and 2090B-6Action KeysAs shown in Figure B-4, the action keys are the six blue, white, and black keys located above the alphanumeric keys. The function of each key isON/OFF KeyUse this key to power the HART Communicator. When the communicator is turned on, it searches for a transmitter on the4–20 mA loop. If a device is not found, the communicator displays the message, “No Device Found. Press OK.”If a HART-compatible device is found, the communicator displays the OnlineDirectional KeysUse these keys to move the cursor up, down, left, or right. The right arrow key also selects menu options, and the left arrow key returns to the previous menu.HOT KeyUse this key to quickly access important, user-selectable options when connected to a HART-compatible device. Pressing the Hot Key turns the HART Communicator on and displays the Hot Key Menu.See Customizing the Hot Key Menu in the HART Communicator manual for more information.Use the four software-defined function keys, located below the LCD, toperform software functions. On any given menu, the label appearing above a function key indicates the function of that key for the current menu. As you move among menus, different function key labels appear over the four keys. For example, in menus providing access to on-line help, the label may appear above the F1 key. In menus providing access to the Online Menu, the label may appear above the F3 key. Simply press the key to activate the function. See your HART Communicator manual for details on specific function key definitions.Alphanumeric and Shift KeysThe alphanumeric keys, see Figure B-5 perform two functions: the fast selection of menu options and data entry.HELP HOMEReference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EA March 2007B-7Rosemount 2088 and 2090Figure B-5. HART Communicator Alphanumeric and Shift Keys.Data EntrySome menus require data entry. Use the alphanumeric and shift keys to enter all alphanumeric information into the HART Communicator. If you press an alphanumeric key alone from within an edit menu, the bold character in the center of the key appears. These large characters include the numbers zero through nine, the decimal point (.), and the dash symbol (—).To enter an alphabetic character, first press the shift key that corresponds to the position of the letter you want on the alphanumeric key. Then press the alphanumeric key. For example, to enter the letter R, first press the right shift key, then the “6” key, see Figure B-6. Do not press these keys simultaneously, but one after the other.Figure B-6. Data Entry Key Sequence.Fast Key SequencesHART Fast Key Sequences provide quick on-line access to transmitter variables and functions. Instead of stepping your way through the menu structure using the action keys, you can press a HART fast key sequence to move from the Online Menu to the desired variable or function. On-screen instructions guide you through the rest of the screens.ConventionsThe fast key sequences for the 275 use the following conventions for their identification:1 through 9–Refer to the keys located directly below the dedicated keypad.Left Arrow –Refers to the left arrow directional key.Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007 Rosemount 2088 and 2090B-8ExampleHART fast key sequences are made up of the series of numbers corresponding to the individual options in each step of the menu structure. For example, from the Online Menu you can change the Date. Following the menu structure, press 1 to reach Device Setup, press 3 for Basic Setup, press 4 for Device Info, press 5 for Date. The corresponding HART fast key sequence is 1,3,4,5.HART fast keys are operational only from the Online Menu. If you use them consistently, you will need to return to the Online Menu by pressing (F3) when it is available. If you do not start at the Online Menu, the HART fast key sequences will not function properly.Use Table 0-1, an alphabetical listing of every on-line function, to find the corresponding HART fast key sequences. These codes are applicable only to Rosemount 2088S transmitters and the HART Communicator.MENUS AND FUNCTIONS The HART Communicator is a menu driven system. Each screen provides a menu of options that can be selected as outlined above, or provides direction for input of data, warnings, messages, or other instructions.Main Menu When the HART Communicator is turned on, one of two menus will appear. Ifthe HART Communicator is connected to an operating loop, thecommunicator will find the device and display the Online Menu (see below). Ifit is not connected to a loop, the communicator will indicate that no devicewas found. When you press OK (F4), it will display the Main menu.The Main Menu provides the following options:•Offline–saves or retrieves transmitter configuration information.•Online–connects the communicator to a compatible device.NOTEOnline communication with the transmitter automatically loads the currenttransmitter data to the HART Communicator. Changes in online data aremade active by pressing SEND (F2). The transfer function is used only foroff-line data retrieval and sending.•Frequency Device–The Frequency Device option displays thefrequency output and corresponding pressure output ofcurrent-to-pressure transmitters.•Utility–The Utility option provides access to the contrast control for theHART Communicator LCD screen and to the autopoll setting used inmultidrop applications.Once selecting a main menu option, the HART Communicator provides theinformation you need to complete the operation. If further details are required,consult the HART Communicator manual.Online Menu The Online Menu can be selected from the main menu as outlined above, or itmay appear automatically if the HART Communicator is connected to anactive loop and can detect an operating transmitter.NOTEThe main menu can be accessed from the Online Menu. Press the left arrowaction key to deactivate the on-line communication with the transmitter and toactivate the main menu options.Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EA March 2007B-9Rosemount 2088 and 2090When configuration variables are reset in the on-line mode, the new settings are not activated until the data are sent to the transmitter. Press SEND (F2) when it is activated to update the process variables of the transmitter. On-line mode is used for direct evaluation of a particular meter,reconfiguration, changing parameters, maintenance, and other functions.Diagnostic MessagesThe following pages contain a list of messages used by the HART Communicator (HC) and their corresponding descriptions.Variable parameters within the text of a message are indicated with <variable parameter>.Reference to the name of another message is identified by [another message].Add item for ALL device types or only for this ONE device type.Asks the user whether the hot key item being added should be added for all device types or only for the type of device that is mand Not Implemented The connected device does not support this function.Communication ErrorEither a device sends back a response indicating that the message it received was unintelligible, or the HC cannot understand the response from the device.Configuration memory not compatible with connected device The configuration stored in memory is incompatible with the device to which a transfer has been requested.Device BusyThe connected device is busy performing another task.Device Disconnected Device fails to respond to a command.Device write protectedDevice is in write-protect mode. Data can not be written.Device write protected. Do you still want to shut off?Device is in write-protect mode. Press YES to turn the HC off and lose the unsent data.Display value of variable on hotkey menu?Asks whether the value of the variable should be displayed adjacent to its label on the hotkey menu if the item being added to the hotkey menu is a variable.Download data from configuration memory to device Prompts user to press SEND softkey to initiate a memory to device transfer.Exceed field width Indicates that the field width for the current arithmetic variable exceeds the device- specified description edit format.Exceed precisionIndicates that the precision for the current arithmetic variable exceeds the device- specified description edit format.Ignore next 50 occurrences of status?Asked after displaying device status. Softkey answer determines whether next 50 occurrences of device status will be ignored or displayed.Illegal character An invalid character for the variable type was entered.Illegal date The day portion of the date is invalid.Illegal month The month portion of the date is invalid.Illegal yearThe year portion of the date is invalid.Incomplete exponent The exponent of a scientific notation floating point variable is incomplete.Incomplete field The value entered is not complete for the variable type.Looking for a devicePolling for multidropped devices at addresses 1–15.Mark as read only variable on hotkey menu?Asks whether the user should be allowed to edit the variable from the hotkey menu if the item being added to the hotkey menu is a variable.No device configuration in configuration memoryThere is no configuration saved in memory available to reconfigure off-line or transfer to a device.Reference Manual00809-0100-4690, Rev EAMarch 2007Rosemount 2088 and 2090B-10No Device FoundPoll of address zero fails to find a device, or poll of all addresses fails to find a device if auto-poll is enabled.No hotkey menu available for this device.There is no menu named “hotkey” defined in the device description for this device.No offline devices available.There are no device descriptions available to be used to configure a device offline.No simulation devices available.There are no device descriptions available to simulate a device.No UPLOAD_VARIABLES in ddl for this device There is no menu named “upload_variables” defined in the device description for this device. This menu is required for offline configuration.No Valid Items The selected menu or edit display contains no valid items.OFF KEY DISABLEDAppears when the user attempts to turn the HC off before sending modified data or before completing a method.Online device disconnected with unsent data. RETRY or OK to lose data.There is unsent data for a previously connected device. Press RETRY to send data, or press OK to disconnect and lose unsent data.Out of memory for hotkey configuration. Delete unnecessary items.There is no more memory available to store additional hotkey items. Unnecessary items should be deleted to make space available.Overwrite existing configuration memory Requests permission to overwrite existing configuration either by a device-to-memory transfer or by an offline configuration. User answers using the softkeys.Press OK...Press the OK softkey. This message usually appears after an error message from the application or as a result of HART communications.Restore device value?The edited value that was sent to a device was not properly implemented. Restoring the device value returns the variable to its original value.Save data from device to configuration memoryPrompts user to press SAVE softkey to initiate a device-to-memory transfer.Saving data to configuration memory.Data is being transferred from a device to configuration memory.Sending data to device.Data is being transferred from configuration memory to a device.There are write only variables which have not been edited. Please edit them.There are write-only variables which have not been set by the user. These variables should be set or invalid values may be sent to the device.There is unsent data. Send it before shutting off?Press YES to send unsent data and turn the HC off. Press NO to turn the HC off and lose the unsent data.Too few data bytes received Command returns fewer data bytes than expected as determined by the device description.Transmitter FaultDevice returns a command response indicating a fault with the connected device; the transmitter is in alarm.Units for <variable label> has changed. Unit must be sent before editing, or invalid data will be sent.The engineering units for this variable have been edited. Send engineering units to the device before editing this variable.Unsent data to online device. SEND or LOSE dataThere is unsent data for a previously connected device which must be sent or thrown away before connecting to another device.Use up/down arrows to change contrast. Press DONE when done.Gives direction to change the contrast of the HC display.Value out of rangeThe user-entered value is either not within the range for the given type and size of variable or not within the min/max specified by the device.<message> occurred reading/writing <variable label>Either a read/write command indicates too few data bytes received, transmitter fault, invalid response code, invalid response command, invalid reply data field, or failed pre- or post-read method; or a response code of any class other than SUCCESS is returned reading a particular variable.<variable label> has an unknown value. Unit must be sent before editing, or invalid data will be sent.A variable related to this variable has been edited. Send related variable to the device before editing this variable.。
HART通信与Eclipse探测器的数字通信是监测内部状态和修改工厂设置的必要条件,本附录提供了建立HART通信的指导,并描述了使用HART 275手提式通信菜单的结构。
ECLIPSE的 HART HC275手提式内部通信从位于探测器侧面的HART通信端口旋开保护盖,连接HC257到两个位于端口内部的接线端,按“On”键打开HC257手提式通信器。
DDL使来自不同厂商的设备之间的交互通信成为可能,并允许任何HART 设备达到最大功能。
2.从Office菜单,点击New Configurations并进入你的HART设备描述列表,Manufacturer菜单列出了安装在你的通信器存储模块中的各个厂商及其设备描述,推荐使用12MB存储模块从而可以得到更多设备描述信息。
HART 通信委员会(/hart) 管理了一个用于主设备描述的分布于多个设定地址的制造商设备描述库,根据厂商和设备型号序列,用户可以下载完整的HCF DD列表。