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国际合作研究项目英文申请书Title: Proposal for an International Collaborative Research Project.1. Introduction.With the ever-evolving global landscape, the need for cross-border collaboration in various fields, including research, has become increasingly apparent. This proposal aims to establish an international collaborative research project that will bring together experts from different countries and disciplines to address a pressing global issue. The project, titled "Transboundary Environmental Challenges: Collaborative Solutions," will focus on addressing environmental challenges that transcend national boundaries, such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.2. Project Objectives.The primary objective of this project is to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to transboundary environmental challenges. Specifically, the project aims to:Identify and analyze the root causes of transboundary environmental issues.Facilitate knowledge sharing and expertise exchange among participating researchers.Develop and test innovative technologies andstrategies to address these challenges.Promote sustainable development and environmental protection in the affected regions.3. Project Scope.The project will cover a wide range of transboundary environmental issues, including but not limited to:Climate change and its impact on cross-borderecosystems.Air and water pollution affecting multiple countries.Biodiversity loss resulting from anthropogenic activities.The project will involve researchers from diverse disciplines, including environmental science, ecology, engineering, social sciences, and more.4. Methodology.The project will employ a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including field studies, remote sensing, modeling, surveys, and interviews. The specific methodology will depend on the specific research questions and challenges being addressed.5. Timeline and Milestones.The project is expected to last for a duration of threeyears. Key milestones include:Year 1: Project initiation, team formation, and identification of research questions.Year 2: Fieldwork, data collection, and analysis. Development of preliminary solutions.Year 3: Testing and evaluation of solutions, dissemination of findings, and preparation of final report.6. Expected Outcomes.Upon completion, the project is expected to deliver the following outcomes:A comprehensive understanding of the root causes and impacts of transboundary environmental challenges.Innovative solutions and technologies to address these challenges.Enhanced knowledge sharing and collaboration among participating researchers and institutions.Improved environmental protection and sustainable development in the affected regions.7. Funding and Resources.The project will require significant funding to cover areas such as research expenses, travel costs for international collaboration, equipment purchases, and more. We have identified several potential funding sources, including grants from international organizations, governments, and private foundations. Additionally, we will seek in-kind contributions from participating institutions, such as access to research facilities and expertise.8. Conclusion.In conclusion, this international collaborative research project holds the potential to deliver transformative solutions to pressing transboundaryenvironmental challenges. By bringing together experts from diverse fields and countries, we can harness the collective wisdom and resources necessary to address these challenges effectively. We look forward to working with you to make this project a success.。

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2018-合作申请项目,英文word版本 (14页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==合作申请项目,英文篇一:英文合作意向书agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutually agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。
5.this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed anoriginal when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。
party a:party b:甲方:乙方:signed by: signed by:委托人签字:???????????????..委托人签字:???????????????..date: date:日期:日期: page 2 of 2篇二:公司英文商函合作意向书模板、格式合作项目意向书letter of intent for projectdate:july 28,201X(日期)attn:ohwan k&c corporation(收件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。
sincerely yours,xxxxx公司名称 co., ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址电话(tel):86-xxxxx传真(fax):86-xxxxxxadd: 翻译上述地址电话传真篇三:英文版合作意向书 loi english henan cbm development and utilization co., ltdand dart energy pte ltdand letter of intent on cooperativedevelopment of unconventional gas dated: may 20, 201Xcooperating parties:party a: henan cbm development and utilization co., ltdparty b: dart energy pte ltda. precondition to the cooperation1. party a is a business entity incorporated under the approval of henanprovincial3. party c focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilizationof4. it is the intention of the parties that party a and party b will cooperateand carry outexploration work in the 6 cbm blocks under the principle of “easierblock/cherry-pick development first” subject to the condition that the choice isbeneficial to all parties.technical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of cbmexploration and development within the corresponding areas. to this end, all partiesagree to include a confidentiality clause in this loi with the aim of facilitatingthe providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. party b and party c agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical duediligence b. cooperation intentionevaluation of the feasible area selected by party a to determine the potentialfor cbm resources. the evaluation shall also identify a preliminary view of the mostpromising areas for initial exploration activities, follow-up appraisal andpotential development of a full-scale cbm project in the corresponding area.2. technical data. party a will use its best endeavors to coordinate thecollection of3. the parties shall use their best endeavors to work co-operatively at all timeswithin4. production sharing contract. all parties shall use their best endeavors toconcludethe proportion of the joint venture tentatively is:(1) henan cbm 38%, party b/party c 62%, party b has the right to bring in astrategic partner, party b’s final share ratio must be not less than 31%.