unit 2 现代大学英语第二版精读3【精选】
杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 2)

Unit2一、词汇短语Text Asaint[]n.圣人,基督教徒;道德崇高的人adj.神圣的【例句】His silly chatter would vex a saint.他说的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火。
convent[]n.女修道会,女修道院【例句】On the way to the station he stopped at Shemardino convent to see his sister.路途中,他在舍马尔基诺修道院下站,去看望他的妹妹。
prance[]v.昂首阔步;欢呼雀跃【例句】The children were prancing about with delight.孩子们高兴得蹦蹦跳跳。
【派生】prancer n.腾跃前进的人;舞蹈者;欢跃者【助记】原指:马后足立地的腾跃。
literacy[]n.有文化,有教养;有读写能力【例句】Literacy is an essential foundation for development and prosperity.识字是发展和繁荣必不可少的基础。
curl[]v.(使)卷曲;卷曲,扭曲n.卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物【例句】The wave curled over the surfer.波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过。
【词组】curl up蜷缩【派生】curly adj.卷曲的;卷毛的barrel[]n.桶;枪管,炮管vt.把…装入桶内vi.快速移动【例句】The cement is barreled.水泥已经装桶了。
【派生】barreled adj.桶装的;有管的sling[]n.绷带;责难v.扔,甩;投进,投掷;悬挂【例句】The line of flags was slung up between two trees.一排旗帜悬挂在两棵树之间。
【搭配】sling someone out赶走某人,驱逐某人lure[]n.吸引力,魅力;诱惑物vt.引诱,吸引【例句】The enticement of the big city lure her away from her home.大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走。

Unit 11)He so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2)Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3)Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and the resent any foreign interference.4)The control of sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.5)Y ou have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6)All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7)Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is anatural pleasure.8)In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9)The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.10)Cheating at/on exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very toughposition.Unit 21)I suspected that the book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print for years.2)One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse Cao Cao’s suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did his life would be at stake.3)When Cao Cao called him a real hero, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.4)The first suspect was the victim’s son. The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them fighting on the night of the killing.5)In learning, the important thing is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination and think creatively as well as critically.6)He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke into a house, ate and drunk to his heart’s content, and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.7)I have trouble remembering people’s names. I imagine it must result from old age.8)We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.9)I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate students’ mental capacities. Y oung people actually have very imaginative minds.1)Where there is a will, there is a way.2)As the saying goes, behind every successful man there stands a woman.3)There was a time in this town when the residents didn't have to lock their doors at night.4)On his first day at school, the boy realized that there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.5)Nelson Mandela says in his autobiography: Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.6)There’s something to be said for/about living in an out-of-the-way place in the mountains.7)There’s no telling what those terrorists might d o next, we must be on the lookout all the time.8)There were too many things to consider before the family decided to immigrate to Australia.9)There is something in the boy’s aggressive behavior that is worrying his parents.10)There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Don’t feel entitled to anything you haven’t sweated and struggled for.Unit 51)Building a house is no joking matter. Y ou have to check carefully at every step.2)His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.3)I really wanted to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.4)Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.5)In some ways we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs. They might cause irrecoverable changes in the environment.6)There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the consent and knowledge of the people.7)To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful clothes, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the young market.8)We teachers can not be excused for our lack of con cern for the students’ health.9)He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.10)A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and the left. Unit 61)We all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too.Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2)Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3)According to many economists, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financiallyinsolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4)He has been caught red-handed. There is indisputable evidence that a whole chapter of his book wasbodily lifted from a book written by another professor.5)Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds andanimals. But the law is not easy to enforce.6)It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women werebanned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and music were all forbidden.7)In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all trieddesperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning.8)The demonstrators demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually onlyhurt ordinary, innocent people.9)At he meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favoredhaving further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.Unit 71)Let’s face the fact that no country can be immune to environmental problems. If we o nly pay lipservice to environmental protection today, our eventual losses will far outweigh the present economic gains2)For the law to be respected and supported, it must be designed in such a way as to benefit the general public and must be vigorously enforced. Otherwise it will create a general contempt for the law and result in social instability.3)Political science tells us that it is a real paradox. If the government is too weak, it is useless; if the is too powerful, it begins to abuse power and becomes corrupt. But no individual should ever be permitted to possess absolute power. Power must be restrained, shared and controlled.4)I wish that our university can set the stage for our creative intellectual pursuits. I believe that natural curiosity is a greater power than discipline. I am also aware of the importance of creative reading –reading for pleasure, and being free from excessive assigned work.5)As I gazed at my dead brother’s picture, a haunting memory unfolded. I saw us lying, well after midnight, in the only double bed our sister had in the house, recalling our happy childhood, the time whenwe were surrounded by love and care, promising each other that we would go back to our hometown which we had no visited for half a century.Unit81) It is an utter waste of money and precious land resources. They must be out of their minds to turn such fertile farmland into golf courts for a few rich people.2) It’s utterly impossible to have complete safety with unclear waste. Sooner or later some problem wil l occur. So unless we are ready to accept the inevitable, we must not rush to a decision.3)She was under severe attack throughout the meeting, but she did not utter a word. She decided to hand in her resignation right away.4)Many people are lured to go after fancy titles out of vanity, and I am also guilty of this.5)As we were warned in advance, the inflation rate in the first quarter of this year was still on the rise. This amounted to a drop in people’s income. But every cloud has its silver lining. Consumpt ion was also on the rise.6)Keep in mind that we may be able to prevent young people from speaking their mind, but we can never succeed in making them stop thinking.7)Anybody in his right mind knows tat we need both freedom and discipline. We either have both or neither. Therefore students cannot have their way unconditionally.8)She warned those countries in advance way back in the 1900s that if they did not get rid of their economic bubbles, their economies would face a hard landing.9)What I have in mind is to buy a house in the suburbs as I loathe the heavy pollution as well as the hustle and bustle of the big city. If because of this I cannot go shopping in Wangfujing every Sunday, that’s just too bad.10)Many people there seem to be different to the coming election. Right now they just hope the dark clouds of war will clear away as that they can live in peace.1) She walked right past me, nose in the air.2) With the wind howling, the rain beating against the windows, I didn’t have a wink of sleep last night.3) The sentry kept watch on the bridge, gun in hand.4) They soldiers left, the house and courtyard cleaned up, the water jars full.5) The new republic ultimately triumphed, with the rebellion put down, major enemies wiped out, and peace and order established in the country.6) A storm brewing, the construction workers decided to call in a day.7) Their three-month training completed, the dogs embarked on the mission of guiding, protecting, and aiding blind people.8) The fire caused heavy casualties, twenty-four people killed and several injured.9) Night having fallen and the Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of the wooden horse.10) Autumn is beautiful, the corn ripe, apples hanging from the trees, and everything red or yellow, or brown.Unit 91) Our company projects an 8% growth rate this year, up by 2% compared with last year.2) China is projected to increasingly favor more and more cross-border mergers and acquisitions.3) The slides projected on the screen showed that he tried to project himself as a strong man in theelection campaign.4) He was greatly relieved to hear that the authorities had accepted his recommendation and themultibillion-dollar had been postponed indefinitely.5) Dr Nelson had been operating on one wounded soldier after another for five hours. Therefore we allsighed with relief when Dr Mason was able to come to relieve him.6) Government relief is like a pain-killer. It gives you relief, but it does not cure the disease. Besides,you can easily get hooked on it.7) Private businesses are not asking the government to shield them against competition. They just hopenot to be discriminated against.8) We must try to win them over or neutralize them so that we can completely isolate the main enemy.9) Judging by the rate of inflation so far, perhaps it is necessary to raise interest rates again so that therecent pay raise will not be completely neutralized.10) A general feeling of optimism prevailed when the reform started. People all believed that there werebright prospects for our modernization.Unit 101) A storm brewing, the construction workers decided to call in a day.2)Their three-month training completed, the dogs embarked on the mission of guiding, protecting, andaiding blind people.3)The fire caused heavy casualties, twenty-four people killed and several injured.4)Night having fallen and the Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of the wooden horse.5)Autumn is beautiful, the corn ripe, apples hanging from the trees, and everything red or ye llow, orbrown.6)On the way back from his mission, he met a woman beggar in an old temple. She proved to be noneother than the present emperor’s mother, long supposed to have been killed in a fire.7)In hindsight, it would have been wiser no to demolish all the old buildings but to replace them withnew Western-style houses.8)Many scholars in the West agree with Thomas Jefferson that government governs best that governsleast. Put differently, they believe in small government because they think that government, even at its best, is a necessary evil. More often than not, it tends to abuse its power.9)In terms of GDP, we seem to be close to the top, but in terms of per capita income, we are still farbehind Japan and the Unites States. For that matter, we are even behind many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.1)Tickets for football game sold out in two hours, so we went to a movie instead.2)Teachers should encourage students to think for themselves, rather than telling them what to think.3)Instead of being annoyed, the professor was obviously pleased and he always welcomed constructivecriticism of his works.4)Because of traffic jams and parking problems, quite a number of car-owners choose to take the busrather than drive to and from work.Unit 111)Scientists more or less agree that global warming is a fact, but its cause is still hotly debated amongthem. Many believe that if we piece together all the available evidence we can conclude that it is caused by human activities, but others think we need to dig into the problem further, and that natural forces are at least of equal importance.2)He devoted all his life to the cause of water conservancy. He was one of the few scientists who firstsaw what kind of trouble it would cause us in future if we were to build a dam here.3)Those who sympathize with international terrorism view the problem from a different premise. Theybelieve that their goal can justify the means. But I am strongly opposed to this view. I believe that no excuse can justify cold-blooded murder of innocent women, children and old people.4)It is a good thing to have NGOs at work. In a pluralistic society, people’s views are bound to differ.Oppositions should not only be allowed, but also be respected and encouraged. It is also to our advantage to do this.5)Government’s over-investment means that many state bank loans will not be repaid and these baddebts will finally lead to a financial crisis.6)Special bank loans are now available to university students. Those who can’t pay for their educationcan benefit from these loans.7)He ended his speech by saying that as soon as they concluded their investigation they would report tothe Security Council. He firmly believed that any attempt to maintain the rulers of a country in power using mass killing was destined to fail.8)She will fly to India by way of Hong Kong to conclude a new agreement on the protection ofintellectual property rights with the Indian government.9)Based on these reasons, we could only come to the conclusion that they were out to make trouble.Therefore, we decided to recall our ambassador immediately by way of protest.1)Heroes are people who have unusual qualities.2)Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3)The Internet is a system that connects computers throughout the world.4)Professor Ouyang says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herselfunnecessary for the students.5) A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.6)Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution andconsumption of goods and services.7)An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution but doesn’t put what he says intopractice.8)The International Monetary Fund is the organization within the United Nation which is concernedwith trade and economic development.9)The flash or USB drive is a small memory device that can be used to store data from a computer andto move it from one computer to another.10)Microblogging is defined as the activity in which you send regular short messages, photos or videosover the Internet to keep people informed about your activities and thoughts.Unit 131)International conflicts occur because strong nations try to gain advantage over weak nations and thelatter then try to seek justice and revenge.2)The experience they gained as village heads told them that farmers would not have any incentive forincreasing productivity if they were forced to live on bare necessities.3)Over the years, he has gained a reputation as a man of integrity and uprightness as well as a greatgeneral.4)The oppressive policy of the king turned out to be a catalyst for a violent uprising of the downtroddenpeople. In a matter of weeks, it was clear to all that his rule was approaching its end.5)Go and approach Professor Wu and see if she could be one of our judges in the debating competition.6)We need to adopt a new approach. People should be able to increase their consumption in proportionto the increase in production.7)Our school is said to have a relatively liberal academic tradition which enables out students andteachers to embrace the beat that foreign cultures have to offer.8)While we must be aware of existing problem in agriculture, we must not be blind to our great progressin it either. The same can be said for education.9)Don’t get side-tracked by non-essential issues. The most important issue by far is the unbridled power.If we fail to understand this, we’ll be in deep trouble.10)Social stability is closely associated with reform. It is unwise to overemphasize one or the other. Wemust avoid going to extremes.。

