费希尔国际集团 阀门讲座 Rotary Valve Selection Guide








阀门培训课件应该包括哪些知识和技能阀门培训课件应该包括工业阀门相关的知识和技能,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 阀门的种类和分类,包括针阀、截止阀、调节阀、安全阀、止回阀、闸阀、球阀等,了解每一种阀门的工作原理和特性,掌握各种阀门的优点和缺点,为企业的应用场合提供合适的选择。

2. 阀门的结构和组件,能够分析阀门的各个部分,理解它们的功能及相互之间的作用,并能辨别阀门的零部件,为后续的检修和维护提供方便。

3. 阀门的生产制造技术,掌握阀门的生产工艺和制造工艺,能够参与阀门的设计和生产,并能根据用户需求定制不同规格尺寸的阀门。

4. 阀门的安装和调试技术,能够按照图纸要求安装阀门,并能够调试并保证阀门正常工作。

5. 阀门的维护和保养技术,掌握阀门的检修和保养方法,能够对阀门进行定期检修和保养,保障阀门的正常工作。

阀门培训课件设计的特点阀门培训课件的设计需要体现以下几个特点:1. 技术性强阀门培训课件需要体现出技术性强的特点。



2. 易于理解阀门培训课件需要体现出易于理解的特点。




不同的阀笼形状决定了阀门的不同流量特性 以等百分比特性为最优,其调节稳定,调节性能好。
按流向不同分为:流开和流关(闭) 流开:在阀芯节流处介质流动方向与阀门打开方向相同。 流关:在阀芯节流处介质流动方向与阀门关闭方向相同。
哪些不需要?单密封类的调节阀: 单阀座、高压阀无平衡孔的单密 封套筒阀需进行流量选择(通常 选择流开)。
调节阀=执行机构+阀体部件 其中,执行机构是调节阀的推 动装置,它按信号压力的大小 产生相应的推力,使推杆产生 相应的位移,从而带动调节阀 的阀芯动作。
数字式阀门定位器 接受阀门行程位置 的反馈,以及供气 压力、执行机构的 气动压力+4~20mA 电信号
80年代末(日本)精小 型调节阀出现,在结构 方面,将单弹簧的气动 薄膜执行机构改为多弹 簧式薄膜执行机构,并 将弹簧直接置于上下膜 盖内,使支架大大地减 小减轻;它的突出特点 是使调节阀的重量和高 度下降30%,流量提高 30%。
填料压盖 缠绕垫 阀芯 阀笼 阀座 阀体
阀杆 上阀盖 (盘根室)
套筒阀用阀笼内表面导向,用阀笼节流可满足所需流量特性特点如下: 1、阀座通过阀笼、阀盖压紧在阀体上,不采用螺纹连接,安装维修方便。 2、流量特性更改方便:在套同上对称的开有3~6个节流孔, 节流开孔形 状与节流特性有关,通过更换套筒(节流开孔形状)来改变节流阀流量 特性。 3、降噪和降低空化影响。为降低控制阀噪音,可采用降噪阀笼或在阀笼 上开小孔降噪。







费希尔国际有限公司始于1880年,发明人是william Fisher发明了第一台泵调节器。







二. 费希尔定位器的工作原理。

Fisher DVC5000/6000系列智能定位器的结构原理图如下图所示智能定位器结构原理图:工作原理:控制器来的控制信号经端子盒进到印刷线路板子模块,在这里被微处理器读取后经数字算法处理后转换成模拟量后送给I/P转换器。










•控制阀简介 控制阀的结构 控制阀的类型 控制阀的控制 原理 控制阀的材料 及其他 •控制阀的选型 控制阀标准 控制阀基本参 数 •控制阀的安装 、调试
Fisher 控制阀历史
z 费希尔控制设备(国际)有限公司成立 于1888年,是世界上最大的控制阀生产 厂商。总部地址:美国依阿华州马绍尔 镇
z Fail Position-故障位置
FO-Fail Open,失气开,气 关式阀门
FC-Fail Close,失气关,气 开失阀门
z TRAVEL-开度、行程
控制阀的开度太大或太小都不 好,一般开度为20-80%。
•Allow. Sound Level dBA-噪声
• FO-Fail Open,失气开, 气关式阀门
• FC-Fail Close,失气关, 气开失阀门
执行机构 正作用
控制阀 气关式
正作用 反作用 气开式
反作用 正作用 气开式
Seat Ring
Valve Plug
相关概念:套筒阀、降噪、闪蒸 、汽蚀、非平衡阀芯
Direct acting body (push down to close)
Reverse acting body (push down to open)










其结构特点如下:1. 阀体:通常采用铸铁、碳钢、不锈钢等材质制成,具有良好的耐腐蚀性和耐磨性。

2. 阀芯:采用优质材质制成,表面光滑、密封性好,能够稳定地控制介质的流量和压力。

3. 弹簧:用于支撑阀芯,保证阀门的正常工作。

4. 调节螺母:用于调节阀芯的位置,以实现对介质流量和压力的精确调节。

三、应用领域费希尔二级调压阀适用于各种工业领域,主要应用于以下几个方面:1. 石油化工:用于控制各种石油化工生产过程中的介质流量和压力。

2. 食品医药:用于食品、医药等行业的生产过程中,保证产品质量和安全。

3. 污水处理:用于污水处理系统中,控制污水的流量和压力,保证系统的正常运行。

4. 能源电力:用于火电、水电等能源电力行业,保证系统的安全稳定运行。


具体操作如下:1. 定期清洗阀门内部,去除杂质和积灰,保持阀门的通畅。

2. 定期检查阀门的密封性能,如发现泄漏现象及时处理。

4. 避免阀门受到外部冲击和振动,以免损坏阀门的结构和性能。





DVC6200系列数字式阀门控制器费希尔阀门分部艾默生过程控制有限公司December 2, 2011内容提要FIELDVUE仪表历史回顾操作原理与结构控制性能与功能工况条件的适用性使用的方便性阀门诊断功能与设备管理系统的集成性用户的广泛性总结内容提要FIELDVUE仪表历史回顾操作原理与结构控制性能与功能工况条件的适用性使用的方便性阀门诊断功能与设备管理系统的集成性用户的广泛性总结FIELDVUE 仪表家族FIELDVUE仪表历史Æ于1994推出世界上第一台HART智能定位器Æ自带阀门诊断与维护功能Æ于1996推出世界上第一台FF智能定位器Æ至2010年7月累计销售1,000,000台–行业销量最大的数字式阀门定位器Æ在线诊断阀门Æ批准用于安全仪表系统Æ可以用于核级应用场合Æ通过无线通讯进行操作,监控,诊断与管理Approved内容提要FIELDVUE仪表历史回顾操作原理与结构控制性能与功能工况条件的适用性使用的方便性阀门诊断功能与设备管理系统的集成性用户的广泛性总结操作原理输入信号(4 to 20 mA)l 终端盒()数字信号(HART 协议)印刷线路板(PWB)输出A驱动信号小循环反馈压力传感器气动放大器I/P转换器表表气源行程传感器提供反馈表输出B I/P输出压力End Build真正的真正的模块化结构模块化结构电子模块行程传感器接线端子盒I/P转换器气动放大器真正的非接触式、无连接机构的反馈Æ在隔爆外壳中的具有专利技术的无连接机构非接触式反馈技术Æ反馈技术已经在DVC2000系列中得到验证Æ测量实际阀位(诊断需要)Æ能用于长行程—24寸(61厘米)Æ单点校验法–实现在线更换定位器Curved array1”arrayRotary Magnet 1 array4” array Curved array on1052 window经过现场使用证明阀位反馈技术–2004年中推出,已经售出+ 50,000台。