(2) the joint venture will sign the psc with henan cbm, the participating interestin development period will be henan cbm 20% and the joint venture 80%respectivelyconfidentiality1. the parties shall ensure that all data referred to in clause 2 above and dataobtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity relating to the cooperation,including any physical sampling analysis information:(1) is used solely for the purposes stated in this loi;(2) is only disclosed to its employees, officers, consultants and directors forachieving the cooperation purpose who shall execute confidentiality agreement.2. no party shall disclose to any person or institution without prior consentof allparties any information, including but not limited to the cooperation partnersand content, technology, operating methods, legal documents and any otherinformation.3. if any party breaches the confidentiality terms, the non-default party willprosecutec. miscellaneous1. governing law. this loi shall be governed by, and construed according to, thelawsof china.2. termination. this loi shall terminate:(1) after six months of execution date of this loi;(2) sign the pscthe condition of item (1) and item (2) that occurs the later shall prevail. theconfidentiality terms in clause 3 shall survive the termination of this loi.3. whereas party a is a state-owned enterprise under the supervision of henanprovince of the people’s republic of china, according to the relevant laws andregulations, rules and policies, if the matters of the cooperation and content thereofneed to be approved or recored, they shall be subject to the approval of theadministrative authorities. party b and party c fully understand this and have noobjection.4. this agreement is executed in chinese and english. if there is anyinconsistency, thechinese version shall prevail. this letter of intent is executed in the meeting room at the 3th floor of henancbm development and utilization co., ltd of the people’s republic of china on may29, 201X.篇四:合作意向书范本合作意向书范本甲方:乙方:为满足各自经济利益,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、平等合作的原则,达成合约:一、乙方应具备如下基本前提条件:(1)乙方对该专案已经完成书面可行性建设方案与商业实施方案;(2)该项目已经中国政府同意并批准进行建设与经营;(3)乙方对该项目具备合法、独立的建设权与经营权;(4)乙方能够独立落实并完成项目投资各项基本实施条件并提供办理的相关手续;(5)乙方对于向甲方(投资人)就该项目所提供的相关书面档的真实、合法与有效性能够承担法律责任,并有经济实力与甲方共同完成投资合作过程中所发生的经济成本;二、在乙方提供相关项目资料后,甲方认为乙方有能力满足上述第一条款的所有内容,则开始执行如下协议条款:三、甲方与乙方就-----------项目合作,项目投资总额为--------亿元人民币,乙方需甲方对该项目投入前期资金------亿元人民币;四、甲乙双方约定项目合作期为-----年;五、甲乙双方合作,甲方认可对该项目投入现汇为合作条件,乙方认可以自有资产或项目资产(包括项目建设权与经营权、对该项目已投入资产、该项目预期所形成的固定资产及经营收益)作为合作条件及投资资本金偿还抵押与向甲方利润分配保障。

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国际(地区)合作研究项目英文申请书全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Proposal for International Cooperation Research Project1. IntroductionGlobal challenges such as climate change, poverty, and public health require collaborative and innovative solutions through international cooperation. This research project aims to address these challenges by promoting collaboration between researchers from different countries.2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of this project are:- To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between researchers from different countries- To address specific global challenges through joint research efforts- To promote the sharing of resources and expertise to achieve common goals3. MethodologyThe research project will involve researchers from multiple countries working together on a specific topic. Collaborative activities may include joint fieldwork, data analysis, and publication of research findings. Regular meetings and communication channels will be established to ensure effective collaboration.4. Expected OutcomesThe expected outcomes of this research project include:- Publication of research papers in international journals- Development of innovative solutions to global challenges- Strengthening of research networks and partnerships between participating countries5. BudgetA detailed budget will be prepared outlining the cost of research activities, travel expenses, and other relevant expenditures. Funding sources may include government grants, international organizations, and private donations.6. TimelineThe project will be implemented over a specified period, with milestones and deliverables identified to track progress. Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess the impact and effectiveness of the research project.7. ConclusionInternational cooperation is essential for addressing global challenges and achieving sustainable development. By working together, researchers can leverage their expertise and resources to make a significant impact on society.8. PartnershipsWe invite researchers from around the world to join this initiative and contribute their expertise to the research project. Collaborative efforts are crucial for creating a better future for all.In conclusion, this research project aims to foster international cooperation and address global challenges through joint research efforts. We believe that by working together, researchers can make a significant impact on society and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation.Thank you for considering our proposal for an international cooperation research project. We look forward to your support and collaboration.