11.2 雷达及ARPA的使用




中国海员之家网站航海资料系列ARPA雷达操作说明 第 1 页 ARPA雷达(JMA 9823/9833)操作说明一、按下PWR键,绿灯亮,3分钟后出现STAND BY,按下TX/STBY键,雷达开始工作;再按TX/STBY可停止发射,设备在预备状态。

二、调整SEA、RAIN、GAIN和BRILL钮,选择RANGE量程,调节TURN钮至物标清晰出现在荧光屏上;SEA、RAIN和TURN分别有手动和自 动,但是雨雪和海浪不能同时自动。

三、捕捉物标,按下ACQ MANUAL键,移动光标到物标上,按下左键,物标被捕捉。


四、读取物标数据,按下TGT DATA键,将光标移动到物标上,按下左键,物标数据被读取。









2.TGT ENH,按下此键为目标放大功能。



5/ 6.EBL1/EBL2,电子方位线。

7.DATA OFF,按下此键关闭荧光屏部分数据。

8.SUB1 MENU子菜单,按下此键进入下一子菜单:①SETTING-设置罗经、速度、日期时间等内容,此雷达关机后罗经不能跟踪,故开机后要输入罗经航向。







第三节 ARPA的局限性 如上所说,ARPA有很多优点,但必须看到,由于目前技术水平的限制,还存在 很多不足,应予警惕。其局限性主要表现在如下几方面: 一.传感器引入的局限性 1.雷达的探测能力、分辨力、精度以及受气象、环境条件的限制, 2.罗经、计程仪的误差等 二.自动检测的局限性 三.录取的局限性 四.跟踪的局限性 1.跟踪可靠性的限制 主要是存在误跟踪和目标丢失率高。 2.存在跟踪处理延时 一般,从录取到稳定跟踪约需3分钟;若有一方机动了,还须经约3分钟才能重 新稳定。 3.跟踪容量及显示目标矢量的数量受限制。 4.跟踪目标的距离及机动速度受限制。 如:最小距离(有的为0.1~0.15海里)、最大距离(有的为24,有的为36海里,甚至 更多)、最大相对速度(有的为80节,有的为150节)及最大相对回转速度( )等。
四.注意事项 1)注意延时时间,应留有余地。 2)注意目标可能的机动,应监视目标的动向并注意可能出现的新 的危险,不可盲目信赖试操结果。 3)应用试操结果还应符合避碰规则。 4)要记住显示的状态是模拟的结果,应及时返回正常的显示。 5)试操船结果受雷达、罗经、计程仪及ARPA本身误差的影响,不 可盲目信赖,不可忽视了望。
第二节 基本功能
三 :试操船功能的局限性:



设备少、 价格低
精度高、 画面清晰 直观方便
按 显 示 目 标 动 态 方 式 不同分
②图示型 目 标 动 态 用 ( PAD 型 ) PAD显示 ①径向园 扫描 ②电视光 栅光标
按 扫 描 方式分

2、如何利用人工标绘求相遇船的碰撞参数? 3、画出ARPA系统的简框并简要说明其工作概况。 4、ARPA有哪些输入输出信息?
Ch1 绪论
2-1 各种传感信号的预处理

5种传感器信号——模拟 → 数字 雷达回波处理:杂波抑制、检测判断等。 原始视频雷达信号的杂波处理及方位、距离信号 的量化处理; 陀螺罗经航向信号和计程仪航速信号的量化处理。

O (本船)
B 两船保速保向时预计的视运动
O (本船)
360 0
0.088 0 212
Ch2 ARPA基本原理


1、船首向上显示模式 无需输入罗经航向,用H UP表示。 特点: (1)船首方向在荧光屏方位圈上为 0°,由此读取的其他物标方位是相对方位(即 舷角)——“相对方位显示方式”。 (2)本船 转向时,船首线始终指向固定刻度圈0°不动, 而周围目标则向相反方向以本船为中心作圆周 运动,在目标后面留下一段弧形尾迹,影响观 测。 它是一种图像不稳定的模式。
雷达显示方式和ARPA雷达 简介
(一)显示方式分类 (二)相对运动的显示方式 (三)真运动的显示方式
(一)显示方式分类 从本船(扫描中心)在荧光屏上的运动形式划分:
相对运动显示方式RM (Relative Motion) 真运动显示方式TM (True Motion) 以荧光屏正上方的指向划分: 船首线向上 H UP (Head Up); 指北向上 N UP (North Up); 航向向上CRS UP (Course Up)。
– 相对运动:一种图像不稳定显示,另两种图 像稳定显示。
– 真运动:全都属于图像稳定显示。
各显示模式的全称 相对运动
– 船首向上图像不稳定的相对运动显示模式 – 指北向上图像稳定的相对运动显示模式 – 航向向上图像稳定的相对运动显示模式
– 指北向上图像稳定的真运动显示模式 – 航向向上图像稳定的真运动显示模式
一、雷达的显示方式——相对运动显示 3、航向向上显示模式优缺点 优点: 结合了船首向上和指北向上的优点,克 服了两种显示模式的不足。 不足: 使用起来不方便,特别是在高 速运动和转向时,恢复时间受到了一定 的限制