现代大学英语精读3_第二版_unit1、2课文翻译Unit 1 The Power of Music Music is a powerful art form that can bring up emotions, inspire motivation and alter your mood. Studies have shown that music can improve the quality of your life. Listening to music can reduce stress and anxiety, help you sleep better and even increase your memory.音乐的力量音乐是一种强大的艺术形式,可以带来情绪、激发动力,并改变你的情绪。
Unit 2 Healthy Eating Habits Eating healthy foods is important for everyone. Eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins helps us maintain a healthy weight, get enough energy and keep our bodies strong. It's also important to limit unhealthy foods like processed snacks and sugary drinks. Making small changes inyour diet can lead to big improvements in your health.健康的饮食习惯对每个人来说,吃健康的食物都很重要。

1.Unit 1In my opinion, I agree that college is a time of growth and expansion. We students go to college from high school to acquire further knowledge. Look back, when I stepped into the campus, I knew little about the college. But now I am mature.Before we entered the college, we depended on our parents. Although we cannot completely be independent from our parents, we have been young adult and we have been independent from our parents in some aspects. Also, we start to have our own values and beliefs. W e don’t just follow our parents’ thoughts any more. We have grown.As we all know, in college class, every student has chances to deliver speeches and make presentation in front of others, which requests us to do preparing work adequately and learn to be confident. And I think this is one kind of growth .Apart from study, there is also club work. We won’t forget the student union. The work experiences in it, makes me realize how important the communicating skills and the ability of group work are.Besides, entering the college widen our views. We meet lots of different people from different cultures. Our circle of friends is expanding and we have more and more friends from different places. Of course, we can receive much new knowledge and we are changing our way of learning through realizing new things. After the college education, most of us will be more mature and be able to deal with complicated situations well.So, I agree that college is a time of growth and expansion.2. unit 2The book that I think has influenced me most is the novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway, a famous writer of U.S.A. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit so that he will succeed .What the novel describes is an old fisherman who is almost sixty years old. When he went to the sea and fished alone once, he had angled to a big Marlin fish. But the big Marlin fish attracted odd herds of sharks, but the old man was still unwilling to give up, and thought that : It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……" Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, so we should be as ambitious as this old man, and go to pursue greater goal.I admire the unremitting spirit very much. Though knowing rival's strength is very strong , he has not shrunk back at all but meets the difficulty.Old fisherman's spirit that makes great efforts to struggle without fear of danger and difficulty has a claim to our respect. We should be like him, be positive, be unremitting to do anything, not be satisfied with the current situation, and not give up halfway to difficulty. Only in this way, could we obtain greater success and victory .3. unit 3Six years ago, Vera broke off with the man. I think it is because the man’s egotism. He was young, strong, financially secure, fond of traveling like he was, and above all, madly in love with her. But she decided to end this relationship because he was too egotistical and self-engrossed. And he was so wrapped up in himself that he hadn’t a corner in his heart for anybody else.Now six years later, she still has the opportunity to renew their relationship. She is alone andlonely, and he is successful and financially able to help her realize her dreams. Yet she leaves him again because she recognizes that he has not changed. Firstly, she said she hated the cold weather, “and the worst of it is that the older one grows”, the man interrupted her. And later he asked her “you were saying—the older one grows”, he was so impolite to her. Secondly, when he asked her if she still remembered that they used to talk of going there, he gave a strange half laugh and leaned back in his chair. This behavior is disrespectful. Thirdly, when he said, “when you look at me with those wild eyes I feel that I could tell you things that I would never breathe to another human being.” , there seems to be a hint of mockery in his voice. Those all indicate that the man is still egotistical.So I think she came to realize that it was impossible to pick up their relationship when they met again through these.4. unit 4Diogenes is said to have had an interview with Alexander the Great, who opened the conversation with “I am Alexander the Great.” The philosopher answered, “And I am Diogenes the Cynic.” Alexander then asked him what things he can do for him, “Stand to one side. You are blocking the sunlight.” the philosopher replied. Alexander is said to have been so struck with the Cynic’s self-possession that he went away remarking, “If I were not Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes.”Alexander is no doubt the perfect model of a superman, he is everything but Diogenes is not. When Alexander asked Diogenes whether there was anything he could do for him, he of course was thinking of money, power, a job, a decent house or a warm garment. But Diogenes did not want any of these. What he wanted from the king was not to block the sunlight, not to interfere with his life, not to stand in his way.Diogenes made his philosophy —"natural life" spread throughout Greece, and Alexander bring Greek civilization to the whole world. So Alexander was what Diogenes called himself, a cosmopolites, "citizen of the world ". Like Diogenes, he admired the heroic figure of Hercules, the mighty conqueror who labors to help mankind while all others toil and sweat only for themselves. He knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were truly free.Alexander is free because he has the power to satisfy people’s desires, so he asked Diogenes what things he can do for him. But Diogenes is also free because he does not have any of those desires. And I think it is the same reason that Alexander said that if he were not Alexander, he should be Diogenes.5. unit 5I think the abuse of chemical pesticides is widespread today. This article described the environment degradation in the United States, but this problem is usually much more serious in developing countries. The abuse of chemical pesticides seems caught up in an endless spiral. The insects have evolved super races immune to the particular insecticide used, hence human will develop a deadlier one than that. And the chemical pesticides pollute rivers and lakes, cause frequent acid rains and so on. There are also other environment problems, such as sand storms, soil erosion, desertification, deforestation and over-fishing, and the list is far from complete.So we should have a sense of urgency as well as a strong sense of duty to contribute to thesolution of this problem. We must do everything possible to keep our water and air clean, to protect our land and soil, to preserve our forests, rivers and lakes, marshland, wilderness, to stop the global warming and to save the endangered species.When it comes to keeping away from contaminated food, firstly, we should let people recognize that we ought not to develop our economy at the expense of our ecosystem, namely strengthen people’s environmental awareness. Secondly, we college students can make suggestions to some industries on how to deal with the waste water and materials. Finally, we also can do some researches or develop some methods to help purify the contaminated things. All in all, we should do everything in our power.6. unit 6Drugs become more and more accessible to people nowadays and cause several problems. As far as I am concerned, they can be solved from two respects.On account of the serious situation now, I think our government should limit the drugs and severely crack down on drug crimes. Criminalization may be a quick and efficient means to work it out, cracking down on users, pushers and producers and imposing stiff sanctions against property. Some people think taking drugs is a form of recreation, so I think government can rising the price of drugs by limiting drugs. Once the expense is higher than the benefits and the amusement offered by drugs, they may reconsider and begin searching for cheap forms of recreation.On the other hand, if we want to eliminate drugs to root, there is essential need for a powerful method that takes into effect in a long term. The government can educate people to keep away from the drugs in many ways. Deglamorization is absolutely the suitable process for us to put into practice. For a long time, taking drugs has been regarded as a fashion among young adults, owing to the impression of attraction and charm projected by TV ads. We can ban this sort of advertisement while encouraging society to present this drug-taking as a confession of weakness, panic and anxiety, which are not what they want to show or even what they hate.With the two approaches working together, the drug problems can be handled well. And we are supposed to call for the government and the whole society to support the drugs’ blue sky by their arms!7. unit 8Nowadays, China has already stepped into an aging society according to international standards. And people will meet many difficulties in their everyday life when getting old. Common problems for senior citizens are poor health, inconvenient public facilities, and loneliness. So family care, community-based services and social welfare are necessary to help our old population in helping and supporting their lives.Firstly, young people are busy with their work everyday, and they don’t have time to take care of them, it means that if their parents feel uncomfortable, there is no body else know this. So it is necessary for old people to go to hospital frequently, and they may choose take public transport to go there, and this will involve the problem about inconvenient public facilities. When people get older, it is likely for them to walk with difficulty. And many places don’t have convenient public facilities, so it will cause old people lost their footing and were precipitated to the ground. Thirdly , old people will