Fisher V500 旋转地球控制阀说明书

Fisher V500 旋转地球控制阀说明书

Fisher ™ V500 Rotary Globe Control ValveThe Fisher V500 eccentric plug rotary control valve controls erosive, coking, and other hard -to -handle fluids, providing either throttling or on/off operation.The flanged valve features streamlined flow passages,rugged metal trim components, and a self -centering seat ring (figures 1 and 2). With these components,the V500 rotary control valve combines globe valve ruggedness with the efficiency of a rotary valve.Matched with a Fisher power or manual actuator, the V500 rotary control valve dependably controls fluids in many process industries.Unless otherwise noted, all NACE references are to NACE MR0175-2002. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for additional information on NACE MR0175-2003, NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, and NACE MR0103.Featuresn Easy Installation -- Integral valve body flanges matewith many different classes of pipeline flanges,satisfying a variety of piping requirements. Flanges help to eliminate exposed line flange bolting,shorten alignment and installation time, and promote secure valve installations and piping integrity.n Operational Versatility -- Self -centering seat ringand rugged plug allow forward or reverse flow with tight shutoff in either flow direction. Reverse flow direction helps move downstream turbulence away from shutoff surfaces. Full 90-degree rotation removes valve plug from flowstream, helping to reduce plug wear. Seat ring and retainer areavailable in full and restricted port constructions,and can easily be changed if capacity requirements change.X0189Fisher V500 Flanged Rotary Control Valve with 2052 Actuator and FIELDVUE t DVC6200 Digital Valve Controllern Resists Damage from Erosive Flow -- Valve assemblyis specifically designed to combat the process of erosion. Streamlined flow passages, ruggedcomponents, and a wide choice of erosion -resistant trim materials all promote long, dependable service life in erosive applications.n Long Seat Life -- Path of eccentric plug (figure 4)minimizes contact with seat ring when opening,reducing seat wear and friction. When the valve plug rotates into the seat ring, a self -lapping action occurs, improving the fit between shutoff surfaces.Full -port, S31600, R30006, or VTC seat ring has two shutoff surfaces and can be easily reversed,reducing downtime.n Furnace Feed Design -- Specially selected trimmaterials and body coatings help to withstand oil sands, furnace feed, and other highly erosive applications.(continued on page 3)V500 ValveD100054X012Product Bulletin51.3:V500July 2016231. The reversible seat is not available in every trim material. Consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .2. The pressure or temperature limits in the referenced tables or figures, and in any applicable code limitation, should not be exceeded.3. Ratio of maximum flow coefficient to minimum usable flow coefficient. May also be called rangeability.Features (continued)n Simple Assembly and Maintenance -- No specialorientation, precision clamping or repetitive centering of valve plug and seat ring is required when tightening the retainer, promoting accurate alignment and easy assembly.n Improved Environmental Capabilities -- The optionalENVIRO -SEAL packing systems are designed with very smooth shaft surfaces and live loading to provide improved sealing. The seal of theENVIRO -SEAL system can restrict emissions to less than the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)limit of 100 ppm (parts per million).n Sour Service Capability -- Trim and bolting materialsare available for applications handling sour service.These materials comply with the requirements of NACE MR0175-2002. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for additional information.n Rugged Construction -- Durable, solid metal or VTCseat ring and valve plug shutoff tightly without deforming plug arms or employing thin ball seals.Oversized shaft diameters and rugged trim parts allow high pressure drops. Tungsten carbide is also available for erosive service.n Reliable Performance -- Seat ring design (figure 2)self -centers, self -laps, and dynamically aligns with plug, giving excellent cycle life. Sealed metalbearings (see figure 1) help prevent particle buildup and valve shaft seizure in erosive applications.n Choice of Construction Materials -- Plug, seat ring,and retainer are available in four levels of hardness for selection of erosion resistance.n Optional Alloy 6 Seat Ledge Insert Available --Protects seat and valve body from high-velocity erosive flows and eases repair. Available for NPS 2-8.ContentsFeatures 1.....................................Specifications 2................................Installation 14.................................TablesValve Size, Pressure Ratings, and FlangeCompatibility 6..............................Material Combinations 6........................Material Temperature Capabilities 7...............Maximum AllowableShutoff Pressure Drops 8......................Actuator Mounting Selections 14.................Dimensions 15.................................41End-tapped valve body and pipe plug optional (limited to less than 232_C [450_F])O-RINGSBEARING STOPVALVE BODYTAPER ANDEXPANSION PINSDETAIL OF SEALED BEARINGS1W4172-2W4170-31W9275FURNACE FEED (FFD) TRIMRETAINER RESISTS EFFECTS OF EROSIONBODY INSERT PROTECTS THE SEAT AND BODY FROM HIGH VELOCITY EROSIVE FLOWS AND EASES REPAIR549A3685-C A3288-2REVERSE FLOW SHUTOFF(STANDARD)FORWARD FLOW SHUTOFFFACE SEALSECTIONFLOWDIRECTIONFLOWFigure 3. Typical ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Arrangements for Rotary ValvesYOKE YOKE VALVE BODYANTI-EXTRUSION RINGSPTFE PACKING V-RINGS SHOWNPACKING BOX RINGGRAPHITE PACKING SETPACKING FOLLOWERSPRINGS SINGLE PTFE PACKING GRAPHITE PACKINGW6125-1W5806-16Table 2. Valve Size, EN Pressure Ratings, and Flange Capability (X indicates availability)VALVE SIZE, DNFlangedPN 10PN 16PN 25PN 40PN 63PN 10025405080100150200X X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XTable 3. Material CombinationsTrim LevelBody MaterialValve Size, NPS Valve Plug Seat Ring Retainer 1WCC1 & 1-1/2CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CF8M2 through 8CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CB7Cu-1CF8M 1 through 8CF8M/Chrome Plate CF8M CF8M CF3M (2) 1 through 8CF3M/Chrome PlateCF3M CF3M 2WCC1 & 1-1/2R30006R30006CF8M2 through 8R30006R30006CB7Cu-1CF8M 1 through 8R30006R30006CF8M CF3M (2)1 through 8R30006R30006CF3M3WCC/CF8M/CF3M (1,3)1 & 1-1/2R30006R30006CF8M/R30006 bore or CF3M/R30006 bore (3)2 through 8R30006R30006R300063H (over 600°F)CF8M/CF3M (3)2 through 8R30006R30006CF8M/R30006 bore or CF3M/R30006 bore (3)4(5,6)WCC/CF8M/CF3M (3)1 & 1-1/2(4)Solid VTC Solid VTC CF8M/VTC bore or CF3M/VTC bore (3)2(4)Solid VTCSolid VTC R30006/VTC bore 3 through 8R30006 hub, Titanium Gr 5cap screw, and VTC surfacecap Solid VTCR30006/VTC bore4S (5,6)WCC/CF8M/CF3M (3) 3 through 8R30006 hub, S17400SST treated insert, N07718 cap screw, and VTC surface cap Solid VTC R30006/VTC boreFFD (6)CF8M with Tungsten Carbide Coating and R30006 Drop-in SeatLedge2 through 8R30006/Tungsten CarbideSeating SurfaceSolid VTC CF8M/R30006 Bore1. Trim 3 for NPS 2 through 8 stainless steel bodies is limited to 600_F.2. European Sourcing Only.3. European sources supply CF3M in lieu of CF8M.4. Includes an S20910 SST shaft for NPS 1, 1-1/2, and 2.5. Use trim 4S when sour service construction is required for compliance to NACE MR0175-2002.6. VTC trim is not compatible with water and steam above 180_C (360_F).7891011121314InstallationThe V500 control valve may be installed in any position. However, for best shutoff performance, a position with the shaft horizontal is recommended.The control valve may be installed in forward orreverse flow direction. Forward flow (through the seat ring and past the plug) tends to open the valve; reverse flow (past the plug and through the seat ring) tends to close the valve. The reverse flow direction is recommended for erosive applications.Specific operating conditions may require a specific combination of push -down -to -close or -open actuator motion and open valve plug position above or below the shaft. To satisfy specific operating requirements,the complete control valve package (valve andactuator) can be assembled and installed in different ways, providing eight options for actuator motion and open plug position.Table 11 and the appropriate actuator bulletindescribe possible assembly and installation options.For assistance in selecting the appropriate combination of actuator action and open valveposition, consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .Dimensions are shown in figure 5.Valve InformationTo determine the required valve ordering information,refer to the Specifications table. Review theFigure 4. Eccentric RotationB1879-1VALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINEVALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINEVALVE BODY CENTERLINE VALVE SHAFT CENTERLINE15Figure 5. Fisher V500 Rotary Control Flanged Valve Dimensions (refer to table 12)Note:For dimensions of valves with DN (or other) end connections, consult your Emerson Process Management sales office .A3289-1CL150, CL300,OR CL600 WITH RF OR RTJ FLANGESNPS 1, 1-1/2 AND 2BODY MOUNTING NPS 3 AND 4BODY MOUNTING NPS 6 AND 8BODY MOUNTINGEmerson Process ManagementMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilCernay, 68700 FranceThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher, FIELDVUE, and ENVIRO-SEAL are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。