第二节 雷达及ARPA的使用

第二节 雷达及ARPA的使用

雷达及ARPA的使用1、______ is not a job of the radar antenn a. aA.T o receive the high-frequency pulses from the transmitterB.To focus the pulses into a beam,and send them into spaceC.To pick up reflected pulses coming from objects that have been struck by the beam D.To reflect microwaves2、______ is not used in modern radar. dA.EBLB.VRMC.CRTD.Grease pencil3、______ typically extends from close as 0.1 nautical miles out to 32 NM. d A.EBLB.VRMC.CRTD.target tracking range4、Although manual plotting for CPA works well,the workload can become overwhelming when confronted with ______. dA.one targetB.two targetsC.three targetsD.a large number of targets5、I ______ shorebased radar assistance. cA.AskB.Look forC.RequireD.In need of6、In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow.You should ______. dA.stop your enginesB.sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC.hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD.take avoiding action as soon as possible7、My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance ________? bA.used B.availableC.in use D.can be used8、PPI is ______. aA.a plan-position indicator systemB.pulse-plan integrationC.pulse-pulse inputD.power-plan input9、Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail ______.aA.In dense fogB.In boisterous weatherC.In the open seaD.In rivers10、Radar reflectors are required for ______. dA.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB.sail-propelled fishing vesselsC.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo11、SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ______. dA.sweep introductionB.sweep interestC.sweep intentionD.sweep intensity12、The ______ has a built-in world map; most areas are displayed on a scale of 4000 nm from the top to the bottom of the screen,and can be zoomed in to 150 nm. a A.chartplotterB.C-MAP NTC.C-CardsD.PPI13、The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will ______. cA.Be more suitable for river and harbor navigationB.Provide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seasC.Have a wider horizontal beam widthD.Have more sea return during rough sea conditions14、The articulated light is superior to other types of buoys because ______. d A.The radar reflectors reflect better signalsB.Fog horn signals travel farther to seaC.It is equipped with strobe lightsD.It has a reduced watch circle15、The closest point of approach(CPA)of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined ______. cA.Immediately when the contact is noted on radarB.Only if the radar scope is watched constantlyC.After the contact has been marked at least twiceD.By an occasional glance at the radar16、The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to ______ position first,then to ______ position. bA.Off/standbyB.Standby/offC.Standby/closeD.Close/standby17、The development of ______ led to the fully automatic ARPA systems installed oncommercial ships. bA.SeaTalkB.powerful microprocessors and mega memory capacityC.chartplotterD.small-scale chart18、The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the ______. aA.sensitivity time control(sea-clutter control)B.receiver gain controlC.brilliance controlD.fast time constant(differentiator)19、The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the ______. b A.Gain controlB.Sensitivity time controlC.Fast time constantD.Pulse length control20、The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long. aA.A few centimetersB.A few fathomsC.A few metersD.A few feet21、The shoreline along Rocky Point should give a good radar return because ______.aA.The shore is bluff and rockyB.Of offshore exposed rocksC.Submerged reefs cause prominent breakersD.The lookout tower is marked with radar reflectors22、To determine if risk of collision exists,a vessel which is fitted with radar must use ______. dA.Radar scanningB.Radar plottingC.Compass bearingsD.All of the above23、What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are detected by radar ________. bA.You should make an ample change to port for a vessel crossing on the starboard bowB.You should maneuver in ample time if a close-quarters situation is developing C.You should determine the course and speed of all radar contacts at six minute intervalsD.Long-range scanning will provide early warning of ALL other vessels within the radar's range24、What provides little or no indication that a vessel is dragging anchor ________.b A.Increasing radar range to a fixed object aheadB.Drift lead with the line leading perpendicular to the centerlineC.Vibrations felt by placing a hand on the cableD.Changing bearings to distant fixed objects abeam25、What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm,audible alarm,or both ________. cA.An acquired target entering into a guard zoneB.A tracked target lost for one radar scanC.A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limitsD.A target being initially detected within a guard zone26、When the relative motion display is selected all tracked objects will display ______ vectors. aA.motionB.stationaryC.dynamicalD.flashing27、When using the ARPA in heavy rain,which action should you take ________.c A.Increase the radar gain to pick up weak echoes through the rainB.Increase the STC setting to reduce close-in spurious signalsC.Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been reducedD.Increase the range of the inner and outer guard rings28、When using the radar for navigating ______. cA.The best fix is obtained by using a tangent bearing and a rangeB.And using two radar ranges for a fix,the objects of the ranges should be close to reciprocal bearingsC.And using ranges,the most rapidly changing range should be measured last D.And crossing a radar range of one object with the visual bearing of a second object,the two objects should be 80° to 110° apart29、Which condition indicates that your radar needs maintenance ________. a A.Serrated range ringsB.Indirect echoesC.Multiple echoesD.Blind sector30、Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE ________. bA.Raising the antenna height increases the radar rangeB.The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions C.Radar bearings are less accurate than radar rangesD.Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly31、Which statement concerning the operation of radar in fog is TRUE ________.d A.Radar ranges are less accurate in fogB.Navigation buoys will always show up on radarC.A sandy beach will show up clearer on radar than a rocky cliffD.Small wooden boats may not show up on radar32、You are scanning the radar screen for a buoy fitted with racon.How should thissignal appear on the PPI display ________. aA.Starting with a dash and extending radially outward from the targetB.As a broken line from center of PPI to the targetC.Starting with a dot and extending radially inward from the targetD.Starting with a dash and extending to the right of the target33、You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboar d.You have 3 radar targets bearing 090° relative at ranges of 0、5 mile,1 mile,and 1、5 miles.In this case,the unwanted echoes are called ______. aA.Multiple echoesB.SpokingC.Indirect echoesD.Side-lobe echoes34、Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log.Due to currents,the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the groun d.What should you expect under these circumstances ________. dA.The generated CPA will be less than the actual CPAB.The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPAC.The range of initial target acquisition will be less than normalD.The targets true course vector will be in error35、Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and spee d.The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect under these circumstances ________. a A.The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radar B.The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarmC.The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lostD.The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data 36、Your ARPA has two guard zones.What is the purpose of the inner guard zone ________. bA.Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the preset CPA limitB.Warn of small targets that are initially detected closer than the outer guard zone C.Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering situationsD.Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone37、Your radar displays your ship off center.As you proceed on your course,your ship's marker moves on the PPI scope while echoes from land masses remain stationary.What is this display called ________. bA.Off center B.True motionC.Stabilized D.Head up38、Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope ________. aA.Echoes from a buoyB.Own ship's markerC.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed。