feel lonely. Though young people can try their best to satisfy parents’ desires asmany as possible, old people’s spiritual fulfillment can’t be satisfied. So young couples may pay more visits to their parents' homes during weekends and holidays. The young can also help the old more in public,offering seats on buses, for example. Additionally, rural pension is a major problem now facing China society, low coverage of social pension is serious.However, the most important thing to help the old is that the society should consider more for senior citizens. We should build up more rest homes, hospitals, and entertainment centers with high-grade service specially for old people.8. unit 9Globalization has positive and negative effects.First of all, I will talk about the positive effects. Globalization for developing countries is an opportunity. For example, in 1970s, China was undeveloped economically and culturally. In the context of globalization, China carri ed a policy named “reform and opening up”. Using this policy, China spent ten years to make the gross national production higher and make people get higher. Also, one of the most visible positive effects of globalization is the improved quality of products due to global competition. Customer service and “the customer is the king” have led to improved quality of products and services. And the most powerful positive effects of globalization on women and men both is the spread of education. Today, you can search the best education facilities in the world and move to there. A person living in the US can even go to another continent for a new experience and some courses which one may not find in the home country.It does will know that globalization is a trend and every country. But there also are negative effects.First, rich and poor countries experience effects from the globalization. However the key is that in this background the rich countries become richer and the poor countries become poorer. It means that the benefits of globalization is not universal. Second, globalization damages the local environment. The global trade liberalization has accelerated the consumption of global resources and it direct threat to the Earth's biological diversity system. Third, globalization makes the world economy instable. In the background of globalization, countries have a close economic links, so if one country's economic system had problems and it will be linked to other related countries, so the joint-relationship is inevitable.G lobalization has brought more positive changes to individual’s lives, even if it has many negatives, but in fact, people can not separable from globalization.9. unit 10The role Lincoln played in bringing the war to a close is a spiritual pillar, a martial leader.First of all, the North bourgeoisie and people that Lincoln led fought against the south. He was always the representative of justice and the direction of popular feeling. The Lincoln administration took measures, and arouse the enthusiasm of people. As Lincoln said, the war broke out because the American people had become proud and forgot God’s mission. It was a lesson God wanted them to learn. Therefore there were no losers in this war. All Americans had won. They had all achieved a rebirth. So I think Lincoln was a spiritual pillar in people’s hearts. Also, Lincoln was a martial leader. When the northern army encountered a crushing defeat, many people at home required to stop the war, but Lincoln strained every nerve to inspire soldiers to fight bravely by using his Attic faith of victory. And in the address at Cettysburg, Lincoln said,“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Lincoln had an eye for military decision, and had flexible Political and military strategies, and he solved the crisis successfully.So I think the role Lincoln played in bringing the war to a close is a spiritual pillar, a martial leader.10. unit 11How history should be taught at school depends on what teachers hope students to acquire from history study. Many students think history is great bu t they don’t like history lessons. So I think history should be taught freely, not give them others comments, but let themselves to think by themselves.Now our history are taught like this: teachers spend much time on preparing lessons, they are leading roles in class, and that students listen to them carefully is enough. Our students get history by teacher telling them, but not they explore by themselves.We can compare our history teaching with Germans and Americans. As for Germans, if they learn The Franco-Prussian War, their teacher will require them read much first hand information. For example, the speech text of Bismarck. Teachers will require them discuss the foreign policy that Prussia used at that time through the speech text, and analyze the true breaking reason of The Franco-Prussian War. As for Americans, teachers only tell students the happening, the development and the process, and not judge the event subjectively, though it is about those important events like the second world war, students judge the history responsibility by themselves.So we can get two points from the two countries, and our history lessons should be also taught like this. Firstly, let students contact with original documents directly. This first hand information is good for us cognize history. Secondly, teachers should give more weight to develop the independent thinking and judging ability of students. Thirdly, teach students to feel with themselves in history events. History is about human beings, so any important events are connected with the survival conditions of human, so we need get close to human feelings by history lessons.Only in this way that history is taught, can history lessons work really.11. unit 12The fiction the most dangerous game using the minute description about Rainsford and the general Zaroff, shows adventurous scenes to people, and speaks highly of the spirits that Rainsford showed when he struggled with the general constantly, the confidence and calm, the braveness and resourcefulness. Though the fiction is not long, but the structure and the plots are complementary to each other, and offer much food for thought, and arouse our thinking about human even about the world.Rainsford is a Warm, honest and optimistic young man. When he faced with all kinds of adventurous risks, he was always with a strong desire to survival, and kept his confidence and calm. Though he was in poor position, he transferred the disadvantages to advantages dependingon his calm, resourcefulness and braveness. And finally he changed danger into safety , and won the right to survive. But Zaroff is different. He was crazy about hunting, and was full of expectations about the hunting which was about to start. He had strong bloodthirsty desires, and regarded killing people as homely food. These all indicate his arbitrariness and cruelty, even his extreme contempt. And his hunting human game is inhuman and what heaven and earth will not tolerate. So this also destines his final fail.And through this fiction, we should thinking about human. If we human lose our reasoning power, play a role of Zaroff, and develop the jungle law to a extreme degree, the human society will bring destruction on itself. So only when human respect the law of development, respect other species, and respect ourselves, can human society develop harmoniously. I think this is what the writer intends to communicate.12. unit 13The abuse of power damages the social equity severely, and causes the instability of society, and makes people lose belief in government. Then people don’t believe administrative officers, and don’t support and understand administrative officers. Thus it leads to a tense relationship, and forms a vicious circle.some administrative officers discharge their duties, and feather their own nests. They would rather sacrifice collective interest in order to get their own benefits. Actually, there are some administrative officers abuse their power. Though they said “use power in right ways” in public, they think power is really a way to get their own benefits.For example, Zhang paid a fine of 100 yuan on the spot because of traffic violation, and he said several angry words about the punishment of the traffic police. But in the end, he was added to pay another 100 yuan for the traffic violation. This is the abuse of power. The traffic police should enforce the law in the range of his power, but not add the fine because of the angry words. His way of using power is casual and makes the enforcement lose justice.There is another example. The driving trainers said that trainees could use the training car for private affairs with paying money. But the training cars belong to the driving school and the driving trainers have no power to allow using training cars for other things. Driving trainers abused their power, and it is unfair.Through the two examples, we can see the abuse of power has serious harms, so people ought to use power in right ways and protect the fairness of society.13. unit 15(writing 2)Through this story, I think it is because of the racism. As for “ like a man trying to run a race in iron shoes”, we can see that Rensburg wanted to learn more about Edward, so he invited to split a bottle with him. It is just as a man trying to run a race. But Rensburg led him to a apartment building, but he has to drink in the passage, so we can see that a man in iron shoes. As for “not understanding why he cannot move”, I think it is because there exists an invisible wall between them which hampers their free communication and full understanding, and it is racism.we can see that Rensburg wanted to communicate with black people , but he couldn’t take the first step. In fact, the two persons are both anxious to reach out to each other, but they do not know how. Obviously, there exists an invisible wall between them, not just a wall imposed by apartheid laws, but a wall deep in their hearts. Racism has been a serious problem throughout human history,and this barrier between white people and black people has deeply ingrained in their hearts. Actually, racism of course is based on prejudice, and prejudice can lead to tremendous human suffering, be it racial, religious or political. Moreover, racism or any other form of prejudice does not only involve government and politicians, it exists on a personal level.But why Rensburg couldn’t move, I think it is that he feared to break the racism, and there is a wall that stopped his steps, and the wall is deep-rooted racism concept.。