Fisher r Sliding -Stem Valve Selection GuideTypical Fisher Sliding-Stem Control ValvesW8861W7957-2easy -e™GXTBX STEAM CONDITIONINGVALVEX0165⏹A broad range of Fisher valves,sizes,and materials is offered–from NPS 1/2for general service to NPS 20and larger for demanding high -pressure steam,hydrocarbon,and noise services.⏹FIELDVUE™digital valve controllers offer digital control and remote diagnostics.The traditional proven line of Fisher transducers,positioners,controllers,transmitters,and switches is also available.⏹ENVIRO -SEAL™and HIGH -SEAL packing systems areavailable on many designs to assist in compliance with environmental emissions requirements.⏹Whisper Trim™and Cavitrol™anti -noise andanti -cavitation trims are available for most designs.⏹Fisher products deliver excellent dynamic performance to minimize process variability,providing opportunities to improve your plant's financial performance.⏹Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for details.Sliding-Stem Valve Selection GuideD102484X0122EZW2966B ESW3421-3GX CONTROL VALVE AND ACTUATORSYSTEMW8486-3Table 1.General Service and Heavy -Duty Valves (GX,EZ,and ES)GXEZ ESApplicationsCompact,state -of -the -art control valve and actuator system designed to control a wide range of process liquids,gases,and vapors.Capable of air supply pressures to 6.0barg (87psig),allowingvalve shutoff at high pressure drops.Heavy -duty general service for controlling liquidsand gases,including viscous and other hard -to -handle fluids.UOP applicationsHeavy -duty,general -service valve for clean liquidsand gases.Positive shutoff at seatStyleSingle port,flow up globe style valveStem -guided or port -guided Balanced or unbalanced Screwed -in seat ringSingle -seated,post -guided globe or angle valveUnbalancedSeat ring retained by spacerMetal or soft seatsCage -guided globe or angle valveUnbalanced Cage -retained seatSizesDN 15,20,25,40,50,80,and 100NPS 1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2,3,and 4DN 15,20,25,40,50,80,and 100NPS 1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2,3,and 4ES:DN 15through 200(NPS 1/2through 8)EWS:DN 100x 50through 600x 500(NPS 4x 2through 24x 20)RatingsPN 10to 40,CL150and 300PN 16,25,40,63and 100and CL125,150,300,and 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100andCL150,300,or 600End ConnectionsFlanged raised -face per EN 1092-1andASME B16.5Screwed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld,and buttwelding endsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsValve Body MaterialsEN:1.0619steel,1.4409stainless steel,or CW2M ASME:SA216WCC steel,SA351CF3M stainlesssteel,or CW2MSteel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)MaterialsStainless steel (316L)with optional alloy 6hardfacing or PTFE soft seatStainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Soft seat is PTFE Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Soft seat is PTFE Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsEqual percentage or linear Maximum C v from 0.0389to 183.5Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 4.47to 190Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 6.53to 1110Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith PTFE seats)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith soft or metal seats)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith soft or metal seats)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)GX multi -spring,pneumatic diaphragm657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston3ED W3162-3ETW0451-3HP AND EHW5815-1Table 2.Heavy -Duty and Severe -Service Valves (ED,ET,HP,and EH)EDET HP and EHApplicationseasy -e heavy -duty,general -and severe -service valve for clean liquids and gases with higher pressure drops but where tight shutoff is notrequiredeasy -e heavy -duty,general -and severe -servicevalve for tight shutoff with clean liquids and gaseswith higher pressure drops and temperatures to232_C [450_F](to 316_C [600_F]with optional sealmaterials)For high -pressure and severe -service applications.Available with special trim to combat noise andcavitation.Often used in power generationapplicationsStyleCage -guided globe or angle valveBalanced trim Cage -retained seat Cage -guided globe or angle valveBalanced trim Cage -retained seatCage -guided globe or angle valve Balanced or unbalanced trimSizesDN 25through 200and NPS 1through 8(ED)DN 100x 50through 600x 500and NPS 4x 2through 24x 20(EWD)DN 25through 200and NPS 1through 8(ET)DN 100x 50through 600x 500and NPS 4x 2through 24x 20(EWT)DN 25through 500and NPS 1through 20RatingsPN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100,andCL150,300,or 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100,andCL150,300,or 600DIN PN 160,250,420andCL900,1500,2500,or intermediate ASME ratingsEnd ConnectionsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsRaised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weldand buttwelding ends Expanded ends Valve Body MaterialsSteel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)Materials Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide.Soft seat is PTFE Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsQuick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 17.2to 6500Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 17.2to 6500Linear,equal percentage or characterizedMaximum C v from 0.354to 2600Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class II (standard)Class III or IV (optional depending on size)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with soft or metal seats),or Class VI(optional with soft or metal seats)Class II,III,IV or V (depending on size andconstruction)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston4Figure 3.Three-Way,Cryogenic,and Lined Valves (YD and YS,ET-C and EZ-C,and RSS)YD AND YS W0665-3ET -C &EZ -CW6396RSSW4521-2Table 3.Three -Way,Cryogenic,and Lined Valves (YD and YS,ET -C and EZ -C,and RSS)YD and YSET -C and EZ -C RSSApplicationsThree -way valves for flow -mixing or flow -splitting service.The YS unbalanced,and the YD is balanced.easy -e stainless steel cryogenic valves for liquefiednatural gas and other special chemical and hydrocarbon applications with temperatures to-198_C (-325_F)Lined valve for severely corrosive or toxic process fluids.An economic alternative to alloy bodies.Limited in pressure and temperatureStyle Cage -guided three -way globe valvesBalanced or unbalanced trim Single -seated post -guided (EZ -C)or cage -guided(ET -C)globe valveUnbalanced (EZ -C)or balanced (ET -C)Metal seatsFully lined,single -seated,unbalanced globe valveIncludes bellows stem sealSizesNPS 1/2through 6DN80through 250x 200or NPS 3through10x 8(ET -C)DN 15through 100or NPS 1through 4(EZ -C)NPS 1through 4(face -to -face dimensions to DIN orANSI/ISA specifications)RatingsCL125,150,250,300,or 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,100and CL150,300,600CL150or 300End Connections Screwed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding ends Raised -face flanges Raised -face flanges Valve Body MaterialsCast iron,steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to ASMEor ASTM specifications)Stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Ductile iron with PFA liner Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)MaterialsStainless steelStainless steel with or without alloy 6hardfacing onseatValve Plug and Seat Ring:Pure modified(reinforced)PTFEBellows:Heavy -duty PTFE (TFM1705)with 304L SSTsupport rings [Bellows is PTFE for NPS 1/2and 3/4valves]Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsLinearMaximum C v 8.42to 567Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 13.2to 924Equal percentageMaximum C v from 0.212to 145Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class II or IV (YD)Class IV or V (YS)Class IV (standard)0.05mL/min/psid/inch of port diameter (optionalfor ET -C)or Class V (optional for EZ -C)Class VI (soft seat)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston5TBX (FLOWUP)TBX (FLOW DOWN)CVXTable 4.Steam Conditioning Valves (TBX Flow Up,TBX Flow Down,and CVX)TBX Flow UpTBX Flow Down CVXApplicationsHP,HRH,IP,LP Turbine BypassProcess steam Steam Let DownStyleFlow up design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.Flow down design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.Flow down design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.SizesInlet Sizes:NPS 4-24Outlet Sizes:NPS 8-36Orifice TypeWelded or BoltedBolted Welded or BoltedEnd ConnectionsASME Buttweld or ASME Raised Face FlangeFlow CharacteristicsWhisper Trim III:Linear or WhisperFlo™:LinearWhisper Trim III:LinearStandard Drill Hole:LinearShutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class V:Standard Class IV:OptionalValve Body and Bonnet Material and ConstructionSA105(Carbon Steel),SA182Grade F22(2.25Cr -1Mo),SA182Grade F91(9Cr -1Mo -V)Available ActuatorsSee Section on Sliding-Stem Valve Actuators6657and667585CW0363-1W6304-1585CLSW2795Table5.Sliding-Stem Valve Actuators(657,667,585C,and585CLS)657and667585C and585CLSFeaturesHeavy-duty actuators585C:Heavy-duty actuators585CLS:Heavy-duty actuators for large valves and valves with long travel StyleSpring-return pneumatic diaphragm 585C:Double-acting piston or spring-bias piston 585CLS:Double-acting pistonTypical Maximum Thrust,Lbf(Varies with Operating Pressure,Spring,and Construction)45,000585C:5890@125psig operating pressure585CLS:25,000@125psig operating pressure AccessoriesPneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners,FIELDVUE digital valve controller,limit switches,position transmitters,handwheels,travel stops,and supply pressure filter-regulator 585C:I/P transducers,pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners, FIELDVUE digital valve controller,limit switches,position transmitters, handwheels,travel stops,and67CFR supply pressure filter-regulator 585CLS:I/P transducers,pneumatic valve positioners,limit switches, position transmitters,handwheels,travel stops,and supply pressurefilter-regulator76551008W0446BW0590Table 6.Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators (655and 1008)6551008FeaturesActuators for pressure regulation applicationsManual handwheel for applications that requirea throttling type of control valve that can be manually operated and setStylePressure -actuated,spring -and -diaphragmManual handwheel actuatorTypical Maximum Thrust,Lbf (Varies with Operating Pressure,Spring,and Construction)17,000AccessoriesTravel indicator,top -mounted handwheel/adjustable travel stop,stem sealand drain tapping for leakoffHandwheel lock,Tejax valve stem position indicatorOther actuators available are...⏹Full range of self -operated control valves,1B,643,644,645Alloy Valve Guidelines⏹Emerson Process Management expertise has combined its knowledge of metals and foundry techniques with valve user experience in creating high alloy valves that fight corrosion successfully.⏹Guidelines have been developed to help the valve user specify alloy valves correctly.Techniques have also been implemented that verify a foundry's ability to cast alloy valves properly and has established stringent specifications that guide the foundry in providing quality results.⏹Valve user guidelines include–Avoid the use of alloy tradenames,Don't specify wrought for cast,Forego non -destructive testing⏹Steps used to qualify a foundry include–Weldability tests to gauge the foundry's ability to pour alloy materials,Dedicating casting patterns solely to high -alloy service⏹Stringent specifications developed by Emerson Process Management include–Raw Material Composition and Quality,Heat Qualification,Visual Inspection,Weld Repair,Heat Treatment,and Nondestructive TestingSliding-Stem Valve Selection GuideD102484X012 Product Bulletin40:001March2013FIELDVUE DIGITAL VALVE CONTROLLERMOUNTED ON667ACTUATOR ANDeasy-e VALVEGX CONTROL VALVE AND ACTUATORSYSTEM W6307-1846ELECTRO-PNEUMATICTRANSDUCER MOUNTED ON A667ACTUATOR W7957-2W8861⏹A complete line of actuators and accessories for Fisher sliding-stem valves are offered that meet yourprice/performance expectations⏹FIELDVUE digital valve controllers are communicating,microprocessor-based controllers that utilize HART t andF OUNDATION t fieldbus protocols.Through digital communications,the controllers give easy access to actuator,valve,and instrument information that is critical to process operation.⏹AMS ValveLink t Software and AMS Suite:Intelligent Device Manager allow you to care for and maintain equipmentassets–such as valves,transmitters,analyzers,motors,pumps,etc.and plant unit equipment such as pipes, vessels,tanks,columns,reactors,digesters,etc.–to improve yields and minimize downtime of industrialmanufacturing processes.⏹Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for detailsEmerson Process ManagementMarshalltown,Iowa50158USASorocaba,18087BrazilChatham,Kent ME44QZ UKThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only,and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees,express or implied,regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.All sales are governed by our terms and conditions,which are available upon request.We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher,ValveLink,easy-e,Cavitrol,ENVIRO-SEAL,FIELDVUE,Whisper Trim,and WhisperFlo are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co.Emerson Process Management,Emerson,and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson,Emerson Process Management,nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection,use or maintenanceof any product.Responsibility for proper selection,use,and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。