优点: 直观、方便。就像在空中所看到海面上的实际情 况一样,在狭水道航行时更有利。
不足: 当航向处在090°~270°之间时,观测、使用就会 不大习惯,有时还容易搞错左、右舷,这对避让 及航行会造成不利。
47 - 14
不足: 转向或航向不稳时,会因图像频繁移动留下的 弧形余辉而变得模糊,影响正常观测。
47 - 6
需要输入罗经航向,用N UP表示。 特点:
(1)方位圈0°在荧光屏正上方并代表罗北,船首 线指向实际航向。物标显影在固定方位圈上的 读数是真方位——“真方位显示方式” ;
特点: 代表本船位置的扫描中心及运动目标回波均按其
真实航向及成比例航速在屏面上进行移动,而固 定目标回波不动。需要输入航向、航速。 分类:
按速度类别来分,包括:对水真运动与对地真运 动显示方式,避碰用对水真运动方式更准;
按速度输入源来分,包括:计程仪真运动和模拟 真运动。
需要输入航向,用CRS UP表示。 特点:
(3)本船转向时,船首线随航向转动,固定 目标回波则在屏上不动,保持了图像的稳定、 清晰。当航向改变完毕,只要按一下“新航向 向上”(New Course up)按钮,则船首线、图 像及可动方位圈一起转动,直到船首线指向固 定方位刻度圈的0°为止。因此,它总是可以保 持直观的观测。
特点: 与相对运动航向向上显示方式一样,



1.6 调谐接收器
1.6.1 选择调谐方式 TUNE(调谐)方框选择调谐模式。 使用屏幕顶部的 TUNE(调谐)方框选择调谐模式。 TUNE(调谐)方框( 1. 转动跟踪球在屏幕顶部选择 TUNE(调谐)方框(TUNE AUTO 或者 TUNE MAN) MAN) 。
TUNE 方框 2. 根据需要,按左按钮或转动滚轮显示 TUNE AUTO(自动调谐)或 TUNE MAN(手动调谐)。 根据需要, AUTO(自动调谐) MAN(手动调谐)。 如果使用滚轮选择调谐方式,按滚轮或左按钮更改设置。 3. 如果使用滚轮选择调谐方式,按滚轮或左按钮更改设置。
GAIN 级别指示符
向下转动滚轮增加增益,或向上转动降低增益。 (0-100)。 2. 向下转动滚轮增加增益,或向上转动降低增益。有 100 个可用级别 (0-100)。 1.10 抑制海浪杂波
波浪的回波可以产生称为“海浪杂波”的随机信号,并遮盖显示屏的中心部分。 波浪的回波可以产生称为“海浪杂波”的随机信号,并遮盖显示屏的中心部分。 波浪越大,天线超出水面越高,则杂波越强。当海浪杂波遮盖画面时, 波浪越大,天线超出水面越高,则杂波越强。当海浪杂波遮盖画面时,使用 A/C 控制按钮以手动或自动方式进行抑制。 SEA 控制按钮以手动或自动方式进行抑制。 1.10.1 选择调整方式 1.转动跟踪球, 1.转动跟踪球,选择显示器顶部的 SEA AUTO 转动跟踪球 MAN(取显示者) 或 SEA MAN(取显示者) 。
1.1 打开电源 位于控制单元的左角。 开关护盖, ) 位于控制单元的左角。打开 POWER 开关护盖,按开关开启雷达
[POWER] 开关 (



驾驶台资源管理---ARPA的正确使⽤!ARPA的使⽤避碰规则第七条,避碰危机(a) 各船舶应利⽤各种可能适当⽅法,在当前环境与情况下, 分析是否有避碰危机存在,如有任何可疑之处,此危机应视为存在。

(b) 若装雷达并能作业时,应于适当使⽤,包括长距程扫描,亦能及早获得碰撞危机之警告,并⽤雷达测绘或类似之系统设备,观测已测出之⽬标。

(c) 切勿依据不充分资料,尤其不充分之雷达资料,擅作假设。

(d) 在分析是否有碰撞危机存在时,应考虑下列各项:(i) 如果驶近船舶之罗经⽅位⽆显著改变时,碰撞危机应视为存在;(ii) 虽然驶近船舶之⽅位明显改变,碰撞危机有时仍然可能存在,尤其当接近⼀巨型船或拖曳船,或逼近另⼀船。