Pre-class Work3. Learn the rules of word-building. Enrich and enlarge your vocabulary.1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following verbs and adjectives.(1) dignity (6) fright (11 ) intimacy (16) terror(2) refusal (7) service (12 ) absurdity (17) pride(3) embarrassment (8) solution (13) ridicule(4) smash (9) glimpse (14) maturity(5) sympathy (10) surrender (15) miracle2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following adjectives.All these adjectives can be used as verbs except the following.quick (quicken) full (fill) sad (sadden)short (shorten) sure (assure, ensure) weak (weaken) wide (widen) sharp (sharpen) strong (strengthen) thick (thicken) high (heighten, raise) long (lengthen)cold (freeze, chill, cool) low(lower) angry (anger)hot (heat) dark (darken)silent (silence) light (lighten)3)Translate the following using your acquired rules of word-building. (1)打开门锁脱下婴儿的衣服.解开绳结解开外衣纽扣卸下船上的货拉开夹克的拉链打开瓶塞拔掉收音机的电源打开行李(2)预订一张票浇花墙上糊上墙纸浑水摸鱼率领一个代表团、拔园中的草面对现实肩负责任用刀捅一个老人主持一次会议用好奇的眼光看人刮去鱼鳞狼吞虎咽地吃东西骑自行车上学来回乘公共汽车跟踪某人将酒装瓶火箭般迅速掌权More Work on the TextII Vocabulary1. Translate.1) From English into Chinese.(1) 经营一家五金店(11)同情穷人(2) 给顾客赊账太多(12)弄到一些酒(3)拒绝赊账(13)喝了几口啤酒(4)忍受炎热(14)雇一个助手(5)忍受侮辱(15)活跃气氛(6)负责指挥这支军队(16)打败敌人(7)打碎窗户(17)啪的一下把一个东西放在桌上(8)变得不名分文(18)使客人感到难堪(9)编一个故事(19)把某人吓了一跳(10)避免张扬(20)向黑暗中奋力游去2) From Chinese into English using "to be" as the predicate where possible.(1) My father was down and out at that time.(2) We can go there either by train or by air. It's up to you.(3) The police officer decided that the two men hanging around the bank at this hour were up to no good.(4) OK, the game is up. You are under arrest.(5) Now, time is up. You must stop here.(6) You are up early. It's not yet six.(7) She’s not in Beijing at the moment. She has been away for almost two weeks.(8) Where are you off to? Don't you know that there is an English movie on this afternoon?(9) When the cat is away, the mice will play.(10) There was always laughter in the house when my father was about/around.(11) Nearly a quarter of our class were down with the flu.(12) We were down to the last 500 yuan. We had to raise a loan from the bank.2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms.(1) ridiculous, silly, foolish; stupid, idiotic, laughable(2) hut, shack, tool-house, outbuilding(3) major, main, leading, principal; key, outstanding(4) comical, funny, ridiculous, absurd, laughable, amusing(5) wasting time, being lazy, doing nothing, being idle, killing time(6) bankrupt, penniless, impoverished(7) dignity, self-respect, honor, self-esteem(8) to defeat, to beat, to conquer, to overcome(9) close, intimate, familiar, friendly, inseparable, devoted(10) to break into pieces, to shatter, to destroy(11) to scare, to make afraid, to terrorize, to horrify, to shock(12) to stick, to hold fast, to hang on tO, tO hold on to.2) Give antonyms.(1) noisy, talkative, chatty, lively, excited(2) distant, formal, remote(3) tragedy, serious play, high drama(4) grateful, thankful, friendly, pleasant, amiable, appreciative(5) cash(6) interesting, exciting(7) lasting, permanent, long-lived(8) loudly, loud, noisily(9)uncertain,doubtful,unconvinced(10) sober(11) dressed, clothed, covered3. Translate.1) Their discussion covered all the important issues of mutual interest.2) The World Fair to be held in Shanghai next year covers an area of about 200,000 square meters.3) The higher they climbed, the more difficult it became. At one time, they only covered 5 meters in four hours.4) That school charges the students about three thousand yuan a year. But that does not cover food and lodging.5) That terrible sandstorm.left the whole city covered with a thick layer of dust.6) These papers showed how their manager tried to the financial crisis of the cover up the financial crisis of the company.7) I still remember those days when the bike was considered the most important piece of family property.8) We must always remember not to waste our limited water resources.9) I remember going to that place once. It was so dry that a well could be nearly 1,300 feet deep.10) He was so absorbed in his work that he often did not even remember to eat his meals.11) Even to this day I still remember my mother mending my clothes until late at night.12) You can't get it on credit. You have cash.13) We regard all our former students, not just a few celebrities, as the credit to our university.14) European Culture is a three-credit course conducted in English.15) People used to give credit to Columbus for the discovery of the New Continent.16) So how did our new boss strike you? He seemed quite a nice guy to me.17) After some 50 years I revisited my home vitlage and I was struck by the great changes that had taken place18) There have been fewer strikes in recent years since the new labor law came into effect.19) Wu Song struck the tiger again and again with his massive fist.5.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.1) D 4) D 7) D 10) C 13) B2) A 5) A/B 8) B 11) A 14) D3) A 6) D 9) A 12) C 15) A6. Translate. Pay attention to the idiomatic use of "up".1) Time is up. He is up already. The economy is up by 10%, It is up to you.2) Lift it up. Pick it up. Pull it up. Take it up. Stick it up. Dig it up. Hang it up. Roll it up. Wrap it up. Fold it up. Cover it up. Link it up. Clean it up. Dry it up. Heat it up. Turn it up. Wind it up. Pile it up. Check it up. Burn it up. Start it up. Add it up. Divide it up. Cut it up. Break it up. Tidy it up.3) Eat it up. Drink it up. Finish it up.7. Translate, with special attention to the different meanings of the same word. or words which happen to have the same spelling.1)她危险期已过,现在情况已经平稳。