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Institution]篇2Research Proposal for International Cooperation Project1. IntroductionAs part of our commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing global challenges, we propose a collaborative research project that will bring together experts from different countries to work towards a common goal. The project will focus on [briefly describe the topic or issue that the research will address].2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of the project are:- To investigate [specific research question or problem]- To develop new methodologies or technologies that will contribute to the advancement of [specific field of study]- To promote international cooperation and collaboration among researchers from different countries- To disseminate and share the findings of the research with the broader scientific community3. MethodologyThe project will utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including [list specific methods or tools that will be used]. The team will be multidisciplinary, bringing together experts from different fields such as [list relevant fields of study]. The project will be conducted in several phases, including data collection, analysis, and dissemination of results.4. PartnersWe have identified several potential partners for this project, including [list institutions or organizations that will be involved in the research]. Each partner brings unique expertise and resources to the project, and will play a key role in ensuring its success. We believe that by working together, we can achieve greater impact and make a meaningful contribution to the field.5. BudgetA detailed budget has been prepared for the project, outlining the costs associated with each phase of the research. The budget includes expenses such as personnel, equipment, travel, and overhead costs. We are confident that the proposed budget is realistic and will enable us to achieve our research goals.6. TimelineThe project is expected to be completed within [provide timeline for the project]. This timeline includes key milestones and deliverables, as well as dates for project meetings and other important events. We are committed to adhering to the proposed timeline and ensuring that the project stays on track.7. Expected OutcomesWe anticipate that the project will lead to several important outcomes, including:- New insights into [specific research question or problem]- The development of innovative methodologies or technologies- Increased international collaboration and cooperation among researchers- The dissemination of research findings to the broader scientific community8. ConclusionIn conclusion, we believe that this collaborative research project has the potential to make a significant contribution to [specific field of study]. By bringing together experts from different countries and disciplines, we can leverage our collective expertise and resources to address important research questions and challenges. We are excited about the opportunity to work together on this project and look forward to the potential impact it will have on the scientific community.Thank you for considering our research proposal. We are confident that this project will be a success and look forward to your support and collaboration.Sincerely,[Your Name][Institution or Organization][Date]篇3Application for International Cooperation Research ProjectProject Title: Enhancing Sustainable Development through Cross-border CollaborationIntroductionWe are pleased to submit this proposal for an international cooperation research project focusing on enhancing sustainable development through cross-border collaboration. This project aims to address the challenges of sustainable development in the global context by promoting cooperation between different countries and regions.BackgroundSustainable development is a pressing issue facing the world today. As climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation continue to threaten the well-being of our planet, it is crucial for countries to work together to find solutions that are both environmentally friendly and socially equitable.Cross-border collaboration offers a unique opportunity for countries to share knowledge, expertise, and resources in order to achieve sustainable development goals.ObjectivesThe main objectives of this research project are as follows:1. To identify key challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in different countries and regions.2. To explore the potential benefits of cross-border collaboration in addressing these challenges.3. To develop a set of best practices and recommendations for fostering international cooperation on sustainable development initiatives.MethodologyThe research will be conducted through a combination of literature review, case studies, interviews, and surveys. Data will be collected from a diverse range of sources, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and business enterprises. The research team will also engage in fieldwork to gather firsthand information on the ground.Expected OutcomesIt is anticipated that this research project will produce the following outcomes:1. A comprehensive analysis of the key issues related to sustainable development in different countries and regions.2. A series of case studies highlighting successful examples of cross-border collaboration on sustainable development initiatives.3. A set of best practices and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders interested in promoting international cooperation on sustainable development.ConclusionIn conclusion, this research project represents an important opportunity to advance our understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable development in the global context. By fostering international cooperation and collaboration, we can work together to create a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with partners from around the world on this important research project.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Organization]。

Describe any relevant experience or interests you may have that would be relevant to this programme (500 words maximum)
As a leader in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in British universities, the University of Bradford has cooperated with many Chinese universities such as Tsinghua University since 2016 and successfully established an efficient joint venture platform for Chinese and British university students. Through this project, Bradford University and Chinese partner universities are committed to improving the innovative ability of college students, fostering teamwork ability, entrepreneurial potential, and entrepreneurial spirit of positive optimism and courage to challenge, while also opening up the international vision of students. It provides a good foundation for building a high-quality platform for Sino-British college students to jointly innovate and start a business.