影像越来越⼤的⽬标,都是碰撞的可能⽬标在COLREG第七条(a)项如有任何可疑之处, 避碰危机应视为存在。


还有⼀个很有趣的现象,可以相互⽐照,对航空业所谓的”空中碰撞”所做的研究显⽰,有⼀个现象叫做”花开效应” 。











11.2 雷达及ARPA的使用(38题)1. ______ is not a job of the radar antenna.A.To receive the high-frequency pulses from the transmitterB.To focus the pulses into a beam,and send them into spaceC.To pick up reflected pulses coming from objects that have been struck by the beamD.To reflect microwaves2. ______ is not used in modern radar.A.EBLB.VRMC.CRTD.Grease pencil3. ______ typically extends from close as 0.1 nautical miles out to 32 NM.A.EBLB.VRMC.CRTD.target tracking range4. Although manual plotting for CPA works well,the workload can become overwhelming when confronted with ______.A.one targetB.two targetsC.three targetsD.a large number of targets5. I ______ shorebased radar assistance.A.AskB.Look forC.RequireD.In need of6. In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow.You should ______.A.stop your enginesB.sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC.hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD.take avoiding action as soon as possible7. My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance ________? A.usedB.availableC.in useD.can be used8. PPI is ______.A.a plan-position indicator systemB.pulse-plan integrationC.pulse-pulse inputD.power-plan input9. Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail ______.A.In dense fogB.In boisterous weatherC.In the open seaD.In rivers10. Radar reflectors are required for ______.A.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB.sail-propelled fishing vesselsC.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo11. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ______.A.sweep introductionB.sweep interestC.sweep intentionD.sweep intensity12. The ______ has a built-in world map; most areas are displayed on a scale of 4000 nm from the top to the bottom of the screen,and can be zoomed in to 150 nm.A.chartplotterB.C-MAP NTC.C-CardsD.PPI13. The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will ______.A.Be more suitable for river and harbor navigationB.Provide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seasC.Have a wider horizontal beam widthD.Have more sea return during rough sea conditions14. The articulated light is superior to other types of buoys because ______.A.The radar reflectors reflect better signalsB.Fog horn signals travel farther to seaC.It is equipped with strobe lightsD.It has a reduced watch circle15. The closest point of approach(CPA)of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined ______.A.Immediately when the contact is noted on radarB.Only if the radar scope is watched constantlyC.After the contact has been marked at least twiceD.By an occasional glance at the radar16. The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to ______ position first,then to ______ position.A.Off/standbyB.Standby/offC.Standby/closeD.Close/standby17. The development of ______ led to the fully automatic ARPA systems installed on commercial ships.A.SeaTalkB.powerful microprocessors and mega memory capacityC.chartplotterD.small-scale chart18. The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the ______.A.sensitivity time control(sea-clutter control)B.receiver gain controlC.brilliance controlD.fast time constant(differentiator)19. The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the ______.A.Gain controlB.Sensitivity time controlC.Fast time constantD.Pulse length control20. The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long.A.A few centimetersB.A few fathomsC.A few metersD.A few feet21. The shoreline along Rocky Point should give a good radar return because ______.A.The shore is bluff and rockyB.Of offshore exposed rocksC.Submerged reefs cause prominent breakersD.The lookout tower is marked with radar reflectors22. To determine if risk of collision exists,a vessel which is fitted with radar must use ______.A.Radar scanningB.Radar plottingC.Compass bearingsD.All of the above23. What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are detected by radar ________.A.You should make an ample change to port for a vessel crossing on the starboard bow B.You should maneuver in ample time if a close-quarters situation is developingC.You should determine the course and speed of all radar contacts at six minute intervals D.Long-range scanning will provide early warning of ALL other vessels within the radar's range 24. What provides little or no indication that a vessel is dragging anchor ________.A.Increasing radar range to a fixed object aheadB.Drift lead with the line leading perpendicular to the centerlineC.Vibrations felt by placing a hand on the cableD.Changing bearings to distant fixed objects abeam25. What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm,audible alarm,or both ________.A.An acquired target entering into a guard zoneB.A tracked target lost for one radar scanC.A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limitsD.A target being initially detected within a guard zone26. When the relative motion display is selected all tracked objects will display ______ vectors.A.motionB.stationaryC.dynamicalD.flashing27. When using the ARPA in heavy rain,which action should you take ________.A.Increase the radar gain to pick up weak echoes through the rainB.Increase the STC setting to reduce close-in spurious signalsC.Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been reducedD.Increase the range of the inner and outer guard rings28. When using the radar for navigating ______.A.The best fix is obtained by using a tangent bearing and a rangeB.And using two radar ranges for a fix,the objects of the ranges should be close to reciprocal bearings C.And using ranges,the most rapidly changing range should be measured lastD.And crossing a radar range of one object with the visual bearing of a second object,the two objects should be 80°to 110°apart29. Which condition indicates that your radar needs maintenance ________.A.Serrated range ringsB.Indirect echoesC.Multiple echoesD.Blind sector30. Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE ________.A.Raising the antenna height increases the radar rangeB.The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditionsC.Radar bearings are less accurate than radar rangesD.Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly31. Which statement concerning the operation of radar in fog is TRUE ________.A.Radar ranges are less accurate in fogB.Navigation buoys will always show up on radarC.A sandy beach will show up clearer on radar than a rocky cliffD.Small wooden boats may not show up on radar32. You are scanning the radar screen for a buoy fitted with racon.How should this signal appear on the PPI display ________.A.Starting with a dash and extending radially outward from the targetB.As a broken line from center of PPI to the targetC.Starting with a dot and extending radially inward from the targetD.Starting with a dash and extending to the right of the target33. You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 radar targets bearing 090°relative at ranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 miles.In this case,the unwanted echoes are called ______.A.Multiple echoesB.SpokingC.Indirect echoesD.Side-lobe echoes34. Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log.Due to currents,the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the ground.What should you expect under these circumstances ________.A.The generated CPA will be less than the actual CPAB.The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPAC.The range of initial target acquisition will be less than normalD.The targets true course vector will be in error35. Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed.The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect under these circumstances ________.A.The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radarB.The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarmC.The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lost D.The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data36. Your ARPA has two guard zones.What is the purpose of the inner guard zone ________.A.Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the preset CPA limitB.Warn of small targets that are initially detected closer than the outer guard zoneC.Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering situationsD.Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone37. Your radar displays your ship off center.As you proceed on your course, your ship's marker moves on the PPI scope while echoes from land masses remain stationary.What is this display called ________.A.Off centerB.True motionC.StabilizedD.Head up38. Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope ________.A.Echoes from a buoyB.Own ship's markerC.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed。




选择ARP ACQ MODE项,点击鼠标右键,选择1 ARP SELECT然后点击滚轮或左键。




当光标在有效的显示区域之内,滚动滚轮,当在指导窗口显示“TARGET CANCEL/EXIT”时,将光标移动到ARP物标或参考物标上,按下鼠标左键或滚轮,按下鼠标右键完成操作。