➢ 小口径阀门:公称通径DN<40mm的阀门。
➢ 中口径阀门:公称通径DN50~300mm的阀 门。
➢ 大口径阀门:公称通径DN350~1200mm的 阀门。
➢ 特大口径阀门:公称通径DN≥1400mm的阀 门。
▪ 按于管道连接方式分,根据阀门与管道连 接方式分:
➢ 法兰连接阀门:阀体带有法兰,与管道采用 法兰连接的阀门。
➢ 在开闭过程中密封面的摩擦力比闸阀小,耐磨。
➢ 开启高度小。
➢ 通常只有一个密封面,制造工艺好,便于维修。
▪ 节流阀
▪ 节流阀是指通过改变通道面积达到控制或调节介 质流量与压力的阀门。在管路中的主要作用是节 流。
▪ 止回阀
▪ 止回阀是指依靠介质本身流动而自动开、闭阀瓣, 用来防止介质倒流的阀门。
心线旋转。 ▪ 旋启形:关闭件围绕座外的轴旋转。 ▪ 蝶形:关闭件的圆盘,围绕阀座内的轴旋转。 ▪ 滑阀形:关闭件在垂直于通道的方向滑动。
▪ 按用途,根据阀门的不同用途分: ▪ 开断用:用来接通或切断管路介质,如截止阀、
闸阀、球阀、蝶阀等。 ▪ 止回用:用来防止介质倒流,如止回阀、底阀
等。 ▪ 调节用:用来调节介质的压力和流量,如调节
▪ 电动:借助电机或其他电气装置来驱ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้。
▪ 液动:借助水、油来驱动。
▪ 气动:借助压缩空气来驱动。
▪ 按压力,根据阀门的公称压力分: ▪ 真空阀:绝对压力<0.1MPa即760mm汞柱高
的阀门,通常用mm汞柱或mm水柱表示压力。 ▪ 低压阀:公称压力PN≤1.6MPa的阀门(包括
PN≤1.6MPa的钢阀) ▪ 中压阀:公称压力PN2.5-6.4MPa的阀门。 ▪ 高压阀:公称压力PN10.0-80.0MPa的阀门。 ▪ 超高压阀:公称压力PN≥100.0MPa的阀门。

