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班级:__________ 姓名:__________

1. any the aren’t cakes fridge in there (.)

2. much the are how peas(?)

3. are, under, bags, three, desk, There, the(.)

4. play, I, on, often, football, Tuesdays (.)

5. doing what are now you (?)

6. Thursdays, do, have, on, what, you (?)

7. ice cream, dropped, my, I (.)

8. going, work, not, I''m, to (.)

9. Let''s, mother, it, to, take, its, back, (.)

10. are, these, fresh, apples (,)

11. today, going, to, do, you, what, are, (?)

12. the for children do can party you what (, ?)

13. is from He France (.)

14. for, want, to, what, your, do, you, buy, family (?)

15. chicken is The delicious (.)

16. forty low go monkeys high and (.)

17. do, often, what, you, the, do, weekend, on (?)

18. am, I, that, afraid, I, not, can, you, help (?)

19. favourite tea drink Her is (.)

20. go, train, there, did, by, you (?)

21. see, to, I, want, you, (.)

22. are, twenty, crayons, box, the, in, there (.)

23. right are you (.)

24. I’d bread some like (.)

25. strong are and They tall (.)

26. go, home, going, to, I, am (.)

27. would some bread and Sarah like chicken (.)

28. nature a park in river is the There (.)

29. where, plane, is, the, going (?)

30. would, you, like, what, eat, to (?)

31. is, it, kilometres, 1069, from, Wuhan, Guangzhou, to (.)

32. us, let, make, a, list (.)

33. is the on It first floor (.)
