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虽然人人都可以通过对借款方在Lending Club和Prosper上的历史借贷数据进行分析,但我相信,了解消费信贷行为、评分机制和贷款决策背后的工作原理可以帮助投资人更好的在市场中进行决策,获得收益。
This series of blog posts tries to cover the theory behind credit scoring and models typically used in consumer lending domain. While anyone can perform statistics gymnastics given the historical loan data from Lending Club and Prosper, I believe, understanding the theory behind consumer credit behavior, scoring and lending decision making is important to profit from the opportunities in the marketplace lending.
The consumer credit has been the driving force behind the economies of leading nations. It has been responsible for growth in consumer spending in last 50 years. According to Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Quarterly Rep ort on Household Debt and Credit Report, August 2014, the total consumer indebtedness stands at $11.63 trillion with 74% in mortgage and home equity line of credit, 10% in student loans, 8% in auto loans, and 6% in credit card debt. The demand for consumer credit is growing at extremely high rate creating opportunity for
automated risk assessment systems.
Credit Scoring
最初,信用评分的重点是是否要给贷方发放贷款,后来,这种行为转变成了申请人评分(applicant scoring)。
Credit scoring was a risk assessment approach introduced in 1950s. Credit scoring began with the application of statistical methods of classification in classifying good and bad loans. Credit scoring initially focused on whether one should grant credit to a new applicant, later come to known as applicant scoring. Credit scoring has been successful because of this singular objective.
It assumed that factors implying credit worthiness were relatively stable over a few years and assessed the chance of an applicant going 90 days overdue on their payment in next 12 months. The cut-off score at which applicants are accepted is made using the marginal good:bad odds at that score – ratio of additional goods to the additional bads that would be accepted if score was dropped.Data on those who applied for credit 1 or 2
years ago, together with their subsequent credit history, was used to build the application scoring model that would be used to determine for the next 2 years or so which credit applicants to accept.
行为评分(Behavioral scoring),是申请人评分的一个补充,旨在评估申请人在过去一年中支付和购买行为的状况。
Behavioral scoring, as an extension to applicant scoring, uses information on payment and purchase behavior in the past year. This data is used to forecast the default risk over the next 12 months and typically updated monthly. The recent performance and current credit information is more powerful than just the initial application data.
基于盈利能力而做出决策的技术分析叫做利润评分(profit scoring)。
Lenders are now focused on lending strategies that meet their profitability objectives rather than just default risk. They can choose the loan amount, interest rate, and other terms to maximize profitability. The techniques that support profitability based decision are called profit scoring.
Unlike applicant scoring that can use static credit models, behavioral and profit scoring models require dynamic credit models that consider past behavior. Traditionally, credit modeling has modeled each loan individually. However, the importance of the money lent will be lost because borrower default (credit risk) from a portfolio of loans has increased. There is currently no widely-accepted model of the credit risk for loan portfolio.
You can measure a credit scoring model by its discriminating ability between good and bad loans, by the accuracy of its probability predictions and by the correctness of its categorical forecasts.
Lending Decision Modeling
The main objective for a lender is to maximize profit on its loan portfolio. On an individual loan basis, the lender needs to do this by considering the return on amount lent. A loan with a profit of $10 when $100 is lent to a borrower is not as good when $3 is achieved on a loan of $25.
There is a risk that one of the borrowers will not repay the loan, in which case lending leads to substantial losses. Risk might be quantified by the default rate expected in the portfolio or the losses these defaults leads to. An alternate objective for the lender may be to keep the risk and return profiles within pre-defined limits.
Lending to a borrower is a based on a series of decisions: what information would be useful in making a decision, what is the chain of events that could occur during and after the decision process and the possible outcomes of the decision.
Influence Diagrams
Influence diagrams help one to visualize graphically how the decisions, the uncertainties, the information, and the outcomes are interrelated.