当光标在有效的显示区域之内,滚动滚轮,当在指导窗口显示“TARGET DATA&ACQ/CURSOR MENU”时,将光标移动到你需要的ARP物标上,按下鼠标左键。

选择BRILL窗口,按下鼠标右键,选择0 NEXT,然后按下鼠标左键或滚轮,选择6 ARP SYMBOL,然后按下鼠标左键或滚轮,滚动滚轮调节亮度,双击鼠标右键结束操作。



选择CPA LIMIT窗口,滚动滚轮选择需要的CPA值,然后按下滚轮。

选择TCPA LIMIT窗口,滚动滚轮选择需要的TCPA值,然后按下滚轮。



雷达与arpa实验报告1. 实验目的本实验旨在通过搭建雷达系统并了解其基本原理,亲自操作雷达设备,并尝试使用ARPA 技术进行目标跟踪和测量。

2. 实验器材和原理2.1 实验器材- 雷达设备(包括主机、天线、控制系统等)- 计算机- ARPA 软件2.2 实验原理雷达是一种利用无线电波进行探测和测量的设备。





利用计算机的处理能力,ARPA 可以实现对多个目标的同时跟踪和测量,提高雷达系统的应用效果。

3. 实验步骤3.1 搭建雷达系统首先,我们需要将雷达设备搭建起来。


3.2 验证雷达的基本功能在正式进行ARPA 实验之前,我们需要验证雷达设备的基本功能是否正常。


3.3 进行ARPA 实验将计算机与雷达系统相连接,并在计算机上运行ARPA 软件。

通过ARPA 软件,可以实现对目标物体的跟踪和测量。

根据指导书中的步骤设置相应的参数,开始进行ARPA 实验。

在ARPA 实验中,我们可以观察到雷达的工作情况、目标物体的运动轨迹等信息。

根据ARPA 系统的分析,我们还可以获取目标物体的距离、速度等测量结果。

通过与实际情况的对比,评估ARPA 技术的准确性和可靠性。

4. 实验结果与分析4.1 雷达的基本功能验证结果在进行基本功能验证时,我们观察到雷达设备成功发射无线电波,并从一定范围内接收到回波信号。























所求航向 现在 航向
现在 航向
第二节 基本功能
四、预测危险区(PAD——Predicted Area of Danger)
1.已知条件: MIN CPA,本船速度和目标船的航向、航速且不变。 求:本船在什么航向上?目标船的CPA小于等于MIN CPA? 2.PAD点的含义: 当本船首线通过PAD区域,说明CPA ≤ MIN CPA 3.特点: a.本船改向时,PAD的大小、位置不变 b.本船速度和目标船的航向、航速中有一个变化,PAD的大小、 位置将发生变化。 c. PPC点不一定在PAD的中心。 d.每个目标PAD的个数02。 e.跟踪线只表示目标的真航向,长短不表示速度。 f.静止目标的PAD为围绕目标的一个正六边形。
第二节 基本功能
1.图像(船首线)指向显示模式:(HEAD UP无ARPA功能) a.真北向上(North Up)显示:船首线指示航向值。 b.航向向上(Course Up)显示:新船首向上New HEADING Up。 当接通航向向上开关时,首线未指示固定刻度盘0,则首线转到0, 目标影象同时跟着转动,之后,在航向向上显示方式下,若船转向, 首线随之转动,目标影象不动,属于稳定显示。 2.矢量显示模式:选择哪一种与运动方式无关 a.相对矢量(RV-Relative Vector)模式: 本船无矢量;目标显示矢量;目标相对矢量延长线即 相对运 动线(Relative Motion Line);本船到相对运动线的垂足即 CPA点;可从屏上观测、估算出CPA和TCPA。



航海仪器操作和维护仪器操作和维护1 概要1.1所有驾驶员必须确保完全熟悉所有的航海仪器和设备,并能有效使用。




2 设备的维护2.1 设备的维护应该按照厂家的要求有计划地进行。


3 雷达和自动雷达标绘仪(ARPA)3.1 雷达的有效性船长应确保在航行的任何时候驾驶台至少有一台雷达可用,并能达到以下目的:-计算、核对以其它方法观测到的船位;-作为判定碰撞危险的电子助手;-移动物体标绘,平行避险线,等等。

3.2 雷达的准备雷达应该保持待机并且在需要时有效可用。

3.3 雷达了望万一可能的能见度降低时,雷达应该在能见度实际恶化之前投入使用,所有物标的方位应该与目测比较。





3.5 雷达的性能在航次开始前应该判定雷达的性能是否达到要求。

3.6 调整雷达开机后应立即进行调整,特别是首向标志,航迹中心,其它的调整比如杂乱回波等等。

3.8 雷达定位当使用雷达计算、核定其它方法测定的船位时,以下的应该被考虑:-雷达的全部性能;-固定物标的识别;-罗经(陀螺)差和首向标志的准确度;-可变距标圈、方位线和固定距标圈的准确度;-真运动模式时,显示的是稳定的对地数据。



第二节雷达及ARPA的使用1156. __A____ is not a job of the radar antenna.下列哪一项不是雷达天线的功用()A.To receive the high-frequency pulses from the transmitter接收发射器发来的高频脉冲B.To focus the pulses into a beam,and send them into space 把脉冲集中成束,并发射出去C.To pick up reflected pulses coming from objects that have been struck by the beam接收从物标反射回来的脉冲波束D.To reflect microwaves 反射微波1157. ____D__ is not used in modern radar.下列哪一项不用于现代雷达A.EBL 电子方位线B.VRM 活动距标圈C.CRT 荧光屏D.Grease pencil 蜡笔1158. ___D___ typically extends from close as 0.1 nautical miles out to 32 NM.()可最近可达0.1海里,最远可达32海里A.EBL 电子方位线B.VRM 活动距标圈C.CRT 荧光屏D.target tracking range 物标跟踪范围1159. Although manual plotting for CPA works well,the workload can become overwhelming when confronted with __D____.虽然使用人工标绘也可以准确求出最近会遇距离,但是,当遇到()时,工作量将变得非常大。