Fisher 阀门的结构与维修1

Fisher 阀门的结构与维修1

Direct acting body (push down to close)
Reverse acting body (push down to open)
Seat Ring Retainer
Guide Bushing
Seat Ring
Valve Plug
凸面法兰(右图) 凸面法兰(右图)的特点
凸面经过精加工,其上有密封水线保证密封性 凸面法兰可与各种材质垫片一起使用, 工作压力可达 414 公斤/平方米(6000 psi), 工作温度可达 815度(1500 F)
环式法兰(右图)的特点 环式法兰(右图)的特点: 环式法兰与凸面法兰外形相似, 只是在凸面处切出一同心 U 形环形槽, 垫片是一个断面为椭圆形或八角形的圆环, 该环嵌入 U 形槽内,旋紧法兰螺栓后即获得可靠密封。 圆环材质通常为蒙耐尔但亦可为其他金属 此种法兰在高达 1034 公斤/平方厘米(1500 psi) 的压力下仍具有较好的密封性能. 高温场合一般不选用环式法兰.
Ei - 第i点的误差 li -第I点的实际行程 Li -第i点的理论行程 L - 控制阀的额定行程
X 100%
b. 回 c. 死
差 同一输入信号上测得的正反行程的最大差值
区(控制阀) 控制阀) 作用在执行器膜片上仍不能使其动作的压力区 间即控制阀行 程上某点正反程信号之差。
(阀座)泄漏量: 阀座)泄漏量
• 费希尔控制设备(国际)公司简介 • 阀门的基本知识 • 费希尔产品介绍
直通阀 旋转阀 执行机构
阀门定位器及附件 仪表


