A Tale of Two Cities
Moby-Dick Pride and Prejudice Kill a Mockingbird
Warming up
1. Understand in which ways reading has changed the author‟s life. 2. Discuss the meaning of reading. 3. Identify the problems facing reading and work on possible solutions.
Anna Marie Quindlen
A critic of the fast-paced and increasingly materialistic nature of modern American life
Her Works
Some quotes:
• If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.
How Reading Changed My Life
Unit 2
Her Life
Anna Quindlen the Journalist • The New York Times columnist until 1994 • Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1992 • Newsweek columnist 1999-2009 Anna Quindlen the Novelist • Full-time novelist since 1995 • Author of five best-selling novels, three of which made into movies

To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 2 – Discovery of a Father
Oral Workshop
Topics for Debating
1. Like father, like son. 2. If a father loves his child, he should do all he can for the child. 3. Discuss the importance of “peer effect” in light of the following story
The Writer Sherwood Anderson was a great American writer. He is the author of 27 works including Winesburg, Ohio, and seven novels that include Poor White, Many Marriages and Dark Laughter .Anderson was also a poet and a playwright, a newspaper editor and a political journalist.
Lesson Two
Discovery of a Father
Book Three
Background Information
His Life: “Sherwood Anderson was not only a great American writer, but he was also a businessman, husband and father.”

Unit 1 Your college years1你可曾考虑过作为一个大学生你生活中正在发生和即将发生的变化?你可曾想到过大学时代教授们以及其他教职工为了你的成长和发展制定了目标?你可曾注意过你在从青少年渐渐成人的过程中会发生某些变化?尽管大学生很少想这些,但是在大学生时代很可能会发生一些主要的变化。

Unit11. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothingbut GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison.5. 他不久就爱上了这个村子。
He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6. 我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。
We must spend more moneyfighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7. 当警察到达学校的时候,学生和老师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。

Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1)adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintainfriendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。
2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2) 【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4) 【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4.Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistr ust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4) 【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6)affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has great affectionfor her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。

Unit 2
Questions/Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Warming up
Warming up
1. Has your life ever been significantly changed by any particular book?
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part I: Discussion
6. What were the features of Victorian England? peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and self-confidence
2. What does reading mean to you?
Warming up
3. How has the Internet changed people’s way of reading? 4. How do you account for such changes?
A Tale of Two Cities
Moby-Dick Pride and Prejudice Kill a Mockingbird
Warming up
1. Understand in which ways reading has changed the author’s life. 2. Discuss the meaning of reading. 3. Identify the problems facing reading and work on possible solutions.
unit 2 现代大学英语第二版精读3PPT课件

Warming up Check-on Preview
What do you know about the following novels?
Middlemarch A Little Princess Annaபைடு நூலகம்Karenina Gone with the Wind Rebecca
When he is reported killed the evil head mistress at her boarding school turns Sara into a servant. She suffers with dignity until her shell-shocked father returns. Written by Ed Stephan The story sets in the England ruled by Queen Victoria. Sara (Shirley Temple) is a little girl who doesn't have anything in the world but her father, Captain Reginald Crew (Ian Hunter). War times run, and Captain Crew's sent to fight with the British army to Africa, to fight against the boers. Sara's worried about her father and she's afraid of his security. The girl is registered in an exclusive seminary for girls, only for a period of time, until Captain Crew returns from Africa. Amanda Minchin (Mary Nash) is the strict woman that runs the seminary, but Sara makes friendship with a kind young teacher, Rose (Anita Louise) and with a horse instructor, Geoffrey (Richard Greene). So, Sara's life at Minchin Seminary is very happy, but everything there has a monetary cost, even the birthday party and the presents that Miss Minchin sets up for the girl. When Sara knows the terrible notice about Captain Crew's death, the girl feels devastated and all the privileges will end up, because there's no money to pay for that. Miss Minchin tells to Sara that she can stay, but in a dark and creepy attic and she'll have to work as a servant of all her friends. But the friendship with a nice Indian servant from the next house (César Romero) and with the other servant girl, Becky at the seminary, will make much pleasant the things for Sara, who keeps the hope that her father is still alive. Written by Alejandro Frias