韓國語與韓國文化體驗營申請表 Application Form for Korean Learning andKorean Culture Experiencing Program個人資料Personal information1. 名/Given name: 姓/Surname: 中文姓名/ Chinese name: 國籍/Nationality:2. 護照號碼/Passport No. __________________3. 身分證號碼/ID No.__________________4. 性別/Sex:□男/M □女/F5. 出生日期/Date of birth: 年/Year 月/Month 日/Day6. 通訊地址/Mailing address:E-mail: FAX:7. 聯絡電話/Telephone number (home) (Office)教育背景/Educational background學校 修業起迄年月 主修 文憑Educational Institute Duration (from/to) Field of Study Diploma 緊急連絡/Emergency Contact名字Name : 關係 Relationship : 電話Telephone :(O ) (H ) 地址Address :韓國語語言能力/Korean Language proficiency(請用優,良, 可, 差來評斷,Please indicate your proficiency: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)讀/Reading 寫/ Writing 聽/ Listening 說/ Speaking韓國語/ Korean Language background是否學過 韓國語? / Have you ever studied Korean before?□ 否/No □ 是/Yes如果有If yes, 何時/When ________學了多久/ How long _________在哪學習/Where ________ 使用什麼教材/ textbookAttach recent photo here健康情況/Health condition:□ Good □ Average □ Poor (please indicate any medical aid needed)其他/others:飲食方面特殊要求/Do you have any particular food requirement?□ 素食者/ Vegetarian □ 非素食者/ non-vegetarian □ 其他/ others _________如何得知此活動訊息?/ How do you get this information?□朋友/acquaintance □學校/university □校友/ alumni □其他/ others _________申請人簽名/ Signature of applicant: 日期/Date: ____。
与国境外机构签署合作协议申请表 (2)模版

与国境外机构签署合作协议申请表 (2)模版

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List the key milestones (including planned exchanges of researchers). Describe the critical steps in the realization of the project objectives and expected timeline.
-statement describing the importance of proposed project
-description of the collaborative arrangements between participating institutions defining general responsibilities and tasks assigned to each participating institution
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Industrial Technology R&D Cooperation
Application Form
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Contact Person: (name) (tel) (cell) _____________
1. General Information
1.1 Project Title
(Do not exceed 120
1.2 Summary
(Do not exceed 240 characters)
1.3 Main Technological
Role of
Country Contribution
( %)
Total budget to the project : 1.5 Start Date
1.6 End Date
2. Project Outline
2.1 Description
(Approximately one A4 page)
2.2 Technological Development Envisaged (Level of innovation)
(Approximately one A4 page)
2.3 Market Potential and Commercialization Plan
2.4 Cooperation Between Participants (synergies, particular advantages, etc.)
2.5 Expected Outcome of Project
2.6 IP Ownership Arrangements
If there are additional "other Chinese participants", please copy the following page
3. Work plan Chinese Participant
3.1 Participant Contact Details:
3.1.1 Organization Name
Full Name
Parent Organization
Type of Organization
SME Large company Other 3.1.2 Organization Address
Zip or Postal Code City
Telephone Fax
3.1.3 Contact Person Data
Last Name First
Function Title
Direct Telephone and
Mobile Phone
4. Website
3.1.5 Organization Background
Year Established
No. of Employees No. of R&D Personnel
Stage (Seed, Revenue, Pre-Clinical, Clinical) General Information
Core Business and
Area of Expertise
Main Products/
Markets and
Current year (i) i-1 i-2 Sales (for the Last 3
3.2 Work- Description and Contributions to the Project
3.3 Work Plan and Timeline
3.4 Budget and Resources
3.5 Other Sources of financial Support Related to Proposed Research Is this, or related
presently being supported by
other sources?
If yes, indicate other sources,
amounts, and dates of
performing of the R&D under
this support
Has your company previously
received other sources of
governmental support ?
If yes, list up sources and dates
If there are additional "other Korean participants", please copy the following page
4. Work plan Korean Participant
4.1 Participant Contact Details:
4.1.1 Organization Name
Full Name
Parent Organization
Type of Organization
SME Large company Other 4.1.2 Organization Address
Zip or Postal Code City
Telephone Fax
4.1.3 Contact Person Data
Last Name First Name
Function Title Direct Telephone and
Mobile phone
Fax E-mail
4.1.4. Website
4.1.5 Organization Background
Year Established
No. of Employees No. of R&D Personnel
Stage (Seed, Revenue, Pre-Clinical, Clinical) General Information
Core Business and
Area of Expertise
Main Products/
Markets and
Current year (i) i-1 i-2 Sales (for the Last 3
4.2 Work- Description and Contributions to the Project
4.3 Work Plan and Timeline
4.4 Budget and Resources
4.5 Other Sources of financial Support Related to Proposed Research Is this, or related
presently being supported by
other sources?
If yes, indicate other sources,
amounts, and dates of
performing of the R&D under
this support
Has your company previously
received other sources of
governmental support ?
If yes, list up sources and dates
The participants signing this form intend to co-operate within the project as described in this form with the aim realizing the technical developments as set forth under point 2. In addition the participants have or intend to put in place, a formal collaboration agreement.
Signature of Chinese Participant
Organization Name
Full Name
Name of Person Signing
Last Name First
Function in Organization
Signature of Korean Participant
Organization Name
Full Name
Name of Person Signing
Last Name First
Function in Organization