A.one target B.two targets C.three targets D.a large number of targets 大量的物标时1160. I ___C___ shorebased radar assistance.我()岸基雷达帮助A.Ask 问B.Look for 寻找C.Require 需要D.In need of 缺少1162. My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance _____B___? [834]我船雷达故障,我需要岸基雷达帮助,是否有岸基雷达()A.used 已使用的B.available 可以使用C.in use 正在用D.can be used 能被使用1163. PPI is ____A__.PPI是指什么A.a plan-position indicator system 平面位置显示器B.pulse-plan integration C.pulse-pulse input D.power-plan input1164. Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail ___A___.在()情况下,雷达使我们的航行更加安全A.In dense fog 浓雾中B.In boisterous weather 恶劣天气C.In the open sea 在大海上D.In rivers 在河道中1165. Radar reflectors are required for ____D__.[923]下列什么船需要安装雷达反射器A.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in length 所有长度大于39英尺的渔船B.sail-propelled fishing vessels 机帆并用的渔船C.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GT 所有小于200总吨的渔船D.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo 雷达回波反射性差的木质渔船1166. SWEEP INT(扫描线亮度)on radar panel is the abbreviation of __D____.雷达面板上,“SWEEP INT”是下列哪一个词组的缩写()A.sweep introduction 引入、介绍B.sweep interest 兴趣C.sweep intention 意图D.sweep intensity 强度、亮度1167. The __A____ has a built-in world map; most areas are displayed on a scale of 4000 nm from the top to the bottom of the screen,and can be zoomed in to 150 nm.下列哪一种设备有内置的世界地图,在屏幕上,从上到下最大可显示范围是4000海里,也可放大到显示范围为150海里A.chartplotter B.C-MAP NT一种海图类型C.C-Cards D.PPIA Chartplotter is a device used in marine navigation that integrates GPS data with an electronic navigational chart (ENC). The chartplotter displays the ENC along with the position, heading and speed of the ship, and may display additional information from radar, automatic information systems (AIS) or other sensors. As appropriate to particular marine applications, chartplotters may also display data from other sensors, such as echolocators/sonar.1168. The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will __C____.[955]如果其他各种参数都一样,与3厘米波雷达相比,10厘米波雷达有什么特点()A.Be more suitable for river and harbor navigation 更适合在河道及港内使用B.Provide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seas在天气好,海面平静的情况下,对远距离的低平物标更容易发现C.Have a wider horizontal beam width 波束宽度更宽D.Have more sea return during rough sea conditions 在天气恶劣情况下,有更多的海浪回波1169. The articulated light is superior to other types of buoys because __D____.发光清晰的灯标优于其他种类的浮标,这是因为()A.The radar reflectors reflect better signals 雷达反射器的回波更好B.Fog horn signals travel farther to sea 雾号在海上传播的距离更远C.It is equipped with strobe lights这种灯标配有闪光灯D.It has a reduced watch circle这种灯标的观测周期较小1170. The closest point of approach(CPA)of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined _C_____.[999]相对运动显示模式下,在什么情况下,可以判断出CPA()A.Immediately when the contact is noted on radar 在雷达上一看到物标回波,立即可以B.Only if the radar scope is watched constantly 只有一直观察雷达才可以C.After the contact has been marked at least twice 至少回波出现两次以后才可以D.By an occasional glance at the radar 偶尔看一眼雷达就可以1171. The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to ______ position first,then to ____B__ position.[1008]关闭航海雷达的正确方法是,先把电源开关旋钮旋到()再旋到()A.Off/standby B.Standby/off C.Standby/close D.Close/standby1172. The development of __B____ led to the fully automatic ARPA systems installed on commercial ships.由于()技术的发展,最终使商船可以安装全自动的“ARPA自动标绘雷达”系统A.SeaTalkB.powerful microprocessors and mega memory capacity 功能强大的微机处理器及容量巨大的存储器C.chartplotter 海图标绘器D.small-scale chart 小比例海图1173. The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the___A___.[1158]减少一定距离内的微小回波显示的控钮是()A.sensitivity time control(sea-clutter control)海浪干扰抑制B.receiver gain control 增益C.brilliance control 亮度D.fast time constant(differentiator)微分调节1174. The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the ___B___.[1160]减少近距离内的海浪回波显示的控钮是()A.Gain control 增益B.Sensitivity time control海浪干扰抑制C.Fast time constant微分调节D.Pulse length control 脉冲宽度1175. The radio waves used for radar are very short,only __A____ long.雷达使用的无线电波很短,只有()长A.A few centimeters 几厘米B.A few fathoms 几拓C.A few meters 几米D.A few feet 几英尺1176. The shoreline along Rocky Point should give a good radar return because ____A__.沿“Rocky Point”的海岸线的雷达回波很清晰,这是因为()A.The shore is bluff and rocky 海岸是悬崖和石壁B.Of offshore exposed rocks 岸边的石头C.Submerged reefs cause prominent breakers 被淹没的暗礁形成了明显的开花浪D.The lookout tower is marked with radar reflectors 了望塔上安装了雷达反射器1178. What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are detected by radar __B______.在雾中,当有他船被雷达探测到时,下列哪一句话是正确的()A.You should make an ample change to port for a vessel crossing on the starboard bow你应大角度向左转向,因为有一条船正横越你船右船首B.You should maneuver in ample time if a close-quarters situation is developing如果正在形成紧迫局面,你应及早采取行动C.You should determine the course and speed of all radar contacts at six minute intervals你应每6分钟判断一次所有回波的航向及航速()D.Long-range scanning will provide early warning of ALL other vessels within the radar's range 远距离扫描可及早提供雷达量程内内所有其他船舶的碰撞危险情况1180. What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm,audible alarm,or both ____C____.[1427]什么情况下,ARPA会发出声响和/或灯光光警报()A.An acquired target entering into a guard zone 已捕捉的目标进入警戒区B.A tracked target lost for one radar scan 在一次扫描中,已跟踪的一个目标丢失了C.A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limits 已跟踪的一个目标正在进入你预设的CPA-TCPA范围D.A target being initially detected within a guard zone 在警戒区内初次发现目标1181. When the relative motion display is selected all tracked objects will display ___A___ vectors.当使用相对运动显示方式时,所有被跟踪的目标将显示()矢量线A.motion 运动B.stationary 静止C.dynamical D.flashing 闪烁1182. When using the ARPA in heavy rain,which action should you take _____C___.[1526]大雨中使用ARPA,应采取什么行动()A.Increase the radar gain to pick up weak echoes through the rain 增大增益,以便于雨中得到微弱回波B.Increase the STC setting to reduce close-in spurious signals 增大海浪干扰抑制,以减少近距离内的假回波C.Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been reduced 应假定雷达的有效工作距离受雨影响而减小,谨慎驾驶D.Increase the range of the inner and outer guard rings 增大内、外警戒圈之间的范围1183. When using the radar for navigating ___C___.当使用雷达助航时()A.The best fix is obtained by using a tangent bearing and a range 使用雷达观测一个目标的方位和距离是最佳的定位方法B.And using two radar ranges for a fix,the objects of the ranges should be close to reciprocal bearings 当使用两个目标的雷达距离定位时,这两个目标应可能成一直线(方位相反)C.And using ranges,the most rapidly changing range should be measured last 使用距离(使用方位变化判断碰撞危险)时,变化最快的目标应最后测量D.And crossing a radar range of one object with the visual bearing of a second object,the two objects should be 110°apart 分别使用一个目标的雷达距离和一个物标的目测方位定位,两物标间的方位交角应大于110°1184. Which condition indicates that your radar needs maintenance ____A____.下列哪一种情况表示你船雷达需要维修了()A.Serrated range rings锯齿形距标圈B.Indirect echoes 间接回波C.Multiple echoes 多次回波D.Blind sector 扇形盲区1185. Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE ____B____.[1581]下列有关雷达的一般描述哪一句是错误的()A.Raising the antenna height increases the radar range 增大天线高度,可增大雷达的有效量程B.The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions 雷达的控测物标的能力不受天气影响C.Radar bearings are less accurate than radar ranges 雷达方位不如雷达距离精度高D.Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly 当天气情况良好时,应经常检查雷达的工作情况,以确保雷达工作正常1186. Which statement concerning the operation of radar in fog is TRUE ____D___.雾中使用雷达助航,下列描述哪一句是正确的()A.Radar ranges are less accurate in fog 雾中,雷达测距的精度变差B.Navigation buoys will always show up on radar 助航浮标总是能在雷达上显示出来C.A sandy beach will show up clearer on radar than a rocky cliff 在雷达上沙滩比石质悬崖回波更清晰D.Small wooden boats may not show up on radar 雷达上小木船可能显示不出来1187. You are scanning the radar screen for a buoy fitted with racon.How should this signal appear on the PPI display ___A_____.使用雷达搜索一个带有雷达反射器的浮标,在PPI上该目标回波会如何显示()A.Starting with a dash and extending radially outward from the target 从目标回波处发出一个快速向外延伸的光柱B.As a broken line from center of PPI to the target 从PPI中心到目标回波之间出现一道虚线C.Starting with a dot and extending radially inward from the target 从目标回波处开始,先出现一外点,然后迅速向中心延伸D.Starting with a dash and extending to the right of the target从目标回波处发出一个向右延伸的光柱1188. You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard.You have 3 radar targets bearing 090°relative at ranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 miles.In this case,the unwanted echoes are called __A____.[1821]当你近距离追越一条在右舷的船舶时,雷达观测到在你船右正横方位上有3外回波,距离分别为0.5、1、1.5海里,出现这种情况时,哪一个回波不是你所要的()A.Multiple echoes 多次回波B.Spoking 辐射回波,轮辐回波C.Indirect echoes 间接回波D.Side-lobe echoes 旁瓣回波1189. Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log.Due to currents,the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the ground.What should you expect under these circumstances ___D_____.你船ARPA雷达使用自动从计程仪输入的航速,由于受流的影响,计程仪航速大于实际对地航速,你估计会出现下列哪一种情况()A.The generated CPA will be less than the actual CPA 雷达计算的CPA会小于实际CPA B.The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPA 雷达计算的TCPA比实际TCPA迟C.The range of initial target acquisition will be less than normal 初次捕捉物标的距离将小于正常情况下的距离D.The targets true course vector will be in error 物标的真航向矢量将出现误差1190. Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed.The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect under these circumstances ___A_____.你船的ARPA雷达已经对一个目标进行跟踪并算出了该目标的航向和航速,但因天气原因,最近两次的扫描,雷达没有收到该目标的回波,你估计会出现下列哪一种情况()A.The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radar 如果该目标仍处被跟踪状态,ARPA雷达将算出该目标的各项数据B.The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarm ARPA雷达将用声响信号发了警报C.The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lost ARPA雷达将根据所丢失的目标附近的海浪回波算出各项数据D.The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target dataARPA雷达会因失去该目标的各项已知数据,且必须重新计算1191. Your ARPA has two guard zones.What is the purpose of the inner guard zone ____B____.你船ARPA雷达设有两道警戒区,内圈警戒区起什么作用()A.Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the preset CPA limit 提醒驾驶员有他船接近预设的CPA范围B.Warn of small targets that are initially detected closer than the outer guard zone由于小目标可能漏过处圈警戒区,当进入内圈警戒区时,仍可被探测到C.Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering situations 防止在船舶临界操纵状态下出现目标丢失D.Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone 当目标初次进入探测范围时发出警报1192. Your radar displays your ship off center.As you proceed on your course,your ship's marker moves on the PPI scope while echoes from land masses remain stationary.What is this display called ____B____.[1864]你船雷达采用偏心显示方式,当你船沿航向航行时,陆标回波保持不动,但你船本船回波在显示器上移动,这种显示方式叫做()A.Off center 偏心显示B.True motion 真运动显示C.Stabilized 稳定显示D.Head up 艏向上显示1193. Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope ____A___.[1865]你船雷达设定于真运动显示方式,下列哪种物标回波不会在显示器上移动()A.Echoes from a buoy 浮标回波B.Own ship's marker 本船回波C.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed 某条同向速船舶的回波D.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 某条反向同速船舶的回波1260. It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar ____B__ the estuary.(入海口、河口湾、湖港区)对于()船舶密集区域的船舶,不使用雷达是危险的A.To get B.To approach 接近C.To proceed继续进行D.To close把~关上1261. It may be found that,in certain circumstances,Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly ____A__.[773]有时,在某种特殊情况下,雷达反射器会形成干扰回波,特别是()A.At close range 在很近的距离内B.At end on situation 在会遇的最后阶段C.At head on situation 对遇局面D.At crossing situation 交叉局面1265. More exact assessment of visibility when ___A___ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.当用()测定附近船舶或其他物体的距离时,可能对能见度作出更确切的估计。