现代大学英语第二版精读2Unit3TheRiteofspringKeytoExercisesLesson 3 The Rite of SpringKey to ExercisesV ocabulary1◆1 累人的/繁重的◆2 耗费时间的◆3 性格锻炼、品格培养◆4 立法◆5 救火◆6 找工作、求职◆7 保全面子的◆8 维和◆9 捣乱分子◆10 止疼药◆11 摘棉工人◆12 筹集资金的人◆13 算命先生◆14 管家◆15 银行老板◆16 自欺欺人V ocabulary1◆17 自尊◆18 自信◆19 自制力◆20 自我牺牲◆21 自己的利益◆22 自我保护、自卫◆23 自律◆24 店里买的/自制的◆25 手写的◆26 自家做的◆27 敌人占领的◆28 铺满白雪的◆29 四周为陆地包围的/内陆的◆30 空降的,空运的/◆<花粉、种子等> 空中传播的,风媒的◆31 包着糖衣的◆32 镀金的2◆1 enrollment◆2 maintenance◆3 exposure◆4 entrance◆5 average◆6 assumption◆7 consumption◆8 involvement◆9 success/succession ◆10 revival◆11 implication◆12 reception◆13 deception◆14 conception/concept ◆15 perception ◆16 graduation◆17 penetration◆18 cultivation◆19 generation◆20 appreciation◆21 congratulation◆22 celebration◆23 frustration3◆1 pursue◆2 continue◆3 compensate◆4 exist◆5 encourage◆6 occupy◆7 accomplish◆8 conflict◆9 compose◆10 spare◆11 reassure◆12 extend◆13 conceive2Synonyms◆1 determine/decide◆2 smell/odor◆3 stop/end/quit/discontinue◆4 ray◆5 destroy◆6job/work/trade/profession/career/pursuit ◆7huge/immense/enormous/great◆8 choke◆9 damp◆10 reward/pay/payment/gain◆11 shine/glitter◆12 view/sight◆13 reawaken/br ing back to life Antonyms◆1 unnoticeable◆2 unromantic◆3 unload◆4 unwillingness◆5 useful/meaningful/sensible/advisable ◆6 maternal ◆7 immoral◆8 consumer◆9 quality◆10 tolerable◆11 dishonesty3◆1 为这行动找个理由◆2 为走这一步找个理由◆3 为自己找个理由◆4 当真;不开玩笑◆5 提高、改善质量◆6 提高生活水平◆7 改良土壤◆8 毁灭这个星球/地球◆9 毁坏/伤害健康◆10 葬送了/失去机会◆11 毁了/断送前途◆12 毁了庄稼◆13 勒死、绞死一个人◆14 使噎住、窒息◆15 吊死、执行绞刑◆16 培育植物◆17 重新燃起希望◆18 重新振作精神◆19 重新激发起兴趣◆20培养品德、培养性格4◆1 in massive numbers; regardless of; In some cases◆2 depended on nothing but◆3 tell apart; cast aside◆4 it would be the Boxers’ Rebellion all over again◆5 at work; worm his way through◆6 the (different) shades of meaning◆7come into play◆8 goes for◆9 are well aware of the vast quantities of; means business5◆1 of◆2 but◆3 apart◆4 into; after; to; over◆5 but; upon◆6 into; of; at◆7 apart; of; aside; for6◆1 Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We cannot justify a policy that denies medical care to the large population living in the country.◆2 They claim to have discovered a universal law which applies to all nations.◆3 I often made a fool of myself when I was living with my uncle in his farm. When asked to get rid of the weeds in the ricefields, for example, I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedlings.◆4 Why go there today? I ‘d much rather we sta y until the snow ceases.◆5 Rice requires large quantities of water and many scientists warn us that even if we use our water sparingly, the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting over limited supplies of water resources.◆6 There has been quite a noticeable change in recent years. We no longer lean on exports for economic growth. We now tend to put more emphasis on home consumption.◆7 Today’s tendency is to give little kids too many tests and exams until they are no good foranything but taking exams.◆8 It is pointless to force professors to publish a fixed number of papers annually regardless of their quality. Besides, this is a demand even Einstein would not have been able to meet. Grammar◆A Noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Noun clauses can be used:◆A) as (direct ) object of verbs,◆b) after the link verb be as predicative,◆c) after an adjective such as (a person is), sure, certain, p ositive, it is amazing/strange/funny, etc, ◆d) as subject◆More examples:◆What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. (para. 2, unit 8, book 1)◆They seldom give advance notice about which school they are going to inspect.◆Other wh-words that are used to introduce a noun clause:Who, whom, whose, what, whatever, which, whichever (relative pronoun)◆where, when, how, why (relative adverb)2◆1 what has brought you to Paris◆2 how much he loved him◆3 when and why you started your own business and how you went about setting it up◆4 why he has survived and most of his fellow travelers haven’t◆5 when he occasionally came in summer◆6 why the whales beached themselves◆7 How the pilot managed to bring the plane down safely◆8 w hat steps the Ministry of Railways will take to prevent a similar accident◆9 when it should be held◆10 who the driver was2◆1 digging up: object of started, it has an object and adverbial modifier of its own◆Doing;object of the proposition before◆2 se nding: subject of the sentence, it also has an object and adverbial modifier of its own◆3 keeping: subject which has an object---a garden◆4 binding: predictive, it also has an object and adverbial modifier of its own.◆5 saying: object of the preposition instead of◆6 striving: subject of the relative clause introduced by where◆7 hoping: object of ease, which has an object clause◆8 reviving: object of the preposition of, it has an object andadverbial modifier2◆1 Missing the flight means waiting for hours for the next.◆2 He never makes an important decision without asking his parents’ advice.◆3 I’ll return the book to you as soon as I finish reading it.◆4 Never enter anyone’s office without knocking.◆5 He tried very hard to avoid saying anything t hat might displease his sick father.◆6 Instead of trying to reduce costs, they raised prices and cut production.◆7 He has many good qualities besides being one of the most gifted chess player in the world.◆8 Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients.3◆1) looks◆2)given◆3) deep◆4) upward◆5)reward◆6) differ◆7) while◆8) rain◆9)shade◆10)growing4◆Do you know how computers work?◆Any one can do what I’m doing.◆That’s exactly where you’re wrong.◆It is almost impossible to visit Hangz hou without falling in love with the city.◆That was why she returned to China at age 73.◆How they entered overseas markets still remains a mystery to me.◆Find out who she is, where she is from, and what she has been sent here for.8. On his first day at school, the boy came to realize what lay ahead of him.◆Education must sow the seeds of wisdom, besides implanting knowledge and skills.◆They advised people touring the area to avoid going out alone after dark.◆Part of her work is teaching young people how to handle personal relationships.◆Making promise without keeping them is not considered a good practice.5◆1 been seen----being seen◆2 to love his father---he loved him◆3 me open----my opening◆4 √◆5 I wonder why he should lie to me---I’m his best friend after all.◆I wonder why he should lie to me; I’m his best friend after all.◆I wonder why he should lie to me. After all I’m his best friend.◆6 how did she managed----how she managed◆7 Hadn’t he been careless----Had he not been careless◆8 √◆9 s uggested----advised ◆10 how-what。