The Influence diagrams identify the important aspects of the decision, what data is relevant to the decisions and to what aspect of the decision making it is related. It consists of a graph with three types of nodes: decisions (rectangular nodes), uncertain events (circular nodes), and outcomes (diamond nodes) connected by arrows. The Figure 1 shows the influence diagram from a perspective of lender on marketplace lending platform.
它将影响投资与否(Loan or not)的决策,也会影响借款人的表现(Borrower good or bad)。
接着,平台将决定是否发布贷款(Loan issued or not)。
贷款一旦发布,贷款人就可以检验收入证明(Income verification)执行情况,查看FICO分数及还款记录(FICO score and payment history.)是否有变化,并更新贷款预测。
In Figure 1, first there is a lender’s forecast of whether the borrower’s performance will be good or bad. The forecast is a random event in that the lender cannot decide what the forecast will say about a borrower. It will influence both the Invest in Loan or not decision and whether the borrower will subsequently be
good or bad. Second, the platform may decide to issue the loan or not. It is a random event for lender. Lender has no influence or participation in decision making process to issue the loan except when not enough lenders decide to fund the loan. Once loan has been issued, lender can update the forecast based on whether income verification was performed and with any changes in FICO score and payment history. Depending on updated forecast, lender can decide to sell the loan or not on FOLIOfn secondary platform. Similarly, another lender may decide to purchase loan on secondary platform based on this updated forecast. These events affect the profitability of loan to the lender.
Decision Trees
Decision trees identify what are the optimal decisions and explain the sequence in which decisions have to be made and the sequence in which the information becomes available during the decision process.
Now consider how a decision tree model can be built of the decision structure visualized in the influence diagram. The decision trees are similar structure to influence diagrams. The outcomes are now represented by pay-off events represented by
numerical values. Each path from a chance node (uncertain event) is given a weight representing the probability of outcome listed on that path to occur.
By starting at the end of each of the outcome branches and working backward in time through all the decision and chance event nodes, expected monetary value (EMV) can be calculated for each outcome.
Figure 2 shows the decision tree for a very simple lending decision. There is an initial decision by the lender of whether to inve st in loan or not. If lender doesn’t invest in the loan, the pay-off to lender is 0. If lender invests in the loan, there is a chance event which is whether borrowers repayments are good or bad (defaults).
Consider the situation where the profit to lender if a borrower repays is 10 while the loss is 100 if borrower defaults. If chance of default is 5%, the expected profit from the borrower, if lender invests, is
0.95 x 10 + 0.05 x (-100) = 4.5
0.95 x 10 + 0.05 x (-100) = 4.5
while if lender doesn’t invest the profit is 0. So the decision tree suggests that the lender should invest in the loan. If the probability of default increases to 10%, the expected profit from the borrower is
0.90 x 10 + 0.10 x (-100) = -1
0.90 x 10 + 0.10 x (-100) = -1
So the decision tree now suggests that the lender shouldn’t invest in the loan.
综上所示,如果g代表贷款人收益,l代表因借款人违约导致的贷款人损失,p代表投资回报良好的可能性,那么根据预期货币值(EMV)的标准,只有 pg – (1-p)l > 0时,贷款人应该进行投资。
Generalizing the above, if g is the profit made by lender from repaying borrower, l is the loss lender suffers because of borrower default, and p is the probability of borrower being good,
under the EMV criterion, lender should invest in loan when pg –(1-p)l > 0.
p/(1-p)即投资回报良好的可能性与违约可能性的比值,也称为良莠比(good:bad odds)。
p/(1-p), the chance of being good divided by the chance of being bad is also called the good:bad odds.
A decision tree model that tries to cover all aspects of lending decision can become very unwieldy. However, the exercise of drawing decision tree helps understand the decision making process.
在之后的系列博文里,我还将讨论概率和概率的概念,并会使用这些概念来分析Leding Clube上的一些历史数据。
In the next post in this series, I will discuss probabilities and odds concepts and apply them to real historical data from Lending Club.。