一、ARPA开机关机步骤开机:1、打开并调整好雷达2、打开ARPA等待自检通过3、选择合适的组合方式4、安全判据输入关机:1、关闭ARPA电源2、将“雨雪”“海浪”“辉亮”“增益”旋至最小3、将雷达至于预备状态4、关闭雷达电源二、PRPA开机自检需要多长时间大约20秒三、录取目标、读取目标参数目标参数:方位、距离、真航向、真航速、CPA、TCPA四、录取目标后经过多长时间ARPA能够给出目标运动趋势、数据经过多长时间稳定1、一分钟给出目标运动趋势、即出现矢量线2、三分钟数据稳定五、安全判据设置标准CPA一般设置2-3海里、TCPA大于等于10分钟六、测试目标的功能、符号、参数1、功能:测试目标是ARPA模拟产生的一个目标、检测ARPA录取、跟踪、计算功能2、符号:X3、参数:距离5海里,方位45°,初始CPA 1海里,初始TCPA 20分钟七、如何根据历史真尾迹判断目标船过去一段时间动态打开历史尾迹,在录取目标后显示至少4个尾迹点代表过去8分钟时间该船动态,根据尾迹点间隔是否均匀判断该船是否改速,根据尾迹点是否在一条直线上判断该船是否改象。