现代大学英语精读3第二版答案【篇一:现代大学英语精读第二版unit3 答案】ht form or derivative of the words inbrackets1, the interior decoration (decorate) of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) chinese style.2. the building is functional (function). there is nothing very decorative decorate) in it.3, we need someone like her with managerial (manage) skills. she studied hotel management (manage) in hong kong.4, those gentle rolling (roll) hills are a delightful (delight) sight. 5, occasionally (occasion), he would show remarkable creativity (create). 6, he looks all right. but he is rather forgetful (forget) these days. it is quite troublesome (trouble).7, his father is a highly respected (respect) professor who has won admiration (admire) for his impressive (impress) academic achievement. 8, proportionately (proportion), female studentsstill surprising (surprise) outnumber male students in our university.9, never act on impulse (impulse). impulsive (impulse) people always do things they will regret later.10, skydiving (skydive) must be an exhilarating (exhilarate) experience. 二,translate the following sentences into english他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就好像被一跟无形的绳子牵着。
现代大学英语第二版精读2 Unit 3 Translation The Rite of Spring

每年碰到的问题是一样的;今年我们该使用什么方法?前几年,我们在一行行的蔬菜之间放上了 36英寸宽的黑塑料薄膜。

Lesson 3 The Rite of SpringKey to Exercises Vocabulary11累人的 /繁重的2耗费时间的3性格锻炼、品格培养4立法5救火6找工作、求职7保全面子的8维和9捣乱分子10止疼药11摘棉工人12筹集资金的人13算命先生14管家15银行老板16自欺欺人Vocabulary117自尊18自信19自制力20自我牺牲21自己的利益22自我保护、自卫23自律24店里买的 /自制的25手写的26自家做的27敌人占领的28铺满白雪的29 四周为陆地包围的/内陆的30 空降的,空运的 /<花粉、种子等 > 空中传播的 ,风媒的31包着糖衣的32镀金的21enrollment2maintenance3exposure4entrance5average6assumption7consumption8involvement9success/succession 10r evival11i mplication12r eception13d eception14c onception/concept 15p erception16g raduation17p enetration18c ultivation19g eneration20a ppreciation21c ongratulation22c elebration23f rustration31pursue2continue3compensate4exist5encourage6occupy7accomplish8conflict9 compose 10s pare11r eassure 12e xtend13c onceive2Synonyms1determine/decide2smell/odor3stop/end/quit/discontinue 4ray5d estroy6job/work/trade/profession/c areer/pursuit7huge/immense/enormous/gr eat8choke9damp10r eward/pay/payment/gain 11s hine/glitter12v iew/sight13r eawaken/bring back to life Antonyms1unnoticeable2unromantic3unload4unwillingness5u seful/meaningful/sensible/advisable 6 maternal7immoral8consumer9quality10t olerable11d ishonesty31为这行动找个理由2为走这一步找个理由3为自己找个理由4当真;不开玩笑5提高、改善质量6提高生活水平7改良土壤8毁灭这个星球 /地球9毁坏 /伤害健康10葬送了 /失去机会11毁了 /断送前途12毁了庄稼13勒死、绞死一个人14使噎住、窒息15吊死、执行绞刑16培育植物17重新燃起希望18重新振作精神19重新激发起兴趣20培养品德、培养性格41 in massive numbers; regardless of; In some cases2 depended on nothing but3 tell apart; cast aside4 it would be the Boxers ’ Rebellion all over again5 at work; worm his way through6 the (different) shades of meaning7come into play8 goes for9 are well aware of the vast quantities of; means business51of2but3apart4into; after; to; over5 but; upon6 into; of; at7 apart; of; aside; for61 Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We cannot justify a policy that denies medical care to thelarge population living in the country.2 They claim to have discovered a universal law which applies to all nations.3 I often made a fool of myself when I was living with my uncle in hisfarm. When asked to get rid of the weeds in the rice fields, for example,I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedlings.4 Why go there today? I ‘ d much ratheryuntilwe stathe snow ceases.5 Rice requires large quantities of water and many scientists warn us that even if we useourwater sparingly, the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting overlimited supplies ofwater resources.6 There has been quite a noticeable change in recent years. We no longerlean on exports foreconomic growth. We now tend to put more emphasis on homeconsumption.7 Today ’ s tendency isto give little kids too many tests and exams until they are no good foranything but taking exams.8 It is pointless to force professors to publish a fixed number ofpapers annually regardless of their quality. Besides, this is a demandeven Einstein would not have been able to meet.GrammarA Noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Noun clauses can be used: A) as (direct ) object of verbs,b)a fter the link verb be as predicative,c)after an adjective such as (a person is), sure, certain, positive, it isamazing/strange/funny, etc,d)a s subjectMore examples:What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. (para. 2, unit 8, book 1)They seldom give advance notice about which school they are going to inspect. Other wh-words that are used to introduce a noun clause: Who, whom, whose, what, whatever, which, whichever (relative pronoun)where, when, how, why (relative adverb)21 what has brought you to Paris2 how much he loved him3 when and why you started your own business and how you went about setting it up4 why he has survived and most of his fellow travelers haven ’t5 when he occasionally came in summer6 why the whales beached themselves7 How the pilot managed to bring the plane down safely8 what steps the Ministry of Railways will take to prevent a similar accident9 when it should be held10 who the driver was21 digging up: object of started, it has an object andadverbial modifier of its own Doing ; object of theproposition before2 sending: subject of the sentence, it also has an object and adverbial modifier of its own3 keeping: subject which has an object---a garden4 binding: predictive, it also has an object and adverbial modifier of its own.5 saying: object of the preposition instead of6 striving: subject of the relative clause introduced by where7 hoping: object of ease, which has an object clause8 reviving: object of the preposition of, it has an object and adverbial modifier21Missing the flight means waiting for hours for the next.2He never makes an important decision without asking hisparents’advice.3I ’ ll return the book toyou as soon as I finish reading it.4Never enteranyone ’ s office without knocking.5He tried very hard to avoid saying anything that might displease his sick father.6 Instead of trying to reduce costs, they raised prices and cut production.7 He has many good qualities besides being one of the most gifted chess player in the world.8 Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients.31)l ooks 2)given3)d eep4)u pward5)reward6)d iffer7)w hile8)r ain9)shade10)growing4Do you know how computers work?Any one can do what I ’ m doing.That ’ s exactly where you ’ re wrong.It is almost impossible to visit Hangzhou without falling in love with the city.That was why she returned to China at age 73.How they entered overseas markets still remains a mystery to me.Find out who she is, where she is from, and what she has been sent here for.8. On his first day at school, the boy came to realize what lay ahead of him.Education must sow the seeds of wisdom, besides implanting knowledge and skills.They advised people touring the area to avoid going out alone after dark.Part of her work is teaching young people how to handle personal relationships.Making promise without keeping them is not considered a good practice.51 been seen----being seen2 to love his father---he loved him3 me open----my opening4√5 I wonder why he should lie to me--- I ’ m his best friend after all.I wonder why he should lie to me; I ’ m his best friend after all.I wonder why he should lie to me. After all I ’ m his best friend.6 how did she managed----how she managed7 Hadn ’ t he been careless----Had he not been careless8√9suggested----advised10h ow-what。