三、主要技术参数和性能指标:公称压⼒(Mpa) 1.0 1.6壳体试验压⼒(Mpa)* 1.5 2.4密封试验压⼒(Mpa) 1.0 1.6最⾼进⼝压⼒(Mpa) 1.0 1.6出⼝压⼒范围(Mpa) 0.04-0.6 0.04-1.0 压⼒特性偏差(Mpa)△Pp2P GB12246-1989流量特性偏差(Mpa)P2G GB12246-1989最⼩压差(Mpa) 0.05 0.07渗漏量GB12245-1989*:壳体试验不包括膜⽚、顶盖四、主要零件材料:零件名称零件材料阀体阀盖底盖WCB阀座阀瓣2Cr13缸套活塞铝铁青铜膜⽚PH15-7Mo活塞环对位聚苯导阀座导阀瓣2Cr13主阀弹簧50CrV A导调主弹簧50CrV A调节弹簧60Si2Mn五、流量系数(Cv):DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80Cv 1 2.5 4 6.5 9 16 25 36 六、⼯洲牌⾼灵敏度蒸汽减压阀YG43H/Y系列连接尺⼨:公称通径DN外形尺⼨连接尺⼨L H H1PN 1.0MPa PN 1.6MPaD K n-ф d C D K n-ф d C15 140 160 65 95 65 414 45 12 95 65 414 45 1 420 140 160 65 1010575 414 551425 150 168 68 11585 414 65 1411585 414 651432 180 185 75 13100 418 78 16 13100 418 78 1 5 5 640 180 185 78 145110 418 85 16145110 418 851650 200 193 88 16125 418 100 1616125 418 1001665 230 208 98 18145 418 120 1818145 418 12080 260 228 117 195160 418 135 18195160 818 1352⼀、结构特点和⽤处:⾼压减压阀属于先导活塞式减压阀。