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D. display a more map like presentation for inshore navigation
[3861]The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets ______.
A. should not be made
B. are not to be taken
C. should be taken
D. shall be made.
[3854]Proper use shall be made ______ radar equipment.
A. detection
B. being detected
C. the detective
D. the detected
[3868]The officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times in ______ waters.
A. used
B. available
C. in use
D. can be used
[3853]No assumptions ______ on the basis of scanty information,especially scanty radar information.
[3863]The closest point of approach (CPA) of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined ______.
A. immediately when the contact is noted on radar
B. distinctive image
C. pictorial image
D. pictographic image
[3856]Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail ______.
A. in dense fog
A. sweep introduction
B. sweep interest
C. sweep intention
D. sweep intensity
[3859]The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will ______.
11.2 雷达及ARPA的使用
[3851]It may be found that,in certain circumstances,radar beacon emissions can cause ______ with the normal radar display,particularly at close range.
[3864]The common way to obtain your ship's position is ______.
A. keeping a close watch and lookout
B. taking a radar range and bearing
C. observing a radar target and listening to signals
A. be more suitable for river and harbor navigation
B. provide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seas
C. have a wider horizontal beam width
A. sensitivity time control (sea-clutter control)
B. receiver gain control
C. brilliance control
D. fast time constant (differentiator)
[3870]The radar control that shortens all echoes on the display and reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the ______.
A. sensitivity time control (sea clutter control)
A. with
B. to
C. for
D. of
[3855]Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a ______ on the screens of ship's radar sets.
A. incorrect image
A. gain control
B. sensitivity time control
C. fast time constant
D. pulse length control
[3872]The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long.
B. in boisterous weather
C. in the open sea
D. in rivers
[3857]Radar reflectors are required for ______.
A. all fishing vessels over 39 feet in length
A. unwanted interference
B. unexpected figures
C. abnormal data
D. unwanted information
[3852]My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance ______ ?
A. radar transponder beacon
B. radar conspicuouFra bibliotek beacon
C. radar calibration beacon
D. circular radiobeacon
[3867]The fitting of an efficient radar reflector is likely to considerably increase the ship's probability of ______.
A. the shore is bluff and rocky
A. off/standby
B. standby/off
C. standby/close
D. close/standby
[3866]The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______.
A. congesting
B. congested
C. congestion
D. congest.
[3869]The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the ______.
D. have more sea return during rough sea conditions
[3860]The 3-cm radar as compared to a 10-cm radar with similar specifications will ______.
D. keeping a well clear caution
[3865]The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to ______ position first,then to ______ position.
B. receiver gain control
C. brilliance control
D. fast time constant (differentiator)
[3871]The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the ______.
A. are tracked on reciprocal bearings
B. are tracked at the same range
C. are tracked on the same bearing
D. pass close together
[3862]The articulated light is superior to other types of buoys because ______.