Book3 Unit21.show off 卖弄2.Let’s say 比如说3.get up a show 安排一场演出4.right out 明白地;彻底5.run down an alley 沿…跑下去6.go broke 破产7.give credit 赊账8.fool around 游手好闲9.hardware store 五金店10.liven up 使…有生气11.make sb look like a fool 使sb看起来很傻12.just the same 完全一样;依旧;尽管13.be intimate with 与…十分亲密14.take charge of 掌管15.slip off 溜出去16.get word 得知;获悉17.get hold of 找到;得到;抓住18.have sb licked 打败sb19.thick with sb 与…亲密友好20.call it quits 停止(战争,争吵,比赛)21.show up 露面22. a couple of shots 少量(几口)23.down and out 穷困潦倒的24.slap it on the table 啪的一声把sth扔到桌子上25.You bet 的确,当然,一定26.hush it up 隐瞒27.lead down into a valley 通往;通向28.strick out on one’s own 独立做strick sth out 删除strick out to/into/for sth 朝特定的方向坚定行进29.be ashamed of 羞愧30.dirt road 泥路,土路31.grand marshal 总指挥32.strike v. 给sb印象;罢工;撞击;使产生某种感情strike fear into people’s hearts让sb 处于…状态strick blindn. 罢工on strick幸运(一次,一回);(运气)突然来临,偶然发生Eg:That was a wonderful stroke of luck.33.remember vremember sb/sth 记得;记起(remember of)remember that 记得remember doing 记得做过remember sb doing sth 记得某人做过remember to do sth 记得去做remember how/why/whatbe remembered for 因…而被怀念be remembered as 因…被铭记34.credit n.赊账,信贷;学分光荣属于…,功劳归于…;give sb credit for sth 把sth 归功于sb为…增光的人(物)sb be a credit to sth35.cover v.覆盖;遮盖;占地面积;走过一段距离;包括;掩护(军事)n. from cover to cover 彻底地,从头到尾36.sympathize with=sympathy for = be sympathetic to sb 同情37.go out of mind 发疯go over 仔细检查go off 离开出门;爆炸go on 持续;继续go along 继续进行某现象;活动go into 谈论;研究go under 破产go for 适用于;喜欢go in for 追逐;从事;参加考试go after 追求;设法得到go with 与…搭配;go together 相称;协调go about sth 着手做38.for my taste 不是我的口味;不是我喜欢的类型;就我的体验来看39.see to it 确保see sb through sth 足以维持sb的sth40.culture lag 文化落差41.object to doing 反对做sthTranslation1.他们的讨论包括了所有共同感兴趣的重要问题。

Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1)adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintainfriendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。
2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2)【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4)【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4. Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4)【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6)affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has greataffection for her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。

现代大学英语精选3Unit11. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2. 很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our p ower.3. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4. 控制沙城暴需要大量的工作和资金。
The control of sandstorm will involve a lot of work and money.5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You must take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars7. 他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。
Based on his (careful) observation of children‟s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.8. 在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。
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Anna Quindlen
How Reading Changed My Life Unit 2
W arming up B ackground T ext Analysis R einforcement
How Reading Changed My Life Unit 2
Her Life
Anna Quindlen the Journalist • The New York Times columnist until
1994 • Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1992 • Newsweek columnist 1999-2009
(para.1) 2. …all those great houses, with their high ceilings and high
drama… (para.2) 3. America is also a nation that prizes sociability and
community… (para.11) 4. …a kind of careerism in the United States that sanctioned
Warming up Objectives
1. Understand in which ways reading has changed the author’s life.
2. Discuss the meaning of reading. 3. Identify the problems facing reading and work on possible
Philadelphia,Pennsylvania in 1953.
In addition,she is the third woman that write editorials for New York Times.And she has won The Pulitzer prize. The present text is an abridged version of the original.
• Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and a US$10,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal, which always goes to a newspaper, although an individual may be named in the citation.
Warming up Check-on Preview
Please define the following words in their respective context. 1. …a small but satisfying spread of center-hall colonials…
Questions/Activities Check-on Preview
Oபைடு நூலகம்jectives
Warming up
Warming up Questions/Activities
1. Has your life ever been significantly changed by any particular book?
reading… (para.12)
Warming up Check-on Preview
What do you know about the following novels?
Middlemarch A Little Princess Anna Karenina Gone with the Wind Rebecca
Novals: Object Lessons(主题课程) One True Thing(亲情 无价)(has once been adopted into a film) Black and Blue(黑 与蓝)
Others: How Reading Changed My Life(阅读如何改变了我 的生活),The Tree That Came to Stay(大树留下来), Happy Ever After(永远幸福快乐)
Anna Quindlen the Novelist
• Full-time novelist since 1995 • Author of five best-selling novels, three Anna Marie Quindlen
of which made into movies
• The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper journalism, literature and musical composition. It was established by Hungarian-American publisher Joseph Pulitzer and is administered by Columbia University in New York City. According to the administrators of the Pulitzer Prize the correct pronunciation of the name should sound like the verb pull, as in "Pull it, sir"
How Reading Changed My Life Unit 2
Anna Quindlen
Brief introduction about the author and the text
Anna Quindlen is a US journalist.And she has also written many novels,short stories and poems.And she is born in
2. What does reading mean to you?
Warming up Questions/Activities
3. How has the Internet changed people’s way of reading? 4. How do you account for such changes?
Anna Quindlen
Details about the author Joind in New York Times and started her career in News industry when she was 18 years old. 1977-1985,worked in New York Times 1985,left New York Times to bore her two babies. 1988, she bore a daughter. 1989,back to work in New York Times to write editorials for the famous column Public and Private
When he is reported killed the evil head mistress at her boarding school turns Sara into a servant. She suffers with dignity until her shell-shocked father returns. Written by Ed Stephan The story sets in the England ruled by Queen Victoria. Sara (Shirley Temple) is a little girl who doesn't have anything in the world but her father, Captain Reginald Crew (Ian Hunter). War times run, and Captain Crew's sent to fight with the British army to Africa, to fight against the boers. Sara's worried about her father and she's afraid of his security. The girl is registered in an exclusive seminary for girls, only for a period of time, until Captain Crew returns from Africa. Amanda Minchin (Mary Nash) is the strict woman that runs the seminary, but Sara makes friendship with a kind young teacher, Rose (Anita Louise) and with a horse instructor, Geoffrey (Richard Greene). So, Sara's life at Minchin Seminary is very happy, but everything there has a monetary cost, even the birthday party and the presents that Miss Minchin sets up for the girl. When Sara knows the terrible notice about Captain Crew's death, the girl feels devastated and all the privileges will end up, because there's no money to pay for that. Miss Minchin tells to Sara that she can stay, but in a dark and creepy attic and she'll have to work as a servant of all her friends. But the friendship with a nice Indian servant from the next house (César Romero) and with the other servant girl, Becky at the seminary, will make much pleasant the things for Sara, who keeps the hope that her father is still alive. Written by Alejandro Frias