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D 102550X 012Rotary Control Valve Selection GuideW8172–1W8299 / ILFigure 1. Rotary Control ValvesD Select from a Broad Range of Valve Types, Sizes and Materials (see table 1)D ENVIRO-SEAL R Packing systems are available to help ensure compliance with environmental emissions requirements D Spring-return pneumatic diaphragm, double-acting piston, electrohydraulic, or electric actuatorsD FIELDVUE R d igital valve controllers offer digital control and remote diagnostics. The traditional proven line of Fisherpositioners, controllers, transmitters, and switches is also availableD Contact your nearest sales office for details2high-performance ANSI design butterfly valves for a variety of liquids and gases. Excellent shutoff.Splined shaft ensures high performance throttling.Fire-tested seal available. Flangeless (wafer-style)or single-flange for special piping needs.Temperatures to 200_C or 232_C (392_F or 450_F)with soft seal; 538_C (1000_F) with metal or NOVEX t metal seal.Sizes: 2- through 12-inchesRatings: ANSI Class 150 or 300 (Class 150/300/600for 2-inch only)End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flanges and with schedule 80 or lighter welding-neck and slip-on flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Seal Materials: PTFE, UHMWPE (ultra-highmolecular weight polyethylene), NOVEX metal seal,Phoenix III R metal, and Phoenix III Fire-Tested metal sealDisc, Plug or Ball Material: S31600 or S31700(316 or 317 stainless steel)Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 80.2 to 5400Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Soft Seals: Bi-directional, Class VI or betterNOVEX Seal: 1/10 of Class IV (standard), Class V (optional)Phoenix III Seal: Class VIthrough 12-inch 8510B ANSI sizes available with either a splined shaft or a Double D shaft. Alloy 20and Monel available. Excellent shutoff. Flangeless.Temperatures to 232_C (450_F) with PTFE parts and packing; 538_C (1000_F) with metal parts and graphite packing.Sizes: DN 50 through DN 300 DIN and 2- through 24-inches ANSIRatings: PN10 through 100 DIN and ANSI Class 150, 300, 600 (depending on size)End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flanges and with schedule 80 or lighter welding-neck and slip-on flanges (depending on size)Body Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to DIN,ASME, or ASTM specifications), alloy 20, M35-1(Monel)Seal Materials: PTFE or 316 stainless steel Disc, Plug or Ball Material: WCC steel, 316L stainless steel, 317 stainless steel, M35-1 (Monel),CN7M (alloy 20). Stainless steel discs are available with or without chrome platingFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 80.2 to 50,000Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):PTFE seal: 2 mL/minute of air per inch of valve size at 3.4 bar pressure drop (standard), Class VI (optional)316 stainless steel seal: 1/10 of Class IV (0.001% of maximum valve capacity)TYPE 8560W6234-1/ILTYPE 8510B/8510W3542-2/ILFigure 2. 8560 and 8510B/8510 edisc Valves3Fire-tested seal available. Flangeless (wafer-style)or single-flange for special piping needs.Temperatures to 204_C (400_F) with PTFE seal ring;232_C (450_F) with Phoenix III and/or fire-tested construction; and 538_C (1000_F) with NOVEX metal seal.Sizes: 14- through 24-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 150 or 300End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flanges and with schedule 80 or lighter welding-neck and slip-on flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Seal Materials: PTFE, UHMWPE (ultra-highmolecular weight polyethylene), NOVEX (S31600 or Nitronic 60) Phoenix III metal, and Phoenix III Fire-Tested metal sealDisc, Plug or Ball Material: CF8M (316 stainless,STD). Steel and special alloys are available Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 4550 to 21,500Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Soft Seals: Class VINOVEX Seal: Class V (standard), Class VI (optional)Phoenix III Seal: Class VISizes: 14- through 24-inchesRatings: ANSI Class 300End Connections: Compatible with welding-neck and slip-on flanges (schedule 80 or lighter for 4-through 12-inch valves; schedule 40 or lighter for 14-inch valves.Body Materials: S31600 (316 SST)Seal Materials: Flow RingDisc, Plug or Ball Material: S31700 (317 SST) with chrome edgeFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 434 to 7040Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):5% of valve capacityTYPE 8532A7093 / ILTYPE DSVW6094Figure 3. 8532 and DSV edisc Valves4High capacity and high rangeability. Excellent for fibrous slurries as well as liquids, gas, and steam.Shearing V-notch ball for smooth, non-clogging action. Temperatures to 232_C (450_F) with composition seals, 288_C (550_F) with HD(heavy-duty) metal seals, and to 427_C (801_F) with flat metal sealsSizes: Design V150: DN 25 through 500 DIN and 1-through 20- inches ANSIDesign V300: DN 25 through 100 DIN and 1-through 16- inches ANSIRatings: Design V150: PN10/16 DIN or Class 150ANSIDesign V300: PN25/40 DIN or Class 300 ANSI End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to DIN,ASME, or ASTM specifications) or CW2M (Hastelloy)Seal Materials:TCM+ composition, 316 stainless steel, HD (heavy-duty) metal, or flow ring (no seal)Disc, Plug or Ball Material: CF3M, CG8M or CW2MFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 8.4 to 10,300Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 300 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Composition Seals: Class VI Metal Seals: Class IVFlow Ring Construction: 5% of wide-open capacitynon-clogging action. Temperatures to 232_C (450_F)with composition seals, 288_C (550_F) with HD(heavy-duty) metal seals, and to 427_C (801_F) with flat metal sealsSizes: 1- through 10-inchesRatings: ANSI Class 150, 300, or 600 (depending on size)End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to ASME,or ASTM specifications) or CW2M (Hastelloy)Seal Materials:TCM+ composition, 316 stainless steel, HD (heavy-duty) metal, or flow ring (no seal)Disc, Plug or Ball Material: CF3M, CG8M or CW2MFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 8.4 to 3000Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 300 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Composition Seals: Class VI Metal Seals: Class IVFlow Ring Construction:5% of wide-open capacityDESIGN V150 AND V300W4713-3/IL DESIGN V200W5787-2/ILFigure 4. Design V150, V200 and V300 Vee-Ball Valves5Other Ball ValvesNoise Attenuator Ball for DN 100 DIN and 4- through 20-inch Design V150, V200, and V300valves.Figure 5. V150 Vee-Ball Valve with Type 1052 Actuator and 3620J Positioner6valve for on-off service under extreme pressure and high temperature, can be specified for cryogenic applications. Excellent shutoff. Flangeless (wafer) or single-flange (lugged) style. Temperatures to 204_C (400_F) with soft seal; 232_C (450_F) with Phoenix III seal; and 538_C (1000_F) with NOVEX metal seal.Sizes: 3- through 48-inchesRatings: Class 150, 150/150 or 300: 30- through 48-inches Class 600: 3- through 24-inches.Also available in Class 900 and 1500End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangeless wafer style or single-flange (lugged) body designed to fit between raised-face mating flanges or appropriate class pressure rating. 2- through 24-inch flanges comply with ANSI B16.5, 30-through 60-inch comply with MSS-SP-44.Body Materials: Steel, stainless steel, nickel alloys Seal Materials: PTFE, UHMWPE (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, metal or NOVEX metal seal, Phoenix III metal, and Phoenix III Fire-Tested metal sealDisc, Plug or Ball Material: CF8M (316 SST)(ASTM A351)Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 182 to 106,000Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Soft Seals: Bi-directional bubble-tight (Class VI or better)NOVEX Seal: Class V (standard), Class VI (optional)Metal Seal: 20% of Class IV (standard)Phoenix III Seal: Class VIin a fire-tested version, can be specified for cryogenic applications. Temperatures to 204_C (400_F) with PTFE seal ring; 232_C (450_F) with Phoenix III and for fire-tested construction; and 538_C (1000_F) with NOVEX metal seal.Sizes: 14- through 24-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 150 or 300End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangeless, wafer-style or single-flange valve body Body Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Seal Materials:PTFE, UHMWPE (ultra-highmolecular weight polyethylene, NOVEX metal seal,Phoenix III metal, and Phoenix III Fire-Tested metal seal, Cryogenic seal ringDisc, Plug or Ball Material: CF8M (316 stainless,STD), Steel and special alloys are available Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 4550 to 21,500Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Soft Seals: Bi-directional bubble-tight (Class VI or better)NOVEX Seal: Class V (standard), Class VI (optional)Phoenix III Seal: Class VITYPE A11W4641-1/ILTYPE A31AW5811-1 / ILFigure 6. Type A11 and A31A POSI-SEAL Butterfly Valves7flange for special piping needs. Double D drive shaft connection for a rack-and-pinion actuator or hand lever. Temperatures to 200_C or 232_C (392_F or 450_F) with soft seal; 538_C (1000_F) with metal or NOVEX metal seal.Sizes: 2- through 12-inchesRatings: ANSI Class 150 or 300 (Class 150/300/600for 2-inch only)End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flanges and with schedule 80 or lighter welding-neck and slip-on flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Seal Materials:PTFE, UHMWPE (ultra-highmolecular weight polyethylene, NOVEX metal seal,Phoenix III metal, and Phoenix III Fire-Tested metal sealDisc, Plug or Ball Material: S31600 or S31700(316 or 317 stainless steel)Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 80.2 to 5400Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Soft Seals: Bi-directional bubble-tight (Class VI or better)NOVEX Seal: 1/10 of Class IV (standard), Class V (optional)Phoenix III Seal: Class VI2 inch metal seal: 1/10 of Class IVTYPE A41W6237-1/ILFigure 7. Type A41 POSI-SEAL Butterfly Valve Style and Application: Fully lined butterfly valve for off/on and throttling service for tight shut-offapplications. Flangeless (wafer-type) valve. Nitrile or PTFE liner. Optional Fishtail R Disc. Temperatures to 121_C (250_F).Sizes: 2- through 12-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 150End Connections: Wafer / Class 125 or 150Body Materials: Cast Iron, Steel, Stainless steel (S31600)Seal Materials:Fully lined Nitrile or PTFE Disc, Plug or Ball Material: Aluminum bronze,S31600 stainless steelFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 434 to 7040Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Class VIW1628-2*/ILTYPE 9500Figure 8. Type 9500 Line Butterfly Valve8throttling valve. Flangeless (wafer style). Angled seating, aerodynamic vane. Temperatures from –12.2 to 82.2_C (10 to 180_F) for Buna N-Liner and –28.9 to 121_C (–20 to 250_F) for EPDM Liner.Sizes: 2- through 6-inches, DN 50 through DN 150DINRatings: ANSI Class 150 and PN 10 through 25 DIN End Connections: Wafer (flangeless) design installs between ANSI Class 150 or DIN PN10flanges.Body Materials: Ductile IronSeal Materials: Metal reinforced Liner, Buna-N or Nordel EPDMDisc, Plug or Ball Material: 316 Stainless Steel Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 0.25 to 975Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): greater than 200 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Class VI(163_C [325_F] for stainless steel bodies) due to Teflon lubricated packing and bearings, unless special materials are specified.Sizes: 2- through 8-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 150 bodyEnd Connections: Wafer (flangeless) designinstalls between ANSI Class 150 and 300 or DIN PN 10 and 25 line flanges.Body Materials: Carbon Steel or 316 Stainless SteelDisc, Plug or Ball Material: Carbon Steel Construction: 316 SST (2-inch), Cast Steel (3-through 6-inch) and Ductile Iron (8-inch). Stainless Steel Construction: 316 Stainless SteelFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 2.1 to 1595Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): greater than 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Less than Class II21000 SERIES25000 SERIESW7616W7625Figure 9. Baumann Butterfly Valves9Style and Application: Flangeless ball valve with single ball seal, flow ring, or dual ball seal construction, typically used for throttling andcontrolled flow applications in gas transmission lines,gas distribution or liquid pipelines. Temperatures to 82_C (180 _F) with single and dual-sealconstruction; 93_C (200_F) with flow ring w/ nitrile o-ring and 204_C (400_F) w/ fluoroelastomer o-ring.Sizes: 4- through 24-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 600 or 900End Connections: Compatible with raised-face or ring-type joint flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel Seal Materials:Delrin or Flow RingDisc, Plug or Ball Material: Chrome-plated steel Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 499 to 18,300Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Single and Dual Delrin: Less than 1% of Class IV Flow Ring: 1% of valve capacitypipeline vibration. Temperatures to 82_C (180 _F);constructions for temperatures to 232_C (450_F)can also be provided.Sizes: 8- through 20-inches Ratings: ANSI Class 300 or 600End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesBody Materials: SteelSeal Materials:PEEK/PTFE or DelrinDisc, Plug or Ball Material: Chrome-plated steel Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 4960 to 31,000Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):PEEK/PTFE Seal: Less than 10% of Class IV Delrin Seal: Less than 10% of Class IVDESIGN V250 VALVEW7169DESIGN V260 VALVEW6343-2/ILFigure 10. Design V250 and V260 Rotary Valves for Pipeline and Severe Service10highly erosive and severe operating conditions.Flanged DIN or ANSI constructions and flangeless ANSI constructions to 260_C (500_F) with PTFE packing; to 427_C (800_F) with graphite packing.Sizes: Flanged: DN 250 through 200 DIN and 1-through 8-inches ANSI.Flangeless: 1- through 8-inches ANSIRatings: Flanged: PN10/16, 25/40 or 63/100 DIN and Class 150, 300, or 600 ANSI;Flangeless: Class150, 300, or 600 ANSI.End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to DIN,ASME, or ASTM specifications) or CW2M (Hastelloy)Seat Ring or Seal Materials: 316 stainless steel with or without CoCr-A hardfacing, solid alloy 6, or ceramicDisc, Plug or Ball Material: Chrome-plated 316stainless steel, solid alloy 6 or ceramicFlow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 12.2 to 1050Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Class IV260_C (500_F) with PTFE packing; to 326_C (619_F) with graphite packing.Sizes: Flanged: DN 80 through 300 DIN and 3-through 12-inches ANSI.Flangeless: 3- through 12-inches ANSIRatings: Flanged: PN10/16, 25/40, or 63/100 DIN and Class 150, 300 or 600 ANSI;Flangeless: Class 150, 300, or 600 ANSI.End Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesBody Materials: Steel and stainless steel (to DIN,ASME, or ASTM specifications) or CW2M (Hastelloy)Seat Ring or Seal Materials: CF3M or C8M with or without CoCr-A hardfacing or solid alloy 6Disc, Plug or Ball Material: CF3MFlow Coefficients: Maximum Cv from 181 to 3000Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 200 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):Class IVW4170-3/ILDESIGN V500DESIGN CV500W5793-1/ILFigure 11. Design V500 and CV500 eplug Valves11for WCC steel body and 260_C (500_F) for 316 SST body.Sizes: Flanged: 25 through 150 DIN and 1- through 6-inches ANSIRatings: Flanged: PN10, 16, 25 or 40, DIN and Class 150 or 300 ANSIEnd Connections: Compatible with raised-face flangesDisc, Plug or Ball Material: Chrome-plated 316SST (2- through 6-inch); Alloy 6 (1- and 1-1/2 inch)Flow Coefficients: Maximum C v from 141 to 410Rangeability (Flow Coefficient Ratio): 100 to 1Shutoff Class (ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4):PTFE Seat: Class VI Metal Seat: Class IVDESIGN BV500W8080 / ILFigure 12. Design BV500 eplug Valve12Features: Heavy-duty actuator with enclosed linkage and splined actuator-valve connection for minimized lost motionTypical Operating Torque Range (Varies with Operating Pressure and Construction): 85 to 1370 N S m (756 to 12,100 lbf S in)Accessories: Pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners, FIELDVUE digital valve controller, limit switches, position transmitters, handwheels, travel stops, lock-out device to disable actuator during maintenance, supply pressure filter-regulator.linkage and splined actuator-valve connection for minimized lost motion.Typical Operating Torque Range (Varies with Operating Pressure and Construction): 282 to 19,000 N S m (2500 to 175,000 lbf S in)Accessories: Pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners, FIELDVUE digital valve controller, limit switches, position transmitters, handwheels, travel stops, lock-out device to disable actuator during maintenance, supply pressure filter-regulator.TYPES 1051 AND 1052W4741-1/ILTYPE 1061W2288-2/ILFigure 13. Type 1051, 1052 and 1061 Actuators13Features: Rugged, compact rack-and-pinion actuator for Type A41 and 8510B valves.Typical Operating Torque Range (Varies with Operating Pressure and Construction): 11 to 1700 N S m (100 to 15,000 lbf S in)Accessories: Limit switches, solenoids, pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioner, 4 - 20 mA dc position feedback signal, and supply pressure filter-regulator.Fisher rotary valves, including the large and high pressure A11’s, 14- through 24-inch A31A ’s and large Vee-Ball and V260 pipeline ball valves.Typical Operating Torque Range (Varies with Operating Pressure and Construction): 531 to 5650 N S m (4700 to 500,000 lbf S in)Accessories: Limit switches, solenoids, pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioner, 4 - 20 mA dc position feedback signal, supply pressure filter regulator, M11 manual hydraulic override, manual override, and extended travel stops.W6856/ILW8305 / ILTYPE 1035BETTIS G-SERIESFigure 14. Type 1035 and Bettis G-Series ActuatorsW6164/ILW6858/ILFigure 15. Rotary Control ValvesAccessoriesD Select from a complete line of accessories for these rotary valvesD FIELDVUE digital valve controllers are communicating microprocessor-basedcontrollers that convert a current signal to apressure signal to operate the actuator. Through the HART R communications protocol, thecontroller gives easy access to actuator-valve information that is critical to process operation.D Many electronic accessories are available with the CE Mark to EMC directive and with hazardous-area certifications.D Contact you nearest sales office for detailsNoteFisher does not assume finalresponsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of any product.Responsibility for proper selection,use, and maintenance of any Fisher product remains solely with the purchaser and end-user.FisherMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Cernay 68700 France Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil Singapore 128461The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Fisher product remains solely with the purchaser and end-user.Cam-Vee –Ball, edisc, eplug, ENVIRO-SEAL, FIELDVUE, Fishtail, NOVEX, Phoenix III, POSI-SEAL and Fisher are marks owned by Fisher Controls International LLC, a business of Emerson Process Management. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. HART is a mark owned by the HART Communications Foundation.These products may be covered under one or more of the following patents: 4,768,750; 5,568,983; 5,823,540; 5,129,625; 5,131,666;5,056,757; 5,230,498; 5,299,812; 4,519,579; 5,016,857; 4,005,848; 5,535,986; 5,542,681; 5,180,396; 5,299,812; 4,744,572 and 6,024,125 or under pending patents.Emerson Process Management 。
